TWENTY-ONE Magical Signs of the Jewish Cabala —The Six-Pointed Star, Babylonian Witchcraft, and the Hollywood Perdition of Jerry Seinfeld and Associates
He said furthermore unto me, Son of man, seest thou what they do? even the great abominations that the house of Israel committeth here... Ezekiel 8:6Kabbalism is a system of Jewish mysticism and magic and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft. Virtually all of the great witches and sorcerers of this century were Kabbalists. — William J. Schnoebelen, in The Dark Side of Freemasonry
Jewish Cabala (or Kabbalah). The Cabala is not new, of course. It's been around for centuries. The Cabala is actually ancient magic. It is an exotic blend of devilish, sometimes fanciful, New Age mystical practices topped by a philosophical bent of Jewish supremacism. Orthodox Judaism, or phariseeism, is rife with cabalism, and Jewish rabbis are the Cabala's greatest promoters.
Celebrities and Cabala
The recent explosion in mainstream interest in cabalism is boosted by the many big-name celebrities who have recently been hawking cabalism as the miraculous answer to all of man's problems. An undercover BBC reporter who infiltrated a London cabala group witnessed singer Madonna and Guy Ritchie chanting mystic spells to "cleanse" Chernobyl, the site in Ukraine of a nuclear plant disaster in 1986.1
Look closely when you see any of these people on TV or pictured in magazines and you'll often see the characteristic red string wristband they wear. Lately, former President Bill Clinton's been spotted wearing it—he's a cabalist—and so has Florida's politician Katherine Harris, who became a famous household icon as Florida's Republican Secretary of State during the bizarre 2000 election snafu. Republican bigwig and former House Speaker, Newt Gingrich is reported to be a cabala advocate, and some say conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh and his rabbi are also into the cabala.
Among the most notorious of cabalists are the TV comedy stars of the once #1rated "The Jerry Seinfeld Show." The producer of the Seinfeld show was Larry David, a Jew, all four of the cast were Jews, and cabalistic hand signs, occult language, and magic rituals were covertly planted in many episodes.
Jason Alexander, who played the loveable loser "George Costanza" on the show, posed for TV Guide magazine in a blatantly cabalistic body pose. Plus, his left and right hands gave the "El Diablo" horned devil sign in an "As Above, So Below" gesture.
Michael Richards, who portrayed the klutzy "Kramer" in Seinfeld, also seems to relish giving cabalistic and Masonic hand signs and gestures. Richards was pictured on the front cover of the Scottish Rite Journal, and inside the publication, he told of how pleased he is to be a Freemason.3
Star Trek's Leonard Nimoy ("Mr. Spock") is constantly sighted in cabalistic poses. His famous Vulcan hand sign on the TV series was actually the Hebrew letter, Shin.4
Its display is part and parcel of Jewish religion. So every time viewers observed Mr. Spock (Nimoy) giving the sign, they were unknowingly being made a participant in a cabalistic occult ritual.
Sodom, Egypt, and 21st Century Judaism
In one of the most controversial of all the many video documentaries I have produced, Cauldron of Abbadon, I stated, "From Jerusalem and Israel flow a torrent of satanic evil and mischief endangering the whole world. "5 Zionist Jews and their cohorts in the Christian Zionist community were angered over what I said, but they had no response to the mountain of facts presented in the video proving my point.
It is undeniable that God Himself, in Revelation 11:8, declares that in the last days just prior to Christ's return, one of the most wicked places on earth will be Jerusalem and Israel. In Revelation God calls Jerusalem "Sodom and Egypt."
The question is, why? Why is Jerusalem and the nation of Israel spiritually "Sodom and Egypt?" I believe it is because of the Jewish religion, a religion diametrically opposed to the Old Testament faith of Moses, Isaac, Jacob, and the prophets.
From the days of the Jews' captivity in Babylon, to today, the religion of the Jews has increasingly grown more dark and more wicked.
Children of hell, that's what Jesus called the Jewish religious teachers. That was almost 2,000 years ago. Well, guess what? The Jewish religionists are even worse now, in the 21st century. They've had almost 2,000 years more to practice and perfect their evil religion. Today, those who practice satanic cabalism and believe in the Talmud are the children of hell a hundred times over.
In Codex Magica we do not have the space to fully report on the almost unbelievably wicked Talmudic and Cabalistic religion of the Jews. But it is important to understand that the horrific nature of the Jews' religion lie in its man-made traditions. In reality, these traditions are satanic in origin. I refer especially to the Jewish Talmud, the legalistic law traditions of the rabbis, and to the Jewish Cabala (also Kabbalah or Quaballah), which are the mystical teachings and traditions of the rabbis and sages.
If the Jews had stuck to the teachings of the Old Testament, Satan would not have had such terrible inroads. Indeed, if Moses and the prophets had been heeded, or if their writings were honored today, the Jews would believe in Jesus Christ as Messiah and be saved by faith in His promises.
Worse, it can be remarkably demonstrated that the philosophy and doctrines of the Jewish Cabala are the very fount and wellspring of virtually every wicked, occult sect, satanic secret society, and witchcraft cult that has arisen in the past one thousand years!
The Cabala brings together in one neat package the core of all the Mystery teachings of the ancients. Indeed, the Bible gives evidence that the Jewish elders had brought the Mysteries into the Temple and had conducted secret ceremonies in hidden chambers as far back as the days of the prophet Ezekiel (see Ezekiel 8).
Regrettably, the abominations are multiplied in the 21st century Jewish religion in which the Cabala plays a central role.
The Masonic Lodge and The Cabala
Freemasonry has long praised the Cabala, and its top officials have admitted that the Lodge's rituals and teachings are but the offspring of the Jewish tradition. Albert Pike, former Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite wrote: "One is filled with admiration, on penetrating into the Sanctuary of the Cabala."6
Just how much Masonry owes to the Cabala is illustrated by study of the Knights of Kadosh degree (30°). Ed Decker, director of Free the Masons Ministries, reports that the trappings of this degree ritual are "overtly sinister" and incorporate a "High level of Kabbalistic symbolism."
When one is surrounded by black curtains, skulls, and a coffin with a shrouded knight speaking forth from within, it doesn't take a spiritual giant to discern that this is not a Godly organization!7
Confirming Decker's findings, medical doctor James L. Holly, who has done great works in exposing Freemasonry, in his outstanding volume, The Southern Baptist Convention and Freemasonry, shows how the 30° Masonic initiate is led unawares into a direct spiritual relationship with Satan. In the ritual, Satan is personified as a mysterious cabalistic mystic.8
Interestingly, Richardson's Monitor of Freemasonry says that,
"the Knights of Kadosh Degree is intimately connected with the ancient Order of Knights Templar, as it commemorates their old ceremonies of initiation."9
Freemasonry is Jewish
In 1855, the renowned Rabbi Isaac Wise wrote:
"Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end."10
"Freemasonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left?"11
Zionist world leaders, men in influential positions with the various Masonic organizations everywhere, have worked "hand in glove" for a universal world revolution, which will bring in the One World Church and a One World Government. Many Masonic Lodges are exclusively Jewish, as are the controlling B'nai B'rith Lodges —the mother of the infamous and very dangerous Anti Defamation League (ADL).12
A popular pro-Freemasonry web site, in an article entitled "Judaism and Freemasonry," comments:
Jews were actively involved in the beginnings of Freemasonry in America. There is evidence they were among those who established Masonry in seven of the original thirteen states...A Jewish Mason, Moses M. Hays, helped introduce the Scottish Rite in America...Jews, including Rabbis, continued to be involved in the Masonic movement in the United States throughout our history. There have been 51 Jewish American Grand Masters...
"I am proud to be a Mason" writes Rabbi Seymour Adas, 32o, in this issue of The New Age Magazine (April 1987).
The most honored Masonic leader in the history of Freemasonry was Albert Pike. Pike maintained that, "every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion."14
Demons, Magic, and Mysticism in the Cabala
Here are the eye-opening comments of a number of knowledgeable authorities on the Jewish Cabala:
The Cabala contains such power and demonic teaching, it is more than enough to give the ideology and driving force needed to lead the world astray and to keep such an evil conspiracy alive through the centuries...The Cabala is a teaching source of the Freemasons as well as for other groups. — John Torrell, publisher
The DoveKabbalah: The sacred books of black magic of Orthodox Judaism which form a large part of the basis of the western secret societies, from Rosicrucianism to Freemasonry and the OTO. Kabbalism is itself derived from the sorcery of ancient Babylon and...Pharaohic Egypt. — Craig Heimbichner
Blood on the AltarKabbalism is a system of Jewish mysticism and magic and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft. Virtually all of the great witches and sorcerers of this century were Kabbalists.
— William J. Schnoebelen,
The Dark Side of FreemasonryThe Hebrew Cabala is a series of occultic writings that are as demonic as any incantation ever uttered in witchcraft. Webster's Dictionary tells us the Cabala (sometimes spelled Kabbala) is "an occult religious philosophy developed by certain Jewish rabbis..." — James Lloyd
The Apocalypse Chronicles
(Vol. VII, No. 1, 2005)
Twisted Satanic Rituals and lies
The rabbinical doctrines and teachings of Cabalism are based on a curious blending and mosaic of astrology, numerology, graphology, color magic, symbology, alchemy, pagan religion, and pure Luciferianism.
The 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet are touted as religious idols of great magical powers. Even their shapes are studied and accorded supernatural powers. Angels, Archangels, grimoires, devas, and elementals are worshipped and feared. There are "Gods" and more "Gods" but only a mysterious, hazy supreme deity behind everything. This supreme deity is a pantheistic God who fills up the whole universe. In fact, he is the macrocosm, the Universe.
Of course, as in all Illuminist magic, there's the double-minded theology of "As Above, So Below," the insidious lie that black is white and vice versa; that good and evil are one, that the shadow and the substance are unitary.
Sex magic holds an important place in Cabalism, and sex ritual is a popular vocation of students of Cabala.
Margie Martin, in her informed, unpublished manuscript for her upcoming book, The Molten Image, explains that the Tarot cards of witches and occultists are of Jewish origin and correspond with the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
Finally, Cabalism is pure Illuminism because it teaches the secret doctrine that, ultimately, the higher level adept learns: That the Holy Serpent is the true God; that all the evil that a person does, through alchemy, is magically transformed into righteousness; and that, yes, Lucifer is Lord. Satan is the true and only God. That is the essential doctrine of Cabalism.
The Star of David and The Jewish Utopia
The symbol of the Jewish six-pointed star, known as the Seal of Solomon and as the Magen David, is the preeminent symbol of Cabalism, but other symbols, signs, and marks also hold the interest of cabalists, including the pentagram or pentacle, the triangle, the circle, the sun, the obelisk, the yoni, and the diamond. It is believed by cabalistic rabbis that there are hidden codes and messages in the numbering of scriptural letters. It is also believed that by working the Cabala, the earth may someday be renovated, rebuilt, perfected. This, say the rabbis, will result in a perfect Jewish Kingdom, or Utopia on earth, ruled by a Cabalist Master, a Jewish leader, naturally.
This belief system of the coming of a Jewish Utopia fits in well with the teachings of the Illuminati. Lady Queensborough, quoting the Jewish authority Bernard Lazare, in the classic Occult Theocracy, reported that,
"There were Jews behind Weishaupt, founder of the Order of the Illuminati... Jewish financiers such as Daniel Itzig, Friedlander, Ceerfbeer, Benjamin and Abraham Goldsmid, Moses Mocatta, Veitesl Heine Ephram... also Moses Mendelsohn, Naphtali Wessely, Moses Hersheim..."16
Pr Texe Marrs 2006-2015 free to download Internet Audio Files
Texe Marrs 2015 one hour programs
Programs lsited in descending order(newest first)
01(first one of the year) through 52(last one of the year)
38. Planet Rothschild: The Rothschild Dynasty and its Ultimate Goals for Israel and Planet Earth: Download
Texe Marrs interviews Mike King, author of the monumental two volume set of books, Planet Rothschild. An examination of the rise of the Rothschilds to become the richest family on earth and the rulers of nations. Discover the secretive Judaic religion of evil the Rothschilds practice and see how they operate to bring war and ruination to targeted nations. Don’t miss this provocative program!
37. The United States and Israel Organize Genocide in North Africa and the Middle East-Refugees, Destabilization, Conquest, and Lies According to Plan: Download
A Special Report by Texe Marrs. Unraveling the reasons for the incredible refugee invasion of Europe and the United States. Proof that the United States and Israel are intentionally torturing, murdering and killing hundreds of thousands of people in Libya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and Syria to destabilize the Middle East, steal oil resources, and set up a fake "Islamic Caliphate." A "Greater Israel" and the death of Syria is the immediate goal as the New World Order is strengthened and the U.S.A. and Europe are transformed into multicultural Moslem/Christian/Atheist regions, void of constitutional rights.
36. Secrets (Volume 228): Download
Texe Marrs reveals things the controlled media dare not report:
(1) The satanic process of the dechristianization of America is now accelerated;
(2) Is the Shemitah and the blood moon phenomenon the signal for the end of the world?
(3) Pope Francis compliments lesbian author of the book, Why Do I Have Two Mommies? for her Christian service;
(4) The Pope's visit to America will find him promoting illegal immigration and pushing hard on behalf of a communist-styled New World Order;
(5) The Pope has been invited to address our assembled Congress;
(6) Vice President Joe Biden's son turns up as a member on the internet's adultrous site, Ashley Madison. He claims Russia did it;
(7) Red China is creating a separate internet just for its citizens so they will not be affected by the news out of America and Europe;
(8) President Obama travels to Alaska during summer to promote Global Warming hoax. He claims the ice is melting, but actually ice in Alaska melts every summer;
(9) Republican Senator Mitch McConnell and Speaker John Boehner taking heat for their con-job lies to the public;
(10) Why was a color digital image of the Hindu goddess of death, Kali, seen by millions projected on the Empire State building in New York City?
35. The New Covenant is Alive!-The Old Covenant is Dead and Gone: Download
A definitive look at Scripture. Here is how to distinguish the true Christian from the religious Judaizer. Texe carefully examines the Book of Hebrews which leaves no doubt: The Old Covenant was flawed and was a shadow of better things to come whereas the New Covenant of Jesus Christ has transformed the lives of millions of true believers.
34. Satanic Mysteries and Sexual Darkness in the Last Days: Download
Texe Marrs unmasks the ancient roots of homosexuality and sexual perversions. The Mystery Religions of Babylon, Greece, Rome, and Egypt are here, now, as same-sex unions gather steam, pedophilia is rampant, and Christian righteousness is scorned and abandoned. Amazing insights into the Jewish Kabbalah and Talmud and how these books of the Jews promote incest and sexual sin. New documentary movie, "Sperm," is discussed, a movie which declares the Jewish male's sperm to be "holy and sacred." Discover why Satanists believe that the religious ritual of sodomy will eventually produce the antichrist who, they believe, will free the world of hated Christianity.
33. Prophetic Secrets of Earthly Jerusalem (Volume 2): City of the Great Serpent: Download
32. Prophetic Secrets of Earthly Jerusalem (Part 1)-City of the Great Serpent: Download
A Texe Marrs Exclusive. New, 2-volume series which examines the Bible's astounding endtime prophecies concerning the earthly city of Jerusalem. Mostly covered up and disparaged, these prophecies reveal God's exact plan for Jerusalem and Israel. Includes:
(1) Jerusalem is not the beloved city of the prophets;
(2) God gives Jerusalem the horrid spiritual name, "Sodom and Egypt;"
(3) Jews will be led by Satan to murder God's witnesses, then celebrate their death with gift-giving;
(4) Jews are labeled the "Synagogue of Satan" in Revelation;
(5) Jesus prophesied He would make Jerusalem "desolate," and He will slay all the evil Jews who refuse to serve Him;
(6) Jewish bankers and corporate bosses will "defraud" working men and women and kill those who protest;
(7) The Serpent Beast (Satan) will rise up in Jerusalem and go on to conquer the world;
(8) Apostate Christians will join reprobate Jews to set up and worship a fake Christ (the Antichrist) who will go to Jerusalem and declare himself above God;
(9) The Jewish New World Order will gain momentum and clout but will nonetheless end up totally destroyed;
(10) Prophecies against Jerusalem by prophets Isaiah and Moses;
(11) And more... All prophecies fully documented!
31. Secrets (Volume 227): Download
Texe Marrs discusses things the controlled media dare not mention:
(1) Church of Satan unveils 10 ft. tall "Baphomet" statue of Satan. Over 1,000 people attended;
(2) Transgender Caitlyn Jenner has religious ritual "renaming ceremony." Everyone wore white as Boy George performed;
(3) Homosexuals of Supreme Court, Republican and Democrat, gave us 5-4 same-sex marriage decision. It is only the first step in a broad assault against Christianity;
(4) Los Angeles sets up new transgender modeling;
(5) Planned Parenthood caught selling body parts of aborted babies. Expect the Republicans in Congress to continue giving this murderous group up to $500 million annually of your taxpayers dollars;
(6) Baphomet (Satan) is an idol worshipped centuries ago by Knights Templar and its grandmaster, Jacques DeMolay. DeMolay a Satanist still honored by freemasonry today, was burned at the stake by French King Philip IV. Today, the Masonic youth group is named after DeMolay. Billy Graham has praised the DeMolay group, and Bill Clinton was a member;
(7) Illegal alien crimes are ravaging Texas;
(8) Obama eliminates sentence in Citizenship Oath in which the individual swears he or she will defend the Constitution of the United States;
(9) Sanctuary Cities refuse to cooperate with ICE. Illegal alien criminals set free to roam streets, kill and rape;
(10) Afro-American groups demand George Washington's name be removed from Washington, D.C. because he was a slave-owner. They seek to change the city's name to "Black City."
(11) Refugees flood America from Middle East and Africa. They are exempt from immigration law.
30. "Will You Walk Into My Parlour?": Download
A Texe Marrs Special Report. The Jewish religion and Zionism dictate a future world in which most Christians will be put to death. The few who are allowed to live must serve as slaves ("donkeys") for Jewish Masters. The name of Jesus will live in infamy, and the riches of the whole world shall reside in the hands of the wealthy Jews. The Protocols of Zion will be followed as a totalitarian New World Order takes shape. The superior species, the Jews, will live in the light, but the Gentiles, their lives will be in utter darkness. All of this is laid out precisely in the famous book by Rabbi Higger, The Jewish Utopia.
29. The Bad War: And the Truth Never Taught About World War II: Download
Texe interviews M.S. King, author of this important new book. Here is the scorching truth about Hitler, Stalin, the Jews and World War II. Stalin and the Communists first attacked Finland, the Baltic States, and Poland. So why did the Allies target only Hitler and Germany? In fact, the Jews of Britain and the U.S.A. admired the Communist regime and hated Hilter. They conspired with Churchill and Roosevelt, using massive propaganda and lies to turn public opinion against Germany. The Jews praised the monstrous regime of Joseph Stalin, they invented the "Holocaust" and sought to usher in the newfound State of Israel. The wartime atrocities of U.S. and British bombing led to over 10 million German deaths and a terrible loss of life. Discover the other side of the hidden news.
28. Secrets (Volume 226): Download
Texe Marrs examines news the controlled media dare not report:
(1) Six Jewish companies control 96% of the world's media;
(2) Homosexuality is a religious rite of the satanic elite;
(3) Pedophile priests in Ireland prepare the way for the recent vote by the majority for same sex marriage;
(4) The New York Times wants Christians to revise the Bible, to approve homosexuality and bring the Christian Church into the 21st century;
(5) Putin signs law banning abortion ads after new report shows Russian population is not growing;
(6) Israel and the U.S. search for a new "Osama bin Laden." Propaganda is used to rebrand Jewish agents as "terrorists" so that the world public will continue in fear and loathing;
(7) New Al Quaeda leader outed as Israeli;
(8) A 16-year old Moroccan girl commits suicide after being forced to marry the man who forcibly raped her;
(9) Laughter Movement in Pentecostal churches turns ugly as people begin cackling like witches, turning churches into weird circus-like sideshows;
(10) Can a true Christian support abortion?
27. Antichrist: The Beast Revealed: Download
Texe Marrs interviews Edward Hendrie on his outstanding new book. Hendrie shows how Judaism has now taken over Roman Catholicism, merging the two false religions and paving the way for a global antichrist leader. The Catholic mass is reinterpreted by a leading priest as a Jewish cabala ritual, and homosexual rituals are taking place. The ancient goddess religion is restored as a New World Order is being promoted. Amazing research.
26. Dictatorship of the Neocon Jews: Download
Just as Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin in 1917 established a dictatorship of the Bolshevik Jews in Russia, the Neocon Jews have done so in America. Their grip is not yet complete but they are increasing its strength day by day. Texe Marrs examines the Neocons, showing how they came to power with a coup that ousted President Richard Nixon. Later, they forced President Carter out after only one term, attempted to assassinate President Reagan, and impeached President Bill Clinton. With Bush and Obama the Neocons made giant strides. They now control and dictate to Congress and the Courts. Similarly, the Neocons took over foreign and trade affairs, seized control of the Pentagon, and revolutionized the Culture. What will the Dictatorship do next in their blazing destruction of America's constitutional and Christian heritage?
25. Fourteen Truths That Must Be Known For America To Recover From Its Satanic Trance: Download
The people of America have been lied to and controlled by the Elite Mind-Masters for many decades. Here are 14 truths which must be known for citizens to recover from their almost catatonic trance state:
(1) Who killed JFK?;
(2) Who did 9/11?;
(3) Who was behind the Fed, the IRS, and World War I?;
(4) Infamy of Pearl Harbor;
(5) Jews behind the Bolshevik Communist Conspiracy of 1917;
(6) The Neocon plot in America;
(7) The Nuclear Arms of Israel and its threat to destroy America and Europe;
(8) Rothschild bank and its role in Civil War and in history;
(9) UFOs;
(11) Murder of General Patton and Secretary of Defense Forrestal;
(12) Secret homosexual deviancy by American icons;
(13) Jewish leadership of Mafia;
(14) Why Richard Nixon was drummed out of the White House.
24. Lessons of Purim-Queen Esther and the Holy Day of Jewish Killing: Download
The Book of Esther in the Old Testament is revealed to be a prophetic warning from God about the murderous attitudes of the Jews and the poisonous doctrines of Judaism. The Persian King deposed virtuous Queen Vashti and replaced her with his concubine Esther, whom he then married. Esther then persuaded the drunken Persian King to murder tens of thousands and to hang Haman's ten sons. The New Testament and the lovely teachings of Jesus our Lord stand in sharp contrast with the treachery, revenge, and vindictiveness of the Jews. Beware of the Purim Holy Days. Amazing prophecy.
23. Secrets (Volume 225): Download
Texe Marrs uncovers facts the controlled media dare not mention:
(1) Senator Lindsey Graham, a homosexual, announces he's running for President. Supported by rich Jews, Graham jokes that if elected, his entire cabinet in the White House will be made up of Jews;
(2) Pope Francis says Global Warming is huge threat;
(3) President Obama, at U.S. Coast Guard Academy, also shows he has bought into hoax of Global Warming;
(4) Two gay men are made "father and son" by a Court. Now this father and son have decided to get married;
(5) Austin church blesses adoption of boy by two gays;
(6) Chris Hitchens, an atheist, ridicules a Methodist pastor who denies the miracles of Jesus and the Virgin birth. "Why do you say you are a Christian if you do not believe in the basics of the faith?" asks the scoffer, Mr. Hitchens;
(7) George W. Bush and Dick Cheney used lies to launch the Iraq War. They killed tens of thousands of innocents and must be put be put on trial as war criminals;
(8) World War II hero, General Douglas MacArthur, said, "The cross and the flag are America's two greatest symbols." Today, the General could be court-martialed for his truthful statement;
(9) Courageous young female marine is court-martialed for refusing to remove from her desk the timely statement found in the Old Testament, "No weapon formed shall prosper against you;"
(10) Andreas Lubitz, the German co-pilot who plunged his aircraft into a mountain, killing himself and all aboard, was a gay homosexual;
(11) Rabbi conducts crusade in Jerusalem against gay bath houses after finding rabbis and other pedophiles having sex with children.
22. Marching to Zion (Part 2)-Christian Evangelicals Fall Into Black Hole of Sodom and Egypt, and the Synagogue of Satan: Download
Texe Marrs interviews Pastor Steven Anderson in regard to the Jews, Israel, and heretical Christianity. The new video, Marching to Zion, has interviews of four Jewish rabbis. It also includes interviews of Texe Marrs and biblical leaders.
21. Marching to Zion (Part 1)-Christian Evangelicals Fall Into Black Hole of Sodom and Egypt, and the Synagogue of Satan: Download
Texe Marrs interviews Pastor Steven Anderson in regard to the Jews, Israel, and heretical Christianity. The new video, Marching to Zion, has interviews of four Jewish rabbis. It also includes interviews of Texe Marrs and biblical leaders.
20. Secrets (Volume 224): Download
Texe Marrs uncovers news the controlled Media dare not report:
(1) Shocker! U.S.A., Israel, and ISIS are working together to defeat Syria and set up a Moslem caliphate in the Middle East;
(2) ISIS leader Al Baghdadi reportedly dies in Israeli hospital;
(3) Crazy Jewess Pam Gellar and rich Jews provoke Moslem attack in Garland, Texas, holding a contest to draw cartoons of Mohammad;
(4) United Nations wants control of all water on earth;
(5) Babies in New York City contract herpes from diseased rabbis performing ritual circumcisions with their mouth and teeth;
(6) Environmentalists in Texas give standing ovation to University of Texas Dr. Eric Pianki who advocates killing off 90% of the earth’s population. Dr. Pianki says that people are "no better than bacteria." It would, he says, be perfect to purposely air spray the Ebola virus on billions of unsuspecting victims;
(7) Alexander Solzhenitsyn: "Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time;"
(8) Billionaire Bill Gates says that a Global Government is "badly needed;"
(9) Russia's Putin signs law banning abortion ads;
(10) Former Netanyahu aide is appointed "social media" director for Senator Rand Paul. Vows to push Israeli agenda on internet;
(11) Black church group with 15.7 million members, 15 denominations, and 34,000 churches break ties with Presbyterian Church U.S.A. over same-sex marriage. The group courageously says same-sex marriage is a sin and a false gospel;
(12) Australia's former Prime Minister John Howard is formally accused of war crimes in Iraq before the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
19. Ted Cruz-Deceiver of Zion, Father of North American Union, Conspirator with Goldman Sachs Bank, Traitor to America, and Puppet for the Jewish New World Order: Download
The Jewish Illuminati have engineered a monumental hoax, promoting faker conservative Senator Ted Cruz for President of the United States. Cruz' father was a guerrilla fighter for Fidel Castro in Cuba; Cruz was born in Canada. His wife, Heidi, as a member of the traitorous Council on Foreign Relations, co-authored and approved the infamous book, Building a North American Union. Heidi Cruz worked as economic advisor for Latin America in the George W. Bush White House. He and Heidi can be called the Father and Mother of the North American Union. Heidi has worked for J.P. Morgan and Merrill Lynch. She was Vice President of Wealth Management for Goldman Sachs Bank. Ted Cruz is actually pro-Immigration Amnesty; He is a homosexual supporter and recently met privately with gay billionaires in New York City. A fake conservative, he is supported by Jewish radicals, including Alan Dershowitz and the billionaire Koch brothers. He is secretly associated with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner. Discover the astonishing truth about the hoaxer and deceiver.
18. Homosexual Reprobates in Israel Are Turning America Into a Satanic Pit and Hellhole: Download
Reprobate homosexuals in Israel and America are rapidly changing American culture. In Israel, transgenders are celebrated. Tel Aviv has been named the "Gay Mecca of the World;" Gays have taken over Israel’s military and are committing heinous sex crimes. Same-sex marriage is legal but marriage between a Jew and a Gentile is forbidden. Homosexuality is traced back to the war against Rome and the burning of Jerusalem by Titus.
17. Jewish Slave Traders and Other Secrets of the Confederacy: Download
A Texe Marrs Exclusive Report. Never before told secrets of the Confederacy. Jewish slave traders owned the ships and trafficked in slaves. Their rabbis at synagogues were Confederate leaders. Jews owned many slave plantations. The Secretary of the War and the Attorney General for the South were Jews who worked closely with the European Rothschilds. And more secrets...
16. President Obama's War Against Netanyahu, the Neocon Jews, and Political Saboteurs: Download
Texe Marrs was the first to report on Obama's turning away from control by his Jewish masters. First, he threw Israeli spy Rahm Emanuel out of his position as White House Chief of Staff. Now, he has rejected the Jews' harsh demands for war in Iran. Obama also shocked Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu by ordering the CIA to release publicly its Top Secret report accusing Israel of having stolen American uranium and it's A-bomb and H-bomb secrets. The CIA says Israel now has hundreds of nuclear bombs, a fact that Israel has lied about and deceived its own people and American citizens for 50 years. Now, Obama insists it is time-after 70 years of occupation-for Israel to give the imprisoned Palestinians their national sovereignty. What will be next? Will the Jewish neocons punish Obama by assassinating him the way they did John F. Kennedy?
15. America's Racial Powder Keg: Download
Texe Marrs interviews author Victor Thorn on his important new book. Thorn says that America's black communities have become concentration camps, but with rampant illegal drugs and crime. Government dependency has turned the once surviving black race into virtual slaves. The rate of black-on-black crime is hideous, over 37 white women are raped by blacks for every 1 black woman raped by white men. Black cities are garbage dumps with declining populations and corrupt governments-Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, and L.A., etc. Blacks are told that the white man is at fault, a great lie. Obama, Jackson, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder and similar "race hustlers" are destroying the black community. Amidst all this chaos, however, a tiny, portion of blacks-perhaps 2 percent-are rising. Hard working, determined, successful, they are leaving the ghetto, picking themselves up by the bootstraps. Can these few lead the way to a new life for blacks in America?
14. Secrets (Volume 223): Download
Texe Marrs uncovers secrets the mass media dare not reveal:
(1) Israelis enjoy beaches on Mediterranean while, next door, in Palestine, people are being slaughtered;
(2) Tel Aviv recognized as "Gay Mecca" of world. The Israeli government sponsors this hedonistic festival and thousands pour in from across the earth;
(3) Do dogs and cats go to heaven?;
(4) Jesus' parable in Mark 12:1-9, "Lord of the Vineyard"-refers to Jews who kill Christ and demand inheritance for themselves;
(5) Jewish historian Josephus wrote of homosexual Jewish Warriors who fought the Romans in 65-70 AD rebellion. Their faces were painted, their hair made up in women's fashions, they were effeminate-and they were murderers;
(6) Sign of Diablo-the two horns-is now everywhere. Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, all use this sign;
(7) U.S. Army prohibits its chaplains from mentioning scripture to counselors to prevent soldier suicides;
(8) Transgenders permitted to play on female sports teams;
(9) Refugees from overseas are pouring into America. Thousands if Somalis now live in Minnesota. Their community is called "Little Magadalish." In Sacramento, Ukrainians are everywhere;
(10) San Francisco newspaper claims that mental asylums in California use shock treatment torture and degradation to rule the patients. Worse than prison camps.
13. Are robots alive?: Download
Scientists claim humanity is on the threshold of an amazing age of robotic life and incredible artificial intelligence. What are the implications of the soon-coming breakthroughs, chronicled by Texe Marrs in his groundbreaking book, Robot Alchemy? Are robots alive? Will they take man's place? Is this evolutionary step now inescapable? What of the robotics scientist who recently warned that robots will become so advanced, we humans will become their pets?
12. America the Golem-Israel's Dumb Beast Ravages the World: Download
Judaism teaches that a great and dumb beast/man, The Golem, is sent to protect Jews and advance Israel at certain times in history. The rabbis call on him with magic language, formulas, and ritual. Some say that the U.S.A. is this Golem and that we are now doing the will of the rabbis-killing, torturing, and conquering their enemies in the Middle East. But Jewish history says that sometimes, the Golem, like Frankenstein, turns against the Jews and destroys its creators.
11. The Most Vulgar Nation on Earth: Download
Texe Marrs proves that America has sadly become the most vulgar nation on earth. From the era 1776-1800, when General George Washington issued an Order to his soldiers forbidding profane language and bad words, America has degraded to become a dirty, foul-speaking land. Decency and dignity are missing. Political leaders-Vice President Cheney, Vice President Biden and others spout the "F" word; Hillary Clinton is celebrated as a lesbian who is "As Bad as She Wants to Be;" Ministers preach of the bedroom act from the podium and use obscenities; pro-football stars display obscene hand gestures; comedy stars regale us with jokes on body fluids and worse. Are these things not an affront to Almighty God?
10. Secrets (Volume 222): Download
Texe Marrs looks at things and events the controlled media refuse to cover:
(1) Christian rapture teacher defends the Jewish Star on flag of Israel; quotes false Bible version;
(2) Syrian Christians suffer and are under satanic attack by Moslem group, ISIS. Leaders plead to America for help;
(3) 5-pointed star of Freemasonry connected to Persian religion of Zoroastrianism and other pagan religions;
(4) Psychologists say that the internet is rewiring peoples' brains and causing psychosis and disorders;
(5) Atheists in Michigan celebrate "snaketivity;"
(6) People in Ukraine write of their suffering and suppression;
(7) Freemasonry related to Satan’s ancient mystery religions;
(8) The new U.S. Liberty coins which depict a black African-American woman have been approved by the U.S. Treasury;
(9) Propaganda is released claiming Osama bin Laden had ties to Iran;
(10) Church in Washington State asks members to submit to government authority.
09. The TranceFormation of Humanity: Machines, God and the Exaltation of the Jews (Part 2): Download
Texe Marrs continues his insight filled report on how our culture and lives have been transformed and the masses have been placed in a hypnotic state. Part 2 completes this exciting series.
08. The TranceFormation of Humanity (Part 1, Sex, Politicians, and War): Download
The Illuminati, made up mostly of Jews, has worked for decades to pollute and destroy American culture and to undermine Christianity. Texe Marrs, in this series, examines six revolutionary areas in which the elite have succeeded in creating a mass trance, or hypnotic state: Sex, Politicians, War, Machines, God, and the Exaltation of the Jews. On Part 1, we see how sexual lust, crooked and lying politicians, the thirst for war and conquest, and the rise of robotics and artificial intelligence are TranceForming America and the world.
07. Christian Zionism and the Synagogue of Satan (Heresy Series, Volume 2): Download
Texe Marrs examines the unbiblical doctrines of the Christain Zionists (Dispensationalists). Servants of Satan, they believe they are saints of God. Warning! "They will kill you and thinketh they do God service." Starting with Revelation 14:6, every teaching of these carnal people-mostly Baptist and Pentacostal-is refuted by Scripture.
06. Secrets (Volume 221): Download
Texe Marrs takes an insider's look at things the controlled media dare not mention:
(1) Be awake! God gives Christians light-the ability to understand the events of these last days;
(2) Voters gave Republicans a resounding victory in November elections. In return, the House and Senate leaders betrayed the voters' trust. Senator McConnell and Speaker Boehner are actually promoting Obama's socialist agenda. What is going on?;
(3) President Obama visits India and Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, Michelle Obama refused to wear the Moslem garb and the burka. Good for her! But Barack Obama, in remarks, claimed that all gods are the same;
(4) Some claim that God loves everyone. Really? What about sexual deviants such as pedophiles? What of Jews who despise and hate Jesus?;
(5) Texe explains the congressional "power of the purse" and examines Congress' power to limit the jurisdiction of federal courts;
(6) Does Congress have hidden powers to stop Obamacare and end abortion forever?;
(7) Radio listener alleges that, "Texe Marrs is actually Prince Henrik of Denmark." Texe compliments him for his "startling discovery";
(8) Internet watcher claims Texe is actually a "Jesuit Coadjutor";
(9) Texe visits George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia. There he discovers the incredible serpent hiding in the church;
(10) Claim-99% of terrorists caught by the FBI prove to be fakes;
(11) Jewish snipers help overthrow Ukraine's legal government.
05. Zionist Puppets for President-Jews' Money Buys Republican Loyalty: Download
Texe Marrs explores the many Republican candidates for President, including Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, et al. He unmasks their hidden Jewish connections and their ardent Zionism. Why is it that every one of these men is a toady for Israel? Why doesn't America come first for them?
04. Israel is Not a Jewish State-How President Harry Truman Tricked the Zionists and Became an Anti-Semite Pariah: Download
True History Revealed! Recently unearthed FBI records tell us that Jewish spies in 1948 paid President Harry Truman millions to recognize Israel as a nation-state. But Truman got the last laugh. After taking their bribe, Truman did recognize Israel, but not as a Jewish state. The U.S.A. has never recognized the Jewish aspect and so Israel remains an illegitimate criminal nation.
03. The Temple of the Illuminati vs. The Temple of God: Download
A Texe Marrs Special Edition. The Masons and other Illuminati elite plan to rebuild the Temple of Solomon atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Jewish rabbis likewise intend to build this edifice. It will be an ungodly Temple in which the antichrist will come and declare himself to be God. Christians are deceived, and many now send money to the rabbis for this blasphemous Temple, falsely believing they are hastening the return of Jesus. But Jesus prophesied the downfall of the great Temple in Jerusalem and the desolation of the once Holy City. The Bible says that God does not and will not reside in a Temple built by human hands. Indeed, the people of God are spiritually His holy Temple. Incredible implications!
02. Secrets (Volume 220): Download
Texe Marrs explores things the controlled media will not touch:
(1) Those who belong to Christ are made to be victorious;
(2) Do pets go to heaven?;
(3) What candidates are already preparing for 2016 elections?;
(4) Who was Maya Angelou? What was her connection to the famous Black Muslim, Malcolm X?;
(5) Has House speaker John Boehner worked behind the scenes with President Barack Obama to plot against you and me?;
(6) The House and Senate just passed its biggest budget ever, $1.1 trillion dollars. This amount included money for ObamaCare and for the amnesty program for illegal aliens;
(7) The Republicans have lied to everyone about everything. Are there really two separate political parties, or are they both controlled by the elite?;
(8) New bank requirement: If banks fail, a new law says that they may confiscate your savings and banking accounts. The FDIC is not required to reimburse you anything, not even one dime. This is outrageous!
01. Truth and Lies-Why Our Presidents and Other Leaders Lie to Us: Download
We are plagued by liars today. Our politicians have turned lying into an art. President Obama lied about the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). Democrats claimed ObamaCare would save Americans $2500 per year. House speaker John Boehner has lied to us about ObamaCare as well. Bill Clinton lied about his affair with Monica Lewinsky. George W. Bush lied about his service in the National Guard during Vietnam. How many other Presidents have lied to us? Did they benefit from these lies? Are these atrocious leaders psychopaths? The answers to these questions and much more are on this week's vitally important program.
52. Mysteries of the TempleDetails Download Listen
51. Jews Can Get Away With MurderDetails Download Listen
50. Secret Societies of the New World OrderDetails Download Listen
49. Secrets 160Details Download Listen
48. Conspiracy WorldDetails Download Listen
47. Stony Beasts and Menacing Idols Surround Us EverywhereDetails Download Listen
46. Deceivers In Our MidstDetails Download Listen
45. Secrets 159Details Download Listen
44. The Leveling of AmericaDetails Download Listen
43. The New BabylonDetails Download Listen
42. Rebellion, Death, and HoodwinkDetails Download Listen
41. We Are Being Colonized!Details Download Listen
40. Secrets 158Details Download Listen
39. The Four Great Foes of IlluminismDetails Download Listen
38. Satanic Magic and Alchemy of the Number 9Details Download Listen
37. Witchcraft in the White HouseDetails Download Listen
36. Secrets 157Details Download Listen
35. Stalin's GhostDetails Download Listen
34. Unheralded Secrets of Judaism & Freemasonry (Volume 2)Details Download Listen
33. Devil's Head SoupDetails Download Listen
32. The Truth vs. The LieDetails Download Listen
31. Secrets 156Details Download Listen
30. Pyramid Mysteries of the Atom BombDetails Download Listen
29. And Men Loved the DarknessDetails Download Listen
28. Secrets 155Details Download Listen
27. Illuminati, The Cult That Hijacked HistoryDetails Download Listen
26. The Illuminati’s Secret Societies and A Special Report on the BilderbergersDetails Download Listen
25. Unheralded Secrets of Judaism and FreemasonryDetails Download Listen
24. Eye of the StormDetails Download Listen
23. Secrets 154Details Download Listen
22. The End of The WorldDetails Download Listen
21. Color Me EvilDetails Download Listen
20. Zio-MammonismDetails Download Listen
19. The Gods of ChaosDetails Download Listen
18. Secrets 153Details Download Listen
17. Mexico On Fire!Details Download Listen
16. Holocaust Dogma UnmaskedDetails Download Listen
15. Bible Prophecy UnfoldsDetails Download Listen
14. Secrets 152Details Download Listen
13. Judaism Discovered (Part 2)Details Download Listen
12. Judaism Discovered (Part 1)Details Download Listen
11. America's Extreme MakeoverDetails Download Listen
10. Secrets 151Details Download Listen
09. Sex Cults of the IlluminatiDetails Download Listen
08. Bring in the ClownsDetails Download Listen
07. Secrets 150Details Download Listen
06. Blood WarsDetails Download Listen
05. Noisy Pigs Stumbling in the DarknessDetails Download Listen
04. Rabbis Over the VaticanDetails Download Listen
03. The Janus FactorDetails Download Listen
02. Obama's Mind-Boggling White House Rogue's GalleryDetails Download Listen
01. Red Star Over the USADetails Download Listen
52. Mysteries of the Temple:
Why does Rothschild, the Jewish Sanhedrin, the Masonic Lodge, The Mormon Church, and scores of Satanic cults seek to rebuild Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem? Why did Jesus condemn the Jews’ religion and cast the moneychangers out of the Temple? What of Jesus’ prophecy that the Temple of the Jews would be destroyed and the House of Israel "left desolate" until His return? Why do millions of pro-Zionist evangelical Christians take pride in attempting to undo what Christ has done and strive to nullify Jesus’ prophecy and rebuild both the Temple and the House of Israel? What does the "Temple" signify? What occult mysteries and satanic purposes are embodied in the millennia-old quest to rebuild the Temple and reinstitute blood sacrifices? What will happen when the antichrist (666) enters the rebuilt Temple and blasphemously declares he is "God?"
51. Jews Can Get Away With Murder—Israel, 9/11, and the Goldstone Report:
Texe Marrs interviews Victor Thorn, author of 9/11 Evil and a new book examining the unwarranted and vicious attack on the U.S.S. Liberty ship by Israeli forces. The truth is revealed—that the Israeli Mossad, in conjunction with the highest-level Neocon traitors of the Bush/Cheney Administration, perpetrated the 9/11 massacre. Thorn also examines the latest research on the U.S.S. Liberty attack and the recent Goldstone Report, in which Israel’s military is documented to be guilty of international war crimes in its assault, rape, torture, and merciless killing of innocent Palestinian men, women, and children. Will these guilty criminals ever be brought to justice?
50. Secret Societies of the New World Order:
Texe Marrs and Mark Dice, author of Illuminati: Facts and Fiction, discuss the membership, goals, and practices of notorious elitist secret societies and cults, including the original Bavarian Order of the Illuminati; the Bohemian Grove, the Order of Skull & Bones; and the Church of Satan. Also examined: The Judaic cult and its dangerous racist ideology and conspiratorial aims. Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan and his "friend," famed novelist Ayn Rand ("Atlas Shrugged") are also discussed.
49. Secrets 160:
(1) The astonishing connection of Red China's curious and ancient Hung Secret Society with the West's Freemasonry;
(2) Hoax: Jewish deceiver awarded a medal for heroism and D-Day proven to be a fraud;
(3) And more hoaxes: Jewish woman claiming to be a holocaust survivor is outed as a fraud. She wrote a bogus, award-winning book saying that she hid from dreaded Nazis by living for years in the forest as a lonely young girl, miraculously fed and cared for by wild wolves;
(4) Lou Dobbs, CNN host, is fired after the radical Jewish group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, objected to his on-air demand that America's immigration laws be enforced and that Barack Obama produce a U.S.A. birth certificate;
(5) Lucrative, but ghoulish business: Israeli military keeps very busy murdering young Palestinian youth and harvesting their vital organs for transplant operations of the rich;
(6) ADL watch-dog asks for subscription to Power of Prophecy newsletter;
(7) Conspiracy facts are part of a growing body of evidence known as "Conspiracy Science;"
(8) Beware!—Not all advertised Christian drug rehab programs are based on Christian principles.
48. Conspiracy World—Doorway to a Hidden Realm of Eye-Opening Revelations and Forbidden Knowledge:
Texe Marrs discusses some of the fascinating facts and revelations in his new book, Conspiracy World, including:
(1) The assassination of John F. Kennedy, Jr., and Great Britain’s Princess Diana;
(2) The discovery of missing congressional intern Chandra Levy’s dead body at Rock Creek Park in Washington, D.C.;
(3) The "Revolution of Blood"—the Red Terror of Lenin and Trotsky in Soviet Russia;
(4) Rockefeller money and the breeding of the new "Super Man;"
(5) Devil companies, Devil products, Devil logos;
(6) Is Freemasonry a Luciferian secret society?;
(7) UFOs and extraterrestrials—are they for real?;
(8) And much more…
47. Stony Beasts and Menacing Idols Surround Us Everywhere—Who Erected Them?...Are They Alive?...Can They Posses Human Souls?:
Across America and the world grotesque statues and beast-like idols have been erected. Are these hellish creations mere curiosities made of stone and metal, or—could it be—they are "alive?" What of the Bible’s prophecy (Revelation 13) of the “image of the beast†that walks and speaks? Do demons possess these otherwise inanimate objects? Are those who build and pay homage to these hideous idols accursed by God? Are movie images of such horrible beings also accursed?
46. Deceivers in Our Midst—Unmasking the Agent Provocateurs, Shills, and Pied Pipers Working Clandestinely for Big Brother’s Police State and Rothschild’s New World Order:
A Texe Marrs Investigative Report: Shocker!—World’s most infamous "Moslem" terrorists discovered to be Jewish pretenders. Carlos the Jackal, Abu Nidal, and other murderous bombers and hijackers are outed and proven to be Jewish agents working undercover for the Israeli Mossad and CIA. Even the man claimed to be Osama Bin Laden’s chief lieutenant turns out to be a Jewish double agent. And more stunning disclosures: The Moslem "Arab" guy boasting he was American Al Quaida and threatening the U.S. on TV and internet is actually Adam Pearlman, a Jew. FBI admits that Hal Turner, radical "Patriot" radio talk show host, was trained and paid by the agency to create turmoil and chaos. Also, the sinister "American Fuhrer" who headed the American Nazi Party, Frank Collin, is actually Frank Joseph Cohen, a Jew! Meanwhile, a former Senior Ku Klux Klan leader, supposedly from the State of Georgia, is found to now be living in Tel Aviv, Israel. He also is a Jew! It appears that every so-called "Right-wing extremist," "Neo Nazi," "Aryan and Ku Klux Klan group in America is funded and run by masquerading Jews!
45. Secrets 159:
(1) Girl, 15 is gang raped and beaten outside school dance while 16 witnesses watch. None call police;
(2) Schoolgirl watches in horror as teen thug stomps on her tiny puppy's head and kills it;
(3) UN's "Goldstone Report" concludes that Israel is guilty of war crimes and atrocities in its heinous assaults on Palestinians and Gaza;
(4) Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu demands that Israeli troops be exempted from international laws of war;
(5) Bernie Madoff, convicted Wall Street Ponzi scheme operator, turned his workplace into a continuous cocaine and sex party environment;
(6) Survey finds that Mexicans believe Mexican-Americans owe loyalty to Mexico over the U.S.;
(7) America is filling up with dumb people;
(8) Texe interviews Bedros Hajian, founder of the Armenian-American Christian Outreach Ministries, Glendale, California, regarding the Armenian genocide and massacre of Christians by Turkey under crypto-Jewish rule.
44. The Leveling of America—So the World Can Be As One:
Evidence is presented that the United States is intentionally being "leveled" and brought down economically. The illuminists' goal is to diminish and transform America into a Third World nation, driving down workers' wages, destroying the dollar currency, drastically increasing taxes, bottling up our oil and gas by not drilling new wells, and through other economic warfare. After this financial and social crushing of America, it is believed the once proud U.S. citizenry will become so desperate and so impoverished they will sell their birthright and heritage for the few crumbs of wealth that remain. The end-objective of the Illuminati Plan is that a broken U.S.A. will be useful only as a dumping ground for illegal aliens and as a resource for the elite to access when military mercenaries are needed to bleed and die in foreign conflicts.
43. The New Babylon—A Panoramic View of the Rothschild Empire and Its Power and Influence Over America Through President Obama and Our Congress:
Texe Marrs interviews Michael Collins Piper on his powerful new book exposing the Rothschilds leadership of the New World Order conspiracy. Piper explains how over the centuries and decades the wealth of the fabulous Rothschild Dynasty has enabled these power-hungry Zionist plotters to seize more and more control—over stock markets, banks, corporations, universities, and national governments. The henchmen of the Rothschilds have also used organized crime to accomplish their aims. Their power is also felt through the secret societies and in globalist groups such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and the Council on Foreign Relations.
42. Rebellion, Death, and Hoodwink—The Legacy and Practice of Freemasonry:
Texe Marrs explains the real, hidden objective of the Masonic Lodge. This "fraternity" of evil provides a boiling pot of rebellion for Illuminist leaders. It silently fosters a mindset of death and depravity among its members, of whom the vast majority are deceived and hoodwinked into falsely believing they have joined a secret but "worthy" organization. Texe also reveals the meaning of the three hideously notorious names of Deity taught in the Lodge—those of Mahabone, Jahbulon, and Abaddon.
41. We Are Being Colonized!—The Secret Illuminati Project to Flood the United States with 100,000,000 More Illegal Aliens:
Under a Masonic project sponsored by the Rothschilds and Zionist groups, the United States will be flooded with 100,000,000 more illegal aliens. A recent survey calculated the current number of illegal aliens in the United States at 25 to 30 million, with many of them voting for liberal legislators and a President who will give them free healthcare, housing, welfare, and Social Security. Will President Obama grant amnesty to the illegal population so they can receive Obamacare? Is Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) a hero to the patriot community? What about proof he is a 33rd degree Freemason? Does the State Department circumvent immigration by designating immigrants as "refugees?" Are we to become a colony of the New World Order? The answers to these questions and much more are available on this dynamic program.
40. Secrets 158:
(1) Does Barack Obama have dictatorial ambitions?;
(2) Is there a relationship between the 33 degrees in Freemasonry and the crucifixion of Jesus at the age of 33?;
(3) Former Congressman Jim Traficant, recently released from prison, is branded a "conspiracy theorist" by Sean Hannity. Traficant says he was railroaded to prison by the Israeli lobby;
(4) Jewish movie director Roman Polanski is finally arrested after 3 decades for his rape of a 13 year-old girl. Why is Hollywood up in arms about this?;
(5) Were occult rituals acted out on the broadcast of MTV’s Video Award show?;
(6) Prince Phillip of Great Britain, a radical environmentalist activist, complains that ordinary citizens have too much;
(7) Has Wal-Mart changed their logo to the six-pointed star?;
(8) The leader of the environmental organization Greenpeace admits he lied about global warming causing ice to melt in the Arctic;
39. The Four Great Foes of Illuminism—Can Nationalists (Patriots), Individualists, Shiite Moslems or New Testament Christians Win the Victory Over the Money, Power, and Organization of Satan’s Illuminati Juggernaut?:
Illuminati magic has enveloped the world. You can be an overcomer, but you must decide if you want to join Lucifer or fight and occupy the world for Jesus. Illuminists are collectivists who cultivate the group mindset and distrust individualism. Illuminists are cunning and agile deceivers who teach the masses to love servitude. Who are the four foes of Illuminism? How is the tactic of mobocracy utilized? Is psychiatry a tool of the Illuminist methodology? Only one of the four foes will stand at the completion of this battle. Will you be an overcomer?
38. Satanic Magic and Alchemy of the Number 9—President Obama and Cabalistic Rabbis to Choose Who Will Live and Who Will Die:
Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin warned recently that, if Obama’s so-called "health-care reform" is passed, Death Panels made up of bureaucrats will decide who will live or die. Her warning was laughed at by some, but Texe Marrs reveals that on August 19, in a telephone conference with America’s top Jewish rabbis, President Obama confided, "We are God’s partners in deciding who will live and who will die." Moreover, the rabbis say Obama quoted from the Jews’ Rosh Hashanah prayer and referenced the High Holy Days of the Jews as backup for his belief that he and the Jews hold this god-like power. On 9-09-09 Obama gave a nationally televised address to Congress on his healthcare plan. The three 9s were believed to endow his speech with supernatural power. Texe reveals the hideous meaning of the number 9 in Satanism and Illuminism, pointing out its use over and over as a tool to hex and destroy their opposition. The number 9 is also shown, in occult doctrines, to be the concealed number of the beast, 666, the antichrist Messiah to be welcomed on earth by the Jews.
37. Witchcraft in the White House:
New revelations of Santeria voodoo ritual in the White House—Michelle Obama’s grandmother invites Santeria witch into President’s residence. Also, a photo surfaces revealing Barack and Michelle Obama having an African devil idol in their home in Chicago. And, The Nation magazine reports on Code Pink, an Obama support group, which conducted a witchcraft cleansing ritual to purify the White House of evil spirits. And more...
36. Secrets 157:
((1) Goldman Sachs, the wealthy Wall Street firm with close ties to both the Bush and Obama White Houses, gives out a whopping $10 billion in bonuses to executives, after receiving over $50 billion of free money from the U.S. Treasury’s "TARP" program;
(2) Obama’s socialized medical plan will rob the Medicare program to provide billions in free healthcare benefits for illegal aliens;
(3) Code Pink, a supposed peace group founded by witches and lesbians, did a "cleansing ritual" to rid the White House of bad spirits and omens. The three wealthy women who began this group have received a written letter from President Obama endorsing gay marriage and pledging his intent to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act;
(4) Revealed!—Obama’s first "job" out of college was with a CIA dummy front company called Business International Corporation;
(5) West Virginia Senator Jay Rockefeller introduces legislation giving President Obama the dictatorial power to shut down the internet or to close down politically incorrect websites;
(6) Entertainer Michael Jackson, now dead, had blasted the Jews who run the entertainment and recording industry: "They’re like leeches;"
(7) Netherlands newspaper alleges the swine flu vaccine is a Jewish conspiracy to reduce world population;
(8) Obama appoints a Zionist Jew, Dr. Thomas Frieden, to head the Centers for Disease Control, in Atlanta. He’ll be overseeing the expected swine flu epidemic and immunizations;
(9) UN’s World Health Organization admits that the swine flu scare is overdone and the virus even appears to be peaking.
35. Stalin’s Ghost—Is Barack Obama the Reincarnation of the Soviet Communist Dictator?:
Barack Obama is proven to be a Communist, having been mentored in Hawaii by the late Frank Marshall Davis, an operative of the Communist Party U.S.A. Stalin, Soviet leader, had the ruthless Jew, Kaganovich, as his deputy; Obama, American President, has the ruthless Jew, Emanuel, as his White House Chief of Staff. Obama’s takeover of the U.S. car industry and the banks, along with his scheme to socialize medicine were mirrored by Stalin’s control of Soviet industry. Stalin set up a Communist Youth and Party organization, Obama proposes a 2-million plus strong National Civilian Service corp. Stalin sent Soviet troops into Poland and the Baltic Republics and threatened other nations. Obama has sent U.S. troops into Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan and is threatening others. Obama has only been in office less than a year. Will he continue to emulate the Soviet dictator’s bloody reign?
34. Unheralded Secrets of Judaism & Freemasonry (Volume 2):
Texe Marrs continues his insightful series. In this edition:
(1) The Masonic Lodge teaches that the "Lost Word" (the hidden name of their God) was known to the ancient Patriarchs of Israel—who might this be?;
(2) Were the Old Testament’s Moses and Joseph initiated into the Egyptian Mysteries?;
(3) What does the symbol, "the point within the circle," signify for the Lodge?;
(4) Did the Jewish religion originate from Gnosticism?;
(5) Is God, in Freemasonry, both Father and Mother? Does Judaism recognize the Mother principle?;
(6) Why is the 17th degree called, "Knights of East and West?;"
(7) Why do Masons use a human skull in their initiations?;
(8) Why did Pike teach that Buddha, was "the first Masonic legislator?;"
(9) What is the meaning given to Masons of the Cross?;
(10) How many "Christs" and "Messiahs" does the Lodge recognize?
33. Devil's Head Soup—Christian Imposters in the House of God:
As more and more Pastors and Christian laymen depart from the Holy Bible, the more they are seduced into believing the Devil’s doctrines. Joel Osteen, TV Pastor of Houston’s huge Lakewood Church, thinks Mormons are "true Christians." A Southern Baptist minister, Dr. Lynn Ridenhour, agrees. Ridenhour even says he has been converted to the Book of Mormon, the Mormon (LDS) Church’s false Bible. He claims it is the true word of God, and he now praises Joseph Smith, Mormonism’s founder, as a genuine Prophet of God. Meanwhile, Pope Benedict XVI, in Rome, speaks of saving Mother Earth. The Pope is also now calling for a World Authority and for a global government, while a new, 1309-page Catholic book speaks of homosexual priests practicing the sacred "Rite of Sodomy."
32. The Truth vs. The Lie—How to Defeat the Illuminati Conspiracy 1-2-3:
Satan and his human disciples have created a world in which The Lie prospers. Indeed, the whole planet has become an interlinking spider’s web of fabrications and untruths. Politicians, bankers, educators, salesmen, blue-collar workers—virtually everyone spreads lies. The Illuminists prey on mankind, inspired by their master, Satan, the Father of Lies. The good news is that we can escape this web of lies. God has the power and is able to empower us so we can live lives of truth and joy and escape "The Lie." Nothing damages the agenda of Satan’s Illuminati more than a person who simply tells the truth and refuses to be a part of the Lie. Here’s how you can join in this thrilling mission of truth-telling.
31. Secrets 156:
Texe Marrs reveals facts and uncovers things the controlled media dare not touch:
(1) God has a unique plan and purpose for every human being—how can you and I discover this wonderful plan for our lives?;
(2) Tony Alamo, the well-known evangelist, is convicted of molesting and assaulting girls whom he took as wives. One was only 8 years old! Alamo’s real name, as it turns out, is Bernard Lazar Hoffman—he is a Jewish imposter and criminal in the House of God;
(3) Two radio DJs in Austin, Texas are fired for using the term "wetback" to refer to Mexican illegals;
(4) America’s prison population explodes as thousands of illegal aliens commit vicious crimes. Stupid, inept judges let many out awaiting trial and they do more crimes;
(5) Four boys in Phoenix, all Liberian (Africa) immigrants, brutally rape an eight-year old girl, luring her behind a shed with promises of chewing gum. The victim’s parents—also African immigrants—say that in their homeland, the girl is at fault when rape occurs, so they don’t want her anymore;
(6) Nutty radio show host suggests Texe Marrs is secretly a Catholic Jesuit priest. Huh? So why, then, has Texe and Power of Prophecy exposed the Vatican and the Pope more than just about anyone in the world? One wonders if it’s not a Jesuit-type who’s making up this silly nonsense;
(7) Wall Street speculators are at it again—artificially driving up the price of oil and gasoline at the pump;
(8) Crime sprees in small-town America are on the increase. Is the foreign culture of immigrants, combined with meth and other drugs, causing things to go crazy?;
(9) California is bankrupt, but Gov. Schwarzenegger and the State’s politicians keep on spending and taxing. Will it ever stop?;
(10) Milwaukee Catholic Archbishop admits paying $425,000 hush money to boy whom he homosexually molested.
30. Pyramid Mysteries of the Atom Bomb:
Is there an occult connection between the invention and explosion of the first atom bomb in Los Alamos, New Mexico, in 1945 and the Egyptian cult of the pyramid? Did satanic high priests assist U.S. scientists working on the atomic bomb development of the Manhattan Project? What roles did Jewish financier and White House manipulator Bernard Baruch and famous scientist Albert Einstein play in convincing President F.D.R. to build the bomb? What of stunning, new evidence that Oppenheimer, the Jewish scientist in charge of the Manhattan Project, was a Soviet Communist spy and that he and other Jewish traitors funneled nuclear bomb secrets both to Stalin’s Soviet Russia and, later, to the Zionist nation of Israel? Discover things the official history books dare not disclose in this exclusive investigative analysis by Texe Marrs.
29. And Men Loved the Darkness"—Why Do the Illuminati Elite Do Evil Things?:
A Texe Marrs exclusive report. Why do the Illuminati elite work so diligently and with such cruel intent to master the world and to subjugate its people? Are these men possessed by devils? Are they psychopaths? Are the elite consumed with power-lust and an inordinate and all-obsessive love of money? Aren’t the trillions they’ve already stolen enough for them? Do they derive pleasure from the blood and horrors of war? Are they sadists who enjoy inflicting great pain on innocent victims? In killing the helpless, are the Illuminati chieftains, in fact, honoring Lucifer by literally conducting open-air human sacrifices? Do the Scriptures provide us insight into their grotesque motives and crimes?
28. Secrets 155:
Texe Marrs reveals facts and uncovers things the controlled media dare not touch:
(1) Pope Benedict issues a new papal encyclical calling for the end of nation-state sovereignties and the founding of a supreme "World Authority," a supra-government "with teeth." The Pope also insists that wealthy nations such as the U.S.A. "redistribute wealth" to poorer nations in a socialist scheme and that the new "World Authority" be given control over all the world’s banks and financial institutions;
(2) A humongous 1,200 feet long "Green Goddess" idol monument is going up in Great Britain;
(3) President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Sonia Sotomayor, is unmasked as a member of the elitist "Belizean Grove," an all-women’s feminist equivalent of the California’s men’s satan-fest, the Bohemian Grove;
(4) The environmentalists’ cockeyed theory of Global Warming takes a tumble as the world grows cooler and an unseasonable June chill hits most of the states in the U.S.A.;
(5) The fear factor: Of whom should we be afraid?;
(6) Top Australian biological scientist discovers that the swine flu virus is man-made in government labs. The United Nations World Health Authority is forced to admit the new scientific findings are correct and says it will investigate (oh yeah!);
(7) President Obama and his Israeli White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, warn that the swine flu will attack the American people "with fury" this fall. What do they know?;
(8) Two years ago Texe Marrs and Power of Prophecy were the first to warn America of the coming financial catastrophe. Why is this ministry always ahead of its time?;
(9) Was Barack Obama "Rothschild’s Choice" to become President of the United States? Is Obama the Antichrist?
27. Illuminati: The Cult That Hijacked the World:
Texe Marrs interviews Dr. Henry Makow, author of the outstanding new book, Illuminati: The Cult That Hijacked the World. Is there an elite people, a group called the Illuminati, and what is their goal? Has a sick Talmudist system been foisted on America? Is Freemasonry Judaism repackaged? Is Freemasonry based on Judaism? Is Satanism the mindset of the Illuminati?
26. The Illuminati’s Secret Societies and A Special Report on the Bilderbergers:
Texe Marrs gives an update and further exposes the Bilderberg Group. He also interviewed Mark Dice, author of the outstanding new book, The Illuminati: Facts and Fiction. Texe revealed what went on at the most recent Bilderberg conclave this May in Greece. Texe added intelligence he had gleaned from confidential sources indicating that Rothschild convened and extraordinary special "Summit" of the most elite of the Bilderbergers, conducted in June in Tel Aviv, Israel. Tel Aviv is now the Financial Capital of the World. Texe also revealed that the Bilderbergers are working with President Obama to institute a new global tax and to create a unified standing army to put down resistance to the New World Order. Mark Dice discussed his new book. He warned that the Illuminati conspiracy is not only very real, but is a threat to ordinary citizens of America and the planet.
25. Unheralded Secrets of Judaism and Freemasonry (Volume 1):
In this volume, the first of a series to come, Texe Marrs unlocks mysteries and connects the twin heresies of Judaism and Freemasonry:
(1) Albert Pike, former Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite Masonic Lodges, admitted that Freemasonry’s rituals and doctrines originated from the sorcery and magic of the Jewish Cabala; thus, Masonry is a Jewish cult;
(2) Judaizers inside the Christian Church—men like Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, James Dobson, and others—are ignorant of the fact that the religion of Judaism is not based on the Torah or Old Testament but, as Jesus revealed, on "man-made traditions;"
(3) The Talmud, a bigoted and hateful book of Satanic smut, is actually the basis of the Judaic faith;
(4) Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry identifies Washington, D.C. as the headquarters for international Freemasonry; it is where the "Supreme Mother Council of the World" is located;
(5) Mackey further revealed that the "Noahides"—descendants of the Bible’s Noah—are the original founders of Masonry.
(6) The Jews say that in the coming New Age, Gentiles who disobey the "Noahide Laws" will be beheaded. Worship of Jesus is a violation of the Noahide Laws. The guillotine employed in Revolutionary France was a precursor of what is to come when the Jews receive their earthly Kingdom.;
(7) The Bible’s book of Ezekiel, chapter 8, paints a graphic description of what goes on inside the inner sanctum of Masonic lodges today;
(8) Why do Masons teach that the starry, northern part of our galaxy is a place of darkness and evil?;
(9) Their worship of the Sun admitted in Masonic encyclopedia;
(10) Masonic celebration of St. John’s day tied to their secret worship of the ancient fish god, Oannes. The Catholic Pope’s fish-like headdress is also based on worship of Oannes. Revelation 13 makes mention of this horned devil-god (the Beast) whom the ancient Philistines honored as Dagon, the fish god;
(11) Of what significance is the color red in the Masonic Lodge and in Judaism?
24. Eye of the Storm — Is America and the Planet on the Threshold of Disaster?:
A Texe Marrs Special Report. America has for over 200 years been blessed by God, but in just one generation ours has become one of the most blasphemous and immoral nations on earth. Falling prey to Jewish talmudic culture influences, the U.S.A. and its leaders have shred almost all standards of decency. Our financial system is defunct and the "Money Bubble" of Obama and the Federal Reserve ($16 trillion dollars spent to reinflate the economy) will soon burst. Joblessness increases at a rapid pace. We are engaged in two futile, bloody wars in the Middle East, and we are now attacking a third country, Pakistan. Gay perverts reign in Washington, D.C. and a satanic cult now uses Hollywood and the media to sink American into a septic cesspool. As bas as things are, regrettably, they are about to get worse!
23. Secrets 154:
Texe Marrs reveals facts and uncovers things the controlled media dare not touch:
(1) Why my books are bestsellers—God’s miracles in Chicago;
(2) Conoco Oil headquarter in Alaska is designed with a glass pyramid;
(3) Hindu "thinker" sends me Mothers Day poem addressed to our "Mother Earth;"
(4) Depraved song by two U.S.A. Jewish pop-rock superstars, Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg, has lyrics about having sex with each other’s mother! The sicko song is performed on Saturday Night Live TV program and is dedicated to everybody’s mothers;
(5) Talk show host Jason Bermas lashes out at people who dare suggest that Jews run the media or might be involved in a conspiracy—Bermas wants them to go out and kill themselves;
(6) In fact, the Jews do own Hollywood and the U.S.A. media, and they admit it!;
(7) Yale professor says that former President Bush believed that in killing Moslems in the Middle East, he was actually opposing the biblically prophesied demons, Gog and Magog;
(8) What day is Sabbath—Saturday, Sunday, or…?
(9) The Jehovah’s Witnesses are proven to be a Jewish/Zionist cult. The founder of this cult has a pyramid erected at his gravesite, and the JW’s doctrines strongly deny the divinity of Jesus Christ.
22. The End of the World—Bible Prophecy According to Jesus:
Many today fear we are on the threshold of the end of the world. Everywhere, mankind is experiencing unprecedented debauchery, blasphemy, crime, disease, hunger, warfare, and a host of other ills. Gun and ammo sales are at an all time high and fearful people seem to sense that the world is on the edge of a climactic volcanic eruption. What did Jesus, the greatest prophet of all, say about the events of the last days? Do His prophecies spell doom for you and me now, today? Is there, nevertheless, a silver lining in the prophecies of Jesus?
21. Color Me Evil—Why Are Jews Responsible for the World’s Most Infamous and Heinous Crimes?:
Texe Marrs stuns with fresh evidence that, proportionate to their small numbers, the Jews are the most deadly and dangerous tribe and people on earth. Austrian dungeon-master Joseph Fritzl, who imprisoned and forced his own daughter to have children through incest, is a Jew. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the Columbine High School mass killers, were Jews. On and on the evidence stacks up. The Soviet genocide of 66 million, mostly Christians, during the Communist era was planned and executed by Jewish commissars, and the biggest financial Ponzi scheme in the history of the U.S.A. was pulled off by Bernie Madoff, a Jew. Did their murder of our Lord Jesus and their stubborn refusal to repent of their evil deeds bring upon these people a terrible curse? Can any Jew escape this curse? How?
20. Zio-Mammonism—How the Money Religion of the International Jew is Bankrupting America, Destroying the Dollar, and Impoverishing the Whole World:
The Hegelian-engineered clash of opposites, Communism vs. Capitalism, is now spiraling humanity and all nations toward the planned Illuminati synthesis. The end-result of this classic, 300-year long conflict will be Zio-Mammonism. It will bring to planet earth the rule of the Zionist elite overseers aided by their Gentile lieutenants and servants. The Jews say this will be a paradise age and, in Hebrew, call it Tikkun Olam. Tel Aviv, Israel has already become the planet’s new financial capital; Jerusalem is its spiritual and judicial center. The U.S.A. and Europe are demoted and are diminishing in status. In the 19th century, acclaimed Jew, Heinrich Heine, wrote: "Money is the God of the Jews, and Rothschild is His prophet." Karl Marx also proclaimed that money is the Jew’s "God." Jesus said it first though, warning both the Jews and the world alike, that man must choose which God he will serve. The choice, Christ said, is between the true God and mammon (money). The triumph of Zio-Mammonism will welcome the dawning of a New Age in which men everywhere shall worship mammon, or money, thus serving the vile, crass "God" of the Jews who rule the planet.
19. The Gods of Chaos Bring Global Devastation—The Illuminati Plan to Destabilize and Deconstruct America and the World to Establish the New World Order:
Satanism’s highest holy days ("hell days") are designed to usher in death, blood, and pain. In this exclusive report, Texe Marrs shockingly connects numerous recent events: fires, a missing young teenager in South Carolina; the sexual torture and murder of eight-year old Sandra Cantu in Florida; Air Force One (747) aircraft and 2 F-16s panicking thousands in New York; the murder of Freddie Mac’s CFO executive; financial happenings on Wall Street; bombings and conflict in Iraq and Pakistan; and the Swine Flu scare. He shows how the Illuminati use the Satanic calendar, heralding such magical hell days as the Spring Equinox, the Grand Climax, and Walpurgisnacht, to wreak havoc on humanity and initiate disciples by blood sacrifice and chaos. The whole world is being fast-forwarded into hellish oblivion.
18. Secrets 153:
Texe Marrs reveals facts and uncovers things the controlled media dare not touch:
(1) Obama’s North American Union scheme goes into high gear as Mexico continues to be whip-sawed by Illuminist design. Mexico’s economy is in tatters, swine flu ravages and earthquake hits;
(2) Clinton’s Pentagon boss, Secretary of Defense William Cohen, in 1997 admitted that the U.S.A. had developed stunning new seismic weapons able to cause earthquake disasters anywhere on earth;
(3) Swine flu virus is man-made. Baxter Laboratories is caught combining swine, avian (bird), and human viruses in a lethal mixture;
(4) Revelation 6, describing the horror of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, prophesies of plagues and pestilence;
(5) Devil idols discovered across the globe confirm the warning given in the Bible’s book of Revelation of wicked idol worship abounding in the last days;
(6) Homosexual Jews Harris and Klebold targeted Christian girls for death at Columbine;
(7) Annual Bilderberger meeting is scheduled this month, May 14th
(8) Texas Governor Rick Perry, who correctly told Washington, D.C. that the State of Texas has the right to secede, is nevertheless a Bilderberger and a two-faced elitist not to be trusted;
(9) Donald Trump declares bankruptcy of his beach-front real estate condo and housing projects in Mexico, leaving American buyers out in the cold. Trump still owns the Miss U.S.A. Pageant. He is responsible for the fiasco in which Miss California, Carrie Prejean, was denied the crown of Miss U.S.A. because she refused to publicly endorse gay marriage. Not surprisingly, the immoral Mr. Trump is a Jew!
17. Mexico on Fire! Will Obama Use This Devastating Crisis as the Catalyst to Usher in the Illuminati-Planned North American Union By the End of 2010?:
It’s suddenly all over the media. Mexican drug cartels are brutalizing Mexico and invading American soil. Vicious Mexican drug gangs are terrorizing American cities. President Obama threatens to send U.S. military troops to quell the growing crime wave. FEMA camps have been readied to house millions of frightened Mexican refugees. Is this the “crisis†engineered in advance by the Illuminist CIA and Mossad designed to cause Americans to accept the merger of Mexico and the U.S.A. as a fait accompli? Will martial law be implemented to restore law and order after the total breakdown and collapse of a shattered Mexican nation? Is this the pretext to set up the North American Union by the end of 2010?
16. Holocaust Dogma Unmasked—A Grim Global Conspiracy Mocking Reality and Capitalizing on Death is Outed by Brave Truthtellers:
If you mention the content of this program to others, you could be arrested and locked away in prison. Across the globe, laws have been passed to keep men and women from discussing the contents of this program. Moreover, truth is no defense. If you so much as question the "official version" of facts, you’ll be labeled a criminal and treated accordingly. This is no idle threat. The truth can get you a stiff prison sentence! However, if you have the guts to discover the truth and the courage to face-down some of the greatest liars in human history, you will find this information a marvelous blessing.
15. Bible Prophecy Unfolds—The Four Horns and Four Carpenters of Zechariah and the Final Destiny of the Illuminati and It's Architectural Colossus:
In the book of Zechariah is found an amazing prophecy. Rarely mentioned by modern-day preachers, little understood, this amazing prophecy has to do with the New World Order and the drive of the Illuminati elite for a reconstructed "paradise" or kingdom on planet earth. Hear Texe's thrilling revelation of the surprising climax of world history as Big Brother's carefully built superstructure meets up with God's wrecking crew!
14. Secrets 152:
Texe Marrs reveals facts and uncovers things the controlled media dare not touch:
(1) A motorist is pulled over for the heinous crime of "excessive laughing while driving."
(2) Burping worms are contributing to Climate Change and global warming.
(3) Psychiatrists agree—"Climate Change Denial" is a mental disorder;
(4) Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in Paris, echoes White House Chief of Staff Rahm "The Cruel" Emanuel: "Never waste a good crisis;"
(5) Flying syringe mosquitoes will be used to immunize people reluctant to be vaccinated. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will fund this incredible new scientific project;
(6) Reader reports that Disney’s famous, classic Dumbo movie secretly conveys subliminal images, including an all-seeing eye and a pyramid. Plus, in one scene, Dumbo’s trunk becomes an erect phallus!;
(7) Witchcraft evil touches lives in South Carolina when a total stranger invades a funeral service in progress, opens the casket, strikes the deceased with a magic wand, does a necromantic dance and then disappears. The stranger, a 28-year old woman, was later arrested driving down the freeway;
(8) Has the world gone insane?
12-13. Judaism Discovered (Part 1&2)—The Deceitful, Anti-biblical, Talmudic Religion of the Rabbis Laid Bare:
Texe Marrs interviews Michael Hoffman, noted scholar of Judaic studies. Hoffman’s documented exposé of Judaism, an 1100 page masterpiece, lays bare the hateful and despicable religion of the Jews. Unknown to most Christians, the Jews’ religion is chock-full of depravity and blasphemy. Discover the horrors of Judaism—including the rabbis’ vicious lies about Jesus Christ and its racism, bigotry, and murderous attitude toward the Gentiles, whom the Jews consider an inferior race akin to wild beasts. Discover also the Jews’ sick approval of pedophilia (sex with little boys and girls) and other grotesque beliefs and practices of Judaism, all kept conveniently hidden from the public.
11. America's Extreme Makeover—With President Obama and "Rahm the Cruel" in the White House, the Illuminist Criminal Agenda Takes Flight:
The hidden cabal behind the rise of Barack Obama has ruled: "Everything must change!" Our nation is swiftly undergoing an alchemical transformation. The Illuminists, however, are not socialists. They are wealthy "criminal capitalists" and their aim is to privatize the economy and privately own its industry and resources. First, the Mexican domino will fall and millions of desperate Mexicans will rush south. Borders will be erased. Taxes will rocket upward; government bureaucrats and the IRS will persecute the citizenry. We the citizens are to be merged into the Global Plantation. Our culture will become even more anti-God; our heritage will be obliterated. Obama and Emanuel are servants of the Illuminati’s Serpent Circle, acting as overseers and ushers as America is changed and transformed.
10. Secrets 151:
Texe Marrs reveals facts and uncovers things the controlled media dare not touch:
(1) Inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil predicts increasing use of nanorobots, tiny robots the size of a blood cell;
(2) Stormy Daniels, a beautiful porn star, is running for U.S. Senate in Louisiana;
(3) President Obama’s origins and influence traced back to Seattle, Washington;
(4) Supreme Court of Israel approves gay marriages;
(5) U.S. Air Force general suffers mysterious death after he and his boss refuse to secretly transfer atomic bombs to Israel;
(6) Drug-sniffing dogs diagnosed with cancer after sniffing cocaine;
(7) Native American tribe demands the elitist Order of Skull & Bones return the bones of famous Indian Chief Geronimo which were stolen decades ago by Bonesmen;
(8) Occult origins of Yale University, home of Skull & Bones;
(9) Does the classic exposé text, The Protocols of Zion, reveal how the Illuminati manipulate the prices for gold, oil, and other commodities?
09. Sex Cults of the Illuminati:
The Illuminati elite are obsessed with sex. Secret societies such as the Masonic Lodge, the O.T.O., the Bohemian Grove, and the Order of Skull & Bones are saturated with sex idols, sex ritual, sex gods and goddesses, and sex symbols. Homosexuality is rampant. Illuminati architecture is brimming with hidden sexual meaning, especially the obelisks, pyramids, triangle-shaped and circular buildings. Amazing disclosures, from President Nixon’s description of the Bohemian Grovesters as "filthy and faggoty" to the abominable tantric sex rituals of one of America’s most famous rocket scientists. Sex cults even operate deep in the White House crypt and outside, up on the White House roof!
08. Bring in the Clowns—Has the Christian Establishment Become the World’s Biggest Three-Ring Circus?:
Texe Marrs once again takes on the corrupt Christian establishment. Lutheran, Episcopal, Baptist, and other churches, having abandoned the traditional Gospel message, are bringing real clowns in to preach at pulpits. Meanwhile, some charismatics are irate at Texe for his exposure of tattooed, biker-boot wearing Florida evangelist Todd Bentley. These people praise Bentley as 'anointed' of God and tell Texe to shove off and quit complaining about Bentley’s adulterous affairs and his many dark antics. Apparently, the whole Christian Community has gone off its rocker. Satan must be gleeful at seeing this awful mess!
07. Secrets 150:
Texe Marrs reveals facts and uncovers things the controlled media dare not touch:
(1) Scientists disprove Global Warming hysteria; new studies show ice packs in the North and South Poles have not changed one iota in the past 30 years;
(2) Czech President challenges Al Gore at World Economic Forum, declares global warming a hoax;
(3) Iraqi journalist who threw shoes at then President George W. Bush was tortured and jailed. Is he alive today?;
(4) Holocaust propaganda exposed;
(5) the U.S. Military is reportedly preparing for violent protests and riots inside the United States following a feared economic melt-down. Will gulags be filled with dissidents? Are you on their list to be arrested and tossed into these already built hell-holes?;
(6) High-ranking Illuminatus Henry Kissinger says Obama is "primed to create a New World Order";
(7) Republican Senator John McCain praises Obama’s cabinet nominees: "I would have chosen the same people;"
(8) Texas Governor Rick Perry, a Bilderberger, says that the Trans American Corridor, the North American Union’s planned super highway, will be built, notwithstanding citizen objections.
06. Blood Wars: Judaism, Blood Sacrifice, Occult Ritual, Middle East Conflict and the Grand Plan for a Greater Israel:
Armed to the teeth with American weapons, Israel’s Socialist/Talmudist armies are ravaging, killing, and maiming hapless Palestinians in Gaza. With President Obama’s approval, the next targets are Iran and Syria. Meanwhile, the United States will intensify its bloody conflict in Afghanistan and massacre thousands in neighboring Pakistan. These are all occult rituals, human sacrifices in honor of Satan. The Israelis began their war against the people of Gaza on Hanukkah, a Jewish Holy Day. Cabalistic Numerology is also being used, with the 2006 Israeli war against Lebanon lasting exactly 33 days. The "Blood Wars" of the Middle East are part of the Grand Plan for a Greater Israel and the New World Order. Also includes: Shocking new evidence by acclaimed Jewish historians that, for centuries, Jewish rabbis have abducted, tortured, sacrificed, and cannibalized young gentile boys and girls.
05. Noisy Pigs Stumbling in the Darkness—Greedy, Swinish Televangelists and Slumbering Dog Pastors Lead Cackling Charismatics, Piggish Pentecostals, and Babbling, Blasphemous Baptists Into Final Stages of Spiritual Stupor:
There is a new sensation in the Charismatic faith healer arena. His name is Todd Bentley. Todd Bentley is a crude, tattooed, tongues-speaking, ex-drug thug who belches profanity, beds church women, physically kicks and mauls congregants, and gets visits from invisible "financial angels," who sprinkle gold dust on excited people in the pews. Bentley is but the latest messenger as new "Moves of God," ranging from environmental crazes to Judeo-Zionism fads, sweep the confused and apostate churches of the twenty-first century.
04. Rabbis Over the Vatican—Pope Benedict XVI Cedes Keys of Kingdom to Zionist Interlopers, Leaving One Billion Catholics Swallowed Up in a Thick Cloud of Jewish Deceit:
In an amazing turn-about, the new Pope, Benedict XVI, has turned over the reigns of power at the Vatican to Zionist agents. Recently, a Chief Rabbi came to Rome and taught a special conclave of Catholic Cardinals and Bishops. Invited by the Pope, this rabbi instructed the Catholic clergy on how they were to interpret the Old and New Testaments. Meanwhile, a high-level rabbinical council is secretly overseeing all Vatican operations, including the pre-screening of all church literature and papal encyclicals, to insure that Zionist preferences and tradition are preserved. The Holy See has fallen totally to the Judaizers.
03. The Janus Factor—A Double Dose of Evil: "All Fields Are Reversed:"—Solving the Illuminati Riddle of Things Seen and Unseen, Alchemically Transforming the World Into a Hellish Prison:
Texe Marrs uncovers the Illuminati secret formula for world revolution and deceit. This is how and why Satan is making such incredible progress. The Janus Factor is Satan’s hidden method. The two-faced Roman god Janus was known as "Keeper of the Keys" and as "Interpreter of the Mysteries." Throughout history, Janus operatives—Darwin, Hegel, Freud, Marx, Lenin, Obama, and others—have successfully employed the Janus method to psychically and culturally churn global events and overturn all standards of morality and human dignity. No one can battle or defeat today’s forces of evil unless he understands this vitally important discovery. Highly Recommended!
02. Obama's Mind-boggling White House Rogues Gallery—CFR Goons, Trilats, Bilderbergers and Clintonistas to Ravage and "Change" America:
Name-by-name, Texe Marrs examines Obama's appointees to high government office. Obama's cabinet is a shocking array of the worst of Bush and Clinton Administration retreads, Wall Street gangsters, and secret society insiders. The only "Change" possible from this group is the planned, criminal Transformation of America, a process that will only end after the U.S. Constitution is effectively gutted and a Jewish Communist cabal has seized every vestige of authority and influence over our daily lives.
01. Red Star Over the U.S.A. - Zionist President Barack Obama and the Sovietization of America:
On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama will take possession of the Oval Office. What do we actually know about Barack Obama? Is America so gullible that they would elect a Communist/Marxist to the highest office of the world's last superpower? Who are some of Obama's supporters? What do Che Gueverra and Barack Obama have in common? Why would Bill Ayers, a terrorist and bomber from Chicago, support Obama? What did Barack Obama's father advocate? What do we know about Barack Obama's mother?
52. Mysteries of the TempleDetails Download Listen
51. Jews Can Get Away With MurderDetails Download Listen
50. Secret Societies of the New World OrderDetails Download Listen
49. Secrets 160Details Download Listen
48. Conspiracy WorldDetails Download Listen
47. Stony Beasts and Menacing Idols Surround Us EverywhereDetails Download Listen
46. Deceivers In Our MidstDetails Download Listen
45. Secrets 159Details Download Listen
44. The Leveling of AmericaDetails Download Listen
43. The New BabylonDetails Download Listen
42. Rebellion, Death, and HoodwinkDetails Download Listen
41. We Are Being Colonized!Details Download Listen
40. Secrets 158Details Download Listen
39. The Four Great Foes of IlluminismDetails Download Listen
38. Satanic Magic and Alchemy of the Number 9Details Download Listen
37. Witchcraft in the White HouseDetails Download Listen
36. Secrets 157Details Download Listen
35. Stalin's GhostDetails Download Listen
34. Unheralded Secrets of Judaism & Freemasonry (Volume 2)Details Download Listen
33. Devil's Head SoupDetails Download Listen
32. The Truth vs. The LieDetails Download Listen
31. Secrets 156Details Download Listen
30. Pyramid Mysteries of the Atom BombDetails Download Listen
29. And Men Loved the DarknessDetails Download Listen
28. Secrets 155Details Download Listen
27. Illuminati, The Cult That Hijacked HistoryDetails Download Listen
26. The Illuminati’s Secret Societies and A Special Report on the BilderbergersDetails Download Listen
25. Unheralded Secrets of Judaism and FreemasonryDetails Download Listen
24. Eye of the StormDetails Download Listen
23. Secrets 154Details Download Listen
22. The End of The WorldDetails Download Listen
21. Color Me EvilDetails Download Listen
20. Zio-MammonismDetails Download Listen
19. The Gods of ChaosDetails Download Listen
18. Secrets 153Details Download Listen
17. Mexico On Fire!Details Download Listen
16. Holocaust Dogma UnmaskedDetails Download Listen
15. Bible Prophecy UnfoldsDetails Download Listen
14. Secrets 152Details Download Listen
13. Judaism Discovered (Part 2)Details Download Listen
12. Judaism Discovered (Part 1)Details Download Listen
11. America's Extreme MakeoverDetails Download Listen
10. Secrets 151Details Download Listen
09. Sex Cults of the IlluminatiDetails Download Listen
08. Bring in the ClownsDetails Download Listen
07. Secrets 150Details Download Listen
06. Blood WarsDetails Download Listen
05. Noisy Pigs Stumbling in the DarknessDetails Download Listen
04. Rabbis Over the VaticanDetails Download Listen
03. The Janus FactorDetails Download Listen
02. Obama's Mind-Boggling White House Rogue's GalleryDetails Download Listen
01. Red Star Over the USADetails Download Listen
52. Mysteries of the Temple:
Why does Rothschild, the Jewish Sanhedrin, the Masonic Lodge, The Mormon Church, and scores of Satanic cults seek to rebuild Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem? Why did Jesus condemn the Jews’ religion and cast the moneychangers out of the Temple? What of Jesus’ prophecy that the Temple of the Jews would be destroyed and the House of Israel "left desolate" until His return? Why do millions of pro-Zionist evangelical Christians take pride in attempting to undo what Christ has done and strive to nullify Jesus’ prophecy and rebuild both the Temple and the House of Israel? What does the "Temple" signify? What occult mysteries and satanic purposes are embodied in the millennia-old quest to rebuild the Temple and reinstitute blood sacrifices? What will happen when the antichrist (666) enters the rebuilt Temple and blasphemously declares he is "God?"
51. Jews Can Get Away With Murder—Israel, 9/11, and the Goldstone Report:
Texe Marrs interviews Victor Thorn, author of 9/11 Evil and a new book examining the unwarranted and vicious attack on the U.S.S. Liberty ship by Israeli forces. The truth is revealed—that the Israeli Mossad, in conjunction with the highest-level Neocon traitors of the Bush/Cheney Administration, perpetrated the 9/11 massacre. Thorn also examines the latest research on the U.S.S. Liberty attack and the recent Goldstone Report, in which Israel’s military is documented to be guilty of international war crimes in its assault, rape, torture, and merciless killing of innocent Palestinian men, women, and children. Will these guilty criminals ever be brought to justice?
50. Secret Societies of the New World Order:
Texe Marrs and Mark Dice, author of Illuminati: Facts and Fiction, discuss the membership, goals, and practices of notorious elitist secret societies and cults, including the original Bavarian Order of the Illuminati; the Bohemian Grove, the Order of Skull & Bones; and the Church of Satan. Also examined: The Judaic cult and its dangerous racist ideology and conspiratorial aims. Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan and his "friend," famed novelist Ayn Rand ("Atlas Shrugged") are also discussed.
49. Secrets 160:
(1) The astonishing connection of Red China's curious and ancient Hung Secret Society with the West's Freemasonry;
(2) Hoax: Jewish deceiver awarded a medal for heroism and D-Day proven to be a fraud;
(3) And more hoaxes: Jewish woman claiming to be a holocaust survivor is outed as a fraud. She wrote a bogus, award-winning book saying that she hid from dreaded Nazis by living for years in the forest as a lonely young girl, miraculously fed and cared for by wild wolves;
(4) Lou Dobbs, CNN host, is fired after the radical Jewish group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, objected to his on-air demand that America's immigration laws be enforced and that Barack Obama produce a U.S.A. birth certificate;
(5) Lucrative, but ghoulish business: Israeli military keeps very busy murdering young Palestinian youth and harvesting their vital organs for transplant operations of the rich;
(6) ADL watch-dog asks for subscription to Power of Prophecy newsletter;
(7) Conspiracy facts are part of a growing body of evidence known as "Conspiracy Science;"
(8) Beware!—Not all advertised Christian drug rehab programs are based on Christian principles.
48. Conspiracy World—Doorway to a Hidden Realm of Eye-Opening Revelations and Forbidden Knowledge:
Texe Marrs discusses some of the fascinating facts and revelations in his new book, Conspiracy World, including:
(1) The assassination of John F. Kennedy, Jr., and Great Britain’s Princess Diana;
(2) The discovery of missing congressional intern Chandra Levy’s dead body at Rock Creek Park in Washington, D.C.;
(3) The "Revolution of Blood"—the Red Terror of Lenin and Trotsky in Soviet Russia;
(4) Rockefeller money and the breeding of the new "Super Man;"
(5) Devil companies, Devil products, Devil logos;
(6) Is Freemasonry a Luciferian secret society?;
(7) UFOs and extraterrestrials—are they for real?;
(8) And much more…
47. Stony Beasts and Menacing Idols Surround Us Everywhere—Who Erected Them?...Are They Alive?...Can They Posses Human Souls?:
Across America and the world grotesque statues and beast-like idols have been erected. Are these hellish creations mere curiosities made of stone and metal, or—could it be—they are "alive?" What of the Bible’s prophecy (Revelation 13) of the “image of the beast†that walks and speaks? Do demons possess these otherwise inanimate objects? Are those who build and pay homage to these hideous idols accursed by God? Are movie images of such horrible beings also accursed?
46. Deceivers in Our Midst—Unmasking the Agent Provocateurs, Shills, and Pied Pipers Working Clandestinely for Big Brother’s Police State and Rothschild’s New World Order:
A Texe Marrs Investigative Report: Shocker!—World’s most infamous "Moslem" terrorists discovered to be Jewish pretenders. Carlos the Jackal, Abu Nidal, and other murderous bombers and hijackers are outed and proven to be Jewish agents working undercover for the Israeli Mossad and CIA. Even the man claimed to be Osama Bin Laden’s chief lieutenant turns out to be a Jewish double agent. And more stunning disclosures: The Moslem "Arab" guy boasting he was American Al Quaida and threatening the U.S. on TV and internet is actually Adam Pearlman, a Jew. FBI admits that Hal Turner, radical "Patriot" radio talk show host, was trained and paid by the agency to create turmoil and chaos. Also, the sinister "American Fuhrer" who headed the American Nazi Party, Frank Collin, is actually Frank Joseph Cohen, a Jew! Meanwhile, a former Senior Ku Klux Klan leader, supposedly from the State of Georgia, is found to now be living in Tel Aviv, Israel. He also is a Jew! It appears that every so-called "Right-wing extremist," "Neo Nazi," "Aryan and Ku Klux Klan group in America is funded and run by masquerading Jews!
45. Secrets 159:
(1) Girl, 15 is gang raped and beaten outside school dance while 16 witnesses watch. None call police;
(2) Schoolgirl watches in horror as teen thug stomps on her tiny puppy's head and kills it;
(3) UN's "Goldstone Report" concludes that Israel is guilty of war crimes and atrocities in its heinous assaults on Palestinians and Gaza;
(4) Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu demands that Israeli troops be exempted from international laws of war;
(5) Bernie Madoff, convicted Wall Street Ponzi scheme operator, turned his workplace into a continuous cocaine and sex party environment;
(6) Survey finds that Mexicans believe Mexican-Americans owe loyalty to Mexico over the U.S.;
(7) America is filling up with dumb people;
(8) Texe interviews Bedros Hajian, founder of the Armenian-American Christian Outreach Ministries, Glendale, California, regarding the Armenian genocide and massacre of Christians by Turkey under crypto-Jewish rule.
44. The Leveling of America—So the World Can Be As One:
Evidence is presented that the United States is intentionally being "leveled" and brought down economically. The illuminists' goal is to diminish and transform America into a Third World nation, driving down workers' wages, destroying the dollar currency, drastically increasing taxes, bottling up our oil and gas by not drilling new wells, and through other economic warfare. After this financial and social crushing of America, it is believed the once proud U.S. citizenry will become so desperate and so impoverished they will sell their birthright and heritage for the few crumbs of wealth that remain. The end-objective of the Illuminati Plan is that a broken U.S.A. will be useful only as a dumping ground for illegal aliens and as a resource for the elite to access when military mercenaries are needed to bleed and die in foreign conflicts.
43. The New Babylon—A Panoramic View of the Rothschild Empire and Its Power and Influence Over America Through President Obama and Our Congress:
Texe Marrs interviews Michael Collins Piper on his powerful new book exposing the Rothschilds leadership of the New World Order conspiracy. Piper explains how over the centuries and decades the wealth of the fabulous Rothschild Dynasty has enabled these power-hungry Zionist plotters to seize more and more control—over stock markets, banks, corporations, universities, and national governments. The henchmen of the Rothschilds have also used organized crime to accomplish their aims. Their power is also felt through the secret societies and in globalist groups such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and the Council on Foreign Relations.
42. Rebellion, Death, and Hoodwink—The Legacy and Practice of Freemasonry:
Texe Marrs explains the real, hidden objective of the Masonic Lodge. This "fraternity" of evil provides a boiling pot of rebellion for Illuminist leaders. It silently fosters a mindset of death and depravity among its members, of whom the vast majority are deceived and hoodwinked into falsely believing they have joined a secret but "worthy" organization. Texe also reveals the meaning of the three hideously notorious names of Deity taught in the Lodge—those of Mahabone, Jahbulon, and Abaddon.
41. We Are Being Colonized!—The Secret Illuminati Project to Flood the United States with 100,000,000 More Illegal Aliens:
Under a Masonic project sponsored by the Rothschilds and Zionist groups, the United States will be flooded with 100,000,000 more illegal aliens. A recent survey calculated the current number of illegal aliens in the United States at 25 to 30 million, with many of them voting for liberal legislators and a President who will give them free healthcare, housing, welfare, and Social Security. Will President Obama grant amnesty to the illegal population so they can receive Obamacare? Is Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) a hero to the patriot community? What about proof he is a 33rd degree Freemason? Does the State Department circumvent immigration by designating immigrants as "refugees?" Are we to become a colony of the New World Order? The answers to these questions and much more are available on this dynamic program.
40. Secrets 158:
(1) Does Barack Obama have dictatorial ambitions?;
(2) Is there a relationship between the 33 degrees in Freemasonry and the crucifixion of Jesus at the age of 33?;
(3) Former Congressman Jim Traficant, recently released from prison, is branded a "conspiracy theorist" by Sean Hannity. Traficant says he was railroaded to prison by the Israeli lobby;
(4) Jewish movie director Roman Polanski is finally arrested after 3 decades for his rape of a 13 year-old girl. Why is Hollywood up in arms about this?;
(5) Were occult rituals acted out on the broadcast of MTV’s Video Award show?;
(6) Prince Phillip of Great Britain, a radical environmentalist activist, complains that ordinary citizens have too much;
(7) Has Wal-Mart changed their logo to the six-pointed star?;
(8) The leader of the environmental organization Greenpeace admits he lied about global warming causing ice to melt in the Arctic;
39. The Four Great Foes of Illuminism—Can Nationalists (Patriots), Individualists, Shiite Moslems or New Testament Christians Win the Victory Over the Money, Power, and Organization of Satan’s Illuminati Juggernaut?:
Illuminati magic has enveloped the world. You can be an overcomer, but you must decide if you want to join Lucifer or fight and occupy the world for Jesus. Illuminists are collectivists who cultivate the group mindset and distrust individualism. Illuminists are cunning and agile deceivers who teach the masses to love servitude. Who are the four foes of Illuminism? How is the tactic of mobocracy utilized? Is psychiatry a tool of the Illuminist methodology? Only one of the four foes will stand at the completion of this battle. Will you be an overcomer?
38. Satanic Magic and Alchemy of the Number 9—President Obama and Cabalistic Rabbis to Choose Who Will Live and Who Will Die:
Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin warned recently that, if Obama’s so-called "health-care reform" is passed, Death Panels made up of bureaucrats will decide who will live or die. Her warning was laughed at by some, but Texe Marrs reveals that on August 19, in a telephone conference with America’s top Jewish rabbis, President Obama confided, "We are God’s partners in deciding who will live and who will die." Moreover, the rabbis say Obama quoted from the Jews’ Rosh Hashanah prayer and referenced the High Holy Days of the Jews as backup for his belief that he and the Jews hold this god-like power. On 9-09-09 Obama gave a nationally televised address to Congress on his healthcare plan. The three 9s were believed to endow his speech with supernatural power. Texe reveals the hideous meaning of the number 9 in Satanism and Illuminism, pointing out its use over and over as a tool to hex and destroy their opposition. The number 9 is also shown, in occult doctrines, to be the concealed number of the beast, 666, the antichrist Messiah to be welcomed on earth by the Jews.
37. Witchcraft in the White House:
New revelations of Santeria voodoo ritual in the White House—Michelle Obama’s grandmother invites Santeria witch into President’s residence. Also, a photo surfaces revealing Barack and Michelle Obama having an African devil idol in their home in Chicago. And, The Nation magazine reports on Code Pink, an Obama support group, which conducted a witchcraft cleansing ritual to purify the White House of evil spirits. And more...
36. Secrets 157:
((1) Goldman Sachs, the wealthy Wall Street firm with close ties to both the Bush and Obama White Houses, gives out a whopping $10 billion in bonuses to executives, after receiving over $50 billion of free money from the U.S. Treasury’s "TARP" program;
(2) Obama’s socialized medical plan will rob the Medicare program to provide billions in free healthcare benefits for illegal aliens;
(3) Code Pink, a supposed peace group founded by witches and lesbians, did a "cleansing ritual" to rid the White House of bad spirits and omens. The three wealthy women who began this group have received a written letter from President Obama endorsing gay marriage and pledging his intent to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act;
(4) Revealed!—Obama’s first "job" out of college was with a CIA dummy front company called Business International Corporation;
(5) West Virginia Senator Jay Rockefeller introduces legislation giving President Obama the dictatorial power to shut down the internet or to close down politically incorrect websites;
(6) Entertainer Michael Jackson, now dead, had blasted the Jews who run the entertainment and recording industry: "They’re like leeches;"
(7) Netherlands newspaper alleges the swine flu vaccine is a Jewish conspiracy to reduce world population;
(8) Obama appoints a Zionist Jew, Dr. Thomas Frieden, to head the Centers for Disease Control, in Atlanta. He’ll be overseeing the expected swine flu epidemic and immunizations;
(9) UN’s World Health Organization admits that the swine flu scare is overdone and the virus even appears to be peaking.
35. Stalin’s Ghost—Is Barack Obama the Reincarnation of the Soviet Communist Dictator?:
Barack Obama is proven to be a Communist, having been mentored in Hawaii by the late Frank Marshall Davis, an operative of the Communist Party U.S.A. Stalin, Soviet leader, had the ruthless Jew, Kaganovich, as his deputy; Obama, American President, has the ruthless Jew, Emanuel, as his White House Chief of Staff. Obama’s takeover of the U.S. car industry and the banks, along with his scheme to socialize medicine were mirrored by Stalin’s control of Soviet industry. Stalin set up a Communist Youth and Party organization, Obama proposes a 2-million plus strong National Civilian Service corp. Stalin sent Soviet troops into Poland and the Baltic Republics and threatened other nations. Obama has sent U.S. troops into Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan and is threatening others. Obama has only been in office less than a year. Will he continue to emulate the Soviet dictator’s bloody reign?
34. Unheralded Secrets of Judaism & Freemasonry (Volume 2):
Texe Marrs continues his insightful series. In this edition:
(1) The Masonic Lodge teaches that the "Lost Word" (the hidden name of their God) was known to the ancient Patriarchs of Israel—who might this be?;
(2) Were the Old Testament’s Moses and Joseph initiated into the Egyptian Mysteries?;
(3) What does the symbol, "the point within the circle," signify for the Lodge?;
(4) Did the Jewish religion originate from Gnosticism?;
(5) Is God, in Freemasonry, both Father and Mother? Does Judaism recognize the Mother principle?;
(6) Why is the 17th degree called, "Knights of East and West?;"
(7) Why do Masons use a human skull in their initiations?;
(8) Why did Pike teach that Buddha, was "the first Masonic legislator?;"
(9) What is the meaning given to Masons of the Cross?;
(10) How many "Christs" and "Messiahs" does the Lodge recognize?
33. Devil's Head Soup—Christian Imposters in the House of God:
As more and more Pastors and Christian laymen depart from the Holy Bible, the more they are seduced into believing the Devil’s doctrines. Joel Osteen, TV Pastor of Houston’s huge Lakewood Church, thinks Mormons are "true Christians." A Southern Baptist minister, Dr. Lynn Ridenhour, agrees. Ridenhour even says he has been converted to the Book of Mormon, the Mormon (LDS) Church’s false Bible. He claims it is the true word of God, and he now praises Joseph Smith, Mormonism’s founder, as a genuine Prophet of God. Meanwhile, Pope Benedict XVI, in Rome, speaks of saving Mother Earth. The Pope is also now calling for a World Authority and for a global government, while a new, 1309-page Catholic book speaks of homosexual priests practicing the sacred "Rite of Sodomy."
32. The Truth vs. The Lie—How to Defeat the Illuminati Conspiracy 1-2-3:
Satan and his human disciples have created a world in which The Lie prospers. Indeed, the whole planet has become an interlinking spider’s web of fabrications and untruths. Politicians, bankers, educators, salesmen, blue-collar workers—virtually everyone spreads lies. The Illuminists prey on mankind, inspired by their master, Satan, the Father of Lies. The good news is that we can escape this web of lies. God has the power and is able to empower us so we can live lives of truth and joy and escape "The Lie." Nothing damages the agenda of Satan’s Illuminati more than a person who simply tells the truth and refuses to be a part of the Lie. Here’s how you can join in this thrilling mission of truth-telling.
31. Secrets 156:
Texe Marrs reveals facts and uncovers things the controlled media dare not touch:
(1) God has a unique plan and purpose for every human being—how can you and I discover this wonderful plan for our lives?;
(2) Tony Alamo, the well-known evangelist, is convicted of molesting and assaulting girls whom he took as wives. One was only 8 years old! Alamo’s real name, as it turns out, is Bernard Lazar Hoffman—he is a Jewish imposter and criminal in the House of God;
(3) Two radio DJs in Austin, Texas are fired for using the term "wetback" to refer to Mexican illegals;
(4) America’s prison population explodes as thousands of illegal aliens commit vicious crimes. Stupid, inept judges let many out awaiting trial and they do more crimes;
(5) Four boys in Phoenix, all Liberian (Africa) immigrants, brutally rape an eight-year old girl, luring her behind a shed with promises of chewing gum. The victim’s parents—also African immigrants—say that in their homeland, the girl is at fault when rape occurs, so they don’t want her anymore;
(6) Nutty radio show host suggests Texe Marrs is secretly a Catholic Jesuit priest. Huh? So why, then, has Texe and Power of Prophecy exposed the Vatican and the Pope more than just about anyone in the world? One wonders if it’s not a Jesuit-type who’s making up this silly nonsense;
(7) Wall Street speculators are at it again—artificially driving up the price of oil and gasoline at the pump;
(8) Crime sprees in small-town America are on the increase. Is the foreign culture of immigrants, combined with meth and other drugs, causing things to go crazy?;
(9) California is bankrupt, but Gov. Schwarzenegger and the State’s politicians keep on spending and taxing. Will it ever stop?;
(10) Milwaukee Catholic Archbishop admits paying $425,000 hush money to boy whom he homosexually molested.
30. Pyramid Mysteries of the Atom Bomb:
Is there an occult connection between the invention and explosion of the first atom bomb in Los Alamos, New Mexico, in 1945 and the Egyptian cult of the pyramid? Did satanic high priests assist U.S. scientists working on the atomic bomb development of the Manhattan Project? What roles did Jewish financier and White House manipulator Bernard Baruch and famous scientist Albert Einstein play in convincing President F.D.R. to build the bomb? What of stunning, new evidence that Oppenheimer, the Jewish scientist in charge of the Manhattan Project, was a Soviet Communist spy and that he and other Jewish traitors funneled nuclear bomb secrets both to Stalin’s Soviet Russia and, later, to the Zionist nation of Israel? Discover things the official history books dare not disclose in this exclusive investigative analysis by Texe Marrs.
29. And Men Loved the Darkness"—Why Do the Illuminati Elite Do Evil Things?:
A Texe Marrs exclusive report. Why do the Illuminati elite work so diligently and with such cruel intent to master the world and to subjugate its people? Are these men possessed by devils? Are they psychopaths? Are the elite consumed with power-lust and an inordinate and all-obsessive love of money? Aren’t the trillions they’ve already stolen enough for them? Do they derive pleasure from the blood and horrors of war? Are they sadists who enjoy inflicting great pain on innocent victims? In killing the helpless, are the Illuminati chieftains, in fact, honoring Lucifer by literally conducting open-air human sacrifices? Do the Scriptures provide us insight into their grotesque motives and crimes?
28. Secrets 155:
Texe Marrs reveals facts and uncovers things the controlled media dare not touch:
(1) Pope Benedict issues a new papal encyclical calling for the end of nation-state sovereignties and the founding of a supreme "World Authority," a supra-government "with teeth." The Pope also insists that wealthy nations such as the U.S.A. "redistribute wealth" to poorer nations in a socialist scheme and that the new "World Authority" be given control over all the world’s banks and financial institutions;
(2) A humongous 1,200 feet long "Green Goddess" idol monument is going up in Great Britain;
(3) President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Sonia Sotomayor, is unmasked as a member of the elitist "Belizean Grove," an all-women’s feminist equivalent of the California’s men’s satan-fest, the Bohemian Grove;
(4) The environmentalists’ cockeyed theory of Global Warming takes a tumble as the world grows cooler and an unseasonable June chill hits most of the states in the U.S.A.;
(5) The fear factor: Of whom should we be afraid?;
(6) Top Australian biological scientist discovers that the swine flu virus is man-made in government labs. The United Nations World Health Authority is forced to admit the new scientific findings are correct and says it will investigate (oh yeah!);
(7) President Obama and his Israeli White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, warn that the swine flu will attack the American people "with fury" this fall. What do they know?;
(8) Two years ago Texe Marrs and Power of Prophecy were the first to warn America of the coming financial catastrophe. Why is this ministry always ahead of its time?;
(9) Was Barack Obama "Rothschild’s Choice" to become President of the United States? Is Obama the Antichrist?
27. Illuminati: The Cult That Hijacked the World:
Texe Marrs interviews Dr. Henry Makow, author of the outstanding new book, Illuminati: The Cult That Hijacked the World. Is there an elite people, a group called the Illuminati, and what is their goal? Has a sick Talmudist system been foisted on America? Is Freemasonry Judaism repackaged? Is Freemasonry based on Judaism? Is Satanism the mindset of the Illuminati?
26. The Illuminati’s Secret Societies and A Special Report on the Bilderbergers:
Texe Marrs gives an update and further exposes the Bilderberg Group. He also interviewed Mark Dice, author of the outstanding new book, The Illuminati: Facts and Fiction. Texe revealed what went on at the most recent Bilderberg conclave this May in Greece. Texe added intelligence he had gleaned from confidential sources indicating that Rothschild convened and extraordinary special "Summit" of the most elite of the Bilderbergers, conducted in June in Tel Aviv, Israel. Tel Aviv is now the Financial Capital of the World. Texe also revealed that the Bilderbergers are working with President Obama to institute a new global tax and to create a unified standing army to put down resistance to the New World Order. Mark Dice discussed his new book. He warned that the Illuminati conspiracy is not only very real, but is a threat to ordinary citizens of America and the planet.
25. Unheralded Secrets of Judaism and Freemasonry (Volume 1):
In this volume, the first of a series to come, Texe Marrs unlocks mysteries and connects the twin heresies of Judaism and Freemasonry:
(1) Albert Pike, former Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite Masonic Lodges, admitted that Freemasonry’s rituals and doctrines originated from the sorcery and magic of the Jewish Cabala; thus, Masonry is a Jewish cult;
(2) Judaizers inside the Christian Church—men like Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, James Dobson, and others—are ignorant of the fact that the religion of Judaism is not based on the Torah or Old Testament but, as Jesus revealed, on "man-made traditions;"
(3) The Talmud, a bigoted and hateful book of Satanic smut, is actually the basis of the Judaic faith;
(4) Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry identifies Washington, D.C. as the headquarters for international Freemasonry; it is where the "Supreme Mother Council of the World" is located;
(5) Mackey further revealed that the "Noahides"—descendants of the Bible’s Noah—are the original founders of Masonry.
(6) The Jews say that in the coming New Age, Gentiles who disobey the "Noahide Laws" will be beheaded. Worship of Jesus is a violation of the Noahide Laws. The guillotine employed in Revolutionary France was a precursor of what is to come when the Jews receive their earthly Kingdom.;
(7) The Bible’s book of Ezekiel, chapter 8, paints a graphic description of what goes on inside the inner sanctum of Masonic lodges today;
(8) Why do Masons teach that the starry, northern part of our galaxy is a place of darkness and evil?;
(9) Their worship of the Sun admitted in Masonic encyclopedia;
(10) Masonic celebration of St. John’s day tied to their secret worship of the ancient fish god, Oannes. The Catholic Pope’s fish-like headdress is also based on worship of Oannes. Revelation 13 makes mention of this horned devil-god (the Beast) whom the ancient Philistines honored as Dagon, the fish god;
(11) Of what significance is the color red in the Masonic Lodge and in Judaism?
24. Eye of the Storm — Is America and the Planet on the Threshold of Disaster?:
A Texe Marrs Special Report. America has for over 200 years been blessed by God, but in just one generation ours has become one of the most blasphemous and immoral nations on earth. Falling prey to Jewish talmudic culture influences, the U.S.A. and its leaders have shred almost all standards of decency. Our financial system is defunct and the "Money Bubble" of Obama and the Federal Reserve ($16 trillion dollars spent to reinflate the economy) will soon burst. Joblessness increases at a rapid pace. We are engaged in two futile, bloody wars in the Middle East, and we are now attacking a third country, Pakistan. Gay perverts reign in Washington, D.C. and a satanic cult now uses Hollywood and the media to sink American into a septic cesspool. As bas as things are, regrettably, they are about to get worse!
23. Secrets 154:
Texe Marrs reveals facts and uncovers things the controlled media dare not touch:
(1) Why my books are bestsellers—God’s miracles in Chicago;
(2) Conoco Oil headquarter in Alaska is designed with a glass pyramid;
(3) Hindu "thinker" sends me Mothers Day poem addressed to our "Mother Earth;"
(4) Depraved song by two U.S.A. Jewish pop-rock superstars, Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg, has lyrics about having sex with each other’s mother! The sicko song is performed on Saturday Night Live TV program and is dedicated to everybody’s mothers;
(5) Talk show host Jason Bermas lashes out at people who dare suggest that Jews run the media or might be involved in a conspiracy—Bermas wants them to go out and kill themselves;
(6) In fact, the Jews do own Hollywood and the U.S.A. media, and they admit it!;
(7) Yale professor says that former President Bush believed that in killing Moslems in the Middle East, he was actually opposing the biblically prophesied demons, Gog and Magog;
(8) What day is Sabbath—Saturday, Sunday, or…?
(9) The Jehovah’s Witnesses are proven to be a Jewish/Zionist cult. The founder of this cult has a pyramid erected at his gravesite, and the JW’s doctrines strongly deny the divinity of Jesus Christ.
22. The End of the World—Bible Prophecy According to Jesus:
Many today fear we are on the threshold of the end of the world. Everywhere, mankind is experiencing unprecedented debauchery, blasphemy, crime, disease, hunger, warfare, and a host of other ills. Gun and ammo sales are at an all time high and fearful people seem to sense that the world is on the edge of a climactic volcanic eruption. What did Jesus, the greatest prophet of all, say about the events of the last days? Do His prophecies spell doom for you and me now, today? Is there, nevertheless, a silver lining in the prophecies of Jesus?
21. Color Me Evil—Why Are Jews Responsible for the World’s Most Infamous and Heinous Crimes?:
Texe Marrs stuns with fresh evidence that, proportionate to their small numbers, the Jews are the most deadly and dangerous tribe and people on earth. Austrian dungeon-master Joseph Fritzl, who imprisoned and forced his own daughter to have children through incest, is a Jew. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the Columbine High School mass killers, were Jews. On and on the evidence stacks up. The Soviet genocide of 66 million, mostly Christians, during the Communist era was planned and executed by Jewish commissars, and the biggest financial Ponzi scheme in the history of the U.S.A. was pulled off by Bernie Madoff, a Jew. Did their murder of our Lord Jesus and their stubborn refusal to repent of their evil deeds bring upon these people a terrible curse? Can any Jew escape this curse? How?
20. Zio-Mammonism—How the Money Religion of the International Jew is Bankrupting America, Destroying the Dollar, and Impoverishing the Whole World:
The Hegelian-engineered clash of opposites, Communism vs. Capitalism, is now spiraling humanity and all nations toward the planned Illuminati synthesis. The end-result of this classic, 300-year long conflict will be Zio-Mammonism. It will bring to planet earth the rule of the Zionist elite overseers aided by their Gentile lieutenants and servants. The Jews say this will be a paradise age and, in Hebrew, call it Tikkun Olam. Tel Aviv, Israel has already become the planet’s new financial capital; Jerusalem is its spiritual and judicial center. The U.S.A. and Europe are demoted and are diminishing in status. In the 19th century, acclaimed Jew, Heinrich Heine, wrote: "Money is the God of the Jews, and Rothschild is His prophet." Karl Marx also proclaimed that money is the Jew’s "God." Jesus said it first though, warning both the Jews and the world alike, that man must choose which God he will serve. The choice, Christ said, is between the true God and mammon (money). The triumph of Zio-Mammonism will welcome the dawning of a New Age in which men everywhere shall worship mammon, or money, thus serving the vile, crass "God" of the Jews who rule the planet.
19. The Gods of Chaos Bring Global Devastation—The Illuminati Plan to Destabilize and Deconstruct America and the World to Establish the New World Order:
Satanism’s highest holy days ("hell days") are designed to usher in death, blood, and pain. In this exclusive report, Texe Marrs shockingly connects numerous recent events: fires, a missing young teenager in South Carolina; the sexual torture and murder of eight-year old Sandra Cantu in Florida; Air Force One (747) aircraft and 2 F-16s panicking thousands in New York; the murder of Freddie Mac’s CFO executive; financial happenings on Wall Street; bombings and conflict in Iraq and Pakistan; and the Swine Flu scare. He shows how the Illuminati use the Satanic calendar, heralding such magical hell days as the Spring Equinox, the Grand Climax, and Walpurgisnacht, to wreak havoc on humanity and initiate disciples by blood sacrifice and chaos. The whole world is being fast-forwarded into hellish oblivion.
18. Secrets 153:
Texe Marrs reveals facts and uncovers things the controlled media dare not touch:
(1) Obama’s North American Union scheme goes into high gear as Mexico continues to be whip-sawed by Illuminist design. Mexico’s economy is in tatters, swine flu ravages and earthquake hits;
(2) Clinton’s Pentagon boss, Secretary of Defense William Cohen, in 1997 admitted that the U.S.A. had developed stunning new seismic weapons able to cause earthquake disasters anywhere on earth;
(3) Swine flu virus is man-made. Baxter Laboratories is caught combining swine, avian (bird), and human viruses in a lethal mixture;
(4) Revelation 6, describing the horror of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, prophesies of plagues and pestilence;
(5) Devil idols discovered across the globe confirm the warning given in the Bible’s book of Revelation of wicked idol worship abounding in the last days;
(6) Homosexual Jews Harris and Klebold targeted Christian girls for death at Columbine;
(7) Annual Bilderberger meeting is scheduled this month, May 14th
(8) Texas Governor Rick Perry, who correctly told Washington, D.C. that the State of Texas has the right to secede, is nevertheless a Bilderberger and a two-faced elitist not to be trusted;
(9) Donald Trump declares bankruptcy of his beach-front real estate condo and housing projects in Mexico, leaving American buyers out in the cold. Trump still owns the Miss U.S.A. Pageant. He is responsible for the fiasco in which Miss California, Carrie Prejean, was denied the crown of Miss U.S.A. because she refused to publicly endorse gay marriage. Not surprisingly, the immoral Mr. Trump is a Jew!
17. Mexico on Fire! Will Obama Use This Devastating Crisis as the Catalyst to Usher in the Illuminati-Planned North American Union By the End of 2010?:
It’s suddenly all over the media. Mexican drug cartels are brutalizing Mexico and invading American soil. Vicious Mexican drug gangs are terrorizing American cities. President Obama threatens to send U.S. military troops to quell the growing crime wave. FEMA camps have been readied to house millions of frightened Mexican refugees. Is this the “crisis†engineered in advance by the Illuminist CIA and Mossad designed to cause Americans to accept the merger of Mexico and the U.S.A. as a fait accompli? Will martial law be implemented to restore law and order after the total breakdown and collapse of a shattered Mexican nation? Is this the pretext to set up the North American Union by the end of 2010?
16. Holocaust Dogma Unmasked—A Grim Global Conspiracy Mocking Reality and Capitalizing on Death is Outed by Brave Truthtellers:
If you mention the content of this program to others, you could be arrested and locked away in prison. Across the globe, laws have been passed to keep men and women from discussing the contents of this program. Moreover, truth is no defense. If you so much as question the "official version" of facts, you’ll be labeled a criminal and treated accordingly. This is no idle threat. The truth can get you a stiff prison sentence! However, if you have the guts to discover the truth and the courage to face-down some of the greatest liars in human history, you will find this information a marvelous blessing.
15. Bible Prophecy Unfolds—The Four Horns and Four Carpenters of Zechariah and the Final Destiny of the Illuminati and It's Architectural Colossus:
In the book of Zechariah is found an amazing prophecy. Rarely mentioned by modern-day preachers, little understood, this amazing prophecy has to do with the New World Order and the drive of the Illuminati elite for a reconstructed "paradise" or kingdom on planet earth. Hear Texe's thrilling revelation of the surprising climax of world history as Big Brother's carefully built superstructure meets up with God's wrecking crew!
14. Secrets 152:
Texe Marrs reveals facts and uncovers things the controlled media dare not touch:
(1) A motorist is pulled over for the heinous crime of "excessive laughing while driving."
(2) Burping worms are contributing to Climate Change and global warming.
(3) Psychiatrists agree—"Climate Change Denial" is a mental disorder;
(4) Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in Paris, echoes White House Chief of Staff Rahm "The Cruel" Emanuel: "Never waste a good crisis;"
(5) Flying syringe mosquitoes will be used to immunize people reluctant to be vaccinated. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will fund this incredible new scientific project;
(6) Reader reports that Disney’s famous, classic Dumbo movie secretly conveys subliminal images, including an all-seeing eye and a pyramid. Plus, in one scene, Dumbo’s trunk becomes an erect phallus!;
(7) Witchcraft evil touches lives in South Carolina when a total stranger invades a funeral service in progress, opens the casket, strikes the deceased with a magic wand, does a necromantic dance and then disappears. The stranger, a 28-year old woman, was later arrested driving down the freeway;
(8) Has the world gone insane?
12-13. Judaism Discovered (Part 1&2)—The Deceitful, Anti-biblical, Talmudic Religion of the Rabbis Laid Bare:
Texe Marrs interviews Michael Hoffman, noted scholar of Judaic studies. Hoffman’s documented exposé of Judaism, an 1100 page masterpiece, lays bare the hateful and despicable religion of the Jews. Unknown to most Christians, the Jews’ religion is chock-full of depravity and blasphemy. Discover the horrors of Judaism—including the rabbis’ vicious lies about Jesus Christ and its racism, bigotry, and murderous attitude toward the Gentiles, whom the Jews consider an inferior race akin to wild beasts. Discover also the Jews’ sick approval of pedophilia (sex with little boys and girls) and other grotesque beliefs and practices of Judaism, all kept conveniently hidden from the public.
11. America's Extreme Makeover—With President Obama and "Rahm the Cruel" in the White House, the Illuminist Criminal Agenda Takes Flight:
The hidden cabal behind the rise of Barack Obama has ruled: "Everything must change!" Our nation is swiftly undergoing an alchemical transformation. The Illuminists, however, are not socialists. They are wealthy "criminal capitalists" and their aim is to privatize the economy and privately own its industry and resources. First, the Mexican domino will fall and millions of desperate Mexicans will rush south. Borders will be erased. Taxes will rocket upward; government bureaucrats and the IRS will persecute the citizenry. We the citizens are to be merged into the Global Plantation. Our culture will become even more anti-God; our heritage will be obliterated. Obama and Emanuel are servants of the Illuminati’s Serpent Circle, acting as overseers and ushers as America is changed and transformed.
10. Secrets 151:
Texe Marrs reveals facts and uncovers things the controlled media dare not touch:
(1) Inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil predicts increasing use of nanorobots, tiny robots the size of a blood cell;
(2) Stormy Daniels, a beautiful porn star, is running for U.S. Senate in Louisiana;
(3) President Obama’s origins and influence traced back to Seattle, Washington;
(4) Supreme Court of Israel approves gay marriages;
(5) U.S. Air Force general suffers mysterious death after he and his boss refuse to secretly transfer atomic bombs to Israel;
(6) Drug-sniffing dogs diagnosed with cancer after sniffing cocaine;
(7) Native American tribe demands the elitist Order of Skull & Bones return the bones of famous Indian Chief Geronimo which were stolen decades ago by Bonesmen;
(8) Occult origins of Yale University, home of Skull & Bones;
(9) Does the classic exposé text, The Protocols of Zion, reveal how the Illuminati manipulate the prices for gold, oil, and other commodities?
09. Sex Cults of the Illuminati:
The Illuminati elite are obsessed with sex. Secret societies such as the Masonic Lodge, the O.T.O., the Bohemian Grove, and the Order of Skull & Bones are saturated with sex idols, sex ritual, sex gods and goddesses, and sex symbols. Homosexuality is rampant. Illuminati architecture is brimming with hidden sexual meaning, especially the obelisks, pyramids, triangle-shaped and circular buildings. Amazing disclosures, from President Nixon’s description of the Bohemian Grovesters as "filthy and faggoty" to the abominable tantric sex rituals of one of America’s most famous rocket scientists. Sex cults even operate deep in the White House crypt and outside, up on the White House roof!
08. Bring in the Clowns—Has the Christian Establishment Become the World’s Biggest Three-Ring Circus?:
Texe Marrs once again takes on the corrupt Christian establishment. Lutheran, Episcopal, Baptist, and other churches, having abandoned the traditional Gospel message, are bringing real clowns in to preach at pulpits. Meanwhile, some charismatics are irate at Texe for his exposure of tattooed, biker-boot wearing Florida evangelist Todd Bentley. These people praise Bentley as 'anointed' of God and tell Texe to shove off and quit complaining about Bentley’s adulterous affairs and his many dark antics. Apparently, the whole Christian Community has gone off its rocker. Satan must be gleeful at seeing this awful mess!
07. Secrets 150:
Texe Marrs reveals facts and uncovers things the controlled media dare not touch:
(1) Scientists disprove Global Warming hysteria; new studies show ice packs in the North and South Poles have not changed one iota in the past 30 years;
(2) Czech President challenges Al Gore at World Economic Forum, declares global warming a hoax;
(3) Iraqi journalist who threw shoes at then President George W. Bush was tortured and jailed. Is he alive today?;
(4) Holocaust propaganda exposed;
(5) the U.S. Military is reportedly preparing for violent protests and riots inside the United States following a feared economic melt-down. Will gulags be filled with dissidents? Are you on their list to be arrested and tossed into these already built hell-holes?;
(6) High-ranking Illuminatus Henry Kissinger says Obama is "primed to create a New World Order";
(7) Republican Senator John McCain praises Obama’s cabinet nominees: "I would have chosen the same people;"
(8) Texas Governor Rick Perry, a Bilderberger, says that the Trans American Corridor, the North American Union’s planned super highway, will be built, notwithstanding citizen objections.
06. Blood Wars: Judaism, Blood Sacrifice, Occult Ritual, Middle East Conflict and the Grand Plan for a Greater Israel:
Armed to the teeth with American weapons, Israel’s Socialist/Talmudist armies are ravaging, killing, and maiming hapless Palestinians in Gaza. With President Obama’s approval, the next targets are Iran and Syria. Meanwhile, the United States will intensify its bloody conflict in Afghanistan and massacre thousands in neighboring Pakistan. These are all occult rituals, human sacrifices in honor of Satan. The Israelis began their war against the people of Gaza on Hanukkah, a Jewish Holy Day. Cabalistic Numerology is also being used, with the 2006 Israeli war against Lebanon lasting exactly 33 days. The "Blood Wars" of the Middle East are part of the Grand Plan for a Greater Israel and the New World Order. Also includes: Shocking new evidence by acclaimed Jewish historians that, for centuries, Jewish rabbis have abducted, tortured, sacrificed, and cannibalized young gentile boys and girls.
05. Noisy Pigs Stumbling in the Darkness—Greedy, Swinish Televangelists and Slumbering Dog Pastors Lead Cackling Charismatics, Piggish Pentecostals, and Babbling, Blasphemous Baptists Into Final Stages of Spiritual Stupor:
There is a new sensation in the Charismatic faith healer arena. His name is Todd Bentley. Todd Bentley is a crude, tattooed, tongues-speaking, ex-drug thug who belches profanity, beds church women, physically kicks and mauls congregants, and gets visits from invisible "financial angels," who sprinkle gold dust on excited people in the pews. Bentley is but the latest messenger as new "Moves of God," ranging from environmental crazes to Judeo-Zionism fads, sweep the confused and apostate churches of the twenty-first century.
04. Rabbis Over the Vatican—Pope Benedict XVI Cedes Keys of Kingdom to Zionist Interlopers, Leaving One Billion Catholics Swallowed Up in a Thick Cloud of Jewish Deceit:
In an amazing turn-about, the new Pope, Benedict XVI, has turned over the reigns of power at the Vatican to Zionist agents. Recently, a Chief Rabbi came to Rome and taught a special conclave of Catholic Cardinals and Bishops. Invited by the Pope, this rabbi instructed the Catholic clergy on how they were to interpret the Old and New Testaments. Meanwhile, a high-level rabbinical council is secretly overseeing all Vatican operations, including the pre-screening of all church literature and papal encyclicals, to insure that Zionist preferences and tradition are preserved. The Holy See has fallen totally to the Judaizers.
03. The Janus Factor—A Double Dose of Evil: "All Fields Are Reversed:"—Solving the Illuminati Riddle of Things Seen and Unseen, Alchemically Transforming the World Into a Hellish Prison:
Texe Marrs uncovers the Illuminati secret formula for world revolution and deceit. This is how and why Satan is making such incredible progress. The Janus Factor is Satan’s hidden method. The two-faced Roman god Janus was known as "Keeper of the Keys" and as "Interpreter of the Mysteries." Throughout history, Janus operatives—Darwin, Hegel, Freud, Marx, Lenin, Obama, and others—have successfully employed the Janus method to psychically and culturally churn global events and overturn all standards of morality and human dignity. No one can battle or defeat today’s forces of evil unless he understands this vitally important discovery. Highly Recommended!
02. Obama's Mind-boggling White House Rogues Gallery—CFR Goons, Trilats, Bilderbergers and Clintonistas to Ravage and "Change" America:
Name-by-name, Texe Marrs examines Obama's appointees to high government office. Obama's cabinet is a shocking array of the worst of Bush and Clinton Administration retreads, Wall Street gangsters, and secret society insiders. The only "Change" possible from this group is the planned, criminal Transformation of America, a process that will only end after the U.S. Constitution is effectively gutted and a Jewish Communist cabal has seized every vestige of authority and influence over our daily lives.
01. Red Star Over the U.S.A. - Zionist President Barack Obama and the Sovietization of America:
On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama will take possession of the Oval Office. What do we actually know about Barack Obama? Is America so gullible that they would elect a Communist/Marxist to the highest office of the world's last superpower? Who are some of Obama's supporters? What do Che Gueverra and Barack Obama have in common? Why would Bill Ayers, a terrorist and bomber from Chicago, support Obama? What did Barack Obama's father advocate? What do we know about Barack Obama's mother?
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
"PLANET ROTHSCHILD" (2 volumes) de Mike S. King élucidera tout, absolument tout ce qui se passe dans le domaine des finances - et le "Great Reset" de QUI vous savez: Bill & Melinda Gates, Jacques Attali, Agnès Buzyn, Yves Lévy, Bernard Kouchner, Jared Kushner (gendre du Sioniste Donald Trump), l'OMS, Anthony Fauci (Jésuite Crypto QUI), Neil Ferguson, les Médias "mainstream", la gouvernance totalitaire mondiale socialiste-communiste-sioniste, les NA-ZIS ou NA-SIS (National Sionisme), Georges Soros, Warburg, Rothschild, Institut Pasteur, Laurent Fabius, Nicolas Sarkozy, Manuel Valls, Bernard Henru Lévi, Alain Finkielkraut, et j'en passe! Vous les connaissez tous, les QUI, QUI, QUI habituels!
* Écoutez aussi Benjamin Freedman (un QUI converti au christianisme) au Villard Hotel 1961, et tous les QUI, QUI, QUI de la Première Guerre Mondiale rassemblés à Versailles pour récolter les profits de LEUR GUERRE!
* Et, Eustace Mullins (fils des Survivants des Huguenots MOULINS, massacrés en Gaule!) nous apporte d'autres éclaircissements sur le "US Federal Reserve" des QUI!
Ce lundi 24 octobre 2022