Dominique Venner = un imbécile (raciste ?) anti-musulman = un
ignoramus ‘sincère’ !
Dominique Venner commits suicide in front of Notre-Dame in protest against the homosexual destruction of the family in FranceGLSEN Teaches Massachusetts Public School Teens How to Have Homosexual "Fist Sex"!
A word of caution to parents: These audio clips contain graphic sexual language and are not appropriate for children.
The following audio files are disturbing. These people are demented sickos. This is what is being taught to 14-year old children in the public school system. This was sponsored by the GLSEN organization. President Barack Obama recently appointed sicko GLSEN founder, Kevin Jennings, to head the “Safe Schools” effort. America has fallen into the hands of the wicked!
Parents need to teach their children the truth that homosexuality is abnormal, sinful and a form of mental-illness. At the time these recordings were made, there were 700 GLSEN groups. As of 2010 there are over 4,000![1]You may freely download these files by right mouse-clicking and saving. Please distribute these to warn everyone . . .
Here are backup files from LoveTheTruth.com in case the server is busy...
- Brian Camenker: Background Information on the Current State of Affairs in the Massachusetts Public Schools (Length 5:28)
- Scott Whiteman: Introducing the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network, GLSEN (Length 4:16)
- Scott Whiteman: Department of Education Helping to Put Children into Sexual Exploratory Mode (Length 3:55)
- Scott Whiteman: Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), Coming to a School Near You (Length 2:26)
- Scott Whiteman: What Your Child Can Do On An All Out Sex Date (Length 4:41)
- Scott Whiteman: Teaching Children to Try Something Bad... TRIBADISM (Length 3:38)
- Scott Whiteman: Children Learn About 'Fisting' (Length 5:36)
- Scott Whiteman: As With Vegetables, Children Shouldn't Knock Homosexuality Until They Have Tried It (Length 8:02)
- Scott Whiteman: A Poem On The Real Agenda (Length 2:49)
- Brian Camenker: The Big Lie (Length 3:32)
- Brian Camenker: Background Information on the Current State of Affairs in the Massachusetts Public Schools (Length 5:28)
- Scott Whiteman: Introducing the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network, GLSEN (Length 4:16)
- Scott Whiteman: Department of Education Helping to Put Children into Sexual Exploratory Mode (Length 3:55)
- Scott Whiteman: Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), Coming to a School Near You (Length 2:26)
- Scott Whiteman: What Your Child Can Do On An All Out Sex Date (Length 4:41)
- Scott Whiteman: Teaching Children to Try Something Bad... TRIBADISM (Length 3:38)
- Scott Whiteman: Children Learn About 'Fisting' (Length 5:36)
- Scott Whiteman: As With Vegetables, Children Shouldn't Knock Homosexuality Until They Have Tried It (Length 8:02)
- Scott Whiteman: A Poem On The Real Agenda (Length 2:49)
- Brian Camenker: The Big Lie (Length 3:32)
The following audio clips are IDENTICAL to the preceding clips, except these are Real Media files if you prefer this format instead. These clips were created for the RealPlayer program. You may obtain a free copy of RealPlayer Basic under the Real home page located here.
Please be patient for the files to download. Once downloaded, Real Player will open if you have that program on your computer.
- Brian Camenker: Background Information on the Current State of Affairs in the Massachusetts Public Schools (Length 5:28)
- Scott Whiteman: Introducing the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network, GLSEN (Length 4:16)
- Scott Whiteman: Department of Education Helping to Put Children into Sexual Exploratory Mode (Length 3:55)
- Scott Whiteman: Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), Coming to a School Near You (Length 2:26)
- Scott Whiteman: What Your Child Can Do On An All Out Sex Date (Length 4:41)
- Scott Whiteman: Teaching Children to Try Something Bad... TRIBADISM (Length 3:38)
- Scott Whiteman: Children Learn About 'Fisting' (Length 5:36)
- Scott Whiteman: As With Vegetables, Children Shouldn't Knock Homosexuality Until They Have Tried It (Length 8:02)
- Scott Whiteman: A Poem On The Real Agenda (Length 2:49)
- Brian Camenker: The Big Lie (Length 3:32)
GLSEN-backed 2000 “Fistgate” scandal in Massachusetts:
This is about as sick as it gets! At a GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Educational Network) sponsored conference at Tufts University, on March 25, 2000, three homosexual activists employed by the Massachusetts Departments of Health and Education led a youth workshop titled “What They Didn’t Tell You about Queer Sex & Sexuality in Health Class” — part of the annual Boston-GLSEN “Teach Out” conference held at Tufts University. The “Queer Sex” session, advertised to “youth only ages 14 to 21,” was attended by Massachusetts family advocate Scott Whitemen, who taped it while standing in the back of the room.
In the workshop, instructor Michael Gaucher, prompted by a teen’s question, verbally guided the students on the mechanics of “fisting” — a homosexual slang term for a sadistic sex act in which a person inserts his or her hand and arm into another person’s anal cavity. Another instructor, Margot Abels, said fisting “often gets a really bad rap,” and described it innocuously as “an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with.” Abels and Gaucher also guided the students on techniques of oral sodomy and lesbian sex.
On March 25, 2000 the Massachusetts Departments of Education and Health teamed up with the national gay and lesbian group GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) and conducted a conference for school children and educators. The conference was held under the guise of tolerance and safe schools. However, as the Parent's Rights Coalition discovered, this conference was about teaching children the unsafe mechanics of homosexuality. Following the conference, organizers denied claims of misconduct made by the Parent's Rights Coalition. Organizers were forced to concede the truth after the Parent's Rights Coalition made public an audio recording from the conference, which substantiated their claims. A free copy of the Parent's Rights Coalition audio tape can be obtained from the Massachusetts News web page. Alternatively, if your computer is audio capable, then you may listen to the following 10 audio clips, in order, to hear the entire contents of the free audio tape. The Homosexual Movement in Massachusetts Schools
The infamous and horrific "Fistgate" incident
The following article was published in the May, 2000, issue of Massachusetts News. Soon afterwards, a tape was released with the actual voices of the adults -- state employees -- secretly made during workshop described below. That tape sent shock waves across the country. The story was covered by media in the US and other countries, and is even written about in several books.
Has the world gone insane when such a lawsuit could be taken seriously?? Read what happened and judge for yourself.
CAUTION: THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE CONTAINS GROSS AND DISGUSTING DESCRIPTIONS. We reprint it here because it involved state employees and schoolchildren -- and these actions are still being defended by the homosexual movement in Massachusetts.
Students Given Graphic Instruction In Homosexual SexBy Brian Camenker and Scott Whiteman
Massachusetts News - May, 2000 edition
"Fisting [forcing one's entire hand into another person's rectum or vagina] often gets a bad rap....[It's] an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with...[and] to put you into an exploratory mode."The above quotation comes from Massachusetts Department of Education employees describing the pleasures of homosexual sex to a group of high school students at a state-sponsored workshop on March 25, 2000.
On March 25, a statewide conference, called "Teach-Out," was sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Education, the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, and the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN).
Among the goals were to build more Gay/Straight Alliances in Massachusetts and expand homosexual teaching into the lower grades. Scores of gay-friendly teachers and administrators attended. They received state "professional development credits."
Teenagers and children as young as 12 were encouraged to come from around the state, and many were bussed in from their home districts. Homosexual activists from across the country were also there.
To say that the descriptions below of workshops and presentations of this state-sponsored event for educators and children are "every parent's nightmare," does not do them justice. It is beyond belief that this could be happening at all. One music teacher who attended out of curiosity said that she could not sleep for several nights afterwards and had nightmares about it.
"Queer sex for youth, 14-21"
In one well-attended workshop, "What They Didn't Tell You About Queer Sex & Sexuality In Health Class: A Workshop For Youth Only, Ages 14-21," the three homosexual presenters acting in their professional capacities coaxed about 20 children into talking openly and graphically about homosexual sex. The three presenters, who described themselves as homosexual, were:
- Margot E. Abels, Coordinator, HIV/AIDS Program, Massachusetts Dept. of Education
- Julie Netherland, Coordinator, HIV/AIDS Program, Massachusetts Dept. of Education
- Michael Gaucher, Consultant, HIV/AIDS Program, Massachusetts Dept. of Public Health
The workshop syllabus included:"We will address the information you want about queer sexuality and some of the politics that prevent us from getting our needs met."
- "What's it like to be young, queer and beginning to date?
- "Are lesbians at risk for HIV?
The workshop opened with the three public employees asking the children "how they knew, as gay people, whether or not they've had sex." Questions were thrown around the room about whether oral sex was "sex," to which the Department of Public Health employee stated, "If that's not sex, then the number of times I've had sex has dramatically decreased, from a mountain to a valley, baby." Eventually the answer presented itself, and it was determined that whenever an orifice was filled with genitalia, then sex had occurred. The Department of Public Health employee, Michael Gaucher, had the following exchange with one student, who appeared to be about 16 years old:
Michael Gaucher: "What orifices are we talking about?"
Student: [hesitation]
Michael Gaucher: "Don't be shy, honey; you can do it."
Student: "Your mouth."
Michael Gaucher: "Okay."
Student: "Your ass."
Michael Gaucher: "There you go."
Student: "Your pussy. That kind of place."
But since sex occurred "when an orifice was filled," the next question was how lesbians could "have sex." Margot Abels discussed whether a dildo had to be involved; when it was too big or too small; and what homosexual resources students could consult to get similar questions answered.
Role playing and "carpet munching"
Then the children were asked to role-play. One student was to act the part of "a young lesbian who's really enraptured with another woman, and it's really coming down to the wire and you're thinking about having sex." The other student played the "hip GSA (gay, straight alliance) lesbian advisor, who you feel you can talk to." The "counseling" included discussions of lesbian sex, oral-vaginal contact, or "carpet munching," as one student put it. The student asked whether it would smell like fish. At that point the session turned to another subject.
"A lesson in fisting?"
There was a five minute pause so that all of the teenagers could write down questions for the homosexual presenters. The first question was read by Julie Netherland, "What's fisting?"
A student answered this question by informing the class that "fisting" is when you put your "whole hand into the ass or pussy" of another. When a few of the students winced, the Department of Public Health employee offered, "A little known fact about fisting: you don't make a fist like this. It's like this." He formed his hand into the shape of a tear drop rather than a balled fist. He informed the children that it was much easier.
Margot Abels told the students that "fisting" is not about forcing your hand into somebody's "hole, opening or orifice" if they don't want it there. She said that "usually" the person was very relaxed and opened him or herself up to the other. She informed the class that it is a very emotional and intense experience.
At this point, a youngster of about 16 asked why someone would want to do that. He stated that if the hand were pulled out quickly, the whole thing didn't sound very appealing to him. Margot Abels was quick to point out that although fisting "often gets a really bad rap," it usually isn't about the pain, "not that we're putting that down." Margot Abels informed him and the class that "fisting" was "an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with." When a child asked the question, "Why would someone do this?" Margot Abels provided a comfortable response to the children, in order to "put them into an exploratory mode."
"Rubbing each others' clits..."
Michael Gaucher presented the next question, "Do lesbians rub their clits together?"
Michael Gaucher and Margot Abels asked the kids if they thought it was possible and whether someone would do a "hand-diagram" for the class. No one volunteered, but a girl who looked about 15 or 16 then stepped up to the board and drew a three foot high vagina and labeled each of the labia, the clitoris, and "put up inside the 'G'-spot." While drawing, Michael Gaucher told her to use the "pink" chalk, to which Margot Abels responded, "Not everyone is pink, honey." All of the children laughed.
After the chalk vagina was complete, the children remarked on the size of the "clit," and the presenters stated that that was a gifted woman. Then Margot Abels informed all of the young girls that, indeed, you can rub your "clitori" together, either with or without clothes and "you can definitely orgasm from it." Michael Gaucher told the kids that "there is a name for this: tribadism," which he wrote on the board and told one girl who looked about 14 to "bring that vocabulary word back to Bedford." Julie Netherland informed the children that it wasn't too difficult because, "When you are sexually aroused, your clit gets bigger."
"Should you spit after you suck another boy (or a man)?"
Michael Gaucher read the following from a card: "Cum and calories: Spit versus swallow and the health concerns." Gaucher informed the children that although he didn't know the calorie count of male ejaculation, he has "heard that it's sweeter if people eat celery." He then asked the boys, "Is it rude not to swallow?" Many of the high school boys mumbled "No," but one about the age of 16 said emphatically, "Oh no!" One boy, again about the age of 16, offered his advice on avoiding HIV/AIDS transmission while giving oral sex by not brushing your teeth or eating course food for four hours before you "go down on a guy," "because then you probably don't want to be swallowing cum."
Another question asked was whether oral sex was better with tongue rings. A 16-year-old student murmured, "Yes," to which all of the children laughed. Michael Gaucher said, "There you have it" and stated something to the effect that the debate has ended.
Use a condom? It's your decision, really.
One often hears that there is an aggressive HIV/AIDS prevention campaign, but the session ran 55 minutes before the first mention of "protection" and safer sex came. In the context of the "safer sex" discussion, however, it was pointed out that these children could make an "informed decision" not to use a condom. Outside in the conference hall, the children could easily obtain as many condoms, vaginal condoms and other contraceptive devices as they wished from various organizations which distribute such.
Well, yes...it really is about sex!
Another popular session was presented by the same three public employees in their professional capacity and was called, "Putting the 'Sex' Back Into Sexual Orientation: Classroom Strategies for Health & Sexuality Educators."
The workshop included:
What does it mean to say "being gay, lesbian and bisexual isn't about sex?...How can we deny that sexuality is central for all of us? How do we learn to address the unique concerns of queer youth?...This workshop is for educators to examine strategies for integrating sexuality education and HIV prevention content specific to gay, lesbian and bisexual students into the classroom and GSA's....additional strategies will be discussed."
The three presenters now assumed the task of teaching teachers how to facilitate discussions about "queer sex" with their students.
Tired of denying it
Margot Abels opened by telling the room full of teachers (and two high school students), "We always feel like we are fighting against people who deny publicly, who say privately, that being queer is not at all about sex... We believe otherwise. We think that sex is central to every single one of us and particularly queer youth."
Margot Abels, Julie Netherland and Michael Gaucher reviewed a few "campaigns" that have been used to demonstrate to queer youth how to best "be safe" while still enjoying homosexual sex.
The campaign, "Respect yourself, protect yourself," was thought to be good in getting the message to kids that they should use protection, but since it made children who didn't protect themselves feel bad, it ultimately was a poor message. Michael Gaucher pointed out that children "with an older partner that they are not feeling they can discuss things with, does that mean that they don't respect themselves?"
The campaign, "No sex, no problem," was ridiculed, as the campaign assumed that children could opt not to have sex. Additionally, the campaign made those children who had already had sex feel bad or think they had a problem, since they had had sex.
After reviewing a few of the campaigns, Margot Abels described the project she works on. The "Gay/Straight Alliance HIV Education Project" goes to five different schools each year conducting up to eight "HIV prevention sessions" in that school's gay club. These same presenters who just told a group of children how to properly position their hands for "fisting" were now telling a room full of educators that they would visit their schools and conduct the same workshops for their students.
An enormous amount of very disturbing material was distributed at the conference. Much of it encourages young children to become actively engaged in homosexual activities. The Sidney Borum Community Health Center table was giving out a cassette sized "pocket sex" kit, which included two condoms, two antiseptic "moist" towelettes, and six bandages, which were for "when the sex got really rough," according to the high school volunteer behind the desk. There was a supply of condoms supplied by both Sidney Borum and Planned Parenthood, all of which were for the taking. Children as young as 12 or 13 participating and receiving "information" and materials.
But most shocking of all was that there was an eerie sense of solidarity in the air, against "those bigots who would stop our progress."
Soon afterward the above took place, the three state employees were fired by the Department of Education.
The homosexual movement responded by immediately initiating a lawsuit against Brian Camenker, Scott Whiteman, and Parents Rights Coalition, claiming that they had violated an obscure and antiquated Massachusetts wiretapping law and seeking monetary damages. The "Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders" (GLAD) — the same state-funded group that won the Goodridge same-sex "marriage" case — went right into action.
A few months later, Margot Abels, one of the fired instructors, managed to get an arbitrator to reinstate her job. She didn't take her job back, but instead initiated her own lawsuit to collect damages.
The GLAD lawsuit was settled in 2005, when GLAD essentially abandoned the case, and allowed Camenker to distribute the tape with no restrictions. The Abels case lay dormant for nearly five years, and everyone had the impression she had simply left the state and had no intention of pursuing it further.
SOURCE: http://massresistance.org/docs/issues/fistgate/massnews.html
Woe Unto America's Children!
It is a shame and tragic that little school children are being indoctrinated into believing that homosexuality is good and acceptable; but they are not taught the truth. The Bible is God's Word, which condemns all forms of lesbianism, homosexuality, cross-dressing, transgender (sex change) and same-sex marriage.
Read what some left-wing sicko public school teacher did in California...
A California school system refuses to say what action, if any, it will take after it received complaints about a kindergarten teacher who encouraged her students to sign "pledge cards" in support of gays.
During a celebration of National Ally Week, Tara Miller, a teacher at the Faith Ringgold School of Arts and Science in Hayward, Calif., passed out cards produced by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network to her class of kindergartners.
The cards asked signers to be "an ally" and to pledge to "not use anti-LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) language or slurs; intervene, when I feel I can, in situations where others are using anti-LGBT language or harassing other students and actively support safer schools efforts."
The school has acknowledged that the exercise was not appropriate for kindergartners.
Parent Adela Voelker, who declined to be interviewed in depth for this report, said she was furious when she found her child's signature on one of the cards. She said she contacted a non-profit legal defense organization specializing in parents' rights.
Meanwhile, a school board member, Jeff Cook, says some type of action should be taken.
"We have a general rule that all instruction should be age appropriate, and this clearly was not," said Cook, who has served on the school board for five years.
SOURCE: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,445865,00.html
That's just sick! Have they no shame at GLSEN? Can you imagine, trying to teach Ronald that it's ok to stick something in Timmy's backside? ...or that it's ok for a boy to become a girl? What has American society deteriorated to? It is tragic. Any honest child knows that God created Adam and Eve; not Adam and Steve. GLSEN are a bunch of sickos!
“Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.” —Ephesians 4:19
"And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life" (John 5:40)
Notice that
Jesus said “ye will
not come,” not ye cannot come.
Jesus came to SAVE SINNERS! | They “Knew Not Until the Flood Came”
"Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the LORD..." —Malachi 2:17
Homosexuality is a sin! Don't upset God by saying it's not!
There is a way out!
If you really love someone, you'll tell them the truth.
Help Protect America's
The Homosexual Movement
And Pedophilia
The homosexual activist movement and
organized pedophiles are linked together by a common goal:
To gain access to children for seduction into homosexuality. |
There is an ever-increasing effort among
homosexual organizations to target public school children, to abolish age of
consent laws, and to publish “studies” that purportedly show that
adult/child sex is not harmful.
The following reports provide clear and
convincing proof that homosexual pedophiles (called pederasts) want
children. Homosexuals should not be given special federal protections under
“hate crime” laws; they should not be free to promote homosexuality in
public schools; nor should they be allowed to marry or adopt children. Many
homosexuals are sexual predators who prey on children.
Download and distribute these reports to
your state and federal legislators, community leaders, pastors, and
http://traditionalvalues.org/urban/one.php Exposed: Homosexual Urban Legend: NAMBLA And Homosexual Activism http://traditionalvalues.org/urban/nine.php Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse http://traditionalvalues.org/urban/one-a.php Child Molestation And The Homosexual Movement http://www.regent.edu/acad/schlaw/lawreview/articles/14_2baldwin.PDF Homosexuals Recruit Public School Children http://www.traditionalvalues.org/pdf_files/TVCSpecialRptHomosexualRecruitChildren.PDF Pedophiles/Sex Torturers Seek Normalization http://traditionalvalues.org/pdf_files/PedsHomosexuals.pdf Exposed: The Next Phase Of The Homosexual Movement http://www.traditionalvalues.org/pdf_files/PublicSex.pdf Sympathy For Child Sex Predators http://www.traditionalvalues.org/pdf_files/pedophile_free_zones.pdf Homosexuality And Pedophilia http://us2000.org/cfmc/Pedophilia.pdf http://www.weeklystandard.com/content/public/articles/000/000/001/333rtjrn.asp Pedophilia Chic Part 2 http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/001/334juixf.asp Pedophilia Chic Reconsidered http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/001/329pdstm.asp Pedophilia Chic Reconsidered Part 2 http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/001/330nanxg.asp
Homosexual Propagandists
Use Schools And Libraries To Normalize Homosexual Behaviors.
Many of these books are designed to stigmatize opponents
of homosexual behavior as bigoted and hateful and inaccurately portray
“happy” homosexual families consisting of two men or two women and their
children. All children in homosexual families come from broken homes or were
conceived by artificial insemination. A homosexual household is by
definition, abnormal, and
children are at greater risk for molestation in these homes than in
homes with a mother and father who care for their own biological children.
One of the most popular books distributed by homosexual
activists to preteen and teenagers is
Two Teenagers In Twenty, (formerly called One In Ten, and
published by Alyson Publishers, Boston). It describes the sexual experiences
of teenagers who engage in homosexual behaviors. One chapter of the book
details the seduction of a teenage girl by her dance instructor on a field
trip out of town.
Alyson Publishers is also the publisher of the
out-of-print book, The Age Taboo—Gay Male Power, Sexuality, Power, and
Consent, which includes essays on having sex with children and
teenagers. One essay is written by North American Man-Boy Love Association
founder David Thorstad!
Please read,
They Spit in His Face!
The books listed below are from “twolives.com,”
a homosexual publishing company.
your copy of THE AGENDA by Rev. Louis P. Sheldon and
purchase extra copies to give to
your pastor, neighbors, friends, and
This is one of the most important books to
be written in the past 20 years—and it needs to be in the hands
of millions
of Americans.
THE AGENDA describes how homosexual activists plan on recruiting
your children into the lifestyle;
how they’re undermining traditional
marriage; and how they will eventually criminalize any public criticism
homosexual conduct. (It’s already happening in Canada where the gay agenda
is well advanced.)
Former Oklahoma Congressman J.C.
Watts has said of THE AGENDA: “This powerful and
hard-hitting book
lays bare the reality and risks of the homosexual agenda.”
Author Rev. Louis P. Sheldon has issued a
call for all Christians to actively oppose the homosexual
agenda: “The
homosexual agenda is an attack on everything our Founding Fathers hoped to
give us.
But I am convinced that we can witness a tremendous victory, and
with God’s help, we shall overcome.”
Purchase a copy for yourself and a half dozen or more to hand out to
your associates! Help us get the
truth out about the dangers facing our
nation from THE GAY AGENDA.
A five year old boy who rejected his gender is now living as a girl with the support of his family, doctors and school.
Zach Avery was three when he started questioning his gender, and began wearing dresses and ribbons in his hair.
Following a psychological evaluation he was diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder (GID), and has now been living as a girl for more than a year.
[Related story: Couple names baby girl after feature on Facebook]
[Related story: Meet the parents raising a genderless baby]
The disorder is a conflict between a person's physical gender and what they identify as. It prompts Zach to feel like a girl trapped in a boy's body.According to his mother Theresa Avery, until the age of three Zach was a regular boy who loved Thomas the Tank Engine, but suddenly he became obsessed with Dora the Explorer and started dressing in girls clothes.
Ms Avery, who has three other children, told the Daily Telegraph that Zach's anguish at being a boy was such that "he used to cry and try to cut off his willy out of frustration."
Eventually NHS doctors officially diagnosed Zach with GID, one of the youngest affected children in the UK.
Ms Avery said: "They told us that although he had a male body, his brain was telling him he was a girl."
Zach's primary school now addresses him as a girl and has changed the toilets to Unisex.
Ms Avery said the school has been very supportive and Zach had experienced no bullying from other children.
"We explained to the other kids at the school that Zach's body was that of a boy but in his brain he was a girl. We said Zach was just happier being a girl than a boy," Ms Avery told the Daily Telegraph.
According to the Tavistock and Patman Foundation Trust in London, where Zach was diagnosed, 165 children received a GID diagnosis in the past year, of which only seven were under the age of five.
A spokesperson for the Trust said: "The trend in referrals has been up over the years - this may reflect greater awareness.
"In general when younger children are referred it is in relation to cross gender preferences in play, play mates and activities. It is more unusual for children of this age to express cross gender identification."
Note from BAFS
"A five year old boy who rejected his gender is now living as a girl with the support of his family, doctors and school."
"Zach Avery was three when he started questioning his gender, and began wearing dresses and ribbons in his hair."
This wording is totally wrong. How could a five year old reject his gender, start questioning his gender at three, and begin to wear dresses and ribbons in his hair, and become "obsessed with Dora the Explorer" ALL BY HIMSELF?
This is again another Tavistockian gender manipulation! CARDINAL SLAMMED BY HOMOPHILES FOR DEFENDING THE SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE!
A Catholic cleric who hit out at the "madness" of the Government's gay marriage plans has been condemned for "scaremongering".
Cardinal Keith O'Brien, the leader of the Catholic Church in
Scotland, accused the coalition of trying to "redefine reality" and
claimed the proposals were a "grotesque subversion of a universally
accepted human right."But his comments were roundly criticised amid fears the outburst would fuel prejudice.
In an article for The Sunday Telegraph, Cardinal O'Brien wrote: "Since all the legal rights of marriage are already available to homosexual couples, it is clear that this proposal is not about rights, but rather is an attempt to redefine marriage for the whole of society at the behest of a small minority of activists.
"Same-sex marriage would eliminate entirely in law the basic idea of a mother and a father for every child. It would create a society which deliberately chooses to deprive a child of either a mother or a father. Other dangers exist. If marriage can be redefined so that it no longer means a man and a woman but two men or two women, why stop there? Why not allow three men or a woman and two men to constitute a marriage, if they pledge their fidelity to one another?"
Plans to introduce civil gay marriages have divided the Conservative party and put David Cameron on a collision course with a number of religious leaders. Cardinal O'Brien's attack was the most outspoken attack to date.
But the Prime Minister is a "passionate" advocate of the change, telling his party two years ago he supported gay marriage "because I am a Conservative".
Margot James, the first openly lesbian Conservative MP, criticised the "apocalyptic language" used by the Cardinal and accused him of "scaremongering"
"I think it is a completely unacceptable way for a prelate to talk," she told BBC 1's Andrew Marr Show. "I think that the Government is not trying to force Catholic churches to perform gay marriages at all. It is a purely civil matter."
Labour's Deputy Leader Harriet Harman said she hopes the comments would not end up "fuelling or legitimising prejudice". "We have had prejudice, discrimination and homophobia for hundreds of years, that doesn't make it right," she told the show. "I don't want anybody to feel that this is a licence for whipping up prejudice."
Why All Porn is Gay (Encore)
February 24, 2009(originally posted in Feb. 2006)
In 2004, a woman revealed details of Hugh Hefner's sex life.
If the Playboy founder is any indication, a life dedicated to porn and promiscuity leads to homosexuality and impotence. The 60's icon of suave masculinity is, in old age, a grotesque self-parody.
Hefner, 82, pays a bevy of whores $2000 a week to be his girlfriends and have sex with him every Wednesday and Friday. He uses Viagra and watches male gay porn to stay erect while as many as ten concubines mount him in succession. The other girls simulate lesbian sex to arouse him.
"He doesn't really do anything," says Jill Anne Spaulding, author of the book "Upstairs." He just lies there with his Viagra erection. It's just a fake erection, and each girl gets on top of him for two minutes while the girls in the background try to keep him excited. They'll yell things like, "F-k her daddy, f-k her daddy!" There's a lot of cheerleader going on!"
No one becomes a playmate without having intercourse with Hefner. The "girl next door" is now a whore; and Hefner's maudlin example of arrested development is a fitting epitaph for his Playboy Philosophy.
Playboy was not a spontaneous phenomenon. It was social engineering designed to foster homosexuality and family breakdown. See my "Playboy and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution." This is why Spaulding's revelations got so little publicity.
The "establishment" agenda is to destabilize and neuter us by encouraging homosexual behavior. This ensures we don't propagate since homosexuals have sex but don't have children.
They redefine "homosexual" as a "sexual preference" or "lifestyle choice" rather than a developmental disorder so as to entrap us. Never mind that the vast majority of homosexuals come from dysfunctional families or suffered sexual abuse as youths. Our reluctance to embrace homosexuality is considered "bigotry."
In response, let's take liberties with these definitions ourselves. Having the right paradigm is the key to healthy behavior.
Forget about what you normally think of gay or straight (same-sex , opposite sex attraction etc.) Think of heterosexuality as monogamous and dedicated to rearing children; homosexuality as promiscuous and concerned with sex for its own sake.
Heterosexuality involves bonding permanently with a member of the opposite sex for love and usually procreation. It is participating in the natural life cycle, in the intrinsic meaning of life. Personal and societal health depend on heterosexuality.
Homosexuality is a form of arrested development caused by an inability to form a heterosexual bond. As a result, homosexuals compensate using sex as a surrogate for love.
In these terms, society has become more homosexual because, due to social engineering (i.e. the "sexual revolution," feminism) many heterosexuals now fail to permanently bond. Normally, happily married heterosexuals can put sex in perspective and move on to more important things.
A perceptive reader recently wrote me: "If heterosexual sex outside of marriage is acceptable, if we eliminate the procreative aspect from sex, are heterosexuals any different from homosexuals in regards to the sexual activity?"
Exactly. I know these definitions are not "politically correct." PC is propaganda, social engineering and mind control. PC is an old Communist Party (i.e. Illuminati) term.
I do not disparage gays. According to my definitions, the vast majority of homosexuals are really "heterosexuals" like Hugh Hefner. And a small minority of homosexuals are monogamous and partake in some heterosexual values.
Last year I wrote: "Throughout modern history Illuminati bankers have used "sexual liberation" to subvert society and establish their subtle tyranny. As Masonic revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini said, "we corrupt in order to rule."
The Illuminati bankers need to introduce "world government" to translate their unjust monopoly over credit into total world control.
They realized that they couldn't take control until they destroyed the family. This was a main plank of the Communist Manifesto in 1848, along with the creation of a private central bank.
Every major "revolution" in modern history has increased Illuminati banker control and the sexual revolution is no exception.
The Illuminati used Hugh Hefner's "Playboy" to divorce sex from love, marriage and family. They own the major cartels and control the media through advertising.
The movies are very effective in fostering homosexuality. Sex is often something reserved for your enemies. Recently I saw "Dr. No" (1962) again. The fashionable James Bond has sex with a woman even after he realizes she is involved in an attempt to kill him. After they have sex, Bond has her imprisoned.
In the movie Munich (2006), the Israeli assassins confront an attractive woman who killed their colleague. She displays her goods and suggests her death would be "a waste of talent." She thinks they might have sex with a woman they intend to kill.
Human beings are malleable and take their standards from movies. There is nothing so destructive to human society as the separation of sex and love. It reduces men to dogs, and women to fire hydrants.
The Illuminati wishes to harness sex in the interests of hate. Love is the enemy of hate and must be destroyed.
According to our definition of homosexuality, (i.e. promiscuity outside of love and/or procreation), all pornography is gay. The porn consumer is engaged in a promiscuous masturbatory fantasy. He is not focused on his marriage and progeny.
From what I have said, it should be clear that homosexuality is incompatible with heterosexuality, just as promiscuity is incompatible with monogamy. Gay activists admit their goal is to destroy heterosexuality.
Pornography is poisoning heterosexuality. There is a place for tasteful nudity as a stopgap while seeking marriage.
(See my "Managing the Male Sex Drive" ) But as you know, pornography has reached epidemic proportions. "Adult Video News" predicts revenue of $12.6 billion this year. The Internet has literally thousands of porn sites. TV and pop music increasingly are pornographic.
Pornography warps the way a man sees all women and girls. Many sites include girls as young as 14. See "Erototoxins"
Young females think they are useful for one thing only. Thousands in the porn industry display what everyone has instead of cultivating what is rare and valuable: femininity.
I hate to burst the bubble on a billion dollar industry: Young naked women are practically identical. They have identical equipment. Boobs and bush. Symmetrical faces. Do men need to see literally thousands of examples?
There is something addictive here. Why don't men get sick of it? Why don't they suffer from gynecologist's fatigue? The plethora of breasts and splayed legs takes the wonder out of sex and causes contempt for women and impotence. Maybe this is the point: new drugs keep people running on empty. (See "The Porn Pharma Complex")
Sexual attraction is mostly a function of a woman's fertility. Women are designed to marry and procreate when they are young and most attractive. Marriage ensured that men would have to commit if they wanted sex. By undermining marriage, occult social engineers have turned a critical social and reproductive activity into a lifetime obsession, better to divert, degrade and control the masses.
We were not prepared for the attack on our humanity by "sexual liberation" and porn. We didn't know our leadership had been subverted by the Illuminati.
Marriage and family are the essential building blocks of society. Family ensures that each new generation is properly nurtured and prepared for life.
Most people receive values, purpose, identity and love from their family roles.
Heterosexuality provides life with profound meaning. There is no greater potential for love than marriage and parenthood.
Raising a child is the supreme act of devotion and faith in God and is practiced and tested every day.
Homosexual social engineering is gradually destroying these sources of happiness and health, personal and societal.
See also my "Confessions of a Survivor of the (Homo) Sexual Revolution"
A sex addiction web site.
New York teens turning to Lesbianism
marriages would be a "profoundly radical step" that would threaten the
true meaning of matrimony the most influential Catholic in England and Wales has warned, it has been reported.
Plans to extend marriage
to same-sex couples would strip the union of its "distinctive nature"
and reduce it to just the commitment of the two people involved, without
recognising the intention of procreation and the education of children,
the Archbishop of Westminster, the Most Reverend Vincent Nichols, will say.The warning is part of a letter seen by the Daily Telegraph which is due to be read from the pulpit in 2,500 churches during Mass this Sunday.
The letter is co-signed by the Archbishop of Southwark, the Most Reverend Peter Smith and comes as ministers prepare to launch a consultation on the introduction of same-sex marriages.
The Archbishops argue that marriage is a "natural institution" with a meaning understood by wider society outside the Church. It says that extending it to same-sex couples would reduce its significance.
In the letter, the Archbishops say: "Changing the legal definition of marriage would be a profoundly radical step. Its consequences should be taken seriously now. The law helps to shape and form social and cultural values.
"A change in the law would gradually and inevitably transform society's understanding of the purpose of marriage. It would reduce it just to the commitment of the two people involved. There would be no recognition of the complementarity of male and female or that marriage is intended for the procreation and education of children. We have a duty to married people today, and to those who come after us, to do all we can to ensure that the true meaning of marriage is not lost for future generations."
The letter says the roots of marriage lie in human nature and the pattern of complementarity and fertility in the union are affirmed by many other religious traditions. It argues that matrimony is an expression of "our fundamental humanity" and says: "Neither the Church nor the State has the power to change this fundamental understanding of marriage itself."
It continues: "Its status in law is the prudent fruit of experience, for the good of the spouses and the good of the family. In this way society esteems the married couple as the source and guardians of the next generation. As an institution marriage is at the foundation of our society."
The letter has been sent to bishops across England and Wales and is being circulated to parishes this week, the Daily Telegraph reported. It is accompanied by a cover note asking priests to encourage their parishioners to sign a petition set up by Lord Carey's Coalition For Marriage, opposing the redefinition of marriage, the paper said.
Ben & Jerry’s renames flavour to support marriage equality in the UK
Ice cream giant
Ben & Jerry’s is renaming one of their famous flavours in the UK to
show support for same sex marriage equality.
Oh! My! Apple Pie! will become Apple-y Ever After and tubs will be redesigned to feature a gay couple atop a wedding cake decorated with rainbows.
This comes ahead of the UK government’s consultation on how to implement marriage equality for gay couples which is due to launch this week.
As part of the campaign Ben & Jerry’s have partnered with charity Stonewall, and have unveiled a webpage which allows people who believe in equality in marriage to send off a letter to their local MP.
Ilaria Ida, Ben & Jerry’s European Social Mission Manager said: “This is a proud day for Ben & Jerry’s when we can show our support for a cause that’s at the core of our values.”
Together Stonewall and the ice cream maker also launched a new Facebook app that asks users to ‘marry’ each other online.
Laura Doughty, Stonewall’s Deputy CEO said: “We’re truly moved by Ben and Jerry’s support for same-sex marriage in Britain.
“All people want is to call their long-term relationship by the same name as everyone else. Our strong advice to those who disapprove of same-sex marriage is just not to get married to someone of the same sex.”
The move echoes the company’s efforts in 2009 when they renamed their ‘Chubby Hubby’ ice cream flavour, ‘Hubby Hubby’ in Vermont, USA, in celebration of the legalisation of gay marriages.
Followers on Twitter can support the campaign by using Ben & Jerry’s #appleyeverafter hashtag.
Oh! My! Apple Pie! will become Apple-y Ever After and tubs will be redesigned to feature a gay couple atop a wedding cake decorated with rainbows.
company hope to raise awareness for the proposed legislation and help
convince the deliberating members of parliament that it’s time to say ‘I
do’ to same sex marriage.
[Related story: Artist creates British icons in Jaffa Cakes]
This comes ahead of the UK government’s consultation on how to implement marriage equality for gay couples which is due to launch this week.
As part of the campaign Ben & Jerry’s have partnered with charity Stonewall, and have unveiled a webpage which allows people who believe in equality in marriage to send off a letter to their local MP.
Ilaria Ida, Ben & Jerry’s European Social Mission Manager said: “This is a proud day for Ben & Jerry’s when we can show our support for a cause that’s at the core of our values.”
Together Stonewall and the ice cream maker also launched a new Facebook app that asks users to ‘marry’ each other online.
Laura Doughty, Stonewall’s Deputy CEO said: “We’re truly moved by Ben and Jerry’s support for same-sex marriage in Britain.
“All people want is to call their long-term relationship by the same name as everyone else. Our strong advice to those who disapprove of same-sex marriage is just not to get married to someone of the same sex.”
The move echoes the company’s efforts in 2009 when they renamed their ‘Chubby Hubby’ ice cream flavour, ‘Hubby Hubby’ in Vermont, USA, in celebration of the legalisation of gay marriages.
Followers on Twitter can support the campaign by using Ben & Jerry’s #appleyeverafter hashtag.
The vast majority of instances, homosexuality has environmental origins, not genetic...
By Tony Ryan
Originally published on Mathaba in 2007. Mathaba readers would be wise to read the following carefully because the chances of you encountering this information elsewhere are probably close to non-existent. I am writing this, not as an article, but as a narrative; this way the judgements quite rightly become yours. In 1975, I was visiting traditional Aboriginal people at Galiwinku community, on Elcho Island, Arnhem land, NT, Australia. Although at this time, English was not even a second language; in fact for most people over thirty-five, it was a sixth or seventh language; I was vaguely comprehensive of a few of these, and semi-fluent in one. Later review showed there was no mistake in interpretation, especially as the person in the centre of the discussion spoke fluent English and was western high school educated. His name was Maratja (his surname, as I recall, was Dhamarrandji). As a curious but ingenuous 17 year old, visiting my home in Darwin in 1974, Maratja glanced through one of my neighbour’s windows and spotted a couple of homosexual men having sex. He was fascinated and I had considerable difficulty dragging him away from the window. I provided the usual explanations about what they were doing and put his bewildered ignorance down to youth. However, one evening about a year later, while visiting Galiwinku, I was asked by Maratja and a group of his relations to join a large group of people at one of the camps. I was rather mystified by the obvious blocking of communication between Maratja and myself, adept as these people are at spotting sign language or other covert communications. We arrived at the camp and there were about forty people sitting around the fire; an unusual size for this time of night. One of Maratja’s senior male relations then asked me what Maratja had seen that night at the window of the adjoining unit; which I duly did. The crowd gasped in astonishment that I had told the same story as Maratja’s, because nobody had believed him. They thought that it was an incredibly creative story, told as a prank by always mischievous Maratja; the sort of thing people do to amuse each other around the camp fire. No one had seriously considered the story was true and bringing me to the camp was a carefully scripted plan to catch Maratja out; all part of the game. There was a stunned silence when I confirmed his story, followed by many wondering questions. By now, it was I who was stunned. As my job at the time was social research on behalf of the government; I quizzed the people carefully. It became readily apparent that sex between males was an unheard of event. Reinforcing my conclusion, the discussion broke into hilarity as various wags verbalised unlikely and scandalous scenarios involving local identities, particularly missionaries; and this had people laughing so helplessly they could barely stand up. My last recollection of that incident was of Maratja’s grandparents shrieking with laughter as they tried to walk home in the dark, constantly falling over one another in reaction to the other’s proffered and increasingly outrageous scenarios. A young person had to be sent over to help them home. The implications of this event are that homosexuality was unknown to pre-European-arrival Aboriginal people. (In the Kimberly, in spite of documented attempts to make them admit to past homosexual practices, the old men angrily denied it). Later research led me to believe that it was also unknown to the African Bushmen (Kung), and probably to Inuit. I rather suspect that Sami might reveal a similar background. The unavoidable conclusion is that in the vast majority of instances, homosexuality has environmental origins; not genetic. There are congenital exceptions, but these are relatively rare and the differences are unmistakable. In fact, a family of congenital mixed-sex individuals is quite well known in Darwin’s Bagot Community and the Tiwi Islands. Being in the music/entertainment industry as a young single man, and having shared work and accommodation with a wide variety of gays, one of my flatmates being a drag queen; homosexuality was unremarkable to me; I merely found their constant self-centeredness, backstabbing and drama tiresome. I recollect several street fights wherein I was defending gays from poofter-bashers; but this was merely my response to any form of bullying. I was then, and continue to be, opposed to bullying gays or anyone else. My concern is the happiness of individuals and I believe that if family organisation can be modified to prevent unnecessary off-centre sexual/personality development, people have a right to know about it. However, the political gay movement itself, through dishonest presentation of gays being 10-15% of the population, whereas they barely make up 1-3%; has been manipulated by individuals for gain (ie the pink dollar); and by globalists as a useful source of social division and as a means of breaking down the traditional family unit; which is correctly interpreted by commercial psychologists as sales resistance and an obstacle to their client’s capacity to penetrate the lucrative youth market. No doubt, the typically ruthless political arm of the gay movement will attack what I have said so, whether or not I have the prerequisite knowledge and expertise to make such an assessment, is entirely up to the readers. This is your prerogative and do not be intimidated. In a curious manifestation of Stockholm Syndrome, many gays have taken to bullying heterosexuals and this should be confronted as one would any other bully. For future reference for researchers; as this narration constitutes all that I ever will write on this subject, I have additionally noted that male homosexuals invariably have unusually close relationships with their mother; and never discuss their father. Go figure. In the cultures which were without homosexuality, boys and girls were nurtured with the same super-indulgence of love and affection; by both male and female parents and relations; and grandparents were always in close proximity, also pouring out affection without constraint. The contrasting western tendency to withhold affection and comfort from boys, in the belief it will make them sissy and weak, is an inarguable factor in the development of male homosexuality. One-parent families, with custodial mother, probably push the odds towards homosexual orientation. Objective research would probably reveal how and why; if ever this is permitted to occur. Conflicting with typical moralistic traditional Christian beliefs, I doubt if existing homosexuality is treatable. In terms of the current unilateral introduction of gay philosophy to primary school children; which is enabled because the majority of heterosexual teachers have been hounded out of education, leaving a majority remainder of gay proselytizers, my conclusion is that non-normative development should not be presented to children as normal or normative. Such presentation distorts reality, confuses children, and creates conflict with parents; which is never healthy. Homosexuality is a condition, not a lifestyle. Parents should also be asking themselves how healthy it is to have primary school children dominated, not only by teachers (who are, after all, people who have never left school and who have little idea of the real world), but by an almost exclusive regime of females and homosexual men. Is there an answer? Of course there is. There is an acknowledged shortage of teachers. Parents must demand of government that new applications for teacher positions are also open to people who have a one year background in teacher training, this being the requirement of past teachers who performed more than adequately. Secondly, if there is any suggestion of impropriety between a teacher and a student, this must be addressed by a council of school feeder area parents, none of whom are part of the teaching profession, or have spouses who are teachers. In this manner commonsense can reenter education and a normal balance returned to our schools. In other respects: if parent councils replace the role of principal, and if all aspects of school management decision-making excluding finance, become the responsibility of school councils, then schools will recover their capacity to prepare our children for life, and do so in harmony with parents and the wider community. This will also prevent future psycho-social invasions of curriculum. Tony Ryan is the writer of the micro-tabloid Australian Independent and helps organise the Australian Independent's Alliance. He writes on a broad range of topics and can be contacted at tonyryan28@gmail.com. # |
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