Monday, 1 June 2020




Candace Owens - I DO NOT support George Floyd and I refuse to see him as a martyr! 


3 Jun 2020
Afrakan Pickiney 
Pinned by Afrakan Pickiney
I saw this live of Candace on FB and I wanted to share to get your feedback on this view from a black woman. Do you agree or disagree with her? Please subscribe and click the notification bell so you don't miss a video. 
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Where is the REAL coffin of George Floyd? Did anybody see his body? BAFS
BLACK AMERICA, BLACK BRITAIN, BLACK AUTHORS ... are again misleading racist or racialist concepts or labels!
There is no such thing as the BLACK or WHITE "community" unless you adopt a RACIST point of view based on Black and White "colours" with the exclusion of all other skin colours! BAFS

WATCH: Conservative Vlogger Candace Owens Says the Idea of George Floyd As A Martyr Is ‘Bull****’

YouTube Candace Owens Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist. Protests erupted around the country after a video of Floyd’s death showed then-Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on the back of his neck for seven minutes as a handcuffed Floyd begged for help, told him and other officers that he couldn’t breathe and eventually became nonresponsive. The four police officers on the scene — Chauvin, Tou Thao, Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng — have been fired and charged with second-degree homicide and the FBI has started an investigation into the incident. However, in her video, Owens shared a different perspective, saying, “I do not support George Floyd and a media depiction of him as a martyr for Black America,” which she said was evidence of the black community’s tendency to “blame white people” and take no “personal accountability.”Owens Called Black Culture ‘Broken’ & ‘Embarrassing’Candace Owens – I DO NOT support George Floyd and I refuse to see him as a martyr!Join me on pateron ► Checkout my shop: ► Support my channel by making a small donation via my PayPal at the link below ►…. Check out my podcast: ► Follow me on IG: ►… Join my Facebook group: ► Disclaimer: These views are not those of African Pickiney.…2020-06-03T23:27:12ZOwens said she had felt pressured to stay quiet but was unable to contain her annoyance at what she called the depiction of Floyd as “a martyr” any longer. “We are unique in that we are the only people that fight and scream and demand support and justice from the people in our community that are up to no good,” she said. “You would be hard-pressed to find a Jewish person that’s been five stints in prison that commits a crime and dies while committing a crime and the Jewish people champion and demand justice for,” repeating the statement for white Americans and “even Latinos.” She also said the response to Floyd’s death is representative of a “broken Black culture” that is quick to “celebrate criminals.” She said, “We are embarrassing in that regard. This is why we have a cycle and a toxic culture because nobody wants to tell the truth and Black America. It is so easy to be effective it is so easy to ask white people to bow down and apologize and do all these things for us. It is crap.” Owens also expressed disbelief that Floyd was trying to turn his life around and spent several minutes reviewing his entire criminal record and how much prison time he served. “We shouldn’t be buying T-shirts with his name on it,” she said. “He was a violent criminal,” she said of Floyd. “Just because he was a criminal does not mean you deserve to die at the knee of a police officer. I can’t say it enough, no, he did not deserve to die in that manner.” However, she said, “Racially motivated police brutality is a myth” and went on to claim that more white people are killed by police. BBC News journalists, however, reported that they found African Americans are disproportionately killed by police after they examined U.S. Census Bureau and Bureau of Justice Statistics data:

The figures that are available for incidents in which the police shoot and kill people show that for African-Americans, there’s a much higher chance of being fatally shot relative to their overall numbers in the US population. In fact, in 2019, although African-Americans made up less than 14% of the population (according to official census figures), they accounted for more than 23% of the just over 1,000 fatal shootings by the police. A paper from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences studying those killed by police between 2012 and 2018 also found that black men in the U.S. were 2.5 times more likely to be killed by police. That study concluded that “Police homicide risk is higher than suggested by official data. Black and Latino men are at higher risk for death than are white men and these disparities vary markedly across place.” Owens Called the Protesters & Their Message ‘Election Fodder’ On Her Journey From Left to Right | Candace Owens | POLITICS | Rubin ReportDave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Candace Owens (TPUSA) about her journey from liberal to conservative, her issues with the 'alt-left,' identity politics, and more. Is the state of US news driving you crazy? Does the coverage of political news rarely seem “fair and balanced”? Serious discussions on US politics is vital to…2017-09-29T00:06:01Z Owens, an ardent supporter of Trump, has said that she does not support Black Lives Matter because it makes police reluctant to respond to calls for service in predominately black neighborhoods. Owens said that narratives about police brutality and racially disparate law enforcement are “complete smoke and mirrors” and “all made up.” “It is just election fodder: white versus black because it is an election year, not because black Americans are suffering at the hands of police officers more than white Americans,” she said, at times pivoting to talk about black-on-black crime. Owens did not mention statistics from the FBI’s uniform crime report that reflect that all races tend to commit more crimes against their own race than others (as was reflected in the statistics for 2016 homicides, where 82% of white victims were murdered by white offenders and 90% of Black victims were murdered by Black offenders). However, she did continue to bring up Floyd’s criminal record as what she described as a “bottom-feeding narrative”: I’m not going to stand for this continual bottom-feeding narrative (about someone who) had five, six, seven stints in prison and then pretending they were upstanding heroes to our community. It is bulls**t. I am tired of it. I want to be very clear, this is not any defense for Derek Chauvin; I hope Derek Chauvin gets the justice that he deserves to be implemented upon him and that the family of George Floyd deserves justice for the way that he died. … But I will be damned if the rest of us upstanding black citizens have to suffer because of this incident that rarely ever happens in America. Owens Has Received Heavy Criticism & Some Praise For Her Video In the video, Owens acknowledged that some people would be upset by her point of view and even said she was prepared to hear herself referred to as an “Uncle Tom” and other derogatory slurs. Many who said they agreed with her message were criticized and argued that Owens’ recitation of Floyd’s criminal past was irrelevant and “disgraceful”: Despite anticipating the backlash, Owens ended her video by saying she was unapologetic about what she said: “Anyway, this is just a rant because I have been feeling super, super annoyed by these depictions in society. I have no apologies here to make. George Floyd: that’s not my martyr, he can be yours. That is all I have to say.” READ NEXT: WATCH: Message of ‘All Lives Matter’ At El Monte Protests in California Causes Angry Backlash on Twitter 



 Sahel et Résilience - THE SAME UN PROPAGANDA SHIT!  

Comment le PAM rend autonome les populations vulnérables au Niger??? HOLY UN SHIT!  


 WFP West Africa


Oct 2, 2019 · 5 min read

Au Niger, un des pays de la grande bande Sahélienne, des milliers de vies sont transformées jour après jour. Dans la région de Zinder, située au sud-est du Niger, je suis allé à la rencontre de deux femmes qui, malgré les importantes contraintes climatiques et la rigueur de leur environnement, nourrissent leurs espoirs et travaillent à rendre leurs vies meilleures.

Des femmes rentrent chez elles après une journée de travail au jardin communautaire de Wacha. WFP/Simon Pierre Diouf
Ecrit par Simon Pierre Diouf

A Dankeni, dans la commune de Gafati, tout le village s’est réuni pour la livraison du seuil d’épandage mis en œuvre par le PAM grâce à un financement BMZ. Ce seuil d’épandage dont les travaux ont commencé en avril 2018 est le premier construit par le PAM en partenariat avec World Vision International, dans la région de Zinder. Ce seuil favorise les activités de maraîchages et permet ainsi à la communauté de cultiver sur une surface de 22 hectares exploitables, dont 5 hectares qui seront aménagés cette année.

Ladidi et le seuil d’épandage en arrière plan. WFP/Simon Pierre Diouf

Au milieu de cette foule en joie, j’aperçois Ladidi. Sous son voile bleu, ses yeux pétillants montre à quel point elle attendait impatiemment la réalisation du seuil.
« La vie n’est vraiment pas facile ici, et il faut tous les jours se battre pour avoir le minimum qu’il faut pour nourrir sa famille. Avec ce nouveau seuil j’ai de l’espoir »
(But, Simon Pierre does not tell us in which language did she say that?)

Oui, elle a raison de garder espoir, elle qui se voit déjà travailler dans son jardin.
« Je rêve déjà de tous les légumes que je vais pouvoir planter ici. J’ai vraiment hâte de commencer à travailler ici » nous raconte Ladidi.

Ladidi sur les lieux de son futur jardin. WFP/Simon Pierre Diouf
Ladidi est cuisinière. Elle est très appréciée par toute sa communauté car pendant les travaux du seuil, elle faisait souvent à manger aux gens travaillant sur le site.
« Avant, je rêvais de partir en exode, dans un autre pays pour trouver un travail qui me permettrait de mieux gagner ma vie et de nourrir ma famille. Maintenant avec ce seuil, j’ai de nouveaux projets » nous confie-t-elle.

En parcourant des yeux cet espace à perte de vue qui se tient devant elle, Ladidi s’imagine déjà en propriétaire de restaurant.

Ladidi qui nous fait part de ses rêves. WFP/Simon Pierre Diouf
« Je vais peut-être ouvrir un restaurant et faire de bons plats avec les légumes que j’aurais récoltés » nous explique-t-elle. Cette activité génératrice de revenu pourrait apporter la stabilité que Ladidi cherche tant pour elle et sa famille.
(And get her teeth attended to!)

Hajia Absou dans son jardin à Wacha. WFP/Simon Pierre Diouf

Je continue mon périple vers le centre de la région de Zinder, plus précisément à Wacha. J’ai rendez-vous avec Hajia Absou, un exemple de persévérance et d’émancipation sociale.
« C’est moi, Hajia Absou, je suis contente de vous accueillir dans mon champ » nous dit Hajia, le sourire aux lèvres.
Le terroir de Wacha est constitué d’un vaste ensemble de terres dunaires et de cuvette comprenant une végétation arbustive dominée par des acacias, des palmiers et des dattiers. Il regorge de beaucoup de mares permanentes envahies par le typha australis communément appelé « Katchala ».
Les ménages très pauvres de cette localité bénéficient d’une assistance alimentaire (en espèce ou en vivres) [FROM WHOM?] pour faucarder les mares qui ont été pris d’assaut par le « Katchala ». Cette activité permet d’augmenter la productivité des mares qui seront utilisées pour développer les cultures irriguées.

(1) Hajia en plein travail dans son jardin (2) Hajia rentre chez elle après sa journée de travail. WFP/Simon Pierre Diouf
Hajia a participé à ce travail de faucardage et a ainsi pu mettre un peu d’argent de côté. En effet, les 32 500 FCFA qu’elle reçoit à la fin de chaque mois où elle travaille sur le site lui ont permis d’acheter son propre champ où elle a la liberté de cultiver des légumes pour nourrir sa famille ou tout simplement pour la vente.


  • 1 West African CFA franc equals
  • 0.0014 Pound sterling 
  • £55.5 per month! HOLY SHIT!
« Je suis mère de 4 enfants et mon mari est aveugle. Avec ce champ, je peux davantage prendre soin d’eux » se confie-t-elle.

Dans sa maison, Hajia stock ses différentes récoltes composées de courges et d’oignons. Ces récoltes permettent à la famille d’Hajia de bénéficier d’une alimentation beaucoup plus diversifiée. Pour eux, la malnutrition est à présent un lointain souvenir.

Hajia qui nous montre une partie de sa récolte. WFP/Simon Pierre Diouf
En plus du champ qu’elle a pu acquérir, Hajia a même acheté un mouton qu’elle élève.

« Je suis très heureuse d’avoir pu acheter ce mouton. Jamais je n’ai pensé qu’un jour je pourrais en avoir les moyens. Maintenant, la communauté me considère davantage » nous confie-t-elle.

Hajia fière de nous montrer le mouton qu’elle a acheté. WFP/Simon Pierre Diouf
En effet, l’amélioration de la situation sociale de Hajia lui permet d’être mieux intégrée dans sa communauté et diminue ainsi le sentiment d’isolation dont elle a souffert pendant des années.
« Ce jardin a changé ma vie ! Je suis devenue une femme indépendante et autonome et je suis enfin capable de travailler pour construire un avenir meilleur pour moi et pour ma famille » explique Hajia, le regard plein d’espoir.

N.B. When I discovered in the 1960s that the Saudis were bulldozing the sacrificed meat into the ground and refused the request of Pakistan to take the meat and can it, and distribute it to the needy, they refused, arguing it was HARAAM TO CAN THAT FOOD!  This was the day I promised never to set foot in Arabia as long as this Satanic Saudi Cult was in power, and I kept my promise to this very day 1st June 2020 as later I had also learned with the advent of the Internet that the SAUDIS were not only Satanic, but also CRYPTO-JEWISH puppets of the West and ALLY OF ISRAEL!

A vendor displays sheep for sale, to be slaughtered during the Eid Al Adha holiday, at a market in Riyadh. Faisal Al Nasser/Reuters A vendor displays sheep for sale, to be slaughtered during the Eid Al Adha holiday, at a market in Riyadh. Faisal Al Nasser/Reuters

Every Eid Al Adha, Saudi officials overseeing the Haj are presented with a daunting question.

What to do with all this meat?

More than 1 million animals are expected to be sacrificed during the Haj, providing more lamb, beef and camel meat than the 1.5 million pilgrims who have journeyed to Mecca can possibly eat.

Not so long ago, this abundance created a problem. The meat from hundreds of thousands of animals would be burnt or buried to reduce the surplus and not least, to prevent a sanitation crisis.

Authorities in the kingdom (SHIT CRYPTO US-ISRAEL KINGDOM), however, have worked for the past three decades to build a system that avoids such waste and helps meet the religious obligation to distribute one-third of all meat prepared for the occasion to the poor. Now, excess meat is frozen and shipped overseas.  2013???????

With the cooperation of Islamic banks and a legion of butchers, this flash-frozen meat will be shipped to impoverished Muslims in more than two dozen countries. 

This year, Syria is also set to receive a large donation from the so-called Saudi Project for the Utilisation of Hajj Meat, also known as the Adahi programme, first launched 32 years ago.

The act of sacrifice means doing something for someone else,” said Sayyid M Rizvi, a Toronto-based imam who has written books about the history of Islamic customs including Haj.

Flash-freezing meat, he said, is a way “to implement the rationale of this sacrifice — they make the facilities to preserve the meat and then to give it away to the poor segments of the Muslim world”. {MUSLIM WORLD???????}

Pilgrims can perform the sacrifice on any of three days of Eid Al Adha, which began yesterday. But most choose the first day, when they are in Mina just after they have thrown 49 pebbles at the jamarat pillars, symbolising the stoning of the devil.
In the early 1980s, demand for the meat from a growing number of pilgrims far outstripped the capacity of the five slaughterhouses in Mina.

“During the times of sacrifice, the crush of pilgrims near the premises of the slaughterhouses creates conditions approaching chaos,” wrote the US geographer Clarke Brooke in 1987 in a study of the Haj sacrifice. “Everywhere around the slaughterhouses are pilgrims, traders, live animals, and the carcasses of those already slain.”

Nor could pilgrims’ appetites match the quantity of meat slaughtered. Bulldozers pushed remains of animals into ditches; other carcasses were burnt.***
“For years, hundreds of thousands of sheep were slaughtered, and after families took what they could use, the rest was simply buried because of the lack of processing facilities for sheep sacrificed one day of the year”, the retired US State Department official David E Long said in an interview with the Saudi-US Relations Information Service this week.

In 1983, the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) stepped in. The key to their plan was what the programme now calls “power of attorney to the slaughter of sheep”, freeing pilgrims of the physical need to carry out or be present for the slaughter.

Sharia permits the Muslim to slaughter his offering by proxy given to any trusted person or entity,” Adahi’s website explains. “The Project acts as an agent to pilgrims”.

Instead of haggling for an animal, or waiting in long queues for a butcher in Mina, pilgrims can purchase coupons from Saudi banks and post offices, indicating which animal should be sacrificed and when. Prices are fixed each year.

As the system has grown — and online purchases have also become available — Saudi authorities invested massively on infrastructure to keep up with demand. Last year, the IDB said the kingdom had spent 1 billion Saudi riyals (Dh980m) to build new slaughterhouses, hire 700 veterinarians, and 400 religious experts.

“We deploy about 40,000 workers including veterinarians, administrators and butchers, to carry out the project every year,” the IDB president, Ahmed Mohamed Ali, said.

The programme distributed 993,000 animals to 24 countries after last year’s Haj. This year, the IDB is aiming to send even more meat to 28 countries. Mr Ali said he expected 1 million sheep, and 10,000 cattle and camels, to be slaughtered.

In Saudi {THOSE CRYPTO-JEWISH BASTARDS DO NOT OWN ARABIA!!!} Arabia, the Adahi project’s popularity has also inspired local businesses to get involved. About a decade ago, the Jeddah-based mufti Sheikh Nayeem Qasmi performed sacrifices of goats for friends as recompense for errors made during their pilgrimages.

“A few of my friends who know I do this service would contact me over the phone and then would have to send money so the goat could be slaughtered,” he said. Realising many people would be interested in services like this throughout the Haj and Umrah, he cofounded Hajj Solutions, which today makes sacrifices for on behalf of clients from 75 countries.

Just one in 10 pilgrims collects the meat from the animals he sells. “From the animals that are not collected, about 20 per cent are given to the poor people in Mecca and other local needy people,” he said. “The remaining is donated to the Adahi programme.”

The system is not without critics, however, particularly this year, as Saudi demand for cattle and sheep has pushed prices up elsewhere.
Adahi’s fixed price for sheep is 490 Saudi riyals (Dh480), less than a third of the Dh1,700 that buyers based in Abu Dhabi said they were paying for Gulf-raised sheep this week. Saudi customers are also paying more than pilgrims; the Saudi Gazette quoted customers yesterday putting the price for Gulf sheep at between 1,600 and 2,000 riyals.

This year, Saudi media has reported livestock imports from traditional trading partners Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti and Eritrea, but also Uruguay, Pakistan, Turkey and Australia.
At least some of that meat will likely head straight back to places such as Somalia and Pakistan, frozen and ready to consume.

Updated: October 15, 2013 04:00 AM


Communist Street Scum Protest Trump
by Mike King

An "Almost-Daily"  Daily Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions,
Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times

Subscribe to the Anti-NY Times and Stay on Top of World Events

NY Times: Trump’s Looting and ‘Shooting’ Remarks Escalate Crisis in Minneapolis
NY Times: Trump Threatens White House Protesters With ‘Vicious Dogs’
NY Times: In Days of Discord, a President Fans the Flames‘
NY Times: Looting’ Comment From Trump Dates Back to Racial Unrest of 1960s 


In late 2019, the "Russian Collusion" Hoax finally faded away with a whimper. Within a matter of days, the "Get Trump" movement then seamlessly flowed into the "Ukrainian Phone Call" Hoax and subsequent impeachment circus of January 2020. Not long after that effort at removing Trump fell flat, the Stupid-19 Scamdemic was launched worldwide -- the objective being to crash the world economy, blame Trump, take out nationalist leaders in other countries, and impose a tyrannical system of implanted-microchip control under the guise of "safety."

Though the damaging effects of this "flu d'etat" are still ongoing and continuing to unfold; the moronic mania over a common cold is indeed subsiding among short-attention-span normies -- as is the political threat to Trump. So, what's a Globalist to do now? It's back to the tried and trusted R&R playbook -- that stands for Racism & Rioting -- which Fake News is predictably blaming on Trump.

This desperate play will also fail and backfire. Though the mass public may have been horrified by the videotaped crisis actor stunt which featured a White Minneapolis Police Officer embedded CIA agent using excessive force to subdue an already-handcuffed Black suspect fellow CIA agent by pinning down his neck with his knee-- few people, Black or White are going to excuse the behavior of the Soros / CIA Communist "Antifa" mobs now attempting to wreak havoc in cities across America. And only the most libtarded of libtards are going to condemn Trump for threatening to neutralize these "protesters" -- who have now also gathered at the White House grounds.


1. In broad daylight, with by-passers watching, complaining and filming ---  CIA "cop" Derek Chauvin pins his knee into the back of the neck of CIA "crime suspect" George Floyd as he pleads "Please! Please! I can't breathe." With hands in his pockets, Chauvin keeps the helpless Floyd pinned for SEVEN MINUTES, even though the non-resisting "suspect"  for some minor "transaction" crime (who then "died") has already been handcuffed. (video here) Reports have since emerged that Chauvin's neighbors didn't even know that he was a police officer, and that Chauvin and Floyd once worked together at a club. (here) // 2. The organized rioters of Antifa are Deep State / Soros street thugs. They were activated as soon as the outrageous stunt was pulled off. // 3. Once the agent provocateurs light the fuse, the libtards, normies, dupes and various White virtue-signalers join in. The objective is to provoke a bloody crackdown and then scream bloody murder at Trump.
1. The abuse of a hand-cuffed man went on and on and on as shocked bystanders watched and filmed the CIA agents embedded within the Minneapolis Police Department. Even though they were being recorded, the cops showed no fear of getting into trouble because it was all a damn show! // 2. Chauvin's neighbors didn't even know he was a cop! They thought he was a real estate agent! (here)

From the outset of Stupid-19, we warned that the scamdemic's purpose was to "Herbert Hooverize" Donald Trump by crashing the economy "on his watch" in a pivotal re-election year. The "other shoe" of that particular 1929-1932 coup -- which culminated with Franklin Demono Rosenfeld winning the election -- also involved the orchestration of "spontaneous" mobs. From the days of the "spontaneous" French Revolution to the "spontaneous" worldwide upheavals of 1848 until today, their playbook never changes!

Just three months before the election of November 1932, a Communist-led mob of 43,000 people, in support of 17,000 veterans of World War I, marched on Washington to demand their World War I “bonus money” 13 years before it was actually due. The Senate said "no" by an overwhelming margin. Republican President Hoover eventually brought in anti-Communist General Douglass MacArthur to tear down their tent city and restore order. Assisting him was anti-Communist Major George Patton, who commanded light tanks. Calvary, infantry and tear gas were used to break up the mobs and dismember the tents as Communist vermin shouted: “Shame! Shame!”

Serving as an assistant to MacArthur at this time was Major Dwight Eisenhower -- an up and coming well-connected Black Hat of communist sympathies who disagreed with MacArthur’s rough response to the Marxist mob. Then, as now, Fake News spun the event to make Hoover seem like a brutal dictator –which was the point of the stunt all along. It worked on Hoover. It will fail this time.

1. As soon as the Stupid-19 lockdown crashed the stock market and threw millions out of work, the Fake News started with the Hoover-Trump comparisons. // 2 &3. Anti-Communist general MacArthur tore down the tents and dispersed the Red-led mob by force. Fake News then spun the event to make Hoover seem like a tyrant.

As far as these riots "spreading across America," our analysis of various videos concludes that there is a whole lotta "professional wrestling" type fakery taking place. In some cases, the rioters and the cops really seem like they are pretending to hit each other. Are the fakers Deep State actors trying to light the initial flame in the hopes that the conflict will then take on a real life of its own? Or, might Trump's White Hats -- who are just as capable of resorting to make-believe -- be staging these comical street rumbles as a pretext for an eventual crackdown on the Deep State? Or is a bit of all factors -- some Deep State, some White Hats, some real, some fake?

It's an interesting development and in line with Q Anon's earlier forecasts of a "hot summer." We do not know how all of this "spontaneity" is going to play out. But someone does.

Stay tuned.
1. Q Anon's Saturday, May 30 post of Trump declaring his intention to "defend the sacred right of Americans to be safe"  suggests he is going to use force against the Reds in the streets and on their hidden leaders. That's good to hear --- but frankly, with all due respect to the Q boys -- the time has come for "a little more action and a little less conversation," to quote Elvis. // 2. Every Communist-run city government in America is allowing the "spontaneous" mobs to form.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump is fanning the flames by threatening the police-brutality protesters.
Boobus Americanus 2: What that cop did to that poor African-American man was disgraceful!

St. Sugar: Oh don't cry for George Floyd, Boobuss! As we sspeak, Chauvin and Floyd are probably enjoying a beer together and laughing their assess off all the way to the frickin' bank!

Editor: It is a well-established fact that CIA is embedded within several major city police department in America. Even the Slimes did a limited hangout story on it once (here)



PHOTOS: 15 signs that caught our eye during today's protest in East Liberty

Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality - CP PHOTO: JORDAN SNOWDEN
CP photo: Jordan Snowden
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality - CP PHOTO: JORDAN SNOWDEN
CP photo: Jordan Snowden
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality - CP PHOTO: JORDAN SNOWDEN
CP photo: Jordan Snowden
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality - CP PHOTO: JORDAN SNOWDEN
CP photo: Jordan Snowden
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality - CP PHOTO: JORDAN SNOWDEN
CP photo: Jordan Snowden
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality - CP PHOTO: JORDAN SNOWDEN
CP photo: Jordan Snowden
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality - CP PHOTO: JORDAN SNOWDEN
CP photo: Jordan Snowden
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality - CP PHOTO: JORDAN SNOWDEN
CP photo: Jordan Snowden
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality - CP PHOTO: JORDAN SNOWDEN
CP photo: Jordan Snowden
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality - CP PHOTO: JORDAN SNOWDEN
CP photo: Jordan Snowden
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality - CP PHOTO: JORDAN SNOWDEN
CP photo: Jordan Snowden
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality - CP PHOTO: JORDAN SNOWDEN
CP photo: Jordan Snowden
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality - CP PHOTO: JORDAN SNOWDEN
CP photo: Jordan Snowden
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality - CP PHOTO: JORDAN SNOWDEN
CP photo: Jordan Snowden
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality - CP PHOTO: JORDAN SNOWDEN
CP photo: Jordan Snowden
Pittsburghers marched through East Liberty on Mon., June 1, to protest police brutality
Hydroxychloroquine - Corrupt Shutdown By Dr. Tam - The Deaths of Senior Citizens Are On Her Head
•1 Jun 2020

34.6K subscribers
I was asked to speak on hydroxychloroquine, but I first paid tribute to George Floyd and the sadness we have all experienced.

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Highlighted reply
How do we know YOU did not die 2 weeks ago? Pretty sure I saw that on YouTube

"paid tribute to George Floyd"? Maybe he is not even dead? HOLY PIG!


"paid tribute to George Floyd"? Maybe he is not even dead? HOLY PIG!


Hommage à George Floyd (le vieux chêne)                                                
•Premiered on 31 May 2020

Dieudo, t'as pas vu le Chintok?
Dieudo, did you not see the Chinese guy?
DIEUDO, comment sais-tu que ce n'est pas un coup monté?
DIEUDO, how do you know that all this was not staged?
DIEUDO Comment sais-tu qu'il est descendant d'esclave? Comment sais-tu qu'il est mort?
DIEUDO, how do you know that George Floyd was a descendent of slaves? How do you know that he is dead?


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How do we know YOU did not die 2 weeks ago? Pretty sure I saw that on YouTube

@Lorraine Armstrong DIEUDONNÉ Dieudo, t'as pas vu le Chintok? Dieudo, did you not see the Chinese guy? DIEUDO, comment sais-tu que ce n'est pas un coup monté? DIEUDO, how do you know that all this was not staged? DIEUDO Comment sais-tu qu'il est descendant d'esclave? Comment sais-tu qu'il est mort? DIEUDO, how do you know that George Floyd was a descendent of slaves? How do you know that he is dead? BAFS

paid tribute to George Floyd? Maybe he is not even dead? HOLY PIG!


Jason Goodman Discusses Alan Dershowitz’s Push For Mandatory Vaccination

21 May 2020
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285 subscribers
Interview from The David Knight Show on Banned.Video May 19, 2020 What medical research was Jeffrey Epstein funding at Harvard that might be connected to COVID? Jason Goodman,, goes beyond his viral interview with Alan Dershowitz where Dershowitz presented the legal deception being laid by AMA & lawyers to push mandatory vaccination. And, Jason relates what he’s seen (and not seen) in and around hospitals in NYC during the shutdown


I was literally FORCED by the powers that be to "live" rather peacefully in East London for the past 22 years, yet when this CORONAVIRUS PLANDEMIC (introduced by Donald Trump on 24 January 2019, patented by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in November 2019, officially announced by WHO and Trump in January 2020) was used as a weapon to MILITARY LOCKDOWN, MILITARY DISTANCE, and TERRORISE the nation, and drive the most vulnerable among us COMPLETELY CRAZY! I saw the COURAGE of Jason Goodman going about and documenting the hospitals that we all saw WERE EMPTY! I went out to the local hospital and saw the HOSPITAL EMPTY with only 2 receptionists, 2-3 nurses, and 2 patients, and I was ORDERED TO PUT ON A MASK OTHERWISE THE NURSE WOULD NOT SEE ME! When the nurse finally saw me, she said there was nothing she could do and that I HAD TO GO PRIVATE! On 3 different occasions, I questioned a member of the staff if they had COVID-19 in the COVID-19 Ward, and I received the same answer from each one of them: I AM NOT AUTHORISED TO TELL YOU! Once I had made up my mind they were lying, I tried to force my way into the ward. One male staff rushed and grabbed my hand asking me where I was going. I said I was going to see my father who was inside the ward.  He said I was not allowed.  I started arguing with him and when a couple of people saw this I SCREAMED pointing to the male nurse: HE IS TRYING TO KILL MY DAD! I was so glad I managed to get away without being arrested! One thing I found out was that this NON-LETHAL seasonal ENGINEERED virus was 'enhanced' in the USA (Fort Dietric, Beth Israel...) and tempered with, in Canada as well as in the UK (Bill Gates), but was too dangerous to be carried out in any Western country.  So, the decision was made to have French INSTITUT PASTEUR set up a BIO-WEAPON LAB in WUHAN with US and ROTHSCHILD funds from where the plandemic would be said to have originated. There is more, but Jason Goodman and others have already done a wonderful job! BAFS Friday 26 June 2020

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