Damn You Traitors
Oslo Accord Was/Is A Treason
Out! “If You Can’t Protect US, Then Armed Us.”- victim of Israel
settlers’ terrorists attack on Turmus Aya speaking with the Prime
Minister of the PA.
Oslo Accord Was/Is a treason perpetuated by both Arafat and Abbas a
crime of unimaginable scope committed by the PLO Leadership. Both Arafat
and Abbas agreed to and entered secret negotiation while the official
delegation (Madrid Conference) led by the late Dr. Haider Abdul-Shafi
was on going in Washington. A total sellout of Palestine.
Arafat and Abbas criminally entered secret negotiations
appointing a team of two people, (stupid, incompetent, certainly
unqualified) to negotiate with an international team of experts selected
by Yitzhak Rabin and Simon Peres. Israel in Oslo. Arafat and Abbas and
their team has no clue about the Palestinian territory under Occupation,
not demographic not geographic not geological. They had to rely on maps
provided by the Israeli team.
Oslo was nothing more than a
political life saving for the late Yitzhak Rabin and the late Arafat.
One wanted to bring the First Intifada to an end, the other having
failed at everything when lies, incompetence and corruption caught up
with him. He wanted to save his “ass” and his PLO certainly to fulfill
the long “hidden mission” of full unconditional recognition of Israel
the sellout of Palestine and its people.
Both were clueless about why the Israelis decided to divide
the Occupied Territories into A, B and C each with its own security and
administrative set up. This lack of understanding led the Palestinian to
lose over $41 Billion of benefits from natural resources of Area C.
to the PA Minister of Economy (Khalid Al-Issali) the Palestinians are
losing tens of billions while Israel is benefiting tens of Billions with
World Bank estimates exceeding $50 Billions. The PA Minister of the
Economy estimated that Israel gained over $50 billions from Area C since
2000 representing 12.9% of Israel’s GPD -Reference Aljazeera interview 4
July 2023.
Adding to the stupidity and criminality of
Oslo one must add the Paris Protocol which set the guidelines for the
Palestinian economy and finance which again was negotiated with taking
into consideration future consequences of dividing Occupied Palestine in
Oslo, with the last joint meeting taking place in 2000.
PLO/FATAH/PA are all part of this perpetual fraud against the
Palestinian that has lasted for more than 60 years. The PLO/Fatah/PA are a
loyal partner with the criminal Israeli Occupation, providing “security
assistance and intelligence” to the Israeli IDF and to the Shin
Bet/Shaback, all in the service of the criminal and terrorists Israeli
Settlers. This added to administrative services paid for with donor
money, again, saving Israel as occupying force the duty to fund any and
all administrative services including salaries for the civil servants,
teachers, doctors and health services, transportations and police and
security services and maintenance of infrastructure.
PA or Palestinian Authority was created by the PLO/Fatah to be the civil
and security administrator of the Occupied Territories, consistent with
the division of Area, A, B and C. The PA is in fact an instrument of
Fatah and the PLO with Fatah and the PLO taking their cut from the funds
coming to the PA.
“It’s not that the PA has turned into a monster, I think it was born a monster” – Yara Hawari of the Al-Shabaka.
is so ironic, the PLO over the years never had a “Legal Department” and
did not have the legal team to dispatch to Oslo even though there are
thousands and thousands of Palestinians with a wide range of expertise
and qualifications with some 3,000 college and university professors
only in the US.
As criminally negotiated, Oslo lacked any
mechanism to solve conflicts or disputes leaving Israel with a total
unconditional ‘veto”. What we see now from the ever-expanding
settlements to the everyday military attacks on towns and villages, to
confiscating public and private land by Israel and the building the
Apartheid Wall separating villagers from their farms and families from
each other’s is the results of this stupidity and incompetence.
will the Palestinian People wake up and discover this perpetual fraud
and lies by the late Arafat and Abbas. As heads of the PLO, they have
been lying all along. The PLO was never the “Liberation Organization”
marketed by Arafat leading to tens of thousands answering the calls for
liberation. They scarified their lives for Palestine only to be cheated
by a bunch of crooks, liars, and traitors running the Palestinian
I just don’t get it when this senile traitor Abbas
calls for international protection when he has under his command well
trained, well-funded 100,000 Palestinian Security Forces. With no power
or authority to dispatched security help to towns only few kilometers
away or few minutes from his office. Worst he continued with security
coordination even after Howara 1, Howara 2, Jenin 1, Jenin 2, Nablus 1,
Nablus 2 and Turmus Aya 1.
Why the international community want
to provide protection for the Palestinians when the PLO/PA/Fatah are
providing security assistance to the Israeli Occupation. It makes no
sense. This illegitimate president (Papa Abbas and the 50,000 thieves
must go.) ?
Anyone and everyone who calls for reviving cadaver
that is the PLO simply did not read Oslo and all of its protocol nor
understand the consequences of Arafat, Executive Committee, the
Palestine National Congress full and unconditional recognition of Israel
in Oslo which bind the Palestinians de facto recognition of Israel.
know what Israel got in Oslo. However, what the people got out of Oslo,
1) continued Israeli military occupation,
2) over 550 humiliating check points
3) millions of trees uprooted or burned,
4) tens of thousands of homes bulldozed and destroyed.
5) over 100,000 political prisoners.
6) more than 60% of the land now belonging to the “Settlers State of Israel”.
7) many wars on Gaza destroying over 100,000
homes, schools, hospitals, and the cold-blooded murders of thousands of
What did the PLO/Fatah/PA get? Everything, it
got all that it wanted all along, tens of billions of donations to loot,
creating tens of thousands of direct beneficiaries of the occupation.
VIP card, expensive salaries, big expensive homes, fancy cars, and a PA
bureaucracy that is incompetent, corrupt and full of nepotism. The
Palestinian were better off under direct Israeli military occupation
than as now.
The PA became the funding and lifeline of hundreds
of fraudulent NGO whose purpose is to produces “research papers” and
“studies” to satisfy the international donors creating a class of
“intellectual fraudulent thieves” who together with the many officials
in Ramallah are the life of the party. In the old days it was Beirut
with its hotels, brothels, bars, night clubs, now it is Ramallah.
Name one single Palestinian NGO that published reports exposing
the corruption, the looting, the nepotism, the torture chambers, the
lack of credible and independent judicial, independent accounting and
audit office among others. No one dare to speak or address issues
related to the PA Security Forces.
Did our people ever wonder
what why not single officials or so called “leaders” ever gave up their
VIP card in protests of the daily humiliations of millions of
Palestinians at these so called “security check points”! Can’t these
acts of public officials rise to the level of treason?
Where are
the Palestinian intellectuals from all of this? They hold international
conferences only to give credibility to the need to revive the PLO, by
doing that are part of the fraud perpetuated every day.
is not only guns but political and intellectual leadership that can
pull the people out of the “Stockholm Syndrome” they are in. We need
courageous leaders like Lech Walensa, Vaclav Havel, (RACIST ZIONIST) Martin Luther King,
Malcom X, (EUROPEAN STOOGE) Nelson Mandela, perhaps Marwan Barghouti not as a Fatah
leader, but as a Palestinian leader. Leaders who dare to challenge the
present leadership. Guardians of civil and political rights within
Occupied Palestine challenging the governing class of collaborators with
the enemy and challenging Israel and its Occupation.
Jenin, Jenin, Jenin, Nablus, Turmus Aya, Gaza are all victims of Oslo and the PLO.
to stop being Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and become once again,
simply Palestinians fighting and resisting the Israeli Military and
Settlers Occupation.
The late Arafat was
nothing but a fraud, a lie and a coward. When the late Sharon held him
hostage in his offices in Ramallah, he dared not to break such siege,
join the hundreds of thousand waiting for him to dare Israel to shoot
him while leading his people on the march to Jerusalem as a hero he
should be. Instead, he retreated to his quarter only to be poisoned like
a rat, by his closest confidants and die the miserable lonely death in a
hospital in France. He had his chance to be a real hero, a brave hero
he chose otherwise. He lived a lie and died a coward.

Sami Jamil Jadallah is a US Army Veteran (66-68), a graduate of Indiana University, and holder of a BA, MPA ( School of Public and Environmental Affairs and Jurist Doctor and is an international legal and business professional with more than 40 years in the construction business (KSA), Management Consulting and Business Development (Swiss), Hospitality, Aviation and Conservation (Morocco). Was the first to establish an internationally recognized conservation (Houbara) foundation in Morocco and North Africa.

Currently, Sami is managing a conservation and wildlife foundation with 100 employees in Morocco. Sami is a recipient of the “Leadership Award” from the US Sixth Army NCO Academy and recognized student leadership while at Indiana University. Sami was a co-founder of the United Palestinian Appeal and served on its board for over 12 years. He lives in Fairfax, VA. Sami is an advocate of the OneState for All of its People as a solution to the Israeli/Zionist conflict with the Palestinians. Sami has 4 brothers who served in the US military 2 Marines and 2 Army.
UK Government Votes to Become Stooge for Israel
MPs Rob Public of More Freedoms in Order to Shield Apartheid State from Criticism and Boycott
The UK’s House of Commons has just passed the second reading of the Government’s Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill, which aims to ban Britain’s public bodies from boycotting or divesting from foreign countries and territories, especially Israel.
And it did so as Israel’s troops rampaged and slaughtered their way through the Palestinian town of Jenin which is home to thousands of refugees and their descendants who were dispossessed and put to flight by murderous Jewish militia rampaging through their homeland and stealing their lands and resources in 1947/8.
The Government says it wants to stop public bodies such as local authorities pursuing their own foreign policy and boycotting Israel when usually they simply wish to act ethically and make sure they deal only with overseas states and companies that uphold human rights.
Several campaigns had urged MPs to reject the Bill. Amnesty International, in a briefing document, explained how it undermined human rights.

For example:
• It would become almost impossible for public bodies to use their procurement and investment policies to encourage ethical business conduct that is human rights compliant.
• Businesses making an effort to adhere to global standards such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights may find themselves at a competitive disadvantage.
• It undermines the freedom of expression of public sector decision-makers who may find that statements of principle are illegal and punishable even if not actually reflected in their decisions.
• It uniquely privileges one State, Israel, at a time when Israeli authorities continue to flagrantly breach international law and impose a system of apartheid on Palestinians.
• It conflicts with the UK’s long-standing policy to differentiate between Israel’s internationally recognised borders and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (which are not recognised as part of Israel).
• It runs contrary to the UK’s endorsement of UN Resolution 2334 which requires states to differentiate between their dealings with Israel within its own recognised borders and within the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
• It undermines attempts by the UK’s devolved governments to integrate human rights into their procurement policies.
Amnesty International urged all MPs to speak and vote against the Bill in its entirety, as it wasn’t amenable to the amendment.
‘Boycott has long been understood as a legitimate form of expression, protected under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Labour Hub then reported that a Legal Opinion written by Stephen Cragg KC, a specialist in international human rights law, suggests the proposed legislation does indeed breach the European Convention on Human Rights. Here’s why:
Firstly, the Bill appears to breach Article 10 of the European Convention, which states that “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression”. None of the conditions limiting the expression of this right – “national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary” – apply in the case of this Bill. Thus “there is a strong case to say that it is incompatible with the ECHR.”
Secondly, the Opinion notes that the Bill gives the enforcement authority the power to issue a notice to a public authority requesting information – including personal information – that will enable them to assess whether the public authority has (or is likely to) contravene the legislation. Such a measure could also fall foul of the European Convention on Human Rights. “This could pose severe intrusions on individuals’ right to respect for private life under Article 8 ECHR while also impacting even further on freedom-of-expression rights”.
The Bill is certainly against the spirit of freedom of speech. As the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression said in relation to BDS restrictions in the USA in 2019, the legislation “appears clearly aimed at combatting political expression advocating boycott, divestment or sanctions against Israel. Boycott, however, has long been understood as a legitimate form of expression, protected under Article 19(2) of the ICCPR [the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights].”
There are further concerns that the Government is reserving to itself the power to use secondary legislation to remove countries and territories from the ban as it sees fit. “There must be concerns about the power of the government to alter important and controversial legislation by way of secondary legislation without proper parliamentary scrutiny.”
Despite the damage this Bill would do to our hard-earned freedoms and the exercise of common sense fewer than 70 MPs (out of 650) voted against it, which surely indicates how bamboozled and subservient to Israeli propaganda Parliament has allowed itself to become.
There are supposedly safeguards against this sort of thing – for example, MPs are bound by the Seven Principles of Public Life which forbid placing themselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence them in their work, and acting or taking decisions for personal gain; and they must declare and resolve any interests and relationships.
A majority of Conservatives are brazenly signed up to Friends of Israel, as are many Labour and LibDem MPs, yet the Committee on Standards in Public Life is never brought into play on these matters. There is also a Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards. The gentleman appointed is Jewish. No, you couldn’t make it up.
BDS = non-violent pressure by civil society on Israel to comply with international and human rights law
So this Bill, launched by notorious Israel pimp Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, appears to be aimed at protecting a criminal foreign power. Gove has long supported rewarding apartheid Israel for its decades of crimes against humanity. This is from Wiki:
“Gove has described himself as ‘a proud Zionist’… In 2019, he reiterated ‘One thing I have always been since I was a boy is a Zionist’ and spoke of his desire to ‘celebrate everything that Israel and the Jewish people have brought to the life of this world and hold it dear to our hearts’ and that ‘For as long as I have breath in my body and a platform on which to argue I shall be on your side, by your side and delighted and honoured to argue, powerfully I hope, on behalf of people who have contributed so powerfully to the life of this nation’.”
Like the ballyhoo promoting the IHRA’s definition of anti-Semitism, this anti-BDS Bill runs smack into established human rights law. That it passed its second reading shows how carelessly deluded our MPs are.
For the record, in 2005 170 Palestinian civil society organisations, inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement, formed their own BDS movement calling for boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) to exert non-violent pressure on Israel until it complies with international law by meeting just three demands:
- ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the illegal separation Wall;
- recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality;
- respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties in accordance with UN Resolution 194.
Not too much to ask in a civilised world, one would have thought. Today the BDS movement has a worldwide following and continues to grow. So why is the UK Parliament so hostile to Palestinians securing their right to self-determination within the recognized borders of their own homeland, and so desperate to protect the Israeli regime from the consequences of its brutal military interference and war crimes against those defenceless people?
© Stuart Littlewood – 6 July 2023
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After working on jet fighters in the RAF Stuart became an industrial marketing specialist with manufacturing companies and consultancy firms. He also “indulged himself” as a newspaper columnist. In politics, he served as a Cambridgeshire county councilor and member of the Police Authority. Now retired he campaigns on various issues and contributes to several online news & opinion sites. An Associate of the Royal Photographic Society, he has produced two photo-documentary books – Paperturn-view.com.
Also, check out Stuart’s book Radio Free Palestine, with Foreword by Jeff Halper. It tells the plight of the Palestinians under brutal occupation and explains to me why the Zionists who control Israel should be brought before the International Criminal Court.
Musique Darkness
par Gary Stadler
Et je serai cette
Saignée à blanc
Gorgée du sang
De mes enfants
Que l'on
Et je serai cet enfer-là
Créé par l'homme
Colon errant
Qui détruit en tuant
Et je serai ce sol trahi
Par des gens
d'un autre pays
Affairistes corrompus
U S A... O N U
Et ceux qui
prennent notre place
Ces mépriseurs de race
Qui te font courber
Et je serai ce Peuple debout
Jamais à
Ce peuple innocent
Qui verse son sang
Parce qu'un bourreau
Oh Palestine...
Et je serai ce pays-là
Du monde entier
Aux mains d'un tyran
Massacreur d'enfants
violeurs de racines...
Et je serai le coeur
Brûlé de
De tous ces êtres
Qui meurent
Pour te rendre libre
Car il
te faut vivre...
Et enfin je serai cette
Jamais soumise
Jamais conquise
Portée à bout de bras
mes fils que l'on assassine...
Palestine | |
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Palestine | |
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