by B.A.Frémaux-Soormally
Rav Dynovisz
Zechariah 14:7-9
New International Version (NIV)
6 On that day
there will be neither sunlight nor cold, frosty darkness. 7 It will
be a unique day—a day known only to the LORD—with no distinction between day
and night. When evening comes, there will be light.
8 On that day
living water will flow out from Jerusalem,
half of it east to the Dead Sea and half of it west to
the Mediterranean Sea, in summer and in winter.
9 The LORD will be
king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the
only name.
10 The whole land,
from Geba to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem,
will become like the Arabah. But Jerusalem
will be raised up high from the Benjamin Gate to the site of the First Gate, to
the Corner Gate, and from the Tower
of Hananel to the royal
winepresses, and will remain in its place. 11 It will be inhabited;
never again will it be destroyed. Jerusalem
will be secure.
March 2012 - The Beginning of the Jewish Apocalypse
by Rav Dynovisz
According to Rav Dynozisz, the allusion contained in Zachariah 14:6-10 has already very clearly revealed itself (in his dreams!).
“It is clearly alluded here that the moon and the sun will disappear when this (prophetic, messianic) moment arrives. The problem is that the Teachers (Masters) of Israel did not want to reveal to us this allusion, and yes, this allusion has now been revealed. And, you are going to understand maybe why they could not reveal it before, because the allusion concerned an era that they could reveal only today.
Zachariah warns us that the day when those two heavenly bodies will disappear, that is, the civilisations linked to those two heavenly bodies (“asters”), is known only to God.
It is when the day will disappear, that is, the WEST (Occident), and the night, that is, ISLAM, as religions and civilisations, of course.
When this is going to happen, during night time when the world will be under the influence of the Ishmaelite heavenly body, because even the West will have leaders who will have a link with Islam, Ishmael, that is, the influence of Ishmael will reach the level of the Western super military power.
At the time of this obscurity (darkness), there will be light.
In the words LÉ ET É REV is coded the date for the beginning of the disappearance of the moon and the sun. TAV SHIN AYN BETH and we are in that year, that is, 2012 – the date of the deliverance of Israel.
It is true that the Maya speaks of this year too, but, the Maya stole this prophecy from us, Jews!
The Zohar concept of the MI (MEE) and MA (the why and the how) was also stolen from us the Jews by those who propound the YING and the YANG.”
“Islamic Intelligence” suggests that the LIGHT promised by the Jewish God or by the Jews can only be a NUCLEAR ATTACK (including on Europe as Israel has promised on countless occasions) that will announce the coming of their Jewish Messiah, that is the DAJJAL or ANTICHRIST. This is highly to be expected and very possible – sooner or later.
Consequently, “Islamic Intelligence” is warning the Muslims to prepare themselves for (do the right thing about) the JEWISH ZIONIST APOCALYPSE.
The Jewish plan is to kill three birds with one stone:
1. Solar USA (Christianity),
2. Lunar Obama (Islam) and
3. The destruction of the US dollar
As predicted by the JEWIST Nicolas Sarkozy at the beginning of 2011!
The Godless rulers of the world (including the Tavistok Institute of Eugenics and Mind Control, the UN, the Vatican and the European Monarchs) knew about this criminal and genocidal Jewish mindset.
I was not really in the mood of repeating what I have written hundreds of times these past two decades at least, and which attracted very little interest or none at all in most instances. But, GOD works in mysterious ways as we say and through « Islamic Intelligence » He provided me with this opportunity to WARN MANKIND AGAIN of the plight that awaits him and in particular Christians and Muslims if nothing is done to STOP THE CRAZY JEWS before it is too late!
They read into Zachariah what was not there, and the “Illuminati” jumped on the opportunity and used the Marxist and fanatical Jews as the instruments of Satan to spread mischief and abominations on and under the Earth, in the atmosphere and in space, on the seas and under the sea, contaminating our food, body and soul, and to threaten our own survival. They have endless recourse to electronic, biological, chemical, media… warfare, Satanic rituals and human sacrifices (Bohemian Grove, homosexual orgies, etc.) as well as black magic of the Kabbalah.
The preliminaries of that Marxist Jewish Agenda (which I called quite some time ago the Totalitarian Fascist Bolshevik Global Dictatorship) had already been presented to Congress in 1963 following a book written in 1958 - “THE NAKEDCOMMUNIST” by FBI Cleon Skousen.
1. U.S.
acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
2. U.S.
willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
3. Develop the illusion that total
disarmament [by] the United States
would be a demonstration of moral strength.
4. Permit free trade between all
nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not
items could be used for war.
5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia
and Soviet satellites.
6. Provide American aid to all
nations regardless of Communist domination.
7. Grant recognition of Red China.
Admission of Red China
to the U.N.
8. Set up East and West
Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's
promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under
supervision of the U.N.
9. Prolong the conferences to ban
atomic tests because the United States
has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
10. Allow all Soviet satellites
individual representation in the U.N.
11. Promote the U.N. as the only
hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a
one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist
leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow.
Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in
the Congo.)
12. Resist any attempt to outlaw
the Communist Party.
13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.
14. Continue giving Russia
access to the U.S. Patent Office.
15. Capture one or both of the
political parties in the United States.
16. Use technical decisions of the
courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities
violate civil rights.
17. Get control of the schools. Use
them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda.
Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party
line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student
19. Use student riots to foment
public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist
20. Infiltrate the press. Get
control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy making positions.
21. Gain control of key positions
in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
22. Continue discrediting American
culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist
cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings,
substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
23. Control art critics and
directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive,
meaningless art."
24. Eliminate all laws governing
obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech
and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards
of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion
pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality,
degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
27. Infiltrate the churches and
replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible
and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a
"religious crutch."
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase
of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the
principle of "separation of church and state."
29. Discredit the American
Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern
needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding
Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the
"common man."
31. Belittle all forms of American
culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it
was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to
Russian history since the Communists took over.
32. Support any socialist movement
to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social
agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
33. Eliminate all laws or
procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
34. Eliminate the House Committee
on Un-American Activities.
35. Discredit and eventually
dismantle the FBI.
36. Infiltrate and gain control of
more unions.
37. Infiltrate and gain control of
big business.
38. Transfer some of the powers of
arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as
psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
39. Dominate the psychiatric
profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control
over those who oppose Communist goals.
40. Discredit the family as an
institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise
children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices,
mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
42. Create the impression that
violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition;
that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united
force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.
43. Overthrow all colonial
governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
44. Internationalize the Panama
45. Repeal the Connally reservation
so the United States
cannot prevent the World Court
from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World
Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals
Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35
Current Communist Goals
January 10, 1963
Tuesday 3rd January 2012
P.S. Beware of Jewish dreams! 90% of us are heading straight to the Jewish slaughter house, and it will not be Kosher this time!
Hundreds of millions of the earth inhabitants were forcibly
converted to the religion called Christianity or Crossianity and were
indoctrinated to see both in Jesus and the Cross as the sign of God’s ultimate
mercy. Those who chose to believe
otherwise were mercilessly pout to death, tortured and even burnt alive. When in modern times the Jews (Socialists,
Communists, Fascists, Liberals, Feminists, Humanists, Zionists, etc.) took over
Christendom, Christianity died in the hearts and daily action of hundreds of
millions of Christians who joined the Jewish fabricated ideologies destined to
conquer the whole world for Judaism and the Jews after provoking the mutual
destruction of more than one billion Christians and more than one and a half
billion Muslims all around the world.
Those hundreds of millions of Christian renegades (priests
and clergy) and Jew and Zionist lovers have now joined International World
Jewry and are bent on exterminating Muslims and destroying Islam. In 1933, the same Satanic Dark Forces allied
against Adolph Hitler and caused the death of some SIXTY MILLION PEOPLE,
including millions of colonised Muslims all around the globe, but which are
almost never talked about by Western and even Muslim historians (if or when we
can find any!).
The problem with those renegades (modern day Pharaohs) is
that because they were disillusioned (rightly) with their Jesus and Christian
dogmas, they dragged Islam too in the same gutter where they have dragged
Christianity and most of them are actually waging a war (modern demonisation
and military Crusades) against Arabs, Muslims and Islam and causing the death
of millions of innocent Muslims around the world, devastating and polluting
their lands with weapons of mass destruction and keeping them in perpetual
bondage. Those Judeophile racists
celebrate the much controversial “Jewish suffering” and never shed a single
tear for the fully documented and non controversial suffering of Muslims.
Allied with the racist Jews, they are even waging a war
against Jesus and Christianity and GOD.
What those renegades would refuse to admit is that when the
Jews have finished with the Christians and the Muslims, they will then turn
against them and their loved ones. There
is no escape as the Jewish plan is against the entire non Jewish world. Muslims used to live carelessly in their own
lands and allowed the Western and other imperialists to freely commit slaughter
after slaughter of millions of Natives from conquered lands like the Americas,
Canada, Australia, New-Zealand, South Africa and Central Africa when their
religion taught them that GOD gave them the responsibility of the welfare of
the entire earth with an obligation to call the whole of humankind to Islam,
but after reaching a Golden Age, they 9as well as Jews under Islam) became
decadent and allowed the forces of Satan to conquer all their lands and enslave
them. From fanatical or simply zealous
Christians, they had now become Jew lovers, supporters and financiers of
Apartheid Israel
on stolen Palestinian land, and Muslim and Arab haters and killers, renegades
and Evangelicals alike.
(Ref. James Carroll’s Constantine’s Sword 2007).
The Evangelical Lobby is the most important Lobby after the
Jewish Lobby AIPAC (former illegal American Zionist Council responsible for the
assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, his brother Robert and son
JFK junior) in the United States Corporation, a business owned by Britain
and still run by the City of London
in the name of the British monarchs.
Today, Satanic forces are running the entire Muslim world
and Muslims are still not prepared to fight fire with water! Despite the fact that the slaughter is now on
their doorsteps on a daily basis, we see them by the millions still collaborating
with Satan and more and more Muslim degenerates are leaving the ranks of Islam
every day because they have adopted the ways of Shaytaan. What they need to be convinced of is that
They need to understand that as long as, for example,
the British imperialists and
Dominionists would violate the rights of all Natives and even cause their total
extermination, there will never be any justice in the world and freedom in the
Muslim world or in countries where Muslims live as minorities, some accepting
titles like “Lord”, “Baroness”, “Knights”, Chevaliers, and serving the Dark
Forces instead of ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala, and their murderous and perverted
Freemasonic ideologies instead of Islam.
For nearly ten years I have been promoting as best I could the
following Severe Warning to Muslim pacifists and integrationists
(assimilationists), but to no avail!
Avertissement sévère aux Musulmans pacifistes et intégrationnistes !
By Ghyslaine ROC - 2 May 2002
Wednesday 4th of January 2012
P.S. The Jews are expecting the coming of their Messiah when the dollar will be worth only a roll of toilet paper!
So, the American Judeophile Christian racists, you better beware!
Israelis call to assassinate Moon Obama (ISLAM)
Israelis call to assassinate Obama (the 'Islamic moon') and destroy the USA ('the sun') in 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Israelis call to assassinate Obama (the 'Islamic moon') and destroy the USA ('the sun') in 2012
Some rabbis close to Sarkozy and
racist's members of the French AIPAC (CRIF) are calling to the
assassination of Obama, and an attack on Lebanon-Syria at the end of
February 2012 to trigger a nuclear World War that will see Israel rising
as the new ruling state in the World, in control of the Middle East
Crossroads over 4 continents. Videos are here (in French, you'll need an online translator). Now israelis are openly calling to kill Obama !
Dear Editor of The Jewish Times: Please re-think your call to assassinate Obama
By Dr Kevin Barrett, 
Dear Andrew Adler,
As the editor of a mainstream Jewish publication, you have an awful lot of chutzpah to call for the assassination of the President of the United States by the Mossad. I hope this email reaches you before the Secret Service does! If by some miracle you remain free on your own recognizance, or can afford the bail, I would love to discuss the pros and cons of a Mossad assassination of Obama on my radio show with you. I have openings next Wednesday and Friday, 4 to 5 pm Eastern.
You ask, "what would you do" if you were the Prime Minister of Israel, facing the fact that a war with Hezbullah and Hamas would be much nastier for Israel in 2017 than in 2012. Your answer is that Netanyahu's only choice is to start a war now - with Iran as well as Hezbullah and Hamas. And the only way to start that war is to kill President Obama, who stands in its way.
When an apparently logical line of reasoning leads to an illogical or insane conclusion, it is time to re-think your logic. (I'm no Obama fan either, but let's face it, publishing calls for his assassination is stupid and immoral as well as illegal! And war with Iran would be a disaster!)
So start re-thinking. Israel has been operating according to your kind of logic since 1948. And that logic is leading to its destruction.
In 1948, it seemed logical to slaughter whole villages full of men, women and children, in order to exterminate part of the Palestinian population and force most of the survivors into exile. This was the only logical way to get a Jewish majority for the new state. That logic, however, has led to a situation in which billions of people around the world hate Israel, and a significant fraction of those are committed to its destruction.
In 1963, "worst-case" logic dictated that Israel obtain nuclear weapons. To that end, it seems likely that the Mossad participated alongside elements of the CIA in the murder of President Kennedy, who was determined to deny Israel nuclear weapons. A growing minority of Americans is joining a much larger number of intellectuals from around the world who are aware of this likelihood; the result is more anger and disgust with Israel. (See Michael Collins Piper's Final Judgment.)
In 1967, strategic logic dictated an attempt to create a Greater Israel through a disguised war of aggression. During this war, strategic logic dictated that Israel destroy the USS Liberty and murder its entire crew. Through a minor miracle, that attempted failed, most of the Liberty crew survived, and today, a growing number of Americans loathes Israel in large part due to this incident.
Since the 1967 war of aggression, paranoid/bellicose "logic" has led Israel to refuse to return the territories it stole, despite the consensus of the world community that it must do so. The result is that Israel is a pariah nation, and few around the world would shed a tear at its demise. Ever-growing numbers want a world without Israel. So, in a vicious circle, Israel resorts to ever-more-insane acts of desperation.
Many further examples of your kind of logic have ensued: The Sabra and Shatilla massacres, false-flag terror attacks around the world, cross-border assassinations, invasions of Lebanon, Operation Cast Lead, and so on. Each time Israel acts this way, people like you cite the logical strategic necessity for such actions; while a much larger number of people incur more and more hatred and disgust for Israel and Zionism.
Personally, I have always disliked Israel, because I have always disliked injustice. But until recent years, this was not a high-priority issue for me. Now, after watching one Zionist outrage after another - the most important being the neocon-Zionist coup d'etat on 9/11/2001 and the ensuing war on Islam for Israel - I am committed to putting an end to Zionism.
And I'm far from the only one. I am told by people in a position to know that disgust with Israel is at an all-time high at the upper levels of the US military command. If Netanyahu takes your advice and murders Obama, you just might get to see Israel reduced to smoking radioactive rubble, and American Zionists - even those who had not overtly called for the assassination of the President - made to pay a heavy price. (I shudder to imagine what might happen to you personally, given your openly-published call for Obama's assassination.)
As you admit in your article, Israel has painted itself into a corner, a Kobayashi Maru situation, a "no-win scenario or facing a solution that involves redefining the problem." Maybe the best way to redefine the problem would be to forget about plans for mass-murdering Palestinians, Lebanese, and Iranians, forget about plans for assassinating the President of the United States, forget about plans for more big false-flag attacks, and go back to square one. Admit Israel's responsibility for the dead-end situation it is in. Admit who is really the aggressor, and who is the victim. And then, wholeheartedly seek to make amends, as Jews are supposed to do every Yom Kippur.
Imagine if Netanyahu gave a Yom Kippur speech along these lines: "We're sorry. You Palestinians are right. We are the aggressors, and we have perpetrated a grave injustice - not just in 1967, but in 1948 and before that. Your demands for right of return plus compensation, along with a return to the 1967 borders, are almost pathetically minimal and reasonable. Apartheid and endless war doesn't have a future. We want to work with you to build a new Palestine-Israel and a new Middle East. Come home - in numbers that we'll work out based on what's practical. We're willing to endure a temporary lowering of the standard of living for Israeli Jews and Russian-immigrant fake Jews in order to help you return to the country we stole so unjustly, and make it a country for you as well as for us."
After a certain number of Israeli outrages, it will be too late for this kind of offer. It may even be too late now. But it's worth a try, since the current road is such an obvious dead-end.
If you disagree, you're welcome to join me on my radio show and explain why. But please don't use my show as a platform to call for the assassination of the President.
Kevin Barrett
Dear Andrew Adler,
As the editor of a mainstream Jewish publication, you have an awful lot of chutzpah to call for the assassination of the President of the United States by the Mossad. I hope this email reaches you before the Secret Service does! If by some miracle you remain free on your own recognizance, or can afford the bail, I would love to discuss the pros and cons of a Mossad assassination of Obama on my radio show with you. I have openings next Wednesday and Friday, 4 to 5 pm Eastern.
You ask, "what would you do" if you were the Prime Minister of Israel, facing the fact that a war with Hezbullah and Hamas would be much nastier for Israel in 2017 than in 2012. Your answer is that Netanyahu's only choice is to start a war now - with Iran as well as Hezbullah and Hamas. And the only way to start that war is to kill President Obama, who stands in its way.
When an apparently logical line of reasoning leads to an illogical or insane conclusion, it is time to re-think your logic. (I'm no Obama fan either, but let's face it, publishing calls for his assassination is stupid and immoral as well as illegal! And war with Iran would be a disaster!)
So start re-thinking. Israel has been operating according to your kind of logic since 1948. And that logic is leading to its destruction.
In 1948, it seemed logical to slaughter whole villages full of men, women and children, in order to exterminate part of the Palestinian population and force most of the survivors into exile. This was the only logical way to get a Jewish majority for the new state. That logic, however, has led to a situation in which billions of people around the world hate Israel, and a significant fraction of those are committed to its destruction.
In 1963, "worst-case" logic dictated that Israel obtain nuclear weapons. To that end, it seems likely that the Mossad participated alongside elements of the CIA in the murder of President Kennedy, who was determined to deny Israel nuclear weapons. A growing minority of Americans is joining a much larger number of intellectuals from around the world who are aware of this likelihood; the result is more anger and disgust with Israel. (See Michael Collins Piper's Final Judgment.)
In 1967, strategic logic dictated an attempt to create a Greater Israel through a disguised war of aggression. During this war, strategic logic dictated that Israel destroy the USS Liberty and murder its entire crew. Through a minor miracle, that attempted failed, most of the Liberty crew survived, and today, a growing number of Americans loathes Israel in large part due to this incident.
Since the 1967 war of aggression, paranoid/bellicose "logic" has led Israel to refuse to return the territories it stole, despite the consensus of the world community that it must do so. The result is that Israel is a pariah nation, and few around the world would shed a tear at its demise. Ever-growing numbers want a world without Israel. So, in a vicious circle, Israel resorts to ever-more-insane acts of desperation.
Many further examples of your kind of logic have ensued: The Sabra and Shatilla massacres, false-flag terror attacks around the world, cross-border assassinations, invasions of Lebanon, Operation Cast Lead, and so on. Each time Israel acts this way, people like you cite the logical strategic necessity for such actions; while a much larger number of people incur more and more hatred and disgust for Israel and Zionism.
Personally, I have always disliked Israel, because I have always disliked injustice. But until recent years, this was not a high-priority issue for me. Now, after watching one Zionist outrage after another - the most important being the neocon-Zionist coup d'etat on 9/11/2001 and the ensuing war on Islam for Israel - I am committed to putting an end to Zionism.
And I'm far from the only one. I am told by people in a position to know that disgust with Israel is at an all-time high at the upper levels of the US military command. If Netanyahu takes your advice and murders Obama, you just might get to see Israel reduced to smoking radioactive rubble, and American Zionists - even those who had not overtly called for the assassination of the President - made to pay a heavy price. (I shudder to imagine what might happen to you personally, given your openly-published call for Obama's assassination.)
As you admit in your article, Israel has painted itself into a corner, a Kobayashi Maru situation, a "no-win scenario or facing a solution that involves redefining the problem." Maybe the best way to redefine the problem would be to forget about plans for mass-murdering Palestinians, Lebanese, and Iranians, forget about plans for assassinating the President of the United States, forget about plans for more big false-flag attacks, and go back to square one. Admit Israel's responsibility for the dead-end situation it is in. Admit who is really the aggressor, and who is the victim. And then, wholeheartedly seek to make amends, as Jews are supposed to do every Yom Kippur.
Imagine if Netanyahu gave a Yom Kippur speech along these lines: "We're sorry. You Palestinians are right. We are the aggressors, and we have perpetrated a grave injustice - not just in 1967, but in 1948 and before that. Your demands for right of return plus compensation, along with a return to the 1967 borders, are almost pathetically minimal and reasonable. Apartheid and endless war doesn't have a future. We want to work with you to build a new Palestine-Israel and a new Middle East. Come home - in numbers that we'll work out based on what's practical. We're willing to endure a temporary lowering of the standard of living for Israeli Jews and Russian-immigrant fake Jews in order to help you return to the country we stole so unjustly, and make it a country for you as well as for us."
After a certain number of Israeli outrages, it will be too late for this kind of offer. It may even be too late now. But it's worth a try, since the current road is such an obvious dead-end.
If you disagree, you're welcome to join me on my radio show and explain why. But please don't use my show as a platform to call for the assassination of the President.
Kevin Barrett
PS You might also enjoy my article on "Zionist shots across Obama's bow"
As the editor of a mainstream Jewish publication, you have an awful lot of chutzpah to call for the assassination of the President of the United States by the Mossad. I hope this email reaches you before the Secret Service does! If by some miracle you remain free on your own recognizance, or can afford the bail, I would love to discuss the pros and cons of a Mossad assassination of Obama on my radio show with you. I have openings next Wednesday and Friday, 4 to 5 pm Eastern.
You ask, "what would you do" if you were the Prime Minister of Israel, facing the fact that a war with Hezbullah and Hamas would be much nastier for Israel in 2017 than in 2012. Your answer is that Netanyahu's only choice is to start a war now - with Iran as well as Hezbullah and Hamas. And the only way to start that war is to kill President Obama, who stands in its way.
When an apparently logical line of reasoning leads to an illogical or insane conclusion, it is time to re-think your logic. (I'm no Obama fan either, but let's face it, publishing calls for his assassination is stupid and immoral as well as illegal! And war with Iran would be a disaster!)
So start re-thinking. Israel has been operating according to your kind of logic since 1948. And that logic is leading to its destruction.
In 1948, it seemed logical to slaughter whole villages full of men, women and children, in order to exterminate part of the Palestinian population and force most of the survivors into exile. This was the only logical way to get a Jewish majority for the new state. That logic, however, has led to a situation in which billions of people around the world hate Israel, and a significant fraction of those are committed to its destruction.
In 1963, "worst-case" logic dictated that Israel obtain nuclear weapons. To that end, it seems likely that the Mossad participated alongside elements of the CIA in the murder of President Kennedy, who was determined to deny Israel nuclear weapons. A growing minority of Americans is joining a much larger number of intellectuals from around the world who are aware of this likelihood; the result is more anger and disgust with Israel. (See Michael Collins Piper's Final Judgment.)
In 1967, strategic logic dictated an attempt to create a Greater Israel through a disguised war of aggression. During this war, strategic logic dictated that Israel destroy the USS Liberty and murder its entire crew. Through a minor miracle, that attempted failed, most of the Liberty crew survived, and today, a growing number of Americans loathes Israel in large part due to this incident.
Since the 1967 war of aggression, paranoid/bellicose "logic" has led Israel to refuse to return the territories it stole, despite the consensus of the world community that it must do so. The result is that Israel is a pariah nation, and few around the world would shed a tear at its demise. Ever-growing numbers want a world without Israel. So, in a vicious circle, Israel resorts to ever-more-insane acts of desperation.
Many further examples of your kind of logic have ensued: The Sabra and Shatilla massacres, false-flag terror attacks around the world, cross-border assassinations, invasions of Lebanon, Operation Cast Lead, and so on. Each time Israel acts this way, people like you cite the logical strategic necessity for such actions; while a much larger number of people incur more and more hatred and disgust for Israel and Zionism.
Personally, I have always disliked Israel, because I have always disliked injustice. But until recent years, this was not a high-priority issue for me. Now, after watching one Zionist outrage after another - the most important being the neocon-Zionist coup d'etat on 9/11/2001 and the ensuing war on Islam for Israel - I am committed to putting an end to Zionism.
And I'm far from the only one. I am told by people in a position to know that disgust with Israel is at an all-time high at the upper levels of the US military command. If Netanyahu takes your advice and murders Obama, you just might get to see Israel reduced to smoking radioactive rubble, and American Zionists - even those who had not overtly called for the assassination of the President - made to pay a heavy price. (I shudder to imagine what might happen to you personally, given your openly-published call for Obama's assassination.)
As you admit in your article, Israel has painted itself into a corner, a Kobayashi Maru situation, a "no-win scenario or facing a solution that involves redefining the problem." Maybe the best way to redefine the problem would be to forget about plans for mass-murdering Palestinians, Lebanese, and Iranians, forget about plans for assassinating the President of the United States, forget about plans for more big false-flag attacks, and go back to square one. Admit Israel's responsibility for the dead-end situation it is in. Admit who is really the aggressor, and who is the victim. And then, wholeheartedly seek to make amends, as Jews are supposed to do every Yom Kippur.
Imagine if Netanyahu gave a Yom Kippur speech along these lines: "We're sorry. You Palestinians are right. We are the aggressors, and we have perpetrated a grave injustice - not just in 1967, but in 1948 and before that. Your demands for right of return plus compensation, along with a return to the 1967 borders, are almost pathetically minimal and reasonable. Apartheid and endless war doesn't have a future. We want to work with you to build a new Palestine-Israel and a new Middle East. Come home - in numbers that we'll work out based on what's practical. We're willing to endure a temporary lowering of the standard of living for Israeli Jews and Russian-immigrant fake Jews in order to help you return to the country we stole so unjustly, and make it a country for you as well as for us."
After a certain number of Israeli outrages, it will be too late for this kind of offer. It may even be too late now. But it's worth a try, since the current road is such an obvious dead-end.
If you disagree, you're welcome to join me on my radio show and explain why. But please don't use my show as a platform to call for the assassination of the President.
Kevin Barrett
Dear Andrew Adler,
As the editor of a mainstream Jewish publication, you have an awful lot of chutzpah to call for the assassination of the President of the United States by the Mossad. I hope this email reaches you before the Secret Service does! If by some miracle you remain free on your own recognizance, or can afford the bail, I would love to discuss the pros and cons of a Mossad assassination of Obama on my radio show with you. I have openings next Wednesday and Friday, 4 to 5 pm Eastern.
You ask, "what would you do" if you were the Prime Minister of Israel, facing the fact that a war with Hezbullah and Hamas would be much nastier for Israel in 2017 than in 2012. Your answer is that Netanyahu's only choice is to start a war now - with Iran as well as Hezbullah and Hamas. And the only way to start that war is to kill President Obama, who stands in its way.
When an apparently logical line of reasoning leads to an illogical or insane conclusion, it is time to re-think your logic. (I'm no Obama fan either, but let's face it, publishing calls for his assassination is stupid and immoral as well as illegal! And war with Iran would be a disaster!)
So start re-thinking. Israel has been operating according to your kind of logic since 1948. And that logic is leading to its destruction.
In 1948, it seemed logical to slaughter whole villages full of men, women and children, in order to exterminate part of the Palestinian population and force most of the survivors into exile. This was the only logical way to get a Jewish majority for the new state. That logic, however, has led to a situation in which billions of people around the world hate Israel, and a significant fraction of those are committed to its destruction.
In 1963, "worst-case" logic dictated that Israel obtain nuclear weapons. To that end, it seems likely that the Mossad participated alongside elements of the CIA in the murder of President Kennedy, who was determined to deny Israel nuclear weapons. A growing minority of Americans is joining a much larger number of intellectuals from around the world who are aware of this likelihood; the result is more anger and disgust with Israel. (See Michael Collins Piper's Final Judgment.)
In 1967, strategic logic dictated an attempt to create a Greater Israel through a disguised war of aggression. During this war, strategic logic dictated that Israel destroy the USS Liberty and murder its entire crew. Through a minor miracle, that attempted failed, most of the Liberty crew survived, and today, a growing number of Americans loathes Israel in large part due to this incident.
Since the 1967 war of aggression, paranoid/bellicose "logic" has led Israel to refuse to return the territories it stole, despite the consensus of the world community that it must do so. The result is that Israel is a pariah nation, and few around the world would shed a tear at its demise. Ever-growing numbers want a world without Israel. So, in a vicious circle, Israel resorts to ever-more-insane acts of desperation.
Many further examples of your kind of logic have ensued: The Sabra and Shatilla massacres, false-flag terror attacks around the world, cross-border assassinations, invasions of Lebanon, Operation Cast Lead, and so on. Each time Israel acts this way, people like you cite the logical strategic necessity for such actions; while a much larger number of people incur more and more hatred and disgust for Israel and Zionism.
Personally, I have always disliked Israel, because I have always disliked injustice. But until recent years, this was not a high-priority issue for me. Now, after watching one Zionist outrage after another - the most important being the neocon-Zionist coup d'etat on 9/11/2001 and the ensuing war on Islam for Israel - I am committed to putting an end to Zionism.
And I'm far from the only one. I am told by people in a position to know that disgust with Israel is at an all-time high at the upper levels of the US military command. If Netanyahu takes your advice and murders Obama, you just might get to see Israel reduced to smoking radioactive rubble, and American Zionists - even those who had not overtly called for the assassination of the President - made to pay a heavy price. (I shudder to imagine what might happen to you personally, given your openly-published call for Obama's assassination.)
As you admit in your article, Israel has painted itself into a corner, a Kobayashi Maru situation, a "no-win scenario or facing a solution that involves redefining the problem." Maybe the best way to redefine the problem would be to forget about plans for mass-murdering Palestinians, Lebanese, and Iranians, forget about plans for assassinating the President of the United States, forget about plans for more big false-flag attacks, and go back to square one. Admit Israel's responsibility for the dead-end situation it is in. Admit who is really the aggressor, and who is the victim. And then, wholeheartedly seek to make amends, as Jews are supposed to do every Yom Kippur.
Imagine if Netanyahu gave a Yom Kippur speech along these lines: "We're sorry. You Palestinians are right. We are the aggressors, and we have perpetrated a grave injustice - not just in 1967, but in 1948 and before that. Your demands for right of return plus compensation, along with a return to the 1967 borders, are almost pathetically minimal and reasonable. Apartheid and endless war doesn't have a future. We want to work with you to build a new Palestine-Israel and a new Middle East. Come home - in numbers that we'll work out based on what's practical. We're willing to endure a temporary lowering of the standard of living for Israeli Jews and Russian-immigrant fake Jews in order to help you return to the country we stole so unjustly, and make it a country for you as well as for us."
After a certain number of Israeli outrages, it will be too late for this kind of offer. It may even be too late now. But it's worth a try, since the current road is such an obvious dead-end.
If you disagree, you're welcome to join me on my radio show and explain why. But please don't use my show as a platform to call for the assassination of the President.
Kevin Barrett
PS You might also enjoy my article on "Zionist shots across Obama's bow"
See also
10, 2011
US deploys troops in Israel for Iran Holocaust!
Friday, January 06, 2012
'US deploys troops in Israel for Iran war'
USS Kitty Hawk -- a 1,000 feet supercarrier with 4,500 personnel on board
US military is preparing a massive military campaign against Iran,
sending thousands of American troops, warships and weaponry to Israel.
An unnamed source said the military deployment of US anti-missile ships and accompanying support personnel will occur in January and later this spring, Global Research reported.
Commander of the US Third Air Force based in Germany Lt.-Gen Frank Gorenc said it is not just an "exercise," but a "deployment," The Jerusalem Post said.
Washington and Tel Aviv have planned to hold what they call the largest-ever joint military exercise this spring.
The US commander visited Israel two weeks ago to confirm details for “the deployment of several thousand American soldiers to Israel.”
The US General also visited one of Israel's three Iron Dome anti-missile outposts. The Israeli Air Force has announced plans to deploy a fourth Iron Dome system in coming months.
While US troops will be stationed in Israel for an unspecified amount of time, Israeli military personnel will be added to United States European Command (EUCOM) in Germany.
This is while the US is reportedly bringing its Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) and ship-based Aegis ballistic missile systems to Israel.
The White House has resumed its anti-Iran war rhetoric after the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) released a report in November, in which Tehran was accused of conducting activities related to developing nuclear weapons. Iran strongly dismissed the allegations.
US analyst Robert Parry said the documentary evidence showed that IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano was installed with the support of the US and that he privately indicated to US and Israeli officials that he would help advance their goals regarding Iran.
In December, Iran's Navy launched massive 10-day military drills in the strategic Strait of Hormuz to show that the country is ready to defend itself against any attack.
"We wanted to send this message to certain powers that Iran is always prepared to defend itself against foreign aggression," Iran's Navy Deputy Commander Admiral Amir Rastegari told Press TV.
Meanwhile, US President Barack Obama on Saturday signed into law fresh economic sanctions, targeting Iran's Central Bank and financial sector.
Anti-Iran measures provoked by the US and Israel are aimed to deny Iran's right of having peaceful nuclear program.
Tehran, as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the IAEA, has repeatedly stated that its nuclear activities are solely for civilian purposes.
Israel pushing US towards war with Iran
Interview with James Morris, political commentator
US has played down fears of an escalation of tensions with Iran over
the Strait of Hormuz, saying it does not seek a confrontation with
The Pentagon, however, still insists that it has no plans to withdraw American warships from the region. Iran has long accused the US of adopting hostile policies.
Press TV talks with James Morris, a political commentator in Los Angeles, to get his insight on the issue. Below is an approximate transcription of the interview:
Press TV: Oil prices have gone up following the recent rhetoric exchanged by Iran and the United States. For how long can the US afford to do this given its economic crisis, especially its debt dilemma?
Morris: Hello and thank you for having me back on Press TV in such dangerous times. I'd, first of all, like to say that I am America first patriot and I do not want to see any Americans die or get horribly wounded in a war for Israel against Iran, like we saw in Iraq. But I felt compelled to come on the air today and I appreciate your invitation for me to do so to explain why we are facing what we are facing with regard to a possible war with Iran which could be manifested into a wider war in the region which could even become the next world war if Russia and China get involved. It is very dangerous and that is why I was compelled to come on the air with you today.
The bottom line is the pro-Israeli lobby in America, AIPAC, the neo-conservatives which are the vanguard of that lobby have been pushing these sanctions against the Iranian regime and the bottom line to that is not the nuclear program because we see Israel with 200 to 400 nuclear weapons that they won't open up to inspection by the IAEA.
What this war, if it comes, and by the look of it, it looks like it is going to come and please with the aircraft carrier Stennis coming back in the [Persian] Gulf, do not give the Zionists what they are looking for to start a war against Iran. I know you all have to be on the lookout for a possible USS Liberty incident with the Israelis could stage an attack against an American ship to draw the US into war against Iran.
We have to be aware of that as well when Israel murdered 34 American sailors on marines on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967 and tried to blame it on Egypt to get us into a war against Egypt which could have led to a world war as well back then. So we have to be on guard against that.
But the bottom line here is that the Zionist lobby in America has pushed these sanctions against the Iranian regime and it is taking us to the brink of a war; it is driving up the oil prices, as you just said. In fact, Congressman Ron Paul, if you go to my blog which is also, he is saying that any of these sanctions that are being pushed for against Iran are acts of war and that the Iranians have the right to self-defense.
It is imperative that the world wakes up to this to see what these Israel firsters, American Israeli Public Affairs Committee [AIPAC], the neo-conservatives which own the US Congress; they own the Republican party, they are pushing us to war and it is utterly unacceptable for patriotic Americans who put America first, like myself.
Press TV: With the talk of these threats about a war between Iran and America, the question is how ready militarily is the United States for another war after Iraq and Afghanistan?
Morris: You have to realize the US has a very potent and formidable air force and its navy is the best in the world and I am glad for that. Like I said, I am a patriotic American who puts America first. But I just do not like to see the American navy, the American air force and US troops which are being repositioned out of Iraq; there are still 17 thousand personnel in Iraq, contractors or not, but Americans troops have been repositioned out of Iraq and they are basically going to be staged in Kuwait for a coming war with Iran.
So we have to realize that, yes, even though troops have been removed from Iraq and the American military stretched all over the world, that is what Ron Paul has so accurately said, that America is going broke and we need to bring those troops home to defend American borders instead.
But they are also, the American air force, like I said, is very formidable and that is still in full effect and also the American navy and they can bomb Iran into the stone age if a war breaks out. Please the Zionists in America, the Israel firsters, would like nothing more than for your country to attack an American war ship, the aircraft carrier Stennis or any other American ship to set the stage for war and it will be all over the pro-Israel biased media here saying Iran has attacked an American ship and we have got to retaliate.
No mentions will be made about the sanctions that have been imposed on Iran by the pro-Israeli lobby here which actually took this situation to the brink of war. It is utterly unacceptable. Again, go to, look at the recent posts at the top there and please do not let a USS Liberty incident get us involved in war as well. The Israelis got away with that attack and they very well could try to pull another one to get us into a war between Iran and America.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Israel wants the end of Obama (described as the 'Moon' in the Talmud or 'Islaam') and the US (described as the 'Sun' in the Talmud or WASPs), Obama will lose the support of the AIPAC in 2012, like Cameron, Merkel (already finished) and Sarkozy... All of them the most radicals pro-israelis head of states the world never witnessed in history. Israel will initiates the World War with a nuclear 9/11 like she tried in the UK in 2006, France 2008, Germany 2011
Timing the End of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy
Neither German Chancellor Angela Merkel nor French President Nicolas Sarkozy is likely to survive the European sovereign debt crisis.
The timing of the demise of Sarkozy is easy to predict. Polls suggest he will be not win the May 6 election and he might not even survive the first round of voting on April 22. Please see "Let the Euro Die" Candidate Trails Sarkozy by Slight 2 Percentage Points; Will Sarkozy Survive the First Round Vote? Eurozone About to Become Unglued
The timing of the demise of chancellor Merkel is more problematic. Technically, her splintering coalition could fracture beyond repair at any time as a series of articles in Der Speigel suggests.
January 6
Merkel's Coalition Partner on the Road to Collapse
Germany's Free Democrats have been in freefall for months. But on Friday, the party, Chancellor Angela Merkel's junior coalition partner, hit a new low. Inner-party bickering led to the collapse of a state government and a new poll found that just 2 percent of Germans would vote for the FDP today.January 9
Some 83 percent of those asked said that the FDP has not delivered on its promises. A further 72 percent say that it isn't clear where the party stands when it comes to the euro crisis. Just 15 percent of Germans think the party is credible.
It is a situation which has not made things easier for Chancellor Merkel. The FDP's periodic hand-wringing over Germany's outsized role in bailing out struggling euro-zone countries has occasionally led to speculation that her coalition could collapse prematurely. Furthermore, she has periodically provided some legislative concessions in an attempt to breathe some life into the moribund party.
Mostly, though, it is a situation that seems to indicate that Germany's party landscape no longer has room for the FDP. After all, even the Pirate Party, which focuses almost exclusively on Internet privacy issues, is doing better than the once mighty FDP. The Pirates managed 6 percent in Friday's poll -- numbers that the current FDP could only dream of.
Confidence Wanes in FDP Leader Rösler
Despite efforts to breathe new life into their faltering message, Free Democratic Party leader Philipp Rösler could be forced to step down soon. Should he fall, Chancellor Merkel could lose much more than a key political partner. Her entire cabinet could face a significant reshuffle.January 9
Scandal 'Could Mean the End of Merkel's Government'
German President Christian Wulff refuses to step down amid a scandal involving a threatening phone call to a major newspaper and dodgy business dealings. German commentators warn that his resignation could cause Angela Merkel's government to collapse.January 12
The scandal surrounding Christian Wulff gets murkier by the day, but the German president is refusing to resign from the largely ceremonial position, despite growing calls for him to quit. On Monday, his lawyer even went on the offensive.
At the crux of the affair is a message that Wulff left on the voicemail of Kai Diekmann, editor in chief of the powerful tabloid Bild, on Dec. 12. The newspaper claims that Wulff wanted to prevent the publication of a damaging story about a private loan that Wulff took out. Many Germans regard Wulff's alleged threats as an attack on press freedom. For his part, Wulff insists that he only wanted to delay the publication of the story. In a high-profile television interview last week, Wulff admitted he had made a "serious mistake" by phoning Diekmann but denied he had considered resigning.
Last week, Bild said it wanted to publish the actual message as support for its version of events, but asked Wulff for his permission to make the voicemail public. The president denied the request. But on Monday, Wulff's lawyer, Gernot Lehr, said in an interview with Deutschlandfunk public radio that the president was not afraid of the message being published. If Bild "wants to do so, then let them," he said. "It is Bild's business if they want to break this taboo."
In its new issue, published Monday, SPIEGEL printed lengthy extracts from the message, after obtaining a transcript. According to the transcript, Wulff did indeed ask the newspaper to delay the publication of the story. He also, however, threatened to take legal action, which observers see as a clear attempt to stop the article's publication.
Parts of the German political establishment have already turned to the question of what will happen if Wulff steps down. On Sunday, the leader of the opposition center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD), Sigmar Gabriel, offered Chancellor Angela Merkel help in a possible search for a successor. He said if the parties could agree on a joint candidate then the SPD would not put forward its own candidate. Merkel would probably be dependent on opposition votes in the Federal Assembly, the specially convened body that elects the German president, if it came to an election. The chancellor narrowly avoided a debacle in 2010, when her handpicked candidate Wulff needed three rounds of voting to get elected, despite the government's majority in the assembly.
"So what can she do? With her coalition holding an extremely thin majority of a maximum of four votes in the Federal Assembly, putting forward another candidate to replace Wulff would be risky. This would hold particularly true if the opposition Social Democrats and Greens were to put their former candidate Joachim Gauck, who lost to Wulff in 2010 but is widely respected, back in the running. A defeat in the struggle for Germany's highest office in 2012 would send a major symbolic message for the loss of power in Merkel's coalition government. Together with the collapse of the 'Jamaica' coalition in Saarland (comprised of the CDU, the FDP and the Greens), the general withering of the FDP and the possibility of a CDU defeat in state elections in Schleswig-Holstein in May, a formidable political headwind could form that the chancellor would then have to fight during the next federal election in 2013."
German President Blasted by Party Allies
German President Christian Wulff promised transparency in a television interview last week regarding questions about his personal finances. But since then, he hasn't delivered. Several members of Chancellor Merkel's Christian Democrats, the party which propelled Wulff into office, have turned on him.
CDU parliamentarian Karl-Georg Wellmann [suggested] Wulff should resign. "A horrible end is better than horror without end," Wellmann said, in reference to the likelihood that criticism will continue to dog Wulff if he clings to his office. "My personal advice to him would be to no longer subject himself, his family and his office to (the condemnation)."
Several other CDU politicians likewise have heaped censure on the German president this week, including powerful conservative parliamentarian Peter Altmaier, a close ally of Merkel. And Bundestag President Norbert Lammert, a senior CDU member, complained in newsmagazine Stern of the "massive, comprehensive loss of trust" in the president.
"On television, Wulff promised 18 million citizens that 450 questions would be answered and made public," Björn Thümler, CDU floor leader in the Lower Saxony state parliament, told the Norwest Zeitung newspaper. "I think we are all waiting for that and that is what must happen. There is no alternative."
As of Thursday, Wulff had not budged. Instead, he stood for hours before television cameras greeting his some 80 visitors. Not all, however, accepted his invitation to the new year's reception. Transparency International stayed away, as did the German Journalists Association. In protest.
Moreover, Europe is heading into a massive recession and Germany will not be immune. Can she keep a working coalition intact until the 2013 election? I rather doubt it.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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