Tuesday 23 August 2022


 Royal College Curepipe image1.jpg 





Royal College Curepipe

(photo J.C. Castelain)


The cenotaph at the entrance of the Royal College Curepipe

(photo J.C. Castelain)

 ROTHSCHILD'S WIFE scolded Queen Victoria when she visited the Jewish Baron and Baronness - for inadvertently walking on her flower bed??? 

AUGUST 19, 2022

NY Times (Op-Ed): Down With the British Monarchy

By Hamilton Nolan

These are not the best of times for the fake reality show called "The British Monarchy." It seems all that's left now is for the venerable old Queen Elizabeth to finally "kick the bucket" before the Windsor Family's run of popularity totally crashes and burns. And good riddance too!

It's not often that "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times finds itself in agreement with a British Fabian Marxist, er, "progressive" scum such as Hamilton Nolan -- the author of this piece; but this excerpt sums up our sentiments:

"A just and proper response to what we have learned would be for the entire United Kingdom to come together, join hands in a great circle around the institution of the monarchy and burn it to the ground. Then the members of the royal family can sweep up the ashes and deposit them neatly in the bin, a ceremonial beginning to a new life of working for a living.

The existence of a monarchy is an admission that a government can’t, or doesn’t care to, solve people’s problems. Instead, it offers spectacle. It has always been easier to elevate one family to a fairy-tale life of luxury than to do the dreary work of elevating every single family to a decent standard of living. The common people fund the lifestyle of a tiny, exalted and thoroughly unworthy elite, rather than the other way around."

Yeah. That sounds about right -- though Nolan's motives for hating the Windsors come from a far different perspective than ours.
 Today's "nobles" -- a bunch of lazy, selfish, gutless, Globalist worthless eaters and perverts who provide spectacle and circus for the "has been" subjects of dying un-jolly old England.

There was a time when the word "nobility" actually meant something. The French term "noblesse oblige" (literally “nobility obliges”) meant that royalty / nobility extends beyond mere titles and privileges -- requiring the monarch and the "blue bloods" to fulfill social responsibilities. Even in serfdom days, when those who lived on the nobles' land had obligations to the "lord," the Nobleman in turn had obligations to the people's welfare -- including, most of all, protection. And the Lord's cut of the crops was a far lower percentage than what we-the-tyrannized pay in direct and indirect taxes today.

Examples of truly "noble" (protective) attitudes and measures would include:

* England's King Edward I expelling the Jews in 1290
* Hungary's King Louis I expelling the Jews in 1360
* France's King Charles VI expelling the Jews in 1394
* Spain's King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella expelling the Jews in 1492
* Portugal's King Manuel I expelling the Jews in 1496
* Austria's Queen Maria Theresa expelling the Jews from Bohemia in 1744
* Russia's Tzarina (Queen) Catherine the Great banishing Jews to western territories in 1791

Hmmm. There seems to be a pattern here.

Editor's Note: The corruption of England can be traced to Oliver Cromwell's Jewish-funded Civil War and regicide of the mid 1600s. As a result of which, the Jewish moneymen were allowed to return to England after nearly four centuries of banishment, and again set up their banking enterprises.

The aforementioned "anti-Semitic" decrees (just to list a few) were all issued in protective response to the usual suspects committing the usual dirty deeds --- you know, stuff like coin clipping, well poisoning, ritual sacrifice of a kidnapped Christian child and, of course, the most common "canard" of them all -- usurious & ruinous money lending. Notwithstanding the shortfalls of a system of hereditary monarchy, the Christian monarchs of days-gone-by generally had the best interests of their subjects at heart.

So, whatever happened to "noblesse oblige?"
1. King Edward I of England // 2. King Louis I of Hungary // 3. King Charles VI of France // 4. Ferdinand & Isabella of Spain
1. Catherine the Great of Russia // 2. King Manuel of Portugal // 3. Maria Theresa of Austria

During the tumultuous century following the formation of the Adam Weishaupt's (cough cough) Illuminati (New World Order secret society) in 1776, the nobility of just about every country in Europe sustained a relentless bloodbath of assassinations and "close call" assassination attempts at the hands of Red radicals and deluded "nationalists" carrying out the policy of "propaganda of the deed" -- in which a suicidal assassin would gain eternal notoriety by sacrificing his own life ("taking one for the team") by publicly murdering an Emperor, King, Queen or Prince (Presidents & Prime Ministers too). There was absolutely no one that Rothschild's Reds couldn't get to, or at least get close enough to scare. Even England's Queen Victoria had eight attempts made against her (here).

In due time, personal fear of death and revolution -- combined with the golden carrot of favorable Rothschild finance and flattering Jewish press (a mighty weapon which "the goyim" carelessly allowed to slip from their hands) -- led to the "democratic"
domestication of much of Europe. This was then followed by the "if-ya-can't-beat-em-join-em" corruption of the surviving monarchies -- England in particular.

This bit of undeniable history is also boastfully summarized in the turn-of-the-century "hoax" known as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. From Protocol 1: Point 26

his helped us to our triumph: it gave us the possibility, among other things, of getting into our hands the master card – the destruction of the privileges, or in other words of the very existence of the aristocracy of the Goyim -- that class which was the only defense peoples and countries had against us.

On the ruins of the natural and genealo
gical aristocracy of the Goyim we have set up the aristocracy of our educated class headed by the aristocracy of money. The qualifications for this aristocracy we have established in wealth, which is dependent upon us, and in knowledge, for which our learned elders provide the motive force."

And so, after having terrorized, neutered and Judaized the British and European Monarchies for so long, "noblesse oblige" is about to become "nobles obliterated" as (((they))) will gleefully flush the rotten royal remnants down the toilet bowl of history.
1. Tsar Alexander II of Russia -- legs blown off by a bomb thrower in 1881 // 2. Empress Elizabeth of Austria -- stabbed in the heart in 1898 // 3. King Umberto of Italy -- shot dead from close range in 1900
Eight attempts of Britain's Queen Victoria reminded her who the real boss of England was.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read an op-ed in today's New York Times calling for an end to the British monarchy.

Boobus Americanus 2: The monarchy isn't what it used to be.

       St. Sugar: Read The Protocolss! And bring back Edward I!

"I would thou couldst" ... (a bit of Shakespeare there)



  "All the News THAT Sulzberger

Deemed NOT Fit to Print"

An "Almost Daily" Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions,
Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times Headlines
"We read and rebut their vile crap so you won't have to!"

Vladimir Solovyov, a talk-show host and "top cheerleader" for President Vladimir Putin.
AUGUST 23, 2022

NY Times: What Russians See in the News: A War Over Western Plans to Subjugate Them

 In the Kremlin-controlled news media, the war is not about Ukraine, but about a long history of enemies trying to keep Russia down.


In a classic textbook case of the psychopathic phenomenon known as "projection" -- this atrocious article depicts the Russian people as helpless brainwashed victims of Kremlin propaganda and Russian news shows. The poor lost souls of Russia have been led to believe that the "West" (New World Order Mafia) is out to get them. Ha ha ha ha goes the tone of the propaganda piece -- as in: "Who would believe such a silly thing?"

From the article:

"Vladimir Solovyov, a talk-show host and top cheerleader for President Vladimir V. Putin’s government, said this month that “Russia was invited to join Western society for dinner — not as a guest, but as a dish.” One of his nightly shows recently presented the war as a kind of cosmic showdown between good and evil.

The United States is the main antagonist, with Europe and NATO its lackeys."

This is where the importance of understanding history -- real history, that is -- comes into play. When one understands that Putin and the Russian people weren't the first and only ones to accuse "the international community" of plotting to take control of their nation, it adds critical context to recent events. The Russians are right!

1. Russia's '60 Minutes' show host Evgeny Popov (center), urged Americans to quickly replace president Biden with former-President Donald Trump  // 2. Putin's declaration of war on the internal "scum and traitors" of Russia is amplified by news shows.

Some historical precedents -- profound quotes from the "bad guys" -- that "the paper of record" won't tell you about:

"First, Roosevelt incites war, then falsifies the causes, then odiously wraps himself in a cloak of Christian hypocrisy and slowly but surely leads mankind to war, not without calling God to witness the honesty of his attack, in the approved manner of an old Freemason."
-- The Great One (Hitler) 

"It has truly been unavoidable and far from our wishes that our Empire has been brought to cross swords with America and Britain.... Eager for the realization of their inordinate ambition to dominate the Orient, both America and Britain, giving support to the Chungking regime, have aggravated the disturbances in East Asia. Moreover these two powers, inducing other countries to follow suit, increased military preparations on all sides of our Empire to challenge us."
-- Emperor Hirohito of Japan

"We know that you can harm us although we do not threaten you. ......We do not place America among the enemies. We place it where we want our friends to be and we try to be friends. But repeated American statements last year made it apparent that America did not regard us as friends."
-- Saddam Hussein

Americans must know I don't hate them. I love them.… I hear it is a complex society inside. Many Americans don't know about the outside world. The majority have no concern and no information about other people. They could not even find Africa on a map. I think Americans are good, but America will be taken over and destroyed from the inside by the Zionist lobby. The Americans do not see this. They are getting decadent. Zionists will use this to destroy them."
-- Qaddafi of Libya

"When our interests matched, the Americans have been good to us, and when the interests differed, they wanted us to mold ourselves to them, which we refused. ...
I am not a puppet. I was not made by the West to go to the West or to any other country."

-- Bashar al Assad of Syria

See the pattern? Plenty more -- from plenty of other world leaders past and present -- just like those. So you see -- this persistent assertion that "the West" has been up to no good throughout the world didn't start with "Kremlin propaganda" and "Russian news shows." It actually dates back to the 1800's, back when Rothschild UK and Rothschild France served as the pre-American global bully boys with a hand in plotting and/or fighting the 1848 uprisings, the Crimean War, the Russo-Turkish War, the Chinese Opium Wars, the British-Afghan War, the U.S. Civil War, and the Franco-Prussian War -- not to mention the various covert intrigues, assassinations and "spontaneous" color revolutions targeted at the "bad guy" of the day.

"We came. We saw. He died."
Hitler, Hussein, Qadaffi & Assad  -- They all said the EXACT same thing as "Russian state media" about "western subjugation" plots.

Though the tone here is one of overall "straw-man" mockery, the astute reader will, ironically, recognize the absolute truth of the current geo-political and cultural conflict between Russia and Rothschild's "West" from the following excerpt:

"On state media, Russia is a pillar of traditional values, bound to prevail over the moral swamp that is the West. There is a daily fixation with L.G.B.T.Q. matters. To watch Russian television is to get the impression that the gay community runs the decadent Western world. For all their professed shock and horror, Russian news outlets avidly air footage with lurid depictions of gay life."

It's very simple, boys and girls. Putin and pals, in a very strong voice, are saying "Nyet!" to the Satanic, homosexualized, pedosexualized, denationalized, super-centralized New World Order. This righteous defiance is what "the usual suspects" refer to as "authoritarianism" and "conspiracy theory ."

This is the type of moral madness that  Sulzberger's Slimes and "the international community" want to impose upon Russia. "Authoritarian" Russia is not interested!
Boobus Americanus 1: I read an op-ed in today's New York Times that Russian state media is running propaganda pieces accusing the West of trying to subjugate Russia with gay rights.

Boobus Americanus 2: Putin is unpopular. He needs to portray the United States as a bogeyman.

       St. Sugar: You're PROJECTING again, Boobuss!

Normies are so upside-down and lost that they actually can't differentiate between a projectOR and a projectEE.



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