Thursday, 3 September 2020



Thursday 3rd September 2020 - 11 AM

Ce que Bill Gates et les médias vous cachent, par Salim Laibi


Thursday 3rd September 2020 - 11 AM

I woke up this morning while dreaming I was in the hospital with my toddler. I was explaining to the attending staff gentlewoman his predicament when a gentleman came in and took over. I told him my child, son, or grandson was suffering from a healing problem. He was suffering from 3 different health conditions, but the National Health Service was unable to handle this case successfully, yet continues to prescribe "medicine" that never works! After typing something on his computer I saw a flood of printed material in colour gushing out of his machine about my child's health case. It is God's MIRACLE!

I woke up and saw screenshots of cartoons I took last night of Bill Gates on my computer and looked at my Microsoft Windows 10 still not activated because Bill Gates was given the monopoly to rip off the world with the most crappy operating system in modern history by not only forcing us to buy new Words updates, but also new Windows Operation Systems, and anti-virus software every time the Jewish Zionist Monopolician Bill Gates decides, making him one of the wealthiest man of the current time thanks to our own decadence! It is Satan's MIRACLE!

Sorbonne's Economics (Banker Marzellier, my tutor) had nothing to do with making money by honest means, but only by using armies of assassins and economic hitmen (and probably women!) to take over all the wealth of all the countries of the world according to the wishes of the God of Israel YHWH as clearly state in the fabricated Exodus of 600,000 Israelites or Hebrews (Arabian bandits) while they were roaming desperately in the Arabian Desert after their God had committed Holocaust after Holocaust or Shoahs on the "Egyptian" people. That old dream of Israel is still being promoted by Jewish, Atheist and Christian Zionists alike. This is from the very mouth of their own vocal Rabbis, and Jewish Zionist monsters like French-Israelist Bernard Henri Lévi, Jacques Attali, and the media they own or control!

Kabbalist Khazarel or Luciferian Apartheid Israel (Rothschild) has Esthers (and even lesbians like Hillary Clinton or transvestites like Michael Obama) in bed with most prominent Western Illuminati leaders! No wonder laws are being passed more and more to make it illegal to ever connect Khazarel with any kind of crimes and abominations that States under Zionist occupation are spreading throughout the world! THOU SHALT NEVER QUESTION THE JEW! The decadent West has made the word JEW untouchable except when we worship it as God (Hashem), the Supreme nation (ISRAEL), a MASTER RACE, and acknowledge it as the best and greatest thing that ever happened to humanity!



Ce que Bill Gates et les médias vous cachent, par Salim Laibi - Juin (?) 2020


Salim Laïbi - سليم لعيبي Le Libre Penseur

107K subscribers

Avant toute chose merci pour votre patience et votre compréhension vu le retard de cette vidéo qui a nécessité beaucoup de travail comme vous pouvez le constater avec le nombre de documents et de preuves qui ont été ajoutés lors du montage.

Cette vidéo a pour objectif de dénoncer l'escroquerie intellectuelle et médiatique qui consiste à faire passer Bill Gates pour un philanthrope qui aime son prochain alors que rien n'est plus éloigné de la réalité que cette affirmation sans fondement.

Cette vidéo va s'appuyer essentiellement sur deux ouvrages, le premier concernant l'escroquerie Microsoft en revenant sur les différents délits commis par Bill Gates au cours des dernières décennies afin de terrasser toute la concurrence.

Ensuite, cette vidéo va s'appuyer sur un deuxième ouvrage beaucoup plus récent, celui de Monsieur Lionel Astruc, concernant la fausse générosité philanthropique de Bill Gates.

En troisième partie de la vidéo, nous allons nous appuyer sur le travail de Monsieur Robert F. Kennedy Jr, ce dernier n'a cessé de dénoncer les mensonges et crimes de Bill Gates, Big Pharma et l'OMS. Il sera également question des rapports entretenus par Bill Gates avec le pédocriminel le plus célèbre des USA, Jeffrey Epstein... N'hésitez surtout pas à commenter la vidéo si vous avez des questions à poser, des informations à ajouter ou tout simplement des corrections à apporter car nul n'est parfait. N'oubliez pas bien sûr de partager ce travail si vous l'avez trouvé pertinent afin de le faire connaître au plus grand nombre.

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FRÉMAUX SOORMALLY 1 second ago Thursday 3rd September 2020


Thursday 3rd September 2020 - 11 AM

I woke up this morning while dreaming I was in the hospital with my toddler. I was explaining to the attending staff gentlewoman his predicament when a gentleman came in and took over. I told him my child, son, or grandson was suffering from a healing problem. He was suffering from 3 different health conditions, but the National Health Service was unable to handle this case successfully, yet continues to prescribe "medicine" that never works! After typing something on his computer I saw a flood of printed material in colour gushing out of his machine about my child's health case. It is God's MIRACLE!

I woke up and saw screenshots of cartoons I took last night of Bill Gates on my computer and looked at my Microsoft Windows 10 still not activated because Bill Gates was given the monopoly to rip off the world with the most crappy operating system in modern history by not only forcing us to buy new Words updates, but also new Windows Operation Systems, and anti-virus software every time the Jewish Zionist Monopolician Bill Gates decides, making him one of the wealthiest man of the current time thanks to our own decadence! It is Satan's MIRACLE!

Sorbonne's Economics (Banker Marzellier, my tutor) had nothing to do with making money by honest means, but only by using armies of assassins and economic hitmen (and probably women!) to take over all the wealth of all the countries of the world according to the wishes of the God of Israel YHWH as clearly state in the fabricated Exodus of 600,000 Israelites or Hebrews (Arabian bandits) while they were roaming desperately in the Arabian Desert after their God had committed Holocaust after Holocaust or Shoahs on the "Egyptian" people. That old dream of Israel is still being promoted by Jewish, Atheist and Christian Zionists alike. This is from the very mouth of their own vocal Rabbis, and Jewish Zionist monsters like French-Israelist Bernard Henri Lévi, Jacques Attali, and the media they own or control!

Kabbalist Khazarel or Luciferian Apartheid Israel (Rothschild) has Esthers (and even lesbians like Hillary Clinton or transvestites like Michael Obama) in bed with most prominent Western Illuminati leaders! No wonder laws are being passed more and more to make it illegal to ever connect Khazarel with any kind of crimes and abominations that States under Zionist occupation are spreading throughout the world! THOU SHALT NEVER QUESTION THE JEW! The decadent West has made the word JEW untouchable except when we worship it as God (Hashem), the Supreme nation (ISRAEL), a MASTER RACE, and acknowledge it as the best and greatest thing that ever happened to humanity!



#Zemmour #Onfray #LeFrontPopulaire

L’axe Zemmour/Onfray : une opposition contrôlée ? Par Youssef Hindi

7 Jun 2020
6.11K subscribers
[VIDEO] 🎥 1986 The Act - the movie you don't want to miss! 💉
Ty & Charlene <>Unsubscribe
Fri, 11 Sep at 14:20

Friday September 11, 2020




For thousands of parents with vaccine-injured children, the '1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act' (NCVIA) conjures up sadness, betrayal of trust, disappointment and anger. 


But what does the rest of the public think? 


Most people don’t even realize the NCVIA exists! They are still under the rosy misconception that vaccines are “safe and effective” and that our legislators and public health officials would never do anything that would knowingly hurt America’s children. 


We need to educate them


And that’s why we are so excited to announce that 1986: The Act is OUT NOW! This is a new documentary by our good friend, Andy Wakefield, director of Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrope.


Watch the trailer here



1986: The Act is a story of how the powerful force of a mother's intuition leads down the “rabbit hole” of lies and corruption surrounding the NCVIA. 1986: The Act forges head on into the important conversation and controversy surrounding this one-sided health policy that gave vaccine makers a multi-billion-dollar gift (so far) and immunity from prosecution. 


Viewers will learn how “The Act” turned fairness and the US court system on its head. Touted at the time as a helpful, non-adversarial alternative to long, protracted court battles, it actually turned into anything but; where the vaccine- injured linger without help, parents rack up medical bills and wait years for monetary relief which seldom comes, and government lawyers take home fat paychecks for their efforts against families.  This corrupt system ensures that consumers pay the tab and vaccine manufacturers laugh all the way to the bank.

  • If you are vaccine-injured, share the film with your friends and family.
  • If you have a vaccine-injured child, share it with other young parents who don’t know the dire, unintended consequences of vaccination.
  • If you care about humanity and justice, share it with your local, state and federal representatives, many of whom, incredibly enough, don’t know about “The Act” either and will be shocked to find out! 
As advocates, we find ourselves at a crucial time for health freedom. We must use all the tools we have to educate others in our communities, including our lawmakers. The change starts with us.

1986: The Act is now available for rent, DVD, digital download & digital download/DVD combo


Short on time? The film is now available in a series format for those who want to view chapter by chapter


Please share this email far and wide! 


To Your Health & Liberty,


P.S. Since today is 9/11/2020 …. If you want to know the TRUTH about what happened exactly 19 years ago today, check out our book, Monumental Myths

P.P.S. We are speaking today @ 1:30pm at the IAOMT conference in Nashville at the Loews Vanderbilt Hotel. If you're in the Nashville area, please come see us. We'd love to shake your hand.


1 comment:

  1. Mauritius
    September 26, 2014
    Travailleuses du Sexe : Incursion Dans un Monde Sans Pitié
    La prostitution fait partie des plus vieux débats du monde. Depuis des siècles, les arguments contre cette pratique n’ont pas changé, alors qu’elles sont nombreuses ces travailleuses du sexe à se démener dans nos rues pour joindre les deux bouts. Pourquoi tant de mépris envers ces femmes ?

    «Nou pense nou zenfan. Nou fer sa pou zot. Kisana pou rod donn nou travay ? Nou ena zis nou mem. Li pa fasil pou marse dans la rue kumsa a soir. Ena clients, meme la police agresse nou. Regard la societé li pa facile. Nou bizin ena boucoup couraz pou affronte tousala », lancent quelques travailleuses du sexe.

    En effet, comme dans la majorité des sociétés dans le monde, la prostitution reste un sujet sensible. L’île Maurice n’est pas épargnée et figure sur le classement « Tier 2 » du Trafficking In Persons Report 2014 de l’état américain. Ce classement, selon le rapport, signifie que Maurice gère le problème plus ou moins bien, mais qu’il y existe toujours des lacunes au niveau du judiciaire et de la législation.

    Selon les auteurs de ce rapport, publié en juin dernier, des adolescentes et des jeunes filles de toutes les régions de l’île et de Rodrigues, sont forcées à se prostituer, souvent par leurs pairs ou les membres de leur famille. Toujours, selon ce rapport, certaines filles sont également forcées d’entrer dans l’industrie du sexe en échange de nourritures et un abri ou pour de la drogue.
