Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever.
Fears of new LOCKDOWNS across Europe as new virus emerges | Redacted with Natali & Clayton Morris
295,538 views 18 Jul 2023 #redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris
We are being warned of a new pandemic from CCHF, that is Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever.
Experts say cases are already in Europe and it has to do with climate change. Oh, handy because the WHO says that they can grab global powers to deal with climate change and also, guess what, a patent for an antibody treatment is pending in the U.S. Phew!
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WUHAN-GATES – 76. US CYCLONE ON SARS-COV-2 FROM LABORATORY. Senators vs. Director of Intelligence. Dossier Inguaia Fauci and Bethesda Boys
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

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In the cover image the director of US Intelligence Avril Haines and the infamous virologist Anthony Fauci
by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
“You, and the rest of the administration, appear to be refusing to provide information about China's role and responsibility in the COVID-19 pandemic to avoid upsetting Beijing. Please try again. Within 7 business days, provide Congress with documentation fully compliant with the letter of the law to disclose “any information” related to the origins of COVID-19 and a laboratory leak with minimal redactions. If you don't, we'd appreciate your testimony before Congress on this matter so you can answer questions under oath. The American people deserve to know the truth about China's role in the origins of COVID-19."
This is the crucial part of an official letter sent as an ultimatum by US Senators Josh Hawley (Republican of Missouri) and Mike Braun (Republican of Indiana) to one of the most petty officials of the Biden administration, the United States of America and the whole world: the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Avril Haines.
Without too many pleasantries, the two congressmen "threatened" to sue the lawyer Haines, who coordinates the 17 US federal agencies and was the subject of the previous investigation by Gospa News WuhanGates 75 on the reasons why she is hiding information on SARS-Cov-2 from the laboratory, despite having been deputy director of the CIA when the CHINA-US experiments on chimeric coronaviruses were being developed with very dangerous DURC research (Dual Use Research of Con cern) or with vaccine and bio-weapon purposes, and after having been a prophetess of the pandemic in an event funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum .
But this is not the only tile in the cyclone that is hitting the "clan" of public officials in the Obama-Biden administration who financed bacteriological laboratories in Ukraine to experiment with new highly lethal viruses, with the aim, according to the Russians, of making them pandemic and favoring the business of Big Pharma.
In fact, the notorious Anthony Fauci also ends up in the sights of Congress again, accused by the lawyer Robert F. Kennedy jr (now candidate in the Democratic primaries) and by the patent expert David E. Martin of having planned the COVID-19 pandemic for decades, even building in the laboratory the 2003 SARS which infected 8 thousand people in the world and killed 774 above all in Asia . Among these also the Italian researcher Carlo Urbani who died shortly after having sequenced it.
"A report released Tuesday by the United States House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic presents evidence of a coordinated effort by federal officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci (until December 2022 director of the National Infectious Diseases and Allergy Institution (NIAID), to suppress the COVID-19 laboratory leak hypothesis and instead promote the "natural origin" theory," writes the website The Defender of the Children's Health Defense association led by Kennedy himself.
This dossier confirms in every detail the seriousness of the cover-up attempts made by Fauci and the so-called "Bethesda Boys" group (in reference to the city in Maryland where the National Institute of Health is based, which financed the experiments on SARS pathogens both in the USA and in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, already revealed by Gospa News in the WuhanGates 45 investigation of January 13, 2022.
For the second time, therefore, the investigations conducted by our online journal are confirmed by official reports from the American Congress, as happened for the previous dossier of the Senate Health Commission in relation to SARS-Cov-2 from a laboratory engineered with the insertion of HIV, as denounced by the research published in March 2020 by the late French biologist Luc Montagnier (winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 precisely for the discovery of the virus that causes AIDS), and by his biomathematician friend Jean-Claude Perez.
A study that was the subject of sensational censorship as Professor Perez confided in the exclusive interview with Gospa News.
Now let's see in detail the two sensational developments that risk shaking the administration of President Joe Biden, macroscopically involved in the military bacteriological projects conducted by the Metabiota company financed by his son Hunter, already severely hit by a judge who prevented White House officials from organizing meetings with the bosses of social media precisely because of the shameful censorships implemented under the direction of Fauci: on trial in Missouri and Louisiana but promoted to consultant in the Siena Biotechnopole piloted by the London-based Big Pharma GSK controlled by Gates.
In fact, it should be remembered that the Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has also opened an investigation to verify the damage of the Covid vaccines but also the experiments conducted with the Gain-of-Function (GOF) technique used by Fauci to enhance viruses in the laboratory with funding from the military agency DARPA and in collaboration with Moderna, which registered the patent for its Spikevax gene serum in March 2019, or 9 months before the pandemic . Paxton, however, was immediately stopped by a lightning political impeachment.
But the health investigation opened into the damage from Covid vaccines by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis continues , in the running for the Republican primaries for the 2024 presidential elections and therefore certainly motivated to find every wickedness committed by the Biden administration on the pandemic,
“Dear Director Haines, On March 20, President Biden signed into law the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023, which we introduced to the Senate to help get to the truth about China and COVID-19. That law required the director of national intelligence to "declassify any information" relating to links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origin of COVID-19. It also requested that all this information be "sent to Congress" "no later than 90 days" after the law goes into effect» reads the letter signed by Republican Senators Hawley and Braun.

“You failed to meet both requirements. The deadline was June 18, 2023. Well past the statutory deadline, your office released a declassified after-hours report on June 23. And the report itself was a measly five pages of information, plus a cover page and an appendix. Obviously, the US government is in possession of more information than that. This half-baked effort woefully falls short of legal requirements and undermines the intent of Congress,” the document adds.

Then come heavy insinuations of complicity with the Chinese: «Your failure to respect the law is particularly worrying in the light of recent events. The Biden administration, including the ODNI, has shown a worrying level of deference to China, including blurring the extent of China's intelligence cooperation with Cuba and downplaying the seriousness of China's intelligence-gathering activities over US airspace. She, and the rest of the administration, appear to be refusing to provide information about China's role and responsibility in the COVID-19 pandemic to avoid upsetting Beijing."
In reality, the intrigue on bacteriological weapons dates back to a pact signed in the distant 1998 by the American president Bill Clinton with the Chinese one Jiang Zemin which pushes back the New World Order conspiracy on laboratory coronaviruses by more than twenty years, as supported by Dr. Martin.
After these utterances, Republican Senators Hawley and Braun give the ultimatum to the faithful Democrat Haines chosen by Biden to lead the US Intelligence Community:
“Please try again. Within 7 business days, provide Congress with documentation fully compliant with the letter of the law to disclose “any information” related to the origins of COVID-19 and a laboratory leak with minimal redactions. If you don't, we'd appreciate your testimony before Congress on this matter so you can answer questions under oath. The American people deserve to know the truth about China's role in the origins of COVID-19 ."
“It has been 7 business days since Senators asked DNI to provide Congress with documents declassifying any and all information related to links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Origin of Covid. It's not just Americans, but everyone deserves to know the truth,” Canadian molecular biologist Alina Chain , MIT & Hayward's Broad Institute Science Advisor and co-author of VIRAL: The Search for the Origins of Covid-19, wrote on Twitter.

We will contact the senators shortly to find out if there is any news that is not currently available on their official websites.
The scientist added: “The entire human population that is naturally infected, vaccinated, enhanced and continuously microdosed on a virus is too high a price to pay to find out what happens when you insert a new furin cleavage site into a low-risk SARS-like virus.”
His reference is to the latest dangerous experiment conducted together by Chinese military researchers and American doctors at the Wuhan Institute of Virology , thanks to funding from Fauci's NIAID, which in the WuhanGates 74 investigation we defined the "smoking gun" of laboratory SARS-Cov-2.
A bio-weapon that was then probably refined into multiple genotypes of different lethality in various NATO countries such as the USA (Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina), Canada (National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg where the director Frank Plummer died of a sudden heart attack a few months after a virus theft from Chinese scientists), the United Kingdom (Pirbright Institute, top-secret research funded by the DARPA agency of the Pentagon and the Gates foundation ), and finally even in controlled Ukrainian bio-laboratories by the Department of Defense in Washington and by the American counterintelligence of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
“Today, Select Subcommittee Chair on the Coronavirus Pandemic Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) released an interim staff report detailing the Select Subcommittee's comprehensive investigation into the suppression of the laboratory leak hypothesis by top American public health officials through the drafting, publication, and critical reception of the infamous publication “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2” (“Proximal Origin”). The report titled “The Proximal Origin of a Cover-Up: Did the 'Bethesda Boys' Downplay a Lab Leak? (The proximal origin of a cover-up:
« Leading American health officials vilified and suppressed the lab leak theory in search of a coordinated, preferred narrative that was not based in truth or science. The Select Subcommittee report demonstrates that the conclusions advocated by the co-authors of Proximal Origin are not only inaccurate, but were drawn to appease an overt political motive,” said Chair Wenstrup.
Stifling scientific discourse and labeling those who believe in the possibility of a lab leak as “conspiracy theorists” has done irrefutable damage to public trust in our health officials. Americans deserve to know why honesty, transparency and facts have been abandoned. Our report is dedicated to the achievement of this objective» writes the spokesman of the investigative commission of the Chamber again ( link between the sources at the bottom of the article ).
The conclusions were based on a review of 8,000 pages of documents, 25 hours of testimony and five committee interviews.
The release of the report follows testimony before the committee on Tuesday by some of the co-authors of the "Proximal Origin" paper, including Kristian Andersen, Ph.D., professor of immunology and microbiology at the California-based Scripps Research Institute, and Robert F. Garry, Ph.D., professor of microbiology and immunology at the Tulane School of Medicine .
Here are the key findings of the 55-page interim report as summarized in the official release:
- Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins and the NIH exerted undue influence over the writing and publication of "Proximal Origin." Specifically, Dr. Fauci twice prompted Dr. Andersen to write a paper regarding the theory of laboratory leaks, while Dr. Collins pushed for publication and approved the “Proximal Origin” substance. The co-authors were so comfortable with the NIH's involvement that they coined the name "Bethesda Boys" to describe the nation's top health officials.
- The co-authors of "Proximal Origin" distorted the evidence available while executing Dr. Fauci's vision of a single narrative. The facts and science they rely on to draw conclusions in “Proximal Origin” have never been proven or verified. Many of the publication's arguments suffer from inaccurate assumptions and obvious inconsistencies.
- Dr Anderson clarified that the co-authors allowed politics to influence the science behind 'Proximal Origin'. In private messages, Dr Anderson said: 'Although I hate it when politics is injected into science, but it's impossible not to, especially under the circumstances.' The co-authors and Dr. Collins also attempted to downplay the lab leak theory apparently motivated by an interest in defending China and playing diplomat.
- Nature initially rejected "Proximal Origin" because it did not downplay the theory of laboratory leaks enough. The co-authors modified their paper to include stronger language that would unequivocally rule out the lab leak hypothesis to secure Nature Medicine approval. Read a full history of the drafts leading up to the final release of “Proximal Origin” here.
- Investigating any egregious COVID-19 cover-up is essential to preserve future scientific integrity. “Proximal Origin” is the fifth most impactful scientific paper in history. To date, it has been accessed over 5.8 million times and cited over 2,800 times. Given its colossal scope and dubious conclusions, the process and publication of this paper needs to be analyzed to prevent suppression of scientific discourse in future pandemics.
- The Select Subcommittee's investigations are not over. There are still pending requests for interviews and transcribed documents from Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins. The Select Subcommittee will follow up on these requests.
As we had well highlighted in the WuhanGates investigation 45 on the exchange of e-mails brought to light by the Congressional investigation, the comments of the microbiologist Garry on the probable laboratory origin of SARS-Cov-2, later denied, and the temporal chronology that was linked to other documents took on relevance.
That of the Indian biologics of the Kusuma School of Biological Sciences at IIT Delhi who were the first not only to detect the artificial origin of SARS-COV-2 but to highlight the anomalous presence of sequences of the HIV virus. They "were forced to recant," according to Montagnier , right after the secret conversations between Fauci and the other Bethesda Boys.
And subsequently the letter from 27 scientists of The Lancet requested by Peter Daszak , president of the EcoHealthAlliance of New York funded by both Fauci's NIAID and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to conduct the dangerous experiments in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, in which any possible laboratory origin of the COVID-19 virus was denied, now instead supported by the most important American political institutions.
Every single aspect of the New World Order conspiracy on laboratory SARS-COV-2 denounced by Gospa News in 75 investigations thanks to even exclusive documents was later officially confirmed.
Unfortunately, the topic is instead becoming boring for many inhabitants of the European Union, and above all for the Italians, who seem to care little who and how devastated their lives for about three years by imposing an experimental health dictatorship already projected towards next pandemics.
Meanwhile, while Big Pharma, politicians and public officials find themselves in a billion-dollar whirlwind of conflicts of interest, deaths from pathologies included among the side effects or adverse reactions of mRNA gene serums do not stop…
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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- All the smartest people I know agree: This chapter of history ends in catastropheYahoo/InboxNatural News <>To:bafremauxsoormallyFri, 21 Jul 2023 at 08:34
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