Malaysia finds Israel guilty of genocide, then loses three airliners in one year.
Air Asia jet “thrust down by giant hand” …of Zionism?
By Kevin Barrett on January 2, 2015
ON 7 JANUARY 6015 !
* Bankrupted, Porn Charlie Hebdo (Former Porn Hara-Kiri!!!) was issuing only 60,000 copies. After the stage killings ("GOOD FOR ISRAEL" like 9/11, REMEMBER???) which happened as soon as Rothschild had given them the State Jewish Protection of its "Liberation" Propaganda Printing offices(STINKS OF FALSE FLAG RIGHT HERE!!!), they ALMOST IMMEDIATELY bragged they would now issue WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS ONE MILLION COPIES!!! A couple of days later they said they were now releasing THREE MILLION COPIES??? Then SEVEN MILLION!!! JEWISH PORN MIRACLES!!!
Jewish patrol cars out in force in London amid fears of copycat attack _ Daily Mail Online (licence plate blurred because the public must never know who those MOSSADNIKS, LUBAVITCHIS, SAYANIM... are!!!)
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« AG extraordinaire » : Hyper Cacher a bien été vendu la veille de la prise d’otages
Panamza s'est procuré le procès-verbal de « l'assemblée générale
extraordinaire » -organisée la veille de l'attentat- au cours
de laquelle le patron d'Hyper Cacher a cédé son entreprise.
Le 19.03.2015 à 22h29
C'est confirmé.
Le 30 janvier, Panamza était le premier média francophone à dévoiler une information troublante, relative aux mystérieux attentats de Paris et basée sur un article -passé sous silence par la presse hexagonale- du New York Post : Michel Edmond Mimoun Emsalem, président et actionnaire unique (depuis 2010) du magasin Hyper Cacher -dans lequel s'est déroulé l'attaque terroriste imputée à Amedy Coulibaly- avait vendu son entreprise un jour avant.
Précisément : "le 8 janvier, à 9 heures", lors d'une "assemblée générale extraodinaire". Ces précisions inédites sont extraites d'un document officiel que s'est procuré Panamza (moyennant paiement d'une dizaine d'euros) auprès du tribunal de commerce de Paris : le procès-verbal de la réunion, déposé le vendredi 13 mars (et consultable dans son intégralité ici).
Deux jours plus tard, le dimanche 15 mars, le magasin réouvrait ses portes en présence de Bernard Cazeneuve, ministre de l'Intérieur, et Laurent Mimoun, un homme vaguement présenté par le site Actualité juive comme l'un des "repreneurs, peu avant le drame".
ce n'est pas le nom de ce dernier qui figure dans le PV de l'AG
extraodinaire : seul est mentionné le patronyme d'un certain Julien
Aboulker, jeune homme de 35 ans -déjà gérant de l'entreprise Sodiam et désormais en charge du groupe Hyper Cacher- dont la particularité réside dans son implantation commerciale en Floride, auprès de son frère Serge Aboulker. Ce dernier, citoyen de Miami Beach et soutien de la dernière opération militaire israélienne contre Gaza, a d'ailleurs été récemment interviewé par la chaîne américaine NBC à propos des Français juifs exilés aux Etats-Unis.
Dans son entretien accordé au New York Post, Michel Emsalem -un homme âgé de 50 ans qui indique vouloir bientôt rejoindre sa famille installée (depuis avril) aux Etats-Unis- évoquait une simple "coïncidence" pour expliquer la vente opportune de son magasin la veille de l'attentat.
opération opportune, pour cause : le secteur de l'alimentation casher a
été négativement impacté par l'attaque du 9 janvier. « J'observe
une baisse de fréquentation, même si je n'ai encore pas de chiffres. Et
vous savez, les clients qui viennent ne s'éternisent plus beaucoup », faisait remarquer -début février- la gérante d'un établissement parisien interrogée par France Télévisions.
Même désarroi dans le reste de la France, comme l'illustre ce reportage de France 3 tourné à Nice.
Détail singulier que révèle le PV : on y apprend que l'AG extraordinaire a été convoquée "quinze jours"
auparavant via un courrier adressé par Michel Emsalem à … Michel
Emsalem. Associé unique de l'entreprise, l'homme était à la fois
président de l'AG, gérant de l'Hyper Cacher et président de la holding ME Invest, alors détentrice du magasin (comme le précise le PV).
élement d'information atypique dans l'affaire : le dernier salarié
embauché par Michel Emsalem pour diriger son magasin de la Porte de
Vincennes est également celui qui a fait savoir, le premier, sa décision
de ne plus y revenir. Selon Le Parisien, Patrice Oualid -présent dans l'épicerie depuis seulement quatre jours- prépare dorénavant son exil en Israël.
à Emsalem, bientôt installé à New-York, le mystère demeure sur la
nature et l'envergure exacte de ses réseaux. Une chose est pourtante
assurée : son épouse Dinah fait partie d'un maillage singulier. Cadre dirigeante (en charge des opérations nord-américaines) du groupe français de mode SMCP, elle travaille ainsi pour le compte d'un actionnaire principal inattendu : un puissant fonds d'investissement dénommé KKR. Fondé et présidé par deux richissimes cousins juifs américains (Henry Kravis et George Roberts), ce groupe financier a réussi, à l'instar de ses illustres prédécesseurs,
à embaucher en 2013 -au sein de sa gouvernance- une personnalité dotée
d'une connaissance intime des services secrets occidentaux : David Petraeus, ancien directeur de la CIA.
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THE DAY2 Satans Met!
Published on 7 May 2014
JEWISH GAS CHAMBER HOAX is a Revisionist documentary which provides
revelatory evidence debunking the greatest hoax in human history -
"The Holocaust" -- the fraudulent claim that six million Jews were murdered by Germans, mostly in "Gas Chambers disguised as Shower Rooms."
Never before seen evidence helps prove that Treblinka was a transit camp, far from the "Pure Extermination Camp" myth currently promoted by the Holocaust religion.
In never before seen footage, Jews themselves who were transited through Treblinka describe the process of being transferred from Treblinka to other camps, along with hundreds and thousands of other men women and children. Documentation is presented which affirms that Treblinka was no top secret "pure extermination center", but a simple transit camp where many Jews took real showers in order to keep them alive.
The absurdity of diesel gassings, non-existent mass graves, forced confessions, and more are covered in THE JEWISH GAS CHAMBER HOAX, a new documentary from the filmmaker of THE LAST DAYS OF THE BIG LIE.
"The Holocaust" -- the fraudulent claim that six million Jews were murdered by Germans, mostly in "Gas Chambers disguised as Shower Rooms."
Never before seen evidence helps prove that Treblinka was a transit camp, far from the "Pure Extermination Camp" myth currently promoted by the Holocaust religion.
In never before seen footage, Jews themselves who were transited through Treblinka describe the process of being transferred from Treblinka to other camps, along with hundreds and thousands of other men women and children. Documentation is presented which affirms that Treblinka was no top secret "pure extermination center", but a simple transit camp where many Jews took real showers in order to keep them alive.
The absurdity of diesel gassings, non-existent mass graves, forced confessions, and more are covered in THE JEWISH GAS CHAMBER HOAX, a new documentary from the filmmaker of THE LAST DAYS OF THE BIG LIE.
Mass murderer Bernard Henri-Lévi
Charlie Hebdo - The Hidden Agenda Exposed
Published on 17 Jan 2015
don't have to speculate as to how this event is going to be used. It
has already started. Sources, transcript and download links: http://stormcloudsgathering.com/charl...
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What am I writing which I did not write
before? Why even write when people are
so dumb, afraid, zombified, selfish, materialistic, consumerist or simply so
cowardly? Animals have instinct, so say
the manufacturers and users of weapons of mass destruction, but what human
earthlings have that make them any better?
The huge
difference between
my teachers like Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Mark Hanson and Sheikh Imran Hosein and me is
that they are people of GREAT FAITH and
preachers with the best scholarship and I am not, not at all, and the dumbest
question I have ever asked myself for decades is: Does God really exist? Yes,
this is a dumb question and the answer is quite simply answered by another
question that we need to ask ourselves as we are the only ones to have the right
and only answer, and it does not matter how much others would try to convince
or coerce us to believe that there is God or not. All I know about myself is that I live and die for God whether He exists or
not knowing perfectly well and not as a matter of faith (blind or otherwise)
that the best way for humankind is the Way of Godly things as taught by all
inspired and wise humans, Prophets and Messengers. And personally I learn from one and all
including the dumbest of us all, like, for example, Pr Alan Dershowitz and Pr
Richard Dawkins, the dumbest among the alleged cleverest apes amongst humans.
Pope of Atheism Pr Richard Dawkins is very proud of his 'scientific' discoveries!
Far from being an intellectual holding a PhD in
Excrementology or Faecology, I would say that the filthiest part of the human anatomy would be the ANUS or the ANAL ORIFICE. Am I
mistaken? Yet, this is exactly the part
of our body that is being glamourised by modern western non civilisation as
being the orifice for male homosexual ‘love’ leading to ‘marriage’ between two
anuses and two penises, and even to the adoption of children issued from
natural non homosexual procreation. This
male to male anal orientation which used to be taught as pathology and as a psychiatric
disease when I was studying medicine back in the sixties and when I taught
Biology and headed that Department back in the seventies is today part of
modern Normal Physiology taught to and imposed upon our youth in National
public schools curricula in what I would call the modern western faecal
civilisation where all is upside down and inside out and all is NEW SPEAK where
nothing is true anymore except what the Excrements
of the Earth say.
Those Excrements
of the Earth are running
vast open prisons at home and the greatest concentration and death camps of the
history of humankind abroad. I for one
have been living in an open prison for the past 23 years in the United Kingdom
of Greater Israel also known as Great Britain.
1. I go to my local Sectarian Masjid
(“mosque”) and I find it invaded by presstitutes (including Rothschild’s rag
presstitute of Libération) and
Bolshevik Commissars always wrongly described as Gestapos. One Black Commissar even assaulted me for talking
to a few people present and for taking pictures while an army of whores were filming
and taking photographs of “Muslim Terrorists” coming out of Friday
congregational prayer (Salaat) with tons of very imposing equipment.
2. During and after that incident I
received death threats and I was followed by WHOWEKNOW and my £600 worth camera
was pick-pocketed right under surveillance cameras while entering Selbourne
Walk Shopping Centre with my pushchair and Baby.
3. I try to open my mouth in another
Masjid, a Mauritian run one, and I am invited to shut up while at the same time
I see the local Jewish Member of Parliament Harry Cohen being hugged by the
Manager, one Hansa, and accompanied inside the Masjid with the “House Negro’s”
arm around Cohen’s shoulder. He and
others were allowed to canvass Muslims to vote for the mass murdering regime of
Tony Blair. But, it has always been custom in the West for Muslims (so-called)
to vote for Satan at every election ever since colonisation. In return they were allowed to wear modest
attire (hijaab) (and worse, Niqaab!) and have Halâl (Kosher) food in schools, shops
and hospitals.
4. I took photos of my granddaughters
at a “Muslim” Fête and one young “Muslim” girl managing an amusement area complained
that I took her picture and called “Muslim” Security. Some twenty of them (savages and brutes) manhandled
me many times and one even called me “paedophile”! One Black “Muslim”, their leader, tried to
drag me under a tent and call the Police, and later provoked the father of my
girls to a fight. When I got freed I saw
a local presstitute taking pictures for his rag. He was not bothered and not a
paedophile! I told him about the
incident. He feigned to be interested.
5. I go to ‘my’ Bank, Barclays, and
they are promoting homosexuality. I went
today Tuesday 13 January 2015, they had the TV on and all we could hear was
Muslims, Islam, terrorists, killings, and so on, and pictures were shown of British
armed units ready to fight the Muslim bastards!
So, I took a picture of the television when the Manager approached me
and asked me why I was doing that. I
said: Everywhere I go it’s all about Muslim terrorists and Islam, even at the
doctor’s surgery. Why don’t they kill
all those Muslim bastards while they can instead of terrorising the
population? They successfully fought the
Nazis, can’t they find those Muslims and get them out of Britain? The Manager, a “Muslim”, asked me not to make any
comment on site at the bank. I replied:
How come when you are the one who are aggressing us with this filth? People are sheep; I am not! I could speak out here because I feared no
retaliation, but I had to shut up at the doctor’s surgery because of my grand
6. I go to shops and we are flooded
with attacks on Muslims and Islam all day long and every single day from the
propaganda media and I have never been given any right to reply, not even once
in 23 years!!!
7. And there is a lot more!
Those Excrements
of the Earth are militarily
and technologically the most powerful abominations on planet earth and they are
unstoppable; and they know it given our advanced stage of Zombification. Pakistani nukes? Those degenerates and imbeciles! Give me a break! So, why change when this made the Western
leadership (with their brainwashed masses) the most exclusive, the most racist,
and the richest Excrements of the Earth and in world’s history? Yet, many inhabitants living or having lived
in their original geographical regions (“the West”) are just humans like most
of us.* So, these will not be offended by
what I am writing here. They should
not! Only the excrementologists or
faecologists and the fakologists (PhDs and amateurs alike) and their acolytes
will scream. Yes, they make everything
they touch filthy – the stench of hell - and they fake everything convinced
that we will remain dumb for eternity or that Eretz Israel will exist forever!
Those Excrements and their Talmudist Jews financed and set up Jewish
Communism or Bolshevism where the Bolsheviks murdered scores of millions of
Christians and Muslims in Russia and the Muslim Republics of Central Asia, as
planned. While claiming and bragging all
the time that they were defending freedom and justice they allied with the
Bolsheviks during the Jewish British WWII, murdered some 55-60 million people
worldwide causing some historians to call that century the Holocaust
Century. Still not happy, they murdered
tens of millions in Indonesia (mostly colonised Muslims) and Indo China during
a Fake Cold War.
The Excrements of the Earth then allied again with the
Bolsheviks under Michael Gorbachev, International Jewry and the Vatican in
order to set up together a New Judeo
Zionist World Order through more wars of aggression, conquests and
extermination, ethnic cleansings and genocide.
But, the only way to achieve it is to fake everything and in plain sight
and the masses who have been so terrorised, enslaved, indoctrinated (literally
brainwashed) and traumatised by every lie and false flag operation they carry
out in order to push forward their global agenda either believe everything
thrown at them or just go along with total indifference either out of fear or
other personal and family reasons. This
Unholy Alliance is between decadent Jews, decadent Christians, warmongering
Atheists, homosexuals, Zionists and de-Islamized Muslims. Mainstream Muslims were already decadent, in
particular the Ottomans, when they were conquered by the same Excrements of the Earth and they have
been kept in slavery ever since and were never allowed to freely industrialise
their countries or manufacture weapons to defend themselves. Every single time they tried to free themselves
they were ruthlessly bombed and massacred.
Those Muslims alive today are the children of (like
myself) or the Survivors of Multiple
Holocausts throughout History, having
been colonised, neo-colonised, de-Islamized, and terrorised on a daily basis
with their religion being vilified to such an extent that it fully qualifies
the slave masters’ as Excrements of the
Earth who never spend a day, an
hour or a minute without provoking Muslims worldwide! Decadent Christendom became the Excrements of the Earth the very day its
leaders realised there was no God, no Accountability therefore for any of their
crimes and abominations, but have used the Christian religion to keep the
masses under control to this very day.
Christendom saw its churches being secularised (atheised), and absorbing
more and more all the abominations practiced by the Excrements of the Earth, including homosexuality, homosexual
‘marriage’ and the adoption of our children after having accepted prostitution,
pornography, gambling, wars of conquests and plunder, racism, usury, drugs
(cigarettes, alcohol and others), incest, abortion, paedophilia, and even
homosexuals and women in their priesthood.
Those Muslims who sincerely still believe in Islam
and in God do not
realise that they are banned by their usurious owners (slave masters) from
practising Islam freely, and that the religion they are practising is false and
the God they are worshipping does not exist anymore (or at best is Satan
himself!) as He has lost all His Greatness in Godliness (thanks to the decadent
Muslims) and has been replaced with Greatness only in Absolute Evil as
practised by the Excrements of the Earth.
God is no more the King or the Master and “Muslims” practice the Diin as
Shaytaan! Might and weapons of mass
destruction make Right! For this reason
the Devil does not want to see any Muslim nation acquire any weapons of mass
destruction, which by the way is forbidden in Islam anyway, but allowed only
when it is a matter of life and death.
So, Muslims must have the deadliest weapons as a deterrent in order to
survive! No Jehovah God is going to come to their help!
Look at those stupid citizens!
This is what is expected from any British
citizen, including Muslims:
For applicants of British Citizenship: They have to pass the Life in the UK test and to have successfully applied for citizenship. They will then be asked to take the Citizenship Pledge at a public ceremony. The national anthem will then be played and may be sung as a group.
The national anthem
God save our gracious Queen,Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen:
Send her victorious,
Happy and Glorious,
Long to reign over us:
God save the Queen.
The words of the Oath, Affirmation and Pledge (by individual or group)
Oath of allegiance
I (name) swear by Almighty God that on becoming a British citizen, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her Heirs and Successors, according to law.
Affirmation of allegiance
I (name) do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that on becoming a British citizen, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her Heirs and Successors, according to law.
I will give my loyalty to the United Kingdom and respect its rights and freedoms. I will uphold its democratic values. I will observe its laws faithfully and fulfil my duties and obligations as a British citizen.
NOW that the Excrements have been somewhat described or introduced, let me come to the point. At long last!
Due to political, social, economic and
cultural terrorism and oppression, the conquered Muslim countries have
engendered powerful groups of primitives, ignoramuses, renegades, apostates,
atheists, hypocrites, traitors, and Sectarian fanatics that are recruited on a
regular basis to advance the Devil’s Agenda for the Old Roman World Order revamped as the New Judeo Zionist World Order.
These together with an army of mercenaries from around the world and
trained blue-eyed soldier assassins are the modern day Kalashnikov Hashashins, cut throats, head choppers, sodomisers, rapists,
liver and heart eaters, in short cannibals.
They started in modern times with the European Jewish Terrorists and
Death Squads who took over Palestine, those of Latin America trained and
financed by the CIA under Negro Ponte, those of France during the Algerian
Holocausts (3 Holocausts in all!), NATO who operate on an International level,
those from the Killing Fields of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Palestine, Lebanon,
Iraq (BlackwaterXe), Chechnya, the Balkans (Chetniks), Syria, Afghanistan,
Sudan, Lybia (French Legion, British SAS, etc.), and other countries.
But, because the war today is against all Arabs,
the Arabic language, Muslims and Islam, the name chosen for the modern Kalashnikov Hashashins
are, for example, “CIA Al-Qaeda, GIA, ISIS, Boko Haram, Islamic State, Islamic
Caliphate, Jihadis, Islamists, Sharia, Salafists, Wahhabis, Muslim Brotherhood”
and any other name associated with Islam, Muslims or Arabs, while all those
monstrous terrorists, worse than animals, are all on the payroll of the Western
Secret Services, in particular MOSSAD, RAW, NATO, DGSE, MI6, and with total UN
Is it not very strange that ISMAILIS are never
mentioned among those terrorists???? Did
the QADIANIS not fight with the British against the Muslims and the Khilaafah?
This does not mean that some fools as well among
the believing Muslims and patsies do not join the Death Squads (for “drill”
purposes or for whatever other reason)!
So, while Jewish and Zionists mass murderers and warmongers (we have a whole
bunch of them in France, for example, Bernard Henri-Lévi, Laurent Fabius,
Bernard Kushner, Alain Finkielkraut, Jacques Attali, Arnaud Klarsfeld, all
Jewish!) are on the loose and operating in total freedom and absolute impunity,
the world is focused on Arabs, Muslims and Islam thanks to the media and
western regimes that are owned, controlled or run by the same Warmongering Excrements of the Earth, Holocaust Manufacturers, and Hegemonists. Their terrorists are recruited openly, but
are known under various honourable and glamorised names.
The satirical pornographic magazine Charlie Hebdo (former Hara-Kiri) with some
60,000 issues fortnightly burned down its own place, and by the miracle of an
immaculate conception Rothschild’s propaganda paper Libération immediately invites the whole pornographic crew inside
their own premises to continue their orgies, blasphemies and attacks on
religion, God, Christ, the Pope, Nuns, Muslims and Islam in the name of freedom
of expression which they refuse to grant to Revisionists of WWII, and AS LONG
AS THEY LIKE! MOSSAD HASHASINS stage-killed a dozen or so of Charlie Hebdo’s
pornographers, and by another miracle of another immaculate conception they IMMEDIATELY acquire the means to print
within days of the stage killings not 60,000 pornographic issues, but ONE MILLION, as the eventual new backed by
the State readership is now fully guaranteed!
But, why go to those lengths?
I have a simple suggestion to make to the Excrements of the Earth led by Rothschild and his Freemasonic
gangsters. Nuke the 1,8, 1,6, 1,5 or
whatever number of Muslims of the planet, and make sure there does not remain ONE SINGLE MUSLIM ALIVE on planet earth
or hidden in some cave somewhere! Then what??? World terrorism gone??? Western economy and civilisation saved??? Another Muhammad will be born somewhere
just like today we have Malcom Xes by the tons!
They thought they killed Malcom, but Allah says HE IS NOT DEAD! Martyrs
never die!
When the Excrements of the Earth invaded the Americas and
exterminated the Natives, they were not running away from “Islamic Terrorism”,
but gold rushing their butts to steal, plunder, destroy and kill the “savages”
and “inferior races”! But, while human
excrements or faeces are an extremely useful product that fertilise the soil,
those Inhuman Monstrous Excrements of the Earth are worse than
anything we can imagine! Wherever they
deposit or drop their filths (or weapons of mass destruction) nothing,
absolutely nothing grows except other Excrements like themselves! If they could exterminate the entire African
and Asian type of humans, and they are trying hard to do so, and in particular
the Arab type, they would turn on their own as they have done in the past
because they are not only Excrements,
but also Cannibals and worse!
By the way, what happened to the SIX MILLION FRENCH
figure announced by Charles Pasqua back in the eighties, and which I mentioned
in dozens of my articles? I read some
time ago there were only FIVE MILLIONS
LEFT! Today, I read there are only 4,3 MILLIONS! What’s going on?
On Friday 2nd of January I wrote the following on
Youtube. Sorry, I do not have time to
Pendant 13 ans, je n’ai jamais cessé de constater que des Juifs et les Sionistes nous interdisaient toute liberté d’expression en France, et, surtout dans les médias qu’ils contrôlaient ! Que firent alors les bons Français ? Ils bouffaient sans broncher toutes les merdes des Juifs et des Sionistes qu’ils nous balançaient au visage nous empoisonnant la vie en nous interdisant toute créativité. Vivant en permanence sous la terreur des Bolcheviques et des Sionistes français, rien ne put être entrepris pour stopper cette dictature indigne d’une France libre car la Police, l’État, l’Académie, et le Judiciaire étaient à la botte des Suprématistes de la Loge franc-maçonnique du Crif et de la Licra (filiales de l’ADL de B’nai B’rith des États-Unis, et de la Ligue Internationale du Terrorisme Juif et Israélien, la LITJI ou la LDJ.
Jadis, les injures et toutes les saloperies gauloises modernes furent adressées presqu’exclusivement aux Musulmans et Musulmanes, et à leur religion, l’Islam. Même les concepts et coutumes musulmans furent tous diabolisés dans un pays où les citoyens étaient sensés avoir le droit à leurs pratiques religieuses en toute liberté. Ils reçurent absolument tout en plein visage sans jamais pouvoir se défendre dans un État sensé être un État de Droit et d’expression libre! Dès qu’un quolibet n’avait plus l’effet escompté, ils optèrent pour d’autres termes, et, ils ne sont jamais à court d’idée.
Poseurs de bombes kamikazes
Frères Musulmans
Voile (Hijaab)
Coupeurs de têtes
Lapidation de femmes adultères
Racisme anti-Juifs
Prêcheurs de la haine
Polygamie (polygynie)
Mutilation par la circoncision
État Islamique
Pendant 13 ans, je n’ai jamais cessé de constater que des Juifs et les Sionistes nous interdisaient toute liberté d’expression en France, et, surtout dans les médias qu’ils contrôlaient ! Que firent alors les bons Français ? Ils bouffaient sans broncher toutes les merdes des Juifs et des Sionistes qu’ils nous balançaient au visage nous empoisonnant la vie en nous interdisant toute créativité. Vivant en permanence sous la terreur des Bolcheviques et des Sionistes français, rien ne put être entrepris pour stopper cette dictature indigne d’une France libre car la Police, l’État, l’Académie, et le Judiciaire étaient à la botte des Suprématistes de la Loge franc-maçonnique du Crif et de la Licra (filiales de l’ADL de B’nai B’rith des États-Unis, et de la Ligue Internationale du Terrorisme Juif et Israélien, la LITJI ou la LDJ.
Jadis, les injures et toutes les saloperies gauloises modernes furent adressées presqu’exclusivement aux Musulmans et Musulmanes, et à leur religion, l’Islam. Même les concepts et coutumes musulmans furent tous diabolisés dans un pays où les citoyens étaient sensés avoir le droit à leurs pratiques religieuses en toute liberté. Ils reçurent absolument tout en plein visage sans jamais pouvoir se défendre dans un État sensé être un État de Droit et d’expression libre! Dès qu’un quolibet n’avait plus l’effet escompté, ils optèrent pour d’autres termes, et, ils ne sont jamais à court d’idée.
Poseurs de bombes kamikazes
Frères Musulmans
Voile (Hijaab)
Coupeurs de têtes
Lapidation de femmes adultères
Racisme anti-Juifs
Prêcheurs de la haine
Polygamie (polygynie)
Mutilation par la circoncision
État Islamique
Boko Haram
Et, j’en
passe !
Et, grâce à leur fichu religion d’État, le Laïcisme (Laïcité) fasciste et intolérante, la France et l’Europe (l’occident tout entier) ont produit une génération de Musulmans sans Islam authentique ! À la merde française, juive, chrétienne et laïque (athée) est venue se joindre maintenant la MERDE MUSULMANE, produit de la France raciste anti-Dieu, anti-arabe, antimusulmane et anti-islamique!
Ce vendredi 2 janvier 6015”
Et, grâce à leur fichu religion d’État, le Laïcisme (Laïcité) fasciste et intolérante, la France et l’Europe (l’occident tout entier) ont produit une génération de Musulmans sans Islam authentique ! À la merde française, juive, chrétienne et laïque (athée) est venue se joindre maintenant la MERDE MUSULMANE, produit de la France raciste anti-Dieu, anti-arabe, antimusulmane et anti-islamique!
Ce vendredi 2 janvier 6015”
The two
responses I saw was:
- Not bad
- A prophetic text!
But, I am sure tons
of analysts have said the same thing, and in particular Dr Kevin Barrett who I
had in mind while writing this piece of useless garbage. Eretz Israel, USAmerica, Europe, the
so-called West in general, Britain and France have no lessons to teach us
are damned!
Tuesday 13th
of January 2015
Dans les trois « posts » réunis ci-dessous, Norman G. Finkelstein, historien et politologue américain, référence internationale sur le conflit israélo-palestinien, réagit à l’affaire « Charlie Hebdo » de manière brève mais éloquente.
Juif, enfant de rescapés du ghetto de Varsovie et d’Auschwitz, le reste de sa famille ayant disparu dans les camps nazis, Norman Finkelstein avait déjà dénoncé l’incroyable arriération de la France en ce qui concerne l’éveil politique et la liberté d’expression, notamment la liberticide loi Gayssot (cf. cet extrait vidéo comportant le fameux « Que dire d’un pays qui considère BHL comme un philosophe ?! »).
L’engagement de Norman Finkelstein pour la cause palestinienne lui a coûté son métier et sa vocation. Parce qu’il avait minutieusement démonté un ouvrage pro-israélien d’Alan Dershowitz, un BHL américain qu’il révéla comme une imposture, Norman Finkelstein fut victime d’une cabale orchestrée par ledit Dershowitz, suite à laquelle il perdit son poste d’enseignant à l’Université De Paul de Chicago. Depuis, malgré son parcours universitaire exceptionnel (Doctorat à Princeton, Professeur dans plusieurs Universités américaines, auteur et conférencier de renommée internationale), il n’a pas pu retrouver de poste.
Je suis Der Sturmer ?
Par Norman G. Finkelstein
Article original : http://normanfinkelstein.com/2015/01/13/ich-bin-der-sturmer/
Lundi 12 janvier 2015
La publication nazie Der Sturmer, éditée par Julius Streicher, était connue pour ses caricatures antisémites obscènes.
Imaginez qu’une paire de frères juifs, éperdus de douleur face à la mort et à la destruction qui s’étaient abattues sur le peuple juif, aient fait irruption dans les bureaux du journal et assassiné des membres de son personnel.
Elèverions-nous au rang de martyrs et de héros ceux qui ont choisi de se moquer des croyances profondément ancrées dans les consciences d’un peuple souffrant et méprisé ; de dégrader, rabaisser, insulter et humilier les Juifs à l’heure de leur épreuve, alors que le monde qu’ils avaient connu se désintégrait tout autour d’eux ?
Imaginez qu’un million de Berlinois se soient mobilisés pour pleurer les pornographes politiques.
Applaudirions-nous à cette manifestation de solidarité ?
Streicher a été condamné à mort durant le procès de Nuremberg.
Il n’est pas rapporté que beaucoup de personnes dans notre Occident éclairé aient versé des larmes.
Désolé, Charlie
Par Norman G. Finkelstein
Article original : http://normanfinkelstein.com/2015/01/12/sorry-charlie%E2%80%8B/
Lundi 12 janvier 2015
Après le massacre de 1000 musulmans par le dictateur égyptien Sissi en un seul jour, le journal Charlie Hebdo a publié ce titre (image de gauche) : « Le Coran c’est de la m*** : Ca n’arrête pas les balles ».
Est-ce que l’image de droite, sur laquelle on peut lire « Charlie Hebdo, c’est de la m*** : Ca n’arrête pas les balles » est inclus dans la liberté d’expression, ou est-ce considéré comme un propos offensant par le monde « épris de liberté » ?
Je suis… Gaza
Norman G. Finkelstein | 10 janvier 2015
Article original : http://normanfinkelstein.com/2015/01/10/je-suisgaza/
[Après un périple extrêmement ardu, un groupe d'enfants de Gaza a pu réaliser son rêve et se présenter sur la scène de l'émission populaire Arabs Got Talent, bouleversant d'émotion jury et télespectateurs (voir cet article détaillé).]
Vidéo postée par N. Finkelstein
(Traduction : Sayed 7asan)
Source: Sayed Hasan
Pour s’attirer la sympathie des racailles islamisantes Dieudonné Officiel leur a fait un message sur mesure. Il fait l’apologie du terroriste islamiste « Coulibaly » en toute impunité en déclarant qu’ à la suite de la marche républicaine pour Charlie, il se sentait « Coulibaly » !
Rappelons que le terroristes islamistes malien en fidèle serviteur du coran avait projeté d’attaquer des écoles et de massacrer des enfants juifs.
Par ses propos haineux et incitant à la haine du juif, Dieudonné ainsi que Soral portent une lourde responsabilité sur toutes les attaques et meurtres qui ont été perpétré contre les juifs ces dernières années.
Les pouvoirs public ne faisant rien pour les mettre hors d’état de nuire, souhaitons qu’un « déséquilibré, un poète, ou un troubadour » butent ces bêtes sauvages que sont Dieudonné et Soral comme a été buté leur modèle « Coulibaly ».
Une enquête a été ouverte lundi pour apologie du terrorisme à l'encontre
du polémiste Dieudonné, qui a écrit dimanche sur sa page Facebook: "Je
me sens Charlie Coulibaly", a annoncé le parquet de Paris.
The man who killed and murdered 17 journalists, killed 500 babies, killed over 1500 civilians should not be marching in Paris, but should be marching to jail for crimes he committed and continues to commit in Palestine specifically in Gaza.
One should not have any objections if those leading the front line believed in Free Speech and practice it freely it at home. Most of the participants have little tolerance if any for free speech and dissent, with hardly any authorizations granted to citizens to assemble in public and demonstrate, or for free editorial that critical heads of state or government ministers or officials.
Many of those leaders are responsible for the jailing of dissident, those expressing their public opinions speaking up on issues such as human rights, corruption, failings, incompetency, lacks of transparency and mismanagement in their countries.
One must not be surprised that some of leaders in the front and second line represent the most repressive regimes in the world, governing without public mandate, without open free elections and some who made it a policy to loot the nation and the people’s wealth/
Hypocrisy has been the standard modes operandi at Charlie Hebdo, with the satirical magazine never an equal offender but targeted Islam and Muslims and Catholics for its headlines. Its decision to re-publish caricature of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) for its national and international edition this week with planned 3 millions copies, and distributions in some 20 countries is a an affirmations of its deliberate policy to offend the sensibility of Muslims who view the publications of any images of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) as a blasphemous acts offensive to hundreds of millions of Muslims.
If there is no room for Anti-Semitism, then there must be no room for Islamophobia. The French government announced a total crack down on “hate speech”, anti Semitism, glorifying terrorism, however excluding any mention of hate speech or attacks on Muslims, and Islamophobia.
Charlie Hebdo well known for offending Muslims and Christians for offending on some occasions Jews, but never known for offending Zionism, Israel, the Holocaust or its meanings to the millions of Jews around the world. It should treat all faiths and groups equally. Either it is committed to Free Speech or “insults” to all or it should not.
Of course all of us, are for free speech, but when free speech has “exceptions” and is “off limit” especially when it comes to Israel, Zionism and the Holocaust, then there is a problem. If Charlie Hebdo can make fun of God/G-d/Allah and the prophets, then certainly it can criticize Israel and Zionism. Free speech does not allow you to yell fire in a movie theatre.
Charlie Hebdo fired one of its journalist cartoonists in 2009 with Henry Simon reporting:
Yes, there are many good reasons for the Prophet Mohamed ( PBUH) to cry but not for Charlie. He cries for the tens of millions of Muslims who are living in poverty and wants, lacking food, health care, decent housing, decent living, social, political and religious oppression, lacking the rights of free speech, expression and assembly, cries for the hundreds of thousands who died at the hands of terrorist blowing up mosques and supermarket, schools and hospitals.
He cries for the millions of Muslims who are fighting each other because of “sectarian” conflicts and issues of some 1,400 years ago. He cries because of the ignorance and oppressions most Muslims live under. He cries because of groups like Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Daesh have hijacked Islam killing and maiming and committing acts of destruction and atrocities in his name name.
He cries because of the present and dehumanizing status of most Muslims suffer around the world. He cries because stupid idiots and criminals , not scholars and learned people are speaking out in the name of Islam.
Whether here in the US or in Europe this “exception” to the rules of Free Speech always without failings applies to the Palestinians, Arabs even Muslims limiting their rights of discussions or debate the Arab-Israeli conflict. Professors have been dismissed for daring to speak out. Members of Congress were defeated and thrown out of office because they spoke out; university guests were dis-invited because some Zionist Jewish organizations on college campus complained.
University presidents always succumb to the powerful alumni organizations and rich donors. Free speech should be all or nothing, free to all irrespective of political views, ideology, religion, faith or lack of it, and it should be open to all racial and ethnic groups and not be the prerogative of the few and the powerful.
And of course most if not all enjoy a laugh or too when we see some very provocative, offensive and mind engaging caricature however there must be self imposed limits on any thing that has to do with the core values of people faith and religion, may be not practices, but core values.
In closing, I say shame on Mahmoud Abbas for attending the Paris march joining Netanyahu. Mr. Abbas found the time and the cause to go to Paris in support of the editors at Charlie Hebdo, but he never had the time and did not believe in the cause of the 2,100 Palestinian dead in Gaza, killed by his friend Bibi, Mahmoud Abbas want to celebrate the lights of Paris but not mourn the thousand dead in Gaza and mourn with them the loss of their loved one. Mahmoud Abbas chose to not visit Gaza after Israel attacked Gaza in 2009.
“[T]he Israeli arsenal is so potent it is the only one that poses an existential threat to any other country in the region”—Paul R. Pillar, 28-year veteran of the CIA[1]
You remember what happened right after 9/11? Just in case you didn’t get the memo, the Dreadful Few, using the Bush administration, began to invade people’s privacy.[2] The Washington Post itself declared in 2005:
“President Bush signed a secret order in 2002 authorizing the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on U.S. citizens and foreign nationals in the United States, despite previous legal prohibitions against such domestic spying…”[3]
All of this was done illegally.[4] The New York Times itself admitted then,
“The previously undisclosed decision to permit some eavesdropping inside the country without court approval was a major shift in American intelligence-gathering practices, particularly for the National Security Agency.”[5]
Back in 2003, the New York Times wrote an article entitled, “Big Brother Is Watching You. Without a Warrant.”[6]
Regardless of what you believe about what happened on 9/11, one thing is for sure: the attack was not good for America, but it was good for Israel. If this seems to be an outrage, let us hear this admission from the mouth of Benjamin Netanyahu himself:
Take it from the New York Times:
Of course, this would not be the first time that the Dreadful Few created terrorism to terrorize much of the West:
As the old saying goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. And since many people rarely examine the ideological forces that permeate the moral and political landscape using the historical line, those people are always doomed to repeat history. The Paris debacle is a classic example.
We have seen what happened after the 9/11 attack, and we are currently witnessing history unfolding right in front of our eyes. Listen to this:
Here is what Prime Minister Manuel Valls is basically saying: he is planning to propose a new surveillance which will eventually give the Dreadful Few—most specifically the Israelis—greater access to people’s privacy.
If you do not think that is possible, then keep in mind that the NSA, which is largely governed by the Israeli regime and the Zionist whores in America,[12] frequently spied on French citizens and diplomats.[13] Keep also in mind that the “NSA and Israel co-wrote” the virus that was used against the Iranian nuclear program.[14]
In Fact, the NSA “swept up 70.3 million French telephone records in a 30-day period” in France.[15] French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius was completely stunned.
“This sort of practice between partners that invades privacy is totally unacceptable,” he said. “We fully agree that we cooperate to fight terrorism. It is indispensable. But this [does] not justify that personal data of millions of our compatriots are snooped on.”[16]
Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault “was deeply shocked.”[17] In fact,
“in 2010 the NSA monitored the internal computer network of France’s diplomats and that of the ministry itself by accessing so-called virtual private networks (VPN), a tool that generally offers a secure internet connection to users…
“The NSA was ‘interested in (France’s) foreign policy objectives, especially the weapons trade, and economic stability…’”
The sad news was that when Edward Snowden literally exposed the Zionist regime by saying that they spy on virtually the entire continent, the regime—which superficially boasts about having intellectual prowess, political freedom and independent thought in a democratic society—wanted Snowden’s head on a silver platter.[18] As Snowden himself put it,
“These people, and they are government officials, have said they would love to put a bullet in my head or poison me when I come out of the supermarket, and then watch as I die in the shower.”[19]
An unnamed Pentagon official explicitly said: “I would love to put a bullet in his head.” An NSA analyst added, “I personally would go and kill him myself.”[20]
What we are seeing here is that the Zionist regime superficially uses words such as “democracy” and “freedom” to subvert the West. Yet once they are in charge, no one can tell them what to do. The most puzzling question is this: are we repeating history again?
Sadly, yes.
Michael Jones, in his prudent examination of Civilta Cattolica, had this to say:
“The Jews sully France with the most obscene, most scandalous, most nauseous journalism imaginable, and the Freemasons eagerly disseminate it….”[24]
Civilta Cattolica continued to say that “journalism and public education are like the two wings that carry the Israelite dragon, so that it might corrupt and plunder all over Europe.”[25]
Civilta Cattolica was written in 1890, but it seems that its truth resonates in our own time. The Jews, it is said, wanted
“to eliminate everything that was historical and national in the institutions of the different states, by reducing all of them, some more and some less, except Russia, to such a form of government which was to insure that the bulk of power rested in the hands of the oligarchies, directly or indirectly depending upon him, as for instance, the modern parliaments, which pretend, through a continuous legal fiction, to govern in the name of national sovereignty but in fact impose on us the few who quite legally tyrannize all the others.”[26]
Jones makes the point that
“[Jamie] Dimon Gets 74 Percent Raise After Billions in Fines.”[28]
Let us just read a few lines from the article:
If they ask me, I would say that the West needs to get back to a system which worked for hundreds of years and which turned out to be a blessing to both Jews and Gentiles in Europe. It is called Sicut Judaeis non.
The sad part is that much of the Church has been handicapped both spiritually and morally and no one has the political and spiritual power to enforce traditional teachings.[31]
[1] Paul R. Pillar, “Syria and WMD Inconsistency in the Middle East,” National Interest, April 30, 2-13.
[2] See for example James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, “Bush Secretly Lifted Some Limits on Spying in U.S. After 9/11, Officials Say,” NY Times, December 15, 2005; Dan Eggen, “Bush Authorized Domestic Spying,” Washington Post, December 16, 2005; Robin Toner, “After the Attacks: Civil Liberties; Some Foresee a Sea Change In Attitudes of Freedoms,” NY Times, September 15, 2001; James Bamford, A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies (New York: Anchor Books, 2005).
[3] Dan Eggen, “Bush Authorized Domestic Spying,” Washington Post, December 16, 2005.
[4] James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, “Bush Secretly Lifted Some Limits on Spying in U.S. After 9/11, Officials Say,” NY Times, December 15, 2005.
[5] James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, “Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts,” NY Times, December 16, 2005.
[6] James Bamford, “Big Brother Is Watching You. Without a Warrant,” NY Times, May 18, 2003.
[7] “Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel,” Haaretz, April 16, 2008.
[8] Ibid.
[9] James Bennett, “A DAY OF TERROR: THE ISRAELIS; Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer,” NY Times, September 12, 2001.
[10] Quoted in Andrew Higgins, “How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas,” Wall Street Journal, January 24, 2009.
[11] “France Pushes for Tighter Online Surveillance,” Wall Street Journal, January 13, 2015; see also Kashmira Gander, “Paris terror attacks: France’s Prime Minister seeks tighter surveillance as police say weapons used in massacres were from abroad,” The Independent, January 13, 2015.
[12] See for example “How Was Israel Involved in Collecting U.S. Communications Intel for NSA?,” Haaretz, June 8, 2013; Michael Kelley, “Did You Know?: Two Secretive Israeli Companies Reportedly Bugged The US Telecommunications Grid For the NSA,” Business Insider, June 7, 2013.
[13] See for example Angelique Chrisafis, “France ‘runs vast electronic spying operation using NSA-style methods,’” Guardian, July 4, 2013; Kim Hjelmgaard, “France summons U.S. ambassador over NSA spying claims,” USA Today, October 21, 2013; “’Success Story': NSA Targeted French Foreign Ministry,” Spiegel, September 1, 2013; “US National Security Agency ‘spied on French diplomats,’” BBC, October 22, 2013.
[14] “Edward Snowden Interview: The NSA and Its Willing Helpers,” Spiegel, July 8, 2013.
[15] See for example “NSA France: U.S. Conducted Large-Scale Spying On French Citizens: Report,” Huffington Post, October 21, 2013.
[16] Ibid.
[17] “Snowden leaks: France summons US envoy over spying claims,” BBC, October 21, 2013.
[18] “Edward Snowden says U.S. officials want to assassinate him for leaking NSA documents,” NY Daily News, January 26, 2014; “Snowden: U.S. Officials ‘Want To Kill Me,’” National Memo, January 26, 2014; “Edward Snowden says US officials ‘would love to put a bullet in my head,’” Sydney Morning Herald, January 27, 2014; “’They will put a bullet in my head or poison me when I come out of the supermarket': Edward Snowden says U.S. secret service wants to kill him,” Daily Mail, January 27, 2014.
[19] “Edward Snowden says US officials ‘would love to put a bullet in my head,’” Sydney Morning Herald, January 27, 2014.
[20] Ibid.
[21] E. Michael Jones, Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict Between Labor and Usury (South Bend: Fidelity Press, 2014), 1172.
[22] Ibid., 1179.
[23] Ibid., 1172-1173.
[24] Ibid., 1173.
[25] Ibid., 1180.
[26] Ibid., 1173.
[27] Ibid.
[28] “Dimon Gets 74 Percent Raise After Billions in Fines,” Bloomberg, January 24, 2014.
[29] Ibid.
[30] Israel Shamir, Cabbala of Power (Charleston: BookSurge, 2007), 317.
[31] We will briefly touch on this at the end of this month.
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Norman Finkelstein réagit à l’affaire Charlie Hebdo : « Je suis…Gaza »
Par Norman G. Finkelstein
le 14 janvier 2015
Dans les trois « posts » réunis ci-dessous, Norman G. Finkelstein, historien et politologue américain, référence internationale sur le conflit israélo-palestinien, réagit à l’affaire « Charlie Hebdo » de manière brève mais éloquente.
Juif, enfant de rescapés du ghetto de Varsovie et d’Auschwitz, le reste de sa famille ayant disparu dans les camps nazis, Norman Finkelstein avait déjà dénoncé l’incroyable arriération de la France en ce qui concerne l’éveil politique et la liberté d’expression, notamment la liberticide loi Gayssot (cf. cet extrait vidéo comportant le fameux « Que dire d’un pays qui considère BHL comme un philosophe ?! »).
L’engagement de Norman Finkelstein pour la cause palestinienne lui a coûté son métier et sa vocation. Parce qu’il avait minutieusement démonté un ouvrage pro-israélien d’Alan Dershowitz, un BHL américain qu’il révéla comme une imposture, Norman Finkelstein fut victime d’une cabale orchestrée par ledit Dershowitz, suite à laquelle il perdit son poste d’enseignant à l’Université De Paul de Chicago. Depuis, malgré son parcours universitaire exceptionnel (Doctorat à Princeton, Professeur dans plusieurs Universités américaines, auteur et conférencier de renommée internationale), il n’a pas pu retrouver de poste.
Je suis Der Sturmer ?
Par Norman G. Finkelstein
Article original : http://normanfinkelstein.com/2015/01/13/ich-bin-der-sturmer/
Lundi 12 janvier 2015
La publication nazie Der Sturmer, éditée par Julius Streicher, était connue pour ses caricatures antisémites obscènes.
Imaginez qu’une paire de frères juifs, éperdus de douleur face à la mort et à la destruction qui s’étaient abattues sur le peuple juif, aient fait irruption dans les bureaux du journal et assassiné des membres de son personnel.
Elèverions-nous au rang de martyrs et de héros ceux qui ont choisi de se moquer des croyances profondément ancrées dans les consciences d’un peuple souffrant et méprisé ; de dégrader, rabaisser, insulter et humilier les Juifs à l’heure de leur épreuve, alors que le monde qu’ils avaient connu se désintégrait tout autour d’eux ?
Imaginez qu’un million de Berlinois se soient mobilisés pour pleurer les pornographes politiques.
Applaudirions-nous à cette manifestation de solidarité ?
Streicher a été condamné à mort durant le procès de Nuremberg.
Il n’est pas rapporté que beaucoup de personnes dans notre Occident éclairé aient versé des larmes.
Désolé, Charlie
Par Norman G. Finkelstein
Article original : http://normanfinkelstein.com/2015/01/12/sorry-charlie%E2%80%8B/
Lundi 12 janvier 2015
Après le massacre de 1000 musulmans par le dictateur égyptien Sissi en un seul jour, le journal Charlie Hebdo a publié ce titre (image de gauche) : « Le Coran c’est de la m*** : Ca n’arrête pas les balles ».
Est-ce que l’image de droite, sur laquelle on peut lire « Charlie Hebdo, c’est de la m*** : Ca n’arrête pas les balles » est inclus dans la liberté d’expression, ou est-ce considéré comme un propos offensant par le monde « épris de liberté » ?
Je suis… Gaza
Norman G. Finkelstein | 10 janvier 2015
Article original : http://normanfinkelstein.com/2015/01/10/je-suisgaza/
[Après un périple extrêmement ardu, un groupe d'enfants de Gaza a pu réaliser son rêve et se présenter sur la scène de l'émission populaire Arabs Got Talent, bouleversant d'émotion jury et télespectateurs (voir cet article détaillé).]
Vidéo postée par N. Finkelstein
(Traduction : Sayed 7asan)
Source: Sayed Hasan
S'inscrire à notre lettre d'information.Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Ankara Mayor Gökçek: Mossad is behind Paris attacks
This story brings back fond memories. My 9/11 truth tour of Turkey
included a stop in Ankara, where we had private meetings in the capitol
building with legislators and with the Turkish equivalent of FBI chief.
The entire three-week tour included roughly 20 speaking events. During
the entire visit, I only encountered one Turk who believed the official
story of 9/11 – an audience member who voiced doubts about 9/11 truth in
the Q&A after the talk in Istanbul. Everyone else, including the
thousands who came to the various events, and the government officials I
met, took it for granted that 9/11 was an inside job. -KB
Today's Zaman
Ankara Mayor Melih Gökçek has alleged that last week's deadly attacks on a French satirical magazine and a kosher supermarket in Paris that left 17 people dead are the result of France expressing support for Palestine, and that Israeli intelligence is behind the attacks, the semi-official Anadolu news agency reported.
According to a report from Anadolu circulating in the Turkish media, Gökçek attended the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Gölbaşı youth branch fourth ordinary district congress on Sunday and mentioned the terrorist attacks in France. He said Israel was annoyed with the lower house of French parliament for voting for the recognition of a Palestinian state and with France's vote in favor of a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution calling for the same recognition.
“Israel certainly doesn't want this sentiment to expand in Europe. That's why it is certain that Mossad is behind these kinds of incidents. Mossad enflames Islamophobia by causing such incidents,” Gökçek said.
He claimed that after the Paris attacks, around 50 mosques and some Muslim individuals had been targeted but such incidents were not reported on by the international media.
“Palestine being recognized as a state is why these [attacks] have taken place,” he concluded.
The Paris attacks, in which journalists and policemen were among those killed, began with a shooting at the satirical Charlie Hebdo newspaper on Jan. 7, and ended with people being taken hostage at a kosher supermarket on Jan. 9. The four victims killed in the supermarket attack were all Jews.
Gökçek, known for his controversial remarks, also recently claimed that black ice on the roads of Ankara, which caused more than 100 traffic accidents last month, was the work of unidentified people who deliberately turned on garden sprinklers by the roadside to cause ice to form.
Last summer, Gökçek also tweeted that the Israeli consulate in Turkey should be closed. “We don't want a representative of murderers in Turkey,” he said.
In 2013, he launched a Twitter campaign against BBC Turkish service journalist Selin Girit for her reporting on a meeting held by protesters at Yoğurtçu Park in İstanbul via social media, accusing Girit of being an "English agent" and of engaging in "treachery to her nation."
Mayor Gökçek |
Ankara Mayor Melih Gökçek has alleged that last week's deadly attacks on a French satirical magazine and a kosher supermarket in Paris that left 17 people dead are the result of France expressing support for Palestine, and that Israeli intelligence is behind the attacks, the semi-official Anadolu news agency reported.
According to a report from Anadolu circulating in the Turkish media, Gökçek attended the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Gölbaşı youth branch fourth ordinary district congress on Sunday and mentioned the terrorist attacks in France. He said Israel was annoyed with the lower house of French parliament for voting for the recognition of a Palestinian state and with France's vote in favor of a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution calling for the same recognition.
“Israel certainly doesn't want this sentiment to expand in Europe. That's why it is certain that Mossad is behind these kinds of incidents. Mossad enflames Islamophobia by causing such incidents,” Gökçek said.
He claimed that after the Paris attacks, around 50 mosques and some Muslim individuals had been targeted but such incidents were not reported on by the international media.
“Palestine being recognized as a state is why these [attacks] have taken place,” he concluded.
The Paris attacks, in which journalists and policemen were among those killed, began with a shooting at the satirical Charlie Hebdo newspaper on Jan. 7, and ended with people being taken hostage at a kosher supermarket on Jan. 9. The four victims killed in the supermarket attack were all Jews.
Gökçek, known for his controversial remarks, also recently claimed that black ice on the roads of Ankara, which caused more than 100 traffic accidents last month, was the work of unidentified people who deliberately turned on garden sprinklers by the roadside to cause ice to form.
Last summer, Gökçek also tweeted that the Israeli consulate in Turkey should be closed. “We don't want a representative of murderers in Turkey,” he said.
In 2013, he launched a Twitter campaign against BBC Turkish service journalist Selin Girit for her reporting on a meeting held by protesters at Yoğurtçu Park in İstanbul via social media, accusing Girit of being an "English agent" and of engaging in "treachery to her nation."
9/11 truth,
Charlie Hebdo,
false flag,
Guns and Butter, for January 14, 2015 - 1:00pm
Guns and Butter, for January 14, 2015 - 1:00pm
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"Who Was Behind the Paris Attacks?" with Michel Chossudovsky
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While it wasn’t announced as “A Stephen Spielberg Production”, the Boston bombing appears to have been one. Nathan Folks, the Hollywood producer and director who identified Carlos Arredondo, who has been celebrated as a national hero, as an actor he had cast in one of his own films and that the event was staged as an example of “hyper-realistic filming”, in which a scene is created to resemble as closely as possible a actual event, such as a bombing, in order to give inexperienced soldiers, for example, a sense of what they may encounter in combat, has told me that it is common knowledge in Hollywood that Steven Spielberg was involved.
The Charlie Hebdo case was exposed almost immediately by discerning eyes, such as those of Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, who observed that the shooting of a police officer with an AK-47 did not withstand critical scrutiny, since his brains were not blown out of his head and there was no blood on the sidewalk, which would have been impossible had this been a real event. And it turns out that the scene was framed so cleanly because there was an “+” marked on the roadway where the right wheel of the car had to stop for filming.
These events are now inextricably intertwined, because the defense attorney for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev requested a postponement in the trial because of the public hysteria created by these events in Paris, as the AP has reported in The Washington Post (14 January 2015). The trail judge immediately dismissed the request, but the defense could prevail by demonstrating that the bombing was a staged event, where the media has concealed the truth from the public. That would be far more effective any mere postponement:
In case there is any doubt whether the authorities were aware that what was taking place was a drill, here we have the authorities announcing, “This is a drill! This is a drill!” Similarly, in case there is any doubt that the media were aware that this was not a real event, here we have tweets from The Boston Globe about what will happen, where it will happen and when it will happen (where The Boston Globe is among our nation’s best known newspapers):
And there are now many YouTube videos, such as “Boston Bombing Bamboozle”, which illustrate the fakery that was taking place, including that the blood only shows up on a delayed basis and, when it appears, it is not real blood (which turns dark brown when it oxidizes with the atmosphere) but fake blood (which comes from tubes that are still in the debris when is over and remain bright reddish-orange for theatric effect):
There are many other discussions of the evidence and studies of the images, which make the case for staging beyond reasonable doubt. But what should be most troubling to the American people is that the authorities know that it was staged: The police announcing “This is a drill! This is a drill!” knew that it was a drill at the time. The Boston Globe tweeting about bomb squad activities knew it was a drill at the time. So they know it was staged but allow the public to continue to believe that it was real!
If we ask whether the media should have known that this was not a real event, here is some of the first aerial footage of the scene. Notice the absence of ambulances. No EMTs were allowed to enter. Notice the few emergency vehicles present do not even have their lights flashing. Notice there is a decided lack of urgency about the entire scene. A few FEMA tarps are present, but no victims are on them. The parent were not allowed to see their children’s bodies, which were left in the classrooms and removed at night:
It would take a while for more subtle signs of fakery would be detected: that parking for the disabled is not marked in blue-and-white, nor are any signs for them present; that the cars in the rows near the building are all pointed toward the school, when the first row ought to be facing away in accord with parking instructions; that the road from the school was so blocked with vehicles, including police cruisers, that no ambulance could have made it through had any been called. Other signs of fakery would be more readily detected, such as the portable sign:
Wolfgang Halbig, the former Florida State Trooper, school administrator and national school safety expert, has been dumbfounded that he has been unable to learn when that sign was placed there or when the Porta-Potties were ordered and by whom. But that has now been explained by the discovery of the FEMA manual for this specific event, where a rehearsal was to be held on Thursday, 13 January 2012, with the event only going “LIVE” on the 14th. Information about the sign and Porta-Potties would have blown their cover by revealing they were there a day early:
Notice the last sentence of the first paragraph for the rehearsal to be conducted on 12/13/12 beginning at 8:00 AM: “Everyone must sign in with controller upon arrival.” So a sign that made no sense for a mass school shooting now becomes obvious as a condition for the rehearsal the day before! And the presence of parents bringing children to the scene, which makes no sense if it was the scene of a school massacre, also becomes intelligible–where the manual will be important evidence should the lawsuit make it to trial.
The Judge who will preside wisely placed William Shanley under protection. From conversations we had subsequently, he told me that the police had been dropping by his residence several times a day. We were in regular contact up until 30 December 2014, where I am now profoundly concerned that I have had no contact or communication with him since–neither by phone nor by email nor by Skype. That is highly unusual: we typically corresponded several times a week and had recently been interviewed about it. I am concerned that something may have happened to William to guarantee he never gets to Court:
He would not be the first. Tony Mead, “Sandy Hook’s Disappearing Witnesses”, has chronicled the loss, resignation or disappearance of around a dozen key players and investigators. William Podgorski, for example, Connecticut State Police Western District Commander, who also a Lead Investigator in the Sandy Hook: “[Officially] he died after a ‘brief, undisclosed illness’ followed by surgery on Monday, June 16 at Yale-New Haven Hospital at the age of 49. According to a friend of mine who had seen Bill Podgorski just a short time before his death, he appeared in perfect health. No further information has been released regarding this sudden death.” Those complicit in the hoax appear to extend from the Newtown School Board to Connecticut State Police to the Governor, the Attorney General and our own President.
We have a parallel here with French Police Inspector, Eldric Fredou, who “committed suicide” in his own office while working on the Charlie Hebdo investigation. Committing suicide seems to be popular among those in law enforcement who believe in getting things right, as was their reputation. Those who are pulling the strings for these events have a lot at stake and are playing hardball. Even a friend of the Tsarnaev brothers, who was being questioned in his own residence in Florida, was shot dead by a member of the FBI team sent to interrogate him. And there can be no doubt that it was because he was not willing to “play ball” in framing his friends for a crime they obviously did not commit. How much truth are we going to get when the media and government officials are themselves complicit in the crime?
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2907286/Defiant-Charlie-Hebdo-s-cover-massacre-depicts-weeping-Prophet-Mohammed-holding-Je-Suis-Charlie-sign-authors-aim-sell-3-MILLION-copies.html#ixzz3OkE6grIB
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It shows Mohammed on a green background under the ambiguous title "All is forgiven", holding up a sign saying "Je suis Charlie" ("I am Charlie").
Charlie Hebdo cartoonist Renald "Luz" Luzier said "I cried" after drawing it.
But Egypt's state-sponsored Islamic authority, Dar al-Ifta, quickly denounced it as "an unjustified provocation against the feelings of 1.5 billion Muslims".
Violent riots broke out in Egypt and other Muslim countries in early 2006 over Mohammed caricatures first printed by a Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, and republished by Charlie Hebdo.
Tabnak, a conservative online outlet in Iran, an Islamic republic notorious for throwing many journalists in jail, stormed that "Charlie Hebdo has again insulted the Prophet".
- English, Turkish, Arabic versions -
Major media in many Arab, and some African and Asian countries as well as Turkey, did not show the cover because many devout Muslims view any depiction of their prophet as forbidden.
Charlie Hebdo is to print up to three million copies of its new "survivors' issue", due out Wednesday -- far more than the usual 60,000 before last week's attack by two Islamist gunmen brought it worldwide prominence, and a historic record for a French publication. Money from sales will go the victims' families.
French, Italian and Turkish versions will be printed, while translations in three other languages -- English, Spanish and Arabic -- will be offered in electronic form, editor-in-chief Gerard Biard told a Paris news conference.
"Turkey is in a difficult period and secularity there is under attack," Biard told AFP, explaining why the Turkish version was "the most important".
A Turkish opposition newspaper, Cumhuriyet, will publish and sell the Turkish version of Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday with its own copies, Biard said.
A Charlie Hebdo columnist, Patrick Pelloux, had previously said the edition would be available in 16 languages. There was no immediate word why that ambition had been scaled back.
The issue will include caricatures by its five murdered cartoonists.
An advance copy obtained by AFP contained cartoons mocking the two Islamist gunmen who carried out the attack. One has them arriving in paradise and asking, "Where are the 70 virgins?"
"With the Charlie team, losers," comes the reply.
The remaining Charlie Hebdo staff who put the issue together said putting Mohammed on the cover showed they would not "cede" to extremists wanting to silence them.
Yet the fact that many non-European outlets did not reproduce the front page cartoon revealed unease about the magazine being elevated to a global champion for freedom of expression.
The French publication earned broad sympathy after the bloody attack, but some voiced reservations -- or criticism -- about the role now attributed to it.
- 'Remain calm' -
Major Arab broadcasters Al-Arabiya and Al-Jazeera did not show the cover in their reports.
Leaked internal e-mails from Qatar-based Al-Jazeera have revealed a debate between its Arabic- and English-language employees about whether Charlie Hebdo and the "Je Suis Charlie" slogan should symbolise free speech.
Most French media outlets, including newspapers Le Monde, Liberation, Le Figaro, published images of the Charlie Hebdo cover.
The rector of Paris's mosque, Dalil Boubakeur, urged France's Muslims "to remain calm" over the cover "by avoiding emotional reactions... and respecting freedom of opinion".
The head of a big mosque in central eastern Paris, Hammad Hammami, voiced a similar stand. "We don't want to throw oil on the fire," he said. "We consider these caricatures to be acceptable. They are not degrading for the Prophet," unlike previous Charlie Hebdo cartoons.
- UK, US media cautious -
The cover was widely reproduced across Europe.
Some Western outlets, though, showed more caution in reproducing the cover. In Denmark, for instance, the Jyllands-Posten newspaper that triggered 2006 riots with its Mohammed cartoons did not reproduce the Charlie Hebdo cover.
Britain's The Independent newspaper was the only of the major dailies in London to put the image in its print version. The Telegraph's website cropped the cover to cut out Mohammed. The BBC news website did not show it.
The Guardian newspaper's website included it with its report, but warned: "This article contains the image of the magazine cover, which some may find offensive."
A British radical preacher, Anjem Choudary, who is under investigation for militancy, branded the new publication an "act of war" and a "blatant provocation".
Almost none of the newspapers in Italy and in Russia carried the cover image.
Many US news media showed prudence. The New York Times website reported on the Mohammed cover but providing readers only with a link to the site of the French newspaper Liberation. Major television networks also did not reproduce the cover.
The Wall Street Journal, though, did, and so did tabloids like the New York Daily News.
In an astonishing development, the
President of France, Francois Hollandais, told the people of France on 9
January 2015, the day following the Paris terror attacks, on TV:
And the BBC has broadcast a story
about the apparent fabrication of the attack, where it features Kevin
Barrett as one of the sources for its report, that evidence suggests the
assault may be fake (a report that — within hours — it had already
This image from the BBC report was itself taken from “False Flag Weekly News” with Kevin Barrett and me, suggesting that our efforts may be making a difference and having an impact beyond continental US.
The signs of a classic Mossad “false flag” are apparent, where one of the alleged “terrorists” conveniently drops his ID and they are shot dead, unable to defend themselves from false allegations. The motive:
January 11, 2015
Some viewers may find the above footage distressing
According to analysts, it appears that the footage was recorded over two takes, evidenced by a placement marker that appears by the front left wheel of the vehicle as the gunmen return from apparently gunning down a wounded Gendarme.
The killing of the french policeman is also being called into question, due to the ‘lack of blood spatter consistent with that of a close range shooting’.
As shown in the freeze frame below, smoke is shown to emit from the weapon, with no impact or trauma appearing to register on the body of the victim. The decision of many news outlets to blur out the victim is being debated as evidence of complicity in what many are now calling a hoax.
Forensic and ballistics expert David Mayhew commented; “If the video shows events as they actually occurred, then in my opinion it is most likely that the firearm shown is discharging blanks rather than conventional ammunition”.
Whilst numerous theories have sprung up concerning this and other details, the general consensus among not just sceptics, but some major news agencies, is that the entire event was a ‘False Flag’ attack perpetrated by the CIA and/or Mossad in a “psy-ops” exercise to rouse hatred against Islam and support for what has been so far, a failing campaign in Iraq, Syria and the Middle East.
Muslims did not do it – let’s say that loud and clear, as the opinion of France’s President. This could be a turning-point in the history of state-fabricated terror.
Let’s hope this video of France’s president doesn’t get deleted – so many videos are being scrubbed from Google on this topic. And let’s hope this good man survives as France’s Presidient.
Has the worm turned at last? Are the puppets getting tired of their puppet-masters?
Even the BBC is now saying, the video of policeman being shot is fake – and it uses the phrase, ‘false-flag terror’. The deconstruction we give below (blanks being fired, etc) is acknowledged on BBC news! (11th January). This has never happened before.
One week before the event, Israel informed France that it was “deeply disappointed” with France’s vote on a UN resolution that would have required Israeli forces to withdraw to their pre-1967 borders by 2017.
That didn’t stop the next edition from coming out, selling a million copies, its biggest sale ever.
Figure: Note shoe beside car! Hope someone gets told off for that.
The terrorists then escaped completely, while shooting at police all over Paris. They seemed calm, well trained and handled the automatic firearms with experience.
Police reportedly made seven arrests, mostly acquaintances of the two main suspects – Cherif and Said Kouachi. Despite both being under watch by French security forces, they managed to execute Wednesday’s attack with military precision, unobstructed in one of the world’s most heavily policed cities. Military forces were searching for both men, reportedly veterans of Obama’s war on Syria and brought back for what looks like a classic false-flag attack. How else could two men under security watch successfully execute a commando-like attack in broad daylight, then leave the crime scene with apparent ease? They dispatched a police vehicle with multiple shots in its windshield, killed two policemen, wounded another, then drove off unhurried in their car, according to reports.
They headed north, abandoned their car for another and quickly left Paris. UK media reported 12 deaths and another 20 wounded, five being critical. Manhunt operations continue but both men remain free with Paris put on maximum terror alert with civil liberties suspended, widespread searches, cars stopped, homes entered etc.
A total of twenty people were killed at four locations between 7 and 9 January, including the three suspects. At least twenty-one others were injured, some critically. The attacks are the deadliest act of terrorism in France for over fifty-four years. Police state rules are governing Paris – much like how greater Boston was locked down after the April 2013 marathon bombings.
The Hebdo attackers acted with military precision wearing bulletproof vests, they were well-trained for their mission. One of the attackers Said Kouachi left his ID in the getaway car – which also conveniently contained jihaidist flags and molotov cocktails.
No bloody photos are seen, not even fake blood, not even from a police officer who was shot lays on the sidewalk for 10 seconds before being “shot” a second time – still no blood. (Jim Stone)
A well-photographed scene shows no blood on policemen when shot on the pavement. E-mail forums discussed how Youtube videos of this scene rapidly, vanished in the wake of the event. I’ve never seen videos vanish so fast as these ones have done! I enclose one here but it may go too. Video sequences show the AK-47 rifle being shot with no recoil, no blood on pavement – clearly actors are here involved.
The road miraculously had no traffic – the scene is set up as if staged. It is as if the area was cordoned off prior to the “attack” for a drill, so the “terrorists” simply parked in the middle of the road because they knew there would be no traffic. Notice a shoe next to the ‘getaway’ car – as if the actors did not have time to change thor shoes properly. The car parks by a black line drawn on the road, the marker for where they were told to stop.
Amchai Stein, the deputy editor of Israeli IBA Channel 1, just happened to be at the scene and has been posting photos of the shooting. All video initially posted was shot from rooftops. FOR A SCENE THAT LASTED LESS THAN A MINUTE. How did anyone get up to the roof that fast to get video of this, times several people shooting from different places? The roof tops were just regular roof tops with no reason for anyone to be up there. It is not like there was a roof top Starbucks or something. Why were people up there to begin with, how did they figure out what was going on and have their cell phones all ready to shoot video from perfect angles from start to finish? (Jim Stone)
One suspect the 18-year old Hamyd Mourad handed himself to the police at around 11pm after he saw his name mentioned on the news. Friends have said that he has an alibi, as they claim he was present in the classrooms that day. Will this get him off? Such testimony didn’t help the Boston Bombing suspects. Shades of the 8 still-alive 9/11 ‘terrorists’
Police chief investigating the event suddenly ‘commits suicide’ – Police Chief Helric Fredou – in his office, just before competing his report. Perhaps his theories weren’t quite right?
The ‘bad guys’ should have been running away and trying to escape – it makes no sense for them to pull up for no reason, get out of the car and finish off the hurt policemen. The officer falls down for the first part of the show, and to prove how bad the terrorists are, is “killed” while wounded and laying down. As a staged drama, it makes them look ‘wicked’ to stop the car and kill a defenceless policeman.
In the video, we see far too much white smoke coming out of guns – blanks produce all that white smoke, loaded rounds do not.
No blood anywhere on the pavement – shades of the Lee Rigby fake death in UK! Although the instant of shooting is whited out, we still see the blood-free aftermath.
We hear too much echo in the sound of blanks being fired. Also at that close range the head would have been blown open. Note no ricochet effect when the gun is fired.
That gave Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu the opportunity enter the story – he hates to be left out of these kind of events – requesting the French President Francois Hollande to “keep up the increased security on Jewish institutions even after things return to normal.”
While the chief suspect, Amedy Coulibaly is killed along with several of his hostages, his accomplice Hayat Boumeddiene has evaded capture – despite being surrounded by literally hundreds of police and security personnel with the whole district locked down and the site of the siege was under intense scrutiny. The police, TV cameras, police helicopters etc. were all watching yet somehow Coulibaly’s partner and accomplice at the scene of the siege managed to escape undetected. Was she allowed to escape and maybe even assisted because she was Amedy Coulibaly’s handler? Or, was she maybe out of the country? She had lived with Amedy Coulibaly for several years.
Videos have been quickly removed from web on grounds of ”disgusting content”, which is apparently code-speak for “embarrassing revelation that undermines the official story.”
This event ‘bears all the hallmarks’ of state-fabricated terror with major Israeli input. Use of actors, a poorly-done staged shootout, prepared photographers, no possible motive for Islamic attack just as France adopts pro-Palestine position, detailed knowledge of security and timing of journal staff meeting, a perfect escape etc. Also leaving ID in a car with other ‘Islamic’ gear – ‘clues’ – surely journalists are not going to fall for that? Then the road being cordoned off beforehand, kept traffic-free, just like the Lee Rigby event. An Israeli news editor all ready to photograph the event exactly resembles the ‘dancing Israelis’ who set up to photograph the 9/11 event beforehand, as they explained on Israeli national TV.
Comment by Craig Roberts, spot-on as usual: “French President Francois Hollande this week said that the sanctions against Russia should end. This is too much foreign policy independence on France’s part for Washington…. the attack on Charlie Hebdo was an inside job and people identified by NSA as hostile to the Western wars against Muslims are going to be framed for an inside job designed to pull France firmly back under Washington’s thumb.”
One is reminded of the Breivic Oslo event, when the Norwegian government was advocating sanctions against Israel; or the Fukashima event whien Japan was likewise adopting criticisms of Israel; or Malaysia, which dared to hold a court which found Irael guilty of war crimes and genocide, and soon after three of its passenger planes fell out of the sky. French analysts could benefit from studying the British case of Lee Rigby.
NOTE: Jewish security cars were out in force in London, in wake of Paris attack. following the Kosher store seige: “Based in Stamford Hill, the volunteers are trained by the Metropolitan Police and patrol the area regularly looking for anti-Semitic hate crimes.” They are called ‘Shomrim’ – Hebrew for guards – and don’t seem to need license number-plates.**
**They don't! They are Jewish!
(licence plate blurred because the public must never know who those MOSSADNIKS are!!!)
Nicholas Kollerstrom, the author of Terror on the Tube (3rd ed., 2014), is the leading expert on 7/7 in the world and an astute student of false flag attacks in general.
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Media complicit and indispensable to “false flag” success
Posted by Jim Fetzer on January 14, 2015
Boston bombing, Charlie Hebdo and Sandy Hook
would never have stood a chance against a vigilant press but for
abdicating its responsibility to the public. William Shanley's suit
against the media over Sandy Hook may be the most important ever
lodged--and might be the reason he is now missing
While it wasn’t announced as “A Stephen Spielberg Production”, the Boston bombing appears to have been one. Nathan Folks, the Hollywood producer and director who identified Carlos Arredondo, who has been celebrated as a national hero, as an actor he had cast in one of his own films and that the event was staged as an example of “hyper-realistic filming”, in which a scene is created to resemble as closely as possible a actual event, such as a bombing, in order to give inexperienced soldiers, for example, a sense of what they may encounter in combat, has told me that it is common knowledge in Hollywood that Steven Spielberg was involved.
The Charlie Hebdo case was exposed almost immediately by discerning eyes, such as those of Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, who observed that the shooting of a police officer with an AK-47 did not withstand critical scrutiny, since his brains were not blown out of his head and there was no blood on the sidewalk, which would have been impossible had this been a real event. And it turns out that the scene was framed so cleanly because there was an “+” marked on the roadway where the right wheel of the car had to stop for filming.
These events are now inextricably intertwined, because the defense attorney for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev requested a postponement in the trial because of the public hysteria created by these events in Paris, as the AP has reported in The Washington Post (14 January 2015). The trail judge immediately dismissed the request, but the defense could prevail by demonstrating that the bombing was a staged event, where the media has concealed the truth from the public. That would be far more effective any mere postponement:
What most importantly links Charlie Hebdo and the Boston bombing is that they were both “false flag” attacks in which those who were alleged to be responsible were “patsies” on a par with Lee Oswald in the death of JFK and with Sirhan Sirhan in the assassination of Bobby. Because the complicity of the media was indispensable to the success of these events by inducing the public to believe them, the law suit that has been filed by William Shanley against the media for deceiving the people about Sandy Hook may be the most important ever filed, even though the expectations for its success are not great. And this might explain why Shanley has recently disappeared and may not surface again.The judge overseeing the Boston Marathon bombing trial on Wednesday denied a request from the alleged bomber’s attorneys to delay the trial due to the recent attacks in France.Judge denies request to delay Boston Marathon bombing trial due to Paris attacks
By Mark Berman January 14 at 10:55 AM
Lawyers for Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev had asked the judge to delay jury selection due to the violence in France, which has dominated the news over the last week and drawn comparisons to what unfolded in Boston two years ago. The shooting massacre at the office of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical newspaper in Paris, was followed by a massive manhunt for two brothers who authorities said had become radicalized; days of bloodshed and panic culminated in a shootout with police. News reports and commentators have repeatedly pointed to how this mirrored much of what happened when the Boston Marathon was bombed, an attack that killed three people and injured more than 260 others in April 2013. Within days, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his older brother, Tamerlan, were the subjects of a manhunt that reverberated across a major metropolitan area; the brothers, who law enforcement officials said had become radicalized, engaged in a shootout with police before Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed and his younger brother eventually taken into custody.
The Boston bombing hoax
That Steven Spielberg was producing “The Boston Bombing” may be unknown to the public, but Nathan Folks has informed me that it is well-known in Hollywood. He also expressed his dismay that someone of the prominence of Spielberg would be willing to perpetrate such a monstrous fraud on the American people. He was interviewed about the staging of the event by Voice of Russia. In a discussion of his interview (with images embedded), Nathan explained that they even used “green screen” technology to combine foregrounds with background imported on film:As Folks was watching the “hyper reality scene” unfold in the streets of Boston, he was thinking “they were able to get away with this!” As he watched the “supposedly live television broadcasting,” he knew it wasn’t live at all, but edited, because:
- In live footage, “you don’t cut from one scene to another.”
- The supposedly live TV footage was using an older technology that’s “grainy” instead of the HD (high definition) available in 2013.
Asked about Jeff Bauman, who supposedly had both of his legs blown off at the marathon:1. Folks (and others) observed that the pic below is staged. Notice the red paint: Blood is never such a bright red. Bauman is the man with a stick attached to one of his amputated legs. No blood in area where his leg was apparently severed and what is supposed to be a bone is much too thin and straight to be a lower leg bone. The expression on his face is entirely inconsistent with someone who just had both of his legs blown off.2. Paramedics and doctors know that someone who’s lost both of his legs must not be moved, and “certainly” not be put in a wheelchair and carted down the road. But that’s exactly what they did to Bauman.3. Someone who lost both legs would spend at least a year recuperating. Instead,Bauman was at a Bruins hockey game on May 4, 2013, …. which was exactly 19 days after he had both legs blown off. That’s some miraculous recovery!
The media perpetrated the fraud
Astounding as it may seem, we have abundant additional proof that the Boston bombing was staged, some of the most important of which comes directly from the media. As I explained in “Rejoice for Christmas: No one died at Sandy Hook or at the Boston bombing”, we have video of the police calling out with bullhorns, “This is a drill! This is a drill!”:In case there is any doubt whether the authorities were aware that what was taking place was a drill, here we have the authorities announcing, “This is a drill! This is a drill!” Similarly, in case there is any doubt that the media were aware that this was not a real event, here we have tweets from The Boston Globe about what will happen, where it will happen and when it will happen (where The Boston Globe is among our nation’s best known newspapers):
And there are now many YouTube videos, such as “Boston Bombing Bamboozle”, which illustrate the fakery that was taking place, including that the blood only shows up on a delayed basis and, when it appears, it is not real blood (which turns dark brown when it oxidizes with the atmosphere) but fake blood (which comes from tubes that are still in the debris when is over and remain bright reddish-orange for theatric effect):
There are many other discussions of the evidence and studies of the images, which make the case for staging beyond reasonable doubt. But what should be most troubling to the American people is that the authorities know that it was staged: The police announcing “This is a drill! This is a drill!” knew that it was a drill at the time. The Boston Globe tweeting about bomb squad activities knew it was a drill at the time. So they know it was staged but allow the public to continue to believe that it was real!
The Sandy Hook Hoax
There can be no doubt that the Sandy Hook event, like the Boston bombing and the Charlie Hebdo events, was staged and that no one died at Sandy Hook. The school had been abandoned by 2008; no evacuation took place because there were no children to evacuate; the “iconic” Shannon Hicks photo was taken in advance to convince a gullible public; the “official report” does not create a causal nexus that encompasses the alleged shooter, Adam Lanza, his purported victims and the weapons he is supposed to have used.If we ask whether the media should have known that this was not a real event, here is some of the first aerial footage of the scene. Notice the absence of ambulances. No EMTs were allowed to enter. Notice the few emergency vehicles present do not even have their lights flashing. Notice there is a decided lack of urgency about the entire scene. A few FEMA tarps are present, but no victims are on them. The parent were not allowed to see their children’s bodies, which were left in the classrooms and removed at night:
It would take a while for more subtle signs of fakery would be detected: that parking for the disabled is not marked in blue-and-white, nor are any signs for them present; that the cars in the rows near the building are all pointed toward the school, when the first row ought to be facing away in accord with parking instructions; that the road from the school was so blocked with vehicles, including police cruisers, that no ambulance could have made it through had any been called. Other signs of fakery would be more readily detected, such as the portable sign:
Wolfgang Halbig, the former Florida State Trooper, school administrator and national school safety expert, has been dumbfounded that he has been unable to learn when that sign was placed there or when the Porta-Potties were ordered and by whom. But that has now been explained by the discovery of the FEMA manual for this specific event, where a rehearsal was to be held on Thursday, 13 January 2012, with the event only going “LIVE” on the 14th. Information about the sign and Porta-Potties would have blown their cover by revealing they were there a day early:
Notice the last sentence of the first paragraph for the rehearsal to be conducted on 12/13/12 beginning at 8:00 AM: “Everyone must sign in with controller upon arrival.” So a sign that made no sense for a mass school shooting now becomes obvious as a condition for the rehearsal the day before! And the presence of parents bringing children to the scene, which makes no sense if it was the scene of a school massacre, also becomes intelligible–where the manual will be important evidence should the lawsuit make it to trial.
The William Shanley Lawsuit
One of the best blogs about Sandy Hook has featured articles about William Shanley’s lawsuit, where the first appeared on James Tracy’s memoryholeblog.com on 26 December 2014, four days before our last communication on the 30th. Everyone agrees that this was a sensational move to make because, even if it fails in Court, it has drawn enormous attention to the question of the reality of the presumptive child massacre. I am aware of at least one newspaper that has taken up the issue because of his filing. He had made repeated visits to the Hartford Courant and told me he was sure that the reporters knew the score but weren’t allowed to pursue it.The Judge who will preside wisely placed William Shanley under protection. From conversations we had subsequently, he told me that the police had been dropping by his residence several times a day. We were in regular contact up until 30 December 2014, where I am now profoundly concerned that I have had no contact or communication with him since–neither by phone nor by email nor by Skype. That is highly unusual: we typically corresponded several times a week and had recently been interviewed about it. I am concerned that something may have happened to William to guarantee he never gets to Court:
He would not be the first. Tony Mead, “Sandy Hook’s Disappearing Witnesses”, has chronicled the loss, resignation or disappearance of around a dozen key players and investigators. William Podgorski, for example, Connecticut State Police Western District Commander, who also a Lead Investigator in the Sandy Hook: “[Officially] he died after a ‘brief, undisclosed illness’ followed by surgery on Monday, June 16 at Yale-New Haven Hospital at the age of 49. According to a friend of mine who had seen Bill Podgorski just a short time before his death, he appeared in perfect health. No further information has been released regarding this sudden death.” Those complicit in the hoax appear to extend from the Newtown School Board to Connecticut State Police to the Governor, the Attorney General and our own President.
We have a parallel here with French Police Inspector, Eldric Fredou, who “committed suicide” in his own office while working on the Charlie Hebdo investigation. Committing suicide seems to be popular among those in law enforcement who believe in getting things right, as was their reputation. Those who are pulling the strings for these events have a lot at stake and are playing hardball. Even a friend of the Tsarnaev brothers, who was being questioned in his own residence in Florida, was shot dead by a member of the FBI team sent to interrogate him. And there can be no doubt that it was because he was not willing to “play ball” in framing his friends for a crime they obviously did not commit. How much truth are we going to get when the media and government officials are themselves complicit in the crime?
Cartoonist - who escaped Paris massacre because he overslept (???????)* - breaks down as he defends decision to draw image of weeping Prophet on next edition's front cover
- Staff vow to continue their work and confirm details of tomorrow's edition
- Cover depicts the central figure of Islam weeping and holding a placard
- Cartoonist Renald 'Luz' Luzier described crying after he drew the picture
- He said: 'We like drawing little characters, just as we were as children'
- Mr Luzier said terrorists 'once drew just like we did, just like all children do'
- But he told news conference: 'At one point, they lost the soul of their child'
- 3 million copies* of the satirical magazine to be released from tomorrow
- Opinion divided over whether it was right to publish Muhammad cartoon
22:06, 12 January 2015
22:10, 13 January 2015
Hebdo's cartoonist broke down today as he explained his reasons for
drawing the Prophet Muhammad on tomorrow's controversial front cover.
The image depicts the Prophet shedding a single tear and holding a sign which declares: 'Je Suis Charlie'.
Above the figure, who is drawn in a comic style wearing a turban, the text declares: 'Tout est pardonné (All is forgiven)'.
repeatedly during an emotional press conference, cartoonist Renald
'Luz' Luzier said the image represented 'just a little guy who's
Then he confirmed, unapologetically: 'Yes, it is Muhammad.'
Scroll down for video
Emotional: The new editor-in-chief of
French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, Gerard Biard (left), and
Journalist Patrick Pelloux (right) comfort cartoonist Luz (centre)
during a press conference at which they vowed to go on with their work
and confirmed details of tomorrow's edition after last week's massacre
'We are cartoonists and we like
drawing little characters, just as we were as children': Charlie Hebdo
caricaturist Renald 'Luz' Luzier reacts during a press conference about
the newspaper's next edition
from the satirical newspaper also vowed to continue with their work and
confirmed further details of the new edition out tomorrow.
Mr Luzier, who escaped the massacre because he had overslept by half an hour, described crying after he drew the picture.
He said: 'We are cartoonists and we like drawing little characters, just as we were as children.
'The terrorists, they were kids, they drew just like we did, just like all children do.
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one point, they lost their sense of humour. At one point, they lost the
soul of their child which allowed them to look at the world with a
certain distance.'
He added: 'I'm sorry we've drawn him yet again, but the Mohammad we've drawn is just a little guy who's crying.'
Hebdo's editor-in-chief Gerard Biard told the press conference in Paris
that three million copies of the magazine's latest edition will go on
sale for two weeks.
The so-called 'Survivors' Issue' will be translated into three languages - English, Spanish and Arabic, he added.
Release: A journalist hold an early edition of the magazine yesterday. It is due to hit newsstands tomorrow
Mr Biard said the edition had been 'drawn up in pain and joy', adding: 'We're happy to have got to it and it's been tough.'
said: 'The main story was complicated because, of course, it had to say
something about us, and it had to say something about the event we were
faced with.
'This edition - the whole of Charlie Hebdo is in it. This edition is Charlie Hebdo.'
Biard thanked the 'thousands and thousands' of people who have sent
messages of support, including Hollywood stars George Clooney and Arnold
Schwarzenegger, who has subscribed to the magazine.
'There will be a future, there's no doubt about that,' he said. 'We don't quite know precisely what it's going to look like.
going to be a paper. There won't be an interruption. In other words, in
two weeks' time, there will be another Charlie Hebdo.'
new publication also includes a double-page spread claiming that more
turned out for a huge demonstration on Sunday to back the satirical
weekly 'than for Mass'.
The issue maintains the irreverent, often offensive attitude Charlie Hebdo is known for in France.
Comfort: Also appearing at a press
conference were Christophe Boisseau (right), whose caretaker brother
Frederic Boisseau was shot dead in the attack, and colleague Jeremy Ganz
(left) who was with him at the time
Embrace: The pair hugged as they spoke to the media in an emotionally-charged press conference
Defiant: The new cover of Charlie
Hebdo centres on an image of the Prophet Muhammad, who is weeping and
holding a sign which declares: 'Je Suis Charlie'. Pictured, floral
tributes outside the offices in Paris
The first two pages include drawings by the murdered cartoonists.
showed a much-loved late French nun talking about oral sex; another
showed Muslim, Christian and Jewish leaders dividing up the world.
lead editorial laid out a vigorous defense of secularism, and of the
right to lampoon religions and religious leaders and hold them
accountable - and ended with a critique of the Pope.
'For the past week, Charlie, an atheist newspaper, has achieved more miracles than all the saints and prophets combined.
'The one we are most proud of is that you have in your hands the newspaper that we always made,' it read.
It also thanked the millions around the world who have supported it.
three million copies will be published – including 1,000 copies for
British newsagents and French kiosks – the biggest print run in the
magazine's history.
police said as many as six members of a terrorist cell involved in the
attacks could still be at large, and 10,000 troops have been deployed to
protect sensitive sites including Jewish schools and neighbourhoods.
decision has sharply divided opinion among politicians, journalists and
Muslims today over whether the publication was right to take such a
tough stance.
Killed: Editor Stéphane Charbonnier, known as Charb, was gunned down during an editorial meeting
Lucky to be alive: Charlie Hebdo
cartoonist Luz, real name Renald Luzier, arrives for an editorial
meeting at French newspaper Liberation last week, where they have been
given a home to produce their next edition. He avoided the mass murder
because he overslept by half an hour and was late for work
cover was published last night by the French newspaper Libération,
which has provided a home for the surviving staff under heavy guard.
minutes it was circulating around the world on social media and blogs,
although for the most part, it was not published by British media.
was the same staff cartoonist who drew an image of the Prophet Muhammad
on the magazine's cover three years ago, leading fanatics to firebomb
the magazine's offices.
Flowers: Tributes to Charlie Hebdo staff Georges Wolinski, Cabu, Tignous and Charb, all killed
cover's release came after the magazine's lawyer Richard Malka said the
new edition would 'of course' contain images of the Prophet Muhammad,
who Islamic codes dictate should not be depicted.
'We will not give in,' he told a radio station. 'The spirit of 'Je suis Charlie' means the right to blaspheme.
will not give in otherwise all this won't have meant anything. A Je
Suis Charlie banner means you have the right to criticise my religion,
because it's not serious.
'We have never criticised a Jew because he's a Jew, a Muslim because he's a Muslim or a Christian because he's a Christian.
you can say anything you like, the worst horrors – and we do – about
Christianity, Judaism and Islam, because behind the nice slogans, that's
the reality of Charlie Hebdo.'
while the decision has won praise from many for its courage in the face
of extremism, it has drawn condemnation from others who fear it will
only serve to incite further attacks.
of the surviving members of Charlie Hebdo's staff said the cover should
help 'open the door to forgiveness' for the terrorists who killed her
El Rhazoui insisted the team did not feel hatred towards the men and
recognised that 'the struggle is with an ideology' as she spoke of the
difficult task of injured and traumatised staff pulling together the
she said putting a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed into three million
homes was an important way to show the spirit of the slain Charlie Hebdo
journalists would not be silenced.
El Rhazoui - who was overseas on holiday at the time of the attack on
an editorial meeting - said the staff were 'proud' of what they had
produced in such difficult circumstances.
to whom the headline was addressed, she told BBC Radio 4's Today: 'It
is addressed to us because we feel we have to forgive what happened.
think those who have been killed, if they had been here they would have
been able to have a coffee today with the terrorists and just talk to
them, ask them why they have done this.
feel as the Charlie Hebdo team the need to forgive the two terrorists
who killed our colleagues. We cannot feel any hate towards them.
Charlie Hebdo staff take part in a
meeting at the offices of French newspaper Liberation, where they have
been given a new home to produce their next edition which will feature a
cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed
'We know that the struggle is not with them as people but the struggle is with an ideology.'
went on: 'This mobilisation here in France after this horrible crime is
something that must open the door to forgiveness and everyone must
think about this forgiveness.
'We, as the Charlie Hebdo team, need to forgive.'
Prime Minister Nick Clegg also defended the cover as part of an
'ideological struggle' to maintain a free society and suggested he could
be among those snapping up a copy of the magazine.
'I'm not sure I'm going to buy it, but I would defend the right to publish a cover like that,' he said.
'I don't think you can have freedom unless you are also free to offend each other in an open society.'
London Major Boris Johnson said the staff had 'no choice' but to print such a cover.
A view of the headquarters of
Liberation as editorial staff from French satirical newspaper Charlie
Hebdo and Liberation gather following the deadly attack on their offices
Conservative MP said: 'You cannot have a march through the streets of
Paris attended by 46 world leaders, four million people, climaxing with a
shout of 'We are not afraid' and then not print the central object of
course they are right to do that and I am afraid it is absolutely vital
now that everybody stands up and defends their right to publish.
may not agree with what they have done, you may be offended by what
they have done, but you should defend their right to publish it.'
Muslim Labour MP Khalid Mahmood warned that people who were offended by
the anti-Islam cartoons were 'helpless' to do anything about it.
told BBC Radio 4: 'I think in relation to the cartoons and freedom of
expression, liberty, I don't think we have that at all at the moment –
we don't have it in terms of gender, we don't have it in terms of
sexuality, in terms of race, in terms of anti-Semitism.
'So to put this smokes-screen up, I don't think it's valid.'
He said that the cartoons will be used extremists as a 'recruiting sergeant' to 'create havoc' in the future.
French Muslims, who make up a community of more than five million across the country, also expressed their disgust at the cover.
Pakistanis rally with banners in solidarity for the two Charlie Hebdo killers in Peshawar
Pakistanis offer an absentee funeral prayer for the two killers responsible for Charlie Hebdo massacre
have suffered up to 50 'revenge attacks' since the terrorists struck,
including shots and dud grenades being aimed at mosques.
Boukhlef, a 24-year-old worshipper at the Grand Mosque of Paris, said:
'It's not funny and unpleasantly provocative considering all we've been
through over the past few days.
'Depictions of the Prophet like this are blasphemous - they are clearly designed to bait Muslims.'
Souissi, a 38-year-old mother of four, said: 'There are strict laws in
France against anti-Semitism and stirring up religious hatred, yet
that's exactly what this magazine is going to do.
happened to the magazine staff is pure evil, and all of us condemn it,
but publishing horrendous cartoons like this which just keep the
confrontation going.'
Muslims also found an unlikely ally in Marion Marechal-Le Pen, the
National Front MP who is the granddaughter of the far right party's
founder, Jean-Marie Le Pen.
Ms Marechal-Le Pen said: 'If being Charlie means defending liberty of expression, then I'm Charlie.
'But if it's about defending their editorial line, then I don't feel obliged to buy it.'
At work: Members of the satirical
newspaper's staff in its offices in 2012. It was firebombed after
previously printing images of the Prophet Muhammad, in a special edition
on Islam which was dubbed Sharia Hebdo
Murdered: Bernard Maris, Georges Wolinski and Jean Cabut (top) and Charb, Tignous and Honore (bottom)
Omer El-Hamdoon, from the Muslim Association of Britain, said there are
two aspects of the front cover which will offend Muslims - the actual
depiction of Mohammed and then the satire element.
he is held in high esteem, we find that any sort of publishing of
cartoons would not really be suffice to present the person he is.
this becomes more problematic when the actual cartoon is actually out
there to offend people, to actually make a satire out of this image,' he
broadcasters and publishers were this morning also faced with the
decision over whether to replicate the controversial cover.
Guardian was among those to carry the front page on its website, while
the Telegraph.co.uk cropped part of the design to remove the depiction
of Islam's prophet.
En masse: More than 3 million people took to the streets of Paris on Sunday as part of a solidarity march
Others including Sky News chose not to repeat the image.
Up to 3 million copies of Charlie Hebdo - whose usual circulation is 60,000 - will be printed on Wednesday.
initial batch of 1 million copies will be available on Wednesday and
Thursday, said Michel Salion, a spokesman for MPL, which distributes
Charlie Hebdo.
A further 2 million could then be printed depending on demand.
have requests for 300,000 copies throughout the world - and demand
keeps rising by the hour,' he said, adding that the newspaper usually
had just 4,000 international clients.
million will go. As of Thursday, the decision will probably be taken to
print extra copies ... So we'll have one million, plus two if
people, including journalists and police, were killed in three days of
violence that began last Wednesday when militants burst into Charlie
Hebdo's office during a regular editorial meeting and shot dead five of
its leading cartoonists.
Solidarity: One of millions of protesters who gathered in central Paris in the days after the shooting
Sunday, at least 3.7 million people took part throughout France in
marches of support for Charlie Hebdo and freedom of expression.
The new edition of Charlie Hebdo will also make fun of politicians and other religions.
Said and Cherif Kouachi, shot dead after a two-day manhunt, chose the
publication as the target of their attack last week after it repeatedly
published cartoons of Muhammad.
Muslims find depicting the religious figure deeply offensive, and many
Western media organisations choose not to do so on that basis.
Hebdo deliberately broke that convention. It once renamed itself
'Sharia Hebdo', claimed to be guest edited by the Prophet and carried
the cover slogan '100 lashes if you don't die laughing'.
offices were burned down after a petrol bomb attack in 2011, believed
to be connected to those images, though on that occasion nobody was
Stephane Charbonnier, who was among the nine magazine staff to be shot
dead last week, was also placed on Al Qaeda's most wanted list last
Hebdo's remaining members are working on the forthcoming issue from
their heavily-guarded temporary headquarters at the Libération
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2907286/Defiant-Charlie-Hebdo-s-cover-massacre-depicts-weeping-Prophet-Mohammed-holding-Je-Suis-Charlie-sign-authors-aim-sell-3-MILLION-copies.html#ixzz3OkE6grIB
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* Bankrupted, Porn Charlie Hebdo (Former Porn Hara-Kiri!!!) was issuing only 60,000 copies. After the stage killings ("GOOD FOR ISRAEL" like 9/11, REMEMBER???) which happened as soon as Rothschild had given them the State Jewish Protection of its "Liberation" Propaganda Printing offices(STINKS OF FALSE FLAG RIGHT HERE!!!), they ALMOST IMMEDIATELY bragged they would now issue WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS ONE MILLION COPIES!!! A couple of days later they are now said to be releasing THREE MILLION COPIES??? ANOTHER JEWISH PORN MIRACLE!!!
Charlie Hebdo Mohammed cover goes global but draws Muslim ire
By Marc Burleigh | AFP – 3 hours ago- View PhotoThe forthcoming edition of the weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo, featuring the Prophet …
- View PhotoFrench cartoonist Renald Luzier, aka Luz, holds up the new issue of French satirical …
- View PhotoFrench President Francois Hollande (L) comforts columnist for Charlie Hebdo Patrick …
- View PhotoA picture of French late cartoonist Jean Cabut aka Cabu, flowers, candles and pens …
- View Photo
Hebdo's new cover of a crying Prophet Mohammed underneath the slogan
"All is Forgiven" was reproduced by media around the world Tuesday --
but some Muslims saw it as a blasphemous insult.
The front page of the French satirical newspaper -- its first since
many of its staff were slain in a jihadi attack last week that killed 12
people -- was widely taken up by media in Western nations and in Latin
America.It shows Mohammed on a green background under the ambiguous title "All is forgiven", holding up a sign saying "Je suis Charlie" ("I am Charlie").
Charlie Hebdo cartoonist Renald "Luz" Luzier said "I cried" after drawing it.
But Egypt's state-sponsored Islamic authority, Dar al-Ifta, quickly denounced it as "an unjustified provocation against the feelings of 1.5 billion Muslims".
Violent riots broke out in Egypt and other Muslim countries in early 2006 over Mohammed caricatures first printed by a Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, and republished by Charlie Hebdo.
Tabnak, a conservative online outlet in Iran, an Islamic republic notorious for throwing many journalists in jail, stormed that "Charlie Hebdo has again insulted the Prophet".
- English, Turkish, Arabic versions -
Major media in many Arab, and some African and Asian countries as well as Turkey, did not show the cover because many devout Muslims view any depiction of their prophet as forbidden.
Charlie Hebdo is to print up to three million copies of its new "survivors' issue", due out Wednesday -- far more than the usual 60,000 before last week's attack by two Islamist gunmen brought it worldwide prominence, and a historic record for a French publication. Money from sales will go the victims' families.
French, Italian and Turkish versions will be printed, while translations in three other languages -- English, Spanish and Arabic -- will be offered in electronic form, editor-in-chief Gerard Biard told a Paris news conference.
"Turkey is in a difficult period and secularity there is under attack," Biard told AFP, explaining why the Turkish version was "the most important".
A Turkish opposition newspaper, Cumhuriyet, will publish and sell the Turkish version of Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday with its own copies, Biard said.
A Charlie Hebdo columnist, Patrick Pelloux, had previously said the edition would be available in 16 languages. There was no immediate word why that ambition had been scaled back.
The issue will include caricatures by its five murdered cartoonists.
An advance copy obtained by AFP contained cartoons mocking the two Islamist gunmen who carried out the attack. One has them arriving in paradise and asking, "Where are the 70 virgins?"
"With the Charlie team, losers," comes the reply.
The remaining Charlie Hebdo staff who put the issue together said putting Mohammed on the cover showed they would not "cede" to extremists wanting to silence them.
Yet the fact that many non-European outlets did not reproduce the front page cartoon revealed unease about the magazine being elevated to a global champion for freedom of expression.
The French publication earned broad sympathy after the bloody attack, but some voiced reservations -- or criticism -- about the role now attributed to it.
- 'Remain calm' -
Major Arab broadcasters Al-Arabiya and Al-Jazeera did not show the cover in their reports.
Leaked internal e-mails from Qatar-based Al-Jazeera have revealed a debate between its Arabic- and English-language employees about whether Charlie Hebdo and the "Je Suis Charlie" slogan should symbolise free speech.
Most French media outlets, including newspapers Le Monde, Liberation, Le Figaro, published images of the Charlie Hebdo cover.
The rector of Paris's mosque, Dalil Boubakeur, urged France's Muslims "to remain calm" over the cover "by avoiding emotional reactions... and respecting freedom of opinion".
The head of a big mosque in central eastern Paris, Hammad Hammami, voiced a similar stand. "We don't want to throw oil on the fire," he said. "We consider these caricatures to be acceptable. They are not degrading for the Prophet," unlike previous Charlie Hebdo cartoons.
- UK, US media cautious -
The cover was widely reproduced across Europe.
Some Western outlets, though, showed more caution in reproducing the cover. In Denmark, for instance, the Jyllands-Posten newspaper that triggered 2006 riots with its Mohammed cartoons did not reproduce the Charlie Hebdo cover.
Britain's The Independent newspaper was the only of the major dailies in London to put the image in its print version. The Telegraph's website cropped the cover to cut out Mohammed. The BBC news website did not show it.
The Guardian newspaper's website included it with its report, but warned: "This article contains the image of the magazine cover, which some may find offensive."
A British radical preacher, Anjem Choudary, who is under investigation for militancy, branded the new publication an "act of war" and a "blatant provocation".
Almost none of the newspapers in Italy and in Russia carried the cover image.
Many US news media showed prudence. The New York Times website reported on the Mohammed cover but providing readers only with a link to the site of the French newspaper Liberation. Major television networks also did not reproduce the cover.
The Wall Street Journal, though, did, and so did tabloids like the New York Daily News.
According to the French press
distribution company MLP, the new Charlie Hebdo issue will be available
in many countries that previously never received the weekly, including
Australia -- where strong demand was reported -- and in India, where
there are around 170 million Muslims.
BBC/President of France: False Flag Terrorism in Paris
Posted by Jim Fetzer on January 12, 2015
BBC publishes an expose of false flag terrorism in Paris with Kevin Barrett as one of its sources -- which it then withdraws
by Jim Fetzer and Nick Kollerstrom
Those who have committed these actions, these terrorists, these illuminati, have nothing to do with Islam.
The signs of a classic Mossad “false flag” are apparent, where one of the alleged “terrorists” conveniently drops his ID and they are shot dead, unable to defend themselves from false allegations. The motive:
the God of the Old Testament is a God of Vengeance, where other attacks
that fall into this pattern include Maylasia (which is losing its
planes) and the Fukushima catastrophe in Japan, both of which followed
their support for Palestinian statehood.
And Israel attacked its own Embassy in Buenos Aires in 1992 and the Jewish Community Center in 1994
because Argentina had cooperated with Iran in the development of the
peaceful use of nuclear energy. The ADL has now entered the fray to
assail “anti-Semites”:
Look at the genius of their modus operandia.
The Mossad commits hits (including on 9/11) but anyone who observes
that they trace back to Israel is condemned as an “anti-Semite”, as when
Alan Sabrosky, Gordon Duff, Kevin Barrett and I were savaged as “anti-Semitic 9/11 conspiracy theorists” for documenting Israel role in 9/11, which has recently been confirmed by new evidence about activities related to Fort Lee, a pattern we have seen again and again.
One advantage of having a shadowy “terrorist” entity as your enemy is
that you can stage an attack anywhere in the world (think of the Bali
bombing) and blame it on “terrorists” and no one is in the position to
contradict you. But the pattern has become so blatant that even the BBC
(at least, for a few lucid moments) has caught on–and more revelations
will follow.The BBC expose – Now withdrawn
Doubts raised over authenticity of Charlie Hebdo footage
A video clip broadcast by news agencies across the world in relation to the recent events in Paris is now under scrutiny.Some viewers may find the above footage distressing
According to analysts, it appears that the footage was recorded over two takes, evidenced by a placement marker that appears by the front left wheel of the vehicle as the gunmen return from apparently gunning down a wounded Gendarme.
The killing of the french policeman is also being called into question, due to the ‘lack of blood spatter consistent with that of a close range shooting’.
As shown in the freeze frame below, smoke is shown to emit from the weapon, with no impact or trauma appearing to register on the body of the victim. The decision of many news outlets to blur out the victim is being debated as evidence of complicity in what many are now calling a hoax.
Forensic and ballistics expert David Mayhew commented; “If the video shows events as they actually occurred, then in my opinion it is most likely that the firearm shown is discharging blanks rather than conventional ammunition”.
Whilst numerous theories have sprung up concerning this and other details, the general consensus among not just sceptics, but some major news agencies, is that the entire event was a ‘False Flag’ attack perpetrated by the CIA and/or Mossad in a “psy-ops” exercise to rouse hatred against Islam and support for what has been so far, a failing campaign in Iraq, Syria and the Middle East.
Paris Hit by State-Fabricated Terror
By Nick Kollerstrom
French President: The Illuminati did this, Muslims did not do it.
In an astounding broadcast, President Francois Hollandais has has told this to the people of France on national television, on 9th January the day after the Paris terror attacks:Those who have committed these actions, these terrorists, these illuminati*, have nothing to do with Islam. («Ceux qui ont commis ces actes, ces terroristes, ces illuminés, ces fanatiques, n’ont rien à voir avec la religion musulmane»)Listen, O people of France, to what your President has told you! The ‘illuminati’ has always traditionally alluded to the Masonic orders which are very strong in France, to a hidden elite of Judaeo-Masonic bankers.
Muslims did not do it – let’s say that loud and clear, as the opinion of France’s President. This could be a turning-point in the history of state-fabricated terror.
Let’s hope this video of France’s president doesn’t get deleted – so many videos are being scrubbed from Google on this topic. And let’s hope this good man survives as France’s Presidient.
Has the worm turned at last? Are the puppets getting tired of their puppet-masters?
Even the BBC is now saying, the video of policeman being shot is fake – and it uses the phrase, ‘false-flag terror’. The deconstruction we give below (blanks being fired, etc) is acknowledged on BBC news! (11th January). This has never happened before.
A Warning from Israel
On December 2nd, the France Parliament passed a resolution asking that France recognize a Palestinian state. Its lower house voted to recognize Palestine, 339 MPs voting in favour and 151 against. Now Palestine is in the International Criminal Court, poised to take down Israel for genocide.One week before the event, Israel informed France that it was “deeply disappointed” with France’s vote on a UN resolution that would have required Israeli forces to withdraw to their pre-1967 borders by 2017.
The News Story
On 7 January 2015, at about 11:30 am, two masked gunmen forced their way into the offices of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France, screaming “Allahu Akbar” and killing twelve people, including the editor Stéphane “Charb” Charbonnier, seven other Charlie Hebdo employees, and two National Police officers, and wounding eleven others. (The newspaper had attracted worldwide attention for its scurrilous depictions of the prophet Mohammed.)
That didn’t stop the next edition from coming out, selling a million copies, its biggest sale ever.
Figure: Note shoe beside car! Hope someone gets told off for that.
The terrorists then escaped completely, while shooting at police all over Paris. They seemed calm, well trained and handled the automatic firearms with experience.
Police reportedly made seven arrests, mostly acquaintances of the two main suspects – Cherif and Said Kouachi. Despite both being under watch by French security forces, they managed to execute Wednesday’s attack with military precision, unobstructed in one of the world’s most heavily policed cities. Military forces were searching for both men, reportedly veterans of Obama’s war on Syria and brought back for what looks like a classic false-flag attack. How else could two men under security watch successfully execute a commando-like attack in broad daylight, then leave the crime scene with apparent ease? They dispatched a police vehicle with multiple shots in its windshield, killed two policemen, wounded another, then drove off unhurried in their car, according to reports.
They headed north, abandoned their car for another and quickly left Paris. UK media reported 12 deaths and another 20 wounded, five being critical. Manhunt operations continue but both men remain free with Paris put on maximum terror alert with civil liberties suspended, widespread searches, cars stopped, homes entered etc.
A total of twenty people were killed at four locations between 7 and 9 January, including the three suspects. At least twenty-one others were injured, some critically. The attacks are the deadliest act of terrorism in France for over fifty-four years. Police state rules are governing Paris – much like how greater Boston was locked down after the April 2013 marathon bombings.
The main office of the Charlie Hebdo journal was attacked within two hours after it posted an image depicting so called ‘ISIS’ chief-cum-actor, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, (trained by Mossad for a year, as revealed by leaked Snowden documents). How could the perps know that was about to happen? A major journal staff meeting was going on at the time: to gain entry they had to know the locale of the staff and to manage their entry and exit, and the offices already had police guards in place.The Hebdo attackers acted with military precision wearing bulletproof vests, they were well-trained for their mission. One of the attackers Said Kouachi left his ID in the getaway car – which also conveniently contained jihaidist flags and molotov cocktails.
Sporadically shouting “Allah Akbar” throughout the duration of their onslaught, the two attackers were caught on video making a spectacle of themselves as they paraded down the Paris street guns blazing. It is typically unusual for terrorists to immediately make it known who they are and what they stand for before concluding their dirty work, an anomaly the mainstream media refuses to emphasize for obvious reasons. – Voice of PalestineThe perpetrators escaped and have not been captured, yet somehow the French police identified them within hours. One of the attackers “was trained” at an Al-Qaueda camp in Yemen in 2011 according to a top US official. How come a US official suddenly knows about this case?
No bloody photos are seen, not even fake blood, not even from a police officer who was shot lays on the sidewalk for 10 seconds before being “shot” a second time – still no blood. (Jim Stone)
A well-photographed scene shows no blood on policemen when shot on the pavement. E-mail forums discussed how Youtube videos of this scene rapidly, vanished in the wake of the event. I’ve never seen videos vanish so fast as these ones have done! I enclose one here but it may go too. Video sequences show the AK-47 rifle being shot with no recoil, no blood on pavement – clearly actors are here involved.
The road miraculously had no traffic – the scene is set up as if staged. It is as if the area was cordoned off prior to the “attack” for a drill, so the “terrorists” simply parked in the middle of the road because they knew there would be no traffic. Notice a shoe next to the ‘getaway’ car – as if the actors did not have time to change thor shoes properly. The car parks by a black line drawn on the road, the marker for where they were told to stop.
Amchai Stein, the deputy editor of Israeli IBA Channel 1, just happened to be at the scene and has been posting photos of the shooting. All video initially posted was shot from rooftops. FOR A SCENE THAT LASTED LESS THAN A MINUTE. How did anyone get up to the roof that fast to get video of this, times several people shooting from different places? The roof tops were just regular roof tops with no reason for anyone to be up there. It is not like there was a roof top Starbucks or something. Why were people up there to begin with, how did they figure out what was going on and have their cell phones all ready to shoot video from perfect angles from start to finish? (Jim Stone)
One suspect the 18-year old Hamyd Mourad handed himself to the police at around 11pm after he saw his name mentioned on the news. Friends have said that he has an alibi, as they claim he was present in the classrooms that day. Will this get him off? Such testimony didn’t help the Boston Bombing suspects. Shades of the 8 still-alive 9/11 ‘terrorists’
Police chief investigating the event suddenly ‘commits suicide’ – Police Chief Helric Fredou – in his office, just before competing his report. Perhaps his theories weren’t quite right?
Video of Phoney Shootout
Comments: This camera was set up before the staged-drama began. Even the police getting out of the car was captured in full, why would anyone have a camera ready and rolling to capture a scene when they were not supposed to even know it was going to happen?The ‘bad guys’ should have been running away and trying to escape – it makes no sense for them to pull up for no reason, get out of the car and finish off the hurt policemen. The officer falls down for the first part of the show, and to prove how bad the terrorists are, is “killed” while wounded and laying down. As a staged drama, it makes them look ‘wicked’ to stop the car and kill a defenceless policeman.
In the video, we see far too much white smoke coming out of guns – blanks produce all that white smoke, loaded rounds do not.
No blood anywhere on the pavement – shades of the Lee Rigby fake death in UK! Although the instant of shooting is whited out, we still see the blood-free aftermath.
We hear too much echo in the sound of blanks being fired. Also at that close range the head would have been blown open. Note no ricochet effect when the gun is fired.
Who Benefits?
With France taking measures decisively sympathetic to Islam, why would Muslim zealots suddenly choose THIS MOMENT to murder a dozen French citizens, an act that would certainly turn French public opinion against Muslims and in favor of Israel?Dynamite in Jewish Grocery Store
The suspect in policewoman shooting entered at ‘random’ a Kosher (Jewish) grocery in the Port de Vincennes district of Paris and took up to 14 hostages, where at least four of them are alleged to have been killed by the gunman. Police claim they found 15 sticks of dynamite inside the store after they stormed the shop.That gave Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu the opportunity enter the story – he hates to be left out of these kind of events – requesting the French President Francois Hollande to “keep up the increased security on Jewish institutions even after things return to normal.”
While the chief suspect, Amedy Coulibaly is killed along with several of his hostages, his accomplice Hayat Boumeddiene has evaded capture – despite being surrounded by literally hundreds of police and security personnel with the whole district locked down and the site of the siege was under intense scrutiny. The police, TV cameras, police helicopters etc. were all watching yet somehow Coulibaly’s partner and accomplice at the scene of the siege managed to escape undetected. Was she allowed to escape and maybe even assisted because she was Amedy Coulibaly’s handler? Or, was she maybe out of the country? She had lived with Amedy Coulibaly for several years.
Very quickly, ”I am Charlie” events were put on across France, massive rallies were staged. Very quickly many signs were printed. An ailing satire mag suddenly prints a million magazines – far more than the usual number – after its staff have been shot, going out to stores to handle excess demand caused by this stunt.Videos have been quickly removed from web on grounds of ”disgusting content”, which is apparently code-speak for “embarrassing revelation that undermines the official story.”
This event ‘bears all the hallmarks’ of state-fabricated terror with major Israeli input. Use of actors, a poorly-done staged shootout, prepared photographers, no possible motive for Islamic attack just as France adopts pro-Palestine position, detailed knowledge of security and timing of journal staff meeting, a perfect escape etc. Also leaving ID in a car with other ‘Islamic’ gear – ‘clues’ – surely journalists are not going to fall for that? Then the road being cordoned off beforehand, kept traffic-free, just like the Lee Rigby event. An Israeli news editor all ready to photograph the event exactly resembles the ‘dancing Israelis’ who set up to photograph the 9/11 event beforehand, as they explained on Israeli national TV.
Comment by Craig Roberts, spot-on as usual: “French President Francois Hollande this week said that the sanctions against Russia should end. This is too much foreign policy independence on France’s part for Washington…. the attack on Charlie Hebdo was an inside job and people identified by NSA as hostile to the Western wars against Muslims are going to be framed for an inside job designed to pull France firmly back under Washington’s thumb.”
One is reminded of the Breivic Oslo event, when the Norwegian government was advocating sanctions against Israel; or the Fukashima event whien Japan was likewise adopting criticisms of Israel; or Malaysia, which dared to hold a court which found Irael guilty of war crimes and genocide, and soon after three of its passenger planes fell out of the sky. French analysts could benefit from studying the British case of Lee Rigby.
NOTE: Jewish security cars were out in force in London, in wake of Paris attack. following the Kosher store seige: “Based in Stamford Hill, the volunteers are trained by the Metropolitan Police and patrol the area regularly looking for anti-Semitic hate crimes.” They are called ‘Shomrim’ – Hebrew for guards – and don’t seem to need license number-plates.**
**They don't! They are Jewish!
(licence plate blurred because the public must never know who those MOSSADNIKS are!!!)
Nicholas Kollerstrom, the author of Terror on the Tube (3rd ed., 2014), is the leading expert on 7/7 in the world and an astute student of false flag attacks in general.
Jim Fetzer
former Marine Corps officer, Jim Fetzer has published widely on the
theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge, computer science,
artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and evolution and mentality.
McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth, he has also conducted extensive research into the assassination of JFK, the events of 9/11, and the plane crash that killed Sen. Paul Wellstone.
The founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, his latest books include The Evolution of Intelligence (2005), The 9/11 Conspiracy (2007), Render Unto Darwin (2007), and The Place of Probability in Science (2010).
McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth, he has also conducted extensive research into the assassination of JFK, the events of 9/11, and the plane crash that killed Sen. Paul Wellstone.
The founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, his latest books include The Evolution of Intelligence (2005), The 9/11 Conspiracy (2007), Render Unto Darwin (2007), and The Place of Probability in Science (2010).
Muhammad almassari
Today Wednesday 14 January 2015 at 3:06 PM
Luis Vásquez
1) I am not Charlie because for the Islamophobes is not enough to say ‘I’m Charlie’ condemning the killings in Paris but we have to also approve of even further offensive cartoons.
2) I am not Charlie proudly quoting Voltaire because, those jumping on the band-wagon, ignore that Voltaire undoubtedly a brilliant satirist, was also a rabid anti-semite.
3) I am not Charlie because nobody said ‘I’m Charlie’ when Israeli troops killed over 500 children in Gaza.
4) I am not Charlie because I strongly condemn NATO forces bombing and killing Muslims in Muslims lands.
5) I
am not Charlie because I will never accept the relentless suffering,
exploitation and abuse that Europeans countries, especially the French
and British, have inflicted on Muslims for so many years. What Europe
face now is their own doing.
6) I
am not Charlie because I cannot be racist and offensive against Muslims
when, until last week, a totally unknown magazine, publishes stupid
cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed in a detrimental manner.
7) I
am not Charlie because I see that Muslims are deliberately insulted and
are already the most oppressed group in European society and, the ‘I’m Charlie’ mob feel now free to offend them even further.
8) I am not Charlie because I cannot be racist and
offensive against Muslims when, until last week, a totally unknown
magazine, publishes stupid cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed in a
detrimental manner.
9) I am not Charlie because I am not going to submit to the peer pressure condemning exclusively Muslims of the incidents in Paris.
10) I am not Charlie because it is evident to see that behind the ‘satire’ of Charlie Hebdo, there is an agenda of prejudice and racism against Muslims and Islam.
11) I am not Charlie because nobody said ‘I’m Charlie’ when a virulent ultra-right wing Islamophobe machine-gunned 77 innocent young people in Norway in 2011.
12) I am not Charlie because I am proud enough and I am not going to follow the herd of Islamophobes saying ‘I’m Charlie’.
13) I am not Charlie because I cannot hate Jews because of their religion as I cannot hate Muslims because Islam.
14) I am not Charlie because France – the self-proclaimed symbol peace and freedom of expression – feels that it has the right to send planes and kill Muslims in Mali and other Muslim lands.
15) I am not Charlie...
Jean-Claude Elfassi appelle au meurtre de Dieudonné et Alain Soral
- Publié le : mercredi 14 janvier
- Mots-clés : Communautés; Dieudonné; Judaïsme; Médias; Persécutions !; Sionisme
- Commentaires : Aucun
- Source : elfassiscoopblog.com
Pour s’attirer la sympathie des racailles islamisantes Dieudonné Officiel leur a fait un message sur mesure. Il fait l’apologie du terroriste islamiste « Coulibaly » en toute impunité en déclarant qu’ à la suite de la marche républicaine pour Charlie, il se sentait « Coulibaly » !
Rappelons que le terroristes islamistes malien en fidèle serviteur du coran avait projeté d’attaquer des écoles et de massacrer des enfants juifs.
Par ses propos haineux et incitant à la haine du juif, Dieudonné ainsi que Soral portent une lourde responsabilité sur toutes les attaques et meurtres qui ont été perpétré contre les juifs ces dernières années.
Les pouvoirs public ne faisant rien pour les mettre hors d’état de nuire, souhaitons qu’un « déséquilibré, un poète, ou un troubadour » butent ces bêtes sauvages que sont Dieudonné et Soral comme a été buté leur modèle « Coulibaly ».
Dieudonné sur Charlie Hebdo : enquête ouverte pour apologie du terrorisme
il y a 2 jours
Une enquête a été ouverte lundi pour apologie du terrorisme à l'encontre
du polémiste Dieudonné, qui a écrit dimanche sur sa page Facebook: "Je
me sens Charlie Coulibaly", a annoncé le parquet de Paris.
"Sachez que ce soir, en ce qui me concerne, je me sens Charlie
Coulibaly", a écrit Dieudonné, détournant le slogan "Je suis Charlie" en
l'associant au nom du jihadiste Amédy Coulibaly, auteur de la prise
d'otages au cours de laquelle quatre juifs ont été tués à Paris
vendredi. "La décision a été prise (d'ouvrir une enquête) dès ce (lundi)
matin", a indiqué le parquet. Le ministre de l'Intérieur Bernard
Cazeneuve a dénoncé les propos du polémiste comme une "abjection", lundi
en marge d'une visite à la communauté juive rue des Rosiers à Paris.
L'enquête a été confiée à la Brigade de répression de la délinquance aux
personnes (BRDP). Dans sa déclaration sur Facebook, qui a ensuite été
supprimée, Dieudonné assure avoir participé à la manifestation
historique dimanche en hommage aux victimes du terrorisme, tout en la
tournant en dérision, la qualifiant d'"instant magique comparable au
big-bang", "comparable au couronnement de Vercingétorix". Le polémiste a
déjà été condamné par la justice pour des propos antisémites. Le
parquet de Paris avait déjà ouvert une enquête pour apologie du
terrorisme début septembre après la diffusion d'une vidéo où Dieudonné
ironisait sur la décapitation du journaliste américain James Foley par
l'organisation Etat islamique (EI).
Estrosi interdit le spectacle de Dieudonné à Nice et porte plainte
Publié le - 62
Le maire de Nice a pris un arrêté interdisant un spectacle
de Dieudonné prévu le 25 juin prochain à Nikaïa. En cause, une
déclaration polémique de l'humoriste sur sa page Facebook après les
récentes attaques terroristes.
"Il est hors de question pour moi que M. BALA M BALA, qui n'est plus un humoriste depuis longtemps, (...) se produise dans notre ville." Christian Estrosi a indiqué dans un communiqué vouloir utiliser "tous les moyens (...) pour que ce spectacle n'ait pas lieu". Le maire de Nice a par ailleurs précisé qu'il portait plainte "à titre personnel" contre Dieudonné pour "apologie du terrorisme".
Dimanche soir, l'humoriste avait publié dans un post Facebook un court texte (effacé depuis), dans lequel il déclarait "Je me sens Charlie Coulibaly". La déclaration du polémiste intervient après qu'Amedy Coulibaly a tué une policière à Montrouge ainsi que 4 personnes lors de la prise d'otage dans une épicerie Kasher ce vendredi.
Il avait auparavant fait part de sa volonté de marcher aux côté des "défenseurs de la liberté" lors de la marche républicaine de dimanche.
Pour le maire de Nice, les propos de l'humoriste "doivent être condamnés le plus lourdement possible." Il annonce en outre avoir déjà porté plainte pour apologie du terrorisme.
Dieudonné est actuellement ern tournée en France pour promouvoir son nouveau spectacle, après que le précédent avait été interdit par le Conseil d'Etat en raison de nombreuses saillies antisémites.
"Il est hors de question pour moi que M. BALA M BALA, qui n'est plus un humoriste depuis longtemps, (...) se produise dans notre ville." Christian Estrosi a indiqué dans un communiqué vouloir utiliser "tous les moyens (...) pour que ce spectacle n'ait pas lieu". Le maire de Nice a par ailleurs précisé qu'il portait plainte "à titre personnel" contre Dieudonné pour "apologie du terrorisme".
Dimanche soir, l'humoriste avait publié dans un post Facebook un court texte (effacé depuis), dans lequel il déclarait "Je me sens Charlie Coulibaly". La déclaration du polémiste intervient après qu'Amedy Coulibaly a tué une policière à Montrouge ainsi que 4 personnes lors de la prise d'otage dans une épicerie Kasher ce vendredi.
Il avait auparavant fait part de sa volonté de marcher aux côté des "défenseurs de la liberté" lors de la marche républicaine de dimanche.
Pour le maire de Nice, les propos de l'humoriste "doivent être condamnés le plus lourdement possible." Il annonce en outre avoir déjà porté plainte pour apologie du terrorisme.
Dieudonné est actuellement ern tournée en France pour promouvoir son nouveau spectacle, après que le précédent avait été interdit par le Conseil d'Etat en raison de nombreuses saillies antisémites.
* Bankrupted, Porn Charlie Hebdo (Former Porn Hara-Kiri!!!) was issuing only 60,000 copies. After the stage killings ("GOOD FOR ISRAEL" like 9/11, REMEMBER???) which happened as soon as Rothschild had given them the State Jewish Protection of its "Liberation" Propaganda Printing offices(STINKS OF FALSE FLAG RIGHT HERE!!!), they ALMOST IMMEDIATELY bragged they would now issue WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS ONE MILLION COPIES!!! A couple of days later they are now said to be releasing THREE MILLION COPIES??? ANOTHER JEWISH PORN MIRACLE!!!
Hypocrisy In Paris
Posted by Sami Jamil Jadallah on January 14, 2015
The man who killed and murdered 17 journalists, 500 babies, and 1500+ civilians should not be marching in Paris
… by Sami Jamil Jadallah
Hypocrisy was all over the front line leading the march in
last Sunday’s big event in Paris. Bibi Netanyahu decision to push his
way to the front line in Sunday’s march against terrorism was not only
“Chutzpa” but also hypocrisy at its best. The man who killed and murdered 17 journalists, killed 500 babies, killed over 1500 civilians should not be marching in Paris, but should be marching to jail for crimes he committed and continues to commit in Palestine specifically in Gaza.
One should not have any objections if those leading the front line believed in Free Speech and practice it freely it at home. Most of the participants have little tolerance if any for free speech and dissent, with hardly any authorizations granted to citizens to assemble in public and demonstrate, or for free editorial that critical heads of state or government ministers or officials.
Many of those leaders are responsible for the jailing of dissident, those expressing their public opinions speaking up on issues such as human rights, corruption, failings, incompetency, lacks of transparency and mismanagement in their countries.
One must not be surprised that some of leaders in the front and second line represent the most repressive regimes in the world, governing without public mandate, without open free elections and some who made it a policy to loot the nation and the people’s wealth/
Hypocrisy has been the standard modes operandi at Charlie Hebdo, with the satirical magazine never an equal offender but targeted Islam and Muslims and Catholics for its headlines. Its decision to re-publish caricature of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) for its national and international edition this week with planned 3 millions copies, and distributions in some 20 countries is a an affirmations of its deliberate policy to offend the sensibility of Muslims who view the publications of any images of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) as a blasphemous acts offensive to hundreds of millions of Muslims.
If there is no room for Anti-Semitism, then there must be no room for Islamophobia. The French government announced a total crack down on “hate speech”, anti Semitism, glorifying terrorism, however excluding any mention of hate speech or attacks on Muslims, and Islamophobia.
Charlie Hebdo well known for offending Muslims and Christians for offending on some occasions Jews, but never known for offending Zionism, Israel, the Holocaust or its meanings to the millions of Jews around the world. It should treat all faiths and groups equally. Either it is committed to Free Speech or “insults” to all or it should not.
Charlie Hebdo never known for offending Bibi Netanyahu or the Israeli army as Israel waged its criminal war on the people of Gaza killing over 2,100 civilians and the destruction of some 20,000 homes, making homeless some 250,000 people, killing children and targeting journalists.Charlie Hebdo never known for offending the sensibility of Israel and its leadership; political and military when this leadership targeted schools, hospitals, clinics, UN storage depot, nor did it publish any cartoon related to Israeli policies of home demolitions, arbitrary arrests and detentions, targeted assassinations and hardly ever published any cartoons depicting the criminal behaviors of Jewish settlers as they attack Palestinian villages, farms, water-wells, or burn or uproot centuries old olive trees and not known for publishing cartoons expressing the condemnations of these Jewish settlers as they attack and deface with racists slogans churches and mosques.
Of course all of us, are for free speech, but when free speech has “exceptions” and is “off limit” especially when it comes to Israel, Zionism and the Holocaust, then there is a problem. If Charlie Hebdo can make fun of God/G-d/Allah and the prophets, then certainly it can criticize Israel and Zionism. Free speech does not allow you to yell fire in a movie theatre.
Charlie Hebdo fired one of its journalist cartoonists in 2009 with Henry Simon reporting:
“ Maurice Sinet, 80, who works under the pen name Sine, faces charges of “inciting racial hatred” for a column he wrote last July in the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo. The piece sparked a summer slanging match among the Parisian intelligentsia and ended in his dismissal from the magazine.Somehow editors at Charlie Hebdo know well when they should shy away from hot issues, or stay away from topics that may offend part of the French society, with political, financial and legal clouts. Today, Charlie Hebdo issued over 3 million copies with the front page a caricature of the Prophet Mohamed ( PBUH) crying ” Je Suis Charlie”.
“L’affaire Sine” followed the engagement of Mr. Sarkozy, 22, to Jessica Sebaoun-Darty, the Jewish heiress of an electronic goods chain. Commenting on an unfounded rumors that the president’s son planned to convert to Judaism, Sine quipped: “He’ll go a long way in life, that little lad.”
A high-profile political commentator slammed the column as linking prejudice about Jews and social success. Charlie Hebdo’s editor, Philippe Val, asked Sinet to apologies but he refused, exclaiming: “I’d rather cut my balls off.”
Yes, there are many good reasons for the Prophet Mohamed ( PBUH) to cry but not for Charlie. He cries for the tens of millions of Muslims who are living in poverty and wants, lacking food, health care, decent housing, decent living, social, political and religious oppression, lacking the rights of free speech, expression and assembly, cries for the hundreds of thousands who died at the hands of terrorist blowing up mosques and supermarket, schools and hospitals.
He cries for the millions of Muslims who are fighting each other because of “sectarian” conflicts and issues of some 1,400 years ago. He cries because of the ignorance and oppressions most Muslims live under. He cries because of groups like Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Daesh have hijacked Islam killing and maiming and committing acts of destruction and atrocities in his name name.
He cries because of the present and dehumanizing status of most Muslims suffer around the world. He cries because stupid idiots and criminals , not scholars and learned people are speaking out in the name of Islam.
Whether here in the US or in Europe this “exception” to the rules of Free Speech always without failings applies to the Palestinians, Arabs even Muslims limiting their rights of discussions or debate the Arab-Israeli conflict. Professors have been dismissed for daring to speak out. Members of Congress were defeated and thrown out of office because they spoke out; university guests were dis-invited because some Zionist Jewish organizations on college campus complained.
University presidents always succumb to the powerful alumni organizations and rich donors. Free speech should be all or nothing, free to all irrespective of political views, ideology, religion, faith or lack of it, and it should be open to all racial and ethnic groups and not be the prerogative of the few and the powerful.
Robert Murdock the Israeli/Australian/British/American citizen, owner of News Corporation, and Fox News announced the other day that all Muslims are guilty as charge. He states “Maybe most Moslems [are] peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible,” Murdock takes the same views of the Nazis who deemed all Jews are held responsible fore the acts of the few.None of us want any restrictions on free speech or censorship, and here at Veterans Today we are enjoying the benefits of free speech and First Amendment rights. However there must be no room for hate speech or designating one group for attacks because of faith or believe. However racist ideology and hate speech has no room and no place in any civilized discussion or public debate.
And of course most if not all enjoy a laugh or too when we see some very provocative, offensive and mind engaging caricature however there must be self imposed limits on any thing that has to do with the core values of people faith and religion, may be not practices, but core values.
In closing, I say shame on Mahmoud Abbas for attending the Paris march joining Netanyahu. Mr. Abbas found the time and the cause to go to Paris in support of the editors at Charlie Hebdo, but he never had the time and did not believe in the cause of the 2,100 Palestinian dead in Gaza, killed by his friend Bibi, Mahmoud Abbas want to celebrate the lights of Paris but not mourn the thousand dead in Gaza and mourn with them the loss of their loved one. Mahmoud Abbas chose to not visit Gaza after Israel attacked Gaza in 2009.
Sami Jamil Jadallah
in the Palestinian city of El-Bireh (presently under Israeli Military
and Settlers Occupation). Immigrated to the US in 62. After graduating
from high school in Gary, Indiana was drafted into the US Army (66-68)
received the Leadership Award from the US 6th Army NCO Academy in Ft.
Lewis, Washington. Five of us brothers were in US military service about
the same time (Nabil-Army), (Lutfi-Marines), (Sam-Army) and
(Taiseer-Marines) with two nephews presently with US Army. Graduated
from Indiana University with BA-72, Master of Public Affairs-74 and
Jurist Doctor-77, and in senior year at IU, was elected Chairman of the
Indiana Student Association. Sami Jamil Jadallah is an international
legal and business consultant and is the founder and director of Palestine Agency and Palestine Documentation Center and founder and owner of several businesses in technology and services. His articles are also featured on JeffersonCorner.com, PalestineNote.com and Ramallah Online.
The Ideology of 9/11 Travels to Paris
Posted by Jonas E. Alexis on January 15, 2015
Terrorism, false flags, and covert activity always and inexorably swing in Israel’s favor.
“[T]he Israeli arsenal is so potent it is the only one that poses an existential threat to any other country in the region”—Paul R. Pillar, 28-year veteran of the CIA[1]
by Jonas E. Alexis
You remember what happened right after 9/11? Just in case you didn’t get the memo, the Dreadful Few, using the Bush administration, began to invade people’s privacy.[2] The Washington Post itself declared in 2005:
“President Bush signed a secret order in 2002 authorizing the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on U.S. citizens and foreign nationals in the United States, despite previous legal prohibitions against such domestic spying…”[3]
All of this was done illegally.[4] The New York Times itself admitted then,
“The previously undisclosed decision to permit some eavesdropping inside the country without court approval was a major shift in American intelligence-gathering practices, particularly for the National Security Agency.”[5]
Back in 2003, the New York Times wrote an article entitled, “Big Brother Is Watching You. Without a Warrant.”[6]
Regardless of what you believe about what happened on 9/11, one thing is for sure: the attack was not good for America, but it was good for Israel. If this seems to be an outrage, let us hear this admission from the mouth of Benjamin Netanyahu himself:
“We [the Israelis] are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.”[7]Those events, continued Netanyahu, “swung American public opinion in our favor.”[8]
Take it from the New York Times:
“Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu…replied, ‘It’s very good.’’ Then he edited himself: ‘Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.’In short, 9/11, terrorism, false flags, and covert activity always and inexorably swing in Israel’s favor. This was one reason why Israeli scholar Avner Cohen did not hesitate to say, “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation.”[10]
“He predicted that the attack would ‘strengthen the bond between our two peoples, because we’ve experienced terror over so many decades, but the United States has now experienced a massive hemorrhaging of terror.’”[9]
Of course, this would not be the first time that the Dreadful Few created terrorism to terrorize much of the West:
As the old saying goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. And since many people rarely examine the ideological forces that permeate the moral and political landscape using the historical line, those people are always doomed to repeat history. The Paris debacle is a classic example.
We have seen what happened after the 9/11 attack, and we are currently witnessing history unfolding right in front of our eyes. Listen to this:
“France is seeking greater assistance from technology firms as part of a plan to beef up domestic surveillance and add to its already heavy legal arsenal to track terror threats in the wake of last week’s deadly attacks.Sounds like 2002 all over again. Bush is no longer in power, but the same Zionist ideology traveled from America to France with the same Zionist result.
“Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Tuesday said France would soon propose a new surveillance law aimed at giving intelligence services ‘all the legal means to accomplish their mission.’
“Mr. Valls said the country would also reinforce domestic intelligence services, boosting staff levels to track a growing number of potential terrorists.”[11]
Here is what Prime Minister Manuel Valls is basically saying: he is planning to propose a new surveillance which will eventually give the Dreadful Few—most specifically the Israelis—greater access to people’s privacy.
If you do not think that is possible, then keep in mind that the NSA, which is largely governed by the Israeli regime and the Zionist whores in America,[12] frequently spied on French citizens and diplomats.[13] Keep also in mind that the “NSA and Israel co-wrote” the virus that was used against the Iranian nuclear program.[14]
In Fact, the NSA “swept up 70.3 million French telephone records in a 30-day period” in France.[15] French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius was completely stunned.
“This sort of practice between partners that invades privacy is totally unacceptable,” he said. “We fully agree that we cooperate to fight terrorism. It is indispensable. But this [does] not justify that personal data of millions of our compatriots are snooped on.”[16]
Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault “was deeply shocked.”[17] In fact,
“in 2010 the NSA monitored the internal computer network of France’s diplomats and that of the ministry itself by accessing so-called virtual private networks (VPN), a tool that generally offers a secure internet connection to users…
“The NSA was ‘interested in (France’s) foreign policy objectives, especially the weapons trade, and economic stability…’”
The sad news was that when Edward Snowden literally exposed the Zionist regime by saying that they spy on virtually the entire continent, the regime—which superficially boasts about having intellectual prowess, political freedom and independent thought in a democratic society—wanted Snowden’s head on a silver platter.[18] As Snowden himself put it,
“These people, and they are government officials, have said they would love to put a bullet in my head or poison me when I come out of the supermarket, and then watch as I die in the shower.”[19]
An unnamed Pentagon official explicitly said: “I would love to put a bullet in his head.” An NSA analyst added, “I personally would go and kill him myself.”[20]
What we are seeing here is that the Zionist regime superficially uses words such as “democracy” and “freedom” to subvert the West. Yet once they are in charge, no one can tell them what to do. The most puzzling question is this: are we repeating history again?
Sadly, yes.
Michael Jones, in his prudent examination of Civilta Cattolica, had this to say:
“The most enduring legacy of the French Revolution was the rights of man. Both the Masons and the Jews used ‘the so-called Rights of Man’ as the basis for Revolution and Revolution as the basis for overturning the Christian social order.Quoting Civilta Cattolica, Jones writes that through “the Rights of Man,” which “were in reality the Rights of the Jews to exploit their fellow man,”[22] the Jews
“Once the Jew ‘got the benefit of the common law,’ which would ‘proect him just as well as the other citizens,’ the Christian society was incapable of defending itself, and the Jew was ‘granted the complete freedom to turn against the same societies which give him refuge in their midst.’”[21]
“have acquired complete power to subjugate the nations and to ordain that the few might tyrannize the many, and this under the guise of legality, with regard to material goods, to conscience, to faith, to family, yes, and what is more, to blood and life.If this sounds interesting, then keep reading. Civilta Cattolica had this to say—and see if resonates with the current debacle in Paris:
“Out of such a spasm of liberty, equality and fraternity has arisen the despotism of the tyrannical oligarchies to which the modern states reduce themselves, and whoever glances into them will observe that they are oligarchies of Jews or of Freemasons, the Jews’ base serfs.
“The religious right of Catholics is chained; this is the freedom of Masonic Judaism. Permission of blaspheming and committing sacrileges is converted into public right; this is its equality. Brutal hatred against whoever professes faithfulness to the God of his forefathers is applauded as patriotism; this is fraternity.”[23]
“The Jews sully France with the most obscene, most scandalous, most nauseous journalism imaginable, and the Freemasons eagerly disseminate it….”[24]
Civilta Cattolica continued to say that “journalism and public education are like the two wings that carry the Israelite dragon, so that it might corrupt and plunder all over Europe.”[25]
Civilta Cattolica was written in 1890, but it seems that its truth resonates in our own time. The Jews, it is said, wanted
“to eliminate everything that was historical and national in the institutions of the different states, by reducing all of them, some more and some less, except Russia, to such a form of government which was to insure that the bulk of power rested in the hands of the oligarchies, directly or indirectly depending upon him, as for instance, the modern parliaments, which pretend, through a continuous legal fiction, to govern in the name of national sovereignty but in fact impose on us the few who quite legally tyrannize all the others.”[26]
Jones makes the point that
“Jewish criminals distinguish themselves from ordinary criminals by the premeditation which characterizes their crimes, which attain a degree of ‘malignant perversity’ because they have the approval of their highest religious authority.If you think this is just a relic of the past, read the following headline by Bloomberg:
“After a century of placing the Talmud on equal footing with the Bible, crimes such as ‘sponging, falsification, usury, legacy-hunting, premeditated bankruptcy, contraband, counterfeiting, fraudulent selling of hypothecated property, extortion, swindle and fraud of all sorts and with every sort of aggravating circumstances’ have become pandemic, and what is worse, because of the civil equality which the rights of man have conferred on Judaism, ‘most of the crimes committed by Jews go unpunished one way or another, and are sometimes even rewarded by knights’ ribbons and crosses or baronial titles.’”[27]
“[Jamie] Dimon Gets 74 Percent Raise After Billions in Fines.”[28]
Let us just read a few lines from the article:
“After agreeing to pay $23 billion in penalties and settlements in 2013, JPMorgan Chase (JPM) Chief Executive Jamie Dimon was rewarded today by the board he chairs, receiving a 74 percent pay raise to $20 million.Houston, we have a problem. And if the West needs to get back to reality, it needs to start formulating consistent, systematic, and logical solutions to this vitally important issue. As Israel Shamir rightly argues, “The Jewish paradigm should be confronted and counteracted.”[30]
“Dimon has presided over a series of costly settlements with government investigators, including paying $13 billion for mortgage activity that helped lead to the financial crisis and $2 billion for failing to do anything about signs that client Bernie Madoff was running a Ponzi scheme.
“But in the amoral logic of the stock market, each payout has been met with gains in the company’s stock price, as investors see one fewer uncertainty looming over future profits.”[29]
If they ask me, I would say that the West needs to get back to a system which worked for hundreds of years and which turned out to be a blessing to both Jews and Gentiles in Europe. It is called Sicut Judaeis non.
The sad part is that much of the Church has been handicapped both spiritually and morally and no one has the political and spiritual power to enforce traditional teachings.[31]
[1] Paul R. Pillar, “Syria and WMD Inconsistency in the Middle East,” National Interest, April 30, 2-13.
[2] See for example James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, “Bush Secretly Lifted Some Limits on Spying in U.S. After 9/11, Officials Say,” NY Times, December 15, 2005; Dan Eggen, “Bush Authorized Domestic Spying,” Washington Post, December 16, 2005; Robin Toner, “After the Attacks: Civil Liberties; Some Foresee a Sea Change In Attitudes of Freedoms,” NY Times, September 15, 2001; James Bamford, A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies (New York: Anchor Books, 2005).
[3] Dan Eggen, “Bush Authorized Domestic Spying,” Washington Post, December 16, 2005.
[4] James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, “Bush Secretly Lifted Some Limits on Spying in U.S. After 9/11, Officials Say,” NY Times, December 15, 2005.
[5] James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, “Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts,” NY Times, December 16, 2005.
[6] James Bamford, “Big Brother Is Watching You. Without a Warrant,” NY Times, May 18, 2003.
[7] “Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel,” Haaretz, April 16, 2008.
[8] Ibid.
[9] James Bennett, “A DAY OF TERROR: THE ISRAELIS; Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer,” NY Times, September 12, 2001.
[10] Quoted in Andrew Higgins, “How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas,” Wall Street Journal, January 24, 2009.
[11] “France Pushes for Tighter Online Surveillance,” Wall Street Journal, January 13, 2015; see also Kashmira Gander, “Paris terror attacks: France’s Prime Minister seeks tighter surveillance as police say weapons used in massacres were from abroad,” The Independent, January 13, 2015.
[12] See for example “How Was Israel Involved in Collecting U.S. Communications Intel for NSA?,” Haaretz, June 8, 2013; Michael Kelley, “Did You Know?: Two Secretive Israeli Companies Reportedly Bugged The US Telecommunications Grid For the NSA,” Business Insider, June 7, 2013.
[13] See for example Angelique Chrisafis, “France ‘runs vast electronic spying operation using NSA-style methods,’” Guardian, July 4, 2013; Kim Hjelmgaard, “France summons U.S. ambassador over NSA spying claims,” USA Today, October 21, 2013; “’Success Story': NSA Targeted French Foreign Ministry,” Spiegel, September 1, 2013; “US National Security Agency ‘spied on French diplomats,’” BBC, October 22, 2013.
[14] “Edward Snowden Interview: The NSA and Its Willing Helpers,” Spiegel, July 8, 2013.
[15] See for example “NSA France: U.S. Conducted Large-Scale Spying On French Citizens: Report,” Huffington Post, October 21, 2013.
[16] Ibid.
[17] “Snowden leaks: France summons US envoy over spying claims,” BBC, October 21, 2013.
[18] “Edward Snowden says U.S. officials want to assassinate him for leaking NSA documents,” NY Daily News, January 26, 2014; “Snowden: U.S. Officials ‘Want To Kill Me,’” National Memo, January 26, 2014; “Edward Snowden says US officials ‘would love to put a bullet in my head,’” Sydney Morning Herald, January 27, 2014; “’They will put a bullet in my head or poison me when I come out of the supermarket': Edward Snowden says U.S. secret service wants to kill him,” Daily Mail, January 27, 2014.
[19] “Edward Snowden says US officials ‘would love to put a bullet in my head,’” Sydney Morning Herald, January 27, 2014.
[20] Ibid.
[21] E. Michael Jones, Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict Between Labor and Usury (South Bend: Fidelity Press, 2014), 1172.
[22] Ibid., 1179.
[23] Ibid., 1172-1173.
[24] Ibid., 1173.
[25] Ibid., 1180.
[26] Ibid., 1173.
[27] Ibid.
[28] “Dimon Gets 74 Percent Raise After Billions in Fines,” Bloomberg, January 24, 2014.
[29] Ibid.
[30] Israel Shamir, Cabbala of Power (Charleston: BookSurge, 2007), 317.
[31] We will briefly touch on this at the end of this month.
Jonas E. Alexis
E. Alexis studied mathematics and philosophy as an undergraduate at
Palm Beach Atlantic University and has a master's degree in education
from Grand Canyon University.
Some of his main interests include the history of Christianity, U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the new book ,Christianity & Rabbinic Judaism: A History of Conflict Between Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism from the first Century to the Twenty-first Century.
He is currently teaching mathematics in South Korea. He plays soccer and basketball in his spare time. He is also a cyclist. He is currently writing a book tentatively titled Zionism and the West.
Alexis welcomes comments, letters, and queries in order to advance, explain, and expound rational and logical discussion on issues such as the Israel/Palestine conflict, the history of Christianity, and the history of ideas.
In the interest of maintaining a civil forum, Alexis asks that all queries be appropriately respectful and maintain a level of civility. As the saying goes, “iron sharpens iron,” and the best way to sharpen one’s mind is through constructive criticism, good and bad.
However, Alexis has no patience with name-calling and ad hominem attack. He has deliberately ignored many queries and irrational individuals in the past for this specific reason—and he will continue to abide by this policy.
17 dead at the hand of Muslim terrorists. And how many thousands of Muslims slaughtered in their homelands by French military?
I sat down to watch the Paris march commemorating Charlie with curiosity, for this important outpouring of ordinary people’s fears and resolve had been hi-jacked by the French government in a nauseating attempt to de-odorise some of its terror-dealing friends by hosting and parading them at the head of the march.
‘Beyond the pale’
Haaretz reported http://www.haaretz.com/news/world/1.636010 that top terrror leader and foaming crackpot Netanyahu had tweeted: “The attack on France is an attack on us all. Free people everywhere must unite to confront radical Islamist terrorism and to protect ourselves against this threat to our common civilisation.”
Our common civilisation? Netanyahu’s regime is so far, far outside our civilisation that it is never likely to be part of it – unless Israel learns to respect international law and the freedom of other people, which doesn’t seem to be part of its DNA. We say such people are “beyond the pale” – strangers to the rules of normal society and human decency.
Ex-Mossad asset, former Israeli foreign minister and now Hatnuah leader Tzipi Livni, who was responsible for the Operation Cast Lead terror-spree and now passes for a peace negotiator, remarked on the Paris shooting: “We [Israelis] feel the same anger when terror hits us – and that is why we will not accept any attempt to sue our soldiers in The Hague.”
Exactly the same could be said by Hamas, and with much greater justification, about Israel’s crazed terror attacks on Gaza’s civilians and the slaughter – not just mass-murder but mega-slaughter on an industrial scale – of innocent women and children cheered on by Israeli crowds watching in deckchairs from the tops of nearby hills. Livni is an A-list psychopath steeped in terror and violence. Her father Eitan and her mother were both prominent members of the Irgun, the terrorist outfit that bombed the King David Hotel, the headquarters of the British Mandatory Government, in 1946 killing 91.
Netanyahu was coming to the march accompanied by foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman and economy minister Naftali Bennett. Lieberman has been described variously as “a virulent racist”, “neo-fascist” and “certified gangster”. He is tarred with the war crimes brush by choosing to live in an illegal squat or ‘settlement’ on stolen Palestinian land. And Bennett has sworn: “I will do everything in my power to make sure they [the Palestinians] never get a state.”
This toxic trio come from East European families. It is unlikely they can show direct descent from the Jews of the Holy Land 2000 years ago, so what claim have they to Palestine’s lands and resources?
They should have been arrested as soon as they landed in Paris, clapped in irons and dragged to The Hague — that’s if France had the slightest intention of honoring its obligation under the 1949 Geneva Conventions. Like all other countries that think themselves civilised, France is under solemn oath to seek out those suspected of having committed grave breaches of the Conventions and bring them, regardless of nationality, to justice. In other words, there should be no hiding place for the world’s worst criminals.
The principle that no-one, regardless of creed or nationality, should feel able to commit war crimes with impunity has been jettisoned by Britain too, so that Israeli thugs need no longer fear arrest if travelling to London.
When it came to the march, there was Netanyahu pushing to the front of the parade and centre-stage, linking arms and occasionally waving to the crowds as if he was God’s gift to mankind.
What a marvellous opportunity for the people’ Assassination Bureau (if only there was such a thing) to rid the world of some of the undesirables that international law seems unable to reach.
UK prime minister David Cameron stated: “We’ll march together for our values.” Whose values? Surely not French values – “liberty, equality, fraternity” – as these are denied by Netanyahu and some of President Hollande’s other guests at the march.
The tainting such an occasion was surely an affront to the memory of those who died and a rude finger-up to international law. But the brave people of Paris seemed to rise above it. The impertinence of Hollande, Netanyahu and Cameron served to remind us how far the political class in France, and indeed Britain, has sunk since WW2.
State terror is OK, apparently
Here’s a flavour of the Tel Aviv regime’s war crimes of the last ten years and why their mad dogs should never have been allowed onto the streets of Paris…
When Israel “disengaged” from Gaza in September 2005 (i.e. pulled out its ground troops and squatters) it signed an Agreement on Movement intended to maintain and develop Gaza’s economy and set the scene for a viable Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. It was drawn up by the US, sponsored by the Quartet and launched by Condoleezza Rice (US Secretary of State) and Javier Solana (EU High Representative) in Jerusalem on 15 November 2005.
It promised to give the Palestinian people freedom to move, to trade, to live ordinary lives, an airport and a seaport.
But when Israel says “disengage” it doesn’t mean disengage at all. Quite the opposite. It did not return control to the Palestinians. Israel continues to this day to occupy Gaza’s airspace and coastal waters, seal the exits and slap on an ever-tighter blockade just because the Zionist regime didn’t like the result of the 2006 democratic election won by Hamas. It went ballistic when a US/Israel backed coup by Hamas’s rival, Fatah, was thwarted and Hamas booted Fatah out of Gaza.
In June 2008, Egypt brokered a new deal to end hostilities and the blockade, but there was still no easing up after four and a half months. On 4 November that year, an Israeli incursion killed 7 members of Hamas. That was the end of the deal, and Operation Cast Lead began shortly afterwards.
Having pulverised Gaza over Christmas and the New Year, and slaughtered 1,400 Palestinians in the process including 391 women and children, Israel declared its military objectives met and called a unilateral ceasefire.
Israel’s next military offensive against Gaza, in November 2012 (Operation Pillar of Cloud), began with the assassination of Ahmed Jaabari, the commander of the military wing of Hamas whom Israel knew to be a key player in ongoing negotiations for a long-term truce. In this offensive Israel killed another 170 Palestinians in Gaza, including 50 women and children.
It ended with an agreement in which Israel promised to cease military incursions into Gaza by land, sea and air, cease the targeting of individuals, and “open the crossings and facilitate the movement of people and transfer of goods, and refrain from restricting residents’ free movement and targeting residents in border areas”. It fulfilled none of these things.
Which brought us to the sickening horror of last summer when Israel launched Operation Protective Edge, slaughtering more than 2,200 people including 513 children, and causing massive destruction to vital infrastructure, much of it paid for by Western taxpayers. Since then Israel has obstructed rebuilding, prolonging the misery and aggravating an already serious public health crisis. With so many families made homeless by Israel’s onslaught children are shivering to death with the onset of winter.
Of course, Netanyahu’s regime won’t be picking up the tab. No, they’ll be rewarded with major re-construction and supply contracts. And invited to freedom marches and shopping trips to Europe’s capitals.
(Editor’s note: Republished here after being published in Russia, this was our opening story on the Paris attack. We got it right day number one.)
We have smoking gun evidence no one can refute that at least one aspect of the Paris terror attacks was theatrically staged. This reminds me of what a priest told me years ago, “You get caught having sex with just one little boy and they label you a pedophile.”
The internet is now filled with amateur exposes, one thing is different this time. Not only are the “amateurs” right, some of them are very right.
False Flag
This week’s terror attack in Paris is simply “not credible.” The suspects, the ID found in the cars, the “easily sacrificed” target, has the smell of false flag terror. Europe, after all, has forgotten the Breivik attack of 2011 killing 77, a pure Mossad operation to punish a political group involved in the BDS boycott movement.
The French newspaper Le Point has already named ISIS as responsible. It is doubtful that anyone has failed to notice that ISIS is the most “Israel friendly” Islamic organization in the world. Could it be ISIS loves Israel for providing safe passage for jihadists, medical care, weapons, logistics and intelligence to the group that only attacks Israel’s enemies?
The cover up of the flight MH17 downing by a Kiev junta jet fighter, whether planned initially as a “false flag” or not, quickly became one when doctored satellite photos and phony video trying to blame Russia was quickly but carelessly produced.
Killing 12 French citizens to manipulate public opinion in a nation increasingly unfriendly to Israel simply fits a pattern. That pattern has recently included synagogue attacks as well.
The first thing asked when there is a terror attack is “who benefits.” No, the mainstream media doesn’t ask, intelligence agencies don’t ask either. They already know. 80% of the time one of them did it, either directly or through a terror group they either created and operate, like ISIS/ISIL or one they took over, perhaps like Boko Harum or Al Shabab.
No one ever asks where those satellite phones and new Toyota pickup trucks come from, as though they magically arrive from outer space.
There is another audience Israel may have been playing to as well. Only a day before, the Israeli backed Republican Party took over the US Senate with ISIS backer John McCain, recently cited for violating Syrian sovereignty to arrange meetings with ISIS and Al Qaeda leaders there.
From “The Onion,” a satirical American publication:
“WASHINGTON—Members of Sen. John McCain’s family expressed deep concern Tuesday after receiving word that the aging legislator had wandered off into Syria. “Unfortunately, this has been happening a lot lately; he’ll walk out of the Capitol building, get disoriented, and then we get a call late at night saying that John is in Syria,”
McCain’s wife Cindy said upon learning that her 76-year-old husband turned up in the war-torn country after ambling across the Turkey-Syria border and delivering a rambling, incoherent speech to a group of rebels. “Then one of us has to go to Syria, pick him up, and bring him back to Washington. We’re going to have to sit down soon and decide what to do about this before he seriously hurts himself.” McCain’s wife added that her husband’s recent trip to Syria was the most alarming episode for her family since the elderly Arizona senator got into his car, started driving, and ended up lost in the 2008 presidential election.”
Would an intelligence agency, Israeli or otherwise, have staged a terror attack to provide justification for the new US foreign policy that abandons any demands on Israel limiting West Bank settlements?
How much American military equipment given to Israel will end up in the hands of ISIS, regularly photographed using “seized Iraqi weapons” that were, in fact, never delivered to Iraq in the first place. The M4 carbines, Stinger and TOW missiles used by ISIS are all from Israeli stockpiles, gifts from the generous people of the United States.
As false flag terror attacks go, this is less imaginative than most. No buildings are demolished, no airliners vanish. By recent accounts, there hadn’t been a false flag terror attack in 4 days, the last when Saudi intelligence services attacked one of their own border crossings with Iraq, claiming a “700 man ISIS brigade encamped inside Saudi Arabia” to be the culprit.”
This “attack” occurred as Prince Khaled bin Bandar, chief of intelligence for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, arrives in Washington to downplay their backing of ISIS and sell the idea that the Kingdom is under threat.
The video of the attack, some of which are taken by Israeli journalists, not “dancing Israeli’s like at the 9/11 attacks, but equally incredible, clearly demonstrate that the attackers were using blanks.
In a video published on Liveleak, a close range “execution style” shows no blast effect or blood, from a weapon capable of devastating effect. (See YouTube demonstration of AK47 effect)
Ballistics experts consulted today describe videos of the French attack as “staged theatrical events.” Other than the suspicious HD video, experts have already noted that, without coming close to “conspiracy theory” dot-connecting, the weapons eject no shell casings, bullets supposedly hit concrete with no effect whatsoever, even from “point blank” range.
You see, the AK47 round, 7.62×39 is not only very powerful but typically has a steel core for penetrating body armour. When hitting concrete, an AK round throws up large chunks of debris, unseen in this event.
Preliminary analysis of the audio as well demonstrates a frequency indicating the subsonic report of a blank round. In an “urban canyon,” a supersonic round from an assault rifle creates a noticeable high frequency “crack” with a secondary “report” or echo, generally described as “crack-pop.”
It has taken only a few hours for press outlets to question perfectly timed HD video from a seemingly fearless bystander who is witnessing actors firing blanks incapable of operating the ejection system of a weapon, imaginary bullets that leave concrete pristine and blood free.
Those observing the video familiar with Paris note the spacing of the cars. In “real Paris,” there is no room to walk between cars, no wide spacing but rather total urban mayhem of motorbikes, touching bumpers and utter disorder. Another running joke in Paris is that the sidewalks are only cleaned before Bastille Day. Months later, trash and dog fouling turns Paris into an open sewer.
It is not unreasonable to assume we are seeing the equivalent of a “movie set.”
Terrorism, with real or imaginary dead, is a tool of chaos theory war and quickly propagandized. If real events can’t be “spun,” they are created. While there is no definitive analysis yet, and were there one, it would never be released to the public, the Paris attack of this week is, in the highest probability, not what it is meant to seem.
The Paris event became even less credible when attempts were made to find the scene. Not only can nobody locate the locale from the given address, there is, in fact, no area of Paris that resembles the video. Our own investigation of the scene found the “real” location to be a much narrower street with parking on one side only, heavily “tagged/spray painted” buildings and an area where sidewalks are lined with parked motorbikes, like every other section of the real Paris.
Please accept this conjecture as part of a hypothesis now supported by most of the facts; there are several feature film production companies working in Paris currently. We have just seen the work of one of them, perhaps we can call it “Taken IV.” This certainly is a sequel. We have seen it all before so many times.
Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”
First appeared: http://journal-neo.org/2015/01/13/paris-terror-the-smell-of-false-flag/
Some of his main interests include the history of Christianity, U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the new book ,Christianity & Rabbinic Judaism: A History of Conflict Between Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism from the first Century to the Twenty-first Century.
He is currently teaching mathematics in South Korea. He plays soccer and basketball in his spare time. He is also a cyclist. He is currently writing a book tentatively titled Zionism and the West.
Alexis welcomes comments, letters, and queries in order to advance, explain, and expound rational and logical discussion on issues such as the Israel/Palestine conflict, the history of Christianity, and the history of ideas.
In the interest of maintaining a civil forum, Alexis asks that all queries be appropriately respectful and maintain a level of civility. As the saying goes, “iron sharpens iron,” and the best way to sharpen one’s mind is through constructive criticism, good and bad.
However, Alexis has no patience with name-calling and ad hominem attack. He has deliberately ignored many queries and irrational individuals in the past for this specific reason—and he will continue to abide by this policy.
Taking the mickey: war crimes suspects led Paris anti-terror march
Posted by Stuart Littlewood on January 12, 2015
Again, you simply couldn't make it up!
by Stuart Littlewood
17 dead at the hand of Muslim terrorists. And how many thousands of Muslims slaughtered in their homelands by French military?
I sat down to watch the Paris march commemorating Charlie with curiosity, for this important outpouring of ordinary people’s fears and resolve had been hi-jacked by the French government in a nauseating attempt to de-odorise some of its terror-dealing friends by hosting and parading them at the head of the march.
‘Beyond the pale’
Haaretz reported http://www.haaretz.com/news/world/1.636010 that top terrror leader and foaming crackpot Netanyahu had tweeted: “The attack on France is an attack on us all. Free people everywhere must unite to confront radical Islamist terrorism and to protect ourselves against this threat to our common civilisation.”
Our common civilisation? Netanyahu’s regime is so far, far outside our civilisation that it is never likely to be part of it – unless Israel learns to respect international law and the freedom of other people, which doesn’t seem to be part of its DNA. We say such people are “beyond the pale” – strangers to the rules of normal society and human decency.
Ex-Mossad asset, former Israeli foreign minister and now Hatnuah leader Tzipi Livni, who was responsible for the Operation Cast Lead terror-spree and now passes for a peace negotiator, remarked on the Paris shooting: “We [Israelis] feel the same anger when terror hits us – and that is why we will not accept any attempt to sue our soldiers in The Hague.”
Exactly the same could be said by Hamas, and with much greater justification, about Israel’s crazed terror attacks on Gaza’s civilians and the slaughter – not just mass-murder but mega-slaughter on an industrial scale – of innocent women and children cheered on by Israeli crowds watching in deckchairs from the tops of nearby hills. Livni is an A-list psychopath steeped in terror and violence. Her father Eitan and her mother were both prominent members of the Irgun, the terrorist outfit that bombed the King David Hotel, the headquarters of the British Mandatory Government, in 1946 killing 91.
Netanyahu was coming to the march accompanied by foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman and economy minister Naftali Bennett. Lieberman has been described variously as “a virulent racist”, “neo-fascist” and “certified gangster”. He is tarred with the war crimes brush by choosing to live in an illegal squat or ‘settlement’ on stolen Palestinian land. And Bennett has sworn: “I will do everything in my power to make sure they [the Palestinians] never get a state.”
This toxic trio come from East European families. It is unlikely they can show direct descent from the Jews of the Holy Land 2000 years ago, so what claim have they to Palestine’s lands and resources?
They should have been arrested as soon as they landed in Paris, clapped in irons and dragged to The Hague — that’s if France had the slightest intention of honoring its obligation under the 1949 Geneva Conventions. Like all other countries that think themselves civilised, France is under solemn oath to seek out those suspected of having committed grave breaches of the Conventions and bring them, regardless of nationality, to justice. In other words, there should be no hiding place for the world’s worst criminals.
The principle that no-one, regardless of creed or nationality, should feel able to commit war crimes with impunity has been jettisoned by Britain too, so that Israeli thugs need no longer fear arrest if travelling to London.
When it came to the march, there was Netanyahu pushing to the front of the parade and centre-stage, linking arms and occasionally waving to the crowds as if he was God’s gift to mankind.
What a marvellous opportunity for the people’ Assassination Bureau (if only there was such a thing) to rid the world of some of the undesirables that international law seems unable to reach.
UK prime minister David Cameron stated: “We’ll march together for our values.” Whose values? Surely not French values – “liberty, equality, fraternity” – as these are denied by Netanyahu and some of President Hollande’s other guests at the march.
The tainting such an occasion was surely an affront to the memory of those who died and a rude finger-up to international law. But the brave people of Paris seemed to rise above it. The impertinence of Hollande, Netanyahu and Cameron served to remind us how far the political class in France, and indeed Britain, has sunk since WW2.
State terror is OK, apparently
Here’s a flavour of the Tel Aviv regime’s war crimes of the last ten years and why their mad dogs should never have been allowed onto the streets of Paris…
When Israel “disengaged” from Gaza in September 2005 (i.e. pulled out its ground troops and squatters) it signed an Agreement on Movement intended to maintain and develop Gaza’s economy and set the scene for a viable Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. It was drawn up by the US, sponsored by the Quartet and launched by Condoleezza Rice (US Secretary of State) and Javier Solana (EU High Representative) in Jerusalem on 15 November 2005.
It promised to give the Palestinian people freedom to move, to trade, to live ordinary lives, an airport and a seaport.
But when Israel says “disengage” it doesn’t mean disengage at all. Quite the opposite. It did not return control to the Palestinians. Israel continues to this day to occupy Gaza’s airspace and coastal waters, seal the exits and slap on an ever-tighter blockade just because the Zionist regime didn’t like the result of the 2006 democratic election won by Hamas. It went ballistic when a US/Israel backed coup by Hamas’s rival, Fatah, was thwarted and Hamas booted Fatah out of Gaza.
In June 2008, Egypt brokered a new deal to end hostilities and the blockade, but there was still no easing up after four and a half months. On 4 November that year, an Israeli incursion killed 7 members of Hamas. That was the end of the deal, and Operation Cast Lead began shortly afterwards.
Having pulverised Gaza over Christmas and the New Year, and slaughtered 1,400 Palestinians in the process including 391 women and children, Israel declared its military objectives met and called a unilateral ceasefire.
Israel’s next military offensive against Gaza, in November 2012 (Operation Pillar of Cloud), began with the assassination of Ahmed Jaabari, the commander of the military wing of Hamas whom Israel knew to be a key player in ongoing negotiations for a long-term truce. In this offensive Israel killed another 170 Palestinians in Gaza, including 50 women and children.
It ended with an agreement in which Israel promised to cease military incursions into Gaza by land, sea and air, cease the targeting of individuals, and “open the crossings and facilitate the movement of people and transfer of goods, and refrain from restricting residents’ free movement and targeting residents in border areas”. It fulfilled none of these things.
Which brought us to the sickening horror of last summer when Israel launched Operation Protective Edge, slaughtering more than 2,200 people including 513 children, and causing massive destruction to vital infrastructure, much of it paid for by Western taxpayers. Since then Israel has obstructed rebuilding, prolonging the misery and aggravating an already serious public health crisis. With so many families made homeless by Israel’s onslaught children are shivering to death with the onset of winter.
Of course, Netanyahu’s regime won’t be picking up the tab. No, they’ll be rewarded with major re-construction and supply contracts. And invited to freedom marches and shopping trips to Europe’s capitals.
Stuart Littlewood
Stuart Littlewood worked on jet fighters in the RAF then pursued a career in industrial marketing.
More recently he worked as a freelance and with innovation consultancies. Psychology degree Exeter University, Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. Served as a Cambridgeshire county councillor 1993-7 and on the Police Authority. Associate of the Royal Photographic Society. Since retiring has been a newspaper columnist and produced two photo-documentary books. He is a regular contributor to a number of internet news magazines.
Stuart’s book Radio Free Palestine, with Foreword by Jeff Halper, tells the plight of the Palestinians under brutal occupation. It can now be read on the internet by visiting RadioFreePalestine.org.uk.
More recently he worked as a freelance and with innovation consultancies. Psychology degree Exeter University, Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. Served as a Cambridgeshire county councillor 1993-7 and on the Police Authority. Associate of the Royal Photographic Society. Since retiring has been a newspaper columnist and produced two photo-documentary books. He is a regular contributor to a number of internet news magazines.
Stuart’s book Radio Free Palestine, with Foreword by Jeff Halper, tells the plight of the Palestinians under brutal occupation. It can now be read on the internet by visiting RadioFreePalestine.org.uk.
NEO: Paris Terror, the Smell of False Flag
Posted by Gordon Duff on January 15, 2015
Will “Paris” be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
(Editor’s note: Republished here after being published in Russia, this was our opening story on the Paris attack. We got it right day number one.)
We have smoking gun evidence no one can refute that at least one aspect of the Paris terror attacks was theatrically staged. This reminds me of what a priest told me years ago, “You get caught having sex with just one little boy and they label you a pedophile.”
The internet is now filled with amateur exposes, one thing is different this time. Not only are the “amateurs” right, some of them are very right.
False Flag
This week’s terror attack in Paris is simply “not credible.” The suspects, the ID found in the cars, the “easily sacrificed” target, has the smell of false flag terror. Europe, after all, has forgotten the Breivik attack of 2011 killing 77, a pure Mossad operation to punish a political group involved in the BDS boycott movement.
The French newspaper Le Point has already named ISIS as responsible. It is doubtful that anyone has failed to notice that ISIS is the most “Israel friendly” Islamic organization in the world. Could it be ISIS loves Israel for providing safe passage for jihadists, medical care, weapons, logistics and intelligence to the group that only attacks Israel’s enemies?
The cover up of the flight MH17 downing by a Kiev junta jet fighter, whether planned initially as a “false flag” or not, quickly became one when doctored satellite photos and phony video trying to blame Russia was quickly but carelessly produced.
Killing 12 French citizens to manipulate public opinion in a nation increasingly unfriendly to Israel simply fits a pattern. That pattern has recently included synagogue attacks as well.
The first thing asked when there is a terror attack is “who benefits.” No, the mainstream media doesn’t ask, intelligence agencies don’t ask either. They already know. 80% of the time one of them did it, either directly or through a terror group they either created and operate, like ISIS/ISIL or one they took over, perhaps like Boko Harum or Al Shabab.
No one ever asks where those satellite phones and new Toyota pickup trucks come from, as though they magically arrive from outer space.
There is another audience Israel may have been playing to as well. Only a day before, the Israeli backed Republican Party took over the US Senate with ISIS backer John McCain, recently cited for violating Syrian sovereignty to arrange meetings with ISIS and Al Qaeda leaders there.
From “The Onion,” a satirical American publication:
“WASHINGTON—Members of Sen. John McCain’s family expressed deep concern Tuesday after receiving word that the aging legislator had wandered off into Syria. “Unfortunately, this has been happening a lot lately; he’ll walk out of the Capitol building, get disoriented, and then we get a call late at night saying that John is in Syria,”
McCain’s wife Cindy said upon learning that her 76-year-old husband turned up in the war-torn country after ambling across the Turkey-Syria border and delivering a rambling, incoherent speech to a group of rebels. “Then one of us has to go to Syria, pick him up, and bring him back to Washington. We’re going to have to sit down soon and decide what to do about this before he seriously hurts himself.” McCain’s wife added that her husband’s recent trip to Syria was the most alarming episode for her family since the elderly Arizona senator got into his car, started driving, and ended up lost in the 2008 presidential election.”
Would an intelligence agency, Israeli or otherwise, have staged a terror attack to provide justification for the new US foreign policy that abandons any demands on Israel limiting West Bank settlements?
How much American military equipment given to Israel will end up in the hands of ISIS, regularly photographed using “seized Iraqi weapons” that were, in fact, never delivered to Iraq in the first place. The M4 carbines, Stinger and TOW missiles used by ISIS are all from Israeli stockpiles, gifts from the generous people of the United States.
As false flag terror attacks go, this is less imaginative than most. No buildings are demolished, no airliners vanish. By recent accounts, there hadn’t been a false flag terror attack in 4 days, the last when Saudi intelligence services attacked one of their own border crossings with Iraq, claiming a “700 man ISIS brigade encamped inside Saudi Arabia” to be the culprit.”
This “attack” occurred as Prince Khaled bin Bandar, chief of intelligence for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, arrives in Washington to downplay their backing of ISIS and sell the idea that the Kingdom is under threat.
The video of the attack, some of which are taken by Israeli journalists, not “dancing Israeli’s like at the 9/11 attacks, but equally incredible, clearly demonstrate that the attackers were using blanks.
In a video published on Liveleak, a close range “execution style” shows no blast effect or blood, from a weapon capable of devastating effect. (See YouTube demonstration of AK47 effect)
Ballistics experts consulted today describe videos of the French attack as “staged theatrical events.” Other than the suspicious HD video, experts have already noted that, without coming close to “conspiracy theory” dot-connecting, the weapons eject no shell casings, bullets supposedly hit concrete with no effect whatsoever, even from “point blank” range.
You see, the AK47 round, 7.62×39 is not only very powerful but typically has a steel core for penetrating body armour. When hitting concrete, an AK round throws up large chunks of debris, unseen in this event.
Preliminary analysis of the audio as well demonstrates a frequency indicating the subsonic report of a blank round. In an “urban canyon,” a supersonic round from an assault rifle creates a noticeable high frequency “crack” with a secondary “report” or echo, generally described as “crack-pop.”
It has taken only a few hours for press outlets to question perfectly timed HD video from a seemingly fearless bystander who is witnessing actors firing blanks incapable of operating the ejection system of a weapon, imaginary bullets that leave concrete pristine and blood free.
Those observing the video familiar with Paris note the spacing of the cars. In “real Paris,” there is no room to walk between cars, no wide spacing but rather total urban mayhem of motorbikes, touching bumpers and utter disorder. Another running joke in Paris is that the sidewalks are only cleaned before Bastille Day. Months later, trash and dog fouling turns Paris into an open sewer.
It is not unreasonable to assume we are seeing the equivalent of a “movie set.”
Terrorism, with real or imaginary dead, is a tool of chaos theory war and quickly propagandized. If real events can’t be “spun,” they are created. While there is no definitive analysis yet, and were there one, it would never be released to the public, the Paris attack of this week is, in the highest probability, not what it is meant to seem.
The Paris event became even less credible when attempts were made to find the scene. Not only can nobody locate the locale from the given address, there is, in fact, no area of Paris that resembles the video. Our own investigation of the scene found the “real” location to be a much narrower street with parking on one side only, heavily “tagged/spray painted” buildings and an area where sidewalks are lined with parked motorbikes, like every other section of the real Paris.
Please accept this conjecture as part of a hypothesis now supported by most of the facts; there are several feature film production companies working in Paris currently. We have just seen the work of one of them, perhaps we can call it “Taken IV.” This certainly is a sequel. We have seen it all before so many times.
Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”
First appeared: http://journal-neo.org/2015/01/13/paris-terror-the-smell-of-false-flag/
Gordon Duff
Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War.He is a disabled
veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon Duff is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists.He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Gordon Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries.He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration.Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
Visit Gordon Duff's YouTube Channel
Paris Terror Suspect Amedy Coulibaly Met With French President Sarkozy in 2009
All the details I mentioned in the Paris 9/11 story that are consonant with false flags have now emerged. The siege ending in a standoff with reported hostages has the tell-tale signs of a false flag event. In fact, Amedi Coulibaby, one suspect, met with Sarkozy in 2009 as the below article shows. On top of that, Pentagon-dining guest and CIA asset Anwar al-Awlaki was also affiliated with the Kouachi suspects, sending funding according to reports. The story sounds like a Takenfilm,
but I guess Liam Neeson was too busy filming part 17 to save the day.
Aren’t the people the terrorists consort with relevant?
Here is a translation and news tip courtesy of Dutchsinse via Facebook:
In my mind, the story brings back memories of the scandal involving Dominique Strauss-Kahn, and likely has to do with Anglo power axis not liking the potential pivot of France toward Palestine and Russia. However, I wouldn’t place much hope in a Grand Orient Hollande move toward Palestine, with the UN playing a massive role in the Palestine issue. Meanwhile, the US has been aiding and training these Jihadis, not since Obama’s regime, but, as you recall, back to Brzezinski and Robert Gates. And before that, British Intelligence did it for a hundred years prior.
“God is on your side!” Brzezinski tells the Mujahideen in Pakistan.
You can read more from Jay Dyer at his site Jay’s Analysis.
Gordon Duff is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists.He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Gordon Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries.He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration.Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
Visit Gordon Duff's YouTube Channel
Paris Terror Suspect Amedy Coulibaly Met With French President Sarkozy in 2009
Region: Europe
Theme: Media Disinformation
Here is a translation and news tip courtesy of Dutchsinse via Facebook:
an unlikely encounter between Nicolas Sarkozy, the then French President and Amedy Coulibaly, the gunman suspected of killing a police woman and of taking five hostages at a kosher grocery in eastern Paris today.
The meeting took place in 2009 in the Élysée Palace when Mr Sarkozy met nine young French men who got just jobs in a local factory. They were all from Grigny, a tough Parisian suburb torn by riots 10 years ago.
Quoting the “terrorist”:
“Sarkozy is not truly popular with the youth in the estates. But that is nothing personal. In fact it is the case for most politicians,” said Coulibaly.
“The encounter really impressed me. Whether I like him or not, he is the president after all.”
In my mind, the story brings back memories of the scandal involving Dominique Strauss-Kahn, and likely has to do with Anglo power axis not liking the potential pivot of France toward Palestine and Russia. However, I wouldn’t place much hope in a Grand Orient Hollande move toward Palestine, with the UN playing a massive role in the Palestine issue. Meanwhile, the US has been aiding and training these Jihadis, not since Obama’s regime, but, as you recall, back to Brzezinski and Robert Gates. And before that, British Intelligence did it for a hundred years prior.
“God is on your side!” Brzezinski tells the Mujahideen in Pakistan.
You can read more from Jay Dyer at his site Jay’s Analysis.
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World France
According to local newspaper Le Parisien, Sarkozy met with 500 young French people on July 15, 2009 to talk about work/study training and youth employment; among them was Amedy Coulibaly, then 27 and on contract at a Coca-Cola factory in Grigny, a suburb of Paris.
Coulibaly was interviewed by the newspaper in advance of the meeting, saying he was excited to meet the president and hoped he could help get him hired when his contract at the factory ended. He said his nine sisters had charged him with getting autographs and photos for the whole family.
“In the cities, with the young people, Sarkozy isn’t really very popular,” Coulibaly said. “But it’s nothing personal. In fact, that’s the case with most politicians.”
But the president’s unpopularity didn’t curb Coulibaly’s enthusiasm: “Whether you like him or not, he’s still the president.”
[Le Parisien]
He came face-to-face with the president.
Cop killer Amedy Coulibaly met with then-French President Nicolas Sarkozy as a troubled 27-year-old worker – years before he died a terrorist.
The Muslim extremist had several prior arrests and spent time locked up before he landed a contract gig with Coca-Cola and an audience with Sarkozy, who spoke and shook hands with a group of 500 young workers in July 2009.
“It’s a pleasure. I don’t know what I’m going to say to him,” Coulibaly told the Parisian newspaper. “I’ll start by saying ‘hello!’”
Coulibaly met his end Friday afternoon inside a Paris kosher grocery
store, which he had stormed earlier in the day and taken several
hostages. Four hostages were killed and police gunned down Coulibaly at the climax of the hours-long siege.
Hayat Boumeddiene, his 26-year-old girlfriend and alleged accomplice, remains on the loose.
Born in 1982 in Juvisy-sur-Orge, north of Paris, to parents of Senegalese descent and as the only boy in a brood of 10, Coulibaly was a petty criminal with arrests for theft, robbery and drugs beginning at age 17.
He spent time in prison after a 2002 conviction for armed bank robbery.
By 2009, he’d cleaned up enough to earn his facetime with Sarkozy.
“A real encounter; it’s impressive,” Coulibaly told the Parisian newspaper before the meet. “Whether you like him or not, it’s still the president.”
But his straight edge appearance was all an act. Less than a year later, in May 2010, Coulibaly was arrested and charged with trying to spring convicted terrorist Smain Ait Ali Belkacem from prison.
Smain Ait Ali Belkacem, once a member of the Armed Islamic Group, is
serving a life prison for a 1995 bombing on a suburban Paris commuter
Also involved in the plot to spring Belkacem was Cherif Kouachi, the 32-year-old gunman who, along with his brother, carried out Wednesday’s horrific terror attack on the Paris offices of French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo.
Cherif and brother Said, 34, were both killed by police Friday after taking a hostage at a factory near the Charles de Gaulle airport, north of Paris.
During Coulibaly’s arrest, authorities found Kalashnikov ammunition
inside his home, alongside photos of him and his girlfriend,
Boumeddiene, posing with radical Islamist Djamel Beghal, according to
French outlet Liberation.
Those photos, obtained Friday by the French newspaper Le Monde, show Coulibaly posing with his terror mentor, who spent 10 years imprisoned for a 2001 plot to attack the U.S. Embassy in Paris. Other snaps show Coulibaly posing with Boumeddiene, who is wearing a burqa, only her eyes showing, in the images. One shows Boumeddiene wielding a crossbow at the camera, while another shows Coulibaly taking aim at a target off camera.
Questioned by authorities at the time of her boyfriend’s arrest, Boumeddiene admitted she and Coulibaly visited the southern France of Cantal, where Beghal lived, to partake in “crossbow practice,” the Telegraph reported.
Coulibaly earned a five year prison sentence for his role in the escape plot and was released in March 2014, according to Liberation.
He kept a low profile until early Thursday morning, when police say Coulibaly - wearing a bulletproof vest, dressed all in black and armed with a semiautomatic rifle – shot dead police officer Clarissa Jean Philippe in Montrouge, a southern section of Paris.
Coulibaly told French news TV station BFM that he and the Kouachi brothers coordinated their attacks, Agence France-Presse reported.
“They took Charlie Hebdo, me the police,” he said.
Then on Friday afternoon, shortly after police announced they’d surrounded the Kouachi brothers following a two-day manhunt, Coulibaly stormed a kosher grocery store in Porte de Vincennes and killed four people as he started an hours-long siege.
“You know who I am!” he reportedly screamed as took more than a dozen people captive.
At some point, Coulibaly contacted police and admitted he killed Philippe, the 25-year-old policewoman.
Coulibaly ordered cops to back off the corned Kouachi brothers or he’d kill hostages. Around 5 p.m. local time Friday, French special forces carried out near-simultaneous raids on both the Kouachi brothers and Coulibaly.
All three terrorists were shot dead.
Police say Boumeddine remains free and it’s unclear if she helped her dead beau in either terror attack.
Little is known about the 26-year-old woman, though she had been with Coulibaly since at least 2010 and appeared to share his terrorist tendencies.
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World France
Paris Attacker Met French President in 2009
Amedy Coulibaly said he got Nicolas Sarkozy's autograph for his nine sisters
A gunman killed by French police on Friday after taking a number of hostages at a kosher supermarket in Paris met with then-president Nicolas Sarkozy in 2009.According to local newspaper Le Parisien, Sarkozy met with 500 young French people on July 15, 2009 to talk about work/study training and youth employment; among them was Amedy Coulibaly, then 27 and on contract at a Coca-Cola factory in Grigny, a suburb of Paris.
Coulibaly was interviewed by the newspaper in advance of the meeting, saying he was excited to meet the president and hoped he could help get him hired when his contract at the factory ended. He said his nine sisters had charged him with getting autographs and photos for the whole family.
“In the cities, with the young people, Sarkozy isn’t really very popular,” Coulibaly said. “But it’s nothing personal. In fact, that’s the case with most politicians.”
But the president’s unpopularity didn’t curb Coulibaly’s enthusiasm: “Whether you like him or not, he’s still the president.”
[Le Parisien]
Terrorist Amedy Coulibaly met former French President Nicolas Sarkozy in 2009, years before Paris murder spree
'I don't know what I'm going to say to him,' Coulibaly, 27 at the time, told the Parisian newspaper. 'I'll start by saying hello!' On Friday, Coulibaly was gunned down by police after a two-day terror spree in which authorities say he killed a policewoman and four hostages at a Jewish grocery in conjunction with the Kouachi brothers, who murdered 12 Charlie Hebdo workers in a sick showing of Islamic extremism.
Published: Friday, January 9, 2015, 3:23 PM
Updated: Friday, January 9, 2015, 4:48 PM
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Cop killer Amedy Coulibaly met with then-French President Nicolas Sarkozy as a troubled 27-year-old worker – years before he died a terrorist.
The Muslim extremist had several prior arrests and spent time locked up before he landed a contract gig with Coca-Cola and an audience with Sarkozy, who spoke and shook hands with a group of 500 young workers in July 2009.
“It’s a pleasure. I don’t know what I’m going to say to him,” Coulibaly told the Parisian newspaper. “I’ll start by saying ‘hello!’”
Hayat Boumeddiene, his 26-year-old girlfriend and alleged accomplice, remains on the loose.
Born in 1982 in Juvisy-sur-Orge, north of Paris, to parents of Senegalese descent and as the only boy in a brood of 10, Coulibaly was a petty criminal with arrests for theft, robbery and drugs beginning at age 17.
“A real encounter; it’s impressive,” Coulibaly told the Parisian newspaper before the meet. “Whether you like him or not, it’s still the president.”
But his straight edge appearance was all an act. Less than a year later, in May 2010, Coulibaly was arrested and charged with trying to spring convicted terrorist Smain Ait Ali Belkacem from prison.
Also involved in the plot to spring Belkacem was Cherif Kouachi, the 32-year-old gunman who, along with his brother, carried out Wednesday’s horrific terror attack on the Paris offices of French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo.
Cherif and brother Said, 34, were both killed by police Friday after taking a hostage at a factory near the Charles de Gaulle airport, north of Paris.
Those photos, obtained Friday by the French newspaper Le Monde, show Coulibaly posing with his terror mentor, who spent 10 years imprisoned for a 2001 plot to attack the U.S. Embassy in Paris. Other snaps show Coulibaly posing with Boumeddiene, who is wearing a burqa, only her eyes showing, in the images. One shows Boumeddiene wielding a crossbow at the camera, while another shows Coulibaly taking aim at a target off camera.
Questioned by authorities at the time of her boyfriend’s arrest, Boumeddiene admitted she and Coulibaly visited the southern France of Cantal, where Beghal lived, to partake in “crossbow practice,” the Telegraph reported.
He kept a low profile until early Thursday morning, when police say Coulibaly - wearing a bulletproof vest, dressed all in black and armed with a semiautomatic rifle – shot dead police officer Clarissa Jean Philippe in Montrouge, a southern section of Paris.
Coulibaly told French news TV station BFM that he and the Kouachi brothers coordinated their attacks, Agence France-Presse reported.
Then on Friday afternoon, shortly after police announced they’d surrounded the Kouachi brothers following a two-day manhunt, Coulibaly stormed a kosher grocery store in Porte de Vincennes and killed four people as he started an hours-long siege.
“You know who I am!” he reportedly screamed as took more than a dozen people captive.
Coulibaly ordered cops to back off the corned Kouachi brothers or he’d kill hostages. Around 5 p.m. local time Friday, French special forces carried out near-simultaneous raids on both the Kouachi brothers and Coulibaly.
All three terrorists were shot dead.
Police say Boumeddine remains free and it’s unclear if she helped her dead beau in either terror attack.
Little is known about the 26-year-old woman, though she had been with Coulibaly since at least 2010 and appeared to share his terrorist tendencies.
We Are the New Sheriff in Town
Posted by Gordon Duff on January 17, 2015Not sure we wanted the job
… by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
[ Editor’s Note: Long time VT readers will have figured out by now that we have been dropping bits and pieces of the real 9-11 story, and maybe have been curious why we did not do a motherload dump.The answer is simple. The motherload is too much to absorb in one day. We cannot imagine having gotten it all dumped on us at one time. We had years and years of preparation, which helped us a great deal when the frustrated and betrayed investigators finally showed up.The grand jury that is sitting on the official investigation seems to have no expiration date on it and might continue until all the key witnesses have died of old age… or other causes. Those who were really defending the country that day… the betrayal they feel, is beyond description.Sure, they were betrayed by a criminal and corrupt leadership, but later, when they saw the large number of midlevel people involved hunker down and focus on their false God of self preservation, they watched in shock as hundreds of those sworn to protect the country violated their oath of office, basically out of cowardice. The midlevel people, as a group, could have busted it 9-11 open many years ago, but they chose not to.All the “good guys” had to do was start mapping out all those who would have to have been involved, and then a much bigger job, all those who saw what was happening or learned later and decided that that was above their pay grade.There has been plenty of time to figure out who was on those lists… like the crew that spread the wreckage on the Pentagon lawn during the dark hours of 9-11, and those that loaded it up and flew it in.And then there were all those that collected the HD rooftop video tapes, who were smart enough to know they were aiding and abetting in obstruction of justice by hiding what those tapes showed. We know because we have satellite footage (6 frames) of the truth.Another reason for the slow dribble of this huge series — on 9-11 and about the looting of America’s taxpayer-funded science achievements that are deep-sixed if they threaten the elite’s financial interests — was to give some time for those who might want to come to Jesus.We have no fear because if anything happens to us, it is all going to come out very quickly… and there is no way to stop that from happening. It is the least we can do from the grave, if our work must continue from there.It is definitely line in the sand time. We cannot go back and undo what was done, but what all the cowards out there are doing is leaving us vulnerable to more attacks, since the main perps are still walking around free — and rich.The public has no idea of our nuclear stockpiles having been pilfered, and that they are a constant threat until located. We have already published a country list, and there is more that will come in time.We sit here, without a single call from any mainstream media person, or politician, or major veterans, or religious, academic or law enforcement group. This is probably the biggest “stand down” of law enforcement and military in history.The entire country got the USS Liberty treatment on 9-11, and generally it has been administered by the amoral descendants of those who did the first one in 1967. And all those who sat on their asses just kept their heads down and went about their business then, and we see that same pattern now.Thousands were not aware of what happened at the time of the USS Liberty. But with 9-11, and those who learned after, the number is bigger than you think. They have all abandoned their posts and left America open for more attacks, simply to play it safe. If there is one more attack, the days of playing hide-and-seek will be over. And all those who think they can slide off with “if only I had known” will discover that’s a weak defense.And to all those out there in the judicial world who have been probed for assistance on what forum could be put together to prosecute those responsible, only to tell us that it would be impossible, you also have aided and abetted. You chose to serve the few over the many, and you shall wear that shroud… Jim W. Dean ]______________________“For those who have been quiet for too long…it is time to pick a side”In Syria I informed representatives at a security conference that terrorism and extremism were components of a multi-generational organized crime network that transcends conventional conspiracies involving “banksters” and “Zionists.”
The Paris attack and its far more serious exploitation operation, there is no terror attack without “deception and cover” and “exploitation,” is fully attributable to what should properly be termed “Gladio.”
Today Gladio networks control most of Latin America, run ISIS and have taken over the Ukraine, Libya and are sometimes called the “Islamic State.”
FATHERLY ADVICEThis week, we met one of the American commanders under whose supervision our intelligence schools operate. Two of these schools have been caught hacking VT’s website, interfering with radio broadcasts and a bit more. The meeting, on an American military base, was conducted between a VT editor, who is retired a senior Army special operations commander, and the commanding general.
He was told there was a “new sheriff in town” and that his “children” needed to be reined in. No, we didn’t say “or else.” We may have implied it but we didn’t say it. America can ill afford cowards and incompetents “on watch.”
This is simply what has happened. VT is now important to US national security. Key governments that the US can’t speak to trust only people tied to VT and the growing dissident factors inside our military, intelligence and defense technology community have, to a significant extent, chosen VT as a platform.
______________________TIME TO REFOCUSThe Paris “event” is a good example. While in Damascus, I discussed the real nature of terrorism and the organizations behind the “entropy and destabilization” moves. At my side, Colonel Hanke went into greater detail.
Much of what was said was not made public and perhaps rightly so but it was heard, there and here. What was heard can give you an idea of where we went. We had “the goods” on everyone, every gangster operation, every drug cartel, every phony terror cell.
We are going to be reminding folks of that as we go along.
________________________BACKGROUND LIBYAThere is a story that begins many years ago, back in the 1970s. Some of us were involved in intelligence issues then, with the military or one or more agencies. There is a reason I am going here.
We are beginning to track operations in Europe (EUCOM) and the Middle East (CENTCOM) to Libya. It seems the current instability in Libya is being orchestrated much as it was in 1969.
Consider the murder of Gaddafi the equivalent of the jailing of Noriega, the “hunt for bin Laden” or an endless number of other things that aren’t as they seem. You really believe that Cuba and North Korea aren’t of use?
In 1969, Libya was needed as part of the Cold War front against Russia. America was embroiled in Vietnam, militarily over extended and Israel, Iran and Pakistan, America’s “puppet regimes” as they were seen at the time, were too flawed to support the Truman Doctrine encirclement theory that, in reality fell apart the moment Chiang Kai Shek fled to Taiwan.
__________________________COLD WAR INSANITYThe stalemate in Korea, Southeast Asia crumbling, India clearly in the Soviet sphere, America’s policies were to push for war between Russia and China and to prepare for the inevitable fall of Europe.
Putting Gaddafi in power, giving up an air base, and creating a cardboard Lothario dictator was the best move at the time. Some are unaware but Libya only had a population of 2 million in 1979 and was of no significance other than to be put “in play.”
________________________EDWIN WILSONToward that end, Libya received covert American aid. Edwin Wilson and were sent. Wilson, longtime CIA who “went dark” in 1971 was supposedly sent there to keep track of “Carlos the Jackal.” His real mission is still going on, one we suspect he never envisioned.
The idea of one man surveillance on “the Jackal” as cover is stupid. Wilson was sent to Libya to set up an American covert operations network, in combination with Libyan and Israeli intelligence and Freemason groups inside Europe.
Wilson was released from prison in 2003 after two decades, his conviction for smuggling explosives overturned, proven to have been an FBI/CIA set up. Wilson died in 2012 and his criminal tormentors are yet to be punished though cited as fully culpable. Federal Judge Lee Rosenthal dismissed Wilson’s 2007 lawsuit against the prosecutors who conspired to silence him. Rosenthal was promised a Federal Appeals Court nomination by John Roberts in return for this favor.
During the 70’s, Libya was practically overrun by IRA terror groups, another childish and sad cover story. Special Force/CIA team leader, Billy Waugh, 85 years old today, very alive and kicking, went to Libya with those who ran Operation Phoenix. They were supposed to be training the Libyan intelligence agency.
This is another bizarre cover story you can find splashed on Wikipedia. Libya was, in reality, used as a way-station for Operation Gladio.
Do note, the concept of turning to a secret society with bizarre roots, “Black Nobility,” the Illuminati, Skull and Bones, all “enlightenment/Luciferian” organizations capable of bizarre and heinous ritualistic acts, was a sign of desperation.
The Reagan administration saw these groups sweep across Washington, no longer a haven for the “cocaine and call girl” crowd. It was now black candles, drugged children and sodomy.
There is nothing speculative whatsoever about this and key Pentagon officials were always there, ready to “stay after” or “go upstairs” at DC events. You don’t think we had people there?
_______________________ROOTS OF GLADIOThe BBC video attached to the article had been removed. It is replaced temporarily and can be seen at the top of the article, for awhile at least. (we suggest downloading it)
While Wilson (and Waugh) were in Libya, the CIA set up a phony operation to lure them out and bring them to “justice,” an operation much akin to the phony “bin Laden unit” that tracked the dead CIA operative for over a decade after his death in 2001.
At one point, the phony “Wilson unit” at the CIA, an operation I have some familiarity with, made direct contact with Gaddafi and established its own operational unit inside Libya despite being lied to and given no resources. The head of the unit was promoted and reassigned and reminded to suffer a “memory loss.”
Had they been allowed, the phony “Wilson unit” could have stopped Gladio, still very alive and well operating from Libya again, throughout the Ukraine, Poland and murdering people across Europe to this day.
______________________“COLONEL TIM”During the late 1990’s, bin Laden, receiving medical treatment at the Bethesda Naval Medical Center outside Washington, kept a suite at the Mayflower hotel in Washington and regularly met with a number of Iran Contra figures, all free under presidential pardon.
(Bush41) VT editor Lee Wanta was present at several of these meetings held at the semi-exclusive Metropolitan Club.
ASSET GADDAFIWilson did 22 years in prison for supplying explosives to Libya which were transshipped to Gladio operatives who used them with embarrassing regularity in terror attacks across Europe. You thought the “Red Brigades” were really “red?”
Waugh went on to an illustrious career at the CIA and as a private contractor in the War on Terror while Wilson went to prison as a terrorist.
Few understand the significance of Libya, then and now. For decades, while Gaddafi railed at the world, accusing of blowing up night clubs and airliners, the US and Israel ran intelligence operations there with impunity.
During the Cold War, Russian and American operatives continually tripped over each other in Tripoli, Malta and Monaco, the “ratline” between Libya and Europe.
Gaddafi would hold “anti-imperialism” conferences, inviting terrorists and dissidents and “shop” them to the CIA. One of my good friends attended such a conference in 1986, watching the process exactly as described.
Noriega thought he could thumb his nose at the world because he was a Bush family drug partner. For Gaddafi, it began with Gladio bombs but went much further.
From 1975 onward, Israel, South Africa and Libya began WMD programs, developing nuclear weapons and chemical/biological weapons. Gaddafi built his last bio-weapons lab in 2006.
From Veterans Today, including a copy of a Wikileaks US State Department cable:
What is Libya doing now in the “post Gaddafi” era? The Benghazi attack was classic Gladio, special operations troops brought in, Israeli jammers blocked communications, PJ Media and the Jamestown Foundation coordinated “deception and cover” and “exploitation.”
In fact, Libya had agreed, in 2003, to destroy all chemical weapons. However, in this Wikileaks cable, one not made public in the United States, we learn that as late as 2011, Libya maintains its stocks of chemical weapons. Gaddafi had been allowed extensions year after year claiming he had no money. (A Wikileaks “double secret,” kept secret from US by our government and again by Wikileaks)
1.(S/NF) Summary: Dr. Ahmed Hesnawy, head of Libya’s chemical weapons destruction program, defended Libya’s Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) extension request….
2.(S) During a September 30 meeting, Pol/Econ Chief jointly delivered ref a demarche with French DCM to the head of the chemical weapons destruction program at Libya’s National Chemical Weapons (CW) Authority, Dr. Ahmed Hesnawy. During the meeting, Hesnawy also provided a detailed briefing on his progress toward meeting Libya’s Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) commitments.
3. (S) Hesnawy gave a long explanation of the reasons for the extension request, including resistance from the local community when construction work began at the building site…..
3.(S/NF) Hesnawy then explained that the next problem he confronted was with the “civil defense people,” who…..
UK EMBASSY WARNS OF HESNAWY’S CONFIDENCE9.(S) In a separate meeting, xxxxxxxxxxxx told P/E Chief that while the MFA IO officer Tajouri Shiradi had made the same request for support for Libya’s CWC requests, he did not provide as much detail on the progress of the Libyan program. xxxxxxxxxxxx expressed surprise that Hesnawy had met with us, relating that he was an elusive character….
10.(S/NF) Bio info: Hesnawy is a charismatic and gregarious character, who spoke fluent American English. He used American expressions and slang with ease and was clearly trying to endear himself to P/E Chief. He said that he has been head of Libya’s Chemical Weapons Program for the last 12 years and was intimately aware of every technical detail relating to that program. According to xxxxxxxxxxxx, Hesnawy may be working with National Security Advisor, Muatassim al-Qadhafi, on missile purchase requests.
The Tripoli based transportation hub that moved CIA rendition prisoners and narcotics to gulags and world markets now move jihadists and Stinger missiles to ISIS.
Those unmarked black C130s that seen regularly dropping supplies to ISIS brigades fly from Libya, right over Israel and Jordan, right over the Iron Dome and the covert American airbase outside Amman.
____________________“HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM“There are people who need to be spoken to, perhaps “a bit more.” We used to convince useful idiots that hunting communists justified supporting tyranny and organized crime. It has now gone much further.
Some succumb to threats, very real threats of very real violence. Poisoning is common, murder of children is also common. Those who speak up are killed, imprisoned, tormented, drugged or financially destroyed, perhaps all of the above.
One FBI agent was actually put on an “armed and dangerous” terror list while Fox News splashed his photo across the country, for a day at least, when it was discovered the whole thing was a “mistake.”
The time of useful idiots, cowards and traitors is pretty much at and end. It isn’t that there is a shortage of such people, quite the opposite. The propagandization of America, conservative “ethics,” family “values,” evangelical “righteousness” has left fertile soil for virtual armies of potential thugs and tyrants. America has been actively converting its law enforcement community to such purposes for some years.
In 2001, General Myers as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, started a witch hunt inside the military eliminating all signs of competence and courage.
His efforts are being undone today, with the “right” screaming as the traitors and cowards are removed, arrested and dismissed, numbering in the hundreds.
What kind of military would remain silent over 9/11? Who could do nothing? We know how many knew in advance, who knew it all, the numbers are staggering.
The expectation is simple. America can’t survive without risk and sacrifice. This means that, for instance, when the military sends teams to Turkey to train what they know will be more ISIS cadre leaders, someone is going to have to speak up.
American air controllers and radar personnel watched MH17 being shot down by a Kiev based fighter aircraft and not only remained silent but were fully complicit in fabricating the ludicrous missile stories.
America can’t survive this kind of treason.
In every department, every service, every agency, it is time to say “we will sin no more.” Just because we saw the police and security services of Britain on 7/7 or of Norway during the Breivik slaughter or the current fiasco in Paris, all Freemason operations, all “inside jobs,” survive the scrutiny of the controlled press and puppet governments, there are those who can stand for something.
There is a reason we published the photo of an Able Danger safehouse last week. We are hoping that, despite “compartmentalization,” we might touch someone who knows how much we are holding, how much we know. We know all of it.
One of the great threats to freedom today is that our government and services all, through “compartmentalization” actually function as terror cells. People are only told enough to do their part, given childish cover stories, told tales of “bin Laden” and “Boko Harum.”
It may well be possible that, at no level, no matter how high, not within actual government service at least, is anyone told the truth. It wasn’t always that way.
HOW EVEN IN OCCUPIED ARABIA (CIA-ISRAEL SAUDIA) MUSLIMS SET THE BEST OF ISLAMIC EXAMPLESOn the Passing of Abdullah Abdullatif Alkadi and a Postscript on Charlie HebdoN.B. (The deceased, Abdullah Abdullatif Alkadi (who happened to share a similar name as my close friend, Shaykh Abdullah Alkadi), was a 23-year-old who had just earned a degree in electrical engineering and was selling his car before returning to his family, when a depraved and greedy man decided to murder him and abscond with the car.)
by Hamza Yusuf on January 19, 2015
For several years, I was fortunate to spend Ramadan in Mecca and Medina and to celebrate Eid in Dammam and Al-Ahsa in eastern (Occupied) Arabia. I came to know that latter city and its notable families well, and they had grown so accustomed to my celebrating Eid with them that some joked that if I didn’t come for Eid, they would keep fasting thinking my absence must mean Ramadan had not ended yet.
I spent so many Eids in Dammam and Al-Ahsa because it meant I could be with the Islamic scholar and world-class city planner, Shaykh Abdullah Alkadi, whom I was introduced to about twenty years ago by a mutual Irish friend, Muhammad Abdal Bari. That introduction took place when Muhammad, whom I knew from my earliest days as a convert to Islam in Great Britain, had moved to Portland, Oregon, where Shaykh Abdullah Alkadi was completing his Ph.D. in city planning at Oregon State University. (Portland is a testimony to excellent city planning, and the university boasts one of the best programs in the world.) When Muhammad visited me in the Bay Area, he told me about an “amazing Saudi” whom he insisted I should meet. He also told Shaykh Abdullah about his American convert friend and said that he should meet me.
Eventually, Shaykh Abdullah visited the Bay Area, and we met at the home of a Syrian friend, Basil Dayyani. We had a memorable Syrian breakfast among friends who all emanated love and respect for one another. I will always be grateful that Muhammad insisted that I meet Shaykh Abdullah: Our encounter was for me the beginning of a deeply spiritual love for a man whose character and comportment have affected me profoundly over the years.
Shaykh Abdullah hails from a noble family whose lineage traces back to ‘Aqil bin Abi Talib, a cousin of the Prophet, God’s peace and blessings upon him, and the brother of Sayyidina ‘Ali, the Prophet’s son-in-law as well as cousin. Shaykh Abdullah is a product of the school of the late Shaykh Ahmad Dughan, the Eastern sun of Arabia, who revived the traditional sciences in Al-Ahsa and had a lasting influence on the character of many of its residents. He was well over ninety years of age when he passed away earlier this year, leaving behind three sons, each one a scholar. He also trained countless other scholars, including Shaykh Abdullah, who have spread all over the world.
Shaykh Abdullah had studied several sciences with Shaykh Ahmad Dughan, including Shafi’i jurisprudence. He mastered the science of inheritance laws under Shaykh Ahmad’s tutelage, as Shaykh Ahmad especially emphasized this subject because it is the first of the Shariah sciences to be lost according to a hadith. Shaykh Abdullah also memorized the Qur’an and studied Arabic, hadith, Qur’anic exegesis, Prophetic biography, and the other traditional sciences. Instead of assuming the life of a traditional scholar, he set out to master Western knowledge, as he felt too many traditional scholars were ignorant of the age in which they lived. He excelled in science and math and pursued higher studies in architecture and city planning, which led to his studies in Portland.
It speaks to his humility that most of his colleagues are unaware of his competence in the sacred sciences as well as his expertise in Prophetic biography, Qur’an, and Shafi’i jurisprudence. They know only of his Western education and think of him as a city planner and college administrator since he works at the University of Dammam. I was once with a Sudanese professor in West Africa, and upon hearing that he taught in Dammam, I asked if he knew Shaykh Abdullah Alkadi. When he replied that he did, I said his university was fortunate to have such a learned Muslim scholar. He shook his head in confusion and asked if we were referring to the same person, as he had no idea that in addition to his Western education, Shaykh Abdullah was a master of Islamic scholarship.
Over the years, Shaykh Abdullah has taught at Deen Intensives and other programs. His modesty, genuine humility, and impeccable prophetic character always made him a favorite teacher amongst the students. At closing sessions, when he made his final remarks and bid farewell, rarely a dry eye was left in the audience. We taught programs together in the U.S., Canada, Spain, Turkey, England, and, most memorably, in Medina and Mecca. In all the time I spent with him, I never once saw him lose his temper, speak unkindly, or mistreat anyone. He was always positive and made people love the religion simply because of the character he embodied.
An anecdote that reveals his endearing nature was related to me by Muhammad Abdal Bari, who first introduced me to Shaykh Abdullah: When he lived in Portland, Shaykh Abdullah led night prayers at a masjid during Ramadan, and after prayers, at around nine-thirty, he visited a nearby coffee shop with friends. He established a wonderful rapport with the young baristas there. One night, the prayer went on longer than usual, and afterward his friends noted that it was too late to make their usual stop, as the coffee shop would be closed. Shaykh Abdullah, however, decided to stop by anyway to see if the workers were still there. When the group arrived, they found that the employees had kept the shop open after closing time, waiting for Shaykh Abdullah, hoping he would come by as was his wont.
When I spent Ramadan with him in Mecca and Medina, I noticed that Shaykh Abdullah devoted his time entirely to Qur’anic recitation and completed the recitation of the Qur’an several times during the month. He explained that Ramadan was his opportunity to make up for any neglect he had toward the Book of God during the rest of the year. We also had many wondrous adventures meeting people who loved God and the Prophet, God’s peace and blessings upon him. We visited great scholars, most of who have now passed on, and read sacred texts with them to gain their blessing.
During this time, I came to know Shaykh Ahmad Jabir Jibran, a man very similar to Shaykh Abdullah in his piety and humility. In Al-Ahsa, Shaykh Abdullah and I were invited to many different homes. Each home was emblematic of the entire culture: hospitality, warmth, deep piety, and family informed every gathering. During those years, I came to know and love the entire community, especially the families that make up what are called in Arabia al-‘ayan (the notables). These families have excelled in learning and contributed the most to society. They have long-standing kinship ties, and although they generally marry within the clan, it is not unusual for them to marry from other notable clans. I was always the immediate guest of the Al-Kadi clan, but the Al-Dughan clan also showed immense hospitality to me during my stays.
I also felt a special connection to the al-Mubarak clan. One of their notable scholars, Shaykh Ahmad al-Mubarak, had moved decades ago to the U.A.E. to serve as the religious head of their court system. He welcomed me to the Emirates when I was a young student, and he allowed me to sit with the many great scholars he hosted throughout the year. The Al-Mubarak clan is the largest remaining Maliki family in (Occupied) Arabia. Though the majority of the peninsula followed the Maliki school for centuries, the traditional four schools began to die off due to the spread of Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab’s reform movement, and now a loosely affiliated form of Hanbalism permeates the peninsula.
Given my close relationship with the city and its families, I felt immense pain upon learning that one of their sons was recently murdered here in my home state of California. The murdered young man was the son of someone who had welcomed me in his home and the cousin of my dear and beloved friend, Shaykh Abdullah Alkadi. Usually when I call to speak with Shaykh Abdullah, his voice is filled with joy and enthusiasm, so when I called to offer my condolences and prayers for his cousin, I was even more grief-stricken to hear the sadness in his voice. He simply said, “Qaddara Allah ma sha’” (God enables what He wills).
Violence permeates our world. We read of suicide bombings, military sorties, murders, and mayhem on a daily basis. The recent massacre in Gaza left many of us sleepless, knowing that bombs paid for by U.S. tax dollars were dropping on innocent women and children. But when violence is personal, when it hits home, it strikes us in our hearts in ways disembodied violence never can. In his book, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith, the Scottish moralist, points out that when we read of great loss of life in a distant place, we are troubled, yet we carry on; however, if we find out that our little finger will be amputated tomorrow, we cannot sleep out of worry. Though he finds this paradoxical, he also sees redemption in that many a man would willingly lose his finger in order to save millions that he does not even know.
I would give my right hand to see my friend’s cousin restored to life, and it pains me greatly that his life was stolen while he was studying in my country as a guest from a place that showed me such immense generosity and hospitality. The deceased, Abdullah Abdullatif Alkadi (who happened to share a similar name as my close friend, Shaykh Abdullah Alkadi), was a 23-year-old who had just earned a degree in electrical engineering and was selling his car before returning to his family, when a depraved and greedy man decided to murder him and abscond with the car. So many Westerners view Muslims as violent, but I know that someone who grew up in Al-Ahsa, (Occupied) Arabia, would never have even heard of a murder in his town or have thought to take precautions against such a possibility. In a relatively recent book, Are Muslims Distinctive?: A Look at the Evidence, M. Steven Fish, a social scientist and professor at U.C. Berkeley who studied Muslim societies to see, among other things, if they were more prone to violence than other societies, reported that the evidence clearly shows that murder rates are far lower in Muslim societies than in other societies.
Another aspect of this tragedy that impacted me was the young man’s tweets: they were mostly prayers for various people and words of advice. In an age when so many youth are tweeting inane comments, he was tweeting prayers for his family, friends, and others and sharing words of wisdom. In one of his tweets, he asked God not to deprive him of being reunited with his father.
May God shower him in His grace and grant him a martyr’s death. May God ease the pain of his family, the Alkadi family that I love so much: a humble, pious, and learned group of descendants of ‘Aqil bin Abi Talib Al-Qurayshi. I am sure the whole town of Al-Ahsa was devastated by the tragic news and undoubtedly spent the following days visiting the murdered young man’s family. Life there will eventually return to normal, as this tragedy becomes a memory, but for a time the people in Al-Ahsa will grieve collectively for their loss. Meanwhile, in America, the dehumanization of Arabs and Muslims is on the rise, fueled by many in the media who openly broadcast the notion that Muslim lives do not matter. Our military operations have killed hundreds of thousands of them and left many of their countries in total chaos. Yet our pundits focus only on the “violent and savage jihadi Muslims” and will never see the grace, hospitality, and beauty of a little town in eastern Arabia now grieving from the violence against one of their own. But God is generous and takes care of His own, sometimes with majesty, mystery, and pain: the 23-year-old Abdullah Alkadi’s prayer was answered; he was returned to his homeland and reunited with his father who, surrounded by mourning friends, family, and loved ones, buried his newly graduated son in the Prophet’s city, Medina, with ten thousand of the Prophet’s companions as his neighbors, on October 25th, 2014, after the dawn (fajr) prayer was offered. He will rest there until we all see the day of true retribution, reward, and restoration.
Some of Abdullah Alkadi’s Tweets (translated from his original Arabic):
O God, make me happy more than I have been in pain, and in more ease than I have been in difficulty, and don’t disappoint my hopes, for You suffice me and are a Beautiful Support.6:38 PM - 14 Sep 2014 (his final tweet)
O Lord, whenever my dad and mom raise their hands to You, spread your treasures for them and make them happy and lengthen their lives – because I have no life without them.
Be loving to your parents, supportive to your brother, a help to your sister, faithful to your friend, and beautiful to your neighbor – this life is perishing, and we are all journeying.Read More Tweets
Postscript on Charlie Hebdo
An intriguing aspect of Muslim culture is that murders are rarely committed over wealth. While there may be theft in Muslim countries, theft that involves murder is almost unheard of. The idea of killing someone over something as ephemeral as a car or money or a cell phone is a rarity (except perhaps in war-torn countries where all civil society has broken down). Murder in Muslim societies tends to be motivated by political issues but more often by a misguided sense of honor. This was the case earlier this month in France, where clearly deluded and uneducated men from the ghettos of Paris, after rediscovering their faith, felt compelled to take their misperception of Islamic law into their own hands in order to “uphold the honor” of their prophet who, they believed, was being denigrated by the cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo. * Without a doubt, such murders are criminal and wrong, but they can be rationally understood within the context of a society that holds the sanctity of prophets, those men of God, above all else.
In classical Muslim law, any willful and knowing denigration of a prophet is a capital offense. Blasphemy laws have always been the prerogative of the government, implemented only after trial and sentencing, and limited to Muslim lands where it was understood that this law was applicable. Historically, however, Muslim rulers were loathe to execute these laws without attempting to find excuses for the accused. In the case of the “Martyrs of Cordoba,” for example, when fanatical Christians, distraught at Christian conversion to Islam, attempted to revive Christian zeal by entering into mosques and denigrating the Prophet, the Muslim rulers, troubled by the deaths of their Christian subjects, used the ruling of insanity to exempt them from the offense. Such pre-modern laws, while also found in Christianity and Judaism, are no longer considered valid in the West due to a long and complicated process of secularization that has not occurred to the same degree or even in the same fashion in the Muslim world. Hence, many Muslims still feel strongly about the sanctity of all the prophets but specifically of the Prophet Muhammad, God’s peace and blessings upon him, and while the vast majority of Muslims would not think of killing anyone for doing so, they will not find it hard to understand why some would. The prophets, such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, and their lives and what they stood for represent the Muslim world’s highest values.
What then, in the West, do we hold above all else? It seems wealth has now become the highest value, and murders are often attempts to take that away from another. People kill others to take their money, their cars, their cellphones, or their drugs. Some even engage in meaningless violence, simply going into a public place and killing innocent people, not for any misguided political sensibilities, nor for wealth, but simply because they feel an urge to do so (perhaps acting out Grand Theft Auto or some other pathologically violent video game in order to experience the thrill of the real deal). Undeniably, like the West, the Muslim world also has mentally disturbed people, but they don’t go into schools and kill little children for the thrill of it. In fact, the horrific assault last December on the school in Pakistan was done in classic Jahili retaliation for murders of their own youth. There was a method to that madness, as they did not indiscriminately kill anyone in sight but spared the young children and targeted only those who had passed the age of puberty, as they were considered adults. While it was a brutal assault, it had a type of misguided rationality that can be understood in the context of vengeful tribal cultures in a way that Western school shootings cannot, irrespective of their context.
While the “whole” world is mourning the cartoonists who made their livelihoods as equal opportunity denigrators, perceiving this as an attack on freedom of expression, there is an aspect of this that is disturbing. The West displayed no moral outrage over the countless lives of innocent and honorable people whose only crime was being at home when a drone, intentionally or not, bombed them out of existence. No one is shedding tears over the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Afghans, Palestinians, and many others in the Muslim world who were killed due to Western misadventures in the region. The Brookings Institution has noted that for every drone strike that has occurred, ten or so civilians have died. More people, many of them civilians, have been killed by U.S. drone strikes than were killed on 9-11. Take a look at the Wikipedia page that lists the drone strikes on Pakistan alone since 2004; and keep in mind that drone strikes are also waged against people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Algeria, Iran, Libya, and Somalia.
The murders of Charlie Hebdo’s staff were a crime; they were wrong, plain and simple. But lest we forget, the people at Charlie Hebdo knew exactly what they were doing. They acted much like Steve Irwin, the Australian crocodile hunter, who went around poking wild animals only to provoke a response from them. Eventually, he decided that the countless land and river animals were not enough and chose to dive into the vast ocean in search of sea creatures to provoke until a stingray, in apparent solidarity with its fellow land and sea creatures suffering at the hands of humans like Irwin, poked back and killed him. But, like the Charlie Hebdo staff, Irwin well knew the risks he was facing when provoking these wild animals and fell victim to the consequences. The editor of Charlie Hebdo knew the game he was playing and enlisted a guard to protect his staff given the many death threats they had received. He was cognizant of the real dangers of provoking those he deemed open game and sport for the paper’s “satire.”
Today, much of the Western world expresses its moral outrage in solidarity over the murder of twelve people who knew the risks of provoking angry extremists yet argued, “These people want to frighten us into respecting their religion; therefore we will not be frightened”; and so they continued to poke fun at that which Muslims hold most sacred. This was not done in the long-standing Western tradition of satire, which takes aim at the powerful to empower the powerless; these cartoonists engaged in mockery for the sake of mockery and had no higher purpose. They suffered the fate of a man who gratuitously calls another man’s mother a whore and is surprised when that man stabs him. Pope Francis said it well: If a close friend “says a swear word against my mother, then a punch awaits him,” he explained. “One cannot provoke; one cannot insult other people’s faith; one cannot make fun of faith.” This is a man who believes in “turning the other cheek,” yet true to his Argentinian roots, he displays classic Latin attitude toward the dishonoring of one’s mother. For Muslims, the Prophet reminded us, “None of you truly believes until I am more beloved to him than his own parents.” Hence, to slander our Prophet is a greater injury than an attack on our mothers. If the Pope will punch someone, even his close friend, should he insult his mother, then what are we to expect from uneducated and volatile street urchins ** with the same sense of honor?
Retaliatory murders for honor or otherwise are clearly wrong under Islamic law, or any other reasonable system of law, as they should be. But even the cofounder of Charlie Hebdo, Henri Roussel, blamed the editor for knowingly endangering the lives of his employees. “What made him feel the need to drag the team into overdoing it?” Roussel wrote in Nouvel Observateur. “He shouldn’t have done it, but Charb did it again a year later, in September 2012.” Roussel continued, “I believe that we [were] fools who took an unnecessary risk…. We think we are invulnerable. For years, decades even, it was a provocation, and then one day the provocation turns against us.” Addressing the slain editor, whom he referred to as a “blockhead,” Roussel said, “I really hold it against you.”
Just for a moment, let us imagine that this incident had been about twelve murdered black Nigerian cartoonists instead of white French ones: would world leaders have descended on Lagos to march lock-armed with President Goodluck Jonathan in solidarity? Can we imagine Netanyahu heading to the West Bank to hold hands with Abbas in solidarity for the dozens of Palestinian journalists who, in clear crimes against free speech, were targeted by Israeli forces for simply being witnesses to atrocities and reporting to the world about them? No, there will be no demonstrations or gathering of world leaders held for the untold numbers of innocent civilians, including women and children, who, without any provocation, have borne the brunt of bombings, drone strikes, and other nefarious means of modern warfare. It is at times like these when it seems as though we live in a cartoon world where millions are shedding tears or displaying moral outrage for twelve white people who, without denial, were brutally murdered, while too many of those same eyes remain blind and dry to the countless deaths and suffering of the world’s Muslims.
* Absolutely wrong!
** These young men were only "SUSPECTS" and not proven guilty of any crime!
M.I. Bhat – Europe’s 9-11, ISIS and Russia
Posted by Jim W. Dean on January 19, 2015Where did the famous French freedom and liberty vanish to?… by Professor M.I. Bhat
[ Editor’s Note: Brother Bhat brings us an excellent post op on the Paris shootings, with the deeper insight a few extra days can bring.We are seeing quite a consensus now that the public does not buy for a minute that these Jihadis were not on some Intel agency’s string to pull off another one of their destabilization Jihads.And by that I mean the kind that have nothing to do with Muslims other than being the puppets.Heaven only knows there are an army of them out their willing to be recruited and drink the Koolaid. Jihadis are now the cannon fodder of choice for the international gangster crowd, those in and out of government.Also not being missed by the world public is France’s hypocrisy on steroids in terms of tolerance to religion, press, and free speech. “Preferences” in those areas have long been for sale in the policial arena.France’s Jews are rushing to stake out more special victim privileges while the Zionist terrorists are still quite popular among them. You just can’t make this stuff up.The race between the Zionists and now the Hollande government as to who can debase themselves the most, seems to be an even tie. Will it be a tie, or will others join in for the first prize?… Jim W. Dean ]______________________– First published … January 19, 2015 -
Those who believe the Paris rally was in support of freedom and liberty need to answer the absence of even a small fraction of such emotional outburst when the 80-year-old cartoonist Maurice Sinet was sacked by the editor of none other than the very Charlie Hedbo magazine.
Why? Would you believe for not apologizing for quipping “He’ll go a long way in life, that little lad” on learning the then President Sarkozy’s son is converting to Judaism after his marriage to a Jewish girl (“L’affaire Sine”).
Or, why Diedonne M’bala M’bala and footballer Nicolas Anelka didn’t find a single French man or woman coming out on streets in their support when they were only recently banned for their innocent arms “quenelle” gesture by the very government that now expresses outrage (M’Bala reportedly been arrested for his comments on Paris terror attack).
Just because Jews decided the action and the comment were anti-Semitic, the three were made to suffer. Where did the famous French freedom and liberty vanish then?
Why didn’t French feel their freedoms curtailed? Why didn’t they feel under attack from Jews or Judaism? How can freedom and liberty be partisan, allowing total protection of belief, speech and action to only one section of society while being used to humiliate, insult and torture some other repeatedly?
But then as the French philosopher Voltaire has very rightly said, “It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong.”
Here is something more to consider. The very same day the Paris attacks happened there was a bomb attack on the office of the Colorado Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
It became neither a “terrorist” attack nor did the news splash across TV screens — for the two simple reasons: attack didn’t happen on any Jewish or White Christian property and that the FBI immediately determined the attacker to be a White male.
Moral: Unlike Paris attacks, the attack on NAAP didn’t have a strategic value for the over-arching objectives of the New Age Crusade against Islam.
And notice the Zionist hypocrisy emanating from the American soil: American Jewish Committee, taking the excuse of “free journalism,” is angry over the blurred re-publication, post-Paris attacks, by some news media outlets of the cartoons that cost 17 lives! Real intention: Let the game continue as long as it is among goyim.
It would have served AJC far better had it instead threatened these news outlets of committing “grave mistake” like the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forewarned France in case the French Parliament went ahead with vote on recognizing Palestine as a State.
I wonder if Netanyahu insisted on coming to Paris rally just to whisper in President Hollande’s ear “Got it, you fool!”
In his latest piece, ‘The First Question to Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It a False Flag?’ George Washington has compiled a long list of false flag terror attacks sponsored by different governments. And true to this notion, within hours of the Paris terror attacks Pepe Escobar wrote ‘Who profits from killing Charlie?’ pointing out some usual suspicious false flag features that lead him to answer:
“Only those whose agenda is to demonize Islam.… French intel at least has concluded that this is no underwear bomber stunt. This is a pro job….“And just as it happens, when the Empire of Chaos [USA] mostly needs it, evil “terra” once again rears its ugly head.“[The dead in Paris attacks] were sacrificial lambs in a much nastier, gruesome, never-ending shadowplay.”________________________________________Shadowplay of the Zionist-ruled USA
Regardless of whether the Paris attacks were ISIS-sponsored (Government narrative) or a false-flag (see also e.g. here, here and here) the fact remains that Europe got its 911.
With the French Government deploying thousands of soldiers and police for enhanced security in Paris the foundation laying for the European version of the US’ Homeland Security has begun.
The attack has heralded a great harvest time for political parties thriving on xenophobia, intelligence and security agencies and military-industrial complex across the Europe.
It is only a matter of few short days before we would see passengers walking bare-feet and undergoing full-body scans at the European airports – of course, other than increased racist attacks on Muslims and their religious symbols.
Like culture and technology transfer, it is transfer of pain from the US across the pond to the village cousins. US has a strategic plan for them but they first need to be turned into zombies, like post-911 Americans, for a bigger sacrifice.
Watch out for the faint contours of this strategic plan that are likely to emerge at the upcoming “Summit on Countering Violent Extremism,” President Obama has announced for 18 February. Notice the words “Violent Extremism.”Check the meaning and definition of extremism to know how democracy is turned to dictatorship where you won’t be allowed to even criticize your elected governments, let alone calling a false flag a false flag!
_________________________________________Europe has to fight the Zionist-American war
But putting ground forces again in the Middle East (or for that matter anywhere in the world) is a red flag to American population.
More important, US economy is too sick to bear the costs of another full blown long war. US can provide cannons but it needs cannon fodder. That is where Europe’s 911 enters the game.
With the surcharged Islamophobia on sway across the Europe both at Government and public levels, the US now has millions of voluntary force at its disposal ready to fight and finance its march toward the Greater Middle East and North Africa. After all, who fought the Crusades? Not the Americans.
However, we could see the plot getting recast and taking a whole new shape and meaning if Strobe Talbott’s recent threat to Russia, issued just days before Paris attacks, materializes.
In his short (279-worded) blog piece in Reuters, Talbott, a former US deputy secretary of state in the Bill Clinton administration, doesn’t mince words to threaten Russia of the launch of the third phase of Chechen insurgency in 2015, “which, in turn, could be the death knell of the Russian Federation in its current borders.”
Without any inhibitions he goes ahead to hint at “outside support for Islamic radicalism in the Caucasus.” In plain language, as a political analyst wrote, Talbott is talking of the US reactivating insurgency in the Muslim Caucasus to bleed and dismember Russia.
Apparently Talbott did not have the inkling of the coming Paris attacks that seemingly have the potential to bear on the calculus of the American strategy against ISIS and Russia.
If the deployment of its aircraft carrier to Gulf region just announced by the French Government and security measures proposed by David Cameron are any clue it would seem that Europe is folding up sleeves, domestically and externally, for a full charge on the ISIS.
Couple it with renewed Chechen insurgency, we could see Europe and Russia fighting a common enemy. Will that make any positive difference in the current downslide of Europe-Russia relations over Ukraine?
Likely yes, but only if Europe fights its war on ISIS independent of and outside the US umbrella, which demands individual economic-crisis stricken European nations assert over the pro-US Brussels.
In the unlikely situation should that happen, it could be a limited war with the limited objective of defeating the ISIS. Over the long run, such an entante between Europe and Russia has the potential to flower into the Berlin-Moscow-Beijing new world order.
Closer to the reality, however, is that Brussels would not ditch the US because it is too heavily and deeply invested in the Zionist-US strategy for global power and anti-Putin Russia plans.
Therefore, the more likely scenario is that while Russia will fight its own war in Caucasus, Europe will join the US vigorously, providing men and materials, first against the ISIS and later, in the hope of post-Putin Kremlin, to take on Russia – either, and preferably, through regime change or, worse comes to worse, war.
Imagine the world-after that would be – a truly Zionist-American global empire with:
- Russia getting fully integrated with, rather being part of, the West;
- Israel achieving its dream goal of Greater Israel in a sea of surrounding ruins;
- Turkey getting more than its wish — not just the membership but full merger with the EU and lost sovereignty! and
- China becoming a ‘game in the cage’ for the West.
Jim W. Dean
Jim W. Dean is managing editor of Veterans Today wearing many hats from day to day operations, development, writing and editing articles. He also has an active schedule of TV and radio interviews as do the other VT editors, and some guest radio hosting on the Rense network.
Jim comes from an old military family dating back to the American Revolution. Dozens of Confederate ancestors fought for the South in the War Between the States. Uncles fought in WWII and Korea. His father was a WWII P-40 and later P-51 Mustang fighter pilot. Vietnam found several uncles serving, a cousin, and brother Wendell as a young Ranger officer. His mother was a WWII widow at 16, her first husband killed with all 580 aboard when the SS Paul Hamilton, an ammunition ship with 7000 tons of explosives aboard, was torpedoed off the coast of Algiers.
He has been writing, speaking and doing public relations, television, consulting and now multimedia work for a variety of American heritage, historical, military, veterans and Intel platforms. Jim's only film appearance was in the PBSLooking for Lincoln documentary with Prof. Henry Lewis Gates, and he has guest lectured at the Army Command and General Staff School at Fort Gordon.
Currently he is working to take his extensive historical video archives on line to assist his affiliated organizations with their website multimedia efforts, such as the Military Order of World Wars, Atlanta, Sons of the American Revolution, Sons of Confederate Veterans , Assoc. for Intelligence Officers, the Navy League, Georgia Heritage Council, National Memorial Assoc.of Georgia.*** From Muhammad Al-Massari
French Director Finds Islam After Charlie AttacksOnIslam StaffThursday, 15 January 2015 00:00http://www.onislam.net/english/news/europe/481949-french-director-finds-islam-after-charlie-attacks.html
(BLACK AFRICAN) Cannibal Christian Crusaders Challenge Muslim* and Jewish Maniacs in Most Evil Contest
* There is no evidence whatsoever that some "Muslim maniacs" resorted to cannibalism. All has been proven to have been stage played by NATO, the Western Secret Services and their Death Squads!
Posted by Johnny Punish on January 20, 2015
Flesh Eating Maniacs Try to Steal Lunatic Trophy from Crazed Mentally Deranged Criminals Posing as Soldiers of Godby Johnny Punish
Yesterday, 20 inflamed and angry Christians lynched a few Muslims with one of the Christians eating the dead flesh of the carcasses in an religious orgy. Apparently, some of these Christians believe that human flesh makes them invincible. They also put chunks of flesh inside amulets that they wear.
And of course, last week, we saw two Muslims murder 12 human beings in Paris at the Charlie Hebdo offices. On cue, they used religion as the basis for their criminal acts. And daily, in the West Bank and Gaza for decades now, we see Jewish Settlers steal, harass, abuse and murder of indigenous Christians and Muslims in the name of Judaism to justify their ambitions given to them by god.
Now check this….after the attacks in Paris, some wanted all 1.8 billion Muslims to condemn and apologize for the acts of 2 criminals in Paris.
Even the low-standing globalist posing as a newly minted American Rupert Murdoch, head honcho at the media mind control center at FOX NEWS, got into the act tweeting last week that Muslims “must be held responsible” for the Paris terror attack on satire magazine Charlie Hebdo. Murdoch wrote that the blame should fall on all Muslims “until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer“.
As of now, there are no Tweets by King Murdoch calling for all Christians to apologize for the actions of the cannibals nor is he demanding that all Christians accept responsibility.
And there you have it folks…..some people just don’t not pass the VALIDITY TEST; you know that test where you expose the truth in full by giving them a test such as …..”hey, you want all Muslims to be responsible and condemn terror attacks by maniacs” but when other nuts who are Christians and Jews do it, it does not count” Boom! Exposed! Hypocrisy is a bitch but sometimes you gotta look in that ugly mirror and deal with the fact that you’re on the ledge and need to step back or ………
Anyway, it turns out that crimes against humanity are committed by unbelievably lost and mentally deranged people. In my view, none of these criminals represent the billions of faithful who each day live quality lives in modern civilized society. What they do represent are criminal acts by crazy maniacs who all belong in jail for being a danger to TEAM PEOPLE. No civilized modern people who practice Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hindu or any of the other religions of faith support violence.
The overwhelming majority of people, and we are talking about 99% majority, are so boring and unnewsworthy because they simply live descent lives in pursuit of joy, happiness, family, and a life well spent. These boring people are NOT good for ratings on TV or fit the unbelievably sick agendas of maniacs who seek uber levels of control in the corridors of power and willingly use them for their verbose grandiose illusions of greatness. So they get on media time!
To me, it’s these, our tiny low pitched voices of the billions in the silent global majority that need to rise now and marginalize the ugly yelling growl of the hate and violence peddlers that are mean spirited at best and darn right absolutely dangerous to humanity at worst.
Unchecked, we know that ugly voices can turn into genocides, massacres, and even the unthinkable of nuclear war and the extinction human kind as we know it. In short, this ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco, this ain’t no foolin’ around…..this stuff is deadly serious!
So let us rise above the temptation to hate one’s brother because of his color or creed of which we may have limited understanding for it is the only way for us to bridge the closing gaps in our newly connected mutual global emerging culture. It’s for a new awakening….and this time, God will love us all; not just some of us!
Ring! Ring! Ring! Humanity is calling! Are you ready to answer your smart phone?
Johnny Punish
Founder and Director at Middle East Union CongressJohnny Punish is a global citizen, visionary, musician, artist, entertainer, businessman, investor, life coach, and syndicated columnist. He is also the founder and President of the Middle East Union Congress; a non-profit global think tank dedicated to building a new Middle East for the 21st century.
Educated at University of Nevada Las Vegas and California State University Fullerton, his articles appear in Veterans Today, Money News Now and his Johnny Punish Blog. His art music is promoted worldwide and played on net radio at Last.fm, IHeartRadio.com and more.
Resources: Store - Music - Videos - Amazon - YouTube - Twitter - Facebook - LinkedIn - SoundCloud- Spotify - Itunes
Read Full Bio at JohnnyPunish.com >>>* There is no evidence whatsoever that some "Muslim maniacs" resorted to cannibalism. All has been proven to have been stage played by NATO, the Western Secret Services and their Death Squads!
abdel-asiem Abdelhakim El-Andaloussy abdul rahim Abdul-Azeez Abdul-Hakeem Abdul-Baasit and 135 more...
Another Great Performance by Elie Wiesel
by Daniel McGowan / December 15th, 2014On December 8, 2014 WXXI-TV’s Great Performances presented the legendary violinist Itzhak Perlman and the renowned cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot in a musical exploration of liturgical and traditional works for both chamber orchestra and klezmer settings. To fortify its Jewish character the program included a short discussion between Itzhak Perlman and Elie Wiesel, arguably the foremost proponent of the current Holocaust narrative.
Wiesel told the incredulous Perlman that as a boy he too had studied violin. Moreover he claimed that he took his violin to Auschwitz in June 1944; his father suggested that since Elie was already there he might as well try out for the Auschwitz Orchestra in hopes of earning an extra ration of bread. But alas Elie could only play classical music, like Beethoven, and not those evil Nazi marches, so during his interview with the head of the Auschwitz Orchestra a vicious kapo grabbed his violin and smashed it under foot.
As a Jew, I was proud of Perlman’s gracious restraint in not calling Wiesel’s remarks utter nonsense. He did not even stoop to ask Elie how such a tall story could have been omitted from Night, his best-selling novel, which is force fed to American students as a must-be-believed memoir.
But I am tormented. Is it not shameful of The Great Weasel to mention the existence of an Auschwitz Orchestra? An orchestra in an extermination camp? What next? A swimming pool? Oy, what a shanda fur di goyim.
And if we are to accept an inmate orchestra at Auschwitz might we not envision a Klezmer band at Ketziot, Israel’s largest concentration camp for Palestinians in the Negev Desert; it could be called the Ketziot Klezmer Klub and give new meaning to the otherwise odious acronym KKK.
But wait; you must not mention an Israeli concentration camp. Forget Ketziot. Do not compare the plight of Jews with the plight of Palestinians; such a comparison according to Elie Wiesel is “unworthy.” Just sit back and enjoy his “great performance.”Daniel McGowan is a Professor Emeritus at Hobart and William Smith Colleges.Charlie Hebdo bombshell! Suicided officer’s family denied access to autopsy
Posted by Kevin Barrett on January 26, 2015Something is rotten in Paris
by Hicham Hamza, translated by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor
1/25/2015 8:48 pm Paris time
Exclusive! Panamza has contacted the mother of Helric Fredou – the Police Commissioner charged with preparing a report on the family background of Charlie Hebdo – who was found dead with a bullet in the head just hours after the attack.
I asked for the autopsy report and was told: “You won’t get it.”
Friday, January 16, Panamza published the disturbing testimony of the sister of police officer Helric Fredou, whose mysterious “suicide” continues to be ignored by the national media. Nine days later, it was the mother’s turn to bring new revelations.
Fredou’s Mother
Contacted by the author, she said that at first she was “enormously shocked” that Minister of the Interior Bernard Cazeneuve had not passed her his condolences. The Interior Minister maintained, she said, an excellent relationship with his deceased son. From 2010 to 2012, the two men were brought together to work at Cherbourg, one as deputy mayor of the city, the other in his capacity as chief commissioner. “I hope one day I cross paths with him to tell him how very disappointed I was,” she added.
The Elysee was also (oddly) unresponsive. Helric Fredou had been responsible for – among other localités – Corrèze including Tulle, historic stronghold of Francois Hollande.
Panamza will soon return with the entirety of her testimony, collected through a telephone interview recorded Saturday, January 24. In the meantime, here are seven key points:
* 1 According to the mother of Helric Fredou, police officers with whom she spoke expressly advised that she would not have access to the autopsy report. The Code of Criminal Procedure, however, provides that in any case of legal autopsy (for suicide or suspicious death), any member of the family can make a request to the prosecutor. “Give it up” is the message being sent to a bereaved mother who “wants to know the truth.”
2 * Helric Fredou’s service weapon was not equipped with a silencer. Her mother has asked a basic question to his colleagues: “Why didn’t you hear anything when he was shot at about midnight?” Laconic reply: “His office was well insulated.”
3 * According to his mother, Helric Fredou wanted to make an important phone call after doing two things: debriefing “three investigators” who went out to question the immediate family of a victim of the attack on Charlie Hebdo (in this case, the relatives of Jeannette Bougrab – Charb’s self-styled girlfriend – as was discovered and disclosed by Panamza) and then checking “social networks.” It is at this point that Fredou would have made such an important deduction that he “wanted to keep working.” Important point: the unidentified “commander” in the office that night wanted to take charge of debriefing investigators and writing the report, but Fredou insisted “It’s my job.” The direct superior of Helric Fredou is Gil Friedman, director of the Regional Criminal Police, Limoges.
4 * According to police, Helric Fredou raised the barrel of his revolver to his forehead and the bullet remained inside the skull.
5 * Helric Fredou’s attending physician, with whom his mother spoke Thursday, January 22, refuses to accept the picture sketched by the handful of articles about Freidou’s death that cited his alleged “depression” and supposed “burn-out”.
* 6 The mother wanted to know who made the last call to her son. Police reportedly retorted “We are unable to say” before finally claiming that no such call had been made.
7 * “Four Directors” of the police, specifically from Paris, met Helric Fredou’s mother to offer condolences and try to convince her that her son was a “suicide”.
Finally, another odd fact deserves to be reported here: apart from the author of these lines, NO journalist has contacted – from January 8th onward – the mother or sister Helric Fredou to try to shed light on the case.
Netanyahu defies French pleas to push Zionist agenda
12 January 2015The Israeli prime minister was asked to avoid Sunday’s march in Paris, out of a fear he would use the occasion to exploit divisions in French society
Al-Araby – 12 January 2015
It was hardly surprising that France’s president, Francois Hollande, is understood to have implored Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu not to participate in Sunday’s mass march in solidarity with the victims of last week’s killings in Paris.
Netanyahu was probably the least welcome of the 40 world leaders who participated in the rally in the French capital to demonstrate their outrage at an attack that left 17 people dead, including four French Jews.
According to Israeli media, Hollande’s advisers had urged Netanyahu not to come, concerned that he would exploit the visit – and the deaths – to increase divisions in French society.
They had good grounds for concern. Shortly before he set off for Paris, Netanyahu issued a statement saying Israel would welcome with “open arms” any French or European Jews choosing to move to Israel.
Earlier, he tweeted: “To all the Jews of France, all the Jews of Europe, Israel is not just the place in whose direction you pray, the state of Israel is your home.”
Netanyahu also declared on Saturday that he would be convening a special ministerial committee this week to investigate ways to encourage Jewish migration from France and from other European countries.
Meanwhile, in a coup for the Israeli prime minister, it was announced that four Jewish men killed at the HyperCacher supermarket in Paris on Friday were being flown to Israel for burial in Jerusalem on Tuesday. None of them were Israeli citizens.
The four will be officially recognised as “terror victims”, possibly entitling their relatives to large payments from the Israeli government.
Zionist anthem
Hollande’s concerns were doubtlessly fuelled by Netanyahu’s behaviour at a ceremony for the victims of an attack on a Jewish school in Toulouse in 2012.
On that occasion, Netanyahu called on Jews to leave France for Israel and then burst into a rendition of the Zionist anthem “Am Yisrael Chai”, or “The people of Israel live”. Hollande was reportedly incensed, saying Netanyahu had used the event “as an election rally”.
This time, presumably in response to Hollande’s rebuke, Netanyahu did slightly temper his language during his speech at the Great Synagogue in Paris. Conceding that Jews had a right to live in France, he also averred: “Jews today have been blessed with another right, a right that didn’t exist for previous generations: The right to join their Jewish brothers in our historic homeland – the land of Israel.” Hollande had, by then, left the building.
The clear implication of Netanyahu’s statements has been that France and other western states are not doing enough to protect their Jewish populations from violent extremism, and that Israel is the only safe haven for Jews.
But it would be wrong to view this as some kind of ideological aberration on Netanyahu’s part. Most other Israeli politicians joined him in urging French Jews to move to Israel.
Yair Lapid, seen as a centrist politician, said: “I don’t want to speak in terms of Holocaust, but … European Jewry must understand that there is just one place for Jews, and that is the State of Israel.”
In fact, the effort to bring Jews to Israel is at the core of Zionist thinking, and widely supported by the Israeli Jewish population. Aliyah, or “ascension”, the Hebrew word for Jewish immigration, connotes an almost-divine obligation on Jews to live in Israel.
Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, it should be remembered, used even more inflammatory language in 2004, warning that France was in the grip of “the wildest anti-semitism”, and calling on Jews to flee France.
“If I have to advise our brothers in France, I’ll tell them one thing – move to Israel, as early as possible. I say that to Jews all around the world, but there [in France] I think it’s a must and they have to move immediately.”
Financial inducements
Similarly, Israel has tried to exploit economic crises in countries with significant Jewish populations to encourage them to emigrate. In 2001, when the Argentinian financial system collapsed, Israel offered each Jew there a $20,000 cheque – should they make a new life in Israel.
That was in addition to the inducements Israel offers as standard to Jewish immigrants: large sums of cash, tax breaks, subsidies, as well as special access to grants and loans.
The extraordinary lengths Israel is prepared to go to encourage Jews to come to Israel – including, it seems, even actions designed to fuel anti-semitism – were suggested by Raanan Rein, a history professor at Tel Aviv University, in a book on Israel’s relations with Argentina.
According to Rein, in 1960, David Ben Gurion, Israel’s prime minister, welcomed the possibility that Israel’s kidnapping of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann – in violation of an extradition agreement with Buenos Aires – might fuel hatred of the country’s Jews.
“If there is anti-Semitism,” he told a journalist, “they [Argentina’s Jews] can immigrate to Israel.”
Analysts and observers have pointed out that Netanyahu, Israeli politicians more generally and organisations such as the Jewish Agency, which oversees immigration to Israel, may equally be provoking hatred – inadvertently or otherwise – that strengthens Jewish immigration.
Few deny a connection between Israel’s intensifying belligerency, especially its repeated attacks on Gaza, and verbal and physical attacks on Jews in Europe.
More specifically in France, reports of attacks on Jews over the past decade have been well-publicised, including by the Jewish Agency, even though a significant proportion have turned out to be false.
Weakening Jewish communities
France, with half a million Jews, has the largest Jewish population outside the US and Israel. According to figures from the Jewish Agency, 7,000 immigrants arrived from France in 2014, triple the number in 2012. Israel’s minister for immigrant absorption, Sofa Landver, has predicted that more than 10,000 will immigrate this year.
In hailing her ministry’s successes last month, Landver said the government would continue “to promote the ingathering of the exiles, a vision that has accompanied the people of Israel since the state’s establishment”.
In contrast, Rabbi Menachem Margolin, head of the European Jewish Association, noted that Netanyahu’s efforts risked “severely weakening and damaging Jewish communities that have the right to live securely wherever they are”.
In more graphic terms, Haaretz columnist Chemi Shalev argued: “By encouraging mass emigration, Israeli politicians could very well be helping terrorist fanatics finish the job started by the Nazis and their Vichy collaborators: making France Judenrein.”
Netanyahu’s assumptions, he added, “can only invigorate jihadists and spur them to adopt similar tactics in other European countries”.
So why is Jewish immigration so important to Israel that it is prepared to endanger the very Jews it claims to protect?
The reason is illustrated in the efforts of Netanyahu and the Israeli right to pass a basic law defining Israel as “the nation-state of the Jewish people”.
Goals of Zionism
The aims of such legislation, echoing the major goals of Zionism, are several and related:
* To consolidate Israel’s long-standing efforts to claim it is the state of all Jews around the world, conflating Judaism with Zionism and helping to silence critics of Israeli policy as anti-Semites.
* To implicate all Jews in Israeli actions to Judaise territory that was seized from Palestinians, as part of Israel’s efforts to prevent the emergence of a Palestinian state.
* To recruit more Jews to counter the so-called “demographic threat” posed by the Palestinians’ higher natural growth rate, which threatens to create a Palestinian majority in the combined area of Israel and the occupied territories.
* To bolster a self-serving narrative of Israel as being on the frontlines of the clash of civilisations, in which the future of the Judeo-Christian west is threatened by a bloodthirsty Islamic east.
It was therefore entirely predictable that Netanyahu used his speech in Paris on Sunday to again characterise the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, and Lebanon’s Hizballah as being no different from militant jihadist groups such as al-Qaeda and the Islamic State that were implicated in last week’s attack.
They all, he said, wanted to “impose a dark tyranny on the world”.
“Those who slaughtered Jews in the synagogue in Jerusalem [in November] and those who slaughtered Jews and journalists in Paris belong to the same murderous terror organisation,” Netanyahu claimed.
An analyst on Israel’s Channel 2 news described last week’s attacks in Paris as “France’s 9/11″.
It is worth recalling that Netanyahu let slip in the immediate wake of the attack on the World Trade Centre his real view of that event – it was “very good” for Israel because it would generate sympathy for its war against the Palestinians.
Fallacy of safe haven
Haaretz columnist Ansel Pfeffer noted this narrative worked to Netanyahu’s benefit, allowing him to refuse “to make meaningful concessions to the Palestinians since Israel is on the frontline facing the onslaught of radical Islam, and any ground given will immediately be used to launch further attacks”.
Another Israeli analyst, Orly Noy, took the same view: “This helps Netanyahu promote a worldview in which there is no national conflict, no occupation, no Palestinian people and no blatant disregard for human rights.”
But as Pfeffer further observed, Netanyahu’s narrative that all Jews should come to Israel depends on a central fallacy: that Israel is a safe haven. In fact, statistically Jews are far safer in France than in conflict-plagued Israel.
It also forgets that at least some of Israel’s power on the international stage has depended on the influence of international Jewish lobbies to pressure politicians and the media through their activism.
This was a point Rabbi Margolin alluded to. “The Israeli government must recognise this reality and also remember the strategic importance of the Jewish communities as supporters of Israel in the countries in which they live.”
It might be worth Netanyahu pondering that a United States and a Europe without organised Jewish lobbies aggressively promoting Israel’s interests would be less reliable allies than they have been until now.
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Paris attacks: Jean-Marie Le Pen says French terror attacks were work of Western intelligence
Front National founder gives credence to conspiracy theories in an interview with virulently anti-western Russian newspaper
The Charlie Hebdo massacre may have been the work of an “intelligence agency”, working with the connivance of French authorities, according to Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the far right Front National.
In an interview with a virulently anti-Western Russian newspaper, Mr Le Pen, 86, gave credence to conspiracy theories circulating on the internet suggesting that the attack was the work of American or Israeli agents seeking to foment a civil war between Islam and the West.
His comments – only partially retracted in an interview with the French newspaper Le Monde today – provoked outrage amongst French politicians. They will also infuriate Marine Le Pen, his daughter, and successor as leader of the FN, who has been trying to distance the party from her father’s extreme and provocative remarks.
Mr Le Pen stood down as FN leader three years ago but remains President-for-life. He made the comments in an interview with Komsomolskaïa Pravda , a newspaper which had already blamed the United States for the terrorist mayhem in France.
Charlie Hebdo: Mourning in Paris1 of 6
To justify his comments, Mr Le Pen pointed to the fact that one of the Kouachi brothers, who carried out the Charlie Hebdo massacre, left his identity card in a crashed getaway car. He compared this to the “miraculous fact” – beloved by conspiracy theorists – that one of the passports of the 9/11 hijackers was found on the ground in New York after two planes collided with the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in 2001.
Read more: Suspected terrorists shot dead in Belgium
Mr Le Pen made two other provocative remarks in the interview. He said that the 1,500,000 who marched “against hatred” in Paris last Sunday were not “Charlies” but “Charlie Chaplins” (ie clowns). He also said that there were 15,000,00 to 20,000,000 Muslims in France – three or four times the generally accepted figures of 5,000,000 people who are practising Muslims or have Muslim backgrounds.
A continent on the edge - terror raids across Europe
Cameron and Obama vow joint anti-terror measures
In an interview with Le Monde today, Mr Le Pen repeated his suspicions about the identity card but said he “could not recall” talking about “secret services” to the Russian newspaper.
Mr Le Pen’s original quoted remarks run directly counter to the official line of his daughter and his party. They have suggested that the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket are the final proof that France faces an “enemy within”, which has been created by immigration and open EU borders.
Conspiracy theories of the kind espoused by the elder Le Pen sprang up on the internet within hours of the Charlie Hebdo attacks. They have been repeated in recent days by some – not all - young Muslims in France, torn between identifying with the Kouachi brothers and insisting that they were stooges of the French authorities, Washington and Israel.
The French “pope of conspiracy theories”, Thierry Meyssan, now based in Damascus, insisted that the Charlie Hebdo massacres were “ordered by US neo-cons and liberal hawks”. An American conspiracy site, McLatchy, has claimed that the Kouachi brothers were working for French intelligence.
Fiasco Paris II: The Wrong Car Gambit
Posted by Gordon Duff on January 22, 2015I'll bet they have a version with Tony Blair driving and Netanyahu as the shooter...
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Remember the car supposedly used in the Paris “events,” as calling phony theatre a terror attack is a misnomer? This is what the friggin’ French did:
They planted the ID beforehand in what was supposed to be an identical car. Problem is, the second car was a different model, different year.
We exposed the use of blanks during the terror attacks. Dr. Fetzer showed us how they staged it all, with an “X” spray painted on the road. Sky News exposed the pig blood poured on the sidewalk of the conveniently unguarded crime scene.
Please excuse the Christian based imperative, but:
“Holy Mary, Mother of God, whose first son Jesus, if he is somewhere is either spinning in his grave or somewhere in heaven laughing himself half to death”
The French staged a terror attack with actors who arrive at the scene of a phony shooting with a 2014 car with chrome mirrors but, immediately thereafter abandon the car which magically turns into a 2013 version with black mirrors.
The new issue of contention/cover-up is the denial that this model car was ever built. You see, unless you are in France and can navigate a website using “restaurant French,” pretty much what the French themselves speak, you can’t get to the trim configuration page for Citroen C3 and may get suckered into taking trolls seriously. Ah, but our restaurant French here at VT is “perfection.” (which actually is a French word)
What is it that Jim W. Dean says so often, oh yes: “You just can’t make things like this up.”
I am all in favor of giving the French and their Israeli friends a second chance. Let’s say, after a day of running around, losing shoes, smiling for the camera and loading weapons with blanks, they got a text message:
“Hello, this is Citroen Corporation, manufacturer of the car you are currently using in your reign of terror around Paris. We regret to inform you but your car has been recalled for a seat belt malfunction. Please return it immediately for repairs.
So, the murderous brothers pull into a dealership, AK47s at the ready. “How long is it going to take to fix this?”
Citroen says, “About an hour.” (Citroen is very efficient)
The terrorists, losing their cool, raise their weapons: “Do you take me for a meshuggenah? I want a car right now!”
Citroen: “But sir, we only have this 2013 loaner available.”
Terror twins: “OK, here’s what we will do. I will take this now but I will leave my identification on the seat in case there is some confusion. After all, the car looks prettymuch the same except it is a different year, different model and has black mirrors.
Citroen: “But why would you want to leave your identification in a car? Then again, I could ask why terrorists would return a car on a minor recall in the middle of a terror spree but after all I am French and I have learned to simply ignore things like this out of a combination of good manners and a desire to not have the police shoot me in the head and declare me a “suicide.”
Terror twins: “Oh that.”
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 7:36 pm Post subject:
Charlie Hebdo shooting suspect defended by classmates on Twitter
Students say suspected getaway driver Mourad Hamyd was in class at time of attack, in series of tweets under hashtag #MouradHamydInnocent
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/08/charlie-hebdo-shooting-su spect-twitter-mourad-hamyd
Emma Graham-Harrison - The Guardian, Thursday 8 January 2015 13.16 GMT
Classmates of an 18-year-old accused of being the getaway driver in the deadly attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine offices in Paris on Wednesday have defended him on Twitter, saying he was in class when masked gunmen opened fire.
Mourad Hamyd turned himself in to police in his home town of Charleville-Mézières, near the Belgian border, after he was named as one of three suspects in the attack, which killed 12, and saw his name on social media.
Soon afterwards, people claiming to be his classmates started tweeting under the hashtag #MouradHamydInnocent. “He’s in my class, and he was there for lessons this morning,” wrote @babydroma. Her account has been active since 2012, and before Wednesday was full of chatter about teachers and lessons, with a picture of film star James Franco as wallpaper.
Apparently frustrated by journalists and others questioning her identity and motive, a couple of hours later she added: “I swear to you I haven’t spoken to Mourad more than five times, but I felt obliged to help him.” She later clarified that they had been in a philosophy class at the time of the attack.
Others also joined in on the same hashtag: “Imagine that you went to class with your mate, and then in the evening he is accused of [taking part in] the attack. Please retweet #MouradHamydInnocent,” said @_neednobody. The 18-year-old, called Laura, has a longstanding account with tens of thousands of tweets and says she is studying for a BTS, a vocational qualification.
Another teenager, @AnyceDz, who said Hamyd was a friend and the two had spent the morning together, changed his profile name to #MouradHamydInnocent. He tweeted that school officials had advised him to stop giving interviews about his friend.
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Les terroristes de Charlie Hebdo ont changé de véhicule devant un local utilisé par l’armée israélienne
INFO PANAMZA. Lors de leur fuite, les auteurs de l'attentat du 7 janvier auraient volé une voiture devant un commerce lié au ministère israélien de la Défense. Révélations.Le 31.01.2015 à 21h27C'est l'une des séquences les plus mystérieuses de la journée du 7 janvier : que s'est-il exactement passé, autour de midi, dans la rue de Meaux?Voici ce qu'en disait -le jour même- François Molins, procureur de la République de Paris et conférencier de la mouvance sioniste hexagonale :Les mis en cause -au nombre de trois, selon le témoignage d'une personne avec laquelle ils allaient avoir un accident- poursuivaient leur route vers le nord de Paris et percutaient violemment un véhicule Volkswagen Touran, place du colonel Fabien, dans le XIXème arrondissement, blessant la conductrice.Ils tentaient alors de poursuivre leur route mais devaient finalement abandonner précipitamment leur voiture au niveau de la rue de Meaux et braquer alors le conducteur d'un véhicule de marque Clio. Ils s'emparaient du véhicule et… prenaient la fuite avec celui-ci.De nombreuses images de la voiture retrouvée et du quartier bouclé par la police ont été diffusées par la presse nationale.
Dans la photographie ci-dessus, on peut discerner, face à la voiture, une boutique comportant une terrasse et un rideau métallique partiellement descendu. Il s'agit d'un restaurant-pâtisserie cacher dénommé Patistory et situé au 45, rue de Meaux.La particularité du lieu? Patistory est l'un des sept "points de vente" -dans toute la France- à destination d'un gala annuel dédié à l'armée israélienne et organisé par l'association française Migdal.En 2008, des membres du groupe France-Palestine Solidarité avaient d'ailleurs hué le service d'ordre du gala : la Ligue de défense juive.
Déclarée -le 16 janvier 2001- à la préfecture, Migdal aurait été fondée en 1984 selon son président David Bittan.
La double singularité de cette association extrémiste mais reconnue par l'État français : son ultra-sionisme accompagné de son corrolaire -un racisme antiarabe comme l'illustre leur dernier clip, mis en ligne l'été dernier.
Nulle surprise à ce que les responsables de Patistory puissent participer -avec Migdal- à l'organisation d'un gala de soutien à une armée d'occupation coupable de crimes de guerre. En août, le couple à la tête du restaurant -Martine Bismuth Bellaïche et Patrick Bellaïche- avaient été fortuitement sollicité par une journaliste américaine. Le thème de son papier publié par The Christian Science Monitor : l'attitude de la communauté juive française face aux derniers bombardements israéliens de Gaza.Après avoir revendiqué leur participation aux manifestations pro-israéliennes, les Bellaïche ont ainsi confessé leur "espoir" de partir bientôt vivre "en Israël".Sept ans plus tôt, la caméra de la chaine NRJ12 avait capturé -par hasard- le couple en son lieu de travail : l'animateur Arthur était venu leur offrir des billets pour son spectacle.
Résumons : des djihadistes-terroristes-antisémites présumés (dont l'un des "trois" s'est évaporé durant la fuite) se dirigent vers un quartier où vit la plus importante communauté juive de France et décident alors d'y changer de véhicule "volé" devant un commerce cacher tenu par un couple ultra-sioniste collaborant avec le ministère israélien de la Défense.À cette situation incongrue s'ajoute l'opacité du récit politico-médiatique relatif au déroulement des faits, rue de Meaux.Outre la version expéditive du procureur de la République (citée plus haut), nous disposons de six témoignages -plutôt confus ou approximatifs- pour tenter de recouper ce qui s'est passé.1* Le premier est le seul à être nommément identifié. Le site de 20 Minutes a recueilli les propos de Cédric Le Bléchec, agent immobilier censé être "sorti de rendez-vous au 45 rue de Meaux". Heureuse coïncidence : l'adresse désigne un immeuble de six étages jouxtant le Patistory et dont la porte d'entrée se trouve face au point de chute des terroristes. Que nous raconte Cédric?«Une voiture noire était arrêtée au milieu de la rue. Deux grands blacks habillés de façon militaire étaient sortis, dont un avec un lance-roquettes. Ils ont sorti un homme de la voiture qui était derrière. Et ils sont montés en disant "vous direz aux médias que c’est Al-Qaïda au Yémen"Des "blacks"? Ce témoin, que Panamza a tenté de joindre -en vain-, est le seul à évoquer cet élément d'information. Précision: il ne peut pas avoir confondu la couleur de peau avec celle des combinaisons puisque d'autres témoins rapporteront que les fuyards ne portaient pas de cagoule.2* L'Agence France-Presse a diffusé le témoignage d'un habitant anonyme sortant du café-bar Le Dauphin, situé à une dizaine de mètres. "Ce qui m'a marqué, c'est les chaussures d'armée. Les mecs ont sorti un vieux de sa voiture et sont repartis vers Porte de Pantin".
3*4* Un caméraman du site du Parisien a obtenu le récit de deux jeunes hommes floutés : "Alors, le véhicule a descendu la rue Sadi-Lecointe. Ils ont sorti avec des kalachnikoks et ont crié 'Allah est avec nous'. Ils ont pris l'autre véhicule et sont repartis vers Porte de Pantin, apparemment". Second témoin : "Ils ont sorti la personne qui était derrière la voiture, ils ont dit 'Pars de la voiture et dis aux journalistes qu'ils disent "Al-Qaïda in'Allah'".
5* Un "habitant" non identifié et interrogé par TF1 a relaté ce que son frère -qui aurait préféré ne pas témoigner "à visage découvert par crainte des représailles"- déclare avoir vu. Extraits : "Il a vu simplement deux personnes qui ont braqué un vieux qui était juste derrière… Ils avaient plus de cagoule à ce moment-là".Charlie Hebdo : Les terroristes ont "demandé poliment" s'ils pouvaient prendre sa voiture sur WAT.tv6* Le dernier témoin est le plus important : il s'agit de l'homme dont la voiture aurait été volée par les terroristes. Son interview exclusive a été obtenue et diffusée par Europe 1 deux jours plus tard. "Le conducteur descend, armé d'un pistolet mitrailleur. lls n'étaient plus masqués… Ils ressemblent aux personnes que vous avez vues (aux photos diffusées, ndlr). Sauf qu'à ce moment-là, ils étaient en tenue paramilitaire avec leurs armes à la main. "En partant, ils m'ont dit : 'Si jamais, tu t'adresses…enfin, si les médias t'interrogent, tu diras : 'C'est Al-Qaïda au Yémen'."
La radio fondée par le Franco-Israélien Jean Frydman omet de rapporter un détail intriguant. L'homme qui s'est retrouvé accidentellement derrière les terroristes voyait chaque matin deux de leurs victimes : les caricaturistes Cabu et Wolinksi auprès desquels il exerçait sa profession de vendeur des journaux. Mieux encore : il était leur "ami" si l'on en croit son entretien -également diffusé deux jours après l'attentat- avec l'hebdomadaire Paris-Match.Autre élément curieux : ce sexagénaire y laisse entendre que son altercation se serait déroulée "à l’angle de la rue Simon Bolivar et de l’avenue Mathurin Moreau". Confusion géographique du témoin ou mauvaise audition du journaliste? Le lieu indiqué ne correspond pas à la zone du 45, rue de Meaux où fut retrouvée la voiture des terroristes.
Seule la consultation de la video-surveillance capturée depuis une caméra précisément située à cet angle permettrait de dissiper le quiproquo.Une chose est cependant certaine : emprunter l'avenue Mathurin Moreau (en venant de la place du colonel Fabien) puis l'avenue Simon Bolivar pour s'engouffrer dans la rue Sadi-Lecointe permet de déboucher directement au 45, rue de Meaux où se trouve, juste à droite le Patistory, juste à gauche le -discret- passage de la Brie.Angle de la rue Sadi-Lecointe et de l'avenue Simon BolivarLe 45, rue de Meaux, faisant face à la rue Sadi-LecointeAvantage rare de ce secteur parisien : l'absence totale -en dépit d'une forte densité de population- de toute caméra de vidéo-surveillance.Pour conclure cet article, tentons de résumer ce singulier imbroglio : des djihadistes-terroristes-antisémites présumés prennent la fuite en direction du quartier où vit la plus importante communauté juive de France, abandonnent leur véhicule devant un commerce cacher tenu par un couple ultra-sioniste collaborant avec le ministère israélien de la Défense et volent à visage découvert -selon des témoins anonymes- la voiture d'un marchand de journaux non identifié et lié à deux de leurs victimes.Signalons enfin un point subsidiaire mais qui laisse songeur : AUCUN média traditionnel n'a rapporté le témoignage des gérants de Patistory. Une telle lacune médiatique est proprement stupéfiante : voici un restaurant -nécessairement fréquenté par des clients en cette heure du déjeuner- qui fut aux premières loges d'une séquence historique (la seconde fuite des terroristes de Charlie Hebdo) mais dont l'expérience originale est totalement passée sous silence par les journalistes audiovisuels. Contrairement à la pratique récurrente dans des cas similaires, ces derniers n'ont pas jugé utile d'aller, caméra à l'épaule, recueillir le point de vue des restaurateurs et de leurs clients, pourtant témoins-clés de la scène.Cerise sur le gâteau : cet étrange profil bas est également adopté par les premiers concernés. Sur la page Facebook de Patistory, nulle mention de l'incident survenu le 7 janvier. Seule une publication de soutien à Charlie a été mise en ligne.La sombre affaire Charlie Hebdo n'a vraisemblablement pas dit son dernier mot.À vous, lecteur et citoyen, de briser la double omerta française des affaires Fredou et Patistory.Plus que jamais, ne vous laissez pas intimider par la nouvelle pensée unique qui se manifeste dans les procès délirants -intentés par des apprentis censeurs et leurs idiots utiles- en sorcellerie "complotiste".Faites passer l'info.**************************Complément d'info : le dossier Charlie Hebdo de PANAMZAQuand Charlie Hebdo se lamente d’être traité de "raciste" (20.11.13)Islam, jihad et sexe : Charlie Hebdo s’enfonce dans le ridicule (05.05.14)Charlie Hebdo bientôt en faillite? Son incendie fructueux demeure non élucidé (05.11.14)Attentat contre Charlie Hebdo : condoléances, prudence et vigilance (07.01.15)Attentat contre Charlie Hebdo : le mystère du jour (07.01.15)Vous avez aimé le passeport du 11-Septembre? Vous allez adorer la carte d'identité du 7-Janvier! (08.01.15)12 morts à Charlie Hebdo : Haziza accuse Panamza (08.01.15)Le Mossad derrière l’attentat contre Charlie Hebdo ? Un grand média américain s’autocensure après avoir suggéré une "vengeance" d'Israël contre la France (08.01.15)Pourquoi le gouvernement avait-il retiré une voiture de police stationnée devant Charlie Hebdo? (09.01.15)La France menacée par Al-Qaïda? L’info a été "révélée" par une propagandiste israélo-américaine (10.01.15)La surveillance des frères Kouachi avait cessé en juillet (10.01.15)NON (10.01.15)Grande marche à Paris : l'hypocrisie de Reporters sans frontières (11.01.15)4 heures avant l’attentat, la police et "une personne suspecte" étaient présentes devant Charlie Hebdo (11.01.15)Hommage au véritable esprit de Charlie (11.01.15)Netanyahou demande à la France de combattre "les forces de l’islam" (11.01.15)Bennett, le ministre israélien qui n'a "aucun problème à tuer des Arabes", assis derrière Hollande, à côté de Cazeneuve #LaHonte (11.01.15)Sifaoui-Genest : qui se ressemble s'assemble (11.01.15)Sondage-express sur le cas psycho-pathologique de Frédéric Haziza (11.01.15)Petit message à l'attention des experts du djihadisme et des chasseurs de "complotistes" (12.01.15)Contre l'islam, pour Israël : le journalisme selon Caroline Fourest (12.01.15)Manuel Valls "aime" les uns et "soutient" les autres (12.01.15)"Tout est pardonné" : le message ambigu de Charlie Hebdo (12.01.15)Une rescapée de Charlie Hebdo contredit le témoignage de Fourest (13.01.15)Mystérieux "suicide" du policier chargé de la connexion Charlie Hebdo-Jeannette Bougrab (16.01.15)Fuite des terroristes de Charlie Hebdo : un trajet impossible (18.01.15)Affaire classée (21.01.15)Les djihadistes roulaient en voiture "Playboy" (22.01.15)Attentat à Charlie Hebdo : le vidéaste "amateur" s’est évaporé dans la nature (22.01.15)'Halte au complotisme' : la blague du jour (23.01.15)
Le charlisme, nouvelle religion d'État : un prof de philo suspendu et poursuivi en justice (25.01.15)6, rue Nicolas Appert (25.01.15)Affaire Charlie : la famille du policier "suicidé" n’aura pas accès au rapport d’autopsie (25.01.15)BFM TV a censuré la voix d'un complice de Chérif Kouachi (28.01.15)"Coïncidence" : le patron d’Hyper Cacher avait cédé son entreprise "un jour avant" la prise d’otages (30.01.15)HICHAM HAMZACet article vous a intéressé?
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Zionists linked to “Charlie Hebdo terrorists’ escape”
Posted by Kevin Barrett on February 1, 2015A spectacle staged by sayanim?
Charlie Hebdo terrorists changed vehicles in front of a locale used by the Israeli army
By Hicham Hamza, Panamza.com
Translated by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor
It is one of the most mysterious episodes of the events of January 7: what exactly happened around noon in Rue de Meaux?
Here is what François Molins, public prosecutor of Paris and spokesperson for the French Zionist movement, wrote that same day:
“The suspects – three of them, according to the testimony of a person with whom their car collided – continued their journey north of Paris and violently crashed into Volkswagen Touran in Place de Colonel Fabien in the XIXth district, injuring the driver.
“Then they tried to continue their journey but suddenly abandoned their vehicle and rushed out of their car in the Rue de Meaux, robbing the driver of another car, a Clio. They seized that vehicle and fled in it.”
Many images of the abandoned car and the area cordoned off by the police were broadcast by the national press.
In the photograph above, one can discern, in front of the car, a shop with a terrace and a partially lowered metal curtain. This is a restaurant-bakery called Patistory, located at 45, rue de Meaux.
The special interest of the place? Patistory is one of the seven locations – in all France – of an annual gala dedicated to the Israeli army and organized by the French Zionist association Migdal.
In 2008, members of the France-Palestine Solidarity expressed their displeasure with the stewards of the gala: the Jewish Defense League.
(Translator’s note: The Jewish Defense League, or JDL, is a notorious international terrorist group implicated in hundreds of acts of violence, and untold thousands of death threats, worldwide. Even the FBI, which is normally cowed by the Israel lobby and often complicit in Zionist terrorism, has labeled the JDL a terrorist group.)
First legally registered on January 16 2001, Migdal was founded in 1984 by its president David Bittan.
Note the extremely peculiar status of this organization that, despite its extremism, is recognized by the French government. Migdal blends ultra-Zionism with anti-Arab racism – a natural equation as illustrated by their latest video, posted last summer.
It is not surprising that the proprietors of Patistory – with Migdal – would participate in organizing a gala to support an occupation army guilty of war crimes. In August, the couple that owns the restaurant – Martine Bismuth Bellaïche and Patrick Bellaïche – just happen to have been interviewed by an American journalist. The theme of his article published by The Christian Science Monitor: the French Jewish community’s attitude toward the latest Israeli bombing of Gaza.
After asserting their participation in the pro-Israel demonstrations, the Bellaïches confessed their “hope” that they would soon be moving “to Israel.”
Seven years earlier, the camera of the French TV network NRJ12, by another odd coinicidence, had filmed the couple in the workplace: the host Arthur had come to offer them tickets for his show.
To sum up: two alleged jihadist-terrorist-anti-Semites (one of the “three” somehow evaporated en route) headed stratight to the area where the largest Jewish community in France lives, and they decide to change “stolen” vehicles in front of a shop run by Zionist extremists collaborating with the Israeli Ministry of Defense.
On top of this incongruous situation, there is the extreme opacity of the political-media narrative concerning the course of events at Rue de Meaux.
Besides the expeditious account of the public prosecutor (cited above), we have six-rather vague and confused witness accounts to help us try to understand what happened.
* The first is the only one that is identified by name. The website 20 Minutes interviewed Cedric Le Bléchec, a realtor who had supposedly “just stepped out of an appointment at 45 rue de Meaux.” Lucky coincidence: the address refers to a six-story building next to Patistory whose front door faces the spot where the terrorists changed cars. What does Cedric tell us?
“A black car stopped in the middle of the street. Two big black guys in military dress got out, one carrying a rocket launcher. They made the man in the car in back of them get out. And they got in, saying “you say to the media that it is al-Qaeda in Yemen.”
“Black guys”?! This witness, whom Panamza tried in vain to locate, is the only one who mentioned this interesting piece of information. A key point: He can not be confusing skin color with clothing color since other witnesses relate that the fugitives were not wearing a hood.
2 * Agence France-Presse aired the testimony of an anonymous local resident who had been leaving the coffee bar Le Dauphin, located about ten meters away. “What struck me is the army boots. The guys forced an old man out of his car and drove off towards Porte de Pantin.”
3 * 4 * A cameraman from The Parisien newspaper’s website filmed the story of two young men whose images were blurred to protect their identities. “Then the car came down Rue Sadi-Lecointe. They got out of the car carrying kalachnikovs and shouted ‘Allah is with us.” They.. took the other vehicle and apparently drove off towards Porte de Pantin.” Second witness: “They made the driver in the car behind them get out, they said ‘Get out of the car’ and said to tell journalists they said “Al Qaeda in’Allah “.
5 * An unidentified “resident” interviewed by TF1 recounted what his brother – who preferred not to testify openly “for fear of reprisals” – claims to have seen. Extracts: “He saw just two people who robbed an old man behind them… They were no longer wearing ski masks at that point.”
Charlie Hebdo: Terrorists “politely” ask if they could take his car on WAT.tv
* 6 The last witness is the most important: He is the man whose car was supposedly stolen by terrorists. His interview was obtained and disseminated by Europe 1 two days later. “The driver gets out armed with a machine pistol. They were not wearing masks … They looked like the people you saw (in the published photos, ed.) Except that this time, they were dressed in paramilitary outfits, carrying weapons. As they left, they told me, ‘If ever you address … well, if the media ask you, say: It’s Al-Qaeda in Yemen.'”
The station founded by French-Israeli citizen Jean Frydman failed to report an intriguing detail: The man who “accidentally” found himself stuck behind the terrorists (who then stole his car) saw two of their victims every morning: cartoonists Cabu and Wolinksi, with whom he worked selling newspapers. And it gets better: He was their “friend” if one believes his interview – also released two days after the attack – with the weekly Paris-Match.
Another curious element: The elderly gentleman suggested that his encounter (with the terrorists) took place “at the corner of Rue Simon Bolivar and Avenue Mathurin Moreau.” Was this the witness’s geographical confusion or the mistake of a hard-of-hearing journalist? The location does not match 45 rue de Meaux where the terrorists’ car was found.
Only consultation of video surveillance captured from a precise camera angle would clear up the confusion.
One thing, however, is certain: take Avenue Mathurin Moreau (coming from Place de Colonel Fabien) then Avenue Simon Bolivar to find yourself in Rue Sadi-Lecointe which leads directly to 45, rue de Meaux – where just to the right is Patistory, and just to the left the – discreet – passage Brie.
Angle of Rue Sadi-Lecointe and Avenue Simon Bolivar
45, rue de Meaux, facing rue Sadi-Lecointe
A rare advantage of this sector of Paris: the total absence – despite the high population density – of any video surveillance cameras.
In conclusion, let us summarize this singular imbroglio: suspected anti-Semitic terrorist jihadists fled towards the area inhabited by the largest Jewish community in France, abandoned their vehicle in front of a shop run by an ultra-Zionist couple collaborating with the Israeli Ministry of Defense, and stole openly, with their masks off –according to anonymous witnesses – the car of an unidentified newspaper seller linked to two of their victims.
Finally, a secondary but puzzling issue: NO traditional media has reported the testimony of Patistory’s managers and clientele. This media lacuna in itself is staggering: Here we have a restaurant frequented by lunch hour customers with front row seats to historic events (the second escape of the Charlie Hebdo terrorists) whose amazing experience is totally ignored by broadcast journalists. Unlike what always happens in similar cases, they have not seen fit to go, cameras on shoulders, to collect the eyewitness accounts of the Zionist restaurateurs and their customers.
Icing on the cake: those eyewitnesses themselves are maintaining a suspiciously low profile. On the Facebook page Patistory, there is no mention of the incident that occurred on January 7. The only thing posted was a statement of support for Charlie.
The last word in this sinister Charlie Hebdo affair has not yet been spoken. It is up to you, dear reader and citizen, to break the “French omerta” – the double code of silence – of the Fredou and Patistory affairs. (Helric Fredou was the police investigator “suicided” for refusing to step down from the Charlie Hebdo investigation. -KB)
More than ever, do not let yourself be intimidated by the new orthodoxy of the delirious witch hunts – launched by the censors and their idiot apprentices – against so-called “conspiracy theorists.”
Please pass on this information.
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Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 11:57 pm Post subject:
Let's have a look at the context which the mainstream media in the NATO countries has not been telling us about last week's Paris attacks
Channel 4 news' security correspondent Simon Israel, for example, called the Paris attack 'The most deadly in Western Europe since 7/7', where 52 died. He sidestepped freemason Zionist/Knights Templar Anders Breivik's July 2011 Utoya attacks which killed 77 mostly young people. It was in Northern Europe but most definitive maps of Western Europe include Scandinavia. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Western_Europe_(Robinson_projec tion).png
See how 'our' media and the journalists that get the job, have become a psycological warfare arm of the NATO war machine?
In World War Two author Dennis Wheatley was what they then called a Nazi tricking Whitehall 'deception planner' and for me, probably the finest author of the 20th century.
Never hear his name though now do we? http://www.amazon.co.uk/They-Used-Forces-Dennis-Wheatley/dp/0749306777
NATO conducted a European terrorist campaign targeting innocent civilians called Operation Gladio from the 1970s to 1990s. Mainly US and British troops worked with irregular fascist 'stay behind' units, under NATO Intelligence and private 'Club De Berne' command and posed as far left terrorists killing hundreds of Europeans in a successful attempt to further US policy, such as placement of cruise missiles in Europe. Belgium, Italy and Switzerland conducted fairly thorough parliamentary inquiries into these NATO terror massacres but nobody was prosecuted. Before he died in mysterious circumstances Allan Frankovich made a BBC Timewatch film about it all: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUvrPvV-KQo Most terrorism in Europe has been a projection of Pentagon policy.
NATO have been working with Jihadis ever since 1980s 'Charlie Wilson's War' http://www.amazon.co.uk/Charlie-Wilsons-War-DVD-Hanks/dp/B0014JGFD2 Operation Cyclone http://www.investigatingtheterror.com/documents/Covert_Operations_Docu ments.htm when 4 billion dollars was spent by UK & US destabilising Russian occupied Afganistan.
80 year old Charlie Hebdo cartoonist Maurice Sinet was sacked and tried under french criminal law for mild jibe about president Sarkozy's son converting to Judaism. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/4351672/French -cartoonist-Sine-on-trial-on-charges-of-anti-Semitism-over-Sarkozy-jib e.html
If this had happened to an Assad magazine office that would hae been a 'legitimate act of war' by Assad rebels we support
All hostages and gunmen shot dead so no questioning the official police story and no trials or evidence required for anything just the word of anonymous French police spokespeople
Francois Hollande just made a trip to Russia to negotiate down sanctions with Russia which is hurting Europe http://www.euronews.com/2014/12/06/france-s-hollande-meets-russia-s-pu tin-in-surprise-stopover-at-moscow-airport/ no such thing allowed NATO escalation with Russia is on a ratchet up.
October 2014's Ottawa parliament attack and December 2014's Sydney attack came as both the Canadian and Australian parliament was making big decisions about whether or not to join UK/US in NATO anti ISIS coalition - ditto this time in France.
Since then NATO special forces have been training 'rebel' fighters in Libya and Syria as well as in training camps in neaby Jordan and NATO country Turkey.
Fighters were very well trained, probably by NATO special forces for the ISIS group which was created by the Western intelligence services. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-FFx7Xy0Uo
Here's my two shows so far - hope you find something of interest in amongst it all
One on Talk Radio Europe with Pippa Jones mid-afternoon on Friday
Talk Radio Europe: NATO war agenda behind the Charlie Hebdo propaganda (mp3)
Charlie Hebdo terror attacks a NATO 'Operation Gladio' PsyOp? Pippa Jones, Tony Gosling
And the other our radio show last night
France comes to NATO’s heel after Charlie Hebdo massacre (mp3s)
http://politicsthisweek.wordpress.com/2015/01/09/bcfm-politics-show-wi th-tony-gosling-8/
State Of The City reports: Before Christmas France considered pulling out of NATO (mp3)
Charlie Hebdo attacks bring France to NATO heel over ISIS mission Martin Summers Richard Peppiatt
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung Back to top Mark Dankof on the Charlie Hebdo Affair for the Rasa News Agency of Iran
Seyed Muhammad Javad Mousavi of the Rasa News Agency of Iran interviewed Mark Dankof for his perspective on the Charlie Hebdo Affair. The Persian language version of the discussion may be accessed here.1 – What do you think is the main purpose of continuously insulting the Prophet of Islam?Mark Dankof: It is important to remember what Pat Buchanan told us all last week: The Charlie Hebdo publication in France was also insulting and blaspheming every version of orthodox Christianity when it depicted the God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, as being involved in an incestuous sexual relationship. Who has a vested interest in blaspheming both Christianity and Islam as part of a world-wide ideological and political game plan? Clearly, it is the global Zionist network which desires to assert the Talmudic doctrine of Jewish racial supremacy on a global basis, and to convince comatose Westerners that their primary enemy in the world is Islam, and not the Zionist hijacking of their own banking system, culture, government, media, and educational establishments. The Frankfurt School and its Institute of Social Research which destroyed the older Christian civilizations in the West in partnership with the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith (ADL) by subverting Europe and the United States with pornography, sexual perversion including the LGBT (Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transsexual) agenda, and the abortion/euthanasia industries, is working its demonic magic through all kinds of Jewish-funded media outlets and NGOs to solidify its hold on the Western world, even as it also seeks the subversion of the Islamic societies and Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Eric Margolis concedes that the Charlie Hebdo publication is financed by Rothschild banking interests in France. Simply follow the trail of the money.Charlie Hebdo’s financiers and handlers clearly seek to falsely equate mainstream Sunni and Shia Islam with the Wahhabi and Takfiri fanatics comprising the ISIS and al-Qaeda organizations, and to discredit Islam generally in the West, even as orthodox Christianity is also lampooned. Both Islamic and Christian movements must be infiltrated from within with sexual decadence, paid intelligence assets, and internal disorder. The final strategy in the quest for Zionist global supremacy and the final victory of the so-called New World Order will involve the realization of the dream of launching the War of Civilizations envisioned by the Project for the New American Century and its bedfellows. This will necessitate pitting Sunni Islam and Shia Islam against one another as adversaries, and pitting what remains of a Christian remnant in the West against both Islam and Putin’s Russia. Divide and Conquer is the age-old methodology used by this evil monolith.2 – Some analysts believe that the role of the western intelligence services such as MI6 and Mossad is undeniable regarding the Charlie Hebdo attacks. What’s your take on that? If there is a role, what are the possible reasons behind that?Mark Dankof: While I cannot absolutely prove it, I agree with Ron Paul and Paul Craig Roberts that the Charlie Hebdo affair has all the earmarks of a False Flag operation conducted by the Israeli Mossad, the British MI6, and the American CIA. It is ludicrous to believe that the national security police states erected in Europe and the United States would be providing money, political, and logistical support to ISIS in a clear attempt to overthrow President Assad in Syria (a clear Zionist objective as a prelude to attacking Iran), and then would subsequently fail to effectively monitor the comings and goings of hundreds of these Wahhabic terror elements traveling with apparent impunity between Syria and both Europe and the United States. These travels are being allowed for a purpose, which is to deliberately enact incidents of this kind, diverting Western public attention from the Hidden Hand financing and directing these operations, as well as diverting public attention from ongoing Israeli atrocities in Palestine, Gaza, and East Jerusalem. Additionally, I believe France was being punished for its public deviations as of late from the wholesale support of the Zionist agenda demanded by the power elite in the West. I refer to the French Parliament’s recent pro-Palestinian vote (s) in public session, and President Hollande’s urging of a reassessment of the wisdom and utility of the economic sanctions being imposed on Putin’s Russia.I believe there are additional cracks in the canvas being painted by the real perpetrators of this incident, including the convenient leaving behind of an Identification Card in a getaway car by the alleged assailants, and the equally convenient killing of the accused by the French police. Dead Men Tell No Tales. . . . Just ask Lee Harvey Oswald.3 – In your opinion, what might be the possible reasons behind the Israeli Prime Minister’s attendance in Charlie Hebdo’s post-attack rally?Mark Dankof: Netanyahu is a war criminal and murderer simply taking advantage of the Zionist controlled media in France specifically and the West generally. He obviously wants to justify his regime’s criminal policies in Palestine and Gaza by posing as a defender of human rights and freedom of expression in the West against “Islamic Jihadists“. It is the established Zionist strategy to make the aggressor and the criminal perpetrator appear as the aggrieved victim. This is especially outlandish, given the legal persecution and economic marginalization of scholars and political activists in the West who have criticized Israel, or who have questioned aspects of the establishment Zionist narrative on what happened in World War II and during the runup to the establishment of the Zionist state in 1948. What Dr. E. Michael Jones of Culture Wars refers to as the “Jewish control of narrative” has served Netanyahu and his predecessors quite well, especially in the United States. How many Americans know about the Zionist bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946? The Lavon Affair in 1954? The dispute between JFK and Ben Gurion in 1963 over the Israeli nuclear weapons plant at Dimona in the Negev? The Meyer Lansky Jewish Crime Syndicate connection to the anti-Castro Cubans, to James Jesus Angleton of the CIA, and the Giancana-Trafficante-Marcello-Roselli led crime syndicates in the United States who were all provably involved in the JFK assassination? The NUMEC nuclear raw materials thefts in Pennsylvania in the United States for Israel’s weapons program? The Pollard-AIPAC-Ben Ami spy cases? And the Arnon Milchan financing of Oliver Stone’s JFK movie which diverted public attention from the Israeli connection to the events in Dallas in November of 1963? What about the Israeli role in 9-11 and the subsequent coverup of this fact by the Israeli citizens assigned to direct the official American governmental investigation of the event?The Zionist-controlled Western media has perfected the Orwellian inversion of truth and falsehood, victim and perpetrator ongoingly. Look at Syria, where the existence of “Jihadic extremists” being decried in France and the West for involvement in the Charlie Hebdo affair are being simultaneously financed, trained, and introduced into that country by the United States, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, Turkey, and Jordan for the express purpose of overthrowing the Alawite regime of President Assad. Look at the criminals installed by coup d’etat last February by the United States, Israel, and the EU in the Ukrainian regime headquartered in Kiev, with all of the atrocities committed by this regime in the eastern part of that country since, including the shootdown of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 falsely attributed by Western media to Vladimir Putin or Russian ethnics under his control, and the horrific Odessa Trade Union building burning.It is noteworthy that the mastermind of these crimes, Petro Poroshenko, joined Netanyahu in Paris for the Charlie Hebdo protests.These illegal actions continue the NATO encirclement of Putin’s Russia in complete contravention of George H. W. Bush’s explicit promises to Gorbachev and Shevardnadze after the end of the old Soviet Union. This coup d’etat is also another way of punishing Putin for effectively stymying (for now) American and Israeli plans to employ overt military force against Assad, even as Jewish and CIA financed NGOs in Russia are attempting to subvert Putin and Russian Orthodox Christian resurgence from within by employing the Frankfurt School types like Pussy Riot and Elton John to attack nationalistic culture and morality in that country. It is all a part of the playbook of the New World Order, as is the False Flag Charlie Hebdo incident and the Orwellian inversion of truth and falsehood, victim and perpetrator, that has predictably followed.4 – There is a campaign going on throughout Muslim countries named #WeLoveMuhammad. How effective do you see this campaign, especially regarding its reflection in western and US media outlets?It will have no appreciable effect in the Western world and in the United States, where the Zionists have a lock on the control of narrative. Simply look at the way they have marginalized Christian anti-Zionist media critics and activists like me in America. Having successfully achieved that, what makes anyone believe an Islamic media and political movement will be any more effective in changing the political and media neighborhood in the West?
''The Jews are born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race."
News Section
Fact or Fiction?
9-11/Israel did it
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 1:23 am Post subject:
US media ‘complicit in mass murder of Muslims’
Posted by Kevin Barrett on February 11, 2015Media hatemongers help kill millions
Watch the video at Press TV
The media in the United States is helping to create mass murder of Muslims by hiding the shooting deaths of three American Muslim students in the country, an American scholar says.Kevin Barrett, founding member of Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance, made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Wednesday while commenting on the murder of three Muslim students in a shooting incident in the US state of North Carolina.The incident has not been given coverage “worldwide or here in the United States as Charlie Hebdo incident,” Barrett said because “the media here is complicit in the mass murder of Muslims.”
He added the media is “actually helping to create more such incidents.”“It seems that the mainstream media as well as the extremist media here in the United States are both complicit in genocide against Muslims and the religion if Islam, and that they are also trying to propagandize the world into a convincing…that Muslims don’t have right to defend themselves against this kind of genocidal violence,” Barrett said.“They are simply the latest victims of anti-Muslim genocide which has been created by elements that own most of the media here in the United States,” he noted.As an example for the ongoing “genocide” of Muslims, Barrett mentioned the occupied Palestinian territories where “the Zionists have been conducting slow motion genocide since the World War I really, and certainly since the Nakba, or the mass murder of Palestinians and the expulsion of the rest in 1948.”
Palestinians refer to the May 15, 1948 occupation of Palestine as the Nakba Day, which means the Day of the Catastrophe in Arabic, to solemnly commemorate the expulsion of more than 700,000 Palestinians from their homeland in 1948.Israeli forces have wiped nearly 500 Palestinian villages and towns off the map, leaving an estimated total of 4.7 million Palestinian refugees hoping for an eventual return to their homeland more than six decades later.“So we are facing a genocide of over a million people and Muslims absolutely have the duty, not just the right but the duty, to defend themselves by any means necessary against this genocide,” Barrett stated.“Every good person on earth also has this duty to stop this genocide and bring the perpetrators, including those who own the American and Western mainnstream media, to justice,” he concluded.
Millions of Christians worldwide truly believe that Palestinians or Muslims should not fight Israel because they would be fighting God Himself! This is a global Satanic Church teaching!What most of us do not know or understand is that there are Two Word Orders meaning two different things. One is Satanic and Godless (Illuminati) Israel, and the other is Christian Zionism preached even by the Popes. They both are financed by the same usurious bank gangsters!
""Yes, we will still write in blood the map of the one homeland and one nation...." (Yassir Arafat, writing this letter September 30, 2001, the one-year anniversary of the current Intifada).
For this reason both Christian Zionists, Israel and Friends of Israel accuse Arabs of "HATING THE JEW" and want a "FINAL SOLUTION" that would "finish the job Adolf Hitler started, but was unable to complete."
THEY accuse the Arabs of wanting to "exterminate all Jews" and preventing peace in the Middle East.
They accuse Palestinians of breeding "hundreds of Palestinian suicide bombers killing several thousands of Jews by blowing up explosives tied to their waists."
THEY claim that Israel is "God's people, the Jews."
"God had repeatedly stated, in both Old and New Testaments, that He was going to restore Israel back to her land in the 'latter days', and would restore His betrothal to her. In other words, God was going to deal with Israel, again, as His Chosen People."
"God promised Israel she would not suffer military defeat, "When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the LORD thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt... For the LORD your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you." "
"Tiny Israel, smaller than the state of New Jersey, is surrounded by a sea of hostile Arabs that want to see Israel annihilated and cast into the sea"
"Total Arab Population Surrounding Israel = 271,056,560
Total Population of Israel = 5,186,367"
Source: "World Population Figures", Quaestar.
"However, God is also going to remarkably demonstrate His Power and Glory in the "Latter Days", by stirring up the peoples around Israel to attack her, only so He can miraculously deliver her. The centerpiece of God's love and concern for Israel is Jerusalem. Listen to God's Plan for Jerusalem in these "Latter Days". "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it." (Zechariah 12:2-3)"
"The Arab peoples surrounding Jerusalem are going to come against it in such a way that the situation will appear as though they have Jerusalem surrounded, as in a siege. Later, in the Great Tribulation, we know that this is going to literally happen, i.e., an overwhelming enemy force is going to lay siege to Jerusalem, and will have begun to enter the city, when Messiah comes from Heaven to destroy them by speaking one Word. This annihilation is foretold in Revelation 16:16, and is called the Battle of Armageddon."
"Certainly, today's newspapers tell a story that exactly corresponds to this prophetic picture, above, described in Paragraphs 1 and 2. The Arabs have Israel, and Jerusalem, completely surrounded in such an overwhelming manner that the average Israeli citizen must feel as though he is in a siege. And, the Arabs have succeeded in manipulating the Palestinians so that they are creating an Arab state within the tiny nation of Israel, a sharp dagger seemingly poised just inches away from the Jewish heart. "
"3. The final point God makes is that all who try to destroy Jerusalem shall, themselves, be cut into pieces. The picture here is that of a person falling upon a huge rock, being smashed into many pieces. Mr. Arafat, are you listening? Mubarak of Egypt, Saddam Hussein, and Assad of Syria had best take notice also."
"All Arab leaders who are currently plotting against Israel (and they all are) should take these warnings to heart. Of course they won't, because they despise the God of Israel, the Almighty Creator. They are literally fighting against God. This is why they have never been able to defeat Israel in the past, and why they never will in the future. All their plotting and scheming will not only result in defeat, it will result in total annihilation of their nation!!"
Nearly one billion christIANS worldwide are Zionists, Friends, and worshippers of Israel, yet they TERRORISE the world with "Radical Islamic Terrorism, Islamo-Fascism, Islamic fundamentalism, Islamic State, ISIS, ISIL, BOKO HARAM, AL NUSRA, Islamic Caliphate, CIA-SAUDI beheadings, the oppression of women, Muslim Hitlers, and when all this still does not work, they come up with the threats of Islamization and Arabization of White Europe, and the mass rape of white women by Muslim immigrants! Oy vey!
And on and on and on! Shalom!
Wednesday 1st of February 2017
Friday, 9 January 2015
The above video shows that the security services did the false flag attack in Paris.
The Paris Attack is a psy-op.
Indications that the Paris Attack was an inside job, involving Mossad and the French security services:
1. CBC News reported:
The journalists from Charlie Hebdo only gather in their Paris office once per week.
"A Charlie Hebdo reporter told the French newspaper Le Monde that the attackers had to have been informed that the editorial meeting was taking place, otherwise there are not many people on the premises."
Who would have informed the shooters about the meeting on that day?
2. There were police INSIDE the Charlie Hebdo offices BEFORE the attack took place.
"Two officers who had been assigned to protect editor and cartoonist Stephane Charbonnier for the past several years came down from an upper floor and intercepted the gunmen."
Confusion as French hunt magazine attack suspects
How is it that the police seemed so useless?
A journalist at Charlie Hebdo let the gunmen into the heavily protected offices.
Strangely, there were no armed police outside the offices.
3. There were heavily armed police in the vicinity and all over the centre of Paris.
"Outside the building, as the gunmen tried to flee in their Citroën van, three officers in a police patrol car intercepted them.
"Two suspects got out of the van...
"An officer ...ran toward the suspects. But the officer was shot and wounded by the suspects. He was executed with a shot to the head as he lay on the sidewalk."
Confusion as French hunt magazine attack suspects
After this policeman was 'shot' in the head with blanks, there is no sign of blood.
There are 3 different accounts of who this policeman was.
In one account he an officer who emerged from a police car.
In another account he is a policeman who came out of a police station.
And in a third account he is a policeman who was on a bicycle.
CanSpeccy alerted us to this video. Google keeps on censoring this affair, so here it is on LiveLeak.com - Charlie Hebdo police officer shooting zoomed in ...
Google has been removing the videos that show this fake shot.
4. "After killing the officer, the gunmen returned to their car, shouting, 'We avenged the Prophet Muhammad,' the source said."
Confusion as French hunt magazine attack suspects
The purpose of this source would appear to be to label the gunmen as Moslems, rather than assets of Mossad and the French government.
5. Mossad and the French security services appear to have had their posters printed in advance?
Sasha Reingewirtz, 28, president of the Jewish Students Union, said of the killers:
"They want to scare French citizens."
Confusion as French Hunt Magazine Attack Suspects
Amchai Stein, the deputy editor of Israeli IBA Channel 1, just happened to be at the scene and has been posting photos of the shooting.
The whole purpose of the CIA-Mossad-NATO Operation Gladio was to scare the citizens of France and Europe.
6. In false flag attacks, the alleged terrorists allegedly leave behind identity cards or passports.
7. In false flag attacks, the authorities often give conflicting evidence.
"Two senior U.S. counter-terrorism officials told NBC News that one of the suspects in the attack had been killed and that two others were in custody."
Confusion as French hunt magazine attack suspects
The 'patsies' were probably in custody before the attack.
8. In false flag attacks, the security services need 'patsies'.
The French authorities have named the 'patsies' as Said Kouachi, Cherif Kouachi and Hamyd Mourad.
Several of Hamyd's school friends have taken to Twitter saying he was in class with them at the time of the attack.
The Kouachi brothers have secular (non religious) backgrounds
Said Kouachi, 34, and his brother Cherif, 32, were orphans who were brought up in a care home in Rennes in northern France.
The CIA and its friends like to mind-control orphans from children's homes to turn them into useful patsies.
The brothers had menial jobs such as pizza delivery man, and shop assistant.
What was the purpose of the 7 January 2015 attack on the offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo by assets of Mossad?
Charlie Hebdo has reportedly made fun of the Mossad agent Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (Simon Elliot).
Mossad reportedly wants revenge for:
French MPs voting in favour of a Palestinian state.
France voting against Israel at the UN.
The objective of the attack is to turn public opinion in favour of Israel.
CanSpeccy alerted us to this video which apparently shows the fake shooting of the policeman.
Does the shooting of the policeman look totally fake?
Twelve people, 10 journalists and two policemen, were reportedly killed.
Amchai Stein, the deputy editor of Israeli IBA Channel 1, just happened to be at the scene and has been posting photos of the shooting.
"Two black-hooded men entered the building with Kalashnikovs. A few minutes later we heard lots of shots," a witness told local TV station iTele, adding that the men were then seen fleeing the building.
The attackers spoke perfect French and reportedly said that they support the CIA militia called al Qaeda.
Charlie Hebdo's editor-in-chief Gerard Biard escaped the attack because he was in London.
The Telegraph's David Blair writes that the Paris gunmen showed advanced military skills:
The gunmen who killed 12 people in and around the office of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris acted with a skill and calmness that bears all the hallmarks of advanced military training."
Nathan Cirillo
Ahmed Merabet
Nathan Cirillo
Ahmed Merabet.
Palestinians to join ICC on April 1st, UN chief says.
Is Paul Joseph Watson an agent of MI6?
The French are doing honest business with Russia, so this is what happens. The tentacles of the Rothschilids/London Crown are everywhere and they are determined to start WW3 to introduce you to the NWO and serfdom. Any country that defies the central bankers will get the now well known "terrorist" attacks, with overflowing evidence pointing away from the real perpetrators and in the opposite direction.
UglyTruth8 January 2015 at 01:05
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
Last edited by TonyGosling on Sun Jan 11, 2015 2:02 am; edited 1 time in total
This quotation is incorrectly written. It should be as quoted by the Jewish (Rothschild) newspaper “Libération” that has sheltered Charlie Hebdo satirical pornographers (as long as they like!) since they themselves (as it has been said) burned down their offices and moved there!
ReplyDelete«Ceux qui ont commis ces actes, ces terroristes, ces illuminés, ces fanatiques, n’ont rien à voir avec la religion musulmane»
François Hollande is quoted in the same paper as calling what happened in a Kosher shop as a horrible anti-Semitic act “un acte antisémite effroyable”.
P.S. “Illuminés” is translated as lunatics, crazies, but not Illuminati. François Hollande is Illuminati himself and promotes Freemasonry!