Je crois sincèrement que les institutions bancaires sont plus dangereuses pour nos libertés que des armées permanentes. Le droit d’émettre notre monnaie doit être retiré des banques et rendu au peuple qui est son propriétaire légitime. Thomas Jefferson
Des Juifs et d’autres gangsters usuriers des banques (échangeurs de monnaie) ont assassiné de nombreux leaders qui essayèrent de les stopper :
2 empereurs romains, 2000 ans avant l’ère commune (avant Jésus Christ),
Jésus (selon les Chrétiens),
Jules César en 48 EC
Abraham Lincoln – assassiné le 15 avril 1865
James Abram Garfield – assassiné le 2 juillet 1881
Tzar Nikolay Alexandrovich Romanov (Saint Nicholas le Martyre) – assassiné le 17 juillet 1918
John Fitzgerald Kennedy – assassiné le 22 novembre 1963
Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti – assassiné par exécution (pendaison) le 9 avril 2003
Muammar al-Ghaddafi – assassiné et sodomisé en mars 2012 par des mercenaires recrutés par l’occident et le Juif sioniste Bernard Henri-Lévi à leur tête.
Hugo Chavez – assassiné le 5 mars 2013 suite à un cancer provoqué
Et de nombreux autres
Les usuriers gangsters ont raté Andrew Jackson (USA), et Mahmoud Ahmedinejad (IRAN) est sur la liste des prochaines cibles ou victimes.
Jésus le Messager de Lumière - Adriana Evangelizt - Poésie Cosmique - Adriana Evangelizt
de Michel PEPE
de Michel PEPE
Jésus le Messager de Lumière - Adriana Evangelizt - Poésie Cosmique - Adriana Evangelizt
de Michel PEPE
de Michel PEPE
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Eclaté de lumière à irradier mes yeux...
D'un pays où la brume matinale
Nimbait le paysage
Tel un voile céleste...
Où chantaient les voix d'un Ailleurs
Que j'avais du quitter
Pour m'incarner en homme...
Je venais de si loin
De si loin...
Eclaté de lumière à irradier mes yeux...
D'un pays où la brume matinale
Nimbait le paysage
Tel un voile céleste...
Où chantaient les voix d'un Ailleurs
Que j'avais du quitter
Pour m'incarner en homme...
Je venais de si loin
De si loin...
Il m'avait tant coûté d'en partir...
Je connaissais à l'avance mon destin terrestre
Tracé d'un doigt funeste
Par des hommes immoraux...
Aimé des plus petits
Détesté des plus grands
Et tant de sourds, tant d'aveugles
Tant de gens ignorants
Qui resteraient fermés à mon Enseignement
Et ne perceraient pas
Le lumineux mystère enfoui
Dans le coeur de mes Paraboles...
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
A la chaleur torride
Où mes pas me portaient
Sur les chemins poudreux...
D'un pays
A l'atmosphère suffocante
Quand la foule m'attendait sur les bords du Jourdain...
Tant de coeurs en souffrance
Tant de maux à soigner
Et moi seul... si seul... si seul
A prêcher dans le vent
A n'être devenu qu'un faiseur de miracles
Un guérisseur de corps
Alors que j'étais panseur d'âmes...
Mais comment leur dire
Qu'ils possédaient la clef de la délivrance
Tout au fond d'eux-mêmes ?
Comment leur expliquer
Que la chair périssable n'est que superficielle ?
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où les flammes dansaient dans le regard des femmes
Où leurs yeux s'accrochaient quelquefois
Si lumineux, aux miens
Où se dessinait un possible bonheur...
Où les flammes dansaient dans le regard des femmes
Où leurs yeux s'accrochaient quelquefois
Si lumineux, aux miens
Où se dessinait un possible bonheur...
J'aurai pu, moi aussi, avoir une compagne
Et déposer ma vie
Dans le creux de ses mains...
Rien ne fut facile à l'humain que j'étais
Non rien...
Il m'a fallu du temps
Pour emprunter la Voie
Du sage nazaréen...
Alors j'ai pris la route glacée de l'exil
Il me fallait connaître solitude, froid et faim
Pour sonder mon courage
Et affermir ma foi.
Quarante jours quarante nuits
Seul avec moi-même...
Et puis dans une grotte
Quelques figues séchées
Le filet d'une source...
Et l'extase bleutée
Pour mon âme exaltée
Fusant dans les étoiles
Guettant la divine réponse...M'accordes-Tu le droit
De vivre comme un homme
Où n'ai-je que le choix
De mourir sur la Croix ?
Dis moi Père... oh dis moi...
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où le cri des agneaux s'échappaient hors du temple
A m'arracher des larmes...
Où le sang versé des béliers sacrifiés
N'enlevait pas le mal
Des infirmes se traînant
Et des lépreux rampant
Dans les ruelles borgnes
Des quartiers mal famés de Jérusalem...
Oh Jérusalem... Jérusalem...
Toi qui tues les innocents
Et lapides les prophètes...
J'ai compris en te voyant
Le mal qui te minait
Mais tu le préférais
Au bien que j'apportais...
Où le cri des agneaux s'échappaient hors du temple
A m'arracher des larmes...
Où le sang versé des béliers sacrifiés
N'enlevait pas le mal
Des infirmes se traînant
Et des lépreux rampant
Dans les ruelles borgnes
Des quartiers mal famés de Jérusalem...
Oh Jérusalem... Jérusalem...
Toi qui tues les innocents
Et lapides les prophètes...
J'ai compris en te voyant
Le mal qui te minait
Mais tu le préférais
Au bien que j'apportais...
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où les puissants priaient en se vautrant dans l'or
Tuaient des animaux pour tuer leur conscience
Appliquaient une loi cruelle
Qui n'était pas la Loi Originelle...
Mais ignorait la misère du Peuple.
Qui était ce dieu en qui ils croyaient ?
Qui était ce Yahvé barbare et sanguinaire
Se repaissant de crimes ?
Etait-ce vraiment ce que vous nommez Dieu ?
Tableau de Mark Harrison
Où les puissants priaient en se vautrant dans l'or
Tuaient des animaux pour tuer leur conscience
Appliquaient une loi cruelle
Qui n'était pas la Loi Originelle...
Mais ignorait la misère du Peuple.
Qui était ce dieu en qui ils croyaient ?
Qui était ce Yahvé barbare et sanguinaire
Se repaissant de crimes ?
Etait-ce vraiment ce que vous nommez Dieu ?
Le dieu de Moïse était-il donc si différent du mien ?
Ou bien... avait-ON trahi sa parole ?
Ou bien... les Imposteurs l'avaient-ils confondu
Avec une de leurs idoles
Rapportée du pays égyptien ?

Ou bien... avait-ON trahi sa parole ?
Ou bien... les Imposteurs l'avaient-ils confondu
Avec une de leurs idoles
Rapportée du pays égyptien ?
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où mes mains se tendaient pour alléger la peine
D'un pays égaré dans de fausses croyances
Que j'ai voulu éclairer de mon Enseignement...
Remplacer la veangeance par l'Amour
Agir au lieu de faire des discours
Mais les princes du Sacerdoce
Ne voulaient pas donner la Vérité aux hommes...

Où mes mains se tendaient pour alléger la peine
D'un pays égaré dans de fausses croyances
Que j'ai voulu éclairer de mon Enseignement...
Remplacer la veangeance par l'Amour
Agir au lieu de faire des discours
Mais les princes du Sacerdoce
Ne voulaient pas donner la Vérité aux hommes...
Ils préféraient asservir le Peuple
Sous le joug de l'ignorance
Le laisser porter seul
Le fardeau des souffrances...
Ils préféraient la Loi du tallion
A celle du Pardon
Et juger l'Innocent pour masquer l'Imposture
Et tuer la Lumière pour que vive le Mensonge.

Sous le joug de l'ignorance
Le laisser porter seul
Le fardeau des souffrances...
Ils préféraient la Loi du tallion
A celle du Pardon
Et juger l'Innocent pour masquer l'Imposture
Et tuer la Lumière pour que vive le Mensonge.
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où grondait le tonnerre... certain soir...
D'un dernier repas entre amis
Etrange scène que cette Cène
Et eux, tous là autour de moi
Ne comprenant pas le sens de mon message
De Pierre le naïf à Jean le bien-aimé...
Tenez... prenez mes frères
Ce pain que je vous donne...
Et souvenez-vous de moi
Lorsque je ne serai plus là
Car il faut que je parte...
Tenez... buvez mes frères
Le bon vin de la treille...
Vous avez la meilleure part
Je garde pour moi le calice amer
Qu'il me faudra vider jusqu'à la lie...
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où j'ai prêché dans le désert
Même avec mes disciples...
Ont-ils saisi mon message
Ce soir-là ?
Ont-ils perçu ma souffrance
Et le sens symbolique
Du baiser de Judas à l'Ami trahi...

Où grondait le tonnerre... certain soir...
D'un dernier repas entre amis
Etrange scène que cette Cène
Et eux, tous là autour de moi
Ne comprenant pas le sens de mon message
De Pierre le naïf à Jean le bien-aimé...
Tenez... prenez mes frères
Ce pain que je vous donne...
Lorsque je ne serai plus là
Car il faut que je parte...
Tenez... buvez mes frères
Le bon vin de la treille...
Vous avez la meilleure part
Je garde pour moi le calice amer
Qu'il me faudra vider jusqu'à la lie...
Où j'ai prêché dans le désert
Même avec mes disciples...
Ont-ils saisi mon message
Ce soir-là ?
Ont-ils perçu ma souffrance
Et le sens symbolique
Du baiser de Judas à l'Ami trahi...
J'ai souvenance d'un immense chagrin
Dans le jardin de Gethsémani
Seul... si seul...
Les apôtres endormis...

Dans le jardin de Gethsémani
Seul... si seul...
Les apôtres endormis...
Oh mon Père... mon Père...
Quelle fut longue la nuit à scruter les étoiles
Pour trouver ta présence dans ce désert glacé...
Seul... si seul... et pas un pour m'aider
A alléger le poids de ma souffrance...
Pas un pour partager le lourd sacrifice
Dont tu m'avais chargé...
Et plus le temps passait plus mon coeur se brisait
De tant d'indifférence...
Seul... si seul... avec ma douleur
Et les larmes de mon âme
Roulant sur mon visage...
Quelle fut longue la nuit à scruter les étoiles
Pour trouver ta présence dans ce désert glacé...
Seul... si seul... et pas un pour m'aider
A alléger le poids de ma souffrance...
Pas un pour partager le lourd sacrifice
Dont tu m'avais chargé...
Et plus le temps passait plus mon coeur se brisait
De tant d'indifférence...
Seul... si seul... avec ma douleur
Et les larmes de mon âme
Roulant sur mon visage...
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où les gardiens d'une foi dévoyée
Falsifièrent mes paroles
Et me rendirent coupables d'un seul crime:"Aime ton prochain comme toi-même...
Pardonne à la femme infidèle...
Et ne fais pas à l'autre ce que tu ne voudrais pas que l'on te fasse..."
Coupable d'Amour Universel.
Coupable d'avoir dit aussi :
"Mon Royaume n'est pas de ce monde."
Mais comment leur expliquer
Que nous possédons une Âme
Qui vient d'Ailleurs ? Comment ?
Et de quoi avaient-ils donc si peur
Pour me livrer à l'Envahisseur
Afin qu'il m'assassine à leur place ?
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où pour avoir préféré le Peuple aux privilèges
Les princes du sacerdoce me crachèrent au visage...
Me giflèrent, m'insultèrent...
Puis me livrèrent à l'ennemi
Qui, lui se serait contenté de me faire fouetter...

Où les gardiens d'une foi dévoyée
Falsifièrent mes paroles
Et me rendirent coupables d'un seul crime:"Aime ton prochain comme toi-même...
Pardonne à la femme infidèle...
Et ne fais pas à l'autre ce que tu ne voudrais pas que l'on te fasse..."
Coupable d'Amour Universel.
"Mon Royaume n'est pas de ce monde."
Mais comment leur expliquer
Que nous possédons une Âme
Qui vient d'Ailleurs ? Comment ?
Et de quoi avaient-ils donc si peur
Pour me livrer à l'Envahisseur
Afin qu'il m'assassine à leur place ?
Où pour avoir préféré le Peuple aux privilèges
Les princes du sacerdoce me crachèrent au visage...
Me giflèrent, m'insultèrent...
Puis me livrèrent à l'ennemi
Qui, lui se serait contenté de me faire fouetter...
Et sans doute Ponce Pilate comprit-il mon désarroi
Lorsqu'il me vit seul... si seul...
Comme un agneau au milieu des loups...
Comme l'Innocence au milieu du Mensonge
Humble... si humble au milieu de tant d'arrogance...
"Quelle accusation portez-vous contre cet homme ?" (Jean 18/29)
Je ne trouve aucun crime en lui." (Jean 18/38)
Qu'ils lui donnèrent comme prétexte :
"Nous avons une loi; et, selon notre loi, il doit mourir,
parce qu'il s'est fait Fils de Dieu." (Jean 19/7)
Ont-ils si mal compris mon Enseignement
Ou bien ont-ils fait semblant ?
"Et Caïphe était celui qui avait donné ce conseil aux Juifs :
Il est avantageux qu'un seul homme meure pour le peuple." (Jean 18/14)
Etais-je donc si dangereux ?
Que craignaient-ils pour en arriver là ?
Qu'avaient ils à cacher ?
Pourquoi ont-ils voulu m'empêcher de parler ?"Je publierai des choses cachées depuis la création du monde." Mat.13/34 " il n'y a rien de caché qui ne doive être découvert,
ni de secret qui ne doive être connu."Mat. 10/26
Un autre après moi viendra et... dira la Vérité...

Lorsqu'il me vit seul... si seul...
Comme un agneau au milieu des loups...
Comme l'Innocence au milieu du Mensonge
Humble... si humble au milieu de tant d'arrogance...
"Quelle accusation portez-vous contre cet homme ?" (Jean 18/29)
Je ne trouve aucun crime en lui." (Jean 18/38)
Qu'ils lui donnèrent comme prétexte :
"Nous avons une loi; et, selon notre loi, il doit mourir,
parce qu'il s'est fait Fils de Dieu." (Jean 19/7)
Ont-ils si mal compris mon Enseignement
Ou bien ont-ils fait semblant ?
"Et Caïphe était celui qui avait donné ce conseil aux Juifs :
Il est avantageux qu'un seul homme meure pour le peuple." (Jean 18/14)
Etais-je donc si dangereux ?
Que craignaient-ils pour en arriver là ?
Qu'avaient ils à cacher ?
Pourquoi ont-ils voulu m'empêcher de parler ?"Je publierai des choses cachées depuis la création du monde." Mat.13/34 " il n'y a rien de caché qui ne doive être découvert,
ni de secret qui ne doive être connu."Mat. 10/26
Un autre après moi viendra et... dira la Vérité...
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où une foule hostile me conspua
Et préféra un certain Barabbas...
Ô Souviens-toi mon Âme, cet étrange vertige...
Revenir au Royaume céleste passait par une étape
Où le Martyre faisait partie du Plan...
Mais la souffrance humaine
Quelle terrible Epreuve...
J'aurais bu le calice jusqu'à la lie.
Impossible d'y échapper.
Seul... si seul jusqu'au bout...
Où une foule hostile me conspua
Et préféra un certain Barabbas...
Ô Souviens-toi mon Âme, cet étrange vertige...
Revenir au Royaume céleste passait par une étape
Où le Martyre faisait partie du Plan...
Mais la souffrance humaine
Quelle terrible Epreuve...
J'aurais bu le calice jusqu'à la lie.
Impossible d'y échapper.
Seul... si seul jusqu'au bout...
Mais malgré les cris de haine
Tant de silence au fond de moi
Promesse d'une paix à venir...
Sérénité avant Agonie
Et la voix de mon Père résonnant
"Vas jusqu'au bout de ton calvaire... mon Fils...
Montre leur le chemin...
Ouvre leur la voie... qu'ils comprennent
Que la rédemption ne s'obtient pas
En immolant des animaux
Mais en se sacrifiant Soi...
C'est le symbole de la Croix..."
Tant de silence au fond de moi
Promesse d'une paix à venir...
Sérénité avant Agonie
Et la voix de mon Père résonnant
"Vas jusqu'au bout de ton calvaire... mon Fils...
Montre leur le chemin...
Ouvre leur la voie... qu'ils comprennent
Que la rédemption ne s'obtient pas
En immolant des animaux
Mais en se sacrifiant Soi...
C'est le symbole de la Croix..."
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où planait la tourmente sur la fin du parcours...
D'un pays où la douleur et le sang
Furent ma récompense...
Seul... si seul.. lorsqu'ils me suppliciaient
Et déjà si proche de la Fin
Quand ils m'ont crucifié...

Où planait la tourmente sur la fin du parcours...
D'un pays où la douleur et le sang
Furent ma récompense...
Seul... si seul.. lorsqu'ils me suppliciaient
Et déjà si proche de la Fin
Quand ils m'ont crucifié...
Oh mon Père... mon Père...
Dans l'atroce souffrance
J'ai presque failli douter de ton Amour pour moi...
Dans l'atroce souffrance
J'ai presque failli douter de ton Amour pour moi...
J'ai souvenance d'un pays
Où plane encore
L'ombre d'une croix...
Où plane encore
L'ombre d'une croix...

Cosmic Poetry by Adriana Evangelizt
I remember a country
Bursting of light that dazzled my eyes
A country where the morning mist
Wrapped around the countryside
A country where the morning mist
Wrapped around the countryside
Like a celestial hijaab...
Where one could hear chanting voices of that Elsewhere
That I had to leave
In order to incarnate into a man...
I came from so far away
Where one could hear chanting voices of that Elsewhere
That I had to leave
In order to incarnate into a man...
I came from so far away
From so far away...
Painting by Wojtek Siudmak
It cost me so much lo leave my Palestine.
I knew beforehand my earthly destiny
Drawn by a fatal finger
By perverted men…
Loved by the smallest,
Hated by the greatest.
And so many deaf, so many blind,
So many ignorant people
Who would remain impervious to my Teaching,
And would not fathom
The sparkling mystery buried
In the very heart of my Parables…
I remember a country
With scorching sun
Where my feet carried me
On the dusty paths…
Of a country
With an overpowering atmosphere,
Where the crowd was waiting for me by the River Jordan…
So many desperate people!
So may suffering hearts!
So many ailments to heal,
And I, all alone… so alone… so alone,
Preaching in the wind!
Having become only a maker of miracles,
A healer of the body
When I was only a healer of the soul…
But, how to tell them
That they shelter the key to their deliverance
Deep inside themselves?
How to explain to them
That the perishable flesh is only superficial?
I remember a country
Where burning flames danced in women’s glances;
Where their eyes sometimes clung
So brightly to mine;
Where a glimpse of possible happiness emerged…
I could have chosen another burden…
I could have, me too, a companion,
And put my life
In the hollow of her hands…
Nothing was easier for the human that I was,
Really nothing…
It took me time
To follow the Path
Of the wise Nazarean…
So, I took the very cold road leading to exile.
I had to experience loneliness, cold and hunger
In order to evaluate my courage
And strenghthen my faith.
Heading for the desert
Forty days and forty nights
Alone with myself…
And then in a grotto.
Some dried figs,
A trickle of a stream…
And my exalted soul
Merging with the stars
In blueish ecstacy
Watching for the heavenly reply…
Do Thee grant me the right to live as a man
Or do I have but the choice
Only to die on the Cross?
Tell me Father… Oh, please, tell me…
I remember a country
Where the screams of lambs escaped out of the temples
Driving me to tears…
Where the blood of the sacrificed rams
Did not remove the ills
Of the dragging along invalids,
And the creeping lepers
In the half blind roadlets
Of the ill reputed quarters of Jerusalem…
Oh Jerusalem… Jerusalem…
You who kills the innocent
And stones the prophets…
Looking at you I have understood
The evil that gnaws at you,
But, you preferred it
To the good I was bringing to you…
I remember a country
Where the rich prayed while wallowing in gold,
Killed animals in order to kill their conscience,
Applied a cruel law
That was not the Original Law…
But, ignored the misery of the People.
Who was it that god they believe in?
Who was this barbaric and bloodthirsty Yahweh
Who feasted on crime?
Was it really this that you call God?
Painting by Mark Harrison
The god of Moses was he so different from mine?
Or else… have THEY betrayed his Message?
Or else…the Impostors have they confused him
With one of their idols
They brought home from Egypt?
I remember a country
Where I used to stretch my hands in order to heal.
A country lost in false beliefs
That I wanted to enlighten by my Teaching…
Replace vengeance by Love.
Acting instead of making speeches.
But, the Sacerdotal Princes
Did not want to give the Truth to men…
They preferred enslaving the People
Under the yoke of ignorance.
Letting them alone carry
The burden of sufferings…
They preferred the Law an eye for an eye
To that of forgiveness,
And judge the Innocent in order to hide their Deceit,
And kill Light in order for Falsehood to live.
I remember a country
Where there was thunder… on a certain evening…
During a last supper between friends,
A strange scene that Last Supper!
And they, all seated around me,
Not understanding the meaning of my message.
From the naïve Peter to the beloved John…
Here…take, my brothers,
This bread I am giving you…
And remember me
When I will be gone
Because I need to go…
Here…drink my brothers…
The good wine of the vine…
You have the best part,
I keep for myself the bitter chalice
That I have to empty up to the sediment
I remember a country
Where I preached in the desert
Even with my disciples…
Have they grasped my message
On that evening ?
Have they sensed my ordeal
And the symbolical meaning
Of Judas’ kiss to the betrayed friend…?
I recall the sense of a great sadness
In the garden of Gethsemane
Alone… so alone…
The apostles all asleep…
Oh my Father… my Father…
How long it was that night scrutinising the stars
To find your presence in this extremely cold desert…!
Alone… so alone… and not a single one to help me
Lighten the burden of my ordeal…!
Not a single one to share the heavy sacrifice
You have lain upon me…!
And, the more time went by,
The more my heart was shattered
By so much indifference…
Alone.. so alone… with my pain
And the tears from my soul running down my face…!
I remember a country
Where the guardians of a corrupt faith
Falsified my words
And found me guilty of one single crime:
“Love thy neighbour as thyself…
Forgive the unfaithful wife…
And do not do unto others what you do not wish to be done unto thyself…”
Found guilty of Universal Love.
Guilty also for having said:
“My Kingdom is not of this world.”
But, how to explain to them
That we have a soul
That comes from Elsewhere? How?
And, what were they really so afraid of
To make them deliver me into the hands of the invaders
In order to murder me in their place?
I remember a country
Where because I chose the People instead of privileges,
The Sacerdotal Princes spat in my face…
Slapped me, insulted me…
Then delivered me to the enemy
Who would have been satisfied to see me only whipped…
And, undoubtedly Pontius Pilate understood my helplessness
When he saw me alone… so lonely…
Like a lamb in the midst of wolves…
Like innocence in the midst of Falsehood.
Humble… so humble in the midst of so much arrogance…
“What accusation bring ye against this man?”
John 18:38 Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them:
“I find in him no fault [at all].”
Humble… so humble in the midst of so much arrogance…
That they gave him as pretext:
John 19:7 The Jews answered him: “We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God.”
Have they so misunderstood my Teaching
Or have they just pretended?
John 18:14 Now Caiaphas was he, which gave counsel to the Jews, that it was expedient that one man should die for the people.
Was I then so dangerous?
What were they afraid of to come to that point?
What were they hiding?
Why have they tried to prevent me from speaking?
Matthew 13:34 All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them:
1Corinthian 4:5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.
Matthew 10:26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
Another after me shall come and… shall tell the Truth…
I remember a country
Where a hostile crowd booed at me
And preferred a certain Barabbas…
Ô my Soul, remember that weird dizziness…
To return to the Heavenly Kingdom,
One had to go through a phase
Where martyrdom formed part of the Plan…
But, human suffering,
What a horrible Test…
I would have drunk the chalice to the dregs
Impossible, there is no way out.
Alone… so alone up to the end…
But, despite the screams of hate,
So much silence deep inside me.
Promise of a coming peace…
Serenity before Agony
And the voice of my Father resounding
“Go to the end of your Calvary… my Son…
Show them the way…
Open the path to them… they should understand
That Redemption cannot be obtained
By sacrificing animals,
But, only by sacrificing Self…
It is the symbol of the Cross…”
I remember a country
Where turmoil hung over the end of the trip…
Of a country where pain and blood
Were my reward…
Alone… so alone… when they tortured me
And yet so close to the End
When they crucified me…
Father… forgive them
Because they know not what they do…
Oh my Father… my Father…
In the atrocious pain
I nearly doubted your Love for me…
Eli… Eli… Lama Sabachthani
Eli… Eli… Lama Sabachthani
It is your Son they are tormenting!
Father… Father… why hath thou forsaken me?
Where are you? I am in so much pain…
So much pain… So much pain…
Eli…Eli…Lama Sabachthani
Father… Father… why hath Thou forsaken me?
What crime did I then commit?
Eli…Eli…Lama Sabachthani
How long will this Calvary last?
Did I deserve such a punishment?
Is it this then human justice?
Forgive them, for they know not what they do…
And my pain shall be theirs as long as they will not have understood why I have come HERE…
I am coming Father…
I remember a country
Where still floats
The shadow of a cross…
All the photographs or nearly most are from Franco Zefirelli’s Jesus of Nazareth with the sublime Robert Powell in the role of Yeschua…
Adriana Evangelizt
Translated by Ghyslaine ROC
Viewing the Standard King James Version. Switch to the 1611 KJV Psalms Chapter 22 or view a Psalms 22 parallel comparison.
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8 He trusted on the LORD that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him.
25 My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation: I will pay my vows before them that fear him.
I Met Jesus Today
By Nahida the exiled Palestinian
I met Jesus today
His name was Palestinian
Issa… Jesus he was called
On the altar of “chosen-ness” he was crucified
Time and time and time again
His name was Palestinian
Issa… Jesus he was called
On the altar of “chosen-ness” he was crucified
Time and time and time again
His face was Palestinian
Olive, with a hint of agony
Years of torture fail to conceal the glow
The purity of his soul peeks through
The sparkle in his eyes invites you to dive in
His pain was Palestinian
The colour of his words
Grips your guts
And squeeze… squeeze … squeeze
Until you lose consciousness
You fall on your knees
Begging for forgiveness
His faith was Palestinian
“Their sadism too much to bear
In the street I waited for a car
No way out but to kill myself
Twilight hour the fall of night
The call to prayer woken my heart
Healing balsam caressed my soul
Maybe…. In this life… still…there is something I can do”
His heart was Palestinian
Carved with sorrow
Filled with love
Flames of rage and roars of thunder
Hound his torturer to his grave
Carved with sorrow
Filled with love
Flames of rage and roars of thunder
Hound his torturer to his grave
His tears were Palestinian
His first crucifixion… he was only fourteen
On the second, he was nineteen
From then on
He was crucified every minute
His first crucifixion… he was only fourteen
On the second, he was nineteen
From then on
He was crucified every minute
…of every hour
…of every day
…of every week
…of every month
…of every year……
His dignity was Palestinian
Anguished by his rapists
With his broken back he stood tall
His wounds run deep… his head held high
He saw the rainbow in the horizon
When all gave up he gave them hope
Anguished by his rapists
With his broken back he stood tall
His wounds run deep… his head held high
He saw the rainbow in the horizon
When all gave up he gave them hope
His smile was Palestinian
It has been said:
“To smile when confronted with most severe oppression
Is an act of Resistance
In unparalleled beauty” *
The smile of Issa
Was Palestinian
It has been said:
“To smile when confronted with most severe oppression
Is an act of Resistance
In unparalleled beauty” *
The smile of Issa
Was Palestinian
His resilience was Palestinian
“As he punched me in the face
I felt stronger
As he kicked me in the stomach
I felt stronger
As he slashed my arm
I felt stronger”, he said
“As he punched me in the face
I felt stronger
As he kicked me in the stomach
I felt stronger
As he slashed my arm
I felt stronger”, he said
His hope was Palestinian
Insha’Allah, ya rab, Alhamdulillah
Bouncy words sprinkled around
Buds of trust bloom and grow
His broad grin whiffs you to life
Insha’Allah, ya rab, Alhamdulillah
Bouncy words sprinkled around
Buds of trust bloom and grow
His broad grin whiffs you to life
His nightmares close their eyes
His tales of horror lie to slumber
When all lost hope he saw a future
I saw Jesus today
I saw Jesus today
- #3 by B.A.Frémaux-Soormally on January 5, 2012 - 8:43 pmSeveral years ago Adriana Evangelizt wrote a “cosmic” poem in French on Jesus the Messenger of Light, the best poem I ever read in my entire life, but I did not find ONE SINGLE Catholic who said he or she liked that poetry!Now, Adriana’s website has again been hijacked by the JEWISH PORNOGRAPHERS who are allowed by the powers that be to operate pornographic websites in absolute freedom and even force them on Internet users (which means even kids have access to Jewish porn!) and sabotage our efforts to reveal the truth to the world.So, unfortunately, I cannot give Adriana’s link here anymore, but I’ll give the link of its translation in English and hope this one too is not going to be Jewjacked. Today, I was unable to post my latest article “THE MARXIST JEWISH APOCALYPSE PROMISED FOR MARCH 2012!” as it came up with funny messages each time. I however managed to post it with great difficulty although not in the form I wanted to post it. The word JEW in the title has frightened many!The last post had a maximum of visitors from all over the world: “JEWISH MENDACITY – JEWISH DEGENERATE AND IMMORAL ARMY OF COLD-BLOODED ASSASSINS AND THIEVES”., I will not pretend (hypocritically) that I like the present poem (Nahida’s) as I am more interested in the message here than the poetry itself. to say that Jesus’ suffering (assuming that he ever physically existed) was not great enough for Christians in general to feel or share the pain.If Jews, Christians and their friends scream all over the world that there was and is no Palestine, how can there be any Jesus at all?Christendom has to hide its ugly face (that of a hideous monster) for allowing the Jewish murderers to commit more crimes, more mass murders and always get away with it!Jews sentenced Jesus to death, but it was Rome that tortured, humiliated and crucified him, if we are to believe the Gospels!Today, Jews are the actual crucifiers of both Jesus and his people, over and over again as Nahida points out, and their accomplices in crime are the modern Romans who call themselves Europeans, Catholics, Christians, Protestants or whatever!The Jewish United States Corporation of Great Britain had already been sending their dual citizens to crucify the people of Jesus for at least the past 70 years (including the 100,000 or so “Ring Worm Children”), and are now officially sending their soldier-assassin hordes (troops) to finish off the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people and bomb Iran and Syria in the process.I saw Jesus yesterday and today being betrayed by not only Christians but Muslims as well. And, the betrayal is not soon to end!
“The smile of Issa
Was Palestinian
His resilience was Palestinian
“As he punched me in the face
I felt stronger
As he kicked me in the stomach
I felt stronger
As he slashed my arm
I felt stronger”, he said
His hope was Palestinian
Insha’Allah, ya rab, Alhamdulillah
INSHA’ALLAH, as some say! But, I will not praise GOD (alhamdulillah!) for such a lousy job!BasheerThursday 5th of January 2012 - #6 by Adalberto Erazo on January 6, 2012 - 3:39 amReplyDelete
@ Basheer
I was wondering where you where. I missed your long informative posts.Loved Adriana’s poem as well as this one by Nahida.
Sometimes I wonder why didn’t God make me be born to different parents that way I wouldn’t be living in this demonic country called America which is a mirror image of IsraHell. I know it’s not kind to say that. After all Honor thy mother and thy father.
I wished I could have lived a different life somewhere in Latin America away from this madness and be in peace. Or maybe living in the Malaysian countryside would be nice to get away from it all.
Who knows perhaps God has a plan for me. If I can’t wake people up in this country about the demonic crimes America has committed in these God Damn Wars for IsraHell then maybe I can warn those who are not American to steer clear from this insane asylum. As we all know some of these people around the world are all starry eyed about America like those Green Movement idiots in Iran who wish to be enslaved by IsraHell and the west or like those opposition traitors in Russia who are protesting against Vladimir Putin.
Those opposition traitors only want to return to the days of the jewish oligarchs who in league with the west, economically raped and enslaved Russia bringing misery to the people. Maybe if they heard from the words from someone who lived in the United States of IsraHell how bad it is here then maybe they would reconsider their love for this demonic beast. Make no mistake, it’s a police state filled with hateful and selfish people. The only reason you see people protesting on the streets is because these God Damn Wars for IsraHell are hitting them in the pocket book and they are losing too many of their “soldiers”. You see it’s only about them.
They don’t give a damn about other peoples suffering. Millions were being butchered on the alter of the demonic entity of IsraHell and they celebrated it because they were murdering Muslims. Never mind the fact that they can’t handle the truth that their own government and IsraHell did 9/11 so they can start their longed plan wars for Greater IsraHell.
For these Green Movement idiots, I would like to say Islam is being demonized here 24/7, 365 days, for the past 12 years and even before 9/11. You’re brothers and sisters live in fear and are considered second class citizens who don’t even have the same rights like the rest of the population.
You can search the internet and find news about Muslims being discriminated, assaulted, and even murdered simply because of the religion and by the way they look. Their businesses and houses of worship are attacked and vandalized. The Holy Book, the Qur’an is desecrated and the people bear false witness against it, never even bothering to get to know it in which Jesus and his mother Mary are revered and honored.
It is a religion of peace and truly the word of God yet the Americans love and worship the jew. The very same jews who say Jesus was a sorcerer and is burning in Hell for all eternity in a Cauldron of boiling excrement.
The jews who insult the mother Mary by calling her a whore who conceived Jesus while in her menses. The vast majority of Americans have allied themselves with the Devil with the exception of a minority who truly know what’s going on.
Adalberto Erazo - (continued)ReplyDelete
The Americans have the utter gall and audacity to call you barbaric yet you are an ancient civilization with thousands of years of history and are far more civilized than they are. The Americans call themselves brave and free but in reality they nothing but barbaric cowards who do not realize they are already slaves. They refuse as a people to own up for the crimes America has committed against others overseas.
Americans like to call themselves a light upon all nations, are exceptional, and that they can do no wrong which is exactly like jewish exceptionalism. They are arrogant, ignorant, and prideful to a fault never realizing they are behaving just like Lucifer.You people need to stand united because they could care less if you are part of the Green Movement or not. When those bombs drop they don’t care who they hit because to them you are all the same. Whatever you do don’t travel to America because you will be subjected to the indignities of being grouped and being irradiated through an x-ray porno scanner that can see the most intimate of parts.
The police here are brutal and everyone lives in fear of them and the fact that they give war criminals who commit atrocities overseas slaps on the wrist shows what this country really is. Never mind the fact that the every politician is a psychopath who is a corrupted mass murderer or a future one who wants to take America on more murderous wars. America has no culture.
What passes for “western culture” is nothing but a gutter culture with sex, drugs, alcohol, homosexuality,Hollywood, McDonalds, “reality” t.v., and mass consumerism to buy endless crap just so people can feel better about themselves.
Unfortunately people in the west wouldn’t know western culture even if it bit them in the ass. Western culture originated in Greece yet many in the west would not know this because being educated and knowledgeable is considered a sin while being an ignorant idiot is given high praise. Please stay away from it or it will destroy you. Stay true to your roots and return to Islam and God. In the end God will cut America and IsraHell down to size.
Adalberto Erazo - #9 by B.A.Frémaux-Soormally on January 6, 2012 - 8:31 amReplyDelete
Adalberto Erazo says:
January 6, 2012 at 3:39 am
@ Basheer
“I was wondering where you were.”
It looks like it is the first KIND thought addressed to me I read since the New Year 2012 has begun – to remember that I exist and has been contributing quite a bit to this site.
I am always where people are LOOKING FOR the truth and always try to keep away from people who claim they have already FOUND IT.
My friend, nobody else seems to have missed my “long informative posts”. I did write one for The Ugly Truth but decided to send it to two other carefully selected websites. One said it was great and agreed to post it. The other simply ignored it.
Adalberto Erazo: “Loved Adriana’s poem as well as this one by Nahida.”
You will be the very first earthling who said that he loved Adriana’s poem ever since it was posted in 2008 and advertised quite widely. Unfortunately, I could not provide Adriana’s link to its original French version as you cannot go there anymore without being flooded with tons of pop ups by the French Jewish “laïc” (secular) pornographers showing women and men, very young and very old, as worse than wild animals indulging not in sex but in all kinds of abominable activities which once provoked the Israelite God’s wrath who got so fed up that He decided to obliterate the land of Sodom and Gomorrah.
I stopped writing here because I did not find people (my peers) to communicate or dialogue or debate with and I was fed up with childish and irrelevant commentaries and of neophytes posing as experts. And, also because I had no intention to “disturb…annoy…provoke…) Mark’s guests because at times I am a real pain in the neck.
Adalberto Erazo: “Sometimes I wonder why didn’t God make me be born to different parents that way I wouldn’t be living in this demonic country called America which is a mirror image of IsraHell.”
I know the feeling. I have long decided that I was born on the wrong planet or at the wrong time. At the time of Muslim Golden Age, the West did not own the entire world, but today it is gradually and surely become reality. When Rome took over Christianity we saw the grandeur as well as the abominations it brought to the world. Today, Christianity is almost dead. Christian humanity is almost dead. I have seen an old American having the guts (we get bolder when we have no more anything to lose!) trying to tell the Americans that Muslims did not do 9/11, but the International Jewish tribe did with the Americans themselves. Most people are shown in the video clip that they are not at all concerned with the truth but only with their amusements and do not wish to be “disturbed…annoyed” by the truth!
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The Memoirs of Saint John:
ReplyDeleteNo Greater Love
Who was Mary Magdalene and what was her relationship with Jesus?
As the United States and its allies threaten to invade Syria, an archaeological expedition in the country's east yields an ancient cache of scrolls whose authorship is uncertain though whose text consists of classical Greek with occasional passages in Aramaic. Beginning a translation, New Testament scholar David LaSalle quickly realizes what he has in his hands is a 2000-year-old love story, as told from the point of view of John the disciple. But LaSalle is in a race against time. What if the U.S. invades Syria? No one can say what will happen, but the loss of such a priceless archaelogical treasure is unthinkable.
The novel tells two stories in two timelines, both of which unfold simultaneously. The sections of the book set in the first century chronicle the saga of John, the disciple, from his early childhood up through the crucifixion, including his journeys with Jesus and the other disciples throughout Galilee and Judea. John becomes a very eloquent and human bearer of the classic gospel story...the miracles of healing, the turning over of the tables of the well as that part of the narrative to which the gospels only briefly, and temptingly, hint at: the relationship between Jesus on the one hand, and Mary Magdalene on the other--with whom John is in love himself.
In its modern-day-set sections, the novel's main character is Dominic David LaSalle, a tenured university professor of religious studies who also is a Catholic priest. The head of the Syrian archaeological expedition happens to be LaSalle's old college friend, Arthur MacBride, and at the outset of the story, the latter appeals to LaSalle for help in translating the text on the scrolls. A key concern of scholars becomes determining whether the "John" of the Syrian scrolls is the same "John" who authored the Book of Revelation, the final book of the New Testament, also known as St. John's Apocalypse.
But LaSalle’s efforts become sidetracked by Cateline, a 13-year-old ward of a Catholic-run orphanage, who, though blind, has psychic visions. The young girl’s vision of a tsunami in the Indian Ocean presages one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history, a catastrophe that claimed the lives of more than 200,000 people. While doctors attempt to identify the cause of Cateline’s symptoms, including manic depression and the shedding of blood-filled tears, LaSalle and Sister Denise Michallat, director of the orphanage, must come to terms with the young blind girl’s apparent ability to see into the future.
Richard Edmondson
I am a journalist, poet, novelist, and peace activist. Email:
The Memoirs of Saint John:
No Greater Love
ISBN 978-0-9678909-0-6
retail price: $24.95
492 pages
Publisher: OTWAY Books
Content copyright 2010-2012. Richard Edmondson. All rights reserved.