POSTED on Wednesday, 25 July 2012
REPOSTED on 17 September 2020 - Messed up again?)
Thursday, 17 September 2020
We Will Not Go Down (Ghazza Song) ~Michael Heart~ Piano [NOT AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE ANYMORE]

Dedicated to Gérard Charles Augustin Marcel Marie Frémaux
and Sylviane Paulette Garnier
& our son and his wife (wives), and my grand children

Dedicated to Gérard Charles Augustin Marcel Marie Frémaux
and Sylviane Paulette Garnier
& our son and his wife (wives), and my grand children
Dédié à Charles Gérard Frémaux et Sylviane Paulette Garnier & notre fils et son épouse (ses épouses), et nos petits enfants.
Maman, c’est pour toi seule que, ce soir, je chante!
Quoi de plus doux , de plus tendre,
Que le cœur d'une maman
(et d'un PAPA!) !
Qui donc sait mieux nous comprendre
Et calmer tous nos tourments.
Vers celle qui m'a donné le jour
S'en va mon refrain d'amour
Maman, c'est pour toi seule que, ce soir, je chante!
Maman, toi la grâce et la douceur m'enchantent!
Que m'importe si l'âge a creusé ton cher visage,
Et si je vois tomber peu à peu la neige sur tes cheveux.
Pour moi tu gardes toujours ton sourire charmant. et tout comme autrefois,
Mon seul bonheur: c'est de te dire maman.
Dès que j'ouvrais les paupières, Dans tes bras tu me pressais.
Et pendant des nuits entières, En chantant tu me berçais,
Me rappelant ces instants trop courts,
Pour te bercer à mon tour
EN VÉRITÉ, ce ne fut pas maman, mais bien PAPA qui fut la vraie mère de notre fils l'ayant eu dans son lit pendant plus de 10 ans!
Et, ce n'est
pas Maman non plus qui, depuis dix ans, est la GRANDE MAMAN de nos petits
enfants, mais bien GRAND PAPA qui avait ses deux petites filles dans son
lit pendant au moins 7 ans car ayant 'épousé' et volé, escroqué l'argent, la fortune des Frémaux, la part qui ne lui revenait pas,
Grand-mère a bien autre chose à faire, nous ayant tous flanqués dehors
en nous dépossédant pour le profit de son fils naturel Joachim! ME BATTRE POUR DE L'ARGENT DANS LES COURS D'INJUSTICE? JAMAIS, PAS MOI!
Triste France, et triste monde!
aka Frémaux-Soormally - Gentilhomme Digne et Honorable
Dear Love, may our union be harmonious, blessed by God and eternal for the welfare of our child.” - Sylviane 1990
Cher Amour
Que notre union (mariage devant Dieu) soit harmonieuse, bénite par Dieu et éternelle pour le bien-être de notre enfant.*
* ENFANT que la maman n’a jamais cessé (diaboliquement) de détruire par n’importe quel moyen depuis au moins 1983, et officiellement depuis 1996-1997.
JACK Lantier -La Femme aux Bijoux
Sacha Guitry -Une Folie -Genève 1994
Erasing Muslims From American Versions of History
Carmina Burana ~ O Fortuna | Carl Orff ~ André Rieu
AVE MARIA by Mirusia Louwerse with André Rieu (2008).

Charles Gérard Frémaux was my French Catholic employer and partner in business and in bed with his wife, with his blessings and the blessings of his family and friends (1975-1983) who, condemned by medical science, allowed me, a Muslim, to have my only son with his own Atheist wife Sylviane Paulette, and my own Muslim wife Shirin and I allowed Gérard to register my son in his name. Both Gérard and Shirin were not able to bear children. This is life, as we say in France. By mutual agreement, my (our) son was baptised in a Catholic Church in Méréville, Essonne, and circumcised according to Muslim Tradition (by a Jewish Doctor) and brought up as a Muslim.
Unfortunately, it was a unique and beautiful love story that was destroyed by the vicissitudes of life. As 'our' son is both Catholic (although not Roman and Apostolic) and Muslim (of no sect at all), I feel I owe Gérard this memoriam although he always hated me! But, may he rest in peace!
However, my efforts (together with Mark Glenn, Dr. Kevin Barrett of the USA, and others) for several decades to reconcile Christians and Muslims have proved an almost impossible task as well as my efforts to reconcile Muslims with Islam because of a variety of readings of the Holy Scriptures and of political affiliations that have plunged most Believers into the abyss and the hands of the evil ones. It is my view that most Christians have been misled by their respective Churches and that the Christian Holy Texts are not authentic and no matter how hard I try Believers will almost always stick to their inherited beliefs. So, it is not my intention to change anybody except to make them aware of the truth as it stands and as any sincere and honest person can see.
sincere wish and prayer are to rebuild Christendom for the general good
of humanity and not the hatred of Islam and Muslims, with the help of an awakened and charitable Ummah of Muhammad because
only together do we have a chance to conquer the Devil and his armies.
If Jesus and Muhammad, peace and blessings upon them both, cannot unite
and does not unite on common grounds like love, freedom and justice, the
Synagogue of Satan will surely win.[AND THEY HAVE ALREADY WON!]
Basheer Ahmad Frémaux-Soormally Thursday 26th of July 2012
Dedicated also to all my beloved friends, Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Jewish and Hindus, whether this friendship is reciprocated or not, including Mark Glenn and his wonderful wife and children, Ruby and Susan (Capricornians first!), Reverend Mark Dankof, Professor Pastor Texe Marrs, Michael Collins Piper, Jonathan Azaziah, Vickie Jacobs, Dianna, Ingrid, Adalberto Erazo, Nashid al Khaliq, Odartei Muhammad, Keith Johnson, Joe Cortina, Kenneth O'Keefe, Daryl Bradford Smith, Christopher Everard, Russel Pine aka Jordan Maxwell, Gérard, Mirella, Michael and Nathalie Désiré, Dorine Béchet, to name just a few, and, of course, to my beloved son, his wife (wives) and his blessed mother, and to my grand children.
L'hôpital militaire du Val-de-Grâce, situé dans le Ve arrondissement de Paris, est un des établissements de soin les plus connus de France. Cela est dû au fait qu'il accueille régulièrement des personnalités politiques de premier plan, françaises ou étrangères. C'est ici qu'a été soigné Charles Gérard Frémaux.
Islam et Occident - Juin 2013
Imran Nazar Hosein Fr·81 videos 1,124
406 views 7 0
Published on 19 Dec 2013
FR: http://youtu.be/RN1HzpicCnk
Avec Alexandre Douguine, Russie, Moscou,
En Juin 2013, à l'université d'Etat de Moscou, eu lieu un colloque composé d'intellectuels russes dont notamment le théoricien, sociologue, polyglotte et chrétien orthodoxe, Alexandre Douguine (Alexandr Dugin) et le Sheikh Imran Hosein, érudit musulman spécialisé en Economie et en Eschatologie Islamique.
Autour d'un échange intellectuel convivial sur la politique internationale à la lumière des eschatologies islamique et chrétienne orthodoxe, les penseurs présents mettront en évidence les corrélations et points de convergences entre les prophéties tant attendues par les musulmans et les chrétiens orthodoxes, notamment la Conquête de Constantinople pour les musulmans, le retour du Siège pour les chrétiens orthodoxes, la Cathédrale Aya Sophia de Constantinople, qui fut transformée en Mosquée lors de la chute de l'empire byzantin par les khalifs Ottomans et transformée ensuite en Musée.
Une rencontre qui rappelle l'alliance entre le monde musulman et chrétien orthodoxe que le Prophète (pbsl) prophétisa, et pour laquelle, notre honorable Sheikh Imran Hosein, combat !
Fraternellement, INHFR
Facebook INHFR: http://www.facebook.com/inhfr Site INHFR: http://imranhosein.fr
Islam, Russia and Crimea -23/03/2014
SheikhImranHosein·298 videos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SadkPvPTooo&list=UU3Xlgbc8gq3NOMmdEUAlf Gg

#23 by Adalberto Erazo Jr. on July 26, 2012 -11:05 pm @ Basheer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZGAaTXEj0&list=TLSMjUiLgpY4QxNzAyMjAxNg [NOT AVAILABLE ANHMORE?]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EniNJYhmt_M [NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE???]
United Methodist, Reverend Wess Magruder (L) prays
American Pastor partakes in the holy month of Ramadan
My apologies for the late reply. Thank you for the very moving story about your good friend Charles Gerard Fremaux. Now I know why you add the name Fremaux to your own name and I can say you are truly the embodiment of Muslim Christian unity. God works in strange ways and it is my firm belief that God had brought you along in your journey to meet Mr. Fremaux. It is an honor to have you as a friend despite being thousands of miles apart,if not in person, then in spirit. Brother Basheer, I completely agree with you in that the Christian scriptures have been corrupted over the centuries due to the works of men who had an agenda of their own and that is why Christianity today is in the mess it is in.
We are in the month of Ramadan where the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims are presently fasting in order to practice self discipline, get closer to God spiritually, and to know what the less fortunate in the world have to go through.I have decided I am going to try fasting as well even if it is only for a short time. For those who don’t know, Ramadan started this year on July 20 and it ends on August 17. Please correct me if I am wrong in this.
Again, my apologies for the late reply brother Basheer.
St Jude's Church, Plymouth Comments (17) A PLYMOUTH church has organised an online petition to change the language that is used when speaking about 'Islamic' terrorists following Friday’s attack in Paris. St Jude’s Church, which held a special service at the weekend to remember the victims, says it wants to stop any reference to terrorists being Islamic or Muslim. Vicar Tim Smith from the church said: “We are recognising that our language of this terror group may be as important as any other actions the world may take. “By the world changing the name we use for this group we will be refusing to use the branding of ‘Islamic’ they want which gives them more power and influence than they should have and to remove their ‘slur by inference’ from good Muslims.
next to his Muslim friend, Imam Yaseen sheikh (R). (file photo)
Tue Aug 7, 2012 3:39PM GMT
It (fasting) keeps me conscious of God, of God’s presence, of God’s will that is bursting to become real in the world. And so when something else isn’t going on in front of me, the buzz reminds me to speak to God."
United Methodist Rev. Wess Magruder
An American Pastor, Reverend Wess Magruder, has decided to partake in the Muslims holy month of Ramadan this year with his Muslim friends, by fasting, praying and reading the Holy Quran.
The United Methodist has not only decided to observe the Ramadan fast this year but also to share his experience on his personal blog, Shia-Online reported.
"I feel a constant “buzz” [during the fast] in my head," Magruder wrote on his blog.
"This buzz serves a useful purpose, by the way. It keeps me conscious of God, of God’s presence, of God’s will that is bursting to become real in the world. And so when something else isn’t going on in front of me, the buzz reminds me to speak to God," he added.
Magruder also wrote that he turned to the Muslim faith for inspiration since he knew that Muslims have successfully been fasting for 30 days each year during Ramadan for over fourteen hundred years.
“I feel very happy and fortunate now,” Magruder wrote, who has succeeded in fasting from sunrise till sunset.
In his blog, Magruder invited all people of the Christian faith to try the fasting experience even for one day.
The Muslim fast is a total abstention from eating and drinking during the daylight hours. Furthermore, the fast goes beyond stomach and includes the eyes, the tongue, the ears, and all limbs which are expected to be trained to submit to the pleasure of God by refraining from ill manners and moral vice.
Plymouth church starts petition to stop referring to terrorists as 'Islamic'
By Plymouth Herald | Posted: November 17, 2015
When the organization of the world is out of harmony with the supernatural end of man, scarcely anybody except the saints and martyrs can avoid mortal sin and abide in charity.
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BACKSTAGE PASS: Plymouth, never take for granted the freedom that music brings.
“In time maybe we can return the word Islamic to Muslims without it being a prejudiced term. “As the closest church to Plymouth’s largest mosque we want to be a good neighbour and also help them protect their name. “By this name change we can also move towards de-politicising DAESH by removing the word ‘state’ from them. “They are neither Islamic nor a state.” The petition says: TO CHANGE THE NAME THE UK GOVERNMENT USES FOR IS, ISIS AND ISIL TO DAESH Also to encourage others similarly. There can then be benefits by removing: a) the name ‘Islamic’ from them as it can stop the inferential slandering of good Muslims b) the word ‘State’ as it de-politicises them and their ‘branding’ to just a terrorist group Why use the name they want used? The petition can be found here
Rabbi Josef Antebi exposing Zionists, even after being tortured by them!
Uploaded on 30 Jan 2011
Most people don't know, that many orthodox jews oppose Israel and the occupation of Palestine. These orthodox jews believe Zionism endangers peace on earth. One of them is Rabbi Josef Antebi (born in Hebron), who was tortured by Zionists. This is an interview made in Amsterdam, the last day of Hanuka.
Did the mainstream media ever inform you about the numerous protests worldwide, made by Jews against Zionism?
This video has been published on http://bewusst.tv/english/rabbi-again... bewusst.tv depends on your donations: http://bewusst.tv/spenden
P.S.: a response to the video, called "Rabbi Josef Antebi exposes himself as a fraud" ...for the comprehension: Rabbi Josef Antebi talks about his grandparents (see 02:19 ) from his mother's side and shows us their birth certificate, Yehuda and Hanna Labi (Lavy) and his mother Perla Labi, they were all Palestinians. Rabbi Josef is also Palestinian. This is to learn from this birth certificate given by the British mandate. Rabbi Josef says (at 02:40 ) "...and I prepare to show you THEIR birth certificate in which it says that I'm Palestinian."
o Non-profits & Activism
—Charles Journet, 1931
Conference Aims
Doug Bersaw Founder & Publisher, Loreto Publications and IHM Media
$250.00 at door (Prices include all speeches and meals.)
Reverend Mark Dankof and Dr David Duke
James Bruen, Esq. Contributor to "Culture Wars"
Dr. Peter Chojnowski Professor of Philosophy
Jim Condit, Jr. Catholic political activist and advocate for an honest vote
Robert Hanten Board Member American Chesterton Society
Daniel McAdams Centre for the Study of Interventionism (Paris)
Gary Potter Veteran journalist and author
John Sharpe Managing Editor
IHS Press
Dr. Robert Sungenis Catholic apologist, author, international speaker
Robert A. Sungenis (born 1955) is an American Catholic apologist. He is the founder of The Bellarmine Report, renamed from the Bellarmine Theological Forum in 2011. He is the president of CAI Publishing, Inc. Sungenis is known for his apologetic works critiquing the Protestant doctrines of sola fide and sola scriptura. More recently, he has become known for his advocacy of geocentrism and also for his beliefs about Jews and Judaism that have created controversy.
Robert Sungenis was raised in a Catholic family, but became a Protestant Christian at age nineteen.[1][dead link] He held various posts (e.g., elder, preacher, adult Sunday school director) in several Protestant churches including a two-year employment under prophecy teacher Harold Camping of Family Radio.[2] He obtained his B.A. in Religion from George Washington University in 1979, and an M.A. in theology from Westminster Theological Seminary in 1982. Sungenis obtained a Ph.D. in 2006 from the Calamus International University, a private distance-learning institution in Vanuatu which is noted according to Sungenis "for its academic freedom and alternative science and religious curriculum".[1][3][4] His 700-page dissertation was on the subject of geocentrism[5] and was then edited and published as the two-volume set, Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right.
returned to Catholicism in 1992 at the age of thirty-seven. In 1994 he
was the principal author of a book critiquing the eschatological views of Harold Camping.[6] The story of his conversion to Catholicism is chronicled in the first of the Surprised By Truth books[7] edited by Catholic apologist and author Patrick Madrid. He has debated many Protestant apologists, including James R. White, Dave Hunt, Michael Horton, Robert Godfrey and Robert Zins on doctrinal, theological, and historical issues such as sola scriptura, the papacy and papal infallibility, transubstantiation and the Mass, salvation and justification. He is the author of twenty books and over 100 published articles on theology and science.[citation needed] In the past, his articles were published in Our
Sunday Visitor, The Catholic Answer, Catholic Faith and Family, The
Coming Home Journal, Envoy Magazine, This Rock, Catholic Family News,
The Remnant, Latin Mass Magazine and reviews of his work appeared in Homiletic and Pastoral Review, Touchstone Magazine, Culture Wars
magazine and at Salon.com.
He has also begun his own non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation and publishing company,
Catholic Apologetics International Publishing, Inc.[8].
Views on Jews and Judaism
Sungenis has become known for controversial views of the Jewish people and Judaism that have been sharply criticized by some of his fellow Catholics and by the Southern Poverty Law Center as being anti-semitic.[3][9][10] In 2002 he questioned the Holocaust, and according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, "repeated a series of ancient anti-Semitic canards" and later wrote about the involvement of Jews and Israel in a New World Order Satanic conspiracy aimed at world domination.[10][9]
Sungenis has responded that he is against Zionism, but that he is not anti-semitic. "Antisemitism is a hatred for the Jewish race. There isn't a bone in my body that feels that way about Jewish people," he wrote.[11] In 2008, Sungenis' bishop, Kevin C. Rhoades,
denounced his views of the Jewish people and Judaism as "hostile,
uncharitable, and un-Christian" and required Sungenis to stop writing
about them. He also directed him to stop using the word "Catholic" in
his organization's name.[3] Sungenis
has stated that he will only comply with Bishop Rhoades' directive to
stop writing about Jews and Judaism if he is forced to do so "under the
aegis of a canonical trial".[12]
Sungenis has become known for his advocacy of geocentrism. He
believes that physics and the Bible prove that the sun and all the
planets orbit the Earth and that the Earth does not rotate. In support of his beliefs, Sungenis published the book Galileo Was Wrong in
the hope that people will "give Scripture its due place and show that
science is not all it's cracked up to be." Mainstream scientists reject
this cosmological view as demonstrably false and untenable.[13]
Source: Wikipedia
John Vennari Editor "Catholic Family News"
Welcome to Jacob J. Nammar Website
In Islam the "innermost Self" has to be conquered by righteous actions and not by meditation alone! (BAFS)
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Announcing the publication of my book “Born in Jerusalem, Born Palestinian, A Memoir” by Interlink Publishing. For immediate signed copy, please contact: jnammar@gmail.com
Posted on January 12, 2012 Born in Jerusalem, Born Palestinian A Memoir
Jacob J. Nammar, Forward by Salim Tamari
5.5″ x 8″ • 152 pages • b&w photos ISBN 9781566568869 • paperback • $15.00
“Very compelling and personal… fragrant details, great zoom-lens scenes of Palestinian family life… pull us right into the landscape and the domain… I support this book and salute its honesty and stirring intentions. We need it in our world. We need every single politician to have a copy in his/her back pocket. As the daughter of a Palestinian also from Jerusalem, I can say that this book rings deeply true to me, and assuages my sorrow somewhat over all the injustice which has pervaded the Holy City for far too long… Nammar makes a strong stride in all the right directions.”
—Naomi Shihab Nye, award-winning author, writer and poet
“Told with exquisite detail and beauty… this readable memoir will help many people around the world understand the reality of Palestine and its dispossessed people.”
—Mazin B. Qumsiyeh, author of Sharing the Land of Canaan
“This is a compelling and compassionate memoir of a Jerusalem life during wartime and after… stands out as one of very few works that addresses the life for those Palestinians who stayed behind in the Israeli occupied part of (West) Jerusalem… On this level the book is original and has significant ethnographic value for the historical researcher, as well as for students of the Arab Israeli conflict.”
—Salim Tamari, editor, The Jerusalem Quarterly, Institute of Jerusalem Studies
A poignant memoir of an eye witness of a major historical event in Jerusalem
When Jacob Nammar was a young boy growing up in Harret al-Nammareh, his family, his friends, and the streets of his West Jerusalem neighborhood were the center of his life. It wasn’t long, however, before his existence was turned upside down when his family was forced out of their home during al-nakba, the catastrophe that resulted in the ethnic cleansing of nearly 750,000 natives and the destruction of over 500 Palestinian villages and towns.
In this heartwarming memoir, Jacob paints a vivid portrait of Palestinian life—from his childhood days in pre-1948 Jerusalem, the struggles of the Palestinian community under Israeli rule, to his ultimate decision to leave for America at age 23. It is a relevant and deeply personal tale of a man struggling to hold his world together as his beloved homeland is torn apart before his eyes and a chronicle of a love story with a city and a Palestinian family’s resilience and determination to survive even in their weakest moments. Readers will laugh, cry, and be inspired by this charming coming of age story set amid the backdrop of one of the most tragic historical events that engulfed the region.
Jacob Nammar was born in Jerusalem in 1941. He is a retired business executive. He lives in San Antonio, Texas. Interlink Books
In Islam the "innermost Self" has to be conquered by righteous actions and not by meditation alone! (BAFS)
Mark Dankof is a contributor to the Willis Carto's American Free Press which was described by political scientist George Michael as "the most important newspaper of the radical right".[1][2] Dankof also broadcasts The Ugly Truth Podcast which has invited guests such as the distinguished Dr. David Duke, author of "Jewish Supremacism: My Awakening to the Jewish Question."[3] Dankof's broadcasts are carried by the Republic Broadcasting Network[4] which also has loose ties to the American Free Press and carries many programs critical of US foreign policy and Israel.
Dankof is a also an American correspondent for Press TV, the news network owned by the state-owned media corporation Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) with headquarters in Tehran, Iran His articles have also appeared in Veterans Today and globalresearch.ca.[5]
His website is dedicated to "the American Constitution, the Old Republic, and Christian Orthodoxy". His viewpoints protest the negative influences of Israel and international bankers, and promotes peace and moderation towards Iran. In an article entitled "Mossad in America: What Did William Colby Know About the 'Hidden Hand'?" Dankof states "The cause of the American malady is abundantly clear. Our leadership and institutions have been co-opted by International Central Bankers, Transnational Corporate Interests, and the Israeli Lobby."
Source: Wikipedia
MILLIONS of Christians disillusioned with their respective denominational religions have opted for the UN-BACKED NEW AGE RELIGION, others for Vedantic and Buddhist philosophies or even reverted to Islam. But, one good thing with Transcendental Meditation is that it is alleged to make BETTER Christians, BETTER Muslims and BETTER HUMANS of us all. But, how far is this true? (BAFS)
"The Transcendental Meditation technique allows your mind to settle inward beyond thought to experience the source of thought, the most silent and peaceful level of consciousness—your innermost Self."
If you want more information on Transcendental Meditation (TM) just check the link.
"To ensure maximum effectiveness, the Transcendental Meditation technique is taught through personalized instruction by a certified teacher in the same systematic way as the teachers of thousands of years ago."
"Certified" does not make TM right! (BAFS)
What TM technique is and is not
What religious leaders say
To contact your nearest certified TM teacher, complete the short form below, or call toll free
888-LEARN-TM 888-LEARN-TM (888-532-7686 888-532-7686)
Having a problem submitting this form? Please call toll-free 1-888-LEARN TM
(1-888-532-7686 1-888-532-7686) or click here.
"What is the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique? It is a simple, natural, effortless procedure practiced 20 minutes twice each day while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. It’s not a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle. It’s the most widely practiced, most researched, and most effective method of self-development."
So, with TM we can dispense with Christianity and Islam altogether, but not of Vedantism! (BAFS)
"What happens when you meditate?
The Transcendental Meditation technique allows your mind to settle inward beyond thought to experience the source of thought — pure awareness, also known as transcendental consciousness. This is the most silent and peaceful level of consciousness — your innermost Self. In this state of restful alertness, your brain functions with significantly greater coherence and your body gains deep rest."
This should definitely be practiced by the HINDU racists and fanatics who have stolen Kashmir and are oppressing 100-150 million Indian Muslims, killing many at will, but the problem with TM is that it also makes the worst among us IMPROVE OUR EVILNESS! (BAFS)
"How many people practice the TM technique?
More than five million people worldwide have learned this simple, natural technique — people of all ages, cultures, and religions."
Knowledgeable and Believing Christians and Muslims do not need TM to be better human beings! Only the disillusioned might need it! (BAFS)
"How much scientific research has been done on the TM technique?
Over 600 research studies have been conducted at more than 200 universities and research centers (including Harvard, UCLA, and Stanford). These studies have been published in more than 100 journals"
This does not make TM more valid or better than Christianity or Islam! (BAFS)
"Where did the TM technique come from?
The Transcendental Meditation technique is based on the ancient Vedic tradition of enlightenment in India. This knowledge has been handed down by Vedic masters from generation to generation for thousands of years. About 50 years ago, Maharishi — the representative in our age of the Vedic tradition — introduced Transcendental Meditation to the world, restoring the knowledge and experience of higher states of consciousness at this critical time for humanity. When we teach the Transcendental Meditation technique today, we maintain the same procedures used by teachers thousands of years ago for maximum effectiveness."
The problem with TM is that it failed to attract the Vedantists themselves and waited for Christendom to become decadent to attract millions among the so-called Christians and the European apostates (renegades). (BAFS)
They would find it wrong to allow Muslims Halaal (Kosher) food in public institutions and free time for Salaat (prayers) at work, but are praising VEDANTIC MEDITATION as good in the work place where you can be allowed free time to meditate -one or two chunks of 20 minutes a day! (BAFS)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Deeply Touched
I wanted to share something that touched me in a really special way. Im in love with the way Maharishi Mahesh Yogi saw and understood life.
Maharishi's nine rules of life:
Don't analyze
Don't complain
Don't compare yourself to others
Don't expect things to be done for you
Don't expect perfection in the relative
Look to the knowledge aspect daily
Own the movement
Problems are all in your head
Hold yourself together