Monday, 9 November 2020


Tom Woods 
How the COVID dystopia affects babies and kids
Tom Woods <>Unsubscribe
Mon, 9 Nov at 16:18
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Yesterday my email had to do with masks, a topic I haven't discussed much except to note that the charts of health outcomes around the world don't appear to back up the claim that they are particularly effective.

In response, I received this from a reader, and it really struck me:

I look forward to your emails every day to help me keep a sane perspective on this world. Your latest email below, however, struck such a chord with me that I just had to reply. 

I am the mother * of 3 children. 

Our youngest is 5 months old.  


Masks have been a very sore subject with me from the beginning for many reasons.


 Our oldest is 4 years old. 


His preschool teachers are required to wear them and our son is extremely troubled by them. He's never seen his teachers' faces! It's a daily struggle to help him deal with this abnormal and disturbing world he all of a sudden lives in. 

While this is endlessly upsetting for me, what has me even angrier is the world our baby has been born into.


 In her 5 months on this earth, aside

 from our family,  she has never seen

 another human face!  


When we go out in public, she doesn't know that there are human faces and perhaps a smile behind those ridiculous masks. She just sees figures wrapped up like mummies. What must she think of the world? What is she learning about her surroundings? To her, this dystopia is going to be "normal."  (DYSTOPIA = an imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic.) **

Our baby is extremely alert and engaged, smiles in response to every smile she's given, and studies our faces intently when we talk and sing to her. As a father, * I know you know that this is how babies learn to talk and learn to communicate with facial expressions. Every parent knows this. Doesn't it concern anyone else that millions of babies are being deprived in a significant way of this opportunity to learn and develop the way God intended? To flourish in the presence of normal human interaction? No one seems to think or care about the psychological and developmental damage these masks are doing to our children and babies. It makes me sick. 

We pray constantly for a better future for our children. 

Thank you for all your hard work in the fight for liberty.

Meanwhile, we're hearing that masks will have to

 be semi-permanent even with a 



That's inhuman.

Even if the only argument against them were that it screws up infants trying to read people and learn about the world if they all look like they're from the Twilight Zone, that would be plenty.

In tomorrow's email I'll look at some lockdown blue states that supposedly "listened to the science," but where hospitalizations are rising again.

When a red state has a spike, this is always said to be the fault of the stupid rubes who live there. How will blue state spikes be treated?

Meanwhile, if you like and appreciate the kind of content I generate (e.g., these emails during the week, plus my five podcast episodes a week, and so on), you'll be like a kid in candy store as a Supporting Listener because of all the goodies you get.

Those goodies include, but are by no means limited to, membership in the Tom Woods Show Elite, the sanity-preserving group you need at a time when your friends have all lost their blankety-blank minds:

Tom Woods

  • *   These two are just stupid, wreckless and criminal parents - Believers submitting to Satan!

Tom Woods · PO Box 701447 · Saint Cloud, FL 34770 · USA



Would Doctors Still Promote Vaccines if They Knew This? - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, D.O. (Vaccine expert)

Premiered 15 hours ago
71.4K subscribers
In this video, cancer researcher Ty Bollinger speaks with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, vaccine expert, about why she was criticized by Unicef and how conventional doctors are missing vital information about vaccine safety. 
The full interview with Dr. Tenpenny is part of "The Quest For The Cures Continues" docu-series. 
 The Truth About Vaccines docu-series is COMING SOON! 
Secure your free, virtual seat for the 10-day online health event right here. ➡️ You may or may not have heard much about this highly argued topic, but you definitely will after this "Coronavirus quarantine" is all over. In light of the current coronavirus pandemic, doctors are weighing in, the media is weighing in, and even the government is weighing in and discussing the possibility that the coronavirus vaccine might be mandatory for everyone in the USA! States like California have already enacted forced vaccine legislation for children to attend school (both public AND private). In light of the current climate of fear and panic, it’s not a stretch of the imagination to think that legislation could be passed which requires “proof of vaccines” to travel or even assemble in a public place. It’s time to educate yourself and your family about this vitally important issue! Our brilliant team behind some of the most successful health documentary series in history has turned its eye firmly to investigating the “pro vs. anti” vaccine safety debate. We've pulled together more than 60 of the foremost experts on the planet to give you a “no holds barred” look at the vaccine debate so you can get the very best information for your own family. Our explosive 10 episode docu-series, “The Truth About Vaccines 2020,” is coming soon and you can watch it 100% for free.
What you will learn in this educational 10-episode series: *THE HISTORY OF VACCINES* Vaccination programs are given credit for eradicating some of the most devastating illnesses of the past, but they’re no longer immune to controversy of their own. *VACCINE RISKS and SAFETY CONCERNS* Concerns about vaccine injuries, mercury toxicity, and autism have increased substantially in recent years, and public debate is once again heating up. *FULL LIST of OPTIONS and ALTERNATIVES* You don’t have to pro- or anti-vaccine anymore. New options are available to guard against serious illness, based on your unique situation and risk factors. *MANDATORY/FORCED VACCINATION LEGISLATION* Our health freedoms are being silently trampled on. We must not allow Big Pharma to take away our constitutional right to choose. *COVID-19 IMPACT* Is a Coronavirus vaccine coming? Is it necessary? Can we protect ourselves from it naturally? We will address all of these questions. *...AND SO MUCH MORE* 
Register NOW to watch all 10 episodes of “The Truth About Vaccines” for FREE starting October 13.  



Idriss Aberkane, tu aurais dû leur balancer au museau que le virus "SARS COV-2" est une fraude de la mafia sioniste-maçonnique, et n'existe pas; qu'il n'y a jamais eu d'épidémie, de pandémie, ou de mortalité dû à 'ce' virus; que les muselières ne protègent pas contre une infection, et, que, par contre, elles nous privent d'oxygène, causent le stress, des accidents, et d'autres problèmes d'ordre neurologiques!  Dans la salle, vois-tu les personnes présentes respecter la distanciation militaire et anti sociale de 2 mètres? J'ai produit des preuves dès le 19 mars 2020 en me rendant sur place dans un hôpital de la localité, et tous les mensonges que des milliers d'experts et moi-même ont documentés, ce qui m'a valu d'être attaqué de tous les côtés, et voir mon compte Facebook désactivé complètement! 


Ce lundi 9 novembre 2020

Sunday, 19 July 2009

The 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic and Vaccine



VIDEO: The 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic and Vaccine

Saturday, 18 July, 2009 2:56 PM
View contact details


The WHO and the US adminstration in alliance with Big Pharma are involved in a major propaganda campaign to implement compulsory vaccination.

There is no more "honest reporting" by mainstream TV as in this 1979 CBS TV program. Today, with some exceptions, network TV in America is complicit with the government's disinformation campaign.

Michel Chossudovsky, July 18, 2009

Swine Flu Vaccine
1976 CBS '60 Minutes' Transcript
Government Propaganda in Swine Flu Scare Causes Many Deaths

Below is the full transcript of the 1979 broadcast from the CBS investigative news program 60 Minutes on government propaganda around the 1976 swine flu scare.The program was aired on Sunday, November 4, 1979. Only one person was killed by the actual flu, while hundreds filed claims of death of their loved ones from the massive vaccine campaign which was mounted. Key sections are highlighted in bold. To watch this video clip online, click here. For more reliable reasons not to trust the government when it tells you to take a vaccine, click here and here.

Swine Flu 1976

MIKE WALLACE: The flu season is upon us. Which type will we worry about this year, and what kind of shots will we be told to take? Remember the swine flu scare of 1976? That was the year the U.S. government told us all that swine flu could turn out to be a killer that could spread across the nation, and Washington decided that every man, woman and child in the nation should get a shot to prevent a nation-wide outbreak, a pandemic.

Well 46 million of us obediently took the shot, and now 4,000 Americans are claiming damages from Uncle Sam amounting to three and a half billion dollars because of what happened when they took that shot. By far the greatest number of the claims - two thirds of them are for neurological damage, or even death, allegedly triggered by the flu shot.

We pick up the story back in 1976, when the threat posed by the swine flu virus seemed very real indeed.

PRESIDENT GERALD FORD; This virus was the cause of a pandemic in 1918 and 1919 that resulted in over half a million deaths in the United States, as well as 20 million deaths around the world.

WALLACE: Thus the U.S. government's publicity machine was cranked into action to urge all America to protect itself against the swine flu menace. (Excerpt from TV commercial urging everyone to get a swine flu shot.) One of those who did roll up her sleeve was Judy Roberts. She was perfectly healthy, an active woman, when, in November of 1976, she took her shot. Two weeks later, she says, she began to feel a numbness starting up her legs.

JUDY ROBERTS: And I joked about it at that time. I said I'll be numb to the knees by Friday if this keeps up. By the following week, I was totally paralyzed.

WALLACE: So completely paralyzed, in fact, that they had to operate on her to enable her to breathe. And for six months, Judy Roberts was a quadriplegic. The diagnosis: A neurological disorder called "Guillain-Barre Syndrome" - GBS for short. These neurological diseases are little understood. They affect people in different ways.

As you can see in these home movies taken by a friend, Judy Roberts' paralysis confined her mostly to a wheelchair for over a year. But this disease can even kill. Indeed, there are 300 claims now pending from the families of GBS victims who died, allegedly as a result of the swine flu shot. In other GBS victims, the crippling effects diminish and all but disappear. But for Judy Roberts, progress back to good health has been painful and partial.

Now, I notice that your smile, Judy, is a little bit constricted.

ROBERTS: Yes, it is.

WALLACE: Is it different from what it used to be?

ROBERTS: Very different, I have a – a greatly decreased mobility in my lips. And I can't drink through a straw on the right-band side. I can't blow out birthday candles. I don't whistle any more, for which my husband is grateful.

WALLACE: It may be a little difficult for you to answer this question, but have you recovered as much as you are going to recover?

ROBERTS: Yes. This - this is it.

WALLACE: So you will now have a legacy of braces on your legs for the rest of your life?

ROBERTS: Yes. The weakness in my hands will stay and the leg braces will stay.

WALLACE: So Judy Roberts and her husband have filed a claim against the U.S. government. They're asking $12 million, though they don't expect to get nearly that much. Judy, why did you take the flu shot?

ROBERTS: I'd never taken any other flu shots, but I felt like this was going to be a major epidemic, and the only way to prevent a major epidemic of a - a really deadly variety of flu was for every body to be immunized.

WALLACE: Where did this so called "deadly variety of flu", where did it first hit back in 1976? It began right here at Fort Dix in New Jersey in January of that year, when a number of recruits began to complain of respiratory ailments, something like the common cold. An Army doctor here sent samples of their throat cultures to the New Jersey Public Health Lab to find our just what kind of bug was going around here. One of those samples was from a Private David Lewis, who had left his sick bed to go on a forced march. Private Lewis had collapsed on that march, and his sergeant had revived him by mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. But the sergeant showed no signs of illness. A few days later, Private Lewis died.

ROBERTS: If this disease is so potentially fatal that it's going to kill a young, healthy man, a middle-aged schoolteacher doesn't have a prayer.

WALLACE: The New Jersey lab identified most of those solders' throat cultures as the normal kind of flu virus going around that year, but they could not make out what kind of virus was in the culture from the dead soldier, and from four others who were sick. So they sent those cultures to the Federal Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, for further study. A few days later they got the verdict: swine flu. But that much-publicized outbreak of swine flu at Fort Dix involved only Private Lewis, who died, and those four other soldiers, who recovered completely without the swine flu shot.

ROBERTS: If I had known at that time that the boy had been in a sick bed, got up, went out on a forced march and then collapsed and died, I would never have taken the shot.

DR DAVID SENCER: The rationale for our recommendation was not on the basis of the death of a - a single individual, but it was on the basis that when we do see a change in the characteristics of the influenza virus, it is a massive public-health problem in the country.

WALLACE: Dr David Sencer, then head of the CDS - the Center of Disease Control in Atlanta - is now in private industry. He devised the swine flu program and he pushed it.

WALLACE: You began to give flu shots to the American people in October of '76?

DR SENCER: October 1st.

WALLACE: By that time, how many cases of swine flu around the world had been reported?

DR SENCER: There had been several reported, but none confirmed. There had been cases in Australia that were reported by the press, by the news media. There were cases in -

WALLACE: None confirmed? Did you ever uncover any other outbreaks of swine flu anywhere in the world?


WALLACE: Now, nearly everyone was to receive a shot in a public health facility where a doctor might not be present, therefore it was up to the CDC to come up with some kind of official consent form giving the public all the information it needed about the swine flu shot. This form stated that the swine flu vaccine had been tested. What it didn't say was that after those tests were completed, the scientists developed another vaccine and that it was the one given to most of the 46 million who took the shot. That vaccine was called "X-53a". Was X-53a ever field tested?

DR SENCER: I-I can't say. I would have to -

WALLACE: It wasn't

DR SENCER: I don't know

WALLACE: Well, I would think that you're in charge of the program

DR SENCER: 1 would have to check the records. I haven't looked at this in some time.

WALLACE: The information form the consent form was also supposed to warn people about any risk of serious complications following the shot. But did it?

ROBERTS: No, I had never heard of any reactions other than a sore arm, fever, this sort of thing.

WALLACE: Judy Roberts' husband, Gene, also took the shot.

GENE ROBERTS: Yes, I looked at that document, I signed it. Nothing on there said I was going to have a heart attack, or I can get Guillain Barre, which I'd never heard of.

WALLACE: What if people from the government, from the Center for Disease Control, what if they had indeed, known about it, what would be your feeling?

JUDY ROBERTS: They should have told us.

WALLACE: Did anyone ever come to you and say, "You know something, fellows, there's the possibility of neurological damage if you get into a mass immunization program?"


WALLACE: No one ever did?


WALLACE: Do you know Michael Hattwick?

DR SENCER: Yes, uh-hmm.

WALLACE: Dr Michael Hattwick directed the surveillance team for the swine flu program at the CDC. His job was to find out what possible complications could arise from taking the shot and to report his findings to those in charge. Did you know ahead of time, Dr Hattwick that there had been case reports of neurological disorders, neurological illness, apparently associated with the injection of influenza vaccine?


WALLACE: You did?


WALLACE: How did you know that?

DR Hattwick: By review of the literature.

WALLACE: So you told your superiors - the men in charge of the swine flu immunization program - about the possibility of neurological disorders?

DR RATTWICK: Absolutely

WALLACE: What would you say if I told you that your superiors say that you never told them about the possibility of neurological complications?

DR HAJTWICK: That's nonsense. I can't believe that they would say that they did not know that there were neurological illnesses associated with influenza vaccination. That simply is not true. We did know that.

DR SENCER: I have said that Dr Hattwick had never told me of his feelings on this subject.

WALLACE: Then he's lying?

DR SENCER: I guess you would have to make that assumption.

WALLACE: Then why does this report from your own agency, dated July 1976, list neurological complications as a possibility?

DR SENCER: I think the consensus of the scientific community was that the evidence relating neurologic disorders to influenza immunization was such that they did not feel that this association was a real one.

WALLACE: You didn't feel it was necessary to tell the American people that information

DR SENCER: I think that over the - the years we have tried to inform the American people as - as fully as possible.

WALLACE: As part of informing Americans about the swine flu threat, Dr Sencer's CDC also helped create the advertising to get the public to take the shot. Let me read to your from one of your own agency's memos planning the campaign to urge Americans to take the shot. "The swine flu vaccine has been taken by many important persons," he wrote. "Example: President Ford, Henry Kissinger, Elton John, Muhammad Ah, Mary Tyler Moore, Rudolf Nureyev, Walter Cronkite, Ralph Nader, Edward Kennedy" -etcetera, etcetera, True?

DR SENCER: I'm not familiar with that particular piece of paper, but I do know that, at least of that group, President Ford did take the vaccination.

WALLACE: Did you talk to these people beforehand to find out if they planned to take the shot?

DR SENCER: I did not, no.

WALLACE: Did anybody?

DR SENC ER: I do not know.

WALLACE: Did you get permission to use their names in your campaign?

DR SENCER: I do not know.

WALLACE: Mary, did you take a swine flu shot?

MARY TYLER MOORE: No, I did not.

WALLACE: Did you give them permission to use your name saying that you had or were going to?

MOORE: Absolutely not. Never did.

WALLACE: Did you ask your own doctor about taking the swine flu shot?

MOORE: Yes, and at the time he thought it might be a good idea. But I resisted it, because I was leery of having the symptoms that sometimes go with that kind of inoculation.

WALLACE: So you didn't?

MOORE: No, I didn't.

WALLACE: Have you spoken to your doctor since?



MOORE: He's delighted that I didn't take that shot.

WALLACE: You're in charge. Somebody's in charge.

DR SENCER: There are -

WALLACE: This is your advertising strategy that I have a copy of here.

DR SENCER: Who's it signed by?

WALLACE: This one is unsigned. But you--you'll acknowledge that it was your baby so to speak?

DR SENCER: It could have been from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. It could be from CDC. I don't know. I'll be happy to take responsibility for it.

WALLACE: It's been three years now since you fell ill by GBS right?


WALLACE: Has the federal government, in your estimation, played fair with you about your claim?

ROBERTS: No, I don't think so. It seems to be dragging on and on and on, and really no end in sight that I can see at this point.

JOSEPH CALIFANO: With respect to the cases of Guillain Barre...

WALLACE: Former Secretary of HEW Joseph Caifano, too was disturbed that there was no end in sight. So a year and a half ago, he proposed that Uncle Sam would cut the bureaucratic red tape for victims suffering from GBS and would pay up quickly.

CALIFANO: We shouldn't hold them to an impossible or too difficult standard of proving that they were hurt. Even if we pay a few people a few thousand dollars that might not have deserved it, I think justice requires that we promptly pay those people who do deserve it.

WALLACE: Who's making the decision to be so hard-nosed about settling?

CALIFANO: Well, I assume the Justice Department is.

WALLACE: Griffin Bell, before he left?

CALIFANO: Well, the Justice Department agreed to the statement I made. It was cleared word for word with the lawyers in the Justice Department by my HEW lawyers.

CALIFANO: That-that statement said that we should pay Guillain Barre claims without regard to whether the federal government was negligent, if they - if they resulted from the swine flu shot.

GENE ROBERTS: I think the government knows its wrong.

JUDY ROBERTS: If it drags out long enough, that people will just give up, let it go.

GENE ROBERTS: I—I am a little more adamant in my thoughts than my wife is, because I asked - told Judy to take the shot. She wasn't going to take it, and she never had had shots. And I'm mad with my government because they knew the fact, but they didn't realize those facts because they - if they had released them, the people wouldn't have taken it. And they can come out tomorrow and tell me there's going to be an epidemic, and they can drop off like flies to - next to me, I will not take another shot that my government tells me to take.

WALLACE: Meantime, Judy Roberts and some 4,000 others like her are still waiting for their day in court.

Conférence de Ghis dans le cadre du Personocratia Reçoit du 7 juin 2009. Le sujet est la pandémie annoncée et la vaccination. Pour plus d'infos:

The evolution of my name

You may have noticed variations in my name. It has evolved as has my conscience, and that’s still an on going process…

  • At birth, I was given the name Ghislaine Lanctôt.
  • Between 1970 and 2000, I called myself Guylaine Lanctôt. The name also identified my clinics in Canada and in the US, the latter still carry that name.
  • In 2001, I added my mother’s maiden name to honour the Feminine Principle in me, and I went back to the original spelling of my first name: Ghislaine Saint-Pierre Lanctôt.
  • In 2006, conscious of being both my own creatrix Idessa* as well as the creature Ghislaine, it was obvious that I was an original, created by me in the present and not a reproduction, reproduced by external reproducers, that is, my parents. They had nothing to do with that. As a result, I dropped their names and simply kept Ghislaine.
  • If I had to add a name, it would be that of my true creatrix, Idessa. However, since we are all the one and only creatrix, we would all carry the name Idessa, and that could lead to confusion.
  • In 2007, I officially discard the corporative sheep bearing the name LANCTÔT, GHISLAINE, and its related social insurance number.The sheep is gone and its wool – laine in French – has been removed from my very name. I am no longer Ghislaine, but Ghis.
  • In 2008, I affirm and honour my true identity as a sovereign being with a body, a soul and a spirit. Ghislaine Lanctôt is starting to agonize. She passes away on July 31st, 2008. From her remains emerges the sovereign being, “Ghis”. In prison, the inmates choose to call me “Madame Ghis”.


GhislaineGhis, IBIT (Idessic Being In Training)
That’s who I am. Over the past sixty years, I’ve been roaming about, looking for an absolute truth. I’ve tried different countries, and experimented different roles, including that of a physician, an entrepreneur, a mother, an author, a lecturer… And after all that, I came home only to discover that what I was looking for was part of me all along.

At eighteen, I wanted to become a philosopher. However, I didn’t believe “thought” contributed much to the well-being of humanity, so I opted instead for a profession which, to my way of thinking, could make a difference, medicine.

I practised it for over twenty years, although, whenever I could, I set aside one day a week for “thought”. Three subjects were of particular on-going interest to me: medicine, politics, and spirituality.

In medicine, I sought unlimited health. I was convinced that everyone could be in perfect health and that it could be achieved at minimal cost.

In politics, I wanted to decentralise power; to put it back into the hands of those to whom it belongs, the people.
As for spirituality, I searched for the absolute. I discovered the world of the invisible and its precedence over the visible world.

I travelled down many roads, teaching, writing books and articles, reporting, giving lectures and holding workshops. I also founded an association for business women. All the while, I pursued my medical activities, specialising in the field of phlebology. I established a number of treatment centres in Canada and in the USA. I came to understand the real inner workings of the health industry.

All this travel and experimentation made me realise that the only solution was individual sovereignty; the supreme authority lies within and each is sovereign and idessic.

I stopped fighting the authorities. I stopped trying to change the system, or the world for that matter. I stopped trying to play the role of a saviour. I learned to change myself and to obey my soul/conscience. I came to the conclusion that true idessity is inherent to us all as individuals. The original vibration which created the universe is within each person. I called it Idessa.

The Medical Mafia I left medicine and wrote The Medical Mafia. In it I describe the medical system as it is, a system of illness which serves Big Money. It’s not there to help cure people. I describe the tools needed to escape from its grasp and find health and wealth.

The trial of the medical mafia That brought the full power of the medical establishment down upon me. It retaliated by bringing me to trial. To no one’s surprise, I was convicted and my licence was revoked for life! This saga is recounted in «The Trial of the Medical Mafia» - 1996.

What the hell am I doing here anyway? I then turned my attention to individual sovereignty. For the following years, I practised integrating this concept into my everyday life. I share my experiences in my second book entitled «What the Hell Am I Doing Here Anyway?» - 2002

From being an MD, Medical Doctor, I’ve promoted myself to IBIT, Idessic Being In Training… a true representation of who I really am. I’m learning who I am, and to behave as such. I use Applied Idessic Consciousness – or Idessity – in my daily life.

A long and circuitous route to get back to the essentials…

This new consciousness and its application eventually bring about legal proceedings from Canada Revenue Agency.

Madame Ghis - Escape in Prison In 2008, I spent two months in prison during which I discovered the exit door to human slavery. I describe the details in a new book entitled Madame Ghis – Escape in Prison (2009).

A NIGHTMARE WITHOUT END 😱 Lockdown 2.0 Plunges Britain Into A Double Dip Recession 📉 CONTROL VS. ELIMINATION
Brian Rose <>
To:Basheer Ahmad
Sun, 15 Nov at 13:42
Brian For Mayor
Brian For Mayor
Hi Basheer,

Unfortunately, our elected officials have failed us again with the latest lockdown.

I see a total lack of leadership.

I see a total lack of science-based decision-making.

I see a completely disproportionate response to the virus.

And I see our once strong economy being destroyed right in front of our very eyes.


Then hit "reply" and tell me what YOU think!

I promise to work tirelessly and take London in a new direction.

To learn more about my entire Transform London 2021 plan of attack visit our website www.BrianForMayor.London and join us on this incredible journey in a new direction.

Together we can make London a world-class city once again.

I am here to be of service,

Thank you,

Brian Rose
P.S. 🙏🏼 Please visit our website BrianForMayor.London to register, donate, and share this message with ALL of your social media followers.

Help us spread this important message to the citizens of this great city and beyond and kickstart this movement for change! 👊

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Brian For Mayor, 30 Market Place, Fitzrovia, London, W1W 8AP, United Kingdom

  • Lockdown 2.0, Professor Neil Ferguson & How Much A Life Is Worth 🔐 Professor Miles on Who Really Pays For The Stimulus Checks
    Brian Rose <>Unsubscribe
    To:Basheer Ahmad
    Sun, 15 Nov at 12:25
    The Digital Freedom Platform
    New Episode & Clips
    New Episode & Clips
    Extraordinarily Costly

    Hi Basheer,

    Today's Premiere features Professor David Miles CBE from Imperial College here in London. As well as being an ex member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee, Professor Miles has held positions in some of the world's most prestigious City institutions, including as Chief UK Economist for both Morgan Stanley Bank and Merrill Lynch London, and board member and Non Executive Director for The Financial Services Authority.

    He is also a Member of the Council of Economic Advisors to Her Majesty's Treasury and was awarded a CBE in 2016 for his services to monetary policy.

    With research interests spanning areas including housing, financial markets, financial stability and banking and the interactions between financial markets and the wider economy, Professor Miles is a man whose insights are much sought after and highly respected.

    Many of you will be feeling understandably concerned by the impact lockdowns are having on the economy. With the prospect of time away from friends and family once more, the hospitality sector closing and other sectors of the economy being shuttered, the financial impact these extreme measures will have could be catastrophic.

    It’s an anxious and frustrating time, which is why I was grateful to speak to Professor Miles to gain some much-needed clarity and wisdom on this unfolding narrative.

    Why Lockdown 2.0 Could
     Plunge UK Into Double Dip
    During the recent crisis, Professor Miles produced a detailed report demonstrating that even if the first lockdown had saved 500,000 lives which was initially estimated by Professor Neil Ferguson also of Imperial College (a figure which David regarded as "absurd"), the costs were even greater than the value of the lives saved.

    As more national lockdowns are imposed across the world, here in the UK the government continues to support the economy while restricting the freedoms of its citizens. With 25% of the country’s workforce being paid for by the government, an extended furlough scheme announcement and gloomy economic forecasts across a range of sectors, Professor Miles’ interests and expertise have never been more relevant.

    We discuss what lies ahead, how we can prepare for the negative economic shock, and of course whether the harsh measures in place are the right thing to do in the circumstances.

    Be sure to tune in, listen carefully and share this information with those around you that are equally concerned about the future. We need to take on board information from those in the know, to stick together and be prepared to play our part in getting the economy moving. These are important times.

    A number of clips from this important interview are now available to download, share and repost. Spread the word: grab these clips today!

    1. The Economical Cost Of A Lockdown
    2. Will Lockdown 2.0 Be Worse
    3. How Much Is A Life Worth
    4. Who Really Pays For The Stimulus Checks
    5. Does The Government Need To Fix Everything
    6. There’s No Free Lunch
    7. What Will Be The Financial Outcome Of Lockdown 2.0
    8. The Uncertainty Of Entrepreneurs
    Don't miss this incredible episode at and spread the message to friends, family and colleagues alike.

    Your freedom of speech champion, ???

    Founder & Host, London Real


    #londonrealarmy #digitalfreedomplatform #miles #lockdown
    Brian Rose 
    London Real  
    America’s Death Spiral
    Brian Rose <>Unsubscribe
    To:Basheer Ahmad
    Wed, 25 Nov at 00:13
    America’s Death Spiral
    America's Death Spiral
    Hi Basheer,

    The prophetic analyst who predicted the subprime mortgage meltdown… the financial crisis of 2008… the Greek sovereign debt crisis… and Brexit…

    Just issued another dire warning…

    About a $7.4 trillion financial extinction event he sees coming on January 15, 2021...

    A cataclysmic event he says will lead to widespread bank failures…

    A 70% stock market decline…

    Food shortages...

    And violent social unrest that leads to martial law.

    He’s urging Americans to take 4 simple steps to prepare today.


    Brian Rose

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      London Real, Kemp House, 152-160 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom


    Open Letter
    The Digital Freedom Platform


  1. Dystopia
    A dystopia is a community or society that is undesirable or frightening. It is an antonym of utopia, a term that was coined by Sir Thomas More and figures as the title of his best known work, published in 1516, which created a blueprint for an ideal society with minimal crime, violence and poverty.

  2. ________________________________________

    Le Confinement en Israël témoignage
    •7 Nov 2020

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