(seen on the Net with minor edits)
Hindustani Muslims were so backward that they did not have proper cameras, camera professionals, journalists, historians, writers, and more than 60 years later they are still backward in most domains, except in Bollywood and Biryani. Today, between 100 t0 150 million heavily Hinduised Muslims are living as quasi slaves in Hindustan.

(Below) Doc Kazi of flickr got this rare photgraph from Mahmood on Victoria Road. He could not identify the others although the man in the center resembles the Nawab of Jungadh. The British General resembles Gen Musa.
Mr Jinnah seems in a relaxed mood ostensibly with his favorite 'Craven A' cigarettes, which finally got him!

In 1916, an even younger Mr Jinnah (in front center, mustachioed) presiding over a joint meeting of Indian National Congress and All India Muslim League.

British Subject Mayor of Karachi Hakim M Ahsan hosts a reception for British Subject Muhammad Ali Jinnah the very old and emaciated "Governor General" of Pakistan on Aug 25, 1947 - both British stooges. ("Pakistan" did not have any better tan him!)

Muhammad Ali Jinnah visiting British PAF base Risalpur, 1947.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah with the traitor Mountbatten

Muhammad Ali Jinnah with Liaquat Ali Khan

Nawabzada Nasurallah escorts Mr. Jinnah - What a Royal escort!

Muhammad Ali Jinnah with Field Marshal Auchinleck

Muhammad Ali Jinnah addresses the Muslim League Session, Allahabad 1942

Ghost-like but smiling Jinnah (and sister) in Bombay

"Hum laye hain kashti ko toofaan say nikal kay... is mulk ko rakhna tum sambhal kay...."
Translation: ?
The leader of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah - On this birth day...
(Below) Doc Kazi of flickr got this rare photgraph from Mahmood on Victoria Road. He could not identify the others although the man in the center resembles the Nawab of Jungadh. The British General resembles Gen Musa.
Mr Jinnah seems in a relaxed mood ostensibly with his favorite 'Craven A' cigarettes, which finally got him!
In 1916, an even younger Mr Jinnah (in front center, mustachioed) presiding over a joint meeting of Indian National Congress and All India Muslim League.
British Subject Mayor of Karachi Hakim M Ahsan hosts a reception for British Subject Muhammad Ali Jinnah the very old and emaciated "Governor General" of Pakistan on Aug 25, 1947 - both British stooges. ("Pakistan" did not have any better tan him!)
Muhammad Ali Jinnah visiting British PAF base Risalpur, 1947.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah with the traitor Mountbatten
Muhammad Ali Jinnah with Liaquat Ali Khan
Nawabzada Nasurallah escorts Mr. Jinnah - What a Royal escort!
Muhammad Ali Jinnah with Field Marshal Auchinleck
Muhammad Ali Jinnah addresses the Muslim League Session, Allahabad 1942
Ghost-like but smiling Jinnah (and sister) in Bombay
Categories :
Cartoons / Pic Shots
Ant & Grasshopper - Pakistan Politics |
Ant & Grasshopper
Traditional Version
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The Grasshopper thinks the Ant is a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.
Come winter,the Ant is warm and well fed. The Grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold.
Modern Version
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The Grasshopper thinks the Ant's a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering Grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the Ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.
Geo TV, BBC, ARY, CNN show up to provide pictures of the shivering Grasshopper next to a video of the Ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.
The World is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be that this poor Grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?
Asma Jahangir stages a demonstration in front of the Ant's house.
Imran Khan goes on a fast along with other Grasshoppers demanding that Grasshoppers be relocated to warmer climates during winter.
Amnesty International and Chief Justice Iftikhar criticizes the Pakistan Government for not upholding the fundamental rights of the Grasshopper.
The Internet is flooded with online petitions seeking support to the Grasshopper (many promising Heaven and Everlasting Peace for prompt support as against the wrath of God for non-compliance) .
Opposition MPs stage a walkout. Islamic parties call for "Hartal" in Frontier and Baluchistan demanding a Judicial Enquiry.
MQM Coalition in Sindh immediately passes a law to bring about equality among Ants and Grasshoppers.
Sheikh Rasheed allocates one free coach to Grasshoppers on all Pakistan Railway Trains, aptly named as the 'Grasshopper Shalimar'.
Finally, the President drafts an ordinance ' Anti State Terrorism Against Grasshoppers Act' [ASTAGA], with effect from the beginning of the winter. Mobilizes state agencies.
Punjab Govt. makes ' Special Reservation ' for Grasshoppers in Educational Institutions & in Government Services.
The Ant is fined for failing to comply with ASTAGA and having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, it's home is confiscated by the NAB and handed over to the Grasshopper in a ceremony covered by PTV.
Nawaz Sharief calls it ' A Triumph of Justice '.
Benazir calls it ' Democratic Justice '.
MQM calls it the ' Revolutionary Resurgence of the Downtrodden'
Prime Minister invites the Grasshopper to address the National Assembly.
Many years later...
The Ants have since migrated to the US , Canada , UK and Middle East, have worked harder then they did before set up a multi-million dollar business.
1000s of Grasshoppers still die of starvation despite reservation somewhere in Pakistan ...
As a result of loosing lot of hard working Ants and feeding the Grasshoppers, Pakistan is still a developing country !!! UNDERDEVELOPED WITH FOREIGN NUKES, YOU MEAN!
Traditional Version
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The Grasshopper thinks the Ant is a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.
Come winter,the Ant is warm and well fed. The Grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold.
Modern Version
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The Grasshopper thinks the Ant's a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering Grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the Ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.
Geo TV, BBC, ARY, CNN show up to provide pictures of the shivering Grasshopper next to a video of the Ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.
The World is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be that this poor Grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?
Asma Jahangir stages a demonstration in front of the Ant's house.
Imran Khan goes on a fast along with other Grasshoppers demanding that Grasshoppers be relocated to warmer climates during winter.
Amnesty International and Chief Justice Iftikhar criticizes the Pakistan Government for not upholding the fundamental rights of the Grasshopper.
The Internet is flooded with online petitions seeking support to the Grasshopper (many promising Heaven and Everlasting Peace for prompt support as against the wrath of God for non-compliance) .
Opposition MPs stage a walkout. Islamic parties call for "Hartal" in Frontier and Baluchistan demanding a Judicial Enquiry.
MQM Coalition in Sindh immediately passes a law to bring about equality among Ants and Grasshoppers.
Sheikh Rasheed allocates one free coach to Grasshoppers on all Pakistan Railway Trains, aptly named as the 'Grasshopper Shalimar'.
Finally, the President drafts an ordinance ' Anti State Terrorism Against Grasshoppers Act' [ASTAGA], with effect from the beginning of the winter. Mobilizes state agencies.
Punjab Govt. makes ' Special Reservation ' for Grasshoppers in Educational Institutions & in Government Services.
The Ant is fined for failing to comply with ASTAGA and having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, it's home is confiscated by the NAB and handed over to the Grasshopper in a ceremony covered by PTV.
Nawaz Sharief calls it ' A Triumph of Justice '.
Benazir calls it ' Democratic Justice '.
MQM calls it the ' Revolutionary Resurgence of the Downtrodden'
Prime Minister invites the Grasshopper to address the National Assembly.
Many years later...
The Ants have since migrated to the US , Canada , UK and Middle East, have worked harder then they did before set up a multi-million dollar business.
1000s of Grasshoppers still die of starvation despite reservation somewhere in Pakistan ...
As a result of loosing lot of hard working Ants and feeding the Grasshoppers, Pakistan is still a developing country !!! UNDERDEVELOPED WITH FOREIGN NUKES, YOU MEAN!
Categories :
Thoughts / Lessons
Chemtrails - History's greatest conspiracy theories |
Chemtrails - Chemtrail conspiracy SCIENTISTS have proved that some
contrails, which usually consisted of ice crystals or water vapor condensed
behind aircraft, actually result from chemicals or biological agents
being deliberately sprayed at high altitude for some undisclosed
purpose. The staple of right-wing radio shows in the US, there is
fevered speculation that the chemicals being sprayed are part of a wider
plot that involves the so-called New World Order and is being directed
by shadowy forces within the government. The existence of chemtrails has
been repeatedly denied by LYING federal agencies and LYING scientists.
Picture: ART ES ANNA
Source -

Picture: ART ES ANNA
Source -
Dollar rate history against Pak Rupee |
1955 Govn. Gen. Ghulam Muhammad.......$ 1 = Rs. 4.70
1958-69 Self Appointed Feild Marshal Gen. Ayub Khan....$ 1 = Rs. 4.70
1969- Gen. Ayub Handed over power to Gen. Yahya Khan.$ 1 = Rs. 4.70
1971-72 Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto...$ 1 = Rs. 11.00
1973-74 Z. A. Bhutto.......$1 = Rs. 09.90
1977-82 Gen. Zia ul Haq.......$ 1 = Rs. 10.84
1984 Gen. Zia...........$ 1 = Rs. 15.36
1986 Gen. Zia..................$ 1 = Rs.17.25
1988 Gen. Zia............$ 1 = Rs.18.65
1989-90 Benazir Bhutto..........$ 1 = Rs.21.90
1991 Nawaz Sharif...$ 1 = Rs. 24.72
1993 Benazir Bhutto..$ 1 = Rs.30.88
1996 Benazir Bhutto....$ 1 = Rs.34.21
1997 Nawaz Sharif......$ 1 = Rs.40.07
1999 Gen. Musharraf.......$ 1 = Rs.50.10
2002 Gen. Musharraf........$ 1 = Rs.63.00
2003 Gen. Musharraf...........$ 1 = Rs.60.68
2007 Gen. Musharraf........$ 1 = Rs.61.00
2008 Gen. Musharraf.........$ 1 = Rs.63.00
2008 New PPP Govt.........$ 1 = Rs.83.00
Written by Junaid's Pen
My pen says it all
Posts Tagged ‘Jinnah’
“Pakistan can never be undone” – Father of Nation Jinnah
with 6 comments
Brotherhood, equality, fraternity of man these are all basic point of our religion, culture and civilization. And we fought for Pakistan because there was danger of denial of these human rights in sub-continent. After all the story of Pakistan and its struggle and its achievements is the very story of great human ideal, struggling to service in the face of great odds and difficulties.
Let us now plan to build and reconstruct and regenerate our great nation. Now it is time, chance and opportunity for every Musalman to make his or her fullest and best contribution and make the greatest sacrifice and work ceaselessly and selflessly in the service of our nation and make Pakistan one of the greatest nations of the world. Pakistan is now fait accompli and it can never be undone”
Pakistan 2011- Democracy or Dictatorship
It is very unfortunate that after 63 years of creation of Pakistan
added to the 200 years of struggle against foreign intruders, we are
still debating over Democracy and Dictatorship is Pakistan. We were able
to get an independent state but failed to give freedom, equality,
tolerance, social justice and democracy to its people. Iqbal’s Pakistan
was never achieved; we got Jinnah’s Pakistan but lost part of it in
1971. It’s up to us whether we blame it on failed democracy or thriving
dictatorship; but truth is that we lost the identity of largest country
achieved for Muslim minority of Indian subcontinent.
Going through the pages of political history of Pakistan; rather take out just a moment of your time to remember the names of all the “Democratic Premiers” and all the “Democratic Presidents” who ruled us over the period of time. I am emphasizing on “Democratic” because we have seen dictators also produced their own presidents and ministers; I bet you can’t remember them, at least I can’t. On contrary if we start naming dictators; not only names, their time of rule, their duration of rule, even we can write books on their personal lives; why is that? It is not criticism on our general knowledge, rather it is the reminder sad truth we have been living all our lives.
I can talk on behalf of today’s generation, the first news we ever heard about politics was the 1999 military coup over democratic government. And then we spent our age of growth and learning under military rule. The other day I was discussing with my father and he told me that when he was in school, Ayub Khan ruled Pakistan; at his professional age Zia-ul-Haq ruled our country and when they got more senior Musharaf came. Just look at history of all the major events or major achievements we ever got were at the time of dictatorship.
Don’t think that I am in favour of Dictatorship … no … never ever ever … its not possible; my mind refuses to accept the basic and fundamental concept of dictatorship. How can a country like Pakistan, with its population of more than 18 crore, where more than 70 languages are spoken, where people belonging from various religions, cast and nations be ruled by ONE person with its whole sole powers. Experience has shown that in a working democracy mistakes can eventually be corrected before the society breaks down. The history of dictatorships on the other hand shows that they end all in violent and bloody mess. We have seen in Tunis, in Egypt and now witnessing in Libya. Dictatorship is not made for Pakistan.
But the Pakistan’s most successful 5 year plan of 1960-1965 was during time of military dictator Ayub Khan. This plan earned Pakistan 200% profit and it was copied by countries like South Korea. USSR lost its respect as super power at the time military dictator Zia-ul-Haq, that’s separate debate what we got in return but we did it. So-called freedom of press was awarded in another military dictator’s time i.e: Pervaiz Musharaf. On contrary democratic governments failed to give us any constitution for 9 years after creation of Pakistan, we got but it was brutally torn apart many times. Democratic government played with it by making silly amendments. It was during democracy when we lost East Pakistan in 1971. It was democratic government who ordered police to open fire on protestors rallying against electoral fraud of 1977. Army action was taken place in Balochistan during democratic government and city of lights had blood bath because of so-called democratic government claiming to be representing majority. And now during democratic time we are still arguing whether Pakistan needs democracy or dictatorship.
So this means, something is wrong and has always been wrong which made Pakistan to see the times in which we are living today. May be we never really understood the meaning of democracy. Seems like just completing your count to show majority is democracy, it’s just a number game for us to have the might of majority; whoever they may be and whatever they do. The objective resolution is 1949 states that Pakistan is a sovereign independent state “Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice as enunciated by Islam shall be fully observed”, the classic example of Dasti with fake degree and winning election confirm the democracy as number game. My point is we got the democracy but we were not able to create any democratic system in which democracy flourishes and don’t remain mere number game.
What about an example to make it more understandable. A murderer kills someone and was then caught by lets say 20 men. Voting was held to decide the fate of the killer, 15 among 20 votes in favour to hang him and 5 opposes the decision. If democracy is just game of numbers to favour majority then according to this definition of democracy he will be hanged. On contrary if democracy is a system to govern the country where principles of freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice prevails, the murderer can claim it rights and ask the Judicial system, part of democratic system to prosecute him and decide his fate.
Let me put forward to you what I believe real democracy is and what it requires to flourish. Concept of democracy existed in 508 B.C with Greeks, but there has been no final definition on which political science students agreed. That’s why we see many different kind of democratic systems with its own way of selections came over the period of time; famous being presidential democracy and parliamentary democracy, wikipedia can list other for you if interested. But there has been points, some basic structures and some basic requirements everyone have agreed upon; the most important being “Separation of Powers”.
The state is divided into branches, each with its separate and independent powers and areas of responsibility so that no one branch has more power than the other branches. The normal division of branches is
I want to put forward the components, rather sub-systems of any democracy but first there are some other basic points of on which different studies have agreed upon. The real democratic system should ensure Shared Respect and Shared Power within its citizens.
Beside shared respect and shared power, some conditions of democracy are agreed upon by different political science students’ i.e: Economic balance and Enlightenment. Aristotle believed that the middle-income men contribute more to the society thus providing economic balance. Enlightenment is freedom of getting information which is done my public education, books, magazines and most importantly free media.
For shared respect, shared power, economic balance and for enlightenment different other systems are put forward in-order to have proper working democratic system which grows and amend itself. I will try to put forward some common and rather most important factors for working democracy.
Constitution is the most sacred document in any democratic country. The set of rules put forward by different group of society and agreed upon by the selective representative of society is very important for any successful democratic system. But constitutional history of Pakistan as we all know is very dark and dramatic. For 9 years since the creation of Pakistan we had no constitution, once we had it was brutally raped by dictators. And even last 1973 constitution has been disrespectfully treated by making 19 amendments to it and unfortunately mostly done by democratically elected men.
Judiciary should be independent, free from any outside interference. It’s no news for us that how judiciary has been treated. Social Justice is ensured by the judicial system and how it can ensured until unless judiciary is having trouble of its own.
Social Security is vital important in any democratic country and is ensured by the security forces or police. Unfortunately in Pakistan the political parties have been assigned different quota to hire its own policemen in-order to confirm the power which totally violates the fundamental concept of democracy.
Education system ensures the enlightenment condition of any democratic system. Citizens should be well-aware of laws, constitution and their right. The educational institution should also work as political institution where future leaders or political activist should be created. Student politics should be legal and well-governed by the institution itself, otherwise the Family politics will never in country like Pakistan.
Election Commission should independent of any political influence and is responsible for free and fair election. The voters list should be error free and encourage its citizen to take part in electoral system. Not only education system, election commission should also be involved in educating the citizens and realising them the importance of voting to decide their future.
Last but not least the Accountability. Umer bin Abdulaziz, who was caliph of Ummayid Dynasty and was famously called the fifth caliph once said, “Rulers usually appoint people to watch over their subjects. I appoint you a watcher over me and my behaviour. If you find me at fault in word or action guide me and stop me from doing it”. The accountability or the check and balance have vital importance in democratic system. This rules out the might of majority and ensures that democracy should not be considered as number game. NAB (National Accountability Bureau) of Pakistan is supposed to responsible for that but unfortunately this institution has never been given its deserved power and been played in hands of politicians.
Democracy or democratic system is not heavenly devised system; it is system of government of the people, by the people, for the people; which can have loopholes and can be played with, but proper democratic system grows with time differently from nation to nation. We Pakistanis as independent nation living in independent and sovereign country can, shall and will produce such a democratic system with justice for its citizen, rights of the people, accountability of empowered, education to its youth and proper economic system. No wonder Pakistan can become the country which Allama Muhammad Iqbal wished for. LONG LIVE PAKISTAN
Going through the pages of political history of Pakistan; rather take out just a moment of your time to remember the names of all the “Democratic Premiers” and all the “Democratic Presidents” who ruled us over the period of time. I am emphasizing on “Democratic” because we have seen dictators also produced their own presidents and ministers; I bet you can’t remember them, at least I can’t. On contrary if we start naming dictators; not only names, their time of rule, their duration of rule, even we can write books on their personal lives; why is that? It is not criticism on our general knowledge, rather it is the reminder sad truth we have been living all our lives.
I can talk on behalf of today’s generation, the first news we ever heard about politics was the 1999 military coup over democratic government. And then we spent our age of growth and learning under military rule. The other day I was discussing with my father and he told me that when he was in school, Ayub Khan ruled Pakistan; at his professional age Zia-ul-Haq ruled our country and when they got more senior Musharaf came. Just look at history of all the major events or major achievements we ever got were at the time of dictatorship.
Don’t think that I am in favour of Dictatorship … no … never ever ever … its not possible; my mind refuses to accept the basic and fundamental concept of dictatorship. How can a country like Pakistan, with its population of more than 18 crore, where more than 70 languages are spoken, where people belonging from various religions, cast and nations be ruled by ONE person with its whole sole powers. Experience has shown that in a working democracy mistakes can eventually be corrected before the society breaks down. The history of dictatorships on the other hand shows that they end all in violent and bloody mess. We have seen in Tunis, in Egypt and now witnessing in Libya. Dictatorship is not made for Pakistan.
But the Pakistan’s most successful 5 year plan of 1960-1965 was during time of military dictator Ayub Khan. This plan earned Pakistan 200% profit and it was copied by countries like South Korea. USSR lost its respect as super power at the time military dictator Zia-ul-Haq, that’s separate debate what we got in return but we did it. So-called freedom of press was awarded in another military dictator’s time i.e: Pervaiz Musharaf. On contrary democratic governments failed to give us any constitution for 9 years after creation of Pakistan, we got but it was brutally torn apart many times. Democratic government played with it by making silly amendments. It was during democracy when we lost East Pakistan in 1971. It was democratic government who ordered police to open fire on protestors rallying against electoral fraud of 1977. Army action was taken place in Balochistan during democratic government and city of lights had blood bath because of so-called democratic government claiming to be representing majority. And now during democratic time we are still arguing whether Pakistan needs democracy or dictatorship.
So this means, something is wrong and has always been wrong which made Pakistan to see the times in which we are living today. May be we never really understood the meaning of democracy. Seems like just completing your count to show majority is democracy, it’s just a number game for us to have the might of majority; whoever they may be and whatever they do. The objective resolution is 1949 states that Pakistan is a sovereign independent state “Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice as enunciated by Islam shall be fully observed”, the classic example of Dasti with fake degree and winning election confirm the democracy as number game. My point is we got the democracy but we were not able to create any democratic system in which democracy flourishes and don’t remain mere number game.
What about an example to make it more understandable. A murderer kills someone and was then caught by lets say 20 men. Voting was held to decide the fate of the killer, 15 among 20 votes in favour to hang him and 5 opposes the decision. If democracy is just game of numbers to favour majority then according to this definition of democracy he will be hanged. On contrary if democracy is a system to govern the country where principles of freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice prevails, the murderer can claim it rights and ask the Judicial system, part of democratic system to prosecute him and decide his fate.
Let me put forward to you what I believe real democracy is and what it requires to flourish. Concept of democracy existed in 508 B.C with Greeks, but there has been no final definition on which political science students agreed. That’s why we see many different kind of democratic systems with its own way of selections came over the period of time; famous being presidential democracy and parliamentary democracy, wikipedia can list other for you if interested. But there has been points, some basic structures and some basic requirements everyone have agreed upon; the most important being “Separation of Powers”.
The state is divided into branches, each with its separate and independent powers and areas of responsibility so that no one branch has more power than the other branches. The normal division of branches is
- Executive
- Legislature
- Judiciary.
I want to put forward the components, rather sub-systems of any democracy but first there are some other basic points of on which different studies have agreed upon. The real democratic system should ensure Shared Respect and Shared Power within its citizens.
- Shared Respect
- Shared Power
Beside shared respect and shared power, some conditions of democracy are agreed upon by different political science students’ i.e: Economic balance and Enlightenment. Aristotle believed that the middle-income men contribute more to the society thus providing economic balance. Enlightenment is freedom of getting information which is done my public education, books, magazines and most importantly free media.
For shared respect, shared power, economic balance and for enlightenment different other systems are put forward in-order to have proper working democratic system which grows and amend itself. I will try to put forward some common and rather most important factors for working democracy.
Constitution is the most sacred document in any democratic country. The set of rules put forward by different group of society and agreed upon by the selective representative of society is very important for any successful democratic system. But constitutional history of Pakistan as we all know is very dark and dramatic. For 9 years since the creation of Pakistan we had no constitution, once we had it was brutally raped by dictators. And even last 1973 constitution has been disrespectfully treated by making 19 amendments to it and unfortunately mostly done by democratically elected men.
Judiciary should be independent, free from any outside interference. It’s no news for us that how judiciary has been treated. Social Justice is ensured by the judicial system and how it can ensured until unless judiciary is having trouble of its own.
Social Security is vital important in any democratic country and is ensured by the security forces or police. Unfortunately in Pakistan the political parties have been assigned different quota to hire its own policemen in-order to confirm the power which totally violates the fundamental concept of democracy.
Education system ensures the enlightenment condition of any democratic system. Citizens should be well-aware of laws, constitution and their right. The educational institution should also work as political institution where future leaders or political activist should be created. Student politics should be legal and well-governed by the institution itself, otherwise the Family politics will never in country like Pakistan.
Election Commission should independent of any political influence and is responsible for free and fair election. The voters list should be error free and encourage its citizen to take part in electoral system. Not only education system, election commission should also be involved in educating the citizens and realising them the importance of voting to decide their future.
Last but not least the Accountability. Umer bin Abdulaziz, who was caliph of Ummayid Dynasty and was famously called the fifth caliph once said, “Rulers usually appoint people to watch over their subjects. I appoint you a watcher over me and my behaviour. If you find me at fault in word or action guide me and stop me from doing it”. The accountability or the check and balance have vital importance in democratic system. This rules out the might of majority and ensures that democracy should not be considered as number game. NAB (National Accountability Bureau) of Pakistan is supposed to responsible for that but unfortunately this institution has never been given its deserved power and been played in hands of politicians.
Democracy or democratic system is not heavenly devised system; it is system of government of the people, by the people, for the people; which can have loopholes and can be played with, but proper democratic system grows with time differently from nation to nation. We Pakistanis as independent nation living in independent and sovereign country can, shall and will produce such a democratic system with justice for its citizen, rights of the people, accountability of empowered, education to its youth and proper economic system. No wonder Pakistan can become the country which Allama Muhammad Iqbal wished for. LONG LIVE PAKISTAN
“This Passport is valid for all the countries of the World, except Israel”
The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the
dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target,
for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan,
the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. This lover of the
Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that
matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now
take immediate steps against Pakistan.” Ben-Gurion, the Prime Minister of Israel.
This speech was first published in Jewish Chronicles on 9th August 1967. This statement risen many controversies bloggers like me have quoted it many times; various explanations were also given to disprove this statement, but still we read it on every article related to Pakistan and Israel.

Pakistan and Israel do share some history and ideology. These are only two countries in the world created in the name of Religion; Pakistan for Islam, Israel for Judaism and both countries have taken independence from same British Empire after World War II.
Then why my passport still says, “This Passport is valid for all the countries of the World, except Israel”?
Pakistan claimed its independence from foreign invaders after two centuries of struggle. In 1757 after Battle of Plassey, East India Company started ruling Indian Sub-continent. The first armed resistance was Battle of Independence in 1857 after which the power was transferred to British government. In 1885 the political movement of independence started as Indian National Congress. Some of the Muslim leaders soon separated and launched new movement in 1906 as All India Muslim League for separate Muslim state which led to the creation of independent Islamic state Pakistan on 14th August 1947, which then became Islamic Republic of Pakistan in 1973.

For Israel the timings was same and the rulers were also same as of Indian sub-continents, but events and circumstances were totally different. Israel declared its independence on 14th May 1948 from British Mandate of Palestine. But Israel independence movement was not against British Occupation; rather it was a movement of creating a Jewish State by silently invading the markets, trades and areas to make Jewish settlements. Hovevei Zion or Hibbat Zion refers to organizations that are considered the foundations of the modern Zionist movement. These movements led to creation of Rishon LeZion in 1882 which is the first Jewish settlement in Palestine; which was at that time under Ottoman Empire. First Zionist Congress held in 1897 started the unified Zionist Movement which was converted to World Zionist Organisation in 1960. This movement was successful in legalizing its demand of separate Jewish state in Palestine after Balfour Declaration 1917, in which British Mandate of Palestine’s (1917 – 1948) foreign Secretary Arhur James Balfour wrote letter to the leader of British Jewish Community Baron Rothschild, pledging British Empire support of creation of Jewish State in Palestinian Land.
So what kind of relationship does Pakistan and Israel has over period of 60 years?
While writing this blog I also tried to ask couple Pakistanis; their view points about Pakistan-Israel Relationship. Yousaf is Pakistani Engineer living and working in Saudi Arabia. Being in the region, Pakistanis here are emotionally and regionally attached to Middle East crisis. I asked him what kind of relationship both countries have. “Relationship between Pakistan and Israel are tied to the fact that how Israel government treats the Palestinians. In general, as Jerusalem is considered as one of the holiest places in Islam; this fact serves as a thorn in the eyes of Pakistanis.” Yousaf said.
Pakistan is among those 20 UN member nations which do not recognise Israel as an independent state. These 20 countries also include Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Chad, Cuba, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Unofficial media reports say that first Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion send secret message to Muhammad Ali Jinnah to formally accept its existence, but no response was given back to him. At the time of independence of Pakistan, it was reported that some 2,000 Jews remained in Pakistan, mostly Bene Yisrale Jews. Many left to Israel after its declaration of independence. Jews from Karachi, Pakistan, now live in Ramla, Israel, and they also built a synagogue they named Magen Shalome after the Pakistani Synagogue which was demolished in 1980.

60s, 70s and beginning of 80s were the decades when for the first time both countries came face to face when Arab-Israel war started. In “Six-day Arab Israeli War” of 1967; Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF) and Pakistan Air Force (PAF) were flying under a joint command. PAF pilot Flt. Lt. Saiful Azam became the only pilot from the Arab side to have shot down 3 IDF/AF aircraft within 72 hours.
In 1973 Arab-Israeli Yom Kippur War, 16 PAF pilots volunteered to support Syria and Egypt. On 23 October 1973 Flt. Lt. M. Hatif shot down the Israeli Phantom. On 26 April 1974, PAF pilot Flt. Lt. A. Sattar Alvi became the first Pakistani pilot, during the Yom Kippur War; to shoot down an Israeli Mirage in air combat. He was honoured by the Syrian government. Nur Khan, who was the Wing Commander received praised from Israeli President Ezer Weizman who wrote in his autobiography that: “He was a formidable fellow and I was glad that he was Pakistani and not Egyptian“. Pakistan also sent medical ambulances to Egypt and Syria.
After the Israeli attack on Iraq’s under-construction French-built nuclear Osirak-type reactor, Tammuz-I, south of Baghdad on 7 June 1981, Pakistan’s then President President Zia-ul-Haq directed PAF Air Headquarters (AHQ) to make contingency plans for a possible Israeli attack on Kahuta. Kahuta is noted for its nuclear research studies and nuclear development technologies in Kahuta Research Laboratories.
On 10 July 1982, a special contingency plan was issued. In the event of
an Israeli attack on Pakistan’s strategic installations, plans were
drawn up for a retaliatory Pakistani strike on Negev Nuclear Research Centre. The Negev Nuclear Research Centre is an Israeli nuclear installation located in the Negev desert, about thirteen kilometres to the south-east of the city of Dimona.
On political level many statements were given. As chair of the Second Islamic Summit in 1974, then Pakistan’s Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto said: “To Jews as Jews we bear no malice; to Jews as Zionists, intoxicated with their militarism and reeking with technological arrogance, we refuse to be hospitable.”
In of his speeches in National Assembly of Pakistan, before Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was hanged in 1979, he said, “Mr.
Speaker Sir! This is not Desi (local) conspiracy, it’s an international
conspiracy. Let me make it quite clear for the history, whatever the
future and fate of this individual will be; that doesn’t matter, but let
me tell you again this is not a desi (local) conspiracy, this is not
PNA conspiracy, this is massive, huge and colossal international
conspiracy against the Islamic State of Pakistan.” (PNA was Pakistan National Alliance against the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party). Nowadays people like to refer this international controversy as Zionist or Israeli Conspiracy.
A controversial book was published in 2003, named Charlie’s Wilson war which conspire about use of Israeli weapons supplied to General Zia ul Haq to fight Soviets in Afghanistan (1979 – 1989). Famous Hollywood movie Charlie’s Wilson War was also released in 2007. After that the back door politics started between Pakistan and Israel.
The President of Pakistan General Zia ul Haq was assassinated in plane crash on 17 August 1988. Among the conspiracy theories; Mossad (Israeli Intelligence Agency) involvement is also believed to exist. In the fall 2005 World Policy Journal, John Gunther Dean, a former US ambassador to India, blamed the Mossad for orchestrating Zia’s assassination in retaliation for Pakistan developing a nuclear weapon to counteract India and Israel.
Ali is my friend living in Middle East. I asked him, can there ever be any friendship or peace between Pakistan and Israel, to which he replied, “Yes there can be, Israel is a small country with a group of people belonging to a group of faith. And also it is in its interest that it should be at peace with every country, and especially those countries that it feels can threaten its existence.”
It is believed that, at the time of Benazir Bhutto’s Government both countries had very strong relationship especially in countering terrorism. In 1993 Benazir Bhutto, along with her then-Director-General of Military Operations, Pervez Musharraf, intensified the ISI’s liaison with Mossad in 1993, and she too began to cultivate the American Jewish lobby. Bhutto is said to have had a secret meeting in New York with a senior Israeli diplomat, who flew to the U.S. during her visit to Washington, D.C. in 1995.
In 1996, Pakistan’s Intelligence Agency, FIA, started a secret war against Extremist in Pakistan under Rehman Malik.
According to sources, FIA also contacted Israeli intelligence agency
Mossad to help and send its officers to investigate the extremism. Even
after these strong ties, controversies never left the scenario. Benazir Bhutto
was assassinated on 27 December 2007 in one political rally. This was
considered to be typical Mossad Assassination style. It is believed that
she was the one knowing the reality of 9/11 being inside job and death
of Osama Bin Laden, which she also publicly stated in David
Frost TV program. That program was edited before telecasting. But Jewish
Journals and Media still believed in the opposite way. According to
Jewish media, Miss Bhutto asked for Mossad help to protect her on her
return to Pakistan as she was afraid she will be killed.
In 1998 Pakistan and Israel were again on the verge of war. On 27 May 1998, day before Pakistan conducted its nuclear test in Chaghi, Southern Province of Balochistan, Pakistan; unidentified F-16 was found hovering around skies on border areas of Pakistan. Pakistan Air Force; taking is as repetition of Israeli Conspiracy similar to 1981, Air Bourne its fighters to foil any attack. But Pakistan and Israeli UN delegation met in UN soon after Pakistan Nuclear tests in 1998 to give assurance that Pakistan will not transfer its technologies to Iran, the arch-enemy of Israel.

Musharraf’s nine years of rule was also golden times for both countries. In 2003, General Pervaiz Musharraf said on television interview, “Mainly Muslim Pakistan must seriously take up the issue of recognizing Israel and avoid dealing with it on emotional grounds”. This statement gave birth to local opposition, esp. among Religious Parties in Pakistan. “Jerusalem is not just an Arab issue, it is linked to the faith of every Muslim” said Qazi Hussain Ahmed, chief of Jamaat-i-Islami Pakistan, the largest and oldest religious political party. “Presenting Palestine as a sole Arab issue is a heinous conspiracy of the imperialists and colonists aimed at disintegrating the Muslims and shattering the concept of Muslim unity. It is for the same reason the colonist forces are trying to portray every Muslim issue as regional or bilateral” said Qazi.
In 2005 Pakistani Foreign Minister Khurshid Kasuri and his Israeli counterpart Silvan Shalom met in Istanbul after Israel withdrew its forces from Gaza, Palestine hoping to start peace talks. However, following the meeting Musharraf said, “Pakistan will not recognise the state of Israel until an independent Palestinian state is established”.
An unofficial Pakistan-Israel Peace Forum was created the next day of the meeting. It was created by 3 friends Waleed Ziad (Pakistan), Dror Topf (Israel), and Michael Berenhaus (US), all currently based in Washington, DC. This forum was an unsuccessful attempt to lobby in UN, US, Israel and Pakistani political establishments, hoping that Pakistani might accept Israel as independent legal state.
Pakistan and Israel are also secretly involved in Weapons and Arms Development Race. Close ties between India and Israel, and arms business between them forces Pakistan to keep an eye on Israel’s weapons industry. Like for example; Pakistan Ordinance Factory (POF) developed POF Eye Gun and exhibited in 2008 to counter the Israeli made Cornershot Rifle which is also known as Jews Gun in Arab World.
Shall Pakistan recognise Israel as an independent state to which Yousaf and Ali shared the same answer, “Pakistan should only consider recognizing Israel if it gives an independent state to the Palestinians with Jerusalem at its capital.
And completely cut off itself from the internal affairs of that state,
only then Pakistan should even start to consider recognizing them.”
I thought why not to ask some of Palestinians who have been living in exile for almost six decades. Abdul-Rahman is originally from Nabulus, West Bank and Qasim is from Gaza. I asked them what role Pakistan can play any role in solving
Middle East Crisis, to which Abdul Rahman replied, “May be or may be not. Pakistan has its own problems with India, in Kashmir and in Afghanistan.” And Qasim said, “Pakistan
cannot play any role especially with the current government which is
only thinking of business but not Islam or Muslims.” Which actually hit me hard but truth is truth. On inquiring the Pakistan’s nuclear threat to Israel, Abdul Rahman said, “Israelis are even scared of stones so obviously Israel want end to Pakistan’s Nuclear technology, the Islamic Bomb.” But Qasim stuck to his same point, “If Pakistani government wants it can use nuclear technology against Israel, not in war or something but also to play politics.”
Then in the end I asked, shall Pakistan Recognise Israel as independent
country. Both of them came up with different and interesting answers.
Abdul Rahman said, “There is should be a procedure of acceptance.
Israel should balance the power and control of every city between
themselves and Palestinians, then Pakistan can recognize Israel.” Whereas Qasim said, “Pakistan
should recognise Israel. Sitting outside and ending any communication
will not resolve the Middle East problem. We need to enter the region to
solve the problem and if Pakistan wants it can do that by taking first
step of recognising Israel.”

It was interesting journey going through all the historic events which Pakistan and Israel share and knowing different ideas and opinions. All these events which I have mentioned above, cannot be confirmed from any credible or authentic source as all this happened back stage, behind the camera. But whatever governments’ relationship may be it is true that people of Pakistan still want to call every conspiracy as Zionist conspiracy and this will keep on going until some peaceful solution is devised to Middle East crisis between Muslim Palestinians and Jewish Israelis.
This speech was first published in Jewish Chronicles on 9th August 1967. This statement risen many controversies bloggers like me have quoted it many times; various explanations were also given to disprove this statement, but still we read it on every article related to Pakistan and Israel.
Pakistan and Israel do share some history and ideology. These are only two countries in the world created in the name of Religion; Pakistan for Islam, Israel for Judaism and both countries have taken independence from same British Empire after World War II.
Then why my passport still says, “This Passport is valid for all the countries of the World, except Israel”?
Pakistan claimed its independence from foreign invaders after two centuries of struggle. In 1757 after Battle of Plassey, East India Company started ruling Indian Sub-continent. The first armed resistance was Battle of Independence in 1857 after which the power was transferred to British government. In 1885 the political movement of independence started as Indian National Congress. Some of the Muslim leaders soon separated and launched new movement in 1906 as All India Muslim League for separate Muslim state which led to the creation of independent Islamic state Pakistan on 14th August 1947, which then became Islamic Republic of Pakistan in 1973.
For Israel the timings was same and the rulers were also same as of Indian sub-continents, but events and circumstances were totally different. Israel declared its independence on 14th May 1948 from British Mandate of Palestine. But Israel independence movement was not against British Occupation; rather it was a movement of creating a Jewish State by silently invading the markets, trades and areas to make Jewish settlements. Hovevei Zion or Hibbat Zion refers to organizations that are considered the foundations of the modern Zionist movement. These movements led to creation of Rishon LeZion in 1882 which is the first Jewish settlement in Palestine; which was at that time under Ottoman Empire. First Zionist Congress held in 1897 started the unified Zionist Movement which was converted to World Zionist Organisation in 1960. This movement was successful in legalizing its demand of separate Jewish state in Palestine after Balfour Declaration 1917, in which British Mandate of Palestine’s (1917 – 1948) foreign Secretary Arhur James Balfour wrote letter to the leader of British Jewish Community Baron Rothschild, pledging British Empire support of creation of Jewish State in Palestinian Land.
So what kind of relationship does Pakistan and Israel has over period of 60 years?
While writing this blog I also tried to ask couple Pakistanis; their view points about Pakistan-Israel Relationship. Yousaf is Pakistani Engineer living and working in Saudi Arabia. Being in the region, Pakistanis here are emotionally and regionally attached to Middle East crisis. I asked him what kind of relationship both countries have. “Relationship between Pakistan and Israel are tied to the fact that how Israel government treats the Palestinians. In general, as Jerusalem is considered as one of the holiest places in Islam; this fact serves as a thorn in the eyes of Pakistanis.” Yousaf said.
Pakistan is among those 20 UN member nations which do not recognise Israel as an independent state. These 20 countries also include Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Chad, Cuba, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Unofficial media reports say that first Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion send secret message to Muhammad Ali Jinnah to formally accept its existence, but no response was given back to him. At the time of independence of Pakistan, it was reported that some 2,000 Jews remained in Pakistan, mostly Bene Yisrale Jews. Many left to Israel after its declaration of independence. Jews from Karachi, Pakistan, now live in Ramla, Israel, and they also built a synagogue they named Magen Shalome after the Pakistani Synagogue which was demolished in 1980.
60s, 70s and beginning of 80s were the decades when for the first time both countries came face to face when Arab-Israel war started. In “Six-day Arab Israeli War” of 1967; Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF) and Pakistan Air Force (PAF) were flying under a joint command. PAF pilot Flt. Lt. Saiful Azam became the only pilot from the Arab side to have shot down 3 IDF/AF aircraft within 72 hours.
In 1973 Arab-Israeli Yom Kippur War, 16 PAF pilots volunteered to support Syria and Egypt. On 23 October 1973 Flt. Lt. M. Hatif shot down the Israeli Phantom. On 26 April 1974, PAF pilot Flt. Lt. A. Sattar Alvi became the first Pakistani pilot, during the Yom Kippur War; to shoot down an Israeli Mirage in air combat. He was honoured by the Syrian government. Nur Khan, who was the Wing Commander received praised from Israeli President Ezer Weizman who wrote in his autobiography that: “He was a formidable fellow and I was glad that he was Pakistani and not Egyptian“. Pakistan also sent medical ambulances to Egypt and Syria.
On political level many statements were given. As chair of the Second Islamic Summit in 1974, then Pakistan’s Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto said: “To Jews as Jews we bear no malice; to Jews as Zionists, intoxicated with their militarism and reeking with technological arrogance, we refuse to be hospitable.”
A controversial book was published in 2003, named Charlie’s Wilson war which conspire about use of Israeli weapons supplied to General Zia ul Haq to fight Soviets in Afghanistan (1979 – 1989). Famous Hollywood movie Charlie’s Wilson War was also released in 2007. After that the back door politics started between Pakistan and Israel.
The President of Pakistan General Zia ul Haq was assassinated in plane crash on 17 August 1988. Among the conspiracy theories; Mossad (Israeli Intelligence Agency) involvement is also believed to exist. In the fall 2005 World Policy Journal, John Gunther Dean, a former US ambassador to India, blamed the Mossad for orchestrating Zia’s assassination in retaliation for Pakistan developing a nuclear weapon to counteract India and Israel.
Ali is my friend living in Middle East. I asked him, can there ever be any friendship or peace between Pakistan and Israel, to which he replied, “Yes there can be, Israel is a small country with a group of people belonging to a group of faith. And also it is in its interest that it should be at peace with every country, and especially those countries that it feels can threaten its existence.”
It is believed that, at the time of Benazir Bhutto’s Government both countries had very strong relationship especially in countering terrorism. In 1993 Benazir Bhutto, along with her then-Director-General of Military Operations, Pervez Musharraf, intensified the ISI’s liaison with Mossad in 1993, and she too began to cultivate the American Jewish lobby. Bhutto is said to have had a secret meeting in New York with a senior Israeli diplomat, who flew to the U.S. during her visit to Washington, D.C. in 1995.
In 1998 Pakistan and Israel were again on the verge of war. On 27 May 1998, day before Pakistan conducted its nuclear test in Chaghi, Southern Province of Balochistan, Pakistan; unidentified F-16 was found hovering around skies on border areas of Pakistan. Pakistan Air Force; taking is as repetition of Israeli Conspiracy similar to 1981, Air Bourne its fighters to foil any attack. But Pakistan and Israeli UN delegation met in UN soon after Pakistan Nuclear tests in 1998 to give assurance that Pakistan will not transfer its technologies to Iran, the arch-enemy of Israel.
Musharraf’s nine years of rule was also golden times for both countries. In 2003, General Pervaiz Musharraf said on television interview, “Mainly Muslim Pakistan must seriously take up the issue of recognizing Israel and avoid dealing with it on emotional grounds”. This statement gave birth to local opposition, esp. among Religious Parties in Pakistan. “Jerusalem is not just an Arab issue, it is linked to the faith of every Muslim” said Qazi Hussain Ahmed, chief of Jamaat-i-Islami Pakistan, the largest and oldest religious political party. “Presenting Palestine as a sole Arab issue is a heinous conspiracy of the imperialists and colonists aimed at disintegrating the Muslims and shattering the concept of Muslim unity. It is for the same reason the colonist forces are trying to portray every Muslim issue as regional or bilateral” said Qazi.
An unofficial Pakistan-Israel Peace Forum was created the next day of the meeting. It was created by 3 friends Waleed Ziad (Pakistan), Dror Topf (Israel), and Michael Berenhaus (US), all currently based in Washington, DC. This forum was an unsuccessful attempt to lobby in UN, US, Israel and Pakistani political establishments, hoping that Pakistani might accept Israel as independent legal state.
Pakistan and Israel are also secretly involved in Weapons and Arms Development Race. Close ties between India and Israel, and arms business between them forces Pakistan to keep an eye on Israel’s weapons industry. Like for example; Pakistan Ordinance Factory (POF) developed POF Eye Gun and exhibited in 2008 to counter the Israeli made Cornershot Rifle which is also known as Jews Gun in Arab World.
I thought why not to ask some of Palestinians who have been living in exile for almost six decades. Abdul-Rahman is originally from Nabulus, West Bank and Qasim is from Gaza. I asked them what role Pakistan can play any role in solving
It was interesting journey going through all the historic events which Pakistan and Israel share and knowing different ideas and opinions. All these events which I have mentioned above, cannot be confirmed from any credible or authentic source as all this happened back stage, behind the camera. But whatever governments’ relationship may be it is true that people of Pakistan still want to call every conspiracy as Zionist conspiracy and this will keep on going until some peaceful solution is devised to Middle East crisis between Muslim Palestinians and Jewish Israelis.
Written by Junaid
July 8, 2010 at 12:38 PM

As Pakistan celebrates 14th anniversary of its ‘Nuclear Tests’ held in 1998, Jamat’ud’Dawa’s Ameer Professor Hafiz Saeed has demanded that Pakistan is the only Muslim country to possess Nuclear capability and deterrence, therefore it is imperative for Pakistan to secure the Holy Cities ‘Harmain’ Makkah and Madina against any possible threat especially after exposed USZ design to carry out destruction of Ka’bah and Masjid-e-Nabvi (s.a.ww), the most sacred places for Muslims around the world.
Speaking to thousands of people at DPC (Difa-e-Pakistan Council) Worker Convention Maulana Amir Hamza of Jamat’ud’Da’wah asked, “What is the use of Nuclear Bombs if they can’t ensure the security of Makkah Mukarrama?” Prof.Hafiz Saeed further re-emphasized during his speech, “We can sacrifice 1000 Pakistans 4 the honor of Makkah and Madinah, Name of Prophet, Honor of Holy Qur’an if need be!”.
Speaking exclusively with us after the program Prof. Hafiz Saeed congratulated Pakistanis and Muslims around the world on Youm’e’Takbeer he further expressed, “Pakistan should not fear any sanctions, instead it should strengthen its feet in order to protect freedom. World imposed sanctions against us in 1998 still we survived, the intellectuals who entice fear of sanctions for Nato supplies should take this day as an example. Strong Pakistan is the key for Afghanistan’s and Kashmir’s problem.”
On the question of Makkah and Madina he said, “No place is more sacred a muslim than Makkah and Madinah, given the emerging threats from USZ, there should be no compromise on securing the holy Cities. Pakistan is bound to safeguard Harmain, Since it is blessed with this Nuclear capability and found in the name of Islam”, He further said, ”we must not forget that ALLAH has promised to protect these places and it will be an honor for Pakistan to be part of that protection”.
DPC is an umbrella organization of some 40 odd religious and political organizations that oppose possible resumption of NATO supply that has become the major source of contention between USZ and Pakistan.
July 8, 2010 at 12:38 PM
> Pakistan defence > “Pakistani Nuclear Shield for Makkah & Madina”: Hafiz Saeed
“Pakistani Nuclear Shield for Makkah & Madina”: Hafiz Saeed
As Pakistan celebrates 14th anniversary of its ‘Nuclear Tests’ held in 1998, Jamat’ud’Dawa’s Ameer Professor Hafiz Saeed has demanded that Pakistan is the only Muslim country to possess Nuclear capability and deterrence, therefore it is imperative for Pakistan to secure the Holy Cities ‘Harmain’ Makkah and Madina against any possible threat especially after exposed USZ design to carry out destruction of Ka’bah and Masjid-e-Nabvi (s.a.ww), the most sacred places for Muslims around the world.
Speaking to thousands of people at DPC (Difa-e-Pakistan Council) Worker Convention Maulana Amir Hamza of Jamat’ud’Da’wah asked, “What is the use of Nuclear Bombs if they can’t ensure the security of Makkah Mukarrama?” Prof.Hafiz Saeed further re-emphasized during his speech, “We can sacrifice 1000 Pakistans 4 the honor of Makkah and Madinah, Name of Prophet, Honor of Holy Qur’an if need be!”.
Speaking exclusively with us after the program Prof. Hafiz Saeed congratulated Pakistanis and Muslims around the world on Youm’e’Takbeer he further expressed, “Pakistan should not fear any sanctions, instead it should strengthen its feet in order to protect freedom. World imposed sanctions against us in 1998 still we survived, the intellectuals who entice fear of sanctions for Nato supplies should take this day as an example. Strong Pakistan is the key for Afghanistan’s and Kashmir’s problem.”
On the question of Makkah and Madina he said, “No place is more sacred a muslim than Makkah and Madinah, given the emerging threats from USZ, there should be no compromise on securing the holy Cities. Pakistan is bound to safeguard Harmain, Since it is blessed with this Nuclear capability and found in the name of Islam”, He further said, ”we must not forget that ALLAH has promised to protect these places and it will be an honor for Pakistan to be part of that protection”.
DPC is an umbrella organization of some 40 odd religious and political organizations that oppose possible resumption of NATO supply that has become the major source of contention between USZ and Pakistan.