Why Nobody Can Find a Virus
Perhaps prior to 2020 the issue of virus isolation was of minimal interest to the vast majority of earth’s inhabitants. Most people blindly accept the medical establishment’s claims that viruses exist and can cause disease. They otherwise don’t give it a second thought. Sometimes you get unwell, and a doctor informs you, "it’s probably a viral illness” - but almost every time, you get better again.
However, the increasingly negative impacts from government instigated policies in the name of the “corona” crisis has resulted in some healthy new interest in the subject. Social cohesion in households and communities is being strained, businesses are being run into the ground, and suspicions about the requirement to be injected every four months to maintain protection against an invisible enemy are on the rise. If no virus has been isolated then its very existence is pure speculation. A phantom menace that has no confirmed physical presence, merely a ruinous psychological construct manifesting as a living nightmare. And those who ignore the pivotal issue of virus isolation are blindly accepting a premise on which all manner of lies can be built.
But there are scientific papers that prove isolation?...
The confusion surrounding virus isolation stems from the fact that many published scientific papers state in their titles or claim in their abstracts that they successfully “isolated” a virus. In 2020 and 2021, we lost track of the number of times we were sent such papers as apparent proof of the “SARS-CoV-2” virus. Similarly, industry-funded “fact-checking” sites have a propensity to link to such papers to reassure their spoon-fed readers that the “virus” has been isolated. Unfortunately, such disinformation sites fail to inform their audience that the virologists are not referring to actual physical isolation of any virus and have instead substituted the meaning of the word isolation for something that means almost the opposite.
Researchers such as Christine Massey have tirelessly collated Freedom of Information requests from governments around the world to clearly expose the fact that the alleged causal agent of COVID-19 has never once been physically isolated. While at least one government supported microbiologist has claimed this is disingenuous as the requests are worded in such a way that they are not consistent with the methodology of modern virology, this misses the whole point: the modern virologists are not isolating viruses in the way that the public and probably most of the medical profession are led to believe. Instead, they moved the goalposts.
The excuses for this sleight of hand should be rejected and the isolation of a virus should mean the same as it does with any other entity on the planet – that is, in its pure form, separated out from other material. It is done with things that are smaller than alleged viruses, such as proteins, and things that are bigger such as bacteria. It is not a technological limitation or because of some special property that precludes this process from being essential to the process of real isolation.
The most definitive evidence of a virus would be finding it directly in a host such as a human.
However, despite the fact we are told that a single sneeze could contain 200 million SARS-CoV-2 particles, when we take a mucous or blood sample from a patient not one virus particle can be found. And what about taking samples from hundreds or even thousands of people said to be infected and have a disease such as COVID-19 and then combining them altogether? We're not sure if this has ever been tried but apparently even then if we purified such a sample, the excuse is apparently the same: we wouldn’t find any viruses in there! So, we are expected to believe that a patient is overwhelmed with trillions of viral particles but we can’t find any on or inside them.
Magic Tricks and the Electron Microscope
The virologists of old were convinced that with the advent of the electron micrograph and more efficient purification techniques they would be able to find all sorts of viruses in sick individuals. However, it became apparent they would have to abandon this process around the middle of the 20th Century as the attempts were fruitless – no viruses were found. These days when most virologists talk about isolating viruses, one of the techniques they cite is tissue culture experiments in test tubes. It has been outlined why these are not only unsuitable proxies, but the stress of the test tube conditions alone on abnormal cells can produce the effects, no virus required. Similarly, detecting genetic sequences in these culture experiments is also unsatisfactory as there is no proof that such sequences come from inside any of the particles they are calling “SARS-CoV-2” and even if they did, that this is enough to qualify them as viruses. A virus is said to be a particle with a proteinaceous coat surrounding a genome that can infect and parasitise a host and then infect other hosts.
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