Wednesday, 14 January 2015



 20017 - Toutes les merdes se ressemblent!

All shit looks alike!

Conférence d’Alain Soral et Youssef Hindi à Nice

Published on 7 May 2017
Le 22 avril 2017, à l’occasion de la seconde étape du Tour anniversaire E&R, à Nice, Alain Soral et Youssef Hindi ont donné une conférence sur le thème : « Du déclin de la République à la nécessaire réconciliation nationale ». 

Au sommaire : 
 00:00 - Images de l’événement 
03:20 - Introduction d’Alain Soral  
10:24 - Youssef Hindi 
11:37 - La Révolution française  
14:19 - La religion républicaine 
19:50 - La laïcité 
21:33 - La structuration du système politique français  
25:21 - Le rôle du Front national 
30:00 - Évolution de la République française  
32:07 - Le scandale du canal du Panama et les vagues d’antisémitisme  
39:40 - L’effondrement de la Troisième République 
43:35 - La situation actuelle  
49:20 - Alain Soral  
50:50 - Monde spirituel contre monde matériel  
56:16 - Le Front national 
1:03:25 - L’immigration 
1:10:30 - Le travail d’E&R 
1:18:20 - Mélenchon  
1:21:10 - Le nazisme économique 
1:25:00 - Donald Trump et les limites de la démocratie  
1:27:19 - La Corée du Nord Commenter cette vidéo : 
Pour soutenir ERTV :


 Alain Soral – Conseils de lecture et commentaires de l’actualité (10 avril 2015)




"JE SUIS CHARLIE"!  OUI!!!  Ouiiiiiii!!!

"JE ME SENS CHARLIE-COULIBALY"! NON!!!  Noooon!!!  Noooon!!!




  On 7 January 2015 I wrote:*






« Je me sens Charlie Coulibaly » : Dieudonné condamné à 2 mois de prison avec sursis

Aujourd’hui était rendu le verdict concernant le procès de Dieudonné pour « apologie du terrorisme ».
Les propos visés étaient :
Après cette marche historique, que dis-je… légendaire ! Instant magique égal au Big Bang qui créa l’Univers !… ou dans une moindre mesure (plus locale) comparable au couronnement de Vercingétorix, je rentre enfin chez moi. Sachez que ce soir, en ce qui me concerne, je me sens Charlie Coulibaly.
La sentence est tombée : 2 mois de prison avec sursis.
Les avocats des parties civiles se sont exprimés au micro de l’Agence Info Libre pour faire part de leur joie et de leur satisfaction quant à cette lourde peine :

"Je me sens Charlie Coulibaly" : deux mois de prison avec sursis pour Dieudonné




 Le « POINT DE DÉTAIL » c’est aujourd’hui « CHARLIE-COULIBALY », et cela équivaut à un « CRIME ANTISÉMITE ET CRIME CONTRE L’HUMANITÉ », à des amendes « très, très, très lourdes », à de la prison ferme ou à une mise à mort du ou des coupables ! 

L’autre Citoyen Dissident visé par des Juifs et les Sionistes est VINCENT REYNOUARD pour « CRIME DE RÉVISIONNISME » OU DE « NÉGATIONNISME » !!!



Ce mercredi 14 janvier 2015

  *Wednesday, 7 January 2015


Soralien 2  

Published on 9 Feb 2015
Y'en a qui sont sartriens
Ou bien polytechniciens
Y'en a qui sortent de sciences po
Pas de pot
Ou d la boite de papa
Moi j suis Soralien
Quelle vie de chien
je vous raconte pas mon quotidien
Moi je suis Soralien
Pas normalien
C'est aussi dur qu'être palestinien
Y'en a qui lisent BHL
Ca mériterait une quenelle
Une quenelle
Moi à mon niveau j'me contente
J'me contente
D'l'abécédaire de la bêtise ambiante
Au Refrain
Y 'en qui suivent Charlie
j'me méfie
Et d'autres Coulibali
Là aussi
Y'en a qui ne jurent que par Valls
Ou Sarko
Moi j'préfère me marrer avec Dieudo
Texte et Musique:Pierre David Klein



   * Bankrupted, Porn Charlie Hebdo (Former Porn Hara-Kiri!!!)  was issuing only 60,000 copies.   After the stage killings ("GOOD FOR ISRAEL" like 9/11, REMEMBER???) which happened as soon as Rothschild had given them the State Jewish Protection of its "Liberation" Propaganda Printing offices(STINKS OF FALSE FLAG RIGHT HERE!!!), they ALMOST IMMEDIATELY bragged they would now issue WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS ONE MILLION COPIES!!!  A couple of days later they are now said to be releasing THREE MILLION COPIES???  ANOTHER JEWISH PORN MIRACLE!!!

10,000 French soldiers deployed to protect French Jews

6 Votes

In addsition, French_Jews_00
The French masses thought they were marching for unity, solidarity, and a sense of community.
Here at T.U.T. we knew they were marching for Jewish supremacy.
Just one day after the demonstrations, we were proven correct.

France has effectively been put under martial law, with an emphasis on protecting synagogues, yeshivas, and Jewish residences (which the French government calls “sensitive sites”).
French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said the military troops would be fully  deployed by Tuesday evening, and called it “the first ever mobilization on this scale on our territory.”
Also 4,700 police officers will be posted to guard the country’s 700 Jewish schools and other Jewish institutions.
The martial law will also include a vast expansion of electronic surveillance, plus new programs to spy on mosques, madrassas, and schools in general.
In addition, Prime Minister Manuel Valls said there will be new laws to enhance the government’s surveillance powers.
New York Times
Washington Post: “France deployed 10,000 troops at Jewish schools, synagogues and other sites in an unprecedented security boost Monday. ‘It’s the first time in the history of France that the army has been used in such a way,’ said army Col. Benoit Brulen, who arrived with three soldiers at a Jewish school and synagogue.”
Globe and Mail (Canada): “France will deploy 10,000 soldiers on home soil by Tuesday, and post almost 5,000 extra police officers to protect Jewish sites.”
Jewish Daily Forward: “Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuves said that European interior ministers had agreed to boost cooperation to control European society. Mr. Cazeneuves called for the creation of a European database of all airplane passenger names, and said Europe should fight against abusive use of the Internet to spread hate speech.” (That is, holo-hoax denial.)


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Oliver Stone: Jewish control of the media is preventing free Holocaust debate

Outspoken Hollywood director says new film aims to put Adolf Hitler, who he has called an 'easy scapegoat' in the past, in his due historical context.

Jul. 26, 2010 | 9:48 AM | 78
Oliver Stone
Oliver Stone Photo by AP

Jewish control of the media is preventing an open discussion of the Holocaust, prominent Hollywood director Oliver Stone told the Sunday Times, adding that the U.S. Jewish lobby was controlling Washington's foreign policy for years. 

In the Sunday interview, Stone reportedly said U.S. public opinion was focused on the Holocaust as a result of the "Jewish domination of the media," adding that an upcoming film of him aims to put Adolf Hitler and Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin "in context." 

"There's a major lobby in the United States," Stone said, adding that "they are hard workers. They stay on top of every comment, the most powerful lobby in Washington." 

The famed Hollywood director of such films as "Platoon" and "JFK," also said that while "Hitler was a Frankenstein," there was also a "Dr Frankenstein." 

"German industrialists, the Americans and the British. He had a lot of support," Stone told the Sunday Times, adding that "Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than the Jewish people, 25 or 30 [million killed]." 

Referring to the alleged influence of the powerful Jewish lobby on U.S. foreign policy, Stone said that Israel had distorted "United States foreign policy for years," adding he felt U.S. policy toward Iran was "horrible."

"Iran isn't necessarily the good guy," Stone said, insisting that Americans did not "know the full story." 

Stone's comments to the Sunday times echo previous remarks by the Hollywood director, regarding what he perceives as the distorted view of figures such as Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin in U.S. media. 

Earlier this year, Stone, speaking at the at the Television Critics Association's semi-annual press tour in Pasadena said that "Hitler is an easy scapegoat throughout history and it's been used cheaply."
Social Banners - Twitter

"He's the product of a series of actions. It's cause and effect ... People in America don't know the connection between World War I and World War II," Stone said, adding that through his documentary work he has been able to "walk in Stalin's shoes and Hitler's shoes to understand their point of view." 

"We're going to educate our minds and liberalize them and broaden them. We want to move beyond opinions ... Go into the funding of the Nazi party. How many American corporations were involved, from GM through IBM. Hitler is just a man who could have easily been assassinated," Stone said. 

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 by BAFS

ON 7 JANUARY 6015 !




There is a famous “Muslim anger management” story:

“Caliph Ali was once fighting in a war imposed on Muslims, and the chief of the Unbelievers confronted him. During the fight, Ali was able to overcome his enemy, who fell on the ground and Ali was about to kill him. The enemy, knowing his fate, had no hope so he spat on the face of Ali. Ali immediately got up and left him alone. 

The man came running to him and asked, ‘You had a chance to kill me since I am a Polytheist; how come you didn’t use your sword?’ 

Ali said, ‘I have no personal animosity toward you. I was fighting you on behalf of God. If I had killed you after you spat on my face, then it would have become my personal revenge which I do not wish to take.’ 

That Unbeliever chief became a Muslim immediately.”

* Bankrupted, Porn Charlie Hebdo (Former Porn Hara-Kiri!!!)  was issuing only 60,000 copies.   After the stage killings ("GOOD FOR ISRAEL" like 9/11, REMEMBER???) which happened as soon as Rothschild had given them the State Jewish Protection of its "Liberation" Propaganda Printing offices(STINKS OF FALSE FLAG RIGHT HERE!!!), they ALMOST IMMEDIATELY bragged they would now issue WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS ONE MILLION COPIES!!!  A couple of days later they are now said to be releasing THREE MILLION COPIES???  ANOTHER JEWISH PORN MIRACLE!!!

 Dieudonné en garde à vue
Le polémiste a été placé en garde à vue mercredi matin vers 7 heures pour apologie du terrorisme.
Depuis 7 heures mercredi, Dieudonné est en garde à vue, a confirmé l’un de ses avocats, Sanja Mirabeau, à Europe 1. Le polémiste y est entendu dans le cadre de l’enquête ouverte contre lui pour apologie du terrorisme suite à ses propos publiés dimanche sur sa page Facebook, après la marche républicaine historique qui a rassemblé près de quatre millions de Français dans les rues. « Je me sens Charlie Coulibaly », avait-il posté sur son mur Facebook avant de l’effacer quelques minutes plus tard.
Selon les informations d’Europe 1, Dieudonné a été interpellé par la brigade de répression de la délinquance contre la personne (BRDP) dans sa résidence du Mesnil-Simon, ville située en Eure-et-Loir, entre Dreux et Mantes-la-Jolie. C’est la police judiciaire parisienne qui est allée l’interpeller pour l’entendre à Paris.
Lire la suite de l’article sur

Norman Finkelstein réagit à l’affaire Charlie Hebdo : « Je suis…Gaza »

Crises/guerres France Liberté d'expression

Norman Finkelstein

Dans les trois « posts » réunis ci-dessous, Norman G. Finkelstein, historien et politologue américain, référence internationale sur le conflit israélo-palestinien, réagit à l’affaire « Charlie Hebdo » de manière brève mais éloquente.

Juif, enfant de rescapés du ghetto de Varsovie et d’Auschwitz, le reste de sa famille ayant disparu dans les camps nazis, Norman Finkelstein avait déjà dénoncé l’incroyable arriération de la France en ce qui concerne l’éveil politique et la liberté d’expression, notamment la liberticide loi Gayssot (cf. cet extrait vidéo comportant le fameux « Que dire d’un pays qui considère BHL comme un philosophe ?! »).

L’engagement de Norman Finkelstein pour la cause palestinienne lui a coûté son métier et sa vocation. Parce qu’il avait minutieusement démonté un ouvrage pro-israélien d’Alan Dershowitz, un BHL américain qu’il révéla comme une imposture, Norman Finkelstein fut victime d’une cabale orchestrée par ledit Dershowitz, suite à laquelle il perdit son poste d’enseignant à l’Université De Paul de Chicago. Depuis, malgré son parcours universitaire exceptionnel (Doctorat à Princeton, Professeur dans plusieurs Universités américaines, auteur et conférencier de renommée internationale), il n’a pas pu retrouver de poste.

Je suis Der Sturmer ?
Par Norman G. Finkelstein
Article original :
Lundi 12 janvier 2015

La publication nazie Der Sturmer, éditée par Julius Streicher, était connue pour ses caricatures antisémites obscènes.

Imaginez qu’une paire de frères juifs, éperdus de douleur face à la mort et à la destruction qui s’étaient abattues sur le peuple juif, aient fait irruption dans les bureaux du journal et assassiné des membres de son personnel.
Elèverions-nous au rang de martyrs et de héros ceux qui ont choisi de se moquer des croyances profondément ancrées dans les consciences d’un peuple souffrant et méprisé ; de dégrader, rabaisser, insulter et humilier les Juifs à l’heure de leur épreuve, alors que le monde qu’ils avaient connu se désintégrait tout autour d’eux ?
Imaginez qu’un million de Berlinois se soient mobilisés pour pleurer les pornographes politiques.
Applaudirions-nous à cette manifestation de solidarité ?
Streicher a été condamné à mort durant le procès de Nuremberg.
Il n’est pas rapporté que beaucoup de personnes dans notre Occident éclairé aient versé des larmes.
Désolé, Charlie
Par Norman G. Finkelstein
Article original :
Lundi 12 janvier 2015
Après le massacre de 1000 musulmans par le dictateur égyptien Sissi en un seul jour, le journal Charlie Hebdo a publié ce titre (image de gauche) : « Le Coran c’est de la m*** : Ca n’arrête pas les balles ».
Est-ce que l’image de droite, sur laquelle on peut lire « Charlie Hebdo, c’est de la m*** : Ca n’arrête pas les balles » est inclus dans la liberté d’expression, ou est-ce considéré comme un propos offensant par le monde « épris de liberté » ?
Je suis… Gaza
Norman G. Finkelstein | 10 janvier 2015

Article original : 

[Après un périple extrêmement ardu, un groupe d'enfants de Gaza a pu réaliser son rêve et se présenter sur la scène de l'émission populaire Arabs Got Talent, bouleversant d'émotion jury et télespectateurs (voir cet article détaillé).] 
Vidéo postée par N. Finkelstein 
(Traduction : Sayed 7asan)
Source: Sayed Hasan


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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Dieudonné charged with material support for comedy

Dieudonné is so funny he's a threat to public safety
Paris, France
Dissociated Press

France's most popular comedian, Dieudonné Mbala Mbala, has been arrested and charged with providing material support for comedy.

After detaining the French comedian Wednesday at his home in Quenelle-sur-Seine, the French authorities announced that anyone caught laughing at Dieudonné's performances, whether on youtube, Facebook, twitter, or anywhere else, would also be arrested and charged with providing material support for providing material support for comedy. "And if you think that's funny, wise guy" added Police Commissioner Jerque Culfoutre, "we'll arrest you for providing material support for providing material support for providing material support. So don't try any funny stuff."

After confining Dieudonné in a laugh-proof cell, the French police cancelled his sold-out comedy tour, citing the need to protect free speech in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

"If we let Dieudonné make jokes, and the people laugh, free speech will be finished in France,"  Culfoutre explained.

Asked to explain why Charlie Hebdo's free speech should be protected by tens of thousands of police and military, while Dieudonné should be banned and imprisoned, French President François Hollande issued a statement:

"Charlie Hebdo is unthreateningly stupid and obnoxious, while Dieudonné is dangerously hilarious. If Dieudonné were allowed to speak, laugh riots would break out; some innocent people might even die laughing. We have a French expression 'mort de rire' (MDR) which succinctly summarizes the threat posed by Dieudonné.

"Some members of Dieudonnés audience have actually begged the comedian to stop his rapid-fire gags, protesting 'stop, you're killing us!' Yet Dieudonné keeps right on blasting away with his jokes and endangering public safety.

"Charlie Hebdo poses no such threat. According to painstaking research by our intelligence services, the last time anybody actually laughed at a Charlie Hebdo cartoon was in the spring of 1972, and we blame that incident more on the marijuana the reader was smoking than the magazine itself."

In attempts to circumvent the ban on laughing at Dieudonné's youtubes, the comedian's fans have taken to guffawing, chortling, cackling, snickering, howling, snorting, and splitting their sides.

Dieudonné supporters have also vowed to hold a Je suis Dieudonné march in support of the gagged and imprisoned comedian. A French official, Ministre de Démarches Rigoleux Alex Craimant, told Je suis Dieudonné organizers:

"I will grant you the permit to march as much as you want. But there is one condition: You must keep a straight face."

Craimant said that the marchers will be surrounded by hundreds of thousands of police and soldiers, including elite counterterrorism units with helicopters, drones, RPG launchers, and tactical nuclear weapons, all ready to instantly respond with overwhelming force if any of the participants even cracks a smile.


Apologie du terrorisme : Dieudonné en garde à vue

Apologie du terrorisme : Dieudonné en garde à vue
© Capture Youtube

Le polémiste a été placé en garde à vue mercredi matin vers 7 heures pour apologie du terrorisme.

Depuis 7 heures mercredi, Dieudonné est en garde à vue, a confirmé l'un de ses avocats, Sanja Mirabeau, à Europe 1. Le polémiste y est entendu dans le cadre de l'enquête ouverte contre lui pour apologie du terrorisme suite à ses propos publiés dimanche sur sa page Facebook, après la marche républicaine historique qui a rassemblé près de quatre millions de Français dans les rues. "Je me sens Charlie Coulibaly", avait-il posté sur son mur Facebook avant de l'effacer quelques minutes plus tard.
>> LIRE AUSSI - Un dimanche historique, la preuve en chiffres
Selon les informations d'Europe 1, Dieudonné a été interpellé par la brigade de répression de la délinquance contre la personne (BRDP) dans sa résidence du Mesnil-Simon, ville située en Eure-et-Loir, entre Dreux et Mantes-la-Jolie. C'est la police judiciaire parisienne qui est allée l'interpeller pour l'entendre à Paris. L'équipe du polémiste a immédiatement pris des clichés de cette interpellation pour les diffuser sur son compte officiel Facebook.
Ce qu'a posté Dieudonné. "Après cette marche historique, que dis-je, légendaire ! Instant magique égal au Big Bang qui créa l'univers [....] je rentre enfin chez moi. Sachez que ce soir, en ce qui me concerne, je me sens Charlie Coulibaly", avait écrit Dieudonné dimanche, caricaturant le slogan "Je suis Charlie" en lui associant le nom du djihadiste Amedy Coulibaly, auteur de la prise d'otages au cours de laquelle quatre Juifs ont été tués, à Paris, vendredi. Lundi, le parquet de Paris a ouvert une enquête pour apologie du terrorisme à l'encontre du polémiste.
Même ses fans le trouvent "pas drôle". "Je t'adore, Dieudo. Mais là, t'es pas drôle", a notamment écrit l'un de ses soutiens en commentaire d'un article de L'Express. Plus tôt, c'est la classe politique qui était montée au créneau. "Il ne faut pas confondre la liberté d'opinion avec l'antisémitisme, le racisme, le négationnisme" a déclaré Manuel Valls, lundi. Le lendemain, le Premier ministre a fustigé le comportement du polémiste : "Quelle terrible coïncidence, quel affront que de voir un récidiviste de la haine tenir son spectacle au moment même où, samedi soir, la Nation, porte de Vincennes, se recueillait". Bernard Cazeneuve a, pour sa part, déploré cette "abjection"."J'ai donné des instructions à la direction juridique et des libertés publiques du ministère de l'Intérieur pour examiner immédiatement la suite qui peut être examinée en droit", avait déclaré le ministre de l'Intérieur, lundi.
Dieudonné se pose en "ennemi public n°1". Dans la soirée de dimanche, Dieudonné a posté un nouveau texte sur son compte Facebook : la copie d'un texte envoyé à Bernard Cazeneuve dans lequel il se pose en victime. "Depuis un an, je suis traité comme l'ennemi public numéro, alors que je ne cherche qu'à faire rire. On me considère comme un Amedy Coulibaly, alors que je ne suis pas différent de Charlie".
Selon son avocat, Dieudonné se sentirait Coulibaly car il a le sentiment d'être traité comme un terroriste en France. Me Jacques Verdier a dénoncé au micro d’Europe 1 une mesure excessive, face à ce qui n'est selon lui que du second degré : "Il n'y a strictement aucune espèce d'apologie du terrorisme. Au contraire, celui-ci est dénoncé par Dieudonné qui était présent à la manifestation de dimanche. La semaine passée, tout le monde était unanime pour dire qu'il fallait respecter au plus haut point cette liberté d'expression. Que Dieudonné émette des opinions ce n'est pas en soi répréhensible, c'est justement le cœur de son métier, à savoir la liberté d'expression".
Le polémiste encourt une peine de sept ans de prison et 100.000 euros d'amende.

 Jean-Claude Elfassi appelle au meurtre de Dieudonné et Alain Soral

Pour s’attirer la sympathie des racailles islamisantes Dieudonné Officiel leur a fait un message sur mesure. Il fait l’apologie du terroriste islamiste « Coulibaly » en toute impunité en déclarant qu’ à la suite de la marche républicaine pour Charlie, il se sentait « Coulibaly » !

Rappelons que le terroristes islamistes malien en fidèle serviteur du coran avait projeté d’attaquer des écoles et de massacrer des enfants juifs.
Par ses propos haineux et incitant à la haine du juif, Dieudonné ainsi que Soral portent une lourde responsabilité sur toutes les attaques et meurtres qui ont été perpétré contre les juifs ces dernières années.
Les pouvoirs public ne faisant rien pour les mettre hors d’état de nuire, souhaitons qu’un « déséquilibré, un poète, ou un troubadour » butent ces bêtes sauvages que sont Dieudonné et Soral comme a été buté leur modèle « Coulibaly ».

"Je me sens Charlie Coulibaly"

  Dieudonné sur Charlie Hebdo : enquête ouverte pour apologie du terrorisme

Dieudonné sur Charlie Hebdo : enquête ouverte pour apologie du terrorisme
Une enquête a été ouverte lundi pour apologie du terrorisme à l'encontre du polémiste Dieudonné.

Une enquête a été ouverte lundi pour apologie du terrorisme à l'encontre du polémiste Dieudonné, qui a écrit dimanche sur sa page Facebook: "Je me sens Charlie Coulibaly", a annoncé le parquet de Paris.

"Sachez que ce soir, en ce qui me concerne, je me sens Charlie Coulibaly", a écrit Dieudonné, détournant le slogan "Je suis Charlie" en l'associant au nom du jihadiste Amédy Coulibaly, auteur de la prise d'otages au cours de laquelle quatre juifs ont été tués à Paris vendredi. "La décision a été prise (d'ouvrir une enquête) dès ce (lundi) matin", a indiqué le parquet. Le ministre de l'Intérieur Bernard Cazeneuve a dénoncé les propos du polémiste comme une "abjection", lundi en marge d'une visite à la communauté juive rue des Rosiers à Paris.

L'enquête a été confiée à la Brigade de répression de la délinquance aux personnes (BRDP). Dans sa déclaration sur Facebook, qui a ensuite été supprimée, Dieudonné assure avoir participé à la manifestation historique dimanche en hommage aux victimes du terrorisme, tout en la tournant en dérision, la qualifiant d'"instant magique comparable au big-bang", "comparable au couronnement de Vercingétorix". Le polémiste a déjà été condamné par la justice pour des propos antisémites. Le parquet de Paris avait déjà ouvert une enquête pour apologie du terrorisme début septembre après la diffusion d'une vidéo où Dieudonné ironisait sur la décapitation du journaliste américain James Foley par l'organisation Etat islamique (EI).

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Publié le  - 62
Estrosi Dieudonné

Le maire de Nice a pris un arrêté interdisant un spectacle de Dieudonné prévu le 25 juin prochain à Nikaïa. En cause, une déclaration polémique de l'humoriste sur sa page Facebook après les récentes attaques terroristes.

"Il est hors de question pour moi que M. BALA M BALA, qui n'est plus un humoriste depuis longtemps, (...) se produise dans notre ville." Christian Estrosi a indiqué dans un communiqué vouloir utiliser "tous les moyens (...) pour que ce spectacle n'ait pas lieu". Le maire de Nice a par ailleurs précisé qu'il portait plainte "à titre personnel" contre Dieudonné pour "apologie du terrorisme".
Dimanche soir, l'humoriste avait publié dans un post Facebook un court texte (effacé depuis), dans lequel il déclarait "Je me sens Charlie Coulibaly". La déclaration du polémiste intervient après qu'Amedy Coulibaly a tué une policière à Montrouge ainsi que 4 personnes lors de la prise d'otage dans une épicerie Kasher ce vendredi.
Il avait auparavant fait part de sa volonté de marcher aux côté des "défenseurs de la liberté" lors de la marche républicaine de dimanche.

Pour le maire de Nice, les propos de l'humoriste "doivent être condamnés le plus lourdement possible." Il annonce en outre avoir déjà porté plainte pour apologie du terrorisme.
Dieudonné est actuellement ern tournée en France pour promouvoir son nouveau spectacle, après que le précédent avait été interdit par le Conseil d'Etat en raison de nombreuses saillies antisémites.

Liberté d’expression : Estrosi porte plainte et rêve d’interdire le spectacle de Dieudonné à Nice

Le maire de Nice a pris un arrêté interdisant un spectacle de Dieudonné prévu le 25 juin prochain à Nikaïa. En cause, une déclaration polémique de l’humoriste sur sa page Facebook après les récentes attaques terroristes.

Liberté d’expression : Estrosi porte plainte et rêve d’interdire le spectacle de Dieudonné à Nice
« Il est hors de question pour moi que M’BALA M’BALA, qui n’est plus un humoriste depuis longtemps (…) se produise dans notre ville. » Christian Estrosi a indiqué dans un communiqué vouloir utiliser « tous les moyens (…) pour que ce spectacle n’ait pas lieu ». Le maire de Nice a par ailleurs précisé qu’il portait plainte « à titre personnel » contre Dieudonné pour « apologie du terrorisme ».
Dimanche soir, l’humoriste avait publié dans un post Facebook un court texte (effacé depuis), dans lequel il déclarait « Je me sens Charlie Coulibaly ».
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Ananalyse de Quenel+

Une belle performance de la défense de la liberté d’expression tant vantée par nos politiques.


Après Limoges et Nice, la mairie de Strasbourg demande l’interdiction du spectacle de Dieudonné

La municipalité strasbourgeoise a demandé ce lundi au préfet d’interdire le spectacle de Dieudonné, attendu samedi au Zenith d’Eckbolsheim et poursuivi pour « apologie du terrorisme » suite à sa déclaration de dimanche soir « […] je me sens Charlie Coulibaly ».
Comme en juin 2012 et comme en avril 2014, date des deux derniers spectacles de Dieudonné dans la capitale alsacienne, la Ville de Strasbourg a demandé ce lundi au préfet l’interdiction du spectacle de l’humoriste prévu samedi 17 janvier, à 20 h, au Zénith-Europe.
« Nous avions déjà demandé oralement au préfet d’interdire. Vu le contexte et les déclarations de Dieudonné ce week-end, nous avons renouvelé notre demande », a indiqué en début de soirée Alain Fontanel [photo ci-dessus], premier adjoint au maire Roland Ries, en charge de la Culture.
Dimanche soir, à la suite d’une journée de manifestations historique, l’humoriste avait déclaré : « Sachez qu’en ce qui me concerne, je me sens Charlie Coulibaly. »
La phrase, depuis effacée de sa page Facebook, a valu à Dieudonné d’être poursuivi pour « apologie du terrorisme ».
« Je me félicite que le parquet ait ouvert une enquête. Cela dit, si le spectacle devait avoir lieu, il faudrait qu’on s’interroge sur une modification de la loi, précise Alain Fontanel. Nous avons affaire à un récidiviste. Sa provocation n’en est que plus insupportable. »
Pas question néanmoins d’appeler à manifester samedi avant le spectacle « Dieudonné en tournée », s’il était maintenu, comme en avril dernier : « Il n’y aura pas de provoc’ de notre côté. Notre réponse, ce sera d’aller au spectacle proposé par la Licra et Pierre Fatus [La Guerre des clowns est déclarée, ndlr] ce jeudi 15 janvier à 20 h à la Cité de la musique et de la danse », a poursuivi le premier adjoint.
Lire la suite de l’article sur

* Bankrupted, Porn Charlie Hebdo (Former Porn Hara-Kiri!!!)  was issuing only 60,000 copies.   After the stage killings ("GOOD FOR ISRAEL" like 9/11, REMEMBER???) which happened as soon as Rothschild had given them the State Jewish Protection of its "Liberation" Propaganda Printing offices(STINKS OF FALSE FLAG RIGHT HERE!!!), they ALMOST IMMEDIATELY bragged they would now issue WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS ONE MILLION COPIES!!!  A couple of days later they are now said to be releasing THREE MILLION COPIES???  ANOTHER JEWISH PORN MIRACLE!!!

 by BAFS

ON 7 JANUARY 6015 !



 by BAFS

ON 7 JANUARY 6015 !



Muslims for 9/11 Truth

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Turkish President's Stunning Outburst: The French Are Behind The Charlie Hebdo Massacre; Mossad Blamed

It was less than 48 hours ago when Turkey’s prime minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, joined millions marching in Paris to pay tribute to the 17 people killed by ISIS-supporting extremists. Then, almost the moment he got back, things changed, and as the FT politely paraphrases what transpired, the "country’s president struck a much more confrontational tone." That's one way of putting it. Another is that the former PM and current president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, of NATO-member Turkey did the unthinkable: accused the west, and French citizens in particular, of staging the Charlie Hebdo murder in order to blame Muslims, even as the mayor of Ankara said "Mossad is definitely behind such incidents . . . it is boosting enmity towards Islam."
"The duplicity of the west is 
obvious,” Recep Tayyip Erdogan
 said at a press conference on 
Monday evening. 
As Muslims we have never 

sided with terror or massacres: racism, hate 

speech, Islamophobia are behind these


His punchline: 
"The culprits are clear: French
 citizens undertook this massacre 
and Muslims were blamed for it,
 he added.

The FT is confused: "Although political leaders in 
Turkey have repeatedly condemned the attacks on
 the Charlie Hebdo magazine, a Jewish supermarket 
and a policewoman, a parallel narrative has emerged 
in the country, with conspiracy theorists blaming the 
murders on foreign intelligence agencies rather than 
radical Islamists."
It's not just the French who were said to be 
behind the attack: so is Mossad:

Melih Gokcek, mayor of Ankara for the ruling AK party, said on Monday that

“Mossad [the Israeli intelligence service] is definitely behind such incidents . . . it isboosting enmity towards Islam.”

Mr Gokcek linked the attacks to French moves towards recognising Palestine.

Ali Sahin, a member of Turkey’s parliament and foreign affairs spokesman for the AK party, last week set out eight reasons why he suspected the killings were staged so that “the attack will be blamed on Muslims and Islam”.
But back to Erdogan:

In his own remarks on Monday, Mr Erdogan added: “Games are being played throughout the Islamic world”.
 He expressed bewilderment that French intelligence services had not followed the culprits more effectively.
The FT is further confused that Turkey is not the only place which has dared to offer conspiratorial theories: Russia is too.
In Russia, some pro-Kremlin commentators sought to link the killings to geopolitical machinations by the US. 
Komsomolskaya Pravda, one of Russia’s leading tabloids, ran the headline: “Did the Americans stage the terror attack in Paris?” and posted a series of interviews on its website that presented various reasons why Washington might have organised the attack. 
In one interview, Alexander Zhilin, head of the pro-Kremlin Moscow Centre for the Study of Applied Problems, claimed the terror attack was US retribution against President François Hollande for a January 6 radio interview in which Mr Hollande urged the EU to lift sanctions against Russia.  Washington used the attacks as “a quick fix for consolidating” US and EU geopolitical interests in Ukraine, Mr Zhilin claimed.
The FT is most stunned that in Russia the events in Charlie Hebdo are being equated to the 9/11 tragedy:
For the last 10 years, so-called Islamist terrorism has been under the control of one of the world’s leading intelligence agencies,” Alexei Martynov, director of the International Institute for New States, a think-tank, told pro-Kremlin internet outlet LifeNews. “I am sure that some American supervisors are responsible for the terror attacks in Paris, or in any case the Islamists who carried them out.”
Whatever could have given the Russian this idea...

* Bankrupted, Porn Charlie Hebdo (Former Porn Hara-Kiri!!!)  was issuing only 60,000 copies.   After the stage killings ("GOOD FOR ISRAEL" like 9/11, REMEMBER???) which happened as soon as Rothschild had given them the State Jewish Protection of its "Liberation" Propaganda Printing offices(STINKS OF FALSE FLAG RIGHT HERE!!!), they ALMOST IMMEDIATELY bragged they would now issue WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS ONE MILLION COPIES!!!  A couple of days later they are now said to be releasing THREE MILLION COPIES???  ANOTHER JEWISH PORN MIRACLE!!!

 Veterans Today

 Media complicit and indispensable to “false flag” success

Boston bombing, Charlie Hebdo and Sandy Hook would never have stood a chance against a vigilant press but for abdicating its responsibility to the public. William Shanley's suit against the media over Sandy Hook may be the most important ever lodged--and might be the reason he is now missing

featured image (Spielberg)
While it wasn’t announced as “A Stephen Spielberg Production”, the Boston bombing appears to have been one. Nathan Folks, the Hollywood producer and director who identified Carlos Arredondo, who has been celebrated as a national hero, as an actor he had cast in one of his own films and that the event was staged as an example of “hyper-realistic filming”, in which a scene is created to resemble as closely as possible a actual event, such as a bombing, in order to give inexperienced soldiers, for example, a sense of what they may encounter in combat, has told me that it is common knowledge in Hollywood that Steven Spielberg was involved.
The Charlie Hebdo case was exposed almost immediately by discerning eyes, such as those of Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, who observed that the shooting of a police officer with an AK-47 did not withstand critical scrutiny, since his brains were not blown out of his head and there was no blood on the sidewalk, which would have been impossible had this been a real event. And it turns out that the scene was framed so cleanly because there was an “+” marked on the roadway where the right wheel of the car had to stop for filming.
Proof of Paris fakery
These events are now inextricably intertwined, because the defense attorney for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev requested a postponement in the trial because of the public hysteria created by these events in Paris, as the AP has reported in The Washington Post (14 January 2015). The trail judge immediately dismissed the request, but the defense could prevail by demonstrating that the bombing was a staged event, where the media has concealed the truth from the public. That would be far more effective any mere postponement:

Judge denies request to delay Boston Marathon bombing trial due to Paris attacks

January 14 at 10:55 AM
The judge overseeing the Boston Marathon bombing trial on Wednesday denied a request from the alleged bomber’s attorneys to delay the trial due to the recent attacks in France.

Lawyers for Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev had asked the judge to delay jury selection due to the violence in France, which has dominated the news over the last week and drawn comparisons to what unfolded in Boston two years ago. The shooting massacre at the office of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical newspaper in Paris, was followed by a massive manhunt for two brothers who authorities said had become radicalized; days of bloodshed and panic culminated in a shootout with police.
News reports and commentators have repeatedly pointed to how this mirrored much of what happened when the Boston Marathon was bombed, an attack that killed three people and injured more than 260 others in April 2013. Within days, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his older brother, Tamerlan, were the subjects of a manhunt that reverberated across a major metropolitan area; the brothers, who law enforcement officials said had become radicalized, engaged in a shootout with police before Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed and his younger brother eventually taken into custody.
What most importantly links Charlie Hebdo and the Boston bombing is that they were both “false flag” attacks in which those who were alleged to be responsible were “patsies” on a par with Lee Oswald in the death of JFK and with Sirhan Sirhan in the assassination of Bobby. Because the complicity of the media was indispensable to the success of these events by inducing the public to believe them, the law suit that has been filed by William Shanley against the media for deceiving the people about Sandy Hook may be the most important ever filed, even though the expectations for its success are not great. And this might explain why Shanley has recently disappeared and may not surface again.

The Boston bombing hoax

That Steven Spielberg was producing “The Boston Bombing” may be unknown to the public, but Nathan Folks has informed me that it is well-known in Hollywood. He also expressed his dismay that someone of the prominence of Spielberg would be willing to perpetrate such a monstrous fraud on the American people. He was interviewed about the staging of the event by Voice of Russia. In a discussion of his interview (with images embedded), Nathan explained that they even used “green screen” technology to combine foregrounds with background imported on film:
As Folks was watching the “hyper reality scene” unfold in the streets of Boston, he was thinking “they were able to get away with this!” As he watched the “supposedly live television broadcasting,” he knew it wasn’t live at all, but edited, because:
  • In live footage, “you don’t cut from one scene to another.”
  • The supposedly live TV footage was using an older technology that’s “grainy” instead of the HD (high definition) available in 2013.
Asked about Jeff Bauman, who supposedly had both of his legs blown off at the marathon:
1. Folks (and others) observed that the pic below is staged. Notice the red paint: Blood is never such a bright red. Bauman is the man with a stick attached to one of his amputated legs. No blood in area where his leg was apparently severed and what is supposed to be a bone is much too thin and straight to be a lower leg bone. The expression on his face is entirely inconsistent with someone who just had both of his legs blown off.
2. Paramedics and doctors know that someone who’s lost both of his legs must not be moved, and “certainly” not be put in a wheelchair and carted down the road. But that’s exactly what they did to Bauman.
3. Someone who lost both legs would spend at least a year recuperating. Instead,Bauman was at a Bruins hockey game on May 4, 2013, …. which was exactly 19 days after he had both legs blown off. That’s some miraculous recovery!

The media perpetrated the fraud

Astounding as it may seem, we have abundant additional proof that the Boston bombing was staged, some of the most important of which comes directly from the media.  As I explained in “Rejoice for Christmas: No one died at Sandy Hook or at the Boston bombing”, we have video of the police calling out with bullhorns, “This is a drill! This is a drill!”:
In case there is any doubt whether the authorities were aware that what was taking place was a drill, here we have the authorities announcing, “This is a drill! This is a drill!” Similarly, in case there is any doubt that the media were aware that this was not a real event, here we have tweets from The Boston Globe about what will happen, where it will happen and when it will happen (where The Boston Globe is among our nation’s best known newspapers):
And there are now many YouTube videos, such as “Boston Bombing Bamboozle”, which illustrate the fakery that was taking place, including that the blood only shows up on a delayed basis and, when it appears, it is not real blood (which turns dark brown when it oxidizes with the atmosphere) but fake blood (which comes from tubes that are still in the debris when is over and remain bright reddish-orange for theatric effect):
There are many other discussions of the evidence and studies of the images, which make the case for staging beyond reasonable doubt. But what should be most troubling to the American people is that the authorities know that it was staged: The police announcing “This is a drill! This is a drill!” knew that it was a drill at the time. The Boston Globe tweeting about bomb squad activities knew it was a drill at the time. So they know it was staged but allow the public to continue to believe that it was real!

The Sandy Hook Hoax

There can be no doubt that the Sandy Hook event, like the Boston bombing and the Charlie Hebdo events, was staged and that no one died at Sandy Hook. The school had been abandoned by 2008; no evacuation took place because there were no children to evacuate; the “iconic” Shannon Hicks photo was taken in advance to convince a gullible public; the “official report” does not create a causal nexus that encompasses the alleged shooter, Adam Lanza, his purported victims and the weapons he is supposed to have used.
If we ask whether the media should have known that this was not a real event, here is some of the first aerial footage of the scene. Notice the absence of ambulances. No EMTs were allowed to enter.  Notice the few emergency vehicles present do not even have their lights flashing. Notice there is a decided lack of urgency about the entire scene. A few FEMA tarps are present, but no victims are on them. The parent were not allowed to see their children’s bodies, which were left in the classrooms and removed at night:
It would take a while for more subtle signs of fakery would be detected: that parking for the disabled is not marked in blue-and-white, nor are any signs for them present; that the cars in the rows near the building are all pointed toward the school, when the first row ought to be facing away in accord with parking instructions; that the road from the school was so blocked with vehicles, including police cruisers, that no ambulance could have made it through had any been called. Other signs of fakery would be more readily detected, such as the portable sign:
Wolfgang Halbig, the former Florida State Trooper, school administrator and national school safety expert, has been dumbfounded that he has been unable to learn when that sign was placed there or when the Porta-Potties were ordered and by whom. But that has now been explained by the discovery of the FEMA manual for this specific event, where a rehearsal was to be held on Thursday, 13 January 2012, with the event only going “LIVE” on the 14th. Information about the sign and Porta-Potties would have blown their cover by revealing they were there a day early:
Everyone mus sign in
Notice the last sentence of the first paragraph for the rehearsal to be conducted on 12/13/12 beginning at 8:00 AM: “Everyone must sign in with controller upon arrival.” So a sign that made no sense for a mass school shooting now becomes obvious as a condition for the rehearsal the day before! And the presence of parents bringing children to the scene, which makes no sense if it was the scene of a school massacre, also becomes intelligible–where the manual will be important evidence should the lawsuit make it to trial.

The William Shanley Lawsuit

One of the best blogs about Sandy Hook has featured articles about William Shanley’s lawsuit, where the first appeared on James Tracy’s on 26 December 2014, four days before our last communication on the 30th. Everyone agrees that this was a sensational move to make because, even if it fails in Court, it has drawn enormous attention to the question of the reality of the presumptive child massacre. I am aware of at least one newspaper that has taken up the issue because of his filing. He had made repeated visits to the Hartford Courant and told me he was sure that the reporters knew the score but weren’t allowed to pursue it.
Filmmaker sues Big Media 1
Filmmaker sues Big Media 3
The Judge who will preside wisely placed William Shanley under protection. From conversations we had subsequently, he told me that the police had been dropping by his residence several times a day. We were in regular contact up until 30 December 2014, where I am now profoundly concerned that I have had no contact or communication with him since–neither by phone nor by email nor by Skype. That is highly unusual: we typically corresponded several times a week and had recently been interviewed about it. I am concerned that something may have happened to William to guarantee he never gets to Court:
$Trillion lawsuit plaintiff now missing
He would not be the first. Tony Mead, “Sandy Hook’s Disappearing Witnesses”, has chronicled the loss, resignation or disappearance of around a dozen key players and investigators. William Podgorski, for example, Connecticut State Police Western District Commander, who also a Lead Investigator in the Sandy Hook: “[Officially] he died after a ‘brief, undisclosed illness’ followed by surgery on Monday, June 16 at Yale-New Haven Hospital at the age of 49. According to a friend of mine who had seen Bill Podgorski just a short time before his death, he appeared in perfect health. No further information has been released regarding this sudden death.” Those complicit in the hoax appear to extend from the Newtown School Board to Connecticut State Police to the Governor, the Attorney General and our own President.
We have a parallel here with French Police Inspector, Eldric Fredou, who “committed suicide” in his own office while working on the Charlie Hebdo investigation. Committing suicide seems to be popular among those in law enforcement who believe in getting things right, as was their reputation. Those who are pulling the strings for these events have a lot at stake and are playing hardball. Even a friend of the Tsarnaev brothers, who was being questioned in his own residence in Florida, was shot dead by a member of the FBI team sent to interrogate him. And there can be no doubt that it was because he was not willing to “play ball” in framing his friends for a crime they obviously did not commit. How much truth are we going to get when the media and government officials are themselves complicit in the crime?

Paris Terror Suspect Amedy Coulibaly Met With French President Sarkozy in 2009

 86  0
All the details I mentioned in the Paris 9/11 story that are consonant with false flags have now emerged.  The siege ending in a standoff with reported hostages has the tell-tale signs of a false flag event.  In fact, Amedi Coulibaby, one suspect, met with Sarkozy in 2009 as the below article shows.  On top of that, Pentagon-dining guest and CIA asset Anwar al-Awlaki was also affiliated with the Kouachi suspects, sending funding according to reports. The story sounds like a Takenfilm, but I guess Liam Neeson was too busy filming part 17 to save the day.  Aren’t the people the terrorists consort with relevant?
Here is a translation and news tip courtesy of Dutchsinse via Facebook:
an unlikely encounter between Nicolas Sarkozy, the then French President and Amedy Coulibaly, the gunman suspected of killing a police woman and of taking five hostages at a kosher grocery in eastern Paris today.
The meeting took place in 2009 in the Élysée Palace when Mr Sarkozy met nine young French men who got just jobs in a local factory. They were all from Grigny, a tough Parisian suburb torn by riots 10 years ago.
Quoting the “terrorist”:
“Sarkozy is not truly popular with the youth in the estates. But that is nothing personal. In fact it is the case for most politicians,” said Coulibaly.
“The encounter really impressed me. Whether I like him or not, he is the president after all.”

In my mind, the story brings back memories of the scandal involving Dominique Strauss-Kahn, and likely has to do with Anglo power axis not liking the potential pivot of France toward Palestine and Russia.  However, I wouldn’t place much hope in a Grand Orient Hollande move toward Palestine, with the UN playing a massive role in the Palestine issue.  Meanwhile, the US has been aiding and training these Jihadis, not since Obama’s regime, but, as you recall, back to Brzezinski and Robert Gates.  And before that, British Intelligence did it for a hundred years prior.
“God is on your side!” Brzezinski tells the Mujahideen in Pakistan.

You can read more from Jay Dyer at his site Jay’s Analysis.
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Paris Attacker Met French President in 2009

 Amedy Coulibaly said he got Nicolas Sarkozy's autograph for his nine sisters

A gunman killed by French police on Friday after taking a number of hostages at a kosher supermarket in Paris met with then-president Nicolas Sarkozy in 2009.

According to local newspaper Le Parisien, Sarkozy met with 500 young French people on July 15, 2009 to talk about work/study training and youth employment; among them was Amedy Coulibaly, then 27 and on contract at a Coca-Cola factory in Grigny, a suburb of Paris.

Coulibaly was interviewed by the newspaper in advance of the meeting, saying he was excited to meet the president and hoped he could help get him hired when his contract at the factory ended. He said his nine sisters had charged him with getting autographs and photos for the whole family.

“In the cities, with the young people, Sarkozy isn’t really very popular,” Coulibaly said. “But it’s nothing personal. In fact, that’s the case with most politicians.”

But the president’s unpopularity didn’t curb Coulibaly’s enthusiasm: “Whether you like him or not, he’s still the president.”

[Le Parisien]


Terrorist Amedy Coulibaly met former French President Nicolas Sarkozy in 2009, years before Paris murder spree 

'I don't know what I'm going to say to him,' Coulibaly, 27 at the time, told the Parisian newspaper. 'I'll start by saying hello!' On Friday, Coulibaly was gunned down by police after a two-day terror spree in which authorities say he killed a policewoman and four hostages at a Jewish grocery in conjunction with the Kouachi brothers, who murdered 12 Charlie Hebdo workers in a sick showing of Islamic extremism.

Published: Friday, January 9, 2015, 3:23 PM
Updated: Friday, January 9, 2015, 4:48 PM
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Amedy Coulibaly
From left, Amedy Coulibaly and Hayat Boumeddiene are suspects in the Paris terror attacks. Coulibaly was killed by police Friday after seizing a Jewish supermarket and Boumeddiene, his girlfriend, is wanted by French authorities.
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  • Amedy Coulibaly
  • Amedy Coulibaly
  • Amedy Coulibaly
  • Amedy Coulibaly
  • Amedy Coulibaly
He came face-to-face with the president.
Cop killer Amedy Coulibaly met with then-French President Nicolas Sarkozy as a troubled 27-year-old worker – years before he died a terrorist.
The Muslim extremist had several prior arrests and spent time locked up before he landed a contract gig with Coca-Cola and an audience with Sarkozy, who spoke and shook hands with a group of 500 young workers in July 2009.
“It’s a pleasure. I don’t know what I’m going to say to him,” Coulibaly told the Parisian newspaper. “I’ll start by saying ‘hello!’”

Getty Images provides access to this publicly distributed image for editorial purposes and is not the copyright owner. Additional permissions may be required and are the sole responsibility of the end user. Handout/Getty Images Amedy Coulibaly, aged 32, (L) met Nicolas Sarkozy in 2009, years before his end at the hands of French police. His girlfriend, Hayat Boumeddiene, aged 26, remains on the loose though is wanted by the authorities.
Coulibaly met his end Friday afternoon inside a Paris kosher grocery store, which he had stormed earlier in the day and taken several hostages. Four hostages were killed and police gunned down Coulibaly at the climax of the hours-long siege.
Hayat Boumeddiene, his 26-year-old girlfriend and alleged accomplice, remains on the loose.
Born in 1982 in Juvisy-sur-Orge, north of Paris, to parents of Senegalese descent and as the only boy in a brood of 10, Coulibaly was a petty criminal with arrests for theft, robbery and drugs beginning at age 17.

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, head of the French conservative party UMP party, speaks to journalists after a meeting with French President Francois Hollande at the Elysee Palace in Paris on Thursday, the day after a shooting at the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo. Sarkozy unwittingly met in 2009 one of the terrorists who participated in Friday's siege of a Paris grocery. © Philippe Wojazer / Reuters/REUTERS Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, head of the French conservative party UMP party, speaks to journalists after a meeting with French President Francois Hollande at the Elysee Palace in Paris on Thursday, the day after a shooting at the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo. Sarkozy unwittingly met in 2009 one of the terrorists who participated in Friday's siege of a Paris grocery.
He spent time in prison after a 2002 conviction for armed bank robbery. By 2009, he’d cleaned up enough to earn his facetime with Sarkozy.
“A real encounter; it’s impressive,” Coulibaly told the Parisian newspaper before the meet. “Whether you like him or not, it’s still the president.”
But his straight edge appearance was all an act. Less than a year later, in May 2010, Coulibaly was arrested and charged with trying to spring convicted terrorist Smain Ait Ali Belkacem from prison.
Smain Ait Ali Belkacem, once a member of the Armed Islamic Group, is serving a life prison for a 1995 bombing on a suburban Paris commuter train.
Also involved in the plot to spring Belkacem was Cherif Kouachi, the 32-year-old gunman who, along with his brother, carried out Wednesday’s horrific terror attack on the Paris offices of French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo.
Cherif and brother Said, 34, were both killed by police Friday after taking a hostage at a factory near the Charles de Gaulle airport, north of Paris.

Members of the French police special forces launching the assault at a kosher grocery store in Porte de Vincennes, eastern Paris, on Friday as they ended the siege carried out by Coulibaly. GABRIELLE CHATELAIN/AFP/Getty Images Members of the French police special forces launching the assault at a kosher grocery store in Porte de Vincennes, eastern Paris, on Friday as they ended the siege carried out by Coulibaly.
During Coulibaly’s arrest, authorities found Kalashnikov ammunition inside his home, alongside photos of him and his girlfriend, Boumeddiene, posing with radical Islamist Djamel Beghal, according to French outlet Liberation.
Those photos, obtained Friday by the French newspaper Le Monde, show Coulibaly posing with his terror mentor, who spent 10 years imprisoned for a 2001 plot to attack the U.S. Embassy in Paris. Other snaps show Coulibaly posing with Boumeddiene, who is wearing a burqa, only her eyes showing, in the images. One shows Boumeddiene wielding a crossbow at the camera, while another shows Coulibaly taking aim at a target off camera.
Questioned by authorities at the time of her boyfriend’s arrest, Boumeddiene admitted she and Coulibaly visited the southern France of Cantal, where Beghal lived, to partake in “crossbow practice,” the Telegraph reported.

French police officer Clarissa Jean-Philippe was killed in Paris suburb Montrouge on January 8, 2015 Among Coulibaly's victims was rookie French police officer Clarissa Jean-Philippe, who was gunned down in the Paris suburb Montrouge on Thursday morning.
Coulibaly earned a five year prison sentence for his role in the escape plot and was released in March 2014, according to Liberation.
He kept a low profile until early Thursday morning, when police say Coulibaly - wearing a bulletproof vest, dressed all in black and armed with a semiautomatic rifle – shot dead police officer Clarissa Jean Philippe in Montrouge, a southern section of Paris.
Coulibaly told French news TV station BFM that he and the Kouachi brothers coordinated their attacks, Agence France-Presse reported.

Getty Images provides access to this publicly distributed image for editorial purposes and is not the copyright owner. Additional permissions may be required and are the sole responsibility of the end user. Handout/Getty Images Coulibaly, not shown, was an associate of Said Kouachi, aged 34, (L) and Cherif Kouachi, aged 32. Coulibaly and Cherif were both busted in 2010 for planning a prison escape for a convicted terrorist. Coulibaly served time, but Cherif was released due to lack of evidence.
“They took Charlie Hebdo, me the police,” he said.
Then on Friday afternoon, shortly after police announced they’d surrounded the Kouachi brothers following a two-day manhunt, Coulibaly stormed a kosher grocery store in Porte de Vincennes and killed four people as he started an hours-long siege.
“You know who I am!” he reportedly screamed as took more than a dozen people captive.

Several hostages are helped to safety after French special forces raided a grocery held at gunpoint by Coulibaly. THOMAS SAMSON/AFP/Getty Images Several hostages are helped to safety after French special forces raided a grocery held at gunpoint by Coulibaly.
At some point, Coulibaly contacted police and admitted he killed Philippe, the 25-year-old policewoman.
Coulibaly ordered cops to back off the corned Kouachi brothers or he’d kill hostages. Around 5 p.m. local time Friday, French special forces carried out near-simultaneous raids on both the Kouachi brothers and Coulibaly.
All three terrorists were shot dead.
Police say Boumeddine remains free and it’s unclear if she helped her dead beau in either terror attack.
Little is known about the 26-year-old woman, though she had been with Coulibaly since at least 2010 and appeared to share his terrorist tendencies.

Entretien avec Alain Soral sur l’arrestation de Dieudonné et la liberté d’expression en France

Propos recueillis pour E&R par Alimuddin Usmani le 15 janvier 2015

La garde à vue de l’humoriste Dieudonné, suite à un message publié par ce dernier sur les réseaux sociaux où il ironisait à propos de l’affaire Charlie Hebdo en disant qu’il se sentait « Charlie Coulibaly », a provoqué un tollé chez ses partisans et même parfois au-delà. Ils soulignent l’inégalité de traitement entre Dieudonné qui est persécuté par le pouvoir en place et Charlie Hebdo qui, depuis quelques années, bénéficie d’un soutien sans faille des autorités. Nous avons recueilli la réaction d’Alain Soral.

Alain Soral, quelle est votre réaction à l’arrestation de Dieudonné le 14 janvier dernier ?
Alain Soral : Je pense que cette arrestation pour un tweet ambigu, discutable, mais dont il faudrait justement discuter, est tout simplement la preuve que nous assistons en France à une sorte de coup d’État perpétré par le gouvernement de monsieur Valls !
Un coup d’État policier, profitant de l’immense émotion qu’ont suscitée en France les derniers attentats, pour museler illégalement un opposant au régime. Régime actuel qui se caractérise par une soumission chaque jour accrue au pouvoir et aux intérêts américano-sionistes, contre les intérêts objectifs de la France, tant sur la question du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique centrale, que de la Russie…
Par l’obscénité que constitue l’arrestation d’un comique métis populaire et talentueux, pour une phrase, au moment même où l’on prétend mener un combat sans concession pour la liberté d’expression, cette opération policière, politique et médiatique nous place effectivement face à une réelle opération de terreur.
Une opération de terreur policière, politique et médiatique menée contre le peuple de France par le sionisme international et l’impérialisme américain, dont tous les analystes sérieux, muselés par les médias dominants, démontrent depuis des années qu’ils sont in fine les seuls bénéficiaires d’un « terrorisme islamiste » dont ils sont aussi, via diverses médiations, les machiavéliques commanditaires…
Je rappelle en outre que les trois terroristes supposés ayant été promptement mis à mort, comme dans toutes les opérations du même ordre (affaire Merah, attentats de Londres, de Madrid…) manipulant des petits délinquants au profil identique, nous sommes donc obligés de croire sur parole la version officielle véhiculée par les médias de masse, quand une volonté authentique de démantèlement des réseaux islamistes aurait dû conduire nos forces spéciales – qui en ont largement les moyens – à tout faire pour les prendre vivant, afin de les faire parler…

Le « deux poids deux mesures » qui caractérise l’attitude de ce gouvernement est de plus en plus insupportable et flagrant. Il faudrait être aveugle pour ne pas voir que le dernier tweet d’Elfassi est une incitation au meurtre à l’encontre de Dieudonné et de vous-même [1]. Est-ce que vous comptez apporter une réponse judiciaire ? Ne serait-ce que pour démontrer une fois de plus l’iniquité de la justice si elle en venait à classer cette affaire sans suite ?
Tout à fait, j’ai chargé mon avocat d’engager toutes les poursuites nécessaires, et pas seulement contre Elfassi ; des plaintes avec constitution de partie civile, afin d’être sûr que ces personnes – dont monsieur Haziza – soient au moins convoquées par un juge d’instruction.
Même si le lobby sioniste passe de plus en plus en force et se croit tout permis dans nos territoires occupés, nous sommes encore officiellement en France dans un état de droit !

Jean-Marie Le Pen a été le seul homme politique à défendre la liberté d’expression, notamment en soulignant le traitement défavorable infligé à Dieudonné [2]. Qu’est ce que cela révèle de l’état de la classe politique en France ?
Jean-Marie Le Pen a été aussi le seul à prévenir et à annoncer, depuis 40 ans, tout ce qui allait arriver !
Ce qui n’empêche pas l’ensemble de la classe politique de reprendre aujourd’hui sans vergogne un discours qu’ils fustigeaient hier, tout en continuant à l’insulter ! Ce qui se passe en ce moment, de façon si visible, ne fait que valider ce que je dis et ce que j’écris moi-même depuis plus de douze années. À savoir que le pouvoir sioniste a marginalisé, depuis le milieu des années 80, tout ce qui ne se soumettait pas à lui en France, et a promu tous les soumis, tous les crétins qui lui permettent aujourd’hui de régner sans partage ni aucune retenue.
Le petit chien d’attaque Manuel Valls, officiellement chef du gouvernement français, mais « éternellement attaché à Israël » selon ses propres dires, en est l’illustration parfaite autant qu’indiscutable, pour notre plus grande honte et notre malheur !

Vous possédez également la nationalité suisse. Pourriez-vous être tenté par l’exil pour ne plus subir les persécutions judiciaires et les menaces de toutes sortes, qui peuvent vous empêcher de travailler de façon plus sereine ?
Je ne l’envisage pas pour le moment, mais je ne vous cache pas que je fais très attention à ma sécurité !

En janvier 2013, Téhéran avait décidé de répondre aux provocations de Charlie Hebdo, qui jugeait amusant de caricaturer le prophète Mohamed, en organisant un concours international de caricatures sur la Shoah [3]. Que pensez-vous, a posteriori, de cette initiative ?
Initiative très taquine, puisqu’elle a permis de démontrer, à ceux qui ont encore un cerveau pour comprendre, que le pouvoir occidental ment, quand il prétend que les démocraties avancées mettent la liberté au-dessus du blasphème et du sacré, alors que c’est simplement l’interdit religieux qui s’est déplacé. Le tout-puissant lobby sioniste, en même temps qu’il mettait au pas la chrétienté – et aujourd’hui l’islam – ayant peu à peu érigé, en remplacement, la Shoah comme religion du mondialisme…



Articles du dossier :
Plaintes, procès, persécutions et harcèlements contre Alain Soral et E&R

Liste non exhaustive des plaintes, procès, persécutions et harcèlements à l’encontre d’Alain Soral, de l’association E&R ou de ses sympathisants

From Muhammad AL-Massari

Today Monday 25 January 2015 at 11:56 AM

Another Great Performance by Elie Wiesel

by Daniel McGowan / December 15th, 2014
  On December 8, 2014 WXXI-TV’s Great Performances presented the legendary violinist Itzhak Perlman and the renowned cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot in a musical exploration of liturgical and traditional works for both chamber orchestra and klezmer settings. To fortify its Jewish character the program included a short discussion between Itzhak Perlman and Elie Wiesel, arguably the foremost proponent of the current Holocaust narrative.

Wiesel told the incredulous Perlman that as a boy he too had studied violin. Moreover he claimed that he took his violin to Auschwitz in June 1944; his father suggested that since Elie was already there he might as well try out for the Auschwitz Orchestra in hopes of earning an extra ration of bread. But alas Elie could only play classical music, like Beethoven, and not those evil Nazi marches, so during his interview with the head of the Auschwitz Orchestra a vicious kapo grabbed his violin and smashed it under foot.

As a Jew, I was proud of Perlman’s gracious restraint in not calling Wiesel’s remarks utter nonsense. He did not even stoop to ask Elie how such a tall story could have been omitted from Night, his best-selling novel, which is force fed to American students as a must-be-believed memoir.
But I am tormented. Is it not shameful of The Great Weasel to mention the existence of an Auschwitz Orchestra? An orchestra in an extermination camp? What next? A swimming pool? Oy, what a shanda fur di goyim.

And if we are to accept an inmate orchestra at Auschwitz might we not envision a Klezmer band at Ketziot, Israel’s largest concentration camp for Palestinians in the Negev Desert; it could be called the Ketziot Klezmer Klub and give new meaning to the otherwise odious acronym KKK.
But wait; you must not mention an Israeli concentration camp. Forget Ketziot. Do not compare the plight of Jews with the plight of Palestinians; such a comparison according to Elie Wiesel is “unworthy.” Just sit back and enjoy his “great performance.”
Daniel McGowan is a Professor Emeritus at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. 

Veterans Today

Charlie Hebdo bombshell! Suicided officer’s family denied access to autopsy

Something is rotten in Paris

by Hicham Hamza, translated by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

1/25/2015 8:48 pm Paris time
The mother of Helric Fredou, "suicided" Charlie Hebdo investigator
The mother of Helric Fredou, “suicided” Charlie Hebdo investigator

Exclusive! Panamza has contacted the mother of Helric Fredou – the Police Commissioner charged with preparing a report on the family background of Charlie Hebdo – who was found dead with a bullet in the head just hours after the attack.

I asked for the autopsy report and was told: “You won’t get it.”

Friday, January 16, Panamza published the disturbing testimony of the sister of police officer Helric Fredou, whose mysterious “suicide” continues to be ignored by the national media. Nine days later, it was the mother’s turn to bring new revelations.

 Fredou’s Mother
Contacted by the author, she said that at first she was “enormously shocked” that Minister of the Interior Bernard Cazeneuve had not passed her his condolences. The Interior Minister maintained, she said, an excellent relationship with his deceased son. From 2010 to 2012, the two men were brought together to work at Cherbourg, one as deputy mayor of the city, the other in his capacity as chief commissioner. “I hope one day I cross paths with him to tell him how very disappointed I was,” she added.

The Elysee was also (oddly) unresponsive. Helric Fredou had been responsible for – among other localités –  Corrèze including Tulle, historic stronghold of Francois Hollande.

Panamza will soon return with the entirety of her testimony, collected through a telephone interview recorded Saturday, January 24. In the meantime, here are seven key points:

* 1 According to the mother of Helric Fredou, police officers with whom she spoke expressly advised that she would not have access to the autopsy report. The Code of Criminal Procedure, however, provides that in any case of  legal autopsy (for suicide or suspicious death), any member of the family can make a request to the prosecutor. “Give it up” is the message being sent to a bereaved mother who “wants to know the truth.”
2 * Helric Fredou’s service weapon was not equipped with a silencer. Her mother has asked a basic question to his colleagues: “Why didn’t you hear anything when he was shot at about midnight?” Laconic reply: “His office was well insulated.”
3 * According to his mother, Helric Fredou wanted to make an important phone call after doing two things: debriefing “three investigators” who went out to question the immediate family of a victim of the attack on Charlie Hebdo (in this case, the relatives of Jeannette Bougrab – Charb’s self-styled girlfriend – as was discovered and disclosed  by Panamza) and then checking “social networks.” It is at this point that Fredou would have made such an important deduction that he “wanted to keep working.” Important point: the unidentified “commander” in the office that night  wanted to take charge of debriefing investigators and writing the report, but Fredou insisted “It’s my job.” The direct superior of Helric Fredou is Gil Friedman, director of the Regional Criminal Police, Limoges.
4 * According to police, Helric Fredou raised the barrel of his revolver to his forehead and the bullet remained inside the skull.
5 * Helric Fredou’s attending physician,  with whom his mother spoke Thursday, January 22, refuses to accept the picture sketched by the handful of articles about Freidou’s death that cited his alleged “depression” and supposed “burn-out”.
* 6 The mother wanted to know who made the last call to her son. Police reportedly retorted “We are unable to say” before finally claiming that no such call had been made.
7 * “Four Directors” of the police, specifically from Paris, met Helric Fredou’s mother to offer condolences and try to convince her that her son was a “suicide”.
Finally, another odd fact deserves to be reported here: apart from the author of these lines, NO journalist has contacted – from January 8th onward – the mother or sister Helric Fredou to try to shed light on the case.


French police commissioner Helric Fredou SUICIDED on Wednesday night in Limoges, France

French police commissioner 'shot himself dead in his office after meeting relatives of a Charlie Hebdo victim'

 Death: Helric Fredou is said to have been depressed when he shot himself with his police-issue weapon

  • Helric Fredou shot himself on Wednesday night in Limoges, France
  • He had been the deputy director of the regional police since 2012 
  • Commissioner Fredou was said to have been 'depressed' and overworked 

A French police commissioner has reportedly taken his own life after meeting the relatives of a victim murdered in the Charlie Hebdo massacre. 
Helric Fredou, 45, shot himself in his office with his police-issue gun on Wednesday night in Limoges, a city in central France, according to France 3. 
Commissioner Fredou began his career as a police office in 1997 and had been the deputy director of the regional police since 2012.
Colleagues told France 3 he was 'depressed' and overworked, and said he was single and had no children.
Brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi shot 12 people dead at the Charlie Hebdo offices on Wednesday before seeking refuge in a print works.
They were killed on Friday afternoon during a shoot-out with police, as was their alleged accomplice, Amedy Coulibaly, who killed four hostages at a kosher supermarket in Paris.
France's national police union has expressed its 'sincere condolences' over Commissioner Fredou's death and said they were thinking especially of his colleagues. 
A statement the morning after the death read: 'It is with great sadness that we were informed this morning of the death of our colleague Helric Fredou, assigned as Deputy Director of the Regional Service Judicial Police in Limoges.
'On this particular day of national mourning, police commissioners are new both hit hard by the tragic death of one of their own.
'The Union of Commissioners of the National Police would like to present its most sincere condolences to the relatives of Helric.
Scroll down for video 
French police commissioner Helric Fredou has reportedly taken his own life after meeting the relatives of a victim murdered in the Charlie Hebdo massacre
Colleagues told France 3 that Commissioner Fredou was 'depressed' and overworked and said that he was single and had no children. Pictured, the terrorist brothers launching their attack on Charlie Hebdo's offices
Six of the Charlie Hebdo journalists and staff members killed in Wednesday's attack are pictured together in this photo, taken in 2000. Circled top from left is Philippe Honore, Georges Wolinski, Bernard Maris and Jean Cabut. Below them on the stairs, from left, is editor Stephane Charbonnier and  Bernard 'Tignous' Verlhac
Six of the Charlie Hebdo journalists and staff members killed in Wednesday's attack are pictured together in this photo, taken in 2000. Circled top from left is Philippe Honore, Georges Wolinski, Bernard Maris and Jean Cabut. Below them on the stairs, from left, is editor Stephane Charbonnier and Bernard 'Tignous' Verlhac
'In these difficult times, we have a special thought for all his colleagues and classmates, many of which we expressed their emotion and grief.
'We will keep you informed of how his funeral will be organized and the initiatives we take to honor his memory and support his family.' 
In the days after the Charlie Hebdo attack, which left police officer Ahmed Merabet dead, the union said it was in a 'war' with religious fanatics and would do everything in its power to defeat them.
A statement added: 'We are proud of the courage of our colleagues and comrades, who facing seasoned and heavily-armed fanatics have tried at all costs to protect and assist our citizens at risk.
'[Armed officers] managed, with exceptional courage and self-sacrifice, to enable the release of hostages despite abominable complexity.'
Surviving Charlie Hebdo staff have revealed this week's edition - to be published on Wednesday with a circulation of 1million, up from the usual 60,000 - will contain pictures of Mohammed 
The surviving members of the magazine's staff decided to print images of the holy figure in defiance of Muslim extremists who slaughtered their colleagues. The cover will be unveiled tonight. 
Mourning: Volunteers pray as they prepare for the burial of four of the Jewish victims in the city
Mourning: Volunteers pray as they prepare for the burial of four of the Jewish victims in the city
Tribute: A stream of flowers and candles has built up outside the doors of the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris
Tribute: A stream of flowers and candles has built up outside the doors of the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris
The satirical magazine, its offices still adorned with tributes, will release a million copies on Wednesday
The satirical magazine, its offices still adorned with tributes, will release a million copies on Wednesday
Lawyer Richard Malka said this week's issue will 'of course' contain images of the Prophet.
Mr Malka told France Info radio: 'We will not give in. The spirit of 'Je suis Charlie' means the right to blaspheme.
He added: 'We will not give in otherwise all this won't have meant anything. A Je Suis Charlie banner means you have the right to criticise my religion, because it's not serious.
'We have never criticised a Jew because he's a Jew, a Muslim because he's a Muslim or a Christian because he's a Christian. 
'But you can say anything you like, the worst horrors – and we do – about Christianity, Judaism and Islam, because behind the nice slogans, that's the reality of Charlie Hebdo.'
Demonstrators showing solidarity with the Charlie Hebdo victims have also held banners declaring Je Suis Ahmed - in honour of the Muslim police officer Ahmed Merabet, who the Kouachi brothers mercilessly gunned down last Wednesday.
Brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi shot 12 people dead at the Charlie Hebdo offices on Wednesday before seeking refuge in a print works.
Brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi shot 12 people dead at the Charlie Hebdo offices on Wednesday before seeking refuge in a print works
Footage of the officer lying injured on a pavement and raising his arms in defence, before one of the gunmen shot him dead at close range, caused horror and outrage around the world.
During an emotional news conference on Saturday Mr Merabet's brother Malik broke down when asked about graphic images.
'He was committed,' he said. 'He looked after his mother and his close family. He was a pillar of the family. He was a very protective father, a lovely brother, a loving companion. 
'I am addressing myself to all racists - the Islamophobes and the anti-Semites: You must not mix up extremism with Muslims.
'The madmen have no colour nor religion. Stop ... having wars or burning mosques or burning synagogues because you are attacking people.'
Gunned down: French police have come under particular pressure, and Ahmed Merabet (above) was killed
Gunned down: French police have come under particular pressure, and Ahmed Merabet (above) was killed

Mark Dankof on the Charlie Hebdo Affair for the Rasa News Agency of Iran

Mark Dankof on Charlie Hebdo:  It's a Zionist Instrument Dedicated to Blasphemy and Subversion of Christian and Islamic Faiths Alike.
Mark Dankof on Charlie Hebdo: It’s a Zionist Instrument Dedicated to Blasphemy and Subversion of Christian and Islamic Faiths Alike.
Seyed Muhammad Javad Mousavi of the Rasa News Agency of Iran interviewed Mark Dankof for his perspective on the Charlie Hebdo Affair.  The Persian language version of the discussion may be accessed here.  
1 – What do you think is the main purpose of continuously insulting the Prophet of Islam? 
Mark Dankof:  It is important to remember what Pat Buchanan told us all last week:  The Charlie Hebdo publication in France was also insulting and blaspheming every version of orthodox Christianity when it depicted the God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, as being involved in an incestuous sexual relationship.  Who has a vested interest in blaspheming both Christianity and Islam as part of a world-wide ideological and political game plan? Clearly, it is the global Zionist network which desires to assert the Talmudic doctrine of Jewish racial supremacy on a global basis, and to convince comatose Westerners that their primary enemy in the world is Islam, and not the Zionist hijacking of their own banking system, culture, government, media, and educational establishments.  The Frankfurt School and its Institute of Social Research which destroyed the older Christian civilizations in the West in partnership with the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith (ADL) by subverting Europe and the United States with pornography, sexual perversion including the LGBT (Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transsexual) agenda, and the abortion/euthanasia industries, is working its demonic magic through all kinds of Jewish-funded media outlets and NGOs to solidify its hold on the Western world, even as it also seeks the subversion of the Islamic societies and Vladimir Putin’s Russia.  Eric Margolis concedes that the Charlie Hebdo publication is financed by Rothschild banking interests in France.  Simply follow the trail of the money.
Pat Buchanan and Mark Dankof:  Charlie Hebdo Depicts God the Father and God the Son, Jesus Christ, in an Incestuous Relationship.
Pat Buchanan and Mark Dankof: Charlie Hebdo Depicts God the Father and God the Son, Jesus Christ, in an Incestuous Relationship.
Charlie Hebdo’s financiers and handlers clearly seek to falsely equate mainstream Sunni and Shia Islam with the Wahhabi and Takfiri fanatics comprising the ISIS and al-Qaeda organizations, and to discredit Islam generally in the West, even as orthodox Christianity is also lampooned.  Both Islamic and Christian movements must be infiltrated from within with sexual decadence, paid intelligence assets, and internal disorder. The final strategy in the quest for Zionist global supremacy and the final victory of the so-called New World Order will involve the realization of the dream of launching the War of Civilizations envisioned by the Project for the New American Century and its bedfellows.  This will necessitate pitting Sunni Islam and Shia Islam against one another as adversaries, and pitting what remains of a Christian remnant in the West against both Islam and Putin’s Russia.  Divide and Conquer is the age-old methodology used by this evil monolith.  
2 – Some analysts believe that the role of the western intelligence services such as MI6 and Mossad is undeniable regarding the Charlie Hebdo attacks. What’s your take on that? If there is a role, what are the possible reasons behind that? 
Mark Dankof:  While I cannot absolutely prove it, I agree with Ron Paul and Paul Craig Roberts that the Charlie Hebdo affair has all the earmarks of a False Flag operation conducted by the Israeli Mossad, the British MI6, and the American CIA.  It is ludicrous to believe that the national security police states erected in Europe and the United States would be providing money, political, and logistical support to ISIS in a clear attempt to overthrow President Assad in Syria (a clear Zionist objective as a prelude to attacking Iran), and then would subsequently fail to effectively monitor the comings and goings of hundreds of these Wahhabic terror elements traveling with apparent impunity between Syria and both Europe and the United States. These travels are being allowed for a purpose, which is to deliberately enact incidents of this kind, diverting Western public attention from the Hidden Hand financing and directing these operations, as well as diverting public attention from ongoing Israeli atrocities in Palestine, Gaza, and East Jerusalem. Additionally, I believe France was being punished for its public deviations as of late from the wholesale support of the Zionist agenda demanded by the power elite in the West.  I refer to the French Parliament’s recent pro-Palestinian vote (s) in public session, and President Hollande’s urging of a reassessment of the wisdom and utility of the economic sanctions being imposed on Putin’s Russia.  
I believe there are additional cracks in the canvas being painted by the real perpetrators of this incident, including the convenient leaving behind of an Identification Card in a getaway car by the alleged assailants, and the equally convenient killing of the accused by the French police.  Dead Men Tell No Tales.  . . . Just ask Lee Harvey Oswald.
3 – In your opinion, what might be the possible reasons behind the Israeli Prime Minister’s attendance in Charlie Hebdo’s post-attack rally? 
Mark Dankof: Netanyahu is a war criminal and murderer simply taking advantage of the Zionist controlled media in France specifically and the West generally. He obviously wants to justify his regime’s criminal policies in Palestine and Gaza by posing as a defender of human rights and freedom of expression in the West against “Islamic Jihadists“.  It is the established Zionist strategy to make the aggressor and the criminal perpetrator appear as the aggrieved victim.  This is especially outlandish, given the legal persecution and economic marginalization of scholars and political activists in the West who have criticized Israel, or who have questioned aspects of the establishment Zionist narrative on what happened in World War II and during the runup to the establishment of the Zionist state in 1948. What Dr. E. Michael Jones of Culture Wars refers to as the “Jewish control of narrative” has served Netanyahu and his predecessors quite well, especially in the United States.  How many Americans know about the Zionist bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946?  The Lavon Affair in 1954?  The dispute between JFK and Ben Gurion in 1963 over the Israeli nuclear weapons plant at Dimona in the Negev? The Meyer Lansky Jewish Crime Syndicate connection to the anti-Castro Cubans, to James Jesus Angleton of the CIA, and the Giancana-Trafficante-Marcello-Roselli led crime syndicates in the United States who were all provably involved in the JFK assassination?  The NUMEC nuclear raw materials thefts in Pennsylvania in the United States for Israel’s weapons program?  The Pollard-AIPAC-Ben Ami spy cases?  And the Arnon Milchan financing of Oliver Stone’s JFK movie which diverted public attention from the Israeli connection to the events in Dallas in November of 1963?  What about the Israeli role in 9-11 and the subsequent coverup of this fact by the Israeli citizens assigned to direct the official American governmental investigation of the event?
The Hidden Hand Behind the Mask of the Truth.
The Hidden Hand Behind the Mask of the Truth.
The Zionist-controlled Western media has perfected the Orwellian inversion of truth and falsehood, victim and perpetrator ongoingly.  Look at Syria, where the existence of “Jihadic extremists” being decried in France and the West for involvement in the Charlie Hebdo affair are being simultaneously financed, trained, and introduced into that country by the United States, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, Turkey, and Jordan for the express purpose of overthrowing the Alawite regime of President Assad. Look at the criminals installed by coup d’etat last February by the United States, Israel, and the EU in the Ukrainian regime headquartered in Kiev, with all of the atrocities committed by this regime in the eastern part of that country since, including the shootdown of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 falsely attributed by Western media to Vladimir Putin or Russian ethnics under his control, and the horrific Odessa Trade Union building burning.
It is noteworthy that the mastermind of these crimes, Petro Poroshenko, joined Netanyahu in Paris for the Charlie Hebdo protests.
The Odessa Trade Union Fire:  The Work of the Latest American-Installed "Government."
The Odessa Trade Union Fire: The Work of the Latest American-Installed “Government.”
These illegal actions continue the NATO encirclement of Putin’s Russia in complete contravention of George H. W. Bush’s explicit promises to Gorbachev and Shevardnadze after the end of the old Soviet Union.  This coup d’etat is also another way of punishing Putin for effectively stymying (for now) American and Israeli plans to employ overt military force against Assad, even as Jewish and CIA financed NGOs in Russia are attempting to subvert Putin and Russian Orthodox Christian resurgence from within by employing the Frankfurt School types like Pussy Riot and Elton John to attack nationalistic culture and morality in that country.  It is all a part of the playbook of the New World Order, as is the False Flag Charlie Hebdo incident and the Orwellian inversion of truth and falsehood, victim and perpetrator, that has predictably followed.
Vladimir Putin:  Opposing the Subversion of Christian Culture in Russia and the Target of the Apostles of the Zionist New World Order.
Vladimir Putin: Opposing the Subversion of Christian Culture in Russia and the Target of the Apostles of the Zionist New World Order.
4 – There is a campaign going on throughout Muslim countries named #WeLoveMuhammad. How effective do you see this campaign, especially regarding its reflection in western and US media outlets? 
It will have no appreciable effect in the Western world and in the United States, where the Zionists have a lock on the control of narrative.  Simply look at the way they have marginalized Christian anti-Zionist media critics and activists like me in America.  Having successfully achieved that, what makes anyone believe an Islamic media and political movement will be any more effective in changing the political and media neighborhood in the West?

Eric Hufschmid... Avoiding Zionist traps since 2002. Learn their tricks and join me!
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The bombing of the King David Hotel, 1946
A British documentary that explains Zionist false flag operations is here. Find the emotional strength to look into these issues!
Plus, tell people about these Rabbis who oppose Zionism.
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Don't let Jewish criminals use "anti-Semitism" as a shield!


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    Publié le : vendredi 23 janvier
    Mots-clés : Culture; France
    Commentaires : 13

    79 votes

    Bonjour Président,

    Je suis adhérent d’E&R depuis peu de temps et je tiens à vous remercier car vous, je dis bien vous, m’avez aidé à ouvrir les yeux sur le monde qui nous entoure. Cela faisait un moment que je sentais que les médias, cette bien-pensance... Bref, sans comprendre, par manque de repères, de culture historique, je sentais que quelque chose ne tournait pas rond. Et Dialogues désaccordés est arrivé. J’appréciais Naulleau, je le croyais un peu différent. Je ne vous connaissais pas vraiment. Quelle claque ! Puis j’ai acheté les Abécédaires de la bêtise ambiante. Ouah, deuxième claque, puis le site E&R, Comprendre l’empire et d’autres livres que vous éditez chez Kontre Kulture. (L’Entraide, le livre sur les travaux du Docteur Gernez, et bien d’autres).

    Depuis je comprends mieux, j’analyse mieux les événements. Mes amis ne me reconnaissent plus. Moi qui m’étais renfermé sur moi-même comme beaucoup de gens manipulés, je me suis re-ouvert aux autres, j’ai chassé cette islamophobie que l’on m’avait vendue.

    Mon combat personnel je le mène chaque jour en essayant d’inciter mes collègues, mes amis, ma famille à s’intéresser, à se documenter sur Internet, bref à retrouver un sens critique.

    Depuis que je vous lis, je lis presque tous les soirs, je ne regarde plus Touche pas à mon poste (oui je sais, j’ai honte), j’ai repris le sport, je me sens mieux car je comprends mieux.

    Pour tout cela, merci monsieur Alain Soral.

    Sachez que je ne me préoccupe pas trop des horreurs que l’on peut voir sur le Net, car je sais que c’est une manipulation pour affaiblir la dissidence à travers vous (qui êtes un des leaders, pour ne pas dire le leader). Je le pense vraiment. Vous avez mon soutien.

    Bon courage et encore merci.


    My Blog keeps get tampered with, and even blocked and posts removed, BUT ONLY WHEN IT HAS MAINLY TO DO WITH JEWS AND ISRAEL!!!
    But, this does not bother me at all as I have seen enough of this ugly JUDEO-ILLUMINATI world that I do not expect anything even from the good people, except a very few!
    (Saturday 14th of January 2017)
