(Every time I upload the live video about the assault here, it disappears???)
I am a 70 year old French citizen going on my daily routine occupation as a grandfather of four, including a 6 months old grandson who I take regularly in a Graco pram to Walthamstow Market in London E17, Walthamstow.
On Friday 19 August 2016 I was with the same push chair on my way to my grandchildren. For unexplained reasona, I was assaulted in London in my own locality by a man in Police uniform. He grabbed my arm with a steel grip to near breaking my bone, tried to drag me away by force and prevented me from going on my own business peacefully.
The aggressor in uniform kept grabbing my hand/wrist while threatening me and dragging me along like a puttet! (British, French Indian, Mauritian and other Police TERRORISTS are known to be trained in the Zionist Apartheid Entity in OCCUPIED PALESTINE.)
The agressor called for support and threatened to arrest me several times despite the fact that I had put him under his oath of office as a Police constable (if he were one!). When asked if he understood, he said he understood, but he did not give a damn.
He detained me by force for some 20-30 minutes against my will and in full view of passer-byes in Walthamstow open Market E17.
The aggressor in uniform kept grabbing my hand/wrist while threatening me and dragging me along like a puttet! (British, French Indian, Mauritian and other Police TERRORISTS are known to be trained in the Zionist Apartheid Entity in OCCUPIED PALESTINE.)
The agressor called for support and threatened to arrest me several times despite the fact that I had put him under his oath of office as a Police constable (if he were one!). When asked if he understood, he said he understood, but he did not give a damn.
He detained me by force for some 20-30 minutes against my will and in full view of passer-byes in Walthamstow open Market E17.
Another man in uniform came and shouted at me: GET OUT OF THE AREA! WHEN I COME BACK AND SEE YOU STILL HERE I WILL ARREST YOU!
A third man in uniform said: "I too am a freeman-on-the-land!"
He kept lecturing and threatening me preventing me from talking saying repeatedly "I HAVE NOT FINISHED" and pointing his finger at me repeatedly and threateningly!
Any thoughts on this?
P.S. This happened after an optician ordered me out of his shop many times after he himself had invited me in and when I was at the door leaving the shop. The video was shot by a lady passer-by who kindly forwarded it to me on the spot.
https://www.facebook.com/zeshan.raza/videos/vb.715580554/10154537970520555/?type=2&theater¬if_t=video_processed¬if_id=1471913143893410Police Oath of Office:
' I (name) do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lady the Queen in the office of Constable, without favour or affection, malice or ill will; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved, and prevent all offences against the persons and properties of Her Majesty's subjects and that while I continue to hold the said office I will, to the best of my skill and knowledge, discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law. '
Deux journalistes d'E&R violemment agressés à la "Marche pour la dignité"
Published on 3 Nov 2015
AGRESSION ANTIFAS / POLICE - Vincent Lapierre, Brut !
Published on 23 Mar 2018
Discours ignoble du Roi LEOPOLD II au Congo Belge en 1883

Everything on false flag operations, false Islamic attacks with the aim to vilify Muslims and create a clash of ‘civilisations’.
Tout sur les opérations sous faux drapeaux, les faux attentats islamiques pour diaboliser les Musulmans, et créer une guerre entre ‘civilisations’.
Check out our hard-hitting interviews and news items at the main page for The French Connection
Britain's Police daily terror campaigns against Muslims
From Daryl's Encyclopedia
Nous nous plaçons sous la protection de l'article 19 de la Déclaration des Droits de l'homme, qui stipule:
ARTICLE 19 : "Tout individu a droit à la liberté d'opinion et d'expression, ce qui implique le droit de ne pas être inquiété pour ses opinions et celui de chercher, de recevoir et de répandre, sans considération de frontière, les informations et les idées par quelque moyen d'expression que ce soit."
Déclaration internationale des droits de l'homme, adoptée par l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU à Paris, le 10 décembre 1948.
Right in front of my local Masjid where I walk my grand daughter - Walthamstow, London.
11 August 2006 – Photos B.A.F.S Copyright
Warning: The chronology of events might be a little incorrect, as I cannot guarantee that I remember everything in the proper order.
I took my 17 months old grand daughter out in her pram on Thursday 10th of August 2006, in the late afternoon, when I saw a Police van, with “white” Police people inside, parked on Queen’s Road, Walthamstow, London E17, on the other side of the road opposite newly-built Masjid Umer, an ex-synagogue, and one “white” Policemen and a “white” Policewoman in faction in front of a house occupied by Asians. In another house a bulky “white” man in plain clothes was standing at the open door and watching the Masjid. Two “white” photographers were on each side of the road pacing up and down. As the Police officers and the man in plain clothes were inside private properties, I decided not to approach them and took out my digital camera and shot a few pictures when I saw four “black” persons (youths) address the two Police officers and then those inside the van. They burst out laughing (rire aux éclats) and seemed to have a jolly good time with the Police officers although the atmosphere seemed all tense because I was asking myself whether the Police had not closed down the Masjid, but I saw a few persons still heading towards the Masjid for worship.
When Masjid-goers were emerging out of the Masjid, I asked one of them what the matter was. I was engaged in a conversation with him (it seems that women are not allowed in this Masjid) when another one barged in and addressed me visibly not happy, but there was neither loud discussion nor any verbal violence. I asked him to tell the Muslims that Israel is behind this Terror Alert again as they have blackmailed England into joining them in their war of aggression and genocidal campaign, otherwise they will face severe attacks from Israeli government or “uncontrolled” factions that might even blow up numerous planes over Europe using their “new” weapons of mass destruction that they are actually experimenting in Lebanon and Palestine. This scenario, and not a “conspiracy theory”, looks very plausible. I told him that Alex Jones* had predicted in July 2001 that the US government would attack the Trade Centre and accuse Usama Bin Ladin of the attack, and it happened as predicted except for one thing, that the Israeli were behind the attacks. So, if planes will be blown up, Muslims will be the scapegoats. Suddenly, a bulky “white” Police officer crossed the road and addressed me not very courteously, which already instinctively put me on the defensive. I did not appreciate his interference, as he did not address the one who seemed to be aggressive, but I remained civil. I only had time to notice his number, 520. When questioned, I answered (probably amongst other things) that I was talking to MY people, and asked him if this was forbidden. He did not answer and went back to the other side of the road. I left with my grandchild heading towards Tesco on Hoe Street.
* Alex Jones lied because it was Martyr Milton William Cooper who made that prediction somewhere in June 2001 and Alex knew about it as he had interviewed Cooper himself, but he falsely claimed he made the prediction instead of Cooper.

As I do not watch television and was not on the Internet for some time, I was not aware of the alleged “Muslim Terror Plot” and of the nth arrest of “Muslim Terror suspects”. The new western diktat is that all suspects are guilty until proven innocent. According to new government ukases, the Police (some trained in Israel, I am told) can shoot on site, up to 11 bullets on unarmed civilians. Is it a coincidence that I never hear of Jewish, Christian or Homosexual Terror suspects or criminals being arrested, their families molested, and their “religion” (way of life), or gunned down by Police or the Secret Services?

Does not this remind us of the white van in the Pont de l'Alma Tunnel, Paris, during the Royal assassination of Princess Diana and of the other white vans with explosives caught driven by Jews/Israelis of MOSSAD on 11 September 2001?
– Photo B.A.F.S Copyright
I was told later on that Police had arrested several “Muslims” suspected of plotting to blow up many passenger planes. My first reaction was – another fake government Terror Alert in order to distract the people’s attention from the mass murder perpetrated in Lebanon and Palestine by the Nazis from Zionist Israel (with UN blessings) and other genocide to come (Syria, Iran, etc.!). I learned that Daryl Bradford Smith, Eric Husfschmid (and Alex Jones) had already denounced the Fake British Terror Alert reminding their audience that the USA had acknowledged 50 such Terror Alerts in the past years to be absolutely as fake as the British ones, made only to re-establish the popularity of the leaders and rally public opinion behind such mass-murderers as George W. Bush and Tony Blair! Only the notorious lying media (Zionists are masters of deception) can continue to pretend that those Terror Alerts are not fakes! When the media are allowed to publish the names of the “suspects”, the message is quite clear! THE SUSPECT IS GUILTY IN ADVANCE AND NO EVIDENCE IS REQUIRED!

It seems to me that Jane/Geneviève asked me permission to film me while she was asking me a few questions. I was very upset by what I had just seen, an absolute violation of Muslims’ right to worship in peace, and not under the guns of shoot-to-kill assassins, and said whatever came to my mind. But, I remember clearly saying that this was a fake government Terror Alert announcing an impending major government sponsored terrorist attack on the British people like the Zionist orchestrated one on 7/7 or like 9/11 in the USA that was carried out by MOSSAD-CIA. When asked how I knew that, I answered because I do not watch television or read the controlled Zionist media. I added that the USA has arrogantly acknowledged (boasted) about 50 government orchestrated Fake Terror Alerts. I also said that I had known Britain to be the most civilized and tolerant country in Europe (obviously a colossal blunder!), but that now it had turned into a Fascist State like France and the US.

I went back to Jane/Geneviève on the other side of the road. I heard a journalist question a man with a beard while taking notes. His colleague was writing in short hand. I took a picture of them and proceeded back to the other side of the road.

There, I stood behind (slightly by the side) of a cameraman and took a shot when a young 'Asian' approached me and asked me politely to leave the pavement in order not to obstruct the worshippers who were coming out of the Masjid. He addressed me as “uncle”. But, I was annoyed because, first, I was not obstructing anybody and, then, that young man seemed to be monitoring only the Asian (allegedly Muslim) crowd! I said something like:
“Why don’t you say the same thing to the Rupert Murdoch’s mafia who is filming even your women in hijaab or to the Police who is causing a public disturbance by their mere provocative presence. The Police are terrorizing the Muslim communities all over England making the British people hate the Muslims the more."
He immediately released me. Other officers were watching, but did not intervene. I was not in the way at all, but other people were on the pavement while I was on the side, as the picture I had taken at that very moment tends to show. I went back to the other side of the road and informed Jane or Geneviève about this incident. They were surprised and left me to go to the other side to carry on with their job.

- Photo: B.A.F.S. Copyright
I have seen the British government, at National and Local levels, use Jews (or vice versa), Blacks and Asian collaborators to discriminate against Muslims who do not submit to their diktat. I am one such victim. When I object, I am accused of “racism and anti-Semitism”, and the discrimination has been going on for years, mainly through the bogus bodies called the Commission of Racial Equality (CRE) and its “Equal Opportunities” vassal. I have witnessed so many times the hatred of Blacks, including Black Evangelical Zionist Christians, for anything Muslim and Arab, even in their literature. Several years back, when I had invited the Police to my Black ghetto following an attack of Christian Blacks on Muslim Asians at the Hackney Marsh Sunday Market, and showed them the racist anti-Muslim (and anti-Catholic) literature portraying Muhammad as a Mercenary Terrorist paid by the Pope, and the Pope as Satan himself, the two “white” officers said that they had all the rights because they were in England, a country of “Free Speech”.

It is obvious that this is again a Fake Terror Alert to boost the popularity of mass-murderers and war criminals Tony Blair (Knight of Malta ?) and George W. Bush (Knight of Eulogia ?). Blair was risking a Coup d’État anytime! To the look of it he is preparing for Martial Law and for another major government sponsored terrorist attack on the British people in order to stir hatred against Muslims and Arabs in order to distract the people from the real national and international issues.

So, for the alleged “Terror plotters”, as usual Police will find no evidence at all, and will have to release the “guilty-suspects” after having destroyed their career and provoked their anger and that of their family! But, some of them might one day take their revenge! Or the Police will concoct “evidence” or make other false charges like, for example, “one of the suspects have been found to access child pornography on the Internet”, or “a book on Al-Qaeda (The CIA-MOSSAD Terrorist cells) was found in one of the suspects’ house”, etc.! This is what the government is actually doing, creating “des bombes à retardement”! They are lucky that their victims are not yet armed! But, as the saying goes: “Chickens always come home to roost!”
When Bush was told that America was under attack, he did not move a finger nor bat an eyelid, and all he did when he awoke from his deep sleep was to speak of vengeance against Iraq and Afghanistan and a Holy Jewish-Christian War on Islam and Muslims - Operation Infinite Justice! When Blair is now told that there exists a plot to blow up several planes, what does he do? He discusses the matter with the other war criminal Bush and then goes on holiday while Bush joins the orgy party (normally with male porn stars) at Bohemian Grove! Both Blair and Bush orchestrated this Government Fake Terror Alert in advance for their own benefits! What does this tell people like me who are not mind controlled by the Zionist media? Blair has obviously planned this coup with Bush well before he went on holidays. Or Can he be running away from a possible coup d’état from his enemies? The (obvious) reason why Blair keeps enjoying his holidays is because he has staged this masquerade himself and knows that there would not be any risk of any highjacking of planes at all!
Muslims are not that stupid! If they had the technology and the superhuman skills like the ones they have been accused of possessing during 9/11, they would not attack innocent people or civilians (it’s against their religion by the way) but use those deadly weapons against the invading Israeli and Allied European armies of assassins in their own lands!!!!!!!

Slaves (“house-Negroes”) of the local and national government run most of the Masjids where no free speech is allowed (except for MPs, Police and other government officials), while synagogues and churches can do practically anything they want without ever being bothered by the authorities, from raising funds for the army of Israeli assassins and to finance insurrections of Christian minorities in the third world, to political campaigns run directly from their places of worship.
I have attended many times Catholic churches in Paris, Colombes and Neuilly-sur-Seine, until the day I got disgusted because the Zionists had taken over all of them!
Often Muslims have hated and shunned me because of my Hindu, Jewish and Christian tendencies, but that is the Being I am and I will never change my Hindu-Israelite-Christian-Islamic Religion for all the gold in the world. It is known world-wide that 40 million Zionist Anti-Christians (Evangelical) are setting up a powerful lobby in the USA in order to support the criminal war of Eretz Israel and their extermination campaigns of the Palestinian and other Arab peoples in order to be “raptured” and to hasten the coming of their Jewish Messiah, but not of Jesus Christ. So, let Britain continue labeling Muslims as terrorists, fascists, fundamentalists, fanatics and what not when in fact Muslims are the true victims of British and western terrorism and genocidal policies. The west has Terrorist Camps all over their lands, where they train the worst criminals on planet earth, but they call those camps Military Academies! The west manufactures, sells and uses weapons of mass destruction while they fight tooth and nail to prevent Muslims from arming themselves against invading armies from both East and West. But, one day will have to be payback day! The West cannot exterminate all the one billion + Muslims in the world! Or can it? They will exterminate more than five billion people as they have planned only if we allow them to do so without a fight, an economic and an armed struggle, but not any kind of sterile pacifist talks! The West invented the term “peace-process” which in real fact means the continuation of war and of the status quo while they remain the real masters and destroyers of the planet and its habitat.
However, the persecution, humiliation and demonization of Muslims in Britain (and in the West) will continue as long as the Muslims do not stand up for their rights as equal citizens! For the time being, only collaborators (traitors) enjoy some privileges until their masters turn on them and their families and murder them also without any pity. From pseudo-democracy to fascism, Britain has not changed much however, the same old bloody imperialist thanks to mainly Zionist bankers! But, Islam is a force. Islam is power. Islam is to lead not to be led. Islam is for slaves and the oppressed to free themselves. Islam is for the free not to ever let them be oppressed and enslaved. Islam cannot ever be destroyed as it is in every man and woman that comes to life on this planet. Sooner or later it comes out from all the pores of all freedom fighters, fighters against all kinds of injustices, and not for nationalism, socialism, liberalism or democracy. Islam is the latest greatest gift the world has ever been granted by the Almighty powers that gave life and meaning to everything. The Holy Qur’ân remains forever the most powerful Book and the Best ever Book that has reached Mankind (and Jinnkind).
I do not expect this cold and lucid (there is no anger) report (“compte-rendu”) to be published by the “Independent” or “The Times”, or by any of Rupert Murdoch’s controlled media, but for sure it will be published somewhere unless who you know shoots me first. I had to put these notes in writing before I forget while waiting for the impending Third World War, the Fourth Reich that Britain and the USA have in store for us! What Jewish Ashkenazi Michael Stepanovitch Drinkin told me back in the sixties about his people taking over the whole world is coming true! By the way, if anyone could consult Benjamin Harrison Freedman’s speech of 1961, it will become crystal clear who is behind all major wars, revolutions, famines, holocausts, crashes, meteorological disasters, and how Britain sold Palestine to the Zionist Nazis, non Semitic Ashkenazi-Jews, and Talmudists-Zoharists-Kolnidrists who pretend to be of Semitic stock, the worst criminals this world has known. Those “Jewish Supremacists” have highjacked and monopolized the term “Semitism”! They want to reign supreme over the USA, Europe and the Middle East, to begin with. Those Arab and Muslim haters have almost succeeded in the first two instances, but with the Middle East, in time they will be dealt with accordingly by the Arabs - Christians, Muslims and Atheists and all non-Jews alike, hopefully or God willing as Believers say! How long can their divide-and-rule tactics continue to work, and how long can the west send their sons and daughters to die for Eretz Israel?
Friday 11th of August 2006
- Today 6th of September 2006 Police sirens have not stopped! They would start and stop their sirens right in front of you for 5-10 seconds dozens of times every day!
- Today Thursday 30th August 2007, the sirens have not ceased blasting day and night for the past months as if we were under imminent attack!
DO NOT FORGET TO VISIT: http://evangelizt-poete.over-blog.com/article-3962899.html

"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races...and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the Children of Israel...will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition..."
“Dans son ensemble, le people juif sera son propre Messie. Il accomplira la domination du monde par la destruction des autres races…et en instaurant une république mondiale dans laquelle les Juifs exerceront partout le privilège de citoyenneté. Dans ce Nouvel Ordre Mondial, les Enfants d’Israël…fourniront tous les leaders sans rencontrer une opposition… » (Karl Mordechaï Marx dans une lettre adressée à Baruch Lévy, cité dans la Revue de Paris, 1er Juin 1928, p.574)

Many people think "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is anti Semitic "hate literature" and a fraud. Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote that the book exhibits "the mind of genius." This is pretty unusual for a fraud. He said it exhibits "great strength of thought and insight. Its design is well above the abilities of an ordinary mind...It is more complicated than a nuclear bomb."

Faites vos recherches et voyez vous-même si ce ne sont pas des Juifs et des Juifs criminels qui dirigent les affaires du monde selon les Protocoles ... ?
“To prove the Gaza withdrawal is a gesture of war, consider what could have been done. Next door to Gaza is the 36,000 sq. mile Sinai Peninsula, which Egypt has been using to funnel-tunnel weapons against Israel, obviously in contravention of its supposed peace treaty with Israel. The population of the Sinai is under 50,000 and if anyone actually wanted to bring peace to the region, a viable Palestinian state could be established there.
[How true! But the Order's "foreign elite," controlled by the Pope, do not want peace - not quite yet. The withdrawal from Gaza - a land given by God to the tribe of Judah - is not only a gesture but rather a guarantee to another coming war in Israel, as was the Versailles Treaty the foundation for a subsequent war in defeated and plundered apostate Protestant Germany. In further igniting the present Anglo-American-led Papal Crusade against Islam, several CIA-pre-placed nuclear devices will be detonated on US soil in the near future. The Moslems will be blamed via the Order's CIA-controlled Al Qaeda Terrorist Network, and Mecca, Medina and the Jerusalem Mosques will reduced to rubble to the infinite delight of the Black Pope and the White Pope - the successor of the soon-to-be-deceased Pope John Paul II.]”
Barry Chamish est d’avis que l’État palestinien devrait être établi dans le désert du Sinaï!!!!!!! En d’autres mots, que la Palestine devrait être nettoyée ethniquement de ses habitants arabes, musulmans, et chrétiens selon le cas !!!!!!! En fait, il aurait dû intituler son article L’HOLOCAUSTE OU LA SHOAH PALESTINIEN !
C’est aussi ce que désire l’ATAFRANK MUSTAPHA SARKOZY (unique survivant de la Shoah de Salonique !) de la France kémaliste (laïcque), ainsi que son Frère Lustiger le Juif-Chrétien qui a failli être Pape à la place du Pape !
VISIT ALSO : http://www.iamthewitness.com

VISIT ABSOLUTELY : http://www.radioislam.org/

"Les grands ne sont grands que parce que nous sommes à genoux. - Levons-nous!"
"No hate. No violence. Races? Only one Human race. United We Stand, Divided We Fall. Freedom of Speech - Use it or lose it!"
"You are what you know and what you do with what you know."
"Know Your enemy! No time to waste. Act now! Tomorrow it will be too late. What You Don´t Know Can Kill You!"
From "The Ugly Truth" Website.
ReplyDelete#5 by B.A.Frémaux-Soormally on March 23, 2012 - 11:22 am
I revealed to the press and Scotland Yard and to a personal friend “Lord” Ahmed Nazir of the House of Lords a similar case back in 2001-2002 of which I was the main victim, but I was ignored completely by one and all including by the Muslim religious leadership and so-called charitable organisations who were in cahoots with the government at both national and local level.
Amir Chowdury of Ilford, the suspected MI5/MI6 Pakistani informant (a Pakistani Muslim who bragged he had been sleeping with 18 women of all nationalities!) who was also my Martial Art teacher and who I made my business partner |(before I knew about his private life!) walked away with around £30,000 worth of our capital and my Honda Civic car and the POLICE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! HE WAS NOT EVEN INVESTIGATED! He also bragged that he was “UNTOUCHABLE”!
Craig Monteilh and ‘Muslim’ crook Amir Chowdury of Ilford should be put in the same basket!
The reason why I have not attended masjid (mosque), at least since 2006, it is because I SAW the masajid (Mosques) being infiltrated by Secret agents (MI5, MI6…) and by ‘Muslim’ informants and collaborators.
And, Muslims say they are free to practice their religion in France, Britain and in America! Muslims are not free to practice Islam even in most MUSLIM countries!
#8 by Doug on September 8, 2012 - 2:25 am
ReplyDelete"Where was Putin when Gaddafi needed him?"
From the Ugly Truth "Russia warns Israel, U.S. striking Iran would be ‘literally disastrous’"
Vladimir Putin has proved himself to be yet another SON OF THE DEVIL, a wolf in sheepskin!
Dear Earthlings!
Forget about the Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Muhammad, Christ, Jews, Palestine, Israel, and
Some good humans are stranded on that Satanic land of the slave and the coward called AMERICA!
The entire earth is inhabited by entities ALIEN to the GOD-CREATED HUMAN 'RACE'!
We all live in HELL on Earth and deal with DEMONS every single day of our lives.
In our day and age, loving your neighbour is USELESS because what guarantee do we have that your neighbour is not ONE OF THEM?
At this time of the night, FOUR A.M., I always come up with strange thoughts as a little Devil or Angel often wakes me up to tell me things! . But, during my passage on earth, I have known this night hour to be THE HOUR OF TRUTH!
At this hour of the night, I always see clearer than all those who are possessed by extra terrestrials, UFOs put together or the Holy Ghost!
But, there is nothing we can do th change things otherwise we would have done it A LONG TIME AGO! Knowing the truth has become useless because the Devil is too powerful! We slaved for him all those centuries and armed him to the teeth. Now, he is ready to take all of us out!
What hope do we have? NONE! Christians and Muslims will always have hope, but they are all dead DUE TO THEIR COWARDICE AND HYPOCRISY AND SELFISH MATERIALIST LIFE-STYLE!
Saturday morning 8 September 2012 at 4.16 A.M.