The same people who engineered the War against Germany (WWI & WWII) engineered the attacks on the Arabs in order to nuclear bomb Cairo!
Gamel Abdel Nasser was getting out of hand just like their puppets Reza Pahlavi and Saddam Hussein (and others) got out of hand!
Subscribe to the Anti-New York Times and stay on top of world
No Picture - No Headline - No Mention Of ...

of the quirks
of our human sociological nature is the custom of
assigning special significance to anniversaries. A few days ago, we were
reminded of the June 4 anniversary of the
non-massacre at Tianenman Square in 1989. Two days later, we were
induced into barfing
over this year's remembrance of the "D-Day"
invasion of Normandy in 1944.
would think, therefore, that the June 8th
anniversary of an act of war and mass murder
against the United States of America would merit front page status, or
at least
first page of the International News section, or
perhaps a back-page, bottom page sentence or two in Sulzberger's Slimes.
But alas, because the dirty deed was carried out by
"our closest ally" ™, Sulzberger and the rest of the Piranha Press have evidently deemed
the 51th anniversary of this criminal attack on the USS Liberty as news that is not "fit to

is no doubt about it. Israel's attack was deliberate, as was the US media blackout!
Not content with the territory that it had already stolen
back in 1947, Israel, ever playing the role of victim, initiated what became known as The Six Day War on
June 7, 1967. The one-sided fight pitted US-armed Israel against the
Arab states
of Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt. Hoping
to bring the US into the war so that the Arab states could be
in one fell swoop, Israeli jets and torpedo boats
deliberately attacked the USS Liberty, a helpless communications
ship on patrol in the Mediterranean Sea, near Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.
The sustained daytime attack, which took place as the US flag flew
visibly, killed 34 Americans,
wounded 170, and badly damaged the vessel. Many of
the dead and wounded lost their lives due to fighter jets firing upon
life boats. The Israelis finally called off the
slaughter when they thought that help may have been on the way (a Russian
vessel was also in the area). Our noble allies then claimed that the assault on the USS
Liberty was a case of "mistaken identity." Of course, the government of Zion's wholly-owned US President, the utterly contemptible Lyndon
Baines Johnson, with the complicity of Offense Secretary Robert McNamara and Admiral John
McCain Sr. (father of Senator McCain the Insane), accepted Zion's ridiculous claim and closed the book.
And Congress didn't dare to investigate the matter either.
But the detailed accounts of this dastardly war crime, given by American survivors, clearly contradict
the Zionist lie. Their testimonies haven't wavered to this day. The
object of the false-flag attack was to sink the Liberty, machine-gun
any survivors,
blame Egypt, and thus draw the US into a war on
Israel's side. In spite of the US government's complicit cover-up after
fact, more than a few high-powered men rejected the
"mistaken identity" narrative.
- Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper (R-IA):
"From what I have read I can't tolerate for one minute that this attack was an accident."
- Dean Rusk, U.S. Secretary of State at the time of the incident:
was never satisfied with the Israeli explanation.
Their sustained attack to disable and sink Liberty precluded an assault
by accident or some trigger-happy local commander.
Through diplomatic channels we refused to accept their explanations. I
didn't believe them then, and I don't believe them
to this day. The attack was outrageous."
- Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Ronald Reagan, offers another possible motive:
have never believed that the attack on the USS Liberty was a case of
mistaken identity. That is ridiculous. I have flown
over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, thousands of hours, searching for
ships and identifying all types of ships at sea.
The Liberty was the ugliest, strangest looking ship in the U.S. Navy. As
a communications intelligence ship, it was
sprouting every kind of antenna. It looked like a lobster with all those
moving every which way. Israel knew perfectly well
that the ship was American. After all, the Liberty's American flag and
markings were in full view in perfect visibility
for the Israeli aircraft that overflew the ship eight times over a
of nearly eight hours prior to the attack.
I am confident that Israel knew the Liberty could intercept radio messages from all parties and potential parties to the ongoing war, then in its fourth day, and that Israel was preparing to seize the Golan Heights from Syria despite President Johnson's known opposition to such a move. I think they realized that if we learned in advance of their plan, there would be a tremendous amount of negotiating between Tel Aviv and Washington. And I believe Moshe Dayan concluded that he could prevent Washington from becoming aware of what Israel was up to by destroying the primary source of acquiring that information the USS Liberty. The result was a wanton sneak attack that left 34 American sailors dead and 171 seriously injured. What is so chilling and cold-blooded, of course, is that they could kill as many Americans as they did in confidence that Washington would cooperate in quelling any public outcry."
I am confident that Israel knew the Liberty could intercept radio messages from all parties and potential parties to the ongoing war, then in its fourth day, and that Israel was preparing to seize the Golan Heights from Syria despite President Johnson's known opposition to such a move. I think they realized that if we learned in advance of their plan, there would be a tremendous amount of negotiating between Tel Aviv and Washington. And I believe Moshe Dayan concluded that he could prevent Washington from becoming aware of what Israel was up to by destroying the primary source of acquiring that information the USS Liberty. The result was a wanton sneak attack that left 34 American sailors dead and 171 seriously injured. What is so chilling and cold-blooded, of course, is that they could kill as many Americans as they did in confidence that Washington would cooperate in quelling any public outcry."

"It was deliberate!"
Senator / former Governor (Iowa) Bourke
Hickenlooper 2. Secretary of State Dean Rusk 3. Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Thomas Moorer
there was no "public outcry"
then, and there hasn't been any significant mention
of the incident since. It would have been bad enough if Sulzberger's
Slimes had spun the atrocity as being "an
accident." But the scum at 8th Avenue in Manhattan didn't even do that.
Instead, they went a step further and ignored the
murder of 34 US sailors altogether! The rest of the "mainstream media"
has followed accordingly ever since.
It's as if the event never even happened, and as if the survivors, who have remained active and vocal ever since (here), do not exist. This silence alone constitutes absolute proof that "the powers that be" (cough cough) can do anything they bloody want and get away with it. (JFK assassination (1963), the killing of 241 US marines in Lebanon (1983), the shoot-down of Pan Am 103 (1988), the 9/11 attacks (2001), the fake 'ISIS" beheadings and recent crisis-actor stunts in Europe, just to name a few).
Apart from doing justice to the dead and the survivors of the USS Liberty, this false-flag precedent is still so important to expose because, unlike all the other false-flags, it is known that Israel carried out the sustained attack in broad daylight and, most importantly, it is known that the Piranha Press ignored it. A clear understanding of these two important precedent opens the zombified mind to at least considering a different interpretation of the 9/11 horror and its subsequent, ongoing, and unfinished aftermath.
Remember the USS Liberty! Our own lives and those of millions of others in foreign lands may depend on doing so.
It's as if the event never even happened, and as if the survivors, who have remained active and vocal ever since (here), do not exist. This silence alone constitutes absolute proof that "the powers that be" (cough cough) can do anything they bloody want and get away with it. (JFK assassination (1963), the killing of 241 US marines in Lebanon (1983), the shoot-down of Pan Am 103 (1988), the 9/11 attacks (2001), the fake 'ISIS" beheadings and recent crisis-actor stunts in Europe, just to name a few).
Apart from doing justice to the dead and the survivors of the USS Liberty, this false-flag precedent is still so important to expose because, unlike all the other false-flags, it is known that Israel carried out the sustained attack in broad daylight and, most importantly, it is known that the Piranha Press ignored it. A clear understanding of these two important precedent opens the zombified mind to at least considering a different interpretation of the 9/11 horror and its subsequent, ongoing, and unfinished aftermath.
Remember the USS Liberty! Our own lives and those of millions of others in foreign lands may depend on doing so.

A search through the "Times Machines" Archives (a service made possible
by our reader donations -- hint, hint), for 1967's June 9th & June 10th issues of The New York Slimes
turned up NOTHING of the June 8th mass murder of 34 American sailors in International
1: I read in the New York Times today that on this day in history,
James Madison introduces a
proposed Bill of Rights in the U.S. House of Representatives.
2: Interesting. It's important to know history.

Sugar: You
don't know jack-ssh!t about hisstory, Boobusss!
Editor: Easy
on the Boobuses, Sugar. They don't know they are being misled. And if
don't clean up that potty-litter mouth, you'll be
put on a dry food diet indefinitely -- in spite of what all your
E-mail fans have to say about it!
Mar-20-2010 02:27
Operation Cyanide and Israel's Role in 9/11
Tim King
Israel seems to have a nasty habit of using false information to drag the U.S. into wars.
An Israeli attack on a 1967 U.S. Navy ship initially believed to be an Egyptian military strike, killed 34 Americans and almost launched WWIII. The attacks on 9/11 started two terrible wars that have strapped the U.S. economy and claimed many lives. Israel keeps repeating that Iran has nuclear weapons with no proof, eternally drawing the U.S. toward confrontation. Will the American public someday grow tired of being drug around by the nose to fight wars for Israel's security and benefit?
(SALEM, Ore.) - They say when you are in the military, that you are expendable; flat out government property. For Uncle Sam's sake you will do what you're told and if that includes dying, well... then you have to die. This flies for many patriots and maybe it should, but not if you come to learn that you aren't even fighting your own war. What? That's right, the war in Iraq, starting with the destruction of the World Trade Towers, the inexplicable collapse of Tower Seven, the Pentagon and Shanksville incident, have Israel's not so well hidden signature scrawled all over them[1]. This kind of thing has been going on for some time, and at one point it almost launched a Third World War. The money trail is generally what leads to a guilty party, but in life there is more than just a desire for money; there is still a desire to seize land and practice racial bigotry through apartheid laws at minimum, and outright scathing brutality and murder at the other end. This is the gift for humanity that religious extremism bears. Sometimes they are people like the Taliban, Hell bent on enforcing some neo he-man woman hater's club mentality based on a warped and twisted version of Islam, and then you have the form of religious extremism that invades American households and is rampant among even very docile members of the Christian and Jewish faiths. It is called Zionism, though I suspect most Christians still don't fully comprehend what that means. They think of Mount Zion and Bible songs and prayers. But what they are supporting, is the genocidal elimination of the people who occupied 99% of what is now Israel, prior to 1947. The Israelis have taken almost all of what was Palestine, and people in places like Gaza are caged in like animals and rarely if ever allowed to enter or leave. People dig tunnels to bring in support, including food and other essentials denied them by the Israelis, and the American media portrays these poor people living in the foulest conditions known to man, as terrorists. Their soldiers of war are mostly little children with rocks. Throwing one at an Israeli soldier takes a lot of guts, because the soldiers shoot the children dead for it. The Six Day War In 1967, Egypt massed troops on the Sinai Peninsula. Israel viewed this as a provocative move. They sent an envoy to talk to U.S. Sec. of Defense Robert McNamara, who said in a recent interview, that his only message to Israel, was to not attack Egypt. The Israeli envoy is quoted saying he thought he "had a green light for the attack" - which McNamara strongly denied.
Israel dismissed McNamara's suggestion, and launched a Pearl Harbor style attack on Egypt's military. It was on day four of the Six Day War that jet fighters began circling the U.S.S. Liberty, a Navy spy ship off the coast of Gaza in place to monitor the events of our "ally" Israel. The Americans say that after the initial Israeli jet flyovers, three different aircraft, also French made Mirage fighters, but with no national markings, began attacking the Liberty. The details of this are posted in another article that gives a better idea that was republished yesterday[2]. I also recommend watching the BBC documentary below to get a much better idea than I can give you. Several of the quotes in this story are from that program, and I have also written to a few of the survivors, which I consider an honor. After the fighter jet attacks came the Israeli Navy, and before it was over, a torpedo slammed into the Liberty. 34 Americans killed, 171 wounded; many very badly. The U.S. Navy finally received the Liberty's SOS call and an A-4 Skyhawk attack jet was launched off the deck of the U.S.S. America en route to Cairo, to drop something called a Bullpup Missile[3]. By some accounts, the aircraft enroute to Cairo was carrying a nuclear bomb. Regardless of which weapon it carried, the plane was minutes away from striking when the Pentagon discovered that Israel had attacked the Liberty, not Egypt, and tragedy was narrowly averted. This is where the story gets very ugly. Many if not most of the survivors of the U.S.S. Liberty, believe that the attack was completely intentional. The theory is that Israel tried to trick the U.S. into being drawn into the war against Egypt, which was at the time being backed by America's Cold War rival, the Soviet Union. In other words, as the U.S. was losing heavy casualties during the peak of the Vietnam War, Israel tried to trick America into essentially starting WWIII. With friends like that, a nation doesn't need enemies. But then never forget the enemy within. A document that was located in the national archives by a survivor of the Liberty, indicated that a program called "Operation Cyanide" actually planned the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty months before it happened. It was a product of the U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies. Israeli officials will not comment on the matter over national security. These entries appear on the Wikipedia page about the U.S.S. Liberty: James Bamford, a former ABC News producer, in his 2001 book Body of Secrets, proposes a different possible motive for a deliberate attack: to prevent the discovery of a massacre by the IDF of Egyptian prisoners of war that was supposedly taking place at the same time in the nearby town of El-Arish. In 1995, mass graves of Egyptian soldiers were discovered outside of El-Arish, and IDF veterans have admitted that unarmed civilians and prisoners of war were murdered in the 1967 War. In 2003, journalist Peter Hounam wrote Operation Cyanide: How the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III, which proposes a completely different theory regarding the incident. In an attempt to explain why there was no support by U.S. forces as backup, Hounam claims that Israel and U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson had secretly agreed on day four of the Six Day War that the Liberty would be sunk with complete loss of life. The attack would be blamed on Egypt, allowing the U.S. in turn to attack Egypt, thus helping out Israel. However, according to Hounam's theory, because the Liberty did not sink after two hours, the plan was quickly reversed, Israel apologized for the case of mistaken identity, and a cover-up was put into place.[4]{5] If Israel was willing to be that underhanded and drag the hard pressed American forces onto another battle front in the Mideast in 1967, then they were and are no friend of this country, and it appears to be exactly what took place. If U.S. officials were involved, then it is another classic example like 9/11, where American lives were willingly sacrificed by the government to further drive some kind of political agenda. People are so naive to believe "the government would never do that", yet I fear that they are wrong, very wrong. Knowing that much, it is easy to conclude that Israel, with its huge influence in American politics, would likely take this route again. Flash Forward
When airplanes struck the towers in New York City, President Bush and other national leaders almost instantly used the incident to frame the rationale for an attack in Afghanistan. Yet to this day, most people close to the information do not believe Usama bin Laden had anything to do with the attack on the United States, though al Qaeda probably did. But who created al Qaeda? The CIA, during the years we funded the Afghan Mujahideen, who defeated the world's then top superpower next to the USA, the Soviet Union[6]. The United States has not benefited from the wars overseas. We are not safer, we are not better off. We have buried thousands of our own and there are hundreds of thousands who were injured both physically and psychologically through the trauma and violence of combat. In the best case scenario, we are the world's policemen, the ones who are chasing bad guys, but generally not the right ones. It seems perfectly logical that the ever paranoid Israel was behind the events that led to this ridiculous quagmire. Our writer, noted Author and Attorney Jeff Gates, wrote how Israel's strategists use game theory models to ensure the intended responses to staged provocations and manipulated crises. With the use of game theory algorithms, Gates says, those responses become predictable, even foreseeable-within an acceptable range of probabilities. The waging of war "by way of deception" became a mathematical discipline: For instance, a skilled game theorist could foresee that, in response to a 9/11-type mass murder, "the mark" (the U.S.) would deploy its military to avenge that attack. With phony intelligence fixed around a preset goal, a game theory algorithm could anticipate that those forces might well be redirected to invade Iraq-not to avenge 9/11 but to pursue the expansionist goals of Greater Israel. To provoke that invasion required the displacement of an inconvenient truth (Iraq played no role in 9/11) with what lawmakers and the public could be deceived to believe. The emotionally wrenching nature of that incident was essential in order to induce Americans to abandon rational analysis and to facilitate their reliance on false intelligence.[7]. The Coalition destabilized the Middle East, and drew hundred of billions of dollars from the U.S. and world economy that are now strapped on the backs of all Americans as a massive debt. It isn't a world war, but it was in terms of national grace. The U.S. became a thug in the world under Bush, a mean fleet of Humvees coming to a village near you. So we appear to finally be winding down in Iraq, though Americans keep serving and dying there, and we seem to have some focus in Afghanistan, though no foreign invading/occupying army has ever won a war there, but in some way, somehow, an end to the madness seems possible. And there is that irritating barking poodle with sharp teeth and a mean bite called Israel, nipping at the heels of the American public with never-ending news reports about Iran's nukes which by all accounts do not exist, pushing this nation closer and closer into a new war, where all kinds of new young Americans can die. Well, forget it. Consider a strike on Iran the end, Americans will not go along with it. Decent people can still rule the day. Americans need to shake their heads over the constant, never-ending lies about Iran having nuclear weapons. They don't have them, yet Israel has at least 150 deadly nuclear warheads that are all illegal and undeclared. They kept the wool over Americans eyes with that for twenty years. But even when Israel was exposed for harboring all kinds of deadly nuclear warheads here in the states a couple of years ago, nothing happened. Iran is accused of "seeking" to "build nuclear arms" as Israel, in possession of so many, laughs and lies across American TV screens[8]. In spite of the obvious problems, we somehow are still, once again, moving closer and closer to some World War Three scenario, over false, totally bogus information. Of course this is because of the huge Zionist presence in the ranks of both national media and politics. Seriously, if you don't know already, is still the only American news group that really looks at this openly and truthfully. I think the day is near when that will no longer be the case.
[1] Various articles about September 11th 20001 [2] Mar-19-2010 : Israel's Deadly 1967 Attack on the U.S.S. Ship Liberty - Tim King [3] Martin ASM-N-7/GAM-83/AGM-12 Bullpup Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles [4] USS Liberty incident - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [5] Operation Cyanide: How the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War Three - [6] Jan-24-2010: Israel, Please, No More Bin Laden Tapes, Nobody is Buying It! - Gordon Duff [7] Oct-20-2009: How Israel Wages Game Theory Warfare - Jeff Gates [8] March-03-2010: Reports indicate U.S. is mobilizing for war in Iran Tim King
[1] Various articles about September 11th 20001 [2] Mar-19-2010 : Israel's Deadly 1967 Attack on the U.S.S. Ship Liberty - Tim King [3] Martin ASM-N-7/GAM-83/AGM-12 Bullpup Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles [4] USS Liberty incident - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [5] Operation Cyanide: How the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War Three - [6] Jan-24-2010: Israel, Please, No More Bin Laden Tapes, Nobody is Buying It! - Gordon Duff [7] Oct-20-2009: How Israel Wages Game Theory Warfare - Jeff Gates [8] March-03-2010: Reports indicate U.S. is mobilizing for war in Iran Tim King
Produced by the BBC, Dead in the Water uses startling new evidence to reveal the truth behind the seemingly inexplicable attack. The film combines dramatic reconstruction of the events, with new access to former officers in the US and Israeli armed forces and intelligence services who have decided to give their own version of events. Interviews include President Lyndon Johnson's Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara, former head of the Israeli navy Admiral Shlomo Errell and members of the USS Liberty crew.
"USS Liberty: Dead in the Water"
Tim King is a former U.S. Marine with twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. In addition to his role as a war correspondent, this Los Angeles native serves as's Executive News Editor. Tim spent the winter of 2006/07 covering the war in Afghanistan, and he was in Iraq over the summer of 2008, reporting from the war while embedded with both the U.S. Army and the Marines. Tim holds numerous awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing, including the Oregon AP Award for Spot News Photographer of the Year (2004), first place Electronic Media Award in Spot News, Las Vegas, (1998), Oregon AP Cooperation Award (1991); and several others including the 2005 Red Cross Good Neighborhood Award for reporting. Serving the community in very real terms, is the nation's only truly independent high traffic news Website. You can send Tim an email at this address:
ReDiscover 9/11
WHO are the 9/11 conspirators? Israel/Mossad/CIA/Neocons/Big Oil/ Banks/MSM
The USS Liberty, a Flubbed-up False Flag
Deanna Spingola
8 June 2010
By 1948, under David Ben Gurion’s direction, the Israeli government developed the Israeli Terrorist Cell, Unit 131. In the mid 1950s, the U.S. was friends with Gamal Abdel Nasser and Egypt. Ben Gurion, an avid Zionist and the Israel’s first Prime Minister, envisioned an Egyptian terrorist attack against the U.S. in order to destroy that alliance. However, that wasn’t a probability, given the relationship between the two countries. So the Israeli government developed a pattern of using young Israelis who disguised themselves as terrorists of whichever country they were attempting to implicate. This concept would be applied during Operation Cyanide, involving the USS Liberty, in an attempt to initiate World War III.
On May 23, according to instructions from the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Cyrus R. Vance, the Liberty, commanded by William L. McGonagle, was directed to the eastern Mediterranean via Rota, Spain and placed under the direction of the Commander-in-Chief, Europe upon its arrival at Rota.[1]
Frank Raven, the G Group Chief resisted such a risky move, “The ship will be defenseless out there. If war breaks out, she’ll be alone and vulnerable. Either side might start shooting at her…I say the ship should be left where it is.”[2]
Army General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, of Northwoods fame, put Admiral John S. McCain, Jr. (father of Senator John McCain), the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Navy in Europe in charge. U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, per President Johnson’s instructions had advanced Admiral McCain to a four-star commanding position in February 1967.[3] Admiral John McCain directed operations from his office in London.[4] Johnson promised continued support and help in re-opening the Straits of Tiran, previously closed to Israel by Egypt. Israel was already developing a nuclear program in the Negev desert, but also wanted additional military assistance including – 100 Hawk missiles, 140 Patton tanks, and 24 Skyhawk jets.[5] John P. Roche, an avid supporter of Israel, wrote Johnson’s speech regarding the Straits of Tiran which was delivered in May 1967.[6] Johnson had many Jewish advisors and friends including Mathilde Krim.
Mathilde Krim’s first husband was David Danon, a Bulgarian Jew and member of the Irgun, a terrorist group. She converted to Judaism and associated with many of Israel’s future leaders, as she had been a dedicated gunrunning member of Irgun, headed by Menachem Begin, prior to 1948. She was also friendly with the Stern Gang, another Zionist terrorist group founded by Avraham Stern and headed by Yitzhak Shamir. In 1958 she married Arthur B. Krim, a New York attorney and head of United Artists and a close advisor to Johnson and an avid Zionist. Krim was the finance chairman for the Democratic national committee and ran the President’s Club, Johnson’s fund-raising apparatus that held a $1,000 a plate dinner in New York on June 3, 1967. Arthur Krim built a huge vacation mansion next door to Johnson’s Texas ranch.[7]
On June 3, 1967, the USS Liberty was trolling in international waters off the coast of the Gaza Strip where the ship was to engage in an “extended independent surveillance operation in the eastern Mediterranean.”[8] Israel launched a long-planned war against her Arab neighbors at 7:45 a.m. Sinai time on June 5, 1967. In 1982, Menachem Begin, then Israel’s Prime Minister, admitted, “The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.”[9] Mordechai Bentov, a member of Israel’s coalition cabinet during the war, said, “All this story about the danger of extermination has been a complete invention and has been blown up a posteriori to justify the annexation of new Arab territories.”[10]
President Johnson, an apparently energetic philanderer given the number and notoriety of his sexual exploits, was in Texas until June 1 when he returned with his “friend” Mathilde Krim who remained at the White House with Johnson for the next week. When Johnson, who was absolutely dazzled by Mathilde’s blonde beauty and intelligence, was informed of the beginning of the war on the morning of June 5. The very first person he informed was Mathilde Krim. Official records indicate that Mathilde passed documents from Israel directly to Johnson over the duration of the crisis. Johnson didn’t meet with his advisors, except Walt Rostow, nor any Israeli or Arab officials during the duration of the very short war, he knew exactly what was going on with the Israelis due to his intimate relationship with Mathilde Krim.[11]
It was evident, as that first day progressed, that Egypt was unprepared and inundated by Israel’s aggressiveness. Ambassador Michael Hadow, a British expert on Israel and the Middle East didn’t believe that war was inevitable.[12] Yet his advice, as well as negotiation possibilities were ignored. He sent a telegram to the British Foreign Office, “It looks as if the Israelis started it. We have been led up the garden path.”[13] Abba Eban, Israel’s Foreign Minister, told U.S. Ambassador Walworth Barbour that his government was going to protest Egypt’s actions to the U.N. Security Council.[14] Eban, along with other dignitaries, misled the entire world but never offered any apologies for his deception about Egypt initiating the war. The Western media characterized Israel as a vulnerable country threatened with extinction by its Arab neighbors. Rather than a war of land seizure, it was portrayed as a defensive war of survival. However, Israel kept the land her military grabbed.[15]
Of course it was all over the news and millions of Americans believed that the Arabs had started the war and attacked the poor defenseless state of Israel, an act that could have erupted into World War III. Although both parties, the Arabs and the Jews had participated in the warfare, the Israelis were the only people who had immediate access to President Johnson any time they wanted. Conversely, the Arabs were silenced by their inaccessibility to the White House and the U.S. media.[16]
Yitzhak Rabin, former Chief of Staff and then Ambassador to the United States, said, “I do not believe that Nasser wanted war…The two divisions he sent into Sinai on May 14 would not have been enough to unleash an offensive against Israel. He knew it and we knew it.” Rabin recognized that any country with good intelligence, like Israel, could ascertain that Egypt had no plans to wage war against Israel. The CIA, before the war, embraced Israel’s views about Egypt’s intentions. Israel would have won any war, a veritable turkey shoot, in a week.[17] Further, Israeli intelligence had broken the Arab codes as soon as the fighting started. The Israelis also had the ability to block and alter all communications between King Hussein in Cairo and Egypt’s military. Israel, with military and tactical superiority, altered the communications to give the Arabs the impression that they were winning when in fact they were being ambushed and summarily slaughtered.[18]
Israel had air supremacy immediately after their surprise attack on Egypt. Within hours, Israeli jets pummeled twenty-five air bases from Damascus, in Syria to Luxor. They used machine guns, mortar fire, tanks and air power in their assault against the Jordanian section of Jerusalem and the Jordan River’s west bank. Israeli tanks and auxiliary personnel transporters assaulted the Sinai moving towards the Suez Canal. They transformed the area into a “massive killing field” as Egyptian deaths, according to one Israeli general, amounted to between 7,000 to 10,000 people. His losses were only about 275 soldiers. Indian peacekeeper soldiers, flying the U.N. flag, were also attacked on their way to Gaza. Fourteen peacekeeper soldiers were killed in what one Indian officer called the “deliberate, cold-blooded killing of unarmed U.N. soldiers.”[19]
The Israelis had captured some Egyptians and held them in the town of El Arish. By June 8, the prisoners had become annoyances as the Israelis had no place to house them and insufficient forces to guard them and too few vehicles to move them to regular prison camps. Consequently, the Israelis transformed the town into a “slaughterhouse” by methodically “butchering” their Egyptian prisoners. They lined up sixty unarmed Egyptians with their hands tied behind their backs and, with machine guns, slaughtered them in cold blood. Another group of thirty prisoners were killed nearby. The Israelis directed some Bedouins to bury those victims. In another incident, the number of Egyptian prisoners killed totaled about 150, as witnessed by an Israeli journalist, Gabi Bron. Some prisoners were forced to dig graves for the dead and then they were shot. Aryeh Yitzhaki, an Israeli army historian, and other officers collected testimony from dozens of soldiers who admitted killing Egyptian prisoners. According to Yitzhaki, Israeli soldiers murdered about 1,000 Egyptian prisoners in the Sinai, including about 400 in El Arish. Ariel Sharon was close to El Arish at the time of the incidents. Yitzhaki said that the Israeli leadership, Dayan, Rabin and others knew about the slaughter.[20]
The Liberty, close to El Arish at the time, and loaded with $10.2 million of sensitive equipment eavesdropped on Israel’s Six-Day War with Egypt, then known as the United Arab Republic. The Israelis were aware by 10:55 the morning of June 8 that a clearly-marked U.S. ship was off the coast and unmistakably visible from El Arish.[21] On that day, June 8, 1967, without any warning and apparently without reason, the Israeli Navy and Air Force attacked the ship with torpedoes, rockets, white phosphorous, cannons and armor-piercing bullets. The Israelis used napalm, a flammable liquid or jellied gasoline to turn the Liberty’s deck into a 3,000-degree holocaustic firestorm. Thirty-four Americans were killed and 171 others were wounded, one of which died later from his wounds.[22] Napalm is designed to kill and maim, generate panic and cause confusion.[23]
The first wave of attacks, comprised of as many as eight planes using heat-seeking missiles, destroyed the transformers (miraculously, all except one) which fed the aerial systems. This was a well-planned, premeditated strategy to prevent the USS Liberty from alerting the world of this murderous attack. The surveillance ship was no longer able to listen in to the war or send messages. If that was the objective of the attack, then the goal was met and the attack should have subsided. However, the real objective was to slaughter the crew and send the ship to the bottom.[24] Finally, the planes left only to be followed up by three surface craft which fired torpedoes. One hit below the water line and made a hole which measured 45 feet by 34 by 37. Amazingly, the ship didn’t sink but listed eleven degrees. When the crew inflated the lifeboats, the torpedo boats even destroyed those boats.[25]
The war was over by June 8 and Egypt had lost. The men on the Liberty first assumed that the Arabs, in unmarked planes and ships, were attacking their ship in retaliation for U.S. support of Israel.[26] There were 294 survivors from the premeditated Israeli attack, directed by Moshe Dayan. The remains of five men were never found and body parts were put into sacks for burial.[27]
Vice Admiral William I. Martin, a former World War II test pilot and “Pentagon loyalist,” had assumed command of the Sixth Fleet in April 1967.[28] During Israel’s assault there were several U.S. ships in the area, the aircraft carrier Saratoga commanded by Captain Joseph Tully, the Flagship commanded by Vice Admiral Martin, a Cruiser commanded by Rear Admiral Roger Payne, the USS America, a new aircraft carrier was under the command by Captain Don Engen. Rear Admiral Lawrence Geis was the Sixth Fleet carrier Division Commander. Additionally, there were approximately a dozen escorting destroyer ships. The Saratoga’s Communications Officer received a message from the Liberty, addressed to any or all U.S. ships or stations, “Liberty is under attack by unknown enemy air and surface units. Request Assistance.”[29]
Help was only about 15 to 20 minutes away from the Liberty. Captain Tully notified Vice Admiral Martin and said, “Unless otherwise directed, I plan to launch my Ready Strike Group in support of Liberty.” Martin approved and directed the USS America to launch their Ready Strike Group. However Rear Admiral Geis of the USS America recalled his aircraft which created a dilemma for Captain Tully. Vice Admiral ordered another strike to give aid to the Liberty but it was again recalled by Rear Admiral Geis.[30] [31] According to an independent, unofficial study, the “The White House deliberately prevented the U.S. Navy from coming to the defense of USS Liberty by recalling Sixth Fleet military rescue support while the ship was under attack…”[32] McNamara recalled the aircraft that had been launched from the Saratoga within minutes. Certainly, he would not have made such a move without Johnson’s approval.[33]
Alex Jones exposes the agenda behind the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 by use of recently declassified documents and the President Johnson tapes which are as significant if not more than the Nixon tapes. The attack on the USS Liberty was a false flag operation fully approved by the LBJ administration (think Tonkin Gulf) to serve as a pretext to a nuclear attack on Egypt and a full take over of Middle East oil.
Secretary McNamara ordered the aircraft recalled a second time. Admiral Geis was told that President Johnson had ordered the aircraft to be returned, “He would not have his allies embarrassed, he didn’t care who was killed or what was done to the ship.”[34] According to Admiral Geis, President Johnson, known for his ruthlessness and vile profanity told Geis, “I want that goddamn ship going to the bottom. No help – recall the wings.”[35] Tony Hart, a Navy communications technician stationed at the U.S. Navy Base in Morocco in June 1967 reported that McNamara responded, “We are not going to war over a bunch of dead sailors.”[36] If the Liberty had sunk, as Johnson wanted, Egypt would have been blamed. Government officials, including the McCains have maintained absolute silence about the Liberty’s assault.
The attack ended at about 3:15 pm. A while later, Israeli helicopters circled the ship. Some of the crewmembers, not yet realizing that Israel was the perpetrator of the attack, were glad to see their friendly ally. Then one crewmember shouted, “They’ve come to finish us off.” The copters just hovered as the Israeli troops watched without signaling and then soared away as if the attack had finally been called off. The survivors were stunned by what had happened and by the total lack of response from U.S. rescue planes. The ship generated sufficient steam to start moving from the area. There were 851 rocket hits and it was estimated that there were at least fifteen planes that had targeted the USS Liberty. One hit could be rationalized as an accident but not 851.[37]
Captain Ward Boston, the chief Navy attorney for the 1967 U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry, revealed that the clear-cut evidence demonstrated that the ship was clearly marked as an American ship. On October 9, 2003, Captain Boston said, “Admiral Kidd and I believed with certainty that this attack…was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew.” Captain Boston stated that Admiral Kidd had, in 1967, concluded that the attack was “a case of mistaken identity” because he was “under direct orders to do so by Defense Secretary McNamara and President Johnson.”[38] At the time, Congress, failing in their check and balances responsibility, opted not to convene a formal investigation of the situation. Israel was not held accountable and no one was punished or reprimanded.[39] The U.S. Navy prohibited its investigators from going to Israel to question Israeli pilots and boat captains. The Navy conducted an eight-day inquiry and issued a top-secret final report.[40]
Prior to the attack, Petty Officer Phil Tourney had determined that there had been at least thirteen over flights by Israeli planes. Two of the over-flights were by planes that had the prominent Star of David plainly visible. One plane got so incredibly close that Tourney waved and smiled at the pilot or co-pilot and he smiled and waved back.[41] The survivors knew that the attack was not the result of an identification error. On the fourth day of the war the men on the USS Liberty who were monitoring radio traffic during the war between Israel and Egypt could see the smoke of the fighting even though the ship was thirteen miles from land within international waters. The militarily superior Israelis were decidedly victorious over Egypt.[42]
Yitzhak Rabin, the fifth Prime Minister of Israel, concluded that Israel was not to blame for the attack on the USS Liberty but said, “In any event, to express our goodwill and humanitarian concern, the Israeli Government paid $13 million in compensation to the families of the Americans killed or wounded in the attack.”[43]
On June 19, 1967, Abba Eban, Israel’s Foreign Minister, delivered a speech to the Special Assembly of the United Nations in which he claimed, “The danger to his country was great.” He said, “The military build-up in Egypt proceeded at an intensive rate. It was designed to enable Egypt to press its war plans against Israel while maintaining its violent adventures elsewhere. In the face of these developments, Israel was forced to devote an increasing part of its resources to self-defense.” Eban claimed he heard the following on a Cairo broadcast on May 25, 1967, “The Arab people is firmly resolved to wipe Israel off the map and restore the honour of the Arabs of Palestine.” Levi Eshkol, Israel’s Prime Minister, in a newspaper article in October 1967, “The Egyptian layout in the Sinai and the general military build-up there testified to a military defensive Egyptian set-up south of Israel.” Ezer Weizman, chief of the operations staff under Rabin, told an Israeli newspaper that there was “no threat of destruction.” He admitted that the attack against Egypt, Jordan, and Syria was intended to allow Israel to “exist according to the scale, spirit and quality she now embodies.”[44] Rabin’s deceptive claims were designed to win the world’s support and ultimately blame the war on Nasser.[45]
Operation Cyanide was the reason that the USS Liberty was sent to the war zone without protection. Yet, thirty years after the attack, there isn’t a single reference to Operation Cyanide despite numerous Freedom of Information Act requests regarding the attack. The Government archives for this period are kept at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library in Austin, Texas. Among all of the papers about the Liberty there is one dated April 10, 1967 stamped – SECRET – EYES ONLY. That document was “sanitized” in December 1988. It was apparently the minutes from a meeting on April 7, 1967 that included Walt Rostow (National Security Advisor), Ambassador Foy Kohler (Deputy Under Secretary of State), Cyrus Vance (Deputy Secretary of Defense), and Admiral Rufus Taylor (CIA Deputy Chief).[46]

Apparently, Operation Cyanide included an Israeli war against Egypt in order to depose Gamal Abdul Nasser, a purported Soviet puppet. U.S. intelligence and military specialists were sent to Israel months before to plan and prepare for the operation. The operation was an agreement between Johnson and Israel during which the USS Liberty was supposed to be sunk, along with all of her crew. When Israel’s attack failed to sink the ship, the game plan changed which included an apology from Israel and a phony cover story.[47] According to author Peter Hounam, a U.S. intelligence agent claimed that Captain McGonagle was aware of the pretext and the intentions of the U.S. to attack Egypt and had been briefed to anticipate a superficial strafing attack on the USS Liberty.[48] The attack unexpectedly accelerated, perhaps because what the Liberty’s surveillance revealed about Israel’s terrorism against the Egyptians.
Ephraim Evron, the Minister of the Israeli Embassy in Washington in 1967 and an avowed Socialist, served with Ambassador Avraham Harman. Evron, who viewed Johnson as a hero, was frequently invited to Johnson’s Texas ranch. In addition to Evron and Harman, Harry McPherson, Special Counsel in the White House, served as a link between Johnson and the country’s Jewish population and represented their interests. Evron greatly admired Johnson and regarded him as the greatest thing that had ever happened to America for the “social revolution” that Johnson was “going to achieve.” He believed that Johnson, Israel’s best friend, would never do anything that would hurt Israel. Johnson’s affection for Jews and Israel had more to do with their votes and financial support than sentimentality or principles. The very generous U.S. Jewish community, amounting to 5.5 million, supported Johnson’s divisive Vietnam policies.[49]
In the mid 1990s Rabin attempted to achieve peace with the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat with the U.S. acting as the mediator. Some of the other Zionists saw this as a hindrance to their plans of expanding Israel’s control of the area for an ultimate “greater Israel.” Consequently, whether acting on his own or as an agent, Yigal Amir, a young law student, shot five bullets into the Prime Minister when he was attending a 1995 peace rally. He later told investigators that he had absolutely no regrets. In the New York Times, dated November 27, 1995, Rabin’s assassin reportedly claimed, “According to Jewish law, the minute a Jew betrays his people and country to the enemy, he must be killed. No one taught me that law. I’ve been studying the Talmud all my life, and I have all the data.”[50]
Senator John McCain, backed by William Kristol in the 2000 presidential race, has always supported Israel. Representative Vin Weber, a pro-Israel member of the CFR, helped found William Kristol’s Empower America. Weber backed McCain in the 2000 and advised McCain during his campaign. Representative Weber sabotaged “an effort to force a congressional investigation of Israel’s terroristic 1967 attack on the USS. Liberty.”[51] Robert S. McNamara later claimed, in his memoirs, that he didn’t know what happened and didn’t “take the time to find out.” The attack on the USS Liberty, part of Operation Cyanide, had to be concealed and all evidence had to be whitewashed.[52]
It took another false flag, 9/11, to get the U.S. embroiled in the Middle East. A 9/11 Commission was convened despite Bush and Cheney’s efforts. But, it took time to gather the right people to staff the commission which predictably failed to reach accurate conclusions because essential evidence was withheld by the government. One member, Bob Kerrey, admitted that 9/11 was a thirty- year conspiracy.[53] Shortly after 9/11, Eckehardt Werthebach, the former president of Germany’s domestic intelligence service, the Verfassungsschutz said, “the deathly precision” and “the magnitude of planning” behind the attacks would have required “years of planning.”[54] Was 9/11 another false flag, with blame again placed on the Arabs, to compensate for the flubbed-up false flag on June 8, 1967? And if that is the case, did the planning begin shortly after the first failure? Benjamin Netanyahu, the day after the horrific event, said that the 9/11 terror attacks were good for Israel.[55] The five Israelis who were in the U.S. prior to 9/11 and were caught photographing the event admitted, “Our purpose was to document the event.”[56]
[1] Attack on a Sigint Collector, the U.S.S. Liberty, United States Cryptologic History, Special Series Crisis Collection, National Security Agency, Volume 1, 1981, Declassified on November 8, 2006, p. 17,
[2] Body of Secrets, Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency From the Cold War Through the Dawn of the New Century by James Bamford, Doubleday, New York, 2001, p. 187
[3] Attack on a Sigint Collector, the U.S.S. Liberty, United States Cryptologic History, Special Series Crisis Collection, National Security Agency, Volume 1, 1981, Declassified on November 8, 2006, p. 17,
[4] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, p. 54
[5] Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East by Michael B. Oren, Presidio Press Book published by Random House, New York, 2002, pp. 138-139
[6] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, pp. 138-139
[7] Ibid, pp. 134-135
[8] Attack on a Sigint Collector, the U.S.S. Liberty, United States Cryptologic History, Special Series Crisis Collection, National Security Agency, Volume 1, 1981, Declassified on November 8, 2006, p. 19,
[9] Body of Secrets, Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency From the Cold War Through the Dawn of a New Century by James Bamford, Doubleday, New York, 2001, p. 186
[10] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, pp. 83-84
[11] 40 Years after the 1967 War: The Impact of a Prolonged Occupation by Jan de Jong, Dr. Edmund Ghareeb, Herbert Kelman, Ambassador Afif Safieh, Dr. William Quandt, Alvaro de Soto, The Palestine Center, Washington, DC, 2007, pp. 10-11
[12] Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East by Michael B. Oren, Presidio Press Book published by Random House, New York, 2002, p. 138
[13] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, pp. 68-69
[14] Body of Secrets, Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency From the Cold War Through the Dawn of the New Century by James Bamford, Doubleday, New York, 2001, p. 192
[15] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, pp. 68-69
[16] Ibid, p. 133
[17] Ibid, pp. 81-82
[18] Ibid, pp. 194-195
[19] Body of Secrets, Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency From the Cold War Through the Dawn of the New Century by James Bamford, Doubleday, New York, 2001, p. 201
[20] Ibid, pp. 201-203
[21] Ibid, pp. 203-204
[22] The Attack on the Liberty, the Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on a U.S. Spy Ship by James Scott, Simon & Schuster, New York, 2009, pp. 2-3
[23] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, p. 25
[24] Ibid, pp. 27-28
[25] Ibid, pp. 32, 36-37
[26] What I Saw That Day, Israel’s June 8th, 1967 Holocaust of US Servicemen Aboard the USS Liberty and its Aftermath by Phillip F. Tourney and Mark Glenn, Liberty Publications, Careywood, Idaho, p. 29
[27] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, p. 42
[28] The Attack on the Liberty, the Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on a U.S. Spy Ship by James Scott, Simon & Schuster, New York, 2009, pp. 145-146
[29] Transcript of Remarks Made By Captain Joseph Tully, USN, Former Commanding Officer USS Saratoga, Speech to USS Liberty survivors gathered in San Diego, for the LVA’s 28th anniversary reunion, p. 1
[30] Transcript of Remarks Made By Captain Joseph Tully, USN, Former Commanding Officer USS Saratoga, Speech to USS Liberty survivors gathered in San Diego, for the LVA’s 28th anniversary reunion, p. 2
[31] USS Liberty EXPOSED,
[32] Findings of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Israeli Attack on USS Liberty, the Recall of Military Rescue Support Aircraft while the Ship was Under Attack, and the Subsequent Cover-up by the United States Government, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., October 22, 2003
[33] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, p. 93
[34] Findings of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Israeli Attack on USS Liberty, the Recall of Military Rescue Support Aircraft while the Ship was Under Attack, and the Subsequent Cover-up by the United States Government, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., October 22, 2003
[35] USS Liberty White House-sanctioned attack, June 8, 1967 – Excerpt from the video, Terrorstorm by Alex Jones
[36] Findings of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Israeli Attack on USS Liberty, the Recall of Military Rescue Support Aircraft while the Ship was Under Attack, and the Subsequent Cover-up by the United States Government, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., October 22, 2003
[37] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, pp. 38-39
[38] Findings of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Israeli Attack on USS Liberty, the Recall of Military Rescue Support Aircraft while the Ship was Under Attack, and the Subsequent Cover-up by the United States Government, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., October 22, 2003
[39] The Attack on the Liberty, the Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on a U.S. Spy Ship by James Scott, Simon & Schuster, New York, 2009, p. 3
[40] Ibid, 2009, p. 4
[41] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, p. 23
[42] Ibid, pp. 14-15
[43] Ibid, p. 65
[44] Ibid, pp. 82-83
[45] Ibid, p. 86
[46] Ibid, pp. 114-115
[47] Ibid, pp. 196-197
[48] Ibid, p. 270
[49] Ibid, pp. 137-138
[50] Judaism Discovered From its Own Texts, A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self Worship, Superstition and Deceit by Michael Hoffman, Independent History and Research, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, 2008, p. 12
[51] The High Priests of War, The Secret History of How America’s “Neo-Conservative” Trotskyites Came to Power and Orchestrated the War Against Iraq as the First Step in their Drive for Global Empire by Michael Collins Piper, American Free Press, Washington, DC, 2005, pp. 38-39
[52] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, pp. 16-17
[53] 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey Finally Confesses 9-11 Commission Could not do it’s Job – Part 3 of 3,
[54] Intel Expert Says 9-11 Looks Like A Hollywood Show by Christopher Bollyn,
[55] Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel by Ha’aretz Service and Reuters,
[56] Five Dancing Israelis, 9-11 Mossad Agents Admit Mission: “Our Purpose Was To Document The Event” by Christopher Bollyn, November 11, 2006,

8 June 2010
By 1948, under David Ben Gurion’s direction, the Israeli government developed the Israeli Terrorist Cell, Unit 131. In the mid 1950s, the U.S. was friends with Gamal Abdel Nasser and Egypt. Ben Gurion, an avid Zionist and the Israel’s first Prime Minister, envisioned an Egyptian terrorist attack against the U.S. in order to destroy that alliance. However, that wasn’t a probability, given the relationship between the two countries. So the Israeli government developed a pattern of using young Israelis who disguised themselves as terrorists of whichever country they were attempting to implicate. This concept would be applied during Operation Cyanide, involving the USS Liberty, in an attempt to initiate World War III.
On May 23, according to instructions from the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Cyrus R. Vance, the Liberty, commanded by William L. McGonagle, was directed to the eastern Mediterranean via Rota, Spain and placed under the direction of the Commander-in-Chief, Europe upon its arrival at Rota.[1]
Frank Raven, the G Group Chief resisted such a risky move, “The ship will be defenseless out there. If war breaks out, she’ll be alone and vulnerable. Either side might start shooting at her…I say the ship should be left where it is.”[2]
Army General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, of Northwoods fame, put Admiral John S. McCain, Jr. (father of Senator John McCain), the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Navy in Europe in charge. U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, per President Johnson’s instructions had advanced Admiral McCain to a four-star commanding position in February 1967.[3] Admiral John McCain directed operations from his office in London.[4] Johnson promised continued support and help in re-opening the Straits of Tiran, previously closed to Israel by Egypt. Israel was already developing a nuclear program in the Negev desert, but also wanted additional military assistance including – 100 Hawk missiles, 140 Patton tanks, and 24 Skyhawk jets.[5] John P. Roche, an avid supporter of Israel, wrote Johnson’s speech regarding the Straits of Tiran which was delivered in May 1967.[6] Johnson had many Jewish advisors and friends including Mathilde Krim.
Dead In The Water – The Sinking of the USS Liberty
Mathilde Krim’s first husband was David Danon, a Bulgarian Jew and member of the Irgun, a terrorist group. She converted to Judaism and associated with many of Israel’s future leaders, as she had been a dedicated gunrunning member of Irgun, headed by Menachem Begin, prior to 1948. She was also friendly with the Stern Gang, another Zionist terrorist group founded by Avraham Stern and headed by Yitzhak Shamir. In 1958 she married Arthur B. Krim, a New York attorney and head of United Artists and a close advisor to Johnson and an avid Zionist. Krim was the finance chairman for the Democratic national committee and ran the President’s Club, Johnson’s fund-raising apparatus that held a $1,000 a plate dinner in New York on June 3, 1967. Arthur Krim built a huge vacation mansion next door to Johnson’s Texas ranch.[7]
On June 3, 1967, the USS Liberty was trolling in international waters off the coast of the Gaza Strip where the ship was to engage in an “extended independent surveillance operation in the eastern Mediterranean.”[8] Israel launched a long-planned war against her Arab neighbors at 7:45 a.m. Sinai time on June 5, 1967. In 1982, Menachem Begin, then Israel’s Prime Minister, admitted, “The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.”[9] Mordechai Bentov, a member of Israel’s coalition cabinet during the war, said, “All this story about the danger of extermination has been a complete invention and has been blown up a posteriori to justify the annexation of new Arab territories.”[10]
President Johnson, an apparently energetic philanderer given the number and notoriety of his sexual exploits, was in Texas until June 1 when he returned with his “friend” Mathilde Krim who remained at the White House with Johnson for the next week. When Johnson, who was absolutely dazzled by Mathilde’s blonde beauty and intelligence, was informed of the beginning of the war on the morning of June 5. The very first person he informed was Mathilde Krim. Official records indicate that Mathilde passed documents from Israel directly to Johnson over the duration of the crisis. Johnson didn’t meet with his advisors, except Walt Rostow, nor any Israeli or Arab officials during the duration of the very short war, he knew exactly what was going on with the Israelis due to his intimate relationship with Mathilde Krim.[11]
It was evident, as that first day progressed, that Egypt was unprepared and inundated by Israel’s aggressiveness. Ambassador Michael Hadow, a British expert on Israel and the Middle East didn’t believe that war was inevitable.[12] Yet his advice, as well as negotiation possibilities were ignored. He sent a telegram to the British Foreign Office, “It looks as if the Israelis started it. We have been led up the garden path.”[13] Abba Eban, Israel’s Foreign Minister, told U.S. Ambassador Walworth Barbour that his government was going to protest Egypt’s actions to the U.N. Security Council.[14] Eban, along with other dignitaries, misled the entire world but never offered any apologies for his deception about Egypt initiating the war. The Western media characterized Israel as a vulnerable country threatened with extinction by its Arab neighbors. Rather than a war of land seizure, it was portrayed as a defensive war of survival. However, Israel kept the land her military grabbed.[15]
Of course it was all over the news and millions of Americans believed that the Arabs had started the war and attacked the poor defenseless state of Israel, an act that could have erupted into World War III. Although both parties, the Arabs and the Jews had participated in the warfare, the Israelis were the only people who had immediate access to President Johnson any time they wanted. Conversely, the Arabs were silenced by their inaccessibility to the White House and the U.S. media.[16]
Israel had air supremacy immediately after their surprise attack on Egypt. Within hours, Israeli jets pummeled twenty-five air bases from Damascus, in Syria to Luxor. They used machine guns, mortar fire, tanks and air power in their assault against the Jordanian section of Jerusalem and the Jordan River’s west bank. Israeli tanks and auxiliary personnel transporters assaulted the Sinai moving towards the Suez Canal. They transformed the area into a “massive killing field” as Egyptian deaths, according to one Israeli general, amounted to between 7,000 to 10,000 people. His losses were only about 275 soldiers. Indian peacekeeper soldiers, flying the U.N. flag, were also attacked on their way to Gaza. Fourteen peacekeeper soldiers were killed in what one Indian officer called the “deliberate, cold-blooded killing of unarmed U.N. soldiers.”[19]
The Israelis had captured some Egyptians and held them in the town of El Arish. By June 8, the prisoners had become annoyances as the Israelis had no place to house them and insufficient forces to guard them and too few vehicles to move them to regular prison camps. Consequently, the Israelis transformed the town into a “slaughterhouse” by methodically “butchering” their Egyptian prisoners. They lined up sixty unarmed Egyptians with their hands tied behind their backs and, with machine guns, slaughtered them in cold blood. Another group of thirty prisoners were killed nearby. The Israelis directed some Bedouins to bury those victims. In another incident, the number of Egyptian prisoners killed totaled about 150, as witnessed by an Israeli journalist, Gabi Bron. Some prisoners were forced to dig graves for the dead and then they were shot. Aryeh Yitzhaki, an Israeli army historian, and other officers collected testimony from dozens of soldiers who admitted killing Egyptian prisoners. According to Yitzhaki, Israeli soldiers murdered about 1,000 Egyptian prisoners in the Sinai, including about 400 in El Arish. Ariel Sharon was close to El Arish at the time of the incidents. Yitzhaki said that the Israeli leadership, Dayan, Rabin and others knew about the slaughter.[20]
The Liberty, close to El Arish at the time, and loaded with $10.2 million of sensitive equipment eavesdropped on Israel’s Six-Day War with Egypt, then known as the United Arab Republic. The Israelis were aware by 10:55 the morning of June 8 that a clearly-marked U.S. ship was off the coast and unmistakably visible from El Arish.[21] On that day, June 8, 1967, without any warning and apparently without reason, the Israeli Navy and Air Force attacked the ship with torpedoes, rockets, white phosphorous, cannons and armor-piercing bullets. The Israelis used napalm, a flammable liquid or jellied gasoline to turn the Liberty’s deck into a 3,000-degree holocaustic firestorm. Thirty-four Americans were killed and 171 others were wounded, one of which died later from his wounds.[22] Napalm is designed to kill and maim, generate panic and cause confusion.[23]
The war was over by June 8 and Egypt had lost. The men on the Liberty first assumed that the Arabs, in unmarked planes and ships, were attacking their ship in retaliation for U.S. support of Israel.[26] There were 294 survivors from the premeditated Israeli attack, directed by Moshe Dayan. The remains of five men were never found and body parts were put into sacks for burial.[27]
Vice Admiral William I. Martin, a former World War II test pilot and “Pentagon loyalist,” had assumed command of the Sixth Fleet in April 1967.[28] During Israel’s assault there were several U.S. ships in the area, the aircraft carrier Saratoga commanded by Captain Joseph Tully, the Flagship commanded by Vice Admiral Martin, a Cruiser commanded by Rear Admiral Roger Payne, the USS America, a new aircraft carrier was under the command by Captain Don Engen. Rear Admiral Lawrence Geis was the Sixth Fleet carrier Division Commander. Additionally, there were approximately a dozen escorting destroyer ships. The Saratoga’s Communications Officer received a message from the Liberty, addressed to any or all U.S. ships or stations, “Liberty is under attack by unknown enemy air and surface units. Request Assistance.”[29]
Help was only about 15 to 20 minutes away from the Liberty. Captain Tully notified Vice Admiral Martin and said, “Unless otherwise directed, I plan to launch my Ready Strike Group in support of Liberty.” Martin approved and directed the USS America to launch their Ready Strike Group. However Rear Admiral Geis of the USS America recalled his aircraft which created a dilemma for Captain Tully. Vice Admiral ordered another strike to give aid to the Liberty but it was again recalled by Rear Admiral Geis.[30] [31] According to an independent, unofficial study, the “The White House deliberately prevented the U.S. Navy from coming to the defense of USS Liberty by recalling Sixth Fleet military rescue support while the ship was under attack…”[32] McNamara recalled the aircraft that had been launched from the Saratoga within minutes. Certainly, he would not have made such a move without Johnson’s approval.[33]
The attack ended at about 3:15 pm. A while later, Israeli helicopters circled the ship. Some of the crewmembers, not yet realizing that Israel was the perpetrator of the attack, were glad to see their friendly ally. Then one crewmember shouted, “They’ve come to finish us off.” The copters just hovered as the Israeli troops watched without signaling and then soared away as if the attack had finally been called off. The survivors were stunned by what had happened and by the total lack of response from U.S. rescue planes. The ship generated sufficient steam to start moving from the area. There were 851 rocket hits and it was estimated that there were at least fifteen planes that had targeted the USS Liberty. One hit could be rationalized as an accident but not 851.[37]
Captain Ward Boston, the chief Navy attorney for the 1967 U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry, revealed that the clear-cut evidence demonstrated that the ship was clearly marked as an American ship. On October 9, 2003, Captain Boston said, “Admiral Kidd and I believed with certainty that this attack…was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew.” Captain Boston stated that Admiral Kidd had, in 1967, concluded that the attack was “a case of mistaken identity” because he was “under direct orders to do so by Defense Secretary McNamara and President Johnson.”[38] At the time, Congress, failing in their check and balances responsibility, opted not to convene a formal investigation of the situation. Israel was not held accountable and no one was punished or reprimanded.[39] The U.S. Navy prohibited its investigators from going to Israel to question Israeli pilots and boat captains. The Navy conducted an eight-day inquiry and issued a top-secret final report.[40]
Prior to the attack, Petty Officer Phil Tourney had determined that there had been at least thirteen over flights by Israeli planes. Two of the over-flights were by planes that had the prominent Star of David plainly visible. One plane got so incredibly close that Tourney waved and smiled at the pilot or co-pilot and he smiled and waved back.[41] The survivors knew that the attack was not the result of an identification error. On the fourth day of the war the men on the USS Liberty who were monitoring radio traffic during the war between Israel and Egypt could see the smoke of the fighting even though the ship was thirteen miles from land within international waters. The militarily superior Israelis were decidedly victorious over Egypt.[42]
Yitzhak Rabin, the fifth Prime Minister of Israel, concluded that Israel was not to blame for the attack on the USS Liberty but said, “In any event, to express our goodwill and humanitarian concern, the Israeli Government paid $13 million in compensation to the families of the Americans killed or wounded in the attack.”[43]
On June 19, 1967, Abba Eban, Israel’s Foreign Minister, delivered a speech to the Special Assembly of the United Nations in which he claimed, “The danger to his country was great.” He said, “The military build-up in Egypt proceeded at an intensive rate. It was designed to enable Egypt to press its war plans against Israel while maintaining its violent adventures elsewhere. In the face of these developments, Israel was forced to devote an increasing part of its resources to self-defense.” Eban claimed he heard the following on a Cairo broadcast on May 25, 1967, “The Arab people is firmly resolved to wipe Israel off the map and restore the honour of the Arabs of Palestine.” Levi Eshkol, Israel’s Prime Minister, in a newspaper article in October 1967, “The Egyptian layout in the Sinai and the general military build-up there testified to a military defensive Egyptian set-up south of Israel.” Ezer Weizman, chief of the operations staff under Rabin, told an Israeli newspaper that there was “no threat of destruction.” He admitted that the attack against Egypt, Jordan, and Syria was intended to allow Israel to “exist according to the scale, spirit and quality she now embodies.”[44] Rabin’s deceptive claims were designed to win the world’s support and ultimately blame the war on Nasser.[45]
Operation Cyanide was the reason that the USS Liberty was sent to the war zone without protection. Yet, thirty years after the attack, there isn’t a single reference to Operation Cyanide despite numerous Freedom of Information Act requests regarding the attack. The Government archives for this period are kept at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library in Austin, Texas. Among all of the papers about the Liberty there is one dated April 10, 1967 stamped – SECRET – EYES ONLY. That document was “sanitized” in December 1988. It was apparently the minutes from a meeting on April 7, 1967 that included Walt Rostow (National Security Advisor), Ambassador Foy Kohler (Deputy Under Secretary of State), Cyrus Vance (Deputy Secretary of Defense), and Admiral Rufus Taylor (CIA Deputy Chief).[46]
Marine Bryce Lockwood stands aboard the badly damaged USS Liberty after it was attacked on June 8, 1967.
Ephraim Evron, the Minister of the Israeli Embassy in Washington in 1967 and an avowed Socialist, served with Ambassador Avraham Harman. Evron, who viewed Johnson as a hero, was frequently invited to Johnson’s Texas ranch. In addition to Evron and Harman, Harry McPherson, Special Counsel in the White House, served as a link between Johnson and the country’s Jewish population and represented their interests. Evron greatly admired Johnson and regarded him as the greatest thing that had ever happened to America for the “social revolution” that Johnson was “going to achieve.” He believed that Johnson, Israel’s best friend, would never do anything that would hurt Israel. Johnson’s affection for Jews and Israel had more to do with their votes and financial support than sentimentality or principles. The very generous U.S. Jewish community, amounting to 5.5 million, supported Johnson’s divisive Vietnam policies.[49]
In the mid 1990s Rabin attempted to achieve peace with the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat with the U.S. acting as the mediator. Some of the other Zionists saw this as a hindrance to their plans of expanding Israel’s control of the area for an ultimate “greater Israel.” Consequently, whether acting on his own or as an agent, Yigal Amir, a young law student, shot five bullets into the Prime Minister when he was attending a 1995 peace rally. He later told investigators that he had absolutely no regrets. In the New York Times, dated November 27, 1995, Rabin’s assassin reportedly claimed, “According to Jewish law, the minute a Jew betrays his people and country to the enemy, he must be killed. No one taught me that law. I’ve been studying the Talmud all my life, and I have all the data.”[50]
Senator John McCain, backed by William Kristol in the 2000 presidential race, has always supported Israel. Representative Vin Weber, a pro-Israel member of the CFR, helped found William Kristol’s Empower America. Weber backed McCain in the 2000 and advised McCain during his campaign. Representative Weber sabotaged “an effort to force a congressional investigation of Israel’s terroristic 1967 attack on the USS. Liberty.”[51] Robert S. McNamara later claimed, in his memoirs, that he didn’t know what happened and didn’t “take the time to find out.” The attack on the USS Liberty, part of Operation Cyanide, had to be concealed and all evidence had to be whitewashed.[52]
It took another false flag, 9/11, to get the U.S. embroiled in the Middle East. A 9/11 Commission was convened despite Bush and Cheney’s efforts. But, it took time to gather the right people to staff the commission which predictably failed to reach accurate conclusions because essential evidence was withheld by the government. One member, Bob Kerrey, admitted that 9/11 was a thirty- year conspiracy.[53] Shortly after 9/11, Eckehardt Werthebach, the former president of Germany’s domestic intelligence service, the Verfassungsschutz said, “the deathly precision” and “the magnitude of planning” behind the attacks would have required “years of planning.”[54] Was 9/11 another false flag, with blame again placed on the Arabs, to compensate for the flubbed-up false flag on June 8, 1967? And if that is the case, did the planning begin shortly after the first failure? Benjamin Netanyahu, the day after the horrific event, said that the 9/11 terror attacks were good for Israel.[55] The five Israelis who were in the U.S. prior to 9/11 and were caught photographing the event admitted, “Our purpose was to document the event.”[56]
9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey finally confesses 9-11 Commission could not do it’s job
[1] Attack on a Sigint Collector, the U.S.S. Liberty, United States Cryptologic History, Special Series Crisis Collection, National Security Agency, Volume 1, 1981, Declassified on November 8, 2006, p. 17,
[2] Body of Secrets, Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency From the Cold War Through the Dawn of the New Century by James Bamford, Doubleday, New York, 2001, p. 187
[3] Attack on a Sigint Collector, the U.S.S. Liberty, United States Cryptologic History, Special Series Crisis Collection, National Security Agency, Volume 1, 1981, Declassified on November 8, 2006, p. 17,
[4] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, p. 54
[5] Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East by Michael B. Oren, Presidio Press Book published by Random House, New York, 2002, pp. 138-139
[6] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, pp. 138-139
[7] Ibid, pp. 134-135
[8] Attack on a Sigint Collector, the U.S.S. Liberty, United States Cryptologic History, Special Series Crisis Collection, National Security Agency, Volume 1, 1981, Declassified on November 8, 2006, p. 19,
[9] Body of Secrets, Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency From the Cold War Through the Dawn of a New Century by James Bamford, Doubleday, New York, 2001, p. 186
[10] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, pp. 83-84
[11] 40 Years after the 1967 War: The Impact of a Prolonged Occupation by Jan de Jong, Dr. Edmund Ghareeb, Herbert Kelman, Ambassador Afif Safieh, Dr. William Quandt, Alvaro de Soto, The Palestine Center, Washington, DC, 2007, pp. 10-11
[12] Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East by Michael B. Oren, Presidio Press Book published by Random House, New York, 2002, p. 138
[13] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, pp. 68-69
[14] Body of Secrets, Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency From the Cold War Through the Dawn of the New Century by James Bamford, Doubleday, New York, 2001, p. 192
[15] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, pp. 68-69
[16] Ibid, p. 133
[17] Ibid, pp. 81-82
[18] Ibid, pp. 194-195
[19] Body of Secrets, Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency From the Cold War Through the Dawn of the New Century by James Bamford, Doubleday, New York, 2001, p. 201
[20] Ibid, pp. 201-203
[21] Ibid, pp. 203-204
[22] The Attack on the Liberty, the Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on a U.S. Spy Ship by James Scott, Simon & Schuster, New York, 2009, pp. 2-3
[23] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, p. 25
[24] Ibid, pp. 27-28
[25] Ibid, pp. 32, 36-37
[26] What I Saw That Day, Israel’s June 8th, 1967 Holocaust of US Servicemen Aboard the USS Liberty and its Aftermath by Phillip F. Tourney and Mark Glenn, Liberty Publications, Careywood, Idaho, p. 29
[27] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, p. 42
[28] The Attack on the Liberty, the Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on a U.S. Spy Ship by James Scott, Simon & Schuster, New York, 2009, pp. 145-146
[29] Transcript of Remarks Made By Captain Joseph Tully, USN, Former Commanding Officer USS Saratoga, Speech to USS Liberty survivors gathered in San Diego, for the LVA’s 28th anniversary reunion, p. 1
[30] Transcript of Remarks Made By Captain Joseph Tully, USN, Former Commanding Officer USS Saratoga, Speech to USS Liberty survivors gathered in San Diego, for the LVA’s 28th anniversary reunion, p. 2
[31] USS Liberty EXPOSED,
[32] Findings of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Israeli Attack on USS Liberty, the Recall of Military Rescue Support Aircraft while the Ship was Under Attack, and the Subsequent Cover-up by the United States Government, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., October 22, 2003
[33] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, p. 93
[34] Findings of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Israeli Attack on USS Liberty, the Recall of Military Rescue Support Aircraft while the Ship was Under Attack, and the Subsequent Cover-up by the United States Government, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., October 22, 2003
[35] USS Liberty White House-sanctioned attack, June 8, 1967 – Excerpt from the video, Terrorstorm by Alex Jones
[36] Findings of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Israeli Attack on USS Liberty, the Recall of Military Rescue Support Aircraft while the Ship was Under Attack, and the Subsequent Cover-up by the United States Government, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., October 22, 2003
[37] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, pp. 38-39
[38] Findings of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Israeli Attack on USS Liberty, the Recall of Military Rescue Support Aircraft while the Ship was Under Attack, and the Subsequent Cover-up by the United States Government, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., October 22, 2003
[39] The Attack on the Liberty, the Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on a U.S. Spy Ship by James Scott, Simon & Schuster, New York, 2009, p. 3
[40] Ibid, 2009, p. 4
[41] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, p. 23
[42] Ibid, pp. 14-15
[43] Ibid, p. 65
[44] Ibid, pp. 82-83
[45] Ibid, p. 86
[46] Ibid, pp. 114-115
[47] Ibid, pp. 196-197
[48] Ibid, p. 270
[49] Ibid, pp. 137-138
[50] Judaism Discovered From its Own Texts, A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self Worship, Superstition and Deceit by Michael Hoffman, Independent History and Research, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, 2008, p. 12
[51] The High Priests of War, The Secret History of How America’s “Neo-Conservative” Trotskyites Came to Power and Orchestrated the War Against Iraq as the First Step in their Drive for Global Empire by Michael Collins Piper, American Free Press, Washington, DC, 2005, pp. 38-39
[52] Operation Cyanide, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III by Peter Hounam, Vision Publishers, London, 2003, pp. 16-17
[53] 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey Finally Confesses 9-11 Commission Could not do it’s Job – Part 3 of 3,
[54] Intel Expert Says 9-11 Looks Like A Hollywood Show by Christopher Bollyn,
[55] Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel by Ha’aretz Service and Reuters,
[56] Five Dancing Israelis, 9-11 Mossad Agents Admit Mission: “Our Purpose Was To Document The Event” by Christopher Bollyn, November 11, 2006,
I am just listening to Phillip F. Tourney and NSA agent Ron Kukal who was part of the Crew of the USS LIBERTY interviewed by "SubieSisters" on 27 January 2011.
ReplyDeleteIt seems clear to me that Phil is not telling the whole truth and it is crystal clear that Ron is deliberately lying. He claims to have been on medication and was not de-briefed contrary to the others.
It is amazing than none of the entire surviving crew never ever acknowledged clearly and explicitly that they were saved by the presence of a Russian War Ship in the area, or that that Russian ship escorted them all through the night when they were treacherously abandoned by their own US Sixth Fleet.
What is more amazing is that neither Phil nor Ron knows about the identity of that Russian ship. Phil may not know, but not all the others, and certainly not National Security Agent RON KUKAL!
This guy is no Christian when he hides the truth, which to me amounts to the same as to making a false testimony.
What I understood is that the USS LIBERTY was part of the US-Israel Expansion War against the Arab nations.
HOW can we ever get the truth out when "83% of the US Congress is owned by AIPAC or people connected with AIPAC*" the Zionist American Council who was behind the JFK murder?
ReplyDelete*John Kaminski (on RBN w/Spingola Speaks)
ReplyDeleteJames M. Ennes, Jr.
I challenged at least one USS Liberty Survivor, Phil Tourney, on The Ugly Truth after he was interviewed by Mark Glenn. It appears that they both authored a book on the USS Liberty. I knew a few things that Phil omitted and wanted him to confirm or refute. His reply was rude and he told me to READ HIS BOOK! Nobody challenged me on The Ugly Truth for my statements.
1. The Captain and the crew (just like the entire Sixth Fleet) were all under a gag (including the journalists on the Sixth Fleet to document the order and were therefore unable to tell the whole truth to the public,
2. Although unarmed, the USS Liberty was a WAR SHIP surveilling both warmongering Israel and the innocent Arabs. It was itself surveilled/monitored (as well as the Israeli military) by NASA at a very high altitude all throughout the attack.
3. Who has ever heard of a SPY SHIP not under the immediate protection of the Military? Yet, the USS Liberty was not protected! WHY?
4. Why is it that nobody I read about never mentioned the presence on board of any ISRAELI operative?
5. Was it not a Soviet military vessel that arrived on the site of the attack that caused the Israeli to stop their attack?
6. Was it not a Soviet vessel that escorted the USS Liberty to safety?
7. Why did British journalist Alan Hart not respond to my repeated challenges? Was he not dispatched by his bosses (like all those on the Sixth Fleet) to “DOCUMENT THE EVENT”? I challenged him repeatedly on both The Ugly Truth and on his own page on Veterans Today!
8. During the attacks I was in a Moscow Eye Clinic. It was clear to me that it was a JOINT US-ISRAEL attack with Soviet complicity. The Soviets had clearly betrayed the Arabs and Nasser!
9. Were US American military not present at the Israeli military headquarters during the attacks? Of course, YES!
10. The USA threatening to bomb Russia? A Judaic joke when we (I) know Russia is keeping one thousand and one of their secrets, including the USS Liberty attacks, the Moon Landing Hoax, and 9/11!
I had more questions, but I am writing from memory. How can we ever know the truth when the survivors are themselves hiding it or telling outright lies?
So, the SPY (they call it INTELLIGENCE?) SHIP USS Liberty was not INNOCENT! LBJ had ordered that damn ship to be sunk, but the Israeli could not finish the job because of Soviet warships (or one warship) that appeared on the horizon.
It was and still is a waste of time to write about this, but my two sick babies are now fast asleep and this allows me to write a few lines of support to Vickie Jacobs despite of the fact that I can hardly see my keyboard in the darkness.
Saturday 19th of November 2016
DeleteNSA and not NASA,although both work together.
I was in Moscow on the 8th of June 1967 when the USA jointly with Israel attacked the USS LIBERTY with Soviet complicity and blame the Arabs for it! The USSR betrayed the Arabs in this cowardly attack on defenceless nations! I saw plenty of evidence!
ReplyDeleteThe same people who engineered the War against Germany (WWI & WWII) engineered the attacks on the Arabs in order to nuclear bomb Cairo!
Gamel Abdel Nasser was getting out of hand just like their puppets Reza Pahlavi and Saddam Hussein (and others) got out of hand!