Madame Valérie Bugault - Crise des institutions françaises et piste pour une refondation.
ROSE (REAL LONDON), we have the best leadership ever and the one we deserve!
They have succeeded in everything they set out to do including their 1933-1945
war on Germany where 60-80 million DIED, DIED, DIED, over 1 million German
prisoners of war were starved to death, over 1 million women brutally raped,
including 4.3 million Indians (some say 14 million) starved to death! We were
taught lies in all our schools including the public ones. AND, MOST OF US
ACCEPTED IT! So, they are at it again because the ruling oligarchs and bank
gangsters know they will achieve their goals of TOTAL WORLD AND INDIVIDUAL
CONTROL AND DEPOPULATION, and get away with it! Did Napoleon fight with words
in Austerlitz? Did Wellington fight with words in Waterloo? When Judea declared
war on Germany in 1933, what WEAPONS did they use?
Emmanuel Macron said:
The United Kingdom of Judah is now saying THEY
(COVID-19 Plandemic Hoax and the Bill Gates Mafia!) will murder 4000 of their
own SUBJECTS (not citizens!) every single day, but we still do not get it! Most
of the Gods, religions, churches, priesthoods, and Believers are accomplices in
crime! I have one ton more of such FREE SPEECH arguments!
I do not give a damn about their Big Pharma drugs and poisons,
their deadly vaccines, but I need FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND MOVEMENT, which are
both guaranteed to us by European Laws! They have set up an Apartheid State
where only the wealthy and the perverts are protected!
Friday 20
November 2020
SOORMALLY 1 second ago
"TAKE HIM OUT", asked the hysterical
Asian lady to the Asian gentleman at the door, at my local Bank. It was
Wednesday 11.2020. My crime was to speak to her without a mask telling her that
the machine rejected the check I was depositing. She got hysterical and said I
had no mask and turned her back on me and asked or ORDERED the gentleman at the
door to KICK ME OUT! She had said earlier that no staff is allowed to serve me
if I do not have a mask (MUZZLE)! I was wearing a scarf, but it was not good
enough to be used as a MUZZLE! If I had my old Ghyslaine ROC's Burqa with me, I
would have put it on, but I could not find it at home! Had I done that they
would have called the Police like they do in France-Israel! On leaving, the
gentleman at the door said: "SHE IS A WOMAN"! I came back on my steps
and asked the gentleman at the door (who allowed me in without a mask!) what
should I do with my cheque if I cannot deposit it here? He was a kind man, and
he said he did not know! So, I returned home with my cheque. Minutes ago, I had
visited another bank where they allowed me to come in WITHOUT A MASK and I was
served by two gentleman WITHOUT THEM ASKING ME TO WEAR A MASK!
If we let them
as we have been doing since the beginning of the Plandemic Hoax, it will
definitely be "TAKE THEM OUT AND SHOOT THEM" when we refuse to
comply! It is a war, folks, stop being fools!
Friday 20
November 2020
N.B. I
was banned on LONDON REAL and the above 2 comments vanished as soon as I had
posted them a few minutes ago! WOW!
Valérie Bugault : Crise des institutions françaises et piste pour une refondation - Partie 01
Valérie Bugault : Crise des institutions françaises
Crédit Photo : Eric Boizet
Le sujet de la réforme institutionnelle va bientôt arriver au premier plan des préoccupations en raison de la convergence des quatre évènements suivants :
1°) La corruption de l’intégralité du système politique devient de plus en plus apparente ; ce qui laisse entrevoir une vérité cachée de longue date : l’absence d’équilibre des pouvoirs, la prétendue séparation des pouvoirs n’existe pas… de longue date.
2°) Les effets économiques du confinement vont devenir concrets à partir de cet automne : très nombreuses faillites d’entreprises, grandes banques en faillite… Concentration bancaire préalable à la redéfinition de l’euro (dollar américain et livre sterling devant vraisemblablement fusionner : vers un « apero » ou un « améro » ?) : multiplication des monnaies transnationales (dont notamment le nouveau Eco africain) serviront de base à la future monnaie mondiale, le fameux Phénix du magazine « The Economist », sous forme de panier de monnaies (DTS) gérés par le FMI et la Banque mondiale. L’anéantissement des économies justifiera une remise à zéro (un Reset) des monnaies.
3°) La vaccination obligatoire risque d’être mise en œuvre dans le contexte où les pouvoirs publics interdisent les traitements susceptibles de soigner le Covid-19 (Covid-20 ?) : Chloroquine et hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil en vente libre jusqu’en janvier 2020 puis brutalement classée substance vénéneuse) + interdiction aux médecins de prescrire l’azithromycine. Cette vaccination obligatoire sera le moyen :
– De mettre en scène un traçage numérique homogène des populations et
– De mettre en œuvre le brevet déposé par Microsoft en juin 2019 consistant à lier l’affectation de la monnaie dématérialisée (le minage de monnaie) à une activité corporelle prédéterminée.
4°) La banque de France, comme la banque d’Italie et après la banque de Suède lance une cryptomonnaie d’Etat. Si les suédois avaient politiquement (par référendum) refusé leur participation à l’euro, gageons que la cryptomonnaie suédoise entrera prochainement soit dans l’e-euro soit dans « l’améro-apero », sans que l’avis des suédois ne soit requis (Banque de France lance le e-euro (de la même façon que l’a-France a ratifié le Traité de Lisbonne alors que les français avaient refusé la Constitution européenne) :
En définitive, toute cette tragicomédie de pandémie aura pour effet – et c’était sans doute son objet depuis le début – l’anéantissement des économies, préalable indispensable au grand Reset monétaire voulu par les globalistes dans le cadre du Phénix. Cette nouvelle monnaie internationale, qui circulera de façon dématérialisée, appelé DTS, n’est autre que le Bancor ressuscité (gouvernement mondial) ; elle sera composée d’un panier de monnaies elles-mêmes dématérialisées.
Le nouvel « Eco », déjà baptisé « Eco-CFR » est une autre monnaie qui entrera dans le panier de monnaies sur lequel sera fondée la monnaie mondiale. Ajoutons que le maillage du monde par des monnaies numériques nécessite de gros investissements numériques au niveau mondial, d’où la récente décision des Etats de mettre rapidement en œuvre la technologie 5 G.
En conclusion, l’heure du « Grand Reset » et celui des choix a sonné : soit les peuples continuent de se laisser manipuler, et leur disparition est dores et déjà programmé, soit les peuples mettent en œuvre leur propre « reset » monétaire, politique et sociétal, ce qui suppose d’avoir un projet concurrent à celui de l’oligarchie et d’être suffisamment organisé pour imposer ce nouveau modèle.
Valérie Bugault : Crise des institutions françaises et pistes pour une refondation - Partie 02
Laïcité et messianisme républicain - Youssef Hindi
Conférence de Youssef Hindi à Bruxelles le 16 novembre 2019 durant laquelle il a exposé la thèse principale de son ouvrage « La Mystique de la Laïcité : Généalogie de la religion républicaine » paru en 2017 aux Éditions Sigest.
Voici le troisième Libre Entretien de notre chaîne, qui sera suivi d'autres interviews dans un futur proche, et dans laquelle on reçoit Mme Valérie Bugault concernant la crise sanitaire du coronavirus ainsi que la gestion politique de celle-ci.
Pierre Jovanovic reçoit Laurent Fendt pour commenter les principales actualités politiques, économiques et financières du moment.
Pour retrouver l'ensemble des actualités de la Revue de Presse, rendez-vous sur :
SME, UMG (on behalf of Varese Sarabande); AdRev Publishing, Sony ATV Publishing, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, LatinAutorPerf, LatinAutor - UMPG, EMI Music Publishing, Rumblefish (Publishing), UMPI, and 9 music rights societies
Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi: Fortune plango vulnera
Robert Shaw
Orff: Carmina Burana
Licensed to YouTube by
NaxosofAmerica (on behalf of First Impression); ASCAP, União Brasileira de Compositores, LatinAutorPerf, Abramus Digital, Rumblefish (Publishing), and 12 music rights societies
London Real
Going LIVE: London Is Now Billions Of Pounds In Debt & You Will Pay
Brian at London Real <>Unsubscribe
Hi Basheer,
am about to go LIVE with this week’s Real Deal, where I’ll be
me as I take an in-depth look at the history of the London Mayorship
and how both Labour and Conservative parties racked up over £18 billion
of debt in the past
20 years.
will also explain how the current Mayor’s poor fiscal policies have led
to his latest £493 million worth of cuts to crucial public services
like our fire departments, police forces, and green initiatives.
our current Mayor’s solution is to blame the government for his
mistakes is not working, with one of his Conservative colleagues in City
Hall, Susan Hall, stating that:
gambit is that by playing the part of a 'poor Mayor' and publicly
calling for ministers to step in and bail him out again, Londoners will
not notice that he is the one choosing to drop the axe on the vital
services that keep our city safe."
But there is more.
current Mayor has also requested an additional almost £30 billion from
the government, most of which is for housing, where he has failed to
build even half of the 116,000 affordable homes he promised by
2022. In fact after 3 years, Sadiq Khan has only started 34,515 homes.
biggest conclusion is this: our current Mayor has never been qualified
to run an organisation like City Hall with 27,000 staff which if treated
as a corporation would be one of the top 10 companies listed on the
London Stock Exchange.
And why would he? He has absolutely zero experience with:
is why we need to elect a Mayor that does have these crucial skills and
has spent the past 20 years in London doing these exact things.
As Your Next Mayor I will lead this city in a new direction and Get London Back To Work with my following policies:
a six month post-lockdown "congestion charge holiday" by removing this
prohibitive taxation in order to promote visits to the city and boost
the economy
a six month post-lockdown "business rates holiday" by removing business
rates across the board for SMEs in greater London
key sectors with expanded financial packages, specifically
restaurants, cafes, nightclubs, retail and the hotel sector
the return of office workers to the world’s financial capital by
speaking with the top global financial service companies about how to
safely bring back 25% of their office workers.
Implementing new science-based protocols for retail establishments to deal with Covid-19 responsibly but still stay in business.
Safely opening up our theatres, museum, concert arenas, and stadiums
Allowing outdoor seating and use of streets for all retail and hospitality businesses in London
Getting our children back to school which will promote all of the surrounding and dependent businesses
Getting our children back to school which will promote all of the surrounding and dependent businesses
Let me know your thoughts
Deal is your chance to join me LIVE to discuss the big issues and I
want you to get involved by sending me your questions and opinions. This week I'm particularly keen to hear your thoughts on:
Is it fair that you the taxpayer funds governments that go over budget?
Do you think it’s fair to increase congestion charges and raise children’s fares?
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