FFWN: Bye-Bye Bojo, Bye-Bye Guidestones!
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern THIS SUNDAY, NOT SATURDAY AS USUAL — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived
From my notes - BAFS
ISRAEL = May EL be the MASTER!
(French Historian Youssef Hindi)
(EL was a Monotheist Arabian or Semitic God worshiped by Israel in Canaan, Palestine.)
Some ARABIAN BRIGANDS (SEMITIC HIBIRUS?) known as the SHASU worshiped the violent God YAHU (YHWH) unknown to Israel. A small group of Arabian HIBIRUS from Egypt would adopt YAHU as their God and they became the LEVITES in Canaan who replaced the God El with YAHU later associated with the Canaan God BAAL, and MOLOCH who with YAHU demanded human baby sacrifices. After EL sent Moses to the Pharaoh, Moses was attacked by YAHU. To release him, his Arabian (Medianite) wife Sephora circumcised their son Gershom and touched the penis of Moses with the blood contained in his foreskin as a blood sacrifice to YAHU, and this released Moses.
In another instance, YAHU was angry with Israel and ordered David to destroy Israel. In a different Hebrew account, SATAN ordered David to destroy Israel. This was confirmed by an account attributed to Jesus accusing the Pharisees as having SATAN (the devil) as their father. This is why we keep hearing some Jews claiming they do not worship God, but Lucifer and many claim openly that their aim is to destroy the whole of humanity with the exception of the Chosen Ones of YAHU. Many practised a QABBALIST religion transmitted to or received by them from the DEVIL YAHU. METATRON (Lucifer) is an archangel above Archangel Gabriel and he is the only one who can stand before God and even sit on His Throne!
Israel had also adopted other Gods like the Palestinian ADONAI, but many call the God of the Jews HASHEM. All this is very confusing. They claim to be of a pure race of people with superior souls chosen by their Qabbalist God above all humans. They have created a mythical supremacist religion mixed with Gnostic and Persian Ahura Mazda magic.
The TIKUN OLAM YEHUDIM demands that all humanity be destroyed as they come from the evil contained in the bark of the tree (KELIPOT*) of the Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve sinned against their God YAHU. And then Israel will return on Mount Zion. They offer 1 goat in sacrifice to SATAN YAHU and 1 goat to the demon AZAZEL in the desert. Initially, the Talmudists (post Christ) were opposed to the Qabbalah as heretical to Judaism.
All this nonsense makes me puke! But, the truth is that some Qabbalist Jews converted to Roman Catholicism, twisted their own texts with the aim of dragging Roman Catholicism back to Hassidim and Zadikim Judaism, and to some extents targeting some heretical Muslim Sects as well, like the Ismaeli Sect. The aim is to gradually convert the whole world of the GOYIM to an occult form of Judaism while mainstream Judaics aim at exterminating all of them.
Elisabeth I officially sought the help of Qabbalists to set up a worldwide British Empire, and she succeeded.
"You Sons Of B*TCHES Can't Cancel Me" Jordan Bernt Peterson
E&R Festival <festival@e-r.fr>
Fri, 8 Jul at 20:25
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La Grande Peur des bien-pensants
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Éditeur : Kontre Kulture
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En 1917 mourait Édouard Drumont, auteur de La France juive, fondateur du journal La Libre Parole et initiateur du mouvement qui allait devenir l’Action française. Quelques années plus tard, alors qu’il est tombé dans l’oubli, Georges Bernanos éprouve le besoin de rendre hommage à sa mémoire et de le faire connaître à la jeunesse de son temps. Mais au-delà de la vie, de l’œuvre ou des opinions de Drumont, c’est bien une époque qu’il décrit, celle des débuts de la IIIe République, de l’assaut des radicaux voulant imposer la laïcité, des traîtres et des « chéquarts », celle du Ralliement — soumission à la République demandée par le pape Léon XIII aux monarchistes catholiques —, celle de l’affaire Dreyfus, de l’expulsion des congrégations religieuses, jusqu’à l’éclatement de la Grande Guerre…
Chrétien révolté, antilibéral et antibourgeois, Bernanos nous livre ici une brillante analyse de quarante-cinq ans d’histoire de France, de la Commune au scandale du canal de Panama, des mystifications de Léo Taxil aux conséquences du décret Crémieux. Fustigeant les pouvoirs de l’Argent et la spéculation, il dénonce ceux qui, serviles et soumis, indifférents au bien commun et ne songeant qu’à se concilier les faveurs des puissants, les servent : les bien-pensants. Qu’ils soient républicains, socialistes, juifs, chrétiens, francs-maçons, parlementaires, prêtres ou militaires, ils sont les véritables fossoyeurs de la France.
Georges Bernanos (1888-1948) est un écrivain français. Catholique, monarchiste, il refusera par trois fois la Légion d’honneur, ainsi qu’un siège à l’Académie française. Il est l’auteur de plusieurs romans majeurs, dont certains ont été portés à l’écran, comme Le Dialogue des Carmélites ou Sous le soleil de Satan.
Politique à l’Assemblée, Céline : Journal de bord de Jean-Marie Le Pen n°668 5
La Libre Antenne #27 – La guerre au Donbass (avec Laurent Brayard et Daria Douguine) 1
Relégation, délinquance, corruption : Bordeaux, la malédiction 34
Poutine : "Ils veulent nous vaincre sur le champ de bataille, qu’ils essayent" 61
Japon : l’ex-Premier ministre Shinzo Abe abattu pendant un discours public 44
Xavier Moreau : "Pour moi, la Russie a déjà gagné la guerre !" 16
Safiatou Mendy, féministe : "La drague lourde, c’est du harcèlement" 75
Signe des temps ? Le mégalithe des Georgia Guidestones détruit par une explosion 110
La chronique juridique de Damien Viguier #21 – En attendant la fin 4
L’affaire Taha Bouhafs fracture LFI entre féministes et islamo-gauchistes 51
Quand la propagande de guerre occidentale finit par admettre le réel 54
Fabien Moine – IVG, traitements et dons d’organes : votre droit au corps ? 7
L’accusation de viol, arme d’élimination politique du mâle insoumis au pouvoir profond ? 23
Royaume-Uni : démissions des ministres des Finances et de la Santé 40
Ingénierie sociale et neuro-piratage – Atelier remue-méninges avec Lucien Cerise à proximité d’Annecy 11
Alert! This week’s False Flag Weekly News will broadcast Sunday 11 to noon Eastern instead of Saturday (Eid al-Adha). Also don’t miss tonight’s live radio show. Today is the day of Arafat, the anniversary of Prophet Muhammad’s farewell sermon. (Watch my sermon on his sermon, embedded above.) And tomorrow is Eid al-Adha, the biggest Islamic holiday. Since there are only two major holidays in Islam, it shouldn’t be that hard for big tech to notice them and get them right. But my Apple Holidays calendar, which inflicted LGBTQ+ month on me throughout the month of June, along with Juneteenth, Flag Day, Fathers Day (all of that sandwiched between Memorial Day and Independence Day), does not recognize Eid al-Adha. Worse, Google appears to have deliberately or through extreme incompetence spread confusion through the American Muslim community by giving the wrong date for THE big Muslim holiday! Up until a day or two ago, Google was telling people that the US celebrated Eid al-Adha on Sunday, July 10. The actual date is Saturday, July 9. Since Islamic holidays follow a lunar calendar, it isn’t always clear which day a new month begins (when someone spots the new moon). So it is understandable why Google might have projected the wrong tentative date prior to June 30, when the month of Dhul Hijjah began. But from that point on, everyone paying attention knew Eid in the US would be on Saturday, June 9. How could Google have gotten it wrong for most of the week? Incompetence theory suggests that the AI algorithms don’t understand the concept of “lunar calendar” and “Islamic holiday.” A more conspiritorial view might hold that Google, which some say has crossed out the first word of its slogan “don’t be evil,” is gaslighting Muslims on behalf of the satanic bankster cabal that has been at war with Islam since the false flag stunt of September 11, 2001. Am I being paranoid? Maybe. But as Joseph Heller wrote in Catch-22, “Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.” And speaking of paranoia: Is the same bankster cabal that’s gaslighting Muslims also planning to starve the planet into submission? Did they blow up the Georgia Guidestones as an announcement that the great population reduction is now underway? Ellen Brown, a knowledgable and level-headed writer on monetary matters, is concerned about the ongoing war on food supplies. As I wrote in today’s radio show announcement:
They’re destroying religion, the family…and now our food supply? At what point will people rise up and say “enough is enough”? |
The Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for Truth
MUJCA, the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for Truth (formerly the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth) is reactivating. While continuing to expose the foundational lies of the “war on terror” and “clash of civilizations,” we will henceforth be fostering uncompromisingly truthful interfaith dialogue on a wider range of issues. We are especially interested in promoting interfaith conversations on “sensitive” topics—the ones most interfaith efforts avoid—resolutely pursuing truth while defusing ignorance, hatred, and bigotry.
Let’s face it: Christians, Jews, and Muslims often see the faith of the Other in a negative, pejorative light. Rather than avoiding these “prejudices” (which may or may not have some basis in reality) let’s talk about them! And let’s also consider whether we monotheists might be victims of a divide-and-conquer operation by the Inquisitors of today’s dominant religion: Progressivist Secular-Materialist Humanism whose radical fundamentalist version has been called Anti-Religious Religious Fanaticism (AARF). This is the lying, murderous, satanic ersatz religion of today’s Western elites, as Thaddeus Kozinski has brilliantly explained.
So why is MUJCA operating at a website with “heresy” in its name? Because everything we are doing amounts to a heretical challenge to the dominant belief system of our time:
*Talking about what really happened on 9/11 is major heresy.
*Talking about our respective negative views of each others’ religions is minor heresy. (Against the official religion of “tolerance.”)
*And calling the anti-religious worldview that dominates our culture a religion and a fanatical one at that is perhaps the greatest heresy of all.
Below is a brief summary of the history of MUJCA. We hope that much more will eventually be written.
Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for Truth (MUJCA)
October 2004: Founded by Kevin Barrett as outreach project of Khidria, Inc.,* a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Endorsed by David Ray Griffin, Israel Shamir, and others. MUJCA.com website begins operation. Regular 9/11 teach-ins held on University of Wisconsin-Madison Library Mall, October 2004 through summer 2006.
April 18, 2005: MUJCA is sole sponsor of David Ray Griffin’s talk “9/11 and the American Empire: How Should Religious People Respond?” at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Nationally broadcast on C-SPAN on April 30, 2005.
July 22-24, 2005: MUJCA participates in Truth Emergency Convergence, Washington, DC
June 2-4, 2006: MUJCA co-sponsors (with 911truth.org) 9/11 Revealing The Truth / Reclaiming Our Future Conference in Chicago.
April 2007: MUJCA sponsors editing of 9/11 and American Empire: Christians, Jews, and Muslims Speak Out, published by Interlink. (Arabic translation.)
2006-2008: MUJCA sponsors three Midwest Speaking Tours by William Rodriguez, 9/11 hero who risked his life to save others and was the last man out of the North Tower before it exploded…and later testified about the many explosions he and more than 100 others witnessed inside the North Tower, beginning before the plane strike.
2009: MUJCA sponsors publication and distribution of Questioning the War on Terror.
April 7, 2011: MUJCA co-sponsors talk by Richard Gage, AIA, “What Caused the Collapses of Three WTC Buildings on 9/11? Why Are 1450 Architects and Engineers Calling for a New Investigation?” University of Wisconsin-Madison.
2008-2016: Coordinators Lou Stolzenberg, Amber Haque, and Peymon Mottahedeh edit and maintain MUJCA.com website. Various events sponsored.
2017: MUJCA.com website lapses and is hijacked. Current website is fraudulent.
2018: MUJCA re-established at MUJCA.heresycentral.com
* Khidria, Inc., For the 2nd time they removed mmy contribution on their Youtube website???
Biblical Series I: Introduction to the Idea of God
Identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege
Documentary: A Glitch in the Matrix (David Fuller production)
2017 Maps of Meaning 01: Context and Background
12 Rules for Life Tour - Melbourne, Australia.
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