7 JULY 2005
10 June 2008
"Conspiracy theorist: Nicholas Kollerstrom, who
believes 7/7 was a set-up by the intelligence services,
was interviewed
for a BBC programme"
The BBC was under attack last night for paying expenses to a
disgraced academic who says the 7/7 London bombings may have been an
intelligence agency conspiracy.
Families of victims denounced the move as appalling.
part of his 'research', Nicholas Kollerstrom rang one father to discuss
whether his daughter's body had been planted at the site of the
Tavistock Square bus bombing.
Dr Kollerstrom, 61, who also denies the Holocaust, is due to appear in a programme in the BBC's Conspiracy Files series.
theory is that the Al-Qaeda inspired bombers were 'innocent patsies',
set up by elements of the Israeli, British and U.S. security agencies.
BBC has admitted paying Dr Kollerstrom expenses, including the fare
from London to Luton, where bombers Mohammed Sidique Khan, Shehzad
Tanweer, Jermaine Lindsay and Hasib Hussain caught a train to King's
Cross before the 2005 attacks which killed 52 innocent people.
The corporation's move has astonished the families of those who died or were injured.
the BBC to actually fund somebody like this is totally disgraceful,'
said John Taylor, whose 24-year- old daughter Carrie was one of seven
killed by Tanweer. 'He is helping the terrorists more than anything and I
am not happy with the BBC giving him a platform.'
Sean Cassidy,
whose son Ciaran, 22, died in the Russell Square blast, said: 'It is
appalling. The families are aware of this man and are trying to avoid
him. He has caused a lot of upset.'
The scene at Tavistock Square after the bus exploded. Mr Kollestrom believes the bombing was a conspiracy
month Dr Kollerstorm, an astronomer and historian, was stripped of an
honorary research fellowship at University College London after it
emerged he had written a paper entitled The Auschwitz 'Gas Chamber'
Illusion on a Far-Right website.
He claimed the Nazi
concentration camp was like a holiday complex where inmates could
sunbathe beside a swimming pool and watch water polo matches.
BBC defended its use of Dr Kollerstrom and stressed it only paid
expenses such as the £8 train fare to Luton, where he filmed an
interview for the programme.
spokesman said: 'The Conspiracy Files series investigates whether there
is any truth to the many conspiracy theories which have grown up around
terrorist attacks.
'Nick Kollerstrom has advanced a number of
theories which will be investigated in detail by the BBC. His view of
the Holocaust will be scrutinised in the programme. He has not been paid
by the BBC.'
Dr Kollerstrom admitted phoning the family of one victim but
said he had not wished to cause offence. He said he was researching
'anomalies' highlighted in a newspaper article which suggested the
father believed his daughter's body had been planted.
He added:
'The last thing I want to do is cause grief to a family. But they did go
public and I thought they wouldn't mind someone querying them about
public statements they made.'
Relatives' fury as BBC pays expenses to Holocaust denier who 'pestered bereaved families after the 7/7 bombing'
A fictional "scenario" of multiple bomb attacks on London's underground took place at exactly the same time as the real bomb attack on July 7, 2005. There have been several documented cases of mock terror drills in the US and the UK, held prior or on the same day as the actual terror event.
"This is the guy, and what's really embarrassing is that the entire British police are out chasing him, and one wing of the British government, MI6 or the British Secret Service, has been hiding him"
There is no special police licence to injure or kill. If they injure or kill, the police need to rely on the same law as the rest of us. It is no defence in law that the killing was authorised by a superior officer. A superior officer who authorises an unlawful killing is an accomplice.
I’m on Rich Planet on 9th of March with an interview about The Sinking of the Belgrano,
as we’re coming up to the 30th anniversary of this big moment in
Thatcher’s Britain if you recall. Richard Hall can always zoom in with
highly relevant and discerning questions. www.richplanet.net/ and maybe see also www.belgranoenquiry.com That’s Sky 201 for you lucky people having Sky TV.
Also, Jim Fetzer did a 2-hour ‘Real Deal’ radio interview with me
about the 9-11 st0ry. He had a cancellation so I got slotted in at short
notice! http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/ Wednesday, March 7th: ‘Nine Keys to 911′ - a kind of beginner’s guide. Jim is immensely more learned than I about the subject, but I hope we got a good rap together.
And, wow, I still can’t quite believe it, but I’ll be a speaker at the Vancouver 9/11 Conference, this June. http://www.911vancouverhearings.com/
FBI’s nation-wide stable of patsies can be switched “live” at any moment by Tony Cartalucci
February 18. 2012 – The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has once
again proven that the only thing Americans need fear, is their own
government, with the latest “terror attack” foiled being one entirely of
their own design.USA Today reports
that a suspect had been arrested by the FBI who was “en route to the
U.S. Capitol allegedly to detonate a suicide bomb.” While initial
reports portrayed the incident as a narrowly averted terrorist attack,
CBS would report that a “high ranking source told CBS News the man was
“never a real threat.”" The explosives the would-be bomber carried were
provided to him by the FBI during what they described as a “lengthy and
extensive operation.” The only contact the suspect had with “Al Qaeda”
was with FBI officials posing as associates of the elusive, omnipresent,
bearded terror conglomerate. The FBI, much like their MI5 counterparts
in England, have a propensity for recruiting likely candidates from
mosques they covertly run.
This is but the latest in a string of national terror plots carried
out from start to finish by the FBI, who has made a business of
approaching likely candidates and grooming them to carry out terror
attacks. In September 2011, another FBI terror operation targeting the Capitol was “foiled,”
involving a patsy who believed he was to take part in an assault that
would involve multiple gunmen and even a drone bomber provided to him by
the FBI.
And perhaps the most dubious of all, was the December 2010 Portland “Christmas Tree Bomber,”
who was also approached by the FBI, provided demolition training,
including a demonstration with live explosives performed in a Lincoln
County park, and a van within which the patsy believed his handlers had
provided him a bomb. The van with the inert device was parked next to a
crowded Christmas tree lighting ceremony where the patsy attempted to
detonate it remotely before being arrested by FBI agents.
It would later turn out that Portland had heroically withdrew from
the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, (JTTF), with the operation then
being carried out behind Portland Mayor Sam Adam’s back only for its
conclusion to humiliatingly catch the mayor off guard. The city of
Portland would eventually rejoin the JTTF after the fallout from the
FBI’s own terror plot.
The FBI is carrying out what is essentially a campaign of entrapment fueling what alternative news outlet Media Monarchy appropriately calls “terronoia.” And while it is true that these incidents are being used to foment a climate of fear to justify the ongoing “War on Terror,” there is a more sinister implication readers must be aware of.
In 1993 the FBI was carrying out an identical “sting operation” in
New York City. The target was the World Trade Center, the weapon of
choice would be a bomb-laden van, that like the above mentioned attacks,
was supposed to contain an inert device. Helping the FBI was an
Egyptian informant, Emad Salem, who over the course of the investigation
grew suspicious of the federal agents and began recording his phone
conversations with them.
From these recordings released by the New York Times,
it turns out that the FBI switched out the inert device for real
explosives at the last moment resulting in an attack that killed 6 and
injured over a thousand. Despite this evidence, the 1993 bombing is
still to this day attributed to “terrorists” with the FBI’s involvement
muted if ever mentioned.
The implications are of course, with the FBI’s current nationwide
stable of patsies being trained, directed, and provided material support
to carry out attacks the FBI then “foils,” is at any given moment, any
one of these operations can be switched “live” just as in 1993. The
resulting carnage can then be used to manipulate public opinion just as
it was in 1993, 2001, on 7/7 in London, and in Madrid, Spain in 2004. Paying Tax and State-sponsored Terrorism
A person commits an offence if he (a) provides moneyor
other property and (b) knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that it
will or may be used for the purposes of terrorism.’ UK Terrorism
Act 2000
It is Mr Tony Rooke’s argument, that this Act makes it an offense to
pay tax to the UK Government, given its obvious complicity in
Terrorism: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_AQMxvqWho What do you think? The Newburgh Four
June 2011: No-one was harmed – but Muslims get jailed for 25 years
each, allegedly intending to blow up a New York City synagogue – hmm,
where have we heard that one before? Three of them have been convicted
of plotting to blow up worship houses in the Bronx and shoot down planes
at a National Air Guard Base. Defense attorneys, however, argued that
the three men are the victims of an entrapment perpetrated by the FBI.
The defense claims that an FBI informant posed as a recruiter for a
terrorist organization and offered the men special Stinger missiles to
take down planes at Stewart. Attorneys attest that the introduction of
Stingers in the case calls for a minimum sentence of 25 years. “The
government, not the defendants, chose Stewart Air Force base, and the
government, not the defendants, introduced and supplied the missiles,” writes one of the attorneys for the defense.
Their legal team also attests that Shahed Hussain worked with the FBI
and purposely picked the men up and drove them into Connecticut to
obtain weapons to be used in the attacks. FBI Special Agent Robert
Fuller has explicitly stated during the trial that they picked the
Connecticut warehouse solely to get the Newburgh 4 to cross state lines.
“The entire trip to Connecticut and the missiles were introduced by
the government for the singular purpose of securing a 25-year minimum
sentence,” say defense attorneys.
The Newburgh 4 are guilty of falling for a trick enacted by their own government.
The new, 3rd edition of my book is now available. Amazon is selling it at only £11.18, plus £2.80 post and package. Hopefully a deal now going through will enable you to buy it from UK shops at £15.
That low price uses a UK print-on-demand printer, and Amazon’s ‘The
Book Depository’. That’s the best way to get this book, from its
Californian publisher.
At 326 pages, this is fully updated with all of the 7/7 Inquest
material. It is THE book on the 2005 London bombings – there is no
other. It
is a book which Londoners do need to read. There may be other books
they will enjoy reading more, but this is the one they really need to
read, if they want anything resembling our traditional freedoms
and traditional democratic values to remain intact. Checkout its
five-star reviews on Amazon.
I paid a heavy price for writing this book, getting chucked out of my
comfy position as a UCL member of staff in a history of science
department. I did it, as an act of service to the British people.
This book tells you the truth, a truth you do really need to know.
The author has been interviewed and has featured on radio and TV
stations about the London bombings, more than anyone else. He has been
more heavily vilified and damned by the authorities for his position on
this matter, than anyone else.
Published by Progressive Press in California. Its ISSBN is 1615777377.
People complained that the first edition did not really say what
happened in London on that fateful morning. It expressed doubt whether
the Four actually got to London on that day. Frankly, I wasn’t too
sure. Well, the new edition does reveal a whole lot more detail as to
what hapened on that day. The central thesis, of Islamic innocence, has
not changed.
It is a privilege to be published by the excellent a
publisher Progressive Press in California. A couple of other books by
Progressive Press are real cocmpanion volumes: Webster Tarpley’s updated
classic Synthetic Terror, made in the USA and the new hot-off-the-press Gladio, Nato’s dagger at the heart of Europe
by Richart Cottrell – Mr Cottrell was for ten years a Euro-MP for
Bristol. These are two key texts for understanding the dire, modern
reality of state-sponsored, fabricated terror.
After Libya, maybe NATO needs a motto, to help give it a sense of
direction: now that it has left behind the old-fashioned North Atlantic
Treaty of 1949. How about something like,
‘It is from Us that the all-embracing Terror proceeds’
‘High-class terrorists running US, UK and France’ Russia Today
As some European leaders demonstrate a celebratory mood over the
violent death of Colonel Gaddafi, they are no less terrorists
themselves, claims international consultant and author Adrian Salbuchi.
Salbuchi said Gaddafi’s death was undoubtedly a message for the whole world, as it is not just about Libya. “We are seeing how Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State
expressed it very clearly: ‘We came, we saw, he died,’ and then started
laughing. This is a message to the world of how this new world order
model actually works,” he stated.“When they decide to change the regime, they do so with the utmost violence, and it is a whole model.
* First they target a country by calling it a rogue state;
* then they support local terrorists and call them freedom fighters;
* then they bring death and destruction upon civilians and they call it UN sanctions.
* Then they spread lies and call it the International Community’s opinion expressed by the Western media.
* Then they invade and control the country and call it
liberation and finally they steal appetizing oil and call it foreign
investment and reconstruction.”
At the moment Western powers are hailing a democratic future for
Libya. When Saddam Hussein was captured in 2003 the US also thought it
was all over – but it had only just begun. And according to Salbuchi, it
is going to be the same, or even worse, for Libya. He explained:
I think one of the reasons why Gaddafi’s country has
been invaded and he has been killed is because he had plans to introduce
the gold dinar as a golden currency that could very easily have become a
major currency at least in North Africa and in the oil market,” he said.“Don’t
forget Libya has the ninth-largest oil reserve in the world and the
main oil reserve in all of Africa, so I think this definitely smells of
oil and greed on the part of Western companies. They are just using this
to justify they have supported the worst terrorists probably because in
the White House and Palais de l’Élysée in France, and at 10 Downing
Street, we also have very high-class terrorists and mafias running those
countries and the better part of the world.
Eyewitness testimony of journalist Lizzy Phelan was probably the best refutation of NATO lies -
alas, all her videos have been removed from the web (October 2011),
plus her website has been taken down. Let’s hope she is still alive.
(For earlier comments by Salbuci on fabricated terror in Argentina, see here.)
Under Gaddafi, Libya enjoyed the highest life-expectancy of any
African country, a free health-care system, an education system that was
free right up to tertiary level, free water and electricity,
one of the lowest infant mortality rates and one of the highest GDP per
capita on the Continent. He helped re-form the old OAU into the African
Union, and launched the African Dinar that would have been backed by
African gold. But, even beyond these things, he brought fresh water
from under the desert to the cities! Under the Libyan desert, lies the
world’s largest ‘aquifer of fossil water’ – and Ghadafy tapped into it:
This incredibly huge and successful water scheme
is virtually unknown in the West, yet it rivals and even surpasses all
our greatest development projects. The leader of the so-called
advanced countries, the United States of America cannot bring itself to
acknowledge Libya’s Great Man-Made River. The West refuses to
recognize that a small country, with a population no more than four
million, can construct anything so large without borrowing a single cent
from the international banks.
Soon after destroying this, NATO bombed the one repair factory for the pipeline, so no-one could mend it.
As well as that, he was also instrumental in getting an African satellite launched,
in 2007, paying 75% of its initial costs, so that the continent of
Africa would not have to pay huge sums to the West for making phone
In the meantime let’s hope the inhabitants of Sirte appreciate the benefits of having democracy brought to them:
Watch an interview with a young Libyan about his country, who describes the war as simply a NATO invasion, with the so-called rebels being directed by NATO:
The Source of Terror
The North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation has conducted a Blitzkrieg against Libya, which has bombed it back into the Stone Age. The BBC News had
a smiling reporter from Tripoli commenting on how great the British
Apache attack-helicopters will be. NATO troops are bombing a major
capital city of Africa – which she describes as, ‘humanitarian
intervention’. She omits to mention that cluster bombs are being used against
residential areas of Tripoli - prohibited under international law. She
keeps reiterating one person’s name ‘Ghadafy, Ghadafy’ as the ‘enemy’,
as was done with Saddam Hussein. How many thousand bombing raids were
conducted? There were nightly NATO air strikes against Western Libya
since March 19th.
Our hero Cynthia McKinney was in Tripoli, and described the trauma
experienced by the inhabitants of Tripoli from the empire’s assault: Nato’s feast of blood, and Anatomy of a Murder: How NATO Murdered Qaddafi Family Members. Africans were given no say in whether they want this Western ‘humanitarian’ intervention.
The original pretext to the invasion, that Ghadafi was ‘attacking his own people’,
turned out (not surprisingly) to have no truth in it: they just made it
up! Nato is now a headless killer, unconstrained by international law.
In a fine interview of
Cynthia McKinney talking with Alex Jones she comments on ‘active
Israeli intervention’ in Benghazi – ‘Israelis are on the ground’ to help
organise the rebels. Hang on, they’re not NATO members are they? The
U.N. Security Council resolution provided no authorization for the use
of armed force.
Libya was the ‘crown of Africa’ and was moving towards developing a
pan-African currency: which the Empire did not desire. ‘A shining jewel
of development’ – as Alex Jones called it, in his interview with
My book ToT recommends Tierry Meyssan’s ‘Voltaire Network’ for its vision and integrity. His account from Libya tells who is creating terror, deliberately and intentionally. UN award for Ghaddafi
Before NATO and the U.S. started bombing Libya, the United Nations
was preparing to bestow an award on Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, and the
Libyan Jamahiriya, for its achievements in the area of human rights.
Here is a senstence from the General Assembly’s award:
“Several delegations also noted with appreciation the
country’s commitment to upholding human rights on the ground. Additional
statements, which could not be delivered during the interactive
dialogue, owing to time constraints, will be posted on the extranet of
the universal periodic review when available.
In a footnote of that report, there is a list of countries that
praised Colonel Gaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya (state of the masses),
in support of the General Assembly Human Rights Council’s decision to
bestow this award upon Colonel Gaddafi.
It would have been given in March, so the date for the invasion was clearly chosen to prevent this.
“If events of the past few days are anything to go
by, the UN-NATO insurgent allies are set to bring a grim, lawless,
murderous and fundamentalist future to the “New Libya.” Polygamy is set
to return as the disenfranchisement of women, the West’s new friend and
interim leader, Mr Jalil has declared. (He didn’t put it quite like
that, but the particular interpretation of Sharia Law he espouses,
“A country which had health, education and welfare
services of which most could only dream(i) is also set to instantly
revert fifty years. Flying King Idris’ flag, Libya is being plunged
seamlessly back to his era of illiteracy and neglect. It will not get
better. Britain is already demanding that bombarded, bereaved, largely
broken Libya, pay compensation for its “liberation.” No, not satire,
“Libya also has its very own Falluja, in the fled,
dead and now destroyed city of Sirte, flooded, ruined and heart rending.
It also has its own Basra Roads. See the melted, bombed vehicles
leaving Sirte and across Libya. Those inside them also melted or
vaporized, a mirror image of that 1991 US massacre of the fleeing in
Iraq. Soon Libya will also have its own living memorials to their
release from free healthcare, gasoline too cheap to meter and the
highest living standard in Africa: deformed babies from the radioactive
and chemically toxic depleted uranium weapons which rained down on them.
Another mirror image of Iraq, Afghanistan and the Balkans where these
weapons were also used.
(Felicity Arbuthnot,
October 27, 2011 Global Research)
September 30, 2011 “Information Clearing House” –
In the past decade, Washington has killed, maimed, dislocated, and made
widows and orphans millions of Muslims in six countries, all in the
name of the “war on terror.” Washington’s attacks on the countries
constitute naked aggression and impact primarily civilian populations
and infrastructure and, thereby, constitute war crimes under law. Nazis
were executed precisely for what Washington is doing today.
Moreover the wars and military attacks
have cost American taxpayers in out-of-pocket and already-incurred
future costs at least $4,000 billion dollars–one third of the
accumulated public debt–resulting in a US deficit crisis that threatens
the social safety net, the value of the US dollar and its reserve
currency role, while enriching beyond all previous history the
military/security complex and its apologists.
Perhaps the highest cost of Washington’s “war on terror” has been
paid by the US Constitution and civil liberties. Any US citizen that
Washington accuses is deprived of all legal and constitutional rights.
The Bush-Cheney-Obama regimes have overturned humanity’s greatest
achievement–the accountability of government to law.
If we look around for the terror that the police state and a decade
of war has allegedly protected us from, the terror is hard to find.
Except for 9/11 itself, assuming we accept the government’s improbable
conspiracy theory explanation, there have been no terror attacks on the
US. Indeed, as RT pointed out on August 23, 2011, an investigative
program at the University of California discovered that the domestic
“terror plots” hyped in the media were plotted by FBI agents.
FBI undercover agents now number 15,000, ten times their number
during the protests against the Vietnam war when protesters were
suspected of communist sympathies. As there apparently are no real
terror plots for this huge workforce to uncover, the FBI justifies its
budget, terror alerts, and invasive searches of American citizens by
thinking up “terror plots” and finding some deranged individuals to
ensnare. For example, the Washington DC Metro bombing plot, the New York
city subway plot, the plot to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago were
all FBI brainchilds organized and managed by FBI agents.
RT reports that only three plots might have been independent of the
FBI, but as none of the three worked they obviously were not the work of
such a professional terror organization as Al Qaeda is purported to be.
The Times Square car bomb didn’t blow up, and apparently could not
The latest FBI sting ensnared a Boston man, Rezwan Ferdaus, who is
accused of planning to attack the Pentagon and US Capitol with model
airplanes packed with C-4 explosives. US Attorney Carmen Ortiz assured
Americans that they were never in danger, because the FBI’s undercover
agents were in control of the plot.
Ferdaus’ FBI-organized plot to blow up the Pentagon and US Capitol
with model airplanes has produced charges that he provided “material
support to a terrorist organization” and plotted to destroy federal
buildings–the most serious charge which carries 20 imprisoned years for
each targeted building.
What is the terrorist organization that Ferdaus is serving? Surely
not al Qaeda, which allegedly outwitted all 16 US intelligence services,
all intelligence services of America’s NATO and Israeli allies, NORAD,
the National Security Council, Air Traffic Control, Dick Cheney, and US
airport security four times in one hour on the same morning. Such a
highly capable terror organization would not be involved in such
nonsense as a plot to blow up the Pentagon with a model airplane.
As an American who was in public service for a number of years and
who has always stood up for the Constitution, a patriot’s duty, I must
hope that the question has already popped into readers’ minds why we are
expected to believe that a tiny model airplane is capable of blowing up
the Pentagon when a 757 airliner loaded with jet fuel was incapable of
doing the job, merely making a hole not big enough for an airliner.
fear is the most powerful weapon any government has for advancing an undeclared agenda.
When I observe the gullibility of my fellow citizens at the absurd
“terror plots” that the US government manufactures, it causes me to
realize that fear is the most powerful weapon any government has for
advancing an undeclared agenda. If Ferdaus is brought to trial, no doubt
a jury will convict him of a plot to blow up the Pentagon and US
Capitol with model airplanes. Most likely he will be tortured or coerced
into a plea bargain.
Apparently, Americans, or most of them, are so ruled by fear that
they suffer no remorse from “their” government’s murder and dislocation
of millions of innocent people. In the American mind, one billion
“towel-heads” have been reduced to terrorists who deserve to be
exterminated. The US is on its way to a holocaust that makes the terrors
Jews faced from National Socialism into a mere precursor.
Think about this: Are not you amazed that after a decade (2.5 times
the length of WW II) of killing Muslims and destroying families and
their prospects in six countries there are no real terrorist events in
the US?
Think for a minute how easy terrorism would be in the US if there
were any terrorists. Would an Al Qaeda terrorist from the organization
that allegedly pulled off 9/11–the most humiliating defeat ever suffered
by a Western power, much less “the world’s only superpower”–still in
the face of all the screening be trying to hijack an airliner or to blow
one up?
Surely not when there are so many totally soft targets. If America
were really infected with a “terrorist threat,” a terrorist would merely
get in the massive lines awaiting to clear airport “security” and set
off his bomb. It would kill far more people than could be achieved by
blowing up an airliner, and it would make it completely clear that
“airport security” meant no one was safe.
It would be child’s play for terrorists to blow up electric
sub-stations as no one is there, nothing but a chain link fence. It
would be easy for terrorists to blow up shopping centers. It would be
easy for terrorists to dump boxes of roofing nails on congested streets
and freeways during rush hours, tying up main transportation arteries
for days.
Before, dear reader, you accuse me of giving terrorists ideas, do you
really think that these ideas would not already have occurred to
terrorists capable of pulling off 9/11?
But nothing happens. So the FBI arrests a guy for planning to blow up
America with a model airplane. It is really depressing how many
Americans will believe this.
Consider also that American neoconservatives, who have orchestrated
the “war on terror,” have no protection whatsoever and that the Secret
Service protection of Bush and Cheney is minimal. If America really
faced a terrorist threat, especially one so professional to have brought
off 9/11, every neoconservative along with Bush and Cheney could be
assassinated within one hour on one morning or one evening.
The fact that neoconservatives such as Paul Wolfowitz, Donald
Rumsfeld, Condi Rice, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, John Bolton, William
Kristol, Libby, Addington, et. al., live unprotected and free of fear
is proof that America faces no terrorist threat.
Think now about the airliner shoe-bomb plot, the shampoo-bottled
water plot, and the underwear-bomb plot. Experts, other than the whores
hired by the US government, say that these plots are nonsensical. The
“shoe bomb” and “underwear bomb” were colored fireworks powders
incapable of blowing up a tin can. The liquid bomb, allegedly mixed up
in an airliner toilet room, has been dismissed by experts as fantasy.
What is the purpose of these fake plots? And remember, all reports
confirm that the “underwear bomber” was walked onto the airliner by an
official, despite the fact that the “underwear bomber” had no passport.
No investigation was ever conducted by the FBI, CIA, or anyone into why a
passenger without a passport was allowed on an international flight.
The purpose of these make-believe plots is to raise the fear level
and to create the opportunity for former Homeland Security czar Michael
Chertoff to make a fortune selling porno-scanners to the TSA.
The result of these hyped “terrorist plots” is that every American
citizen, even those with high government positions and security
clearances, cannot board a commercial airline flight without taking off
his shoes, his jacket, his belt, submitting to a porno-scanner, or being
sexually groped. Nothing could make it plainer that “airport security”
cannot tell a Muslim terrorist from a gung-ho American patriot, a US
Senator, a US Marine general, or a CIA operative.
If a passenger requires for health or other reasons quantities of
liquids and cremes beyond the limits imposed on toothpaste, shampoo,
food, or medications, the passenger must obtain prior approval from TSA,
which seldom works. One of America’s finest moments is the case,
documented on UTube, of a dying woman in a wheelchair, who requires
special food, having her food thrown away by the gestapo TSA despite the
written approval from the Transportation Safety Administration, her
daughter arrested for protesting, and the dying woman in the wheelchair
left alone in the airport.
This is Amerika today. These assaults on innocent citizens are
justified by the mindless right-wing as “protecting us against
terrorism,” a “threat” that all evidence shows is nonexistent.
No American is secure today. I am a former staff associate of the
House Defense Appropriations subcommittee. I required high security
clearances as I had access to information pertaining to all US weapons
programs. As chief economist of the House Budget Committee I had
information pertaining to the US military and security budgets. As
Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, I was provided every morning
with the CIA’s briefing of the President as well as with endless
security information.
When I left the Treasury, President Reagan appointed me to a
super-secret committee to investigate the CIA’s assessment of Soviet
capability. Afterwords I was a consult to the Pentagon. I had every kind
of security clearance.
Despite my record of highest security clearances and US government
confidence in me including confirmation by the US Senate in a
presidential appointment, the airline police cannot tell me from a
If I were into model airplanes or attending anti-war demonstrations, little doubt I, too, would be arrested.
After my public service in the last quarter of the 20th century, I
experienced during the first decade of the 21st century all of America’s
achievements, despite their blemishes, being erased. In their place was
erected a monstrous desire for hegemony and highly concentrated wealth.
Most of my friends and my fellow citizens in general are incapable of
recognizing America’s transformation into a warmonger police state that
has the worst income distribution of any developed country.
It is extraordinary that so many Americans, citizens of the world’s
only superpower, actually believe that they are threatened by Muslim
peoples who have no unity, no navy, no air force, no nuclear weapons, no
missiles capable of reaching across the oceans.
Indeed, large percentages of these “threat populations,” especially
among the young, are enamored of the sexual freedom that exists in
America. Even the Iranian dupes of the CIA-orchestrated “Green
Revolution” have forgotten Washington’s overthrow of their elected
government in the 1950s. Despite America’s decade-long abusive military
actions against Muslim peoples, many Muslims still look to America for
their salvation.
Their “leaders” are simply bought off with large sums of money.
With the “terrorist threat” and Al Qaeda deflated with President
Obama’s alleged assassination of its leader, Osama bin Laden, who was
left unprotected and unarmed by his “world-wide terrorist organization,”
Washington has come up with a new bogyman–the Haqqanis.
According to John Glaser and anonymous CIA officials, US Joint Chiefs
of Staff chairman Mike Mullen “exaggerated” the case against the
Haqqani insurgent group when he claimed, setting up a US invasion of
Pakistan, that the Hagganis were an operating arm of the Pakistan
government’s secret service, the ISI. Adm. Mullen is now running from
his “exaggeration,” an euphemism for a lie. His aid Captain John Kirby
said that Mullen’s “accusations were designed to influence the
Pakistanis to crack down on the Haqqani Network.” In other words, the
Pakistanis should kill more of their own people to save the Americans
the trouble.
If you don’t know what the Haqqani Network is, don’t be surprised.
You never heard of Al Qaeda prior to 9/11. The US government creates
whatever new bogymen and incidents are necessary to further the
neoconservative agenda of world hegemony and higher profits for the
armaments industry.
For ten years, the “superpower” American population has sat there,
being terrified by the government’s lies. While Americans sit in fear of
non-existent “terrorists” sucking their thumbs, millions of people in
six countries have had their lives destroyed. As far as any evidence
exists, the vast majority of Americans are unperturbed by the wanton
murder of others in countries that they are incapable of locating on
Truly, Amerika is a light unto the world, an example for all.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was appointed by President Reagan Assistant
Secretary of the U.S. Treasury and confirmed by the US Senate. He was
Associate Editor and columnist with the Wall Street Journal, and he
served on the personal staffs of Representative Jack Kemp and Senator
Orrin Hatch. He was staff associate of the House Defense Appropriations
Subcommittee, staff associate of the Joint Economic Committee of
Congress, and Chief Economist, Republican Staff, House Budget Committee.
He wrote the Kemp-Roth tax rate reduction bill, and was a leader in the
supply-side revolution. He was professor of economics in six
universities, and is the author of numerous books and scholarly
contributions. He has testified before committees of Congress on 30
Ian is Britain’s Number One speaker on ‘deep politics.’ Don’t miss
what is bound to be a classic presentation – at the Indian YMCA round
the back of Goodge Street, off Tottenham Court Road in London. This is
THE place to be for your 10th anniversary of 9/11 treat. Friday, 7 pm –
on 9.9.11.
Ian gave an excellent talk, lasting nearly
three hours. It was gratifying to see a couple of hundred people riveted
with interest. Ian had driven straight down from Sheffield, where he
had at short notice been representing Tony Farrell for three days on an appeal tribunal.
We gave Londoners a choice – they did not
have to listen to Utter Crap Productions on their TV screens: they did
have a chance to hear the truth.
I’d like to try to give Ian Crane’s take
on the Fukushima nuclear reactor explosion – which has more or less
destroyed Japan as an industrial nation. It surely behoves all of us to
try and grapple with this issue. Was it an Israeli false-flag attack?
Was it yet another manifestation of the Mossad motto, ‘By way of deception shall you wage war?’
Let’s recall that in London on July 7th an Israeli security firm Verint Systems
had been installed on the London Underground; just as on 9/11 Israeli
security firms were operating at the relevant airports in Boston and New
Ian follows the startling interpretation of the event given by Jim Stone, here. As we shall see, endorsement of some elements of his story have since appeared. According to Jim Stone,
1. Japan annoys Israel:
a) 11th March 2010 – exactly one year before the event – Japan deplores Israel’s expansive plans
to build upon the West Bank: ‘Japan demands that the plans should not
be implemented’. ‘Demands’, eh? Did they maybe need to be taught a
b) 18 Feb 2011 Japan voted against Israel for the first time at UN, on a motion condemning Israeli West Bank settlements.
c) Feb 2010 Japan offered to enrich uranium for Iran.
2. Japan employs an Israeli security firm
for its Fukushima nuclear reactor (Arava based firm called Magna BSP.
Arava is a district around Dimona) QUOTE Jim Stone: “It is documented
that a team from Israel, with a history consisting only of working in
Israeli defense, got unlimited access to a Japanese nuclear facility,
which then went boom.”
3. The Stuxnet virus arrives in Japan shortly after Magna BSP arrived. This was a Mossad/CIA creation, used to wreck Iran’s nuclear reactors in
2010. It is able to undermine liquid-flow technology, while preserving
the control dials so it looks as if the system is functioning normally.
4. Israel places a rather huge ‘camera’ inside reactor number 3, over 1000 lbs in weight, but actually it was a mini-nuke.
5. An earthquake strikes Japan Mark 6.8 on the Richter scale, not 9
(i.e. a hundred times weaker, its a log scale) with an inland epicentre,
at 2.48 pm. Synchronously, did the mini-nuke blow up, demolishing
reactors 3 and 4 at Fukushima? The charts (shown by Jim Stone) are
the records from Kurihara, about 100 km north of Fukushima.
THE EXPLOSION: “The containment walls were at their thinnest points
in the lowest allowed General Electric design a minimum of 4 foot thick
steel reinforced concrete, were likely to be a minimum of 8 feet thick,
and were totally blown away. All concrete was stripped from the rebar,
which was left dangling. Reactor 3 vanished entirely,as seen in the classified photo used to compare the destruction to the diagram and reactor 4 appears to have been blown to pieces as seen in this classified photo The
yellow dome which should be sitting on top of reactor 4 can be clearly
seen on the wrong side of the containment building. This type of
destruction is is indicative of hard weaponry in use; a hydrogen air mix
will not do that. Reactors are not made out of tinfoil. On top of this,
there was no potential for an explosion at reactor 4 at all, it had
been defueled. SO WHAT, PRAY TELL, BLEW IT APART? That’s the dirty
question no one is asking – how did that happen?”
6. From three o’clock onwards the tsunami starts to hit Japan,
flooding the reactor: this could not have done the damage claimed or
destroyed all of the protection-backup equipment. In all the pictures of
the Tsunami, no-one was already fleeing or panicking because of the
earthquake, its effect was so terrible because it was unexpected. In
Jim Stone’s words, ‘the phony 9.0 story [of earthquake magnitude] was
used as seismic cover for a tsunami nuke, which produced the tsunami of a
9.0 when detonated in the Japan trench (where no earthquakes of
significance happen) … It is obvious NOTHING happened along the coast of
Japan until the tsunami arrived.’.
Reactor 3 was found to be completely missing.
Was that Tsunami artifically caused, by a sea-bed nuke at or near the tectonic plate fissure?
A rescue worker walks past an inferno in Iwaki city, Fukushima prefecture, on Friday following the disaster
This is a WAR AGAINST TERRA: “Compare the containment diagram
to the remains of reactor 3. It is painfully obvious that many tons of
highly radioactive plutonium in the containment pools is nowhere to be
found, the entire floor they were on is completly gone.” Tons of
the tremor, smoke was seen rising from fires at a number of oil
refineries and pipelines like the one pictured here in Tagajo in
northern Japan's Miyagi prefecture.
Early Japanese reports – Ian Crane averred – had nuclear meltdown
and reactor core explosion starting befor the Tsunami hit. Now that is
quite a claim! This would have been due to, he explained, the Stuxnet
virus. (talking with Red Ice Creations, at 36 minutes) That has to imply that they knew when the quake was going to strike – or that it was artificial?
A few days after the catastrophe, Angela Merkel announced
that Germany was shutting down its pre-1980 nuclear reactors. An
‘urgent safety review’ was called for. Germany does not exactly have
Tsunamis coming down the Rhine, Ian Crane commented, so what was going
on? He made a comparison with the immediate aftermath of 911, when Von
Bulow ordered all the Lufthansa Boeing planes grounded, and stripped out
US computer software from them – the inference being, that German
security experts were suspecting robotic control of planes as the modus operandi of 911. The pre-1980 reactors were those having ‘Siemens controllers’ in them.
the Stuxnet virus – the most sophisticated cyberweapon ever deployed –
had sucessfully targeted these controllers in the Iranian reactors, the
previous year. Stuxnet is an internet worm that will do nothing much until it finds a Siemens programmable logic system. These are found in nuclear power plants. Support for Ian Crane’s View: A more recent analysis of the catastrophe, by Yoichi Shimatsu (2nd October) reaches a remarkably similar conclusion: under the heading ‘an Israeli Double-Cross’ :
Tokyo dealt a slap on the wrist to Tel Aviv by backing
Palestinian rights at the UN. Not to be bullied, the Israeli secret
service launched the Stuxnet virus against Japan’s nuclear facilities.
Firewalls kept Stuxnet at bay until the Tohoku earthquake. The
seismic activity felled an electricity tower behind Reactor 6. The power
cut disrupted the control system, momentarily taking down the firewall.
As the computer came online again, Stuxnet infiltrated to shut down the
back-up generators. During the 20-minute interval between quake and
tsunami, the pumps and valves at Fukushima No.1 were immobilized,
exposing the turbine rooms to flood damage. The flow of coolant water
into the storage pools ceased, quickening evaporation. Fission of the
overheated cores led to blasts and mushroom-clouds…
The Tohoku earthquake and tsunami were powerful enough to damage
Fukushima No.1. The natural disaster, however, was vastly amplified by
two external factors: release of the Stuxnet virus, which shut down
control systems in the critical 20 minutes prior to the tsunami; and
presence of weapons-grade nuclear materials that devastated the nuclear
facility and contaminated the entire region.
Likewise the well-known commentator Wayne Madison has the same story of nuclear skullduggery, theft of high-purity weapons-grade material and Israeli triggering of the Fukishama blast:
The super-quake struck Japan, along with the devastating
tsunami. At that point in time, Israel and the Americans programmed
their Stuxnet computer virus to trigger the nuclear catastrophe at
Fukushima, the major site for Japan’s nuclear weapons development
program. Stuxnet, developed to disrupt Iran’s nuclear program, is also
effective against the nuclear power generation systems of other nations
using standard supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
software, including the plutonium MOX fuel processing operations at
Fukushima. Stuxnet can be used to blackmail recipients of the smuggled
plutonium material, including MOX fuel, into silence.
A Japanese journalist, former editor of anational newspaper, is confirming this story: “Israeli intelligence sabotaged the reactor in retaliation for Japan’s support of an independent Palestinian state.” Further,
20 minutes before the Fukushima plant’s nuclear
meltdown, Israel was so upset with Japanese support for a Palestinian
declaration of statehood that it double-crossed Japan by unleashing the
Stuxnet virus on the plant’s computers. The virus hampered the
shutdown, leading to fallout from a section of the plant housing uranium
and plutonium retrieved from the warheads supplied in 2007
The story keeps alluding to the Fukishama plant having some stored
nuclear warheads, somewhat secretly, which impedes the Japanese
authorities from speaking out on te subject. ‘Jim Stone’ (Pseudonym)
claims to have worked in NASA with ‘above top secret’ clearance
specialising in electronic warfare – see here.
NB Concerning the sceptical comments posted below: those were from
before 2nd October when I’ve now added in this second and it seems to me
rather authoritative view, which endorses Ian’s thesis of Israeli
complicity – and helps to explain why the Japanese govenment is keeping
so quiet about the blast.
* See Appendix 2 of my book, ‘Terror on the Tube’ – Israeli Security
Firms: mainly comverse Technology, Verint Systems, ICTS Europe and
Fortress GB Ltd.
Note the date numerology 11th of March: 3/11 – same as Madrid bombing in 2004, after 9/11 on 2001.
Was Anders Breivic (AB) a Zionist, who massacred the children in response to
Norway’s anti-Israel stance? Or, did he do it for the reason he stated,
namely that too many Muslims were flooding into Norway?
The media have taken the latter view, while some eg Adrian Salbucci, have taken the former.
Norway’s Labour party had passed resolutions on this matter just a day or two before. The day before the event, “Norway’s Foreign Minister was met with claims that Norway must recognize a Palestinian state when he visited the Labour Youth League summer camp: The
Palestinians must have their own state, the occupation must end, the
wall must be demolished and it must happen now, said the Foreign
Minister to cheers from the audience.” As Breivik and his fellow
operative made their way onto Utøya Island, the teenage Labor Youth
activists “were chanting for BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) against Israel.”
AB published a long manifesto on the web, where the Jerusalem Post found
that in 1,500 pages AB mentioned Israel 359 times and “Jews” 324 times.
Condemning Muslims, Marxism and multiculturalism, he espoused what the
newspaper describes as “far-right Zionism.” For example:
So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist
brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural
There is a deep ambiguity here. Did AB act – as clearly stated in
his ‘Declaration’ – because of the threat of an ever-growing Islamic
population, that will he estimates soon swamp traditional Norwegian
culture, by somewhere about 2060? On this view, he feels friendly
towards Jews primarily because he is anti-Muslim. And this view implies
that he did the massacre and let off the bomb(s) in Oslo all by
himself. - Or, as conspiracy theorists are averring, was he
‘manipulated’ and was the act primarily against the state of Norway, for
its anti-Israel stance? On this view, he did not act alone. I suggest
that we do not currently know the answer to this.
A Lone nut?
The media are trying to tell us that a single ‘lone nut’ blew up two government buildings in central Oslo – leaving ‘debris over half a kilometer’
– then rushed over to an island 90 kilometers away, mysteriously
acquiring a police uniform, then single-handedly shot down seventy
people. Some Rambo indeed! But eyewitnesses saw at least two terrorists on their shooting spree, at the Utøya summer youth camp outside of Oslo.
The shootings were coming from “two different places on the island at
the same time,” according to several eyewitnesses, in the Norwegian
newspaper ‘VG’. The second was described as 180 centimetres tall,
dark-haired man with Nordic appearance and “a pistol in his right hand
and a rifle on his back.” One witness described how these two ‘always
made sure that their victims were dead.’
A car bomb? Don't think so ...
When it was over AB quietly allowed his own capture - like
Mark Chapman or David Hinckley before him. Suddenly his Facebook page
was changed,
while he was in custody, who did that? The ‘Christian’ theme was added
in. The police took an inordinately long time to arrive on the island,
over 90 minutes – and then immediately knew AB’s name: AB surrendered and came quietly when they just called his name!
Initially the story broke as Islamic terror, then it turned out that AB was blonde and blue-eyed: suddenly he was no longer a ‘terrorist’ and instead became a far-right ‘lunatic’ and ‘madman.’ The date of 22nd July has two important
‘echoes’: firstly, the blowing up of the King David hotel in Palestine,
killing 91 Britons, on 22 July 1946 – organised by Menachim Begin who
subsequently gained a Nobel Peace prize and became Israeli Prime
Minister; and secondly, it has of late been designated as the
‘International day of action against Israeli aggression.’
No car bomb
The huge blast was heard by people at least 7km away: it caused
extensive damage to a complex of government buildings housing the prime
minister’s office and the ministries of finance, justice and petroleum.
The US site Veterans Today has received reports from sources in Oslo
indicating that the bomb, now believed to be equal to more than 10 tons
of TNT, was not a car bomb.
Reports indicate that “sewer workers” had been accessing the site
during the days prior to the explosion, which is now estimated, were
conventional explosives to have been used, to have required enough
“fertilizer slurry” explosive to have filled a rail car. The explosion
is estimated to resemble that of the Marine Barracks in Beirut in 1983,
killing over 200 or the Oklahoma City bombing
was the bombng a swift reaction to the Norwegian boycott-Israel campaign? AB’s last email an hour before was to a Jewish friend in an Israeli Kibbutz.
A view of the event as false-flag terror given by US commentator Wayne Madsen, begins, ‘Israel’s most secret and tried-and-true weapon is the “false flag” terrorist attack.’ That’s true enough, but does it apply here? In case it does, here is Wayne Madsen’s conclusion:
Mossad is a master at false-flag terrorist
attacks designed to alter perceptions and punish opponents of Israeli
policy. The fingerprints of Israeli intelligence are all over the 9/11
attacks on the United States, the 3/22 train bombings in Madrid, the 7/7
transit bombings in London, and, now, the 7/22 attacks in Norway… While
the Israeli-influenced corporate media has droned on and on about the
dangers of Islamist terrorism, it is now obvious that the major threat
to public safety comes from the State of Israel, a rogue nation that
does not hesitate to murder the innocent to achieve its sordid political
Israel has accused the Norwegian government of funding and encouraging blatant anti-Israel incitement.
It is the premier organizer of Palestinian statehood today. According
to reports received by the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, the Trondheim
Municipality is funding a trip to New York for students taking part in
the “Gaza Monologues” play, which “deals with the suffering of children
in Gaza as a result of the Israeli occupation:”
The play, written by a Palestinian from Gaza, will be
presented at the United Nations headquarters. It joins an exhibition by a
Norwegian artists displayed in Damascus, Beirut, and Amman, with the
help of Norway’s embassies in Syria,Lebanon, and Jordan.
The exhibition shows killed Palestinian babies next to Israel Defense
Forces helmets, which are reminiscent of Nazi soldiers’ helmets, and an
Israeli flag drenched in blood.
Its commendable that Norway is taking such constructive actions
against the terrorist state that is modern Israel. But, have they just
paid a price for this?
Concerning this deeply-censored event, where we may never know the truth of what happened, let’s conclude with a quote from Webster Tarpley, taing the view that it was in fact, false-flag terror:
It is reported that, although the world media are
attempting to focus on Anders Behring Breivik as a lone assassin in the
tradition of Lee Harvey Oswald, many eyewitnesses agree that a second
shooter was active in the massacre at the Utøya summer youth camp
outside of Oslo. It has also come to light that a special police unit
had conducted drills or exercises near the opera house in downtown Oslo
which involved the detonation of bombs during 2010– exactly what caused
the bloodshed a few hundred meters away this Friday. Further research
reveals that United States intelligence agencies had been conducting a
large-scale program of recruiting retired Norwegian police officers with
the alleged purpose of conducting surveillance inside the country. This
program, known as SIMAS Surveillance Detection Units, provided a
perfect vehicle for the penetration and subversion of the Norwegian
police by NATO.
If indeed ‘subversion’ of Norwegian police took place, maybe that
would explain the ‘stand-down’ of twenty search-and-rescue
‘counter-terrorism’ helicopters nearby – rather reminiscient of 9/11 –
and instead the police drove out to the island and eventually found a
leaky boat. They didn’t have an ‘operative helicopter’ available. Uh-huh.
A media helicopter was there before the police arrived. Distraught
parents, getting messages from their children who were being shot,
discovered they could not get the local police to act (discussion here: two very clued-up persons discussing the matter).
9/11 – 2001, New York
11/3 – 2004, Madrid (911 days after 9/11)
7/7 - 2005, London
11/7 – 2006 Mumbai ( 7 trains blown up over 11 minutes)
22/7 – 2011 Norway
With a final estimated total dead of 77, its hard to avoid the impression that somethng funny is going on here. No bomb crater – nor CCTV released
What is supposed to be the epicentre of the Oslo 22/7 blast, was a
main road, where no-one could see any wrecked car, or a crater (see eg here).
People started to write into Norwegian newspapers, pointing this out,
and then on the 28th, SIX DAYS LATER, an image of a huge crater was
released. This was very close to the main government building, more or
less inside it. CCTV that would resolve this matter is being withheld….
where have we heard that before?
There were also reports of a lot of black helicopters swarming around Oslo shortly before the bomb went off.
Helpful hints to Norwegians: One urgent challenge, is to identify
what exploded in Oslo. On his farm, can traces be found of the aluminium
he ground up, with the ‘fertiliser’? If so, a test of that going bang,
if anyone can make it go bang, and a comparison with the explosion in
central Oslo, would be helpful. Video sequences show no hint of a car
that blew up. Do not endorse the media and government calls for more
surveillance (and microchips) in reponse to the event. Mossad and MI6
agents have been invited by the Norwegian government, to come along and
‘help’ solve the matter: that’s like putting a shark in charge of the
Here is another sequence,
showing the enormous power of the huge blast in Oslo - but no crater
where the centre is supposed to be – nor the remains of a large VW van. Six days latera crater was found!
A ‘terror drill’ shadowed this event: “Oslo police were
conducting a bombing exercise at a location near the Oslo Opera House
just 48 hours before a terrorist blast hit a government building in the
Norwegian capital. According to the translated version of an Aftenposten report,
‘Anti-terror police fired explosive charges at a training center in
Oslo, two hundred meters from the Opera, but forgot to notify the
public.’” False-flag terror events normally are normally accompanied by
some kind of ‘terror drill.’
“The connection between Zionism and the Norway mass murder appears to
me vastly stretched. Apart from some rantings by the murderer, there is
no hard evidence of any links between him and Israel or Zionist
organisations. As in any case of murder, the focus should remain – at
least at the outset – on forensic evidence, direct witness testimonies
and a thorough and transparent investigation of When, Where, What, Who
and How. Possible motives can help focus an investigation, but cannot
supplant it. Here are some relevant questions for which I still await an
“1. Could a non-skilled person construct – without harm to himself –
such a powerful bomb as was used in Oslo? And design the remote-control
necessary for such an operation? Are there precedents that prove that
this is easily within reach of an amateur?
“2. What is known about the murderer moving the bomb into place,
obtaining (or buying) a vehicle, placing the bomb at the right site,
changing his uniform, driving to Utöya, where did he hid his ammunition
and weapon while on the ferry, how did he manage to kill so many people,
one after the other?
“3. Why did it take the police 90 minutes to arrive at Utöya, when it
is told that people are being murdered? That’s far longer than an
ambulance or a firefighter team would take. Is it some kind of severe
negligence by the police, or something more sinister? If negligence,
aren’t we entitled to know WHOSE negligence?
“I therefore recommend that a public inquiry into the circumstances
of Utöya be held, with truly independent commissionsers, including
representatives of the victims. Since 9/11 there is no reason to trust
any state agency to investigate such crimes. Western governments, due to
their cover-up of 9/11 have forfeited the trust of the
populations”. - emmett23 sier Hear, hear!
‘Captain America’ opens – 22 July
Is there any connection with the new US blockbuster opening around
the world generally on the same day 22nd of July? Its said to have thematic similarities with
a Norwegian theme – if you’ve seen it, please post a comment! Remember
the UK horror film ‘The Descent’ about people trapped underground had
to be delayed from its scheduled launch date 8.7.05, because of 7/7. Quoting Webster Tarpley, ‘
‘No terrorist attack would be complete without the
advance airing of a scenario docudrama to provide the population with a
conceptual scheme to help them understand the coming events in the sense
intended by the oligarchy.’ (Tarpley, Synthetic Terror, p.408).
Appeal against unfair dismissal by Tony Farrell: Sheffield Employment Tribunal, 7th-9th September – his case was dismissed. South Yorkshire police argued that ‘conspiracy therory’ was none of their business. NEW: discussion of the Tony Farrell case on top UK police blog.
Tony Farrell had been employed for twelve years as ‘Principle Intelligence Analyst’ for South Yorkshire Police, 13th largest of the 44 police forces in the UK.His
job involved producing a yearly ‘Strategic Threat Assessment Matrix’ to
determine how the police force had to prioritise its activities.
Assessed ‘threats’ ranged from ASBOs (anti-social behaviour orders) to
the terrorist threat allegedly presented by Islamic extremists. Having a
statistics degree, it was his job to translate the different ‘strategic
threats’ into a ‘matrix’ of relative numerical weighted probabilities.
In 2010, one week before the 5th anniversary of 7/7, Tony
(who had never previously doubted government versions of events)
stumbled across ‘9/11 Truth’ material on the web. Like so many millions
before him, he was shocked to the core by this experience. He quickly
realised that there was a great mass of evidence relating to 9/11 kept
hidden by the mainstream media. As a Christian, Tony consulted his
church minister, who suggested that he consider, whether the same might
be true for the London 7/7 bombings?
Something he had not suspected ‘in his wildest dreams’ then started
to unfold. After reading much of the available but publicly-unreported
witness statements and other evidence relating to 7/7, Tony found that
he could only conclude that the official 7/7 narrative was ‘a monstrous
lie.’ Instead of the official ‘suicide bombers’ narrative, which he and
all of his colleagues had believed without question, he realised that
the weight of evidence strongly points far more towards 7/7 being an event stage-managed by British intelligence than anything else.
The unthinkable but inescapable question thus intruded: Does there exist an ‘internal tyranny’ worse than any external foe?
All the assumptions he had held about the ‘strategic threat’ from
terrorism were shattered and lay in ruins, and he found himself now
doubting the size of any threat allegedly coming from Al-Qaeda
and home-grown extremists. Within the police service, he felt horribly
alone not knowing who to talk to about this matter – a situation made
acute because he would have to present his annual threat assessment to
the ‘Intelligence Strategic Management Board’ on July 8th - mere days away.
From his Christian perspective 9/11 and 7/7 could only now be perceived as expressions of a Satanic dimension concerning the ascent of what everybody was calling a ‘New World Order’. He saw these deceitful events as false-flag operations perpetrated in order to justify illegal and wicked wars. This was a deep personal crisis – one that would terminate his career.
On July 6th he ‘stuck his head above the parapet’ by
alerting his boss – that he was developing a very different conceptual
model of the strategic threat.
The terse document he handed over, suggested that the untruth of the 9/11 story implied ‘a huge potential for a total breakdown in trust between the government and the masses’ and
it warned of ‘a tipping-point’ that would surely arrive as it slowly
dawned upon citizens that their own government had conspired against
them and had lied to them and had murdered innocents in the process.
Likewise he warned that, if indeed 7/7 had been ‘deliberately
engineered’ to justify British PM Tony Blair standing shoulder to
shoulder with Bush in the illegal was in Iraq, ‘There will be
total outrage within the masses and a complete breakdown of trust
between the Government and the people of the UK.’
In the presence of two intelligence managers, he alerted the
Detective Superintendent, the Director of Intelligence for the South
Yorkshire Police, explaining that all of his work used open-source
material – he was not violating ‘official secrets’. He alluded to secret
societies and a Masonic influence as being very central. The Director
of Intelligence distanced the other two managers and they held a
one-to-one conversation. The biggest single threat to the UK, Tony
Farrell explained to him, was now coming from internal tyranny and in his opinion ‘far exceeded’ any threat from Islamic terrorism. ‘Tony, you and I will never get them to tell the truth’, came the philosophical reply, ‘- we are mere foot-soldiers of the government.’
That indeed was sensible advice, from someone who cared for his
welfare – but, something more important was stirring within Tony
Farrell: the voice of his conscience, and that would not permit him to
go along with the ‘monstrous lie’.
His seniors, seemingly concerned for his well-being expressed a wish
for Tony to visit Occupational Health. This irked him, as he felt and
indeed was in perfectly good health.
On July 7th 2010, his first line manager, a Detective
Chief Inspector spent a good part of the day with him trying to steer
him into keeping to the original plan and to avoid rocking the boat.
Could they not achieve some sort of compromise – then he could take his
three weeks’ leave? To comply with that, he would have had turn a blind
eye to his own assessment and deliberately hand over misleading
analysis. His ‘strategic’ models were looking promising according to his
line manager – yet he could not set aside his new views about ‘internal
As a seemingly lone voice in his police force, Tony Farrell found
himself wrestling in the ‘Valley of Decision’ at home that evening, a
theme he found expressed in the Book of Joel, Chapter 3. He also
pondered the 9th Commandment, ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness.’ He
experienced an epic struggle going on that seemed to him to resemble
that described in the Book of Ephesians, Chapter 6.
So that evening, 5 years to the day from the London bombings, he
reached his own momentous personal decision. He resolved to take a stand
knowing it would probably lead to him being sacked.
On July 8th he handed over a very short version of the
‘Strategic Assessment Matrix,’ which averred that the real terrorist
‘threat’ to society was almost entirely of the state-sponsored kind, and
it alluded to both 9/11 and 7/7 in this context. Other threats from
other ‘domains of criminality’ were, his brief report claimed, ‘insignificant’ by comparison.
This was hardly following the National Intelligence Model guidance,
relating to ‘Threat and Risk Assessment models’ that he was supposed to
use. ‘Tony we can’t do business like this,’ his manager pleaded.
He was asked to create a personal report: how had he arrived as such
an unheard-of view? His privileges were withdrawn and his computer
accessed, but as he had done his investigation at home and with
open-source material, nothing untoward was found.
And so he was absent from the board meeting that afternoon, even
though it was anticipating the yearly presentation from him. Instead he
was sent home to compile a report, explaining his stance. He offered to
produce a full report with backup evidence, for his shocking new views,
but that wasn’t required. Sacked for his beliefs
His work ‘could be helpful to the police service’ the DI remarked
cryptically. Everything had happened so quickly, much too quickly. Tony
Farrell was summoned to a hearing chaired by the Director of Finance a
member of the Senior Command Team on 2nd September 2010. He
was told that he held beliefs that were ‘incompatible’ with his
position. There was no allegation of any misconduct. In dismissing him,
the Director of Finance said this: “It is a very sad occasion as
you have done some excellent work for South Yorkshire Police and I have
never been involved in a situation like today. Your beliefs are very
sincere and you may be right, but it is I’m afraid incompatible at the
moment with where we are.”
He took the matter to the South Yorkshire Police Authority Appeal’s
Committee but his case was dismissed. He has since put the case into
an Employment Tribunal where final hearings are scheduled to be held in
early September 2011 in Sheffield. This will be a public event, and it
is likely that South Yorkshire Police will feel embarrassed by the
repercussions. This case has potentially far-reaching implications.
For a discussion of his legal case, see here.
Tony Farrell gave an interview with Richard Hall
on Sky TV released on July 8, 2011 (used as the main source for this
article) and also that same day a 10-minute interview was broadcast on a Bristol local radio; synchronously enough, South Yorkshire’s Chief Constable announced his retirement
on that same day 8th July – after nine years’ of service. Was this
indicating some stress within the Force? The whole story focuses by odd
coincidences upon anniversary-dates of the London bombings, over the
last couple of years. Support for Tony Farrell
Anyone wishing to help Tony to continue with his legal appeal, please email tonyfarrellcampaign@gmail.com
He can then give you his paypal email. This is a temporary situation,
until his website is up and running, with its Paypal account. The Sun’s View
The Murdoch newspapers promote a policy of perpetual war. Our boys
will win, etc. So they have to endorse the current war-on-terror
mythology, and ignore or vilify anyone who tries to question it.
On Monday, July 18th The Sun did a piece on Tony, copied amost word for word byhis local Yorkshire Star. It goes onto say that Yorkshire plice are expected to defend their decision in September. the Sun’s editorial told how Mr Farrell had been ‘ taken in
by the lunatic conspiracy theories spreading like a virus via the
internet,’ but was thankful that only a ‘gullible minority’ had
Fact: no-one outside the Sun’s Editorial office is going to view an experienced police Principal Intelligence Analyst as a lunatic conspiracy theorist.
A reply to The Sun was sent by professor Rory Ridley-Duff, a
lecturer at Sheffield University. It was an ‘open letter’, i.e. we’re
allowed to quote it:
18 th July
I recently met Tony Farrell and discussed his reasons for pursuing
his case against his former employer. He has good reason to believe
what he believes and seemed to me to be in full command of his
faculties. The issue in this case is identical to the one currently
under investigation at the News of the World – namely that people should
not be afraid to report the truth at work or be subject to the threat
of the sack for fully informed and well researched assessments of the
current terrorist threat.
The police cannot (legally) sack civilian staff for disagreeing with
the government narrative on terrorism, particularly when that view comes
from one of it’s own senior intelligence analysts (appropriately
qualified on criminology to assess and ensure that policy is evidence
based, not politically controlled). The tribunal should be an
interesting one and your paper’s reporting of it will be carefully
monitored for accuracy and journalistic integrity.
Best wishes
Dr Rory Ridley-Duff
Sheffield Hallam University http://www.roryridleyduff.com
Educator, Writer, Composer
In fact, he sent two letters to The sun, both ‘open,’ so here is the other one:
The characterisation and misrepresentation of Tony Farrell’s views (editorial 18th July) does The Sun
no credit whatsoever. It adds to the view created by the investigation
at the News of the World (that the Murdoch media empire is rotten to
the core).
Dr Rory Ridley-Duff
Sheffield Hallam University http://www.roryridleyduff.com
Educator / Writer Download Farrell Judgement (pdf)
On the morning of July 7th, did the alleged bombers flee from
King’s Cross to Canary Wharf – where they were gunned down? Did that really happen? An episode of the intrepid Richard Hall’s Sky TV (June 3rd) “Rich Planet” examined
new evidence confirming this, and the likely route they took (See
10-15 minutes into his program). It used testimony of a young man who
was on the Thameslink line going South from Luton to Gatwick via King’s
Cross that morning, and who experienced a load of anti-terror police
activity at Gatwick at 10 o’clock.
I’ve interviewed the young man and vouch for his testimony being authentic. Let
us ask, what happened to the ‘patsies’ when they arrived at King’s
Cross, too late for their ‘terror-drill’ assignments because the
Thameslink train had been delayed? Young men who are quite unfamilar
with London.
Why, they surely bolted right back to the platform they had just come
from. Let’s say the next train arriving was going South – they hop onto
it, then decide to get off at London Bridge, so they can travel East.
London Bridge is just a few stops on the Thameslink southbound line from
King’s Cross.
It takes only five minutes on the Jubilee line from London Bridge to
Canary Wharf. The point here is that Canary Wharf would have been a very
easy place for them to end up at. On Gatwick Thameslink platform
On the morning of July 7th, 2005, a young man (“Mr Y”) was
travelling south on the Thameslink line, from Luton, and through London
to Gatwick. He was escorting his lady friend to the airport and arrived
by 8 am. On returning, he came back to the Thameslink platform around
ten o’clock, and found quite a crowd waiting because there had been no
trains for a while, maybe none for forty minutes. The two Thameslink
rail lines North-South were on either side of the same platform. There was a small waiting-room on that platform which he entered. The screen indicating trains due in and out had gone dead.
Mr Y has an impressive beard, and is somewhat African in appearance,
belonging to the Rastafarian community. Perusing a poster in the
waiting-room, his pocket-radio was plugged into his ears, and so he did
not hear a commotion behind him. Other passengers were being asked to
leave the room, as ten armed police entered, bearing large ‘MP-5’ guns
(the Heckler & Koch submachine gun, widely used for
law-enforcement), wearing the black bullet-proof vests and white shirts.
They were pointing their guns straight at him, and he feels he’s quite
lucky to be still alive.
Then one police officer in charge calmed them down a bit, seeming
almost as alarmed as was Mr Y, and handed Mr Y a bit of paper from the
counter-terror police. Upon asking why he was being thus apprehended, he could not get any answer. Mr Y has no criminal record.
police with MP-5 machine guns
Clearly, they must have mistaken him for someone else, who they had
(at very short notice) been instructed to get. Someone travelling on the
Thameslink line.
Mr Y had often noticed security police going around in twos at
Gatwick, but had never before seen so large a number together, all with
guns. Part II: Back in Luton
The Thameslink train came at about 10.10 am taking him back to
Luton. While on the train he saw people becoming very alarmed, from the
news of bombs going off in London. When he arrived back in Luton, he was
startled to find the station sealed off, the whole area around the
station sealed off, and helicopters hovering around the station; this
was happening over July 7th – 8th. Discussion:
The story, which we are here reconstructing, involves two of the Four
alleged bombers – Lindsay Germain and Schezhad Tanweer – who were that
morning at the King’s Cross concourse, having arrived too late for the
terror-drill they had agreed to participate in. Crowds billow out from
the tube once the bomb explodes, then the truth dawns upon them and they
bolt back to the same platform they have just emerged from (being
unfamiliar with London), and hop onto a train – one going south towards
Gatwick. The ‘security’ police know they have done this, because of
the mobile phones the lads are carrying.
Once on the train, the young men decide they would rather not go
towards Gatwick, but decide to change at London Bridge – where they grab
an Eastbound Jubilee line train. That pulls in to Canary Wharf in three
News of ‘terrorists’ travelling south on the Thameslink line must
have caused the security police to take extreme measures at Gatwick: at
10 am the official line was about power surges and not until 11 am did
the story turn into bombs going off, which implies the action of
‘terrorists.’ More important, not until July 11th four days
later are the police supposed to be taking any special interest in
Luton. I was informed that Luton Thameslink CCTV was handed over to the
police on July 11th.
New edition of Terror on the Tube January 3, 2012 NK 9 comments
The new, 3rd edition of my book is now available. Amazon is selling it at only £11.18, plus £2.80 post and package. Hopefully a deal now going through will enable you to buy it from UK shops at £15.
That low price uses a UK print-on-demand printer, and Amazon’s ‘The Book Depository’. That’s the best way to get this book, from its Californian publisher.
At 326 pages, this is fully updated with all of the 7/7 Inquest material. It is THE book on the 2005 London bombings – there is no other.
It is a book which Londoners do need to read. There may be other books they will enjoy reading more, but this is the one they really need to read, if they want anything resembling our traditional freedoms and traditional democratic values to remain intact. Checkout its five-star reviews on Amazon.
I paid a heavy price for writing this book, getting chucked out of my comfy position as a UCL member of staff in a history of science department. I did it, as an act of service to the British people.
This book tells you the truth, a truth you do really need to know.
The author has been interviewed and has featured on radio and TV stations about the London bombings, more than anyone else. He has been more heavily vilified and damned by the authorities for his position on this matter, than anyone else.
Published by Progressive Press in California. Its ISSBN is 1615777377.
People complained that the first edition did not really say what happened in London on that fateful morning. It expressed doubt whether the Four actually got to London on that day. Frankly, I wasn’t too sure. Well, the new edition does reveal a whole lot more detail as to what hapened on that day. The central thesis, of Islamic innocence, has not changed.
It is a privilege to be published by the excellent a publisher Progressive Press in California. A couple of other books by Progressive Press are real cocmpanion volumes: Webster Tarpley’s updated classic Synthetic Terror, made in the USA and the new hot-off-the-press Gladio, Nato’s dagger at the heart of Europe by Richart Cottrell – Mr Cottrell was for ten years a Euro-MP for Bristol. These are two key texts for understanding the dire, modern reality of state-sponsored, fabricated terror.
Merry CHristmas
ReplyDeleteNew edition of Terror on the Tube
ReplyDeleteJanuary 3, 2012 NK 9 comments
The new, 3rd edition of my book is now available. Amazon is selling it at only £11.18, plus £2.80 post and package. Hopefully a deal now going through will enable you to buy it from UK shops at £15.
That low price uses a UK print-on-demand printer, and Amazon’s ‘The Book Depository’. That’s the best way to get this book, from its Californian publisher.
At 326 pages, this is fully updated with all of the 7/7 Inquest material. It is THE book on the 2005 London bombings – there is no other.
It is a book which Londoners do need to read. There may be other books they will enjoy reading more, but this is the one they really need to read, if they want anything resembling our traditional freedoms and traditional democratic values to remain intact. Checkout its five-star reviews on Amazon.
I paid a heavy price for writing this book, getting chucked out of my comfy position as a UCL member of staff in a history of science department. I did it, as an act of service to the British people.
This book tells you the truth, a truth you do really need to know.
The author has been interviewed and has featured on radio and TV stations about the London bombings, more than anyone else. He has been more heavily vilified and damned by the authorities for his position on this matter, than anyone else.
Published by Progressive Press in California. Its ISSBN is 1615777377.
People complained that the first edition did not really say what happened in London on that fateful morning. It expressed doubt whether the Four actually got to London on that day. Frankly, I wasn’t too sure. Well, the new edition does reveal a whole lot more detail as to what hapened on that day. The central thesis, of Islamic innocence, has not changed.
It is a privilege to be published by the excellent a publisher Progressive Press in California. A couple of other books by Progressive Press are real cocmpanion volumes: Webster Tarpley’s updated classic Synthetic Terror, made in the USA and the new hot-off-the-press Gladio, Nato’s dagger at the heart of Europe by Richart Cottrell – Mr Cottrell was for ten years a Euro-MP for Bristol. These are two key texts for understanding the dire, modern reality of state-sponsored, fabricated terror.
Pr Nicholas Kollerstrom