Tuesday 2 August 2022







Adam Green of KnowMoreNews discusses the video “Rabbis Explain the Abrahamic Judeo Takeover Conspiracy.” I think Adam paints with a way-too-broad brush and his analysis lacks nuance and balance. But he’s right to identify “Jewish” messianic millenarian madness, chosenness, and “Jewish power” as real problems. For a good historical analysis see Guyenot’s From Yahweh to Zion.

Transcript of Adam Green's “Rabbis Explain the Abrahamic Judeo Takeover Conspiracywith commentary by Kevin Barrett in boldface

Rabbi: Maybe you shouldn't tell anybody that I said this, but you know all those tropes about Jews controlling the world or at least wanting to control the world. They're actually true. Our goal as Jewish people for the last 3300 years, since the revelation at Sinai, has been to control the world. 

*Is this clip taken out of context? Did the rabbi use this "confession" as an attention-getter, then proceed to offer a relatively benign explication of the "Jewish world takeover project"?

Yehuda Glick: The vision is that Jerusalem should become a center of the world, a political center, but more important, a center of the Word of God and a center of the connection made between humanity and God. 

*This messianic view of Jersualem-al Quds is of course problematic, since it has contributed to inspiring the Zionist movement to commit genocide in Palestine, and since it implies that messianic Jews like Rabbi Glick want to run the "political center" of the world. But we shouldn't forget that Israel is primarily the project of secularists and atheists, not religious Jews.

Rabbi: We will rebuild the Third Temple. We will do animal sacrifices again. And God will give us the whole of Israel all the way up to the Euphrates River and down to the Nile River. We'll have the greater Israel that we've always dreamed of, and we won't have to believe in Jesus to get it. That's what you guys are— Maybe you'll be alive. Hopefully you'll be alive to see it. But that's the truth. 

*This quote is even more problematic, since it implies that the genocidal state of Israel, if controlled by the likes of this rabbi, would seek to destroy the Islamic world's oldest and greatest architectural monument, the al-Aqsa mosque, in order to build a blood sacrifice temple on its ruins—and then invade its neighbors and steal a vast amount of territory, which would exact a price of millions if not billions of lives.

Rabbi: To return the temple to its glory. Rebuild the temple, restore the sacrificial service. It will be a daily offering in the morning, a daily offering in the afternoon, special offerings on the Sabbath and holidays, the Passover sacrifice. All of this will be brought again. And the future temple will stand forever. 

*See previous comment.

Rabbi: At the end times these Christians will, because they've been exposed to the Bible and because they know the Bible, they know the God of Israel. They know all the stories. They know all the content of the Bible that will lay the groundwork for them to be with us at the end times. It's basically what he says. And that and really that's what the redemption of the world is all about. It's everyone serving the God of Israel together.  

*As Laurent Guyénot's book title puts it, Our God is Your God Too, But He Has Chosen Us. Adam Green takes this to mean that Jews invented Christianity to dupe Christians into submitting to Yahweh, who is ultimately a stand-in for the Jewish elite. But that ignores the stark differences between the Torah (Old Testament) and the New Testament. When this rabbi speaks of "the Bible" he means the Torah. And it's true that partly due to Jewish influence, some Christians have become Torah-thumpers— which sets them up as de facto slaves of the Jewish-Zionist elite. But traditional mainstream Christianity interprets the Old Testament very differently from the way Talmudic Jews interpret it. For Christians (and Muslims) Jesus is the only true Messiah, whereas for Jews Jesus is an imposter greeted with obscene insults. Messianic Jews await a Messiah who will militarily conquer the goyim, the non-Jewish nations. That "Messiah" will be viewed by Christians and Muslims as an imposter, i.e. the Antichrist. Obviously Christians and Muslims will fight against the Jewish Messiah who seeks to subjugate them. Adam Green's claim that Christianity and Islam are serving the Jewish messianic world-takeover scheme turns out to be the opposite of the truth. It is the Christians and Muslims—the universal monotheists—who will stand with Jesus against the tribal semi-monotheists (henotheists) in the End Times, at least according to the most straightforward interpretation of the Abrahamic eschatologies.

Rabbi: The concept of chosenness designates the Jewish people's special mission to introduce the world to absolute monotheism and to an ethical value system. I believe the emergence of Christianity and Islam as great world religions represents a fulfillment of that mission. When the Jews were first chosen for this mission more than 3300 years ago, only Jews and Pagans existed. Today, the great majority of the world's population adheres to one of the three Abrahamic faiths. Thus, we speak of a Judeo-Christian ethic or more accurately, a Judeo-Christian-Islamic ethic. 

*Adam Green apparently thinks that the J-C-I ethic is primarily about submitting to Jewish rule. Not at all! The original, uncorrupted Judeo-Christian-Islamic ethic is the ethic taught by the prophets—not just those mentioned in the Torah, Gospels, and Qur'an, but all of the thousands of divine messengers who have come to countless peoples throughout humanity's time on earth. This ethic is universal. It does not single out any "chosen people." On the contrary, it abhors arrogance and exalts meekness and humility.

Rabbi: No, as evil as he was to the people of Israel, nevertheless, the nation of Edom, the nation of Christianity, and other nations came from him. And they don't worship idols like we know it in the old time. And there was not that much wickedness in Christianity. There are many good things also, especially that they believe that they worship one God who has a son. But that's already something else. Same thing also with Ishmael. Ishmael became the enemy of  the Jewish people. How much we suffer even today! We suffer from them so much! But at the same time, he is the father of that nation, which was to become Islam, to give to the world Islam. And Islam is not idol worshipping. It's the worship of one God. According to Maimonides, it is a kind of worship that is crazy. But still it's not anymore idol worship. Christianity is considered idol worshipping. But not Islam. So nevertheless, we must admit that they brought to the world changes from the old time in which there was plenty of wickedness. That's why God gave us from the womb of such righteous people, people who became the enemies of the Jewish people, who made the Jewish people suffer. Very much so. But now we understand why they were born from such people. Because anyway, those were the fathers of the other nations. Ishmael was the father of the Islamic nation at the beginning. Of course, there was no Islam in his time. They still were Berbers that worshipped idols. But he was bringing them into the understanding that there is one God. At the end, the nations will become one and will join the Jewish people. 

*I don't see how this quote supports Adam Green's argument that Jews created Christianity and Islam to dupe and control the goyim. On the contrary, this rabbi says that Christians and Muslims, viewed by Jews as descendants of Esau and Ismail respectively, became "enemies of the Jewish people" and "made the Jewish people suffer." He hopes that in the end all three peoples will join together based on shared monotheistic values. He doesn't say anything about Jews ruling over or enslaving non-Jews. I suppose you could interpret his wish for Muslims and Christians to "join the Jewish people" as converting them to Judaism, but in context it sounds to me more like the three branches of monotheism living in harmony under God.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (debating Christopher Hitchens): Going as far back as 900 years, the great Jewish philosopher Maimonides, who was considered the greatest Jewish mind of all time, said that Christianity serves a godly purpose, as does Islam. He respected and admired Islam. He said the Jews could even pray in mosques because they don't worship any kind of image or any kind of icon. So God never chose the Jews as a form of favoritism. He gave us this incredible mission. One might even say that it's a humbling motif rather than something that breeds arrogance. It means that if we ever think for a moment that we're it, that we are the end, God made us the means to other ends, to make sure that we spread the knowledge of God. You are chosen by God to spread the light of God and the Laws of God to all the Inhabitants of the Earth to tell them how they too are God's children.

 *This quote, like the previous one, strikes me as relatively innocuous. His view of chosenness as a mission to spread knowledge of God contrasts favorably with other, more arrogant interpretations, such as the Zionist one: "God chose us and gave us the Holy Land so we have a right to commit genocide to assert our divinely-ordained real estate title deed." Yes, I understand that, as Guyénot has explained, this rabbi's "humble" discourse can play a duplicitous role in the Tribe's efforts to increase its wealth and power. But on its face, it isn't exactly terrifying.

Rabbi(?): But remarkably, in one of the most incredible messianic prophecies in all of the Bible, the prophet Isaiah said in the 42nd chapter that God's servant would actually bring the light and word of God to the Gentiles, to the nations. I've been in India, I've been in Korea, I've been in Finland, I've been in Mexico, I've been in these countries from one end of the globe to the other and met people former Hindus, former atheist, former Muslims, former terrorists, former gross sinners, former murderers, you name it. They have wonderfully come to love the God of Israel and pray for the people of Israel and had a miraculous conversion through Jesus the Messiah. What an awesome thing. If He's not the Messiah, someone's going to have to do better than that. If he's not the Messiah, someone's going to have to do better than bringing hundreds of millions of people into the knowledge of the God of Israel turning from sin, turning from idols to worship the one to God. 

*Remarkably, this individual asserts that Jesus is the Messiah. That contradicts the consensus of traditional Talmudic Judaism, which heaps abuse on Jesus while calling him an imposter. So I doubt that this guy is a rabbi. And I assume that when he speaks of the "God of Israel" he is referring to Jacob/Israel, the prophet, rather than the modern genocidal nation-state. From a Muslim perspective, the God of Jacob/Israel is the God of all the thousands of prophets of monotheism, and He says the only difference between people is their degree of piety and good deeds.

Yehuda Glick: The Jews will control the world whether they're going to like it or they hate it. That's a fact. It's written in a book that they're going to admit that it is the book of God. So there's no argument. 

*I would like to see more context for this statement. But it sounds like the classic Jewish messianic position, which holds that the Jewish Messiah will be a military conqueror who subjugates the non-Jews.

Rabbi: Anti-Semites like to say that Jews control the world. Well, let me tell you a little secret. In many ways they do. Because our influence is beyond any type of rational understanding. We are a minute percentage of the world, and yet the impact of Jews and Judaism on the world is incalculable in every single sphere

*It's true that Jews are the most disproportionately wealthy and powerful "nation" on earth. It's also true that Jews have contributed disproportionately to many fields. But this bragging rabbi exaggerates.

Rabbi: The Jews run the show in the world. Not because they want to, because that's what God wants. And it's written in the Torah that the non-Jews admit that it is the Word of God. If they didn't admit it, what's the truth? But in the Torah it says that in every nation you will be, you will always be the highlight of the place. Even though we are a very small community compared to America. 300 million Americans, 5 million Jews. There's no comparison. But the Jews are everywhere. Politics. All the assistants of Trump. Jews, all the assistants of sleepy Joe Jews, Obama Jews, everyone around the reform Jew, conservative Jews, Chabadnik, this convert, it's all somehow... Same thing was in Spain. Same thing was in many different countries. 

*This rabbi, too, exaggerates, though unfortunately not in his description of Jewish secular tribal (not religious) power dominating American presidential administrations. In any case, the Jews around US presidents are almost all atheists (or closet atheists, agnostics, secularists, people who don't think much about God, etc.) So are the US presidents themselves and the non-Jews around them in high positions of power. So the implicit claim that the non-Jews allow the Jews to "run the show" because they believe the Torah is the word of God is absurd. Hardly any of the people in power have the slightest thought for God except when making empty political gestures to win religious people's votes.

Donald Trump: Israel literally owned Congress. You understand that? Ten years ago, 15 years ago. And it was so powerful. It was so powerful. I'll tell you, the evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews in this country. It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress. But I think you know exactly what I'm saying. They had such power. Israel had such power, and rightfully, over Congress. 

*Trump has been kissing up to Jewish secular tribal power ever since he was "made" by Kosher Nostra kingpin Roy Cohn. In the summer of 2016 the Trump campaign cut a deal with Israel, which put him in the White House in exchange for favors to be delivered later. So Trump knows on which side his kosher bread is buttered. But this has nothing to do with anybody's belief in God, least of all Trump's. Trump bows down to only one god: Trump. And he wants everyone else to bow down with him.

Alan Dershowitz: People say Jews are too powerful, we're too strong, we're too rich. We control the media. We have too much this, we have too much that. And we often apologetically deny our strength and our power. Don't do that. Don't do that. We have earned the right to influence public debate. We have earned the right to be heard. We have contributed disproportionately to the success of this country. Never, ever apologize for using our strength and our influence in the interests of peace. And if you need a biblical source for it, just remember the psalmist who said (Hebrew quote): God will give the Jewish people strength, owes, and then only then will God give the Jewish people peace. Peace will come for the Jewish people and the Jewish nation only through strength. Never apologize for using your strength for peace. 

*Dershowitz admits the truth— that wildly disproportionate Jewish wealth and power is all too real. Rather than mendaciously deny it, he urges Jews to admit it and celebrate it. That's the same position Joel Stein took in his classic essay "Who Runs Hollywood? C'mon!" But Dershowitz's quote from Hebrew scripture is misleading. He isn't religious. He's a tribal psychopath. His real prophets are atheists like Leo Strauss and Nietzche and Machiavelli. These are the prophets of the strong lording it over the weak. Dershowitz, the rich, powerful Jew, exploited Epstein's underage girls not because the God of scripture told him to, but because as an atheist he believes, as Shadia Drury said of the neocons, that the only natural right is the right of the superior to rule over the inferior.

Yes, he views Jews as superior, and defends their right to rule over the inferior non-Jews. But that's an atheist-neocon position more than a Jewish religious one—though the two do sometimes blend together.

Rabbi(?): Everybody acknowledges that Jewish chosenness is a reason for anti-Semitism. However, as I pointed out, Jews are a 2/10 of 1% of the world. Who gives a damn if 2/10 of 1% of the world thinks they're chosen. (But) "chosen and successful" might be a problem.

Rabbi: Very thank you. That's correct. That's exactly right. So deep down, people don't laugh when Jews say they're chosen. They do care if the Jews think they're chosen. So there's been a tremendous amount of resentment of the fact that maybe they are.

*This rabbi expresses the common Jewish view that the Jews are God's chosen people and the non-Jews are jealous and resentful. But in reality anti-Jewish sentiments and movements have generally arisen not due to "jealously over chosenness" but as reactions against Jewish collective behavior, especially ethnic nepotism fueling economic predation.

Rabbi: We won the country, the US belongs to us. 

*No comment necessary.

Rabbi Yaron Reuven: Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks. Instead of hating the Jewish people, you should love us. You should kiss our feet, you fool. We're the chosen people, not you. You should actually look at the truth and understand that the Jewish people are the greatest gift to mankind. *Again, no comment necessary.

Rabbi: All the nations will accept the (?) as their God and will believe Him when it's going to happen by (unintelligible) and his name is going to be one. It's not going to be idol worship. There's not going to be any nations, there's not going to be anything. Garden-variety Jewish messianic millenarianism.

Rabbi Alon Anava: Every Gentile who listens to us: The idea is please begin to search and to start to educate yourself. You as a non-Jewish person, you have the right to become a Jew. But that's not what we're here to teach you here today. You don't have an obligation. You can die as a Gentile and go to Heaven of the Gentiles. All you have to do is to follow the one and only one book of God, which is the Torah. Torah means instructions. It's instructions for the Jewish nation. It's also instructions to all the Gentiles. You have to learn the seven laws of Noah. You can Google it. You have it all over this website. We explained it. Know how you have to be a good person. You cannot hate anybody because of race, especially not the Jewish people, because they are the chosen people of God. He loves them very much. Hating them is considering hating God himself because he's their father. You cannot go against the son of a person and telling the person, I love you. (If) I love you, I have to respect your son, even if the son is not the greatest son. It's not even the issue here. So therefore, you have to understand one thing. All the religions that came later are full of human errors. Check the books and see. You can check that online. You don't have to follow any specific code or religion to become a righteous gentile. All you have to do is to keep the seven laws of the Gentiles. And be a good human being. And be honest. And do the integral, love people. Be kind. And for sure, you go to heaven one day. No obligation to become Jewish. If you want to convert to Judaism, you have the right. It's not easy. It's not going to be simple. You can stay what you are. The Jewish people never been a missionary nation to one of the people and convince them to join them. We have our truth. You have your truth, and you have to follow your instructions. And you can do very well even without becoming a Jew. 

*I understand Adam Green worries about Jews taking over the world and forcing non-Jews to obey the Noahide laws. That's far down my list of worries. First, the pro-Noahide Laws movement is marginal. The Israeli Orthodox right wing supports it, but they can't even get the Noahide Laws passed in Israel. Second, the Noahide Laws seem pretty innocuous. From Wikipedia: 

"The Seven Laws of Noah include prohibitions against worshipping idols, cursing God, murder, adultery and sexual immorality, theft, eating flesh torn from a living animal, as well as the obligation to establish courts of justice." 

There are abstruse Talmudic discussions about how they might theoretically be applied and enforced, but nothing very realistic. To me, this whole issue seems like a non-problem.

Rabbi: I want to thank you on that. And really, it's about spreading the light and again, getting in touch, being who you are and and focusing on bringing light and bring peace ultimately, because peace is for everyone. I want to thank you very much, Rabbi. Thank you. And shalom. And this should be peace. I should be able to serve you all. And the holy land of Israel. By the Third Temple today.

Horror Movie Voice: And what's the punishment for transgressing the Noahide laws? Death. 

*According to some schools of interpretation. But the odds of anyone being put to death for violating any Noahide Laws seem extremely remote. Meanwhile, secular/atheist Israelis are shooting Palestinian children for sport on a regular basis. I wish the law against murder, which of course should apply to everyone, were enforced more strictly in Israel.

Rabbi: Our job is to bring God to the world. So if non-Jews are raising the world towards God and we are bringing God more and more into the world, we are bringing heaven and earth together. And when we bring heaven and earth together, it is more godly, more divine than heaven itself. We are the light to the nations. It's our job to inspire them. They're part of this project. We haven't done that very much because for most of our history; if we offered an opinion, we were shot. But now the world is desperate to hear from us. It's become very apparent to Christians, to Muslims, that their innovation on the Bible has not been. So now they want to know what was the original Bible? How did the Jews understand it a thousand years before there was Christianity? We can now really be a light to the nations because they're listening. And what is the message that we should give our non-Jewish neighbors? God needs you more than you need. Spread the word. 

*Bringing God to the world seems like a reasonable project for a religious person. But I think this rabbi has it backwards. He thinks the ancient Hebrew interpretation of the Torah is the best one, while the later Christian and Islamic revelations are deficient. But any impartial observer would prefer the Gospels and the Qur'an, which are moral, spiritual, and universal, to the Torah, which is often amoral or immoral, materialistic, and tribal. Perhaps that's why, of the world's nearly 4.5 billion Abrahamic monotheists, 4.485 billion are universal monotheists (Christians or Muslims) while fewer than .015 billion are tribalist chosenites.

Do millenarian messianic Jews—a miniscule minority within the self-identifying Jewish population, whose majority is secular/atheist—really have a shot at taking over the world? And will Christians and Muslims come running to help them due to Abrahamic brainwashing, as Adam Green would have it? I don't think so. I think the whole scenario is preposterous. The fact that there are a few fanatics who rave about it doesn't make it likely to happen any time soon.

I do think Adam is barking up the right tree with his concerns about Jewish messianic millenarianism, but I think those legitimate worries are misdirected. Adam is afraid that moral, Godfearing Jews, helped by (brainwashed) moral Godfearing Muslims and Christians, will take over the world and force it to be moral. Nice thought! But for better or worse I don't see that happening.

I think Jewish messianic millenarianism's biggest downside is its spin-offs: satanism, Marxism, humanism, secular progressivist materialism, neoliberalism, transhumanism, and other God-rejecting heresies. The first Zionist, Shabtai Tsvi, was a self-proclaimed antichrist and false messiah who misled Jews by saying they should return to the Holy Land of their own volition and by force. His cult, further developed by Jacob Frank, became a satanic wing of freemasonry and is allegedly the real religion of the Rothschilds. It is said to involve mass sexual debauchery, the invoking of demons, and ritual human sacrifice.

Even aside from the dark ritual aspects, Zionism is satanic. The motto of the Zionist movement, like that of all of the above-listed Western post-religious movements, is: "Screw God, we're going to do it ourselves!" And that, in essence, is Satanism.

I do agree that messianic millenarian Judaism has an inherent tendency toward satanism. The original rejections of Jesus as universal Messiah, and of Muhammad as the final and universal prophet, stemmed from stubborn, satanic egoism. Satan's motto is "I am better than him." That's also the motto of self-styled chosenites. Their wish for a world-conquering military Messiah who will establish them as masters and the goyim as slaves betrays an affinity for satanic arrogance and love of worldly power and domination.

But despite their errors—some of which stem from the fact that the Torah as it exists today has been corrupted—the rabbis in Adam Green's video are not exactly the biggest problem facing humanity. Even in these cherry-picked clips designed to foster alarmism, there is plenty of good alongside the bad and ugly. I wouldn't mind sitting down with some of these rabbis and turning the tables on them by arguing that it isn't the goyim who need to embrace the Noahide laws, it's the Talmudic Jews who need to embrace the universal monotheism of Jesus and Muhammad, peace upon them both.

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    Rabbis Explain the Abrahamic Judeo Takeover Conspiracy

    July 22nd, 2022 
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    THE SUMMONING: 72 nations PUBLICLY worship satanic idols in televised luciferian ritual while celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay creepily stalks frightened lambs

    This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author

    Bypass censorship by sharing this link:
    Image: THE SUMMONING: 72 nations PUBLICLY worship satanic idols in televised luciferian ritual while celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay creepily stalks frightened lambs

    (Natural News) Every western government is run by satanists, and they are now openly carrying out public rituals to celebrate Lucifer’s (temporary) dominion over Earth.

    At the British Commonwealth Games opening ceremony this week (involving 72 nations), a horned bull creature representing Baal was rolled out in a hellscape arena, complete with depictions of burning lava fire pits, while dozens of satanic worshipers bowed to the demon creature as part of the public ritual. This was publicly broadcast in broad daylight, indicating that the satanists are no longer trying to hide their rituals in dark forests and secret dungeons… they’re now invoking Satan right out in the open, for an international audience.

    The following screen grabs are from a video posted by Amazing World Ministries which has superimposed scripture indications that are relevant to the events. (See 2 Kings, and Revelation chapters 13 and 14 to read up on what you’re seeing.)

    In this first frame, the hellscape lava fire pits burn in a rind around the arena as Satanists clad in ritualistic clothing bow down before Baal, the horned demon creature, raging with fire and breath:

    Here, we see how the two groups of humans, one of them representing globalist Satan worshipers, hold their hands in “prayer” before Baal, the demon creature, and worship his presence on the “stage” of Earth:

    Here’s another view showing you the immense size of the Baal creature, which is illuminated with fiery red lights and smoke, indicating its origins from Hell:


    According to The Guardian, 72 nations are participating in this demon worship ritual, which was augmented by music from Black Sabbath, a luciferian rock band.

    You can watch the full video at this link:


    Here’s a partial image from TheGuardian.com, photograph by Neil Hall, which shows the depiction of the two-headed Church beast, animated by small skeleton creatures dressed in darkness and death. This image shows how various renditions of the Church (i.e. the Vatican and the Pope) are actually puppets of the luciferian death cult, literally being “propped up” by the undead:

    The iconic image from the luciferian ritual opening is shown below, notice the use of fire and smoke to indicate a “world on fire” while Satan’s Baal demon creature is now glowing with light, center stage, indicating that Satan rules over Earth and commands the nations of the world into war:

    From Revelation, chapter 13:

    The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. 6 It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. 7 It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. 8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.

    … It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

    This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[e] That number is 666.

    Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay goes “full demon” while stalking frightened lambs, drooling out, “Oven time!”

    As yet another display of the pure demonism and luciferian evil that is taking over our world, celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay — of “Hell’s Kitchen” fame — proudly released a video where he is stalking frightened lambs, declaring, “I’m going to eat you!” and asking, “Which one’s going in the oven first?”

    He then stalks the lambs in a Gollum-like posture, invoking the full power of the demons that have seemingly possessed his once-human form, calling out, “Oven time!” and declaring “Yum, yummy yum!”

    The scene is almost perfectly ripped from Lord of the Rings, where Smiegel (Gollum) is beating a fish to eat it raw:

    It’s not merely the fact that Gordon Ramsay thinks his creepy lamb stalking video is suitable for the public, it’s also that he has no idea how evil and demonic he looks — which is exactly what we would expect from someone who is demonically possessed and no longer has any human empathy or compassion.

    Even people who eat beef, pork, chicken or lamb don’t stalk individual animals, drooling over which one they’re going to send into the oven to eat them. But for Ramsay, the suffering and killing of an innocent animal appears to be part of the “joy” of his cooking, as if he actually enjoys the killing of frightened lambs.

    No doubt, Ramsay will soon be advocating cannibalism and drooling over which humans to send to the ovens first.

    The portals have opened, the demons are spilling out, and humanity faces Biblical end times in the ultimate battle between good and evil

    The entire point of these demonic rituals is to open portals that allow demonic entities to enter the physical Earthly realm and either take possession of humans or literally take physical form themselves. Demonic influence and possession are now on the rise globally, and as Gordon Ramsay clearly demonstrated, demons tend to target influencers and celebrities in order to seize their bodies and use them to promote death and destruction.

    Rituals are tools of summoning to bring demonic entities into this world. The more people that are involved in the ritual, the more powerful the summoning. That is exactly why these luciferian rituals are being performed by hundreds of participants in public arenas where tens of thousands of people are watching in person. This is a deliberate strategy to increase the power of the summoning, allowing increasingly powerful demonic entities to enter this world through the opened portals.

    What you are witnessing right now on a global scale is the coordinated, government-funded, ritualistic invocation of supernatural demons that are flooding into this world to wage war against humankind and God.

    The results of this are easily seen everywhere:

    • School teachers turned into transgender demons, preying on innocent children, pushing grooming, pedophilia and genital mutilations.
    • The total corruption of the Church as they embrace homosexuality, transgenderism and child mutilations.
    • National leaders appearing either brain dead (Biden) or possessed with neurological seizures (Clinton), or self-medicating to avoid the pain of the demonic possession (Pelosi).
    • 666 symbolism everywhere, from the Google Chrome logo to the CERN supercollider. Even Monster energy drinks — “Unleash the beast!” — depict 666 using Hebrew numerals.
    • Even the NIH — which funded the SARS-CoV-2 gain-of-function bioweapons development in China — sports a logo that clearly depicts “666.”

    Monster energy drinks:

    Google Chrome logo:

    CERN supercollider, searching for the “God particle”:

    The NIH, tied to bioweapons to exterminate humanity:

    Congressional bills that seek to enslave humanity are routinely given numbers like HR 060606, and patents related to covid vaccines and Bill Gates are also assigned numbers like 2020-060606. “666” is the dog whistle for satanists. It’s a communications technique for one group of satanists to let other satanists know they’re on board with the luciferian agenda. This is why you find 666 incorporated into so many institutions of science, government and academia.

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    About the author: Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on Amazon.com called “Food Forensics“), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics. Follow his videos, podcasts, websites and science projects at the links below.

    Mike Adams serves as the founding editor of NaturalNews.com and the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation. Adams is also highly proficient in running liquid chromatography, ion chromatography and mass spectrometry time-of-flight analytical instrumentation. He has also achieved numerous laboratory breakthroughs in the programming of automated liquid handling robots for sample preparation and external standards prep.

    The U.S. patent office has awarded Mike Adams patent NO. US 9526751 B2 for the invention of “Cesium Eliminator,” a lifesaving invention that removes up to 95% of radioactive cesium from the human digestive tract. Adams has pledged to donate full patent licensing rights to any state or national government that needs to manufacture the product to save human lives in the aftermath of a nuclear accident, disaster, act of war or act of terrorism. He has also stockpiled 10,000 kg of raw material to manufacture Cesium Eliminator in a Texas warehouse, and plans to donate the finished product to help save lives in Texas when the next nuclear event occurs. No independent scientist in the world has done more research on the removal of radioactive elements from the human digestive tract.

    Adams is a person of color whose ancestors include Africans and American Indians. He is of Native American heritage, which he credits as inspiring his “Health Ranger” passion for protecting life and nature against the destruction caused by chemicals, heavy metals and other forms of pollution.

    Adams is the author of the world’s first book that published ICP-MS heavy metals analysis results for foods, dietary supplements, pet food, spices and fast food. The book is entitled Food Forensics and is published by BenBella Books.

    In his laboratory research, Adams has made numerous food safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten. Adams was the first food science researcher to document high levels of tungsten in superfoods. He also discovered over 11 ppm lead in imported mangosteen powder, and led an industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit heavy metals in rice protein products.

    In addition to his lab work, Adams is also the (non-paid) executive director of the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (CWC), an organization that redirects 100% of its donations receipts to grant programs that teach children and women how to grow their own food or vastly improve their nutrition. Through the non-profit CWC, Adams also launched Nutrition Rescue, a program that donates essential vitamins to people in need. Click here to see some of the CWC success stories.

    With a background in science and software technology, Adams is the original founder of the email newsletter technology company known as Arial Software. Using his technical experience combined with his love for natural health, Adams developed and deployed the content management system currently driving NaturalNews.com. He also engineered the high-level statistical algorithms that power SCIENCE.naturalnews.com, a massive research resource featuring over 10 million scientific studies.

    Adams is well known for his incredibly popular consumer activism video blowing the lid on fake blueberries used throughout the food supply. He has also exposed “strange fibers” found in Chicken McNuggets, fake academic credentials of so-called health “gurus,” dangerous “detox” products imported as battery acid and sold for oral consumption, fake acai berry scams, the California raw milk raids, the vaccine research fraud revealed by industry whistleblowers and many other topics.

    Adams has also helped defend the rights of home gardeners and protect the medical freedom rights of parents. Adams is widely recognized to have made a remarkable global impact on issues like GMOs, vaccines, nutrition therapies, human consciousness.

    In addition to his activism, Adams is an accomplished musician who has released over fifteen popular songs covering a variety of activism topics.

    Click here to read a more detailed bio on Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, at HealthRanger.com.

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