Tuesday, 13 January 2015


 by BAFS


Air Asia jet “thrust down by giant hand” …of Zionism?

Malaysia finds Israel guilty of genocide, then loses three airliners in one year.
 Air Asia jet “thrust down by giant hand” …of Zionism?

  By Kevin Barrett on January 2, 2015

Dieudonné : son avocat invité d'iTELE

<a href="/channel/UCXKJrYczY2_fJEZgFPGY0HQ" class=" yt-uix-sessionlink     spf-link  g-hovercard" data-name="" data-ytid="UCXKJrYczY2_fJEZgFPGY0HQ" data-sessionlink="ei=XDC9VJaqHdKb0AWDpoDQCg">itele</a>


ON 7 JANUARY 6015 !

* Bankrupted, Porn Charlie Hebdo (Former Porn Hara-Kiri!!!)  was issuing only 60,000 copies.   After the stage killings ("GOOD FOR ISRAEL" like 9/11, REMEMBER???) which happened as soon as Rothschild had given them the State Jewish Protection of its "Liberation" Propaganda Printing offices(STINKS OF FALSE FLAG RIGHT HERE!!!), they ALMOST IMMEDIATELY bragged they would now issue WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS ONE MILLION COPIES!!!  A couple of days later they said they were now releasing THREE MILLION COPIES???  Then SEVEN MILLION!!!  JEWISH PORN MIRACLES!!!

  Jewish patrol cars out in force in London amid fears of copycat attack _ Daily Mail Online (licence plate blurred because the public must never know who those MOSSADNIKS, LUBAVITCHIS, SAYANIM... are!!!)
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« AG extraordinaire » : Hyper Cacher a bien été vendu la veille de la prise d’otages

Exclusif. Panamza s'est procuré le procès-verbal de « l'assemblée générale extraordinaire » -organisée la veille de l'attentat- au cours de laquelle le patron d'Hyper Cacher a cédé son entreprise.
Le 19.03.2015 à 22h29
C'est confirmé.
Le 30 janvier, Panamza était le premier média francophone à dévoiler une information troublante, relative aux mystérieux attentats de Paris et basée sur un article -passé sous silence par la presse hexagonale- du New York Post : Michel Edmond Mimoun Emsalem, président et actionnaire unique (depuis 2010) du magasin Hyper Cacher -dans lequel s'est déroulé l'attaque terroriste imputée à Amedy Coulibaly- avait vendu son entreprise un jour avant.

Précisément : "le 8 janvier, à 9 heures", lors d'une "assemblée générale extraodinaire". Ces précisions inédites sont extraites d'un document officiel que s'est procuré Panamza (moyennant paiement d'une dizaine d'euros) auprès du tribunal de commerce de Paris : le procès-verbal de la réunion, déposé le vendredi 13 mars (et consultable dans son intégralité ici).
Deux jours plus tard, le dimanche 15 mars, le magasin réouvrait ses portes en présence de Bernard Cazeneuve, ministre de l'Intérieur, et Laurent Mimoun, un homme vaguement présenté par le site Actualité juive comme l'un des "repreneurs, peu avant le drame".

Curieusement, ce n'est pas le nom de ce dernier qui figure dans le PV de l'AG extraodinaire  : seul est mentionné le patronyme d'un certain Julien Aboulker, jeune homme de 35 ans -déjà gérant de l'entreprise Sodiam et désormais en charge du groupe Hyper Cacher- dont la particularité réside dans son implantation commerciale en Floride, auprès de son frère Serge Aboulker. Ce dernier, citoyen de Miami Beach et soutien de la dernière opération militaire israélienne contre Gaza, a d'ailleurs été récemment interviewé par la chaîne américaine NBC à propos des Français juifs exilés aux Etats-Unis.
Dans son entretien accordé au New York Post, Michel Emsalem -un homme âgé de 50 ans qui indique vouloir bientôt rejoindre sa famille installée (depuis avril) aux Etats-Unis- évoquait une simple "coïncidence" pour expliquer la vente opportune de son magasin la veille de l'attentat.
Une opération opportune, pour cause : le secteur de l'alimentation casher a été négativement impacté par l'attaque du 9 janvier. « J'observe une baisse de fréquentation, même si je n'ai encore pas de chiffres. Et vous savez, les clients qui viennent ne s'éternisent plus beaucoup », faisait remarquer -début février- la gérante d'un établissement parisien interrogée par France Télévisions.
Même désarroi dans le reste de la France, comme l'illustre ce reportage de France 3 tourné à Nice. 

Détail singulier que révèle le PV : on y apprend que l'AG extraordinaire a été convoquée "quinze jours" auparavant via un courrier adressé par Michel Emsalem à … Michel Emsalem. Associé unique de l'entreprise, l'homme était à la fois président de l'AG, gérant de l'Hyper Cacher et président de la holding ME Invest, alors détentrice du magasin (comme le précise le PV).
Autre élement d'information atypique dans l'affaire : le dernier salarié embauché par Michel Emsalem pour diriger son magasin de la Porte de Vincennes est également celui qui a fait savoir, le premier, sa décision de ne plus y revenir. Selon Le Parisien, Patrice Oualid -présent dans l'épicerie depuis seulement quatre jours- prépare dorénavant son exil en Israël.
Quant à Emsalem, bientôt installé à New-York, le mystère demeure sur la nature et l'envergure exacte de ses réseaux. Une chose est pourtante assurée : son épouse Dinah fait partie d'un maillage singulier. Cadre dirigeante (en charge des opérations nord-américaines) du groupe français de mode SMCP, elle travaille ainsi pour le compte d'un actionnaire principal inattendu : un puissant fonds d'investissement dénommé KKR. Fondé et présidé par deux richissimes cousins juifs américains (Henry Kravis et George Roberts), ce groupe financier a réussi, à l'instar de ses illustres prédécesseurs, à embaucher en 2013 -au sein de sa gouvernance- une personnalité dotée d'une connaissance intime des services secrets occidentaux : David Petraeus, ancien directeur de la CIA.
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THE DAY2 Satans Met!


  Published on 7 May 2014

THE JEWISH GAS CHAMBER HOAX is a Revisionist documentary which provides revelatory evidence debunking the greatest hoax in human history -

"The Holocaust" -- the fraudulent claim that six million Jews were murdered by Germans, mostly in "Gas Chambers disguised as Shower Rooms."

Never before seen evidence helps prove that Treblinka was a transit camp, far from the "Pure Extermination Camp" myth currently promoted by the Holocaust religion.

In never before seen footage, Jews themselves who were transited through Treblinka describe the process of being transferred from Treblinka to other camps, along with hundreds and thousands of other men women and children. Documentation is presented which affirms that Treblinka was no top secret "pure extermination center", but a simple transit camp where many Jews took real showers in order to keep them alive.

The absurdity of diesel gassings, non-existent mass graves, forced confessions, and more are covered in THE JEWISH GAS CHAMBER HOAX, a new documentary from the filmmaker of THE LAST DAYS OF THE BIG LIE.



It is against Islamic law to ally with Shaytaan!

Mass murderer Bernard Henri-Lévi


Charlie Hebdo - The Hidden Agenda Exposed

<a href="/channel/UCEHsSWvrGVSIA63OV3J6vhA" class=" yt-uix-sessionlink     spf-link  g-hovercard" data-ytid="UCEHsSWvrGVSIA63OV3J6vhA" data-name="" data-sessionlink="ei=Qpi7VI64KqLscL3IgbAB">StormCloudsGathering</a>
Published on 17 Jan 2015
We don't have to speculate as to how this event is going to be used. It has already started. Sources, transcript and download links: http://stormcloudsgathering.com/charl...

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What am I writing which I did not write before?  Why even write when people are so dumb, afraid, zombified, selfish, materialistic, consumerist or simply so cowardly?  Animals have instinct, so say the manufacturers and users of weapons of mass destruction, but what human earthlings have that make them any better?

  The huge difference between my teachers like Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Mark Hanson and Sheikh Imran Hosein and me is that they are people of GREAT FAITH and preachers with the best scholarship and I am not, not at all, and the dumbest question I have ever asked myself for decades is: Does God really exist?  Yes, this is a dumb question and the answer is quite simply answered by another question that we need to ask ourselves as we are the only ones to have the right and only answer, and it does not matter how much others would try to convince or coerce us to believe that there is God or not.  All I know about myself is that I live and die for God whether He exists or not knowing perfectly well and not as a matter of faith (blind or otherwise) that the best way for humankind is the Way of Godly things as taught by all inspired and wise humans, Prophets and Messengers.  And personally I learn from one and all including the dumbest of us all, like, for example, Pr Alan Dershowitz and Pr Richard Dawkins, the dumbest among the alleged cleverest apes amongst humans. 

 Pope of Atheism Pr Richard Dawkins is very proud of his 'scientific' discoveries!

Far from being an intellectual holding a PhD in Excrementology or Faecology, I would say that the filthiest part of the human anatomy would be the ANUS or the ANAL ORIFICE.  Am I mistaken?  Yet, this is exactly the part of our body that is being glamourised by modern western non civilisation as being the orifice for male homosexual ‘love’ leading to ‘marriage’ between two anuses and two penises, and even to the adoption of children issued from natural non homosexual procreation.  This male to male anal orientation which used to be taught as pathology and as a psychiatric disease when I was studying medicine back in the sixties and when I taught Biology and headed that Department back in the seventies is today part of modern Normal Physiology taught to and imposed upon our youth in National public schools curricula in what I would call the modern western faecal civilisation where all is upside down and inside out and all is NEW SPEAK where nothing is true anymore except what the Excrements of the Earth say.

Those  Excrements of the Earth are running vast open prisons at home and the greatest concentration and death camps of the history of humankind abroad.  I for one have been living in an open prison for the past 23 years in the United Kingdom of Greater Israel also known as Great Britain. 

1.     I go to my local Sectarian Masjid (“mosque”) and I find it invaded by presstitutes (including Rothschild’s rag presstitute of Libération) and Bolshevik Commissars always wrongly described as Gestapos.  One Black Commissar even assaulted me for talking to a few people present and for taking pictures while an army of whores were filming and taking photographs of “Muslim Terrorists” coming out of Friday congregational prayer (Salaat) with tons of very imposing equipment.
2.     During and after that incident I received death threats and I was followed by WHOWEKNOW and my £600 worth camera was pick-pocketed right under surveillance cameras while entering Selbourne Walk Shopping Centre with my pushchair and Baby.
3.     I try to open my mouth in another Masjid, a Mauritian run one, and I am invited to shut up while at the same time I see the local Jewish Member of Parliament Harry Cohen being hugged by the Manager, one Hansa, and accompanied inside the Masjid with the “House Negro’s” arm around Cohen’s shoulder.  He and others were allowed to canvass Muslims to vote for the mass murdering regime of Tony Blair. But, it has always been custom in the West for Muslims (so-called) to vote for Satan at every election ever since colonisation.  In return they were allowed to wear modest attire (hijaab) (and worse, Niqaab!) and have Halâl (Kosher) food in schools, shops and hospitals.
4.     I took photos of my granddaughters at a “Muslim” Fête and one young “Muslim” girl managing an amusement area complained that I took her picture and called “Muslim” Security.  Some twenty of them (savages and brutes) manhandled me many times and one even called me “paedophile”!  One Black “Muslim”, their leader, tried to drag me under a tent and call the Police, and later provoked the father of my girls to a fight.  When I got freed I saw a local presstitute taking pictures for his rag.  He was not bothered and not a paedophile!  I told him about the incident.  He feigned to be interested.
5.     I go to ‘my’ Bank, Barclays, and they are promoting homosexuality.  I went today Tuesday 13 January 2015, they had the TV on and all we could hear was Muslims, Islam, terrorists, killings, and so on, and pictures were shown of British armed units ready to fight the Muslim bastards!  So, I took a picture of the television when the Manager approached me and asked me why I was doing that.  I said: Everywhere I go it’s all about Muslim terrorists and Islam, even at the doctor’s surgery.  Why don’t they kill all those Muslim bastards while they can instead of terrorising the population?  They successfully fought the Nazis, can’t they find those Muslims and get them out of Britain?  The Manager, a “Muslim”, asked me not to make any comment on site at the bank.  I replied: How come when you are the one who are aggressing us with this filth?  People are sheep; I am not!  I could speak out here because I feared no retaliation, but I had to shut up at the doctor’s surgery because of my grand children.     
6.     I go to shops and we are flooded with attacks on Muslims and Islam all day long and every single day from the propaganda media and I have never been given any right to reply, not even once in 23 years!!!
7.     And there is a lot more!   
Those  Excrements of the Earth are militarily and technologically the most powerful abominations on planet earth and they are unstoppable; and they know it given our advanced stage of Zombification.  Pakistani nukes?  Those degenerates and imbeciles!  Give me a break!  So, why change when this made the Western leadership (with their brainwashed masses) the most exclusive, the most racist, and the richest Excrements of the Earth and in world’s history?  Yet, many inhabitants living or having lived in their original geographical regions (“the West”) are just humans like most of us.So, these will not be offended by what I am writing here.  They should not!  Only the excrementologists or faecologists and the fakologists (PhDs and amateurs alike) and their acolytes will scream.  Yes, they make everything they touch filthy – the stench of hell - and they fake everything convinced that we will remain dumb for eternity or that Eretz Israel will exist forever!

Those Excrements and their Talmudist Jews financed and set up Jewish Communism or Bolshevism where the Bolsheviks murdered scores of millions of Christians and Muslims in Russia and the Muslim Republics of Central Asia, as planned.  While claiming and bragging all the time that they were defending freedom and justice they allied with the Bolsheviks during the Jewish British WWII, murdered some 55-60 million people worldwide causing some historians to call that century the Holocaust Century.  Still not happy, they murdered tens of millions in Indonesia (mostly colonised Muslims) and Indo China during a Fake Cold War.

The Excrements of the Earth then allied again with the Bolsheviks under Michael Gorbachev, International Jewry and the Vatican in order to set up together a New Judeo Zionist World Order through more wars of aggression, conquests and extermination, ethnic cleansings and genocide.  But, the only way to achieve it is to fake everything and in plain sight and the masses who have been so terrorised, enslaved, indoctrinated (literally brainwashed) and traumatised by every lie and false flag operation they carry out in order to push forward their global agenda either believe everything thrown at them or just go along with total indifference either out of fear or other personal and family reasons.  This Unholy Alliance is between decadent Jews, decadent Christians, warmongering Atheists, homosexuals, Zionists and de-Islamized Muslims.  Mainstream Muslims were already decadent, in particular the Ottomans, when they were conquered by the same Excrements of the Earth and they have been kept in slavery ever since and were never allowed to freely industrialise their countries or manufacture weapons to defend themselves.  Every single time they tried to free themselves they were ruthlessly bombed and massacred.

Those Muslims alive today are the children of (like myself) or the Survivors of Multiple Holocausts throughout History, having been colonised, neo-colonised, de-Islamized, and terrorised on a daily basis with their religion being vilified to such an extent that it fully qualifies the slave masters’ as Excrements of the Earth who never spend a day, an hour or a minute without provoking Muslims worldwide!  Decadent Christendom became the Excrements of the Earth the very day its leaders realised there was no God, no Accountability therefore for any of their crimes and abominations, but have used the Christian religion to keep the masses under control to this very day.  Christendom saw its churches being secularised (atheised), and absorbing more and more all the abominations practiced by the Excrements of the Earth, including homosexuality, homosexual ‘marriage’ and the adoption of our children after having accepted prostitution, pornography, gambling, wars of conquests and plunder, racism, usury, drugs (cigarettes, alcohol and others), incest, abortion, paedophilia, and even homosexuals and women in their priesthood.

Those Muslims who sincerely still believe in Islam and in God do not realise that they are banned by their usurious owners (slave masters) from practising Islam freely, and that the religion they are practising is false and the God they are worshipping does not exist anymore (or at best is Satan himself!) as He has lost all His Greatness in Godliness (thanks to the decadent Muslims) and has been replaced with Greatness only in Absolute Evil as practised by the Excrements of the Earth. God is no more the King or the Master and “Muslims” practice the Diin as Shaytaan!  Might and weapons of mass destruction make Right!  For this reason the Devil does not want to see any Muslim nation acquire any weapons of mass destruction, which by the way is forbidden in Islam anyway, but allowed only when it is a matter of life and death.  So, Muslims must have the deadliest weapons as a deterrent in order to survive!  No Jehovah God is going to come to their help!

Look at those stupid citizens!

This is what is expected from any British citizen, including Muslims:

 For applicants of British Citizenship:  They have to pass the Life in the UK test and to have successfully applied for citizenship.  They will then be asked to take the Citizenship Pledge at a public ceremony.  The national anthem will then be played and may be sung as a group.

The national anthem

God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen:
Send her victorious,
Happy and Glorious,
Long to reign over us:
God save the Queen.

The words of the Oath, Affirmation and Pledge (by individual or group)
Oath of allegiance
I (name) swear by Almighty God that on becoming a British citizen, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her Heirs and Successors, according to law.

Affirmation of allegiance
I (name) do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that on becoming a British citizen, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her Heirs and Successors, according to law.

I will give my loyalty to the United Kingdom and respect its rights and freedoms. I will uphold its democratic values. I will observe its laws faithfully and fulfil my duties and obligations as a British citizen.


NOW that the Excrements have been somewhat described or introduced, let me come to the point.  At long last!

  Due to political, social, economic and cultural terrorism and oppression, the conquered Muslim countries have engendered powerful groups of primitives, ignoramuses, renegades, apostates, atheists, hypocrites, traitors, and Sectarian fanatics that are recruited on a regular basis to advance the Devil’s Agenda for the Old Roman World Order revamped as the New Judeo Zionist World Order.  These together with an army of mercenaries from around the world and trained blue-eyed soldier assassins are the modern day Kalashnikov Hashashins, cut throats, head choppers, sodomisers, rapists, liver and heart eaters, in short cannibals.  They started in modern times with the European Jewish Terrorists and Death Squads who took over Palestine, those of Latin America trained and financed by the CIA under Negro Ponte, those of France during the Algerian Holocausts (3 Holocausts in all!), NATO who operate on an International level, those from the Killing Fields of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq (BlackwaterXe), Chechnya, the Balkans (Chetniks), Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Lybia (French Legion, British SAS, etc.), and other countries.

But, because the war today is against all Arabs, the Arabic language, Muslims and Islam, the name chosen for the modern Kalashnikov Hashashins are, for example, “CIA Al-Qaeda, GIA, ISIS, Boko Haram, Islamic State, Islamic Caliphate, Jihadis, Islamists, Sharia, Salafists, Wahhabis, Muslim Brotherhood” and any other name associated with Islam, Muslims or Arabs, while all those monstrous terrorists, worse than animals, are all on the payroll of the Western Secret Services, in particular MOSSAD, RAW, NATO, DGSE, MI6, and with total UN complicity.

Is it not very strange that ISMAILIS are never mentioned among those terrorists????  Did the QADIANIS not fight with the British against the Muslims and the Khilaafah?

This does not mean that some fools as well among the believing Muslims and patsies do not join the Death Squads (for “drill” purposes or for whatever other reason)!  So, while Jewish and Zionists mass murderers and warmongers (we have a whole bunch of them in France, for example, Bernard Henri-Lévi, Laurent Fabius, Bernard Kushner, Alain Finkielkraut, Jacques Attali, Arnaud Klarsfeld, all Jewish!) are on the loose and operating in total freedom and absolute impunity, the world is focused on Arabs, Muslims and Islam thanks to the media and western regimes that are owned, controlled or run by the same Warmongering Excrements of the Earth, Holocaust Manufacturers, and Hegemonists.  Their terrorists are recruited openly, but are known under various honourable and glamorised names.                      

The satirical pornographic magazine Charlie Hebdo (former Hara-Kiri) with some 60,000 issues fortnightly burned down its own place, and by the miracle of an immaculate conception Rothschild’s propaganda paper Libération immediately invites the whole pornographic crew inside their own premises to continue their orgies, blasphemies and attacks on religion, God, Christ, the Pope, Nuns, Muslims and Islam in the name of freedom of expression which they refuse to grant to Revisionists of WWII, and AS LONG AS THEY LIKE!  MOSSAD HASHASINS stage-killed a dozen or so of Charlie Hebdo’s pornographers, and by another miracle of another immaculate conception they IMMEDIATELY acquire the means to print within days of the stage killings not 60,000 pornographic issues, but ONE MILLION, as the eventual new backed by the State readership is now fully guaranteed!            

But, why go to those lengths?  I have a simple suggestion to make to the Excrements of the Earth led by Rothschild and his Freemasonic gangsters.  Nuke the 1,8, 1,6, 1,5 or whatever number of Muslims of the planet, and make sure there does not remain ONE SINGLE MUSLIM ALIVE on planet earth or hidden in some cave somewhere!  Then what???  World terrorism gone???  Western economy and civilisation saved???  Another Muhammad will be born somewhere just like today we have Malcom Xes by the tons!  They thought they killed Malcom, but Allah says HE IS NOT DEAD!  Martyrs never die!

When the Excrements of the Earth invaded the Americas and exterminated the Natives, they were not running away from “Islamic Terrorism”, but gold rushing their butts to steal, plunder, destroy and kill the “savages” and “inferior races”!  But, while human excrements or faeces are an extremely useful product that fertilise the soil, those Inhuman Monstrous Excrements of the Earth are worse than anything we can imagine!  Wherever they deposit or drop their filths (or weapons of mass destruction) nothing, absolutely nothing grows except other Excrements like themselves!  If they could exterminate the entire African and Asian type of humans, and they are trying hard to do so, and in particular the Arab type, they would turn on their own as they have done in the past because they are not only Excrements, but also Cannibals and worse! 

By the way, what happened to the SIX MILLION FRENCH MUSLIMS, a figure announced by Charles Pasqua back in the eighties, and which I mentioned in dozens of my articles?  I read some time ago there were only FIVE MILLIONS LEFT!  Today, I read there are only 4,3 MILLIONS!  What’s going on?    

On Friday 2nd of January I wrote the following on Youtube.  Sorry, I do not have time to translate.


Pendant 13 ans, je n’ai jamais cessé de constater que des Juifs et les Sionistes nous interdisaient toute liberté d’expression en France, et, surtout dans les médias qu’ils contrôlaient !  Que firent alors les bons Français ?  Ils bouffaient sans broncher toutes les merdes des Juifs et des Sionistes qu’ils nous balançaient au visage nous empoisonnant la vie en nous interdisant toute créativité.  Vivant en permanence sous la terreur des Bolcheviques et des Sionistes français, rien ne put être entrepris pour stopper cette dictature indigne d’une France libre car la Police, l’État, l’Académie, et le Judiciaire étaient à la botte des Suprématistes de la Loge franc-maçonnique du Crif et de la Licra (filiales de l’ADL de B’nai B’rith des États-Unis, et de la Ligue Internationale du Terrorisme Juif et Israélien, la LITJI ou la LDJ.

Jadis, les injures et toutes les saloperies gauloises modernes furent adressées presqu’exclusivement aux Musulmans et Musulmanes, et à leur religion, l’Islam.  Même les concepts et coutumes musulmans furent tous diabolisés dans un pays où les citoyens étaient sensés avoir le droit à leurs pratiques religieuses en toute liberté.  Ils reçurent absolument tout en plein visage sans jamais pouvoir se défendre dans un État sensé être un État de Droit et d’expression libre!  Dès qu’un quolibet n’avait plus l’effet escompté, ils optèrent pour d’autres termes, et, ils ne sont jamais à court d’idée.

Poseurs de bombes kamikazes
Frères Musulmans
Voile (Hijaab)
Coupeurs de têtes
Lapidation de femmes adultères
Racisme anti-Juifs
Prêcheurs de la haine
Polygamie (polygynie)
Mutilation par la circoncision
État Islamique
Boko Haram
Et, j’en passe !

Et, grâce à leur fichu religion d’État, le Laïcisme (Laïcité) fasciste et intolérante, la France et l’Europe (l’occident tout entier) ont produit une génération de Musulmans sans Islam authentique !  À la merde française, juive, chrétienne et laïque (athée) est venue se joindre maintenant la MERDE MUSULMANE, produit de la France raciste anti-Dieu, anti-arabe, antimusulmane et anti-islamique!

Ce vendredi 2 janvier 6015

The two responses I saw was:
  1. Not bad
  2. A prophetic text!
But, I am sure tons of analysts have said the same thing, and in particular Dr Kevin Barrett who I had in mind while writing this piece of useless garbage.  Eretz Israel, USAmerica, Europe, the so-called West in general, Britain and France have no lessons to teach us Muslims! 

We are damned! 

Sovereign Freeman-on-the-land
Tuesday 13th of January 2015



Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Norman Finkelstein réagit à l’affaire Charlie Hebdo : « Je suis…Gaza »

Crises/guerres France Liberté d'expression

Norman Finkelstein

Dans les trois « posts » réunis ci-dessous, Norman G. Finkelstein, historien et politologue américain, référence internationale sur le conflit israélo-palestinien, réagit à l’affaire « Charlie Hebdo » de manière brève mais éloquente.

Juif, enfant de rescapés du ghetto de Varsovie et d’Auschwitz, le reste de sa famille ayant disparu dans les camps nazis, Norman Finkelstein avait déjà dénoncé l’incroyable arriération de la France en ce qui concerne l’éveil politique et la liberté d’expression, notamment la liberticide loi Gayssot (cf. cet extrait vidéo comportant le fameux « Que dire d’un pays qui considère BHL comme un philosophe ?! »).

L’engagement de Norman Finkelstein pour la cause palestinienne lui a coûté son métier et sa vocation. Parce qu’il avait minutieusement démonté un ouvrage pro-israélien d’Alan Dershowitz, un BHL américain qu’il révéla comme une imposture, Norman Finkelstein fut victime d’une cabale orchestrée par ledit Dershowitz, suite à laquelle il perdit son poste d’enseignant à l’Université De Paul de Chicago. Depuis, malgré son parcours universitaire exceptionnel (Doctorat à Princeton, Professeur dans plusieurs Universités américaines, auteur et conférencier de renommée internationale), il n’a pas pu retrouver de poste.

Je suis Der Sturmer ?
Par Norman G. Finkelstein
Article original : http://normanfinkelstein.com/2015/01/13/ich-bin-der-sturmer/
Lundi 12 janvier 2015

La publication nazie Der Sturmer, éditée par Julius Streicher, était connue pour ses caricatures antisémites obscènes.

Imaginez qu’une paire de frères juifs, éperdus de douleur face à la mort et à la destruction qui s’étaient abattues sur le peuple juif, aient fait irruption dans les bureaux du journal et assassiné des membres de son personnel.
Elèverions-nous au rang de martyrs et de héros ceux qui ont choisi de se moquer des croyances profondément ancrées dans les consciences d’un peuple souffrant et méprisé ; de dégrader, rabaisser, insulter et humilier les Juifs à l’heure de leur épreuve, alors que le monde qu’ils avaient connu se désintégrait tout autour d’eux ?
Imaginez qu’un million de Berlinois se soient mobilisés pour pleurer les pornographes politiques.
Applaudirions-nous à cette manifestation de solidarité ?
Streicher a été condamné à mort durant le procès de Nuremberg.
Il n’est pas rapporté que beaucoup de personnes dans notre Occident éclairé aient versé des larmes.
Désolé, Charlie
Par Norman G. Finkelstein
Article original : http://normanfinkelstein.com/2015/01/12/sorry-charlie%E2%80%8B/
Lundi 12 janvier 2015
Après le massacre de 1000 musulmans par le dictateur égyptien Sissi en un seul jour, le journal Charlie Hebdo a publié ce titre (image de gauche) : « Le Coran c’est de la m*** : Ca n’arrête pas les balles ».

Est-ce que l’image de droite, sur laquelle on peut lire « Charlie Hebdo, c’est de la m*** : Ca n’arrête pas les balles » est inclus dans la liberté d’expression, ou est-ce considéré comme un propos offensant par le monde « épris de liberté » ?
Je suis… Gaza
Norman G. Finkelstein | 10 janvier 2015

Article original : http://normanfinkelstein.com/2015/01/10/je-suisgaza/ 

[Après un périple extrêmement ardu, un groupe d'enfants de Gaza a pu réaliser son rêve et se présenter sur la scène de l'émission populaire Arabs Got Talent, bouleversant d'émotion jury et télespectateurs (voir cet article détaillé).] 
Vidéo postée par N. Finkelstein 
(Traduction : Sayed 7asan)
Source: Sayed Hasan


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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Ankara Mayor Gökçek: Mossad is behind Paris attacks

This story brings back fond memories. My 9/11 truth tour of Turkey included a stop in Ankara, where we had private meetings in the capitol building with legislators and with the Turkish equivalent of FBI chief. The entire three-week tour included roughly 20 speaking events. During the entire visit, I only encountered one Turk who believed the official story of 9/11 – an audience member who voiced doubts about 9/11 truth in the Q&A after the talk in Istanbul. Everyone else, including the thousands who came to the various events, and the government officials I met, took it for granted that 9/11 was an inside job. -KB

Mayor Gökçek
Today's Zaman

Ankara Mayor Melih Gökçek has alleged that last week's deadly attacks on a French satirical magazine and a kosher supermarket in Paris that left 17 people dead are the result of France expressing support for Palestine, and that Israeli intelligence is behind the attacks, the semi-official Anadolu news agency reported.

According to a report from Anadolu circulating in the Turkish media, Gökçek attended the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Gölbaşı youth branch fourth ordinary district congress on Sunday and mentioned the terrorist attacks in France. He said Israel was annoyed with the lower house of French parliament for voting for the recognition of a Palestinian state and with France's vote in favor of a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution calling for the same recognition.

“Israel certainly doesn't want this sentiment to expand in Europe. That's why it is certain that Mossad is behind these kinds of incidents. Mossad enflames Islamophobia by causing such incidents,” Gökçek said.

He claimed that after the Paris attacks, around 50 mosques and some Muslim individuals had been targeted but such incidents were not reported on by the international media.

“Palestine being recognized as a state is why these [attacks] have taken place,” he concluded.

The Paris attacks, in which journalists and policemen were among those killed, began with a shooting at the satirical Charlie Hebdo newspaper on Jan. 7, and ended with people being taken hostage at a kosher supermarket on Jan. 9. The four victims killed in the supermarket attack were all Jews.

Gökçek, known for his controversial remarks, also recently claimed that black ice on the roads of Ankara, which caused more than 100 traffic accidents last month, was the work of unidentified people who deliberately turned on garden sprinklers by the roadside to cause ice to form.

Last summer, Gökçek also tweeted that the Israeli consulate in Turkey should be closed. “We don't want a representative of murderers in Turkey,” he said.

In 2013, he launched a Twitter campaign against BBC Turkish service journalist Selin Girit for her reporting on a meeting held by protesters at Yoğurtçu Park in İstanbul via social media, accusing Girit of being an "English agent" and of engaging in "treachery to her nation."

1 comment:

  1. This quotation is incorrectly written. It should be as quoted by the Jewish (Rothschild) newspaper “Libération” that has sheltered Charlie Hebdo satirical pornographers (as long as they like!) since they themselves (as it has been said) burned down their offices and moved there!
    «Ceux qui ont commis ces actes, ces terroristes, ces illuminés, ces fanatiques, n’ont rien à voir avec la religion musulmane»
    François Hollande is quoted in the same paper as calling what happened in a Kosher shop as a horrible anti-Semitic act “un acte antisémite effroyable”.
    P.S. “Illuminés” is translated as lunatics, crazies, but not Illuminati. François Hollande is Illuminati himself and promotes Freemasonry!
