Homoanussexuality has been promoted by all Satanic Western rulers and regimes to destroy, manhood, womanhood, childhood, the sanctity of marriage, and family!
Talmudic Israel
Brian Gerrish - State of the Nation: 2009
2 months ago youtube.com
10:46 -
the "Lawful Rebellion" Conference, The British Constitution Group, Stoke-on-Trent, 24th January 2009. ... ukcolumn bbc5 common purpose third sector brown blair brain gerrish ...
John Harris - The Legendary - Lawful Rebellion - Free man on the land
John Harris is a working class hero who has discovered a method to stay above the legal system and have all the police and government arrested. This is possibly the only footage of his full message before he, like David Shaler before him, got manipultated into going back on everything he said in July 2008. Please watch in full. Unbranded copies available on DVD - First 100 copies for £5000: Facebook: Nautilus AV
Common Purpose Government Infiltrators 9-15-07 Brian Gerrish (med res) - 1:55:31 - Sep 18, 2007
(med Res) This presentation was given at Leicester England. MEP Rogert Helmer came specially to be there and guest host the meeting. Edward ...all »rcoones
Afrique du Sud : un garçon de 9 ans épouse une femme de 62 ans
Un petit garçon de neuf ans d’Afrique du Sud a épousé une femme de 62 ans pour la deuxième fois.
Il s’agissait du deuxième mariage pour l’enfant et la sexagénaire. Cette fois-ci, la cérémonie s’est déroulée dans le village de la mariée, Ximhungwe, officialisant le rite de l’année dernière qui a eu lieu dans le village du garçon.
Une vidéo mise en ligne sur YouTube par Barcroft Media montre le marié et la mariée s’embrasser après la cérémonie, et ce, sous les yeux du mari d’Helen, Alfred, 67 ans.
Le garçon et la femme ne vivent pas ensemble.
Note de la rédaction de Croah
Il semble y avoir du monde venu observer la cérémonie. J’imagine qu’on avait promis à tous ces gens, qui repartiront déçus, un accouplement en direct live, au milieu de la foule.Non mais c’est clair, pas de mauvaises blagues… c’est la tradition, faut respecter. Amenez-moi promptement un sanglier que je l’encule !
Source : TVA Nouvelles
Il y a six mois à peine un rapport accablant a levé le voile sur les violences sexuelles subies par des milliers d’adolescentes et d’adolescents de la ville de Rotherham dans le nord de l’Angleterre. Depuis une semaine, les projecteurs sont braqués sur Oxford.
La ville universitaire du sud du pays a déjà fait les gros titres en 2013 lorsque sept hommes avaient été condamnés pour viols, proxénétisme et violences sur mineures. Or, un rapport indépendant montre que les abus sexuels sont un fléau encore plus important dans la région d’Oxford que ne l’avait révélé ce procès retentissant qui avait déjà ébranlé l’Angleterre.
Les atrocités subies par les adolescentes sont d’une telle violence qu’elles s’apparentent à de la torture, affirme le rapport. Il met directement en cause la police et les services sociaux qui ont ignoré les victimes et qui les ont même tenues responsables de ce qui leur arrivait.
Le Premier ministre David Cameron a réagi le jour même de la publication du rapport en appelant à éradiquer cette « culture du déni ».
Pédophilie. Révélations sur des abus sexuels en Angleterre
Plus de 350 adolescentes ont été victimes d’actes pédophiles ces seize dernières années à Oxford. La police est accusée d’avoir ignoré les jeunes victimes.
La ville universitaire du sud du pays a déjà fait les gros titres en 2013 lorsque sept hommes avaient été condamnés pour viols, proxénétisme et violences sur mineures. Or, un rapport indépendant montre que les abus sexuels sont un fléau encore plus important dans la région d’Oxford que ne l’avait révélé ce procès retentissant qui avait déjà ébranlé l’Angleterre.
« Culture du déni »
Maggie Blyth, la présidente de l’organisation chargée de la protection des enfants dans la région d’Oxford, estime que 373 jeunes filles ont été victimes d’exploitation sexuelle au cours des seize dernières années. Les victimes étaient toutes des adolescentes vulnérables placées dans des foyers. Les abus ont été commis dans des parcs, des maisons d’hôtes et des cimetières d’église.Les atrocités subies par les adolescentes sont d’une telle violence qu’elles s’apparentent à de la torture, affirme le rapport. Il met directement en cause la police et les services sociaux qui ont ignoré les victimes et qui les ont même tenues responsables de ce qui leur arrivait.
Le Premier ministre David Cameron a réagi le jour même de la publication du rapport en appelant à éradiquer cette « culture du déni ».
UK Kicks Out US Journalist Investigating Former PM's Alleged Pedophilia
A reporter from the US who was investigating allegations that former British Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath abused minors at a children's home on the island of Jersey says she was prevented from carrying out her work by the British authorities.
A journalist from the US told a London radio station that she was forced to leave the UK in 2011 by the authorities after attempting to investigate allegations that former Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath had sexually abused orphans at a children's home on the island of Jersey. Leah McGrath Goodman, a finance journalist, told LBC radio that while she was carrying out investigations into the tax haven, a British Crown dependency in the English Channel, she came across allegations of child abuse committed by powerful and influential people in British society.
"Ted Heath was one of the more prominent allegations." Despite her British visa, McGrath Goodman says that she was thrown out of the country after being detained at London's Heathrow airport when she returned to the UK to investigate the allegations further.
"There was a notation on my file that told them to put me in custody. They detained me for 12 hours; they went through all my things."
"They took away everything, my phone, my passport, I didn’t have anything. I didn't know what was going on. Eventually I found out that that was why [because of her investigation into the pedophile allegations], but it was only right before they deported me."
"What they are saying is, the children were loaned out quite regularly to high level people. They were often brought back, sometimes not. The records will say things like, 'the child ran away.'"
"But there was no effort to find them."
When asked whether she thought the British government was complicit in covering up the allegations, she responded that "I have seen a pattern of trying very hard to look the other way."
Though it is difficult to prove that the authorities were purposefully obstructing the investigation, said McGrath Goodman, "It is quite a coincidence that every time people try to take the matter and bring it to somebody in authority, it never seems to go anywhere."
The States of Jersey police confirmed on Tuesday that Heath was being investigated as part of its Operation Whistle enquiry into child abuse carried out at homes on the island; it is one of five UK police forces now investigating allegations of child abuse against the former prime minister.
Sir Edward Heath, who died in 2005 aged 89, was the Conservative Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1970 to 1974.
That allegation is now the subject of an Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) investigation, but Wiltshire Police have also appealed for any potential victims of Sir Edward to come forward.
Myra Ling-Ling Forde ran a brothel close to Arundells, Sir Edward's residence in Salisbury
Sources close to the investigation confirmed that Forde was the person who had made the original allegations against Sir Edward.
Despite claims that she had used threats against Sir Edward to avoid prosecution in the early 1990s, she was successfully convicted in 1995 of running a brothel full of underage girls from her Salisbury property.
A court heard how she trained runaway children as call girls, often picking up youngsters who were in the care system.

Sir Edward Heath pictured in 1981 (Getty)
Winchester Crown Court heard how one 13-year-old girl would go straight from school to the brothel, which was advertised as The Oriental Massage Parlour, where she would sell her body to clients.
Another 15-year-old told the authorities how she had sex with five men at once and lost count of the number of times she sold herself for sex while under Forde's control.
Myra Ling-Ling Forde
The court heard that Forde became a prostitute herself in the early 1990s after falling behind on her mortgage repayments, but she denied recruiting youngsters for the trade.
After getting out of prison, she returned home to Meadow Road in Salisbury, but then in 2009 was once again arrested on suspicion of running a brothel.
She was caught when neighbours in the quiet, respectable street complained about her activities.
In December 2009 she pleaded guilty to inciting prostitution and perverting the course of justice and was sentenced to five years in prison. She was also ordered to pay back £25,000 under the Proceeds of Crime Act.
Speaking from her home in London Forde’s sister, Mia Pablico, said she did not know where she was now living, but said she “knew a lot of politicians”.
Asked if she ever mentioned the name Ted Heath, she said: "That's not for me to say. You'd have to ask her."
She added: “I know what she did in Salisbury and she knew a lot of politicians and celebrities because of it.”
It is understood Forde moved out of her Kilburn home a couple of weeks ago because the block of flats is about to be demolished. Until recently, she had been dog sitting.
Allegations against Sir Edward, including claims that he raped a 12-year-old boy in London in the 1960s, are now being investigated by the Metropolitan Police.
Jersey Police have also confirmed that the former Prime Minister’s name has been linked to its investigation into abuse at the Haut de la Garenne.
The former Tory leader, who rose from humble origins to the highest office in the land, is now at the centre of five separate police investigations.
As well as the probe by the Wiltshire Force, Kent Police, where he was an MP for more than 50-years said they were looking at allegations against him, dating back to the 1960s.
The States of Jersey Police (SoJP) also confirmed the former Prime Minister featured in Operation Whistle, an inquiry in to alleged historical abuse on the island, which also involves Jimmy Savile.
While the Metropolitan Police refused to comment, it is understood Sir Edward is being looked at as part of Operation Midland, a Scotland Yard inquiry into claims a VIP paedophile ring operated in the 1970s and 1980s.
Meanwhile a man claimed he was raped at the age of 12 by the former PM.

Sir Edward Heath takes tea in the garden of his home in Salisbury, 1989 (Reuters)
The alleged victim, now aged in his 60s, has claimed he reported being sexually assaulted by the Conservative MP in 1961, but was branded "a liar and a fantasist".
In another development a man, named only as Nick to protect his identity, told the Exaro website, that Heath was one of a number of prominent men who abused him when he was a child.
He claimed he was regularly abused by a group of VIPs who operated out of the Dolphin Square apartment complex close to the Houses of Parliament.
He said: “For me personally, it is a relief to see finally Edward Heath’s name mentioned publicly. As a core member of the group of men that hurt me and others, it is important that his name is out there now and I hope that it will encourage others to come forward.”
Meanwhile the Wiltshire Force, which on Monday had appealed for any potential victims to come forward, said it had received a steady stream of calls during the day and they were working to establish the credibility of a number of allegations.
But friends and former colleagues of Sir Edward attacked the way his memory was being besmirched, without the existence of hard evidence.

Edward Heath at his flat in Albany, London, 1969 (PA)
The Sir Edward Heath Charitable Foundation said: "We wholeheartedly believe will clear Sir Edward's name and we will co-operate fully with the police in their inquiries."
Former Conservative MP Brian Binley, who worked in Sir Edward's office for a period of time, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "I find it very difficult to believe from the Ted Heath that I knew.
"There are many unanswered questions here and I don't think it would be right and fair to jump to conclusions about a man who served his country with dignity and with care, who was a considerable intellect, loved his music.
"We must be very careful. It's easy to smear people not around."
Sir Edward, who led the Conservative government between 1970 and 1974, never married and was famously reticent about his private life.
He died in 2005 aged 89.
A criminal trial is allegedly halted after the defendant threatens to expose Sir Edward as a paedophile. According to a whistleblower, who was serving with the force at the time, senior officers quietly dropped the case in order to protect the former Prime Minister. This allegation was later denied.
"There was a notation on my file that told them to put me in custody. They detained me for 12 hours; they went through all my things."
"They took away everything, my phone, my passport, I didn’t have anything. I didn't know what was going on. Eventually I found out that that was why [because of her investigation into the pedophile allegations], but it was only right before they deported me."
"And then they banned me for two years from entering the UK."
In the interview, McGrath Goodman was also asked about the allegations she'd heard about the former British Prime Minister, which she was prevented from investigating further.
Britain's Prime Minister Edward Heath waves while at the helm of his yacht 'Morning Cloud' during the Admiral's Cup Yacht Race, Cowes, Isle of Wight, England, July 30, 1971
"On the island it was very widespread that he had enjoyed using his yacht, it was called the 'Morning Cloud,'" and he would come to the island quite frequently and from what I understand from people on the island and off the islands, he would take the children from care homes for rides on the yacht."
"And it was reported that some of those children never came back."
McGrath Goodman said that according to the reports, Heath was one of "quite a few VIPs and high- ranking people in the government and in public life" who frequented the 'Haut de la Garenne' care home. The facility was also frequently visited by the late Jimmy Savile, a DJ and television personality who was later revealed to have raped and abused hundreds of children."What they are saying is, the children were loaned out quite regularly to high level people. They were often brought back, sometimes not. The records will say things like, 'the child ran away.'"
"But there was no effort to find them."
When asked whether she thought the British government was complicit in covering up the allegations, she responded that "I have seen a pattern of trying very hard to look the other way."
Though it is difficult to prove that the authorities were purposefully obstructing the investigation, said McGrath Goodman, "It is quite a coincidence that every time people try to take the matter and bring it to somebody in authority, it never seems to go anywhere."
The States of Jersey police confirmed on Tuesday that Heath was being investigated as part of its Operation Whistle enquiry into child abuse carried out at homes on the island; it is one of five UK police forces now investigating allegations of child abuse against the former prime minister.
Sir Edward Heath, who died in 2005 aged 89, was the Conservative Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1970 to 1974.
Sir Edward Heath: The Filipino brothel keeper who sparked child sex abuse inquiry
Myra Ling-Ling Forde is alleged to have had prosecution dropped after threatening to expose former Prime Minister as a paedophile
The woman at the centre of the Sir Edward Heath child abuse storm can be revealed as a Filipino prostitute, who ran a brothel just a mile from the late Prime Minister’s former home in Salisbury.
Myra Ling-Ling Forde, 67, has twice been jailed for operating as a madam out of her terraced property in the Wiltshire town where Sir Edward made his home after leaving office.
But in the early 1990s it is alleged she had a prosecution dropped after threatening to expose Sir Edward as a paedophile.
Sir Edward Heath at the Conservative Party Conference, 1990 (Rex)
A retired senior detective from the force came forward last year to allege that his colleagues quietly dropped a trial against twice married Forde in order to protect the reputation of the former Tory leader.That allegation is now the subject of an Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) investigation, but Wiltshire Police have also appealed for any potential victims of Sir Edward to come forward.
Myra Ling-Ling Forde ran a brothel close to Arundells, Sir Edward's residence in Salisbury
Sources close to the investigation confirmed that Forde was the person who had made the original allegations against Sir Edward.
Despite claims that she had used threats against Sir Edward to avoid prosecution in the early 1990s, she was successfully convicted in 1995 of running a brothel full of underage girls from her Salisbury property.
A court heard how she trained runaway children as call girls, often picking up youngsters who were in the care system.
Sir Edward Heath pictured in 1981 (Getty)
Winchester Crown Court heard how one 13-year-old girl would go straight from school to the brothel, which was advertised as The Oriental Massage Parlour, where she would sell her body to clients.
Another 15-year-old told the authorities how she had sex with five men at once and lost count of the number of times she sold herself for sex while under Forde's control.
Myra Ling-Ling Forde
The court heard that Forde became a prostitute herself in the early 1990s after falling behind on her mortgage repayments, but she denied recruiting youngsters for the trade.
After getting out of prison, she returned home to Meadow Road in Salisbury, but then in 2009 was once again arrested on suspicion of running a brothel.
She was caught when neighbours in the quiet, respectable street complained about her activities.
In December 2009 she pleaded guilty to inciting prostitution and perverting the course of justice and was sentenced to five years in prison. She was also ordered to pay back £25,000 under the Proceeds of Crime Act.
Speaking from her home in London Forde’s sister, Mia Pablico, said she did not know where she was now living, but said she “knew a lot of politicians”.
Asked if she ever mentioned the name Ted Heath, she said: "That's not for me to say. You'd have to ask her."
She added: “I know what she did in Salisbury and she knew a lot of politicians and celebrities because of it.”
It is understood Forde moved out of her Kilburn home a couple of weeks ago because the block of flats is about to be demolished. Until recently, she had been dog sitting.
Allegations against Sir Edward, including claims that he raped a 12-year-old boy in London in the 1960s, are now being investigated by the Metropolitan Police.
Jersey Police have also confirmed that the former Prime Minister’s name has been linked to its investigation into abuse at the Haut de la Garenne.
The former Tory leader, who rose from humble origins to the highest office in the land, is now at the centre of five separate police investigations.
As well as the probe by the Wiltshire Force, Kent Police, where he was an MP for more than 50-years said they were looking at allegations against him, dating back to the 1960s.
The States of Jersey Police (SoJP) also confirmed the former Prime Minister featured in Operation Whistle, an inquiry in to alleged historical abuse on the island, which also involves Jimmy Savile.
While the Metropolitan Police refused to comment, it is understood Sir Edward is being looked at as part of Operation Midland, a Scotland Yard inquiry into claims a VIP paedophile ring operated in the 1970s and 1980s.
Meanwhile a man claimed he was raped at the age of 12 by the former PM.
Sir Edward Heath takes tea in the garden of his home in Salisbury, 1989 (Reuters)
The alleged victim, now aged in his 60s, has claimed he reported being sexually assaulted by the Conservative MP in 1961, but was branded "a liar and a fantasist".
In another development a man, named only as Nick to protect his identity, told the Exaro website, that Heath was one of a number of prominent men who abused him when he was a child.
He claimed he was regularly abused by a group of VIPs who operated out of the Dolphin Square apartment complex close to the Houses of Parliament.
He said: “For me personally, it is a relief to see finally Edward Heath’s name mentioned publicly. As a core member of the group of men that hurt me and others, it is important that his name is out there now and I hope that it will encourage others to come forward.”
Meanwhile the Wiltshire Force, which on Monday had appealed for any potential victims to come forward, said it had received a steady stream of calls during the day and they were working to establish the credibility of a number of allegations.
But friends and former colleagues of Sir Edward attacked the way his memory was being besmirched, without the existence of hard evidence.
Edward Heath at his flat in Albany, London, 1969 (PA)
The Sir Edward Heath Charitable Foundation said: "We wholeheartedly believe will clear Sir Edward's name and we will co-operate fully with the police in their inquiries."
Former Conservative MP Brian Binley, who worked in Sir Edward's office for a period of time, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "I find it very difficult to believe from the Ted Heath that I knew.
"There are many unanswered questions here and I don't think it would be right and fair to jump to conclusions about a man who served his country with dignity and with care, who was a considerable intellect, loved his music.
"We must be very careful. It's easy to smear people not around."
Sir Edward, who led the Conservative government between 1970 and 1974, never married and was famously reticent about his private life.
He died in 2005 aged 89.
From humble origins to high office
Sir Edward Heath
July 1916
A future Prime Minister is born
Edward Heath is born in Broadstairs, Kent. The son of a carpenter he wins an organ scholarship to study at Balliol College, Oxford.
February 1950
Parliament beckons
He is elected as Conservative MP for Bexley in Kent.
October 1959
First government job
Heath with Harold MacMillan, left, in 1963 (PA)
Heath is given his first government job, as Minister for Labour in Harold Macmillan’s cabinet.
July 1965
Promoted to party leader
Following defeat the previous year, Sir Edward Heath is elected leader of the Conservative Party and at 49 becomes its youngest ever leader.
March 1966
PM post eludes Heath
The Tories lose the general election to Harold Wilson’s Labour party, but Sir Edward remains in post as leader.
June 1970
Heath is Prime Minister
Heath is appointed Prime Minister after winning a 30 seat majority for the Tories.
January 1972
Common market win
Signs treaty taking Britain into what will one day become the EU. Later the same year he passes a bill making EU law enforceable in the UK.
October 1974
Heath loses to Labour
Polling his vote in the 1974 General Election (Camera Press)
The Heath administration is dogged by industrial strife and rising violence in Northern Ireland and after a Spring election results in a hung parliament and Autumn vote sees Labour win a narrow victory.
February 1975
Heath refuses to serve under Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher is elected leader of the Conservative Party and Sir Edward returns to the backbenches after declining to serve under her.
Paedophile accusations
With Jimmy Savile in 1980 (PA)
A criminal trial is allegedly halted after the defendant threatens to expose Sir Edward as a paedophile. According to a whistleblower, who was serving with the force at the time, senior officers quietly dropped the case in order to protect the former Prime Minister. This allegation was later denied.
October 2000
Sir Edward retires
After 51-years as an MP, including more than quarter of a century on the backbenches, Sir Edward retires and moves full time to his home next to Salisbury Cathedral, from where he indulges in his passion for sailing and music.
July 2005
Former PM dies
Following a period of ill health, Sir Edward dies of pneumonia aged 89 at his home, Arundells, which is subsequently preserved as a tribute to his life and political work.
August 2015
Police appeal for victims
Wiltshire Police announces it is appealing for anyone who was a victim of child abuse at the hands of Sir Edward Heath to come forward.
Pour aborder la question de ces réseaux pédophiles qui n’existent pas, on a déjà vu rapidement l’affaire Dutroux, celle du Var, celles de Zandvoort, du réseau pédophile anglais, d'Outreau... On va aujourd’hui parler un peu en profondeur du CRIES (pour « Centre de Recherche et d’Information sur l’Enfance et la Sexualité »), un groupuscule de pédophiles qui s’amusait à tourner des films pédophiles, notamment dans les locaux de l’UNICEF à Bruxelles. Les peines ont été a minima, et bien sur un bon paquet des inculpés ont récidivé.
17 personnes ont été jugées en première instance. Une douzaine de pédophiles qui s’échangeaient enfants et photos, et quelques parents.
Marc Van den Bossche profitait de ses activités de scoutisme pour avoir des relations sexuelles avec deux frères de 14 et 16 ans que leur père lui confiait régulièrement. Mais bizarrement, le tribunal a estimé qu’ils étaient « capables de manifester leur consentement ». Du coup, on a considéré qu’il ne s’agissait pas de viols. Et vanden Bossche a même obtenu une réhabilitation en 1993, ce qui l’a probablement aidé à pouvoir devenir infirmier. Et ce qui interdisait à la justice t’en tenir compte pour des dossiers ultérieurs qui, on va le voir, ne manqueront pas de survenir.
Michel Decré, juriste et traducteur qui a travaillé au ministère de la justice, avait pris sept ans en appel. Il faut dire qu’on lui reprochait d’avoir organisé des partouzes, au cours desquelles des enfants n’étaient donc pas violés puisque la justice a estimé que là encore, il ne s’agissait que d’attouchements et d’attentats à la pudeur avec violences, y compris sur mineurs de moins de 10 ans.
Quant aux témoins, ils ont été victimes de pressions de la part de leurs employeurs, y compris les nouveaux chefs de l’UNICEF Belgique, si bien que le tribunal, au lieu de pousser les recherches sur les collusions entre les prévenus et ceux qui font ces pressions, a simplement décidé de cesser de les interroger.
En 1997 il est cité devant le tribunal de Draguignan pour un réseau de trafic d’enfants asiatiques et roumains et diffusion de pédopornographie avec six autres accusés. Des documents trouvés trois ans plus tôt chez un curé du Var portaient sur la création d’un orphelinat en Roumanie, ainsi que des cassettes avec des actes de torture et de barbarie contre des enfants, sur lesquelles on identifie Rosoor. Le principal inculpé, un certain Chabanne va déclarer connaître Michel Rosoor comme étant « un riche pédophile belge, résidant à Pattaya en Thailande, qui informe régulièrement les amateurs d’enfants sur les possibilités de tourisme pédo-sexuel en Asie et envoie des photos de mineurs ». En outre, un proche de Rosoor a déclaré que le pédo se vantait de bien connaître Dutroux.
Jacques Delbouille, le fossoyeur, a refait parler de lui en 2001 quand il s’est fait avoir pour un trafic d’images pédopornos avec Michel Decré, aussi condamné dans l’affaire CRIES, et deux comparses, Jacques Becker et Dany Deversenne. On a trouvé chez Delbouille et ses copains 15 mètres cubes de matériel pédoporno, bien qu’il ait eu le temps d’en évacuer une partie. D’ailleurs, il avait aménagé des caches pour y mettre les images les plus « hard ». De toute manière, la justice a dit qu’elle n’avait pas pris "toute la mesure" du réseau qu'elle pensait avoir découvert. Pourtant, lui et Decré ont été libérés en préventive. A cette époque, Delbouille était entré en politique, et avait été candidat Ecolo aux communales. Delbouille était aussi un proche de Bernard Weinstein, cet ami de Dutroux qui en savait beaucoup sur les enlèvements mais qui a fini assassiné grâce à des tartines de Rohypnol beurrées par Michelle Martin. Mais, Delbouille est passé chez Ecolo après avoir démarré à la Ligue Chrétienne Belge, un groupe de fachos cathos créé en 1992 et auto dissous en 2000 pour lequel Delbouille se disait « conseiller juridique ». Delbouille gardien de l’ordre moral, on rêve !
Delbouille se revendique aussi d’une petite église dissidente du mouvement Hinschiste, un groupe sectaire basé dans le sud de la France, pour lequel il a demandé des privilèges fiscaux confessionnels.
(SALT LAKE CITY) — Two Utah men who believe in polygamy and doomsday had sexually abused young girls after conducting secret marriages they thought were ordained by God, prosecutors said Friday.
Each man believed they were married to two girls, ages 4 through 8, one of whom was related to them, prosecutor Kevin Daniels said. The pair formed a group called Knights of the Crystal Blade and created a remote, makeshift compound from shipping containers in the southern Utah desert.
John Coltharp, 33, was charged this week with child sodomy, about a month after police found four girls hidden in 50-gallon plastic water barrels and an abandoned trailer during a raid on the compound.
Similar charges are coming against Samuel Shaffer,
34, Daniels said. Authorities say they are still investigating the case
and the full extent of the abuse.
Attorneys for the two men didn’t immediately return calls seeking comment.
Both were charged last month with child kidnapping and other counts following the December raid about 275 miles (440 kilometers) south of Salt Lake City.
Sheriff’s deputies descended on the area with helicopters and dogs after the mother of two of the girls reported them missing, along with two of her sons.
The boys were found in the makeshift compound, but it took police another day to find the girls because Shaffer had hidden them in the barrels and trailer, authorities said.
The girls were found after he was arrested and revealed their locations, police said. The children were treated for the effects of cold and symptoms of dehydration and are said to be recovering.
“They were actively recruiting; they wanted to build this group up,” the prosecutor said.
A man in California found their writings online and traveled to Utah to join them and was promised a child bride, according to search warrants made public this week.
Police also found weapons in their compound, Daniels said.
“These are extreme individuals with extreme beliefs that believe the end of the world is coming,” he said. Police “prevented those little girls from dying … or repeating a Waco-style shootout.”
(Porn king relied on gay porn)
Think of heterosexuality as monogamous
and dedicated to rearing children;
homosexuality as promiscuous
and concerned with sex for its own sake.
A perceptive reader recently wrote: "If heterosexual sex outside of marriage is acceptable, if we eliminate the procreative aspect from sex, are heterosexuals any different from homosexuals in regards to the sexual activity?"
(Updated from Feb. 2006)
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
In 2004, a woman revealed details of Hugh Hefner's sex life.
If the Playboy founder is any indication, a life dedicated to porn and promiscuity leads to homosexuality and impotence. The 60's icon of suave masculinity was, in old age, a grotesque self-parody.
Hefner, who died last September, paid a bevy of whores $2000 a week to be his "girlfriends" and have sex with him every Wednesday and Friday. He used Viagra and watched male gay porn to stay erect while as many as ten concubines mounted him in succession. The other girls simulated lesbian sex to arouse him.
"He doesn't really do anything," says Jill Anne Spaulding, author of the book "Upstairs." He just lies there with his Viagra erection. It's just a fake erection, and each girl gets on top of him for two minutes while the girls in the background try to keep him excited. They'll yell things like, "F-k her daddy, f-k her daddy!" There's a lot of cheerleader going on!"
No one becomes a playmate without having intercourse with Hefner. The "girl next door" is now a whore, and Hefner's maudlin example of arrested development is a fitting epitaph for his Playboy Philosophy.
Playboy was not a spontaneous phenomenon. It was social engineering designed to foster homosexuality and family breakdown. See my "Playboy and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution." This is why Spaulding's revelations got so little publicity.
The "establishment" agenda is to destabilize and neuter us by encouraging homosexual behavior. This ensures we don't propagate since homosexuals have sex but generally don't have children.
They redefine "homosexual" as a "sexual preference" or "lifestyle choice" rather than a developmental disorder to entrap us. Never mind that the vast majority of homosexuals come from dysfunctional families or suffered sexual abuse as youths. Our reluctance to embrace homosexuality is considered "bigotry."
In response, let's take some liberties with these definitions ourselves. Having the right paradigm is the key to healthy behavior.
Forget about what you normally think of gay (same-sex) or straight (opposite-sex attraction.) Think of heterosexuality as monogamous and dedicated to rearing children; homosexuality as promiscuous and concerned with sex for its own sake.
Heterosexuality involves bonding permanently with a member of the opposite sex for love and usually procreation. It is participating in the natural life cycle, in the intrinsic meaning of life. Personal and societal health depend on heterosexuality.
Homosexuality is a form of arrested development caused by an inability to form a heterosexual bond due to identifying with your biologically opposite gender. As a result, homosexuals compensate using sex as a surrogate for love.
In these terms, society has become more homosexual because, due to social engineering (i.e. the "sexual revolution," feminism) many heterosexuals now fail to permanently bond. Normally, happily married heterosexuals can put sex in perspective and move on to more important things.
A perceptive reader recently wrote me: "If heterosexual sex outside of marriage is acceptable, if we eliminate the procreative aspect from sex, are heterosexuals any different from homosexuals in regards to the sexual activity?"
Exactly. I know these definitions are not "politically correct." PC is propaganda, social engineering and mind control. PC is an old Communist Party (i.e. Illuminati) term.
I do not disparage gays. According to my definitions, the vast majority of homosexuals are really "heterosexuals" like Hugh Hefner. And a small minority of homosexuals are monogamous and partake in some traditional heterosexual values.
Last year I wrote: "Throughout modern history, Illuminati bankers have used "sexual liberation" to subvert society and establish their subtle tyranny. As Masonic revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini wrote, "we corrupt in order to rule."
The Illuminati bankers need to introduce "world government" to translate their unjust monopoly over credit into total world control.
They realized that they couldn't take control until they destroyed the family. This was a main plank of the Communist Manifesto in 1848, along with the creation of a private (Rothschild) central bank.
Every major "revolution" in modern history has increased Illuminati banker control and the sexual revolution is no exception.
The Illuminati used Hugh Hefner's "Playboy" to divorce sex from love, marriage, and family. They own the major cartels and control the media through advertising.
The movies are very effective in fostering homosexuality. Sex is often something reserved for your enemies. Recently I saw "Dr. No" (1962) again. The fashionable James Bond has sex with a woman even after he realizes she is involved in an attempt to kill him. After they have sex, Bond has her imprisoned.
In the movie Munich (2006), the Israeli assassins confront an attractive woman who killed their colleague. She displays her goods and suggests her death would be "a waste of talent." She thinks they might have sex with a woman they intend to kill.
Human beings are malleable and take their standards from movies. There is nothing so destructive to human society as the separation of sex and love. It reduces men to dogs, and women to fire hydrants.
The Illuminati wishes to harness sex in the interests of hate. Love is the enemy of hate and must be destroyed.
According to our definition of homosexuality, (i.e. promiscuity outside of love and/or procreation), all pornography is gay. The porn consumer is engaged in a promiscuous masturbatory fantasy. He is not focused on his marriage and progeny.
From what I have said, it should be clear that homosexuality is incompatible with heterosexuality, just as promiscuity is incompatible with monogamy. Gay activists admit their goal is to destroy heterosexuality.
Pornography is poisoning heterosexuality. There is a place for tasteful nudity as a stopgap while seeking marriage.
(See my "Managing the Male Sex Drive" ) But as you know, pornography has reached epidemic proportions. "Adult Video News" predicts revenue of $12.6 billion this year. The Internet has literally thousands of porn sites. TV and pop music increasingly are pornographic.
Pornography warps the way a man sees all women and girls. Many sites include girls as young as 14. See "Erototoxins"
Young females think they are useful for one thing only. Thousands in the porn industry display what everyone has instead of cultivating what is rare and valuable: femininity and the qualities sought in a wife and mother.
I hate to burst the bubble on a billion-dollar industry: Young naked women are practically identical. They have identical equipment. Boobs and bush. Symmetrical faces. Do men need to see literally thousands of examples?
There is something addictive here. Why don't men get sick of it? Why don't they suffer from gynecologist's fatigue? The plethora of breasts and splayed legs takes the wonder out of sex and causes contempt for women and impotence. Maybe this is the point: new drugs keep people running on empty. (See "The Porn Pharma Complex")
Sexual attraction is mostly a function of a woman's fertility. (Are men attracted to postmenopausal women?) Women are designed to marry and procreate when they are young and most attractive. Marriage ensured that men would have to commit if they wanted sex. By undermining marriage, occult social engineers have turned a critical social and reproductive activity into a lifetime obsession, better to divert, degrade and control the masses.
We were not prepared for the attack on our humanity by "sexual liberation" and porn. We didn't know our leadership had been subverted by the Illuminati.
Marriage and family are the essential building blocks of society. Family ensures that each new generation is properly nurtured and prepared for life. Most people receive values, purpose, identity, and love from their family roles. Heterosexuality provides life with profound meaning. There is no greater potential for love than marriage and parenthood.
Raising a child is the supreme act of devotion and faith in God; and is practiced and tested every day.
Homosexual social engineering is gradually destroying these sources of happiness and health, personal and societal. Porn is creating new generations of heterosexuals who behave like homosexuals.
Related- YouTube - What You Didn't Know About Hugh Hefner
PLAYBOY and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution
"Confessions of a Survivor of the (Homo) Sexual Revolution"
A sex addiction web site.
New York teens turning to Lesbianism
06 février 2013
Réseau pédophile du CRIES (dans les locaux de l'UNICEF): que sont-ils devenus?
Les CRIES, c’est quoi ?
Le centre a été fondé par Philippe Carpentier, ancien traducteur au parquet de Bruxelles, au début des années 80. A cette époque pas si lointaine où les pédophiles revendiquaient, comme les homos, la « liberté sexuelle », oubliant que leurs partenaires sont des mineurs. D’ailleurs, ces mouvements de pédos veulent aussi abaisser la majorité sexuelle, mais bref.
Carpentier était un vieil amant du pasteur Doucé, ce pédo qui a disparu entre les mains des RG français en juin 1990, probablement parce qu’il connaissait quasiment tout le monde dans les circuits pédocriminels de l’époque.
Le CRIES était donc un centre destiné à faire du lobbying pour la cause des pédos, par exemple en banalisant l’acte sexuel avec les enfants qui, selon eux, s’épanouissent dans les rapports sexuels avec de vieux pervers. Dans leur langue, ça donne : « une relation amoureuse faite de tendresse et de sensualité épanouie peut être pour les jeunes, quel que soit leur âge ou leur sexe, une expérience éminemment positive, si elle est vécue dans la liberté, à l'abri de toute forme de contrainte, mais aussi à l'abri des interdits et de la culpabilité que notre société attache encore trop souvent à la sexualité ». Ces types prennent leurs fantasmes pour des réalités, et ils sont complètement dingues : « Si les enfants aujourd'hui nous fascinent, c'est que nous désirons retrouver à leur contact toute la richesse du vécu de l'enfance, par-delà notre propre jeunesse ». Bien sûr, ils vous diront qu’ils ne font que répondre aux avances des gamins, et que si les choses se passent mal (pour eux ou pour l’enfant ?), c’est parce que l’entourage des enfants ne comprend rien à cet « amour ».
Toutes ces théories fumeuses se retrouvaient dans la revue du CRIES intitulée « L’Espoir ». Mais le CRIES, c’est surtout un réseau de distribution et de tournage de films pédopornos, de photos, et de prostitution de mineurs.
On a retrouvé 4.000 photos pédopornos lors de diverses perquisitions, mais seulement 25 victimes âgées de 5 à 16 ans. La plupart étaient là avec le consentement de leurs parents, mais pas tous. Et quand bien même, il fallait condamner les parents au lieu, comme on va le voir, de les acquitter systématiquement. L’affaire a été jugée en correctionnelle en mars 1988, c’est-à-dire comme s’il s’agissait de simples délits, au lieu d’être jugée aux assises puisque les viols d’enfants sont des crimes.
On a aussi retrouvé 800 noms de clients, certains comme le suisse Beat Meyer, ou Jean-Marc Houdmont ont été interrogés mais beaucoup n’ont jamais été dérangés, comme Jean-François Makhlouf, qui a tenu une maison pour enfants des rues à Katmandou. 17 personnes ont finalement comparu en 1988, devant le tribunal correctionnel, car on a estimé qu’il ne s’agissait « que » d’attentats à la pudeur et d’outrages aux mœurs sur les enfants. Autrement dit, aucun de la douzaine de pédophiles impliqués n’aurait jamais touché aucun enfant, bien que certains étaient déjà des récidivistes.
L’affaire médiatique
Des parents qui ont prêté leurs enfants à des pédos avec une rare complaisance, qu’ils soient débiles ou appartenant aux catégories aisées. Et qui finalement n’ont pas eu de condamnations.
En première instance Carpentier avait pris 9 ans fermes, Weber 10 ans, Drieghe et Felu 8 ans, Delporte 6 ans, Mesureur 4 ans, mais Verbeek le patron de l’UNICEF n’avait pris que 2 ans de sursis, ce qui n’a pas empêché le quotidien Le Soir de qualifier cette peine de « lourde ». En appel, Verbeek a été carrément acquitté. Carpentier n’a pas eu de chance, il a ramassé un an de plus et est mort en prison. Drieghe et Felu ont pris deux ans de plus, Jacque et Decré aussi.
D’après André Rogge, un détective embauché par le commissaire bruxellois Yves Zimmer pour enquêter sur le CRIES, l’affaire du CRIES ne devait pas aboutir, car Zimmer lui a dit que certains clients sont très haut placés. D’ailleurs, il semble que Jean-Paul Dumont, pédophile impliqué dans le réseau pédophile d’élite belge, et qui a à son actif plusieurs meurtres d’enfants, était l’avocat de certains des accusés parmi lesquels Georges Dessy, qui n’a finalement pas été envoyé au tribunal.
Claude Drieghe, présenté comme un producteur de films, est un récidiviste. Selon l’acte d’accusation du procès en première instance en 1988, et l’accusation se fait toujours a minima, on lui reprochait des attentats à la pudeur (avec violences ou menaces) sur deux mineurs de moins de 16 ans et d’outrage aux mœurs sur 3 autres. Il a pris huit ans en première instance, 10 en appel, et est sorti au bout de cinq ans.
Olivier Ralet a pris un an de sursis et n’a fait que deux mois de préventive. Il est passé entre les mailles du filet parce que les seuls jeunes avec lesquels on a pu prouver une relation avaient 18 ans lors des relations qui ont été prouvées. Donc il n’a pris son sursis que pour incitation à la débauche, pour les photos.
Jean Claude Weber a pris 10 ans en première instance pour attentats à la pudeur avec violences ou menaces sur mineur de moins de 16 ans et de plus de 16 ans (7 victimes officielles). Au moment du procès, il était déjà en prison à Montpellier, où il avait pris 6 ans. Il a été extradé et a pris 9 ans en 1991 pour l’affaire du CRIES. Lui aussi était récidiviste : il avait déjà été condamné en mars 1982 par la cour d’appel de Bruxelles, à quatre ans de prison pour attentats à la pudeur avec violences. Toutefois, le tribunal l’avait qualifié en 1988 de « pervers » et de « danger social ».
C’est Weber –qui était membre du Mouvement pour la libération des pédophiles- qui avait soufflé à Carpentier l’idée de créer la revue Espoir, et il a laissé le CRIES s’en occuper puisqu’il était en prison. Ensuite, il est passé pour le « directeur artistique » du CRIES.
Marc Van den Bossche profitait de ses activités de scoutisme pour avoir des relations sexuelles avec deux frères de 14 et 16 ans que leur père lui confiait régulièrement. Mais bizarrement, le tribunal a estimé qu’ils étaient « capables de manifester leur consentement ». Du coup, on a considéré qu’il ne s’agissait pas de viols. Et vanden Bossche a même obtenu une réhabilitation en 1993, ce qui l’a probablement aidé à pouvoir devenir infirmier. Et ce qui interdisait à la justice t’en tenir compte pour des dossiers ultérieurs qui, on va le voir, ne manqueront pas de survenir.
Christian Jacque, qualifié de pédophile « sadique », a « incité » son fils « à la débauche », ainsi que d’autres enfants. On a retrouvé chez lui des images le montrant en train de violer des gosses, mais bizarrement, on n’a retenu contre lui aucun viol. Il était le « bras droit » de Carpentier au CRIES, et avait déjà été condamné en 1985 pour pédophilie, par le tribunal correctionnel. Il a pris six ans de prison en première instance et 8 en appel.
Michel Felu a pris 8 puis 10 ans en appel –le maximum en correctionnelle- et était récidiviste (il avait été interné sans procès puis libéré). D’après l’acte d’accusation, « la cheville ouvrière des échanges d’enfants paraît en l’espèce être Michel Felu qui est de toutes les parties, de tous les voyages, principalement en compagnie du prévenu Michel Decré ». Pourquoi n’a-t-on retenu contre lui que des attouchements ? Les magistrats ajoutent « Le CRIES apparaît à la lumière des éléments de la procédure être en fait une couverture pour un circuit de prostitution de jeunes enfants ». Pourquoi n’a-t-on pas retenu la prévention de proxénétisme contre les prévenus ?
Quoi qu’il en soit, Felu réalisait au minimum des albums photos des enfants, diffusés via le réseau CRIES, mais aussi le réseau Spartacus ou encore celui du pasteur Doucé qui disait appartenir à la Grande Loge de France (mais en aurait été radié en 1982), tous en interconnexions. Les pédos n’avaient plus qu’à choisir leur victime, et il semble qu’on pouvait les fournir puisqu’il est question de voyages de Felu.
Quoi qu’il en soit, Felu réalisait au minimum des albums photos des enfants, diffusés via le réseau CRIES, mais aussi le réseau Spartacus ou encore celui du pasteur Doucé qui disait appartenir à la Grande Loge de France (mais en aurait été radié en 1982), tous en interconnexions. Les pédos n’avaient plus qu’à choisir leur victime, et il semble qu’on pouvait les fournir puisqu’il est question de voyages de Felu.
Pierre Delporte a pris 6 puis 8 ans, il était aussi en récidive. Mais après sa libération, il a continué à ramener des garçons au domicile familial, afin de les violer. Il a été qualifié d’intelligent, violent et pervers.
Jacques Delbouille, fossoyeur d’un cimetière communal qui se faisait passer pour écrivain public et père de famille, a pris un an mais n’a fait que cinq jours de préventive. En fait, il a seulement été condamné pour rébellion et détention d’arme non déclarée. Ce qui est quand-même très peu.
Le routier Bernard Vanmeerbeek a pris trois ans de sursis. On a considéré qu’il ne faisait pas partie de la clique du CRIES. Pourtant, comme la plupart des inculpés dans cette affaire, il a recommencé ses saletés.
La mère d’une des victimes, Viviane H., a été acquittée car « les faits reprochés à la prévenue H. doivent être considérés sous l’angle du souci qui habite certains milieux aisés de paraître ‘branchés’ ». Elle a pourtant loué ses deux enfants aux tarés de ce réseau.
Marie Paule H., mère d’un jeune qu’elle a laissé se faire violer par Mesureur (qui vivait chez elle) pendant dans années, parce qu’elle était amoureuse de Mesureur et ne voulait rien voir, n’a pris que trois ans de sursis puis un acquittement. Pourtant, dès les 11 ans de son fils en 1983, elle le confiait chaque week-end à Mesureur, alors qu’elle savait très bien ce qu’il se passait. Elle a même fait placer son fils aîné quand Mesureur est revenu vivre au domicile en 1985, car elle estimait que les problèmes venaient de lui.
En fait, il semble que la base du réseau soit constituée d’un quatuor : Carpentier, fondateur du CRIES, Jozef Verbeek le patron de l’UNICEF Belgique, Felu qui fournissait les enfants et Weber, qui avait un bon carnet d’adresses.
Verbeek a failli se faire coincer (2 ans de sursis en première instance, acquitté en appel) parce qu’il a eu la mauvaise idée d’embaucher un certain Michel Felu, pédophile déjà condamné, comme homme à tout faire. La version qu’a donné la justice est que Felu, qui squattait le sous-sol des locaux de l’UNICEF, avait carrément aménagé un studio de pédopornographie, et que les gamins allaient et venaient dans ce studio pendant des années, sans que Verbeek ne soit au courant de rien.
Les soirs et les week-ends entre 1982 et 1986, des enfants allaient et venaient dans cette cave de l’UNICEF qui sentait le fauve. D’ailleurs, des employés avaient demandé des explications : pourquoi Felu restait-il 24 heures sur 24 h dans ces sous-sols, pourquoi personne ne nettoyait jamais alors qu’en principe c’était sa mission (à tel point qu’une seconde personne a été embauchée pour faire le travail que Felu ne faisait pas), etc. Verbeek n’a jamais donné de réponse. Il « était sourd à toute remarque qui aurait pu remettre en question la présence de Felu au sein de l’UNICEF », lit-on encore. Pourtant, Felu était bien embauché en réinsertion, par pur humanisme, a déclaré Verbeek aux enquêteurs.
Verbeek n’a cessé de se contredire et de donner de fausses explications sur ses liens avec Felu et donc avec tous les autres. La stratégie a payé puisqu’il a donc été acquitté en appel.
Lors des perquisitions au siège de l’UNICEF, des données avaient été effacées des ordinateurs qui servaient au CRIES. Il existait en effet un programme donnant accès à une base de données reprenant tous les enfants victimes du réseau, à laquelle Felu avait accès d’après l’une des victimes. Felu a confirmé qu’un tel fichier existait, mais Carpentier a quant à lui affirmé qu’il n’existait pas de listing d’enfants. On sait aussi que Verbeek a ordonné un grand nettoyage de la cave après une perquisition qui était censée avoir permis de tout embarquer.
L’enquête aurait du continuer en France, puisque les investigations côté belge ont permis d’établir que Maurice Balland[1], qui dirigeait l’antenne française du CRIES, tenait à jour la liste des enfants victimes du réseau. On sait aussi qu’un certain nombre de clients français étaient dans les listings du CRIES, et même que certains se déplaçaient jusqu’à Bruxelles pour violer des enfants proposés par les pédos liés au studio de l’UNICEF. Ainsi, « les mérites d’un des garçonnets avaient, grâce aux rencontres réalisées au sein des activités du CRIES, dépassé la frontière et décidé un pédophile de nationalité française à venir à deux reprises en Belgique pour faire sa connaissance et enfin, passer une nuit en sa compagnie au domicile et avec l’assentiment intéressé des parents de l’enfant », est-il écrit dans l’acte d’accusation du procès du CRIES. Cet enfant et sa sœur étaient voisins de Michel Felu et celui-ci les louait à qui voulait, cela pendant des années.
Mais, la Belgique n’a jamais jugé utile de transmettre le dossier aux autres pays concernés.
Ils ont refait parler d’eux
Michel Mesureur, ancien membre du CRIES, médecin « psychiatre » et pédophile, ami de Carpentier, s’est fait attraper en 1997 pour détention d’images pédopornographiques (il a pris un an de sursis), puis il s’est à nouveau retrouvé sur le banc des accusés en 2008, 20 ans plus tard. Mesureur bénéficie d’une grande clémence de la justice : l’époque du CRIES déjà, il n’avait fait que deux ans de prison, la moitié de sa peine, et a même obtenu sa réhabilitation par la suite.
En 2006, le FBI avait découvert un site appelé « little boy », sur lequel des belges faisaient marcher leur carte de crédit. Parmi eux, Mesureur, placé sous mandat d’arrêt en juin 2006. Il a pris… 1 an ferme !
Claude Drieghe passe pour une victime de la cause sur Boywiki (et dans L’Espoir), un portail pédophile « soft » qui vise surtout à faire de la propagande. Il avait déjà été condamné en 1982 pour des faits similaires et libéré en conditionnelle en avril 1985. Directement à sa sortie, il a commencé à recruter des ados pour faire des films, et organisait des répétitions qui finissaient en orgies. Condamné à 10 ans pour l’affaire du CRIES, il a fui en Thaïlande dès sa libération conditionnelle après cinq ans de taule, en 1987[2]. Et il est allé directement à Pattaya chez son ami Michel Rosoor. Pattaya c’est une ville qui ressemble à un bordel géant pour vieux amateurs de chair fraiche, le paradis des pédophiles.
En 2009, il était défendu par deux ténors du barreau belge quand il a été accusé d’avoir tenu des bordels avec des mineurs en Thaïlande. Une quarantaine de victimes étaient recensées. Il tenait ces bordels avec son ami pédo Michel Rosoor, et avait été expulsé en 2002 quand les autorités Thaïlandaises ont découvert cette activité et le dossier a été transmis à la justice belge. Drieghe a lui aussi bénéficié d’une grande bienveillance de la justice : en 2011, il avait été condamné à six ans fermes pour avoir prostitué des dizaines d’enfants dans ses bordels thaïlandais, mais n’avait pris que cinq ans en appel et a été acquitté en cassation ! Au final, il n’a presque jamais été en prison, malgré trois procédures pour les mêmes faits.
Le dénommé Michel Rosoor est très intéressant. Il a été cité dans le dossier du CRIES par Weber qui disait lui envoyer des vidéos, mais n’a jamais été inquiété dans cette affaire. Il a pris la fuite avant d’être arrêté pour comparaitre pour les bordels à Bruxelles.
Avant cela, lors de l’affaire CRIES, les flics apprennent que Rosoor tenait un commerce de poissons exotiques[3]qui permettait de faire transiter des quantités de cassettes pédophiles. Dans les années 70 et 80, Rosoor était probablement protégé, puisque c’est lui qui fournissait les enfants pour les partouzes de la région bruxelloise.
De fait, selon un témoin interrogé en février 1997 dans le cadre de l’affaire Dutroux, Rosoor était alors un « pédophile notoirement connu en Thaïlande », et était en relation avec Dutroux. D’après ce témoin, Rosoor envoyait des enfants en Norvège sous prétexte d’adoption. En outre, d’après le PV, Rosoor « dit qu’il ne craint rien en Belgique car il a des appuis ». Etrangement, dans le sommaire de tous les PV, l’agent Pourbaix qui a interrogé le témoin a mis « pas de lien avec Marc Dutroux ».
Mais il n’est pas à son procès.
Olivier Ralet a été condamné à un an de sursis pour le CRIES puis a été acquitté. Lors de l’enquête sur Dutroux, une perquisition a été effectuée chez lui à Bruxelles. On y a trouve de « nombreuses photos artistiques d’enfants nus » de 8 à 16 ans, dont la plupart fréquentaient l’école Decroly et pour lesquelles les parents étaient d’accord, du moins la plupart du temps. Ralet s’est fait connaitre dans cette école parce qu’il y faisait les photos de classe. Entendu en août 1996, il a expliqué être totalement innocent dans l’affaire du CRIES. Il explique : « un certain Philippe Carpentier qui avait créé le CRIES m’avait demandé de recevoir chez moi en 1983 un certain Michel Decré qui voulait voir des photos de mon exposition [de nus d’enfants] à l’ULB en 1978. Comme il s’agissait d’un personnage malsain que j’avais mis à la porte de chez moi, lorsqu’il a été arrêté dans le cadre de l’affaire du CRIES, il a fait une déclaration selon laquelle il pensait que j’étais pédophile ». Les photos saisies lors de l’affaire du CRIES ont à nouveau été saisies en 1998, tout simplement parce que la justice les lui avait rendues !
Jean-Claude Weber, qui avait prévenu en 1991 qu’il recommencerait s’il n’était pas « soigné », a en effet recommencé : en 2007 il a été condamné à Bruxelles à 10 ans de prison, ainsi que 10 ans de mise à disposition du gouvernement (= internement) pour « viols sur un mineur de 15 ans et d'attentats à la pudeur avec violences et menaces sur 10 hommes, tout juste majeurs »
Marc Vanden Bossche, devenu entre temps infirmier, n’avait pris que du sursis dans le dossier du CRIES. En 1998, on a retrouvé sur ses ordinateurs 10 millions de fichiers pédopornographiques. Encore une fois, ce n’est pas à la justice belge qu’on le doit, évidemment. C’est la police brésilienne qui a demandé son extradition en 2010 (refusée) pour des viols sur 13 garçons, et cela de 2002 à 2006. Vanden Bossche avait aussi violé cinq mineurs en Pologne après 2006, et encore cinq en Belgique dans les années 80 et 90 : Vanden Bossche a été sous le coup d’une enquête pour pédopornographie car, avec un autre pédophile il avait gagné la confiance de parents du voisinage et en profitait pour faire des images. Pour cela, il n’a eu que deux ans de sursis car là encore, on a évité de parler de viols. La clémence envers lui vient très certainement du fait qu’il possède des listes de pédophiles actifs.
Delbouille se revendique aussi d’une petite église dissidente du mouvement Hinschiste, un groupe sectaire basé dans le sud de la France, pour lequel il a demandé des privilèges fiscaux confessionnels.
Bernard Vanmeerbeek avait pris 3 ans de sursis dans l’affaire du CRIES. Et voilà qu’en 1999, il prend 10 ans fermes cette fois, pour viols sur quatre garçons de 10 et 11 ans. Comme Felu, il se liait d’amitié avec les parents pour emmener les enfants le week-end, puis pendant les vacances. Il els violait et prenait des photos sado maso. Il a un moment été soupçonné de la disparition de Nathalie Geijsbregts en février 1991.
On a aussi parlé de Jean-Marc Houdmont, ce « cinéaste » recyclé dans le commerce de poissons exotiques, qui avait été interrogé dans le cadre de l’enquête sur le CRIES car son nom figurait dans le carnet d’adresses du réseau. Il a aussi été mêlé à l’affaire de la disparition d’Elisabeth Brichet[4], car il vivait à côté de chez elle et était déjà connu pour ses activités pédophiles. Houdmont fait partie de ces nombreux témoins qui ont eu la bonne idée de mourir avant de témoigner dans l’affaire Dutroux, en l’occurrence d’un accident de voiture en février 1997. Alors que justement, il avait téléphoné aux flics la veille pour faire des révélations. Comme il n’y avait pas de trace de freinage, on a conclu au suicide. Le père d’Houdmont et celui de Dutroux ont vécu à la même époque dans le même village du Congo. On soupçonnait Houdmont de trafic d’images pédo pornos, comme celles qui se trouvaient dans son chalet, incendié en 1990.
Le suisse Beat Meier était aussi sur la liste des clients du CRIES, et pour cela il est arrêté à Douvres en 1987. C’est un pédophile anglais qui a beaucoup de relations, comme Warwik Spinks, un autre pédo anglais qui a trafiqué des gosses en Angleterre, aux Pays-Bas, puis en République Tchèque, et qui en aurait même tué quelques uns. Meier s’est fait attraper pour avoir amené un petit anglais de 12 ans en Suisse, afin de le violer et de le torturer. La scène a été filmée, et les flics sont tombés dessus.
En conclusion, on observe que huit des inculpés pour le CRIES ont récidivé, et aussi qu’une bonne partie avait déjà des antécédents. On note aussi que le réseau du CRIES était manifestement connecté avec d’autres réseaux tout aussi néfastes, comme celui de Doucé par exemple. L’impunité règne, et ces types une fois en liberté continuent leurs activités, rencontrent d’autres pédos reliés à d’autres réseaux, également protégés, etc. D’où la nébuleuse de réseaux qui s’entrecroisent pour le plus grand malheur des enfants qui servent de matière première à cette industrie florissante.
[1] Curé pédophile, devenu militant, nous dit Boy Wiki. Il fut le bras droit du pasteur Doucé, au Centre du Christ Libérateur. Il a accompagné des groupes de jeunes à l’étranger, tout en ayant une liaison suivie avec un jeune garçon. Lui aussi entre en contact avec les parents pour capter les jeunes qui l’attirent. On peut aussi lire que « De 1976 à 1978, il accepte le rôle de vice-président de l’Association Nationale pour la Création de Républiques d’Enfants, créée par trois éducateurs pédérastes pour favoriser l’établissement de communautés éducatives selon les principes libertaires de Janusz Korczac et de l’école de Summerhill ». Il a été arrêté une première fois en 1981 pour détention d’images pédopornos, et pour avoir violé de plusieurs mineurs. Boys Wiki ajoute que le juge qui s’est occupé de l’affaire « n’a pas voulu l’accabler », et de fait il remet Balland en liberté directement, sous conditions paraît-il.
[2] Et pas question de lui faire faire ses 10 ans pour avoir rompu sa conditionnelle : il y a prescription !
[3] Un autre pédophile, Jean-Marc Houdmont, faisait aussi dans le commerce de poissons exotiques. Quant à Nihoul, il a eu une boite de grossiste en poissons qui permettait de faire les trajets entre Anvers et Bruxelles.
[4] Finalement, c’est à Fourniret qu’on a imputé le meurtre d’Elisabeth Brichet. Alors qu’un autre grand ami de Dutroux, un certain Diakostavrianos, trafiquant de voitures, vivait aussi juste à côté de chez elle.

Commentaires sur Réseau pédophile du CRIES (dans les locaux de l'UNICEF): que sont-ils devenus?
A 4-Year-Old 'Bride' Was Sexually Abused by Polygamists (?), Police Say
(SALT LAKE CITY) — Two Utah men who believe in polygamy and doomsday had sexually abused young girls after conducting secret marriages they thought were ordained by God, prosecutors said Friday.
Each man believed they were married to two girls, ages 4 through 8, one of whom was related to them, prosecutor Kevin Daniels said. The pair formed a group called Knights of the Crystal Blade and created a remote, makeshift compound from shipping containers in the southern Utah desert.
John Coltharp, 33, was charged this week with child sodomy, about a month after police found four girls hidden in 50-gallon plastic water barrels and an abandoned trailer during a raid on the compound.
- This undated file photo provided by Sanpete County Jail shows John
Coltharp. Prosecutors say Coltharp and Samuel Shaffer, two Utah men who
believe in doomsday and polygamy, had sexually abused young girls after
conducting secret marriages they said were ordained by God. (Sanpete
County Jail via AP, File)
Both were charged last month with child kidnapping and other counts following the December raid about 275 miles (440 kilometers) south of Salt Lake City.
Sheriff’s deputies descended on the area with helicopters and dogs after the mother of two of the girls reported them missing, along with two of her sons.
The boys were found in the makeshift compound, but it took police another day to find the girls because Shaffer had hidden them in the barrels and trailer, authorities said.
The girls were found after he was arrested and revealed their locations, police said. The children were treated for the effects of cold and symptoms of dehydration and are said to be recovering.
Shaffer and Coltharp were friends who bonded over a shared interest in arcane Mormon ideas long abandoned by the mainstream church, police have said.
The child marriages took place in summer 2017, before they decamped to the desert in mid-September in preparation for an apocalypse or in hopes of gaining followers, said Daniels, deputy attorney in Sanpete County.“They were actively recruiting; they wanted to build this group up,” the prosecutor said.
A man in California found their writings online and traveled to Utah to join them and was promised a child bride, according to search warrants made public this week.
Police also found weapons in their compound, Daniels said.
“These are extreme individuals with extreme beliefs that believe the end of the world is coming,” he said. Police “prevented those little girls from dying … or repeating a Waco-style shootout.”
Why All Porn is Gay(SAD!)
April 23, 2018
Think of heterosexuality as monogamous
and dedicated to rearing children;
homosexuality as promiscuous
and concerned with sex for its own sake.
A perceptive reader recently wrote: "If heterosexual sex outside of marriage is acceptable, if we eliminate the procreative aspect from sex, are heterosexuals any different from homosexuals in regards to the sexual activity?"
(Updated from Feb. 2006)
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
In 2004, a woman revealed details of Hugh Hefner's sex life.
If the Playboy founder is any indication, a life dedicated to porn and promiscuity leads to homosexuality and impotence. The 60's icon of suave masculinity was, in old age, a grotesque self-parody.
Hefner, who died last September, paid a bevy of whores $2000 a week to be his "girlfriends" and have sex with him every Wednesday and Friday. He used Viagra and watched male gay porn to stay erect while as many as ten concubines mounted him in succession. The other girls simulated lesbian sex to arouse him.
"He doesn't really do anything," says Jill Anne Spaulding, author of the book "Upstairs." He just lies there with his Viagra erection. It's just a fake erection, and each girl gets on top of him for two minutes while the girls in the background try to keep him excited. They'll yell things like, "F-k her daddy, f-k her daddy!" There's a lot of cheerleader going on!"
No one becomes a playmate without having intercourse with Hefner. The "girl next door" is now a whore, and Hefner's maudlin example of arrested development is a fitting epitaph for his Playboy Philosophy.
Playboy was not a spontaneous phenomenon. It was social engineering designed to foster homosexuality and family breakdown. See my "Playboy and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution." This is why Spaulding's revelations got so little publicity.
The "establishment" agenda is to destabilize and neuter us by encouraging homosexual behavior. This ensures we don't propagate since homosexuals have sex but generally don't have children.
They redefine "homosexual" as a "sexual preference" or "lifestyle choice" rather than a developmental disorder to entrap us. Never mind that the vast majority of homosexuals come from dysfunctional families or suffered sexual abuse as youths. Our reluctance to embrace homosexuality is considered "bigotry."
In response, let's take some liberties with these definitions ourselves. Having the right paradigm is the key to healthy behavior.
Forget about what you normally think of gay (same-sex) or straight (opposite-sex attraction.) Think of heterosexuality as monogamous and dedicated to rearing children; homosexuality as promiscuous and concerned with sex for its own sake.
Heterosexuality involves bonding permanently with a member of the opposite sex for love and usually procreation. It is participating in the natural life cycle, in the intrinsic meaning of life. Personal and societal health depend on heterosexuality.
Homosexuality is a form of arrested development caused by an inability to form a heterosexual bond due to identifying with your biologically opposite gender. As a result, homosexuals compensate using sex as a surrogate for love.
In these terms, society has become more homosexual because, due to social engineering (i.e. the "sexual revolution," feminism) many heterosexuals now fail to permanently bond. Normally, happily married heterosexuals can put sex in perspective and move on to more important things.
A perceptive reader recently wrote me: "If heterosexual sex outside of marriage is acceptable, if we eliminate the procreative aspect from sex, are heterosexuals any different from homosexuals in regards to the sexual activity?"
Exactly. I know these definitions are not "politically correct." PC is propaganda, social engineering and mind control. PC is an old Communist Party (i.e. Illuminati) term.
I do not disparage gays. According to my definitions, the vast majority of homosexuals are really "heterosexuals" like Hugh Hefner. And a small minority of homosexuals are monogamous and partake in some traditional heterosexual values.
Last year I wrote: "Throughout modern history, Illuminati bankers have used "sexual liberation" to subvert society and establish their subtle tyranny. As Masonic revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini wrote, "we corrupt in order to rule."
The Illuminati bankers need to introduce "world government" to translate their unjust monopoly over credit into total world control.
They realized that they couldn't take control until they destroyed the family. This was a main plank of the Communist Manifesto in 1848, along with the creation of a private (Rothschild) central bank.
Every major "revolution" in modern history has increased Illuminati banker control and the sexual revolution is no exception.
The Illuminati used Hugh Hefner's "Playboy" to divorce sex from love, marriage, and family. They own the major cartels and control the media through advertising.
The movies are very effective in fostering homosexuality. Sex is often something reserved for your enemies. Recently I saw "Dr. No" (1962) again. The fashionable James Bond has sex with a woman even after he realizes she is involved in an attempt to kill him. After they have sex, Bond has her imprisoned.
In the movie Munich (2006), the Israeli assassins confront an attractive woman who killed their colleague. She displays her goods and suggests her death would be "a waste of talent." She thinks they might have sex with a woman they intend to kill.
Human beings are malleable and take their standards from movies. There is nothing so destructive to human society as the separation of sex and love. It reduces men to dogs, and women to fire hydrants.
The Illuminati wishes to harness sex in the interests of hate. Love is the enemy of hate and must be destroyed.
According to our definition of homosexuality, (i.e. promiscuity outside of love and/or procreation), all pornography is gay. The porn consumer is engaged in a promiscuous masturbatory fantasy. He is not focused on his marriage and progeny.
From what I have said, it should be clear that homosexuality is incompatible with heterosexuality, just as promiscuity is incompatible with monogamy. Gay activists admit their goal is to destroy heterosexuality.
Pornography is poisoning heterosexuality. There is a place for tasteful nudity as a stopgap while seeking marriage.
(See my "Managing the Male Sex Drive" ) But as you know, pornography has reached epidemic proportions. "Adult Video News" predicts revenue of $12.6 billion this year. The Internet has literally thousands of porn sites. TV and pop music increasingly are pornographic.
Pornography warps the way a man sees all women and girls. Many sites include girls as young as 14. See "Erototoxins"
Young females think they are useful for one thing only. Thousands in the porn industry display what everyone has instead of cultivating what is rare and valuable: femininity and the qualities sought in a wife and mother.
I hate to burst the bubble on a billion-dollar industry: Young naked women are practically identical. They have identical equipment. Boobs and bush. Symmetrical faces. Do men need to see literally thousands of examples?
There is something addictive here. Why don't men get sick of it? Why don't they suffer from gynecologist's fatigue? The plethora of breasts and splayed legs takes the wonder out of sex and causes contempt for women and impotence. Maybe this is the point: new drugs keep people running on empty. (See "The Porn Pharma Complex")
Sexual attraction is mostly a function of a woman's fertility. (Are men attracted to postmenopausal women?) Women are designed to marry and procreate when they are young and most attractive. Marriage ensured that men would have to commit if they wanted sex. By undermining marriage, occult social engineers have turned a critical social and reproductive activity into a lifetime obsession, better to divert, degrade and control the masses.
We were not prepared for the attack on our humanity by "sexual liberation" and porn. We didn't know our leadership had been subverted by the Illuminati.
Marriage and family are the essential building blocks of society. Family ensures that each new generation is properly nurtured and prepared for life. Most people receive values, purpose, identity, and love from their family roles. Heterosexuality provides life with profound meaning. There is no greater potential for love than marriage and parenthood.
Raising a child is the supreme act of devotion and faith in God; and is practiced and tested every day.
Homosexual social engineering is gradually destroying these sources of happiness and health, personal and societal. Porn is creating new generations of heterosexuals who behave like homosexuals.
Related- YouTube - What You Didn't Know About Hugh Hefner
PLAYBOY and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution
"Confessions of a Survivor of the (Homo) Sexual Revolution"
A sex addiction web site.
New York teens turning to Lesbianism
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