By Mike King
We have all seen those gruesome images of emaciated
concentration camp inmates described as 'Holocaust TM survivors'.
Some of these images
were indeed those of victims of various diseases known to have
existed in the camps --especially toward the end of the war
as conditions deteriorated. Some others are straight-up fakes;
and others may even have been images of Germans who were placed in the camps and starved after the war's end. Who
can say for sure which photos represent which situation?
one thing we can say with absolute certainty is that there are numerous
images, from numerous internment camps,
which reveal happy and healthy inmates at the time of
liberation. Indeed, a few of them look downright chubby! In addition
to the over-abundance of other evidence to refute the Holohoax,
these images add a final finishing touch - a death blow to
the fairy tale of "extermination camps". It simply defies all logic and reason to suggest that the Germans
would fatten inmates who were destined for "zee gass chambers".
fact that so many inmates "survived" is more than enough evidence to
the Holohoax -- but the added fact that they were well fed and
sheltered, even toward the very end, makes the tale laughable.
The following collection of liberation photos speaks for
itself. Note the healthy bodies and some of the happy faces. Of course,
we would expect the liberated inmates of a detention camp to smile -- but not the traumatized inmates of an "extermination
camp" where mass murder and torture were said to have occurred on a daily basis. No sir. Those joyous smiles are out
of place, as are the waistlines!
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There are plenty more
images of newly liberated
prisoners who were obviously well-fed -- even after the German
guards had fled the camps in advance of the Allied advance.
How good of these ruthless 'exterminators' to have fed their
intended victims so well -- right up until the very end. Heck
-- they even took good care of the pregnant Jewish moms!
Add another nail to the coffin of 'The Holohoax!'
It's time
for the Holohoaxers to raise the White Flag of surrender!
Pr Roger Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce,
Pr Robert Faurisson et Michael Hoffman II
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#1 05-03-2010 18:52:04
Roger Polacco de Ménasce
Roger Dommergue - Entretien avec le professeur
Origine du film : France
Acteurs : Roger Dommergue
Durée : 43 minutes
Date de sortie : 2009
Langue : Français
Sous-titres : English
Acteurs : Roger Dommergue
Durée : 43 minutes
Date de sortie : 2009
Langue : Français
Sous-titres : English
Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce, né en 1923, est un essayiste français. Il a produit plusieurs ouvrages ainsi que des essais sur la médecine naturelle. Lors de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, il a combattu dans l'armée de l'air des Forces françaises libres. Il est titulaire d'un doctorat en psychopathologie.
Fils d'un non-juif et d'une juive convertie au christianisme (selon son autobiographie), il n'est donc pas circoncis. Il a néanmoins été élevé durant la majeure partie de son enfance par sa grand mére maternelle, juive, mais a totalement rejeté le judaïsme, tout comme le christianisme d'ailleurs (qu'il définit comme une religion juive). Après avoir été franc-maçon, il se revendique maintenant comme libre penseur et agnostique.
Écrits et théories
Le premier ouvrage de Roger Dommergue, J'ai mal de la terre, est largement autobiographique. Ayant été élevé par sa grand-mère Charlotte de Menasce, il raconte son enfance dans cette famille juive illustre, et les raisons qui l'ont poussé à sa prise de conscience, notamment sur ce qu'il pense être les conséquences hormonales de la circoncision au 8e jour. Il a ensuite précisé cette théorie dans Dossiers secrets du XXIe siècle. Il y revient entre autres sur les raisons officielles et sur celles non-dites de la circoncision, ainsi que sur son historique dans le monde ancien par exemple en Egypte, pour appuyer sa théorie.
Il est un défenseur et praticien de la médecine naturelle sur laquelle il a rédigé de nombreux essais ainsi que quelques ouvrages. Il a créé à Châteauroux l'Institut Dr Alexis Carrel, association visant à la diffusion de la médecine naturopathe.
Il a également produit plusieurs écrits révisionnistes (notamment Auschwitz, le silence de Heidegger) apres s'être intéressé à la question et avoir longuement correspondu avec le Professeur Robert Faurisson.
La circoncision au 8e jour
Roger Dommergue considère que les juifs sont des malades glandulaires victimes de la pratique rituelle de la circoncision au 8e jour, leur octroyant une psychologie particulière qui serait la cause majeure de diverses tragédies vécues par cette communauté. Il s'inspire des travaux du Docteur Jean Gautier qui a postulé l'antériorité fonctionnelle du système hormonal sur le système nerveux[4], et affirme que la circoncision au 8e jour perturbe la première puberté pendant laquelle le système hormonal du nouveau-né se construit. Cette opération atrophierait selon lui la glande génitale interne, causant une hypertrophie de la thyroïde, de l'hypophyse ou parfois des glandes surrénales et ayant de lourdes conséquences psychologiques. Il a tenté d'attirer, sans succès, l'attention de certains membres éminents de la communauté juive sur sa théorie, et appelle à supprimer radicalement la pratique de la circoncision au 8e jour.
Fils d'un non-juif et d'une juive convertie au christianisme (selon son autobiographie), il n'est donc pas circoncis. Il a néanmoins été élevé durant la majeure partie de son enfance par sa grand mére maternelle, juive, mais a totalement rejeté le judaïsme, tout comme le christianisme d'ailleurs (qu'il définit comme une religion juive). Après avoir été franc-maçon, il se revendique maintenant comme libre penseur et agnostique.
Écrits et théories
Le premier ouvrage de Roger Dommergue, J'ai mal de la terre, est largement autobiographique. Ayant été élevé par sa grand-mère Charlotte de Menasce, il raconte son enfance dans cette famille juive illustre, et les raisons qui l'ont poussé à sa prise de conscience, notamment sur ce qu'il pense être les conséquences hormonales de la circoncision au 8e jour. Il a ensuite précisé cette théorie dans Dossiers secrets du XXIe siècle. Il y revient entre autres sur les raisons officielles et sur celles non-dites de la circoncision, ainsi que sur son historique dans le monde ancien par exemple en Egypte, pour appuyer sa théorie.
Il est un défenseur et praticien de la médecine naturelle sur laquelle il a rédigé de nombreux essais ainsi que quelques ouvrages. Il a créé à Châteauroux l'Institut Dr Alexis Carrel, association visant à la diffusion de la médecine naturopathe.
Il a également produit plusieurs écrits révisionnistes (notamment Auschwitz, le silence de Heidegger) apres s'être intéressé à la question et avoir longuement correspondu avec le Professeur Robert Faurisson.
La circoncision au 8e jour
Roger Dommergue considère que les juifs sont des malades glandulaires victimes de la pratique rituelle de la circoncision au 8e jour, leur octroyant une psychologie particulière qui serait la cause majeure de diverses tragédies vécues par cette communauté. Il s'inspire des travaux du Docteur Jean Gautier qui a postulé l'antériorité fonctionnelle du système hormonal sur le système nerveux[4], et affirme que la circoncision au 8e jour perturbe la première puberté pendant laquelle le système hormonal du nouveau-né se construit. Cette opération atrophierait selon lui la glande génitale interne, causant une hypertrophie de la thyroïde, de l'hypophyse ou parfois des glandes surrénales et ayant de lourdes conséquences psychologiques. Il a tenté d'attirer, sans succès, l'attention de certains membres éminents de la communauté juive sur sa théorie, et appelle à supprimer radicalement la pratique de la circoncision au 8e jour.
Original :
http://www.miroriii.com/fichier/88/2217 … r-avi.html
Original with English subtitle :
http://www.miroriii.com/fichier/88/2217 … r-avi.html
Original with English subtitle :
Dernière modification par SigelVictoria (05-03-2010 18:53:05)
Ce n'est pas le volume de connaissance qui importe, mais comment on l'utilise...
Roger Polacco de Ménasce
Roger Polacco de Ménasce (Roger Dommergue) est un Juif contemporain en désaccord avec la judéopathie mondialiste totalitaire.
Dans cette synthèse magistrale (livre Vérité et synthèse), basée sur une énorme et rare documentation, l'auteur aborde la " Question juive " en citant ce que des Juifs importants affirmèrent à ce propos, et en confrontant ces déclarations avec celles que des non-Juifs célèbres exprimèrent sur le même sujet.
Ce livre est certes un réquisitoire sans concession de la sempiternelle " Question juive ", mais il dépasse la critique stérile pour proposer une solution digne et naturelle.
Biographie de l'auteur
Lors de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, il a combattu dans l'armée de l'air des Forces françaises libres. Il est titulaire d'un doctorat en psychopathologie.
Fils d'un non-juif et d'une juive convertie au christianisme (selon son autobiographie), il n'est donc pas circoncis. Il a néanmoins été élevé durant la majeure partie de son enfance par sa grand-mère maternelle, juive, mais a totalement rejeté le judaïsme, tout comme le christianisme d'ailleurs (qu'il définit comme une religion juive).
Après avoir été franc-maçon, il se revendique maintenant comme libre penseur et agnostique.
Dans cette synthèse magistrale (livre Vérité et synthèse), basée sur une énorme et rare documentation, l'auteur aborde la " Question juive " en citant ce que des Juifs importants affirmèrent à ce propos, et en confrontant ces déclarations avec celles que des non-Juifs célèbres exprimèrent sur le même sujet.
Ce livre est certes un réquisitoire sans concession de la sempiternelle " Question juive ", mais il dépasse la critique stérile pour proposer une solution digne et naturelle.
Biographie de l'auteur
Lors de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, il a combattu dans l'armée de l'air des Forces françaises libres. Il est titulaire d'un doctorat en psychopathologie.
Fils d'un non-juif et d'une juive convertie au christianisme (selon son autobiographie), il n'est donc pas circoncis. Il a néanmoins été élevé durant la majeure partie de son enfance par sa grand-mère maternelle, juive, mais a totalement rejeté le judaïsme, tout comme le christianisme d'ailleurs (qu'il définit comme une religion juive).
Après avoir été franc-maçon, il se revendique maintenant comme libre penseur et agnostique.
Roger Dommergue considère que les juifs sont des malades glandulaires victimes de la pratique rituelle de la circoncision au 8e jour, leur octroyant une psychologie particulière qui serait la cause majeure de diverses tragédies vécues par cette communauté.
Il s'inspire des travaux du Docteur Jean Gautier qui a postulé l'antériorité fonctionnelle du système hormonal sur le système nerveux, et affirme que la circoncision au 8e jour perturbe la première puberté pendant laquelle le système hormonal du nouveau-né se construit.
Cette opération atrophierait selon lui la glande génitale interne, causant une hypertrophie de la thyroïde, de l'hypophyse ou parfois des glandes surrénales et ayant de lourdes conséquences psychologiques.
Il a tenté d'attirer, sans succès, l'attention de certains membres éminents de la communauté juive sur sa théorie, et appelle à supprimer radicalement la pratique de la circoncision au 8e jour.
Il s'inspire des travaux du Docteur Jean Gautier qui a postulé l'antériorité fonctionnelle du système hormonal sur le système nerveux, et affirme que la circoncision au 8e jour perturbe la première puberté pendant laquelle le système hormonal du nouveau-né se construit.
Cette opération atrophierait selon lui la glande génitale interne, causant une hypertrophie de la thyroïde, de l'hypophyse ou parfois des glandes surrénales et ayant de lourdes conséquences psychologiques.
Il a tenté d'attirer, sans succès, l'attention de certains membres éminents de la communauté juive sur sa théorie, et appelle à supprimer radicalement la pratique de la circoncision au 8e jour.
Vérité et synthèse : la fin des impostures
Dossiers secrets du XXIème siècle
Livre disponible aux Editions de Cassandra
Histoire divers : Documents révisionnistes
J'ai mal de la Terre
Dossiers secrets du XXIème siècle
Livre disponible aux Editions de Cassandra
Histoire divers : Documents révisionnistes
J'ai mal de la Terre
Le martyr et l'holocauste des nègres par les juifs trafiquants esclavagistes
Le martyre et l'holocauste des nègres par les juifs trafiquants esclavagistes.
Par Roger Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce un Juif en désaccord absolu avec la judéopathie mondialiste totalitaire.
Quand la communauté noire internationale va-t-elle demander des réparations à la communauté juive pour l'immense préjudice que lui a causé le commerce juif des esclaves?
Quand dressera-t-on un monument commémoratif de ce crime de lèse-humanité à ne jamais oublier?
Parmi ceux qui accompagnaient Christophe Colomb à son arrivée en Amérique, il y avait cinq juifs:
Luis de Torres, Marco, Bernal, Alonzo de la Calle, Gabriel Sanchez.
Ils persuadèrent Colomb de capturer 500 Indiens et de les vendre comme esclaves à Séville en Espagne.
Les juifs furent chassés d'Espagne en 1492 et du Portugal en 1497. Ils s'installèrent aux Pays-Bas où ils fondèrent «la Compagnie hollandaise des Indes Occidentales» (c'est à dire l'Amérique).
En 1654, Jacob Barsimson fut le premier juif à émigrer de Hollande vers New Amsterdam (New York).
De nombreux juifs le suivirent, s'établissant sur la côte et commerçant avec les autochtones. Le premier à exercer ainsi ce métier fut Layman Lévi qui échangeait des pacotilles venues de Hollande contre de précieuses fourrures.
Les juifs Nicholas Lowe et Joseph Simon prirent alors part à ce fructueux commerce. Lowe eut l'idée de vendre du rhum aux Indiens sans méfiance. En un rien de temps la ville portuaire de Newport comptait 22 distilleries. Toutes appartenaient à des juifs.
L'intoxication alcoolique des Indiens et les massacres perpétrés en état d'ivresse sur les premiers colons européens sont dus à cette initiative juive. Newport, qu'on appela longtemps «Newport juif», devint un centre mondial du trafic d'esclaves avec l'Afrique.
Les bateaux partaient de Newport vers l'Afrique Occidentale pour y capturer leur cargaison humaine noire. 128 bateaux qui débarquaient des esclaves à Charleston appartenaient à des Juifs de Newport et de Charleston. La traite des esclaves était un monopole juif.
Le juif Aaron Lopez joua un rôle très important dans ce monstrueux commerce de 1726 à 1774, il contrôla personnellement 50% de la traite de ces êtres humains dans toutes les colonies américaines.
En 1717 la première loge maçonnique fut fondée: 90% des membres en étaient juifs. Vingt ans plus tard la loge maçonnique King David fut fondée. Elle était entièrement juive;
Accompagnons le bateau «Abigaïl» du juif Aaron Lopez jusqu'en Afrique Occidentale. En mai 1752, il fut chargé de 34.000 litres de rhum, d'une énorme quantité de fers à mettre aux mains et aux pieds des Noirs qui seraient ramenés comme esclaves.
Il y avait aussi pistolets, poudre, sabres, et une abondante camelote, comme fond de «commerce». Le capitaine Freedman était un juif.
Trois mois plus tard ils abordaient la terre d'Afrique où de nombreux agents d'établissements juifs, travaillaient pour le compte des trafiquants d'esclaves, étaient sur place. Les choses se passèrent comme avec les Indiens: les chefs des tribus noirs étaient saoulés au rhum et vendaient or, ivoire et membres de la tribu.
Souvent on menait les tribus noires à travers forêts et steppes jusqu'à la côte. Le trajet durait des semaines et beaucoup succombaient.
Les cravaches empêchaient les colonnes d'esclaves de s'arrêter. On abandonnait à une mort affreuse ceux qui ne pouvaient suivre.
Des ossements jonchaient les pistes. Arrivés à la côte, ils étaient laissés dans leurs fers, inspectés comme du bétail, et gardés par des chiens féroces.
On leur rasait le crâne et on les marquait au fer rouge, ce qui permettait de reconnaître les fugitifs.
Pères, enfants, femmes étaient séparés et de désespoir certains se noyaient en se jetant à la mer. Un voyage sans espace de trois mois était atroce.
Manque de place, scènes de folie pour
quelques centimètres carrés, matière fécale, fouets pour faire régner le calme. Les femmes étaient violées par l'équipage. Les nombreux morts étaient jetés par-dessus bord.
Historiens et statisticiens évaluent à 9 millions le nombre des victimes de cette horreur juive banalisée. Véritable holocauste celui-là.
11 millions ont dû survivre débarqués dans les ports américains où ils furent vendus dans de véritables marchés à bestiaux. Les bénéfices furent considérables: par exemple le voilier «la Fortuna» revint en Amérique avec 217 Noirs payés 4300 dollars et revendus 41.438 dollars.
Dans le nord des États-Unis le trafic d'esclaves était interdit. Les juifs Sandifortd Lay, Woolman, Solomon et Benezet oeuvrèrent afin qu'il devînt légal.
L'institut Carnégie de Washington possède de nombreux documents qui prouvent de façon radicale que le vaste trafic d'esclaves fut un monopole juif, sur lequel les non-juifs n'avaient aucune participation. [...]
Parmi les habitants de Newport et de Charleston nous relevons plus de cent noms juifs participant au trafic d'esclaves et à l'exploitation des distilleries, depuis Isaac Gomez à Abraham All, en passant par Felix de Souza et Aaron Lopez connus comme les rois du trafic d'esclaves...
Dans un article publié peu avant la guerre des six jours, le Professeur Shahak nous a montré que le trafic d'esclaves entre l'Europe et l'Orient, était entièrement entre les mains des juifs, autre «petit détail ...» Tous les Juifs connaissaient cet horrible trafic, ce crime monstrueux.
Pourquoi les rabbins n'ont-ils pas déféré les auteurs devant un tribunal? Pourquoi les honnêtes petits juifs n'ont-ils pas opposé une âpre résistance à ce génocide authentique, lui, et qui ne souffre pas de contradictions arithmético-techniques [comme au sujet de la révision à la basse – 10 x moins ! - du nombre des Juifs morts durant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale et l’impossibilité technique des gazages massifs d’êtres humains avec du Ziklon B !] ?
Aujourd'hui encore l'immense majorité des Noirs aux U.S.A ont le statut social d'assisté. Or cette misère de la masse noire est due aux trafiquants juifs d'esclaves de l'époque.
Les descendants des trafiquants juifs sont-ils coupables, comme on veut que les Allemands le soient d'un holocauste plus que remis en question?
Qu'en pense Bronfman, roi de l'alcool et chantre milliardaire d'un holocauste de 6 millions de juifs, alors que l'American Jewish year book, fixe à 3.300.000 le nombre de juifs présents en 1941 en Europe occupée?
Qu'ont fait les juifs en matière de réparations envers la population noire alors que l'Allemagne aura versé en 2030, la somme de 119 milliards 790 millions de marks (Multiplier par 3 pour avoir l'équivalent en francs) !!!
Que vont faire les Juifs pour entretenir la mémoire et le sentiment de culpabilité juive envers les Noirs?
Ce génocide va-t-il être rappelé sans cesse dans les médias?
Les politiciens juifs vont-ils sans cesse demander pardon aux Noirs?
Va-t-on conduire les enfants juifs sur les lieux du crime ou à des expositions?
Vont-ils faire en sorte que cet horrible génocide ne tombe jamais dans l'oubli?
Actuellement des êtres humains en provenance d'Asie, d'Amérique Latine et d'Afrique sont l'objet de trafics menés par des juifs.
Que vont faire les juifs à leur égard?
Et les Palestiniens?
Qui en dehors du professeur Shahak, va s'élever contre le martyre et l'injustice qui leur est imposé?
Où sera le monument commémoratif et quelles réparations les juifs vont-il accorder aux Russes pour ceux massacrés dans des Goulags par un régime entièrement juifs par ses idéologues, ses financiers, ses politiciens, ses administrateurs et ses bourreaux carcéraux et concentrationnaires, ou réduits à des famines volontairement agencées comme en Ukraine où il y eut six millions de morts?
Les juifs vont-ils demander pardon pour l'outrecuidance de leurs livres saints racistissimes: «Le peuple de Yahwé est le peuple distingué parmi tous les peuples.
- Israël est le peuple élu entre toutes les nations
- Le Seigneur t'a choisi pour être son peuple à lui parmi tous les peuples de la terre
- Tous les peuples que le Seigneur ton Dieu te livre, tu les dévoreras et les regarderas sans pitié
- De tes fils tu feras des princes par toute la terre - Yahwé a mis Israël à la tête de toutes les nations
- Le Seigneur ton Dieu exterminera les peuples chez qui tu te rends pour les déposséder de leur territoire
- Les Dieux des autres peuples sont des fantômes, des idoles et des démons.
- Aux serviteurs des idoles il faut faire une guerre d'extermination.»
Y a-t-il une phrase analogue de ce type mystico-mégalo-paranoïaco-raciste dans tout Mein Kampf? Non! Absolument pas. 30 décembre 2004 Autres sources et travaux: Who brought the slaves to America?-(Liberty Bell, decembre 1976).
Elisabeth Donnan: Documents illustrative of the History of the slave trade to America. Malcom Cowley: Adventures of an African slave. (1928).
Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein: The Story of the Jews in Newport. (Carnegie Institute of Technology-Pittsburgh).
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews publié en 1991 par The Nation of Islam, PO Box 551, Boston MA 02119, USA. .

Auteur : Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce Roger
Ouvrage : Dossiers secrets du XXIème siècle Vérité et synthèse La fin des impostures
Année : 19**
Lien de téléchargement : Dommergue_Polacco_de_Menasce_Roger_-_Dossiers_secrets_du_XXIeme_siecle.zip
"C'est dans la nuit des temps que l'homme a commencé à s'égarer" Lao-Tseu. "La vérité à ce niveau, ce n'est même plus de l’héroïsme, c'est une grandiose folie: vous êtes le plus marginal des marginaux", Docteur... "Cette main est celle du type humain le plus achevé au niveau de l'intelligence pure. Celui qui en est doté sera contraint au suicide ou à la folie s'il ne jouit pas d'une situation sociale suffisante ou d'une fortune personnelle, de fait de la brutalité et de la dureté de la vie. Si l'homme à la main psychique parvient à sur-vivivre il communiquera à une petite chapelle d'initiés intelligents des connaissances que l'inspiration lui aura dictées". "Le dandy,quand il ne se tue pas ou ne devient pas fou, fait carrière et pose pour la postérité" Albert Camus (L'homme révolté) "J'ai déversé sur toi toutes les forces du mal afin que tu connaisses la maternité de Dieu". " Je crois que je comprends bien vos difficultés. je souhaite que vous puissiez les dépasser sans les oublier" ( Albert Camus - lettre à l'auteur) " L'homme qu i a contact avec le surnaturel est par essence ROI.car il est la présence dans l a société sous forme d'infiniment petit d'un ORDRE TRANSCENDANT AU SOCIAL". ( Simone Weil ) ...
3028 lectures
Histoire E-Book
Recension d'ouvrages rares et interdits

The term Hollywoodism refers to the transformation, often mendacious, of reality by the spirit and practices of a whole sphere of American cinema. At first, I shall discuss the evil in general done by Hollywoodism. Secondly, I shall describe the wrongs of Hollywoodism in the shaping of the imposture of “the Holocaust”, that is in building the myth of genocide, gas chambers and six million Jews killed by the Germans during the Second World War. Finally, in a third and last part I shall speak of Revisionism as the antidote par excellence to Hollywoodism and its incessant, aggressive publicity for the religion of “the Holocaust”.
Michael Anthony Hoffman II, (born 1954, New York), is an American historian and writer. Hoffman has been characterised [1]as a conspiracy theorist and Holocaust denier; he has questioned the accuracy and legitimacy of the latter term.
Hoffman is the managing editor of the newsletter Revisionist History, and describes himself as a "heretical writer." He is little known to mainstream audiences, but has produced many books and articles.
Hoffman also argues that the gnosis of this ruling cabal are slowly being revealed through movies such as They Live and The Matrix and other forms of symbolic and subliminal communication which Hoffman terms twilight language.[3]
Hoffman also contends that the British Empire might have achieved its power via a pact John Dee made with Kabbalistic Judaism [5]. He has characterized Jews as "Khazars" and "Edomite parasites" and Ashkenazi (Central and Eastern European Jews) as "Ash-ken-nazi". [6]
Hoffman differs from other Holocaust deniers in believing that Hitler did indeed have as a goal, at least philosophically, the extermination (ausrottung) of the Jewish people, but Hoffman also argues that the primary means of extermination -- the execution gas chambers of Auschwitz -- have not been scientifically proved to have existed or been operable, and that "eyewitness" testimony failed under cross-examination at the 1985 "Great Holocaust Trial" of Ernst Zündel in Toronto.
Hoffman points to German eyewitnesses such as Thies Christophersen who maintained there were no execution gas chambers in Auschwitz. Hoffman has been influenced by the research of Charles D. Provan, Carlo Mattogno, Germar Rudolf [8] and Brian Renk.
Hoffman rejects the label "Holocaust denier," and argues[9] that the label is applied unfairly, and with an emotional rather than empirical basis, to those who research controversial issues related to WWII and Judaism -- according to Hoffman, applying the same partisan logic, those who doubt the Roman Catholic dogma of the Immaculate Conception would be stigmatized by journalists and academics as "Immaculate Conception deniers."
Posted by
Submitted by Abdul Alhazred on Fri, 2008-05-09 19:58
Allan Hall
PUBLISHED: 14:58, 5 July 2012 | UPDATED: 11:15, 6 July 2012
German Jews escaped the Holocaust by fleeing the country, others hid and
some battled to stay alive long enough to be freed from the Nazi death
But Ernst Hess owed his survival to the personal intervention of Adolf Hitler.
The Fuhrer ordered his SS thugs to leave the Jewish judge alone because Hess had been his commanding officer during the First World War.
Hitler looked back on his time on the Western Front with great pride and fondness so, while some six million Jews perished in the Holocaust set in motion by Hitler, Hess was allowed to live on the Fuhrer's whim.
His remarkable story was told by his daughter Ursula, 86, after a newspaper unearthed the letter sent on the orders of Hitler insisting that Hess was not to be 'persecuted or deported'.
A file kept by the Dusseldorf Gestapo on him includes the letter from the head of the Gestapo and the SS, Heinrich Himmler, dated August 27, 1940, saying Hess must receive 'relief and protection as per the Fuhrer's wishes'.
Himmler made a point of informing all relevant authorities and officials that the judge was 'not to be inopportuned in any way whatsoever'.
Ironically, Hess told his daughter that he and his old comrades from the trenches hardly remembered Hitler – by then a well-known figure in German politics – when they met at reunions in the 1920s and 30s.
He told her that the future dictator rarely spoke and had few friends among the troops.
Historians have in recent years poured scorn on the Nazi myth of the heroic Corporal Hitler running messages from one frontline trench to another.
In fact, other soldiers regarded him as a 'rear area pig', taking his messages between HQs a few miles behind the front.
Ernst Moritz Hess, born in 1890, had joined the 2nd Royal Bavarian Reserve Infantry as an officer at the beginning of the First World War, the same regiment that Austrian-born Hitler volunteered for.
Both men were deployed to the Flanders front in autumn 1914, serving in what was known as the List Regiment until 1918.
Hess was seriously wounded in
October of 1914 and again two years later in October 1916. In the summer
of that year, the highly decorated officer had temporarily been
Hitler's company commander.
Although baptised a protestant, his mother was Jewish and the Nuremberg Race Laws of 1935, introduced by the Nazis, classified him as a 'full blooded Jew'.
Hess was forced by the laws to quit
his post as a judge in 1936. His family saw him being beaten up outside
his house by Nazi thugs the same year.
He had petitioned Hitler in June of 1936 asking for an exception to be made for him and his daughter under the race laws.
In his letter Hess said: 'For us, it is a kind of spiritual death to now be branded as Jews and exposed to general contempt.'
Hess ended up as a slave labourer, building barracks. This time he escaped extermination because of his 'privileged miscegenated marriage' to Margarete Hess, a Protestant.
His sister Berta was gassed at Auschwitz, wrongly believing that the protection afforded to her brother extended to her.
Hess died in Frankfurt after a successful career in post-war West Germany on September 14, 1983.
Hess moved his family to Bolzano, Italy in October 1937, but was forced to return in 1939. Hoping that his connections to Hitler would keep him safe, he moved his family to a remote Bavarian village in mid-1940.
A copy of the letter Himmler sent to the Gestapo in Dusseldorf was given to him. But in late June 1941, Hess was summoned to appear before the SS in Munich.
When he submitted his letter of protection it was taken from him and he was told it had been revoked in May of 1941, and that he was now 'a Jew like any other'.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2169131/Astonishing-letter-reveals-Hitler-ordered-Gestapo-leave-WW1-commander-alone.html#ixzz1zyfMPDEV
A nation reviles treachery, perhaps now more than ever. But the chronicles of recent history have ignored the most shameful episode of World War Two. The Britisches Freikorps unit of the Waffen SS served alongside the Nazis on the Eastern Front. Its members wore the death's head insignia and took German rank. They helped defend Berlin even as Hitler retreated to his bunker. But each and every member was recruited from British, Canadian, Australian and South African soldiers who volunteered to betray their country.
Recognising the potential propaganda value of the unit, the Nazis ordered 800 SS uniforms with Union Jack arm badges. Most Allied prisoners of war ignored or resisted recruitment tactics ranging from leaflet bombardment to bribery and torture. But some 200 Allied prisoners answered the Nazi call. Some were motivated by greed, or by sympathies with the fascist cause. Others were simply described by intelligence files of the time as of 'weak character', and found the opportunities offered by the Germans to drink and womanise too tempting.
The British Free Corps was itself betrayed by one of its number who joined only to feed MI5 with information. John Brown, the quartermaster of a camp at Genshagen. As Germany collapsed, Brown's information allowed the Allies to round up the traitors who often posed as fleeing PoWs. They were prosecuted and sentenced at court martial and treason trials. The intelligence files were quietly closed and access to the devastating information within was restricted. There was no cover-up, rather a conspiracy of indifference. For the first time on British Television, the British SS soldiers speak of their treachery, and their part in a failed German propaganda coup.
Quand la communauté noire internationale va-t-elle demander des réparations à la communauté juive pour l'immense préjudice que lui a causé le commerce juif des esclaves?
Quand dressera-t-on un monument commémoratif de ce crime de lèse-humanité à ne jamais oublier?
Parmi ceux qui accompagnaient Christophe Colomb à son arrivée en Amérique, il y avait cinq juifs:
Luis de Torres, Marco, Bernal, Alonzo de la Calle, Gabriel Sanchez.
Ils persuadèrent Colomb de capturer 500 Indiens et de les vendre comme esclaves à Séville en Espagne.
Les juifs furent chassés d'Espagne en 1492 et du Portugal en 1497. Ils s'installèrent aux Pays-Bas où ils fondèrent «la Compagnie hollandaise des Indes Occidentales» (c'est à dire l'Amérique).
En 1654, Jacob Barsimson fut le premier juif à émigrer de Hollande vers New Amsterdam (New York).
De nombreux juifs le suivirent, s'établissant sur la côte et commerçant avec les autochtones. Le premier à exercer ainsi ce métier fut Layman Lévi qui échangeait des pacotilles venues de Hollande contre de précieuses fourrures.
Les juifs Nicholas Lowe et Joseph Simon prirent alors part à ce fructueux commerce. Lowe eut l'idée de vendre du rhum aux Indiens sans méfiance. En un rien de temps la ville portuaire de Newport comptait 22 distilleries. Toutes appartenaient à des juifs.
L'intoxication alcoolique des Indiens et les massacres perpétrés en état d'ivresse sur les premiers colons européens sont dus à cette initiative juive. Newport, qu'on appela longtemps «Newport juif», devint un centre mondial du trafic d'esclaves avec l'Afrique.
Les bateaux partaient de Newport vers l'Afrique Occidentale pour y capturer leur cargaison humaine noire. 128 bateaux qui débarquaient des esclaves à Charleston appartenaient à des Juifs de Newport et de Charleston. La traite des esclaves était un monopole juif.
Le juif Aaron Lopez joua un rôle très important dans ce monstrueux commerce de 1726 à 1774, il contrôla personnellement 50% de la traite de ces êtres humains dans toutes les colonies américaines.
En 1717 la première loge maçonnique fut fondée: 90% des membres en étaient juifs. Vingt ans plus tard la loge maçonnique King David fut fondée. Elle était entièrement juive;
Accompagnons le bateau «Abigaïl» du juif Aaron Lopez jusqu'en Afrique Occidentale. En mai 1752, il fut chargé de 34.000 litres de rhum, d'une énorme quantité de fers à mettre aux mains et aux pieds des Noirs qui seraient ramenés comme esclaves.
Il y avait aussi pistolets, poudre, sabres, et une abondante camelote, comme fond de «commerce». Le capitaine Freedman était un juif.
Trois mois plus tard ils abordaient la terre d'Afrique où de nombreux agents d'établissements juifs, travaillaient pour le compte des trafiquants d'esclaves, étaient sur place. Les choses se passèrent comme avec les Indiens: les chefs des tribus noirs étaient saoulés au rhum et vendaient or, ivoire et membres de la tribu.
Souvent on menait les tribus noires à travers forêts et steppes jusqu'à la côte. Le trajet durait des semaines et beaucoup succombaient.
Les cravaches empêchaient les colonnes d'esclaves de s'arrêter. On abandonnait à une mort affreuse ceux qui ne pouvaient suivre.
Des ossements jonchaient les pistes. Arrivés à la côte, ils étaient laissés dans leurs fers, inspectés comme du bétail, et gardés par des chiens féroces.
On leur rasait le crâne et on les marquait au fer rouge, ce qui permettait de reconnaître les fugitifs.
Pères, enfants, femmes étaient séparés et de désespoir certains se noyaient en se jetant à la mer. Un voyage sans espace de trois mois était atroce.
Manque de place, scènes de folie pour
quelques centimètres carrés, matière fécale, fouets pour faire régner le calme. Les femmes étaient violées par l'équipage. Les nombreux morts étaient jetés par-dessus bord.
Historiens et statisticiens évaluent à 9 millions le nombre des victimes de cette horreur juive banalisée. Véritable holocauste celui-là.
11 millions ont dû survivre débarqués dans les ports américains où ils furent vendus dans de véritables marchés à bestiaux. Les bénéfices furent considérables: par exemple le voilier «la Fortuna» revint en Amérique avec 217 Noirs payés 4300 dollars et revendus 41.438 dollars.
Dans le nord des États-Unis le trafic d'esclaves était interdit. Les juifs Sandifortd Lay, Woolman, Solomon et Benezet oeuvrèrent afin qu'il devînt légal.
L'institut Carnégie de Washington possède de nombreux documents qui prouvent de façon radicale que le vaste trafic d'esclaves fut un monopole juif, sur lequel les non-juifs n'avaient aucune participation. [...]
Parmi les habitants de Newport et de Charleston nous relevons plus de cent noms juifs participant au trafic d'esclaves et à l'exploitation des distilleries, depuis Isaac Gomez à Abraham All, en passant par Felix de Souza et Aaron Lopez connus comme les rois du trafic d'esclaves...
Dans un article publié peu avant la guerre des six jours, le Professeur Shahak nous a montré que le trafic d'esclaves entre l'Europe et l'Orient, était entièrement entre les mains des juifs, autre «petit détail ...» Tous les Juifs connaissaient cet horrible trafic, ce crime monstrueux.
Pourquoi les rabbins n'ont-ils pas déféré les auteurs devant un tribunal? Pourquoi les honnêtes petits juifs n'ont-ils pas opposé une âpre résistance à ce génocide authentique, lui, et qui ne souffre pas de contradictions arithmético-techniques [comme au sujet de la révision à la basse – 10 x moins ! - du nombre des Juifs morts durant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale et l’impossibilité technique des gazages massifs d’êtres humains avec du Ziklon B !] ?
Aujourd'hui encore l'immense majorité des Noirs aux U.S.A ont le statut social d'assisté. Or cette misère de la masse noire est due aux trafiquants juifs d'esclaves de l'époque.
Les descendants des trafiquants juifs sont-ils coupables, comme on veut que les Allemands le soient d'un holocauste plus que remis en question?
Qu'en pense Bronfman, roi de l'alcool et chantre milliardaire d'un holocauste de 6 millions de juifs, alors que l'American Jewish year book, fixe à 3.300.000 le nombre de juifs présents en 1941 en Europe occupée?
Qu'ont fait les juifs en matière de réparations envers la population noire alors que l'Allemagne aura versé en 2030, la somme de 119 milliards 790 millions de marks (Multiplier par 3 pour avoir l'équivalent en francs) !!!
Que vont faire les Juifs pour entretenir la mémoire et le sentiment de culpabilité juive envers les Noirs?
Ce génocide va-t-il être rappelé sans cesse dans les médias?
Les politiciens juifs vont-ils sans cesse demander pardon aux Noirs?
Va-t-on conduire les enfants juifs sur les lieux du crime ou à des expositions?
Vont-ils faire en sorte que cet horrible génocide ne tombe jamais dans l'oubli?
Actuellement des êtres humains en provenance d'Asie, d'Amérique Latine et d'Afrique sont l'objet de trafics menés par des juifs.
Que vont faire les juifs à leur égard?
Et les Palestiniens?
Qui en dehors du professeur Shahak, va s'élever contre le martyre et l'injustice qui leur est imposé?
Où sera le monument commémoratif et quelles réparations les juifs vont-il accorder aux Russes pour ceux massacrés dans des Goulags par un régime entièrement juifs par ses idéologues, ses financiers, ses politiciens, ses administrateurs et ses bourreaux carcéraux et concentrationnaires, ou réduits à des famines volontairement agencées comme en Ukraine où il y eut six millions de morts?
Les juifs vont-ils demander pardon pour l'outrecuidance de leurs livres saints racistissimes: «Le peuple de Yahwé est le peuple distingué parmi tous les peuples.
- Israël est le peuple élu entre toutes les nations
- Le Seigneur t'a choisi pour être son peuple à lui parmi tous les peuples de la terre
- Tous les peuples que le Seigneur ton Dieu te livre, tu les dévoreras et les regarderas sans pitié
- De tes fils tu feras des princes par toute la terre - Yahwé a mis Israël à la tête de toutes les nations
- Le Seigneur ton Dieu exterminera les peuples chez qui tu te rends pour les déposséder de leur territoire
- Les Dieux des autres peuples sont des fantômes, des idoles et des démons.
- Aux serviteurs des idoles il faut faire une guerre d'extermination.»
Y a-t-il une phrase analogue de ce type mystico-mégalo-paranoïaco-raciste dans tout Mein Kampf? Non! Absolument pas. 30 décembre 2004 Autres sources et travaux: Who brought the slaves to America?-(Liberty Bell, decembre 1976).
Elisabeth Donnan: Documents illustrative of the History of the slave trade to America. Malcom Cowley: Adventures of an African slave. (1928).
Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein: The Story of the Jews in Newport. (Carnegie Institute of Technology-Pittsburgh).
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews publié en 1991 par The Nation of Islam, PO Box 551, Boston MA 02119, USA. .
Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce Roger - Dossiers secrets du XXIème siècle
Par Histoire Ebook,
vendredi 10 février 2012.
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D › Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce Roger
Auteur : Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce Roger
Ouvrage : Dossiers secrets du XXIème siècle Vérité et synthèse La fin des impostures
Année : 19**
Lien de téléchargement : Dommergue_Polacco_de_Menasce_Roger_-_Dossiers_secrets_du_XXIeme_siecle.zip
"C'est dans la nuit des temps que l'homme a commencé à s'égarer" Lao-Tseu. "La vérité à ce niveau, ce n'est même plus de l’héroïsme, c'est une grandiose folie: vous êtes le plus marginal des marginaux", Docteur... "Cette main est celle du type humain le plus achevé au niveau de l'intelligence pure. Celui qui en est doté sera contraint au suicide ou à la folie s'il ne jouit pas d'une situation sociale suffisante ou d'une fortune personnelle, de fait de la brutalité et de la dureté de la vie. Si l'homme à la main psychique parvient à sur-vivivre il communiquera à une petite chapelle d'initiés intelligents des connaissances que l'inspiration lui aura dictées". "Le dandy,quand il ne se tue pas ou ne devient pas fou, fait carrière et pose pour la postérité" Albert Camus (L'homme révolté) "J'ai déversé sur toi toutes les forces du mal afin que tu connaisses la maternité de Dieu". " Je crois que je comprends bien vos difficultés. je souhaite que vous puissiez les dépasser sans les oublier" ( Albert Camus - lettre à l'auteur) " L'homme qu i a contact avec le surnaturel est par essence ROI.car il est la présence dans l a société sous forme d'infiniment petit d'un ORDRE TRANSCENDANT AU SOCIAL". ( Simone Weil ) ...
- Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce Roger - Le martyre et l'holocauste des nègres par les juifs trafiquants esclavagistes
- Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce Roger - La fin du judéo cartésianisme
- Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce Roger - Dossiers secrets du XXIème siècle
- Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce Roger - Auschwitz : Le silence de Heidegger
- Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce Roger - Ce que des Juifs importants ont affirmé au sujet des Juifs Ce que des Goyim célèbres ont confirmé
- Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce Roger - Comment méditer l'athéisme et la réincarnation ?
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Histoire E-Book
Recension d'ouvrages rares et interdits
Friday, February 3, 2012
Against Hollywoodism, Revisionism
The term Hollywoodism refers to the transformation, often mendacious, of reality by the spirit and practices of a whole sphere of American cinema. At first, I shall discuss the evil in general done by Hollywoodism. Secondly, I shall describe the wrongs of Hollywoodism in the shaping of the imposture of “the Holocaust”, that is in building the myth of genocide, gas chambers and six million Jews killed by the Germans during the Second World War. Finally, in a third and last part I shall speak of Revisionism as the antidote par excellence to Hollywoodism and its incessant, aggressive publicity for the religion of “the Holocaust”.
1. Hollywoodism and the evil that it does
According to the American Heritage Dictionary,
“Hollywood” may signify “the US film industry” but also “a flashy,
vulgar atmosphere or tone, held to be associated with the US film
industry”. Used as an adjective the word stands for “the US film
industry”, as in “a Hollywood movie, a Hollywood producer,” or means
“flashy and vulgar”, as in the dictionary’s illustrative sentence
“Flashy and vulgar, their clothes were pure Hollywood.”
well-known facet of the ideology propagated by this film industry is
the basic division of the world between the Good and the Bad. The Good
are the United States and the Bad are those whom the United States
decrees as such. The Good are fundamentally Good and the Bad are
fundamentally Bad. The United States is always in the right and always
wins, whilst the “Bad Guys” are always in the wrong and always
lose. Thus there cannot, there must not be any pity for the vanquished:
their defeat proves that they were indeed criminals. The winners will
independently assume the right to try the vanquished in court or to have
them put on trial by others.
can bring to mind what are known as “the Nazi atrocities”, especially
the images of walking corpses or corpses proper. For the past 67 years
Hollywood has presented them as evidence that the Germans had death
factories wherein the SS spent their time killing, especially Jews. In
reality, those corpses were proof that because of the systematic
destruction of German cities by the Allies, Germany in 1945 was in its
death throes: the inhabitants who had survived the deluge of steel and
fire were living in rubble or in holes in the ground, exposed to cold
and hunger; often there was hardly any food or medicine; the hospitals
and schools were destroyed; practically no trains and convoys were
running any longer; the refugees from the East terrified by the invading
Red Army’s murder and rape numbered in the millions. In 1948 the
Italian director Roberto Rossellini faithfully described this situation
in Germania, Anno Zero. Therefore one must not be
surprised at the fact that in 1945, in the labour camps or concentration
camps, famine and disease (typhus, typhoid fever, dysentery) reigned,
whilst medicines and disinfectants such as Zyklon B were sorely
along with British cinema and Soviet propaganda, had a terrible and
direct responsibility both in the lies attending what was called the
discovery of the German concentration camps (1945) and in the ignoble
“lynching party” (the phrase is that of Harlan Fiske Stone, Chief
Justice of the US Supreme Court at the time) that was the Nuremberg
trial (1945-1946), where the winners of the war, in coalition, made
themselves judges and jury to try the defeated. It is altogether true
that in 1945 even a privileged concentration camp like that of
Bergen-Belsen offered a nightmarish vision. But the horrors discovered
there were not created by the Germans. They were due to the war and, in
particular, an air war conducted mercilessly, to the end, by the Allies
against… civilians. It took a fine cynicism to show those horrors and
point an accusing finger at the defeated when the ones mainly
responsible were the US Air Force and the Royal Air Force. In April
1945, no longer able to manage, the commandant of Bergen-Belsen, SS
captain Josef Kramer, sent some men to meet the advancing troops of
British Marshal Montgomery and warn them that they were approaching a
terrible den of infection, and that they should not immediately release
the prisoners lest they contaminate the civilian population and the
British soldiers. The British agreed to work with the Wehrmacht. Once on
the site, they kept the detainees there and tried to treat them but
mortality remained appalling high for a long time. The British wanted to
know how many inmates were buried in the mass graves. They extracted
the corpses and counted them; then, using a bulldozer, a British officer
pushed the bodies towards six large ditches where the soldiers forced
female SS guards to cast them in with their bare hands. But this reality
was very soon transformed by the film propaganda services, which had
people believe that the bodies were those of people killed in an alleged
extermination programme. A photograph taken from a plane and showing
the bulldozer from afar made it possible to convey the impression that
the vehicle was driven by a German soldier performing his daily work as
an employee of a death factory. In one case, a photo taken from up close
showed the bottom of the machine pushing corpses but “beheaded” the
driver so that, with him not appearing as a Briton, it was reckoned he
was a German. The Americans went on to make more and more falsifications
of this kind. The American general Eisenhower, supreme Allied
commander, was the impresario of this intensified Hollywoodism. The famous Hollywood film director George C. Stevens was brought to Germany in the uniform of lieutenant-colonel. His
team shot 80,000 feet of film from which 6,000 feet (or 7.5% of the
total) were selected for General William Donovan, special assistant to
the US chief of counsel at Nuremberg. It was those parts carefully
selected by the American prosecution which, on November 29, 1945,
practically at the lifting of the curtain of the loathsome “Nuremberg
Trial”, were projected to a stupefied world; some of the German
defendants, most disturbed at what they saw, deduced that Hitler had
carried out a gigantic crime behind their backs. In this sense it can be
said that the “Nuremberg Trial” marked the triumph of Hollywoodism.
2. Hollywoodism’s part in creating the myth of “the Holocaust”
Holocaust” of the Jews then became a sort of religion whose three main
components are the extermination, the gas chambers and the six million
martyrs. According to an article of faith of this religion Hitler
ordered and planned the methodical slaughter of all European Jews; in so
doing he committed a crime without precedent, a specific crime, later
called genocide. Then, in order to commit this specific crime, he had a specific weapon developed, a weapon of mass destruction, the gas chamber,
operating especially with a powerful insecticide, Zyklon B, whose
active ingredient was hydrogen cyanide. Finally, the result of this
enormous crime was the death of six million European Jews. The
Auschwitz-Birkenau camp was the focal point, the apogee, the Golgotha of
that horror. After the war a whole propaganda developed around this
holy trinity of “the Holocaust”, a whole industry of “the Holocaust”, a
whole business: the “Shoah Business”. In the United States the film
industry has fed on this belief and spread it throughout the Western
world. It is especially since 1978 that such propaganda has been
developed, particularly with the four episodes of the U.S. miniseries Holocaust recounting
the saga of the Weiss family. It is no exaggeration to say that the
showing of that series became, as of 1979, practically mandatory in an
entire portion of the world. It triggered a torrent of films including,
by Steven Spielberg, Schindler's List, by Roberto Benigni, Life is Beautiful, by Roman Polanski, The Pianist. In France, in 1985, Claude Lanzmann honoured us with a documendaciary running for over nine hours: Shoah. The
number of Emmy Awards, Oscars and other prizes given to films like
these is staggering. A mogul of the Entertainment Industry, Andrew
Wallenstein, once stated in The Hollywood Reporter: “Let’s
just say it: the real reason we see so many of these movies is that
they’re awards bait.” It is such observations that have given rise to
the saying “There's No Business Like Shoah Business,” inspired by the
refrain of the song, sung by Liza Minnelli amongst others, “There’s No
Business Like Show Business.”
3. Revisionism is an antidote to the poison of Hollywoodism
Revisionism is not an ideology but a remedy for the temptation of ideology. It is a method. Whether in matters of literature, science, history, the media or any human activity whatsoever, it prescribes that the reality of a fact be established prior to any considerations on that fact. One
must again see, hear, read what is believed to have been seen, heard or
read. One must be wary of first impressions, of emotions, rumours, and
must not rely on anything or anyone until one’s own thorough
investigation has been conducted, all the more if one is studying a war
rumour for – let us not forget –, in wartime the first casualty is the
the little time I have left here I cannot, unfortunately, describe how
and at what price in fifty years of research I, along with a good number
of other revisionists, have come to the conclusion that “the Holocaust”
is decidedly but a gigantic imposture, as I was able to convince myself
after a few years. Already on December 17, 1980 I had summarised this
conclusion in a sentence of sixty French words of which I do not see a
single one that needs removing today. Here is the English translation: “The
alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews
form one and the same historical lie, which has permitted a gigantic
political and financial swindle whose main beneficiaries are the State
of Israel and international Zionism and whose main victims are the
German people – but not their leaders – and the Palestinian people in
their entirety.”
get an idea of the spectacular victories won against that imposture
thanks to the revisionists’ work, one may refer to two studies appearing
in my blog: “The Victories of Revisionism” (conference paper for Tehran, December 11, 2006) and “The Victories of Revisionism (continued)”
(September 11, 2011). It is no exaggeration to say that currently, in
France and elsewhere, the authors who used to defend the “Holocaust”
thesis are in complete disarray. The trouble is that censorship and
repression still prevent the general public from becoming aware of this
good news, but with the Internet, times are changing, and quickly.
general belief on the part of the Western world in “the Holocaust” has
long been the sword and shield of Zionism. But today Revisionism is
putting this belief in peril. This conference on Hollywoodism will mark,
I think, one more step in our common struggle, a struggle for the
rights of all – especially the Palestinians –, a struggle for the whole
world to free itself from a tyranny based on the Greatest Lie of modern
Tehran, February 3, 2012
Robert Faurisson

Websites of Interest
- Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust
- Bradley Smith's Blog
- L'Association des Anciens Amateurs de Récits de Guerres et d'Holocaustes
- Adelaide Institute
- One Third Of the Holocaust
- Michèle Renouf
- Ernst Zündel
- Comite de soutien à Vincent Reynouard
- Dernières nouvelles de la scène révisionniste
Jewish Scholar Professor Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce
Roger Dommergue - Zundel 3 Videos
Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce - Zundel
Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce 4 Videos
Entretien avec le professeur
Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce |
Michael A. Hoffman II explained
Michael Anthony Hoffman II | |
Birth Date: | 1954 |
Birth Place: | New York |
Occupation: | novelist, revisionist historian |
Genre: | History |
Website: | http://www.revisionisthistory.org |
Hoffman is the managing editor of the newsletter Revisionist History, and describes himself as a "heretical writer." He is little known to mainstream audiences, but has produced many books and articles.
Education and employment
He was educated at the State University of New York at Oswego. He is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press and is the author of several books and articles (including for the UK-based magazine Fortean Times). Hoffman moved from New York to Idaho in 1996. Hoffman now writes mainly on World War II revisionism, current affairs, and the occult roots of freemasonry.Views on cryptocracy
Hoffman's self-described vocation is "researching the occult cryptocracy's orchestration of American history." He believes that this cryptocracy runs American history, controlling culture and thought via ritualistic psychodramas and killing sprees. A detailed explanation of this hypothesis is found in Hoffman's Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. Examples of such "psychodramas," in Hoffman's view, include Route 66 (which connects various centers of Satanic importance), and the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, in which Hoffman sees ritualistic elements.[2].Hoffman also argues that the gnosis of this ruling cabal are slowly being revealed through movies such as They Live and The Matrix and other forms of symbolic and subliminal communication which Hoffman terms twilight language.[3]
Views on Jews and Judaism
In his book Judaism's Strange Gods (2000) Hoffman argues that modern-day Jewish Orthodoxy has little to no relation to the Tanakh (the Jewish sacred texts that also form the basis of the Christian Old Testament), but on the Talmud and the Mishnah. Hoffman cites[4] the Karaites, a Jewish sect who reject the Talmud, as "a group which, historically, has been most hated and severely persecuted by orthodox Jewish rabbinate."Hoffman also contends that the British Empire might have achieved its power via a pact John Dee made with Kabbalistic Judaism [5]. He has characterized Jews as "Khazars" and "Edomite parasites" and Ashkenazi (Central and Eastern European Jews) as "Ash-ken-nazi". [6]
Views on the Holocaust
Hoffman doubts that execution gas chambers existed in the Nazi camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, and claims that the term "Holocaust" is Orwellian Newspeak [7] imposed beginning circa 1978 in order to confuse and distract from debates about the numbers of Jewish deaths that can be attributed to Nazis. Hoffman doubts that six million Jews were killed by the Nazis and asserts that most of the Jewish deaths in WWII were from typhus, malnutrition and shootings perpetrated by some units of the SS on the Eastern front.Hoffman differs from other Holocaust deniers in believing that Hitler did indeed have as a goal, at least philosophically, the extermination (ausrottung) of the Jewish people, but Hoffman also argues that the primary means of extermination -- the execution gas chambers of Auschwitz -- have not been scientifically proved to have existed or been operable, and that "eyewitness" testimony failed under cross-examination at the 1985 "Great Holocaust Trial" of Ernst Zündel in Toronto.
Hoffman points to German eyewitnesses such as Thies Christophersen who maintained there were no execution gas chambers in Auschwitz. Hoffman has been influenced by the research of Charles D. Provan, Carlo Mattogno, Germar Rudolf [8] and Brian Renk.
Hoffman rejects the label "Holocaust denier," and argues[9] that the label is applied unfairly, and with an emotional rather than empirical basis, to those who research controversial issues related to WWII and Judaism -- according to Hoffman, applying the same partisan logic, those who doubt the Roman Catholic dogma of the Immaculate Conception would be stigmatized by journalists and academics as "Immaculate Conception deniers."
Views of Slavery
Another of Hoffman's subjects of study is indentured servitude and slavery in America; he contends that a widespread history of white slavery has been overlooked by most historians. In his book They Were White and They Were Slaves, Hoffman attempts to demonstrate a social structure situating poor whites as holding the lowest post in colonial and post-colonial America, even to the point of citing a quote from Eugene D. Genovese in "Toward a New View of America" (pp. 79, 81-82, 84, 90-91), in which a former black slave in South Carolina, Ella Kelly, refers to the poor whites as the bottom rung, black slaves occupying the middle, and the white planters as the ruling stratum.Notes and References
- Michael Barkun, A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America, University of California Press:2003
- http://www.revisionisthistory.org/cgi-bin/store/agora.cgi?p_id=74 Hoffman, Michael A. King Kill 33
- Gardell, 99
- http://www.revisionisthistory.org/talmudtruth.html Hoffman, Michael A. "The Truth About the Talmud"
- http://ftp.nizkor.org/ftp.cgi/people/h/ftp.py?people/h/hoffman.michael/british-pact-with-devil Shofar FTP Archive File: people/h/hoffman.michael/british-pact-with-devil; URL accessed February 14, 2007
- http://ftp.nizkor.org/hweb/people/h/hoffman-michael/in-his-words-9410.html In His WordsThe Mouth and Mind of Michael Hoffman II, October 1994
- http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v06/v06p467_Hoffman.html Hoffman, Michael A. "The Psychology and Epistemology of 'Holocaust' Newspeak"
- http://www.vho.org/dl/ENG/trr.pdf Rudolph, Germar "The Rudolph Report: Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects of the 'Gas Chambers' at Auschwitz"
- http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v06/v06p467_Hoffman.html Hoffman, Michael A. "The Psychology and Epistemology of 'Holocaust' Newspeak"
"In its purest essence, the truth is the
moon; during times of terrible darkness, it is the only source that we
can look to for light." ~ Jonathan Azaziah
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
The Accusation Of “Anti-Semitism” I: Zionism, “Jewish Israelis” And Revisionism
by Jonathan Azaziah
Prelude: In the wake of my two-part deconstruction of “mask of Zion” wearer Uri Avnery and the grave intellectual and ideological problems within the International Palestine Solidarity Movement, I was accused of “anti-Semitism” by a well-known voice within the blogosphere who rushed to Avnery’s defense. While this person’s reply to my vastly-documented work did not warrant such a response, I diligently composed this series to demolish and banish any similar accusations that are sure to arise in the future. In this first part, we delve into the true nature and wider historical context of Zionism, what it means to be a “Jewish Israeli” and the always-controversial realm of Holocaust® revisionism....
Like the moon rising upon the completion of sunset, it can be described as nothing other than inevitable that as soon as one raises one’s voice above a whisper in regards to the twisted, cancerous and supremacist ideology that guides the usurping Zionist entity occupying Palestine and the far-reaching global Jewish-Zionist Lobby that protects it from even the slightest criticism, one will be hysterically demonized, slandered, libeled, smeared and browbeaten with the label of “anti-Semitism.” If one criticizes any person of Jewish origin who expresses ‘support’ for Palestine but who also harbors blatant Zionist sympathies and actively attempts to impose this Zionism on others to delay, deflect and outright silence discussion on key matters relevant to full Palestinian liberation, one will once again face the same hysteria reignited like a supremacist conflagration and receive the chastisement of “anti-Semitism.” This inevitable calumny has now found its way to my person.
On February 2nd, 2012, I completed and published a two-part series deconstructing and exposing the ‘Israeli’ activist for ‘peace,’ Uri Avnery (real name: Helmut Ostermann), a highly-regarded figure in the Palestine Solidarity Movement. The first part secondarily dealt with Avnery’s expertly-masked supremacism and chiefly, his elephantine lies against Islamic Resistance movements, which were smashed to pieces as perversions of history (1). The second, more controversial part of the series examined and documented Avnery’s support for the Zionist entity’s current top stooge in the United States, President Barack Obama, as well as his glowing approval for NATO’s genocidal aggression against Libya and his obscene call for more genocide in Syria. It also delved deeply into the reasons behind the degeneration of the Solidarity Movement and the relation of persons like Avnery to this deterioration (2). For this, I was vitriolically accused of “anti-Semitism” by one Steve Amsel, operator of the website ‘Desert Peace,’ in a short, slanderous op-ed that he penned entitled, “In Defense Of Uri Avnery (3).”
In his piece, Amsel did not refute a single point of
either part of the series, showing that his allegiance is not to the
truth of the matter but to the protection of tribal interests. Throwing
scholarship and academic debate to the wayside, he instead chose to
engage in an irrational, distorted and ad hominem tirade against my
character due to him being rather perturbed with the fact that Uri
Avnery’s murderous past and overt adherence to Zionism were brutally and
unforgivingly exposed in my series. Amsel writes, “The lies, the quotes
out of context by Avnery found throughout the essay do the same
{“discredit the entire pro Palestinian Movement”},” and also, “I am
afraid that Azaziah falls into the trap set by the Zionists themselves
in attempting to discredit Avnery simply because he is a Jewish
Israeli.” How woeful and obscene. The luminously obvious reason as to
why Amsel couldn’t display examples of lies or misquotes is because such
examples don’t exist; except maybe in Amsel’s dreams. There wasn’t a
single “lie” uttered about Avnery throughout the piece, nor was there a
single quote taken out of context; every Avnery quote and every Avnery
position were taken directly from his own writings.
The idea of falling “into the trap set by the Zionists themselves” by unveiling the true face of a Zionist only could have originated in a purgatorial, Orwellian realm located between the laughable and the demented. I would sincerely like someone to explain to me, preferably in the most vivid way possible, how exposing Zionists... benefits Zionists. This asininity will be revisited in the conclusion. The title “Jewish Israeli” is one that deserves a brief but thorough examination; what does it mean, really, to be a “Jewish Israeli?”
Since “Israeli” is a fabricated identity, one based on the theft of Palestinian food like falafel, hummus, olive oil and maftoul as well as Palestinian folklore and culture (4), and “Israel” is a fabricated entity, one based on 131 years of illegal, immoral Jewish colonization of Palestine and the destruction of more than 500 Palestinian villages during the (still-ongoing) Nakba (5), to be a “Jewish Israeli” is to be a colonizer and a destroyer of Palestine. To be a “Jewish Israeli” is to have racial and colonial privileges over the indigenous Palestinian people; at least 30 racist, supremacist laws within “Israel” solidify and uphold these privileges (6). Several of these laws represent a system in which all persons of Jewish heritage on the planet have the “right” to become “Israeli” while all Palestinians, refugees and current inhabitants of Palestine, are systematically denied the most basic human rights (7). To be a “Jewish Israeli” is to serve in the Zionist occupation army and massacre Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, Egyptians, et al. The essence of the “Jewish Israeli” identity is the identity of an oppressor, of a murderer, and irregardless of whatever ‘mask of Zion’ that Zionists attempt to place on it, this is all that it is.
Despite this irrefutableness and the undeniable fact
that Uri Avnery embodies these oppressive qualities to the letter, I did
not “attack” or “discredit” him “simply because he is a Jewish Israeli”
and this suggestion is particularly intellectually infantile. I
“attacked” and “discredited” Avnery because he scripted the most egregious fallacies against the Islamic Resistance movements of the region (1). I “attacked” and “discredited” Avnery because he
jovially and fully supported the Zionist-engineered annihilation of
Libya at the hands of NATO and wants to see the same carnage repeated in
Syria (8). I “attacked” and “discredited” Avnery because he murdered Palestinian women and children during his admitted stint as an Irgun terrorist (9). I “attacked” and “discredited” Avnery because he admittedly partook in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine as an occupation terrorist of the Givati Brigades (10).
Persons like Avnery, excuse me, terrorists like Avnery, have no
business with the International Palestine Solidarity Movement; the only
business that they truly have is with the four walls of the prison cell
that they should be thrown in for violating humanity in the most
malevolent manner imaginable.
Amsel also brazenly demands, “After a long lifetime in the struggle, both as an activist and a pro Palestinian voice in the Israeli Knesset, Avnery deserves honour, not discredit.” What “struggle” did Uri Avnery participate in? The Zionists’ “struggle” to butcher, rape, pillage, ethnically cleanse, murder and demolish their way to a “state” built upon the bodies of the aboriginals? What a monstrous insult to the Palestinian people who have been waging a real struggle against Zionism since the first criminal Jewish colonists arrived in their homeland in 1881 (5).
If one wants to see what the veritable definition of what struggle is, look no further than Palestinian activist and political prisoner Khader Adnan, who remarkably and courageously went on hunger strike for 66 days, beginning on December 18th, 2011, one day after Zionist occupation authorities kidnaped
him from his Jenin home at 3:30 a.m. then locked him away in
‘administrative detention,’ the Orwellian “Israeli” phrase for illegal
imprisonment without charge (11). There is no Zionist, including
Avnery, that could ever walk a millisecond in Khader Adnan’s shoes;
bravery is a characteristic that is incompatible with their way of
thinking. Avnery is to struggle what Jewish pornography kingpin Al
Goldstein is to decency or what twisted Zionist
war criminal Henry Kissinger, developer of the National Security Study
Memo (NSSM 2000) to weaponize food and depopulate the “Lesser Developed
Countries {read: Arabs, Africans, Asians; read further: goyim} (12),” is to humanity.
And “pro Palestinian?” How does bombing and ethnically cleansing Palestinians make one “pro Palestinian?” How does recognizing the entity that usurped Palestinians of their land and giving them a demilitarized ghetto-prison “state” for a consolation prize make one “pro Palestinian?” More Zionist newspeak; more Zionist doublethink. It is astonishing that Amsel would suggest that a terrorist and killer of Palestinians deserves “honor.” Would he suggest that Sharon and Peres, Barak and Olmert also deserve “honor?” It is equally astonishing that he invokes the “Israeli” Knesset as if it were an institution of justice, human rights and dignity, and serving in this institution leads to one embodying these qualities. It is nothing of the sort. The Knesset represents the institutionalized racism of Zionism, it is the structural personification of the Zionist occupation. It is the entity that passed the Orwellian “Boycott Bill,” which punishes any ‘citizen’ of “Israel” who boycotts the Zionist regime (13). And it is the entity that passed the “Nakba Law,” which criminalizes the remembrance and exposé of the Zionist regime’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine (14).
The exceptionally limited number of Palestinians who serve in the Knesset are routinely incited against, illegally arrested, groundlessly prosecuted and subjected to the most degrading anti-Arab racism (15). But this is Zionism that we are discussing here, and with it inherently comes maniacal violence. MK Talab al-Sana, chief of the Arab Democratic Party in “Israel,” has been threatened with death by letter (16). MK Ahmed Tibi has been threatened with death via Facebook (17). Survivor of the Freedom Flotilla Massacre, the gallant and eloquent MK Haneen Zoabi, has been threatened with death so many times (well over 50) that she told her secretary to stop informing her of it (18). “Israel” is not a normal “state,” and thus, its “state” institutions should not be treated with normalcy. The Knesset is an organ of Zionist oppression and it has absolutely no authority, legitimacy or jurisdiction over any part of Palestine. It, like the “Israeli” entity and identity, is a projection of the psychosis known as Jewish supremacism and it, like the “Israeli” entity and identity, must be boycotted, dismantled and abolished. Permanently.
To close his slanderous invective, Amsel presents a piece of Avnery’s entitled, “Reluctant Prophet,” to, evidently, show “what type of man he {Avnery} is through his description of another great Jewish (Israeli) person.” But of course! One “Israeli” praising another “Israeli,” occupier patting occupier on the back, all in the name of solidarity with Palestine, yes? The “Jewish Israeli person” in question is none other than Yeshayahu Leibowitz, the famed “Israeli” scholar and thinker who former “Israeli” President, Air Force Commander, Defense Minister and Irgun terrorist Ezar Weizman described as, “one of the greatest figures in the life of the Jewish people and the State of Israel in recent generations,” and also, “a spiritual conscience for many in Israel.” Leibowitz was a devout Orthodox Jew and arch Zionist who repeated lies about Hamas quite similar to those repeated by Avnery in his now-disgraced “Shukran, Israel” piece. Leibowitz famously stated after al-Naksa that, “The occupation of the territories would turn Israel into an agent of repression, whose citizens would be employed in growing numbers to police the Palestinians (19).” This is typical of the delusion that is Zionist romanticism.
Zionist romantics like Avnery and Leibowitz would like
the world to believe that there is dichotomy between the right and left
wings of Zionism, that there is a more benevolent, universalist,
innocent Zionism on the “left” side of the aisle. They would like to
dupe the world into thinking that the Zionist “left” transcends racism
and militarism, that the Zionist “left” is intent on establishing
“peace.” Most contemptibly, they would also like to fool the world into
accepting the Zionist occupation of Palestine as an “obstacle” that has
only existed since 1967. These are lies; grotesque, misleading and
unconstructive. Zionism has no right wing and it has no left wing, this
is a distraction birthed by the Zionist media to humanize it and hide
the animalistic atrocities it has committed against the indigenous.
Zionism was, is and always will be a project of supremacist terror and
plunder. This project is now a global empire of criminality and it all
began with the theft of Palestine. Whatever petty political squabbles
may occur between Jewish usurpers in “Israel,” all Zionist parties are
committed to the same goal: destruction of the Arab peoples for the sake
of creating ‘Greater Israel.’
Lest we forget, just so there isn’t an ounce of discrepancy on this matter of the intrinsical evil of Zionism, al-Nakba, the Qibya massacre, the Kafr Qassim massacre, Mossad’s assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy, al-Naksa, the murderous assault on the USS Liberty, further Zionist expansion into the occupied West Bank, al-Quds and Syria’s al-Jaulan, the implementation of the Law of Return as a “come to Palestine and steal some aboriginal land because you’re chosen” card for World Jewry and lastly, genocidal Operation Cast Lead, were all carried out by “left-wing” Zionist entity leaders. Khalas with this insulting false dichotomy and khalas with the recognition of any person as a credible source who attempts to preserve it. Amsel wrote that we would uncover what kind of person Avnery is through his gleaming depiction of Leibowitz in “Reluctant Prophet,” and indeed we do: he is a Zionist, a hardcore, self-deluding Zionist, whose concern with “peace” only translates to the racist preservation of the usurping Zionist entity, just like Leibowitz before him.
On The Holocaust®: Countering and Shattering The “Jewish Suffering” Vertex
Prior to introducing the rubbish about Leibowitz, Amsel quoted a caption from the second part of my Avnery series dealing with the ‘holocaust’; the caption reads, “The Palestine Solidarity Movement is so busy paying its respects to the propaganda-ridden “chosen” holocaust, it is failing to adequately fight for Palestine.” Seemingly incapable of responding without hysteria, Amsel subsequently commented, “The above is a lie to discredit those Jews involved in the struggle. Nothing but pure, unadulterated anti-Semitism.” Odd. I did not mention “Jews” in the caption, but Amsel did, for the transparently perceptible reason of adding fuel to the “anti-Semitism” fire that he sought to burn me with.
No matter, a tidal wave of truth will douse the defamatory flames. Again, there was no examination of my remark, let alone a refutation. By no means was it a “lie” on any level and by no means was it an attempt to discredit anyone, Jewish or otherwise. It was an undoubtedly harsh but nevertheless accurate statement to wake up the Solidarity Movement from its Zionist-induced slumber. There are none so blind as those who choose their blindness, cherishing it as if it were a heavenly gift.
Thinker and activist Dr. Francis Clark-Lowes, along with esteemed activist and revisionist Paul Eisen before him, characterize the very essence of the caption. Both of these brilliant and fearless men have been expelled from a vital wing of the UK Palestine Solidarity Campaign for alleged ‘Holocaust® Denial’ and ‘anti-Semitism.’ Paul Eisen was ruthlessly targeted for having the spine to speak on Holocaust® revisionism and his beautiful, important website, Deir Yassin Remembered, a commemoration of the ungodly Zionist massacre of at least 112 Palestinian men, women and children on April 9th, 1948, is now defunct as a result of this cruel and dastardly character assault. This particular branch has been conquered by Jewish supremacists masquerading as “anti-Zionists” and it has become obsessed with ‘Holocaust® Denial’ and ‘anti-Semitism.’ It has even entered into a shadowy, unspoken alliance with toxic Zionist outlets like Engage, Harry’s Place and the Jewish Chronicle to fight its newfound obsessions (20).
Additionally, it has installed a precondition into its framework called “anti-racism,” an Orwellian phrase for “anything critical of Jewish-Zionist power will not be tolerated;” and it is doing everything that it can to deflect attention away from Zionism and Jewish supremacism, passing out leaflets and organizing forums that repeat the tiresome slogan of “Israel” being a settler-colonial apartheid state, insisting that “Israel” is an American client regime and even going as far as saying that Zionism has “non-Jewish origins (21),” one of the most astronomical assertions that I have ever come across. “Israel” is far worse and far more powerful than any “settler-colonial apartheid state” and this description at its root is deceptive and deflective (22). “Israel” absolutely is not another mere US client regime, as ‘American imperialism’ has no place in the Zionist entity (23) and its fifth column lobbying apparatus exercises immense power over the American government, as evidenced just recently with its coverup of the heavy, domineering Zionist hand in the butchering of Iraq and the push for more butchery in the Islamic Republic of Iran (24).
And as if this wasn’t painfully obvious enough already,
the origins of Zionism are entirely Jewish, birthed in the mental womb
of a hideous supremacist largely forgotten by history. Long before
Herzl, there was Moses Hess, or more aptly, Rebbe Moses Hess, a
fanatical Talmudist who placed the self-anointed racist rabbinical
‘sages’ on a higher station than prophets and who deemed the Jewish
people possessors of a collective, legislative genius that will bring
forth their resurgence in the land that they call “Israel.” Rabbi Hess went as far as deeming the Jewish people their own ‘God (25).’
Beyond his rabbinic hatred of goyim in general, Hess had a particular rabid, racist dislike for the German people and his landmark book, “Rome and Jerusalem: the Last National Question,” penned in 1862, is filled with venomous rhetoric against Europeans and serves as a call to Jews to recognize their inherent superiority over all other peoples on earth and thus, “the new Jewish state would be a light to the nations showing them how to live in socialist harmony.” This written pronunciamento of Talmudism is the godfather work of Zionism. Why do “leftists” ignore Rebbe Hess? Because he is also the true founder of Communism (and its manifesto), their ideology’s backbone. Hess was the mentor of none other than Karl Marx, who referred to Hess as the “communist rabbi (26).” Leftists, most specifically those of Jewish heritage who put their tribal interests before everything, would rather dwell in delusion because they don’t want their political dogma tainted. But facts are facts; their dogma is forever linked to Zionism, a byproduct of Jewish supremacism.
If the nature of the Zionist entity is skewed, the root of its power is downplayed and its origins are designedly lied about, how can it be combated? How can the Solidarity Movement triumph, how can full freedom for Palestine be attained, when something is rotten at the core? In light of the facts presented here, especially the persecutions of Dr. Francis Clark-Lowes and Paul Eisen, is the caption sited by Amsel not vindicated? Is it not validated? Is its representation of truth not etched in even bolder ink?
Eisen and Clark-Lowes care deeply about Palestine, why should their (correct) opinions about World War II’s history disqualify them in any way from showing solidarity with the suffering Palestinian people? Why is a Palestine Solidarity organization dedicating so much of its time to ‘fighting’ the slippery, vague and idolatrous constructs of ‘anti-Semitism’ and ‘Holocaust® Denial’ while the Zionist occupation of Palestine rages on without mercy? And more importantly, why is a Palestine Solidarity organization allying itself with and behaving like the very Zionist outfits that incessantly berate and slander the Palestinian people and cause on a daily basis? And the answer is, because Jewish sensitivities regarding what took place during World War II and the irreconcilable need to maintain the uniqueness of Jewish suffering (as well as victimhood) and the racist notion that Jewish persecution at the hands of non-Jews just because they are Jewish is an inevitable occurrence have utterly crippled any rational debate or discussion on these issues (2).
Even referring to Zionists or “Israelis” as “Nazis” or
calling the usurping entity itself a “Nazi state” are exaltations of the
supremacist idea that Jews have suffered more than anyone else on earth
and they deserve more sympathy than all other people, even when Jews do
awful things to other (non-chosen) peoples. Despite some Zionist
shrieking here and there, these false comparisons are quietly encouraged
because it takes the weight off of Zionism and the Jewish supremacists
upholding it.
It is a subtle but very effective method of disseminating Zionist propaganda. By equating to Zionism to Nazism or “Israelis” to Nazis, you are unequivocally saying that “Israel” is like the Nazi regime but there is nothing worse than the Nazi regime and no matter who suffers at the ironfisted hands of “Israel,” nothing can or will ever compare to the suffering of those who lived under Nazism, especially Jews. You are upholding the Zionist myth that the Nazis were the most evil persons to ever walk the planet and nothing that “Israel” does, no matter how savage, no matter how bloody, will ever trump this “ultimate Nazi evil.” Zionists, because of their Jewishness, because of their victimhood, will always be given the benefit of the doubt when their crimes are judged. “Look at what was done to them during the Holocaust®,” how many times has this atrocious fantasy been repeated as indisputable fact?
How many times have we said “Al-Nakba,” and we have been countered with, “but what about the ‘death’ camps...” How many times have we said, “Al-Naksa,” and we have been countered with, “but what about the human soap...” How many times have we said, “Sabra and Shatila, Qana, Marwaheen, Jenin, al-Khisas, al-Aqsa, al-Ibrahimi Mosque, Dahmash Mosque, Dueima, Lebanon ‘06, Cast Lead, countless other massacres, the torture, the dungeons, the administrative detention, the ethnic cleansing, the home demolitions, 64 years of illegal occupation,” and we have been countered with, “all of ‘that’ is horrible, sure, but what about the gas chambers...”
By capitulating to this supremacism, in which Jewish suffering always has primacy, the Palestine Solidarity Movement is helping maintain the status quo; by establishing preconditions to join a group meant to display solidarity with Palestine, but these preconditions protect Zionists and water down their crimes in the name of “fighting anti-Semitism and Holocaust® Denial,” the Palestine Solidarity Movement is operating as yet another Zionist fifth column, just like the ADL, which has a long record of spying for the Zionist entity (27), the Zionist Organization of America or AIPAC. The only difference is, its ‘mask of Zion’ is a much better cover than the others. It must change the path it is on.
Why would it be mandatory to pay one’s allegiance to the
holocaust unless it was to pay homage to Jewish suffering, even if the
one paying said allegiance is a Palestinian, Lebanese or Syrian whose
life has been destroyed under the very guise of “Jewish suffering”? Why
would such a ludicrous oath be needed unless it was to engrave in stone
this narrative that has been eating at the world for more than six
decades now, even in a place (the Solidarity Movement) where historical
iconoclasm is so desperately needed? Does anyone not ask themselves why
men have done hard time in prison for questioning a historical event? Or
why do laws even exist to stop this event from being investigated or
If anything, investigating all narratives used by international Zionism to deepen its stranglehold over Palestine should be the prerequisite for joining a solidarity campaign, especially the Holocaust®, which “Israel” and its worldwide Jewish-Zionist network of sayanim have used as a weapon since its criminal founding to extort and influence Western governments, stifle international debate on “Israel”, infect the historical record with falsities, corrupt Western educational discourse and build Zionist fortunes. Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, the invaluable Jewish anti-Zionist pioneer, called it “Holocaustomania (28).”
Let this next statement ring from pillar to post in the Solidarity Movement, from western hemisphere to eastern hemisphere, in the hearts of the religious and the non-religious and in the minds of all persons from all political persuasions: National Socialism is dead and has been so for nearly seven decades; it was decapitated at the behest of international Zionism by the crippling military might of the Allied Powers. Adolf Hitler is dead too and he is not coming back; ever. Nazism is not the beast devouring our world today and Hitler isn’t the figurehead of the beast.
These two things are apparitions; they are boogeymen kept alive and perpetually invoked by the real “powers that be” to deter investigation into their criminal intrigues; nothing more. Zionism and Jewish supremacism are the interlocked demons eating away at the heart of our earth at the present moment, they are the forces behind the vast majority of the world’s problems and they are certainly, without a doubt, the driving force behind every major war of the last century, as correctly noted by the eloquent President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (29).
With that said, no, Nazism wasn’t the most evil ideology to have ever been spawned and no, Hitler wasn’t the most evil man to have ever lived; not even close. Jewish supremacism on the other hand, which destroyed Nazism and Germany itself in the process, is the most evil ideology to have ever been spawned and the persons who adhere to this belief system of “chosen-ness” are the most insidious group that humanity has ever known. The blood of hundreds of millions of innocents as a result of the major wars they have engineered are the genocidal proof.
Comparing this two-headed malevolent behemoth with
Nazism is not only fallacious and an insult to the historical record, it
is a service to the Zionist entity and its powerful worldwide lobbying
networks. The Zionist Power Configuration appreciates nothing more than
pathetic excuses for investigators, who have been so brainwashed beyond
repair with Zionist propaganda regarding WWII that they look inside
every nook and cranny for Nazi elites that don’t exist, while the very
real Jewish supremacist elites (that do exist) own and thoroughly dominate the media with Zionist hasbara (30), nefariously police the Internet (31), despicably promote and distribute pornography (32), pump ecstasy pills and other narcotics into streets across the globe in a “virtual monopoly” (33), successfully lobby the US Congress to implement racist, Talmudic law in America (34), and, last but not least, vigorously work around the clock to eviscerate beyond recognition the Muslim nations of Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine itself (35), Pakistan and Kashmir (36).
And what of National Socialist Germany? Ernst Zündel, the steadfast fighter for truth, hero of history and revisionist giant, who has been dragged through the mud over the years by the Jewish community and Zionist media, imprisoned for “thought crime,” had his home burnt to the ground, targeted for murder by Jewish zealots and had his reputation completely destroyed, opined that National Socialism should be judged for defending Germany as well as the crimes it committed, for its achievements and failures, but nothing more, nothing less and certainly not for fanciful exaggerations (37).
Zündel rightfully believes that the collective memory of the world regarding Nazi Germany is one replete with everybody’s perception of that time period except that of Germans, and this is because the Zionists have ensured that the global forum be this way to protect their tribal interests and international agenda. Aforementioned Jewish Holocaust® revisionist Paul Eisen succinctly notes that there are three distinct, foundational principles to revisionism. Firstly, there never was an official plan on the part of Hitler or any other part of the Nazi regime to systematically and physically eliminate every Jew in Europe. Secondly, homicidal gas-chambers never existed. And thirdly, the numbers of Jewish victims have been exaggerated (37).
Even Holocaust® “expert” Raul Hilberg, the world’s
premier “authority” on the topic, admitted under oath in the kangaroo
court of the first Zündel trial in 1985 that there was no planned
genocide against the Jews of Germany, there was no Nazi blueprint for
mass extermination, no central planning of systematic killing by any
agency of National Socialism and no budget designated specifically for the destruction of European Jewry (37). Does this make Hilberg, a staunch Zionist, a self-described “defiantly strong Jew” and a Jewish supremacist who believed that, “The Jews are the conscience of the world. They are the father figures, stern, critical, and forbidding (38),” anti-Semitic and a ‘denier of the Holocaust®’?
For the sake of truth, it must be said: the “annihilation of the Jews” narrative that has been relentlessly pumped into the consciousness of humanity since the rise of National Socialism is a farce. A hardcore dose of wartime propaganda that began in the spring of 1942 with hasbara cooked up by Jewish and Zionist agencies and then disseminated throughout the Jewish press. These unconfirmed and uncorroborated sensationalist reports about Jews being steamed to death, suffocated to death, pressed to death, electrocuted to death and gassed to death were then picked up by Zionist media apparatuses in both Britain and America, including the BBC and the New York Times, and were repeated as factual happenings. Not a single one of these reports were rooted in factuality; not one. In reality, hundreds of thousands of people, many of them Jews, died in the Nazi work-prison camp system from exhaustion, malnutrition and the typhus epidemic because the Hitler government failed to provide them the proper food and medicine. But this wasn’t deliberate. It was due to the sadistic 6-year blockade and the barbaric, deranged and cruel saturation bombing campaign carried out against Germany by the Allies, chiefly the Zionist-occupied United States (37).
Nothing defines the holocaust quite like the “homicidal gas chambers,” and no place embodies the “homicidal gas chambers” quite like Auschwitz, National Socialism’s most infamous camp complex. According to popular opinion, 4 million victims, mostly Jews, died in the Auschwitz “extermination” camp. But this, like most other facets of the Holocaust® religion narrative, is false, so false that even preeminent “Israeli” holocaust ‘historian’ Yehuda Bauer has admitted that it is a “deliberate myth.” The Zionist entity’s Holocaust® center and Poland’s Auschwitz State Museum have both reduced the Auschwitz death toll down to 1 million Jewish and Gentile victims but several other prominent historians put the number lower, as low as 500,000 Jewish and Gentile victims (39).
Moreover, the world famous Auschwitz “gas chamber” is a fake, every part of it. It was constructed brick by brick after World War II for propaganda reasons. It is from this point that the “homicidal gas chambers” story falls to pieces. American gas chamber expert Fred A. Leuchter, research chemist Dr. William B. Lindsey and Walter Lüftl, a prominent Austrian expert engineer who ran a huge Vienna-based engineering firm, have all proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the stories of Jews being exterminated by gassing en masse at Auschwitz, Birkenau, Majdanek and Mauthausen are untrue on every level. After thorough investigations of the camps, all three men, preeminent authorities in the field, concluded that the stories were “absurd” and “technically impossible.” To reiterate, there isn’t a lick of documentary evidence which suggests that the Nazis planned a “final solution” for Euro-Jewry or “extermination” of Euro-Jewry. This truth can be reconciled with the fact that the vast majority of Jewish inmates unable to work in the camps were left alive and cared for, contrary to the oft-repeated hasbara that those unable to work were executed by gassing. Another major Jewish ‘historian,’ History Professor of Princeton Arno Mayer, has admitted that most Jews who died in Auschwitz died of typhus (39).
While there was no German “final solution” for the Jews
of Europe, there was a Jewish “final solution” in place for the people
of Germany. The name of this “final solution” was “The Book That Hitler
Fears: Germany Must Perish,” a small volume written by a Jewish
businessman and rabid Zionist from New York City named Theodore N.
Kaufman; the first edition was published sometime between late 1940 and
early 1941 and the second edition was published later on in the latter
year. In truly disturbing fashion, and in no uncertain terms for that
matter, Kaufman blatantly advocates the mass genocidal sterilization of
the German people and the subsequent territorial breakup of Germany as a
nation-state, fractionalizing it into smaller, weaker entities. Kaufman
put this frightening plot on paper
because he genuinely believed (and wanted others, specifically
Americans, to believe) that Germans were inherently barbaric as a people
and therefore, the only way to stop their barbarism from spreading to
the four corners of the earth, was to annihilate them (40). Sick does not even begin to delineate Kaufman or his book.
And yet, to note, yes, to simply note these critical historical facts long-suppressed by the Zionist media, to merely discuss this tiny, albeit devastating and refutative package of information, is to commit the ultimate sin, is to engage in the damnable-by-imprisonment thought crime of “Holocaust® denial.” To refuse to accept fabrications, inaccuracies, falsehoods, exaggerations and outright hasbara by Zionist propagandists is to be a “Holocaust® denier.” On the other hand, to accept these lies, these pernicious lies that have been used to justify the most berserk, inhuman aggressions against the people of Palestine and others, is to be a teller of truth, devoted “activist” and “humanist.” Is madness not what this Orwellian dichotomy represents? Is the very essence of “freedom of speech” not maimed beyond recognition by this eccentric duality?
The infamous, Zionist-engineered “312 incubator babies” story that led to the beginning of the decimation of Iraq more than 20 years ago has been exposed as a grisly hoax (41), should we still accept it as fact? The repugnant stories of the now-fallen Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadhdhafi giving his military forces Viagra and ordering them to rape civilians, which were used by NATO to increase its barbarous bombing of Libya, have also been exposed as totally baseless (42), should we still accept them as examples of truth? The story of Hamas causing the initiation of Operation Cast Lead by violating the ceasefire with the Zionist entity in late 2008 has been debunked as a Zionist lie; ‘Israel’ had not only been planning the Gaza massacre for quite some time, but it broke the ceasefire on November 4th, 2008 (43), should we still parrot the hasbara? And then there is the “WMDs in Iraq” story, which was another Zionist-birthed fallacy that caused more Iraqi blood to be spilled for the usurping ‘Israeli’ regime (44), should we still cite it as veracious? The emphatic answer to these four questions of course, is “NO!” Using this as the guideline, why then should the hasbara of the Holocaust® not be rejected any less resoundingly?
It is not only socially (and professionally)
recommendable but socially (and professionally) obligatory to swallow
Holocaust® propaganda in both the mainstream and alternative spheres of
media because of the “Jewish sensitivities” sacred cow. To reporters and
journalists of both spheres, the ‘fragile feelings’ and emotional
(delusional) attachments of Zionist Jews, are seemingly much more
important than the truth of a very serious matter, with very serious
geopolitical implications. To the same reporters and journalists, the
feelings of other peoples who have been afflicted by genocide are of no
consequence at all.
The Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923 is frequently belittled, downplayed and denied. The number of martyrs total more than 1.5 million but mainstream “authorities” routinely reduce this to around 300,000, without incident, without uproar. The ADL, Zionist spy nest and Mossad’s most powerful American front organization (45), leads the charge in suppressing the history of the Armenian Genocide (46). The Ukranian Genocide of 1932-1933, known as the Holodomor, is as badly ignored as the horrors experienced by the Armenian people. More than 10 million Ukranian men, women and children were mercilessly starved to death in a manmade famine, but this martyr count too is disgracefully reduced to numbers as low as 1 or 2 million. Once more, we find the ADL leading the charge to minimize and deny this crucial historical event, with ADL head and Jewish supremacist thug Abraham Foxman once telling reps of former Ukranian President Viktor Yushchenko that, “One thing that you need to be sensitive about is not to link it {the Holodomor} with ours {the Holocaust®}. Be careful. It cannot be played as your genocide, our genocide. Because that will be counterproductive on all sides (47).”
The Iraq Genocide that began with UN Resolution 661 on August 6th, 1990 and continues to rage on to this very moment is assuredly the most denigrated of modern day atrocities. Not only is the vast scope and sheer brutality and evil of the American-British invasion excused and lessened by the previously-discussed “authorities,” so are the numbers of the martyrs and this incessant need to “decrease and downplay” is nothing short of shameful. How many different death tolls are there? 30,000? 100,000? “Tens of thousands” is a common expression. “Collateral damage in the thousands” is also typical.
Even “one million dead” has become a trivialized slogan for “leftists” who ramble on about an “imperialism” that is faceless, as if there aren’t persons behind it with an exceedingly particular ideology. In reality, according to Iraq’s Ministry of Women’s Affairs, more than 2,500,000 Iraqis have lost their lives as a result of the criminal invasion and this staggering figure only includes the martyrs of 2003-2010 (48). Moreover, according to the Iraq Ministry of Health, the crippling, unrelenting sanctions that preceded the invasion claimed well over 2,000,000 lives, including 700,000 children (49). 4.5 million Iraqis dead and the ADL refers to this crime against humanity as “democratization (50).”
And the question, as always, is “WHY?” Why are the Armenian, Ukranian and Iraqi Genocides, all of which are rooted in graphic, prolific historical fact and detail, denied, downplayed and minimized by the establishment media? Because the establishment media is the Zionist media and the Zionist media is an instrument of the Jewish supremacist agenda. The Armenian, Ukranian and Iraqi Genocides weren’t Jewish, and because of this obvious but very telling fact, they aren’t newsworthy in the eyes of the Zionist media and the stooges that it employs as “reporters.” But there is a more mischievous reason as why these specific ‘atrocity events’ are devalued, nay, covered up, by the Zionist media and it is because they are all the products of Jewish-Zionist intrigue.
The subversive and maniacal Young Turks, who perpetrated
the Armenian Genocide, were Jewish in origin who strongly believed in
the Talmudic-Kabbalistic ideology of the 17th century false Jewish
Messiah Sabbatai Zevi and his followers, whom many of them descended
from. The Young Turks, who were also deeply connected to Freemasonry, had
extraterritorial ambitions and were not content with just eliminating
the Ottoman Empire; they wanted to establish a “Jewish state” in the
heart of Mesopotamia, after ethnically cleansing the indigenous peoples
in a repeat of the Armenian Genocide (51). Their exploits were funded
by the wealthy communities of Jews and Donmè (crypto-Jews) of
Thessalonika (Salonika; Thessaloniki, then part of Turkey, now part of
Greece), as well as powerful Jewish-Zionist banking interests in Vienna
and Berlin (52).
Their flagship propaganda paper, “The Young Turk,” was managed by none other than Jewish supremacist Vladimir “Iron Wall” Jabotinsky, the genocidal spiritual godfather of the Irgun terror gang, and arms used in their massacres were provided by powerful Jewish financier of the Bolsheviks, Alexander Israel Helphand, better known as “Parvus.” Emmanuel Carasso, Jewish-Zionist founder of the Young Turks, maintained close links to and sought advice from B’nai B’rith, the institution of Jewish Freemasonry, throughout their campaign of bloodshed and militarism (53).
Without the Young Turks’ overthrow of the Ottoman Empire, there would not be a usurping Zionist entity in Palestine now; there would be no Zionist occupation. To understand that the perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide were one of the seemingly endless tentacles of international Zionism is to understand a major missing piece of the geopolitical puzzle. The Zionists were well-aware that the Ottoman Empire had to be liquidated if they were to turn Palestine into a “Jewish homeland,” hence why the Young Turks, a force almost exclusively comprised of Jews, were put into action. Today, the Zionist Power Matrix not only wants this hidden Jewish history ignored, but buried; it wants to maintain the idea that “Muslim Young Turks” massacred Armenian Christians to further the Zionist “divide and conquer” agenda.
The architect of the Holomodor was the Jewish-Bolshevik
Lazar Kagonovich, an “artist” in savagery who is said to be the real
power behind Josef Stalin. The founder and first commander of the
All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution
and Sabotage, better known as the Cheka, the animalistic internal
security apparatus of the Soviet regime, was Jewish-Bolshevik Genrikh
Yagoda, who also founded the brutal Soviet Gulag system and is
single-handedly responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million
innocents. Jewish-Bolshevik Leonid Reichman was the head of the Cheka’s
special operations department and served as its chief interrogation
officer and is responsible for the torture of tens of millions of
Russians. 39%
of all Bolshevik-Stalinist security officials were Jewish, making the
greatest mass murderers of the modern era Jews, not Germans; Bolsheviks,
not Nazis (54). The Bolshevik Revolution itself, from the onset, was
a Jewish endeavor, with close to all of the leading Bolsheviks,
including Lenin and Trotsky, possessing Jewish origins and the murder of
the imperial Romanov family being ordered and carried out by
Jewish-Bolshevik agents (55).
The Zionist media has deliberately entombed these facts because the Holocaust® narrative of “perennial Jewish victimhood” wouldn’t hold as much as weight if the world knew that Jews were nothing even remotely close to victims in Bolshevik-Stalinist Russia; they were the rulers, oppressors and tormenters, just like they are in Palestine today. The only difference is the name of the ideology. Bolshevism and Zionism are simply two heads of the same Jewish supremacist dragon.
While several top academics have documented the domineering Zionist role in the planning and execution of the destruction of Iraq, most notably Professor John J. Mearsheimer and Professor Steven Walt in their landmark work, “The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy,” as well as Dr. Stephen J. Sniegoski in his masterpiece, “The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel,” it has not been discussed (at all) that Mossad, the Zionist entity’s international intelligence directorate, has been the chief player in keeping the Iraqi nation in chaos by endlessly planting car bombs and attempting to foment ethno-sectarian war. Very few have spoken above a whisper that the annihilation of Iraq wasn’t just for the “protection” of the usurping ‘Israeli’ regime but for the expansion of it (56).
Anyone who has spoken out against the power of the
Zionist Lobby and its role in constructing the decimation of Iraq,
including the aforementioned scholars, has been smeared as
“anti-Semitic” by the Zionist media and any info on Mossad operations in
Iraq have been totally blacked out. The Iraqi people were sacrificed on
the altar of Zionism and this must never be revealed to the public
because it may just prevent future wars of Zionist aggression from
And while the two said books also prominently featured the little-known truth that “neoconservativism,” the guiding ideology of the Zionist warmongers behind Iraq’s butchering, is a sole invention of Jewish intellectuals who desperately desire to preserve the existence of the Zionist entity at any cost, it did not focus on what drove these tribalists to found the ideology to begin with: “Holocaust® consciousness (57).” So these men, nearly all of whom are Jewish, just like the Bolsheviks before them, are pushing, bullying, influencing and lobbying Western governments to fight imperial wars for Jewish interests and the preservation of “Israel” in the name of the “6 million Jewish victims” of the Holocaust®.
Paul Wolfowitz, the author of the “Wolfowitz Doctrine” and the chief Zionist strategist behind Iraq’s dismemberment, stated, “That sense of what happened in Europe in World War II has shaped a lot of my views (58).” Wolfowitz’s ‘partner in crime,’ fellow arch Zionist, Iraq War planner and ‘Israeli’ spy Richard Perle, echoes this sentiment, “The defining moment of our history was certainly the Holocaust. It was destruction, a genocide of a whole people, and it was the failure to respond in a timely fashion to a threat that was clearly gathering. We don’t want that to happen again. When we have the ability to stop totalitarian regimes, we should do so, because when we fail to do so, the results are catastrophic (59).” Astounding.
When these revelations are presented in context with the earlier iconoclastic bombshells regarding the exaggerations and fabrications so intimately associated with the Holocaust®, you get the feeling that these persons are insane; not metaphorically, but literally insane. Jewish supremacist warmongers like Wolfowitz, Perle and the rest of their neoconservative tribal brethren are planning and ordering wars that are based on lies in the memory of the biggest historical lie of our time. I am legitimately asking here: does it get anymore psychotic than this? And please, allow me to ask another question... doesn’t researching the Holocaust® and debunking all of the gobbledygook that comes along with it become all that more important when the stability of our world is being threatened by madmen who believe in its manufactured uniqueness and righteousness? This is an especially important point when considering ‘Israeli’-American aggression against Iran is on the rise (60), and the “prevention of a second holocaust” is the pretext that is being invoked by the ‘left’ and ‘right’ wings of the Jewish spectrum to destroy thousands of years of Persian history.
Just recently, Chemi Shalev, in his “West of Eden” blog
for the “liberal” Zionist entity newspaper Ha’aretz, wrote a piece
entitled “The Holocaust is a good reason, not a bad excuse, for attacking Iran (61)” and neoconservative godfather and genocide-monger Charles Krauthammer, recipient of the “Guardian
of Zion” award, an “honor” given out for supporting ‘Israel’ in print
by the Zionist entity’s Bar-Ilan University’s Ingeborg Rennert Center
for Jerusalem Studies (62), recently told ultra-Zionist Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News that, “I
cannot imagine the Israelis are going to allow Iran to go nuclear and
to hold the Damocles sword over 6 million Jews all over again. Israel
was established to prevent a second Holocaust, not to invite one (63).”
Not only does this bloodthirsty trash reinforce the point made earlier that Zionism is chameleonic and it can manifest itself as “rightist” or “leftist” at will as a means of enforcing the Jewish supremacist agenda at its core, it illuminates a much more important matter: investigating the Holocaust® and exposing it for the psychological warfare that it truly represents isn’t only a must for the people of Palestine but for every truth-seeking, peace-seeking human on this planet.
In his groundbreaking book, “The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics,” brother Jihad (Gilad) Atzmon writes some monumentally important words on page 176 that encapsulate the vivid details of this section wholeheartedly, “We should also ask what purpose Holocaust denial laws serve? What is the Holocaust religion there to conceal? As long as we fail to ask questions, we will be subjected to Zionist lobbies and their plots. We will continue killing in the name of Jewish suffering. We will maintain our complicity in Western imperialist crimes (64).”
~ End Of Part I ~
Next: The revolutionary, fearless breakdown of international Zionism's linguistic weaponry, the examination and refutation of Jewish "chosen-ness" and the ever-stunning heights of Zionist arrogance...
(1) The Case Of Uri Avnery I: “Shukran, Israel” Analyzed And Refuted by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(2) The Case Of Uri Avnery II: Hasbara, Supremacism And The Future Of Solidarity by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(3) In Defense Of Uri Avnery by Steve Amsel, Desert Peace
(4) Hummus And Falafel Are Already “Israeli.” Now They’re Coming For Palestine’s Olive Oil Too by Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada
(5) Resisting The Nakba by Professor Joseph Massad, Al-Ahram Weekly
(6) The Rights Of Israel by Professor Joseph Massad, Al-Jazeera English
(7) Is Israel A Democracy Or An Ethnocracy? by Ben White, The New Statesman
(8) Understanding The Opposition To NATO’s Intervention In Libya by Uri Avnery, Redress Information and Analysis
(9) Uri Avnery Interview by Jon Elmer, The Progressive
(10) 1948 Remembered By The People Who Were There by The Independent
(11) Take Action For Hunger Striking Palestinian Prisoner Khader Adnan! by Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network; Deal Reached To End Khader Adnan’s Detention By 17 April; 66 Day Hunger Strike Ends by Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada; Starving For Freedom: The Hunger Strike Of Khader Adnan by Ali Abunimah, Al-Jazeera English
(12) Kissinger’s 1974 Plan For Food Control Genocide by Joseph Brewda, The Executive Intelligence Review
(13) Anti-Boycott Bill Becomes Law After Passing Knesset by Lahav Harkov, The Jerusalem Post
(14) Knesset Approves Nakba Law by Elad Benari, Arutz Sheva
(15) Equality For Palestinians? Israel Won’t Have It by Ben White, The Guardian
(16) Arab MK Gets Death Threats by WAFA
(17) Israeli Arab MK Lodges Complaints After Receiving Death Threats On Facebook by Jonathan Lis and Ophir Bar-Zohar, Haaretz
(18) Arab-Israeli Parliamentarian Fights Death Threats by Mel Frykberg, Inter Press Service
(19) Obituaries: Yeshayahu Leibowitz, 91, Iconoclastic Israeli Thinker by Joel Greenberg, The New York Times
(20) As A Jew... A Letter To Sarah Colbourne by Paul Eisen
(21) From The Outside Looking In... The PSC AGM by Paul Eisen, deLIBERATION
(22) “International Zionism Is Strangling The World:” Interview With Jonathan Azaziah by Kourosh Ziabari, Mask of Zion
(23) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth; Section – Cablegate Fraud II: Disgusting Zionist Lies by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(24) The Iraq War Cover-Up: What Did AIPAC Do And When Did It Do It? by Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss
(25) Judaism Discovered: A Study Of The Anti-Biblical Religion Of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition And Deceit; Chapter – Moses Hess And The Secret Relationship Between Judaism, Zionism And Communism, Section – Moses Hess And Judaism, Pages 862-863 by Professor Michael A. Hoffman II, Independent History and Research
(26) Emancipation: Moses Hess To Theodor Herzl by Michael Goldfarb, Global Post
(27) The Anti-Defamation League: A Protector Of Civil Rights Or Silencer Of Free Speech? by American Muslims for Palestine
(28) Book Review: The Holocaust Industry: Reflections On the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by James A. Montanye, The Independent Institute
(29) Ahmadinejad: Zionists Started Both World Wars by Yitzhak Benhorin, Ynet
(30) Stunning Jewish Success Dominates American Media by Jeffrey Blankfort, Intifada Palestine; Do Jews Dominate In American Media? And So What If We Do? by Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss
(31) A Talmud Ace Tackles Thorny Issue Of Net Neutrality by Joy Resmovits, The Jewish Daily Forward
(32) Triple-Exthnics by Nathan Abrams, The Jewish Quarterly
(33) Israel Trips On Ecstasy by The Washington Times
(34) Bill Text 102nd Congress (1991-1992) H.J.RES.104.ENR by The Library of Congress
(35) Pakistan: Gateway To The Zionist Endgame by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black
(36) The Salala Massacre: NATO’s Naked Aggression Against Pakistan And The Hegemonic Israeli-Indo-American Strategy Behind It by Martin Iqbal and Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(37) The Holocaust Wars by Paul Eisen, Righteous Jews
(38) A Conscious Pariah by Nathaniel Popper, The Nation
(39) Auschwitz: Myths And Facts by Mark Weber, The Institute For Historical Review
(40) The Book That Hitler Fears: Germany Must Perish by Theodore N. Kaufman, Argyle Press; Introductory Note by Mark Weber, The Institute For Historical Review
(41) Syria Under Fire: Zionist Destabilization Hits Critical Mass; Section – Hasbara In Full Effect: Exaggerations and Fabrications by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(42) Amnesty Questions Claim That Gaddafi Ordered Rape As Weapon Of War by Patrick Cockburn, The Independent
(43) US Media Didn’t Report Israeli Ceasefire Violation by Jim Lobe and Ali Gharib, The Electronic Intifada
(44) The Zionist Murderers Of Iraq by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(45) The Ugly Truth About The ADL by The Executive Intelligence Review
(46) ADL’s Abe Foxman Disputes Criticism On Armenian Genocide Position by Armenian National Committee Of America
(47) Defamation (film) by Yoav Shamir
(48) Army Of Widows, Orphans Trail US War by Press TV
(49) Lifting The Iraq Embargo After Almost 2 Million Deaths by Dr. M. Amir Ali, Institute Of Islamic Information and Education
(50) Iraq War: Is It Good For Jews, And Israel? by Abraham Foxman, Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith
(51) Young Turks, Freemasons And Jews by Elie Kedourie, Middle Eastern Studies (Vol. 7, No. 1, Jan. 1971)
(52) The Young Turks: Who Were They? by Radio Islam
(53) Palmerston Launches Young Turks To Permanently Control Middle East by Joseph Brewda, The Schiller Institute
(54) Stalin’s Jews by Sever Plocker, Ynet
(55) The Jewish Role In The Bolshevik Revolution And Russia’s Early Soviet Regime: Assessing The Grim Legacy Of Soviet Communism by Mark Weber, The Institute For Historical Review
(56) Occupied Iraq: New Year, Same Zionism by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(57) The Neoconservative Persuasion: Examining The Jewish Roots of An Intellectual Movement by Gal Beckerman, The Jewish Daily Forward
(58) The Busy Life Of Being A Lightning Rod For Bush by Eric Schmitt, The New York Times
(59) The War Party by BBC Panorama
(60) Iran Escalation: All The Elements For War Are Coming Together by Tom Burghardt, Global Research
(61) The Holocaust Is A Good Reason, Not A bad Excuse, For Attacking Iran by Chemi Shalev, Haaretz
(62) Charles Krauthammer: A Pen In Defense Of Zion by Bret Stephens, The Israel Report
(63) Krauthammer: Israel ‘Will Strike’ Iran To “Prevent A Second Holocaust” by The Daily Caller
(64) The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics; Chapter 21 – Truth, History And Integrity, Page 176 by Gilad Atzmon, Zero Books
Prelude: In the wake of my two-part deconstruction of “mask of Zion” wearer Uri Avnery and the grave intellectual and ideological problems within the International Palestine Solidarity Movement, I was accused of “anti-Semitism” by a well-known voice within the blogosphere who rushed to Avnery’s defense. While this person’s reply to my vastly-documented work did not warrant such a response, I diligently composed this series to demolish and banish any similar accusations that are sure to arise in the future. In this first part, we delve into the true nature and wider historical context of Zionism, what it means to be a “Jewish Israeli” and the always-controversial realm of Holocaust® revisionism....
Like the moon rising upon the completion of sunset, it can be described as nothing other than inevitable that as soon as one raises one’s voice above a whisper in regards to the twisted, cancerous and supremacist ideology that guides the usurping Zionist entity occupying Palestine and the far-reaching global Jewish-Zionist Lobby that protects it from even the slightest criticism, one will be hysterically demonized, slandered, libeled, smeared and browbeaten with the label of “anti-Semitism.” If one criticizes any person of Jewish origin who expresses ‘support’ for Palestine but who also harbors blatant Zionist sympathies and actively attempts to impose this Zionism on others to delay, deflect and outright silence discussion on key matters relevant to full Palestinian liberation, one will once again face the same hysteria reignited like a supremacist conflagration and receive the chastisement of “anti-Semitism.” This inevitable calumny has now found its way to my person.
On February 2nd, 2012, I completed and published a two-part series deconstructing and exposing the ‘Israeli’ activist for ‘peace,’ Uri Avnery (real name: Helmut Ostermann), a highly-regarded figure in the Palestine Solidarity Movement. The first part secondarily dealt with Avnery’s expertly-masked supremacism and chiefly, his elephantine lies against Islamic Resistance movements, which were smashed to pieces as perversions of history (1). The second, more controversial part of the series examined and documented Avnery’s support for the Zionist entity’s current top stooge in the United States, President Barack Obama, as well as his glowing approval for NATO’s genocidal aggression against Libya and his obscene call for more genocide in Syria. It also delved deeply into the reasons behind the degeneration of the Solidarity Movement and the relation of persons like Avnery to this deterioration (2). For this, I was vitriolically accused of “anti-Semitism” by one Steve Amsel, operator of the website ‘Desert Peace,’ in a short, slanderous op-ed that he penned entitled, “In Defense Of Uri Avnery (3).”
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Zionists do not work well with facts; they are much more comfortable with ad hominem distortions. |
The idea of falling “into the trap set by the Zionists themselves” by unveiling the true face of a Zionist only could have originated in a purgatorial, Orwellian realm located between the laughable and the demented. I would sincerely like someone to explain to me, preferably in the most vivid way possible, how exposing Zionists... benefits Zionists. This asininity will be revisited in the conclusion. The title “Jewish Israeli” is one that deserves a brief but thorough examination; what does it mean, really, to be a “Jewish Israeli?”
Since “Israeli” is a fabricated identity, one based on the theft of Palestinian food like falafel, hummus, olive oil and maftoul as well as Palestinian folklore and culture (4), and “Israel” is a fabricated entity, one based on 131 years of illegal, immoral Jewish colonization of Palestine and the destruction of more than 500 Palestinian villages during the (still-ongoing) Nakba (5), to be a “Jewish Israeli” is to be a colonizer and a destroyer of Palestine. To be a “Jewish Israeli” is to have racial and colonial privileges over the indigenous Palestinian people; at least 30 racist, supremacist laws within “Israel” solidify and uphold these privileges (6). Several of these laws represent a system in which all persons of Jewish heritage on the planet have the “right” to become “Israeli” while all Palestinians, refugees and current inhabitants of Palestine, are systematically denied the most basic human rights (7). To be a “Jewish Israeli” is to serve in the Zionist occupation army and massacre Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, Egyptians, et al. The essence of the “Jewish Israeli” identity is the identity of an oppressor, of a murderer, and irregardless of whatever ‘mask of Zion’ that Zionists attempt to place on it, this is all that it is.
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Uri Avnery partook in the (ongoing) ethnic cleansing of Palestine as a member of the terrorist Givati Brigades. |
Amsel also brazenly demands, “After a long lifetime in the struggle, both as an activist and a pro Palestinian voice in the Israeli Knesset, Avnery deserves honour, not discredit.” What “struggle” did Uri Avnery participate in? The Zionists’ “struggle” to butcher, rape, pillage, ethnically cleanse, murder and demolish their way to a “state” built upon the bodies of the aboriginals? What a monstrous insult to the Palestinian people who have been waging a real struggle against Zionism since the first criminal Jewish colonists arrived in their homeland in 1881 (5).
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Palestinian hunger striker and hero Khader Adnan; Uri Avnery and other likeminded Jewish supremacists could never even dream of his courage. |
And “pro Palestinian?” How does bombing and ethnically cleansing Palestinians make one “pro Palestinian?” How does recognizing the entity that usurped Palestinians of their land and giving them a demilitarized ghetto-prison “state” for a consolation prize make one “pro Palestinian?” More Zionist newspeak; more Zionist doublethink. It is astonishing that Amsel would suggest that a terrorist and killer of Palestinians deserves “honor.” Would he suggest that Sharon and Peres, Barak and Olmert also deserve “honor?” It is equally astonishing that he invokes the “Israeli” Knesset as if it were an institution of justice, human rights and dignity, and serving in this institution leads to one embodying these qualities. It is nothing of the sort. The Knesset represents the institutionalized racism of Zionism, it is the structural personification of the Zionist occupation. It is the entity that passed the Orwellian “Boycott Bill,” which punishes any ‘citizen’ of “Israel” who boycotts the Zionist regime (13). And it is the entity that passed the “Nakba Law,” which criminalizes the remembrance and exposé of the Zionist regime’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine (14).
The exceptionally limited number of Palestinians who serve in the Knesset are routinely incited against, illegally arrested, groundlessly prosecuted and subjected to the most degrading anti-Arab racism (15). But this is Zionism that we are discussing here, and with it inherently comes maniacal violence. MK Talab al-Sana, chief of the Arab Democratic Party in “Israel,” has been threatened with death by letter (16). MK Ahmed Tibi has been threatened with death via Facebook (17). Survivor of the Freedom Flotilla Massacre, the gallant and eloquent MK Haneen Zoabi, has been threatened with death so many times (well over 50) that she told her secretary to stop informing her of it (18). “Israel” is not a normal “state,” and thus, its “state” institutions should not be treated with normalcy. The Knesset is an organ of Zionist oppression and it has absolutely no authority, legitimacy or jurisdiction over any part of Palestine. It, like the “Israeli” entity and identity, is a projection of the psychosis known as Jewish supremacism and it, like the “Israeli” entity and identity, must be boycotted, dismantled and abolished. Permanently.
To close his slanderous invective, Amsel presents a piece of Avnery’s entitled, “Reluctant Prophet,” to, evidently, show “what type of man he {Avnery} is through his description of another great Jewish (Israeli) person.” But of course! One “Israeli” praising another “Israeli,” occupier patting occupier on the back, all in the name of solidarity with Palestine, yes? The “Jewish Israeli person” in question is none other than Yeshayahu Leibowitz, the famed “Israeli” scholar and thinker who former “Israeli” President, Air Force Commander, Defense Minister and Irgun terrorist Ezar Weizman described as, “one of the greatest figures in the life of the Jewish people and the State of Israel in recent generations,” and also, “a spiritual conscience for many in Israel.” Leibowitz was a devout Orthodox Jew and arch Zionist who repeated lies about Hamas quite similar to those repeated by Avnery in his now-disgraced “Shukran, Israel” piece. Leibowitz famously stated after al-Naksa that, “The occupation of the territories would turn Israel into an agent of repression, whose citizens would be employed in growing numbers to police the Palestinians (19).” This is typical of the delusion that is Zionist romanticism.
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Zionism is a supremacist force of destruction and manifests itself as "rightist" or "leftist" at will to further its agenda. |
Lest we forget, just so there isn’t an ounce of discrepancy on this matter of the intrinsical evil of Zionism, al-Nakba, the Qibya massacre, the Kafr Qassim massacre, Mossad’s assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy, al-Naksa, the murderous assault on the USS Liberty, further Zionist expansion into the occupied West Bank, al-Quds and Syria’s al-Jaulan, the implementation of the Law of Return as a “come to Palestine and steal some aboriginal land because you’re chosen” card for World Jewry and lastly, genocidal Operation Cast Lead, were all carried out by “left-wing” Zionist entity leaders. Khalas with this insulting false dichotomy and khalas with the recognition of any person as a credible source who attempts to preserve it. Amsel wrote that we would uncover what kind of person Avnery is through his gleaming depiction of Leibowitz in “Reluctant Prophet,” and indeed we do: he is a Zionist, a hardcore, self-deluding Zionist, whose concern with “peace” only translates to the racist preservation of the usurping Zionist entity, just like Leibowitz before him.
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Questioning "The Holocaust®" in any capacity can get you imprisoned alongside hardened convicts for the criminal action of "thought crime." |
Prior to introducing the rubbish about Leibowitz, Amsel quoted a caption from the second part of my Avnery series dealing with the ‘holocaust’; the caption reads, “The Palestine Solidarity Movement is so busy paying its respects to the propaganda-ridden “chosen” holocaust, it is failing to adequately fight for Palestine.” Seemingly incapable of responding without hysteria, Amsel subsequently commented, “The above is a lie to discredit those Jews involved in the struggle. Nothing but pure, unadulterated anti-Semitism.” Odd. I did not mention “Jews” in the caption, but Amsel did, for the transparently perceptible reason of adding fuel to the “anti-Semitism” fire that he sought to burn me with.
No matter, a tidal wave of truth will douse the defamatory flames. Again, there was no examination of my remark, let alone a refutation. By no means was it a “lie” on any level and by no means was it an attempt to discredit anyone, Jewish or otherwise. It was an undoubtedly harsh but nevertheless accurate statement to wake up the Solidarity Movement from its Zionist-induced slumber. There are none so blind as those who choose their blindness, cherishing it as if it were a heavenly gift.
Thinker and activist Dr. Francis Clark-Lowes, along with esteemed activist and revisionist Paul Eisen before him, characterize the very essence of the caption. Both of these brilliant and fearless men have been expelled from a vital wing of the UK Palestine Solidarity Campaign for alleged ‘Holocaust® Denial’ and ‘anti-Semitism.’ Paul Eisen was ruthlessly targeted for having the spine to speak on Holocaust® revisionism and his beautiful, important website, Deir Yassin Remembered, a commemoration of the ungodly Zionist massacre of at least 112 Palestinian men, women and children on April 9th, 1948, is now defunct as a result of this cruel and dastardly character assault. This particular branch has been conquered by Jewish supremacists masquerading as “anti-Zionists” and it has become obsessed with ‘Holocaust® Denial’ and ‘anti-Semitism.’ It has even entered into a shadowy, unspoken alliance with toxic Zionist outlets like Engage, Harry’s Place and the Jewish Chronicle to fight its newfound obsessions (20).
Additionally, it has installed a precondition into its framework called “anti-racism,” an Orwellian phrase for “anything critical of Jewish-Zionist power will not be tolerated;” and it is doing everything that it can to deflect attention away from Zionism and Jewish supremacism, passing out leaflets and organizing forums that repeat the tiresome slogan of “Israel” being a settler-colonial apartheid state, insisting that “Israel” is an American client regime and even going as far as saying that Zionism has “non-Jewish origins (21),” one of the most astronomical assertions that I have ever come across. “Israel” is far worse and far more powerful than any “settler-colonial apartheid state” and this description at its root is deceptive and deflective (22). “Israel” absolutely is not another mere US client regime, as ‘American imperialism’ has no place in the Zionist entity (23) and its fifth column lobbying apparatus exercises immense power over the American government, as evidenced just recently with its coverup of the heavy, domineering Zionist hand in the butchering of Iraq and the push for more butchery in the Islamic Republic of Iran (24).
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Rabbi Moses Hess: the REAL godfather of Zionism, the little-known creator of Communism and a hardcore Jewish supremacist. |
Beyond his rabbinic hatred of goyim in general, Hess had a particular rabid, racist dislike for the German people and his landmark book, “Rome and Jerusalem: the Last National Question,” penned in 1862, is filled with venomous rhetoric against Europeans and serves as a call to Jews to recognize their inherent superiority over all other peoples on earth and thus, “the new Jewish state would be a light to the nations showing them how to live in socialist harmony.” This written pronunciamento of Talmudism is the godfather work of Zionism. Why do “leftists” ignore Rebbe Hess? Because he is also the true founder of Communism (and its manifesto), their ideology’s backbone. Hess was the mentor of none other than Karl Marx, who referred to Hess as the “communist rabbi (26).” Leftists, most specifically those of Jewish heritage who put their tribal interests before everything, would rather dwell in delusion because they don’t want their political dogma tainted. But facts are facts; their dogma is forever linked to Zionism, a byproduct of Jewish supremacism.
If the nature of the Zionist entity is skewed, the root of its power is downplayed and its origins are designedly lied about, how can it be combated? How can the Solidarity Movement triumph, how can full freedom for Palestine be attained, when something is rotten at the core? In light of the facts presented here, especially the persecutions of Dr. Francis Clark-Lowes and Paul Eisen, is the caption sited by Amsel not vindicated? Is it not validated? Is its representation of truth not etched in even bolder ink?
Eisen and Clark-Lowes care deeply about Palestine, why should their (correct) opinions about World War II’s history disqualify them in any way from showing solidarity with the suffering Palestinian people? Why is a Palestine Solidarity organization dedicating so much of its time to ‘fighting’ the slippery, vague and idolatrous constructs of ‘anti-Semitism’ and ‘Holocaust® Denial’ while the Zionist occupation of Palestine rages on without mercy? And more importantly, why is a Palestine Solidarity organization allying itself with and behaving like the very Zionist outfits that incessantly berate and slander the Palestinian people and cause on a daily basis? And the answer is, because Jewish sensitivities regarding what took place during World War II and the irreconcilable need to maintain the uniqueness of Jewish suffering (as well as victimhood) and the racist notion that Jewish persecution at the hands of non-Jews just because they are Jewish is an inevitable occurrence have utterly crippled any rational debate or discussion on these issues (2).
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Nazism doesn't even come close to the evil of Zionism. Comparing the two only benefits the Jewish supremacist agenda. |
It is a subtle but very effective method of disseminating Zionist propaganda. By equating to Zionism to Nazism or “Israelis” to Nazis, you are unequivocally saying that “Israel” is like the Nazi regime but there is nothing worse than the Nazi regime and no matter who suffers at the ironfisted hands of “Israel,” nothing can or will ever compare to the suffering of those who lived under Nazism, especially Jews. You are upholding the Zionist myth that the Nazis were the most evil persons to ever walk the planet and nothing that “Israel” does, no matter how savage, no matter how bloody, will ever trump this “ultimate Nazi evil.” Zionists, because of their Jewishness, because of their victimhood, will always be given the benefit of the doubt when their crimes are judged. “Look at what was done to them during the Holocaust®,” how many times has this atrocious fantasy been repeated as indisputable fact?
How many times have we said “Al-Nakba,” and we have been countered with, “but what about the ‘death’ camps...” How many times have we said, “Al-Naksa,” and we have been countered with, “but what about the human soap...” How many times have we said, “Sabra and Shatila, Qana, Marwaheen, Jenin, al-Khisas, al-Aqsa, al-Ibrahimi Mosque, Dahmash Mosque, Dueima, Lebanon ‘06, Cast Lead, countless other massacres, the torture, the dungeons, the administrative detention, the ethnic cleansing, the home demolitions, 64 years of illegal occupation,” and we have been countered with, “all of ‘that’ is horrible, sure, but what about the gas chambers...”
By capitulating to this supremacism, in which Jewish suffering always has primacy, the Palestine Solidarity Movement is helping maintain the status quo; by establishing preconditions to join a group meant to display solidarity with Palestine, but these preconditions protect Zionists and water down their crimes in the name of “fighting anti-Semitism and Holocaust® Denial,” the Palestine Solidarity Movement is operating as yet another Zionist fifth column, just like the ADL, which has a long record of spying for the Zionist entity (27), the Zionist Organization of America or AIPAC. The only difference is, its ‘mask of Zion’ is a much better cover than the others. It must change the path it is on.
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The Zionist Power Configuration has turned "The Holocaust®" into an extortion racket that generates money for the global protection of the Zionist entity. |
If anything, investigating all narratives used by international Zionism to deepen its stranglehold over Palestine should be the prerequisite for joining a solidarity campaign, especially the Holocaust®, which “Israel” and its worldwide Jewish-Zionist network of sayanim have used as a weapon since its criminal founding to extort and influence Western governments, stifle international debate on “Israel”, infect the historical record with falsities, corrupt Western educational discourse and build Zionist fortunes. Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, the invaluable Jewish anti-Zionist pioneer, called it “Holocaustomania (28).”
Let this next statement ring from pillar to post in the Solidarity Movement, from western hemisphere to eastern hemisphere, in the hearts of the religious and the non-religious and in the minds of all persons from all political persuasions: National Socialism is dead and has been so for nearly seven decades; it was decapitated at the behest of international Zionism by the crippling military might of the Allied Powers. Adolf Hitler is dead too and he is not coming back; ever. Nazism is not the beast devouring our world today and Hitler isn’t the figurehead of the beast.
These two things are apparitions; they are boogeymen kept alive and perpetually invoked by the real “powers that be” to deter investigation into their criminal intrigues; nothing more. Zionism and Jewish supremacism are the interlocked demons eating away at the heart of our earth at the present moment, they are the forces behind the vast majority of the world’s problems and they are certainly, without a doubt, the driving force behind every major war of the last century, as correctly noted by the eloquent President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (29).
With that said, no, Nazism wasn’t the most evil ideology to have ever been spawned and no, Hitler wasn’t the most evil man to have ever lived; not even close. Jewish supremacism on the other hand, which destroyed Nazism and Germany itself in the process, is the most evil ideology to have ever been spawned and the persons who adhere to this belief system of “chosen-ness” are the most insidious group that humanity has ever known. The blood of hundreds of millions of innocents as a result of the major wars they have engineered are the genocidal proof.
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Citizens of the world are afraid to criticize the crimes of Zionist Jewry because they don't want their name blackened with "anti-Semitism." |
And what of National Socialist Germany? Ernst Zündel, the steadfast fighter for truth, hero of history and revisionist giant, who has been dragged through the mud over the years by the Jewish community and Zionist media, imprisoned for “thought crime,” had his home burnt to the ground, targeted for murder by Jewish zealots and had his reputation completely destroyed, opined that National Socialism should be judged for defending Germany as well as the crimes it committed, for its achievements and failures, but nothing more, nothing less and certainly not for fanciful exaggerations (37).
Zündel rightfully believes that the collective memory of the world regarding Nazi Germany is one replete with everybody’s perception of that time period except that of Germans, and this is because the Zionists have ensured that the global forum be this way to protect their tribal interests and international agenda. Aforementioned Jewish Holocaust® revisionist Paul Eisen succinctly notes that there are three distinct, foundational principles to revisionism. Firstly, there never was an official plan on the part of Hitler or any other part of the Nazi regime to systematically and physically eliminate every Jew in Europe. Secondly, homicidal gas-chambers never existed. And thirdly, the numbers of Jewish victims have been exaggerated (37).
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Children of "the West" are constantly bombarded with "Holocaust®" stories but none of them are rooted in anything even resembling fact. |
For the sake of truth, it must be said: the “annihilation of the Jews” narrative that has been relentlessly pumped into the consciousness of humanity since the rise of National Socialism is a farce. A hardcore dose of wartime propaganda that began in the spring of 1942 with hasbara cooked up by Jewish and Zionist agencies and then disseminated throughout the Jewish press. These unconfirmed and uncorroborated sensationalist reports about Jews being steamed to death, suffocated to death, pressed to death, electrocuted to death and gassed to death were then picked up by Zionist media apparatuses in both Britain and America, including the BBC and the New York Times, and were repeated as factual happenings. Not a single one of these reports were rooted in factuality; not one. In reality, hundreds of thousands of people, many of them Jews, died in the Nazi work-prison camp system from exhaustion, malnutrition and the typhus epidemic because the Hitler government failed to provide them the proper food and medicine. But this wasn’t deliberate. It was due to the sadistic 6-year blockade and the barbaric, deranged and cruel saturation bombing campaign carried out against Germany by the Allies, chiefly the Zionist-occupied United States (37).
Nothing defines the holocaust quite like the “homicidal gas chambers,” and no place embodies the “homicidal gas chambers” quite like Auschwitz, National Socialism’s most infamous camp complex. According to popular opinion, 4 million victims, mostly Jews, died in the Auschwitz “extermination” camp. But this, like most other facets of the Holocaust® religion narrative, is false, so false that even preeminent “Israeli” holocaust ‘historian’ Yehuda Bauer has admitted that it is a “deliberate myth.” The Zionist entity’s Holocaust® center and Poland’s Auschwitz State Museum have both reduced the Auschwitz death toll down to 1 million Jewish and Gentile victims but several other prominent historians put the number lower, as low as 500,000 Jewish and Gentile victims (39).
Moreover, the world famous Auschwitz “gas chamber” is a fake, every part of it. It was constructed brick by brick after World War II for propaganda reasons. It is from this point that the “homicidal gas chambers” story falls to pieces. American gas chamber expert Fred A. Leuchter, research chemist Dr. William B. Lindsey and Walter Lüftl, a prominent Austrian expert engineer who ran a huge Vienna-based engineering firm, have all proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the stories of Jews being exterminated by gassing en masse at Auschwitz, Birkenau, Majdanek and Mauthausen are untrue on every level. After thorough investigations of the camps, all three men, preeminent authorities in the field, concluded that the stories were “absurd” and “technically impossible.” To reiterate, there isn’t a lick of documentary evidence which suggests that the Nazis planned a “final solution” for Euro-Jewry or “extermination” of Euro-Jewry. This truth can be reconciled with the fact that the vast majority of Jewish inmates unable to work in the camps were left alive and cared for, contrary to the oft-repeated hasbara that those unable to work were executed by gassing. Another major Jewish ‘historian,’ History Professor of Princeton Arno Mayer, has admitted that most Jews who died in Auschwitz died of typhus (39).
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Wealthy Zionist fanatic Theodore Kaufman and his book of genocide, "Germany Must Perish." |
And yet, to note, yes, to simply note these critical historical facts long-suppressed by the Zionist media, to merely discuss this tiny, albeit devastating and refutative package of information, is to commit the ultimate sin, is to engage in the damnable-by-imprisonment thought crime of “Holocaust® denial.” To refuse to accept fabrications, inaccuracies, falsehoods, exaggerations and outright hasbara by Zionist propagandists is to be a “Holocaust® denier.” On the other hand, to accept these lies, these pernicious lies that have been used to justify the most berserk, inhuman aggressions against the people of Palestine and others, is to be a teller of truth, devoted “activist” and “humanist.” Is madness not what this Orwellian dichotomy represents? Is the very essence of “freedom of speech” not maimed beyond recognition by this eccentric duality?
The infamous, Zionist-engineered “312 incubator babies” story that led to the beginning of the decimation of Iraq more than 20 years ago has been exposed as a grisly hoax (41), should we still accept it as fact? The repugnant stories of the now-fallen Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadhdhafi giving his military forces Viagra and ordering them to rape civilians, which were used by NATO to increase its barbarous bombing of Libya, have also been exposed as totally baseless (42), should we still accept them as examples of truth? The story of Hamas causing the initiation of Operation Cast Lead by violating the ceasefire with the Zionist entity in late 2008 has been debunked as a Zionist lie; ‘Israel’ had not only been planning the Gaza massacre for quite some time, but it broke the ceasefire on November 4th, 2008 (43), should we still parrot the hasbara? And then there is the “WMDs in Iraq” story, which was another Zionist-birthed fallacy that caused more Iraqi blood to be spilled for the usurping ‘Israeli’ regime (44), should we still cite it as veracious? The emphatic answer to these four questions of course, is “NO!” Using this as the guideline, why then should the hasbara of the Holocaust® not be rejected any less resoundingly?
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The Zionist entity fills the collective mind of the globe with lies and it is a professional obligation of mainstream "journalists" to accept these lies as truths. |
The Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923 is frequently belittled, downplayed and denied. The number of martyrs total more than 1.5 million but mainstream “authorities” routinely reduce this to around 300,000, without incident, without uproar. The ADL, Zionist spy nest and Mossad’s most powerful American front organization (45), leads the charge in suppressing the history of the Armenian Genocide (46). The Ukranian Genocide of 1932-1933, known as the Holodomor, is as badly ignored as the horrors experienced by the Armenian people. More than 10 million Ukranian men, women and children were mercilessly starved to death in a manmade famine, but this martyr count too is disgracefully reduced to numbers as low as 1 or 2 million. Once more, we find the ADL leading the charge to minimize and deny this crucial historical event, with ADL head and Jewish supremacist thug Abraham Foxman once telling reps of former Ukranian President Viktor Yushchenko that, “One thing that you need to be sensitive about is not to link it {the Holodomor} with ours {the Holocaust®}. Be careful. It cannot be played as your genocide, our genocide. Because that will be counterproductive on all sides (47).”
The Iraq Genocide that began with UN Resolution 661 on August 6th, 1990 and continues to rage on to this very moment is assuredly the most denigrated of modern day atrocities. Not only is the vast scope and sheer brutality and evil of the American-British invasion excused and lessened by the previously-discussed “authorities,” so are the numbers of the martyrs and this incessant need to “decrease and downplay” is nothing short of shameful. How many different death tolls are there? 30,000? 100,000? “Tens of thousands” is a common expression. “Collateral damage in the thousands” is also typical.
Even “one million dead” has become a trivialized slogan for “leftists” who ramble on about an “imperialism” that is faceless, as if there aren’t persons behind it with an exceedingly particular ideology. In reality, according to Iraq’s Ministry of Women’s Affairs, more than 2,500,000 Iraqis have lost their lives as a result of the criminal invasion and this staggering figure only includes the martyrs of 2003-2010 (48). Moreover, according to the Iraq Ministry of Health, the crippling, unrelenting sanctions that preceded the invasion claimed well over 2,000,000 lives, including 700,000 children (49). 4.5 million Iraqis dead and the ADL refers to this crime against humanity as “democratization (50).”
And the question, as always, is “WHY?” Why are the Armenian, Ukranian and Iraqi Genocides, all of which are rooted in graphic, prolific historical fact and detail, denied, downplayed and minimized by the establishment media? Because the establishment media is the Zionist media and the Zionist media is an instrument of the Jewish supremacist agenda. The Armenian, Ukranian and Iraqi Genocides weren’t Jewish, and because of this obvious but very telling fact, they aren’t newsworthy in the eyes of the Zionist media and the stooges that it employs as “reporters.” But there is a more mischievous reason as why these specific ‘atrocity events’ are devalued, nay, covered up, by the Zionist media and it is because they are all the products of Jewish-Zionist intrigue.
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The ungodly Armenian Genocide was a crime against humanity carried out by the agents of Jewish-Zionist intrigue. |
Their flagship propaganda paper, “The Young Turk,” was managed by none other than Jewish supremacist Vladimir “Iron Wall” Jabotinsky, the genocidal spiritual godfather of the Irgun terror gang, and arms used in their massacres were provided by powerful Jewish financier of the Bolsheviks, Alexander Israel Helphand, better known as “Parvus.” Emmanuel Carasso, Jewish-Zionist founder of the Young Turks, maintained close links to and sought advice from B’nai B’rith, the institution of Jewish Freemasonry, throughout their campaign of bloodshed and militarism (53).
Without the Young Turks’ overthrow of the Ottoman Empire, there would not be a usurping Zionist entity in Palestine now; there would be no Zionist occupation. To understand that the perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide were one of the seemingly endless tentacles of international Zionism is to understand a major missing piece of the geopolitical puzzle. The Zionists were well-aware that the Ottoman Empire had to be liquidated if they were to turn Palestine into a “Jewish homeland,” hence why the Young Turks, a force almost exclusively comprised of Jews, were put into action. Today, the Zionist Power Matrix not only wants this hidden Jewish history ignored, but buried; it wants to maintain the idea that “Muslim Young Turks” massacred Armenian Christians to further the Zionist “divide and conquer” agenda.
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The savage reign of the Bolsheviks was a Jewish endeavor; this devastating fact of history has been forgotten by the world thanks to the Zionist propaganda machine. |
The Zionist media has deliberately entombed these facts because the Holocaust® narrative of “perennial Jewish victimhood” wouldn’t hold as much as weight if the world knew that Jews were nothing even remotely close to victims in Bolshevik-Stalinist Russia; they were the rulers, oppressors and tormenters, just like they are in Palestine today. The only difference is the name of the ideology. Bolshevism and Zionism are simply two heads of the same Jewish supremacist dragon.
While several top academics have documented the domineering Zionist role in the planning and execution of the destruction of Iraq, most notably Professor John J. Mearsheimer and Professor Steven Walt in their landmark work, “The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy,” as well as Dr. Stephen J. Sniegoski in his masterpiece, “The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel,” it has not been discussed (at all) that Mossad, the Zionist entity’s international intelligence directorate, has been the chief player in keeping the Iraqi nation in chaos by endlessly planting car bombs and attempting to foment ethno-sectarian war. Very few have spoken above a whisper that the annihilation of Iraq wasn’t just for the “protection” of the usurping ‘Israeli’ regime but for the expansion of it (56).
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Speaking out against the mighty Zionist Lobby is not just forbidden, it is "anti-Semitic." |
And while the two said books also prominently featured the little-known truth that “neoconservativism,” the guiding ideology of the Zionist warmongers behind Iraq’s butchering, is a sole invention of Jewish intellectuals who desperately desire to preserve the existence of the Zionist entity at any cost, it did not focus on what drove these tribalists to found the ideology to begin with: “Holocaust® consciousness (57).” So these men, nearly all of whom are Jewish, just like the Bolsheviks before them, are pushing, bullying, influencing and lobbying Western governments to fight imperial wars for Jewish interests and the preservation of “Israel” in the name of the “6 million Jewish victims” of the Holocaust®.
Paul Wolfowitz, the author of the “Wolfowitz Doctrine” and the chief Zionist strategist behind Iraq’s dismemberment, stated, “That sense of what happened in Europe in World War II has shaped a lot of my views (58).” Wolfowitz’s ‘partner in crime,’ fellow arch Zionist, Iraq War planner and ‘Israeli’ spy Richard Perle, echoes this sentiment, “The defining moment of our history was certainly the Holocaust. It was destruction, a genocide of a whole people, and it was the failure to respond in a timely fashion to a threat that was clearly gathering. We don’t want that to happen again. When we have the ability to stop totalitarian regimes, we should do so, because when we fail to do so, the results are catastrophic (59).” Astounding.
When these revelations are presented in context with the earlier iconoclastic bombshells regarding the exaggerations and fabrications so intimately associated with the Holocaust®, you get the feeling that these persons are insane; not metaphorically, but literally insane. Jewish supremacist warmongers like Wolfowitz, Perle and the rest of their neoconservative tribal brethren are planning and ordering wars that are based on lies in the memory of the biggest historical lie of our time. I am legitimately asking here: does it get anymore psychotic than this? And please, allow me to ask another question... doesn’t researching the Holocaust® and debunking all of the gobbledygook that comes along with it become all that more important when the stability of our world is being threatened by madmen who believe in its manufactured uniqueness and righteousness? This is an especially important point when considering ‘Israeli’-American aggression against Iran is on the rise (60), and the “prevention of a second holocaust” is the pretext that is being invoked by the ‘left’ and ‘right’ wings of the Jewish spectrum to destroy thousands of years of Persian history.
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The Zionists are invoking "The Holocaust®" as a pretext to destroy the Islamic Republic of Iran. |
Not only does this bloodthirsty trash reinforce the point made earlier that Zionism is chameleonic and it can manifest itself as “rightist” or “leftist” at will as a means of enforcing the Jewish supremacist agenda at its core, it illuminates a much more important matter: investigating the Holocaust® and exposing it for the psychological warfare that it truly represents isn’t only a must for the people of Palestine but for every truth-seeking, peace-seeking human on this planet.
In his groundbreaking book, “The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics,” brother Jihad (Gilad) Atzmon writes some monumentally important words on page 176 that encapsulate the vivid details of this section wholeheartedly, “We should also ask what purpose Holocaust denial laws serve? What is the Holocaust religion there to conceal? As long as we fail to ask questions, we will be subjected to Zionist lobbies and their plots. We will continue killing in the name of Jewish suffering. We will maintain our complicity in Western imperialist crimes (64).”
~ End Of Part I ~
Next: The revolutionary, fearless breakdown of international Zionism's linguistic weaponry, the examination and refutation of Jewish "chosen-ness" and the ever-stunning heights of Zionist arrogance...
(1) The Case Of Uri Avnery I: “Shukran, Israel” Analyzed And Refuted by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(2) The Case Of Uri Avnery II: Hasbara, Supremacism And The Future Of Solidarity by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(3) In Defense Of Uri Avnery by Steve Amsel, Desert Peace
(4) Hummus And Falafel Are Already “Israeli.” Now They’re Coming For Palestine’s Olive Oil Too by Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada
(5) Resisting The Nakba by Professor Joseph Massad, Al-Ahram Weekly
(6) The Rights Of Israel by Professor Joseph Massad, Al-Jazeera English
(7) Is Israel A Democracy Or An Ethnocracy? by Ben White, The New Statesman
(8) Understanding The Opposition To NATO’s Intervention In Libya by Uri Avnery, Redress Information and Analysis
(9) Uri Avnery Interview by Jon Elmer, The Progressive
(10) 1948 Remembered By The People Who Were There by The Independent
(11) Take Action For Hunger Striking Palestinian Prisoner Khader Adnan! by Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network; Deal Reached To End Khader Adnan’s Detention By 17 April; 66 Day Hunger Strike Ends by Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada; Starving For Freedom: The Hunger Strike Of Khader Adnan by Ali Abunimah, Al-Jazeera English
(12) Kissinger’s 1974 Plan For Food Control Genocide by Joseph Brewda, The Executive Intelligence Review
(13) Anti-Boycott Bill Becomes Law After Passing Knesset by Lahav Harkov, The Jerusalem Post
(14) Knesset Approves Nakba Law by Elad Benari, Arutz Sheva
(15) Equality For Palestinians? Israel Won’t Have It by Ben White, The Guardian
(16) Arab MK Gets Death Threats by WAFA
(17) Israeli Arab MK Lodges Complaints After Receiving Death Threats On Facebook by Jonathan Lis and Ophir Bar-Zohar, Haaretz
(18) Arab-Israeli Parliamentarian Fights Death Threats by Mel Frykberg, Inter Press Service
(19) Obituaries: Yeshayahu Leibowitz, 91, Iconoclastic Israeli Thinker by Joel Greenberg, The New York Times
(20) As A Jew... A Letter To Sarah Colbourne by Paul Eisen
(21) From The Outside Looking In... The PSC AGM by Paul Eisen, deLIBERATION
(22) “International Zionism Is Strangling The World:” Interview With Jonathan Azaziah by Kourosh Ziabari, Mask of Zion
(23) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth; Section – Cablegate Fraud II: Disgusting Zionist Lies by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(24) The Iraq War Cover-Up: What Did AIPAC Do And When Did It Do It? by Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss
(25) Judaism Discovered: A Study Of The Anti-Biblical Religion Of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition And Deceit; Chapter – Moses Hess And The Secret Relationship Between Judaism, Zionism And Communism, Section – Moses Hess And Judaism, Pages 862-863 by Professor Michael A. Hoffman II, Independent History and Research
(26) Emancipation: Moses Hess To Theodor Herzl by Michael Goldfarb, Global Post
(27) The Anti-Defamation League: A Protector Of Civil Rights Or Silencer Of Free Speech? by American Muslims for Palestine
(28) Book Review: The Holocaust Industry: Reflections On the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by James A. Montanye, The Independent Institute
(29) Ahmadinejad: Zionists Started Both World Wars by Yitzhak Benhorin, Ynet
(30) Stunning Jewish Success Dominates American Media by Jeffrey Blankfort, Intifada Palestine; Do Jews Dominate In American Media? And So What If We Do? by Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss
(31) A Talmud Ace Tackles Thorny Issue Of Net Neutrality by Joy Resmovits, The Jewish Daily Forward
(32) Triple-Exthnics by Nathan Abrams, The Jewish Quarterly
(33) Israel Trips On Ecstasy by The Washington Times
(34) Bill Text 102nd Congress (1991-1992) H.J.RES.104.ENR by The Library of Congress
(35) Pakistan: Gateway To The Zionist Endgame by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black
(36) The Salala Massacre: NATO’s Naked Aggression Against Pakistan And The Hegemonic Israeli-Indo-American Strategy Behind It by Martin Iqbal and Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(37) The Holocaust Wars by Paul Eisen, Righteous Jews
(38) A Conscious Pariah by Nathaniel Popper, The Nation
(39) Auschwitz: Myths And Facts by Mark Weber, The Institute For Historical Review
(40) The Book That Hitler Fears: Germany Must Perish by Theodore N. Kaufman, Argyle Press; Introductory Note by Mark Weber, The Institute For Historical Review
(41) Syria Under Fire: Zionist Destabilization Hits Critical Mass; Section – Hasbara In Full Effect: Exaggerations and Fabrications by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(42) Amnesty Questions Claim That Gaddafi Ordered Rape As Weapon Of War by Patrick Cockburn, The Independent
(43) US Media Didn’t Report Israeli Ceasefire Violation by Jim Lobe and Ali Gharib, The Electronic Intifada
(44) The Zionist Murderers Of Iraq by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(45) The Ugly Truth About The ADL by The Executive Intelligence Review
(46) ADL’s Abe Foxman Disputes Criticism On Armenian Genocide Position by Armenian National Committee Of America
(47) Defamation (film) by Yoav Shamir
(48) Army Of Widows, Orphans Trail US War by Press TV
(49) Lifting The Iraq Embargo After Almost 2 Million Deaths by Dr. M. Amir Ali, Institute Of Islamic Information and Education
(50) Iraq War: Is It Good For Jews, And Israel? by Abraham Foxman, Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith
(51) Young Turks, Freemasons And Jews by Elie Kedourie, Middle Eastern Studies (Vol. 7, No. 1, Jan. 1971)
(52) The Young Turks: Who Were They? by Radio Islam
(53) Palmerston Launches Young Turks To Permanently Control Middle East by Joseph Brewda, The Schiller Institute
(54) Stalin’s Jews by Sever Plocker, Ynet
(55) The Jewish Role In The Bolshevik Revolution And Russia’s Early Soviet Regime: Assessing The Grim Legacy Of Soviet Communism by Mark Weber, The Institute For Historical Review
(56) Occupied Iraq: New Year, Same Zionism by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(57) The Neoconservative Persuasion: Examining The Jewish Roots of An Intellectual Movement by Gal Beckerman, The Jewish Daily Forward
(58) The Busy Life Of Being A Lightning Rod For Bush by Eric Schmitt, The New York Times
(59) The War Party by BBC Panorama
(60) Iran Escalation: All The Elements For War Are Coming Together by Tom Burghardt, Global Research
(61) The Holocaust Is A Good Reason, Not A bad Excuse, For Attacking Iran by Chemi Shalev, Haaretz
(62) Charles Krauthammer: A Pen In Defense Of Zion by Bret Stephens, The Israel Report
(63) Krauthammer: Israel ‘Will Strike’ Iran To “Prevent A Second Holocaust” by The Daily Caller
(64) The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics; Chapter 21 – Truth, History And Integrity, Page 176 by Gilad Atzmon, Zero Books
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Friday, March 02, 2012
Me voici poursuivi par la LICRA pour "contestation de crimes contre l"humanité".
Le 1er mars 2012, au lendemain du retocage par le Conseil constitutionnel de la loi réprimant la contestation du génocide arménien, j'ai été convoqué dans les locaux de la Police judiciaire de Paris.
Au moment même où la liberté de recherche est reconnue par l'institution française dont l'une des fonctions est de veiller à la constitutionnalité des lois, je suis poursuivi par la LICRA (Ligue contre le racisme et l'antisémitisme) pour "contestation de crimes contre l'humanité" au sujet du documentaire "Un Homme" consacré au professeur Robert Faurisson.
J'ai refusé de répondre aux questions du Gardien de la paix chargé de mon audition.
Le titre de l'éditorial du Monde de ce jour (n° 20 874) est : "Le Parlement n'est pas un tribunal de l'Histoire". Dans sa chronique, Pierre Assouline écrit qu'il "serait temps de reconsidérer la question des lois mémorielles (toutes, sans exception)."
La loi Gayssot du 13 juillet 1990 en vertu de laquelle je suis poursuivi est une aberration par rapport aux principes de notre Droit. La loi n’a pas à intervenir dans la définition de la vérité historique. Dans un État libre, cette fonction est celle des historiens et des citoyens.
Ayant lancé en août 2010 une pétition contre la loi Gayssot soutenue par l'intellectuel Noam Chomsky et signée par plus de 3 000 personnes, je réclame à nouveau l’abrogation de cette loi inique condamnant à de lourdes amendes et à de la prison ferme les citoyens qui ne se plient pas à un dogme historique qui s'est transformé en religion.
J'appelle les esprits libres à se révolter contre cette infamie et à me soutenir dans le combat que j'ai entrepris pour la liberté de recherche.
Paul-Éric Blanrue, 1er mars 2012.
Salut à tous !
Le 1er mars 2012, au lendemain du retocage par le Conseil constitutionnel de la loi réprimant la contestation du génocide arménien, j'ai été convoqué dans les locaux de la Police judiciaire de Paris.
Au moment même où la liberté de recherche est reconnue par l'institution française dont l'une des fonctions est de veiller à la constitutionnalité des lois, je suis poursuivi par la LICRA (Ligue contre le racisme et l'antisémitisme) pour "contestation de crimes contre l'humanité" au sujet du documentaire "Un Homme" consacré au professeur Robert Faurisson.
J'ai refusé de répondre aux questions du Gardien de la paix chargé de mon audition.
Le titre de l'éditorial du Monde de ce jour (n° 20 874) est : "Le Parlement n'est pas un tribunal de l'Histoire". Dans sa chronique, Pierre Assouline écrit qu'il "serait temps de reconsidérer la question des lois mémorielles (toutes, sans exception)."
La loi Gayssot du 13 juillet 1990 en vertu de laquelle je suis poursuivi est une aberration par rapport aux principes de notre Droit. La loi n’a pas à intervenir dans la définition de la vérité historique. Dans un État libre, cette fonction est celle des historiens et des citoyens.
Ayant lancé en août 2010 une pétition contre la loi Gayssot soutenue par l'intellectuel Noam Chomsky et signée par plus de 3 000 personnes, je réclame à nouveau l’abrogation de cette loi inique condamnant à de lourdes amendes et à de la prison ferme les citoyens qui ne se plient pas à un dogme historique qui s'est transformé en religion.
J'appelle les esprits libres à se révolter contre cette infamie et à me soutenir dans le combat que j'ai entrepris pour la liberté de recherche.
Paul-Éric Blanrue, 1er mars 2012.
Salut à tous !
How Hitler defied the bankers
Many people take joy in saying Wall Street and Jewish bankers "financed Hitler." There is plenty of documented evidence that Wall Street and Jewish bankers did indeed help finance Hitler at first, partly because it allowed the bankers to get rich (as I will describe below) and partly in order to control Stalin. However, when Germany broke free from the bankers, the bankers declared a world war against Germany.
When we look at all the
facts, the charge that "Jews financed Hitler" becomes irrelevant. Los
Angeles Attorney Ellen Brown discusses this topic in her book Web Of Debt…
When Hitler came to
power, Germany was hopelessly broke. The Treaty of Versailles had
imposed crushing reparations on the German people, demanding that
Germans repay every nation’s costs of the war. These costs totaled three
times the value of all the property in Germany.
Private currency
speculators caused the German mark to plummet, precipitating one of the
worst runaway inflations in modern times. A wheelbarrow full of 100
billion-mark banknotes could not buy a loaf of bread. The national
treasury was empty. Countless homes and farms were lost to speculators
and to private (Jewish controlled) banks. Germans lived in hovels. They
were starving.
Nothing like this had
ever happened before - the total destruction of the national currency,
plus the wiping out of people's savings and businesses. On top of this came a global depression. Germany
had no choice but to succumb to debt slavery under international
(mainly Jewish) bankers until 1933, when the National Socialists came to
power. At that point the German government thwarted the international
banking cartels by issuing its own money. World Jewry responded by
declaring a global boycott against Germany.
Hitler began a national
credit program by devising a plan of public works that included flood
control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and
construction of new roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities. All
these were paid for with money that no longer came from the private
international bankers.
The projected cost of
these various programs was fixed at one billion units of the national
currency. To pay for this, the German government (not the international
bankers) issued bills of exchange, called Labor Treasury Certificates.
In this way the National Socialists put millions of people to work, and
paid them with Treasury Certificates.
Under the National
Socialists, Germany’s money wasn't backed by gold (which was owned by
the international bankers). It was essentially a receipt for labor and
materials delivered to the government. Hitler said, "For every mark
issued, we required the equivalent of a mark's worth of work done, or
goods produced." The government paid workers in Certificates. Workers
spent those Certificates on other goods and services, thus creating more
jobs for more people. In this way the German people climbed out of the
crushing debt imposed on them by the international bankers.
Within two years, the
unemployment problem had been solved, and Germany was back on its feet.
It had a solid, stable currency, with no debt, and no inflation, at a
time when millions of people in the United States and other Western
countries (controlled by international bankers) were still out of work. Within five years, Germany went from the poorest nation in Europe to the richest.
Germany even managed to
restore foreign trade, despite the international bankers’ denial of
foreign credit to Germany, and despite the global boycott by
Jewish-owned industries. Germany succeeded in this by exchanging
equipment and commodities directly with other countries, using a barter
system that cut the bankers out of the picture. Germany flourished,
since barter eliminates national debt and trade deficits. (Venezuela
does the same thing today when it trades oil for commodities, plus
medical help, and so on. Hence the bankers are trying to squeeze
Germany's economic
freedom was short-lived; but it left several monuments, including the
famous Autobahn, the world's first extensive superhighway.
Hjalmar Schacht, a Rothschild agent who was temporarily head of the German central bank, summed
it up thus… An American banker had commented, "Dr. Schacht, you should
come to America. We've lots of money and that's real banking." Schacht
replied, "You should come to Berlin. We don't have money. That's real
(Schact, the Rothschild
agent, actually supported the private international bankers against
Germany, and was rewarded by having all charges against him dropped at
the Nuremberg trials.)
This economic freedom made Hitler extremely popular with the German people. Germany
was rescued from English economic theory, which says that all currency
must be borrowed against the gold owned by a private and secretive
banking cartel -- such as the Federal Reserve, or the Central Bank of
Europe -- rather than issued by the government for the benefit of the
Canadian researcher Dr.
Henry Makow (who is Jewish himself) says the main reason why the
bankers arranged for a world war against Germany was that Hitler
sidestepped the bankers by creating his own money, thereby freeing the
German people. Worse, this freedom and prosperity threatened to spread
to other nations. Hitler had to be stopped!
Makow quotes from the
1938 interrogation of C. G. Rakovsky, one of the founders of Soviet
Bolsevism and a Trotsky intimate. Rakovsky was tried in show trials in
the USSR under Stalin. According to Rakovsky, Hitler was at first funded by the international bankers, through the bankers’ agent Hjalmar Schacht. The
bankers financed Hitler in order to control Stalin, who had usurped
power from their agent Trotsky. Then Hitler became an even bigger threat
than Stalin when Hitler started printing his own money.
(Stalin came to power in 1922, which was eleven years before Hitler came to power.)
Rakovsky said:
“Hitler took over the
privilege of manufacturing money, and not only physical moneys, but also
financial ones. He took over the machinery of falsification and put it
to work for the benefit of the people. Can you possibly imagine what
would have come if this had infected a number of other states?” (Henry
Makow, "Hitler Did Not Want War," www.savethemales.com March 21, 2004).
Economist Henry C K Liu writes of Germany's remarkable transformation:
“The Nazis came to
power in 1933 when the German economy was in total collapse, with
ruinous war-reparation obligations and zero prospects for foreign
investment or credit. Through an independent monetary
policy of sovereign credit and a full-employment public-works program,
the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of
overseas colonies, into the strongest economy in Europe within four
years, even before armament spending began.” (Henry C. K. Liu, "Nazism
and the German Economic Miracle," Asia Times (May 24, 2005).
In Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People (1984), Sheldon Emry commented:
“Germany issued
debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 on, which accounts for
Germany’s startling rise from the depression to a world power in five
years. The German government financed its entire operations from 1935 to
1945 without gold, and without debt. It took the entire Capitalist and
Communist world to destroy the German revolution, and bring Europe back
under the heel of the Bankers.”
These facts do not appear in any textbooks today, since Jews own most publishing companies. What does
appear is the disastrous runaway inflation suffered in 1923 by the
Weimar Republic, which governed Germany from 1919 to 1933. Today’s
textbooks use this inflation to twist truth into its opposite. They cite
the radical devaluation of the German mark as an example of what goes
wrong when governments print their own money, rather than borrow it from
private cartels.
In reality, the Weimar
financial crisis began with the impossible reparations payments imposed
at the Treaty of Versailles. Hjalmar Schacht – the Rothschild agent who
was currency commissioner for the Republic -- opposed letting the German
government print its own money…
“The Treaty of Versailles is a model of ingenious measures for the economic destruction of Germany. Germany
could not find any way of holding its head above the water, other than
by the inflationary expedient of printing bank notes.”
Schact echoes the
textbook lie that Weimar inflation was caused when the German
government printed its own money. However, in his 1967 book The Magic of Money, Schact let the cat out of the bag by revealing that it was the PRIVATELY-OWNED Reichsbank, not the German government, that was pumping new currency into the economy. Thus, the PRIVATE BANK caused the Weimar hyper-inflation.
Like the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Reichsbank was overseen by
appointed government officials, but was operated for private gain. What
drove the wartime inflation into hyperinflation was speculation by
foreign investors, who sold the mark short, betting on its decreasing
value. In the manipulative device known as the short sale, speculators
borrow something they don't own, sell it, and then "cover" by buying it
back at the lower price.
Speculation in the German mark was made possible because the PRIVATELY OWNED Reichsbank
(not yet under Nazi control) made massive amounts of currency available
for borrowing. This currency, like U.S. currency today, was created
with accounting entries on the bank's books. Then the funny-money was
lent at compound interest. When the Reichsbank could not keep up with
the voracious demand for marks, other private banks were allowed to
create marks out of nothing, and to lend them at interest. The result
was runaway debt and inflation.
Thus, according to
Schacht himself, the German government did not cause the Weimar
hyperinflation. On the contrary, the government (under the National
Socialists) got hyperinflation under control. The National Socialists
put the Reichsbank under strict government regulation, and took prompt
corrective measures to eliminate foreign speculation. One of those
measures was to eliminate easy access to funny-money loans from private
banks. Then Hitler got Germany back on its feet by having the public
government issue Treasury Certificates.
Schacht , the
Rotchschild agent, disapproved of this government fiat money, and wound
up getting fired as head of the Reichsbank when he refused to issue it.
Nonetheless, he acknowledged in his later memoirs that allowing the
government to issue the money it needed did not produce the price
inflation predicted by classical economic theory, which says that
currency must be borrowed from private cartels.
What causes
hyper-inflation is uncontrolled speculation. When speculation is coupled
with debt (owed to private banking cartels) the result is disaster. On
the other hand, when a government issues currency in carefully measured
ways, it causes supply and demand to increase together, leaving prices
unaffected. Hence there is no inflation, no debt, no unemployment, and
no need for income taxes.
Naturally this
terrifies the bankers, since it eliminates their powers. It also
terrifies Jews, since their control of banking allows them to buy the
media, the government, and everything else.
Therefore, to those who delight in saying “Jews financed Hitler,” I ask that they please look at all the facts.
Submitted by Abdul Alhazred on Fri, 2008-05-09 19:58
- Abdul Alhazred's blog
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- 3117 reads
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
European Union defines criminal anti-semitism
From the European Union:
Working Definition of Antisemitism
"The purpose of this document is to provide a practical guide for
identifying incidents, collecting data, and supporting the
implementation and enforcement of legislation dealing with
Working definition: “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which
may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical
manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish
individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions
and religious facilities.”
In addition, such manifestations could also target the state of Israel,
conceived as a Jewish collectivity. Antisemitism frequently charges Jews
with conspiring to harm humanity, and it is often used to blame Jews
for “why things go wrong.” It is expressed in speech, writing, visual
forms and action, and employs sinister stereotypes and negative
character traits.
Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media,
schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into
account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:
Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the
name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical
allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such
as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish
conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or
other societal institutions.
Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined
wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for
acts committed by non-Jews.
Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or
intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of
National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during
World War II (the Holocaust).
Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the
alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own
Examples of the ways in which antisemitism manifests itself with regard
to the State of Israel taking into account the overall context could
Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by
claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g.,
claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or
Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.
However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.
Antisemitic acts are criminal when they are so defined by law (for
example, denial of the Holocaust or distribution of antisemitic
materials in some countries).
Posted by
Michael Hoffman
7/03/2012 07:55:00 AM
criminalizing criticism of Judaism and Zionism,
Talmudic inquisition,
thought control,
The single Jew that Hitler wanted to save: Astonishing letter
reveals how Führer ordered Gestapo to leave his WW1 commander alone
- Ernst Hess commanded Adolf Hitler's unit during the First World War
- Baptised a Protestant, he had a Jewish mother and was thus regarded a 'full-blooded Jew' by Nazi race laws
- Although
finally thrown in concentration camp in 1941, he survived the war to
become president of the German Federal Railways Authority
Allan HallTuesday, July 03, 2012
European Union defines criminal anti-semitism
From the European Union:
Working Definition of Antisemitism
"The purpose of this document is to provide a practical guide for
identifying incidents, collecting data, and supporting the
implementation and enforcement of legislation dealing with
Working definition: “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”
In addition, such manifestations could also target the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. Antisemitism frequently charges Jews with conspiring to harm humanity, and it is often used to blame Jews for “why things go wrong.” It is expressed in speech, writing, visual forms and action, and employs sinister stereotypes and negative character traits.
Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:
Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.
Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust).
Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
Examples of the ways in which antisemitism manifests itself with regard to the State of Israel taking into account the overall context could include:
Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.
However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.
Antisemitic acts are criminal when they are so defined by law (for example, denial of the Holocaust or distribution of antisemitic materials in some countries).
Posted by
Michael Hoffman
7/03/2012 07:55:00 AM

criminalizing criticism of Judaism and Zionism,
Talmudic inquisition,
thought control,
The single Jew that Hitler wanted to save: Astonishing letter reveals how Führer ordered Gestapo to leave his WW1 commander alone
PUBLISHED: 14:58, 5 July 2012 | UPDATED: 11:15, 6 July 2012
Ernst Hess, Adolf Hitler's company commander in
WWI, who was, despite his Jewish roots, spared from the genocide
unleashed by the Nazis
But Ernst Hess owed his survival to the personal intervention of Adolf Hitler.
The Fuhrer ordered his SS thugs to leave the Jewish judge alone because Hess had been his commanding officer during the First World War.
Hitler looked back on his time on the Western Front with great pride and fondness so, while some six million Jews perished in the Holocaust set in motion by Hitler, Hess was allowed to live on the Fuhrer's whim.
His remarkable story was told by his daughter Ursula, 86, after a newspaper unearthed the letter sent on the orders of Hitler insisting that Hess was not to be 'persecuted or deported'.
A file kept by the Dusseldorf Gestapo on him includes the letter from the head of the Gestapo and the SS, Heinrich Himmler, dated August 27, 1940, saying Hess must receive 'relief and protection as per the Fuhrer's wishes'.
Himmler made a point of informing all relevant authorities and officials that the judge was 'not to be inopportuned in any way whatsoever'.
Ironically, Hess told his daughter that he and his old comrades from the trenches hardly remembered Hitler – by then a well-known figure in German politics – when they met at reunions in the 1920s and 30s.
He told her that the future dictator rarely spoke and had few friends among the troops.
Historians have in recent years poured scorn on the Nazi myth of the heroic Corporal Hitler running messages from one frontline trench to another.
In fact, other soldiers regarded him as a 'rear area pig', taking his messages between HQs a few miles behind the front.
Ernst Moritz Hess, born in 1890, had joined the 2nd Royal Bavarian Reserve Infantry as an officer at the beginning of the First World War, the same regiment that Austrian-born Hitler volunteered for.
Both men were deployed to the Flanders front in autumn 1914, serving in what was known as the List Regiment until 1918.
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Although baptised a protestant, his mother was Jewish and the Nuremberg Race Laws of 1935, introduced by the Nazis, classified him as a 'full blooded Jew'.
Hess, standing far right, with his unit during the Great War
Hitler (pictured far right) and Hess were both
deployed to the Flanders front in the fall of 1914, serving in what was
known as the 'List Regiment' until 1918
The letter which was sent by Heinrich Himmler,
reichsführer of the SS and overlord of the death camps, dated 27 August
1940, granting Hess 'relief and protection as per the Führer's wishes'
Hess with his wife Margarethe and daughter Ursula in the early Thirties
Hitler pictured in 1934. He remembered his time in the army fondly and was proud of his service in the war
He had petitioned Hitler in June of 1936 asking for an exception to be made for him and his daughter under the race laws.
In his letter Hess said: 'For us, it is a kind of spiritual death to now be branded as Jews and exposed to general contempt.'
Hess ended up as a slave labourer, building barracks. This time he escaped extermination because of his 'privileged miscegenated marriage' to Margarete Hess, a Protestant.
His sister Berta was gassed at Auschwitz, wrongly believing that the protection afforded to her brother extended to her.
Hess died in Frankfurt after a successful career in post-war West Germany on September 14, 1983.
Hess moved his family to Bolzano, Italy in October 1937, but was forced to return in 1939. Hoping that his connections to Hitler would keep him safe, he moved his family to a remote Bavarian village in mid-1940.
A copy of the letter Himmler sent to the Gestapo in Dusseldorf was given to him. But in late June 1941, Hess was summoned to appear before the SS in Munich.
When he submitted his letter of protection it was taken from him and he was told it had been revoked in May of 1941, and that he was now 'a Jew like any other'.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2169131/Astonishing-letter-reveals-Hitler-ordered-Gestapo-leave-WW1-commander-alone.html#ixzz1zyfMPDEV
A nation reviles treachery, perhaps now more than ever. But the chronicles of recent history have ignored the most shameful episode of World War Two. The Britisches Freikorps unit of the Waffen SS served alongside the Nazis on the Eastern Front. Its members wore the death's head insignia and took German rank. They helped defend Berlin even as Hitler retreated to his bunker. But each and every member was recruited from British, Canadian, Australian and South African soldiers who volunteered to betray their country.
Recognising the potential propaganda value of the unit, the Nazis ordered 800 SS uniforms with Union Jack arm badges. Most Allied prisoners of war ignored or resisted recruitment tactics ranging from leaflet bombardment to bribery and torture. But some 200 Allied prisoners answered the Nazi call. Some were motivated by greed, or by sympathies with the fascist cause. Others were simply described by intelligence files of the time as of 'weak character', and found the opportunities offered by the Germans to drink and womanise too tempting.
The British Free Corps was itself betrayed by one of its number who joined only to feed MI5 with information. John Brown, the quartermaster of a camp at Genshagen. As Germany collapsed, Brown's information allowed the Allies to round up the traitors who often posed as fleeing PoWs. They were prosecuted and sentenced at court martial and treason trials. The intelligence files were quietly closed and access to the devastating information within was restricted. There was no cover-up, rather a conspiracy of indifference. For the first time on British Television, the British SS soldiers speak of their treachery, and their part in a failed German propaganda coup.
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." --George Orwell
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Jew admits "Holocaust" is a fraud and a PSYOP
Earlier today, Carolyn Yeager posted a truly remarkable excerpt of an article titled, On the Roads of Truth: Searching for Warwick Hester by Klaus Schwensen, published in the recent edition of Inconvenient History,
in which an American Jewish man admits the alleged "Holocaust" of 6
million Jews in Europe at the hands of Hitler and the NSDAP in WWII is
an utter fraud. Carolyn writes (bold and underline mine):
An astounding admission from a Jewish American psychologist is found in an article in the current (Summer 2012) issue of Inconvenient History Journal. It's titled "On The Roads of Truth: Searching for Warwick Hester" by Klaus Schwensen.Truly amazing stuff here folks, the Big Lie technique of psychological manipulation and exploitation used by international Jewry to advance their supremacist agenda of world domination and subjugation admitted by a Jew himself. I'm reminded of Adolf Hitler's perfect summation of this thoroughly Jewish tactic, which targets the "uncritical" masses (including Jews), playing on their psyche and emotions.
Schwensen tells of a certain "Warwick Hester" who (in the 1950's) wrote "critically about the 6-million number and the Jewish death toll in what since became known as 'the Holocaust.'"
"Warwick Hester" mentions the increase of the Jewish world population by3 million between 1933 and 1950, which of course is in contradiction to the 6 million murdered by the Nazis. In this connection, he tells the following story:
"Recently when talking to a North American of Jewish origin whom I esteem very much I referred to that discrepancy [of Jewish population numbers]. I asked him whether he himself believed in earnest that the Nazis had killed 6 millions. He said:´Naturally not. For that they had neither the time nor the means. What they obviously had, was the intention. Here begins politics [i.e. the psychology of propaganda]. Given the imputed intention, you can make any number. We thought that 6 millions are not too much to appear plausible, but sufficient to make mankind shiver for one century. This chance Hitler has given to us, and we make the most of it, to good effect, as you see.´ I said he ought to consider that a political lie like this will, in light of subsequent investigation, disclose itself and turn against those who invented it. But this Jew, a psychologist, denied that. It [the propaganda] had penetrated too deep into the subconscious of the masses, so that it could never be dislodged. Humans in general are completely uncritical. What is anchored in the subconscious, even an individual with common sense almost never is able to expunge. As a proof he cited the fact that already now [1954!], after a relatively short propagandistic campaign, that item required no further discussion. ´We have no problem, since we have created a historical fact which from now on is in the history books of schools, like the date of a battle.´"
But it remained for the Jews, with their unqualified capacity for falsehood, and their fighting comrades, the Marxists, to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man who alone had shown a superhuman will and energy in his effort to prevent the catastrophe which he had foreseen and to save the nation from that hour of complete overthrow and shame. By placing responsibility for the loss of the world war on the shoulders of Ludendorff they took away the weapon of moral right from the only adversary dangerous enough to be likely to succeed in bringing the betrayers of the Fatherland to Justice. All this was inspired by the principle - which is quite true in itself - that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.It was also announced today that 80,000 more "Holocaust" survivors would receive compensation payments from the German government, totally $300 million:
From time immemorial; however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, whereas in reality they are a race? And what a race! One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. He (Schopenhauer) called the Jew "The Great Master of Lies". Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping Truth to prevail.
- Adolf Hitler, quote from Mein Kampf (page 184-185)
Germany has agreed to provide restitution payments to an additional 80,000 Jews in what Claims Conference officials are describing as a historic breakthrough.Words cannot describe how backwards and unjust of a world we are living in today. Jewish "Holocaust" survivors around the world (wait, I thought the Germans tried killing all the Jews? Why are there so many survivors?) have been paid untold millions of dollars by the very people who experienced an actual holocaust during WWII: the German people.
The agreement, which was reached Monday in negotiations between German officials and Claims Conference representatives, is likely to result in additional payments of approximately $300 million. Most of the money will go to Nazi victims in the former Soviet Union who have never before qualified for pensions or payments from German restitution money.
“This is the last group of people who have never received any compensation,” Greg Schneider, the executive vice president of the Claims Conference, told JTA in a telephone interview from Washington, where the negotiations took place.
“For people who suffered during the time of the Shoah, recognition from Germany is vital. To be able to do that at this stage, 60 years after the first restitution agreement, for 80,000 people, is tremendous,” he said. “For a survivor now in their old age to finally get acknowledgment from Germany is critically important.
In a just world, the Jews would be paying
reparations to the Gentile world for all the wars, death, destruction,
genocide, and other atrocities and psychological manipulations they have
perpetrated against us.
The plutocratic Jewish capitalists, bankers,
war-mongers and profiteers, media moguls, and overall fraudsters would
be arrested immediately, stripped of their assets, and sent to
Guantanamo Bay for interrogation, permanently removed from society,
never to hold a position of influence over the affairs of the non-Jewish
world ever again. One day...
La religion de la haine
JSS News à propos de l’hospitalisation du Pr. Robert Faurisson
- Publié le : jeudi 25 octobre
- Mots-clés : histoire; religion; Seconde guerre mondiale
- Commentaires : 52
- (dernier : 25 octobre 21:26 par garantez)
- Source : JSS News
Notes de la rédaction
à l’hospitalisation du Pr. Faurisson, JSSNews s’est fendu d’un article
dans lequel les propos injurieux ont été remplacés par des points de
suspension que le lecteur aura loisir à remplir.
Pour lire l’article complet, nous renvoyons le lecteur vers le site JSS News. En revanche, nous laissons in extenso les commentaires validés par le site lui-même, afin que nos lecteurs apprécient leur degré de haine et de violence. D’autre part, en cas de suppression intempestive de certains commentaires par un webmaster quelque peu révisionniste, ceux-ci resteront visibles sur le site d’E&R pour nos lecteurs comme pour la justice si nécessaire.
Pour lire l’article complet, nous renvoyons le lecteur vers le site JSS News. En revanche, nous laissons in extenso les commentaires validés par le site lui-même, afin que nos lecteurs apprécient leur degré de haine et de violence. D’autre part, en cas de suppression intempestive de certains commentaires par un webmaster quelque peu révisionniste, ceux-ci resteront visibles sur le site d’E&R pour nos lecteurs comme pour la justice si nécessaire.
Nous apprenons avec (…) et (…) l’hospitalisation en urgence de l’autre (…) de professeur Faurisson.
Cet (…) a été hospitalisé dans la nuit du 15 au 16 octobre, pour un infarctus du Myocarde.
Ce négationniste de la Shoah, défenseur du nazisme et (…) pourrait peut-être enfin (…).
(…) Faurisson, une icône des négationnismes d’extrême droite mais aussi d’ultra-gauche dans les années 1980 et 1990, est devenu « super-star » aux yeux des (…) arabo-musulmanes en France dans les années 2000. Il a lui-même été condamné à plusieurs reprises pour incitation à la haine raciale et contestation de crime contre l’humanité.
En 1989, à Vichy, il s’était battu contre des juifs qui lui avaient mis une sacrée raclée. Sa tête ne ressemblait plus alors qu’à son (…).

Par Roger Astier – JSSNews
Cet (…) a été hospitalisé dans la nuit du 15 au 16 octobre, pour un infarctus du Myocarde.
Ce négationniste de la Shoah, défenseur du nazisme et (…) pourrait peut-être enfin (…).
(…) Faurisson, une icône des négationnismes d’extrême droite mais aussi d’ultra-gauche dans les années 1980 et 1990, est devenu « super-star » aux yeux des (…) arabo-musulmanes en France dans les années 2000. Il a lui-même été condamné à plusieurs reprises pour incitation à la haine raciale et contestation de crime contre l’humanité.
En 1989, à Vichy, il s’était battu contre des juifs qui lui avaient mis une sacrée raclée. Sa tête ne ressemblait plus alors qu’à son (…).
Par Roger Astier – JSSNews
meller danielle
24 octobre 2012 a 11:52j attend avec impatience qu il creve-
24 octobre 2012 a 18:54N’hésitez pas à m’arrêter si je me trompe : moi qui suis catholique, je pense que nous partageons ensemble une partie des écrits qui font notre foi, à savoir l’ancien testament. Aujourd’hui j’ai 26 ans, j’avoue ne plus être un pratiquant dans la mesure où j’assiste rarement à une cérémonie religieuse. J’ai tout un tas de défauts, j’aime énormément d’argent, je me balance de l’écologie, j’ai peu de considération pour l’être humain en général. Pourtant quand je vois vos propos immodérés souhaitant la mort d’un homme, j’avoue ne pas trouver de justification dans nos écrits communs.
Et pourtant, si vous me donniez 2 euros par tête de bébé phoque écrasé, je serai prêt à détruire toute la faune de la banquise juste pour me faire de l’argent. Je pensais être un monstre, être en désaccord avec mes principes religieux. En fait, vous étiez déjà là avant moi. Merci !
24 octobre 2012 a 11:56AMEN !! Mais pas trop vite quand même, il faut qu’il souffre d’abord un maximum.
24 octobre 2012 a 12:09qu’il brûle en enfer comme les nôtres avant lui hélas
Mazel tov !
24 octobre 2012 a 12:14mazel-tov
24 octobre 2012 a 12:56Lol… Qu’il creve !!! Amen.
24 octobre 2012 a 13:29J’adore !
24 octobre 2012 a 13:50Ok pour la méthode. Veuillez compléter le mot entre parenthèses.
Qu’il (……) la gueule ouverte.
et que ce soit bientôt le tour de Dieudonne.-
24 octobre 2012 a 14:13AMEN !
24 octobre 2012 a 13:52Je préfère les 2 photos du bas sur lesquelles il n’a pas ses lunettes. Ça réchauffe le cœur.-
Gérard Pierre
24 octobre 2012 a 14:18… sauf que je me donne, … AU NOM DE SES PRINCIPES, … le droit de nier la réalité de l’existence de ces deux photos !
C’est un montage, … moi j’dis !
24 octobre 2012 a 13:52le seul trou à remplir et celui de sa « sépulture »(si on peu appeler ça ainsi pour une telle ignominie de la nature) ça sera entièrement suffisant.-
24 octobre 2012 a 14:14C’est pas sympa pour les vers, bouffer de la viande avariée !! -
Gérard Pierre
24 octobre 2012 a 14:16Patience !
Il finira bientôt par sortir de la vie
comme un vieillard en sort !
24 octobre 2012 a 14:13mdr, c’est rare que je me rejouisse des problemes de santé des gens….mais là je kiffe grave !!!!
24 octobre 2012 a 14:26J’en connais un au septième sous-sol qui se frotte les mains….
Cela dit un infarctus du myocarde datant du 15 octobre… information inexacte. Ce n’est pas d’hier que son cœur a lâché !
Et euh… suggestion : pourquoi attendre ? On ne pourrait pas l’enterrer tout de suite ? Il finira de clamser plus tard ?
Enfin ce que j’en dis….-
24 octobre 2012 a 14:50Je ne suis pas d’accord avec toi, il ne faut pas l’enterrer, pense à la végétation ; une pourriture pareille dans la terre, les pauvres bêtes. Il faudrait le refiler à dieudonné pour qu’il le fasse momifier, ainsi il verra dans quel état il va se retrouver bientôt, enfin j’espère. 2 pourris en même temps en enfer, quel KIF, et ce n’est pas fini !!!
24 octobre 2012 a 14:32Qu’il crève ce (…) !
Ils auraient due l’achever en 89 !
24 octobre 2012 a 14:35Qu’il crève ? Mais vous êtes trop gentils là…Mourir est hélas le lot de chaque humain. Je lui souhaite autre chose, d’infiniment pire que la mort…
24 octobre 2012 a 14:38Gare aux dits, maintenant faut risser.
ni pour ni contre bien au contraire
24 octobre 2012 a 15:05enfin c’est bientot l’heure de sortir les poubelles. que cet () crève et ces compères de () avec.je dis +1 pour les souffrances. et puis faut pas l’enterrer j’éspère que sa famille le fera bruler. la terre le vomirait et on accuserait les juifs.
24 octobre 2012 a 15:15Zéro émotion, zéro satisfaction, zero réaction. Ne pas faire de pub à un hystérique dont le plaisir est d’enfreindre les codes moraux. JSS vous n’auriez à la place pas une vidéo de vieille p.te soûle ravagée par la vérole, jouant les saintes, pour nous expliquer commet lutter contre les MST ? On serait sur la ligneet la journée commence bien après tout
24 octobre 2012 a 15:41J’imagine que les 2 premier (…) correspondent a « Joie » et « Allégresse », et les 2 suivants, a « *+%7 ?# » et « *&@%$# ! ». Me trompes-je ?
24 octobre 2012 a 15:47perso,je croyais qu’il avait rejoins hitler,merah et toutes ces ordures..-
24 octobre 2012 a 15:53Oui moi aussi je pensais que son cas était déjà réglé ,j’ai dû confondre avec une autre crevure ……..
24 octobre 2012 a 16:06Prompt rétablissement Mr Faurrisson car je ne souhaite jamais la mort de mon prochain… contrairement à certains et certaines ici…. mais c’est vrai que cela ne fait pas parti de vos valeurs….-
24 octobre 2012 a 16:21pour te consoler tu pourras toujours aller lui fleurir sa tombe….-
24 octobre 2012 a 16:25c’est une bonne idée merci salome-
24 octobre 2012 a 16:30on ne sait pas qui tu es, on sait pas d’ou tu viens, mais si tu viens sur ce forum pour soutenir des antisémites et des crevards, tu peux te casser, t’as rien à foutre ici. CQFD-
24 octobre 2012 a 16:33moi je sais déjà que tu es un haineuxah bon antisémite ? faut que tu m’expliques là…
24 octobre 2012 a 16:37En quoi cet homme est il antisémite ? À il tenu des propos incitants à la haine raciale ? Si oui lesquels ?
Müller Meier
24 octobre 2012 a 16:22ça fait des années qu’il démontre qu’il n’est pas un monsieur, qu’il n’est pas digne d’en être un. La maison ne fait pas crédit. -
24 octobre 2012 a 16:29Effectivement je lui souhaite un prompt rétablissement également, il a contesté l’histoire (ce qui est de droit de tout un chacun d’avoir ses opinions ) cela n’a jamais tué personne et cet homme n’as jamais affiché souhaiter la mort de son prochain, alors a toutes les grosses (….) ayant des commentaires haineux , je vous (….) bien profondément-
24 octobre 2012 a 16:39blob et urbain fils de tondues a la libération, vous êtes sans aucun doute allemand.
Ça doit être dur de ne pas connaitre son père…-
24 octobre 2012 a 16:43Encore un haineux ? c’est pas étonnant ici-
24 octobre 2012 a 16:53eh oui, le Juif docile et victime, c’est fini, il faudra vous y faire. -
24 octobre 2012 a 16:55« le Juif docile et victime, c’est fini »
Bonne nouvelle ! Comme ça vous arrêterez peut être de demander à chaque fois des dommages et réparations -
24 octobre 2012 a 17:02dommages et réparations ad vitam aeternam pour les horreurs commise par ton père durant la shoah.
Mais je te rassure, il n’y aura plus de réparation et de dommages, nous sommes désormais très, très vigilant -
24 octobre 2012 a 17:13Ah non là tu me déçois, tu remémores « les heures les plus sombres de notre histoire » « la bête immonde »
Tu vois, tu recommences, tu fais dans la pleurniche là ! il est où le juif sur de lui même et dominateur ? -
24 octobre 2012 a 19:41Prie pour qu’on ne se croise pas un jour du coté du théâtre de la mains d’or.
Je vais t’apprendre la danse, petit fan dieudonné. -
24 octobre 2012 a 22:00j’adore on en viens au menace à défaut d’argument
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 17:23urbain ,ta mère c’est la salope du pape ??-
24 octobre 2012 a 17:25plait-il ? ah oui exact je l’ai lu dans le talmude-
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 19:19quad tu parles de ta moman ne dis pas talmud,mais ta mulle….elle n’avance pas vite,mais elle est trés confortable !
24 octobre 2012 a 16:12URBAIN ON T’EMMERDE !!!
Effectivement nous n’avons pas les mêmes valeurs et tant mieux.
24 octobre 2012 a 16:28Sur la première photo aux côtés des flics, il me ferait presque penser à Papon aux derniers jours de son existence…boff…même pas peur, il est vieux maintenant, il ne peut plus nuire…
24 octobre 2012 a 16:30quelle classe je vois qu’il n y a que de grand intellectuels qui laisse des commentaire.Cela ne me choque pas vraiment vos commentaire sont a la hauteur de vos pseudo et puis c’est normal que ca ne vous fasse rien de souhaiter la mort de quelqu’un vu toutes mort qui ont été causer par le sionisme ! j’espère que dieu vous ouvrira les yeux sur les vrai valeurs et je pense que même un gamin de 2 ans sait que l’une des valeurs fondamentale de toute les religions confondus sont a l’opposé de ce que vous dite ! vous été entrain de vous donner une image de débile mentaux nayant pas fait d’étude. Croyez moi vaut mieux se la boucler que dire des chose comme ça vs rend encore moins crédible que vous ne l’êtes.
24 octobre 2012 a 16:38Ouah c’est gros , un urbain suivi immédiatement par un blob….qui approuve les propos du premier… et ainsi de suite …..-
24 octobre 2012 a 16:41Ah c’est sur que ca change de vos habituels commentaire communautaireRespect tolérance amour ça doit pas être des mots beaucoup employé ici
24 octobre 2012 a 16:48Aucun respect et aucune tolérance pour les neo nazi et autres nostalgiques. -
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 17:26Allez au T’urbain,comme moman sur le trottoir…..du bois de boulogne -
24 octobre 2012 a 17:26Peut-être ! Alors dans ce cas allez donc faire un tour sur les sites islamistes où là on ne prône qu’amour, paix, bonheur, pureté et joie
de vivre.
Nous les Juifs c’est bien connu, on est tous des sauvages.
Au lieu de perdre votre temps en apitoiement sur la santé de ce vieillard sénile, vous feriez mieux de potasser un peu quelques livres d’histoire. -
24 octobre 2012 a 19:29Pas terrible ton troll, j’ai déjà vu largement mieux sur E&R, va falloir mettre la 2nd
24 octobre 2012 a 17:00Encore les moralisateurs, les faiseurs de nounounou en séries, c’est pas beau de souhaiter la mort des autres, oh mais qu’il guérisse ce pauvre homme, il n’a rien fait de mal… Bla bla bla
Où vous cachez-vous quand les allah ouakbar retentissent des gosiers des islamistes qui tuent, explosent, égorgent, décapitent, lapident, lynchent ???
Pourquoi n’allez-vous pas leur dire que c’est pas beau de tuer les gens au nom de Allah ?
Trop peur ?
Ah, c’est vrai qu’ici vous ne risquez rien à venir jouer les saintes nitouches, oh que vous êtes mignons à venir nous parler d’amour !!!
Vous êtes pathétiques et vraiment pas courageux.-
24 octobre 2012 a 17:02placer Faurrisson au même niveau que des terroristes faut le faire
Bravo pour votre sens de l’humour-
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 17:25urbain d’acide,tu ne mérires pas mieux,c’est ta mère qui me l’a dit quand j’étais sur son dos …-
24 octobre 2012 a 17:42Tu ments ! Je vous ai vu, c’est elle qui était sur ton dos fils de (….) et de hmar-
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 18:35Tiens blob,c’est comme ça qu’appelle que mon fils appelle sa merde dans le pot,comme quoi…. -
24 octobre 2012 a 18:54Vu la merde que debite son géniteur , j’espère que quelqu’un lui a dit que ça ne se mangait pas, car à t’entendre cracher toute ta merde il doit sûrement s’imaginer que tu en gobe par tonne et vas vouloir faire comme son »Popo » -
24 octobre 2012 a 19:30Et donc tu peux me citer un passage du Talmud, vu que tu l’as lu ?
24 octobre 2012 a 17:36Mais oui mais oui monsieur le grand sage, on connait vos méthodes mielleuses, vous distillerez votre poison ailleurs.
Un défenseur du nazisme est autant un terroriste qu’un islamiste.
Allah ou heil Hitler même combat, allez prêcher vos salades chez les mous du bulbe !
24 octobre 2012 a 17:21La place de la merde, c’est dans une fosse (septique)
ni pour ni contre bien au contraire
24 octobre 2012 a 17:25ce urbain doit être un fils caché de T ramadan, il se force à parler et écrire correctement sans être insultant, pour pouvoir dire vous êtes des enragés…..ce urbain va vite s’écoeurer et quitter le site. il perd son temps à vouloir moraliser ceux qui n’en ont pas besoin.
il est vrai qu’on se défoule parfois mais on n’a pas encore fait de victime. ce urbain devrait relire le coran et tout ce qui va avec.-
24 octobre 2012 a 17:29Oh tu sais je n’ai pas besoins de me forcer à écrire et parler correctement, j’ai reçu une bonne éducation qui enseigne le respect l’amour et les pâquerettesMais visiblement c’est pas le cas chez SSnews
24 octobre 2012 a 17:40Oh mais qu’il est drôle, il nous sort les vannes de mbala mbala, hohohoho ! hashed ykah otkha !-
24 octobre 2012 a 17:43Ohlala milles excuses j’avais oublié le J, alors là franchement je l’ai pas fait exprès, quoique….
24 octobre 2012 a 19:31Tutut faut pas repomper M’bala M’bala comme ça, c’est du plagiat, y’a un truc que tu sais dire par toi même, on t’as tjrs besoin qu’une bite de noir t’infuse le savoir ?
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 17:27urbain comme toute son engeance naquit tel un étron et finira comme tel : dans les chiotes-
24 octobre 2012 a 17:30hummm je vois beaucoup de haine dis donc, c’est normal c’est dans votre enseignement-
24 octobre 2012 a 17:37Et ça ricanne et ça se félicite…-
24 octobre 2012 a 17:42jalouse ? en manque d’argumentation ?-
david c
24 octobre 2012 a 17:54Ahhh ! Il faut avoir lu « la bite à Urbain » …le poète du prépuce ! -
24 octobre 2012 a 17:56Ah yes ! je l’ai à la maison, excellente BD
24 octobre 2012 a 17:48je lui souhaite bon rétablissement C est un être humain après tout !!-
24 octobre 2012 a 21:54Tu te trompes, il a une enveloppe d’être humain mais à l’intérieur c’est le diable en personne.
24 octobre 2012 a 17:50C’est bon, il commence à se fatiguer il a oublié le smiley !!!-
24 octobre 2012 a 17:55Hé non héhémais il est vrai que je dois vous laissez, continuer à bien cultiver votre haine, merci à vous tous pour votre participation. Vous avez encore une fois confirmer ce que je savais déjà. Restez bien dans votre haine et surtout ne vous remettez JAMAIS en question
24 octobre 2012 a 18:15Urbain…Albin (lol) la Folle du régiment… et Blob (Renato)…au complet pour une « Cage aux Folles » 4… lieu de tournage : « Barbès Rochechouart »…allez 10 balles…looooool -
24 octobre 2012 a 18:25Merci pour vos précieux conseils.
Alors pour l’orthographe : « je dois vous laisser ER »
« confirmé E »
A bientôt sur notre merveilleux site
24 octobre 2012 a 18:15Pour paraphraser Michel Audiart, ne parlez pas aux cons, ça les instruit. Et vous perdez votre temps.
24 octobre 2012 a 18:21URBAIN aime la France urbaine, mais ne connait pas la France profonde, celle des RUGBYMANS, de peur de se faire transformer en URGO. lol.-
24 octobre 2012 a 18:39lol … Mais attends ça ne veut rien dire ce que tu viens chier la !-
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 18:46il lui dit ,comme à toi d’ailleurs de te fourrer un coran bien profond…-
24 octobre 2012 a 19:09Lol… C’est pour ça qu’il ya pas de muzz dans le rugby.
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 18:39Urbain c’est l’histoire d’un psychotique antisémite qui vient nourrir son masochisme de fin de journée sur des sites juifs…..raconte nous tout grand garçon tu as surpris moman au pieux avec un juif,alors depuis ….ça va mal ???-
24 octobre 2012 a 19:14Neoplasme c’est l’histoire d’un juif sioniste qui se croit supérieure aux autres car il fait parti du peuple élue…alors le pauvre il a tellement été baigné dans la haine de l’autre depuis sa tendre enfance qu’il voit de l’antisémitisme partout. Forcément neoplasme verse sa petite larme parce-que pépé et mémé en ont bavés mais ne pense pas aux autres souffrance de la terre car c’est ne n’est pas comparable selon lui et s’en fou complètement. Non Neoplasme ne se remet jamais en question, il préfère chouiner, se plaindre et demander un petit billet car il a bien appris la leçon de ses maîtres…-
24 octobre 2012 a 22:52Et tu fais quoi pour les « souffrances » de la Terre ? -
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 22:57« chouiner »,ça sent le gaulois rondouillard bien balot,grand papa milicien du maréchal et mamie tondue à la libération….puis papa poujadiste et moman qui fait la poule au pot ,puis duglan qui vient chercher sa correction sur les forums …
24 octobre 2012 a 18:48De toute façon cet enfant de (…) est plus proche de la fin que fu début ((…)heureusement)
24 octobre 2012 a 19:17je ne prie pas souvent,d’ailleurs j’en ai honte,mais je vais me rattrapper et prier jour et nuit pour ce monsieur,afin qu’il aille tres bientot (amen) en enfer pour tout le mal fait aux juifs .
24 octobre 2012 a 19:20ah j’ai oublie,dans mes prieres je vais demander a hachem,de penser a stephane hessel pour que tous deux fassent le meme voyage
24 octobre 2012 a 19:29Bob et Urbain sont bien évidemment des antisémites et négationnistes de base dont le fond de commerce est la haine du juif pour la bonne raison qu’ils ont à l’évidence une vie de merde et que la jalousie les ronge.
Pendant ce temps la , les juifs créent, récoltent des Nobel et font avancer la science.
Je suggère que la seule réponse à leur apporter est le mépris car ils n’ont vraiment pas le niveau.
À la limite je peux leur offrir une corde pour qu’ils aillent se faire pendre ailleurs.
24 octobre 2012 a 19:30Je voulais dire Blob. C’est vrai que ça fait un drôle de bruit quand on le prononce.
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 20:00Alors urbain tu t’épuises…. ??? c’est l’heure des gougoutes ou c’est moman que tu dois allé éponger de tout ce que les clients lui ont mis en chantant maréchal nous voila ???
24 octobre 2012 a 20:34Urbain,un nom de clébard,dont l’année commence par un U.
Même sort que l’autre qui est dans l’au dela.Une balle de tennis dans la bouche et un peu de coton dans le pif et attendre tranquile en sirotant une Maccabi.-
24 octobre 2012 a 21:52Vous êtes quand même pas durs à provoquer sur ce site… Une petite vanne à peine insultante et la c’est parti pour 2 jours d’insulte et « antisémite » par-ci et « antisémite » par-la… C’est limite marrant tellement c’est prévisible en fait-
24 octobre 2012 a 22:03Si ça te tente viens te frotter à nous, tu verras qu’on a le répondant qu’il faut à tous niveaux et qu’on ne laissera jamais rein passer . JAMAIS !!!
24 octobre 2012 a 22:13ah oui c’est exact un nom de clébard, enfin de toute façon tout ce qui n’est pas juif est un animal, une bête ! on le sait bien-
24 octobre 2012 a 22:53Non non, mais toi oui, pourquoi ? Parce vous le dites monsieur !
V.Martin m
24 octobre 2012 a 22:05bah du répondant, à part insulter les génitrices des deux personnes qui vous plaisent pas j’appelle pas ça du répondant ! Répondre par l’humour ou l’argumentation c’est quand même bien plus efficace !-
24 octobre 2012 a 22:07Je penserai à me relire la prochaine fois !-
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 22:10à te relire et à fermer ta gueule aussi…..-
24 octobre 2012 a 22:11Merci de confirmer mes propos neoplasme-
24 octobre 2012 a 22:15Comme tu peux le constater on a beaucoup de mal à répondre par la dérision ou l’humour à des mecs comme vous qui encensent ceux qui glorifient la mort des juifs ou encore mieux qui nient cela.
Quant au sens de l’humour, on a vraiment pas de leçon à recevoir de ce côté mais on pratique ce genre d’exercice qu’avec les gens qu’on apprécie. -
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 22:19ça t’arrache la gueule de dire avner….un juif qui tient tête ça change des juifs que tes grands parents dénonçaient à vichy…
24 octobre 2012 a 22:37Ben enfin V.Martin ! un peu de respect, tu parles à un membre du peuple élue ! Tu me feras le plaisir de dire son nom en entier la prochaine ! Aucune éducation je te jure…-
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 22:49Elue pauvre C… et surtout élite ,pauvre Enc…de ta P….de mère ,sur de lui,et qui a un plaisir infini à te dominer intellectuellement,culturellement,culinairement et sans doute economiquement !
Ma seule cicatrice c’est ta mère qui me l’a laissé en jouant à la jument…-
24 octobre 2012 a 22:56Avner, tu devrais dire à Urbain qu’il te doit le respect. Avec toutes les péripéties que tu décris avec sa mère, il se peut qu’il soit ton fils. Merde alors quelle tuile. LOL. -
24 octobre 2012 a 22:59Eh beh au point ou on en est dans 10 mn mes grands-parents vont devenir des proches d’Hitler… Nan NEOPLASME à ma connaissance mes grands-parents n’ont jamais visité Vichy désolé de décevoir ta paranoïa aggravée-
24 octobre 2012 a 23:03Ne prends pas tout pour toi. Ou alors tu culpabilisés vraiment. En l’occurrence le post de Néoplasme Avner est adresse à Urbain à l’évidence. Tu vois qu’il faut tout t’expliquer et après tu t’étonnes qu’on s’énerve. -
24 octobre 2012 a 23:06Regarde mieux, le message ou il parle des grands-parents qui balançaient des juifs à Vichy m’est clairement adressé (parce que j’ai oublié de mettre avner à son nom). J’ai tout de même le droit de défendre ma famille ! -
24 octobre 2012 a 23:16Tu vois que la provoc sur ce sujet peut déraper et que tu n’est plus dans la derision. Cela dit je pense vraiment qu’Avner en a surtout après cette grosse tâche d’Urbain . -
24 octobre 2012 a 23:20Je ne suis pas dans la dérision ni dans la provoc d’ailleurs… Neoplasme Avner semble considérer tous ceux qui lui plaisent pas comme des antisémites et des fils de collabo, c’est bien mon droit de me défendre contre ce genre d’accusations -
24 octobre 2012 a 23:39Ton insistance à te défendre permet de croire en ta sincérité. Mais encore une fois,les réactions épidermiques sur un sujet aussi sensible sont normales.
24 octobre 2012 a 22:10J’adore vos commentaires les gars, c’est toujours autant prévisibles
Soyez haineux, soyez vous mêmes, ne changez rien vous rendez un immense service à votre communauté-
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 22:12notre communauté elle t’emmerde.ça vous fait chier les descendants de miliciens qu’on ne rase plus les murs,qu’on vous toise et qu’on vous étronne dessus,hein,hein,hein !!!
Le peuple d’israël vit et vous le met bien profond !!!-
24 octobre 2012 a 22:20C’est dommage ça manque encore un peu de haine dans tes propos… je suis déçu-
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 22:24dire que tes parents se sont mis à deux pour concevoir une telle ordure perverse,ils devaient avoir le tabès ces 2 crétins…-
24 octobre 2012 a 22:29Je sais pas qui est le plus pervers de nous deux… mais en tout cas j’ai pas des envies de meurtre ni de la haine contrairement à toi -
24 octobre 2012 a 22:59Tu n’vois pas qu’il joue le mec qui n’entre pas le combat pour faire genre qu’il le survole ?
Enfin bon voila, il régurgite ce que Dieudo et Soral lui ont appris, et qu’il tient pour science, pour l’instant il n’a rien sorti qui ne soit pas une copie conforme d’un des deux précités, déjà qu’ils n’avaient rien inventé…
Enfin bon il agite toujours « peuple élu », m’enfin bon, vu qu’on a inventé le dieu que ses ancêtres ont repris, ça m’fait sourire que le mec rage parce qu’on s’y est foutu comme « élu », terme qu’il n’a même pas saisi et pris au sens français premier, bref, beaucoup de vent, un peu d’air chaud.
En dehors de ça il donnera jamais rdv histoire de débattre autour d’un café pour démontrer qu’il est réellement prêt à échanger des idées, forcément, y’aura pas Soral pour lui glisser à l’oreille tous les sophismes qui font intelligents.
24 octobre 2012 a 22:20La différence avec foi c’est que nous sommes fidèles et solidaires dans notre communaute mais que de plus nous sommes fidèles à la France. Ce qui n’est pas ton cas car tu sens le collabo à plein nez qui a renie sa patrie…-
24 octobre 2012 a 22:27Que de préjugés…alors que vous ne savez rien. C’était bien tenté mais ça marche pas avec moidommage…
24 octobre 2012 a 22:35Moi, je crois au contraire que ma remarque à fait mouche . HEIL URBAIN.
24 octobre 2012 a 22:20Guycirta tu dis « des gens comme vous », tu m’inclus dans le lot donc. J’ai posté ce genre de message moi ? J’ai beau me relire il me semble pas. J’en ai absolument rien à taper que Faurisson meure dans la nuit ou dans une semaine de toute façon à son age, il en à plus pour longtemps. Je m’amuse juste de voir les gens entrer dans le jeu des provocateurs comme des gosses-
24 octobre 2012 a 22:34La provocation comporte toujours le risque de déclencher des réponses pas forcément sympathiques. Il est des sujets qui fâchent et qui auront toujours de ma part une réponse virulente.
En dehors de ça je suis quelqu’un de sympathique et plein d’humour mais je ne partirai pas en vacances avec Faurisson , tu l’as bien compris.
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 22:51Ce soir les miliciens identitaires sont de sortie,c’était grève de fort boyard sur leur tv de chiotte .. ??-
24 octobre 2012 a 22:58Tu l’as dit Avner mais ils n’auront pas le dernier mot, crois moi.
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 23:00J’ai tracé son ip c’est murine lephaine la grausse bretonne et sa nièce la loucheuse du poitou qui sont de sortie sur internet…elles ont la permission de 11 heures…
neoplasme avner
24 octobre 2012 a 23:02guycirta c’est toujours un régal de voir les descendants de pogromistes apprendrent à leur dépend que les juifs sont fiers d’eux , n’ont plus peur de personne et surtout leur vomissent avec delectation à la tronche-
24 octobre 2012 a 23:09Ils le savent et c’est ça qui les rend dingues. Leila tov.
24 octobre 2012 a 23:43Qu’il parte et tirons la chasse !
25 octobre 2012 a 00:06JE souhaite 120 ans a ce conard de faurisson, mais a souffrire le martyre, et paralysee, comme ca il demandera la mort, et il l aurat pas de suite, en bref l enfer mais sur terre que nous puissions profiter de ce beau spectacle
25 octobre 2012 a 00:12« C’est dommage ça manque encore un peu de haine dans tes propos je suis déçu » »
Pourquoi vous énerver avec un pareil mariole ? Un rase-bitume immature qui s’ennuie, lassé de la pougnette, à provoquer « les juifs » comme çà, en espérant qu’ils vont répondre, pour engager une sorte de dialogue qui le sorte un instant de ses complexes. Un cas classique pour un profiler de gugusses. Un pâlichon invisible qui souffre de frustrations, vraisemblablement sexuelles, et qui n’a rien d’autre à dire que « bisque bisque rage. »
Vous perdez votre temps messieurs. Le plus simple est que la modér lui flanque un coup de pompe au derrière et qu’il aille faire son cirque ailleurs le pauvre petit, avant de se faire tèje là aussi
C’est ta puérilité crasse qui lasse, pas même ce que tu dis croire eh branleur.
Il me rappelle une bande dessinée : »l’habitat urbain ».
Amusant : le personnage ressemblait aux smileys qu’il a choisi ».
Adieu ducon. Je ne te lis même plus
| Cet article a été vu 7193 fois Popularité : 49 Commentaires : 52 |
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52 Commentaires
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#246871Le 25 octobre à 06:37 par Thorfinn La religion de la haineJe suis pas très étonné des reactions... Elles sont autant violentes et puériles que ces hystériques islamistes que rendent dingues quelques caricatures à la con. Que tout ces glands à col roulé aillent se faire soigner...
#246874Le 25 octobre à 07:36 par Talion La religion de la haineManifestement le pardon et l’amour de son prochain ("son prochain" ne se limitant pas qu’à ses seuls co-religionaires) n’est pas une valeur partagée par tout le monde...
Il est triste de constater à quel point certains ont été élevés dans la haine d’autrui.
#247070Le 25 octobre à 12:18 par pff La religion de la haine...d’autant que Faurisson n’a rien, mais alors nada, peau de balle, à se faire pardonner. Au contraire.
Bon rétablissement MONSIEUR FAURISSON, vous êtes et resterez toujours un grand homme.
Petite pensée à tous les résistants : Dieudo, Soral, etc. Salut bien bas messieurs les hommes.
#246880Le 25 octobre à 08:03 par Alex La religion de la haineJ’ai tout lu... Les mecs sont fous.
Première fois que je vais sur leur site, je risque pas d’y retourner.
#247014Le 25 octobre à 11:22 par Kirk La religion de la haineMoi j’y vais régulièrement, c’est très instructif...
#246884Le 25 octobre à 08:10 par greg La religion de la haineFaurisson restera le plus grand historien de la période
Ses études ne souffrent d’aucune contradiction
Le travail à été fait alors, M E R C I
Pour le reste comme il le dis lui même :
C’est bon pour les poubelles de l’histoire
Quand aux commentaires du fameux article : ils ne sont que des microbes insignifiants sans talents ....
#246892Le 25 octobre à 08:37 par bobforrester La religion de la hainebonjour
Qui cela étonne t il qu’il y ait des pervers sadiques dans l’extrême droite pro israélienne et ses associés ? Je n aime pas Faurisson mais je dois reconnaître le sérieux de son travail d’historien et il est plus convaincant que ses détracteurs qui sont soient de sinistres propagandistes payés, soit des néo fascistes juifs, soit de simples crétins , idiots utiles aux massacreures de Gaza et de Chabra et Chatila ! Je précise que je suis fils de déporté résistant ( seul survivant des 9 passeurs du réseau Ajax) qui a sauvé des milliers de Juifs en les faisant passer en zone libre . Enfin mon père biologique portait l’étoile jaune en 43.
#246895Le 25 octobre à 08:38 par Acte patriote La religion de la haineDésolé de ne pas participer car je refuse d’utiliser facebook pour répondre à ces débiles mentaux. Merci et bravo à tous ceux qui sont venus y défendre de vraies valeurs humaines.
Justice ou pas, l’article et les photos sont bien une incitation manifeste à la haine et à la violence. Je souhaite un prompt rétablissement à Monsieur le Professeur Faurisson et en tant que français, je lui reste à jamais reconnaissant et admiratif pour son combat en faveur de la vérité et de l’éveil des consciences. Les propos abjectes tenus contre lui grandissent son honneur et son courage d’homme et d’historien. La France trahie mais résistante lui rend hommage et se reconnaît déjà dans son exemple.
Qu’il recouvre comme elle, santé et vigueur !
#246896Le 25 octobre à 08:39 par Intifada La religion de la hainePeuple élu de mon c.., vous ne valez même pas un crachat du Professeur Faurisson. S’acharner sur un vieillard dont la seule arme est le verbe faut vraiment être demeuré ! Continuez à baver, bande d’éternels rancuniers, votre haine atavique finira par vous emporter. Tout mon respect et ma sympathie vont à Faurisson. Bon rétablissement Professeur. Salutations fraternelles et antisionistes, Robert.
#246950Le 25 octobre à 10:09 par fifty miles La religion de la haineMessieurs Jacob Cohen, shlomo Sand, Yoav Shamir et tant d’autres sont des juifs admirables, car il faut du courage pour s’opposer à sa propre communauté, d’autant plus admirables qu’ils sont des vecteurs autrement plus conséquents que les abrutis s’exprimant sur jSS news, de séparation entre certains juifs haineux, revanchards et stupides, et tous les autres. Le petit peuple juif a été la première victime de ses élites, comme il le sera dans l’avenir.
Les thèses de Monsieur Faurisson dérangent d’autant plus certains d’entre eux, qu’elles montrent à nu jusqu’où l’exploitation d’une classe par une autre peu descendre.
#246901Le 25 octobre à 08:47 par cosmos La religion de la haineputain là on atteint des sommets de la connerie "nous les juifs nous n’avons plus peur on ne rase plus les murs et on vous "étronne" dessus ...vu qu’on a inventé votre dieu etc etc" et le pire c’est qu’à lire les conneries qu’ils racontent ils sont vraiment persuadés de nous être supérieurs ...je crois que le pire c’est çà le fait qu’ils croient vraiment être supérieurs à nous parce qu’à la limite qu’ils dégueulent leur haine de Faurisson parce qu’il les a mis face à leurs mensonges c’est çà qui les fait vraiment chier et c’est compréhensible mais ce qu’ils ne peuvent pas supporter c’est qu’on leur aient fait croire toute leur vie que leurs grands parents etc étaient morts "gazés" (quelle blague gazés ..) alors qu’ils sont morts comme tout le monde par temps de guerre ... de faim de froid etc c’est triste mais c’est pas le génocide qu’on a bien voulu nous faire croire avec 6 millions de morts (de nos jours le chiffre affiché à l’entrée d’Auchwitz est passé à 1 million de morts ..(en fait c’est même moins que çà environ 800.000 et c’est déjà énorme et de trop mais bon si tu dis çà sur le site de J-SS news les mecs vont faire une crise d’apopléxie ...))
#246908Le 25 octobre à 09:01 par fifty miles La religion de la haineCeux qui postent ces commentaires aussi haineux que grossiers ne sont pas dans le "virtuel" dénoncé par J.Hayoun et devraient faire l’objet d’une poursuite par ce même monsieur contre le racisme qu’il invoquait pour poursuivre Twitter.
La déliquescence du site jss (ça ne s’invente pas) news donne l’ampleur du mal-être de certains dans cette communauté. Effarant !
#246914Le 25 octobre à 09:13 par ogre de berberie La religion de la hainePlus jamais ça...pour ne jamais oublier...pour les générations futurs...pour faire triompher la justice et la vérité : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rrpp...
#246918Le 25 octobre à 09:18 par paco La religion de la haine
#246926Le 25 octobre à 09:26 par A.F La religion de la haineLe commentaire du pseudo" Salomé" prouve qu’il il n’ y pas que des haineux ataviques au sein de leur communauté et j’ ai même envie de croire en une réconciliation nationale avec des nationaux de confession Juive et de bonne volonté ,et de délaisser certains de leurs coreligionnaires "apparement en état psychique délicat ", qui ont l’ orgasme à l ’idée de l’ éventuelle mort du professeur Faurisson auquel je souhaite ,par ailleurs un bon rétablissement .
#247028Le 25 octobre à 11:39 par matrix le gaulois La religion de la haine
Le commentaire du pseudo" Salomé" prouve qu’il il n’ y pas que des haineux ataviques au sein de leur communauté et j’ ai même envie de croire en une réconciliation nationale avec des nationaux de confession Juive et de bonne volonté
C’est pour ça que je conseille à tout le monde sur ce site, lorsque vous lisez ce genre d’article énervant, d’aller vous laver les yeux (et vous remonter le moral) avec des videos de Jacob Cohen, histoire de compenser. -
#247052Le 25 octobre à 12:05 par endehors La religion de la haineJe réponds à votre commentaire, en effet il m’est arrivé de lire des articles sur jss news, les commentaires qu’on y voit sont d’une violence, d’une vulgarité, d’une méchanceté inouies, et la modération est forcément complice, vu le nombre de commentaires qu’elle laisse passer. Ceci dit, parfois il y a des personnes raisonnables qui commentent et qui se font pourrir, on les traite de juifs collabos, honteux ou traitres.
La vulgarité de certains juifs est ahurissante, et ils se serrent les coudes, croyez-moi, sinon leur site aurait été condamné depuis longtemps. Pas étonnant que le monde entier les haïsse autant... -
#247153Le 25 octobre à 13:35 par A.F La religion de la haineMauvais exemple ,je n’ avais pas lu tous ses commentaires .
#247165Le 25 octobre à 14:03 par anonyme La religion de la haineAttaquer un vieux qui ballade son petit chien,j’avais jamais vu les images de l’agression de mr Faurrisson,ils ont tapé pour de bon,vraiment choquant,écoeurant et gerbant !!!...bande d’eunuques sionnistes,moi je suis jeune,ballafré et qui promène un berger allemand,vous auriez la même détermination contre moi ?...taper un vieux de la sorte,j’arrive pas à le croire...camarades,quelqu’un saurait où on peut écrire à monsieur Faurrisson,j’aimerais vraiment lui envoyer un message de soutien de la part d’un vrai sémite...
#247233Le 25 octobre à 15:42 par JeanC La religion de la haine
salome Répondre
24 octobre 2012 a 15:53
Oui moi aussi je pensais que son cas était déjà réglé ,j’ai dû confondre avec une autre crevure ……..
Vous pouvez préciser de quel message vous parlez ? parce que le "Salomé" je le trouve haineux dans ses propos moi.
#246933Le 25 octobre à 09:43 par Bob Kelso La religion de la haineLoin de moi l’idée de vouloir défendre ce torche cul et ses lecteurs assidus, mais j’attends de voir avec quelle modération les lecteurs d’E&R accueillerons la triste nouvelle du décès de BHL, Finkielcrotte, Attali et autres porteurs de lumière....bref, c’est de bonne guerre, je leur laisse au moins ce plaisir s’il n’y a que ça pour les satisfaire. Je souhaite pour ma part un prompt rétablissement à M. Faurisson, et que dans le cas contraire, je prierai pour qu’il parte dans la paix du Christ entouré de ses proches.
Ne serait-ce que pour le courage qu’il a eu d’avoir tenté de remettre en question une vérité révélée devenue désormais religion d’hystérique communautaire, cet homme mérite sa place parmi les justes.
#246935Le 25 octobre à 09:44 par abderrahim La religion de la haineje suis allé voir le site JSS news pour la première fois, et je suis sur le cul. J’avais jamais vu encore un site avec autant de commentaires racistes. Et personne n’a pensé à faire fermer ce site ???? Encore le 2 poids , 2 mesures ?
#246940Le 25 octobre à 09:49 par A.F La religion de la haineJe voudrai dire à nos compatriotes Juifs que nous ,à E§R ,ne sommes pas du tout dans une logique de haine mais dans une logique de paix et réconciliation et osons dire que nous tendons la main à nos frères Juifs en tant qu’ adhérents à la communauté nationale Française et se réclamant en tant que tels .(tout en se désolidarisant de l’ entité scélérate bien sûr ).
#246941Le 25 octobre à 09:50 par Nop La religion de la haine
#246942Le 25 octobre à 09:52 par zorro La religion de la haineQuand je vois la haine tribale organisée par des personnes comme Mr Prasquier, haine qui suinte dans la plupart des commentaires, je me dis que l’Antisémitisme à un bel avenir.
L’avenir est noir.
Quand ça explosera de nouveaux, y’aura des milliers de morts, et faudra encore que des goys comme moi se bougent le cul et risquent leur vie pour sauver dans un monde fascisé autant que se peu des gosses juifs innocents parce que des pompiers pyromanes comme le CRIF organisateur de haine du nom juif auront foutu le feu à la baraque France.
Si j’en sauve des gosses juifs et si je m’en sors vivants, que l’on vienne pas alors après me chercher pour faire de moi UN JUSTE et me remercier au nom des juifs, je vous foutrai ma main dans la gueule et mon pied au cul.
C’est triste.
Après coup je découvre qu’en mettant ce commentaire, quand il apparait sur la page de JSSNEWS, un texte annonce "Votre commentaire est en attente de modération".
Ce qui signifie que tous les commentaires qui apparaissent sur la page de JSSNEWS ont donc été considérés comme modérés avant leur parution.
Quelle honte, pour JSSNEWS.
#246952Le 25 octobre à 10:14 par Kapito La religion de la haineQue le vrai Dieu du vrai Israël bénisse ce héros de la Vérité.
Alors que même les curés flanchaient, cet enfant de l’Eglise affrontait les enfants de Satan.
#246961Le 25 octobre à 10:31 par Godefroi de Javron La religion de la haine"Nicolas Répondre
24 octobre 2012 a 18:54
N’hésitez pas à m’arrêter si je me trompe : moi qui suis catholique, je pense que nous partageons ensemble une partie des écrits qui font notre foi, à savoir l’ancien testament"
Si tu me lis, toi le catho, n’oubli jamais que tu es un païen (ou gentil goyim) aux yeux du peuple élu. Ne parle pas de l’ancien testament, il n’y a pas rapport entre notre Dieu chrétien universel et aimant, et celui du cinquième livre de la Bible .
Que Dieu protège le Pr. Robert Faurisson.
#246969Le 25 octobre à 10:44 par issa La religion de la haineBon rétablissement Monsieur le Professeur FAURISSON si DIEU le veut. Quand aux autres qu’ils soient récompensés à la hauteur de leur haine face à DIEU.
#246971Le 25 octobre à 10:48 par Thémistoclès La religion de la haineLittérature intéressante !!!
On pourrait dire que ça suinte la haine ou que c’est nauséabond.
En réfléchissant juste un peu, on dira simplement que c’est un autodafé, un pogrom verbal, une vengeance hystérique, un exorcisme de sa propre peur, un sacrifice de la pensée (celle de Faurisson), une incantation identitaire, un sabbat médiatique, une anti-catharsis de la haine, une transe scatologique.
Evidemment l’absence de Médiateur est dans la logique du site : on refuse de calmer les instincts, on les amplifie pour faire masse, pour faire force. C’est à la fois transparent, dérisoire mais c’est surtout -hélas- un génocide de l’intelligence.
#246979Le 25 octobre à 10:52 par issa La religion de la haineEt moi je veux que sharon vive pour qu’il voit la déconfiture de la pax judaïca annoncée par le SHEIKH IMRAN HOSEIN, selon la volonté de DIEU PERE et FILS JESUS.
#246990Le 25 octobre à 10:57 par Marcus 9 La religion de la haineCourage à vous M. Faurisson. Si toutefois vous deviez rejoindre les hautes sphères prochainement, sachez que vous avez fait votre part du travail avec courage et virilité...Nous manquons cruellement de Robert Faurisson de nos jours...
#247040Le 25 octobre à 11:53 par asmahane La religion de la hainetriste de lire que Monsieur Faurisson a été hospitalisé ,je lui souhaite de se rétablir au plus vite ! Quant aux commentaires de ces haineux ;j’ai l’impression que monsieur Faurisson a massacré des juifs,ou les a livrés aux nazis ,ou bien a fait partie de la waffen SS ou la gestapo etc etc .. ;dans ce cas là j’aurais compris, mais il n’en est rien ..... !
#247067Le 25 octobre à 12:13 par Barjal La religion de la haineC’est tout ce qui leur reste, pour abaisser le travail de vérité du Pr Faurrisson au rang du mensonge. Rang duquel ils ne veulent pas être détrôné ! La haine.
Aucune critique sur son travail. Pour eux la vérité c’est comme la religion et vice et versa mais pas une "réalité" mythifiée, exagérée, romancée, pour en faire une parabole...
Si c’est gens ne font pas leurs auto-critiques au lieu d’exprimer le fin fond de leur coeur ! Ils finiront par subir ce qu’ils propagent eux-mêmes. À méditer bande de haineux sionistes, et ça se dit Juifs. Ils n’ont rien compris à l’ancien testament (Torah) et pas encore bien pigé ou leur mène leur talmud chéri...
Celui qui ne connaît pas l’histoire (et là je dirais son histoire) est CONDAMNÉ à la revivre.
#247074Le 25 octobre à 12:21 par plb La religion de la haineSur l’oeuvre de Faurisson :
« La vérité passe toujours par trois stades : elle commence par être ridiculisée, puis elle est vivement critiquée, et enfin elle est acceptée comme évidente. » Arthur Schopenhauer
Nous en sommes donc au stage #2.
#247109Le 25 octobre à 12:49 par Etienne Marcel La religion de la haineJSS peut rendre antisémite !
perso depuis que je connais j’y vais de temps et temps et je regrette presque toujours de lire les commentaires tant la Haine est forte en certains. on se sent sale après avoir lu ça.
#247167Le 25 octobre à 14:04 par byb La religion de la haineMoi j’ai pas lu faurisson mais j’ai vu le doc de blanrue dans lequel il faut le reconncaitre, il était très crédible.
Souhaiter la mort de quelqu’un qui ne vous a rien fait à part donner sa vision historique, qu’on soit juif ou pas, qu’on adhère ou pas, faut être complétement taré.
Concernant les commentaires, j’allais souvent sur JSS news histoire de m’amuser à lire de la propagande un peu aussi mais j’ai fini par être complètement censuré donc j’y vais plus. Ce que je peux dire, notamment sur les modérateurs des forums, c’est qu’ils ne laissent publier aucune critique constructive contre les articles.
J’avais posté, suite aux déclarations d’un cadre du parti républicain us qui était ouvertement en faveur d’une guerre contre l’Iran, le parcour du gars (ancien banquier, multimillionaire etc...) et simplement signifié que ce gars voyait en Israël vs Iran uniquement des bénéfices pour son propre positionnement politique aux USA, qu’il en avait rien à foutre des juifs, que c’était simplement un moyen d’obtenir le soutient du lobby sioniste us utile pour sa future candidature pour la présidence (au final il ne s’est pas présenté je crois) ; tout ça avec un ton neutre en plus. direct insulté, accusé d’être antisémite et mes post ont été supprimé.
Un mec comme Urbain, ils aiment bien sur JSS, ça leur donne une fausse carte ’"liberté d’expression sur notre site" et une autre carte "on est fier d’être juif on se laissera plus faire".
reste que les abrutis qui postent des messages haineux ne représentent pas les français juifs. Le meilleur étant que ces gars seront toujours les premier à dire "Israel est une démocratie" pour justifier tout ce que fait le gouvernement israelien mais qu’ils seront aussi toujours les premiers à vouloir censuré faurisson, soral ou dieudo.
Sa propre imbécilité n’a malheureusement que les limites qu’on s’accordent à lui donner...
#247177Le 25 octobre à 14:12 par LapinBlanc La religion de la haineBon rétablissement à Monsieur Faurisson , l’ un des hommes les plus courageux et honnête qui nous a permis de découvrir la vérité sur une histoire falsifié et mensongère institutionnalisé et imposé par nos élites politiques de traitres .
#247223Le 25 octobre à 15:23 par pepemiguel La religion de la haineje souhaite un prompt rétablissement au Professeur Faurison, qui grâce a son œuvre, a obliger l’état français a créer une loi anti-révisionniste et anticonstitutionnel, pour empêcher son travail de se faire reconnaitre.
#247294Le 25 octobre à 16:58 par gauloissauvage La religion de la haineJe suis très septique au sujet des annalyses de faurisson, mais un tel déchaînement de haine me paraît innaceptable !
Je rencontre de nombreuses personnes soutenant que la Vendée n’a jamais connu de génocide et ne m’énerve pas pour autant !
Yaurait t il des choses que l’on nous aurait caché ?
on peut s’interroger...
Au sujet des chambres a gaz, je ne le crois pas, car les isaraeliens ont employé d’anciens Nazis pour mettre au point des gazs de combat pour tuer des palestiniens, gaz dont la formule est identique au zyclon b, mais portait un nom différent !
cette allégation pouvant être qualifiée d antisémite par quelques imbéciles n’ayant aucun esprit d’annalyse, pourrait contrecarrer le fait que faurrisson conteste l’existence de chambres a gaz...
#247313Le 25 octobre à 17:18 par Duke Nukem La religion de la hainevu qu’on a inventé le dieu que ses ancêtres ont repris,
Je savais qu’au dessus c’étais le soleil,mais la il dis carrément qu’ils ont inventé Dieu.Trop fort.Jusqu’ou ira l’arrogance des sionistes ?
Sinon je les savais haineux mais de la à cracher leur venins sur un homme de 83 ans.
En quoi leur a t il nuit ?
Si ils peuvent facilement démonter les thèses de Faurisson pourquoi tant de rage ?
En tous cas Faurisson sera toujours plus un homme que ces poignées de demi-fiote se réjouissant de la souffrance d’un vieil homme.(Seul une demi-fiote peux faire ça).
J’espère qu’on aura rapidement de bonnes nouvelles du professeur.
#247324Le 25 octobre à 17:30 par bIBRACTE 58 La religion de la haineheureusement que dieu est tolérant car sinon nous serions mal !!!
j’ espère vraiment qu’ il aura pitié de vos âmes malades.
quand la religion (n’ importe laquelle) rend con et stupide il est grand temps de s’ en remettre à sa condition de simple mortel et de laisser les cieux en paix.
#247328Le 25 octobre à 17:34 par Bio La religion de la hainepuisses Dieu les juger comme ils ont juger et leur pardonner comme ils ont pardonner...
#247422Le 25 octobre à 19:19 par Un Américain La religion de la haine
#247425Le 25 octobre à 19:24 par Belgo La religion de la haine
#247437Le 25 octobre à 19:44 par paramesh La religion de la hainece qui est étonnant malgré tout c’est que ces types s’en prennent tous à Dieudo et Soral exclusivement comme s’ils étaient des clichés de l’antisémitisme, or les deux, s’ils se revendiquent anti sionistes, condamnent l’antisémitisme et le racisme, l’un par l’humour et l’autre par l’idée de réconciliation. de là à penser que le vrai antisémitisme raciste ait entièrement disparu et que ces types se rabattent sur ce qui semble leur semble s’en rapprocher il n’y a qu’un pas que je ne franchirai pas, : la vérité est que Dieudo et Soral ne font pas l’amalgame juif-sioniste, et ça ça leur met la haine car cela démonte leur petit manège de victimisation
#247456Le 25 octobre à 20:02 par Intifada La religion de la haineLes chiens aboient, la caravane passe dit le proverbe. Continuer à aboyer bande de chiens enragés, la vérité passe et force est de constater qu’ elle vous fracasse. Bon rétablissement Professeur Faurisson. Toute ma sympathie aussi à l’évêque Williamson, autre illustre libre penseur, qui vient d’être viré de sa Fraternité Saint Pie X. Étrange hommes de foi que ceux qui baissent leur pantalon devant une poignée de satanistes de la pire espèce : http://www.almanar.com.lb/french/ad...
#247532Le 25 octobre à 21:26 par garantez La religion de la haineMgr Williamson n’a pas besoin de vos commentaires approximatifs, il se défend très bien tout seul ... eh oui ! tout seul ! c’est bien triste mais quand on est un évêque catholique, on se doit de ne pas agir comme un évêque "moderniste", or c’est ce qu’il a fait ... quoiqu’on pense par ailleurs de ses déclarations sur les chambres à gaz.
#247466Le 25 octobre à 20:16 par slougui La religion de la haineFaurisson est victime de sa curiosité d’Historien.La vérité est la seule chose qui compte à ses yeux, il semble qu’il l’ait approché d’un peu trop près, pour s"attirer les foudres de ceux qui tentent de la dissimuler afin de l’utiliser pour une cause politique déguisée en argument religieux : LE SIONISME.
#247478Le 25 octobre à 20:30 par Strato La religion de la haineBonsoir,
Plus le temps passe et plus je me dis que la remise en question de la Shoananas ( scientifiquement parlant ) est un impératif et une condition nécessaire aur réveil des consciences pour une vraie révolution et pas une révolution colorée de type mai 68.
Le slogan ne sera plus celui du pédophile Cohn Bendit " Nous sommes tous des juif-allemands " mais sera peut - être le suivant " Nous sommes tous des anti-sionistes faurissoniens !"
Bon rétablissement au professeur Faurisson et l’année prochaine à Jérusalem pour tous les palestiniens de Gaza,Cisjordanie,du Liban de Jordanie et de tous les autres réfugiés palestiniens du monde entier
#247481Le 25 octobre à 20:33 par ibn tamya La religion de la haineallez courage robert ! et bon rétablissement, qu’allah te guide et améliore ta situation et comme ont dit tous les prophètes ;a la fin la vérité l’emportera toujours sur le mensonge.
#247490Le 25 octobre à 20:36 par IGLOO La religion de la haineJ’ai presque pleuré en lisant ces commentaires... C’EST ATROCE ! ces gens là ne sont pas des humains.
#247509Le 25 octobre à 20:55 par Couscous boulettes La religion de la haineOn voit bien que le dialogue ou le compromis est impossible avec ces énergumènes. Par conséquent, je propose une solution radicale pour régler le problème :
#247595Le 25 octobre à 22:17 par David M. La religion de la haineBon sang, que de la haine de la part de ces gens. C’est écœurant, ils sont écœurants.
L’origine même de leur mépris est infondée.
Comment peut on en arriver là ?
On pense à vous M’sieur le Prof. Et rétablissez-vous !
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The Holocaust Hoax Exposed
$20.00By Victor Thorn. The holocaust industry has become a tyrannical dictatorship that incessantly manipulates, distorts, marginalizes and manufactures false conclusions to prop up their sinking ship. By taking their hysterical obsessions to psychopathic levels, the charlatans behind this ruse make it glaringly apparent how weak the foundation of their argument is.Victor Thorn, author of over 30 books and chapbooks, best known for his groundbreaking political conspiracy research, has set his sights on the biggest conspiracy of them all, “The Holocaust,” with this new book.SKU: 609 Category: Holocaust Tags: Anne Frank, Auschwitz, gas chambers, holocaust hoax, Victor Thorn, Zyklon BShare:-
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By Victor Thorn. Holocaust research is a dangerous business. Today, if a book similar to this one were published in Europe, its author would be arrested and imprisoned.The crime: questioning the holocaust tale. Indeed, researchers have endured solitary confinement, brutal beatings by assailants, ongoing harassment, lengthy court battles, career suicide and media attacks directed against them—all because they presented a Revisionist history of this pivotal event.Other Revisionist writers have been the victims of hate crimes, extensive smear campaigns, fines and death threats.The perpetrators behind these police state tactics are part of an entire holocaust industry devoted to suppressing factual data in favor of peddling heavy-handed doses of error-laden propaganda.The holocaust industry has become a tyrannical dictatorship that incessantly manipulates, distorts, marginalizes and manufactures false conclusions to prop up their sinking ship. By taking their hysterical obsessions to psychopathic levels, the charlatans behind this ruse make it glaringly apparent how weak the foundation of their argument is.Victor Thorn, author of over 30 books and chapbooks, best known for his groundbreaking political conspiracy research, has set his sights on the biggest conspiracy of them all, “The Holocaust,” with this new book.Thorn rips apart, in lay language, the veil-thin arguments used to prove the Jewish “Holocaust,” which is then used by global Zionists to justify the creation and continued existence of the state of Israel and as a tool to silence all critics; “Never again” is their rallying cry. The Holocaust Hoax Exposed dissects every element of what has become the 20th century’s most grotesque conspiracy.Covered in this book is the mythology surrounding “death camps,” the truth about Zyklon B, Anne Frank’s fable, how the absurd “6 million” figure has become a laughing stock. From eye-opening facts that not one autopsy exists that shows the use of Zyklon B on work camp inmates to zero photographic evidence of this supposed enormous event to the ludicrous and licentious tales woven by the “Holocaust” historians, Thorn’s latest masterpiece should be required reading for anyone interested in understanding the underpinnings of the Jewish power elite.To learn more about the book and its author, listen to this podcast interview with Victor Thorn, as posted on the website of The American Free Press. This interview is also available on audio CD (one hour, $15). Purchase the book and the CD together for just $30 plus S&H. Save $5!Special Offer: If you have not yet subscribed to our BARNES REVIEW print magazine, you qualify for a free copy of the above book when you subscribe to the magazine now! Hurry, offer may not last much longer!Softcover, 186 pages, b&w illustrations.
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