Why did the Egyptians cancel the most dramatic ceremony of the Millennium? Excerpt from the book Secret Chamber © Robert G. Bauval |
Why did the Egyptians cancel the most dramatic ceremony of the Millennium?

Excerpt from the book Secret Chamber © Robert G. Bauval
Amid accusations of bizarre 'Zionist' plots
and strange 'Masonic' machinations, the Egyptian government cancelled the
placing of a golden capstone on top of the Great Pyramid which
was scheduled to take place at midnight on on the eve of the new
millennium. Curiously, the story has its origins in France when, in May 1998, a
golden capstone was ceremoniously placed on top of the Egyptian obelisk which
stands at the Place de la Concorde in the heart of Paris with guests of honour
Egypt's president Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosni
and the Antiquities' chairman Dr. Ali Gaballah. This Paris
obelisk, which was taken from the temple
of Luxor in Upper
Egypt in 1831, had been commissioned by Charles X and was raised
in the Place de la Concorde in 1836 amid massive celebrations attended by a
crowd of 200,000 people. Charles X was a Freemason and historians have
suspected that the secret Brotherhood was behind the idea of bringing the
Egyptian obelisk to France.
Other obelisks which were also taken out of Egypt
by the Freemasons in the late 19th century included the two famous
"Cleopatra's Needles", which today can be seen at the Victoria
Embankment in London and in New
York's Central Park. The London
obelisk was commissioned and paid for by a prominent Freemason, Sir Erasmus
Wilson, and the raising ceremony in London was attend by hundreds of British
Freemasons in September 1878 under the auspices of the Prince of Wales who also
was Grand Master of United Grand Lodge, Freemasonry's regulating body in
Britain. That same year the 'New York' obelisk
was noticed by US President Ulysses S. Grant and General William T. Sherman
during a visit to Egypt, who
felt that America
should also have an ancient Egyptian obelisk of its own. Henry W. Gorringe, a
prominent Freemason, was selected for the task of bringing the obelisk to New York. The obelisk
was raised in October 1880 outside the newly built Metropolitan Museum,
with over ten thousand Freemasons attending the ceremony in Masonic regalia.
The important symbolic aspect of an obelisk is not its tall stem but mainly its
top which is shaped like a small pyramid. Pyramids, especially with the 'eye of
providence' in them, feature very prominently in Masonic rituals. The symbol
can be seen on the face of the US
one-dollar bill and also on the Great Seal of the United States. In Freemasonry the
glowing pyramid and eye represents the so-called Great Architect of the
Universe or the Supreme Being, both epithets for God. This Masonic symbolism
was used prominently in France
during the 1789 Revolution and was embossed on the front of The Declaration of
Human Rights. The first celebrations of the French Revolution that took place
in 1793 saw many makeshift 'pyramids' raised in the heart of Paris and in the
courtyard of the Louvre Museum, causing many historians to suspect a Masonic
involvement. Today a glass pyramid with the same geometrical proportions as the
Great Pyramid of Giza adorns the courtyard of the Louvre.
During the May 1998 celebrations in Paris, when the obelisk at
the Place de la Concorde was crowned with a golden pyramid, the Egyptian
culture minister announced that a similar ceremony would take place at the
Great Pyramid of Giza for the millennium celebrations:
cannot rebuild the pyramids stone by stone," said Farouk Hosni, "so
we have chosen a symbolic event like the ancient Egyptians did when they used
to cap obelisks like what the French did at the Place de la Concorde".
midnight a helicopter will fly into the site and, hovering in a starburst of
lasers and spotlights, will place a gigantic gilded capstone atop the Great
Pyramid --all to the accompaniment of what is expected to be an unprecedented
Jarre crescendo of electronic music. The gold cap, approximately 28 feet high
(about the size of a two-story house) is being especially constructed to
protect the pyramid structure. In place, it will catch the first light of the
new millennium as the sun rises over Egypt. Capping pyramids with gold
and timing important events to the setting and rising sun are very much part of
the ancient Egyptian pharaonic tradition, making this piece of Jarre theatre
particularly meaningful."
Adding to the growing hype was another twist to this strange story. This involved the so-called 'prophecies' made by American Psychic Edgar Cayce known as the 'Sleeping Prophet'. Cayce, who died in 1945, foretold the placing of a gilded capstone on the Great Pyramid which, according to him, would act as a 'symbol' for the rediscovery of the legendary 'Hall of Records of Atlantis' under the paws of the Great Sphinx and the events of the second coming of Christ:
apex, the crown or apex (or capstone) was of metal; that was to be
indestructible, being of copper, brass, gold with other alloys… it became very
fitting that there should be the crowning or placing of this 'symbol of the
records' by one who represent the old and the new… Hence there has arisen from
this ceremony many of the things that may be seen as present… the sounding of
the New Year… 1998 from the death of the Son of Man…"
"For with
those changes that will be wrought, Americanism with the universal thought that
is expressed and manifest in the Brotherhood of man into group thought as
expressed in the Masonic Order, will be the eventual rule in the settlement of
affairs in the world. Not that the world is to become a Masonic Order, but the
principle that are embraced in the same will be the basis upon which the new
order of peace is to be established…"
it, too, was engulfed by the fog and the thick smoke caused by huge firework display. It now remains to be seen whether the Egyptian authorities will, as promised, open the "door" in the Great Pyramid and reveal what is behind it in the course of the year 2000. And will they also allow further explorations at the Sphinx to search for the Hall of Records? The eyes of the world are watching.
The Illuminati And
Ecumenical Movement
This article was partly composed, after I found myself in correspondence with the editor of the English Churchman, seeking their position on Freemasonry and the Orange Order. I was invited to submit a 400-word letter to them, explaining why I found the Lodge incompatible with Protestantism-some 25 pages later, this was my full conclusion.
Ever since I can remember, my father has always had a great interest in the murky and mysterious world of freemasonry, and it would appear that this is hereditary.
On a recent holiday abroad I happened to notice an English tourist proudly wearing a Masonic medallion around his neck. For me, this was something I could not ignore. I believe that if people are bold enough to publicly display their religious beliefs, then they should expect to be challenged by those who take opposing views to them, and this should Christians as well (1 Pet. 3:15.)
After the initial formalities, and after I carefully lay down the foundation to what I was trying to say and allude to, I was able to share with him what I knew about his religion and how it wasn't even remotely compatible with Christianity (for even Rowan Williams had come out against Church of England vicars having a duel membership with the church and the lodge.) This surprised him and caused him to become rather irritable with me. But persisted I did, and before we parted from what was now becoming rather hostile territory, I told him that Albert Pike, one of his religions most cherished leaders, had put in print that Lucifer was the Masonic god that they worshiped. (More on this later.)
Not only had he never heard of Pike, which didn't surprise me too much, for he was only third degree, but I could detect that he believed my facts to be completely wrong.
So I invite the reader, after reading this article, to see if I am right or wrong. I believe this to be a fair fact sheet for those who know next to nothing about the Freemasons, their "associates," "affiliates" and of course, the infamous Orange Order.
Michael Bradley shares my thoughts completely on the ecumenical and intertwining of these groups and others, so, I ask, would it not just be best to leave and forsake them:
"...by the mid-eighteenth century the Masons, Rosicrucian's, and other orders with professed Templar origins had become so entwined that it is hard for the modern historian to tell them apart" (13, pg. 123.)
However, if 99% of Masons have no idea what they are involved in, may God open their ears, souls and minds to this article.
They teach that Masonry was conceived during King Solomon's reign, but they have to admit that this is only tradition, which cannot be proven. Historians, actually date Masonry to 1717AD (7, pg. 7.)
Ever since its conception, masons have tried to convince its critics that it isn't a religion, but more like a professional boys club. However, because all Masons are expected to believe in a god, or as they call him, "The Great Architect of the Universe," would this not at least entail them to be at categorised as theists?
It must be noted that in 1847 the French Masons allowed admittance to the Lodge, to those that did not believe in a god). However British and American Masons were furious with this, so all-formal ties were severed (10, pgs. 256, 257.)
Is Freemasonry A Religion?
According to Webster's dictionary, they qualify to be classified a religion, because they believe in a divine or super-human power.... to be obeyed and worshipped as the Creator and ruler of the universe, and this belief is conduct and ritual (7, pg. 12.)
And to affirm that Masonry is indeed considered a religion, may we quote the following Masonic sources:
"Every Masonic Lodge is a Temple of Religion, and its teachings are instruction in religion" - Albert Pike (3, pg. 4.)
After Pike, Albert Mackey is considered the most prominent of Masonic leaders and writers.
Here we quote him twice, as he speaks about his religion:
"Masonry is.....an eminently religious institution" - Dr. Albert Mackey (3, pg. 4.)
".....It is a religion without a creed, being of no sect but finding truth in all" - Dr. Albert Mackey (7, pg. 7.)
"Freemasonry certainly requires a belief in the existence of, and man's dependence upon, a Supreme Being to whom he is responsible" (7, pg. 13.)
"Masonry.....is a form of worship in which all religions can unite..." - Sir John Cockburn, Past Deputy Grand Master of South Australia (3, pg. 4.)
This last quote would be music to the ears of the Roman Catholic led and controlled super apostate and evil ecumenical movement (called "Churches Together" in the UK.) What Mr. Roncalli (Pope John XXIII) couldn't achieve on his own, the Masons helped him to finish. And how interesting it is, that Masonic rituals are the SAME all over the world. This is EXACTLY like the Roman Mass.
Former Worshipful Master, Jack Harris, writes the following:
"In [all] other states [in the US]....the principle and the doctrines [of the ritual] are EXACTLY the same. The wording only varies slightly" (7, pg. 8.)
Mason, A.B. Grosh, then echoes this:
"Judaism, Christianity, Mohammedanism recognize the only living true God; followers of different teachers, ye are worshippers of one God who is Father of all, and therefore, ye are brethren" (8, pg. 7.)
Well, well, this quote, which dates back pre-Vatican II, is almost quoted word for word, in the official Roman Catholic Catechism (post-Vatican II) for 1994:
"The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's just on the last day" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1994, pg. 195.)
Did you notice one thing? The Lord Jesus Christ WASN'T MENTIONED ONCE!
Rome, which claims to speak with authority from the "Seat of Peter," FORGOT to mention:
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12.)
During the 1960s, when Cardinal Heenan was Archbishop of Westminster, the matter arose of a Freemason wanting to convert to Catholicism, but retain his membership with the Craft:
"The Cardinal the took up the cause of 'regular' Freemasonry with Pope Paul VI. By 1971 he was able to report some progress. He told Carr of the recent case of a London Protestant who had married a Catholic woman. He now wished to become a Catholic but did not want to give up Freemasonry. Heenan sought guidance from the Holy See and was told the husband could become a Catholic 'without restriction.' This meant he could remain a Mason and take Communion. He entered the faith and even persuaded one of his Masonic brothers to follow his example" (15, pgs. 153,154.)
Each Lodge is designed to cater for Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and Jews. Masonry is very much an interfaith and ecumenical occultist religion.
That any sane Bible believing Christian would state that Masonry is compatible with the Lodge, please see the following quote:
"A Christian Mason is not permitted to introduce his own peculiar opinions with regard to Christ's mediatorial office into the Lodge" (3, pg. 7.)
Mr. McCormick offers his thoughts to this stern rebuke to the Christian Mason:
"Freemasonry is a religion without the Holy Spirit. When the Lord Jesus Christ is denied as Saviour and Lord, the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Christ) is absent. The Spirit may be mention occasionally but that certainly does not guarantee His presence or blessing. Remember! Only the Holy Spirit, through faith in the blood of Christ, can regenerate the soul" (3, pg. 7.)
And because of this straight jacket that the Masons wear, there cannot be any ultimate or definite truth; all religions and gods are condoned and encouraged in Masonry.
And while some critics will state that the good works that Masons and the Rotary Club perform, like giving to hospitals, eye clinics and other charitable interests, we mustn't ever neglect the sombre reality that, while good works are to be commended, they must never be seen and interpreted by Christians, as being sufficient for the Church of God to applaud Masons, for good works, with the wrong concept of God and Salvation, will still lead MANY to Hell, and this is something that the word of God is crystal clear about (Prov. 14:12; Matt. 7:21-23; Rom. 10:1-3.)
This article, I trust, will explore the relationship and connection, whether knowingly or unknowingly, between the Mason, the Ku Klux Klan, Illuminati, Skull & Bones and the Orange Lodge, which regrettably have gone hand in hand both directly and indirectly, for many years now.
The Freemason
Albert Pike (1809-1891) was not only a journalist, philosopher, a fluent linguist in 16 different languages, a top Washington lawyer, but he was also the 33o Sovereign Grand Commander of Scottish Rite in Masonry 1. (He has his own special burial plot in D.C.)
In Pike's infamous occult book, Morals & Dogma he offers the following quotes which has no doubt haunted him and his followers for years, for it makes it very clear who Masons worship, but please remember, this is ONLY for those of the HIGHER degrees, a kind of need to know basis:
"Masonry, like all the religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy CONCEALS its secrets from all EXCEPT the Adepts and Sages, or the ELECT, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve to be mislead: to conceal the Truth, which it calls light, from them and to draw them away from it" (3, pg. 11.)
The following quote is even more controversial and has been accepted by some writers as being legitimate (11) while others dismiss it (3), so for the sake of the record, the author will produce these quotes, and like all others pieces of work that I have produced, I will request that the reader do his or her own research into this whole subject:
"The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degree, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy, and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? Yes, LUCIFER IS GOD, and unfortunately Adonay is also god...thus the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil" (Quoted by A.C. De La Rive in 'La Femme et l'Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle,1889, pg. 588.)
William Schnoebelen, former 32o Mason, offers his sentiments on Pike and his "interest" with Lucifer:
"He was also the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer....Pike chose to follow the mystery religions of Ba'al, he turned his back on God. If we look at his writings and statements attributed to him, we find that he acknowledged Lucifer as the true god and Adonay (the Biblical God) as the god of evil" (11, pg. 191.)
We also produce another quote, this time taken by a close Masonic associate of Pike's 33o Domenico Margiotta:
"...With Lucifer the God of Light and Goodness struggling for humanity against Adonay the God of the Darkness and Evil...The Great Architect of the Universe is not the God worshipped by the Christians" (11, pg. 193.)
Masons take great delight in stating that only 1 in 10 masons know who Pike is, let alone read his books. And this was affirmed when the John Ankerberg Show, wrote to 50 Grand Lodges in the US, seeking information as to which author they considered to be the most prominent, and the results came back as follows:
44% recommended Coil's Masonic Encyclopaedia by Henry Coil.
36% recommended 'The Builders' by Joseph Fort Newton.
32% recommended Mackey's Revised Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry.
16% recommended 'Morals and Dogma' by Albert Pike ( 7, pg. 9.)
However, the following Mason offers good credibility and shows just how vast Pike's influence was:
"Pike was a giant of his time who did extraordinary things in his lifetime. He was, in fact, the ONLY Confederate soldier to be honored in America's capitol: Washington, DC, where a huge statue of him dominates a major intersection" 1.
Or as one writer put it:
"Albert Pike is to Freemasonry what Shakespeare is to Drama."
And another:
"He is the Plato of Freemasonry."
Masons also have a strange and blasphemous belief in that they and they alone know the true name of God - JAHBULON. This 3 headed deity is meant to be: Jehovah + Baal + Osiris all rolled into one.
(Incidentally, when Freemasons are asked whether this is true, they will lie that it isn't or pretend they don't understand what one is talking about.) Two individuals, with Masonic relatives have told me that they were scoffed at when asked about this odd title for the Masonic god. And even Charlie Finney affirms this in his book:
"Hence, if they are asked if the books in which Masonry have been published are true, they will either evade the question or else they will lie; and they are under oath to do so" (15, pg. 12.)
Only 3 Royal Arch Masons, when they kneel down together, with intertwined hands, under the Royal Arch, are allowed to whisper this sacred name.
This repulsive name calling of God is so abhorrent to Bible believing Christians that the following verse needs to be quoted:
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me" (Ex. 20:3-5.)
Interestingly, the Vatican lifted the ban on its members being Freemasons in January 1983 (2, pg. 104.)
And a year later, the Mormons 'officially' allowed their members to become Masons:
"...In 1984 the Grand Lodge of Utah made peace with the Mormons and today MANY Mormons are Freemasons" (10, pg. 327.)
Now the inter-faith movement (one-world religion) can really get going (Rev. 18:4-8.)
The Illuminati
Dr. Adam Weishaupt was the son of a Rabbi, who later turned ardent and fundamentalist atheist (known in the Illuminati as "Brother Spartacus," who also trained to be a Jesuit.) Interestingly this organisation has done more to help kill Christianity than any other group or organisation in the world combined.
May 1, is their most important day of the year, and it was this day that former British Prime Minister, John Major, after an unprecedented six-week long General Election Campaign in 1997, picked May 1 for voters to pick their next Government. Sir John Major, it is suggested, is a high-ranking Freemason, thought to have been recruited while he worked for the Bank of Nigeria, long before he entered politics. It is believed that former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Anthony Barbour may have led him to the world of Freemasonry. Yet strange as it sounds, this young man failed a recruiting test to become a London bus conductor. Within years he is a director of the Bank and later Chancellor of the Exchequer. Strange, isn't it?
May 1, 2003, George W. Bush decided to land his fighter jet on the USS Abraham Lincoln. After six hours on board, he told the world that all major hostilities in Iraq were now over.
Are these just coincidences or not? Or, was it a clear sign to the world that things were changing, i.e., world powers would launch pre-emptive strikes against sovereign states, new leaders would be elected to surrender more sovereignty to foreign powers; for was not Margaret Thatcher forced out of No. 10 by the Illuminati/Bilderbergers because she wouldn't go all the way when it came to surrendering more UK power to the EU (13, pg 22.)
Mr. Bradley tells his reader:
"He [Weishaupt] studied the Masons (and was later TO FORM AN ALLIENCE WITH THEM)" (13, pg. 64.)
From its birth of only 5 members in 1776, yet 10 years later, it was active and had gone global i.e. the US, Europe and Africa.
According to Bradley, they used 'insider' knowledge to control the UK stock market and take control of the Bank of England in 1785, when Napoleon was fighting Wellington.
He goes on to say that by 1818 they took control of the French economy, then the German economy. As Britain, Europe and America backed both sides during the Iran/Iraq war in the 1980s, by providing them with weapons to kill each other, so the Illuminati backed both sides during the US Revolution (13, pg. 67.)
It has also been reported that Gordonstoun, where Princes Philip and Charles attended, is in fact an elite school set up and controlled by the Illuminati (13, pg. 67.)
The Ku Klux Klan
Not only was he a leading Satanist and a member of the Illuminati, but Pike's shameful links with this far right wing group is something that many historians have had difficulty reporting and exposing, for many seem to be unable to say for sure what, if any, his involvement was with the Klan.
It is the authors opinion that Pike had his finger in many pies, and I believe that he was probably a Darwinist at heart, for Evolutionists believe that the white man is superior to all other races, so Pike would have been very much at home with this Masonic view (Darwin was also a Mason.)
Southerners in the US originally created the Ku Klux Klan after the Civil War. Robinson informs his reader that many of them were Freemasons:
"They adopted the circle of the lodge as their formal meeting arrangement for members, named their society for it, and demonstrated their educational level by using the Greek word for "circle," which is kuklos...they styled themselves as the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan....There were hand signals, secret passwords, secret handgrips and recognition signals, even a sacred oath, all adapted from Masonic experience. Some Klansmen even boasted of official connections between the Klan and the Freemasonry" (10, pg. 328.)
As so much material is already in the public domain, I shan't waste time detailing it here. However, I do need to share with the reader the following points of fact, which I believe will interest you.
The 3/12 hour DVD, Truth Uncovered makes the claim that Pike was indeed a Leader of the KKK 9.
This position is very controversial and difficult to substantiate, but it is the author's view that General Pike was an active member and leader in the Klan. The reasons why this is so difficult to affirm is because many 'interested parties' have been able to muddy the waters and put up all types of clever arguments and smoke screens to confuse the researcher, with the hope that they will give up and return to being ignorant of the actual facts. However, for you the reader, you will need to take the relevant time and study this timely subject to satisfy oneself.
At its peak, the KKK was 3 million strong, and like other infamous groups, it was conceived by just six men - like their Illuminati friends, this 'group' gave themselves new and secret names Grand Magi, Grand Turk, and Grand Scribe.
Mr. Bradley states that American President, Andrew Johnson, who was a Freemason himself, turned a blind eye to these retrogressive steps [new laws being passed against black people], but Congress showed its distaste for the Black Codes by refusing to seat southern Senators in December 1865 (pg. 79.)
Bill Schnoebelen affirms that Pike was indeed paramount in the organisational structure of this Masonic/racist group:
"Pike, on the other hand, helped create what I call 'Masonry in percale,' the Ku Klux Klan! Pike, the old Confederate general, was a wily strategist who knew that if he could leave behind a secret terrorist society in the south to fight against freedom for black people as a rear guard action, the south's defeat might not be in vain. Although these facts may stun Masons, the Lodge has always been racist" (11, pgs. 192, 193.)
Albert Pike once wrote concerning the Klan:
"I took my obligation to white men not to Negroes, when I have to accept Negroes as a brother or leave Freemasonry, I will leave it."
Many still accept that Pike designed himself the original rituals for the KKK.
Skull & Bones
When George W. Bush was re-elected in 2004, it was quite interesting to see him place his hand inside a Bible and take the oath. Most Presidents put their hand on the Bible, but rarely inside.
And how amazing it was that John Kerry, his Democratic opponent, was not only a fellow Skull & Bones man too, but is also Bush's blood cousin (incidentally, fees for students a year are $28,400.)
George W. Bush follows a long line of family members into the Skull & Bones sect, for he was initiated in 1968. His grandfather, Prescott Walker, was a Nazi sympathiser who not only arranged loans for Hitler, but also tried to overthrow democratically elected FDR, during World War II 9.
This evil group was created in 1832 by William Huntington Russell at Yale University (it used to be called "brotherhood of death.") Russell's family were the US' biggest family of opium smugglers (they made millions shipping opium from Turkey to China 9.)
IBM Computers designed and sold the software to the Nazis that was used to index and exterminate millions of Jews 9.
Tattoos on prisoner's arms were designated IBM numbers. All thanks to owner, Pa Watson, CEO of IBM.
Ford and General Motors backed Hitler up to the end of the Second World War. No charges of treason were ever brought 9.
Yet when the CIA in Afghanistan caught the American Taliban 'solider,' John Walker he later stood trial in the US and was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.
The Orange Lodge
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ. For in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. AND YE ARE COMPLETE IN HIM" (Col. 2:8,9.)
The late Mr. McCormick of Belfast offers the following information:
"The originators of Orangeism were Freemasons...Orangeism has also borrowed much in its ritual from Freemasonry" (2, pg. 134.) However, Martin Short tells his reader that Martin Smyth, Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland since 1972, was not a Freemason on religious grounds:
"However, I do not think most Orangemen would share them. Indeed, the fragmentary evidence which I have presented here indicates that the Masonic brotherhood is a substantial behind-the-scenes force in Orange and Unionist politics. Of course, the Craft claims to be non-political but this may simply mean that, in Ulster since 1794, its politically-oriented members have simultaneously belonged to Freemasonry's neo-Masonic offshoots: the Orange, Purple and Black" (15, pg. 324.)
Mr. Short also draws comparisons between the KKK and its Masonic roots, to that of other groups:
"Its seems that wherever Masons have common political aims [the Orange Order, remaining part of the UK], but cannot pursue them through Freemasonry, they set up parallel public movements...only a minority of Orangemen would be socially acceptable in Ulster's Masonic Lodges [because they are working-class, with the Lodge's enjoying middle-class members], but those that are may be discreetly approached and would probably be pleased to join" (pg. 325.)
McCormick informs the reader that there are but two degrees in the Orange Order - The Orange and Plain Purple (2, pg. 135.)
Members for this sect use passwords, and the word Gideon is what they confess.
And for those seeking entrance to the Second Degree (Fellowship Degree), their password is Shibboleth.
In W.P. Malcomson's book, Behind Closed Doors, we get an account about the birth of the Loyal Orange Institution:
"The Loyal Orange Institution was formed on 21st September 1795 shortly after the 'Battle of the Diamond' outside Loughgall, Co. Armagh. Three well-known local men of this area, James Wilson, Dan Winter, and James Sloan, established the institution. Whilst much is made of these 'founding fathers' within Orange circles; from a spiritual perspective we see NO evidence that ANY of them had evangelical credentials. History, in fact shows all three members were dedicated Freemasons and two of the three were actually proprietors of licensed premiers [pubs].....Winter was...an illegal Protestant militia group of the day" (12, pgs. 15,16.)
Clearly the Orange boys had the wrong foundation (Matt. 7:27), they should have tried harder (1 Cor. 3:11), or as I tell Mormons, Joe Smith contaminated your whole religion, so it can't ever be good (Matt. 7:18b.)
July 12 is the main date in the calendar for the Lodge, and how unfortunate it was to see some years back, Ian Paisley and Orangman, David Trimble, arm in arm during one of their demonstrations again the Police, when they enforced a decision to re-route the march.
Kyle Paisley told me via an e-mail that his father is not a Mason, but he didn't seem to think anything was wrong with his dad being yoked to Mr. Trimble. Paisley is however, a member of the Apprentice Boys of Derry, which has Masonic roots. He also speaks at regular Orange Order meetings.
Mr. Malcomson doesn't mince his words when he offers the following:
"......the Order is nothing better than veiled Freemasonry embodying much unbiblical error, and therefore worthy of condemnation (12, pg. 10.)
Like their Masonic cousins, there is a secret initiation into this cult, and once again Mr. McCormick offers us this sordid account:
"The candidate has both trouser legs rolled up above the knees, the left breast is bared and touched with a sharp instrument, he is blindfolded (hoodwinked), led around the Lodge, his bare legs are beaten with a holly-bush or such like-prickly plant; prayers are offered and scripture read. Eventually, he is pushed off a high 'platform' only to be caught in a tarpaulin held by several "brethren." An oath of secrecy is administrated and taken. All this is jocularly referred to as "The Ride of the Goat" (2, pg. 137.)
It should be pointed out to the reader that the tearing of the shirt, and the trouser leg being rolled up, dates back to Nimrod:
"When, therefore, his suffering was suffering was over, and his humiliation past, the clothing in which he was invested was regarded as a meritorious clothing, available not only for himself, but for all who were initiated in the mysteries." (A. Hislop, Two Babylon's, pg. 183.)
Malcomson makes it clear that this 'act' is omitted in the Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland (12, pg. 41.)
Friends, might I be correct is stating that this type of carry on, if it were not done "voluntarily" and in "private," would result in people being sectioned under the Mental Health Act of 1952.
(More on this "Initiation" later.)
What sort of religion is this anyway? Did not the Lord commend the fact that all His did was in the open, i.e., In secret have I said nothing and what I tell you in secret shout from the housetops.
Clearly Orangeism is a religion much like Masonry is, and Dr. M.W. Dewar confirms this in his book Why Orangeism, (pg. 8).
Legalism seems to dominate this religion, for we are told that the Worshipful Master's decision is final and binding, yet does this not clash with the Lord's warning to call no man master (Matt. 23:1-12.)
Contrary to reports that the "United Protestant Council has rejected the Loyal Orders having membership," the fact of the matter is, the Lodge has withdrawn from this Council, after a membership spanning back some 17 years (The Orange Banner, 2004, Issue 126.)
And finally, what really put the cat among the pigeons, was news that a Baptist Church in Lancashire, on 11 September 2004, allowed an Orange wedding to take place. It wasn't the pastor of this church that performed the service, but a reformed vicar who was a Orange man himself, from another local Church.
We must also mention that the sister Lodges to Orangeism would be the Royal Arch Purple, group that doesn't enjoy the limelight and is publicity shy.
Again, Malcomson has the following to say:
"....like all Royal Arch Purple men, are oath-bound and never to write down the contents of the degree" (12, pgs. 13,14.)
This Lodge has three degrees:
Orange degree = Entered Apprentice degree (1st degree of the Masonic Lodge.)
Orange Marksman degree = Fellowship degree (2nd degree of the Masonic Lodge.)
Purple Marksman degree = Master Mason degree (3rd degree of the Masonic Lodge.)
This group also has a shared interest with the pagan Druids for, 'they would ascend to the top of some neighbouring hill, and there, towards the close of a summer evening, after the manner of the ancient Druids, perform their rites and ceremonies, the meeting being properly tyled and guarded' (12, pg. 17.)
The following figures, taken from Mr. Malcomson's book, not only demonstrate how rife this movement is in Northern Ireland, but it also presents the Church with the dreadful fact that it has failed to reach this misguided and ignorant section of the male society, therefore God will hold us accountable for this (Ezek. 3:18,19.)
95% of Orangemen today join the Royal Arch Purple Chapter and have therefore been initiated into this degree....anything from up to 95,000 men are subject to the Royal Arch Purple's oath's, rules and teachings...there are only 500,000 Protestant males who live in Northern Ireland, up to one in three Protestants (over the age of 19) could be under the influence of this neo-Masonic structure (including thousands of professing believers) (12, pg. 23.)
Before we leave the Royal Arch Purple Lodge, does any logical and normal person think that a Born Again, Justified, Sanctified, child of God, could agree to the following oath:
"I promise and swear that a Master Mason's secret....shall remain secure...MURDER AND TREASON EXCEPTED (12, pg. 29.)
One other Ulster group would be the Royal Black Institution. James Molyneaux MP and former member of the Ulster Unionists, is the Sovereign Grand Master of this group:
"Cecil Walker (MP for Belfast North) told me he [Molyneaux] was a Mason, having joined in 1966" (15, pg. 324.)
Freemasonry In Britain
It has been reported that Queen Elizabeth II is Grand Patroness of World Freemasonry 9.
(Incidentally, Windsor is not her family name, but rather it is Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. The new name Windsor was adopted in 1914.)
Prince Philip was initiated into the Navy Lodge of English Freemasons in London on 5th Dec. 1952 (2, pg. 19.)
It is claimed by some that the late King George VI and Prince Philip entered freemasonry by way of the Navy as young serving officers into Lodge number 2612.The late Duke of Kent, killed in an air accident in 1942, was also inducted through lodge 2612. His son, the present Duke of Kent, is the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England. Recently Prince Charles, it is claimed, declined freemasonry membership; of his two brothers, Andrew and Edward, nothing is known of their membership.
When Prince Charles married Roman Catholic Camilla Parker Bowles, they received a blessing by the Archbishop of Canterbury, in Windsor Castle; a Masonic chequered pattern was evident for all to see on the floor, especially when they both knelt down to repent of their adultery.
This pattern is also seen in Downing Street, the United Nations and St. Paul's Cathedral.
The Freemasons were even able to help secure the election of Clement Attlee to the position of leader of the Labour Party in 1935:
"According to Hugh Dalton (the future Chancellor of the Exchequer) both Attlee and his rival, Arthur Greenwood, were Masons. Dalton says that a Masonic caucus of MPs and Transport Union officials backed Greenward in the leadership ballot. He came third, so in the run-off the Masons switched their votes to Brother Attlee" (15, pg. 567.)
Tony Blair, it is reported, is a 33o Freemason 9. He is in the same Lodge as Sir Winston Churchill used to be (Studholme Lodge 1591, 9. and is a Knight of Malta, whilst George W. Bush is a Knight of Enlogia. Both are now Illuminati brothers 9.
The Palace of Westminster has two Masonic Temples. One is called "New Welcome Masonic Lodge" 9.
No.10 Duke Street connects via underground tunnel to 10 Downing Street 9.
It was very interesting to note how Mr. Blair, when only leader of the opposition, was invited by Rupert Murdock as a guest on his private island off the coast of Australia, then two years later he becomes one of England's youngest Prime Ministers. Yet, when John Smith died, Tony Blair was not the favourite to replace him.
The same can be said when Jimmy Carter was standing for President. Only 4% of Democrats supported him, yet the following quote from US Senator, Barry Goldwater, shines some interesting light on how politics and secret societies go hand in hand:
"They mobilized the money power of the Wall Street bankers, the intellectual influence of the academic community - which is subservient to the wealth of the great tax-free foundations - and the media controllers represented in the membership of the CFR, and the Trilateral" (13, pg. 139.)
And why did they pull all the stops out for him, because David Rockefeller knew they could do 'business' with this millionaire peanut farmer from Georgia.
1/6 of Police Officers in the UK are practising Freemasons 9.
The British Police force (now called "service") has a chequered pattern around their cap badges (black & white.)
The Freemasons introduced this in the late 1970s. Every Lodge in the world has a black and white pattern on their floors. Also outside New Scotland Yard, there is a revolving pyramid. Again this is Masonic.
There are around 600,000 Masons in the UK 9.
The UK has 8,600 Lodges 5.
There are 700 lodges in the whole of Ireland, with 560 of them in the North, and 143 in the South (15, pg. 325.)
Freemasonry In America
The US government has 666 members in their constitution - coincidence or something more sinister - you decide?
Interestingly, the American Founders were practising freemasons (6) and if one looks on the back of their currency, they will see the eye of Horus, better known as Satan. Most Americans have no idea of this (12, pg.109.)
J. R. Church, from his book, Guardians of the Grail, makes the following prognosis:
"The symbol may represent a god, but it is not the God of the Bible. It is HUMAN EYE indicating that man is god" (pg. 165.)
(I remember when I went to the Washington mint factory, and during one of the daily walkabouts I asked the guide what the eye meant, and she replied, "I don't know sir. I think it might be God"? Sorry, God does not have one eye.)
There is also a Latin inscription underneath the pyramid - mottos e pluribus unum - (out of many one) and novus ordo seclorum (a new order of the ages, or THE NEW WORLD ORDER - a secular state, my words and emphasis) (4, pg. 5.)
Berry also offers the following on other symbols in the dollar bill:
"...the all seeing eye, the number of feathers on the eagle's spread wings, the stars above the eagle's head in the shape of the Star of David" (4, pg. 5.)
What Mr. Berry omits to mention, however, is the eagle is in fact a phoenix, and these symbols were introduced in 1933, by 33o Freemason Franklin D. Roosevelt. (The same year he introduced emergency powers to be given to him.)
33 stones make up the pyramid - 33 levels in Masonry - Pope John Paul I was 33 when he 'died' - coincidence or not, you decide?
This is an Illuminati plan to control American, create a federal Europe and then a single world government (13, pg. 64), regardless of who the incumbent President is, for all Presidents have been Freemasons (6.)
In Michael Bradley's book, The Secret Societies Handbook, he notes the following:
".....A close examination of a map of Washington, D.C., reveals that they [US Founders] hid their two most important occult symbols, the pentagram (five-pointed star) and the "Square and Compass," at the heart of the United States" (pgs. 51,52.)
Former master Mason, Charles Finney, lines up with his pound of flesh when he offers the following about how the Freemasons controlled most of the US in his day...
"Nearly all the civil offices in the country were in the hands of Freemasons; and that the press was completely under their control, and almost altogether in their hands...I do not recollect a magistrate, or a constable, or sheriff in that country that was not at that time a Freemason" (15, pg. 5.)
Please see how the US political and constitutional breakdown goes:
(1) President
(14) Cabinet Members
(100) Senators
(435) Representatives
(9) Supreme Court Justices
(13) Appeal Court Justices
(90) District Court Chief Justices
(4) Territory Justices
= 666
The word WASHINGTON & NEW YORK both equal (666.)
Hitler was into the esoteric levels of masonry and the more occult the better. He sought to wipe out the main sections and lodges and turn it to a full occult system 6.
The Alamo is dedicated to the Masons 6.
There are 4 million Masons in America (4, pg.4.)
Washington DC is designed in a pentagram, with the Goat of Mendes head at the centre.
The Washington Monument is dedicated to Mason George Washington.
The Pentagon is designed with a five-point pentagram.
The Statue of Liberty was donated by French Masons to American Masons 6.
Congregational medals of honour are pentagrams, designed by Masons 6.
The Nazi Iron Cross is a Masonic symbol 14.
The seal of the U.S is Masonic 6.
Presidential seal is Masonic 6.
Star of David carefully coded on US one dollar bill 14.
The Grand Lodge of Israel incorporates the Star of David into their Masonic symbol, with the capital "G" in the centre 14.
World War II was a Masonic plan 6.
The Mafia was founded by a Sicilian Masonic terrorist organisation (11, pg. 192.) And Schnoebelen states that the Mafia and the Illuminati share certain rituals (11, pg. 192.)
More Facts About Freemasonry
Married men, upon entering the blue lodge, are told to remove their wedding rings during their inauguration into freemasonry.
The Blue Lodge has three levels:
1. Apprentice
2. Fellow Craft
3. Master Mason
They also hold to the following beliefs:
1. The Fatherhood of God
2. The Brotherhood of Man
3. The Immorality of the Soul
Not only does the potential Mason have to study the ritual, which can be very long and tedious, but he also has to pay for each degree he enters into.
Once again, this religion is not for ordinary poor people, but for those with disposable cash. Mr. Schnoebelen tells us that the first degree would cost you $50. The second is $100, with the 3rd degree costing $150 (11, pg. 54.)
Schnoebelen also offers the following about those who wish to be fast tracked:
"If the new Master Mason is perceived to be a Christian, quite often he will be directed to the York Rite, since that has "Christian degrees." If the Mason is more secular, or perhaps in a bit of a hurry, he is advised to go the route of Scottish Rite, which rockets you through 29 degrees in a couple of weekends, and enables you to go on and join the Shrine" (11, pg. 55.)
The York Rite has 10 Degrees.
The Scottish Rite has 32 Degrees (33o is honorary, which Ronald Regan received when still at the White House, on 11 Feb. 1988 10, pg. 325.)
Most will never go past the last degree - even Joseph Smith of the Mormons never went higher than 3o, although he was expelled from the Lodge for stealing their secrets. Brigham Young, however, made 32o.
It should be noted that women, although restricted from witnessing their husband's inauguration, have their own form of Masonry, through the Eastern Star wing-"Rainbow Girls" and "Job's Daughters" exists for young girls (4, pg. 4.)
Robinson also tells us that only 1% of black people make up Freemasons (10, pg. 329), [their Lodge is called "Prince Hall Masonry"] with Jessie Jackson, the late Nat King Cole and Colin Powell representing this minority of minorities.
The word 'Free' mason simply means to be freeborn, i.e., never having been a slave (4, pgs. 8,9.)
Christian Freemasons are never allowed to end a prayer in the name of Jesus, during Lodge services.
While blindfolded and with a noose around his neck, he now kneels at an altar, with his hands tied.
Blood oaths are taken from the new applicant. While taking these mandatory oaths, the applicant is now affirming that should he reveal lodge secrets, then the following consequences will occur to him:
(a) His throat will be cut from ear to ear; his tongue ripped out.
(b) Chest ripped open; heart ripped out.
(c) Belly ripped open and his bowels and intestines will spill on the ground.
Upon the initiation, the Mason (1st Degree) will be expected to make the following obligation:
"....I most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will always hail, ever conceal, and never reveal, any of the arts, parts or points of the hidden mysteries of ancient Freemasonry..under no less a penalty than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and buried in the rough sand of the sea at low water mark where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, should I ever knowingly or willingly violate my solemn oath and obligation as an Apprentice Mason. So help me, God" (13, pg. 55.)
We all know of Masonic "handshakes," but masons have other methods of identifying one another, with questions like, "What is the time?" Or,"How old are you?" If you answer 9:30 or 50 years, this shows you are not a "brother." The correct answer is "There is no time any longer" or "I am very old." And when a Mason brother needs to be identified by another brother, he will say, "I'm on the level."
Their members, to symbolise divine purity and a shield of protection for them when they stand before the Great White Throne Judgement, wear white aprons.
Masons have no real concept of sin or salvation within the Lodge. Much like the cults, the emphasis is on works and good living, and improvements to ones life, is sufficient to be saved, i.e., works or good deeds guarantee entrance to mason heaven (7, pg. 13.)
Former high level Mason, Jim Shaw, offers us the following:
"Faith in the atonement of Jesus has NOTHING to do with it; it is rather a matter of enlightenment, step by step, which comes with initiation into the Masonic degrees and their mysteries" (4, pg. 33.)
Ankerberg quotes the following source 'Masonic Ritual and Monitor' about the Celestial Lodge Above:
"He who wears the lambskin as a badge of a Mason is thereby continually reminded of purity of life and conduct which is essentially necessary to his gaining admission into that celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides" (7, pg. 14.)
Demonic names such as Abaddon (Rev. 9:11) are recited in Lodges.
The shriners, only 2% of donations make it to good works. The rest goes on themselves and loose living (11, pg. 208.)
(Shriners wear a red hat, which represent Christian martyrs that were killed for their faith in Christ, in 700AD.)
Only a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Mason is permitted to be a Shriner (4, pg. 5.)
Worldwide there are 100,000 Lodges (13, pg. 52.)
The Freemasons orchestrated the Russian and French Revolutions, for most of the 'Revolutionist's were Masons 5. This period was known as the Great Terror.
(Jack the Ripper used many Masonic methods when carving up his victims. In his 1977 book, Jack the Ripper - the final solution, the late author Stephen Knight compares some Masonic coincidences concerning the unfortunate women who were victims of the ripper. 1) Throat cutting of the five women was from left to right. 2) A five-star pentagram, both in the body location, and markings on the face of Kate Eddows. 3) Mitre Square in London, where one of the murders was committed, is located in the secretive City of London with its own Masonic historically. Sadly Knight died aged 33 years (another connection?) Yet his brilliant and ingenious book highlights perhaps more of the mysterious acts of freemasons, than that of the true identity of the Ripper.)
New masons chant, "I am, what I am." This is one of the Biblical names of God (Ex. 3:14.)
Their "holy communion" is similar to that of Catholicism - communion of the dead.
They mock the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, by focusing their attention on a dubious fable that King Hiram, whom they believe (even though there is absolutely no proof of this) died and was miraculously raised from the dead.
Jim Shaw comments on this:
"It is the consensus of opinion among the Masonic authorities, philosophers and writers of doctrine that the legend of Hiram Abiff is merely the Masonic version of a much older legend, that of Isis and Osiris, basis of the Egyptian Mysteries" (4, pg. 28.)
Special permit given by congress to allow Albert Pike to be buried in Washington DC.
Famous Freemasons
All US Presidents have been Freemasons 6 (except Roman Catholic Jack Kennedy, who may have been the Catholic version, Knights of Columbus with membership in the U.S being 1.3 million (10, pg. 330.)
Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson (also Rosicrucian 13 , pg. 123) and were also members of the Illuminati, and so too was Joseph Stalin 5.
J. Edger Hoover and L.B.J. were both members of the Washington Lodge.
Former Israeli Premiers, Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres and Benjamin Netanyahu are Freemasons. Rabin joined in the 1960s and led a major convention in Jerusalem in 1976 14.
It is reported that Netanyahu was recruited when Ambassador to the UN in the 1980s.
The Jerusalem Post (11/94) affirms that Rabin and Peres were Masons, when they ran an advert, from "The Grand Lodge of the State of Israel," to the Masons of Peace.
The late King Hussein of Jordan was a Freemason. His son is also a Mason 14.
(Perhaps these Muslims were recruited when at Sandhurst?)
President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt also a Mason 14.
Vladimir Lenin 31o.
Leon Trotsky.
All five founders of the USSR were not only secret Jews, but were each Masons 14.
Winston Churchill (who incidentally after World War II, spoke of a New World Order, and a United States of Europe. He was savaged and attacked in the press and Parliament for this, but he was nonetheless 50 years ahead of his time.)
Salvador Allende (joined in 1935.)
Lord Horatio Nelson.
Christopher Wren (architect of St. Paul's Cathedral.)
Paul Revere - St. Andrews lodge - grand master.
Duke Ellington.
John Wayne (later converted to Catholicism on his deathbed.)
Wolfgang Amadues Mozart, is it believed, was murdered for revealing Masonic secrets in his opera 'The Magic Flute' (10, pg. 177.)
Murder And Hypocrisy
It has now been widely accepted in England by those with additional information that the nervous Milanese banker Roberto Calvi was indeed murdered by Freemasons in London, on 18 June 1982, under Black Friars Bridge. With bricks stuffed into his suit pockets, interestingly he had shaved off his trademark moustache that he grown since a young man just before he was murdered. Many suspect he was hounded by the Vatican to his cruel terrible fate - to die alone under a cold deserted bridge.
Today Calvi's grieving family still pursue this matter through the courts to clear his name. We can only wish them well in their task.
Jim McCormick has the following to say about the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church:
"If Vatican involvement with P2 and Banco Ambrosiano was so deep that its money was being used to supply Argentina with the means to buy missiles to fight the Falklands War, while the Pope visited Britain and Argentina, then it was decided that, to avoid further damaging exposures, the Masons must be protected and embraced" (2, pg. 104.)
We also quote former Mormon J.D. Lee, who was ordered by Brigham Young to murder a whole stagecoach of Indians:
"I knew of many men being killed in Nauvoo by the Danites. It was the rule that all the enemies of Joseph Smith should be killed, and I know of many a man who was quietly put out of the way by the orders of Joseph Smith and his apostles while the church was there..." (Confessions, 1880 ed, pg. 284.)
Former Mormon/Mason, Ed Decker, had to flee from a speaking engagement in Scotland, after he had been poisoned by the Masons. His own father renounced him for many years (a Mason to), only to be reconciled on his deathbed - Ed was able to get his father to repent of his Masonry and accept Jesus Christ. He died a happy and saved man.
Finney would also record how the following murder was orchestrated and carried out by the Masons because of one, William Morgan, an individual who had exposed the Lodge through his explosive writings. He quotes one of the assailants who later confessed to his involvement in this murder:
"Henry L. Valance, who acknowledged himself to have been one of the three who were selected to make a final disposition of the ill-fated victim of Masonic vengeance.....Morgan, on being informed of their proceedings against him, demanded by what authority they had condemned him, and who were his judges. 'He commenced wringing his hands, and talking of his wife and children, the recollections of whom, in that awful hour, terribly affected him. His wife, he said, was young and inexperienced, and his children were but infants....they gave him one half hour to prepare for his 'inevitable fate.' Finney's account concluded with this man, with weights secured firmly to his body, then being thrown alive into the river and left to drown. "They also kidnapped Mr. Miller, the publisher, but the citizens of Batavia, finding it out, pursued the kidnappers, and finally rescued him."
It is also noted in this book how the publicity of this case was so devastating to the Masons, that 'two thousand lodges were suspended. The ex-president of a Western college, who is himself a Freemason, has recently published some very important information on the subject, though he justifies Masonry. He says that, out of a little more than fifty thousand Masons in the United States at that time, FORTY-FIVE THOUSANS TURNED THEIR BACKS UPON THE LODGE TO ENTER THE LODGE NO MORE' (15, pgs. 7,8.)
Former Masons Speak Out
Charles Finney:
"Without consulting anyone, I finally went to the Lodge and requested my discharge. My mind was made up. Withdraw from them I must - with their consent if I might; without this consent if I must. Of this I said nothing; but somehow it came to be known that I had withdrawn...I found that in taking these oaths I had been grossly deceived and imposed upon. I had been led to suppose that there were some very important secrets to be communicated to me; but in this I found myself entirely disappointed. Indeed I came to the deliberate conclusion that my oaths had been procured by fraud and misrepresentations; that the institution was in no respect what I had been informed it was; and as I have had the means of examining it more thoroughly, it has become more and more irresistibly plain to me that Masonry is highly dangerous to the State, and in every way injurious to the Church of Christ...Judging from unquestionable evidences, how can we fail to pronounce Freemasonry an unchristian institution? We can see that its morality is unchristian. Its oath-bound secrecy is unchristian. The administration and taking of its oaths are unchristian and a violation of the positive command of Christ..."
W.S. Jacoby, 15o:
"Until I converted to Christ I was a notoriously wicked man, and dissipated...I spent a small fortune in years of dissipation while a member of my lodge, and yet NO MINISTER IN THE LODGE EVER EXHORTED ME TO DESIST FROM MY RECKLESS COURSE OR OFFERED TO DIRECT ME TO THE LAMB OF GOD, WHO TAKES AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD."
This last quote reminds me of a gentleman, who is an elder in the Brethren denomination, and is also leader of a political party too. Yet I once asked his old colleague, the former Mayor (who wasn't a Christian) whether he had ever witnessed to him, the answer came back NO!
He knew this councillor was a Christian, but like so MANY people, his religion was a private one, much like mine was for 15 years in the Church of Rome, something Scripture condemns (Eze. 3:18-21; Acts 20:26.)
Jim Shaw, 33o:
"Masonry, contrary to popular belief, is NOT based on the Bible. Masonry is actually based on the Kabala, a medieval book of magic and mysticism" (4, pg. 18.)
Please see our article on this Jewish cult for additional background.
Herman Newmark:
"One condition of Freemasonry... you must believe in God; but who or what is meant by "God" does not matter at all. Suppose my god is the sun, and my fellow mason's god is the moon, and someone else worships a block of stone or his ancestors...then he is a fit person for the Masonic lodge, for all races and religions and creeds may meet here to worship their own god....so long as they agree on one common word "God" (Why I Am Not a Mason, pg. 2.)
May I once more quote the following source, which I believe sums up the sheer apostasy today:
"Freemasonry, far from declining, has been spreading. Most alarming, perhaps, is its penetration deep and wide into the established 'reformed' churches and the new ground it is breaking in the Evangelical fellowships of this and other lands" (2, pg. 16.)
So not only has Freemasonry easily infiltrated some of the Reformed churches, but according to Adam Weishaupt, the former Jesuit trained Illuminati supreme:
"The most wonderful thing of all is that the distinguished Lutheran and Calvinist theologians WHO BELONG TO OUR ORDER really believe that they see in it (Illuminati) the true and genuine sense of Christian religion. Oh, mortal man, is there anything you cannot be made to believe?"
May I suggest that those who are in Reformed churches to start asking their pastors and elders RIGHT AWAY whether any of them are practising Masons or members of the Illuminati? If the answer comes back yes, may I suggest they run to the nearest exit. And this would have to include all denominations, for we know that the Vineyard and Southern Baptists have Masonic pastors and elders too.
The Apostle Paul, warned believes to never be yoked to unsaved people:
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty" (2 Cor. 6:14-18.)
The one thing all these groups have in common is they are trying to reach God on their terms and their way. This is no different to what happened at Babel (Gen. 11:4), and God was not interested in their approach then and He is not impressed now.
If a person wants to receive the Light of God, then Jesus Christ is the Light of the World. Only in Him can one be saved and enjoy eternity with God Almighty!
If you, the reader, are a Christian who is also a Mason, may we share with you a prayer that John Ankerberg has written, for you will most certainly have to repent of this evil religion and make your peace with God:
"Dear Jesus, I confess that I have sinned against You in supporting the unchristian teachings of the Lodge. I now ask Your forgiveness and that You would give me strength to live my life for You and to forsake the Lodge. Help me also to pray for and be a witness to my friends in the Lodge" (7, pg. 44.)
1 (www.masonicinfo.com/pike.htm)
2 Christ, the Christian, & Freemasonry, 1984, by W. J. Mak. McCormick
3 Is Freemasonry Christian, 1987, by J. McCormick
4. What They Believe - MASONS, 1990, by Harold J. Berry
5 The Light Bringers - the truth about freemasonry, DVD, 2005
6 Ed Decker (www.saintsalive.com)
7 The Facts on the Masonic Lodge, 1989, by John Ankerberg & John Weldon
8 Secret Societies, 1983, by George L. Hunt
9 The Truth Uncovered, 2004 - DVD
10 Born in the Blood - the lost secrets of Freemasonry, 1989, by John J. Robinson
11 Masonry - Beyond the Light, 1991, by William Schnoebelen
12 Behind Closed Doors, 1999, by W. P. Malcomson
13 The Secret Societies Handbook, 2005, by Michael Bradley
14 Masonic Lodge, Texe Marrs, DVD.
15 Inside the Brotherhood, 1989, by Martin Short
16 Character and Claims of Freemasonry, 1889, by Charles G. Finney
December 2005
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