Sunday 3 July 2022

Jewremberg Farces - Porter Carlos Whitlock. Holocaust Hoax. Made in Russia. Jewish Revenge & German Holocaust after the War.


 Porter Carlos Whitlock 

 The Holocaust Made in Russia

PDF: Was Ist Wahrheit ? – Paul Rassinier

“Was ist Wahrheit, die Juden und das dritte Reich”, ist Paul Rassiniers letztes und wahrscheinlich wichtigstes revisionistisches Werk. Der Auslöser zur Abfassung dieses Buches war der 1961 gegen Adolf Eichmann abgehaltene Schauprozeß in Jerusalem. Diese Studie jedoch spannt einen weiten Bogen. Sie beginnt mit dem deutschen Rückzug aus Rußland und der damit einsetzenden Greuelpropaganda der Sowjets. Anschließend analysiert Rassinier das Nürnberger Internationale Militärtribunal und demaskiert es als einen schrecklichen Schauprozeß,...

PDF: Crimes and mercies, the fate of German civilians under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950 – James Bacque

More than 9 million Germans died as a result of deliberate Allied starvation and expulsion policies after World War II—one quarter of the country was annexed, and about 15 million people expelled in the largest act of ethnic cleansing the world has ever known. Over 2 million of these alone, including countless children, died on the road or in concentration camps in Poland and elsewhere. That these deaths occurred at...

PDF: Anonima, una mujer en berlin – Marta Hillers

Marta Hillers (26 de mayo de 1911 en Krefeld, Imperio alemán – 16 de junio de 2001 en Basilea, Suiza) fue una periodista alemana y autora del libro autobiográfico Eine Frau in Berlin (Una mujer en Berlín), su diario desde el 20 de abril al 22 de junio de 1945 en Berlín (durante la Batalla de Berlín). El libro narra su experiencia como víctima de las violaciones durante la ocupación...

PDF: Analyse de documents du procès de Nuremberg – Nuremberg documents analysis – Carlos Withlock Porter

The standard version of events is that the Allies examined 100,000 documents and chose 1,000 which were introduced into evidence, and that the original documents were then deposited in the Peace Palace at The Hague. This is rather inexact. The documents used in evidence at Nuremberg consisted largely of “photocopies” of “copies”. Many of these original documents were written entirely on plain paper without handwritten markings of any kind, by...

PDF: An eye for an eye – John Sack

The Story of Jews Who Sought Revenge For the Holocaust. Not for sixty years has a book been so brutally (and, in the end, unsuccessfully) suppressed as An Eye for an Eye. One major newspaper, one major magazine, and three major publishers paid $40,000 for it but were scared off. One printed 6,000 books, then pulped them. Two dozen publishers read An Eye for an Eye and praised it. “Shocking,...

PDF: Science, technology, and reparations – Science, technologie et réparations – John Gimbel

Most people know something about Werner von Braun and the German rocket scientists and engineers whom the Americans brought to the United States after the Second World War.What virtually no one seems to know is that the plan under which they were brought – Project Paperclip – was but one aspect of a much more comprehensive and systematic program of ‘intellectual reparations’. This program began in late 1944 with the...

VIDEO, PDF: Hellstorm (Complete documental in english, german, french, spanish & portugues) – Thomas Goodrich & Kyle Hunt

Hellstorm, exposing the real genocide of nazi germany. It was the most deadly and destructive war in human history. Millions were killed, billions in property was destroyed, ancient cultures were reduced to rubble–World War II was truly man’s greatest cataclysm. Thousands of books, movies and documentary films have been devoted to the war. There has never been such a terrible retelling of the story, however, as one will find in...

PDF: HISTORICAL DOCUMENT: Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit – Zusammengestellt und bezeugt im Jahre 1946 von Internierten des Lagers 91 Darmstadt

Der nachfolgende Text ist dem Buch „Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen“ aus dem Arndt-Verlag entnommen. Das Buch trägt zwar einen Copyright-Hinweis, jedoch kann dieser unmöglich für die eidesstattlichen Versicherungen der deutschen Kriegsgefangenen gelten. Insofern gehe ich davon aus, dass diese frei verfügbar sind und stelle sie hiermit der Allgemeinheit zur Verfügung. Das “Vorwort des Verlages” wird als Zitat übernommen. Wo sich wohl die Originale der eidesstattlichen Versicherungen befinden, ob sie noch existieren? Wer...

VIDEO: Other Losses – Der geplante Tod – James Bacque

Die verschwiegene Geschichte Deutschlands nach 1945. Es ist eine detaillierte Aufarbeitung, wie die US-Armee und die französische Armee schuldig wurden am Tod von etwa einer Millionen deutscher Kriegsgefangener – auf höchsten Befehl, jedoch unbemerkt von der Weltöffentlichkeit. Gemeinsam mit dem Historiker der US-Armee wertete Bacque zahlreiche amerikanische Dokumente aus. So konnten sie nachweisen, daß unmittelbar nach der deutschen Kapitulation General Dwight Eisenhower, später Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, den Befehl erteilt...

PDF: History’s most terrifying peace – Austin J. App

“Who committed the greatest crime of this age? The Italians, Japanese, or Germans? Wrong. It is the Allies. Who is committing this crime? The self-appointed re-educators of Germany and Japan, the United Nations organizers, are committing it. This collection of articles is published as one small little outcry against the atrocities of the peace and as one little torchlight against this perhaps greater atrocity, the slimy conspiracy of silence on...

PDF: Nicht schuldig in Nürnberg – No culpable en el proceso de Nuremberg – Não culpados em Nuremberg – Non colpevole a Norimberga – Non coupable au procès de Nuremberg – Not guilty at Nuremberg – Nem bűnös Nürnbergben – Carlos Whitlock Porter

What REALLY happened at the Nuremberg War Tribunals? This book contains shocking evidence that they were little more than lynch-mob proceedings, resulting in the Most Corrupt Trial of The Twentieth Century! It shows that the trials broke every legal precedent and procedure of evidence in the book. Evidence Was Tainted from The Beginning, The Verdicts Planned and Agreed Upon from The Outset. No Cross Examinations of Prosecution Witnesses, Their Presence...

VIDEO, PDF: Made in Russia: The Holocaust – Fabriqué en Russie: L’Holocauste – Carlos Whitlock Porter

Many people consider the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials as final evidence of German guilt during World War II. This book reproduces the actual International Military Tribunal (IMT) documents used in that trial, revealing an astonishing concoction of forgeries. THE BOOK: * THE VIDEO: In the late summer of 1988, on location in Luxembourg, together with the late Ernst Zündel and his video cameraman, Carlos made a 90 minute video presentation...

PDF: A Terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the East European Germans, 1944-1950 – Alfred-Maurice de Zayas

The fate of fifteen million German civilians who found themselves on the wrong side of new postwar borders. All over Eastern Europe, the inhabitants of communities that had been established for many centuries were either expelled or killed. Over two million Germans did not survive. In A Terrible Revenge, de Zayas describes this horrible retribution.

PDF: Holocausto judio o aleman ? – Holocaust jewish or german ? – Holocaust judeu o alemão? – Siegfried Ellwanger Castan

Siegfried Ellwanger Castan (Candelária, Rio Grande do Sul, September 30,1928 – September 11, 2010) was a German Brazilian revisionist writer, the most important Holocaust revisionist in his country. He wrote many book related to National Socialist Germany and the post-war propaganda against the German people. He was a target of the B’nai B’rith organization that bought him to court several times.

PDF: Other losses – Morts pour raisons diverses – James Bacque

The shocking truth behind the mass deaths of disarmed german soldiers and civilians under general Eisenhowers command. While researching a book about the French resistance, Author James Bacque stumbled upon the evidence of the deaths of German prisoners in American and French death camps after WWII, this research later became his book “Other Losses” which details the accounts of German prisoners of war which otherwise would have been largely unknown....

PDF: Nuremberg ou la terre promise – Nuremberg or the Promised Land – Norimberga ossia la Terra Promessa – Nurnberg oder das Gelobte Land – Maurice Bardeche

Maurice Bardèche’s Nuremberg or the Promised Land was the first extended critique of the Nuremberg Trial. For a Frenchman to criticize that trial and especially the French role in it in 1948 took great courage: the book was banned in France, copies of it were seized, and Bardèche in 1952 was sentenced to a year in prison, although he spent only a few weeks there before being pardoned. His criticisms...

PDF: Nuremberg Trial, Analysis of documents – Procès de Nuremberg, Analyse de documents – Carlos Whitlock Porter

The Nuremberg Trials are arguably the gravest miscarriage of justice since the witch trials of pre-Enlightenment Europe and colonial America. * ANALYSIS OF DOCUMENTS OF THE NUREMBERG TRIALS IN ENGLISH Porter Whitlock Carlos * ANALYSES EN FRANCAIS DE DOCUMENTS DU PROCES DE NUREMBERG Porter Whitlock Carlos * SYNTHESES DES ANALYSES EN FRANCAIS * PORTER INTERVIEWED BY ZUNDEL * DOWLOAD ALL DOCUMENT TOGETHER HERE (125 Mo) TELECHARGER TOUS LES DOCUMENTS ENSEMBLES...



PDF: Auschwitz, a judge looks at the evidence – Der Auschwitz-Mythos – Le mythe d’Auschwitz – Wilhelm Stäglich

Auschwitz is the epicenter of the Holocaust. There is no place on earth where more people are said to have been murdered than at Auschwitz. At this detention camp the industrialized mass murder of the Jews by Nazi Germany reached its demonic pinnacle. This narrative is based on a wide range of evidence, the most important of which was presented during two trials whose findings form the foundation of our...

VIDEO: The lies and deceptions of Deborah Lipstadt – Germar Rudolf

On May 4, 2017, U.S.-American professor of Jewish history and Holocaust studies Deborah Lipstadt lectured at 7pm at the McCormick Foundation Forum of Northwestern University. CODOH tried to place an ad in the Daily Northwestern, but that was rejected. We tried to find someone to inconspicuously leave several CODOH leaflets at that venue, but no one volunteered. So we’re left with publishing our own presentation exposing what a fraud “Dr.” Lipstadt...

PDF: Tell the truth and shame the Devil – Wahrheit sagen, Teufel jagen – Dites la vérité et vous humilierez le Diable – Gerard Menuhin

This book, made by the son of famous Conductor Yehudi Menuhin, is of monumental importance for the people of the world today. Many know that something is not right in the world. Nations engage in perpetual war while bankers and armaments makers line their pockets from the carnage. The average citizen of the world has been cut out of the decision-making process of government, whether he lives in a democracy,...

VIDEO: Ernst Zundel entrevistado por periodista israeli – Ernst Zundel interviewed by an israeli journalist – Ernst Zundel, entrevue avec un journaliste israelien

The video Ernst Zundel interviewed by an israeli journalist is one of the most hard-hitting interviews that Ernst Zundel ever gave to one of his political enemies !! A stunning interview addressing the centuries-old enmity between the Germans and the Jews. The video is about 120 minutes long, with a introduction by Ernst Zundel explaining and showing just some of the MANY books in his possession (authored by Jews !)...

PDF: The Seventh Million, the Israelis and the Holocaust – Tom Segev

The Seventh Million is the first book to show the decisive impact of the Holocaust on the identity, ideology, and politics of Israel. Drawing on diaries, interviews, and thousands of declassified documents, Segev reconsiders the major struggles and personalities of Israel’s past, including Ben-Gurion, Begin, and Nahum Goldmann, and argues that the nation’s legacy has, at critical moments–the Exodus affair, the Eichmann trial, the case of John Demjanjuk–have been molded...

PDF: Rapports du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge sur son activité pendant la seconde guerre mondiale – Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its activities during the second world war – Informe del Comite Internacional de la Cruz Roja sobre su actividad durante la segunda guerra mundial – ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) – PERIOD sept 1939 to june 1947

We present here the complete official reports about concentration camps in the Third Reich. From International Committee of the Red Cross. Still available from their website (October 2020). Very revisionist ! The work of the CICR during the second world war: In French: In English: In Espanol:

PDF: Die verbotene Wahrheit

Inhaltsübersicht: Greuelpropaganda, Die wundersame Wandlung der historischen Wahrheit, Die Wannsee-Konferenz, Zitate führender NS-Politiker, Foto- und Filmdokumente, Zeugenaussagen, Zeitzeugen in den Medien, Geständnisse, Wo ist die Tatwaffe? Die gesetzlich verordnete Wahrheit, Zusammenfassung und Schlußwort, Weiterführende Literatur.

PDF: Belzec, Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research and History – Belzec, Propaganda, Zeugenaussagen, Archäologie und Geschichte – Carlo Mattogno

Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 9 (First Edition). ENGLISH & DEUTSCH. Witnesses report that at least 600,000, if not as many as three million people primarily of Jewish faith, were murdered in the Belzec camp, located in eastern Poland, between November 1941 and December 1942. Various murder weapons are claimed to have been used: diesel gas chambers; quicklime in trains; high voltage; vacuum chambers. According to witnesses, the corpses were finally incinerated...

PDF: Six Million Open Gates – S.A.R. Lynch

On December 14, 1945, the world learned that six million Jews had been murdered by the Nazis. It was on that day, in the German city of Nuremberg, that the signed confession of a SS Major was presented as evidence at the trial of the major Nazi war criminals, in which he had admitted that six million, was the number of Jews the Nazis themselves had estimated to have murdered....

PDF: Freispruch für Hitler – Absolucion para Hitler- Gerd Honsik

Was die Medien seit 60 Jahren unterdrücken, finden Sie hier: Es gibt auch Zeugen, die darlegen, daß es im Dritten Reich keine Gaskammern gab. Dieses Buch läßt sie zu Wort kommen und weist auch auf die Verfolgung hin, die diese mutigen Zeugen wegen ihrer Aussagen erleiden mußten: Juden und Nichtjuden, Deutsche und Ausländer, Soldaten und KZ-Insassen, Historiker, Naturwissenschaftler und andere Akademiker. Mit einer verkauften Auflage von über 35.000 Exemplaren ist...

PDF: The Leuchter Report – Rapporto Leuchter – Der Leuchter Report – Le Rapport Leuchter – Leuchter-Rapport – Frederick Leuchter

Fred Leuchter is a manufacturer of execution equipment in the United States. During the trial against Ernst Zuendel in Toronto, Canada in 1988 he was send to the auschwitz concentration camp in Poland in order to forensically investigate the alleged mass execution gas chamber facilities. He came back and presented the so called Leuchter-Report before the court, which came to the conclusion that the alleged gas chambers in Auschwitz were...

PDF: Il Diario di Anna Frank : una frode – Ditlieb Felderer

Se in un primo momento avevamo dato credito a quanto affermato nel Diario, man mano che proseguivamo nella nostra ricerca, dovevamo, invece rassegnarci all’idea che si trattasse di un falso. Alla nostra domanda: «Il Diario di Anna Frank: una frode?» va quindi data risposta affermativa. In questa prima parte del nostro studio, troverete i motivi della nostra convinzione. Dobbiattio ammettere sinceramente che la nostra iniziale credulità non si basava su...

PDF: Belzec, Propaganda, Zeugenaussagen, Archäologie und Geschichte – Carlo Mattogno

Holocaust-Handbücher, Band 9 (2. Aufgabe) Zeugen berichten, mindestens 600.000, wenn nicht sogar bis zu drei Millionen Menschen primär jüdischen Glaubens seien im Lager Belzec in Ostpolen zwischen November 1941 und Dezember 1942 ermordet worden. Als Mordwaffen werden behauptet: Dieselabgase; ungelöschter Kalk in Zügen; elektrischer Strom; Vakuumkammern. Die Leichname der Opfer, so die Zeugen, sollen schließlich auf gigantischen Scheiterhaufen von der Höhe mehrstöckiger Häuser fast ohne Brennstoff spurlos verbrannt worden sein....

PDF: Treblinka, extermination camp or transit camp? – Treblinka, Vernichtungslager oder Durchgangslager? – Carlo Mattogno, & Jürgen Graf

Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 8 (3. Edition). ENGLISH & DEUTSCH. Holocaust survivors report that at least 700,000, and perhaps as many as three million, people primarily of Jewish faith were murdered in the Treblinka camp, located in eastern Poland, between the summers of 1942 and 1943. Various murder weapons are claimed to have been used: mobile or stationary gas chambers quicklime hot steam high voltage electricity machine guns vacuum chambers chlorine...

PDF: Treblinka, Vernichtungslager oder Durchgangslager? – Carlo Mattogno & Jürgen Graf

Holocaust-Handbücher, Band 8 (2. Auflage). Holocaust-Überlebende berichten, in dem in Ostpolen gelegenen Lager Treblinka seien zwischen Sommer 1942 und Sommer 1943 mindestens 700.000, wenn nicht gar bis zu drei Millionen Menschen vorwiegend jüdischen Glaubens umgebracht worden. Als Mordwaffen werden behauptet: mobile oder stationäre Gaskammern; verzögert oder sofort wirkendes Giftgas; ungelöschter Kalk; heißer Dampf; elektrischer Strom; Maschinengewehre; Vakuumkammern; Chlorgas; Zyklon-B; Dieselabgase. Die Leichname der Opfer, so die Zeugen, sollen schließlich auf...

PDF: Forty Days in Teheran – Fredrick Toben

A special report on the Iran Holocaust conference and its aftermath. This important and timely report from Dr. Fredrick Töben – the world ambassador for Revisionism – presents his groundbreaking new research presented at the Iran Holocaust Conference held in Teheran, Iran, in December of 2006. Inside you’ll find a detailed report from Töben on the conference, who attended, who didn’t, who was punished for attending and what was freely...

PDF: The Hoax of the Twentieth Century – Der Jahrhundertbetrug – La mystification du XXe siècle – La fabula del Holocausto – Arthur R. Butz

Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 7 (4th Edition). ENGLISH + DEUTSCH + FRANCAIS + ESPANOL The Hoax of the Twentieth Century – The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry – Arthur R. Butz. On 545 pages of penetrating study and lucid commentary, Dr. Butz gives the reader a graduate course on the subject of the Jews of World War Two Europe. One main focus is on Auschwitz, which during WWII...

VIDEO: The victories of revisionism – Die Siege des Revisionismus – Robert Faurisson

Dr Robert Faurisson at the historic 2006 Tehran Holocaust Conference. On December 11th and 12th 2006 there was held the first world-wide holocaust-conference, in which advocates as well as critics of the holocaust-historiography could speak out publicly. Initiator of the conference was Prof. Mohammad-Ali Ramin, personal advisor of the Iranian president Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The conference was organized by the scientific research centre of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, IPIS. Most...

VIDEO: The open-air cremations nonsense – Friedrich Jansson

Is it easy to burn a corpse ? Are Cremations, as told by eyewitnesses, supposedly carried out at the camps related to the so called ‘Aktion Reinhardt’ especially at Treblinka, really feasible? Is it possible to make disappear more than 800 000 people without leaving any material traces like at Treblinka? How was it feasible? Archeologic experiments about cremation of animals on open fires show what is the reality of...

PDF: Les ordres des commandants d’Auschwitz – Headquarters orders of Auschwitz – Kommandanturbefehle des KL Auschwitz – Ernst Böhm

From the records of the Reich, an excerpt of the Commands at Auschwitz to give the reader a clear understanding what the SS was like at the concentration camps. A large number of all the orders ever issued by the various commanders of the infamous Auschwitz Camp have been preserved. They reveal the true nature of the camp with all its daily events. In these orders, for example, the decent...

PDF: Le canular de l’Holocauste dévoilé – Le canular de l’Holocauste dévoilé – Victor Thorn (Scott Makufka)

Cet ouvrage est dédié aux historiens révisionnistes – passés, présents et futurs – qui persistent à chercher la vérité, malgré l’étendue des dangers évidents qu’ils ont à courir, particulièrement à ceux qui ont fait le travail pour que cet ouvrage soit écrit. La recherche sur l’Holocauste est une entreprise dangereuse. Aujourd’hui, si un livre semblable à celui que vous tenez en main était publié en Europe, son auteur serait arrêté...

VIDEO: Analisis del holocausto – The holocaust hoax exposed – Steven Anderson

Steven Anderson realiza un análisis efectivo-rotundo sobre el Histórico y promocionado Holocausto, en una forma tan lógica que no cabra duda alguna de la verdad de los hechos. * In his video “The Holocaust Hoax Exposed,” Steven Anderson says the Holocaust is a “fantastic story that has no basis in reality” and that it is believed because “most people have just not looked at the details.” He says, “There is...

PDF, VIDEO: The First Holocaust – Der Erste Holocaust – Don Heddesheimer

Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 6, 5th edition. The First Holocaust, The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure – Don Heddesheimer – ENGLISH & GERMAN Most people believe that roughly six million Jews were killed by National Socialist Germany during World War II in an event generally referred to as the Holocaust or the Shoah. But how long have we been hearing about this six-million figure? The most widely understood answer is...

PDF: Did Six Million Really Die – Starben wirklich sechs Millionen – Murieron realmente 6 millones – Ne sono morti davvero sei milioni – Six millions de morts le sont-ils reelement – Stierven er werkelijk zes miljonen – Chest millionov poteriany i naideny – Tenyleg 6 millioan haltak meg – Dode virkeligt seks millioner – Dog verkligen 6 miljoner judar – Zemrelo skutecne sest milionu – Richard Verrall (Harwood)

«Of course, atrocity propaganda is nothing new. It has accompanied every conflict of the 20th century and doubtless will continue to do so. During the First World War, the Germans were actually accused of eating Belgian babies, as well as delighting to throw them in the air and transfix them on bayonets. The British also alleged that the German forces were operating a “Corpse Factory,” in which they boiled down...

PDF: Hoax or Holocaust, the arguments – Jürgen Graf

In theIn the spring of 1993, a thin book authored by myself and entitled The Holocaust under the Scanner, was published by the Guideon Burg Verlag (Postfach 52, 4009 Basel). At that time, the book represented the very first attempt to summarize the principle arguments of the Holocaust revisionists. The book met with a warm reception which has confirmed its usefulness. It has since been translated into French, Dutch, Bulgarian,...

VIDEO, PDF: The Lies and Deceptions of Deborah Lipstadt – Deborah Lipstadt et l’holocauste – Germar Rudolf

On April 7th of 2017, U.S.-American professor of Jewish history and Holocaust research Deborah Lipstadt appeared on TED-x Talks, where she related her experiences surrounding her courtroom battle against British historian David Irving. The event took place at the Sheldonian Theatre, which is the official ceremonial hall of the University of Oxford in England. This presentation discusses some of the claims she made during that speech, which lasted only some...

PDF: Die Auschwitz-Lüge – Le mensonge d’Auschwitz – Auschwitz, a personal account – La mentira de Auschwitz – Thies Christophersen

“Auschwitz – Truth or Lie. An Eyewitness Report” has received wide publicity in Europe as an underground best seller and as a newspaper headliner.The Canadian publisher realises the opinions in this book are diametrically opposed to those being promoted and commonly held by the majority of the people. However, the reading public has the right to read this eyewitness report from Auschwitz and to see the photographs taken by the...


This Report will be later set aside from ‘official’ historians because of its impossibilities. This was the cover of the Office of Strategic Services Section, U.S. Seventh Army report on the German concentration camp Dachau, published in May 1945 just a few weeks after the camp’s capture. The report was compiled by Major Alfred L. Howes, and has a foreword written by Colonel William W. Quinn who was Acting Chief...

PDF: Concentration camp Majdanek – Konzentrationslager Majdanek a historical and technical study – Jürgen Graf & Carlo Mattogno

Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 5 (3rd Edition), Concentration camp Majdanek, a historical and technical study – Jürgen Graf & Carlo Mattogno – ENGLISH & GERMAN Amazingly, little scientific investigation has been directed toward the concentration camp Lublin-Majdanek in central Poland, even though orthodox Holocaust sources have claimed that between fifty thousand and over a million Jews were murdered there. Until the appearance of this present work, the only works on Majdanek...

PDF: 66 Perguntas e Respostas sobre o Holocausto

1. Que provas existem de que os nazistas mataram seis milhões de judeus? Nenhuma. Tudo o que temos é testemunho de após a guerra, em sua maioria de “sobreviventes” individuais. Seu testemunho é contraditório e muito poucos dizem que realmente viram algum “gaseamento”. Não existem documentos convincentes chegados até nós e nenhuma grande evidência: nenhum monte de cinzas, nem crematórios capazes de destruir milhões de corpos, nem “sopa humana”, nem...

VIDEO: Probing the holocaust, the horror explained – S’interroger sur l’holocauste, l’horreur expliquée – Der Holocaust untersuchen, der Horror erklärt – Eric Hunt & Germar Rudolf

“The Holocaust” is widely known as the murder of six million Jews by Nazi Germany, many if not most of them in gas chambers deceptively disguised as shower rooms. We have all seen the terrible imagery of dead prisoners taken after concentration camps were liberated. This documentary reviews some of the most memorable of these images, which were taken in camps such as Dachau, Nordhausen and Bergen-Belsen. A closer examination...

PDF: Concentration Camp Majdanek – A Historical and Technical Study – Jürgen Graf, Carlo Mattogno

Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 5 (3. Edition) Amazingly, little scientific investigation has been directed toward the concentration camp Lublin-Majdanek in central Poland, even though orthodox Holocaust sources have claimed that between fifty thousand and over a million Jews were murdered there. Until the appearance of this present work, the only works on Majdanek available have been propaganda pieces written by historians serving or trained under Poland’s communist regime. Mattogno and Graf...

PDF: Der Erste Holocaust – Der verblueffende Ursprung der Sechs-Millionen-Zahl – Don Heddesheimer

Holocaust-Handbuecher, Band 6 (2. Auflage) Die meisten Leute glauben, dass etwa sechs Millionen Juden vom nationalsozialistischen Deutschland während des Zweiten Weltkriegs in einem Ereignis umgebracht wurden, das allgemein als der Holocaust bezeichnet wird. Aber seit wann kennen wir diese Sechs-Millionen-Zahl? Die häufigste Antwort darauf ist, dass diese Zahl nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg vom Internationalen Militärgerichtshof in Nürnberg festgestellt wurde. Obwohl es stimmt, dass die Sechs-Millionen-Zahl von diesem Tribunal zur unanzweifelbaren...

PDF: Konzentrationslager Majdanek – Eine historische und technische Studie – Jürgen Graf, Carlo Mattogno

Holocaust-Handbücher, Band 5 (3. Auflage) Die wissenschaftliche Forschung hat sich bisher erstaunlich wenig mit dem in Ostpolen gelegenen Konzentrationslager Lublin-Majdanek befasst, obwohl orthodoxe Holocaust-Quellen behaupten, dass zwischen 25.000 und zwei Millionen Juden in diesem Lager ermordet wurden. Bei den in öffentlichen Bibliotheken erhältlichen Informationen handelt es sich um völlig diskreditierte, meist von polnischen Kommunisten verfasste Propaganda. Diese Forschungslücke wurde durch das vorliegende Buch geschlossen. Nach ausgiebigen Untersuchungen von Primärquellen und...

VIDEO: Shoarnaque (Série Complète) – Vincent Reynouard

TOUS LES EPISODES (FRANCAIS) DE LA SERIE ‘SHOARNAQUE’ DE VINCENT REYNOUARD * (00:00) – La “Shoarnaque” : “Vincent Reynouard répond au Maire de Vichy qui a interdit la remise du prix International Robert Faurisson. (5:40) – La Shoarnaque : poison politique mortel pour l’Europe (ep. 1), “A la veille du 75e anniversaire de la libération d’Auschwitz et au lendemain du jour où il a reçu le Prix International Robert Faurisson,...

VIDEO: Shoah tabou éternel (série complète) – Vincent Reynouard

« SHOAH : tabou éternel ? » – Vincent Reynouard, 2019 (originale integrale) – FRANCAIS – « SHOAH : tabou éternel ? » (Épisode 1), “Premier épisode de ma synthèse de l’argumentation révisionniste. Je prends pour appui le site du Congrès Juif mondial « Holocaust Facts » (Holocauste : les faits).Plan de ce premier épisode :I. « Solution finale » : le Mémorandum de Goring à Heydrich en date du...

PDF: Das Konzentrationslager Stutthof – Seine Geschichte und Funktion in der nationalsozialistischen Judenpolitik – Jurgen Graf, Carlo Mattogno

Holocaust-Handbuecher, Band 4 (2. Auflage) Das nationalsozialistische Konzentrationslager Stutthof unweit von Danzig (Westpreußen) ist bei den westlichen Historikern niemals Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Forschung gewesen. In Polen existiert dazu eine recht umfangreiche Literatur, die jedoch mit Vorsicht aufzunehmen ist, da sie stark von sowjetisch-kommunistischer und polnisch-nationalistischer Ideologie beeinflusst ist. Stutthof, so heißt es dort, sei 1944 zu einem “Hilfsvernichtungslager” bei der Durchführung der sogenannten “Endlösung der Judenfrage” geworden. Jürgen Graf und Carlo...

VIDEO: Nazi Shrunken Heads – Dean Irebodd

A person’s high regard for the Nuremberg Trial tends to be taken down a peg or two upon learning that the American prosecution team offered a shrunken head into evidence, blaming the Nazis for what obviously came from a South American rain forest tribe many years prior. Toward the end or World War II, U.S. armed forces entered the German wartime concentration camp at Buchenwald. The first Americans to become...

PDF: Die Vernichtung der europaeischen Juden – Hilbergs Riese auf tönernen Fussen – Jurgen Graf

Holocaust-Handbuecher, Band 3 (3. Auflage, 188 Seiten) Gnadenlos demoliert diese hervorragende Studie die zentralen Behauptungen der orthodoxen Holocaust-These, indem darin Raul Hilbergs kanonisches Werk Die Vernichtung der europäischen Juden einer tiefgründigen Kritik unterzogen wird. Graf konzentriert sich auf jene Seiten in Vernichtung, die unmittelbar mit dem angeblichen NS-Massenmord an den Juden zu tun haben. Er entlarvt die Schwächen und häufigen Absurditäten der von Hilberg präsentierten Beweise für ein Vernichtungsprogramm, für...


PDF: Rapports du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge sur son activité pendant la seconde guerre mondiale – Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its activities during the second world war – Informe del Comite Internacional de la Cruz Roja sobre su actividad durante la segunda guerra mundial – ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) – PERIOD sept 1939 to june 1947

We present here the complete official reports about concentration camps in the Third Reich. From International Committee of the Red Cross. Still available from their website (October 2020). Very revisionist !

The work of the CICR during the second world war:

In French:

In English:

In Espanol:


Clinton Researcher Victor Thorn Reportedly Found Dead

The author of "books exposing the Clintons, 9/11, and questioning official Holocaust figures" reportedly took his own life. [HE WAS OBVIOUSLY MURDERED - BAFS]

  • Published

Much of the Internet was abuzz in early August 2016 over a report that Victor Thorn, a “prominent Clinton researcher,” had committed suicide, as reported on the American Free Press web site:

Prolific author, AMERICAN FREE PRESS writer and seasoned Clinton researcher Victor Thorn was found at the top of a mountain near his home, the apparent victim of a gunshot wound. Family and some close friends contend Thorn took his own life on his birthday, August 1. Thorn would have been 54.

At the peak of his writing career, the author of some 20 books and 30 chapbooks, Thorn had reported for this newspaper for over a decade, writing thousands of articles on myriad subjects from conspiracy to health-related topics. Best known for his investigate research on the Clintons, Thorn wrote the Clinton trilogy—three definitive works that delved into the history of the power couple including their sordid scandals, Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults of multiple women, and the drug running out of Mena, Arkansas while Clinton was governor of the state.

Thorn wrote for the American Free Press and was the author of books on the Clintons, including the trilogy Hillary (And Bill): The Sex Volume, Hillary (And Bill): The Drugs Volume, and Hillary (And Bill): The Murder Volume, as well as Crowning Clinton: Why Hillary Shouldn’t Be in the White House.

Thorn also penned volumes about the “entire holohoax industry,” such as The Holocaust Hoax Exposed (“Debunking the 20th Century’s Greatest Fabrication”) and works such as 9-11 EVIL: Israel’s Central Role in the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks (“the book the ADL and the Jewish Lobby don’t want you to read”) and Made in Israel (revealing that “the actual plotters [of 9/11 were] Talmudic exterminators and their neo-con political sycophants”). In addition, he authored New World Order Assassins (“reaching conclusions that far transcend even those compiled by other conspiracy researchers”).

Thorn’s work for the American Free Press is perhaps not so widely known because that newspaper was classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Online conspiracy theories about the death of the conspiracy writer have questioned “suicide” reports and attributed Thorn’s death to causes such as “Clinton hit squads” and “Zionist attacks”:


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