| Chapter 13 (1200 - 1300) | |
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| That in continuation, the following criminal charges are alleged: | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of ongoing identity fraud: (1200-1300 CE): That for the unbroken period of one hundred years from 1200 to 1300 that the criminal organisation known as Roman Cult, also known as Roman Catholic Cult also known as the Vatican, also known as the Holy See did deliberately and knowingly commit identity fraud by falsely claiming to be the legitimate successors to the founders of the Catholic Church including claiming to be an organisation of goodness, piety and holiness following the teachings of Jesus Christ when its purpose for existence and ongoing function is the complete opposite by being a relatively small group of the oldest continuous order of Satanists of human history involved in human sacrifice and cannibalism whose true objectives have always been the suppression of spiritual enlightenment, promotion of heresy against original Christian and Catholic doctrine, including the ongoing illegal control and suppression of the Catholic Church and human civilization through the promotion of war, disease, famine, slavery, corruption and spiritual enslavement of as many souls as possible. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of historic obstruction and deprivation of basic human rights for the purpose of racism: (1204 CE) That Pope Innocent III did introduce for the first time, a law requiring Jews to wear distinctive clothing for easy identification. Furthermore, the Pope orders that Jews are to be forbidden from being sold food during Passion week in the hope of starving them. The Roman Catholic Church reintroduce the special clothing identification of Jews several times again before architecting the “Final Solution” during the Catholic Nazi System of the mid-twentieth century. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of establishing an unlawful enterprise for the purpose of crime: (1206) That Dominic, also known as St. Dominic did conspire with Pope Innocent III to reinvigorate the income stream from sale of icons by claiming to have seen an apparition of Mary with Rosary beads. Pope grants St. Dominic his own order and effective control of any wealth gathered through the Albigense crusades against the Cathars in France. To this day, this simple false enterprise of icon worship and use has generated over $3 Billion (2006 US equivalent currency) alone for the Roman Catholic Church. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of crimes against humanity: (1208-38) Albigenses 1,000,000 Albigensians (Cathars) perish in south of France after Innocent III launches holy war described as one of history's most terrible campaigns. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of crimes against humanity: (1208) St Nazair 12,000 are slaughtered at Cathedral of St Nazair. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of crimes against humanity: (1208) Toulouse 10,000 are executed by Bishop Folque of Toulouse. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of crimes against humanity: (1208-9) Beziers (France) 1000,000 Cathari are slaughtered by Catholic Church commanding legate Arnaud; | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of crimes against humanity: (1209) 7000 massacred in La Madeleine Church alone. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of murder: (1209) First English witch tortured Agnes, wife of Odo, becomes first English witch charged with sorcery after undergoing ordeal of grasping red-hot poker. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of obstruction of fundamental principles of being human and human dignity: (1210) Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) issues bull banning reading of Aristotle in Paris; another bull is issued in 1215. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of crimes against humanity: (1212) That Pope Innocent III did devise a terrible and evil strategy by issuing a Papal Bull authorizing children to launch their own crusade against the Muslims. Over the over 200,000 children that are released by the parents, a third die from the journey, a third are taken by the Catholic Church for ritual satanic sacrifices and the remainder are sold to slave traders for tremendous profits. Because the Papal Bull absolves the Catholic Church from all liability, neither the parents, nor sovereign nations can say or do a thing upon this evil act. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of obtaining profits from crime: (1213) England/Ireland England and Ireland become papal fiefs. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of murder: (1213) Peter the Wise English hermit Peter the Wise is accused of treason and sentenced to death after predicting death of King John. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of obstructing of fundamental rights of decency and goodness: That in 1215 , the Lateran Council of the Catholic Church votes into church law (Canon Law) the penalty of death for all cases of heresy, so that church law now equates exactly to “civil law” created by Christian Emperor Justianian. Death for heresy remains the official position of the Roman Catholic Church even today. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1216 - 1227 CE) That the person known as Pope Honorius III, also known as “Canonicus de latere”, the 16th Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of establishing an unlawful enterprise for the purpose of crime:
Ordo Praedicatorum, Order of Preachers, Dominicans by Saint Dominic December 1216 by Pope Honorius III (see also Religiosam vitam; Nos attendentes) as an order sent out to locate heresy amongst existing populations and arrange repentance, torture or sentence. In particular, to provide special support to military units in the hunt and elimination of heretics. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of establishing an unlawful enterprise for the purpose of crime: (1216-27) That Pope Honorius III did deliberately write and publish one of history's most notorious black magic books, Grimoire of Honorius the Great, focusing especially on human sacrifice for the purpose of establishing the proper existence of witchcraft. Furthermore, that this was done to promote both the enterprise of witchcraft in the supply of manuscripts, babies and children for such secular behaviour by wealthy (non Sadducee) nobility. In addition, that these witchcraft books revealing some of the real practices of the Roman Catholic Church, but reworded were released to establish the presence of a credible alternate evil to enable to profitable continuance of the Inquisition in public human sacrifice and seizing of assets.
That to this day, it is still mistakenly believed that the “Jews” and not the Roman Catholic Church invented witchcraft and satanic texts from the 13th Century. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of kidnapping, unlawful restraint for the purpose of slave trade:
13th century CE: Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) accepted the teachings of the ancient Greek Pagan philosopher, Aristotle, that slavery is "natural." | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of kidnapping, unlawful restraint for the purpose of slave trade:
the legitimacy of slavery was incorporated in the official Corpus Iuris Canonici (Canon Law), based on the Decretum Gratiani, and Nova Compilatio decretalium (New Compilation of Decretals) which became the official law of the Church since Pope Gregory IX in 1227 until Pentecost Sunday, May 27, 1917 | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1227 - 1241 CE) That the person known as Pope Gregory IX, also known as “Avis Ostiensis”, the 17th Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of crimes against humanity: (1227-41) That Pope Gregory IX did establish the first of three Holy Inquisitions in 1232 using the false texts of witchcraft created by his predecessor Pope Honorius III as false evidence of the existence of an alternate “evil” to the Vatican. Approximately 650,000 are burned alive through public satanic rituals during his Papacy. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of crimes against humanity for the purpose of Satanism: (1231) That Gregory IX issues papal bull decreeing burning of heretics and other church enemies as standard penalty.
That this document represents the first time in human history that the satanic practice of burning people alive is made an official law. Remains standard church law even today. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of obstructing fundamental human right of fairness and justice (1231) That Pope Gregory IX introduces for the first time in human history the twisted and unjust notion of "guilty until proven innocent" replacing the ancient common law notion of "innocent until proven guilty" which had existed for over 6,000 years. In addition, removes the right to counsel, the right to hear charges against an accused, the identity of the witnesses making the accusation and notification to family and/or friends that a person has been arrested by the inquisition. This model forms the basis of the Catholic model of the Gestapo interrogation. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of moral indecency and depravity (1232) That Pope Gregory appoints members of Dominican order being priests to run Holy Inquisition. There can be no question that tens of thousands of catholic ordained priests, by orders of the Vatican were involved in the systematic torture and brutal sacrifice of innocent human beings by being burned alive. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of crimes against humanity for the purpose of Satanism: (1232)+ Thousands die 35,534 individuals are burned during Inquisition; 18,637 more are burned in effigy while 293,533 receive other Inquisitional punishments. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of crimes against humanity for the purpose of Satanism and profit: (1232) 183 victims are sent to stake in single week by Robert le Bourge. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of crimes against humanity for the purpose of Satanism and profit: (1232) Bernard Gui 930 victims have property confiscated, 307 are imprisoned and 42 are burned under Bernard Gui. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of crimes against humanity: (1234) Altenesch, Germany Church orders massacre of between 5,000 and 11,000 men, women and children at Altenesch, Germany, for refusing to pay suffocating church taxes. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of murder: (1235) Fulda, Germany Historian K Deschner claims 34 Jewish men and women were slain by Christians at Fulda, Germany. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1241 - 1241 CE) That the person known as Pope Celestine IV, also known as “Leo Sabinus”, the 18th Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1243 - 1254 CE) That the person known as Pope Innocent IV, also known as “Comes Laurentius”, the 19th Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of moral depravity and indecency for the purpose of torture: (1244) The Church Council of Norbonne decrees that all heresy sentences must include mandatory flagellation. That the new law is adopted as standard church practice. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of publishing a false document/statement: (1245)
That Pope Innocent IV did knowing and deliberately commit fraud in stating claim to legal control of the whole world and all peoples. Not content with the Donation of Constantine, Innocent IV asserted that when Constantine gave to the Church had not belonged to him at all, for Europe has always belonged to the Church. In an encyclical published shortly after the close of the Council of Lyons in 1245, Innocent expressly stated: "It is wrong to show ignorance of the origin of things and to imagine that the Apostolic See's rule over secular matters dates only from Constantine. Before him this power was already in the Holy See. Constantine merely resigned into the hands of the Church a power which he used without right when he was outside her pale. Once admitted into the Church, he obtained, by the concession of the vicar of Christ, authority which only then became legitimate. "
Furthermore, Pope Innocent did falsely state that the pope's acceptance of the Constantine Donation was but a visible sign of his sovereign dominion over the whole word, and hence of all the wealth to be found on earth. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of historic crimes against humanity for the purpose of embedding satanistic practices: (1252) That Pope Innocent IV in Ad exstirpanda (Papal Bull) issued on May 15, 1252 did explicitly authorized the use of torture for eliciting confessions from heretics during the Inquisition and explicitly condoned the practice of executing relapsed heretics by burning them alive. The bull conceded to the State a portion of the property to be confiscated from convicted heretics. The State in return assumed the burden of carrying out the penalty. That previously, no document in history had claimed legal authority to carry out such evil and is a milestone in the successful introduction of Satanism and sadism into the generally accepted practice of society. Furthermore, it is one of the most clear crimes revealing the true dynastic nature of the Vatican since the first formation of Christianity right up until the present day as an organisation wholly dedicated to deception and cruelty. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1254 - 1261 CE) That the person known as Pope Alexander IV, also known as “Signum Ostiense”, the 20th Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of historic crimes against humanity for the purpose of embedding satanistic practices: (1259) That Pope Alexander IV did confirm the validity of Ad exstirpanda (Papal Bull) first issued on May 15, 1252 by Pope Innocent IV that did explicitly authorized the use of torture for eliciting confessions from heretics during the Inquisition and explicitly condoned the practice of executing relapsed heretics by burning them alive. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of crime against humanity: (1257-1267) That the Roman Catholic Church did undertake the extermination of Jewish communities in London, Canterbury, Northampton, Lincoln and Cambridge. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of producing a object for the purpose of deception. (1260) That the Shroud of Turin alleging to represent the image of Jesus Christ is forged. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1261 - 1264 CE) That the person known as Pope Urban IV, also known as “Hierusalem Campaniæ”, the 21st Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of publishing a false document/statement (1264): That Pope Urban IV did knowingly and deliberately provide personally to Thomas Aquinas in 1264 a body of work known as Thesaurus Graecorum Patrum (Thesaurus of Greek Fathers) knowing it to be fraudulent in which a great number of alleged genuine quotes of Early quotes of church fathers were listed including Cyril of Jerusalem, John Chrysostom, Cyril of Alexandria and Maximus the Abbott being ficticious characters created by the Pope and the Catholic Church which Aquinas unknowingly then used in large believing the text to be genuine part to form the basis of his defence of the papacy in the work Against the Errors of the Greeks. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of moral indecency and depravity of historic nature: (1262) That Pope Urban IV did issue a new church law officially absolving Inquisitional torturers of their crimes and furthermore granting them authority to absolve each other from bloodshed by cursing their victims souls to Satan. Not only is this a supremely evil order unprecedented in history, it also further reveals the satanic nature of Christianity and the operation of the Papacy. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of unprecedented heresy against its own spiritual texts: (1262) That Pope Urban IV did openly and deliberately commit heresy of an unprecedented nature in granting absolution for supremely evil acts in the name of the Church and furthermore giving greater spiritual power to these evil people than priests (the power to absolve one another from mortal sins). This law effectively ended any claim of credibility of the Roman Catholic Church to believing and/or following the teachings of the New Testament. Furthermore, this unprecedented evil was not repealed as part of the repudiation of torture at the beginning of the 20th Century, meaning the Vatican still absolves those of supreme evil in its name. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1265 - 1268 CE) That the person known as Pope Clement IV, also known as “Draca depressus”, the 22nd Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of historic crimes against humanity for the purpose of embedding satanistic practices: (1265) That Pope Clement IV on November 3, 1265 did confirm the validity of Ad exstirpanda (Papal Bull) first issued on May 15, 1252 by Pope Innocent IV that did explicitly authorized the use of torture for eliciting confessions from heretics during the Inquisition and explicitly condoned the practice of executing relapsed heretics by burning them alive. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of promoting moral depravity, indecency and slavery for profit: (1265) That Pope Clement IV did sell millions of South Italians to Charles of Anjou as virtual slaves for a yearly tribute of 800 ounces of gold on the condition that failure to pay would mean excommunication to him, all his descendents and court, with all that this implied. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1268 - 1271 CE) That the person known as Pope Joan, the first female Pope, also known as the first Pope John XXI, also known as “Anguinus vir”, the 23rd Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in her capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1271 - 1276 CE) That the person known as Pope Gregory X, also known as Blessed Gregory, also known as “Concionatur Gallus”, the 24th Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of obstruction of fundamental human rights to think and speak: (1272) That Pope Gregory X, also known as Blessed Gregory did issue a Papal Bull banning the discussion of any theological matter outside church, under the penalty of extreme torture, death by being burnt alive and forfeit of all property. This supremely evil church law has never been repealed and was the cause of many hundreds of thousands of people being murdered by the Catholic Church and their property seized. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of publishing false documents/statements (1272) Aquinas (1225-1274) publishes Summa Theologica which lays foundations for witchcraft trials by claiming men and women can have sexual intercourse with demons. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of crimes against humanity: (1272) Aquinas, also known as St. Thomas Aquinas promotes gender persecution by describing women as "God's mistake": "Nothing defective should have been produced in the first establishment of things; so women ought not to have been produced then". Assists in the ongoing suppression of women as slaves to men and helps contribute to the philosophical framework for falsely claiming women to be witches. Because of Aquinas and the false works of previous Popes, hundreds of thousands of women are tortured and murdered. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of murder: (1275) First witchburning Angele, Lady of Labarthe, France, becomes first woman burned for witchcraft after Toulouse Inquisition convicts her of eating babies and having intercourse with Devil. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of crimes against humanity: (1275-1894) That because of the deliberate false claims of Catholic philosophers, Popes in order to simplify the ending of marriage without any rights for women and their perpetual enslavement in a male dominated society, an estimated 9,000,000 witches, mostly women, are burned by Catholics and Protestants until 1894 when last European witch is executed. Never in human history has a system such as Christianity so suppressed the rights of women, especially in regards to spiritual equality. Even today, the same Catholic philosophers who deliberately assisted in the architecture of evil are quoted by male clergy to reinforce the ban of women having any role within Christianity as they are prevented in Judaism and Islam. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1276 - 1276 CE) That the person known as Pope Innocent V, also known as Blessed Innocent, also known as “Bonus Comes”, the 25th Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1276 - 1277 CE) That the person known as Pope John XXI, also known as “Piscator Tuscus”, the 26th Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1277 - 1280 CE) That the person known as Pope Nicholas III, also known as “Rosa composita”, the 27th Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1281 - 1285 CE) That the person known as Pope Martin IV, also known as “Ex teloneo liliacei Martini”, the 28th Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1285 - 1287 CE) That the person known as Pope Honorius IV, also known as “Ex rosa leonina”, the 29th Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of murder: (1285) Munich 180 Jews are burned in Munich after rumour spreads that Christian child was bled to death in synagogue. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1288 - 1292 CE) That the person known as Pope Nicholas IV, also known as “Picus inter escas”, the 30th Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of murder: (1290) Polish Jews Historian K Deschner estimates 10,000 Jews were slaughtered my marauding Christians in Bohemia. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1292 - 1294 CE) That the person known as Pope Agnes, the second female Pope, also known as Pope Adrian V, also known as “Ex eremo celsus”, the 31st Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in her capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (1294 - 1303 CE) That the person known as Pope Boniface VIII, also known as “Ex undarum benedictione”, the 32nd Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as the “Roman Cult” first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of repeated incest: (1294 - 1303) That Pope Boniface VIII did commit repeated incest upon all his children, male and female and did father several illegitimate children by them. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of crimes against humanity: That Pope Boniface VIII did issue on February 25, 1296 a Papal Bull that decreed that all prelates or other ecclesiastical superiors who under whatsoever pretext or color shall, without authority from the Holy See, pay to laymen (general public) any part of their income or of the revenue of the Church, likewise all emperors, kings, dukes, counts, etc. who shall exact or receive such payments, incur eo ipso the sentence of excommunication. That this law represents one of the most evil acts of human history in that it establishes as church law that only what the Pope allows to be given to the poor and the people of the world is permitted and that no spontaneous acts of charity, nor any act of assistance is permitted without the threat of excommunication, therefore heresy, therefore death. This church law firmly establishes the true false charity position of the Roman Catholic Church which has persisted today. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of open depravity associated with cannibalism, sex and murder: (1294 – 1303 CE) That Pope Boniface VIII did open St Peters Church to regular acts of sexual orgies, ritualistic murder of children and cannibalism in the celebration of High Mass of Satanism of Christianity. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Publishing a false statement: (1296) onwards that the Roman Catholic church has justified and continues to justify the Papal Bull of Pope Boniface VIII as church law with the false claims its purpose was to prevent the secular states of Europe, in particular France and England, from appropriating church revenues without the express prior permission of the pope. That this such wording could easily have been conceived without preventing the clergy from helping the genuinely needy. Furthermore that such false defence of the still current church law belies its true intention to prevent genuine help and release of vast church wealth to help the world and the poor, other than window dressing aid. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of publishing a false statement: (1294) Bern All Jews in Bern, Switzerland are killed or expelled amid claims they had ritually sacrificed Christian children. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of regular and institutional sodomy and murder of children: (1294-1303) That Pope Boniface VIII did institute regular sodomy of children, especially young boys and did falsely claim these acts to be in the same tradition as the ancient Greeks. Furthermore, Pope Boniface VIII did undertake such acts in St Peters Church often including the ritualized murder of his child victims after such evil sex acts. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of publishing a false statement: (1295) That Boniface VIII did falsely claim in a Papal Bull that every creature is subject to authority of pope. Such arrogance would otherwise be dismissed except the Roman Catholic Churches determination to enforce such arrogance for coming centuries right up to the present day, especially with the current claim of the Pope being “infallible”. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of murder: (1297) Palestrina 6,000 citizens of Palestrina are slaughtered after Boniface VIII orders papal troops to kill all inhabitants of town belonging to rival family. | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of murder: (1298) Nuremburg 628 Jews are killed after Nuremburg priest spreads story that Jews drove nails through communion hosts, "thereby crucifying Christ again". | |
| [Crime No.13-03] Of murder: (1298) Nuremburg Christian Bavarian knight Rindfleisch destroys 146 Jewish communities in 6 months after hearing rumours communion hosts "had been tortured". | |
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Copyright © One-Evil.org 2011. All Rights Reserved
Key Facts
Other names | Uthman |
Born | 579 |
Location | Mecca |
Bloodline | Yūsuf (Umay-yad) |
Married | Yes |
Children | Yes |
Position | third Caliph (644-656) |
Died | 656 (aged 77) |
Source of Facts and Important Announcement
Status | Under Article 64.6 of the Covenant of One-Heaven (Pactum De Singularis Caelum) by Special Qualification shall be known as a Saint, with all sins and evil acts they performed forgiven. |
Date of formal Beatification | Day of Redemption UCA[E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1] also known as Fri, 21 Dec 2012. |
Source of Facts | Self Confession and Revelation of Sainthood by the Deceased Spirit as condition of their confirmation as a true Saint. |
| Background |
| Born at the Sadducee Palace-Fort in Tā'if near Mecca to an immediate noble relation of Abu Sufyan. |
| It is presumed that his father, possibly a brother of Harb ibn Umayya was one of those killed during the Ethiopian Assassinations in 579 which finally ended the power of the Jewish Sadducee Himyar Royal Family. |
| Uthman was a brilliant scholar and soon became a trusted trade official for his cousin Abu Sufyan and wealthy man in his own right. |
| When Muhammad the Prophet started preaching in Mecca around, Abu Sufyan and the Umayyad would have seen him initially as a minor irritation. However, Muhammad became influential enough to offend Abu Sufyan and was force to flee with his followers to the Askumites (Ethiopians) - mortal enemies of the Sadducee Jewish Unayyad. |
| There is some dispute as to the accuracy of the date of Uthman's mission as a double-agent being as early as 611 and the second convert. It is much more probable that his mission began as late as 622 when Muhammad had amassed a significant following and now capable of attacking the Umayyad. |
| Uthman had certainly "converted" to Islam by 625 when he participated in the Battle of Uhud, after which he was trusted enough to be betrothed the second daughter of Muhammad. |
| But the first great political act of Uthman was convincing Muhammad to spare the lives of his fellow Jewish Sadducee Royal family upon the capture of Mecca in 630. |
| Upon the death of Muhammad, Abu Bakhr was elected as the first Caliph (632- 634) at aged 62. Bakhr had a distinct distrust of Uthman, and may well have considered him treacherous on account of his actions during the previous wars against the Umayyad. |
| There is clear historic evidence that Uthman vehemently disagreed with the first and proper version of the Qur'an distributed to key Muslim followers by Caliph Bahkr in Greek and Latin. Bakhr was poisoned by the arrangements of Uthman not long after and died in 634. |
| Uthman under the sponsorship of the Umayyad was denied the right of Caliph as Umar was appointed by Aby Bakhr publicly before his death. |
| Sensing the danger of the Sadducee Himyar Royal Family, Umar banished the Umayyad Sadducees from his Kingdom as early as 635 and they re-established themselves in Damascus. |
| Uthman again found a way to by-pass the guard of a Caliph and in 644 in a well timed coup had Umar assassinated. Four days later, he successfully had himself elected as Caliph. |
| One of the first edicts of the new Caliph was to order all the original scriptures of the Qur'an distributed by Abu Bakhr as heretical and to be destroyed. In its place he sent not only a brand new Qur'an- the 2nd and false Qur'an, but he ordered that it could only be written in Arabic and recited by an authorised preacher. |
| The actions of Uthman ushered in a Civil War across the fledgling Islamic empire, which ended with Uthman being killed and replaced by Ali. |
| Most Evil Crimes
Chapter 6 (500 -600 ce) |
May all those guilty of the crimes listed below be forgiven. May their
victims find peace and no longer be tormented. May all those who
continue to hide and deny these crimes, who bear false witness against
this evidence be forgiven for their actions. |
That in continuation, the following charges are alleged: |
Of moral indecency and depravity:
(500 – 600 CE): That descendents of the House of Ananus and elite
Sadducee Jewish families, being the controlling families of Christianity
did continue to undertake the worship of satanic demons, human
sacrifice and cannibalism under the guise of the “High Mass” of their
religion called Christianity. That on more than once occasion, such
rituals as the pinnacle of Christianity did include infanticide, drug
consumption and frenzied sexual acts in the very first Christian
churches consistent with the ancient rites of satanic Judaism practiced
for over fifteen hundred years prior. |
Of association/membership to a criminal organisation:
(498 – 514 CE) That the person known as Pope Symmachus, also known as
St. Symmachus, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as
“Christianity” first established and subsequently maintained for the
sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of
leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous
criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder,
torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and
lack of public morals. |
Of publishing false statements/sexual discrimination: (505 CE) That Anicius Boethius,
Christian philosopher in the important Christian work The Consolation
of Philosophy did state "Woman is a temple built upon a sewer." That
such words and sentiments were deliberately designed to reinforce the
suppression of the spirit of women and ensure their cultural enslavement
under male dominated Christianity. |
Of heresy against own doctrine:
(500 CE) As a further alignment between the High Satanic Mass of ritual
human sacrifice and burning and the lower “common” mass for sheep, that
Pope Symmachus, also known as St. Symmachus did introduce incense
burning into Christian services. |
Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (514 – 523 CE) That the person known as Pope Hormisdas,
also known as St. Hormisdas, was both a member and leader of an
organisation known as “Christianity” first established and subsequently
maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That
in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did
direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not
limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion,
kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. |
Of crimes against humanity: (520 to 550 CE) That a Christian army under commission from Pope Hormisdas and commanded by Dawi (St David)
of Anglo-Saxon Christians did finally defeat the resistance of the
Welsh through a combination of horrific torture, using the techniques of
St. Patrick by constantly maintaining human sacrifice on hills in the
view of resisters and secondly by starvation, rape and infanticide.
Approximately 200,000 to 300,000 Welsh were slaughtered by the Christian
army, with the remaining inhabitants sold into slavery. |
Of association/membership to a criminal organisation:
(523 – 526 CE) That the person known as Pope John I, also known as St.
John, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as
“Christianity” first established and subsequently maintained for the
sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of
leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous
criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder,
torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and
lack of public morals. |
Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (526 – 530 CE) That the person known as Pope Felix IV,
also known as St. Felix, was both a member and leader of an
organisation known as “Christianity” first established and subsequently
maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That
in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did
direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not
limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion,
kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. |
Of murder: (529 CE) Upon the request of Pope Felix IV
and the order of Roman Emperor Justinian, the 1,000 year old School of
Philosophy in Athens was burnt to the ground and its remaining teachers
and scholars arrested and sacrificed through burning. |
Of publishing false documents: (529 CE) That Roman Emperor Justinian
did publish a false document known as Codex Iustiniani claiming to be a
universal set of civil law, but which in fact included the unjust and
unfair bias of Christianity. The document set the precedent of the
Christian model of the universe being supreme under which civil law then
operated, effectively placing the whole Christian church “above the
law”. Because of these false documents, the Christian church ever since
has often successfully challenged most courts in the world on their
jurisdiction to prosecute the clergy and/or the church. |
Of torture and moral depravity associated with public human sacrifice: (529 CE onwards) That Roman Emperor Justinian
(r. 527-565) did ratify the decrees of his predecessors the Emperors
Arcadius and Flavius Augustus Honorius concerning the cruel and sadistic
murder of people through public human sacrifice of burning as official
law for heresy in Codex Iustiniani (CJ 1.5.). That the ruling Jewish
families of Christianity, the blood descendents of the House of Ananus
and Sadducee Satanists did specifically request this with full knowledge
of the Popes and leaders of the church of such ritual murder being both
human sacrifice and a public ceremony displaying their devotion to
Satan and the original objectives of Paul of Tarsus. |
Of deprivation of basic human rights and justice:
(527-565 CE) That the Roman Emperor Justinian not only made the
preferred ritual human sacrifice of the ancient Jewish Satanists legal,
but established the precedent whereby the assets of a heretic, even an
accused heretic could be seized by the state and the church. |
Of association/membership to a criminal organisation:
(530 – 532 CE) That the person known as Pope Boniface II, was both a
member and leader of an organisation known as “Christianity” first
established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of
organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this
organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to
be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture,
infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of
public morals. |
Of crimes against humanity:
(532 CE) That upon the completion of the 'Digest' and the 'Pandects' of
Justinian, two statutes (Codex I., xi. 9 and 10) did decree the total
destruction of all traces of Hellenism, even in civil life. These laws
along with the previous two hundred years of Christian evil contributed
to the effective removal of Greece and Hellenic culture from the face of
the Earth for over seven hundred years and contributed to the ongoing
and deliberate subjugation of Greece, similar to Egypt and Ireland for
nearly fifteen hundred years. |
Of crimes against humanity
(532 CE) That upon making it law of the remainder of the civilized
world to systematically destroy every last trace of Hellenic culture,
the Greeks in Constantinople revolted in the Nika revolt whereupon
Justianian with the assistance of the Christian militia subdued the
rioters and massacred over 50,000 people but also deliberately caused
the destruction of over half the last remaining great city of the
ancient world. |
Of publishing false statement
(532 CE): That Christian scholars did falsely accuse the riot not upon
the actions of Justinian’s laws to destroy all remnants of Greek
culture, nor on the Greeks themselves, but on sports fanatics upset on
losing chariot races. That these horrendous untruths are still used and
claimed by Christian scholars even today. |
Of association/membership to a criminal organisation:
(533 – 535 CE) That the person known as Pope John II, was both a member
and leader of an organisation known as “Christianity” first established
and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal
enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal
enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken
including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism,
fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. |
Of association/membership to a criminal organisation:
(535 – 536 CE) That the person known as Pope Agapetus I, also known as
St. Agapetus, was both a member and leader of an organisation known as
“Christianity” first established and subsequently maintained for the
sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of
leader of this organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous
criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder,
torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and
lack of public morals. |
Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (536 – 537 CE) That the person known as Pope Silverius,
also known as St. Silverius, was both a member and leader of an
organisation known as “Christianity” first established and subsequently
maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal enterprise. That
in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal enterprise did
direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken including, but not
limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion,
kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. |
Of crimes against humanity:
(537 CE) That upon the new laws of Justinian and upon the direction of
the church, the Emperor did formally decree the end to all possible
emancipations of slaves as tradition across the Roman Empire and instead
introduced the twin notions of enslavement and serfdom. That because of
this action at the behest of the Christian church, millions of people
across Europe lost their most basic rights and became the effective
property of their lords, who in turn were beholden to the church, so
therefore became slaves to the Christian church. |
Of treason and moral depravity: (537 CE) That in 537 Pope St. Silverius
did deliberately seek the defeat of the Emperor by the Goths by
arranging for one of the key gates of Rome to be left open. St Silverius
was arrested for treason and exiled. |
Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (537 – 555 CE) That the person known as Pope Vigilius,
was both a member and leader of an organisation known as “Christianity”
first established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of
organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this
organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to
be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture,
infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of
public morals. |
Of Crimes against humanity:
(541 CE) That due to the massive explosion of Krakatoa in Indonesia
causing a climactic winter, the remaining crops of Europe, Asia and the
Middle East failed causing a mass exodus to the cities whereupon
starvation, and the continuous and deliberate breakdown of any form of
sanitation caused massive outbreak of Bubonic Plague that within thirty
years caused the death of over one in two of the remaining population of
the world (over 110,000,000 people) and the complete breakdown of all
law and order and all systems of authority except the Christian church.
That the deliberate and systematic actions of the Christian church
designed to destroy all knowledge, civil engineering, sanitation,
doctors, medical knowledge, all scientific knowledge, urban planning and
sensible agriculture not only contributed to this historic death toll
but did make the Christian church largely responsible for this event. |
Of historic and unprecedented moral indecency, depravity and inhumanity:
(541 – 590 CE) That the Christian church did plan for and achieve its
primary objective for two hundred years of a “ground zero” event that
would take humanity back to the Stone Age and under complete control of
the ancient Jewish Sadducee noble families who founded Christianity and
still control it today. That this plan and its consequences represents
the most evil act in human history, only matched by the levels of death
achieved by the Vatican in World War I and World War II through Catholic
controlled Germany. |
Of murder:
(546 CE) Upon the outbreak of plague, the Christian Church did blame
non-Christians and their ungodliness for the death. That the church
through its Inquisitor Ioannis Asiacus puts 100s of gentiles to death in
Constantinople. |
Of association/membership to a criminal organisation:
(556 – 561 CE) That the person known as Pope Pelagius, was both a
member and leader of an organisation known as “Christianity” first
established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of
organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this
organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to
be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture,
infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of
public morals. |
Of profiting from crime against humanity
(540 – 94) That the Christian church having caused the conditions for
the bubonic plague and mass death did then use it to claim it as God’s
punishment for not obeying church authority, thereby obtaining the
absolute loyalty of millions, including the wealth of virtually the
whole of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East at its disposal. |
Of heresy against its own doctrine:
(550 CE) In direct conflict to its own statements against idol worship,
and in blatant breach against its own laws against heresy, the
Christian churches adopt the modified Egyptian symbol of the Ankh as a
Crucifix as its official symbol, to sell to hundreds of thousands of
people seeking church salvation and miracles to ward off the black
death. |
Of murder:
(556 CE) Antioch gentiles Emperor Justinianus orders inquisitor
Amantius to find, arrest, torture and exterminate remaining gentiles at
Antioch. |
Of association/membership to a criminal organisation:
(561 – 574 CE) That the person known as Pope John III, both a member
and leader of an organisation known as “Christianity” first established
and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of organized criminal
enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this organized criminal
enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to be undertaken
including, but not limited to: murder, torture, infantcide, satanism,
fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of public morals. |
Of Murder:
(562-582 CE) Greek gentiles Christian inquisitors hunt down, arrest,
torture and execute Greek gentiles (Hellenes) across Europe. |
Of association/membership to a criminal organisation:
(575 – 579 CE) That the person known as Pope Benedict I, was both a
member and leader of an organisation known as “Christianity” first
established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of
organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this
organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to
be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture,
infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of
public morals. |
Of association/membership to a criminal organisation:
(579 – 590 CE) That the person known as Pope Pelagius II, was both a
member and leader of an organisation known as “Christianity” first
established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of
organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this
organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to
be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture,
infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of
public morals. |
Of murder
(580 CE) Members of Antioch Temple of Zeus sect are thrown to lions or
crucified by Christians before their bodies are dragged through
Constantinople streets and thrown in city dump. |
Of association/membership to a criminal organisation: (590 – 604 CE) That the person known as Pope Gregory I,
also known as St. Gregory,also known as "Gregory the Great" was both a
member and leader of an organisation known as “Christianity” first
established and subsequently maintained for the sole purpose of
organized criminal enterprise. That in his capacity of leader of this
organized criminal enterprise did direct for numerous criminal acts to
be undertaken including, but not limited to: murder, torture,
infantcide, satanism, fraud, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and lack of
public morals. |
Ownership of stolen property:
(590 CE) That under Gregory St. Peter's Patrimony, as it began to be
called, owned Syracuse and Palermo, besides numerous rich estates all
over Sicily, southern Italy, Apulia, Calabria and even Gallipoli,
although in ruins. The estates in Campania and those of Naples and the
Isle of Capri were all producing large revenues.All in all, the Roman
Church in Gregory's time owned twenty-three estates, whose total area
comprised 380 square miles, with an aggregate revenue of over one
million dollars a year (around $200 Billion per year in US 2006
equivelent dollars), a colossal sum at that period. |
Of obtaining property by deception (590-604) 100s of patrons are deceived into purchasing expensive relics Gregory I (590-604) claims belonged to saints; many scholars now claim these saints never existed. |
Of crimes against humanity
(590 CE) Gregory I, or Gregory the Great, sends out order compelling
bishops to desist from "wicked labour" of teaching grammar and Latin to
lay people. |
Of historic moral indecency, depravity and inhumanity (590 CE) St. Gregory condemns education for all but clergy resulting in society remaining illiterate for almost 1000 years. |
Of moral indecency and depravity:
(590 CE) St. Gregory forbids laypeople from reading Bible and orders
burning of Palatine Apollo library so its secular literature would not
distract religious. |
Of kidnapping, unlawful restraint for the purpose of slave trade: 595 CE: Pope Gregory dispatched a priest to Britain to purchase "attractive" Pagan boys to "work" as slaves on church estates. |
Of protecting and concealing the proceeds of crime
(590-604) Gregory I introduces celibacy edict to prevent property from
passing from church to possible wives, families or mistresses of clergy. |
Of murder:
(590 CE) Approximately 6000 babies are found murdered in pond outside
Gregory's Lateran palace after celibacy edict is introduced by Gregory
I. |
Of torture and depravity to promote satanic rituals: (594 CE) That Pope Gregory,
also known as St Gregory did introduce ancient satanic rituals
practiced by the Jewish Sadducee families that formed Christianity for
over 1,500 years under the hidden guise of medical science. Without any
knowledge of history (all of it destroyed) and with low or virtually no
education these rituals are believed to be true and the cult of bleeding
and cannibalism (blood consumption) becomes rife throughout Europe and
the former Roman Empire under the belief of its being medical science. |
Of kidnapping, unlawful restraint for the purpose of slave trade:
Circa 600 CE: Pope Gregory I wrote, in Pastoral Rule: "Slaves should be
told...not [to] despise their masters and recognize that they are only
slaves." |
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