Achtung! Youtube fast at work suppressing videos that prove yesterday's MOSSAD PARIS ATTACKS as a FALSE FLAG!
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MILTON WILLIAM COOPER is part Native American and his wife is Chinese. For this reason racists of all kinds including the JUDAIC SUPREMACISTS wanted him dead.
Christian Identity Part 1: Its British And Venetian Origins
Christian Identity Part 2: Modern Day Implications
Published on 7 May 2014
THE JEWISH GAS CHAMBER HOAX is a Revisionist documentary which provides revelatory evidence debunking the greatest hoax in human history -
"The Holocaust" -- the fraudulent claim that six million Jews were murdered by Germans, mostly in "Gas Chambers disguised as Shower Rooms."
Never before seen evidence helps prove that Treblinka was a transit camp, far from the "Pure Extermination Camp" myth currently promoted by the Holocaust religion.
In never before seen footage, Jews themselves who were transited through Treblinka describe the process of being transferred from Treblinka to other camps, along with hundreds and thousands of other men women and children. Documentation is presented which affirms that Treblinka was no top secret "pure extermination center", but a simple transit camp where many Jews took real showers in order to keep them alive.
The absurdity of diesel gassings, non-existent mass graves, forced confessions, and more are covered in THE JEWISH GAS CHAMBER HOAX, a new documentary from the filmmaker of THE LAST DAYS OF THE BIG LIE.
Adolf Hitler
founded Israel 1933
(Jewish author Edwin Black’s “The Haavara (Transfer)
I am not an immigrant and I have nowhere to go as the
homeland of my ancestors was invaded, occupied, their people and families mass
murdered, and enslaved. I was born in
one of those slave colonies of the Western imperialists and racists and it is
still controlled by the descendants of those same slave masters. Many immigrants in (Western) Europe have no
country to return to as their children and grand children are all born in
Europe, and their own homelands are being constantly bombed, occupied and their
people and loved ones live in slavery to this very day.
The main reason that jumps to my mind is that of “racism” (a
term with so many meanings, even opposing ones), the eternal White racism
against all non Whites. Yet, White
racism was also seen against inferior Whites, that of the Superior royalties,
the Church, the rich and the aristocrats, that is the ruling the Élite against
the masses of inferior White people. But,
as politics keep changing, so does the meaning of the term racism, and Christian
racism was soon to be replaced by Judeo-Christian racism. What is such a Judeo Christian? Judeo-Christians are decadent Jews and
decadent Christians, usurious Bank gangsters and their mass murdering armies.
One example of racism is that of the fanatical and extremist
French State religion called laïcité, the
separation of the decadent Catholic Church from the Socialist-Communist State whereby
the Church was forced to surrender to the dictates of the Godless State 9Socialism
and Communism) and this caused the death of the anti-Socialist and
anti-Communist Church, which now existed only under a binding legal contract
with the Socialist-Communist (Atheist) State.
Jews have a similar contract with the Godless State, but not Muslims as
Islam has no priesthood and no legal body to represent them and surrender to no
other than God. The only legal body that
can ever represent Muslims is and will forever remain a Caliphate that obeys
only God. Those Algerians (traitors) who
collaborated with the French colonial regime in Algeria against the Commandment
of God (See Holy Qur’ân) were rewarded by the French Satanic Judeo-Christian
regime by being left to die after they had struck a deal with the Algerian Resistance
(forming the new Colonial government!) and those who were allowed to IMMIGRATE
to France were given French citizenship, but parked in Concentration Camps and
treated as second class citizens!
I lived for 13 years
in France where anti Arab, anti Muslim and anti Islamic racism was prevalent at
all levels of the government and its institutions including its corporate
media, cinema, press, television, and even Academia, and all Muslims were
second class citizens with very few rights.
For thirteen years I had to suffer the daily bashing of Muslims and the
vilification of Islam until one day a few Muslims were granted by Freemason
President François Mitterrand as a “privilege” the right to speak about “French
Islam” for half an hour every week on French television, but only under the
strict control of Freemason Satanist Dalil Boubakeur (a non Muslim obviously),
Atheist Pr Arkoun, and a few Muslim collaborators like, for example, Abdel Haq
The ruling Jewish and laïque (secular racist) controlled
Socialist-Communist regimes invited Muslim and non Muslim immigrants alike
because they needed slave (obviously cheap) labour that was plentiful in
Western occupied or controlled and plundered countries like Algeria, Morocco,
Tunisia, Senegal, Ivory Coast, or from poverty stricken Spain and Portugal. Those coming from Eastern European countries
and from the EEU joined the ruling classes, businesses, academia, spoken and
written press, and cinema and music industry. The immigration was CONTROLLED!
They then imposed a State sponsored programme of
integration-assimilation, destined mainly for North Africans via cultural
terrorism, but the First Native French masses, like other world masses, are so
stupid that they participated in the programme without understanding what was
really at stake. What was to happen did
happen. Bank gangsters that kept
plundering the economy blamed it on UNCONTROLLED IMMIGRATION! And who are those uncontrolled
immigrants? Muslims, Arabs and Islam! Now, the same racist governments are
terrorising the citizens by promoting lies after lies and saying that Muslims
and Islam are taking over Europe and destroying their Judeo-Christian
civilisation and causing their economy to fail when the truth is that their
economy has always been successful for the benefit of the Élite and always
against the working class. There is of
course a major problem in France and it is the lack of spirituality and the
evil of savage capitalism under a totalitarian corporate regime called democracy. Unless a REVOLUTION will bring back France to
its spiritual Christian consciousness and get rid of Corporate democracy, the
usurious bank gangsters will always win.
France knew that it could not completely destroy the
biological and cultural heritage and identity of foreign Muslims, and in the mean
time millions of them were born on French soil, and many thousands of French
First Natives have embraced Islam with no “Islamic Sword” at their throats! And because millions of Muslims are French
they play a great role in changing the way of life of non Muslim French, and
French Judeo-Christian racism cannot accept that. And, with the terrorist entity known as Eretz
Israel and US American politics having taken control of French politics and
government now under the control of Jewish Freemasonic Lodges (US ADL of B’nai
B’rith and AIPAC, and French Crif, Licra and JDL – an all out war is being
waged not only against Muslim countries abroad but all with European and French
Muslims at home. Despite being
controlled by Secular (laïcité raciste et intolérante) White, Mixed, Jewish,
Christian and Secular Supremacists, the Islam kept imprisoned in the hearts and
minds of Muslims for so long has re-emerged although many Muslims have
completely lost their identity, culture and religion, including in
neo-colonised Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and other occupied Muslim countries.
France and Europe will accept prostitution, drugs (alcohol,
cigarettes, etc.), pornography, incest, homosexual ‘marriages’ , the adoption
by homosexuals of our children, gambling, wars of conquest, abortion, a man or
woman having hundreds of sexual partners, but would ban all Islamic way of life
including the right to freely practice their religion, except for some useless rituals. Even the fact that Muslim are having children
on European soil is being vilified. Yet,
the mathematics doed not add up. They
accuse Muslims of being too “prolific” when they were some six million back in
the eighties according to Charles Pasqua.
Yet, more than thirty years later the same accusations is being levelled
against them, and guess what? Muslims
are said to number today ONLY FIVE MILLION IN FRANCE??? What the Judeo-Christian Freemasonic racists also
know is that genuine Muslims will never integrate-assimilate in any oppressive
(or not) society. Islam is to lead and
never to be led. So, they came up with The Real Final Solution for all European
Germany DEPORTED some half a million Turkish immigrants because of
racism as they did not want their Germanity to be soiled by those filthy
Turks! France wants to do the same
today! And in order to achieve that goal
the corporate media is terrorising the French First Natives (de souche) brainwashing them about a supposedly
Islamic Invasion not only of France, but of Europe, Australia, Canada, etc. via
While it is true that we see only “house negroes” in the
media and in politics, more and more French citizens who have kept their
identities or developed new ones thanks to intermarriage or being born in
France would not bow down to the dictates of a racist and intolerant State. The case of French-Cameroun comedian
Dieudonné M’bala M’bala is one of the most famous examples of a mixture of both
biological traits and mind. The White
European Racist who claims for himself a monopoly of biological ‘whiteness’
remains supreme no matter how much some of them would mix their blood with
so-called non-Whites! How many Black women have the European
aristocracy or royalty married in the past century? Half a million or so Whites freely mixing
with the non White population of France is causing unnecessary alarm because
the French are unable to get rid of their racist past! Islam has got rid of it more than 1400 years
ago despite of the fact that we do have good and bad Muslims globally.
The European racists cannot control biology, culture and religion by oppression. Until the end of time there will always be what can be termed as Arab, Black, Asian, African, Islamic and Muslim sensitivities and realities. I am one such other sensitivity and reality that racists hate because in my mind and writings I have already changed European civilisation as did our Muslim and other predecessors when they were free and far more advanced than Europeans. But, no, European racists would have it only their way and refuse to understand or admit that genuine Muslims will share part of their civilisation values, but will never integrate-assimilate into their system of governance or accept their immoral way of life, NEVER! And they know that!
The European racists cannot control biology, culture and religion by oppression. Until the end of time there will always be what can be termed as Arab, Black, Asian, African, Islamic and Muslim sensitivities and realities. I am one such other sensitivity and reality that racists hate because in my mind and writings I have already changed European civilisation as did our Muslim and other predecessors when they were free and far more advanced than Europeans. But, no, European racists would have it only their way and refuse to understand or admit that genuine Muslims will share part of their civilisation values, but will never integrate-assimilate into their system of governance or accept their immoral way of life, NEVER! And they know that!
It has been recorded according to one source (La Documentation
catholique, 22 nov 1924, dossier intitulé : Statistique démographiques, col
1021 quoted by Vincent Reynouard : Plaidoyer
pour le racisme) that at the beginning of the 1920s, there were
some 2,3 million foreigners living in France. Out of them, only a few
integrated after being granted French citizenship: 10,887 in 1921, 17,441 in
1922, and 20,308 in 1923, that is, less than 1%. But, this would not apply to Muslims who were
regarded as INFERIORS and barred from French citizenship. The Jewish Décret Crémieux granted French
citizenship only to Jews living in the French colonies (occupied territory) like
It is a lie to say that, for example, Muslim immigrants came
to France, leaving their loved ones and way of life behind, in order to GET
RICH! This has been the kind of racist and
Satanic propaganda sold out to the gullible French masses for over a century! The truth is that the Muslim homelands were
invaded, occupied, enslaved, and their families mercilessly slaughtered like
cattle, and many were just fleeing colonial oppression.
If France (or Europe) is devoid of spirituality, why should Muslim
immigrants not have the right to stick to their ancestral spirituality that
only Islam can provide them? But, the
racists argue that Europe is being threatened in its identity when the truth is
that Europe itself has lost its identity.
But, what really makes “European identity” or way of life?
Genocidal wars, land
theft, savage capitalism, deceit, theft, homosexuality, prostitution,
pornography, paedophilia, incest, public and mediatised indecency, atheism, drugs
(alcohol, cigarettes, etc.), GM ‘food’, vaccines, abortion, homosexual
marriage, hypocritical monogamy (monogyny), chemtrails, mercury, aspartame,
fluoride, weapons of mass destruction, lottery, gambling, usury, abortion,
racism, “animal rights”, “human rights”, the UNO dictatorship, Zionism, racism,
corporate democracy, imposed belief in macro evolution, belief in the Six
Million Jewish Holocaust dogma (Shoah), vilification of Arabs, the Arabic
language, Muslims and Islam, hard rock, rap, Satanic music, violence, rape,
Is this how we define European identity? As for the other positive European values non
Europeans are acquiring and sharing them more and more, but this MUST NOT BE
Sharing other civilisation values and adding to our identity
does not mean LOSING our identity unless there is a law that imposes a static
identity on the citizens like that of laïcité. When some write about European civilisation
as the only way for the entire of humankind, they make a colossal mistake. Even Islam that claims to be the best and most
perfected form of the natural religion for Humankind and Jinnkind staes explicitly that there is and should not
be any coercion in matters of religion.
Humans are totally free to embrace Islam or not. Here is one example of the superiority of
Islam over what is termed “Western civilisation” which the military superpowers
have tried to impose on the entire of human kind for millennia and are still
advocating today despite its records of mass exterminations, civilisation
destructions of INFERIOR nations, and the impossible to fathom human sufferings.
There is nothing wrong in trying to protect the ‘purity’ of any
human ethnic group, but not through racist and discriminatory tactics or
policies. European Jewish leadership is boasting
that it is leading the world in pluriculturalism and in the mixing of “races”
while at the same protecting their own ethnic “purity” and supporting a racist
entity like Israel . Even the Catholic
Church was in 1931 (as quoted in The Catholic
Documentation of 21 March 1931, col.760) allowing Catholics to collaborate
with the German National Socialists who were campaigning for the purity of a
German Ethnic Nation. Of course, as long
as this does not interfere with the Catholic FAITH and MORALS! Many National Socialists were Christians and
also Zionists!
But, on 24 March 1933, the Jews (JUDEA) declared WAR ON
On 13 April 1933, the German Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen
and envoy of Herr Adolf Hitler received the Holy Communion from the hand of Pope
Pius XI himself. (The
Catholic Documentaion of 7 Octobre
1933, col.468-9,note 3).
On 20 July 1933, the Vatican and Germany signed the Concordat and a radio broadcast sermon congratulated the Führer for its great German Popular Movement, praising Hitler for his awareness of his responsibility before God, and his sincere will to better the destiny of the German people. (Ibid.., col.494)
On 20 July 1933, the Vatican and Germany signed the Concordat and a radio broadcast sermon congratulated the Führer for its great German Popular Movement, praising Hitler for his awareness of his responsibility before God, and his sincere will to better the destiny of the German people. (Ibid.., col.494)
After the March 1933 Jewish Declaration of War against
Germany, in April-June the National Socialist government was blackmailed into
carrying out a series of talks that lasted for three months with the Zionist Federation of
Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of
the Jewish
Agency), and with Great Britain of course.
And on 25 August 1933, the Germans and the Jews signed the Haavara Agreement allowing German Jews
to immigrate to occupied Palestine taking away their assets. Thus the Germans would preserve their “purity”
and “racial and cultural identity” on German soil and Jews would do the same,
not on Jewish soil but on stolen Palestinian land, through mass murder, racism
and ethnic cleansing.
While the West is permanently occupying Muslim lands and mass murdering millions
of men, women, children and babies, bombing all their infrastructures driving
them crazy, and destroying their cultures, identities, and civilisation, they
are at the same time campaigning against “UNCONTROLLED IMMIGRATION” meaning more specifically that of Muslims! But, they have the right to invade, bomb and occupy
all Muslim lands and defend the right of European Jews who already occupy and
control Europe to immigrate to occupied Palestine!
I do not know if I need to laugh or lament!
Wednesday 7 January 2015
Two brothers and a third man have been identified as suspects behind the attack on the Charlie Hebdo headquarters in Paris.
The men have been named as French nationals Said Kouachi and Cherif Kouachi, in their early 30s, along with 18-year-old Hamyd Mourad.
Police officials have said the suspects are linked to a Yemeni terror network.
Follow live updates here
Cherif Kouachi was reportedly convicted in 2008 of terrorism charges for helping channel fighters to Iraq's insurgency. He was jailed for 18 months.
Three masked gunmen stormed the offices of Charlie Hebdo, which has previously been targeted over its portrayal of the Prophet Mohammed.
They were armed with Kalashnikov rifles and a rocket-propelled grenade during the attack on Wednesday morning.
A major manhunt was launched after the men fled the scene in a black Citroen, which was later found abandoned in north-eastern Paris.
They then hijacked a white Renault Clio and drove off in the direction of the Porte de Pantin - one of the main routes out of the French capital.
The attackers called out their victims by name before opening fire during a morning editorial meeting.
They were let inside the Charlie Hebdo building by a female employee who was threatened at gunpoint along with her daughter and forced to punch in a security code to allow them inside.
The editor and a cartoonist for the newspaper, who went by the pen names Charb and Cabu , were among those killed.
Radio France chief executive Mathieu Gilet announced revealed that contributor Bernard Maris was also killed.
Two police officers were among the dead, including one assigned as Charb's bodyguard after he had received death threats and another who was shot in the head as he lay wounded on the ground outside the offices.
French President Francois Hollande has declared a national day of mourning on Thursday.
In a televised address on Wednesday he said: "We have to respond according to the crime, first of all by finding the authors of this infamy and we have to ensure that they are arrested, judged... and punished very severely.
"We must also protect all public buildings... security forces will be deployed everywhere where there could be a threat.
Our best weapon is our unity, the unity of all our citizens, nothing can divide us, nothing must separate us. Freedom will always be stronger than barbarism."
Hassen Chalghoumi, imam of Drancy mosque in the Paris suburb of Seine-Saint-Denis, said: "These are criminals, barbarians. They have sold their soul to hell. This is not freedom.
"This is not Islam and I hope the French will come out united at the end of this."
An extra 3,000 police officers have been deployed on the streets in a massive security operation, according to reports, as the security threat level in France was raised to the highest level.
Tens of thousands of people have staged silent protests in France and across the world in solidarity for the victims of the attack.
Social media users have used the hashtag #jesuischarlie to show solidarity for the victims of the shooting, with the Charlie Hebdo website also using the image as its masthead.
The shooting is one of the worst terror attacks in France in decades.
In 1995, a bomb on a commuter train blamed on Algerian extremists killed eight people at the Saint Michel metro station in Paris.
anti-terror raid has been launched in north-eastern France after 12
people were killed during a gun attack on a newspaper office, according
to reports.
AFP news agency reported that France's elite anti-terrorist unit had begun the raid in Reims on Wednesday night.Two brothers and a third man have been identified as suspects behind the attack on the Charlie Hebdo headquarters in Paris.
The men have been named as French nationals Said Kouachi and Cherif Kouachi, in their early 30s, along with 18-year-old Hamyd Mourad.
Police officials have said the suspects are linked to a Yemeni terror network.
Follow live updates here
Cherif Kouachi was reportedly convicted in 2008 of terrorism charges for helping channel fighters to Iraq's insurgency. He was jailed for 18 months.
Three masked gunmen stormed the offices of Charlie Hebdo, which has previously been targeted over its portrayal of the Prophet Mohammed.
They were armed with Kalashnikov rifles and a rocket-propelled grenade during the attack on Wednesday morning.
A major manhunt was launched after the men fled the scene in a black Citroen, which was later found abandoned in north-eastern Paris.
They then hijacked a white Renault Clio and drove off in the direction of the Porte de Pantin - one of the main routes out of the French capital.
The attackers called out their victims by name before opening fire during a morning editorial meeting.
They were let inside the Charlie Hebdo building by a female employee who was threatened at gunpoint along with her daughter and forced to punch in a security code to allow them inside.
The editor and a cartoonist for the newspaper, who went by the pen names Charb and Cabu , were among those killed.
Radio France chief executive Mathieu Gilet announced revealed that contributor Bernard Maris was also killed.
Two police officers were among the dead, including one assigned as Charb's bodyguard after he had received death threats and another who was shot in the head as he lay wounded on the ground outside the offices.
French President Francois Hollande has declared a national day of mourning on Thursday.
In a televised address on Wednesday he said: "We have to respond according to the crime, first of all by finding the authors of this infamy and we have to ensure that they are arrested, judged... and punished very severely.
"We must also protect all public buildings... security forces will be deployed everywhere where there could be a threat.
Our best weapon is our unity, the unity of all our citizens, nothing can divide us, nothing must separate us. Freedom will always be stronger than barbarism."
Hassen Chalghoumi, imam of Drancy mosque in the Paris suburb of Seine-Saint-Denis, said: "These are criminals, barbarians. They have sold their soul to hell. This is not freedom.
"This is not Islam and I hope the French will come out united at the end of this."
An extra 3,000 police officers have been deployed on the streets in a massive security operation, according to reports, as the security threat level in France was raised to the highest level.
Tens of thousands of people have staged silent protests in France and across the world in solidarity for the victims of the attack.
Social media users have used the hashtag #jesuischarlie to show solidarity for the victims of the shooting, with the Charlie Hebdo website also using the image as its masthead.
The shooting is one of the worst terror attacks in France in decades.
In 1995, a bomb on a commuter train blamed on Algerian extremists killed eight people at the Saint Michel metro station in Paris.
Mohamed Merah, an al Qaeda-inspired gunman, killed seven people in
Toulouse in 2012, including three French soldiers and three children.
Pictured: Two brothers who 'trained in Yemen as assassins' and a homeless teenager identified by police as suspects in Paris magazine massacre that left 12 dead
- Masked gunmen storm Paris headquarters with AK-47s shouting 'Allahu akbar!' and 'the Prophet has been avenged'
- Stalked building asking for people's names before killing the editor, three cartoonists and the deputy chief editor
- Editor Stephane Charbonnier had famously shrugged off threats, saying: 'I'd rather die standing than live kneeling'
- Horrific footage shows a police officer begging for his life before being shot in the head at point-blank range
- Cartoonist Corrine Rey told how she cowered with her young daughter as she watched two colleagues gunned down
- Killers fled in stolen car across eastern Paris after a 'mass shoot-out' with police officers and remain on the loose
- Militants believed to be from Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula which was behind plane bomb plots in US and UK
- Three suspects said to be all French citizens - a homeless teenage man aged 18, and two brothers aged 32 and 34
- Newspaper had earlier posted a picture of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on its Twitter account
- Publication's offices were firebombed in 2011 for publishing satirical cartoon of Prophet Mohammed
- White House had previously criticised Charlie Hebdo in 2012 for publishing its religiously sensitive cartoons
brothers were tonight named as being among the three suspects involved
in a deadly terrorist attack on an anti-Islamist newspaper in France.
Kouachi, 34, and Cherif Kouachi, 32, were identified along with Hamyd
Mourad, 18, with all three from the Paris commuter town of
least 100,000 people gathered across France tonight to back the Charlie
Hebdo publication, as a huge manhunt was launched to find the
suspected Al Qaeda militants massacred 12 people in Paris today - and
among those slaughtered was a police officer as he begged for mercy.
thousands of people went to Republique Square near the scene to honour
the victims, holding signs reading 'Je suis Charlie' - 'I am Charlie'.
Scroll down for videos and audio
The three men were named as Said Kouachi (left), 34, his brother Cherif
Kouachi (right), 32, and Hamyd Mourad, 18, of Gennevilliers
Brutal execution: A police officer
pleads for mercy on the pavement in Paris before being shot in the head
by masked gunmen during an attack on the headquarters of the French
satirical publication Charlie Hebdo, a notoriously anti-Islamic
Gunned down in cold blood: Horrific
footage shows the injured police officer slumped on the pavement as two
of the gunmen approach. In a desperate plea for his life, the officer
slowly raises his hand towards one of the attackers, who callously
shoots him at point-blank range
'Massacre': The gunmen are seen
brandishing Kalashnikovs as they move in on the injured police officer
from their vehicle outside the office
Vigil: People gather around candles
and pens at the Place de la Republique in Paris in support of the
victims after the terrorist attack
The three suspects were tonight said by Metronews to be all French citizens - a homeless teenage man, and two brothers in their thirties.
There were disputed claims that the three men had been arrested 100 miles away in Reims, following a report by Libération. This could not be verified.
Kouachi was convicted in 2008 of terrorism charges for helping funnel
fighters to Iraq's insurgency and sentenced to 18 months in prison.
all in black with hoods and speaking French, the militants forced one
of the cartoonists - at the office with her young daughter - to open the
said the gunmen shouted 'we are from the Al Qaeda in Yemen', and
'Allahu akbar!' - Arabic for 'God is great' - as they stalked the
They were also said to have yelled 'the Prophet has been avenged', during what was France's deadliest post-war terrorist attack.
The attackers headed straight for the paper's editor and cartoonist, Stephane Charbonnier, killing him and his police bodyguard.
security had been recruited to protect him after extremists firebombed
the offices in 2011 over a satirical cartoon about the Prophet
People gather in Toulouse tonight to
show their solidarity for the victims of the attack by gunmen on the
offices of the satirical publication
Elsewhere: People gather at the Place
Royale in Nantes to show their solidarity for the victims of the attack
on the offices of the satirical weekly
Standing together: People hold up pens
and posters reading 'I am Charlie' in French as they take part in a
vigil in Trafalgar Square, London
People gather near candles lit to
commemorate the victims of the deadly attack on the Charlie Hebdo
offices, in Lyon, central France
'Not afraid': People gather to pay
their respects for the victims of the terror attack against the
satirical newspaper, in Paris tonight
year later, Mr Charbonnier famously dismissed threats against his life,
declaring: 'I would rather die standing than live kneeling.'
militants also killed three other renowned cartoonists – men who had
regularly satirised Islam – and the newspaper's deputy chief editor.
Despite a shoot-out with armed officers, the gunmen escaped in a hijacked car and remained on the loose this evening.
This left the French capital in virtual lockdown as police and soldiers flooded the streets to join the search.
President Barack Obama offered U.S. help in pursuing the gunmen, saying they had attacked freedom of expression.
But it also emerged that the White House had previously criticised Charlie Hebdo in 2012 over its Prophet Mohammed cartoon.
At the time it had said that the images would be 'deeply offensive to many and have the potential to be inflammatory'.
Emergency: Police officers and
firefighters gather in front of the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris
today after gunmen stormed the building
Critical: Firefighters carry an
injured man on a stretcher in front of the offices of French satirical
paper Charlie Hebdo after the shooting
Faces of the victims: Among the
journalists killed were (l to r) Charlie Hebdo's deputy chief editor
Bernard Maris and cartoonists Georges Wolinski, Jean Cabut, aka Cabu,
Stephane Charbonnier, who is also editor-in-chief, and Bernard Verlhac,
also known as Tignous
horrific footage emerged showing an injured police officer slumped on
the pavement as two gunmen approached him outside the office.
an apparent desperate plea for life, the officer is seen slowly raising
his hand towards an attacker, who shoots him in the head at point-blank
a fierce firefight with police, the men got away in a hijacked car,
and, within an hour of the atrocity, appeared to have vanished without
raised its security alert to the highest level and reinforced
protective measures at houses of worship, stores, media offices and
Francois Hollande called the bloodbath a 'barbaric attack against
France and against journalists' and vowed to hunt down those
Jacques Myard, French MP with opposition party UMP (Union for a Popular Movement), said: 'We knew something would happen.
'The (security) services used to say to us it's not if but when and where. We know that we are at war.
'The Western nations - like Britain, France, Germany - we are at war.'
The Queen today sent her 'sincere condolences to the families of those who have been killed' in the attack.
And Prime Minister David Cameron described the murders as 'sickening'.
Tonight: French forensic experts and
police officers examine evidence outside the French satirical newspaper
Charlie Hebdo's office, in Paris
At large: The gunmen are seen near the
offices of the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo before fleeing in a car.
They remain on the loose
Forensic experts examine the car
believed to have been used as the escape vehicle by gunmen who attacked
the Charlie Hebdo office
users responded to the Charlie Hebdo massacre with an outpouring of
solidarity using the hashtag #jesuischarlie, which is trending online.
4.15pm, nearly five hours after the attack, it had already been tweeted
more than 250,000 times, according to one social analytics website.
Verhofstadt, the President of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats
for Europe tweeted: 'A tragic day for the freedom of speech
Marches have also been organised through Paris and London in support of journalistic freedom.
As well as the AK47 assault rifles, there were also reports of a rocket-propelled grenade being used in the attack.
took place during the publication's weekly editorial meeting at around
12pm (11am GMT), meaning all the journalists would have been present.
young mother and cartoonist, known as 'Coco', who survived the massacre
told how she had let the suspected Al Qaeda killers into the office.
Rey said she had returned from picking up her daughter from a nursery
when she was confronted by two armed men wearing balaclavas.
had gone to pick up my daughter at day care, arriving in front of the
building, where two masked and armed men brutally threatened us,' said
Ms Rey.
said they wanted to go up to the offices, so I tapped in the code,'
said Ms Rey, referring to the digi-code security system on the
A police photographer (partially
hidden) works with investigators as they examine the impacts from
machine gun fire on a police vehicle
Life-threatening: An injured person is evacuated outside the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo's office
Ms Rey and her daughter hid under a desk, from where they saw two other cartoonists being executed.
'They shot Wolinski and Cabu,' she said. 'It lasted five minutes. I had taken refuge under a desk.'
Ms Rey said the men 'spoke French perfectly' and 'claimed they were 'Al Qaeda terrorists'.
Gunmen reportedly told another witness: 'You say to the media, it was Al Qaeda in Yemen.'
police source told the Liberation newspaper the gunmen were asking for
the Mr Charbonnier by name, shouting: 'Where is Charb? Where is Charb?'
The source added: 'They killed him then sprayed everyone else.'
Charbonnier was included in a 2013 'Wanted Dead or Alive for Crimes
Against Islam' article published by Al Qaeda propaganda magazine
latest tweet published by the newspaper's official Twitter account
earlier in the day featured a cartoon of Abu Baghdadi, the leader of
Islamic State.
In it, he wishes everyone 'good health'. Cartoonists Cabu, Tignous and Wolinski were all also reported dead.
France chief executive Mathieu Gilet later announced on Twitter that a
contributor, Bernard Maris, was another of the victims.
Shell-shocked: A woman cries outside
the office. Witnesses reported hearing loud gunfire and at least one
explosion during the attack
Trail of destruction: Police inspect
the damage after a collision between police cars at the scene during a
firefight with Islamic militants
there were reports of a car explosion outside a synagogue in Sarcelles,
in northern Paris, just hours after the Charlie Hebdo attack.
blast, at about 1.30pm GMT, is not thought to be connected to the
massacre, according to Paris Metro which quoted the mayor of Sarcelles.
Pouvil, a saleswoman at Lunas France on Rue Nicolas Appert, opposite
the Charlie Hebdo offices, spoke of her shock at the attack.
told MailOnline: 'I saw two people with big guns, like Kalashnikovs
outside our office and then we heard firing. We were very confused.
'There were two guys who came out of the building and shot everywhere. We hid on the floor, we were terrified.
'They came from the building opposite with big guns. It has a bunch of different companies inside.
'Some of our co-workers work there so we were frightened for them. They weren't just firing inside the Charlie Hebdo offices.
'They were firing in the street too. We feared for our lives so we hid under our desks so they wouldn't see us.
'Both men were dressed in black from head to toe and their faces were covered so I didn't see them.
'They were wearing military clothes, it wasn't common clothing, like they were soldiers.'
Benoit Bringer, a journalist with
Agence Premiere Ligne, told the iTele network he saw several masked men
armed with machine guns
Carnage: A police official, Luc
Poignant, said he was aware of one journalist dead and several injured,
including three police officers
New York Times reported that a journalist at the Charlie Hebdo office,
who asked not to be named, texted a friend after the attack to say: 'I'm
'There is death all around me. Yes, I am there. The jihadists spared me.'
witness, Gilles Boulanger, who works in the same building, told Itele:
'A neighbour called to warn me that there were armed men in the building
and that we had to shut all the doors.
'And several minutes later, there were several shots heard in the building from automatic weapons firing in all directions.
then we looked out of the window and saw the shooting was on Boulevard
Richard-Lenoir, with the police. It was really upsetting. You'd think it
was a war zone.'
journalist, Stefan De Vries, told Sky News: 'There was protection at
the door but they killed the police officers, they executed them and
they started shooting in the offices.'
unnamed eyewitness told the BBC World Service: 'When I arrived at the
scene it was quite disturbing as you can imagine. There were several
corpses on the floor.
saw the number of casualties was very high, so we just tried to help as
we could - there were a lot of people down on the floor and there was
blood everywhere.
very traumatised by this attack and everything and now we're in
psychological hell where we're being attended to by professionals.'
Terror: In footage filmed from a rooftop, people are seen running for cover as the gunmen rampage through the building
A picture posted on Twitter appearing to show people taking refuge on the roof of the Charlie Hebdo office
Bringer, a journalist at the scene who works next door, took refuge on
the roof of the building, which is in the 11th arrondissement of Paris.
said: 'There were very many people in the building. We evacuated via
the roof just next to the office. After around ten minutes we saw two
heavily armed, masked men in the street'.
witness said: 'There was a loud gunfire and at least one explosion.
When police arrived there was a mass shoot-out. The men got away by car,
stealing a car.'
A police official, Luc Poignant, said: 'It's carnage.'
the shooting, hundreds of comments were posted on the Charlie Hebdo
Twitter page, with one user, David Rault, writing: 'A sad day for
freedom of expression.'
Charlie Hebdo's editor-in-chief Gerard Biard escaped the massacre because he was in London.
told France Inter: 'I am shocked that people can have attacked a
newspaper in France, a secular republic. I don't understand it.
'I don't understand how people can attack a newspaper with heavy weapons. A newspaper is not a weapon of war.'
Targeted: A picture posted on Twitter reportedly showing bullets in one of the windows of the Charlie Hebdo offices
High alert: French soldiers patrol at
the Eiffel Tower after the Charlie Hebdo shooting as the militants are
hunted across the city
Biard said he did not believe the attack was linked to the newspaper's
latest front page, which featured novelist Michel Houellebecq, who has
previously sparked controversy with comments about Islam.
he said the newspaper had not received threats of violence: 'Not to my
knowledge, and I don't think anyone had received them as individuals,
because they would have talked about it. There was no particular tension
at the moment.'
visibly shocked French President François Hollande, speaking live near
the scene of the shooting, said: 'France is today in shock, in front of a
terrorist attack.
'This newspaper was threatened several rimes in the past and we need to show we are a united country.
'We have to be firm, and we have to be stand strong with the international community in the coming days and weeks.
'We are at a very difficult moment following several terrorist attacks. We are threated because we are a country of freedom
'We will punish the attackers. We will look for the people responsible.'
Today, Mr Cameron said: 'We stand with the French people in the fight against terror and defending the freedom of the press.'
President Barack Obama has condemned the 'horrific shooting', offering
to provide any assistance needed 'to help bring these terrorists to
And United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said: 'It was a horrendous, unjustifiable and cold-blooded crime.
'It was also a direct assault on a cornerstone of democracy, on the media and on freedom of expression.'
British Foreign Office immediately updated is advice for travellers
heading to Pairs, warning: 'There is a high threat from terrorism.'
Defiant: Stephane
Charbonnier, known by his pen name Charb, was editor of Charlie Hebdo,
and gunned down by men with assault weapons
Mr Charbonnier
was named as one of nine men the extreme Islamist group were targetting
(pictured centre right). Their photographs were printed alongside the
caption 'a bullet a day keeps the infidel away'
Tragic: Cartoonist Georges Wolinski was named by officials as one of those shot dead at the offices of Charlie Hebdo
cartoonist Jean 'Cabu' Cabut (left) was among the 12 massacred by
terrorists in Paris today, along with Bernard 'Tignous' Verlhac (right)
Radio France
chief executive Mathieu Gilet announced on Twitter that a contributor,
Bernard Maris (above right) was another of the victims
It added: 'If you're in Paris or the Ile de France area take extra care and follow advice of French authorities.'
Lapin and Laurent Leger, who have both worked at Charlie Hebdo, were
using Twitter hours before the attack, with the most recent tweet posted
by Lapin praising cartoonist Cabu.
It read: 'Cabu, a great man! And honest, he doesn't eat foie gras.'
While Leger's made a political point about taxes.
said: 'Macron [French ministry of economy] wants more billionaires in
France, the same that use tricks for not paying ISF [solidarity tax on
Moussaoui, president of the Union of French mosques, condemned the
'hateful act,' and urged Muslims and Christians 'to intensify their
actions to give more strength to this dialogue to make a united front
against extremism'.
is believed to be the deadliest attack in France since 1961, when
right-wingers who wanted to keep Algeria French bombed a train, killing
28 people.
number of attackers was initially reported to be two, but the French
Interior Minister later said security services were hunting three
Bernard Cazeneuve added that Paris had been placed on the highest alert.
expert Professor Anthony Glees, from the University of Buckingham,
said: ‘The French have signally failed to keep their country safe.’
told MailOnline: ‘We in the great western democracies could now be on
the verge of a sustained series of Al-Qaeda-IS attacks, generated by the
hold that Islamists have in many places in the world, not least the IS
state itself.
‘We cannot appease this movement - we have to win the security war against it and contain it, otherwise big trouble lies ahead.
Officers were involved in a gunfight with the men, who escaped in a
hijacked car and sped away from the office towards east Paris
'We have to be stand strong with the
international community': A visibly shocked French President François
Hollande arrives at the scene, where he promised to bring those
responsible to justice
‘We need more and better intelligence-led activity at home and we need to defeat the IS state abroad.
‘It's not surprising that so many people in Europe are demonstrating against what they see as the Islamisation of Europe.
their target should not be the vast majority of European Muslims who
want nothing to do with Islamism, but the political movement it has
‘This isn't about religion or faith communities, it's about revolutionary politics and violence and only force can overcome it.’
offices of the same newspaper were burnt down in a petrol attack in
2011 after running a magazine cover of the Prophet Mohammed as a cartoon
At the time, the editor-in-chief, Stephane Charbonnier, said Islam could not be excluded from freedom of the press.
said: 'If we can poke fun at everything in France, if we can talk about
anything in France apart from Islam or the consequences of Islamism,
that is annoying.'
Charbonnier, also known as Charb, said he did not see the attack on the
newspaper as the work of French Muslims, but of what he called 'idiot
The cover showed Mohammed saying: '100 lashes if you are not dying of laughter'.
week's Charlie Hebdo also featured the author Houellebecq, whose new
novel imagines Muslims taking over the French government in 2022.
there was an editorial, attributed to the Prophet Muhammad, and more
cartoons - one showing the Prophet with a clown's red nose.
Depiction of the Prophet is strictly prohibited in Islam, but the newspaper denied it was trying to be provocative.
firebomb attack gutted the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo in November
2011 after it put an image of the Prophet Mohammed on its cover.
Rabbi Rick Wiles: “Islam Must Be Eliminated From The Face Of The Earth…”