Monday, 30 November 2020








Politicians were once held to account – now nothing stands in their way |  Boris Johnson | The Guardian

When academics lose their power of reason [AND JOOZ EXCEL IN THEIRS! WOW!]


(ASHKÉ NAZI JOOZ NEVER LOSE THEIR SUPREMACIST POWER OF REASON and it is established for Eternity as The Guardian proves it after 12 years, even when their MAFIA are behind most wars, depressions, so-called revolutions, worldwide censorship of Free Speech, and after STEALING PALESTINE inhabited by 90% MUSLIMS, some 3% JEWS and some 3-5% CHRISTIANS, (before the British Barbaric Invasion of Palestine!), and who were not at all concerned at all with Palestine as a NATION, but mainly with their "HOLY" shrines they themselves had abandoned, and ZIONIST ASHKÉ NAZI JOOZ keep arguing for the past 70 years that PALESTINE WAS THEIRS SOME 2-6 THOUSAND YEARS AGO as endorsed by the United Nations of Dictators, Slaves, and Thieves (UNO)!

This article is more than 12 years old


Nicholas Cohen (born 1961)[1] is a British journalist, author and political commentator. He is a columnist for The Observer, a blogger for The Spectator and a writer for Standpoint magazine. Born in Stockport and raised in Manchester, Cohen studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Oxford before entering journalism. ... His father was Jewish.


Sun 4 May 2008 01.25 BST First published on Sun 4 May 2008 01.25 BST


 "Nicholas Kollerstrom (born 1946) is an English historian of science and author who is known for Holocaust denial and the promotion of conspiracy theories." 


Dr Nicholas Kollerstrom is convinced that academics have punished him for a 'thought crime'. The distinguished astronomer exercised his right as an intellectual in a free society to speak his mind. His university responded by stripping him of his research fellowship and declared that it wishes to have 'absolutely no association' with him.

["is convinced"]? 

But, Brain Monopolist and Supremacist Nick Cohen reasons much better than Nicholas Kollerstrom, and does not give a damn about the fact that "his university responded by stripping him of his research fellowship and declared that it wishes to have 'absolutely no association' with him."  [All this because they always submit to the pressure of the JOOWISH LOBBY that interferes in all our National, institutional, industrial, financial, and other matters!] 

To make matters worse [not for JOOZ!], Kollerstrom was denounced by University College, London, one of Europe's greatest bastions of academic integrity [JOOWISH-LIKE INTEGRITY!], whose founder, Jeremy Bentham, defended intellectual freedom [ONLY FOR ZIONIST JOOZ AND THEIR LIKES!] with the stirring words: 'As to the evil which results from a censorship, it is impossible to measure it, for it is impossible to tell where it ends.'  [It starts and ends with Apartheid Israel and the Lobby running the West!]

[A Jewish Aristocrat, Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce (1923-2013) was banned from Google and Youtube for his research because it proved ZIONIST JOOZ LIKE NICK COHEN were lying about the Six Million Holocaust!]

In his letter to Stevens Spielberg - HISTORICAL REVIEW PRESS Jewish French Dr. Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce to Stevens Spielberg wrote:

"22. There was actually a holocaust of 60 million people in a war declared in1933 by the Jews against Hitler. Hitler had given bread to 6 million unemployed, he had rejected the dictatorship of the dollar and the Jewish totalitarianism which pollute man and the planet and which is called “democracy” by semantic mystification. Only two parties are left: the totalitarian Judeopathy, exterminating man and the planet, and Nationalism for the Goyim not yet cankered by Capitalist-Marxist Jewish influence.

 In "Marianne" Jean François Kahn expresses anger against the bureaucrats of the Jewish World Congress about the despoilment of Jewish property, which ended on the 3rd of March 1998 in Washington. He writes: "They have reduced the Shoah to a financial market. So the typical victim of Nazi barbarity, the archetype of the most frightful genocide of this time, is not the exploited worker in Krakow, the humble artisan of Lodz, the small civil servant of Kiev, the modest shopkeeper of la rue des Rosiers [Paris], or the unknown craftsman of Riga, but the cosmopolitan billionaire who collected Rembrandt and Rubens, slept on a heap of gold, signed here and there comfortable insurance policies, sent his children to the U.S.A in order that they should make a brilliant career. This mighty lobby of American oligarchs is not ashamed of reducing the Holocaust to a Shoah-business."

If Faurisson had written what J.F Kahn wrote he would have had one more trial on his shoulders ! There is not the shadow of a doubt!

By R. Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce (A Jew who strongly takes issue with the totalitarian Judeopathy)


Admittedly, if the philosopher had lived long enough [Damn it, Nick, 63 years are not long enough?] to hear the conspiracy theories of the 21st century [Like, for example, the Six Million Jews Holocaust, Macro-Evolution, Moon landing, Vaccines, Big Pharma, Earth as a Spinning Globe, JFK and RFK assassinations by the JOOZ, 9/11, 7/7, etc.?], even his defence of free speech might have weakened. Once he was away from his scientific studies, Kollerstrom embraced them all. [BLOODY LYING COHEN!]  'Let us hope the schoolchildren visitors are properly taught [The Six Million JOOZ who died in homicidal gas chambers for which zero evidence exists?] about the elegant swimming pool at Auschwitz, built by the inmates, who would sunbathe there on Saturday and Sunday afternoons while watching the water polo matches,' he said of the Nazi genocide [Like the Armenian JOOWISH GENOCIDE?]. 'Let's hope they are shown postcards written from Auschwitz, where the postman would collect the mail twice weekly.'

Denying the crimes of the clerical fascists of today (Luciferian Apartheid Israel and their Lobbies around the world?], comes easily to a man who can deny the crimes of the secular fascists of the 1940s [LIKE FASCIST JUDEA WHO DECLARED WAR ON GERMANY IN 1933?]. Kollerstrom has opined at length on how the 9/11 attacks on New York and the Pentagon and the 7/7 London bombings were not the work of the actual bombers [AND THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN PROVEN TO BE THE ACTUAL BOMBERS!], but of Western security forces acting on the orders of - you'll never guess [MILLIONS OF PEOPLE LIKE ME ALWAYS KNEW, NOT GUESSED!] - their 'Zionist masters'.

As it happens, Hasib [NETANYAHU] Hussain, the 7/7 suicide bomber on the number 30 bus, detonated his explosives in Tavistock Square [DEROUTED THERE BY THE POLICE?], just round the corner from University College's main campus in central London. The Islamist didn't kill research fellows, but cut short the blameless life of Gladys Wundowa, a Ghanaian who worked as a cleaner at the college.

I can understand [YOU CANNOT!] how the attempts of one of its fellows to exonerate her murderer repelled the college's managers. Equally obviously, they must have thought they could safely dismiss him as a member of a loathsome group of extremists [?]. Rachel North, a victim of the bombings, would not contradict them on that point. She described how respect for the dead and injured didn't figure in his tormented mind [JOOZ have a monopoly on tormented minds!]. He harried survivors [Like Holocaust survivors?], she said, tracking them down and harangued them with 'his barking "theories" [INSULTING THE DOGS, NOW!] that the bombers were innocent "patsies" executed by the state'. [THIS HAS BEEN PROVEN OVER AND OVER AGAIN JUST LIKE THE SIX MILLION HOLOCAUST HOAX!]

A creep from the fringe, then, and a pestilential one at that. But the clearest trend in intellectual life is the fringe developing trends in the mainstream and magnifying them into grotesque shapes. To put it another way, Kollerstrom is not as far away from respectable academics as University College assumes. His faults are theirs too.

If a bomb were to explode outside University College today, mainstream voices would fill the airwaves and say that responsibility for the carnage lay with the British, American or Israeli governments. [Mainstream voices operate exclusively upon orders from British, American and Israeli orders!] Their arguments would be passionate and convincing, but I don't need to tell you every one of them would avoid mentioning the Islamist ideology that motivated Hasib Hussain and men like him. [ISLAMIST IDEOLOGY, HOLY SHIT, THAT DAMN COHEN JOO IS NOW INSULTING MY RELIGION; I AM JOO OFFENDED!] To divert attention from a criminal is not the same as pretending that the criminal is innocent. But it isn't so far away from it either. [HEY, DAMN COHEN, WAS HASIB HUSSAIN CONVICTED IN A COURT OF LAW???]

Media London is currently muttering [AND COHEN HEARD THEM!] about commissioning editors being intellectually crippled by a thoughtless version of multiculturalism that can't take account of the differences between liberals and reactionaries, secularists and fanatics [LIBERALS, REACTIONARIES, SECULARISTS, FANATICS? OY VEY!], within communities. The BBC caused the resentment by shelving a drama documentary on the 7/7 bombings after its researchers, several of them British Muslims [CHAMCHAS, HOUSE COOLIES!], supplied a detailed picture of young men caught up by the theocratic justifications for slaughter. [DRAMA DOCUMENTARY?]

The researchers are bitter, not least because the bombers' families read the script [WHO, WHEN, WHERE?] and vouched for its authenticity [WOW!]. BBC people tell me [ME, NICK COHEN!] that the grounds for postponing the documentary were artistic and it may yet be made for the fifth anniversary of the atrocities. I'm sure [MY SUPREMACIST BRAIN TOLD ME!] they're telling the truth, but am equally sure that if they do come to film it, they will face internal opposition from colleagues who, in a vague and ill-thought- out manner, think it not quite proper to discuss such matters in public.

As for conspiracy theory, though Holocaust denial is not acceptable in the West, in academia, [FREE SPEECH?] the scheming Jew is back as a cosmic force able to pull the strings of his dupes and order the world to his desires [GOSPEL TRUTH!]. American academics John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt argued to widespread acclaim that a conspiracy of powerful Jews decided to serve the interests of Israel by persuading America to invade Iraq in 2003 [GOSPEL TRUTH!].

Why the Elders of Zion didn't direct the US administration to invade Iran, which wants to wipe Israel off the map [BLOODY LYING COHEN!], rather than Saddam's Iraq, which was crippled by sanctions, they don't say and, more interestingly, are rarely asked. Liberals would once have dismissed their thesis as far-right ramblings. Now the London Review of Books, house journal of liberal academia, repeats it.

Indeed, although he perpetuates Nazi doctrine [WHICH ONE?], Kollerstrom presents himself as a man of the left rather than the far right. He says that he is not a member of a neo-Nazi organisation [MOST ARE OWNED AND CONTROLED BY JOOZ!], but an active supporter of the Green party, Respect and CND. Given the political gyrations of our times, he may well be telling the truth.


Before Bentham died, he asked that his body be preserved so that it could be exhibited at the college he founded. The authorities agreed and Bentham sits in a wooden box in South Cloisters as if to remind academics and students to uphold his commitment to reason [REASON OF A GENOCIDAL RACIST EMPIRE?].

Rather than seeking to restrict Kollerstrom's academic freedom [HE HAD NONE!], their successors would have done better to have agreed to preserve his body and place it next to Bentham's as a reminder to liberal intellectuals of the state they may come to if they abandon liberal principles.

© 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved.

The square brackets are mine. BAFS

 Everytime we exercise our right to free speech, the JOOZ or The Lobby attack us:

Wikipedia : The September 11 attacks, often referred to as 9/11, were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamist terrorist group Al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

 DR. SABROWSKY: Israel Did 9-11

 Jewish Ex-Marine SPEAKS OUT - Совершенно верно!!! Мы (Muslims too!) покаемся и поднимëмся с колен!!!

DR. SABROWSKY: Israel Did 9-11

Jewish Ex Marine SPEAKS OUT on Israeli Involvement in 911

23 Oct 2013

UPDATE: Abby Martin's Lawsuit Over Israel Loyalty Oath Mandate in US

•13 Nov 2020



Wednesday, 5 January 2011



Saturday, 7 January 2012


10 Jun 2008 — Conspiracy theorist: Nicholas Kollerstrom, who believes 7/7 was a set-up by the intelligence services, was interviewed for a BBC programme.
Conspiracy theorist: Nicholas Kollerstrom, who believes 7/7 was a set-up by the intelligence services, was interviewed for a BBC programme. The BBC was ...

Images for "Conspiracy theorist: Nicholas Kollerstrom, who believes 7/7 was a set-up by the intelligence services, was interviewed for a BBC programme"

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Saturday, 25 December 2010



"Conspiracy theorist: Nicholas Kollerstrom, who believes 7/7 was a set-up by the intelligence services,
 was interviewed for a BBC programme"

The BBC was under attack last night for paying expenses to a disgraced academic who says the 7/7 London bombings may have been an intelligence agency conspiracy.
Families of victims denounced the move as appalling.
As part of his 'research', Nicholas Kollerstrom rang one father to discuss whether his daughter's body had been planted at the site of the Tavistock Square bus bombing.
Dr Kollerstrom, 61, who also denies the Holocaust, is due to appear in a programme in the BBC's Conspiracy Files series.
His theory is that the Al-Qaeda inspired bombers were 'innocent patsies', set up by elements of the Israeli, British and U.S. security agencies.
The BBC has admitted paying Dr Kollerstrom expenses, including the fare from London to Luton, where bombers Mohammed Sidique Khan, Shehzad Tanweer, Jermaine Lindsay and Hasib Hussain caught a train to King's Cross before the 2005 attacks which killed 52 innocent people.
The corporation's move has astonished the families of those who died or were injured.
'For the BBC to actually fund somebody like this is totally disgraceful,' said John Taylor, whose 24-year- old daughter Carrie was one of seven killed by Tanweer. 'He is helping the terrorists more than anything and I am not happy with the BBC giving him a platform.'
Sean Cassidy, whose son Ciaran, 22, died in the Russell Square blast, said: 'It is appalling. The families are aware of this man and are trying to avoid him. He has caused a lot of upset.'

The scene at Tavistock Square after the bus exploded. Mr Kollestrom believes the bombing was a conspiracy

The scene at Tavistock Square after the bus exploded. Mr Kollestrom believes the bombing was a conspiracy
Last month Dr Kollerstorm, an astronomer and historian, was stripped of an honorary research fellowship at University College London after it emerged he had written a paper entitled The Auschwitz 'Gas Chamber' Illusion on a Far-Right website.
He claimed the Nazi concentration camp was like a holiday complex where inmates could sunbathe beside a swimming pool and watch water polo matches.
The BBC defended its use of Dr Kollerstrom and stressed it only paid expenses such as the £8 train fare to Luton, where he filmed an interview for the programme.
A spokesman said: 'The Conspiracy Files series investigates whether there is any truth to the many conspiracy theories which have grown up around terrorist attacks.
'Nick Kollerstrom has advanced a number of theories which will be investigated in detail by the BBC. His view of the Holocaust will be scrutinised in the programme. He has not been paid by the BBC.'

Dr Kollerstrom admitted phoning the family of one victim but said he had not wished to cause offence. He said he was researching 'anomalies' highlighted in a newspaper article which suggested the father believed his daughter's body had been planted.

He added: 'The last thing I want to do is cause grief to a family. But they did go public and I thought they wouldn't mind someone querying them about public statements they made.'

Relatives' fury as BBC pays expenses to Holocaust denier who 'pestered bereaved families after the 7/7 bombing'

December 25, 2010    North Korea: The Threat of War... 

London 7/7
VIDEO: Ludicrous Diversion - 7/7 London Bombings Documentary
- 2009-07-09

7/7 Mock Terror Drill: What Relationship to the Real Time Terror Attacks?
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2005-08-08
A fictional "scenario" of multiple bomb attacks on London's underground took place at exactly the same time as the real bomb attack on July 7, 2005. There have been several documented cases of mock terror drills in the US and the UK, held prior or on the same day as the actual terror event.

London 7/7 Terror Suspect Linked to British Intelligence?
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2005-08-01
"This is the guy, and what's really embarrassing is that the entire British police are out chasing him, and one wing of the British government, MI6 or the British Secret Service, has been hiding him"
The London Police's Mossad-style Execution of a 'Suspect'
- by Professor John Gardner - 2005-07-27
There is no special police licence to injure or kill. If they injure or kill, the police need to rely on the same law as the rest of us. It is no defence in law that the killing was authorised by a superior officer. A superior officer who authorises an unlawful killing is an accomplice.


The new 3rd Edition, available via Amazon UK

Radio Interviews

  • We are Change, Leeds Oct 2011
  • Fetzer Radio (James Fetzer). Jan 22 2010. Talk at London David Icke group
  • Rich planet TV interview, II. 25th April 2011. Topic: The 7/7 story, after the Inquest
  • Rich planet TV interview. 25th April 2011. Topic: The 7/7 story, after the Inquest
  • Jim Fetzer's The Real Deal. 6th May 2011. Topic: The Second death of Osama Bin Laden
  • Truthjuice, N.Wales, March 2011. Topic: New Developments in the 7/7 Story
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    1. New edition of Terror on the Tube
      January 3, 2012 NK 9 comments

      The new, 3rd edition of my book is now available. Amazon is selling it at only £11.18, plus £2.80 post and package. Hopefully a deal now going through will enable you to buy it from UK shops at £15.

      That low price uses a UK print-on-demand printer, and Amazon’s ‘The Book Depository’. That’s the best way to get this book, from its Californian publisher.

      At 326 pages, this is fully updated with all of the 7/7 Inquest material. It is THE book on the 2005 London bombings – there is no other.

      It is a book which Londoners do need to read. There may be other books they will enjoy reading more, but this is the one they really need to read, if they want anything resembling our traditional freedoms and traditional democratic values to remain intact. Checkout its five-star reviews on Amazon.

      I paid a heavy price for writing this book, getting chucked out of my comfy position as a UCL member of staff in a history of science department. I did it, as an act of service to the British people.

      This book tells you the truth, a truth you do really need to know.

      The author has been interviewed and has featured on radio and TV stations about the London bombings, more than anyone else. He has been more heavily vilified and damned by the authorities for his position on this matter, than anyone else.

      Published by Progressive Press in California. Its ISSBN is 1615777377.

      People complained that the first edition did not really say what happened in London on that fateful morning. It expressed doubt whether the Four actually got to London on that day. Frankly, I wasn’t too sure. Well, the new edition does reveal a whole lot more detail as to what hapened on that day. The central thesis, of Islamic innocence, has not changed.

      It is a privilege to be published by the excellent a publisher Progressive Press in California. A couple of other books by Progressive Press are real cocmpanion volumes: Webster Tarpley’s updated classic Synthetic Terror, made in the USA and the new hot-off-the-press Gladio, Nato’s dagger at the heart of Europe by Richart Cottrell – Mr Cottrell was for ten years a Euro-MP for Bristol. These are two key texts for understanding the dire, modern reality of state-sponsored, fabricated terror.

      In 2012, Pr Nicholas Kollerstrom told my friend Barry Lyndon: When your friend (me!) comes next time, ask him to SHUT UP!  It was because he had no answer to a question put to him by a lady guest, so I answered in his place, and mentioned the Rothschild

    Ripple Effect Story Remains Intact

    Dear Muad'Dib,

    I've been going to the 7/7 Inquest. It seems to me that corroboration of the basic Ripple thesis is taking place! Here is something I have written....

    (might want to put it on your website?)

    yours truly, Nicholas


    Ripple Effect Story Remains Intact

    by Nicholas Kollerstrom

    I've been rather sceptical over whether the Four really were in London that morning. But, on the afternoon of Thursday 13th October, all of the CCTV showing Hasib Hussein at King's Cross was shown at the Inquest. There was a lot. Its clear that he was really there - I was convinced at last. From 8.55 to 9.22 he was shown pottering about with his big rucksack.

    I suggest this makes it unlikely that the Four had caught the 07.25 train from Luton, arriving at 8.23 - in that case he would have appeared on film a lot earlier. No, Let's say they got the 7.42 (actually the delayed 7.30) which arrived in King's Cross 8.39 - that would fit better with his appearance on the CCTV at 8.55 in the main King's Cross station area.

    It gets better. On the day before the Wednesday the Met at last released their non-pixellated images of entry into Luton station, so the times could be read. On the earlier visit of 28 June, (three of them - no Hasib Hussein) it took five minutes from the car-park door of Luton through the station and down onto the platform - which seems about right:

    28/6 08.10.07 Enter Luton, 08.14.26 Go through barriers, 08.15.07 Enter platform

    Various people have tried doing this, and generally reached a similar estimate. Now, on the moring of 7/7, we are given:

    7/7 07.21.54 Enter Luton, 07.22.29 Ticket hall, 07.22.43 Go through barriers, 07.23.27 On platform, 07.24.47 Train arrives, 07.24.56 Board, 07.25.36 Train leaves

    7.22 they enter, and a minute and a half later they are on the platform. No way!

    They cannot take only half the time carrying big, deadly rucksacks. Don't forget, for a whole year all the media and the Met were singing from the same hymn-sheet, all saying that they had gotten onto the 7.40. Don't forget, even Andy Hayman's 2009 book on the whole subject had still said they got the 7.40 - this would be unthinkable if they really had had all of the CCTV they are now pretending to have, showing the Four caught the 7.25. (Credit to Bridget Dunne for this vitally important insight)

    Plus, they are now pretending to have witnesses on the 7.25 train who noticed them - just as in the 2006 Official Report they had witnesses on the 7.40 train who recognised them. It's baloney.

    I suggest we are obliged to conclude, that if they really did enter Luton station at 7.22, as the famous (fiddled-with) picture shows, then they had absolutely no intention of catching the 7.24.

    So, this takes us right into the Ripple Effect story, whereby the Four 'missed their train' or at any rate more or less caught the 7.40 they had intended to catch (the 7.42, arriving 8.39), and arrived too late to participate in the terror-drill that morning - which was what they came for.

    That I suggest is the only story now left standing.

       From: "Muad'Dib" <>
    Date: Sat, October 16, 2010 1:07 pm
    To: "Nicholas Kollerstrom" <>

     Dear Nicholas,

    Bless you!

    I hope this finds you well, in good spirit and having a god day.

    Thank you very much for your message, commitment to truth, dedication and perseverance.

    I'm as certain as I can be, without having been involved in the planning, that what I put in 7/7 Riple Effect is exactly what happened and that is why they had to react to it and couldn't just ignore it like they normally do.

    I have them bang to rights and THEY know it, which is why THEY are attacking me to try to make an example of me to shut others up, as they KNOW they can't shut me up.

    I will most certainly send it to "Friends of Muad'Dib" for them to put it up there. Please keep up the good work. We will win in the end as long as we stick at it and together.

    I hope you have a good and well-deserved weekend.

    Long live the Fighters (for God/good),
