Friday 26 December 2014




Salim Laibi - La Mecque infiltrée par les satanistes  

Published on 11 Aug 2014

911 False Flag - American Traitors & Mossad - Where are the Oath Keepers? - Ken O'Keefe

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Le wahhabisme est-il musulman ?

Dans Les Egarés. Le wahhabisme est-il un contre islam ?, Jean-Michel Vernochet montre que ce courant (CIA) s’est affirmé comme le seul islam authentique (CIA ISLAM) et a condamné comme hérétique l’islam traditionnel, tel qu’il a existé durant les onze siècles précédents. Son point de vue historique et théologal réfute donc l’idée répandue, depuis le subventionnement de l’expansion (CIA) wahhabite par l’Arabie (CIA) saoudite, selon laquelle le (CIA) wahhabisme serait une forme extrême de l’islam traditionnel. Son étude intervient alors que des points de vue similaires se répandent dans le monde arabe en réaction aux exactions des Frères musulman", d’al-Qaïda et de l’Emirat islamique. Il répond ici à nos questions.

| Damas (Syrie)
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Jean-Michel Vernochet
Réseau Voltaire : Le wahhabisme se diffuse aujourd’hui largement au sein de l’islam sunnite en Europe. Pourtant, selon vous, il n’est ni sunnite, ni même musulman au sens traditionnel de ce terme. Expliquez-nous ce paradoxe. 

Jean-Michel Vernochet : Si l’on se donne la peine d’aller consulter les innombrables docteurs de l’islam dont les travaux sont accessibles sur la Toile, on s’aperçoit que le wahhabisme [1], l’idéologie des égorgeurs du Daech, constitue une véritable rupture épistémologique par rapport à la tradition islamique classique, mais aussi par rapport à ce qu’il convient de nommer l’islam populaire. Ayant évoqué personnellement, de vive voix, cette question avec l’érudit militant Sheikh Imran Hossein, celui-ci s’est montré en plein accord avec cette définition de la doctrine wahhabite. Nous sommes convenus qu’il s’agit bien d’une hérésie schismatique que les savants musulmans, mais aussi les intellectuels laïques arabes, désignent sous le terme de dajjâl, dont la traduction la plus exacte serait l’antéchrist [2] !

En donnant à connaître dans mon ouvrage les analyses d’oulémas dont la science islamique est avérée, mon intention a été de fournir des éléments incontestables pour éclairer la nature fondamentalement divergente du wahhabisme par rapport à l’islam traditionnel. Un angle de vue qui échappe entièrement aux Occidentaux, lesquels ne connaissent à peu près rien (ILS NE VEULENT PAS SAVOIR!) en matière d’Islam à part le résumé très sommaire qu’en donnent certains théologiens chrétiens hélas dogmatiques, mais qui eux-mêmes, le plus souvent, croient tout savoir à partir de ce qu’en dit la grande presse écrite ou audiovisuelle… presse dirigée par des gens dont l’intérêt premier est de nous aveugler autant que possible, ceci pour mieux nous conduire, volens nolens, vers la fournaise de possibles guerres civiles.
(C'est cela le Plan!)

Le préjugé le plus répandu étant que l’islam est un bloc monolithique. Bien que l’islam soit à l’évidence multiple, à commencer dans ses diverses interprétations jurisprudentielles de la loi coranique. Soulignons que cette navrante ignorance de ce qu’est l’islam réel n’est pas l’apanage des seuls non-musulmans. Dans l’Union européenne la plupart des jeunes gens issus de l’immigration n’ont de leur religion qu’une connaissance extrêmement sommaire. (C'est cela aussi le Plan!) Dès lors il est facile de les influencer en leur prêchant un islam soi-disant originel, pur et infalsifié… à l’image des lois de la concurrence libérale qui doit tendre par tous les moyens, y compris coercitifs, à devenir « pure et parfaite » dans le paradis terrestre de l’hypercapitalisme.

On voit ici le danger qu’il peut y avoir à confondre tous les visages de l’islam et notamment à le réduire à sa caricature takfiriste [3]

Si l’Islam se limitait aux différentes expressions du wahhabisme, la guerre totale entre civilisations serait proche. Nous parlons d’une guerre opposant un milliard d’Occidentaux de culture chrétienne à un milliard et demi de musulmans. (Ils s'en fichent; ils ont les bombes et tout et tout!) La folie et l’absurdité d’une telle perspective saute aux yeux. Pourtant ce choc des cultures, certains — à l’instar de ces penseurs doublés agitateurs que sont en France les Jacques Attali, les Bernard-Henri Lévy et tant d’autres, notamment dans les think tanks néoconservateurs de Washington — le présentent comme probable sinon comme inéluctable. Et l’on sait que l’influence de ces maîtres penseurs peut aller, comme dans le cas de la Libye, jusqu’au bain de sang et au chaos durable.

Pour répondre plus précisément à la question, nous retiendrons que le wahhabisme est un littéralisme exacerbé. De ce seul point de vue il est exorbitant de la foi islamique telle que révélée dans le Coran. Pour illustrer ce propos rappelons que la prédication du juriste Abdul Wahhab (1703-1792) se développe en prenant chaque mot, chaque phrase de la Récitation au strict pied de la lettre. C’est-à-dire dans son sens littéral absolu au point qu’il en arrive à faire dire au Coran des énormités phénoménales. Ainsi Dieu serait concrètement assis sur un trône et aurait une jambe en enfer (Cocace!) [4]. Chaque musulman voit bien que doter Allah d’un corps matériel a quelque chose de particulièrement incongru… nul n’ignorant que ce type de représentation est purement métaphorique. Il s’agit d’une image et non d’une description anthropomorphique de Dieu.
Mais cela ne serait rien si ce littéralisme, cette lecture primaire, primitive du Coran ne conduisait les adeptes du wahhabisme, au prétexte d’un retour au sources, autrement dit d’une salafiya, d’une imitation de la vie du prophète, à la négation des principes mêmes de l’islam… Ou à réduire le Coran à une lecture juridique restrictive à l’extrême manipulée en fonction des besoins de conquête politique et de consolidation d’un pouvoir temporel… celui de la famille régnante d’Arabie ou des multiples avatars des Frères musulmans comme en Turquie avec le régime islamo-kémaliste d’Erdogan Ier ! (Cette pourritude d'Ataturk, le Papa des Juifs de Salonique et des occidentaux pervers ou de leurs agents qui ont pris le pouvoir en Turquie!)
Pire, les wahhabites en sont venus à inventer un VIe pilier de la foi islamique. À savoir une obligation cachée qui serait celle de la conversion par la force des incroyants ou des mauvais croyants et apostats… ce qui concerne en l’occurrence tous les chiites et les courants soufis, ainsi que la plus grande partie des musulmans sunnites dont les pratiques religieuses seraient entachées de mécréance. Pour ce faire les wahhabites ont inventé de toute pièce un devoir de guerre sainte. (Selon un Plan satanique échafaudé par la CIA, l’EU, l’OTAN, l’ONU et Israël !)
Une interprétation dévoyée du djihad qui est avant tout —n’en déplaise aux malveillants de toutes obédiences— un effort de perfection individuel. Au départ une guerre intérieure à soi-même, guerre contre nos faiblesses, nos passions et la tentation du Mal, laquelle nous habite ou nous guette en permanence. Ce faisant les wahhabites, en imposant l’obligation du djihad, ont commis ce que les docteurs désignent sous le terme de bid’a, une innovation blâmable. L’innovation (l'innovation satanique uniquement) étant fondamentalement interdite en islam, conformément au hadith [5] : « Le livre de Dieu délivre le discours le plus vrai. Le meilleur enseignement est celui de Muhammad. Les inventions sont les pires des choses. Toute invention est une innovation. Toute innovation est une aberration, et toute aberration conduit à l’enfer » (An Nassi, Sunan, 3/188). (Mais, il nous faut toujours nous méfier de ces Traditions faillibles, et surtout de leurs traductions !)

De la même manière Hassan el-Banna (1906-1949), fondateur des Frères musulmans, fait de la guerre sainte une obligation nécessaire et incontournable et ne pas y répondre ou fuir le combat, serait à mettre au rang des péchés capitaux méritant la géhenne, les feux de l’enfer. El-Banna fera diffuser à ce sujet une “lettre” à l’attention de ses suiveurs où il procède précisément à une “innovation” en accolant au nom du prophète le titre de “Seigneur des moudjahidine”. El-Banna désigne en outre “le combat des mécréants et la conquête” comme étant le vrai jihad par opposition à « celui de l’âme » comme les musulmans le croient à tort et à l’ordinaire… ! (Je n'en suis pas convaincu du tout!  Je n’ai jamais trouvé à redire sur l’un des plus grands combattants chez les Musulmans en face de l’oppression sauvage et meurtrière des barbares occidentaux!  J’ai trouvé son combat et son sacrifice très méritants.  D’ailleurs il est un vrai SHAHIID (MARTYR) de l’Islam à moins que l’on ne me prouve le contraire!  Tout ce que j’ai entendu sur ce HÉRO provient des racistes et de leurs médias !)

Réseau Voltaire : Historiquement les Britanniques ont instrumenté le wahhabisme pour lutter contre l’Empire ottoman tombé entre les mains des dönmeh révolutionnaires connus sous l’étiquette “Jeunes Turcs”. Aujourd’hui la Turquie que vous qualifiez d’islamo-kémaliste soutient le califat wahhabite, en l’occurrence l’État islamique, tandis que celui-ci vient de désigner la monarchie wahhabite saoudienne comme son deuxième ennemi après le chiisme. Comment expliquer ces contradictions ?

Jean-Michel Vernochet : Beaucoup de questions et peu faciles. D’abord le but des Britanniques n’était pas au XIXe siècle de s’emparer de l’Empire ottoman déjà plus ou moins moribond et en proie à la montée d’irrépressibles forces. Ces forces qui allaient le renvoyer au néant s’incarnaient principalement dans les Jeunes Turcs du Comité union et progrès. C’est ce mouvement révolutionnaire, se revendiquant de la Révolution française et ses racines se situaient à Paris, Genève, Rome et Londres, (les QG de Satan!)qui allait être l’acteur principal de la débâcle. De l’effondrement du pouvoir ottoman et de la prise du pouvoir en 1913 (en même temps que la prise au pouvoir (illégale), aux États-Unis, des Juifs et des Francs-Maçons (ADL du B’nai B’rith), de la Banque privée (Rothschild et Compagnie) faussement fédérale et avec aucune réserve de fonds, de l’IRS, et autres organes terroristes qui assassinent toutes et tous qui les gênent, Présidents, Sénateurs, académiciens, activistes, et autres!) par triumvirat Jeunes Turcs, sortiront le génocide arménien et la dictature kémaliste. Régime athée qui s’établit à l’ombre des potences et n’aurait pas vu le jour sans l’actif soutien des loges maçonniques anglaises, françaises et italiennes… et celui de Lénine et de la bureaucratie bolchévique. Un fait peu documenté, peu connu, mais authentique.
Pour revenir à l’Empire britannique, au cours du XIXe siècle, presque toute sa politique à l’égard de la Sublime Porte (Constantinople) sera déterminée par un souci exclusif : assurer la protection de la Route des Indes. Sécurité qui implique la complète maîtrise géographique du Golfe arabo-persique. Revenons un instant en arrière pour bien saisir le contexte, à la fois de l’écroulement de l’Empire ottoman et du surgissement consécutif d’un royaume wahhabite du Hedjaz et du Nejd… La guerre de Crimée (1853-1856) voit l’Angleterre alliée à la France, venir au secours des Osmanlis contre la Russie. La question qui se pose à cette époque se présente sous la forme d’une alternative : démembrer l’Empire (mais comment s’entendre sur son partage ?) où le maintenir en coma dépassé afin de stabiliser la région, avec toujours en arrière plan la lancinante question pour Londres de la sécurité des voies maritimes et terrestres vers les Indes.

Le sort de l’« Homme malade de l’Europe » [6] est de fait en suspens depuis le début du XIXe siècle. Un statu quo explicite s’étant établi entre les puissances chrétiennes —Angleterre, Allemagne, Russie, France, Grèce, Italie— qui gelait en quelque sorte les ambitions des uns et des autres. Nul ne voulait hâter une chute, au demeurant inévitable, mais qui eut compromis ou remis en question le précaire équilibre des forces dans la région. C’est ce qui explique la clémence du traité d’Andrinople signé en septembre 1929 à l’issue de la guerre russo-turque, le Tsar ayant estimé qu’un Empire ottoman décadent, épuisé par la dette contractée auprès des charognards de la finance internationale, était encore préférable au chaos. Une forme de sagesse géopolitique qui n’a plus guère cours aujourd’hui…

Ce long rappel était nécessaire pour montrer à quel point dans ces affaires le pragmatisme l’emporte sur toute autres considérations, à commencer d’ordre religieux. Plus tard, en instrumentant pendant la Première Guerre mondiale les tribus wahhabites dissidentes du Nejd contre la Sublime Porte au moment où l’Empire est déjà virtuellement mort, Londres ne vise plus qu’à détruire la puissance ottomane alliée du Reich allemand, et rien d’autre. L’aspect religieux est ici subsidiaire, accessoire. La guerre mondiale fait rage et le triumvirat Jeunes Turcs qui a pris le pouvoir à Constantinople [7] en 1913, a en effet choisi d’associer son destin à celui de l’Allemagne dont l’influence économique dans l’Empire est immense… et il entend profiter du tumulte de la guerre pour conduire à grande échelle une politique d’épuration ethnique à l’encontre de toutes les communautés chrétiennes de l’Empire. (et musulmanes!) Avec, à n’en pas douter, des arrières pensées messianiques et une haine eschatologique que bien peu osent encore aujourd’hui évoquer. S’ouvre alors un abîme dans lequel la majorité de la nation arménienne va, entre 1915 et 1916, se trouver engloutie.

Une politique génocidaire que poursuivra et complétera Kemal Pacha (Atatürk) bien au-delà de la défaite des Jeunes Turcs et de la victoire alliée de 1918, en particulier en 1924 à l’occasion des transferts massifs de population chrétienne d’Anatolie prévus par le Traité de Lausanne, signé le 24 juillet 1923. Traité par lequel se clos définitivement la Grande Guerre sur son front oriental. Notons que l’athée fanatique, compagnon de route du Comité Union et Progrès, qu’est Kemal Pacha n’aura été, en poursuivant l’ethnocide [8] commencé par ses prédécesseurs, qu’un précurseur du nettoyage ethno-confessionnel conduit actuellement, mais à beaucoup plus petite échelle, par les djihadistes salafo-wahhabites au Nord de l’Irak contre les catholiques assyro-chaldéens et les yézidis…

( Désolé, mais ces massacres sont perpétrés sous occupation US-israélienne, et non seulement contre les Chrétiens, mais aussi et surtout contre les Musulmans qui vivent sous la terreur au quotidien, et c’est orchestré par l’OTAN, les USA, Israël, l’EU et de leurs agents !!!)

Mais revenons aux années charnières de la Première Guerre mondiale. Pour les Alliés l’heure est au dépeçage d’un Empire qui a vécu et dont les nouveaux maîtres dönmeh ont fait un mauvais choix stratégique, celui du Reich allemand. Tandis que des rébellions armées éclatent de toutes parts, en Afghanistan, en Irak, en Syrie, en Palestine, en Égypte… Londres et Paris se répartissent par anticipation en 1916 avec l’accord secret Sykes-Picot, les dépouilles de l’Empire… ceci en se moquant des promesses d’indépendance faites aux Arabes ayant combattu à leurs côtés. Les Anglais vont pour leur part, à partir de 1916, utiliser le wahhabisme pour sa dynamique, sa force explosive, en tant que fanatisme et idéologie de conquête, afin d’asseoir durablement et solidement leur contrôle sur la Péninsule arabique.

Quant à la situation actuelle, sans doute faut-il n’y voir que des rivalités entre pouvoirs concurrents. Si l’on regarde l’histoire régionale, en particulier ce dernier demi-siècle, nous assistons à une lutte perpétuelle pour tenter de parvenir au leadership. Ce fut vrai pour Gamal Abdel Nasser, Hafez el-Assad, Mouammar Kadhafi, Saddam Hussein, sans compter l’État hébreu (en Palestine occupée!) dont le rôle dans la destruction de ses voisins et ennemis potentiels, est une donnée de base. Maintenant ce sont Téhéran, Ankara, Ryad qui sont en lice avec le même objectif, indépendamment de leur identité confessionnelle. C’est par conséquent en terme de concurrence que j’interprète les luttes souvent sanglantes qui opposent entre elles les différentes factions salafo-wahhabites. Et parmi elles les divers mouvements combattant en Syrie, au premier rang desquels l’État islamique (Il n'existe aucun "État islamique"!  Ce n'est que pure propagande!)  De la même façon, la dimension sectaire des divergences entre l’Arabie wahhabite, la Turquie islamiste (Il n'y a pas de Turquie "islamiste" non plus!) , Daech (? connais pas encore!), n’est en fin de compte qu’accessoire au regard des ambitions hégémoniques au moins régionales qui opposent les uns et les autres… d’autant que le fonds idéologique wahhabite est partagé par tous, y compris les Frères musulmans même s’ils ne le revendiquent pas ouvertement.

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Réseau Voltaire : Vous dites que les Frères musulmans et le wahhabisme ont beaucoup en commun, pouvez-vous nous en dire plus ?

Jean-Michel Vernochet : Sans être “une société secrète wahhabite”, les Frères musulmans n’en sont pas moins l’un des prolongements de la secte mère dont le siège est à Riyad. Un travail minutieux de comparaison entre les doctrines et les programmes mériterait d’être conduit. Mais insistons sur un point déjà évoqué : le wahhabisme de même que la jamiat al-Ikhwan al- muslimin [La Confrérie des Frères musulmans] sont essentiellement, avant tout des outils idéologiques c’est-à-dire non religieux sous leurs oripeaux de puritanisme. Ce sont des moyens idéocratiques de conquête (???) et rien d’autre.  (Pas d'accord!)  D’évidence le wahhabisme n’est pas la simple et pure expression d’une foi vivante, mais sa caricature outrancière. Les musulmans ne s’y trompent pas qui le dénoncent comme tel. Ce sont les docteurs de l’islam qui le disent à tout bout de champ, pas votre serviteur. C’est-à-dire tous ceux dont l’« Occident » paresseux n’entend pas la voix parce qu’il est plus facile de faire de la sociologie de bazar dans les banlieues des métropoles européennes à forte densité d’immigration… que de se pencher avec quelque humilité sur la dimension théologique du phénomène djihadiste et de son soutien proactif par cet autre puritanisme qu’est le calvinisme anglo-US lorsqu’il se fait l’instrument d’un impérialisme sans âme ni entrailles.

Fait aujourd’hui oublié, l’Association des Frères musulmans que crée Hassan el-Banna en 1928 accueille aussitôt après sa naissance des membres de l’Ikhwan qui fuient le Nejd pour échapper aux représailles d’Abdelaziz ibn Séoud. Ce sont ces hommes qui formeront le noyau dur de la nouvelle Fraternité égyptienne. Lorsqu’en 1954 la Confrérie est dissoute par Nasser, (pour faire plaisir aux ocidentaux!) en sens inverse, les cadres de la Confrérie partiront naturellement se ressourcer à Riyad. In fine, de la Confrérie naitra dans les années soixante-dix le Jihad islamique égyptien, devancier de Daech, qui visait au rétablissement du califat en Égypte. (Quoi de plus normal?) C’est ce que vient d’accomplir l’État islamique (mais non, il n'y a pas et ne peut y avoir d'"État islamique" sans Ijma, et ce sera un Khilaafah!!!  Un État "islamique", c'est un concept occidental!) avec la bénédiction des “alliés frères ennemis” d’Ankara, Londres, Paris, Ryad, Doha, Washington, Amman et Tel-Aviv.

Réseau Voltaire : Les Britanniques ont soutenu le développement du wahhabisme, puis les États-Unis. Aujourd’hui les Frères sont même représentés au sein du Conseil national de sécurité à Washington. Peut-on dire de la Confrérie ce que vous dénoncez pour le wahhabisme, à savoir que ces formations seraient au sein du monde musulman les voies et moyens de détruire l’Islam de l’intérieur ? 

Jean-Michel Vernochet : L’expansion continue du wahhabisme au cours du siècle passé est étroitement liée à celle du modèle financier, économique et sociétal anglo-US. Le sort de la péninsule arabique a été indissolublement lié depuis 1945 et jusqu’à aujourd’hui à l’Amérique-Monde… laquelle forme une sorte d’hydre à têtes multiples dont les principales sont Manhattan, Chicago (la bourse mondiale des matières premières), Washington avec la Réserve fédérale, la Cité de Londres, Bruxelles pour l’Otan, Francfort, siège de la Banque centrale européenne et Bâle qui abrite une super société anonyme, au sens juridique, la Banque des banques centrales, en un mot la Banque des règlements internationaux ! À ce titre il serait réducteur de ne voir dans l’idéologie wahhabite qu’un instrument d’influence voire de domination régionale. Le monde musulman représente un milliard et demi d’individus. Prendre leur contrôle est un enjeu de taille. Dans cette perspective sans doute faut-il voir dans l’idéologie wahhabite une tentative sans équivoque de subversion de l’islam. En d’autres termes, la version islamique, à savoir “adaptée à l’islam”, de la nouvelle religion globale qui tend à s’imposer à toutes les nations et tous les peuples, qu’ils soient chrétiens ou musulmans. Religion sociétale, religion de mutation civilisationnelle qui précède et accompagne la progression d’un mondialisme cannibale. Une religion destinée à se substituer à toutes les autres et que l’on peut désigner à bon escient comme le “monothéisme du marché”.

Il est patent que le wahhabisme cohabite parfaitement avec l’anarcho-capitalisme. Cela peut sembler étonnant, mais c’est indéniable. Ce puritanisme barbare est destiné, ou mieux prédestiné, à remplacer l’islam traditionnel avec son attachement désuet pour des valeurs morales traditionnelles par essence compassionnelles. Aux purs tout étant pur, le wahhabisme rend licite le meurtre d’autrui dès lors que celui-ci ne se soumet pas intégralement à une même et inexorable loi chariatique… tout comme la démocratie universelle et humanitarienne que les États-Unis s’emploient à imposer par la force des armes aux quatre coins de la planète. La Grande Amérique voit sa Destinée manifeste s’incarner dans un droit sans limites à tuer tous ceux qui se montrent rétifs à entrer de plein gré dans la matrice démocratique judéo-protestante made in America. Bref si le wahhabisme est un instrument, il est celui d’une destruction intérieure programmée de l’islam… tout comme le messianisme marxisme, puis son successeur le freudo-marxisme libéral-libertaire, ont poursuivi et poursuivent une œuvre de mort analogue dans nos société postchrétiennes.

Réseau Voltaire : Il existe actuellement trois États dont le wahhabisme est la religion officielle : l’Arabie saoudite, le Qatar et Sharjah, membre des Émirats arabes unis. Peut-être également bientôt la Cyrénaïque [9]. Pourtant ces États se livrent entre eux une guerre sans merci. Comment l’expliquer et quels en sont les enjeux ?

Jean-Michel Vernochet : À question complexe réponse élémentaire. Autrefois les tribus lançaient les unes contre les autres des raids, des razzias. Aujourd’hui ce ne sont plus des bandes de pillards, mais des États. Nous sommes passés dans une dimension supérieure. Cependant le principe reste le même. Les États occidentaux partagent tous la même idolâtrie pour une démocratie d’apparences, ça ne les empêchent pas de chercher à s’entredéchirer, ne serait que par le truchement d’une guerre économique inexpiable. « Une guerre qui ne dit pas son nom » mais qui n’en est pas moins impitoyable, qui ne connaît ni ami, ni allié… « Une guerre à mort » avait dit feu Mitterrand [10]. Des guerres au final idéologiques et sociétales. Regardez du côté de la Russie et du Donbass, une assez bonne illustration de ce propos.
Tout s’éclaire si l’on comprend que les différents États wahhabites et les diverses variantes des Frères musulmans —parmi lesquelles le Parti pour la justice et le développent de Recep Tayyip Erdogan— ne poursuivent justement pas l’accomplissement de la parole de Dieu sur terre, ni aucun but transcendant, mais bien plutôt des objectifs de pouvoir purement matériels. Leurs ambitions sont celles de la puissance. Partant de là, leurs intérêts, leurs stratégies et leurs alliances ne sont pas exactement les mêmes. Dans les faits, ils sont le plus souvent en désaccord et presque toujours rivaux. Cela peut sembler trivial —au sens français du terme— mais si l’on veut comprendre la marche du monde, regardons une production hollywoodienne relative à une guerre de gangs mafieux, tout y est dit ! L’on s’y étripe à qui mieux-mieux pour un territoire, un marché, une position dominante, une affaire de préséance. S’il existe des différences entre ces guerres de clans et celles de la diplomatie armée, du hard et du soft power, elles ne sont que d’échelle, pas de nature.

Réseau Voltaire : Al-Qaïda (AL-CIA) se définit comme wahhabite, pourtant l’un de ses principaux fondateurs et actuel chef, Ayman al-Zawahiri (???) est un ancien Frère musulman. En réalité, si tous les leaders du terrorisme international se déclarent wahhabites, la plupart d’entre eux sont d’anciens Frères musulmans. Selon vous, l’idéologie actuelle du jihad est-elle wahhabite ou vient-elle de la société secrète des Frères musulmans ?

Jean-Michel Vernochet : Je ne crois pas que la question soit, à ce stade, totalement pertinente : avant ou après l’œuf… dans la mesure où il s’agit des deux visages d’une même idéologie ! L’une et l’autre se sont développées et affirmées avec le soutien de l’empire britannique : soutien armé pour le Troisième royaume wahhabite du Nejd et du Hedjaz, et financier en Égypte pour la Confrérie. Ainsi wahhabisme et Fraternité sont déjà consubstantiels l’un à l’autre ayant en commun les mêmes parrainages à Londres et Washington, ultimement à Ryad. Pour ce qui est du djihad proprement nous avons vu qu’en Égypte la nouvelle Ikhwan [Fraternité] a engendré une organisation de lutte armée, le Djihad islamique, (???) en application de la doctrine wahhabite postulant l’existence d’un sixième pilier de l’islam, celui de la guerre sainte, inconnu de l’islam classique. Soit l’obligation de convertir par la contrainte, par le fer et le feu si nécessaire. En cela le wahhabisme fait de la violence une dimension structurelle qui ne peut que susciter en Occident le rejet le plus catégorique. Nous sommes là effectivement dans une logique de choc frontal entre cultures et civilisations. Cela ouvre de sombres perspectives dans et pour nos sociétés, surtout si les Musulmans qui y sont intégrés se trouvaient un jour prochain mis en demeure, en raison de la diffusion extensive d’une fausse-semblance de l’islam, de choisir leur camp. Les terribles années qu’a connues l’Algérie au cours de la décennie quatre-vingt-dix ne seraient certainement rien à côté de ce que les communautés musulmanes européennes seraient appelées à vivre… parce que comme nous pouvons le constater partout, ce sont les musulmans qui sont les premières cibles et les premières victimes du (CIA) wahhabisme.

(Allons donc !  Ce n’est point le CIA « wahhabisme » qui est responsable des tueries et autres, mais bien les occidentaux sataniques de l’Empire et leurs Alliés – avec leur fichu Nouvel Ordre Mondial !)

Propos recueillis par Thierry Meyssan
Le livre de Jean-Michel Vernochet, Les Égarés, est disponible par correspondance dans la Libraire du Réseau Voltaire.
[1] Le wahhabisme est un mouvement créé par Mohammed ben Abdelwahhab. au XVIIIe siècle. Il est la religion officielle de l’Arabie saoudite, du Qatar et de l’Émirat de Sharjjah (membre des Émirats arabes unis).
[2] “La tradition islamique reconnaît la venue, vers la fin des temps, d’un homme qui trompera le monde, appelé Al-Masîh Ad-Dajjâl, le messie imposteur, ou si l’on veut l’antéchrist… Son idéologie sera purement matérialiste, bien que présentée de façon messianique, et qu’il ne se servira des valeurs humanistes que dans une perspective terrestre, en niant le retour à Dieu et le Jugement dernier. Sa civilisation sera borgne, en ce sens qu’elle prétendra s’organiser indépendamment des commandements divins.
[3] Le takfirisme est un mouvement issu des Frères musulmans. Il fut créé en 1971 par le messie égytien Ahmed Moustafa Choukri. Il professe que tous ceux qui n’appartiennent pas à la secte sont des apostats et proclame que les vrais musulmans ont le devoir de les tuer.
[4] “Le premier point qui fonde le dogme wahhabite, c’est le tachbih, c’est-à-dire l’assimilation de Dieu à Ses créatures (l’anthropomorphisme). Les wahhabites posent comme règle fondamentale qu’il faut prendre au premier sens, dans les textes sacrés, toutes les expressions équivoques au sujet du Créateur, alors que ces expressions ont pour but d’exprimer la majesté, la puissance, la miséricorde, l’agrément ou d’autres attributs dignes de la divinité. Ainsi, ils en sont venus à dire que le Créateur serait un corps assis sur un trône, ayant des mains du côté droit, qu’Il se déplacerait, s’étonnerait, rirait, qu’Il aurait un pied qu’Il mettrait dans l’enfer”. Cf. « Qui sont les wahhabites ? ».
[5] Les hadiths sont des livres sur la vie du prophète établis, plus de 150 ans après sa mort, à partir des témoignages de ses compagnons. Il en existe une très grande quantité. Les hadiths permettent aux musulmans de mieux comprendre le Coran, cependant aucun d’entre eux n’a le statut de révélation et ne s’impose aux croyants.
[6] Surnom de l’Empire ottoman au XIXe siècle.
[7] Constantinople née le 11 mai 330 perd son statut de capitale en 1923. En 1930, elle prend officiellement le nom d’Istamboul (Istanbul) dans le cadre de la politique de turquisation mise en œuvre sous la férule de Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
[8] 1914 est la date charnière qui marque, il y a cent ans, le commencement de la Grande Guerre et le début du génocide final des chrétiens de l’Empire ottoman par les Jeunes Turcs dönmeh qui ont pris le pouvoir à Constantinople en 1913. En ce qui concerne les Assyriens [Chrétiens syriaques], le nombre des victimes varie selon les auteurs. Certains avancent, outre le million et demi d’Arméniens engloutis dans d’infernales marches de la mort dans les steppes arides de Lycaonie et de Syrie, le chiffre de 270 000 victimes. Des recherches plus récentes ont révisé cette estimation à la hausse en évoquant de 500 000 à 750 000 morts entre 1914 et 1920, soit environ 70 % de la population assyrienne de l’époque. Rappelons que la Grande Guerre ne prendra fin en Orient qu’en juillet 1923 avec le Traité de Lausanne conséquence de la défaite grecque du 13 septembre1921. Kemal Pacha (Atatürk), poursuivra cependant jusqu’à sa mort (le 10 novembre 1938) sa politique de purification ethno-confessionnelle. À telle enseigne qu’en 1937, il scellera son règne de sang par un ultime massacre dont les Kurdes alévis de Dersim feront les frais… 10 000 morts au bas mot. Reste que pour nos contemporains Kemal demeura encore longtemps le prototype du héros inoxydable.
Voir G.W. Rendel, Mémoire Du Bureau des Affaires Étrangères sur les Massacres et les Persécutions commises par les Turcs sur les Minorités depuis l’Armistice, 20 mars 1922. Selon Manus I. Mildrasky in The Killing Trap : Genocide in the Twentieth Century, 2005, les estimations les plus sérieuses fixent à 480 000 le nombre de Grecs d’Anatolie qui finirent leurs jours à l’abattoir humain. Au demeurant l’État turc héritier de la dictature kémaliste, ne cessera jamais de nier la planification de ces exterminations massives et par suite la réalité du génocide des chrétiens de l’empire ottoman…
[9] Le takfirisme wahhabite a été prêché très tôt et ce serait une erreur de le considérer comme un phénomène contemporain limité aux seules zones où il sévit aujourd’hui. Certes la manne pétrolière lui a donné un essor inouï, mais il est déjà actif aux Indes dès le début du XIXe siècle où Sayyed Ahmed, vers 1824 après un pèlerinage à La Mecque, prêche le wahhabisme au Pendjab. Il entend mettre en pratique “l’obligation absente” de la guerre sainte. En 1826 ayant rassemblé une armée à Peshawar, il appelle au djihad contre les Sikhs et l’année suivante se proclame Commandeur des croyants, Amir al-muminn ; un titre qui sera également celui de Mollah Omar avant la chute du régime des taliban à l’automne 2001. En 1830 Sayyed Ahmed prend Peshawar, mais périt en 1831 au cours de la bataille de Balakot. Il faut attendre 1870, après un demi-siècle de troubles, pour que les oulémas chiites et sunnites d’Inde condamnent les excès des wahhabites. Mais leur influence perdure et, en 1927, dans la province de Mewat est fondée la “Société pour la prédication” la Taglibhi Jamaat dont le rôle prosélyte est bien connu. Le takfirisme inspirera pareillement les soulèvements Senoussi en Libye, la révolte des musulmans de Chine (1855-74)… Pour ce qui est d’Al-Qaïda, le cas du Frère musulman Abdullah Azzam est particulièrement emblématique. Ce Palestinien a été, avant de trouver la mort dans l’explosion de sa voiture en 1989, le chef spirituel des volontaires islamistes étrangers. Or Azzam avait été membre des Frères musulmans et avait enseigné à l’Université de Riyad en 1980, puis au Pakistan à l’Université islamique internationale d’Islamabad. Cela avant de devenir à Peshawar le principal organisateur du recrutement et de l’entraînement des djihadistes combattant dans l’Afghanistan en lutte contre le gouvernement communiste et les forces soviétiques.
[10] « La France ne le sait pas, mais nous sommes en guerre avec l’Amérique. Oui, une guerre permanente, une guerre vitale, une guerre économique, une guerre sans mort apparemment. Oui, ils sont très durs les américains, ils sont voraces, ils veulent un pouvoir sans partage sur le monde. C’est une guerre inconnue, une guerre permanente, sans mort apparemment et pourtant une guerre à mort » François Mitterrand in Georges-Marc Benamou, Le dernier Mitterrand, 1997.

Nazis ‘offered to leave western Europe in exchange for free hand to attack USSR’

It was one of the most perplexing episodes of the Second World War which, more than 70 years on, remains shrouded in mystery.







Who was Rudolf Hess?
Adolf Hitler and his personal representative Rudolf Hess (right) Photo: AP photo
But a new book claims to have solved the riddle of the flight to Britain in 1941 of Rudolf Hess, Adolf Hitler’s deputy.
Hess’s journey to Britain by fighter aircraft to Scotland has traditionally been dismissed as the deranged solo mission of a madman.
But Peter Padfield, an historian, has uncovered evidence he says shows that, Hess, the deputy Fuhrer, brought with him from Hitler, a detailed peace treaty, under which the Nazis would withdraw from western Europe, in exchange for British neutrality over the imminent attack on Russia.
The existence of such a document was revealed to him by an informant who claims that he and other German speakers were called in by MI6 to translate the treaty for Churchill.
The figure, who is not named by Mr Padfield, was an academic who later worked at a leading university. He has since died. Before his death, he passed on an account of how the group were assembled at the BBC headquarters, in Portland Place, London, to carry out the task.
The academic said Hess had brought with him the proposed peace treaty, expressed in numbered clauses and typed on paper from the German Chancellery. An English translation was also included, but the British also wanted the original German translated.
The informant said the first two pages of the treaty detailed Hitler’s precise aims in Russia, followed by sections detailing how Britain could keep its independence, Empire and armed services, and how the Nazis would withdraw from western Europe. The treaty proposed a state of “wohlwollende Neutralitat” – rendered as “well wishing neutrality”, between Britain and Germany, for the latter’s offensive against the USSR. The informant even said the date of the Hitler’s coming attack on the east was disclosed.
Mr Padfield, who makes the claims in a new book, Hess, Hitler and Churchill, said: “This was not a renegade plot. Hitler had sent Hess and he brought over a fully developed peace treaty for Germany to evacuate all the occupied countries in the West.”
Mr Padfield, who has previously written a biography of Hess as well as ones of Karl Dönitz and Heinrich Himmler, believes the treaty was suppressed at the time, because it would have scuppered Churchill’s efforts to get the USA into the war, destroyed his coalition of exiled European governments, and weakened his position domestically, as it would have been seized on by what the author believes was a sizeable “negotiated peace” faction in Britain at that time. At the same time, since the mission had failed, it also suited Hitler to dismiss Hess as a rogue agent.
There is no mention of the treaty in any of the official archives which have since been made public, but Mr Padfield believes this is because there has been an ongoing cover-up to protect the reputations of powerful figures. The author says that his informant broke off contact with him after approaching his former masters in the security services.
Mr Padfield added: “If the Royal Family was seriously involved in compromise peace plans, that would be very damaging, though I think it more likely that Hess brought news to Churchill of the coming Holocaust. It could damage perceptions of his and Britain’s wartime record if that were released.
“This was a turning point of the war. Churchill could have accepted the offer, but he made a very moral choice. He was determined that Hitler, who could not be trusted, would not get away with it. He wanted the US in the war, and to defeat Hitler.”
Mr Padfield has also assembled other evidence to support the existence of the treaty and its contents – as well as the subsequent cover-up.
He has established that two inventories were taken of items carried by Hess when he was arrested after parachuting out of his aircraft, a Messerschmitt 110, on the evening of May 10 1941, near Eaglesham, outside of Glasgow. Neither has ever been released.
He has found witness statements from a woman living near where Hess had landed, which indicate that police were “ordered to search for a valuable document which was missing”. The item, according to the witness, was found “over near the wee burn in the park”.
Mr Padfield also points out that Hess had used a specialist translator from the German Foreign Ministry – even though he had the use of another, fluent English speaker – when drawing up documents for his negotiations with the British, before his flight. This suggests, Mr Padfield claims, that approved wording was required for the documents.
Hess was kept captive in Britain until the end of the war when he was returned to Germany to stand trial at Nuremberg. He was sent to Spandau Prison where he died in 1987. The authorities said he had committed suicide, although his son and some historians have claimed the British state had him murdered to protect secrets.

"Similar "allegations" of Jewish ancestry have been levied against Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who regularly claims that the Holocaust never happened."

Adolf Hitler:
Was Hitler Jewish?

Hitler: Table of Contents | Biography | Photographs

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One of the most frequently asked questions about the Holocaust and the Nazi party is whether Adolf Hitler was Jewish or had Jewish ancestors. 

Though the idea may seem preposterous to some, the question seems to stem from the remote possibility that Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Hitler's father, Alois, was registered as an illegitimate child with no father when born in 1837 and to this day Hitler's paternal grandfather is unknown. Alois' mother, Maria Schicklgruber, is known to have worked in the home of a wealthy Jew, so there is some chance, however small, that a son in that household got Hitler's grandmother pregnant. 

In 1933, the London Daily Mirror published a picture of a gravestone in a Jewish cemetery in Bucharest inscribed with some Hebrew characters and the name Adolf Hitler but it is now known tha this Bucharest Hitler could not have been the Nazi leaders grandfather. At the time, though, this picture sufficiently worried Hitler that he had the Nazi law defining Jewishness written to exclude Jesus Christ and himself.
In 2010, the British paper The Daily Telegraph reported that a study had been conducted in which saliva samples were collected from 39 of Hitler's known relatives to test their DNA origins and found, though inconclusively, that Hitler may have Jewish origins. The paper reported: "A chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b1 which showed up in [the Hitler] samples is rare in Western Europe and is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews ... Haplogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 per cent to 30 per cent of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population." Again, this study, though scientific by nature, is inconclusive.

Similar "allegations" of Jewish ancestry have been levied against Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who regularly claims that the Holocaust never happened. %

Despite the claims, Adolf Hitler was not Jewish.

Sources: John Toland, Adolf Hitler, NY: Anchor Books, 1992; "Hitler Jewish?", Huffington Post, (August 25, 2010). 

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Friday, December 26, 2014

Ken O’Keefe and the Battle for 9/11 Reality

[Editor's note: Anthony Hall will appear tonight on Truth Jihad Radio to discuss this article and why it is being published here rather than at Veterans Today. -KB]

  A Commentary on Ken O'Keefe's Expanded and Improved Documentary, 911 False Flag: American Traitors and Mossad.

by Anthony Hall
Ken O'Keefe as a US Marine Before He Renounced His US Citizenship To Serve the Common People of Iraq as a Human Shield.
Ken O’Keefe as a US Marine Before He
 Renounced His US Citizenship 
To Serve the Common People of Iraq 
as a Human Shield.

Includes Original Material From Anthony Hall Extending O'Keefe's Assessment of the Crippling Effect of Jewish Power Over US Institutions to a Similar Dysfunction Plaguing Canada's Parliamentary Institutions. The Totalitarianism Implicit in This Oppressive State of Affairs is No Where So Well Illustrated as in the Tactics Deployed to Block Out Evidence-Based Discourse From Most Media Venues, Elected Assemblies, and Educational Institutions Concerning the World's First Global Coup d'Etat Executed Through the 9/11 False Flag Terror Event.  

Background Information on Mr. O'Keefe: Having served in the US Marine Corps this  soldier for truth, justice and peace on many fronts renounced his US citizenship in 2001. Observing the huge disparity in the valuation of the lives of Western and non-Western people, Mr. O'Keefe   then offered himself up as a human shield. He sought to encourage others to join him in this campaign to protect Iraqi people and their public health infrastructure from the wanton destruction of so-called "smart bombing by US Armed Forces.

Ken O'Keefe Emerging From an Israeli Prison After Being Beaten and Tortured.
Ken O’Keefe as a US Marine Before He Renounced His US Citizenship To Serve the Common People of Iraq as a Human Shield.
A tireless proponent of various projects aimed at helping the caged Palestinians of Gaza to overcome the blockade imposed by their Israeli jailers, O'Keefe tried famously to defend in 2010 the Mavi Marmara from hostile military attack by the Israeli Defense Force. The Mavi Marmara was carrying humanitarian aid to the inmates of the Gazan concentration camp.

As part of an episode that saw nine Turkish sailors murdered by Israeli gun men, O'Keefe was captured, locked up and beaten in an Israeli prison. When describing the episode subsequently on the BBC, Ken O'Keefe had the rare opportunity to introduce to a wider audience the concept that that the real nature of the 9/11 debacle was was not anything like what has been reported in the Murdoch press and the other propaganda instruments of international Zionism. He asserted that 9/11 had been an Israeli-led Mossad job done with the help and complicity of many American saboteurs.

The ultimate aim of of the designers of this false flag terrorist event was to poisoning public opinion against Arab and Muslim populations, to transform Israel's regional enemies into the perceived enemies of the "West," which Benjamin Netanyahu and others have wrongly described as an exclusively Judeo-Christian entity. The aim of the 9/11 global coup was to demonize and thus dehumanize the predominant Muslim populations about to be targeted in Israeli-led, US-implemented wars of aggression in the Middle East and throughout Eurasia.

In this documentary Ken O'Keefe elaborates this interpretation and gets very specific by naming many of the culprits. Mr. O'Keefe lays out the essential evidence that, if the rule of law really existed for the rich and the powerful as well as for the poor and middle classes, would form the basis of multiple criminal prosecutions in international and domestic courts of law. This eloquent and thoughtful man, who has frequently put his life and reputation on the line to advance the quest for justice, underlines that one's position on 9/11 has become a primary litmus test of the authenticity of any person or group claiming the objective of bringing about a better world. In this documentary Mr. Okeefe demonstrates that we have moved far beyond the point where merely asking authorities for an independent investigation of the events of 9/11 is sufficient. We need arrests and trials as organized either by law enforcement officials, or, if failing that, by conscientious and upstanding world citizens if necessary.

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Ken O'Keefe Gives an Overview of the Fruits of a Thirteen-Year Citizens Investigation into 9/11, Including into the Media Manipulations That Have Been a Core Feature and Facilitator of the Lies and Crimes of 9/11:

Former US Marine Ken O’Keefe is one of the genuinely heroic figures of our times in a class with the likes of Malcolm X, Patrice Lumumba, Che Guevara, José Rizal, Mother Jones, Ho Chi Minh, Sitting Bull, Sun Yat-Sen, and Hugo Chavez. In another era Mr. O’Keefe most likely would have operated in some tyrannized country helping to stir up the peasantry for armed resistance against the illegitimate authority of its oppressors.

Paul Wolfowitz, a Key Member of the Bush War Cabinet and a Primary Israeli-American Suspect in Emerging From the Citizens' Investigation into the Lies and Crimes  of 9/11. In All Probability Wolfowitz Wrote the Key Passage in the PNAC Report Calling for a "New Pearl Harbor" in the Year Before the 9/11 Hit on What Remained of Our Democracies.
Paul Wolfowitz, a Key Member of the Bush War Cabinet and a Primary Israeli-American Suspect Widely Identified by the Citizens Jurists Emerging from the Citizens' Investigation into the Lies and Crimes of 9/11. In All Probability Wolfowitz Wrote the Key Passage in the PNAC Report Calling for a "New Pearl Harbor" in the Year Before the 9/11 Hit on What Remained of Our Democracies Before the 9/11 Coupd'Etat.

 Now that this kind of liberation struggle has been rendered more or less impossible, one of his primary fields of operation is social media on the Internet. Ken O'Keefe is becoming one of the new  Geronimos of guerrilla warfare even as those interests seeking to persecute Edward Snow embody the new digital imperialism of cyberspace. With the old mainstream media venues completely sold out to the enticements of Jewish and corporate power, the Internet is the sole medium where the wretched of the earth can have a voice in what the Canadian-Israeli neocon agent, Jonathan Kay, has correctly dubbed the battle for reality. As one of the Internet's most iconographic freedom fighters Ken O'Keefe's latest digital documentary event is an expanded and technically improved version of his classic investigation into the lies and crimes of 9/11. In 911 False Flag, American Traitors and Mossad, the auteur demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that “there are stunningly incriminating Jewish, Israeli, Zionist finger prints all over” the 9/11 debacle and the mainstream medias’ subsequent cover up of the true nature of the crime.

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 The new introduction features a Russell Brand-style commentary highlighting Mr. O’Keefe’s assessment of David Cameron’s abysmal speech at the United Nations in September of 2014. In Hack Attack Cameron has been exposed by the Guardian’s lead investigative reporter, Nick Davies, as yet another UK Prime Minister under the control of Rupert Murdoch’s deeply corrupt media empire.

Davies was the primary journalists who broke the series of stories leading to the investigation by Lord Justice Leveson into the dark collaboration between the police and the Muroch press in Britain. A core objective of the collaboration between Scotland Yard and the Murdoch press was to blackmail, bribe and thus control elected officials with the aim of subverting British parliamentary democracy. All of the politicians of the Anglo-American-Commonwealth countries have pretty much become mere performers who are precluded from winning elected office unless they adhere to the Zionist agendas developed for them on Fleet Street or in New York and Tel Aviv.

Screen Shot 2014-12-23 at 3.55.43 PM Not surprising the interaction between Rupert Murdoch and Lord Leveson, both high-ranking operatives in the same Jewish Zionist Israeli networks of power, never touched on the deeper levels of subversion necessary to promote the Islamophobic propaganda of aggressive warfare in the name of the Global War on Terror. Cameron's sound bites on ISIL and homegrown "extremism" as exemplified by.... say.... Ken O'Keefe, replayed and extended the same memes of hate speech developed initially for former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and former US President George W. Bush. Both tools of the leading Israel-Anglo-American imperium are criminal psychopaths installed into office by the media manipulations of the Murdoch press including Fox News in the USA.

 Son of a Jewish mother and one of the chief Zionist propagandists who directed the Israeli-Anglo-American imperium’s popular incitement to hate Muslims, Murdoch is only one of the 9/11 culprits identified by O’Keefe. Also prominent among the accused are are a number of Israel First Americans including Michael Chertoff, Rabbi Dov Zakheim, Philip D. Zelikow, and “Lucky” Larry Silverstein. This is only a very partial list of the fingered culprits of the 9/11 psychological operation, a criminal class that includes most of the Israeli-American owners and directors of the major media cartels dominating Western public opinion.

The 95-minute production is, like many Internet videos, an amalgam of original material and excerpts from other 9/11 productions including Canadian James Corbett’s hilarious, 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory. This now-legendary 5- minute clip is perhaps the most effective short synthesis surveying the absurd internal contradictions and impossibilities embedded throughout officialdom’s Big Lie of 9/11. Among his many primary sources, O’Keefe draws also on, for instance, the geopolitical scholarship of high-level military strategist Dr. Alan Sabrosky, the starkly clear and illuminating work of the Australian truth teller, Anthony Lawson, and on the bold intervention with Larry Silverstein by Luke Rudkowski, a founder of We Are Change.

Lord Leveson answered to the Same Zionist Handlers as Rupert Murdoch in Making Sure the Leveson Inquiry in the UK Never Got into the Corruption Involved in the Promoting Islamophobic-Engendering Propaganda to Promote the Aggressive Warfare of the Isreali-Anglo-American Imperium.
Lord Leveson Answered to the Same Zionist Handlers as Rupert Murdoch in Making Sure the Leveson Inquiry in the UK Never Got into the Corruption Involved in Promoting the Engineering of Islamophobia to Arouse Public Fears of Islamic Terrorism. This Fear, Involving By Now Many Concocted False Flag Terrorist Events Like That Which Probably  Took Place in Canada on Oct. 22, Has Been a Key Psychological Instrument of the Aggressive Warfare Mounted After 9/11. All the Major Media Cartels Are Deeply Integrated into the Isreali-Anglo-American Imperium's Conduct of the Seemingly Never Ending 9/11 Wars. The (/11 Wars Including the Current Campaign Against the Constructed Non-State Entity Assigned the Orwellian Label of the "Islamic State."  The Supposed Leader of ISIL, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi aka Simon Elliot, is Thought to Be a Jewish Actor Trained by Mossad.

 Creating the Required Enemy to Justify the Expansionary Operations of the Arm's Industry,
the Jewish State, the Rothschild Banksters and the Proponents of Increased Police Powers  

I very much agree with Ken O’Keefe’s thesis that the way individuals relate to the story of what did or did not happen on 9/11 becomes an extremely telling “litmus test” of honesty and integrity especially for figures such as educators, public officials, and celebrities. Given the extent to which our world has been transformed for the worse by those culprits that so far have not faced accountability for their role in the lies and crimes of 9/11, the 9/11 litmus test becomes particularly important in assessing the authenticity of any and all individuals proclaiming an intention to work for social justice.
As Ken O'Keefe emphasizes in his film, the sequence of events set in motion by the religious fable that Islamic jihadists successfully attacked America on 9/11 are so lethally consequential  to the nature of the imperilled global civilization we share that there is really no way to avoid some basic societal reckoning with the truth of what really happened on the fateful day.

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The corrosive power of the religious symbolism woven into the fable of 9/11 has been emphasized by many scholars including, Professor David Ray Giffin. Professor Griffin is an esteemed historian of religious philosophy who has authored ten very important books deconstructing various aspects of the grossly audacious lies fed to the general public from day one of the post- 9/11 world. Beginning on Sept. 11, 2001 the 9/11 wrecking ball has been systematically deployed by Zionist operatives to finish off the job of destroying our now-pretty-much-defunct democracies throughout the so-called "West."

Screen Shot 2014-12-23 at 5.53.21 PMThe very idea of mounting a global war to defeat "terrorism," a slippery concept if ever there was one, is bogus from its inception. War by its very nature is the ultimate expression of the extremes of terror, of the capacity of human beings to inflict pain and death on one another on massive scales.

 There is no possibility of developing decent responses to virtually any of the crises we genuinely face, whether, for instance, from climate change or violated human rights or declining public health or diminished biodiversity. As long as long as some sort of War on Terror is allowed to dominate the heights of public policy in virtually every government in the world there can be very little genuinely effective work to achieve a better world. Any and all initiatives along these lines will be countered by the military-industrial complex directed by primarily by Jewish banksters now afforded free reign to exploit and repress us through many demeaning tactics not the least of which is to reduce us too the status of debt slaves.

Universities as Enemies of Truth; The Academy as an Instrument and Complicit Partner in the Lies and Crimes of 9/11 

 As a tenured full professor in a Canadian university I have to report sadly that many faculty members throughout the Academy tend to be especially complicit or even directly involved in the commission of the lies and crimes of 9/11.

Many dishonest professors have passed themselves off as supposed experts on various aspects of Terrorist Studies in order to exploit the funding possibilities attached to adhering to the officially sanctioned narrative that Ken O'Keefe and millions of others now know for sure is entirely false. Perhaps even worse are those pseudo-academics who refuse to risk the recriminations that tend to arise from merely asking even the most rudimentary questions about the discrepancies between existing evidence and the concocted fable of 9/11.

 The main purpose of the religious myths permeating the 9/11 cover story is to generate the Islamophobia.

 Especially now that there is no Soviet enemy to justify huge transfers of public wealth to the military-industrial complex, the Murdochesque promotion of hatred and distrust of Muslims generically serves the interests of arms merchants, the Jewish state, the banksters, and the proponents of expanded police powers. In order to continue along their current trajectory of growth and expansion these interests have all joined forces to help develop, train, fund and publicize the required replacement enemy.

A good research project would be to survey text books at all levels right up to University graduate programs to see the nature of 9/11 narratives incorporated into school curricula. To what extent are the events of 9/11 and the still-continuing 9/11 wars being misrepresented in our educational institutions?

These and many other derivative questions flow from Ken O'Keefe's exposure of the extent of the actions of a particular cabal of Israeli-American power brokers whose treason is not only against the United States but against all humanity. Indeed, contemplating the huge implications of what they have been allowed to get away with gives new meaning to the very idea of crimes against humanity.

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Asking For an Independent Investigation of 9/11 is Not Enough

The 9/11 wars are in the process of being rebranded as the role previously afforded to the all-purpose Islamic boogeyman of al-Qeada is being taken over by the so-called “Islamic State.” As O’Keefe explains, the funding, training and manipulation of the Islamic State leads back to the same general crime cartel responsible for pulling off the 9/11 global coup d'état. The illegitimate authority seized by the perpetrators of 9/11 coup can only be retained by constantly extending and renewing an especially elaborate and many-faceted cover up.

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In his concluding on-camera presentation, Ken O’Keefe is insistent that calling for a new independent investigation of 9/11 is not nearly enough given what has already been proven about what did or did not transpire on the fateful day. O’Keefe’s documentary names many names of the credibly accused culprits. He does not put forward such serious allegations lightly but rather cites powerful evidence that ultimately belongs in a court of law.

 Ken O’Keefe’s contends that now, thirteen years after such a clearly exposed false flag event, mere requests for a genuinely independent investigation are not nearly sufficient to deal with such huge magnitude of the abuses of power entailed in the lies and crimes of 9/11. This remark resonated especially forcefully for me given what has been going on here in my home jurisdiction of Canada. My reaction to this aspect of Ken O'Keefe video is animated in part by controversies that have arisen concerning a request for a Canadian investigation into 9/11. This request, which carries my own signature along with those of about 1500 other Canadians, took the form of a petition that a Member of Parliament, Elizabeth May, recently agreed to read into the parliamentary transcript known as Hansard.

Screen Shot 2014-12-23 at 6.29.56 PMSome organizers of this petition congratulated Elizabeth May for being the only one of 308 federal parliamentarians who was willing to grant even this small concession. The leader of the Canadian Green Party tried to distance herself from the petition’s content, however, by indicating she did not agree with its contents. She so far Ms. May has refused my written request that she give explicit reasons for her unwillingness to articulate the basis for her disagreement with the text of a petition that could be seen as being mild and unconfrontational to a fault. What grade should Elizabeth May be assigned in the 9/11 litmus test?

Ken O’Keefe has convincingly demonstrated that it is impossible to develop an accurate picture of humanity’s actual condition these days without coming to terms with what did or did not happen on 9/11, without becoming informed enough to achieve at least a passing grade in the 9/11 litmus test.

 One suggestion I would make to Ken and to others for the future of 9/11 truth work is that we emphasize in our public presentations the US 9/11 Commission report. This document is the primary receptacle of the cover story outlining what is supposed to have happened in the skies and on the land of New York, Washington DC, and Pennsylvania on Sept. 11, 2001. The authorship of the text and the primary construction of the report's architecture was largely the work of public mythology expert Philip Zelikow, an Israel First political operative of the Bush White House who is well profiled in Ken O'Keefe's video.

Even the Co-Chairs and the legal counsel of the 9/11 Commission heavily criticized its work. The Commission's report is the outcome of a highly politicized process of concocting politicized lies and fabrications to conform to the 9/11 fable fed to the world within hours of the debacle without any real investigation whatsoever. Part of this process of fabrication involved accepting supposed evidence obtained through torture as a proper means of obtaining information for the formulation of public policy. That travesty in itself constitutes a practise and a precedent that must not be allowed to stand.

9/11, 10/22 and Jewish Power in Canada
Of course I have a major problem with my own Canadian government accepting as the basis of for the formulation of public policy on Canadian national security issues a US report outlining a severely flawed explanation of an episode in which two dozen Canadians were killed in the Twin Towers.

The 9/11 Commission Report is Widely Acknowledged as the Outcome of a Deeply Flawed Process Whose Affect Was the Introduce the Trojan Horse Idea that It is OK to Formulate Public Policy Based on Information Obtained to the Illegal Torture. Thus the Report of the 9/11 Commission Itself Demonstrably Fails the 9/11 Litmus Test
 The 9/11 Commission Report is Widely Acknowledged as the Outcome of a Deeply Flawed and Heavily Politicized Process that Violated Basic Principles of Judicial Impartiality. The Report is Based on Many Well Documented Lies of Witnesses Who Were Not Tortured. It was Also Based on Supposed Evidence From Witnesses Who Were Tortured on Behalf of the US Government. The Affect of This Travesty Was to Introduce the Trojan Horse of an Idea That It Is OK to Formulate Public Policy Based on Information Obtained to Through Outlawed Torture Techniques. Hence It Can Be Said That the Report of the 9/11 Commission, on Which Canadian Parliamentarians Like Elizabeth May and Justin Trudeau Depend for Their Understanding of 9/11, Itself Demonstrably Fails the 9/11 Litmus Test Described by Ken O'Keefe. 

Another direct Canadian involvement in the 9/11 debacle is that the Canadian government is a member of NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command. The huge failures of NORAD on 9/11 have become the stuff of legend. The outright lies told with impunity by NORAD officials to the 9/11 Commissioners is a matter of well documented public record.

Of course Canadians require a Canadian investigation into the Canadian aspects of a debacle that has resulted in remaking Canada's laws, policies, and political culture in a fashion that definitely undermines the public interest and the common good.

As I have come to understand it, all Canadian parliamentarians are complicit in torture in accepting the US 9/11 Commission report as the basis for the formulation of Canadian legislation and public policy after 9/11. This complicity in the international crime of torture applies especially to the leadership of the executive branch of the Canadian federal government and to the current leadership of the opposition parties in the Canadian Parliament, namely Elizabeth May of the Green Party, Justin Trudeau of the Liberal Party, and Thomas Mulcair of the New Democratic Party.

In recent years there has been a huge breakdown in the willingness of opposition parties to oppose the policies of Prime Minister Stephen Harper when it comes to the big issues of war and peace, life and death. For instance, when the Israeli Defense Force was attacking last summer in Operation Protective Edge the Palestinian inmates of the Israeli concentration camp known as Gaza, there was no debate from our MPs that included clear criticism of this very clear violation of human rights and international law. Indeed, Parliament was not recalled to deal with the crisis as happened in the UK where many British MPs spoke out with conscience and conviction to oppose this massive denigration of international laws and common decency. The outcry at Westminster extended to the beginning of parliamentary efforts aimed at somewhat mitigating the terrible humanitarian disasters that flowed from the genocidal actions of the Jewish state of Israel.

The contrast between the response of opposition politicians in UK and Canada was illustrative of the depths of our democratic deficit in this country where the concentration of Zionist ownership of the mass media is perhaps even more destructive of free expression than it has been in Great Britain. There has been no equivalent in Canada of the Leveson inquiry into the corrupt practises by police and collaboration with media agents whose joint aim is to control politicians and thereby subvert democratic processes.

Parliamentarians representing all the citizens of Canada, many of whom expressed great anguish and revolt at what was taking place in Gaza, took to the streets, wrote letters to the editor, and made personal testimonials of all kinds. These Canadians of conscience and good will remained almost entirely unrepresented by elected officials of all political stripes due to a conspiracy imposed on us by Canada's real governors, the Jewish Zionist Israeli cabal that calls the shots especially when it comes to issues like media regulation, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the quest for 9/11 Truth.

This experience of witnessing the gross failure of Canadian parliamentary democracy in the face of Operation Protective Edge reinforced my conclusion that there is something really rotten going on in the state of Canada and in the territories of most of its EU and Anglo-American allies as well. Much was exposed in the uniform opposition-party backing of the Netanyahu-Harper line. This line involved the incessant repetition of a specious rationale for the mass murder of civilians.

Israeli citizens were declared the real victims notwithstanding the IDF's 2014 invasion of Gaza including the heavily militarized murder of scores of Palestinian children in their homes, schools, and beach playground. Once again the mass murder, maiming, displacement, and destruction of the feeble life support systems of the Occupied Palestinians were declared to be acts of Israeli self-defence. Alternatively very clear acts of Palestinian self-defence were declared the actions of Islamic and Arab "terrorists" such as those said to be committed by patsies blamed for what were in fact controlled demolitions of the three WTC towers.

This common front in Parliament suggests that Canadian politicians are even more subject to Zionist manipulation than those in Great Britain where Ken O'Keefe is currently based. In Canada as in every other so-called democracy in the West politicians fear being smeared in the mainstream media, which is largely Jewish-owned and Zionist-run.

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In Canada  a shady Jewish-owned syndicate by the name of Golden Tree Asset Management pulls many of the strings that keep our politicians in line. Golden Tree's Chairman is a Council on Foreign Relations member and an influential New York Zionist who wins awards for his support of Israel. The name of this Israeli First US investment banker is name is Steven A. Tannanbaum.

 The media chain currently owned by Golden Tree was started in part by Conrad Black, a neocon supporter of Israeli expansionism who also owned the Jerusalem Post. This same media chain was also developed under the control of Izzy Asper and his offspring, members of a very prominent Zionist family based in Winnipeg. The flagship of this network of Zionist propaganda in Canada is The National Post.

The Post hatched the journalistic career Jonathan Kay, author of a vicious smear volume written to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the "Islamic terror attacks" of 9/11. Deploying classic guilt-by-association tactics of the CIA's anti-communist propaganda techniques developed during the Cold War, Kay's volume is tellingly entitled,  Among the Truthers: A Journey into the Growing Conspiracist Underground of 9/11 Truthers, Birthers, Armageddonites, Vaccine Hysterics, Hollywood Know-Nothings and Internet Addicts.

Kay medicalizes all those who question the official cover story of 9/11 as clinically insane. He starts the book with a dubious explanation for not addressing the actual evidence of what did or did not happen on 9/11. Apparently his editor advised The National Post's editor that most readers would be bored with discussions of evidence while would-be readers would be more interested in Kay's explorations of the dark caves apparently  inhabited by "the Growing Conspiracist Underground."

Israeli-Canadian Zionist journalist and author Jonathan Kay was One of the Ghost Writers of Liberal Party Leader Justin Trudeau's Fluffy Autobiography. Kay's Collaboration with Trudeau Reflects an Effort to Flash Out a Renewed Liberal Version of Canadian Zionism.
Israeli-Canadian Zionist journalist and author Jonathan Kay was One of the Ghost Writers of Liberal Party Leader Justin Trudeau's Fluffy Autobiography. Kay's Collaboration with Trudeau Reflects an Effort to Flash Out a Renewed Liberal Version of Canadian Zionism.

The book is published by HarperCollins, a Murdoch-owned publishing company. Kay was funded to write the book by the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, a Zionist neocon agency that is an outgrowth of the Project for the New American Century. The volume does not contain citation s or even a rudimentary bibliography. It definitely is not peer reviewed.

As Ken O'Keefe outlines in his film, PNAC called for something like a "new Pearl Harbor" a year before the 9/11 coup to took place to spin public opinion in a way that would accept the US build up of military-industrial complex and the national security state toward "full spectrum dominance."  PNAC's main members included many of the Israel First neocons featured in Ken O'Keefe film. These PNAC members like Paul Wolfowitz filled many of the seats in President George W. Bush's war cabinet.

Kay also was recently appointed Editor-In-Chief of the Walrus, a liberal magazine that once could be taken seriously as a genuine vehicle of investigative journalism and speaking truth to power. Jonathan Kay was also hired to be a ghost writer of the autobiography of Justin Trudeau, the Liberal Party leader and son of a former Canadian prime minister who was building momentum in public opinion polls until his expression of unqualified support for Israel's assault in Gaza last summer signalled to many progressive Canadians that he is a Zionist puppet of the usual suspects when comes to Canada's relationship to the Jewish state and the Palestinian people.

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For much of the twentieth century the Liberal Party dominated Parliament and thereby governed Canada. The false interpretative twist given the events of Sept. 11, however, created the underlying basis for foreign-backed regime change in Canada. Ultra-Zionist Stephen Harper came to power as a minority status prime minister in 2006 and then as a majority status prime minister in 2011. Harper's mandate to govern is tainted by the importation from the United States of Republican Party-style election fraud whose full extent remains unclear.

Harper will probably be able to renew his majority status in the federal election of 2015 on the back of a classic Mossad-style concocted terror event whose centrepiece involved a shooter episode on Oct. 22 (10/22) by a "recent Muslim convert" at the Canadian War Memorial and then inside the main Parliament building. Within hours of the event a Rupert Murdoch venue, the New York Post, superimposed a headline, "State of War," over a photograph of the Canadian War Memorial." This image justifying Canada's inclusion in military operations against the non-state entity ISIL, a replacement for the role once assigned al-Qaeda, repeated much of the same spin given 9/11 within hours of the plane crashes and mass murders. The media message was that this shooter episode on 10/22 was not to be understood as a serious crime requiring meticulous investigation but rather as an act of war justifying the invocation of emergency measures including military attacks abroad and increased police incursions at home.

On The Need to Continue the Internationalization of the Quest for 9/11 Truth
This foray into Canadian politics demonstrates that many of the patterns Ken O'Keefe identifies in his film apply as much to Canada as to the United States. With this in mind I could mildly criticize Ken's general approach for being centred too much on a rather cloistered US perspective on 9/11. While understandable given the extent of the betrayal of the core constitutional principles and interests of the United States, this USAocentric approach is somewhat discordant with the reality that Mr. O'Keefe is no longer a US citizen. Rather Mr. O'Keefe can make an excellent case that he has demonstrated his willingness to act as a genuine global citizen even as he has become a major international figure in the 9/11 Truth movement.

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Indeed, Ken O'Keefe is helping to pioneer the way towards a judiciable form of global citizenship that I believe could and should form the jurisdictional basis of the trials the global community needs to enforce some legal accountability on those who commit the most serious crimes against humanity, the most serious crimes against all life on earth.

 So much of the really high-level criminality these days abuses as a cover and an alibi the 9/11 fable, the mostly constructed imagery of international terrorism, and the sweeping legal powers invoked by the resort to so-called national security. This international crime wave from those who rule us from the top of the pyramid is accelerating at such a quick pace that the need grows daily to follow Ken O'Keefe prescription by arresting and arbitrating the defences of those that can be most credibly accused of the 9/11 crime and the ongoing cover up of the true nature of the events and implications of what happened on Sept. 11 2001.

 The recent experiences of, among many invited delegates, Ken O'Keefe and I and Veteran's Today Senior Editor, Kevin Barrett, at the recent New Horizon conference in Tehran speaks to the fact that the lies and crimes of 9/11 cast such a very wide net because they affect so profoundly the entire global population These affects tend to extend with particular harshness especially to Arab people, Persian people, and the ummah which is the worldwide community of all Muslims in all their vast pluralism of nationality, ethnicity, language, culture, class, ideology, and sect.

Most of the delegates at the New Horizon Conference That Recently Took Place in Tehran. The Conference Chair was Nader Talebzadeh Pictured Front Row Centre with Glasses and a Brown Sports Jacket. One of the Panels in the Conference was on Israel and 9/11.
Most of the Delegates at the New Horizon Conference That Recently Took Place in Tehran. The Conference Chair was Nader Talebzadeh Pictured Front Row Centre with Glasses and a Brown Sports Jacket. One of the Panels in the Conference was on Israel and 9/11. 

 As a polity essentially smeared for the 9/11 crime through the reference to Iran in George W. Bush's notorious "Axis of Evil" speech, it is very clear why the government and people of the Islamic Republic of Iran would be seriously interested in the international quest for 9/11 truth. The Islamic Republic of Iran has been ruthlessly targeted since 1979, but especially since 9/11 with Israeli-directed economic warfare, with Mossad assassinations of its scientists, with high tech Israeli-America cyber attacks targeting the operation of its peaceful nuclear energy program, and with lethal physical attacks and propaganda attacks by the Mossad-trained-and-run MeK commandos etc etc etc. This list of consequences of the Bush's Israeli-instigated slander of Iran is far from complete.

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 Other possible fallout from the Bush-Frum hit job include the actions of my own federal government that withdrew in 2012 the Canadian ambassador from Iran and broke off all formal diplomatic relations under orders from Benjamin Netanyahu to his Likudnik Lieutenant, Stephen Harper. An important friend of the Islamic Revolution, Ken O'Keefe is in a good position to develop analysis of these kinds of broader international processes that continue to arise from the global geopolitical shifts that arise from our collective failure to come to come to grips with the truth of what happened or what didn't happen on 9/11.

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Israel First Jewish Operatives All Prominent in the US Power Structure. All These Neocons Are Deeply Implicated in the Lies and Crimes of 9/11

Certainly Mr. O'Keefe's decision to restrict his coverage to the United States allows Israel First operatives in Canada like Jonathan Kay and David Frum to slip through the cracks of the work of the Born-In-the-USA Freedom Fighter who is emerging as an important citizen investigator and citizen jurist. Both Kay and Frum are every bit as deeply implicated in the lies and crimes of 9/11 as many of the figures that Ken O'Keefe does cover in his Internet movie. Both Kay and Frum should be on the list of the credibly accused when it becomes possible to break the hold of our jailers by mounting criminal proceedings in a more transnationally empowered type of international criminal court.

How should the people and government of Iran respond to being fingered as the 9/11 culprits along with Saddam's Iraq and Communist North Korea by the very folks who most likely are the real 9/11 culprits? The Israeli First neocon Canadian, David Frum is said to have authored the potent "Axis of Evil" line to prepare American public opinion for a US-led invasion of Iran. The son of the legendary Jewish Canadian CBC broadcaster, Barbara Frum, David was a Bush White House speech writer and co-author with Richard Perle of the war propaganda text, An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror.

The freedom fighter began and concluded his 9/11 documentary with the observation that humanity will remain in a sense incarcerated in a psychological prison of oppression from within and from above until we can free ourselves from the enormously consequential 9/11 deception. This and many other vital messages contained in Ken O'Keefe's bold and uncompromising account of the most difficult yet pressing issue of contemporary times deserves a wide audience. This factor is the very reason that this Internet movie is bound to be ignored by the many media venues including the CBC that regularly opens the supposed public airwaves to Israeli First proponents of aggressive warfare like Jonathan Kay.

About the author:

Anthony Hall

Currently Professor of Globalization Studies at University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada.His been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen's University Press entitled "The Bowl with One Spoon"

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