Know Your enemy! No time to waste. Act now! Tomorrow it will be too late
The U.S. cost of supporting Israel |
"Israelis need to
understand that they're not the 51st state, and they
certainly don't want to be treated like America's stepchild.
Continued economic assistance when they're doing quite well
is demeaning."
-- Representative
(and later speaker of the House) Bob
Levigston at a press conference in
Jerusalem as part of a congressional delegation to celebrate
Israel's 50th birthday (Quoted in Ha'aretz
• Introductory articles on the cost for U.S.
• US military aid helps in the Jewish genocide against the peoples of the Middle East
• Jewish espionage against the U.S.
• The Lavon Affair 1954
• USS Liberty Massacre 1967
• Israeli knowledge and passivity before 1983 Beirut bombings
• Israel and the 9/11 connection
• Theft of U.S. Uranium
• Israel, a Haven For Jewish-American Criminals
• Damage to U.S. Defense and Technology
• "Terrorism" against the U.S. - the "war on terror"
• U.S. foreign policies
Introductory articles on the cost for the U.S. |
The official, on-the-table U.S. aid to Israel --rarely, if at all, addressed in the mainstream media-- is $3,000,000,000 (40% economical and 60% Military) since 1984 and $2,500,000,000 since 1973. Add to that $1,271,000,000/yr for special gifts and programs subsidized by the U.S., such as the Arrow missile and the Lavi fighter, plus the loan guarantees of $10,000,000,000 over 5 years, plus the interest ($500,000,000/yr) the U.S. must pay on money borrowed to pay for the grants to Israel. The total for the five years (1993-1997) was around $6,300,000,000/year ($6.3 BILLION) or over $17 Million/DAY. This is more than what the U.S. spends on domestic drug enforcement. Perspectively, the total U.S. foreign aid to the whole world (6 Billion people) is about $18 BILLION, so, the one thousandth (1/1000) of the world population living in Israel --with life expectancy higher than that of the U.S.-- gets one third of US aid. Also, in 1990 Israel GNP is $24 Billion, i.e. a quarter of Israel's income comes from the U.S. The Aid to Israel is in the form of loans, which are typically forgiven by the AIPAC-dominated congress.
The above figures do not include:
- the tax-deductible donations, mostly by American Jews and Christian Zionists, to Israel totaling over $1,000,000,000/year.
- the lumps of money Israel usually demands from the U.S. upon each withdrawal from the occupied territories during the current Peace Process, (for example, Netanyahu is planning to ask the U.S. for about $1,200,000,000 for the 13% withdrawal of mid-1998, to cover costs).
- Israel Bonds sold in the U.S. for $500,000,000/year
- the $1,000,000,000/year U.S. commercial banks lend to Israel
- the $2,100,000,000/year the U.S. rewards Egypt for signing peace with Israel
- The fact that unlike other countries, Israel gets its US aid in one chunck at the beginnging of the distribution year, instead of quarterly instalments. This allows Israel to further make interest on that money over other aid-receiving countries.

Clinton to
press for extra aid for Israel By
Aluf Benn (Ha'aretz 10/25/2000). That is, more aid DURING
Israel's brutal suppression of the September 2000 uprising.
Another nail in the cofin of U.S. "honest brokerage".
- U.S. unsure on
special military aid package By
Aluf Benn (Ha'aretz 10/16/2000)
- US
Threatens to End Aid to Israel By
Janine Zacharia (Jerusalem Post 06/28/2000)
- Mideast Peace
May Cost US Billions By Mark
Lavie (AP 01/24/2000)
- Why Should We
Pay for Peace Between Israel and Syria? By Charley Reese (Orlando Sentinel
- Full asking price
for peace aid: $65 billion By
Ze'ev Schiff (Ha'aretz 01/07/2000)
- Mideast Peace
Price Often U.S. Cash (Associated
Press 01/03/2000)
- Israel may seek
$20 b. for pullout By Amos
Harel/Nitzan Horowitz (Ha'aretz 12/13 & 19,
- Lobbying Pays
Off as U.S. Promises Israel $4 Billion in Aid By Nitzan Horowitz (Ha'aretz
- Uncle Sam as
an Automatic Teller Machine By
Nitzan Horowitz (Ha'aretz 11/09/1999)
- Fury Over Wye
Funds Concession By Nitzan
Horowitz (Ha'aretz 11/05/1999)
- The Cost
of Israel to The American People By
Richard Curtiss (Al Hewar 1998)
- Will Uncle Sam
Foot the Bill? By Uzi Landau
(Jerusalem Post 09/08/1999)
- True Lies
About U.S. Aid to Israel By
Richard Curtiss (Washington Report 12/1997)
- A
Comprehensive Guide to U.S. Aid to Israel
By Shawn Twing (Washington Report 04/1996)
- Panel Refuses
To Alter U.S. Aid By Tom Raum
(Associated Press 07/14/1999)
- US
Aid Cornucopia Flows to Israel By
George D. Moffett III (Christian Science Monitor
- The
Rising Cost of Israel By Joseph
Harsch (Christian Science Monitor 07/05/1983)
- Exempting
Israel Makes Foreign Aid Savings Insignificant By Nathan Jones (Washington Report
- U.S.
Spending More On Aid to Israel Than On War on Drugs By Ruth Steele (Washington Report
- Israel Asks
U.S. for $1.2 Billion in Wye Accord Aid By Barton Gelman (Washington Post
- Amercian
Money and Intelligence are at the service of American Clients By Eric Margolis
- Jews
Support Clinton's Call to Boost Foreign Aid
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency 01/31/1997)
- Tax-Exempt
Funds Back Kahane School By
Hilary Appelman (Associated Press 09/18/1997)
- Foreign
Aid: Ever With Us By Patrick
Buchanan (December 21, 1994)
- Citing
Limited Air Space, Israel Says Wants to Base Jets in U.S. Ha'aretz [Israeli newspaper],
August 2, 2001
- US Security
Assistance to Egypt and Israel: Politically Untouchable? By prof. Dunkan Clarke A study
(Middle East Journal, Spring 1997)
- The Strategic
Functions of U.S. Aid to Israel, A Study By prof. Stephen Zunes (Middle East Policy
- The Real
Cost of the $10 Billion Loan Guarantees
By Marianne Torres (Sonoma County Free Press
- Israel
Aide Criticizes Helms' Tone By
Ron Kampeas (AP 06/20/2000)
- The
U.S.-Israel Free Trade Agreement: Israel Keeps Up Barriers, U.S.
Companies Lose Sales By Colin
MacKinnon (Washington Report 06/2000)
- Preferential
Treatment for Israel By Joseph Harsch (Christian Science
Monitor 11/29/1988)
- Articles on US Aid to Israel
Collection of articles compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review
Cartoons/Caricatures on Jewish Power and U.S. Politics
- Cartoons/Caricatures on
the Jewish Lobby
U.S. military aid assists in the Jewish Genocide |

Promotes Jewish Genocide of
By Professor Francis A. Boyle
Death in Bethlehem, made in
By Robert Fisk (Independent 04/15/2001)
seek ship of secret arms to
Israel during the Gaza massacre
As revealed by Reuters
Violates US Law With Attack on Lebanon
By Thalif Deen, July 18, 2006
to Amerisraelistan
By Chad Powers. Massive American support of the crimes of Israel by our Zionist puppet-masters is turning the United States INTO Israel.
Jewish espionage against the U.S. |
Jewish spies for Israel in the White House
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage on "Jews and Government" (pt.2).
- Spies,
Spies, Spies
The Jewish Tribal Review's article collection on Israel, Jews and spying
- The phenomenon of Jewish communist
spies for the Soviet Union in America
Lengthy analysis from the Jewish Tribal Review homepage.
If you contribute to the fund for freeing Pollard, your contribution is tax-deductible (James Akins, Washington Report 12/1999).
"It is difficult for me, ... to conceive of a greater harm to national security than that caused by the defendant in view of the breadth, the critical importance to the U.S. and the high sensitivity of the information he [Pollard] sold to Israel."
-- Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger in a court affidavit
"One document Pollard is believed to have slipped to the Israelis --thought to have landed in Soviet hands, albeit unintentionally-- was a huge compendium of frequencies used by foreign military and intelligence services [which] cost the U.S. billions of dollars but Pollard rendered . . . useless [and, by compromising it] may have cost informants their lives." -- Time magazine, Dec. 13, 1993
Admits Spying on the U.S. Via Pollard (Ha'aretz, 05/12/1998)
- Should
Pollard Go Free? By Joseph E.
diGenova. Former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia,
was lead prosecutor in the Pollard case. (The New York Daily News,
- Another
Look Into the Murky Depths of the Pollard Affair
By Amir Oren (Ha'aretz
- Why Pollard
Shouldn't be Released: in the Opinion of the Heads of American Intelligence
By Ronen
Bergman (Ha'aretz 10/26/1998)
- Damage
Caused by 'Friendly' Spies By Stephen Green (Christian
Science Monitor 05/22/1989)
- U.S. Jewish
Leaders Decry Clinton Refusal to Free Pollard
By Nathan Jones (Washington Report
- Free
Pollard, our Scapegoat By Joseph
Keep Pollard
imprisoned, CIA advised By Steve
Rodan (Jerusalem Post Service 09/06/1996)
- Leading Jews
to ask Clinton to free Pollard By
Nitzan Horowitz (Ha'aretz 01/10/1999)
Stole 10-Volume Intelligence 'Bible' By Batsheva Tsur (Jerusalem post/New Yorker/Reuter
- Pollard Was
No Jewish Patriot By Eric
Margolis (01/14/1999)
- Barak Raised
Issue of Pollard's Release (Ha'aretz
- Pardon for
Pollard is Back on the Agenda By
Aluf Benn (Ha'aretz 12/17/1999)
- Senior
Israeli Official Deny reports of Mole in U.S. Government
By Barton Gellman (Washington Post
- Civilian
Engineer Gave Military Secrets to Israelis (Washington Post 02/1997)
Denies CIA Charges of Anti-U.S. Industrial
Spying By Daniel Kurtzman
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency 08/23/1996)
"The council of the city of New
York does hereby call upon the president of the United
States to grant clemency to Jonathan Jay Pollard, currently
serving an inequitable and incomparably harsh sentence in
federal prison." -- Quote from a resolution passed by the city council of New York. (From Jerusalem Post of 11/1/1999 at http://www.jpost.com/com/Archive/01.Nov.1999/) |
- U.S. Jew charges
CIA with anti-Semitism By Nitzan
Horowitz (Ha'aretz 04/10/1999)
- Israel
Blackmailed Bill Clinton with Monica Tapes By Neal Travis (New York Post 03/03/1999)
Clinton caved in to Israel By
Jonathan Broder (Salon Magazine 07/28/1998)
that Shamir Bartered US Secrets Is Part of a Lifetime Pattern By Leon Hadar (Washington Report
spies tapped Clinton e-mail By
Uzi Mahnaimi (Sunday Times 05/21/2000)
passing of secret data to Israel echo Pollard
scenario? (JTA, February 21,
- US strips Jewish army major
of security clearance By Arieh O'Sullivan (Jerusalem
- Israel's "Spy"
in the White House (Middle East
Realities 01/29/1998)
- Spy Probe Scans Neocon-Israel Ties
By Jim Lobe
- American Jews Are Double Agents: Deal With It
By David Samuels, Jewcy website, revealing insights into the American-Jewish psyche
- BergerGate
Articles on Sandy Berger, Zionist Jew and former National Security Adviser to U.S. Pres. Bill Clinton
and informal adviser to Jewish Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry's presidential campaign in 2004,
caught stealing top secret documents from the National Archives
The Specter of dual-loyalty haunting diaspora Jews
-- A byproduct of Zionism.
By Michael J. Jordan (Jewish Telegraphic Agency 09/26/2000). The case of Martin Indyk.
Doubting Loyalty of U.S. Jews, Apologizes
By Matthew Dorf (Jewish Telegraphic Agency 02/02/1998)
U.S. Police and Intelligence Hit by Zionist Network
From NewsMax
The Lavon Affair 1954 |
- The Lavon
By David Hirst (Excerpts from The Gun and the Olive Branch, 1977)
USS Liberty Massacre 1967 |
Book: Israeli attack on USS Liberty deliberate
By Melissa Radlerpan
- Book Says Israel Intended
1967 Attack on U.S. Ship
By James Risen/David Ensor (New York Times/CNN 04/23/2001)
Bush campaign
steps back from supporter's criticism of Israel
By Janine Zacharia (Jerusalem Post 09/27/2000)
'The USS Liberty': America's
Most Shameful Secret
By Eric S. Margolis (05/02/2001)
- They dare to speak out
Two excerpts from former US Congressman Paul Findley's book
- Adlai
Stevenson supported Liberty Survivors
- The Liberty
By Taki (New York Press 05/02/2001)
- Remember
the Liberty!
By John Borne (The Link 07-08/1997)
Liberty and Qana Massacre Compared
By Mark Genrich (Phoenix Gazette 06/05/1996)
- The Israeli Attack on
the USS Liberty, June 8,
1967, And the 32-Year Cover-up That Has Followed
By James E. Akins (Washington Report 12/1999)
- USS Liberty:
Questions Persist
By Thomas H. Moorer (Washington Report 05/27/1985)
- Did Israel Commit
One War Crime to Hide Another?
By James Ennes (Washington Report 06/1996)
Liberty: Periscope Photography May Finally Reveal
By James M. Ennes, Jr. (Washington Report 05/1997)
- The
Assault on the USS Liberty Still Covered Up After 26
By James Ennes (Washington Report 06/1993)
- Israel Attacks
the United States
By David Paul (Boston Committee on the ME). A chronology.
- Johnson's
conduct toward Israel approached treason
By Joseph Sobran
- The Liberty
By Charley Reese
The USS Liberty Massacre
Link to the USS Liberty Homepage
- U.S.S. Liberty - Site by Liberty Survivor James Ennes
From Tom Clancy in his book "The Sum of All Fears" (obtained from the USS Liberty site above):
"The key to it, Qati knew, was whether or not the Americans would put real pressure on the Zionists. They'd never done so. They'd allowed the Israelis to attack an American warship and kill American sailors--and forgiven them before the bleeding had stopped, before the last victim had died. When American military forces had to fight for every dollar of funds from their own Congress, the same spineless body of political whores fell over itself giving arms to the Jews."
Israeli knowledge and passivity before 1983 Beirut bombings |
- Did
Israel Deliberately Allow 241
American Marines to Die?
By Joseph Sobran
- Israel
Charged With Systematic Harassment
of U.S. Marines
By Donald Neff (Washington Report 03/1995)
Israel and the 9/11 connection |
"Sept. 11 attacks: Israeli coup against US"
United Press International interviews General Hameed Gul, former director general of the Pakistani Intelligence Services, ISI
Jewish spying on
Israel and involvment in the 9-11 attacks
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage on "Jews and Government" (pt. 2).
Terrorist Attack 9/11 - articles
A huge collection of articles on the 9/11 attacks and the so-called "war on terror" compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review -
Masters of Deception - Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax
Book by Zander C. Fuerza. Includes loads of quotes, links.
Five Israelis were seen filming as jet liners ploughed into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001...
From The Sunday Herald
![]() Check this link to see the documentary "Missing Links" on Israel's connection to 9/11. |
Suspected Israeli
Spies Held by U.S.
By Carl Cameron (FoxNews)
- Some U.S. investigators
believe that Israel is spying in and on the U.S. and may have known things they didn't tell us before September 11
By Carl Cameron (FoxNews)
Instant Messages To Israel Warned Of WTC Attack - Israel knew of WTC-Attack
Article from The Washington Post
Israel dismisses report it didn't share WTC attack data - Israel
and the WTC-Attack
Article from The Jerusalem Post
U.S. Police and Intelligence Hit by Zionist Network
From NewsMax
Theft of U.S. Uranium |
".. at least 206 pounds of highly enriched uranium has disappeared from the Apollo [Pennsylvania] plant...". "In July 1977 Congressman Morris Udall, chairman of the House Interior Committee, convened hearings and forthrightly billed the Apollo affair as a scandal in the same league with Watergate, Koreagate, and My lai." ".. the agency [CIA] had managed to obtain a sample of highly enriched Uranium from Israel. The chemical "signature" specifically identified it as uranium that had been enriched at the U.S. enrichment plant at Portsmouth, Ohio, which was where NUMEC's [the Pennsylvania Plant] enriched uranium came from."
-- pp 73, 79, A & L Cockburn, Dangerous Liaison (1991)
Israel, a Haven For Jewish-American Criminals |
See the Jews and Crime section.
Damage to U.S. Defense and Technology |
"CIA Director Robert Gates said yesterday that China has obtained technology from the U.S. Patriot anti-missile system and that differences remain within the Bush administration over whether it was secretly supplied by Israel . . . When asked if the State Department, in clearing the Israelis last April, ignored or downplayed intelligence to the contrary, Mr. Gates said only, 'I will say there are differences of view on the issue."'
-- Reporter Bill Gertz, Washington Times, Jan. 5, 1993
- Pentagon,
GAO Report Israeli Espionage And
Illegal Technology Retransfer By Shawn Twing (Washington
Report 04/1996)
- Israeli
Defense Contract Illustrates How
U.S. Aid Harms American Industries By Shawn Twing
(Washington Report 10/1996). Israel uses U.S. aid to compete with
U.S. defense industries.
- Israel's
Unauthorized Retransfer of U.S.
Technology Exposed By Shawn Twing (Washington Report
- Sanctions
Waived Against Israel for sale to S.
Africa (Washington Post News Service 10/27/1991).
- Israel illegally
resold U.S. arms for 9 years, report says
(Washington Post News Service).
- What
the Cox Report Does and Does Not Say
About Israeli Technology Transfer to China By Shawn Twing
(Washington Report 07/1999)
- U.S.
Military Technology Sold by Israel
to China By Tim Kennedy (Washington Report
- Israel
Transferring Laser Technology to
China (Israel Wire/Washington Times 01/28/1999)
- Technology Transfers
to China by Israel; U.S. Had to Wage
Long Battle By Donald Neff (Washington Report
- Look Who's Arming
Beijing By Patrick Bucanan
(Creators Syndicate 01/29/1999)
- The Dotan
Affair: Israel Refuses Direct
Questioning By Frank Collins (Washington Report
- U.S.-financed Israeli
Fighter Flies into Storm of
By Charles R. Babcock (Palm Beach Post/Washington Post 08/18/1986) Eventually, after $1.5 Billions of U.S. tax-payers' money, the project was cancelled by the U.S. due to cost overrun. Many Israeli engineers laid off from work on the Lavi moved to S. Africa, which in August of 1988 produced the Cheetah-E warplane with many features common to planes produced earlier in Israel See Deliberate Deceptions 214-215 by Paul Findley (1995)
- Israel Denies
China Planes Have U.S. Technology By
Amnon Barzilai (Ha'aretz 11/12/1999)
- Secret Visit by
Chairman of China's National
People's Congress to Israel Military Industries (Ha'aretz
- US plans to
punish Israel for China sales By
Janine Zacharia (Jerusalem Post 02/24/2000)
- U.S. links
Golan Withdrawal Aid to Halting Arms Sales to
China By Aluf Benn (Ha'aretz
- US Upset by
Israeli Arms Sales to India By Arieh O'Sullivan (Jerusalem
Post 10/28/1999)
- Israel Sells
Arrow Know-How to India
By Douglas Davis (Jerusalem Post 07/24/1998) Also, Israel "offered Arrow to its new strategic ally, Turkey, slightly modified to get around US restrictions on technology transfer" according to syndicated Canadian columnist Eric Margolis in a 07/27/1998 article.
- Israel Won't
Stop Selling Arms to India By
Arieh O'Sullivan (Jerusalem Post 11/06/1998)
Blocking U.S. Arms Sales; Harming Defense Jobs: "Israel's supporters regularly pressure Congress into blocking military sales even to moderate Arab states that are prepared to pay cash to receive arms for their own defense. In 1985, Saudi Arabia expressed its interest in an unprecedented large purchase of F-15 warplanes from the U.S. When fifty-one senators --a majority of the membership-- signed a letter to president Reagan opposing the sale, Saudis turned to Great Britain. The immediate sale was worth $7 Billion and eventually reached about $30 Billion, the biggest arms deal in history."
-- Paul Findley, p. 212 in Deliberate Deceptions (1995)
- Congress's
Multibillion Dollar Arms Sale
Blundering By Dennis J. Wamsted (Washington Report
"If the interests of the two
countries [Israel and the U.S.] were in automatic harmony,
there would be no need of an Israel lobby here to see that Israel's
interests are served. What we need now is an American lobby in
Jerusalem. No, come to think of it, what we need is an American
lobby in Washington."
-- Syndicated Columnist Joseph Sobran |
- Israeli
Cultivation of Cuba Reflects Contempt for U.S. Policies By Israel Shahak (Washington
Report 01/1994)
- Hackers Using
Israeli 'Net Site to Strike at Pentagon By Nitzan Horowitz (Ha'aretz
- US Military to
Build, Finance New IDF Bases
(IsraelWire 08/1999)
- Henry
Kissinger: The Real Prime Minister of
Israel? By N. W. Hutchings &
Carol Rushton (Israel Resource Review 12/01/1997)
- FBI fears
Israel and India could use Y2K to get info (AFP/Ha'aretz 10/03/1999)
- US blames
Israel for violating embargo of Serbia
(Israel Wire 12/09/1999)
- U.S. Angry at
Israeli Plane Order (Associated
Press 12/09/1999)
- Sharon Proposed
to Attack Iraq By Zvi Gilat
(Hadashot 02/14/1991)
- Israel Gets
U.S. Nuke Technology By Sari
Bashi (Associated Press 02/22/2000)
- Israel
Charges U.S. is Not Blocking Russian aid to
Iran By Aluf Benn (Ha'aretz
- China Arms
Deal at Root of Israel-U.S. Dispute By Aluf Benn (Ha'aretz 04/02/2000)
- Barak Won't
Cancel China Deal By Sari
Bashi (Associated Press 04/03/2000)
- Strange
Bedfellows: China and Israel By
Eric S. Margolis (Toronto Sun 04/16/2000)
- Israeli
Ballistic Missile Lands Near US Fleet
(IsraelWire 05/03/2000)
- Israel
Opposes U.S. Demands to Monitor Arms
Exports By Amir Oren
(Ha'aretz 05/28/2000)
- The Spy Plane
Isn't the Only Problem By Ze'ev
Schiff (Ha'aretz 06/21/2000)
- US
Threatens to End Aid to Israel By
Janine Zacharia (Jerusalem Post 06/28/2000)
- 'U.S. May
Pay Israel if it Nixes Phalcon Deal'
By Aluf Benn (Ha'aretz 07/03/2000). (Bribing a "friend" --rather, an entity created and maintained through US protection and tax-payers' money-- to not betray you).
- U.S. Upset
by Israeli Radar Sale to India By
Aluf Benn (Ha'aretz 07/03/2000)
- Israel's
missile test 'complete success' (BBC
- Safire
Media Attacks Began When Inman
Blocked Israeli Access to U.S. Satellite Intelligence.
Excerpts from transcript of televised news conference by Admiral Bobby Ray Inman in Austin, TX, Jan. 18, 1994 (Washington Report 02/1994). Another article by Richard Curtiss on this issue (Washington Report 02/1994).
The Pro-Israeli Lobby in the US and the Inman Affair
A chapter from Israel Shahak's book "Open Secrets"
- Why We
Few Criticize Israel By Joseph
Sobran. "Not one American Christian in a hundred realizes
that if he lived in Israel, he would be the victim of official
discrimination forced, like the Soviet Jew, to carry an
identification card effectively stigmatizing him"
- Let's
represent U.S. interests for once, instead of Israel's By Joseph Sobran.
- In Our
Hands By Joseph Sobran.
"No decent American would think of reducing American Jews to
the status of Palestinians in Israel"
- A Pop
Quiz on the Middle East By
Charley Reese (Orlando Sentinel 02/08/1998)
- Turning
blind eye to Israel damages U.S. credibility
By Charley Reese (Orlando
Sentinel 02/17/2000).
"Terrorism" against the U.S. - the "war on terror" |
An illustration. When the radical Jewish supremacist, Benjamin Netanyahu, was asked by the New York Times (September 12, 2001) what he thought of the 9-11 attack 2001, he blurted out "It's very good," but then edited his comments by saying "well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy." Yes, of course, for Israel.
The Israeli paper Ha'aretz (16/04/2008 ) also wrote under the headline "Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel":
“The Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv on Wednesday reported that Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu told an audience at Bar Ilan university that the September 11, 2001 terror attacks had been beneficial for Israel.
"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," Ma'ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events "swung American public opinion in our favor." ”
Terrorist Attack 9/11 - articles
A huge collection of articles on the 9/11 attacks and the so-called "war on terror" compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review
- Former U.S. congressman James Traficant on the power of
the Jewish lobby
Includes a videoclip from his TV-appearance on Greta van Sustern's show, Fox News, September 10th 2009
- Louis Farrakhan: Why do they hate America?
- Learning from the September 11 Attacks
By Mark Weber
- Whose War?
By Patrick J. Buchanan, article from The American Conservative
US War Without End for Israel?
Selection of articles on war plans against Iran
- How Israeli terrorism and American treason caused the September 11 Attacks
By US politician David Duke
- Price of supporting Israel
By David Duke
- The top five lies about this war
- Ahmed Rami:
There will be no war of
- Tell Us the Whole Truth!
Duke's letter to President Bush
- Israel will get war!
By Russ Granata
- Why must USA occupy foreign capital cities...?
Asks black Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Article from Nation of Islam's Final Call.
- "We must cut off the source of terrorism"
By David Duke
- "Will Anyone Dare to Ask Why?"
By David Duke
Seize the Chaos - Israel, the Neocons,
and their Bloody, Blundering “Art” of War
Israeli strategist Oren: “... we always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran... This was the case ... even if the other ‘bad guys’ were affiliated to al-Qaida."
Horrors of ISIS Created by Zionist
By David Duke. ISIS - the product of years of intrigue, subversion, torture, terrorism and wars, all caused by the Jews-only state of Israel and the Jewish Lobby...
Cartoons/caricatures connected to Islam and the Jewish campaign to sow a
"sunni" "shia" rift, division with Christianity, "Islamphobia"
and the real masters behind IS/ISIS/ISIL
- The
truths they never tell us By John Pilger (New Statesman)
- A
Just Cause, Not a Just War By Howard Zinn (The
- This
war of lies goes on By John Pilger
- Terrorism
works By Noam Chomsky (Al-Ahram)
- International
Terrorism By Stephen Zunes (Foreign Policy in Focus 11/1998
revised 09/2001)
- Our
friends are killers, crooks and torturers By Robert
Fisk (Independent)
- Bush
is walking into a trap By Robert Fisk
No Shortage
of Suspects in Bombing of U.S. Embassies By Eric Margolis (08/13/1998)
- U.S. Foreign
Policy Contributes to Acts of Terrorism By Charley Reese (08/18/1998)
- Reaping
the Terrorist Whirlwind! By Eric
Margolis (08/30/1998)
- Economic
Reasons Behind Bombings of Afghanistan By William O. Beeman, (Brown University
- The Saudi
Connection By Robert Fisk
(Independent 08/1998)
and Denial in the War Against Terrorism By
William Blum (ZNet, zmag.org, August 19, 2003)
- Does U.S. Intervention
Overseas Breed Terrorism? The Historical
Record By Ivan Eland (CATO
Foreign Policy
12/17/1998). Read also a short summary of the text.
- International
Terrorism By Stephen Zunes
(Foreign Policy in Focus 11/1998)
- U.S. Likely
to Drop Syria from Terror List By
Nitzan Horowitz and Daniel Sobelman by (Ha'aretz
12/10/1999). Since Syria agreed to talk to Israel the US is
considering dropping the former from its "terrorist countries"
list. Hence, this list is also for countries that don't bend in to
US's dictats, and not necessarily "terrorist" countries. In this
case, Syria's "terrorist" classification is due to her rejection
of signing a peace treaty with Israel on the latter's terms.
U.S. foreign policies |
"Although we regularly stigmatize other societies as rogue states, we ourselves have become the largest rogue state of all. We honor no treaties. We spurn international courts. We strike unilaterally wherever we choose. We give orders to the United Nations but do not pay our dues. We complain of terrorism, yet our empire is now the greatest terrorist of all..."
-- Gore Vidal, famous critic - himself from the U.S. establishment - in his book "Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace - How We Got To Be So Hated".
"They plunder, they slaughter, and they steal: this they falsely name Empire, and where they make a wasteland, they call it peace."
-- Tacitus, Roman orator, lawyer, senator, one of antiquity's greatest historians, "Agricola", written ca. AD 98.
- The Right to
Sacrifice the Other: The American Genocides - a book review
U.S. Atrocities - the historical record
Samples of the U.S. military's massacres and atrocities in the Philippines, Japan, Somalia (1993) and Afghanistan
"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."
-- Smedley D. Butler, United States Marine Corps Major General and two time Medal of Honor recipient, in his book "War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America's Most Decorated Soldier".
Highlights in blue added by Radio Islam.
Note: This quote must be remembered and used: Here we have a leading U.S. military, from the absolute top brass, conceding that the wars the U.S. wages - which an army of propagandists today try to label as "interventions for Democracy" - are nothing else than mob-style gangster operations.
- The
CIAs Greatest Hits By Mark
Zapezauer (Odonian Press)
- U.S.
Government Assassination Plots
By William Blum from the book Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II. The U.S. bombing of Iraq, June 26, 1993, in retaliation for an alleged Iraqi plot to assassinate former president George Bush, "was essential," said President Clinton, "to send a message to those who engage in state-sponsored terrorism ... and to affirm the expectation of civilized behavior among nations." -- Washington Post 06/27/1993
Terrorism By George Monbiot (Guardian) on US sponsored "School of
the Americas" (SOA)
Rogue Nation USA
Christopher Hitchens
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: "I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment."
See videoclip where he brags about it, to a laughing and clapping audience response...
- The Function of
Rogue States in U.S. Middle East Policy
By Stephen Zunes (Middle East Policy 05/1997)
- Rogue
States By Noam Chomsky (Z Magazine
- The
Containment Myth: US Middle East Policy in Theory and
Practice By Stephen Hubble
(Middle East Report Fall 1998)
- Bombing A La
Mode By Edward S. Herman (Z
Magazine 12/1998).
- U.S. Admits Sudan
Bombing Mistake By Andrew
Marshall (The Independent 05/04/1999)
Also the BBC Report: US backs down on Sudan factory
- Year Later,
US Attack on Factory Still Hurts
Sudan By Jonathan Belke (Boston Globe
- Was Sudan
raid on target? By Stone
Phillips (Dateline 12/29/1999)
- U.S. Policy
Towards Iran By Stephen Zunes
(Foreign Policy in Focus 08/1997) 1- The strident anti-Americanism
of Iran's Islamic regime is a direct consequence of past U.S.
interference in Iranian internal affairs. 2- Ironically, U.S.
policy toward the Islamic Republic has hardened as the regime has
become increasingly moderate. 3- Iran has become a major obsession
for U.S. policymakers, resulting in stringent economic sanctions
and other measures.
- Our
Foolish War in the Middle East By US
Representative Ron Paul (11/20/2000)
- The Rationale
for US Military Intervention After
the Cold War By Naseer Aruri
- Is
It Globalization, or a Global Hegemony?
The United States Versus the World By Naseer
- Their
Terrorists; Our Freedom Fighters By
William Blum (The Consortium 1997)
- The Bombs of
August By Howard Zinn,
(Progressive 08/2000)
- A
Brief History of U.S. Interventions:
1945 to the Present By William Blum (Z Magazine
- Quick Guide to
CIA/U.S. Intervention in the Middle
East. Not so fast Sen. Lott By Eric Margolis
- Framing
Libya By James Heartfield
(Living Marxism 11/1993)
- Terrorism
Over Tripoli By Howard Zinn
from "the Zinn Reader," 1993.
- Mugabe Says
U.S., Canada Asked Him to Shield War
Criminal Mengistu (ABC News 12/20/1999)
- U.S.
Conduct in the Middle East Since World War
II and the Folly of Intervention
By Sheldon L. Richman (The Cato Institute 08/16/1991). A long study and policy analysis.
- Giddy
Minds and Foreign Quarrels By
Joseph Sobran (Universal Press Syndicate
The Bipartisan Consensus. An excerpted chapter from the book
People's History of the United States
By Howard Zinn
- The U.S. and
Israel By Lance Selfa
(International Socialist Review, Spring 1998)
- Britain and
U.S. Lose 'True Gulf Ally' in Bahrain By Robert Fisk (Independent 03/08/1999)
- We get
the Arab leaders we deserve By
Robert Fisk (New Statesman 10/16/2000)
- The West's
Favourite Despots By Robert
Fisk (The Independent 01/28/1999)
- Foreign Policy In Focus, an external link
- Third World Traveler, an external link
- On U.S. Policy and the Palestinian uprising, selling weapons and giving political support to Israel, see our section on the uprising.
Other sections on the U.S.:
- Jewish power in U.S. politics
- The Jewish Lobby in the U.S.
Media Power of the Jews in U.S.
(and the world)
U.S. and World Business and Finance
- When Jews Rule... -
The most thorough work to this day on Jewish power and influence in the USA.
- Nation of Islam and the Black Resistance
"When a Jew, in America or in South Africa, talks to his Jewish companions about 'our' government, he means the government of Israel."
- David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister

Viva Palestina!
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Medias in the hands of racists
Strauss-Kahn - IMF chief and member of Israel lobby group
Israel controls U.S. Presidents
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Racist Jewish Fundamentalism
"Jews" from Khazaria stealing the land of Palestine
The U.S. cost of supporting Israel
Turkey, Ataturk and the Jews
Israel and the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo
Jews DO control the media - a Jew brags! - Revealing Jewish article
Abbas - The Traitor
Protocols of Zion - The whole book!
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