(See below: ARAMCO WORLD - The Islamic Roots of the Modern Hospital, Dispensary, Pharmacy, Medicine...David W. Tschanz)
APRIL 2020
A`uzu billahi min ash-shaytaan ar-rajiim - Iseek protection in Allah from the accursed shaytan. (The z here is pronounced as Th in The)
Bi’smi’llahi ’r-Rahmani ’r-Rahim – In the Name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful!
As I always pay attention to what is happening around me while I am out and about during my frequent strolls in my locality or beyond, I was not at all surprised when I saw how terrified people were on the streets, in shops, in parks, and elsewhere proving again that we, the common people, were living in a mad world. They have always been looking at their hypocrisy, cowardice, and acquiescence to power! They were not terrified when the coward, bloodthirsty, fascist and imperialist Anglo-Saxon armies went out and bombed foreign countries that did them no harm, and that were not even armed adequately to defend themselves, killing millions! But, most of us, including Believers in the Great God, went mad over a mild seasonal flu virus just because their fascist and totalitarian government and its prostitute media said so one million times more than what they broadcasted during their genocidal wars of the past century.
The same ones having started the Freemasonic French Revolution and the Reign of Terror to get rid of God , the French Royalty (as they would do later in Tsarist Russia), and Christendom, have set up Godless "Secular" States that are now ordering us to hide from our own kind in order to vanquish a lab engineered virus they had intended to release on Iran and North Korea designed to be destroyed after Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, and other lands they had bombed in the past century while at the same time banning them from most health care they had paid taxes for! But, abortion clinics were all operating non-stop during that plandemic hoax, their new staged 9/11, 7/7, etc.!
Months later, despite all the lock downs, curfews, military anti-social distancing, house arrests, quarantines, muzzles, murder of our most vulnerable ones, bans on free movement, and causing irreparable damages to our babies, and our very young and adolescent ones, they came up with second, third, fourth and fifth waves of a viral attack that was less harmful than the seasonal flu. This should have taught us all a lesson, but very few did. They were so terrified and willingly acquiescent that they told God to shove off and shut down their Synagogues of Satan, and saw many fighting over toilet paper in super markets that collaborated with the dictators by deliberately showing us empty shelves that aggravated the panic.
As a matter of fact all government and private institutions collaborated with the International bank gangsters that started what they called the Great “Bildergerg” Economic Reset. Western democracy can function only with secret meetings being held with our tax money to decide how to make sure our enslavement makes them richer and more powerful. And we do not do much to stop it because we are too addicted to the drugs of all kinds (digital, biological, chemical, etc.) they are selling to us legally and illegally, that we cannot live without. Public schooling, the Law, the Courts, voting in bogus elections, tourism, usury, fiat money (debt bearing currency), and religions are also part of the drugs and their elixir of death! We saw them shutting the economy of the masses, the Common people, while they bail out with our tax money the Corporate crooks and gangsters.
HOWEVER, they do seem to do the right thing as they saw us totally undeserving, and I will never blame them for that, because we are indeed undeserving and unfit to live as a burden in their Satanic Order of world matters. The Luciferian Illuminati was set up on 1st May 1776, and they know they are smarter and have all the power we gave them, and I will never blame them for using it against us! They will force us and our babies and pregnant mothers to have a Big Pharma deadly vaccines and contraceptives, and they call themselves a democracy where we are not given the choice. They will do so many things without our consent or uninformed consent. I never forgot what once Dr. Kent Hovind called it – a demoncracy as clearly represented by the Greatest Nation on Earth, the United Satanic States of America - USSA where we have the greatest evil minds of all times. They are such liars saying they are a "democracy" that Muslims worldwide hate when they were and are in fact a Constitutional Freemasonic Republic where the Constitution died a long time ago! All is about who prints and makes the money!
They cannot stop crime in society, but they can use the Police and the Military to attack and control us although paid with our own tax money! They would force us close down our hospitals, surgeries, businesses, shops, to go bankrupt, to be unable to sustain our families and children, and those that remain open, like liquor stores and chemists, to wear muzzles, and serve only muzzled customers, to use all kinds of shields to protect themselves and even books from deadly coughs and sneezes. Thank God we were not forced to wear gloves while handling fruits and vegetables and other shelf products! Yes, tomatoes and potatoes were not ordered to “social distance” or kept separate by using a yellow taped line.
I went through Ramadan with all the demons unleashed on the streets of London and elsewhere and instead of losing weight as I usually do during this blessed (although not for most of us!) and after, I put on much more weight than I ever did in the past decades – 10 kg! This was more terrifying than COVID-19! Some shops started to refuse cash payments because of the naughty virus! I saw so many sanitizing even their shop doors and windows or mothers keep using antiseptic on the handle of their pushchairs. Some babies and kids were even forced to wear masks.
This Ramadan, the angels were on strike and they did not chain the devils, the Presidents and Prime Ministers who, after consulting with their Master, were all appearing on their prostitute media regularly to terrorize the population! I was not contaminated by the State virus because I do not watch television, never did since 1998 after I plane crashed in London in 1997 caused by my darling French wife had sabotaged it with a couple of MOSSAD operatives! Many acts were staged in hospitals, on balconies and probably in brothels as well, to sing hymns and ballads to the much welcomed FUCCI (France-US, Canadian-Chinese-Israel lab engineered virus!
The lesson to learn from this old-new episode of “Western” Anglo-Saxon imperialist, colonial and fascist mendacity is that modern inhumans are the worst viruses ever engineered by Western scientific, technological and dogmatic achievements since they had crucified their bogus God on a bogus Roman cross or stake to bring about the Great Reset, that is the Salvation not of the world, but of their own Elite and Chosen Ones through a fictitious resurrection of the physical body of God the Son while his Father’God had a throne added to his side for His martyred Son!
So, COVID-19 is the crucifixion re-enacted and SALVATION has already been awarded to all those who have accepted the Chosen Ones, Apartheid Israel, the “Bilderbergs”, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission, the private Rothschild Federal reserve, the US-European Masonic Lodges, the World Council of Churches, the Zionist United Nations, homosexuals or Sodomites, lesbians, transgender, homosexual marriages and the adoption of our destitute or made-destitute children or even foetuses for trade, pro-deathers for economic and choice reasons, drug addicts, usurers, racists and supremacists of all kinds, gamblers, pedo-criminals, prostitutes, and other parasites.
Just as Corona King Christ was a Greco-Roman fabrication, so is Corona King Virus that has conquered Christendom and the subjugated world! An electron microscopic crown protein, not even classified as living, but deadlier than the most advanced weapons of mass destruction! But, yes, it is indeed the most majestic weapon of mass deception that could be used as the deadliest weapon of mass destruction and world control of the entire human history according to the divine plan! It can easily be compared to a Pope’s or Israel’s skull cap with added spikes that makes it so deadly! Holy Israel is the one aspiring to become the sole King of the World with Godly Majesty, Homosexual Pride, and the sole Owner of all the Wealth of the World!
The Luciferian System made it a crime to turn to the sun, the sea, the air (unpolluted), the beaches, and Nature in general to sustain healthy life on earth, while the wealthiest 1% live in castles and on lands with lakes, rivers, mountains, and even on privately owned islands, so why bother if most of us were eliminated in their Eugenics long planned Old Testament Biblical and Masonic programme?
Luciferian 1stof May 2021
SH A’ B AN 1 4 4 1 / A P R I L 2 0 2 0
Extracts: (Bold, stress, and brackets are mine)
Abraham to Nimrod - most probably a fabrication, but full of Ancient Wisdom!
“Rabbiy allazhi yuhyi wa-yumit”, My Lord is He that gives life and death, not VACCINES, COVID-19 and its mutations ("variants")!
Sheikh Abdal Hakim Murad is Dean of the Cambridge Muslim College, UK, and in April 2020, he quoted ARAMCO's "The Islamic Roots of the Modern Hospital" by Stanley Lane-Poole as saying:
“Cubicles for patients were ranged round two courts, and at the sides of another quadrangle were wards, lecture rooms, library, baths, dispensary, and every necessary appliance of those days of surgical science. There was even music to cheer the sufferers; while reader of the Koran afforded the consolations of the faith. Rich and poor were treated alike, without fees, and sixty orphans were supported and educated in the neighbouring school.”
"The article begins with a quote from the Waqfiyya of the hospital of Sultan Qalaun:
“The hospital shall keep all patients, men and women, until they are completely recovered. All costs are to be borne by the hospital whether the people come from afar or near, whether they are residents or foreigners, strong or weak, low or high, rich or poor, employed or unemployed, blind or signed, physically or mentally ill, learned or illiterate. There are no conditions of consideration and payment; none is objected to or even indirectly hinted at for non-payment. The entire service is through the magnificence of God, the generous one.”
The hospital, then, the Dar al-Shifa’ or Bimaristan, is one of Islam’s gifts to the West, emerging from a culture in which compassion but also medical professionalism were highly valued. So much overlap and commonalty between the influencer and the influenced! And yet that culture differed from our own in one key respect. Pre-modern Muslim medics, and Ulemas who thought about contagion, assumed a social world in which human expectations from life and dunya were modest.
Terrors about death and a love of abundance are more the Sunna of Nimrod and Pharaoh; they are the way of Abu Jahl, not that of the Seal of the Messengers (Muhammad); as the poets say, they reflect the materialism of the donkey, not of the Jesus who rides it. Our modern attitudes to death are very unrealistic, evasive and stressful: atheist beliefs, which have themselves spread like a virus thanks to the unclean matter which has accumulated in our hearts, persuade many that clinical death is the end of ourselves. As the Qur’an describes such people: “They say, it is only our life of this world, we were dead, and we live, and only Time kills us.”
Such people are tragically terrified of death; in fact, this forms the major terrorism which dismays humanity in our age: the wicked threat of a meaningless and eternal nothingness. In the old Arabia the Jahili (unlettered) Arabs had no confidence in life after death; but the Man of Praise (Muhammad), in his saddest moment of confronting them, was told: “the next world shall be better for you than this”. And in Surat al-A’la: “you prefer this worldly life, but the next life is better and more permanent.”
Death is a normal and natural part of our frail human reality, and its decree proceeds from an inexorable Divine name al-Mumit, the Slayer. Pre-modern humanity saw it on every hand, and knew how to cope; rituals helped a good deal, but even more healing was the awareness of the Divine wisdom and mercy. So the Man of Praise (Muhammad) said, remarkably: “tuhfat al-mu’min al-mawt”, the precious gift to the believer is death; because he or she moves on from this disappointing world to the world of pure mercy and meaning. True, the Holy Prophet tells us not to hope for death, “let none of you hope for death”, for our ending is by His decree, not our preference. We simply accept it calmly as an entire expression of the Divine wisdom.
This is one reason, no doubt, why believers enjoy better mental health outcomes than atheists; a 2013 Daily Telegraph article, noting the intrinsicality of religious belief to human beings, proposed that atheism itself should be classed as a mental illness. But it is a widespread infection, with ugly psychological symptoms, and in modern Britain this is showing. The monstrous cruelty of atheist beliefs is revealed never more sharply than by the suffering of relatives as they receive the news that a loved one has died in an ICU. A void replaces a soul; there are no timeless rituals; there is not the glimmering of hope."
“Hasbuna’Llahu wa-ni’ma’l-wakil”, Allah is enough for us, and an excellent Guardian; or we say,
“Innaa li’Llahi wa-innaa ilayhi raji’un”: we belong to God, and to Him shall we return.
“kullu nafsin dha’iqat al-mawt”: every soul shall taste of death.
In the late ninth century, leading physician and polymath Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi helped establish a bimaristan—hospital—in Baghdad staffed with 25 doctors, optometrists, surgeons and bonesetters. The illustration above, from a 13th-century European translation of Al-Razi’s Compendium of Medical Treatises, shows him treating a patient.
The Islamic Roots of the Modern Hospital
Contre la trahison – Le discours d’Alain Soral au Bal des Quenelles 2019
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
BUT, IT IS MY UNDERSTANDING THAT BRIAN ROSE'S DIGITAL CITIZENS OF THE WORLD AGENDA IS JUST PART OF THE SAME OLD RELIGION, AND WITH THE SAME NAIVETE, and which has failed miserably except at the individual levels, and at the level of fewer and fewer families and communities!
Nations are gone almost completely, and technology, artificial intelligence, engineered organisms, and Godlessness are the victors!
"We must be as cunning as snakes"
Dear Digital Citizens of the World,
My name is Brian Rose and I am the Founder & Host of London Real, an independent media and education company that has been broadcasting long-form interviews with some of the greatest thought leaders in the world for the past nine years.In that time, our video content has been WATCHED OVER HALF A BILLION TIMES and we have graduated over 5,000 people from our London Real Academy in 107 countries around the world.
Our mission is simple: to create a mass-scale transformation of humanity into a fully empowered, conscious and cooperative species.
Every day for the past nine years, I have worked tirelessly to help TRANSFORM THE LIVES OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE from around the world.
And yet today, I write to you OUT OF DESPERATION.
Recently I have been persecuted, banned, deplatformed, and censored by governments, regulators, mainstream media, and trillion dollar technology platforms.
Every aspect of my life has been under attack: from my credibility to my content to my livelihood and even reputation.
This has all happened for one reason: because I chose to broadcast conversations and ideas that are deemed controversial for mainstream media coverage.
My reason for doing so is to give people a choice about the guidance and information they choose to engage with, something I believe is a critical need in these challenging times of global crisis.
My sole aim is to disseminate information to allow people to make their own choices as rationally minded, free thinking adults.
Let me be very clear:
I DO NOT encourage violence.
I DO NOT encourage the destruction of property.
I DO NOT encourage revolution. ???
I DO NOT encourage protest. ???
I only encourage EDUCATION.
And for this I have been vilified, marginalised and silenced.
All for exercising my fundamental human rights to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press.
These are our most basic civil rights which have been guaranteed by governments around the world for hundreds of years. Wars have been fought over them, people have died for this.
The First Amendment of the US Constitution (adopted in 1791) reads:
Congress shall make no law prohibiting… or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.
The European Convention on Human Rights Article 10 states:
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.
The United Nations created in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948 which states in Article 19:
We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people.
Like many of you, I hold these truths to be self-evident, and believe they are the reason we live in a free society that celebrates life, liberty, and justice. Without this most basic freedom, everything we stand for will fundamentally be lost.
If we cannot entertain and debate contrarian ideas in a public forum, how will we progress as a society and a species?
What if the Magna Carta had never stated in 1215 that everybody, including the king, was subject to the law?
What if Martin Luther had never nailed his theses to the door in 1517?
What if the founding fathers of America had never created their Declaration of Independence in 1776?
What if Martin Luther King, Jr. had been unable to speak freely about civil rights in his “I Have A Dream” speech on the Washington Mall in 1963? [WHAT IS THIS MLK BULL SHIT DOING HERE? BAFS]
Would we be the free-thinking society of liberty and justice of today?
I think not.
It is only because of Freedom of Speech that we are able to consider all points of view, engage in a healthy debate, and move forward and take the most intelligent action.
And I am deeply concerned that now all of this is being taken away from us.
I feel that we are heading down a very dark path and that if we continue will permanently alter the course of humanity forever.
To be completely honest, I never planned on getting into this fight.
For forty years of my life I focussed on the one thing most of us do: serving our own self-interests. I graduated with an engineering degree from MIT and built a very successful career in finance on Wall Street and in the City of London. I thought that money and success would make me happy, but it left me feeling empty, depressed and disconnected. So I walked away from it all and started London Real in my apartment with a couple of webcams, a cheap wooden desk, and a vision to start giving back to the world.
London Real has always been the same: to broadcast long-form conversations that are unscripted, unedited, and uncensored. Real people talking about real things. It sounds so simple, but the effect has been so profound.
These nuanced, organic, and real interviews have changed the lives of tens of millions of people, allowing them to be more empowered, more conscious, and more cooperative.
In fact every single day I get stopped on the streets and thanked because the content we produce has literally saved people’s lives.
And in the process I changed too, going from a selfish, angry, greedy, alcoholic banker to become a sober, optimistic, and hopeful teacher, father and broadcaster.
The transformation in myself and the London Real community has been nothing less than a miracle of modern broadcasting technology.
And all of this would have proceeded as planned for another 9 years if it wasn’t for the events of April 6, 2020.
This day was like many other days at London Real. We had a guest in our studio, and we broadcast a live 2.5 hour unscripted, unedited, and uncensored conversation to anyone who chose to watch it. The guest was David Icke and the broadcast was extremely popular, in fact it was the second largest YouTube livestream in the world that day, with some 339,000 people tuning in to watch it.
Our conversation that day was clearly something that many, many people wanted to watch. Yet thirty minutes later, this entire broadcast was deleted and banned on YouTube, and my adventure with modern day digital censorship would begin.
Over the next five weeks that same broadcast would be deleted and banned on a number of other technology platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Spotify and Vimeo. London Real would then be completely deplatformed and deleted from LinkedIn and Dropbox.
All because of two people speaking calmly about different ideas. We are being punished for exercising our universal human right to freedom of speech.
Next our content would be sanctioned and censored by the UK regulator Ofcom, after a broadcast on TV channel London Live.
Then we were vilified by the BBC and mainstream press for publishing “health misinformation that could cause physical harm”.
As if we as adults need to be coddled by our governments, regulators, media, and technology companies.
The weeks which followed saw more of our videos from other guests banned, more untrue claims published by the mainstream media and more threats made to our broadcasting rights via increased censorship and threats.
Today we risk being deplatformed on most major social media platforms and technology providers. Our credibility is being attacked and they are taking strong steps to shut down our business and render us voiceless.
Which is why I write to you today. [I started writing and addressing my class in the 1960s (Royal College) when I was 15-16 years of age! BAFS]
I want to make this statement loud and clear.
We will no longer tolerate this inhuman treatment.
We will stand up for what built the great nations and powerful social movements of human history.
We will stand up for what created the system of life, liberty and justice that we hold so dear. [Brian wants to "STAND UP" and says "WE WILL NOT TOLERATE" as if we had the POWER to do so! It is like a cripple bragging! But, why does he not use the only WEAPON that can stop them and make a huge difference: BOYCOTT? BAFS]
We Believe:
- Freedom of Speech is the most fundamental human right of all
- Censorship has no place in a free society
- Digital platforms are in fact public utilities and need to follow the rule of law in each country
- Our full-length video conversations with David Icke, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, and Dr. Judy Mikovits are replatformed on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn with immediate effect
- We are permitted to immediately resume broadcasting uncensored conversations on any and all technology platforms
- The governments of the USA, UK, France, Germany, Canada and European Union create new legislation to permanently guarantee Universal Digital Freedom of Speech rights to all citizens indefinitely
- A full and complete broadcast of our three episodes in 2020 with David Icke on LONDON LIVE TELEVISION CHANNEL without censure
- Access to CENSORSHIP FREE broadcasting for all
I disagree. These private companies now act as public utilities, especially now in times of crisis when important information needs delivery to the public. Therefore as such these utilities need to respect the fundamental human rights laws that prevail in the locations they service.
This means complying with the First Amendment of the Constitution, The European Convention on Human Rights Article 10, and the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Article 19.
The law is in fact on our side and it is our duty as citizens to enforce it. [THE LAW???]
To be honest I am not a person that likes to ask for help. I believe in the concept of self-reliance at all costs.
But I cannot win this fight alone. I need you and your support.
I need your signature on this open letter so we can show that our voice is a force to be reckoned with.
A single voice that is “Of the People, By the People, For the People.”
We must all remember that these governments, media companies and technology platforms CANNOT EXIST WITHOUT US.
We are the citizens, the voters, the viewers, the consumers of adverts, and the providers of personal data that keep these dominant entities in power.
We control their future, not the other way around.
But only if we act together, as one unit, and demand that our fundamental human rights be restored.
So help me now to send them a strong signal.
Sign this letter and let’s take back our power.
Let’s show these institutions that they are here to serve us.
Let’s give them a strong message loud and clear:
Join me today and sign this letter.
Let’s send a shot across their bow and tell them that enough is enough.
Let’s create a freethinking and freespeaking society that we will feel proud to pass on to our children and grandchildren.
The time is now.
To Our Freedom,
Brian Rose
Founder & Host
London Real
May 13, 2020

Let's move forward, let's move forward!
The day of glory has come!
Do you hear those ferocious soldiers roaring in the country side?
We will enter the quarry when our elders are dead!
Much less jealous of surviving them than share their coffin, we will have sublime pride to avenge or follow them!
These mercenary phalanxes would defeat our proud warriors?
Ces phalanges mercenaires terrasseraient nos fiers guerriers?
Good Lord!
By chained hands our foreheads under the yoke would bow?
Par des mains enchaînées, nos fronts sous le joug se ploieraient?
Vile despots would become masters of our destinies?
Freedom, darling freedom!
Liberté, Liberté chérie!
Fight with your defenders under our flags so that victory answers the cry of your males!
Combats avec tes défenseurs, sous nos drapeaux afin que la victoire accoure au cri de tes mâles!
Let your dying enemies see your triumph and our glory!
Liberté, Liberté chérie! QUI SONT VOS ENNEMIES?
Robert Badinter, an ati-Arab and anti-Muslim racist, lawyer of the racist Jewish Lobby LICRA against Pr. Robert Faurisson. Socialist President François Mitterrand made him Minister of Justice in 1981. Président of "Conseil Constitutionnel" in 1986. He was President of "Conseil représentatif des institutions juives et du Fond social juif unifié".
Psycho-analyst Michèle Barzach was a Moroccan Jewess and former Minister of Health!
Freemason Rony Braumafrom from Israël (Occupied Palestine), oneof the Founders of the Jewish led « Médecins sans Frontières » with Jew Bernard Kouchner, a notorious Balkans organ trafficker for Israel! Actress and film producer Isabelle Breitmann alias Zabou. Marie-Georges Kosellek (born of a Paul Kosellek, Polish Jew, and married to Buffet, Communist Minister of Youth and Sports, linked to Rothschild Bank in Vienna, in charge of the Jewish Agency in 1942.
- Déclaration du grand rabbin Sitruk à Jérusalem au Premier Ministre israélien Itzhac Shamir, "Le Monde" du 12 juillet 1990.
I consider that every Jew in the diaspora, and therefore of France,
must, wherever he can, bring his help to Israel. This is also the
reason it is important for Jews to take up political responsibilities.
In short, in my daily duties and life, through the sum of my actions,
I try to contribute my modest stone to the construction of Israel.
Radio Islam - Jewish U.S. Politics. Roger Garaudy - Myths of Israeli Politics. Ratzinger on Muslims. Robert Faurisson.
Friday, 22 May 2020

Bigtree’s film debuted in 2016. The movie, its promotional bus tour, and funding from the Selz Foundation quickly established Bigtree as an important voice of a re-energised American anti-vaccination movement. He has since spoken at multiple anti-vaccine events, where he repeats information about the risks of vaccines and alleges governments are engaged in a vast conspiracy to hide the truth.
Bigtree is the public face and chief executive of the anti-vaccination group Informed Consent Action Network, with Lisa Selz as its president. Under his leadership, ICAN promotes the theory that government officials have colluded with the pharmaceutical industry to cover up grievous harms from vaccines. Bigtree hosts a regular stream webcast, in which he frequently repeats anti-vaccination conspiracy theories, such as that the virus responsible for the 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak was made in a laboratory.
Dear Digital Citizens of the World,
My name is Brian Rose and I am the Founder & Host of London Real, an independent media and education company that has been broadcasting long-form interviews with some of the greatest thought leaders in the world for the past nine years.
In that time, our video content has been WATCHED OVER HALF A BILLION TIMES and we have graduated over 5,000 people from our London Real Academy in 107 countries around the world.
Our mission is simple: to create a mass-scale transformation of humanity into a fully empowered, conscious and cooperative species.
Every day for the past nine years, I have worked tirelessly to help TRANSFORM THE LIVES OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE from around the world.
And yet today, I write to you OUT OF DESPERATION.
Recently I have been persecuted, banned, deplatformed, and censored by governments, regulators, mainstream media, and trillion dollar technology platforms.
Every aspect of my life has been under attack: from my credibility to my content to my livelihood and even reputation.
This has all happened for one reason: because I chose to broadcast conversations and ideas that are deemed controversial for mainstream media coverage.
My reason for doing so is to give people a choice about the guidance and information they choose to engage with, something I believe is a critical need in these challenging times of global crisis.
My sole aim is to disseminate information to allow people to make their own choices as rationally minded, free thinking adults.
Let me be very clear:
I DO NOT encourage violence.
I DO NOT encourage the destruction of property.
I DO NOT encourage revolution.
I DO NOT encourage protest.
I only encourage EDUCATION.
And for this I have been vilified, marginalised and silenced.
All for exercising my fundamental human rights to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press.
These are our most basic civil rights which have been guaranteed by governments around the world for hundreds of years. Wars have been fought over them, people have died for this.
The First Amendment of the US Constitution (adopted in 1791) reads:
Congress shall make no law prohibiting… or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.
The European Convention on Human Rights Article 10 states:
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.
The United Nations created in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948 which states in Article 19:
We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people.
Like many of you, I hold these truths to be self-evident, and believe they are the reason we live in a free society that celebrates life, liberty, and justice. Without this most basic freedom, everything we stand for will fundamentally be lost.
If we cannot entertain and debate contrarian ideas in a public forum, how will we progress as a society and a species?
What if the Magna Carta had never stated in 1215 that everybody, including the king, was subject to the law?
What if Martin Luther had never nailed his theses to the door in 1517?
What if the founding fathers of America had never created their Declaration of Independence in 1776?
What if Martin Luther King, Jr. had been unable to speak freely about civil rights in his “I Have A Dream” speech on the Washington Mall in 1963? *
* Zionist pervert Michael King Jr. was bribed $800,000 by ZIONISTS, COMMUNISTS, and HOMOSEXUALS to derail the Black Revolution and read out that "I HAVE A DREAM" nonsense, lie, and hoax! [BAFS]
Would we be the free-thinking society of liberty and justice of today?
I think not.
It is only because of Freedom of Speech that we are able to consider all points of view, engage in a healthy debate, and move forward and take the most intelligent action.
And I am deeply concerned that now all of this is being taken away from us.
I feel that we are heading down a very dark path and that if we continue will permanently alter the course of humanity forever.
To be completely honest, I never planned on getting into this fight.
For forty years of my life I focussed on the one thing most of us do: serving our own self-interests. I graduated with an engineering degree from MIT and built a very successful career in finance on Wall Street and in the City of London. I thought that money and success would make me happy, but it left me feeling empty, depressed and disconnected. So I walked away from it all and started London Real in my apartment with a couple of webcams, a cheap wooden desk, and a vision to start giving back to the world.
London Real has always been the same: to broadcast long-form conversations that are unscripted, unedited, and uncensored. Real people talking about real things. It sounds so simple, but the effect has been so profound.
These nuanced, organic, and real interviews have changed the lives of tens of millions of people, allowing them to be more empowered, more conscious, and more cooperative.
In fact every single day I get stopped on the streets and thanked because the content we produce has literally saved people’s lives.
And in the process I changed too, going from a selfish, angry, greedy, alcoholic banker to become a sober, optimistic, and hopeful teacher, father and broadcaster.
The transformation in myself and the London Real community has been nothing less than a miracle of modern broadcasting technology.
And all of this would have proceeded as planned for another 9 years if it wasn’t for the events of April 6, 2020.
This day was like many other days at London Real. We had a guest in our studio, and we broadcast a live 2.5 hour unscripted, unedited, and uncensored conversation to anyone who chose to watch it. The guest was David Icke and the broadcast was extremely popular, in fact it was the second largest YouTube livestream in the world that day, with some 339,000 people tuning in to watch it.
Our conversation that day was clearly something that many, many people wanted to watch. Yet thirty minutes later, this entire broadcast was deleted and banned on YouTube, and my adventure with modern day digital censorship would begin.
Over the next five weeks that same broadcast would be deleted and banned on a number of other technology platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Spotify and Vimeo. London Real would then be completely deplatformed and deleted from LinkedIn and Dropbox.
All because of two people speaking calmly about different ideas. We are being punished for exercising our universal human right to freedom of speech.
Next our content would be sanctioned and censored by the UK regulator Ofcom, after a broadcast on TV channel London Live. Then we were vilified by the BBC and mainstream press for publishing “health misinformation that could cause physical harm”.
As if we as adults need to be coddled by our governments, regulators, media, and technology companies.
The weeks which followed saw more of our videos from other guests banned, more untrue claims published by the mainstream media and more threats made to our broadcasting rights via increased censorship and threats.
Today we risk being deplatformed on most major social media platforms and technology providers. Our credibility is being attacked and they are taking strong steps to shut down our business and render us voiceless.
Which is why I write to you today.
I want to make this statement loud and clear.
We will no longer tolerate this inhuman treatment.
We will stand up for what built the great nations and powerful social movements of human history.
We will stand up for what created the system of life, liberty and justice that we hold so dear.
We Believe:
- Freedom of Speech is the most fundamental human right of all
- Censorship has no place in a free society
- Digital platforms are in fact public utilities and need to follow the rule of law in each country
We Demand:
- Our full-length video conversations with David Icke, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, and Dr. Judy Mikovits are replatformed on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn with immediate effect
- We are permitted to immediately resume broadcasting uncensored conversations on any and all technology platforms
- The governments of the USA, UK, France, Germany, Canada and European Union create new legislation to permanently guarantee Universal Digital Freedom of Speech rights to all citizens indefinitely
- A full and complete broadcast of our three episodes in 2020 with David Icke on LONDON LIVE TELEVISION CHANNEL without censure
- Access to CENSORSHIP FREE broadcasting for all
There are some who will say that these private companies are allowed to establish “Community Guidelines” and censor whoever and whatever they choose.
I disagree. These private companies now act as public utilities, especially now in times of crisis when important information needs delivery to the public. Therefore as such these utilities need to respect the fundamental human rights laws that prevail in the locations they service.
This means complying with the First Amendment of the Constitution, The European Convention on Human Rights Article 10, and the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Article 19.
The law is in fact on our side and it is our duty as citizens to enforce it.
To be honest I am not a person that likes to ask for help. I believe in the concept of self-reliance at all costs.
But I cannot win this fight alone. I need you and your support.
I need your signature on this open letter so we can show that our voice is a force to be reckoned with.
A single voice that is “Of the People, By the People, For the People.”
We must all remember that these governments, media companies and technology platforms CANNOT EXIST WITHOUT US.
We are the citizens, the voters, the viewers, the consumers of adverts, and the providers of personal data that keep these dominant entities in power.
We control their future, not the other way around.
But only if we act together, as one unit, and demand that our fundamental human rights be restored.
So help me now to send them a strong signal.
Sign this letter and let’s take back our power.
Let’s show these institutions that they are here to serve us.
Let’s give them a strong message loud and clear:
Join me today and sign this letter.
Let’s send a shot across their bow and tell them that enough is enough.
Let’s create a freethinking and freespeaking society that we will feel proud to pass on to our children and grandchildren.
The time is now.
To Our Freedom,
Brian Rose
Founder & Host
London Real
May 13, 2020
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Brian For Mayor, 30 Market Place, Fitzrovia, London, W1W 8AP, United Kingdom
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