شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية
"They plot and plan but ALLAH also plans and ALLAH is the best of Planners."
Qur’an VIII – 30 قال الله عزَّ وجل: ويمكرون ويمكر الله والله خير الماكرين " سورة الأنفال"
Qur’an VIII – 30 قال الله عزَّ وجل: ويمكرون ويمكر الله والله خير الماكرين " سورة الأنفال"
Exposing Media Disinformation, Propaganda and Lies...
Monday, January 23, 2012
URGENT : We have confirmed reports that several Islamic countries in Asia, Middle East, and North Africa are going to re-establish Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham, that will be the beginning of the end for Israel
Gold’s London AM fix this morning was USD 1,675.00, GBP 1,076.55, and EUR 1,294.94 per ounce.
Friday's AM fix was USD 1,646.00, GBP 1,064.68, and EUR 1,274.29 per ounce.
Gold has risen in all currencies today and bullion up nearly 1 % to
$1,675/oz. Gold rose 1.7% last week has risen more than 6% so far this
Gold jumped to its highest in more than a month as result of the
uncertainty over of the Greek debt outcome and the growing geopolitical
tensions with Iran and the US and Nato countries.
The Iranian geopolitical tension is supporting gold as Britain,
America and France have delivered a clear message to Iran, sending six
warships led by a 100,000 ton aircraft carrier through the
highly sensitive Strait of Hormuz.
Reuters report that the EU has agreed to freeze the assets
of the Iranian central bank and ban all trade in gold and other precious
metals with the Iranian Central Bank and other public bodies in Iran.
According to IMF data, at the last official count (in 1996), Iran had reserves of just over 168 tonnes of gold. The FT reported
in March 2011 that Iran has bought large amounts of bullion on the
international market to diversify away from the dollar, citing a senior
Bank of England official.
Currency wars continue and are deepening.
Many Asian markets are closed for the Lunar New Year holiday which has led to lower volumes.
Of note was there was an unusual burst of gold futures buying on the
TOCOM in Japan, which has helped the cash market to breach resistance at
$1,666 an ounce.
Investors are also waiting for euro zone finance ministers to decide
the terms of a Greek debt restructuring later today. This would be the
second bailout package for Greece.
The risk of contagion in Eurozone debt and wider markets is leading to continued safe haven demand for gold.
Silver surged 8% last week and is up nearly 20% so far in 2012 –
thereby outperforming the other precious metals and nearly all assets.
Silver cut through resistance at $31 like knife through butter on
Friday. Next resistance is $33 then and $35 and then the big $50.
Increasing speculation that the Fed will soon embark on another round
of quantitative easing or QE3 is also supporting the precious metals
and confirmation of QE3 could see gold reach $1,700/oz in short order.
Economy : Destruction of the US dollars by the zionists
Zoom out to the Moon, sit on the ridge of a crater and watch the world from a distance. Where is it heading?
Dynamic shifts are taking place. On the financial front, more and more countries are no longer using the dollar as the international reserve currency, they are doing direct trade in their own currencies and through commodities exchange. Coal for wheat, gas for gold.
Gold, the real stuff, is re-emerging as sound and solid money (not to be confused with GLD certificates which are basically an IOU for gold that does not exist.) Real gold is preferable in many instances to fiat money markets where he who owns the printing press can create as much wealth as they wish. Which was fine, so long as those particular pieces of paper were used for all international trade. But what happens when the music stops? What happens when the world at large returns to sound money, to real trade in goods and drops the fantasy?
The BIS, the World Bank, the IMF and Swift no longer have a corner or a controlling interest on the world’s economy. The criminality of the IMF was clearly exposed by John Perkins in “Confessions of an Economic Hitman.”
Further to this criminality of the corporate fascist banking system is the upcoming proposal of the TPP and TTIP agreements also see: TPP, $3.5 Trillion Stolen, Gold Price Rigging, Colour Revolutions and hanging out with BRICS. (http://theinternationalreporter.org/2015/06/19/tpp-3-5-trillion-stolen-gold-price-rigging-colour-revolutions-and-hanging-out-with-brics/)
As James Corbett in How the Banksters Play “Good Cop, Bad Cop.” explains:
“BIS was founded in 1930 as an outgrowth of Rockefeller Trustee Own D. Young’s so-called “Young Plan”; to chain German payments for the unpayable WWI reperations scam to a consortium of financiers led by J.P. Morgan. It is located in Basel, Switzerland but is above Swiss law by terms of a treaty that makes the bank “inviolable” and free from search, seizure or interference in any way by Swiss authorities. And it was identified as the apex of a global system of oligarchical control in a shockingly frank passage by Georgetown historian (and Clinton mentor) Carrol Quigley in “Tragedy and Hope”:
“The Power of financial capitalism (corporate fascism) had a far reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks, which were themselves private corporations.”
This controlling interest is now being challenged by Russia and China setting up their own “Swift” systems; the AIIB bank which has been joined by most European as well as Eurasian countries totalling 50 nations in all with the exclusion of the USA and Japan; and the BRICS development bank, which incorporates the continent of South America with Brazil as a member, and Africa with the BRICS subsidiary bank in Johannesburg South Africa. As Andile Ntingi writes in Brics brings SA trading and banking wins
“The NDB will reduce dependence by Brics countries on Western-led global finance institutions, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and offers an alternative funding source for developing economies.
Another attractiveness with Brics Bank is that it will not attach unfair conditions on its loans to the borrowers, unlike the World Bank and the IMF which forced developing countries to adopt the so-called structural adjustment policies as part of their loan packages.
These policies forced developing nations to follow a mixture of austerity measures, privatisation, and opening up their markets to foreign competition. More often than not, these policies had a devastating impact on the economies of poor countries.”
Trade in Oil is also undergoing dynamic shifts. F. William Engdahl points out in OPEC, Russia and the Emerging New World Order Emerging
“Now what is very likely to emerge in the current extraordinary situation is a negotiated arrangement between Putin’s Russia and the Saudi-led OPEC oil producers of the Middle East, including Iran, to devise a new ordering of world energy supply, one independent of the near century of Anglo-American domination. The benefits of such a new world ordering are simply too great for all involved parties to ignore.
As this new world ordering, including Saudi-led Arab OPEC states, Russia, China and all Eurasia becomes more likely by the day, Secretary John Kerry, CIA chief John Brennan, as well as incoming Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Marine Corps General Joseph Francis “Fighting Joe” Dunford, an outspoken Russophobe, along with the various neo-con Washington think-tanks, Defense Secretary and Democratic Party neo-con Ash (as in ashes of war) Carter, Susan Rice, war-mongering UN Ambassador Samantha Power, Vice President Joe Biden (possibly the next US President), the entire USA military industrial complex, the Wall Street money financing it, and families such as Rockefeller, Bush, Clinton, McCain, Gates, Buffett—all these poor unhappy people are beginning to feel suddenly naked, standing in the Arctic cold frozen waters without even a paddle or an ice-breaker to navigate.”
Both the control of the money markets and the oil industry is now out of the hands of the dollar and the petro dollar.
If you look at the front page of the Economist, with all the world leaders standing together, you will see exactly where the UK and Germany are going. Merkel is in lockstep with Putin. The UK has already moved east. All that gold moving from London to Shanghai is not only Chinese Gold. It is British Gold.
For all the anti colonialist British Empire rhetoric, the UK has had long historical ties with Hong Kong, Shanghai and India that go back to the 17th century, four hundred years of trade and commerce via shipping. India is also an English-speaking country, and has absorbed much of English literature and culture. Many Indian families who now live in Britain not only consider themselves as British but still have strong ties to their country of origin, both culturally and economically.
Europe in turn has had thousands of years of trade and commerce with the east overland. The Silk Road project will re-establish these ties resulting in cheaper costs through fast rail instead of expensive ports and boat yards. The plan is for fast rail going from Beijing to Lisbon.
The Berlin Wall really has come down, the east is no longer locked into a communist economic system and has developed into social democracies, with a balance between private enterprize and government owned and controlled industries whose profits are used for the benefit of their citizens in education, health transport and security.
With a growing middle class in the east and population figures in the billions, it is obvious where the next market growth and investment capital will flow. It is going to be an interesting century and by the end of it the world will look completely different to how it looks today.
In HISTORIC NEWS: Finally, EU Breaks Away from U.S, Germany’s shift East was clearly indicated:
“Horst Seehofer, a man who, prior to his being appointed to be the Party-chief had been Chancellor Merkel’s Agriculture Minister, has now turned against Chancellor Merkel (who until now was the most powerful leader in all of Europe) and denounced her policy on the refugee crisis, and has now stated publicly that Germany should instead ally with Russia and against NATO on the entire Syrian war.“
Many Germans who have business interests in Russia have resented the sanctions placed on that country, as does France. 2014 saw farmers across the continent either giving their produce away or dumping it on municipal buildings. As far as many Europeans are concerned, the sooner these sanctions are lifted the better.
While in the UK, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was elected with huge mandate. He expresses the sentiments of the majority of the United Kingdom who are tired of the wars in the Middle East, and want Britain to move out of the influence of American imperialism.
“During his three decades in parliament, Corbyn has spent much of his time championing causes such as the Stop the War coalition, campaigning against the private finance initiative and supporting peace efforts in the Middle East.
In the campaign, he promised to give Labour members a much greater say in the party’s policymaking process, in a move that could sideline MPs. His key proposals include renationalisation of the railways, apologising for Labour’s role in the Iraq war, quantitative easing to fund infrastructure, opposing austerity, controlling rents and creating a national education service.”
It is a great pity that the USA did not opt for co-operation with their Western neighbour Russia, and build a bridge to the east from their western shoreline. Instead they want to “own” Russia, in the same way Chevron and Monsanto have bought out Ukraine, a shortsighted, egotistical and self-defeating policy that has its origins in Breziski’s Grand Chessboard. This was the political end game, a game which has clearly been check mated in the last five years by both Russia and China.
Another manifestation of world-wide opposition to the corporate fascist system, is the major backlash in both the east and the west against genetically modified seeds. Roundup, a costly herbicide that farmers are forced to use on GMO products has been deemed by the World Health Organization as carcinogenic contributing towards the increase in cancer rates worldwide.
An even greater backlash has erupted over the very concept of patenting food sources, from maize, vegetable and fruit products to genetic patenting on cattle, chickens and fish.
This is a corporate fascist model that threatens to take food security out of the hands of the public and put it into the hands of a few companies who will increase their market share, control food production and hold the world to ransom with ever-increasing prices at the grocery store. From farming as we know it, they have moved onto “patent” farming, and one day you could be sued for producing seeds and plants from your own produce and animal breeding because they own the patent.
The corporate fascist model of the West and the Octopus Squid (https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21228354-500-revealed-the-capitalist-network-that-runs-the-world/) has not enamoured itself with the rest of the world, if anything it has met with a carefully planned and executed resistance and the establishment of a multi-polar world order with a Federal United Nations system supported by 75% of the countries of the world, as opposed to a uni-polar, one world, New World Order that George Bush Senior spoke openly about.
This NWO in the last five years has been executed through “colour revolutions (http://orientalreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/AK-Hybrid-Wars-updated.pdf)” and directed by institutions such as Project For the New American Century, the Brookings Institution and the Council on Foreign Relations. Basically buying the world and owning it through the neo-con, corporate fascist, Octopus Squid. (https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21228354-500-revealed-the-capitalist-network-that-runs-the-world/)
Bottom line? The world has decided it is not for sale. The price is too high. Nations of the world are not a McDonald’s outlet or a Wall Mart outlet, they actually have ideals, customs and identities of their own. Nation Statehood, independence, language, culture and identity still have meaning as do family owned retail, small scale farming and small business development. Diversity is the name of the game, and uniting in that diversity is the challenge in the 21st centuy.
About Author: Katherine Frisk is a freelance writer, political commentator and the author of Jesus Was A Palestinian.
Where is World Heading?
By GPD on September 20, 2015
by Katherine Frisk
Zoom out to the Moon, sit on the ridge of a crater and watch the world from a distance. Where is it heading?
Dynamic shifts are taking place. On the financial front, more and more countries are no longer using the dollar as the international reserve currency, they are doing direct trade in their own currencies and through commodities exchange. Coal for wheat, gas for gold.
Gold, the real stuff, is re-emerging as sound and solid money (not to be confused with GLD certificates which are basically an IOU for gold that does not exist.) Real gold is preferable in many instances to fiat money markets where he who owns the printing press can create as much wealth as they wish. Which was fine, so long as those particular pieces of paper were used for all international trade. But what happens when the music stops? What happens when the world at large returns to sound money, to real trade in goods and drops the fantasy?
The BIS, the World Bank, the IMF and Swift no longer have a corner or a controlling interest on the world’s economy. The criminality of the IMF was clearly exposed by John Perkins in “Confessions of an Economic Hitman.”
Further to this criminality of the corporate fascist banking system is the upcoming proposal of the TPP and TTIP agreements also see: TPP, $3.5 Trillion Stolen, Gold Price Rigging, Colour Revolutions and hanging out with BRICS. (http://theinternationalreporter.org/2015/06/19/tpp-3-5-trillion-stolen-gold-price-rigging-colour-revolutions-and-hanging-out-with-brics/)
As James Corbett in How the Banksters Play “Good Cop, Bad Cop.” explains:
“BIS was founded in 1930 as an outgrowth of Rockefeller Trustee Own D. Young’s so-called “Young Plan”; to chain German payments for the unpayable WWI reperations scam to a consortium of financiers led by J.P. Morgan. It is located in Basel, Switzerland but is above Swiss law by terms of a treaty that makes the bank “inviolable” and free from search, seizure or interference in any way by Swiss authorities. And it was identified as the apex of a global system of oligarchical control in a shockingly frank passage by Georgetown historian (and Clinton mentor) Carrol Quigley in “Tragedy and Hope”:
“The Power of financial capitalism (corporate fascism) had a far reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks, which were themselves private corporations.”
This controlling interest is now being challenged by Russia and China setting up their own “Swift” systems; the AIIB bank which has been joined by most European as well as Eurasian countries totalling 50 nations in all with the exclusion of the USA and Japan; and the BRICS development bank, which incorporates the continent of South America with Brazil as a member, and Africa with the BRICS subsidiary bank in Johannesburg South Africa. As Andile Ntingi writes in Brics brings SA trading and banking wins
“The NDB will reduce dependence by Brics countries on Western-led global finance institutions, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and offers an alternative funding source for developing economies.
Another attractiveness with Brics Bank is that it will not attach unfair conditions on its loans to the borrowers, unlike the World Bank and the IMF which forced developing countries to adopt the so-called structural adjustment policies as part of their loan packages.
These policies forced developing nations to follow a mixture of austerity measures, privatisation, and opening up their markets to foreign competition. More often than not, these policies had a devastating impact on the economies of poor countries.”
Trade in Oil is also undergoing dynamic shifts. F. William Engdahl points out in OPEC, Russia and the Emerging New World Order Emerging
“Now what is very likely to emerge in the current extraordinary situation is a negotiated arrangement between Putin’s Russia and the Saudi-led OPEC oil producers of the Middle East, including Iran, to devise a new ordering of world energy supply, one independent of the near century of Anglo-American domination. The benefits of such a new world ordering are simply too great for all involved parties to ignore.
As this new world ordering, including Saudi-led Arab OPEC states, Russia, China and all Eurasia becomes more likely by the day, Secretary John Kerry, CIA chief John Brennan, as well as incoming Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Marine Corps General Joseph Francis “Fighting Joe” Dunford, an outspoken Russophobe, along with the various neo-con Washington think-tanks, Defense Secretary and Democratic Party neo-con Ash (as in ashes of war) Carter, Susan Rice, war-mongering UN Ambassador Samantha Power, Vice President Joe Biden (possibly the next US President), the entire USA military industrial complex, the Wall Street money financing it, and families such as Rockefeller, Bush, Clinton, McCain, Gates, Buffett—all these poor unhappy people are beginning to feel suddenly naked, standing in the Arctic cold frozen waters without even a paddle or an ice-breaker to navigate.”
Both the control of the money markets and the oil industry is now out of the hands of the dollar and the petro dollar.
If you look at the front page of the Economist, with all the world leaders standing together, you will see exactly where the UK and Germany are going. Merkel is in lockstep with Putin. The UK has already moved east. All that gold moving from London to Shanghai is not only Chinese Gold. It is British Gold.
For all the anti colonialist British Empire rhetoric, the UK has had long historical ties with Hong Kong, Shanghai and India that go back to the 17th century, four hundred years of trade and commerce via shipping. India is also an English-speaking country, and has absorbed much of English literature and culture. Many Indian families who now live in Britain not only consider themselves as British but still have strong ties to their country of origin, both culturally and economically.
Europe in turn has had thousands of years of trade and commerce with the east overland. The Silk Road project will re-establish these ties resulting in cheaper costs through fast rail instead of expensive ports and boat yards. The plan is for fast rail going from Beijing to Lisbon.
The Berlin Wall really has come down, the east is no longer locked into a communist economic system and has developed into social democracies, with a balance between private enterprize and government owned and controlled industries whose profits are used for the benefit of their citizens in education, health transport and security.
With a growing middle class in the east and population figures in the billions, it is obvious where the next market growth and investment capital will flow. It is going to be an interesting century and by the end of it the world will look completely different to how it looks today.
In HISTORIC NEWS: Finally, EU Breaks Away from U.S, Germany’s shift East was clearly indicated:
“Horst Seehofer, a man who, prior to his being appointed to be the Party-chief had been Chancellor Merkel’s Agriculture Minister, has now turned against Chancellor Merkel (who until now was the most powerful leader in all of Europe) and denounced her policy on the refugee crisis, and has now stated publicly that Germany should instead ally with Russia and against NATO on the entire Syrian war.“
Many Germans who have business interests in Russia have resented the sanctions placed on that country, as does France. 2014 saw farmers across the continent either giving their produce away or dumping it on municipal buildings. As far as many Europeans are concerned, the sooner these sanctions are lifted the better.
While in the UK, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was elected with huge mandate. He expresses the sentiments of the majority of the United Kingdom who are tired of the wars in the Middle East, and want Britain to move out of the influence of American imperialism.
“During his three decades in parliament, Corbyn has spent much of his time championing causes such as the Stop the War coalition, campaigning against the private finance initiative and supporting peace efforts in the Middle East.
In the campaign, he promised to give Labour members a much greater say in the party’s policymaking process, in a move that could sideline MPs. His key proposals include renationalisation of the railways, apologising for Labour’s role in the Iraq war, quantitative easing to fund infrastructure, opposing austerity, controlling rents and creating a national education service.”
It is a great pity that the USA did not opt for co-operation with their Western neighbour Russia, and build a bridge to the east from their western shoreline. Instead they want to “own” Russia, in the same way Chevron and Monsanto have bought out Ukraine, a shortsighted, egotistical and self-defeating policy that has its origins in Breziski’s Grand Chessboard. This was the political end game, a game which has clearly been check mated in the last five years by both Russia and China.
Another manifestation of world-wide opposition to the corporate fascist system, is the major backlash in both the east and the west against genetically modified seeds. Roundup, a costly herbicide that farmers are forced to use on GMO products has been deemed by the World Health Organization as carcinogenic contributing towards the increase in cancer rates worldwide.
An even greater backlash has erupted over the very concept of patenting food sources, from maize, vegetable and fruit products to genetic patenting on cattle, chickens and fish.
This is a corporate fascist model that threatens to take food security out of the hands of the public and put it into the hands of a few companies who will increase their market share, control food production and hold the world to ransom with ever-increasing prices at the grocery store. From farming as we know it, they have moved onto “patent” farming, and one day you could be sued for producing seeds and plants from your own produce and animal breeding because they own the patent.
The corporate fascist model of the West and the Octopus Squid (https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21228354-500-revealed-the-capitalist-network-that-runs-the-world/) has not enamoured itself with the rest of the world, if anything it has met with a carefully planned and executed resistance and the establishment of a multi-polar world order with a Federal United Nations system supported by 75% of the countries of the world, as opposed to a uni-polar, one world, New World Order that George Bush Senior spoke openly about.
This NWO in the last five years has been executed through “colour revolutions (http://orientalreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/AK-Hybrid-Wars-updated.pdf)” and directed by institutions such as Project For the New American Century, the Brookings Institution and the Council on Foreign Relations. Basically buying the world and owning it through the neo-con, corporate fascist, Octopus Squid. (https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21228354-500-revealed-the-capitalist-network-that-runs-the-world/)
Bottom line? The world has decided it is not for sale. The price is too high. Nations of the world are not a McDonald’s outlet or a Wall Mart outlet, they actually have ideals, customs and identities of their own. Nation Statehood, independence, language, culture and identity still have meaning as do family owned retail, small scale farming and small business development. Diversity is the name of the game, and uniting in that diversity is the challenge in the 21st centuy.
About Author: Katherine Frisk is a freelance writer, political commentator and the author of Jesus Was A Palestinian.
A Surfeit of
Blasphemy Including The Rushdie Report
From Edifice Complex
to Occult Theocracy
© 1992/1412 David Musa Pidcock / MUSTAQIM | ||||||||
Typeset, published and printed by: | ||||||||
MUSTAQIM - Islamic Art and Literature | ||||||||
PO Box
844, Oldbrook, Milton Keynes MK6 2YT
rights reserved
Most of the people who have helped in this
enterprise have done so posthumously; and in some cases, inadvertantly.
Nevertheless they deserve recognition. Nesta H. Webster deserves a very
special mention. Her courage in taking on the occult ‘Establishment’ is
an inspiration to us all. Other
sources are provided in the bibliography, and the rest mentioned in
passing. Some important contributors do not appear in this particular
work, and warrant an entire book dedicated to them, and their selfless
dedication to justice and the establishment of a benevolent
system of government. Foremost among these is Abraham Lincoln whose 1864
‘Islamic’ monetary policy caused him to be assassinated, by the owners
of the ‘Satanic Purses’.
For his
tireless efforts in trying to expose the corruption and
instutionalised fraud in our occult banking and judicial
system, a special thank you goes to John Derek Pett,
co-founder of The National Association for Victims of fraud
and Banking Malpractice; along with Mr and Mrs Alfred
Cullinane, Paul Jenkins, Robert Owen, J. Watson, Richard
Walster, Jim Salt, and other victims of fraud.
To Sheikh
Zaharan Ibrahim Muhammad Ali, a true muslim, whose actions
always matched his words; Abdel Wahid El’Wakil who achieved
the impossible; Dr Hany El-Shestawy Nasr and his father and
brother; Prof Abd Al-Maaboud, Dr Muhammad Bujerami, Ahmed
Darwish, (Dr) Sobhat Hussein, Dr Yousri Shaheen, Br. Gamal, Dr
Narayn Swamy, Dr P.J. Foster, George Anthony, Professor Bill
Eastwood, Mr & Mrs Wendy-Scott James, Ahmed Jamal Sadiq,
Mr Arthur Swan, Mr Jack (CHD) Hornsby, Martin Short, Zorah
T___, Stephen Knight, Donald Martin, Eric De’Mare, Raymond
Gazzo, Isa Darby, Frazer Dodwell, Ken Palmerton, John E.
Dodds, John Bubba Ash, Anson Parker (Texas), Abbas Marshall,
James Gibb Stuart, Miles Copeland, Shelley David Kettle, Nabil
Turner, Ibrahim Hewitt, Dr Rashid Skinner, Mike and Penny
Mullin, Prof Ahmed El Naggar, Mohammed Nazir, Patrick and
Denise Barratt, Abdel Aziz Morgan, Samir Ghadi, Khalid Fahmy.
A Special
than you to Navid Butt, Anwar Rashid, and Nadim Butt, Brother
Shamoon and Amjad Khan, and all those who contributed their
time and efforts in fund raising and propagation activities,
and those who for various reasons wish to remain anonymous.
Last but
not least my wife and family, who for many years have had to
put up with a house full of books, papers and me.
book is available for free to download, however if you would like a hard
copy it will cost you £10 incl. p&p within the UK and £15 for orders
from outside the UK, dispatched by airmail. Contact
us for further details.
Next: Prelude
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