Airline whistleblower solves 9/11
A review of "Methodical Illusion" by Rebekah Roth
Listen to last night’s interview with Rebekah Roth, to be archived here.
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor
The truth-seeking community – and the airline industry – are abuzz over Rebekah Roth’s new book Methodical Illusion. It’s poised to break into the top 1,000 worldwide, selling so fast that Amazon may even have tried to stop its rise to bestseller status by falsely claiming “sorry, out of stock.”We’ve seen this situation before…such as on September 8th, 2013, when the RT documentary 9/11 and Operation Gladio started to go viral and suddenly disappeared from search engines – as emails containing its url began falling into a big black hole in cyberspace.So what’s all the excitement about? Why would the people whose job is to “disable the purveyors of conspiracy theories” try to limit sales of a potboiler novel by a former stewardess?
Hint: It isn’t literary quality they’re afraid of. If you want a 9/11 truth novel by a literary genius, read Thomas Pynchon’s Bleeding Edge. Pynchon’s book has lot of great writing and a modest amount of 9/11 truth, packaged in such a way as not to offend the Tribe that dominates American media.
But if you want a rough-hewn page-turner with more 9/11 truth than anything you’re likely to read this side of David Ray Griffin or Christopher Bollyn (or Veterans Today for that matter) check out Methodical Illusion. Roth boldly goes where no stewardess or novelist has gone before, pinning 9/11 squarely on the Israelis and their American assets, and providing a convincing explanation of how the planes were “hijacked,” by whom, where they went, and what happened to the passengers.
Roth’s book has set off a stampede by her former colleagues in the aviation industry, who are rushing to provide details supporting her revelations. They are confirming the installation of FTS (Flight Termination System) equipment on the models “hijacked” on 9/11, which allowed those planes to be taken over remotely and flown from the ground. When FTS takes over a plane, it completely shuts down that plane’s communications with the outside world. That explains why not one of the four pilots on any of the 9/11 planes managed to flip a toggle switch and squawk the hijack code. Had the aircraft been hijacked in a normal manner, the pilots, who are trained to instantly squawk “hijack” in such an emergency, all would have done so.
The failure of any of the 9/11 planes to squawk the “we are hijacked” message is absolute, conclusive proof that the official story of hijackings by Arabs armed with box cutters is false.According to the author’s hypothesis, the FTS-captured-and-silenced planes landed at a nearby Air Force base with gigantic hangars, which Roth identifies and a colleague who was there confirms happened, less than 20 minutes after takeoff. Once on the ground, selected flight attendants and passengers were guided (or forced) to place cell phone calls, during which they read from scripts prepared by the perpetrators.
This scenario is very similar to one planned by the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1962: the infamous Operation Northwoods. And it is entirely plausible. The main counter-argument – that the FAA tracked the two Boston aircraft from takeoff to crashes – has been disproven, since we now know that the 9/11 perpetrators were inserting false blips onto FAA controllers screens and thereby controlling what they saw.
According to this scenario, the Twin Towers would have been hit by military aircraft and/or missiles, not passenger jets.Roth’s hypothesis is compelling, for several reasons. First, it explains why the perpetrators would invent such a ridiculously implausible scenario as “hijacked suicide attack planes fly all over the Eastern half of the USA before finally hitting their targets or being taken down by heroic passengers.” They needed this palpably absurd scheme to allow for time to covertly land the planes and stage the dramas via scripted cell phone calls. And the dramas – which would brainwash Americans into hating Israel’s Muslim enemies and killing them by the millions – were (alongside the horrific images broadcast from New York) the key part of the psy-op. Without the “cell phone calls,” nobody would have “known” what happened on those planes.
Were there such a thing as al-Qaeda suicide hijackers, they would take over the plane immediately after takeoff and fly straight for their targets, thereby minimizing the possibility of things going wrong, such as FTS being activated by the good guys or NORAD interceptors showing up in around 10 minutes – the normal procedure every time a plane deviates significantly from course.
But since there have been no successful hijackings in the USA since the 1970s, the whole idea that even one plane would be successfully hijacked on 9/11 is ludicrous. The preposterous claim that four planes with military-trained pilots were commandeered by 130 pound “muscle hijackers” with box cutters and flown with consummate skill and impossible speed by pilots who couldn’t even fly Cessnas is one of history’s most bizarre delusions.
Roth’s hypothesis also explains why so many of the people who received phone calls from the “hijacked passengers” insisted that the calls came from the person’s cell phone, positively identified through caller ID. In 2001, cell phones did not work at altitude. The calls must have been made from the ground.Additionally, this scenario explains why many of the cell phone calls went on so long; were often placed to improbable recipients; had none of the correct background sounds; and were full of bizarre glitches revealing that they were scripted and/or coerced, not actual emergency calls from in-flight aircraft.
Roth’s explanation sheds light on the role of Rabbi Dov Zakheim, a US-Israeli dual citizen who served as Comptroller of the Pentagon on 9/11 and managed to abscond with $2.3 trillion dollars, as Rumsfeld announced the day before.
Roth writes:
“Remember the comptroller of the Pentagon (Dov Zakheim), who owned the company that manufactured the flight termination system? He also owned a company that refurbished commercial 767s and sold them as military refueling tankers. He just got some free airplanes to add to his inventory. They could have easily kept those planes hidden in the hangers (at the Air Force Base) and flown them out after dark”. (251)
According to former NSA officer Wayne Madsen, one or more of those planes may now be parked at the “Boneyard” (the Marana Air Field) in Arizona. Madsen spent several days on-site investigating the murder of former CIA pilot and 9/11 truth author Philip Marshall – a crime which, like the recent assassination of Gray State filmmaker David Crowley, was a professional hit disguised as a murder-suicide. Madsen believes Marshall may have been killed because he discovered one or more 9/11 planes stored at Marana. The quickest way to shed light on this, I suspect, would be to waterboard Rabbi Zakheim.
But the larcenous and murderous Rabbi was not the only key Israeli-American player in the plane-capture operation. Another was Daniel Lewin, the “hijacker in seat 9B” on Flight 11. Lewin was (and may still be) a topnotch Mossad assassin. Roth suggests Daniel Lewin may have been one of the agents tasked with overseeing the FTS plane-takeovers, controlling the passengers and crew, coercing cell-phone-callers, and ultimately killing the “9/11 plane crash victims” whose DNA samples would then be sent to a military laboratory for identification. (Though there is no documentation of any discovery of passenger remains at Shanksville or the Pentagon – indeed, there is not one shred of evidence that Fight 93 was ever excavated from the ten-by-fifteen-foot hole in the ground it allegedly disappeared into, or that airliner or passenger remains were ever removed from the Pentagon – the government claims that all of the passengers and crew from those two sites, but none of the alleged hijackers, have been DNA-identified from crash site remains!)
Among the airline industry whistleblowers who have contacted Roth is one who still possesses the original passenger manifests for the “hijacked flights.” There are no Arab names on those manifests. That would explain why the public versions also contain no Arab names; why no remains of any alleged hijackers were ever DNA-identified; why the US government has repeatedly refused pleas from the alleged hijackers’ family members to accept DNA samples and try to identify their falsely-accused loved ones; why several of the alleged hijackers were identity theft victims with Mossad dopplegangers; why not a single authentic security camera image shows any of the alleged hijackers en route to boarding any of the four alleged attack aircraft; why no airline industry employees have ever testified about ticketing or boarding any of the 19 Arabs; why no passenger stubs have ever been produced for the 19 Arabs; and why ten of the alleged hijackers turned up alive after 9/11.
Methodical Illusion, unlike previous 9/11 truth novels, isn’t afraid to tell us who did it: “…A political leader of one of our most trusted allies in the Middle East.” I think we know who she means: The one who has just been invited by traitors to address Congress, over the objections of the President.
“…Because they have been such a trusted ally of our nation, they have infiltrated our media, the Federal Reserve, the banking system and they control most of the lobbyists that manipulate far too many of our politicians. They also control most of the campaign contributions as well as both political parties…their complete control over the media is going to be very problematic for us.”
It may be a novel, but truer words have never been spoken.
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Your Gods Will Die With You
… by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor from 2012
Editor’s note: This is an article from 2012. At this time, Steve Rosen of AIPAC was suing that organization because it fired him after he was arrested by the FBI for spying. In a nutshell, his basis what this: They hired me to be a spy and when I got caught, they fired me and claimed ignorance, that and maligned me as well. As Jim W. Dean so often says, “You just can’t make this
Yesterday, I was talking with a senior US Army intelligence officer about AIPAC.
This is a group that “helps” Israel but is supposedly American.
Former Bush White House advisor, Steve Rosen, has testified that it is a spy organization.
My friend confirmed it, not only do they steal American technology and military secrets but they sell them to our enemies and everyone in the Army knows it, congress knows it, but anyone who says a word will have their careers destroyed.
A reminder or two about Rosen, really quite a nice person, friend of a friend, now “spilling the beans.”
Grant Smith discusses the Rosen v. AIPAC lawsuit that threatens to bring Washington to its knees with an espionage scandal of unimagined proportions:
Steven J. Rosen’s defamation lawsuit against the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is now entering a critical phase. A series of cross-filings stakes out the critical court terrain.
Rosen intends to show that obtaining and leveraging classified U.S. government information in the service of Israel is common practice at AIPAC.
He claims it was unfair for AIPAC to fire and malign him in the press after he was indicted on espionage charges in 2005.
On March 2, 2009, Rosen filed the civil lawsuit against his former employer, directors, and an outside public relations firm for libel and slander. Rosen, AIPAC’s former foreign policy chief, seeks $5 million in damages from AIPAC, and punitive damages of $500,000 from each former board member, for a total claim of $21 million.
AIPAC made statements to the news media Rosen believes were “knowingly false and defamatory and issued in reckless disregard.” AIPAC fired Rosen and fellow employee Keith Weissman after they were criminally indicted under the 1917 Espionage Act in 2005.
Both were caught up in an FBI sting operation receiving classified information from Department of Defense employee Col. Lawrence Franklin, who pled guilty and turned state’s witness.
Rosen’s legal counsel David H. Shapiro gruffly advised AIPAC’s attorney Thomas L. McCally that he would be seeking “serious discovery” on Rosen’s behalf during a status hearing on June 5, 2009.
It is this sort of public intrusion guided by knowledgeable insiders, following already devastating FBI raids, that AIPAC probably wants to avoid at all costs.
Ironically, Rosen’s civil lawsuit, like the failed government prosecution, hinges on proving that circulating classified information is common practice inside AIPAC.
The ADL has gone after me a few times but I ran one of the world’s largest banks, I am probably not a good target.
Several AIPAC employees have been interviewed by us, some on video, some for days, all admitting endless criminal acts against the United States, all indicating that the FBI is fully aware but helpless.
Early on I will begin with a point. One of the things we learned is that Americans, Christian Evangelists, give billions to Israel. They get no accounting of how it is spent.
The amount is staggering, conservatively over $30 billion a year which goes with the secret $18 billion the Pentagon gives Israel in arms which they sell and the official $3 billion we call “foreign aid.”We live in a world of secret prisons, 20 square miles of Poland is a secret US prison. Worst of all, in a sense, are the concentration camps in Israel, walled, gun towers, inmates incinerated with cluster bombs and chemical weapons, camps paid for by religious organizations in the US.
This would pay the tuition for every American college student and hire 50,000 nurses, teachers, police, things we need here in America.
Remember in 1945 when Germans were paraded through the concentration camps they said they knew nothing of? Here, for my religious friends who maintain the blinders of indecency, we have some photos for you to display this Sunday.
Nobody can claim they don’t know, not when the world press has published the truth for years.
We have more than minor proof that much of that money is used to persecute Muslims and Christians. The Evangelicalists were all lied to, American Jews are lied to, everyone is lied to.
Israel is a brutal and unjust society run by a criminal elite just like 100 other countries. Muslims prey on each other, look at Saudi Arabia.
Remember the stories about how Saddam took babies out of incubators in Kuwait during the invasion in 1990, one that was planned with the full cooperation of President George H. W. Bush who then led a war against his own friend?
Here, let Congressman Ron Paul tell you about it. Wikileaks got the evidence. If you fought in that war, and many of our readers/members did, welcome to being suckered. Worse yet, of course, tens of thousands who fought then have died of strange diseases our government ignores.Where are the Vietnam veterans? A few are walking around but Agent Orange, a carcinogenic defoliant laced with dioxin killed most of them and the government spent 40 years covering it up.
Vietnam killed more Americans than all wars combined, including World Wars One and Two, Korea, even the Civil War. Anyway, let’s let Congressman Paul tell us and then ask yourself why certain people are not in prison:
My day job, as a “retiree,”
like so many others, is to run a defense group, a number of companies
that specialize in training senior intelligence officials, setting up
mobile counter-insurgency forces and even training police and private
I still work on development projects
but the current condition of world banking has left many of these to be
funded by the US and EU, while China is spending its billions around
the world buying influence as well.
These stories are all untold, maybe because
the truth would give some a clear look at the world they are going to
be living in, one that doesn’t fit accepted ideas of reality.
As we saw in the video above,
Bush set Saddam up. Saddam bought his poison gas and many other weapons
from Bush family members, they own an arms trading company tied to
groups in Taiwan and Japan, those groups are organized crime.
“Poppy Bush,” still helps run the Carylyle Group, a conglomerate of former heads of state, and major political powers, that invests money that traces back, much of it, to drugs and organized crime.
Truth is never told, as the British are
learning. Where is Tony Blair? Had he been arrested years ago and is now
let out on a leash every now and then?
One of the places this
piece goes will be no surprise. After some very successful and
legitimate “investigative reporting,” the real partner of organized
crime, worldwide, just as Putin tells us is NATO.
They have no other reason to exist other
than to run drugs, launder money, shuffle prostitutes and human slaves
around the world and pretend to defend us all from terrorism, 90%
imaginary, the rest of us orchestrated by Saudi Arabian “Wahhabism” and
hired Mossad car bombers. Too much truth for you? Go take a pill!
As for Blair, at least he
wasn’t killed like his partner Gaddafi. Sarkozy really wishes he hadn’t
taken 50 million euros from Gaddafi now also. As for Blair, want some proof?
The news was quickly blocked in America, though the story was broken by the Wall Street Journal. Discussions yesterday went even further. I was talking with friends about Pakistan and Afghanistan, “official” friends, about how drug trafficking works. We claim we have cut drug production by 30% in Afghanistan. Being the “spoil sport” I am, I had to make mention that:Files unearthed from Moamer Kadhafi’s intelligence archives and seen by AFP on Saturday appear to document deep cooperation between the CIA, MI6 and the former Libyan regime, including the shipping of terror suspects for regime interrogation.The cache of documents, originally obtained by Human Rights Watch from a Libyan security archive, includes blunt details about the secret 2004 seizure from Malaysia of an Islamic militant, who by twist of fate now heads commands the revolutionary forces in Tripoli.
The letters include an apparent CIA memo informing the Libyan authorities about the journey of “Abdullah al-Sadiq” and his pregnant wife from Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok, where the US would “take control” of the pair and hand them over to the regime.
Sadiq — named as a member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group — is said to be the nom de guerre of Abdel-Hakim Belhaj, who now leads the militia of Libya’s new rulers in the capital Tripoli.
In another letter a senior member of Britain’s intelligence agency congratulates Libya’s spymaster on the arrival of Sadiq.
The chatty and friendly letter, written to Kadhafi’s right-hand man Mussa Kussa, says the delivery of Sadiq “is the least we can do for you.”
Other letters to Kussa headed “Greetings from MI6″ (Britain’s foreign intelligence service) and shows a personal Christmas greeting signed by a senior British spy with the epithet “Your friend”.
Kussa was Kadhafi’s foreign minister until he flew to Britain in March and defected, but despite being accused of rights violations was allowed to fly to Qatar the following month.
- There is no factual basis for the claim
- We have actually expanded drug production to Iraq and the CIA is now shipping both marijuana and hashish, which are now as profitable as heroin and easier to sell. The “customers” live longer.
France came up because they have troops in Kosovo, a part of Serbia seized and made into a “country” that almost nobody recognizes. Kosovo is Muslim, actually run by organized crime, and partnered with the Albanian Mafia.
You will love this part.
The Kosovo/Albanian Mafia “officially” has wiped out most of the American/Italian “Mafia” and even the Russian “Mafia” groups in the US. This is even better. Their primary base of operations is a place called Camp Bondsteel, an American base where heroin is brought in and transshipped for them.
I then checked with friends in law enforcement, extremely senior, and was told they have “insulation” in Washington that lets them do anything they want.
Who, I asked. I was told, “the Bush family, Frank Carlucci, former Secretary of Defense and former Secretary of State Madeline Albright.
I was then told that much of the reason for the war in the Balkans and the destruction of Serbia was to set up Kosovo as a center for organized crime.
There are more troops in Kosovo than citizens, all there to protect the drug business, same as the US and their few “allies” are doing in Afghanistan.
It seems that drugs are even more profitable than rigging oil prices, the GOPs game. I then confirmed this through Pentagon sources who backed up what I have just written 100% plus.
For a bit of “santized” background on how far things you have never heard of have gone, try these links:
- Wikipedia
- EU Publication on “Crime in the Western Balkans”
- ADL site
Here, Mike Rose, UN Commander, points out proof of “ethnic cleansing” by Muslims, contradicting stories told in the western press:
Speaking of “ethnic cleansing,”
have you heard of “news cleansing?” Mike Rose, a Brit commander from
the Falklands, commander of “SAS22″ with 4 knighthoods demands the
immediate arrest of Tony Blair. Try to find a record of this. I will
supply the “invisible” newspaper headline, this one from the UK Daily
“The inquiry should be the first step in a judicial process that brings those responsible for the disasters of the Iraq war before the courts – and could, as I shall explain, ultimately result in Tony Blair being indicted for war crimes.
Already, the inquiry has provided us with devastating details of events in the run-up to Iraq.
Sir William Ehrman, former Director of Defence and Intelligence at the Foreign Office, told it this week that British spies reported ten days before the invasion that Iraq had ‘disassembled’ what chemical weapons it had. Yet Tony Blair nevertheless pressed ahead with the war.
Then came former Washington ambassador Sir Christopher Meyer’s claim that Tony Blair and George W. Bush had signed a secret deal ‘in blood’ to topple Saddam Hussein almost a year before Iraq was invaded, and that officials found themselves scrabbling to find ‘a smoking gun’ to justify going to war.
But, despite these compelling accounts of what happened, the truth is that we already know the main lessons of Iraq: Britain was taken unprepared into war on false grounds, and the inevitable result was the destruction of Iraq, enormous loss of life and continuing political turmoil in the Middle East. Worse, the war has radicalised Muslim opinion against the West throughout the world, even spawning terrorism on the streets of London.
Evidence: Sir Christopher Meyer told the Iraq Inquiry that Blair and Bush signed a secret deal ‘in blood’ to topple Saddam HusseinAlthough it may be too early to assess the final cost of the war in human, political or economic terms, already the figures that have emerged are truly horrifying.
Over 100,000 Iraqi civilians and more than 4,500 soldiers from coalition forces have been killed during almost seven years of the occupation – and probably ten times that number have been injured. Two million Iraqis have fled their country and another two million have been internally displaced.
Up to $3 trillion has been spent on the war by America – a staggering sum that is likely to have played a significant part in the collapse of the American banking system and helped create the present difficulties facing the world economy.
Today, so many destabilising political, economic and social issues remain in Iraq that despite victory having been declared, there is a serious danger the country will collapse into civil war when the American troops finally depart next year.
Added to all this is the effect on the war in Afghanistan. War can never be an isolated act, and the West’s efforts in Afghanistan have been almost fatally damaged by the decision to concentrate on Iraq – with the resulting diversion of vital strategic resources.
If only a fraction of the military and economic resources that have been expended in Iraq over the past six years had been committed to Afghanistan in 2001, the situation would certainly look very different today from the deeply worrying one that currently exists in that war-torn country.
Crucially, it would not have been possible for the Taliban to return to Afghanistan or mobilise the support of the Afghani people against the coalition forces by claiming that the West had failed to deliver its promise to rebuild the country.
As it is, the Taliban has been able to exploit the vacuum that was left when the West turned away – and we now have a situation which, at its worst, could spill over into Pakistan, raising the spectre of Al Qaeda gaining access to nuclear weapons.
Any military strategist will tell you it is never sensible to open a second front, as we did in Iraq, before completely defeating the enemy on the first front.
Domino effect: Pakistani soldiers outside a cave allegedly used by Taliban militantsAs Blair walks off into our history books, without seemingly a scintilla of blame being attributed to him for his part in the Iraq war, no wonder there is such extreme fury and frustration with a political system that refuses to make him answer for his actions.
Recently, I heard an Oxford academic describe the Iraq war as ‘stale cabbage’, adding that the British people were no longer interested in how the Iraq war had come about.
But this dismissive attitude greatly underestimates the desire for justice that characterises most of us in this country.
Indeed, it is likely that much of the current anger over the issue of MPs’ expenses is actually an expression of deep disillusionment with the entire democratic process, which has been brought on by Blair’s decision to go to war against the clear will of the majority of the people.
Sadly, it was also a decision in which the majority of MPs, with a few honourable exceptions such as the late Robin Cook, were complicit.
For it is not just Blair who should be held to account. In the run-up to the Iraq war, it is clear that MPs failed sufficiently to question the validity of the intelligence used by Blair to justify the war – choosing to believe what they were told and supinely accepting the conclusions of the infamous ‘dodgy dossier’ which warned that Saddam could launch an attack on the West within 45 minutes.During the debate on the dossier on September 24, 2002, they failed to challenge the Prime Minister even though it would have been a simple matter to determine whether the missiles that Saddam supposedly possessed were tactical or strategic weapons.
Tactical battlefield missiles – which are what they turned out to be – could only just reach the British sovereign base at Dhekelia in Cyprus, and they certainly did not constitute a strategic threat to the West as Blair claimed.
If one of my military students at the British Army Command and Staff College had produced such a sloppy and weak case for war as did Tony Blair before Parliament, I would have sacked him – for he would have revealed himself to be entirely without the strategic grasp or ruthless analytic quality that is necessary in any military leader, especially one in time of war.
Yet Blair’s misuse of intelligence in the run-up to war is but one of at least two vital issues where the Iraq inquiry should be seeking to determine whether he is guilty of deception.
First, the then Prime Minister clearly stated before the invasion that regime change would never be the reason for going to war – yet it is already beginning to emerge from the Iraq inquiry that this was almost certainly the real reason for invading Iraq.
On this issue, at least, it seems as if Blair misled Parliament and, indeed, the country.
Second, according to accepted international law of war, no country should go to war unless it is the action of last resort; its actions are proportional to the threat; and unless the end result is justified by the means used – in other words, that the situation in the country after the invasion will be an improvement, in human and security terms, on the original state of affairs.
Toppled: The Prime Minister had said before the invasion that regime change would never be the reason for going to warThe war in Iraq represents a clear breach of these three basic requirements: the UN believed there was no justification for going to war in March 2003, as we had not reached the point of ‘last resort'; there was no threat whatsoever from Iraq in the absence of chemical weapons; and the woeful failure to commit proper resources to the post-war situation meant Iraq inevitably descended into a spiral of disorder, violence and chaos from which it has still not recovered.
Everyone – even a Prime Minister – must be presumed innocent until he is proven guilty. However, it is not a sustainable defence for Blair to say that he felt he was doing the ‘right thing’ when he committed this country to the invasion of Iraq, or that he was himself misled by the intelligence.
It is his obvious responsibility as the country’s leader to determine the validity and quality of the source of the intelligence before taking us to war.
And it seems more than probable, from the grotesque fiasco of the ‘dodgy dossier’, that Blair was quite happy to use any intelligence that suited his case – and ignore warnings about its quality.
Already, the inquiry seems to be confirming our worst fears about events leading up to the war against Iraq in 2003. Already, a prima facie case could be made that the invasion of Iraq was in significant breach of international law and might constitute a war crime. “
Read more:–face-charges-war-crimes.html#ixzz1tS9DdImr
What would America give
for a general like that? West Point didn’t turn out a single one, not
one voice, not even Wesley Clark. If Blair should face trial, as Rose
states, his full statement at the link above, then shouldn’t the entire
Bush administration go on the dock with him?
Of course, we hear the occasional story,
“Cheney faces arrest if he leaves US” and such. What kind of people are
we to allow criminals like this to remain in our midst, not only remain
but to continue their conspiracies and crimes even when out of office?
You stumble over all kinds of things. You
learn that most of those who were murdered in the Balkans were Serbs,
not just Muslims, that Serbs were in concentration camps, mass graves of
Serbian dead dot the country side and those photographed cutting the
heads off women and children now eat lunch with Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton.
They also help distribute billions of dollars in drugs.
But then things have always been like that,
Timothy McVeigh, supposedly responsible for the Oklahoma City bombings,
was an FBI informant and everything we are told about that incident was
Then we can simply disprove everything
about 9/11 with a short video and one question: “Where are the two men
arrested on 9/11? Did they fly back to Tel Aviv the next day on the
special plane Bush authorized?” In less than 4 minutes, I can provide
proof that no one can dispute:
While they were so busy
covering up the big things, selling the big lie, this was there all
along, the “smoking gun.” CBS and CNN claim they never made the
broadcasts, the officers no longer exist, the forensic evidence is gone,
the earth swallowed it all up but then this tiny little video, I have
so many of these, comes to the surface.
Simply put, if this video exists, and it
does, then everything else is not credible. Ask any attorney. They pray
for things like this.
I belabor the point I wish I could make
easily, that we all have moral responsibility for what we do. I pay
taxes that pay for bombs that kill children? My excuse is coercion, that
if I attempt to withhold taxes, I will be killed. Let’s be honest here,
there are to trials for public figures that “cross the line.” I pay and
thus, I kill.
A point. A major aspect of
Islam is charity. All Muslims that can must give to charity. Our dirty
little trick is to have tied all Muslim charities to “terrorism,”
through paid lying informants, invented “intelligence” and fabrication.
Almost all that have been arrested for “terrorism” or “money laundering” have donated to very real orphanages and hospitals.Real terrorists, or if we are more honest, those who fight against the American invasion of Afghanistan, get millions from the US government, paid for allowing trucks to go through, for loading heroin onto our airplanes or are paid part of the billions in bribes that lets America pretend Afghanistan is a real war.
I was in Vietnam,
America’s most costly war, as a combat Marine. You can die quite easily
in a totally phony war. For those unaware, the Vietnam war was caused
when America blocked elections mandated by the 1954 treaty.
The people rose against us, we put in a
puppet government and now, decades later, 2 million Americans are dead
that would otherwise be alive, closer to 2.2 million. These are the real
Israel is one tiny issue, a “pissant”
country run by a former furniture salesman from Philadelphia who has a
g-d complex and the qualifications that would normally have him
collecting shopping carts.
He is simply a front-man for organized crime, a banking conspiracy, a pack of racist maniacs and drug dealers.
He governs by staging phony terror attacks,
some in Israel, others in places like New York City or Abuja or Norway,
he passes out billions in American money, in Israel life is good.
The cost of living there is actually less
by 30% than Toledo, Ohio. Homes there cost nothing, built on land
belonging to others, of course, everything is cheap. I didn’t know that
until I carefully went over prices with a friend moving there.
I can apply for citizenship, I could buy a home for almost nothing, get a pension paid for by the United States, another one, and not even have to live there. I have actually considered it. I could take the immigrant money and buy a Ferrari except I would be afraid to drive it.
Can you guess how many people are doing the same? Can you blame them?
Then there is the issue of morality. I
would have to see Palestinians beaten, held at gunpoint, their homes
bulldozed, read newspapers that lie continually, see Gaza bombed,
schools destroyed.
Actually, America does these things daily
but at least I don’t have to see all of it. Maybe this is why Israel
builds walls around their concentration camps. At least the Nazis had
the courtesy to only use fences. They were less hypocrites.
Oh, did I use an unpleasant analogy? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, no matter how true it might be. You say the newspapers don’t agree, that movies and TV have Israel as “surrounded” and “embattled,” not something else. Read it from Uri Avnery or Gilad Atzmon, I can’t take the time to feed narcissism.
The issue is that Israel
has been found, by over 100 nations, to be both “apartheid” and to be
“terrorist.” It isn’t the only one, just the one that lies most and
If you are Jewish and unaware of these
things, suggest you find the few credible folks like Avnery and Atzmon
and read them. We can all remind ourselves of each other’s sins and well
If you do not ask, this is inexcusable. If you choose to believe lies, you could be a Republican. I wouldn’t wish that on a dog.
Our issue is “right and wrong” and our
willingness to not just look away but to accept being lied to. Humanity
has endless thousands of years of heroes, some real, more imaginary yet
we live in a time where men and women of honesty and character have
never been under attack around the world as they are today.
There are two choices. Either your children will learn the truth and hate you or they will never know the truth and, thus, never really be human at all. Tell me which is worse? Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it.
We have reached a point where governments
have failed in every sense. The 19th century movements, anarchism,
Marxism, those that recognized what we discuss and provided flawed
solutions have never been replaced, we no longer strive for justice or
The most brutal concentration camps in the
world are now run by graduates of West Point and the Air Force Academy.
In the reaches surrounding them, the mass graves will be discovered, in
one day 900 murdered in Afghanistan alone, each shot in the back of the
How many died during interrogation,
so often that stubbornness that prevented turning over “terror secrets”
ended up to be the most obvious reason of all. 97% of our “terror
suspects” were people we bought from local bandits and kidnappers,
simply people they pulled off the street at random, as with Dr. Aafia
As an American, hearing
military officials who are, by career choice, forced to lay down their
lives tell me they are afraid to speak up no longer seems
incomprehensible and conflictory.
Our institutions, be they churches,
governments, social organizations, philosophical belief systems, they
have all failed. We are mammals who eat our own young, this is the truth
of it.
We are not “our brother’s keeper,” we keep nothing at all.
Expect the unexpected, a fate so horrific that it is unimaginable. It will be earned, be assured of that. Apocalypse? Not hardly! Your g-ds will die with you.
Editing: Jim W. Dean
Israel, the psychopathic nation
Is Zionism a collective personality disorder?
By Dr. Laurent Guyénot, translated and introduced by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor
Can a nation be a psychopath?
According to one expert on political psychopathy, Andrzej Lobaczewski, the answer is yes. Whole nations, even international political movements, can exhibit behavior that parallels that of psychopathic individuals.Lobaczewski, a Polish psychiatrist, diagnosed psychopathic symptoms among the Communist-era leadership. He argued that individuals with personality disorders, especially psychopathy, tend to gravitate to positions of power, which can set off a contagion in which the entire regime takes on psychopathic characteristics.
In a brand-new article, translated and published here for the first time, Laurent Guyénot argues that Israel (and the international Zionist movement surrounding and empowering it) is a textbook case of political psychopathy. Naturally the Zio-psychopaths, who always have to be 100% right and cannot accept the slightest bit of criticism, will not respond well to this article. Their reaction will offer yet another item of evidence that Dr. Guyénot’s thesis is correct.
Laurent Guyénot is an Engineer (National School of Advanced Technology, 1982) and medievalist (PhD in Medieval Studies at Paris IV-Sorbonne, 2009). He has authored numerous books; the latest is JFK-9/11: 50 Years of Deep State. My recent interview with him on the Charlie Hebdo affair is archived here.
by Laurent Guyenot
“Judeophobia is a psychosis. As a psychosis, it is hereditary and as a disease transmitted for two thousand years, it is incurable.” (Leo Pinsker, Auto-Emancipation, 1882)
Jewishness is a notoriously ambivalent notion. On the one hand, Judaism is a religion; on the other, Jews are a people, an ethnic group or race. It all depends on the circumstances. But in both cases, Jewishness may legitimately be subjected to psychological analysis. If Judaism is a religion, we may turn to Freud, who addressed the relationship between religion and neurosis in three books: Totem and Taboo, Civilization and Its Discontents and The Future of an Illusion, in which he calls “religion” (referring mainly to Catholicism) a “universal obsessional neurosis of humanity.” If, conversely, the Jews are a people, then we can base our analysis on common sense, which admits that every people has a national character forged by history – or a collective memory, which is to say, its own representation of its history. Concerning the character of the Jewish nation, there is no shortage of opinions from Jewish intellectuals.
What is a psychopath?
Psychopathy is a syndrome of traits classified among the personality disorders. Canadian psychologist Robert Hare (1) in the wake of Hervey Cleckley’s The Mask of Sanity (1941), has defined its diagnostic criteria on the basis of a cognitive model that is now widely adopted, though some behaviorally-oriented psychiatrists prefer the term sociopathy. In an effort to get everyone to agree, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders, the American psychiatric bible, suggested antisocial personality disorder; but the term psychopathy is still in use.
The diagnostic criteria for psychopathy also include pathological lying, deception (cunning) and manipulative behavior. The psychopath feels only very superficial emotions and has no real feelings for anyone; but he has developed a great ability to deceive. He can be charming to the point of being charismatic. He typically shows highly-developed verbal intelligence and lies with disconcerting aplomb. He is unable to empathize, but learns to simulate it, sometimes with a tendency to histrionics (Latin histrio, “theater actor”). The psychoanalyst Helène Deutsche makes this trait the mark of “as-if personalities” endowed with purely mimetic “pseudo-emotions,” devoid of inner experience, “a little like an actor with good technique, but not animated by any actual life.” (2) But the psychopath is more than that: he is a manipulator. It is through his extraordinary ability to feign, trick, trap, and capture that the psychopath draws his power. Although he himself is immunized against guilt, he becomes a master in the art of using guilt to dominate others.
Although those close to the psychopath – at least those who learn the hard way his true nature – can judge him raving mad, the psychopath is not “sick” because he does not “suffer.” He is innocent of neurosis, and never requests psychiatric care (except as a strategic calculation). He is not psychotic, and cannot be regarded as maladapted to social life. On the contrary, he is, in a certain sense, over-adjusted. That is why the real mystery, from a Darwinian point of view, is not the existence of psychopaths, but their low proportion in the population.
Jewishness and selective empathy
The most optimistic low-end estimate of the proportion of psychopaths in the Western population is 1%. This 1% should not be confused with the famous 1% who own half the world’s wealth; but a study of senior executives of large companies, published under the title Snakes in Suits, shows that psychopathic traits are widespread among them (3). This is not surprising; modern society values psychopathic traits and favors the upward mobility of psychopaths.
The fact that Jews today are disproportionately represented among the elite (they form half of billionaires in the United States, while representing only 2.4% of the population) (4) does not allow us to conclude that psychopathy is more prevalent among the chosen people. In a way, quite the opposite is the case: Jews demonstrate among themselves an extraordinary capacity for empathy, or at least familiarity that breeds exceptional solidarity to the point of self-sacrifice. But the selective nature of this empathy suggests that it is addressed less to the humanity of others than to their Jewishness. In Nomads. Essay on the Jewish Soul (1929) we learn what transpires when two Jews meet. “We have never met before, but I instantly know him. One look, one phrase, and I know where he grew up, how he grew up, where he got his drive and his sense of humor. He is New York. He is Jewish. He looks like my uncle Louis, his voice is my uncle Sam. I feel we’ve been together at countless weddings, bar mitzvahs, and funerals. I know his genetic structure. I’m certain that within the last five hundred years—perhaps even more recently—we shared the same ancestor.” (5)
This is a comment from Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor, about his meeting with Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Council of the Federal Reserve, two very influential Americans, about whom we would like to believe that such familiarity does not affect their judgment of the nation’s interest. Kadmi Isaac Cohen described Judaism as “the spiritualized deification of the race […]. Thus the divinity in Judaism is contained in the exaltation of the entity represented by the race.” (6) It is as if the Jews felt united by a collective or ethnic soul, which occupies more or less of their individual soul according to individuals and circumstances.
This is indeed how many Jews recall their Jewishness. “Being Jewish to me,” says Alain Finkielkraut, “is to feel involved, concerned, sometimes compromised by what other Jews do. It’s a feeling of belonging, affiliation; and in this affiliation, there is, for example, the tortured link to Israel.” (7) Every Jew experiences himself as part and parcel of the chosen people; everything he is doing reflects on the community. When a Jew is a victim, all Jewish people are victimized. (By contrast, if he is a torturer, his Jewishness is repressed because it would implicate the whole people in his guilt.) Jewishness is in some sense a latent sentiment capable of being activated by the slightest alarm. “The feeling of Jewishness remains in me something dark, abyssal, and above all, unstable. Both powerful and labile. Nothing is as important to me as my Jewishness which, however, in many respects, has so little importance in my life,” writes Jacques Derrida. (8)
Jewish ethnocentrism
In contrast to the empathy it shows for itself, the Jewish community as a whole, to the extent it submits to its representative elites, tends to behave towards the mass of Gentiles in a psychopathic rather than empathic manner. This is why a goy observer, Werner Sombart, despite his reputation as a Semitophile, highlights features of Jewish collective psychology that are similar to psychopathic tendencies including a temperament that is “coldly utilitarian” and “calculating,” alongside a propensity to mimicry, combined with a mechanical conception of human relations. (9) The founder of sociology Emile Durkheim (1858-1917), very critical of his Jewish community, noticed among Jewish intellectuals a pragmatic and self-interested notion of truth, which can be compared with that of the psychopath: “The Jew . . . seeks to learn not in order to replace his collective prejudices by reflective thought, but merely to be better armed for the struggle. . . . [H]e superimposes this intellectual life upon his habitual routine with no effect of the former upon the latter”. (10) Many Jewish historians, for example, seem to value History less as a pursuit of truth than as a means of power.
This equation between Jewishness and humanity, which is the height of ethnocentrism, is the real meaning of Judaism’s claim to embody humanism. Though Israelis are “the most separatist people in the world” according to Nahum Goldman (former president of the World Jewish Organization and founder of the World Jewish Congress), he adds: “The Israelis have the great weakness of thinking that the whole world revolves around them .” (14) So there is not necessarily a contradiction in their minds between universalist discourse and the practice of tribalism. If the Jew is the essence of humanity, what is good for the Jews is good for humanity, on principle. And although fundamentally racist, Jewishness cannot see itself as such: “Judaic ethics […] by definition deny racism. A Jew cannot be racist.” (Elie Wiesel) (15). This does not prevent the same Elie Wiesel from stating that “Jewish history describes an ongoing conflict between us and the others. Since Abraham, we are on one side and the whole world is on the other.” (16)
It has often been
The Innocent Victim
The psychopath does not know the feeling of guilt; he constantly plays innocent. Those who get in his way, or even cast a shadow over his path, are solely responsible for their own destruction. Their accusations are baseless fabrications, their anger an irrational hatred. “One thing that Judaism has which other spiritualities lack is innocence,” explains André Neher, one of the leaders of “the Jewish school of thought of Paris” (with Emmanuel Levinas and Leon Ashkenazi). “We are innocent, and we feel even more deeply that we are innocent when we are accused. […] It is this innocence that we must be aware of at present, and that we must never deny, never, in any circumstance.” (23) And it works: “You will understand nothing of anti-Semitism,” wrote Jean-Paul Sartre, “if you fail to remember that the Jew, that object of so much hatred, is perfectly innocent, nay harmless.” (Anti-Semite and Jew, 1946). The Jewish question is thus reduced to the question of anti-Semitism, which, thanks to the mythology of the Holocaust, is elevated to the status of metaphysical Evil. “The hatred of the Jews is the enigma of enigmas …” (André Glucksmann, Hate Speech, 2004) (24). It is a necessary enigma, without which the Jewish people could dissolve. Towards the end of his life, the Jewish writer Ilya Ehrenburg repeated that he would consider himself a Jew “as long as there was a single anti-Semite left on earth.” (25) Persecution is the central theme of the Passover holiday, Hanukkah, Purim and Yom Kippur, and Jewish history as taught to Jewish children, according to Michael Walzer, is one long tale of exile and persecution – Holocaust history read backwards. (26) According to historian Zygmunt Bauman, Israel uses the Holocaust “as the certificate of its political legitimacy, as a safe-conduct pass for its past and future policies, and, above all, as advance payment for the injustices it might itself commit.” (27)
Israel, Psychopath State
The State of Israel is now in the international scene what the psychopath is in a human community. With regard to the Palestinians, “Israeli Jews’ consciousness is characterized by a sense of victimization, a siege mentality, blind patriotism, belligerence, self-righteousness, dehumanization of the Palestinians, and insensitivity to their suffering,” in the words of journalist Akiva Eldar (“Operation Cast Lead against Gaza in 2008-2009″). (28) As noted by the Deputy Director of Military Intelligence Yehoshafat Harkabi: “Dazzled by its self-righteousness, Israel cannot see the case of the other side. Self-righteousness encourages nations no less than individuals to absolve themselves of every failing and shake off the guilt of every mishap. When everyone is guilty except them, the very possibility of self-criticism and self-improvement vanishes…” (29) The Israeli journalist Gideon Levy wrote in Haaretz in 2010 that “Only psychiatrists can explain Israel’s behavior.” However, the diagnosis he offers, including “paranoia, schizophrenia and megalomania,” (30) is in my opinion insufficient. It must take into account Israel’s extraordinary manipulative capacity on the world stage via corruption and propaganda, that is to say, the Bank and the Press.
The power of the Zionist manipulation of the United States, based on quasi-total control of the mainstream media alongside large-scale psychological operations such as September 11th, is truly bewildering. But it becomes understandable in light of the cognitive mechanisms of psychopathy. It even becomes predictable to some extent, if we keep in mind that the psychopath has no ability to question, no limits to his appetite for power, and no remorse about leading humanity into ruin to save his skin. Nothing better illustrates the psychopathic nature of Zionism than the apocalyptic nuclear blackmail Israel perpetually exercises over the West under the name “the Samson Option.” In 1974 Golda Meir summed it up as “Israel’s willingness in a doomsday situation to take the region down with it” (32) in the event of looming defeat.
And remember: there is no limit to the psychopath’s thirst for power, because he does not seeks power for the comfort it can bring him, but instead loves power for the sake of power.
By drawing a parallel between psychopathy as a personality disorder and the attitude of Israel, I do not mean, of course, the Jews in general. They are the first to be manipulated by their elites, and they are part of this collective psychopathy only to the extent of their submission to those elites. Jewishness, do not forget, is whatever idea the Jews make of it; and the idea the Jews make of it is, almost entirely, the one imposed on them by their elites.
In The Corporation: the Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power (Free Press, 2005), Joel Bakan noted that those “legal persons” that are large companies behave like psychopaths, insensitive to the suffering of those they crush in their pursuit of profit: “Corporate behavior is very similar to that of a psychopath.” That company culture, which involves every employee to one degree or another, is driven by its ruling elite. The Enron case has shown the world the tremendous damage that can be done by a company run by people of high intelligence and perverse ideology. (34) My analysis here of the Jewish community is based on exactly the same reasoning. Like it or not, the character of a nation is as much determined by its legitimate leaders than the reverse. Until proven otherwise Benjamin Netanyahu is as much Israel as Vladimir Putin is Russia.
And since Israel has New York as its second capital, we must also count among its elites the neoconservatives (“neo” here means “crypto” and “conservative” means “Likudnik”), whose leaders define themselves as disciples of Leo Strauss, therefore implicitly as super-Machiavellian. (In his Thoughts on Machiavelli, in fact, Strauss claims he is the only one who understands what Machiavelli never dared to write). This hyper-Machiavellianism of the neoconservatives, to which they admit when speaking amongst themselves, must be taken very seriously. In an article in the Jewish World Review of June 7, 1999, the neoconservative Michael Ledeen defends the thesis that Machiavelli was a “secret Jew” since “If you listen to his political philosophy you will hear Jewish music.” (35) According to Strauss, Machiavelli is the super-patriot who understands that only the nation has an eternal soul, and that, therefore, the best leader is one who has no fear of losing his soul, since he has none. In practice, the art of the Machiavellian prince is to terrorize while diverting popular resentment toward his enemies. I believe that the admission of Ledeen sheds light on the psychopathic nature of Israel. From the Judeo-Machiavellian (i.e. neoconservative) point of view, the current leaders of Israel from Tel Aviv to New York – from Benjamin Netanyahu to Larry Silverstein – are super-patriots.
This article is in no way anti-Semitic; it is a severe criticism of “Jewishness” as a system of thought, a representation of the world and the self. We are critiquing an idea by exposing its dangerous irrationality, nothing more. Even if it is as old as the world, an idea still deserves critique. Since the first victims of a toxic idea are the men and women it inhabits, they are likewise the first we would help liberate. This article is basically a fraternal message to all Jews: Jews of all countries, disunite! Break away from your elites and their pathological ideology! Rejoin humanity!
1) Robert Hare, Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us, The Guilford Press, 1993.
2) Helene Deutsche, Les «comme si» et autres textes, 1933-1970 (1992), Seuil, 2007, p. 55, cited in Roland Gori, La Fabrique des Imposteurs, Le Lien qui Libère, 2013, p. 232.
3) Paul Babiak et Robert Hare, Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work, HarperCollins, 2007. Theme expressed in documentary film I am Fishead (2011) :
4) Benjamin Ginsberg, The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State, University of Chicago Press, 1993 ; J.J. Goldberg, Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment, Basic Books, 1997.
5) Robert Reich, Locked in the Cabinet, Scribner, 1997, cited in Kevin MacDonald, Culture of Critique: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements, Praeger 1998, kindle edition 2013, e. 9222-27.
6) Cited in André Pichot, Aux origines des théories raciales, de la Bible à Darwin, Flammarion, 2008, p. 418-419.
7), à 15:12.
8) Cité dans Hervé Ryssen, Les Espérances planétariennes, Éditions Baskerville, 2005, p. 183.
9) Werner Sombart, Les Juifs et la vie économique (1902), KontreKulture, 2012, p. 482 et 158.
10) Cited in Kevin MacDonald, Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism, Praeger, 1998, édition kindle 2013, e. 5403-10.
11) Cited in Hervé Ryssen, La Guerre eschatologique, Éditions Baskerville, 2013, p. 23-24 et Les Espérances planétariennes, Éditions Baskerville, 2005, p. 184-189.
12) Cited in Roger Garaudy, Le Procès du sionisme, 1998, p. 17 et dans Hervé Ryssen, Les Espérances planétariennes, Éditions Baskerville, 2005, p. 184-189.
13) Jean-Marie Lustiger, La Promesse, Parole et Silence, 2002.
14) Nahum Goldman, The Jewish Paradox, Fred Jordan Book, 1978, p. 8 et 56-57.
15) Cited in Hervé Ryssen, Les Espérances planétariennes, Éditions Baskerville, 2005, p. 191.
16) Hervé Ryssen, La Guerre eschatologique, Éditions Baskerville, 2013, p. 25.
17) Josef Kastein, History and destiny of the Jews, Garden City publishing, 1936, cited in Douglas Reed, La Controverse de Sion (1956), Kontre Kulture, 2012, p. 163.
18) Josué Jehouda, L’Antisémitisme, miroir du monde, Éditions Synthesis, 1958, p.185, cited in Léon de Poncins, Les Juifs et le Concile Vatican II, Kontre Kulture, 2014, p. 173.
19) Cited in Martin Peltier, L’Antichristianisme juif. L’enseignement de la haine, Diffusion Internationale Édition, 2014, p. 250-252.
20) Kevin MacDonald, Culture of Critique, Praeger, 1998, Kindle edition 2013, e. 9983-10008 ; see also Separation and Its Discontents, Praeger, 1998, Kindle edition 2013, ch. 7.
21) Cited in Kevin MacDonald, Separation and Its Discontents, Praeger 1998, Kindle edition 2013, e. 5485-91.
22) Léon Pinsker, Autoémancipation, Lettre d’un juif russe à ses frères (1882), Éditions Mille et Une Nuits, 2006, p. 17 et 21.
23) Cited in Hervé Ryssen, Les Espérances planétariennes, Éditions Baskerville, 2005, p. 319.
24) Cited in Hervé Ryssen, Psychanalyse du judaïsme, Éditions Baskerville, 2006, p. 205.
25) Kevin MacDonald, Culture of Critique, Kindle 2013, e. 3176-78.
26) Michael Walzer, “Toward a New Realization of Jewishness,” Congress Monthly n° 61, 1994, p.4, cited in MacDonald, Separation and Its Discontents, Kindle 2013, e. 4675-86.
27) Kevin MacDonald, Separation and Its Discontents, Kindle 2013, e. 4674-86.
28) Cited in Max Blumenthal, Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel, Nation Books, 2013, p. 16.
29) Alan Hart, Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, Volume 2: David Becomes Goliath, p. 42-49.
30) Gideon Levy, “Only psychiatrists can explain Israel’s behavior,” Haaretz, January 10, 2010,
31) Arthur Howden Smith, The Real Colonel House (1918), Bibliographical Center for Research, 2010, citd in Aline de Diéguez, Aux Sources du chaos mondial actuel, on line at:
32) Alan Hart, Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, vol. 2: David Becomes Goliath, Clarity Press, 2009, p. 194.
33) Léon Pinsker, Auto-émancipation, 1882, cited in Jean Daniel, La Prison juive, Odile Jacob, 2005, p. 133.
34) See the documentary The Smartest Guy in the Room (2005),
35) Michael Ledeen, “What Machiavelli (A Secret Jew?) Learned from Moses,” Jewish World Review, 7 juin 1999,
36) Livia Rokach, Israel’s Sacred Terrorism: A Study Based on Moshe Sharett’s Personal Diary and Other Documents, Association of Arab-American University Graduates, 1986, p. 42-49.
37) Alan Hart, Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, Volume 2: David Becomes Goliath, p. 42-49.
Kevin Barrett
Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.
Dr. Barrett has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.
Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin, where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.
Dr. Barrett has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.
Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin, where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.