Wednesday 18 January 2012


Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein and Ribah


The Prohibition of Ribah in the Quran and Sunnah
Written by Imran N Hosein   
Being an explanation of the Islamic prohibition of riba (i.e borrowing and lending on interest, among other things), and an effort:
to remind  Muslims of the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah as they pertain to the prohibition of riba and, in partibular, that a violation of this prohibition constitutes a great sin.
to expose  the grand design of hostile forces who have already made considerable progress, through riba, in gaining control over mankind. Their aim is to gain total control and to use that power to destroy faith in Allah.
to assist Muslims to get out of direct involvement in riba, and thus to preserve their faith (iman), while recognising that is is today impossible to live a life which is completely free from riba.
to explain the economic sunnah, (i.e the Sunnah as it pertains to economic affairs) and in particular, the nature of the free and fair market and the different ways through which that market has today been totally corrupted.
to warn  Muslims of the inevitable collapse of the present fraudulent system of non redeemable artificial money, i.e paper, plastic and electronic money; and to encourage them to return to the use of the real money created by Allah, i.e gold and silver coins and any other real money.
to contribute towards the restoration of the free and fair market (with a different business ethic to that of the riba-based capitalism) by encouraging ba'i (business) in the place of riba, and the raising of capital by way of mudarabah and musharaqa investments rather than bank loans on interest.
That time has now arrived.

Announcement 09.01.2014
Current Events
Written by Jallal Ziat   
The following 8 books written by Shaikh Imran N. Hosein are now out of print and need to be reprinted. In some instances the Shaikh would like to publish new revised editions of books now out of print.
He has a Printing Fund which has a balance which cannot cover the cost of printing even one these books.
He needs sponsors who can sponsor the cost of reprinting books in their own names, or in the names of deceased parents etc. If you would like to sponsor the cost of reprinting a book and need to know the estimated cost, kindly contact him at Shaikh Imran Hosein
1. The Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham - Islam and the Future of Money;
2. The Quranic Method of Curing Alcoholism and Drug Addiction;
3. The Religion of Abraham and the State of Israel - A view from the Qur'an;
3. One Jamaat - One Ameer: The Organization of a Muslim Community in the Age of Fitan;
4. The Importance of the Prohibition of Riba in Islam;
5. The Prohibition of Riba in the Qur'an and Sunnah;
6. The Strategic Importance of Isra and Mi'raj;
7. Dreams in Islam - A Window to Truth and to the Heart;
8. Islam and Buddhism in the Modern World.
Yankee Jihad in Syria
Islam and Politics

From Arab Spring to Arab Spring
Islam and Politics

POSTPONEMENT - International Seminar Cape Town 2014
Written by Mogamat Abrahams   
Assalaamu 'alaikum,
Due to unforseen cicumstances, we've had to postpone the International Seminar in Cape Town to the 21st February 2014. We appollogise for any inconvenience this may have caused you. If you require any further info kindly contact us on
Thank you,
Mogamat Abrahams
Announcement Re: Books
Written by Imran Nazar Hosein   
The following books are not in stock in Malaysia, but we still have copies left in our stock in Trinidad:
1.     The Religion of Abraham and the State of Israel - A View from the Qur'an;
2.     The Importance of the Prohibition of Riba in Islam;
3.     The Prohibition of Riba in the Qur’an and Sunnah;
4.     Dreams in Islam – A Window to Truth and to the Heart;
5.     The Quranic Method of Curing Alcoholism and Drug Addiciton;
6.     Islam and Buddhism in the Modern World;
7.     One Jamaat One Ameer – The Organization of a Muslim Community in the Age of Fitan;
8.     The Strategic Importance of al-Isra wal-Miraj.
If orders are placed for any of the above books, we will now be able to supply copies Insha Allah, from Trinidad.
with love,

A Message for my students in France
Current Events
Written by Imran N Hosein   
Large numbers of Muslims in France, as in the rest of the world (including the world of Islam), participate in electoral politics of the modern secular State without any consciousness of the religious implications of such conduct.
While it is quite clear that Muslims must be involved in politics in order to respond, for example, to oppression in the world today, few Muslims are conscious of the fact that the modern secular State was created and fashioned by Dajjāl on the foundations of Shirk (i.e., blasphemy), and that when they vote in elections of the modern secular State they become a party to that Shirk.
International Seminar - From Arab Spring to Arab Spring - The Quran and Akhir Al Zaman
Written by Mogamat Abrahams   
Assalaamu 'alaikum!
The Islamic Network invites you to an international seminar on the above subject to be conducted by our teachers, Shaykh Imran N Hosein and Shaykh Ali Mustafa Seinpaal (
The seminar will cover such topics as Quranic Foundations and Structure of Muslim Society, Islam and Money, Jerusalem in the Quran, Dajjal, Gog and Magog in the modern age, as well as provide an analysis of the present conflicts in the Arab world.

The seminar will be conducted in Cape Town South Africa, as a component of Shaykh Imran's lecture tour which will take place during February 2014 Insha'Allah.
 "Imran Nazar Hosein was born in the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 from parents whose ancestors had migrated as indentured labourer from India.  He is a graduate of the Aleemiyah Institute in Karachi and has studied at sevaral instutions of higher learning including the University of Karachi,the University of the West Indies, Al Azhar University and the Graduate Institute of International Relations in Switzerland.  He worked for several years as a Foreign Service Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago but gave up his job in 1985 to devote his life to the mission of Islam.  He lived in New York for ten years during which time he served as the Director of Islamic Studies for the Joint Committee of Muslim Organizations of Greater New York.  He lectured on Islam in several American and Canadian universities, colleges, churches, synagogues, prisons, community halls, etc."              


Nouveauté Kontre Kulture :
Gog et Magog, de Sheikh Imran Hosein

« Nous allons maintenant décrire des événements incroyables, qui sont encore en train de se dérouler dans le monde, et qui tous se rapportent à la Terre Sainte. Ces événements ne peuvent être expliqués sans recourir aux prophéties du Prophète Muhammad sur les “Signes de la Dernière Heure”, et en particulier à ses prophéties qui ont trait à l’arrivée des “gens de Dajjāl”, c’est-à-dire Gog et Magog. […] Le Coran nous a informés qu’Allah le Très-Haut fera en sorte qu’un jour un important conflit conçu par Gog et Magog ait lieu. […] Ce Malhama (Armageddon) est maintenant si proche que les enfants qui sont aujourd’hui à l’école vivront assez longtemps pour le voir. Les événements que l’on voit surgir dans le monde trouvent parfois leurs racines bien loin de la surface agitée aux yeux des peuples. »

Gog et Magog ! Voilà des figures bien mystérieuses dont on ne sait, avant d’avoir lu ce livre, si elles font partie d’une mythologie, d’une démonologie ou simplement de l’humanité. En 2003, George W. Bush, à la veille de lancer ses GI’s sur l’Irak, et cherchant un moyen de faire changer d’avis la France, qui avait refusé de participer à cette première opération mettant en action le Choc des civilisations, téléphona à Jacques Chirac, citant Gog et Magog, pour le mettre en garde et le prévenir de l’importance de prendre parti dans ce combat eschatologique. Intrigués, c’est à un professeur de théologie protestant, de l’université de Lausanne en Suisse, que les conseillers de l’Élysée demandèrent des éclaircissements. Car G. Bush, chrétien évangélique, croit, nous dit ce professeur, « que Dieu sera auprès d’Israël lors de la confrontation finale, donc que les ennemis de ce pays seront dans le camp de l’Antéchrist ». Si Gog et Magog, un regard islamique sur le Monde moderne avait déjà été écrit, c’est avec le plus grand profit que ces messieurs de l’Élysée auraient pu le lire, et peut-être qu’alors un tout autre regard sur ce Choc qui se prépare, aussi bien à l’intérieur des nations qu’entre elles, aurait conduit la France à poursuivre dans la voie qui était alors la sienne, celle de la paix.
Et c’est avec un même profit que chacun lira ce livre, afin de comprendre que les événements que l’on voit surgir dans le monde trouvent parfois leurs racines bien loin de la surface agitée aux yeux des peuples.

Sheikh Imran Hosein est un professeur en sciences islamiques, diplômé de l’Institut des études islamiques Aleemiyah. Il a étudié la philosophie et les relations internationales dans de nombreux instituts ou universités et a travaillé plusieurs années au ministère des Affaires étrangères du gouvernement de Trinité-et-Tobago. Il a vécu plus de dix ans à New York, a enseigné l’islam dans différentes universités, collèges, prisons, etc., aussi bien aux États-Unis qu’au Canada, et a participé à de nombreux dialogues inter-religieux avec le christianisme et le judaïsme. Il a été imam dans une mosquée de Long Island et a dirigé pendant dix ans les prières du vendredi au siège de l’ONU à New York. Il a été directeur de l’Institut des études islamiques Aleemiyah de Karachi, directeur de recherche du Congrès du monde islamique à Karachi également, directeur de l’Institut islamique pour l’éducation et la recherche à Miami, en Floride, et directeur de dawa pour Tanzeem-e-Islami of North America. Il a écrit plus d’une dizaine de livres sur l’islam et a donné de nombreuses conférences partout dans le monde. Né dans les Caraïbes, dans l’île de Trinité, en 1942, il vit et enseigne aujourd’hui à Kuala Lumpur, en Malaisie.

Se procurer Gog et Magog chez Kontre Kulture :

SheikhImranHosein's Channel
From: SheikhImranHosein  | Jan 15, 2012  
Riba Conference By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Fasting & Power By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Q_A Session By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Surah Al Kahfi By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Dajjal The False Mesiah By Sheikh Imran Hosein 1 of 5 207 views - 1 yea

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