Thursday, 21 May 2020




Premiered 4 hours ago
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Special Thanks to TheDeenShowTV THANKS FOR WATCHING! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIND ME ON: https://www.advancedmedicineconferenc... https://www.centersforadvancedmedicin... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Buttar’s first interview on Dropping Bombs racked up over 1.3 million views before being taken down from YouTube and other platforms. Brad welcomed Dr. Buttar back for a live in-studio conversation about the latest developments in the Covid-19 pandemic and what to be on the lookout for in the days and months ahead. Learn more at Rashid A. Buttar, DO, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM: Dr. Rashid A. Buttar received his undergraduate degree from Washington University in St. Louis with a double major in Biology and Theology at age 21, and then attended medical school at the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa, graduating with his medical degree at age 25. He trained in General Surgery and Emergency Medicine and served as Brigade Surgeon for 2nd Infantry Division, Republic of South Korea, and later as Chief of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Moncrief Army Community Hospital at Ft. Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina while serving in the US Army. Dr. Buttar became an Eagle Scout at the age of 14, becoming the youngest person in the US to get his Eagle that year, and made the list for promotion to Major in the US Army at the age of 28, becoming the youngest person to make the list for Major that year in the US Army just prior to finishing his service in the Armed Forces. During his military career, Dr. Buttar had the privilege of serving with and being attached to the 2nd Infantry Division, the 101st Air Assault Division and the 5th Special Forces Group. Dr. Buttar is board certified and a Diplomate in Clinical Metal Toxicology and Preventive Medicine, is board eligible in Emergency Medicine and has achieved fellowship status in three separate medical organizations (Fellow of the American College for Advancement in Medicine, Fellow of the American Academy of Preventive Medicine, and Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine). Dr. Buttar now serves as the Medical Director for the Centers for Advanced Medicine with clinics on the east and west coast. The Centers specialize in the treatment and needs of patients refractory to conventional treatments and who have failed the standard approach to their disease process. With a special emphasis on the interrelationship between environmental toxicity and the insidious disease processes and the “up-regulation” of the immune system, the Center has attracted patients from 89 different countries suffering from autism, cancer, heart disease, stroke and many other conditions too numerous to list. #DrRashidAButtar #AdvancedMedicine #WeChangeTheWorld To see Dr. Buttar's full CV, go to The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away: Simple Actions to Shift Your Body and Mind to Optimum Health for Greater Longevity - by Rashid A. Buttar, DO, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM Best Selling Author of the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Amazon Best Selling Book, now an International Best Seller, translated into multiple languages and recipient of the Eric Hoffer Book Award and the AMESPA Book of the Year Award. › 2013/11 › OPP1098099 The Pirbright Institute. Date: November 2013. Purpose: to improve our understanding of, and effective use of, current control tools and measures (including ...


 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or the CARES Act 24Jan2019.

When the US "top" scientist (with the Russian Jew Ian Lipkin, other Jews like the Rothschilds, Apartheid Jewish Israel, Eugenicist Jews Bill & Melinda Gates and some Rabbis, and French Jews like Yves Lévy and his wife AGNÈS BUZYN at the top of France's Health System and all the Zionist UNO patented devils lurking behind!) said in 2017:

"There is no question that there will be a challenge the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases, but also there will be a surprise outbreak."

Is Dr. Fauci a scientist or a PROPHET?

The coming administration is that of Zionist Donald Trump whose daughter is married to a Jew, all of them FRIENDS OF ISRAEL?

Infectious diseases WILL CHALLENGE Trump? 


Of course, very conveniently there was NOBODY ALLOWED to question him on such a "CHALLENGE OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES", and such a "SURPRISE OUTBREAK"?  His media whores were under the usual gag orders or doing their job as consenting prostitutes!

People like me would never be allowed to question him, and demand that he provides his SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE for such prophetic "REVELATIONS"!

Or to ask him why he is still advising Trump 3 years later when he did next to nothing to PREPARE for such "challenge of infectious diseases", and for that apocalyptic "surprise outbreak", EPIDEMIC OR PANDEMIC said to always come from "outside the US"?, when it is well documented that Fort Dietric and other Israeli laboratories in the US are experimenting "with viruses to make them more virulent, more damaging, more destructive, more resistant" (Dr. Rashid Buttar) to produce BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION just as they did with HIV and other similar biological weapons where they always blamed the others: immigrants, meaning Mexicans or Muslims, bats, pigs, birds, monkeys, homosexuals, rats, etc.!   

  DR. JUDY MIKOWITS worked for the NIH (National Institute of Health) for 22 years. She worked on EBOLA, CANCER, CHRONIC FATIGUE.  When she discovered that the vaccines that these labs produced were causing AUTISM and CANCER, she decided to make this public.  They THREATENED her career and her very life, but she did not back off.  SHE WAS FRAMED AND SENT TO JAIL!  THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND THE FBI COLLUDED AND KEPT THAT CASE UNDER SEAL WITH NO CHARGE!  SHE WAS GAGGED FOR 5 YEARS AND NOT ENTITLED TO HAVE A LAWYER TO DEFEND HER!

DR. BRUCE H. LIPTON has confirmed my own line of reasoning as a logical and spiritual being.  Ancient Humankind has known vaccines long before the Satanic West invented their vaccines!  When I was at the medical institute, I was deadly against tonsillectomy!  Sabina Lvovna (a Jew, my anatomy teacher) asked me why.  I said, either science is lying about the physiology of the tonsils, or they are the biggest protection of the body against all external factors that can cause disease in our system.  I was also against appendectomy, because by removing the appendix doctors were not curing the causes of its inflammation! Instead of natural healing, doctors were offering surgery! They also offered electro-choc treatment for behavioural symptoms that they did not understand. I was horrified as a medical student!

"Official medicine" is telling us it is safe to take Big Pharma toxins to kill any chance of women getting pregnant.  To make things worse, they said it's all right to kill your baby if you don't want any, just ABORT THE DAMN FOETUS!  You don't want to be a boy or girl anymore, just CHANGE YOUR DAMN SEX!  You want to sell your body to as many as you want, just get artificial buttocks, boobs, lips or anything that will turn on the perverts because cosmetics are still not enough!  No matter what they do, Big Pharma and others get a maximum of profits.  It is always BIG BUSINESS!  Sell the vaccines, the drugs, and sell other drugs to treat (not cure) the diseases they themselves have caused!

I know of ZERO vaccines that have worked, and I know of all vaccines to be monstrously deadly and causing diseases and tons of lies about them!  David Icke has never had his son JAIME or his grandchildren vaccinated, and they are in a lot better health that those who have been vaccinated!  We live in a Satanic world where our natural body, our remarkable natural immune system, our natural habitat, our natural thinking, feeding and drinking habits are being damaged on a daily level!  Even our natural or inherited beliefs in God or Gods or in a Higher Spiritual Reality are being attacked and shattered by a totalitarian system of government they call a democracy when in fact it is a Satanic Oligarchic DEMONCRACY!  







Thursday 21 May 200     
 Coming Apocalypse 
Dr. Vernon Coleman
To Antoinette,
God blessed me when he brought us together. Without you I
would be only half a person. With you I am whole. You give me
all my passion and all my purpose and I give you all my love.
We are what used to be called yokefellows – sharing all burdens.
Right from the start I told you it was the biggest hoax in history. I felt strongly that it wasn’t going to be a rerun of the plague and I believed that the so-called experts had got it wrong and had, for whatever reasons, manufactured a false ‘crisis’. Back at the beginning of March, I was right in suggesting that populations were not going to die in the numbers that the mathematicians suggested. I described it as a jumped up little flu infection but suggestions that the ‘crisis’ infection could be compared to the ordinary flu were officially dismissed as ‘dangerous nonsense’.

There was a widespread misconception that the models devised by the mathematicians at Imperial College in London were providing accurate and scientific predictions. In reality, they were offering nothing more than extrapolations – the posh word for estimates – and could in no way be regarded as science.

I was the first to suggest that the so-called ‘cure’ (the lockdown policies and the refusal to treat other patients to ‘protect’ them from infection) would kill far more people than the disease. The lockdown policies seem to have been recommended by a panicky World Health Organisation, though Imperial College’s prediction of eight million Britons in hospital and half a million deaths certainly helped to spice up the panic in the UK.

My criticisms of the Government’s policy were sniffily dismissed with the sanctimonious reminder that lives were at stake. However, back in mid-March, it seemed quite obvious that the exaggerated response to the infection was going to do massive harm to the health of the nation and that far more people were going to die as a result of the ‘cure’ than would die from the disease.

So now it is time to assess the damage that has been done and see how the ‘cure’ will damage our way of life and dominate everything we do for decades.

I hope I’m wrong this time because I suspect that the so-called ‘cure’ will do more damage to the way we live than anything else anyone can remember since the plague swept through Europe.
I’m afraid, however, that I believe I am right again.

The politicians, the scientists, the advisors and the media who all
promoted this ill-described ‘crisis’ as though it were a second coming of the plague, will doubtless all insist that the damage done by the lockdown was necessary. (I prefer the more accurate term ‘house arrest’ to the rather Orwellian ‘lockdown’). They will insist that there will be few long-term consequences from their combined stupidity and betrayal. Indeed, I am pretty confident that they will claim (against all the evidence) that it was only their lockdown policy which saved us from far more deaths.

Knighthoods and peerages will no doubt be distributed to those who
promoted the idea of a ‘crisis’ requiring unprecedented treatment.
However, I believe that their policies have caused far more deaths than they have prevented. If accurate figures are ever obtained, they will prove me right. (The plight of poorer countries is being ignored. Around the world one billion people rely on the $715 billion sent back home by workers in rich countries. Huge numbers of those people will starve without that money.)
Moreover, the evidence shows that those countries which did not put
their citizens under house arrest, have suffered far fewer deaths than those countries which did.
The long-term effect of the most egregiously stupid public policies in history, and the failure of public health management, will be to take many nations back into the Dark Ages. The appallingly designed solution will ensure that countries which have ventured into the absurd lunacy of lockdowns will cause chaos and destroy capitalism in just the way the climate change campaigners were demanding.
I was, I fear, right about the hoax.
Now, in this short book, I will summarise what has happened so far and then explain how I think our lives are going to be affected.

Vernon Coleman, 30th April 2020
U.S. Politics
Since plenty of years the U.S. is de facto run by pro-Israeli Jews either directly, or indirectly through the might of their Jewish lobbies. The Israeli paper Ma'ariv (02.09.1994) even wrote:
"The U.S. has no longer a government of Goyim [Gentiles], but an administration in which the Jews are full partners in the decision making at all levels. Perhaps the aspects of the Jewish religious law connected with the term 'government of goyim' should be re-examined, since it is an outdated term in the U.S."
In this important section we post articles on Jewish influence in U.S. politics and demonstrate this influence in present and former governments as well as in the candidates to the U.S. presidency.


Most important articles/documents                  The Donald Trump Régime
Jewish revelations, Farrakhan, Duke                     Lists of Jews, revealing quotes

2008 election candidates and the Jews          • The Barack Obama Régime
  McCain, Hillary, Biden, Palin, Giuliani                   Lists of Jews, revealing quotes
On the 2008 election                                        The George W. Bush Régime
  Jewish articles, ''The Daily Show''                          Lists of Jews, revealing quotes

On the 2004 election                                        The Bill Clinton Régime
Kerry, Dean, Edwards, W. Clark                          Lists of Jews, revealing quotes

On the 2000 election                    
 Hillary, Bush, Gore, Lieberman, Lazio, Bradley

Earlier U.S. Politics
   Nixon and Truman quotes, JFK and Mossad,

Liberty IsraelRead also

  • The cost of Israel - Israel's Effects on U.S. Interests
    Contains a multitude of key documents on this issue:
    U.S. Aid to Israel --- Espionage against the
    U.S./Pollard --- The 1967 USS Liberty ---
    The 1954 Lavon affair --- 9-11 and Israel --- Israel's harming
    of U.S. defense industries --- Israeli harassment
    of U.S. Marines --- Quotes on Israel's influence

  • The Jewish Lobby in the U.S.
    Contains a multitude of key documents on this issue:
    AIPAC --- Fund Raising --- Deceptive methods

  • Media Power of the Jews in U.S. (and the world)
    Contains a multitude of key documents on this issue:
    Jewish Media ownership --- Jewish Hollywood
    --- Countless shows & movies promoting Israel
    --- Countless anti-Arab movies --- Jewish ownership of
    News Channels --- Murdoch and the Fox News empire
    --- MEMRI

    The most thorough work to this day on Jewish power and influence in the USA.

  • Nation of Islam and the Black Resistance
    Our section on NOI, Jewish racism against Blacks, slavery, and the Resistance Movement spearheaded by Louis Farrakhan

  • Jewish pre-eminence in Communism and the Political "Left"
    By the Jewish Tribal Review

"Not that our disproportionate political power (pound for pound the greatest of any ethnic/cultural group in America) will erode all at once, or even quickly. […] Unless and until the triumph of campaign finance reform is complete, an extremely unlikely scenario, the great material wealth of the Jewish community will continue to give it significant advantages. We will continue to court and be courted by key figures in Congress. That power is exerted within the political system from the local to national levels through soft money, and especially the provision of out-of-state funds to candidates sympathetic to Israel […]."
-- Steven Steinlight, one of the leading Jews of the United States, former head of National Affairs for the American Jewish Committee (AJC), "The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography", CIS, October 2001

The Most Controversial Voices In The World
Hi Basheer,

I'm about to go LIVE with Dr Rashid Buttar as he hosts a COVID-19 Roundtable with 100 doctors on the Digital Freedom Platform.
Brian Rose Profile Image
Brian Rose
Founder and Host

Dr. Rashid Buttar (MURDERED IN 2023!) is an osteopathic physician and author best known for his views on Coronavirus and its management. His first book, “The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away” became a Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Amazon International Best Seller.

After a recent video of Dr. Buttar generated over
9 million views before being banned by YouTube, he became the first person to be streamed live by London Real through the Digital Freedom Platform.

Today he's back!

And he'll be joined by 100 doctors for a special COVID-19 Roundtable.

Join us at 5pm London time (that's 12pm midday Eastern) for what promises to be a truly fascinating discussion with leading medical practitioners:

Who Is Running the WHO? (part 2)

(If you missed it, you can read Part 1 here)

Part 2: The UN-WHO Connection and the H1N1 Scandal

According to their website, the mission of the WHO is to “promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable.” Of course, there are many well-intentioned individuals working with the organization who take these values to heart. But as an organization and especially at the leadership level, how has the WHO measured up to their own Mission Statement over the years?

The WHO and the UN

The WHO is a sub-organization of the United Nations. The United Nations was created in 1945, and its Charter describes its purpose as striving to “maintain international peace and security,” to “develop friendly relations among nations,” to “achieve international cooperation,” and to “be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations.” The WHO was birthed out of the philosophical framework and funding of the UN with the drafting of the WHO constitution on April 7, 1948.
On paper, this all sounds pretty good—great even! Ultimately, however, these altruistic aims are just a cover story. The UN was created as a vehicle for big business interests first and foremost, as well as for the puppet governments and nation-state leaders that big business has controlled throughout the years.
At its inception, the UN itself was actually a rebranding of what was then called the League of Nations. This was an “intergovernmental organization” formed at the famous “Treaty of Versailles” peace conference in 1920 that officially terminated World War I.
Guess who was behind the creation of the League of Nations? None other than the Rockefeller family. You know, the same Rockefellers that single-handedly created the Big Pharma industry in the United States and systematically destroyed natural medicine along the way? The other major funder of the League of Nations was the Rothschild family.
Not much has changed in terms of loyalty since then, except that the relationships between the WHO in particular and its big business “partners” have become more blatant in recent years. Prior to the 2009 global economic recession, the United Nations was the main contributor of funding for the WHO. Now, between 60 and 70 percent of the WHO annual budget is made up of donations from countries, private foundations, and big business, such as pharmaceutical companies.

How Special Interests Control the WHO

One of the ways that special interest groups wield power at the WHO is through industry-loyal “consultants.” Pharmaceutical companies, for example, donate large amounts of cash as well as promises of ongoing funding to the WHO for specific programs (and also to potentially line the pockets of WHO leadership). As part of the arrangement, the WHO agrees to bring in company reps who act as consultants. These individuals are often scientists, engineers, and other specialists. They consult within the WHO network while still being on the Big Pharma company payroll. Big Pharma consultants have great influence in what WHO puts out as well as the actual programs that they engage in.
Often these “consultants” are quite open about their industry ties, at least within the WHO organization. The WHO requires consultants to sign documents disclosing what industries a person may be affiliated with. Sometimes these documents are filled out; sometimes, they are not. Even when they are filled out, it’s up to WHO management to flag a consultant as having a potential “conflict of interest.” When millions of dollars are on the line, it is easy to see how such paperwork can simply “slip through the cracks.”
A new documentary that exposes corruption in the WHO is the film TrustWHO, written by Lilian Franck, Robert Cibis, and Anja Neraal, directed by Lilian Franck and Thomas Schlottmann and narrated by Lilian Franck. The film is distributed by Journeyman Pictures in the UK. TrustWHO has only been out since February 2020 and has already been banned by Vimeo. We will talk a little bit more about the WHO and censorship later in this series.
One expert featured predominantly in the film is journalist Robert Parsons, who has been writing about the WHO for the last 20 years.
“The WHO has been infiltrated by big business from the beginning,” says Parsons in an interview for the documentary.

H1N1 and the Vaccine Agenda

The WHO has been at the mercy of industries such as the tobacco lobby and the nuclear power industry for decades. Besides Big Tech, Big Pharma is the industry that appears to control the strings at the WHO these days. As we shall see, the names and agendas behind Big Pharma and Big Tech are often the same.
One word can describe this agenda: vaccines.
In reality, the World Health Organization has been promoting vaccines worldwide from the beginning. Its first major push was during the 1960s with the smallpox vaccine.
The WHO’s take on vaccines is in lock-step with its parent organization. Goal #3 of the United Nation’s 17 Goals (SD17) put forth as part of its “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” created in 2015 is focused on health. Its calling card reads: “Good Health and Wellbeing-Vaccinate Your Children.”
You may recall that, at the beginning of the Swine Flu, or H1N1, outbreak of 2009, the World Health Organization announced that the “global pandemic” could potentially affect two billion people worldwide.
At the time, the mainstream media ran with the story like wildfire, causing global panic. Yes, swine flu was real. But in the end, it turned out to be nothing more than a blip on the radar. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimated that it ultimately affected roughly 0.001 to 0.007 percent of the world’s population, not a third as the WHO had predicted.
So maybe the WHO just called it wrong (again). Mistakes happen, right? Sadly, it appears that this wasn’t the case. In 2010, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a review body composed of democratically-elected members of parliament from 47 countries, conducted an investigation into whether the H1N1 pandemic was exaggerated to sell vaccines.
“In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards, to alarm governments worldwide and make them squander tight health resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly expose millions of healthy people to the risk of an unknown amount of side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines,” a PACE resolution states. “The ‘bird-flu’-campaign (2005/06) combined with the ‘swine-flu’-campaign seem to have caused a great deal of damage not only to some vaccinated patients and to public health-budgets, but to the credibility and accountability of important international health-agencies.”
In other words, prior to the outbreak, many countries, including Great Britain, France and Italy, had actually made “secret pacts” with major pharmaceutical companies. These contracts stipulated that nation-states must purchase a certain amount of Swine flu vaccines, but only if the WHO also agreed to issue a Stage 6 pandemic warning. 
According to Dr. Wolfgang Woodarg, Chairman of the PACE Health Committee at the time, “[t]he WHO initiated health measures worldwide…Glaxo Novartis, Sanofi, they had all launched new vaccine production programs to produce the vaccine for this pandemic. They all had made agreements with nation-states. And since they had invested so much in this but couldn’t sell the vaccine, because there was no pandemic and no sign of a flu outbreak – they fabricated a pandemic.”
Why is this relevant to what is happening today? According to the Centre for Research on Globalization, “[t]he same people and institutions, including the Gates Foundation, who today are pushing for COVID-19 vaccine were actively involved in support of the H1N1 vaccine.”

Part 3 coming soon….

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