Friday, 27 March 2020



An Interview With Jesus Christ
By Charles Rayner Kelly
December 16, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -
Interviewer: Thanks for coming on the St. Matthew the Evangelist Show, Jesus. I know you’re a busy man so let’s get right to it. You probably know of the great income disparity in the world today. What would you tell those who call themselves ‘Christians’ to do about it?
Jesus: Go and sell what you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. 19:21
Interviewer: Gee, I don’t hear any televangelist saying that. That’s a pretty hard thing to do, give all your money to the poor. No wonder there aren’t that many true Christians.
Jesus: Many are called but few are chosen. 22: 14 The harvest is rich, but laborers are few. 9:37
Interviewer: But you’re saying the opposite of what our consumer culture is telling us, that we should be as rich as we possibly can.
Jesus: You can’t serve both God and money. 6:24 You must worship God and serve him alone. 4:10
Interviewer: So you’re saying we shouldn’t want to be rich, huh?
Jesus: I tell you truly, it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. 19:23 It is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it. 7: 14 Many who are first will be last, and the last, first. 19:30
Interviewer: Yikes, it sounds like there are a lot of rich and famous people we won’t be seeing in the hereafter. What would you tell the Occupy Wall St. folks, who are protesting the inequalities of our economic and political system? 
Jesus: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice. 5:6
Interviewer: But they’re getting beat up by the police! 
Jesus: Blessed are those who are persecuted in the cause of righteousness. 5:10 Don’t be afraid of those who can kill the body, but not kill the spirit. 10: 28
Interviewer: But they’ll haul them off to court to face a judge. What then?
Jesus: Don’t worry about how to speak or what to say, because it is not you who will be speaking. The Holy Spirit will be speaking through you. 10:19, 20
Interviewer: But you’re facing a court of law.
Jesus: The weightier matters of the Law are justice, mercy and faithfulness. 23: 23
Interviewer: Golly, I’m not sure they teach that even in Christian law schools! I gotta tell ya, the police state and all, sometimes I get scared, not for myself but for my kids and grandkids. 
Jesus: Don’t worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. 6:34
Interviewer: Yeah, but it’s still a little scary.
Jesus: Why are you frightened, oh ye of little faith? 8: 26
Interviewer: Well, okay, I admit I’m a little lacking there.
Jesus: Don’t be afraid. 17:7 If your faith was the size of a mustard seed, nothing would be impossible. 17:20
Interviewer: Do you think we should be going to church more?
Jesus: When you pray, go to your private room and pray to your Father, who is in that secret place. 6:6
Interviewer: The churches are telling people to be critical of abortion, contraception, gays, and all things pubic. What would you tell them?
Jesus: Do not judge and you will not be judged, because the judgments you give are the judgments you will get, and the amount you measure out is the amount you will be given. 7: 1, 2 That is how my heavenly Father will deal with you, unless you forgive your brothers and sisters from your heart. 18:35
Interviewer: There are a lot of people making huge sacrifices for those causes. What do you want from them?
Jesus: What I want is mercy, not sacrifice. 9: 13
Interviewer: But what our priests and preachers and televangelists are saying is so opposite to that! 
Jesus: Beware of false prophets! 7: 15 The tree can be told by its fruit. 12: 34 It is not those who say ‘Lord, Lord’ who will enter the kingdom, but the person who does the will of my Father in heaven. 7:21
Interviewer: Have you been reading about pedophiles in the clergy recently?
Jesus: Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of God. 18: 3 Never despise any of these little ones. Their angels in heaven are continually in the presence of my Father. 18:10
Interviewer: What do you think of free speech? Does anything go?
Jesus: By your words you will be acquitted, and by your words condemned. 12: 37 The things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and it is these that make a person unclean. 15:18
Interviewer: You probably know what’s happening between the US and Iran today. What words of wisdom would you give Americans to meet this crisis?
Jesus: Always treat others as you would like them to treat you. 7: 12 Do not be afraid. 14:28
Interviewer: Fair enough, but what will we tell the Zionists who are goading us into a war? 
Jesus: Hypocrites! It was you Isaiah meant when he so rightly prophesied: This people honors me only with lip-service, while their hearts are far from me. 15: 7,8
Interviewer: Is there anything you’d like to say to us to wrap things up?
Jesus: O, faithless and perverse generation! 17:17 What does it gain for a person to win the world and lose his soul? And what will a person offer in exchange for her soul? 16:26 You are all brothers and sisters. 23: 8
Interviewer: Gosh, why is it that humans just can’t seem to get things straight? 
Jesus: The worries of this world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word. 13: 22
Interviewer: Hey, I gotta tell ya that this has been great, and probably wonderful for the show’s ratings. Thanks a lot.
Jesus: Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. 6: 21
Charles Rayner Kelly, a retired educator, philosopher and novelist, currently resides in southern Arizona, USA. Among his works are Little Poor Man: The Story of St. Francis of Assisi, Keeper of The Sacred Pipe, Flight of the Goddess, and Black Robe.
This article was originally posted at Brave New World
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 Smearing the image and reputation of Pius XII offends me to my very core - Kate Bates
Mythical White Jewish Supremacist Esther (Ishtar) and her slaves 'La Toilette d'Esther' by Theodore Chasseriau, 1841.
"Foolish, drunkard and madly in love" King God Ahasuerus (Xerxes) of Persia married Persian orphan Hadassah known as Esther (Goddess Ishtar). We are made to believe that Hadassah and her cousin handler and adoptive father Mordecai hid for many years that they were both 'Jewish'. Hadassah is a Persian name meaning Myrtle or Bride. Jewish Mythology borrowed and twisted this legend from Babylonia and had Mordecai sell Hadassah to the King's Harem as a sex slave or infiltrated her as a spy to carry out the Shoah (Holocaust) of some 1,000,000 innocent Persians celebrated henceforth as the Festival of PURIM. Smearing the image of non Jews (Goyim) by Jews has always been the theology and murderous modus operandi of the Evil ones who are liars and without honour or respect. How many people did God kill in the Jewish Bible? This is the audio book introduction for "Drunk With Blood: God's Killings in the Bible."
For the rest of the audiobook:
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this, If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth.” – Dr. Carl Sagan
But I do not need Dr Carl Sagan to tell me that. My wife calls it "cognitive dissonance" or cognitive inconsistency whereby an individual runs away from the truth and feels so uncomfortable psychologically when confronted with it that he or she will persist in believing the unbelievable despite all the evidence to the contrary. Even if practically nobody gives a damn about what I think about such matters, I will still put down on paper my thoughts and convictions about Talmudist Khazari non Semitic Jews ordering historians and Catholics what to say or not, what, how, when and where to believe or not, who is a Semite or not, who has the right to free speech or not, etc. And, I also do this to please my US American wife. Although decadent Atheists, Agnostics, Deists, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Christians and Muslims are among the evil ones too, the Khazazi Talmudist Jews hold the Gold medal of evilness with their acolytes the Illuminati and reverence is far from being one of their qualities. Among Roman Catholics not only clergymen, hermits, monks and nuns worthy of respect were deeply revered, but also all Holy persons, men and women alike and Saints and Popes. And although I do not share the deep affection many Roman Catholics (on purpose I did not say Christians) have for many of those Reverends who often include quite undeserving ones, it would never occur to me to be intentionally offensive to the sensitivities of sincere and devout Believers despite the fact that Zionist Jews have monopolised 'forever' all human sensitivity and sufferings, and even by Law in some Western totalitarian countries they call democracies. Yes, I have great respect for all sensitivities on the condition that it is not used as a weapon against others like Jews and their acolytes have used and are still using their alleged sufferings to terrorise nations and reap huge benefits. The incredible thing about the eternally lamenting Jews is that all throughout history the more they say they suffer the more they prosper and own and control almost everything, and the more they hate everybody else. They even brag that they owe the world nothing but the world owes them everything. And almost the entire West bows down to this nonsense and we are not even allowed to respond to them as they own or control the corporate mainstream media. Thousands and maybe even millions of young Jews are indoctrinated to display hysteria (especially the young girls) at the very mention of Jewish sufferings that allegedly happened six thousand years or 70 years ago under all nations they lived under while turning a blind eye (three blind eyes including that of the heart!) on the sufferings of hundreds of millions of humans around the world. They are the only people who claim that everybody else wants to exterminate them completely, and that this will continue eternally. They never lived under Muslims but with Muslims and they were very well treated, part of the nation, and prospered and inherited so much from Islamic civilisation and science, but as soon as they started living under and with Christians they chose to live in ghettoes and by manipulations of their leaders (often Atheistic like the Zionists) became the most odious, perfidious, destructive and ungrateful people in world history. The world due to its own weaknesses is being terrorised into submission to Jewish power and to alleged Jewish suffering as the one and only suffering worth talking about and remembering for eternity. The well documented tens of millions of Christians and Muslims who were slaughtered under Jewish Bolshevism, Socialism and Communism are nothing compared to the Myth of the Six Million Jews that Hitler has been alleged to have gassed in non-existent homicidal ovens without a single shred of evidence! It is dogma to be accepted and the truth about the matter is even not accepted in any European Court of Law! TRUTH IS NOT A DEFENCE, THE OLIGARCHS SAY! Because I have not joined the decadent and racist Jewish-Christian cultural and political terrorism and oppression armies like most of the Western intelligentsia have done, it was an immense pleasure for me to canonise Pius XII and as from now on, as a sign of defiance to Jewish Supremacism and Judeocracism, he is to me SAINT PIUS XII until After my return from the U.S.S.R. in 1968, a young countryman of nearly my age Paul Raymond Bérenger, a White European Catholic apostate, with one Hindu apostate (Dev Virahsawmy) and one Muslim apostate (Jooneed Jeeroobarkhan), all three renegades turned Marxist-Leninist militants, wanted to overthrow the Hindu government through sabotage and acts of terror. They were adamantly against all forms of religion and colonialism except for the Soviet and Maoist style ones. Amongst other acts of vandalism, they wanted to enter every single house of the colonised people and destroy all the pictures of the British Royals to be found there. But, although I was anti-Royalist, I very strongly opposed those Communist devils who had no respect for our peoples' sensitivity because a lot of our elderly and even disabled people, especially the coloured Catholics, know absolutely nothing about politics and have been brought up to revere the British and other White European royalties as well as Saints, and invading their homes and smashing their precious souvenirs or Holy relics would be simply an act of barbarism. This is to say that I am very conscious about peoples' sensitivity, but not about that Jewish myth called the Holocaust (Shoah) or that other Biblical myth of concubine Esther causing 'stupid' Persian King Ahasuerus (Xerxes) of Persia who did not know she was a Jewess to murder some 1000,000 innocent Persians, men, women, children and babies, including his Chief Minister Haman (and all his ten sons!) she falsely accused of having planned to exterminate the entire Jewish population of the whole Persian Empire! Would you believe how powerful a single Jewess was said to have been at the Court of the King of Persia and how stupid was that King? His life was said to have been saved by one Mordecai but that 'foolish and drunkard' King never knew he too was a Jew who would later sell his own adopted daughter to him as a sex slave to join his harem after he had deposed his wife for disobedience? his name and truthful image are restored to the world and not by absolute haters like Jewish Zionists and fanatical Atheists! Jews have had the habit of always placing a Jewess whore or a concubine at the head of power in Christendom or as wife! A few cases come to my mind: JFK and RFK's Jewish whore, one Marilyn Monroe; LBJ's Jewish mistress; Clinton's Jewish lesbian wife Hilary and Jewish whore Monica Lewinski; Obama's Jewish transvestite wife Michael or Michèle, etc. That Jewish Estherian lie among so many others is of Himalayan proportions, and Christendom who worshipped and still worship Socrates and Aristotle the acclaimed "fathers of Logic" and "rationality" (another myth!) bought that Biblical 9/11 (one of countless Biblical ones), line, hook and sinker, and to this very day still promotes it as Gospel Truth and the sex slave Hadassah as a heroine! At every Jewish Festival of Purim, the Shoah of innocent Persians is read aloud and celebrated in the synagogue. Not only happy with that hoax, Christendom venerates Hadassah or Esther whose pleading with the king was seen as a pre-figuration of the "Virgin" Mary who would plead for people on the Day of Judgement! God's Justice is so inadequate that others will have to plead for the ones sitting in Judgement before the Almighty! Medieval and Renaissance theology saw the death of "hater and antiSemitic" Haman as prefiguring the crucifixion of Jesus! Anything was good to promote the Jewish Bible and all its hoaxes and abominations! Looking at all the paintings extolling the legendary mass murderer Hadassah Esther, the latter has become as important a figure as the "Virgin" Mary if not more! 'The Banquet of Ahasuerus', Aert de Gelder, circa 1680 'La Toilette d'Esther' by Theodore Chasseriau, 1841 'Esther', sometimes listed as 'Vashti', by Edwin Long, 1878 'The Jewish Bride', or 'Esther Bedecked', Aert de Gelder, 1684 'Assuerus Falls in Love with Esther', Salvador Dali,1964 'Esther Preparing to Intercede with Assuerus', Rembrandt, 1633 'Esther', Sir John Everett Millais, 1865 'Esther before Ahasuerus', Tintoretto, 1546-7 'Queen Esther Before Ahasuerus' , Francesco Caucig, 1815 'The Swooning of Esther', Antoine Coypel, 1704 'Esther Before Ahasuerus', Pompeo Batoni, 1738-40 'Esther before Ahasuerus', Peter Paul Rubens, 1620 'Esther Before Ahasuerus', Artemisia Gentileschi, 1628-35 'Esther before Assuerus', Nicolas Poussin, circa1640 Illumination from the 'Biblia Pauperum', Hesdin of Amiens, circa1450 'Ahasuerus and Haman at the Feast of Esther', Rembrandt, 1660 'The Feast of Esther', Jan Lievens, 1625 'The Banquet of Esther', Jan Victors, 1640's 'The Feast of Esther', Frans Francken II, circa 1630 Haman begs for mercy 'Festival of Esther', Edward Armitage, 1865 'Haman Begging Esther for Mercy', Rembrandt, 1655 Haman punished 'The Punishment of Haman', Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1511 Queen Esther, Bible heroine 'Esther', Minerva Teichert 'Esther', Raanan, created 1990-2003 'Queen Esther', Andrea del Castagno, 1450 Persian Lady, found at Persepolis, sculptor unknown, circa 515-338BC The veneration of legendary mass murderer Esther is such that she has been endowed with qualities that even the blessed Mother of Jesus did not have, and is quite a fabricated character from Babylonian sources as seen in the paintings themselves! 1. Esther was young and an orphan; fair and beautiful; courageous; a pre-figuration of the Virgin; See what you make out of all this Jewish nonsense! 2. from the King's harem she won a nation-wide contest for the King's future wife to replace Queen Vashti, the latter having been deposed for disobeying her husband when the latter was drunk; 3. the King had supposedly only one wife even though he had a whole "harem" and Esther was only one of his new concubines; 4. Esther and his handler Mordecai hid from everybody including the King her husband that she was Jewish; 5. she was brought up, groomed and sold by her cousin Mordecai to the King's harem as a sex slave; 6. she was miraculously more powerful than Haman the Chief Minister of the Persian Empire who supposedly hated all the Jews of the Empire, and had planned like Adolf Hitler later to exterminate all of them; 7. Esther was excessively beautiful like Sarah who Abraham sold out to Pharaoh as a sex slave; 8. (The process of preparation for entry into the King's harem lasted twelve months. When Madame de Pompadour was plucked from obscurity and made the mistress of Louis XV, she was first put through a four-month-long period of training. During that time she learnt all the ins-and-outs of life in a royal court - who was who, the protocol for every event and action, the way to look and behave.) 9. Esther and the other candidates for the position of Ahasuarus' wife went through the same period of training. It was not simply a period of beautification, but a complicated training program at which Esther excelled; 10. Esther was a reluctant wife with her face showing resignation and a certain foreboding; 11. she knew the danger she was in and the difficult road ahead of her; 12. the King's royal command, once spoken, that could never be rescinded was disobeyed by Esther, an action punishable by death, but Esther has pleased the King so much (sexually?), that he did not punish her like he had punished Vashti; 13. King Ahasuerus/Assuerus had fallen madly in love with young Esther who occupied all his thoughts; he saw her everywhere; could think of nothing else, yet Esther was not summoned into the King's presence for thirty days; 14. on Esther alone depended the fate of all the Jews in the Empire; 15. Christendom even compared Esther to Jesus on the eve of the Passion when she was confronted with the Shoah (Holocaust) of the Jews at the hands of Haman; "Father, if you will, let this chalice pass from me. But if it cannot, let your will be done." 16. Esther swooned in terror as she approached the King without being summoned; the Bible story says her heart was frozen in fear; 17. despite of the fact that Ahasuerus' face was full of anger at her unexpected and forbidden appearance in Court God changed the spirit of the king to gentleness, and in alarm he sprang from his throne and took her in his arms until she came to herself; 18. Esther fainting linked her to the Virgin collapsing at the foot of the Cross; she had braved the inflexible protocol of palace etiquette, and gone unbidden into the King's presence; Ahasuerus himself has leapt forward to catch her falling body; her swooning aroused the King's sympathy; or "was it merely a ploy on her part" that she fainted with terror? 19. Ahasuerus held the royal golden sceptre in his hand - will he, or will he not, lower it to touch Esther's head, and so save her from death? 20. Mordecai is not any Jew, but one who rides in triumph through the streets, garbed in the royal robes and crown and riding the King's own horse! Who else did that apart from him? 21. In short, Esther is a Babylonian story (like most Biblical stories) plagiarised by Jews. Even Albert Einstein is known as a plagiarist! Catholic Protestants call themselves by different names including that of Christians, and they are among the ones who stole Palestine and gave it to thieving Khazari Talmudist Jews! No disrespect meant to those Christians who adhere to strict Christic values and would neither steal not be accomplices of theft or murder. At least the Vatican offered some resistance up to until the sixties when Roman Catholicism died for good and up to 1993 when the terrorised Pope finally gave in totally to the Zionist mass murderers and thieves. But, this does not prevent authentic Christians and Roman Catholics to show reverence to their Holy men and women. So why spare the Jews and offend the Christians? My wife was born and brought up as a Catholic. I was born a Muslim (like the entire of humanity as Islam says) and was never brought up as a true Muslim as we were slaves of the decadent Christians and Jews who practiced racism, slavery, imperialism, colonialism and the destruction of all other rival civilisations. They destroyed both our mother tongues and Arabic in our daily social and cultural life. The reason why I dump the Christians together with the Jews is because they are the ones responsible for the Jewish takeover of the world by peddling Jewish myths and their genocidal Bible for nearly two thousand years while at the same time preaching hatred against Islam and Muslims despite the clear Message of Christ to love your neighbour as yourself. While they worship that mass murdering Esther on Purim they show total irreverence to Holy Christian figures. The oil painting of mythical Esther or Ishtar (above) is evidence enough of White European deeply rooted racism that Supremacist Jews are displaying today in all its most hideous forms and with total impunity. “Pius XII was my childhood Pope and I did revere him as I was taught. The many methods of smearing his image and reputation do offend me at my core...” (Kate Bates Saturday 4th of July 2015) I have great respect and love for my wife to see her defending the honour and image of Pope Pius XII. How many Christians do really care today about truth, justice, freedom, reverence, respect and honour? During my own childhood I heard of no Popes. And I never liked Popes while I was studying History and religions in my adult years as I understood that the Papacy was a Greco-Roman heresy of the newly invented Israelite doctrine by anonymous writers “Mark, Matthew, Luke and John”, and by Saul a persecutor of the followers of Christ who did not write nearly half of what has been attributed to him. I read that for centuries the Holy Roman Empire was a tax collecting and ferocious warmongering machine set out not only to invade and steal other nations’ lands and plunder their wealth, but also to covert them to Roman Catholicism in the name of the Roman Christ. During my teens I heard of Popes Pius X, Pius XII, John Paul XXIII and Paul VI, but I was not very happy to see Catholics venerating John Paul XXIII and Paul VI like idols and to see their photographs hung on the walls in all coloured Catholic houses where you could also see rosaries hanging. But, White Europeans who knew better did not worship Saints or Popes and ended up miserably abandoning Christ and Paul altogether and worshipping money and Lucifer instead! Veneration among non Whites often took the form of literal worship just like with Hindus of all colours who worship a whole array of deities, holy persons, ancestors and deceased parents. I saw that the Catholic faith was lacking in so many ways, for example, in thinking wrongly (after being advised by the Catholic Churches) that they needed Holy and Unholy humans to be made into Saints to whom they would turn for favours in all domains of life just like Hindus do. God, Christ, Holy Ghost and Mother of God worship was never enough for them and the Popes manipulated them at will as the Faithful loved and respected them calling them Holy Father when Christ is recorded to have said “CALL NOBODY FATHER”, which is most unlikely although he was said to be quite a character, a very uncharitable and ungrateful person who did not even recognise his own Mother as Mother! But, we cannot trust those records of non witnesses of Jesus' extremely short (3 years) and mysterious and almost incredible adult life. However, having most likely offended Believers (no matter which religion they belong to) who refuse to face the truth, which would have set them free, as Christ is recorded to have promised them, I would like to stress that I BELONG to no religion although in the course of my lifetime I have embraced a few that have common values, and in particular Islam and Christ (I did not say Christianity on purpose). Given the paranoia of the decadent Christian world known today under a plethora of names, isms and other ideologies and abominations with Jewish supremacists that have now replaced to a great extent White European Supremacism, it seems necessary in my view to say a few words as to this sickness, this cancer even if only one person can benefit from it. I have in mind here my own American wife Kathalyn Parker Bates known also as Kaamilah bint Qadar who is quite rightly deeply offended like myself by this judeocratic mendacity and totalitarian and fascist power granted to them by a deeply decadent Christendom. Together decadent Jews and decadent Christians are the greatest and most monstrous machines of lies, deception (false flags, hoaxes, conspiracies, modern myths, etc.), dishonesty, deceptions, hypocrisy, fraud, double-speak, double-dealing, duplicity, perfidy, genocidal racism, ethnic cleansing, theft, torture, wars, orchestrated famine and diseases, climatic changes, poisonous medicine and vaccines, and abominations of all kinds. 1. St. Pius X (1903-14) 2. Benedict XV (1914-22) 3. Pius XI (1922-39) 4. Pius XII (1939-58) 5. St. John XXIII (1958-63) 6. Paul VI (1963-78) 7. John Paul I (1978) – MURDERED ON THE 33RD DAY BY CARDINAL VILLOT! Cui bono? This was the Vatican “9/11”! 8. St. John Paul II (1978-2005) – FIRST ZIONIST SAINT! 9. Benedict XVI (2005-2013) – CONVICTED ZIONIST WHO WAS FORCED TO RESIGN! 10. Francis (2013—) – ZIONIST TERRORIST? Anti-war Pope Pius XII cannot be blamed for the Jewish Holocaust (Shoah myth) in any manner when it was Britain, France, America and World Jewry that declared war on Germany and Hollywood, Jewish monopolists, corporations, industries, intelligentsia and political and religious leadership did practically nothing to save the already announced throughout the decades and highly publicised prior to WWII of the Six Million Jewish Holocaust deaths! All were interested in Zionism and the theft of Palestine more than in Hitler! Already in 1904, the Atheist Zionist leader Theodor Herzl had met with Pope Pius X to obtain the Pope’s support for the establishment of a “Jewish homeland” in Palestine. The Pope's response was: "Non possumus"--"We cannot." In 1917, Pius X's successor, Pope Benedict XV equally refused to support any Jewish State in Muslim Palestine. The Christian League of Nations was initially in favour of a British Protestant Mandate on Palestine, but not of a Jewish State. On 22 June 1943, Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, the Apostolic Delegate to Washington D.C. wrote to US President Franklin Roosevelt, asking him to prevent the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine. The Vatican was of course greatly concerned that by giving the greater part of Muslim Palestine to Soviet, Atheist, Communist and Zionist European Jews this would of course affect the Catholic (alleged) attachment to that land, but again the Vatican could not care less if the entire non Catholic population of Palestine was exterminated or expropriated. Muslim blood is very cheap! Pius XII (like the other Popes) was sadly not in the least interested in loving the neighbour or in justice for a dispossessed people, the Palestinians, that Protestant Britain and the Christian League of Nations (soon to become the United Nations Organisation, a Zionist Totalitarian Dictatorship) had illegally occupied and given to Khazari Jews in payment for their collaboration in the destruction of Germany before and after National Socialism. Europeans are mentally deranged. They praise Nationalism (the USA) and Socialism (France), Royalty (Britain) but condemn German National Socialism and chop or blow off the heads of the Christian French and Russian royalties! I call this Talmudic Vengeance! And they have contaminated even the conquered Muslim world with their ideologies of Nationalism, National Sovereignty, Socialism, Democracy, Human Rights, NGOs, etc.! Pius XII's rejection of any plan for the establishment of a Jewish State of Israel in the “British Palestine territory” was based on religious and theological grounds alone and for the benefit of Catholics only. There's Christian charity for you! But, we have to mention the following to Pope Pius XII's credit before and after he was elected Pope - 2 March 1939 to his death in 1958. (Wikipedia) 1. Secretary of the Department of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs 2. Papal nuncio to Germany (1917–1929) 3. Cardinal Secretary of State, in which capacity he worked to conclude treaties with European and Latin American nations, most notably the Reichskonkordat with Germany while Adolf Hitler sought the destruction of "political Catholicism". 4. A pre-war critic of Nazism, Pius XII lobbied world leaders to avoid war (while eternally lamenting Judea declared war on Germany in 1933) and, as Pope at the outbreak of war, issued Summi Pontificatus, expressing dismay at the invasion of Poland, reiterating Church teaching against racial persecution and calling for love, compassion and charity to prevail over war. When I was in the USSR, I understood the role the Soviets had played in world politics with a manufactured cold war to distract the ignoramuses, and were still playing with their Allies in causing Israel to be set up on stolen Palestinian and Arab lands on 12 June 1948. When I saw the USSR send (or allow to emigrate) nearly half a million Soviets (not necessarily Jews) to occupied Palestine, I understood it was a joint US-USSR Plan for the occupation of the entire Middle East. The kicking out of Khrushchev and the betrayal of the Arabs by the Soviets during the June 1967 joint US-Israeli attacks on Arabs confirmed the conspiracy, including against the USS Liberty Military Spy Ship. As long as the traitor Mikhaïl Garbatchyov (Gorbatchev) and the Jewish alcoholic Boris Yeltsin were playing the game with the US and Europe everything went on as planned, but as soon as Vladimir Putin (said to be of Jewish stock) came on the scene with his Jewish vice president Myedvyedyev (Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev who received Medvedev received the highest award of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Order of St. Sava???), some kind of resistance or tug-of-war is seen but how long this will last only the Devil knows. Israeli Zionists claim to be modernist atheists upholding and defending “Western values” against the archaic, barbaric, fundamentalist, terrorist, conservative religious Arabs and Muslims! Yes, Zionists have embraced decadent (degenerate) Western values of their own fabrication as they hold a monopoly on all the abominations practiced in decadent Christendom and exported elsewhere at gun point. In 1957, the Vatican still did not see an “overriding reason” for the establishment of a State of Israel, but yet did not mention that the land of Palestine was stolen land, but clearly said: “Its existence is an inherent risk factor for war in the Middle East.” ( The Vatican's Foreign Minister, Domenico Tardini said to the French ambassador in November 1957, if we are to believe the Israelis.) The Vatican was still describing the “Jewish State” as the aggressor who the Franciscan Custos of the Holy Land Alberto Gori in his reports to the Vatican was most critical of as well as of the later Israeli forces, whom he accused of destruction of holy places. "... tranquillity or order in Palestine is still very far from having been restored. For We are still receiving complaints from those who have every right to deplore the profanation of sacred buildings, images, charitable institutions, as well as the destruction of peaceful homes of religious communities. Piteous appeals still reach us from numerous refugees, of every age and condition, who have been forced by the disastrous war to emigrate and even live in exile in concentration camps, the prey to destitution, contagious disease and perils of every sort." ("Paolo Pieraccini, Custos of the Holy Land and Patriarch at the Second Vatican Council" (PDF). Retrieved 6 January 2012.) The French La Documentation Catholiques went even farther and published a report declaring that "Zionism is the new Nazism." (La Documentation Catholique in La Croix, 22 May 1949: "Nous ne pouvons que souscrire à la pensée déjà maintes fois exprimée: 'Le sionisme est un nouveau nazisme'.) Not a surprise as it was reported that “70% of the local Christians had fled from their homes as a consequence of the acts of Israel's belligerency.” Note that each time the Vatican does not mention Muslims as if THEY DID NOT EXIST! Yet, before the British stole the land, Palestine was Muslim up to 90%! In 1950 the Russian Polish David Ben-Gourion (David Grün) rejected “an international commitment to uphold the rights of Christians in Israel” made by Gori during his visit to occupied Palestine. Again, no mention of Muslims! The Vatican was solely interested in the “Holy Places” which were obviously second on line after the Roman and other European Holy Places. Their concern about Palestine was mainly in connection with the small Catholic community leaving there, the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre and Bethlehem. On 26 May 1955, the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra even performed Beethoven's Seventh Symphony at the Vatican of Pius XII. Even then, “the Vatican still refrained from mentioning the name of the State, preferring instead to describe the orchestra as a collection of "Jewish musicians of fourteen different nationalities." While Islam was willing more than 1400 years ago to accept ALL truths present in all religions (including philosophies), it was only on 28 October 1965 that the Vatican promulgated Nostra aetate (In our Time), the Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council declaring the “willingness of the Catholic Church to accept some truths present in other religions in so much as they reflect Catholic teaching and may lead souls to Christ. Just look at that colossal Papal deception! ” It also says in its Part three that “the Catholic Church regards the Muslims with esteem, and then continues by describing some of the things Islam has in common with Christianity and Catholicism: worship of One God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, Merciful and Omnipotent, Who has spoken to men; the Muslims' respect for Abraham and Mary, and the great respect they have for Jesus, whom they consider to be a Prophet and not God. The synod urged all Catholics and Muslims to forget the hostilities and differences of the past and to work together for mutual understanding and benefit.” Yet, they showed no such esteem for Palestinian, Arab and other Muslims. Where is the mutual understanding and benefit when the Vatican recognised the terrorist, racist, apartheid and ethnic cleansing entity in 1993-1994 by joining hands with Zionists, Freemasons and mass murderers like Toni Blair and many others who are involved in most if not all the false flags, revolutions, wars, orchestrated famines, genocide, poisoning, deceptions, political assassinations, abominations, lies, climate and genetic tampering, and so on? That very year 1965 (the same year Dmitry Medvedev was born) my late father (may his dust rest in 'peace', not him as he's gone for good!) sent me a newspaper cutting while I was studying in the USSR. about that infamous Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. I was misled to believe that the Catholic Church was becoming more human and more universal which led to my liking and adoption of Pope John Paul II. It was only a few decades ago while I was living in France that I found out my mistake and that it was the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council that destroyed Roman Catholicism for good after White Europeans became apostates (renegades) in very large majorities! It should rather be called Roman Zionist Catholicism! And that Pope John Paul II was of Jewish extraction, and was catapulted to the papacy (like the apostate Muslim Barack Hussain or Christian Barry Soetero with a Jewish wife transvestite, so it is said) by the Jews, the Zionists, the Rothschilds, and the Communists to not only destroy Catholicism from the inside (an old Rabbinical Plan) but also to give official recognition for Worse-ThanApartheid-Israel. No wonder that in 1961, the treacherous Crypto Jew Pope John Paul II (seen later praying or wailing at Jupiter’s Wall in Jerusalem) had already drafted a Decree on the Jews "Decretum de Iudaeis" as a Test before promulgating the Nostra aetate. I, of course, understand how and why my wife feels deeply offended by the systematic smearing of the image of Saint Pius XII and of his reputation, but this has been happening nonstop to Muslims for now well over 1400 years. Smearing the image of non Jews (Goyim) by Jews has always been the theology and murderous modus operandi of the Evil ones who are liars and without honour or respect. And, talking or responding to those Jews is totally useless because like the Illuminati there are no bigger liars and deceivers on planet earth and it is a sheer waste of time and energy. The following is one typical example of Khazar or Talmudist mendacity that will illustrate my point adequately I hope. In 1968-1969, I was not allowed back in the USSR for mysterious reasons. When I complained to Moscow I was told a few years later that I could not resume my medical studies because “the interruption gap in my studies was too important”! No reason was ever provided why I was not allowed to resume my studies in the first place or why my son, my first born died at birth on 10 September 1968 in my absence. In 1969, Pope John Paul II met with Minister Abba Eban at the Vatican. On 15 January 1973, two years before I left Mauritius for France, the Pope met Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir (British journalist Alan Hart's chouchou!) at the Vatican, which was the first meeting between a Pope and an Israeli Prime Minister. According to Meir's own account of the meeting, the Pope criticized the Israeli government for its treatment of the Palestinians, and she said in reply “Your Holiness, do you know what my earliest memory is? A pogrom in Kiev. When we were merciful and when we had no homeland and when we were weak, we were led to the gas chambers.” : That treacherous Pope did not find the guts to ask that thief what Kiev had to do with Palestinians! This type of reply has been given thousands of times when we question Jewish Zionist criminality with the systematic labelling of Nazi, anti-Semite or Holocaust denier as an added deadly flavour! Anyway I would never address any Pope as Your Holiness or Holy Father just as I never addressed any Supreme Court Judge as “My Lord” or “Your Lordship”! One Catholic I had no qualm calling father was French Father Michel Lelong, the nicest Catholic human being I have ever known. Our first meeting in Paris was quite an overwhelming experience. It was a real meeting of the souls. But, Jews having taken over the Catholic and Protestant Churches in Europe there is rarely any meaningful and sincere dialogue between Muslims and Christians. The Churches instead of exhorting the Faithful to forget the hostilities and differences of the past with Muslims and to work together for mutual understanding and benefit, they are preaching Zionism and extolling Israel on Earth nonstop! So, it is useless to question Jews about their own criminal action when they control all the media, press, television, cinema and even academia and churches, and when they have such a formidable group of Christian people (nations) and their warmongering armies to go along with them and do their bidding. So, the solution lies with us. What a treachery! It has been fully documented that the establishment of full diplomatic relations in 1993–94 with the Apartheid entity was “the long-standing personal aspiration of Pope John-Paul II and Cardinal Ratzinger, who had participated in the Special Committee of the Holy See that reviewed and authorized the establishment of full relations between Israel and the Vatican. After the decision was made, Ratzinger reportedly called his Jerusalem acquaintance, Professor Zwi Werblowsky to express his joy over the development, describing it as the fruit of the work of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council.” I am not here to defend or write about the real Pope Pius XII, but only to address the fabricated and vile Jewish attacks on him just because Germans lost WWII. I am here to denounce the Jewish lies and Christian surrender to Jewish power and say loud and clear that I have found no evidence whatsoever that Pope Pius XII was himself evil because he signed a Treaty with Germany at the time. Some Muslims sought Hitler's help against the Jews and to this day they have been accused of supporting "Nazism" although without Hitler, Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt there would be no "Israel" today! Had Adolf Hitler not been a highly civilised German and had Austria and France not collaborated with him who knows how much of Western civilisation would have been destroyed forever by the total destruction of Austria and France had they been perpetually at war, and even Britain had Hitler not allow the British army to go free after their severe defeat. Hitler even kept all the records of the French Freemasonic Grand Orient which were returned to France (in a highly secret deal!) following the end of WWII. Like M.K. Gandhi, Tavistok trained Hitler might even have been a British agent or stooge after all! So, until we have the freedom of speech the truth cannot be told to a larger public, and Like Herr Adolf Hitler, SAINT Pius XII is dead and gone, but Christ still lives although in less and less hearts but I will never blame those Jews for the sins of Catholics, Protestants and Muslims. Those Jews will never dare insult Jesus or Muhammad if Christians and Muslims did really love and follow Christ or obeyed God and not Caesar! They are just hypocrites in their vast majority and anybody like me can see that. Of course, this excludes the countryside populace as they always follow the rulers whoever they are. Today, Jesus and Muhammad no more lead nations but only individuals, and until authentic Jews (Israelites), Christians, Muslims and truth, freedom and justice loving non Believers come together those bogus Jews and bogus Semites and their Illuminati will remain the sole Masters of the world and space. even those we can reach do not give a damn about the truth! This is the main reason why I have been signing for quite some time as a Non Roman non Apostolic Catholic Muslim which is respecting the spirit of the Holy Qur’ân as well as the (bogus) call to ecumenism by the Zionist Saint John Paul II, but without any intention to convert anybody to Islam, or to Christ like the Zionist Saint had planned to do! When asked why he did recognize Israel on Earth (against Catholic doctrine) he said (as far as I can recall) that he was hoping those Jews would convert to Catholicism! What a huge papal lie again! In conclusion, a religious group such as "the Jews" that every year celebrates the Shoah (Holocaust) or mass murder of thousands of innocent Persians, of the Egyptian first-born and But, most Muslims and Christians do not understand my approach although I am convinced Dr Kevin Barrett has with the creation of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth with Dr David Ray Griffin and others even though we have both huge problems of communication. Kevin is one of our greatest Fighters and a man of Faith, but I am not a man of Faith or can hardly be called one, however I am definitely a fighter of very strong and unshakeable conviction regarding matters of freedom, truth, justice and a moral way of life, in other words, Islam, the best way of life I have studied on my own although with the best of teachers like, for example, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Mark Hanson, and that I have known, adopted and practiced to the best of my ability as opposed to blind Faith of most Believers, and which in many ways we can call in all fairness the Way of Christ and that of Muhammad, but never the way of the devils or Satan. One mistake I never made and will never make is to sacrifice the truth for my interpretation or understanding of (my) religion, which I see so many Believers do on a daily basis, including so-called non-Believers. Unfortunately, even Believers forgot about Satan or even joined him, and this is the main reason why Satan is today assuming power over almost the entire world with Jews, apostates, hypocrites and Secularists (Atheists), and the Hedonists and lovers of materialism as his instruments. As many say, the greatest achievement of Satan is to have convinced the heavily zombified Believers and others that he does not even exist. of defenceless Palestinian men, women, children and babies, and other real Shoahs or Holocausts, showing absolutely no compassion whatsoever for other peoples' sufferings, has no right or moral ground to smear the image, reputation and character of a Saintly person like Pius XII who was never found guilty of any such crimes or abominations!
Saturday 4th of July 2015
Jésus le Messager de Lumière - JESUS, THE MESSENGER OF LIGHT.

   In Defense of WWII Pope Pius XII
"With special gratitude we remember all he has done for the persecuted Jews during one of the darkest periods in their entire history."
-- Dr. Nahum Goldmann, president of the World Jewish Congress, wrote in his letter of condolence on Pope Pius' death.

17 May 2013

Issues concerning the Desire of a New World Order

CHANNEL ISLAM INTERNATIONAL, Bringing Islam to the World and the World to You
American Free Press | America's Last Real Newspaper :
( possecasts : )
For anyone who can handle the Truth :
( mpg123 -@ )
into ground shaking radio that will snap your neck in odd directions :
( mplayer "mms:// islam" on Tuesdays at 20-22 CET/2-4PM EDT/11-1PM PDT. )
Exposing Corruption, Informing Citizens and proclaiming Liberty :
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Your First Source For Reality & Honest Journalism :
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The Home of Cutting Edge Talk Radio :
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Veterans Truth Network - Truth in Media :
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All News Network - We are not CNN :
( mpg123 -@ )
Please help to get my car back :
( On July 21, 2009 my car was impounded (not by police), but by the
Dutch IRS, for failing to hand-over trumped up tax charges which my
small business could have never earned, according to my filed tax
deductions. In addition the bank account of my small business has been
impounded by the IRS as well. An important part of my business
activities involves the use of my car. The impoundment of my car can
only be explained as an outrageous attempt by the IRS to shutdown my
business by force, without a valid and sane reason.
It can be compared to those EXACTIONS reported only to happen in former
overseas colonies like India and Indonesia. The difference being that
today such exactions have moved into Western Europe and America as well
, the home countries of these old style colonialists themselves. My
conclusion is that today the old style Colonialist has started to
devour his own home country and town, through abuse of power of IRS
officials and police. )
For me PayPal doesn't seem to fulfill its purpose, which is collecting donations
When closing my PayPal account
my saldo was USD $1.62
on Mar 9, 2011. This is quite impossible
as since July 21, 2009 not a single
transaction has occurred on
my PayPal account.


The Curse of Canaan, A Demonology of History
Ezra Pound, the ultimate researcher of the unknown and hidden
The Curse inside Dictionaries
Khazarian Smokescreen in the Caucasus
Commentaries on the Curse

The Curse of Canaan, A Demonology of History

The Curse of Canaan, A Demonology of History

Recently a video interview was conducted, titled "The Neo-Zionist Order", where Mullins, with incredable insight and knowlegde, connects essential dots, with updates into the present day situation.
The Curse of Canaan, by Eustace Mullins is an astounding book which presents long forgotten history in a concise and efficient way and connects it to todays movements of Cabala en Freemasonry. Sadly enough the book doesn't have a Index, but while reading, references are mentioned. Here's how Mullins describes the creation of the Talmud, the Zorah and the Cabala:
page 40-43:
  "Oriental despotism has become especially predominant in all of our
   legal proceedings, the "court"[5] where the despot rules, the symbolic
   bow, or standing, when the despot comes into the room, and the
   refusal of the despot to brook any questioning of his decision by a
   citizen [5a], who can approach the judge only through an anointed
   priesthood, the legal profession[6][7]. Some Americans optimistically
   decide to come into court representing themselves, which the People
   of Shem provided for specifically in their Constitution of the
   United States, but judges usually give such "attorneys pro se"
   short shrift.

   In states such as Virginia, where Masonic power rules the courts, 
   judges have been known to boast that no attorney pro se will ever 
   get a favorable decision in their court. A non-Mason who enters an 
   American court today is placing himself at the mercy of an Oriental 
   despot, hence the tyrannical actions of judges in sentencing to 
   indeterminate prison sentences anyone who happens to displease 
   them, or whose property is coveted by a Mason.

   This Oriental type of despotism can be traced back to Zoroaster in
   Persia, to Ishtar and Tammuz in Babylon, to the graeco-Thracian
   Mysteries at Eleusis, the Mysteries of Demeter, Persephone, and
   Dionysus; to Cybele and Altis in Phrygia; to Aphrodite and Adonis
   in Syria; to Isis ans Osiris in Egypt; and to Mithra in Persia [8].

   These Mystery cults were formally combined into much of the text of
   the Babylonian Talmud, a book of religious precepts which had been
   formulated after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar
   took his people to Babylon as captives from 586 to 537 B.C., after
   which Cyrus of Persia captured Babylon and authorized the return to
   Jerusalem. During the Babylonian captivity, there was a free
   admixture of the various Canaanite tribes; the Edomites
   intermarried with the Canaanite branch of Judahites and others.
   Edom means red; ever since the Captivity, red has meant revolution
   and Canaanite massacre of the innocents. The Rothschild's, when they
   backed the formation of the Illuminati, changed their name from
   Bauer to Roth (red) schild (shield). This inter-mixture of various
   strains caused a great deal of confusion among the offspring as to
   what their customs should be. To resolve this difficulty, the
   captives began to compile a great book of religious teachings.

   Talmud means "teaching" in Hebrew. By the second century A.D., the
   Talmud had been completed as oral law, the Mishnah, or older part,
   and the Gemara, or commentary on the law. It first appeared in
   print in 1520, when Daniel Bomberg published it in Venice [4].

   Because of its origins in the demon-worshiping capital of the
   world, Babylon, demonology plays an important part throughout the
   text of the Talmud. It refers to the Demiurge, or Chief Demon, as
   the Creator of the Universe, and it defines the various appearances
   of demons as (1) mazzikem; (2) shedim; (3) ruhot (Avot. 5-6).
   Asmodeus is listed as the King of the Demons (Pes. 110a-112b).

   The Mishnah taught in the second century B.C. that two things
   should never be revealed to the public, or the uninitiated: (1) the
   work of creation, and (2) the work of the chariot (meaning esoteric
   operations, the "Divine Throne"). These precepts later became
   further formalized in the secret rites of Freemasonry.

The Masonic G ?
   In 1280 A.D., a further development of Talmudic thought, the Zohar,
   or Book of Splendour, appeared. This was known as the Cabal, or
   tradition. It was based on two things: (1) generation, or the
   fertility rites, as the most sacred word in the new instructions
   (which, of course, also became the "G" featured in Masonic
   symbols), and (2) the precept that Israel alone is to possess the
   future world (Vayschleh folio 177b).

   The Zohar derived from the Sefer Yetsirah, or Book of Creation,
   which had appeared in the Babylon of the third century; the ten
   Sephiroth or numbers, based on the belief that the universe derives
   from the ten numbers and two letters of the Hebrew alphabet; this
   later was developed into the twenty-two trumps of Tarot, or the
   twenty-two Paths which lead to Sephotorth.

   In Cabala(*)[9], evil takes on a mysterious existence of its own, 
   which its precepts trace back to the physical appearance of life on 
   earth, or Adam.  Cabala claims that Adam throws the entire stream 
   of life out of balance, and that the Church, or Christianity, by 
   formalizing the physical existence of the Adamite people on earth, 
   have become a problem which must be resolved.  This is the essence 
   of the basic anti-life principle underlying all Cabala and its 
   heir, Freemasonry. These precepts declare that Satanism will 
   achieve its final triumph over the Church and Christianity, thus 
   ending the "dualism" of this world, the struggle between good and 
   evil. In short, the problem of good and evil will be ended when 
   evil triumphs and good is eliminated from the earth.  This program 
   may sound somewhat simplistic, but it is the basic premise of the 
   Cabala and Freemasonry.

   These anti-life precepts are now to be encountered, and dealt with, 
   in many of the developments of our civilization. The descendants of 
   the Canaanites instinctively hate and actively oppose such progress 
   as technology, urban life, industrialism, and the cultural 
   achievements of humanity. Their basic goal is to return earth to 
   the primitivism of its pre-Adamic state, when a Neanderthal type of 
   human roamed at will over an earth which had no "civilized" aspects 
   to remind him of his primitivism. The end purpose is to "restore" 
   pre-Adamic man, so that Adamite man, as a creation of God, no 
   longer presents an obstacle to Satan and his rule over this world. 
   Thus cabbalistic Freemasonry aims for the extermination of life [12][13]
   as we know it, culminating in the final triumph of the Canaanite Curse 
   on this earth. In retrospect this amazing observation offers an 
   irrefutable reason for the otherwise inexplicable massacres, wars, 
   and human devastation which have been regularly visited upon a 
   long-suffering humanity by the Canaanite conspirators.

   (*) Cabala appears in various spellings through history, principally
    "Cabala." Also Kabbalah, Kabala, etc."

page 64:
  "Continuous damage is done to the entire economy by the existence
   of a small, supersecret group which controls all advancement in
   business and the professions, which control the issuance of bank
   loans, entering into a publishing business such as books,
   magazines, or newspapers, operating a radio and television station,
   chartering a bank, and many avenues of trade.

   Parents always want the best possible future for their children,
   making great sacrifices to put them through school and to send them
   to college. They never realize that without the "Open Sesame" of
   the Masonic Order, their children are condemned to be hewers of
   wood and drawers of water, that they can never hope to earn any
   large sums or to make advancements in their field. Everything is
   already pre-empted by the Canaanites for their own kind.  Only the
   children of the conspiratorial elite will be admitted to the best
   schools, be offered the best jobs, and live the good life. For the
   rest of America, the party is over."

[1] "The Curse of Canaan, A Demonology of History"
by Eustace Mullins
, Copyright (c)1987 Eustace Mullins
Product Details:
ISBN: none
Format: Hardcover, 242pp
Pub. Date: February 1987
Publisher: REVELATION BOOKS, P.O. Box 11105 Staunton, VA 24401

The Curse of Canaan (Paperback)
by Eustace Mullins
Product Details:
Paperback: 242 pages
Publisher: Fix America Books (March 5, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0978651715
ISBN-13: 978-0978651718

by Jonas Doberman

[3] Books by Eustace Mullins

[4] The Babylonian Talmud
translated by MICHAEL L. RODKINSON

Book 10 (Vols. I and II) [1918] The History of the Talmud

[5] "Supreme Injustice : How the High Court Hijacked Election 2000"
by Alan M. Dershowitz

Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (November 14, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN: 0195158075

Fully Informed Jury Association / American Jury Institute [5a] Fully Informed Jury Association / American Jury Institute
PO Box 5570 Helena,
MT 59604-5570
Tel: 1-406-442-7800
Fax: 1-406-442-9332
Email: aji(at)

Wednesday, Feb 25, 2009
Hour 1: Guest: Iloilo Jones
Iloilo joins the show to discuss jury nullification.
Hour 2: Continuing, John and Iloilo discuss many cases
and circumstances where U.S. citizens are wrongfully
accused and convicted.
[6] "Defrauding America, 4th ed. Volume One : A Trojan Horse Legacy"
by Rodney Stich, former federal agent

Paperback: 557 pages
Publisher: Diablo Western Press (December 28, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN: 0932438180

[7] "Defrauding America, 4th Ed. Volume Two : A Trojan Horse Legacy"
by Rodney Stich, former federal agent

Paperback: 430 pages
Publisher: Diablo Western Press (December 28, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN: 0932438199

"Sabotage by My Own Lawyers Vol. One page 34
   Las Vegas lawyer Joshua Landish, hired to protect my[Rodney Stich] 
assets, proceeded to sabotage me. He did not notify me that there was a 
court hearing on September 28, 1987, for the personal bankruptcy case. 
This hearing was on a motion by lawyer Estelle Mannis (Oakland, CA) for 
mortgage holder Robil, Inc., and Superior Home Loans, both of Hayward, 
California, to obtain relief from the automatic stay so they could 
foreclose on several of my properties.47 They filed this motion 
immediately after Judge Jones rendered a decision refusing to accept 
jurisdiction and ordering removal of the lis pendens, permitting me to 
refinance the mortgage and pay it off.
   Disregarding the absence of jurisdiction to hear the motion because 
of the refusal to accept jurisdiction, that hearing to remove the 
automatic stay had to be limited to that issue and to the 
personal Chapter 11 case, which contained only a small part of 
the $10 million in assets. Nothing could be addressed concerning the 
corporate filing that contained most of the $10 million in 
assets. Judge Jones' decision refusing to accept jurisdiction has not 
been vacated (even to this date). There was no jurisdiction to render 
any further order, except to carry out the dismissal.  Robil knew that 
I would be able to refinance and pay off the mortgage loan due to them. 
They apparently wanted to foreclose and gain the benefit of the large 
equities behind the mortgage loans that they had on the properties.
   Unknown to me, the lawyer I hired to protect my interests, Joshua 
Landish, met secretly with my adversaries and planned to request Judge 
Jones to order seizure of my assets and conduct a fire-sale 
liquidation. In this way, Landish's legal fees would be much higher 
than if he simply acted to protect my interests.
   The official video tapes and transcripts of the court proceedings 
indicated that upon the start of the September 28, 1987 hearing, 
Landish requested Judge Jones to vacate his earlier order providing me 
relief. Landish requested that Judge Jones order the seizure of my 
business, my home, my assets, in both the personal and the corporate 
cases. This lawyer sabotage was gross misconduct by the lawyer hired to 
prevent that seizure, and violated my constitutional ans statutory 
rights to a hearing to defend againts the seizure of my life's assets.
[8] "Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation"
by Michael Tsarion, ancient occult researcher

Paperback: 440 pages
Publisher: Angels at Work Publishing, Santa Clara (2004)
Language: English
ISBN: none
The Destruction Of Atlantis [Michael Tsarion]
The Origins of Evil [Michael Tsarion]
[9] "The Illuminati(R) Vol.II, THE ANTICHRIST CONSPIRACY",
a film by Chris Everard
, (c) 2006,

[10] "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve - The London Connection"
by Eustace Mullins

Paperback : 227 pages
Publisher: Bankers Research Institute (1985)
Language: English

[11] "The Neo-Zionist Order, Who Rules your Rulers"
video interview with Eustace Mullins
, 1 hr 38 min 40 sec - 14-Oct-2006
Produced by AOH Productions,

The Population Control Agenda, Stanley K. Monteith, M.D. The Population Control Agenda, Stanley K. Monteith, M.D. [12] "The Population Control Agenda"
by Dr. Stanley K. Monteith, M.D.
P.O. Box 1835
Soquel, CA 95073

[13] "None Dare Call It Genocide"
by Dr. Stanley K. Monteith, M.D.

Radio Liberty Conference (c)2004

Ezra Pound, the ultimate researcher of the unknown and hidden.

On Tue., Oct 3, 2006, Eustace Mullins was interviewed by Michael Collins Piper on the Republican Broadcasting Network where some of the existing controvercy around Ezra Pound was clarified: Hr1 Hr2. Eustace Mullins declared that although hospitalized inside Elizabeth's he never took any medication, and was in perfectly good health, both physical and mental. This was confirmed to me by Eustace Mullins on Wed. Oct 4, 2006, during a short telephone call. The rumors that Ezra Pound was somehow connected to the occult, were just part of a smear operation. The best proof for that is the book which Mullins wrote about Pound : "This Difficult Individual, Ezra Pound". It turns out to have been the most suppressed book, by Eustace Mullins, until this very day. So keep this short AFFIDAVIT by Eustace Mullins in mind, when reading this section.
Most people probably never heard about Ezra Pound. Maybe start reading
on . So who was this ignored man?

Ezra Pound was a brilliant poet, who told everyone he was an American, 
was an anti-Semite and supported Mussolini and fascism, but at the same 
time was against poverty and wars. Especially the war machinery of the 
USA, more specific what Eisenhower called the Military Industrial 
Complex. After WW II Ezra Pound was sentenced of treason and was put 
away for life inside Elizabeth's mental hospital for the insane in 
Washington D.C. .

However at the same time Ezra Pound was also the genius mind, mentor and 
promoter of very well known and famous writers like : Yeats, Eliot, 
Joyce, Wyndham Lewis, Robert Frost, William Carlos Williams, H.D., 
Marianne Moore, Ernest Hemingway, D. H. Lawrence, Louis Zukofsky, Basil 
Bunting, George Oppen, Charles Olson.

So was Ezra Pound a very racist then? That's not an easy question. No I 
don't think he was a racist. Although he supported Mussolini, fascism, 
and even Hitler, as reported from his radio shows, Ezra Pound was 
against wars and violence. Quite a contradiction.  Ezra Pound was 
reported to have a minor character flaw and was sometimes extremely 
annoying and disturbing [2].

I think this man was with his mind always on a higher level, maybe 
always living in direct contact with his sub-conscience, hence was 
reported to be insane. His poems though were ground breaking. 

The most interesting promotion of a writer by Ezra Pound is Eustace 
Mullins. He wrote "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve" after Pound told 
him to go work inside the Library of Congress and search for a criminal 
conspiracy behind the federal reserve [3],[10] : 

        How could Ezra Pound have known this?

Lately some researchers have found that Ezra Pound was somehow 
connected to the occult. Could he somehow have retrieved certain facts 
and evil plans which the evil occult organizations, (we today now all 
see exposed on the internet) have been planning and are currently being 
carried out by all these marionet government leaders all across the 
world, hence all working towards a New World Order?

As we all today know, these secret organizations like, the neo cons, 
illuminati, skull and bones etc. are all cults of death, hence occult 
entities. If Ezra Pound was somehow connected to the occult, could he 
also have been retrieving facts about the times and era when the Old 
testament was being written up by several Jewish Prophets? One of the 
books, written up by one of his last protege's, Eustace Mullins is 
called : "The Curse of Canaan".

Looking this up on wikipedia, we read : :

  "The Bible indicates that God cautioned the Israelites against the
   sexual depravities of the Canaanites and their fertility cult 
   (Leviticus 18:27). Thus the land of the Canaanites (specifically 
   the Amorites, Hivites, Hethites, Girgashites and Jebusites) was 
   deemed suitable for conquest by the Israelites partly on moral 
   grounds. Deuteronomy 20:16-17, one of the 613 mitzvot, prescribes 
   that no inhabitants of the cities of six Canaanite nations, the 
   same as mentioned in 7:1, minus the Girgashites, are to be left 

A book review about "The Curse of Canaan", called

by David Lethbridge

Commentary on
 "The Curse of Canaan"
 by Eustace Mullins 
 Revelation Books
 Staunton, Virginia, 1987

states :

  "6. Genocidal Conspiracy
   Mullins' claims:
   pp. 227-229. The US is groaning under the heel of Canaanite 
   parasites. Purpose of US government to financially support Soviet 
   pp. 233-235. The Canaanite conspiracy is to destroy American 
   industry, and drive farmers off their land. The Internal Revenue 
   Service (IRS) is their principal tool. There is a documented plan 
   to exterminate all the white people in the United States. The plan 
   is to announce an imminent attack. Everyone will be told to gather 
   in schools and auditoriums across the US. Only the whites will do 
   this, those of Canaanite extraction will be told to go home. Once 
   herded into the buildings the "people of Shem" are to be killed by 
   knives and hatchets in a ritual slaughter. Teams of specially 
   trained immigrants will be used as the killers. 
   pp. 240-242. God's promise and covenant is only for the children of 
   Israel (the white people of Shem) and not for the Canaanites, whom 
   God and Christ despised. People of Shem have been victims of 
   Canaanite massacres, but people of Shem are the true heirs to 
   Israel. God waits for the people of Shem to launch a new crusade to 
   regain the Holy Land. The people of Shem are being punished for not 
   following God's will. A decision must be made by the people of Shem 
   - if they don't carry out God's will they will be made nothing. 
   The claim that there is a Canaanite plan to kill all white 
   Americans is clearly inflammatory hate propaganda of the worst 
   kind, as is the advocacy of a Holy War against the "Canaanites." 
   Indeed, the entire purpose of this book is to create a feeling of 
   hatred and antipathy toward Jews, and a feeling of contempt against 
   people of color. "The Curse of Canaan" is a book of white racism 
   and anti-Jewish hatred."

Thats quite a conspiracy theory by Eustace Mullins, who most probably 
again was inspired and hinted by Ezra Pound to checkout this subject.  
So were Pound and Mullins right about that Zionist/Canaanite plan? 
Today we are seeing growing evidence that indeed a Zionist plot against 
the American people is carried out. Why don't we ask some New Orleans 
Citizens and local officials about how FEMA was helping out after 
Hurricane Katrina hit their city?

"FEMA Deliberately Sabotaging Hurricane Relief Efforts"

Ezra Pound on the abuse of executive powers during WWI and upto WWII. 
Nothing seems to have changed since G.W. Bush was installed into the 
White House. Pound was just one of very few who had correctly analyzed 
the situation and how to react.

The Curse inside Dictionaries.

How are wars started ? one may ask. One starts to write new legislation 
in such a way that your goals and agenda fit inside perfectly. This 
may go as far as redefining old words with a total different meaning 
inside new editions of the authorative dictionaries.

We have seen what happened to the word 'terrorist'. Now its time for 
the word 'pagan' :

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English,
by A.S. Hornby with the assistance of A.P. Cowie J. Windsor Lewis
(c)Oxford University Press 1974 1 2 :

pa-gan /`peig3n/ n, adj (person who is) not a
 believer in any of the chief religions of the world;
 (colloq) any person with no religious beliefs:
 They've brought up their children as ~s. `~.ism
 /-izm/ n beliefs, practices, of ~s.

Search Oxford Dictionaries Online from the web (c) 2006 :

  * noun a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the
    main world religions. 
  * adjective relating to pagans or their beliefs. 
  - DERIVATIVES paganism noun. 
  - ORIGIN Latin paganus 'rustic', later 'civilian' (i.e. a person who
    was not a 'soldier' in Christ's army).

Now thats quite a difference in what the word 'pagan' boils down to in 
practice! In the old days, 1970's, pagan was just someone with _NO_ 
religious beliefs. Today, in 2006, a pagan is someone with _OTHER_ 
religious beliefs.

Well, just a RFC for your eyes. Eustace Mullins donates an entire 
chapter to explain the difference between Humanism and Humanitarianism 
titled 'Secular Humanism'. Searching Oxford Dictionaries Online from the
web (c) 2006 for these two words we get this :

  * adjective concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare. 
  * noun a humanitarian person. 
  - DERIVATIVES humanitarianism noun.

  * noun 1 a rationalistic system of thought attaching prime 
    importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. 2 a 
    Renaissance cultural movement which turned away from medieval 
    scholasticism and revived interest in ancient Greek and Roman 
  - DERIVATIVES humanist noun & adjective humanistic adjective.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English,
by A.S. Hornby with the assistance of A.P. Cowie J. Windsor Lewis
(c)Oxford University Press 1974 3 :

hu-mani-tar-ian /hju'maeni`te3ri3n/ adj, n (of,
 holding the views of, a) person who works for the
 welfare of all human beings by reducing suffering,
 reforming laws about punishment, etc.  `~.ism
 /-izm/ n 

hu-man-ism /`hjum3nizm/ n [U] 1 devotion to
 human interests; system that is concerned with
 ethical standards (but not with religions), and with
 study of mankind. 2 literary culture (of about
 the 14th to 16th cc) based on Greek and Roman

As you see there's quite a difference between the words humanitarian 
and humanism. So what is the meaning of 'Secular Humanism'? 

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English,
by A.S. Hornby with the assistance of A.P. Cowie J. Windsor Lewis
(c)Oxford University Press 1974 4 :

secu-lar /`sekjul3(r)/ adj 1 worldly or material, not
 religious or spiritual: ~ education; ~ art/music;
 the ~ power, the State contrasted with the
 Church. 2 living outside monasteries: the ~
 clergy, parish priests, etc. ~.ism /-izm/ n[U] the
 view that morality and education should not be
 based on religion. /-ist/ n believer in, sup-
 porter of, ~ism. ~.ize /aiz/ vt [VP6A] make ~:
 ~ize church/property/courts; a ~ized Sunday,
 e g when professional sporting events are permit-

Searching Oxford Dictionaries Online from the web (c) 2006 for secular :

  * adjective 1 not religious, sacred, or spiritual. 2 (of clergy) 
    not subject to or bound by religious rule. 3 Astronomy denoting 
    slow changes in the motion of the sun or planets. 4 Economics (of a 
    fluctuation or trend) occurring or persisting over an indefinitely 
    long period. 
  * noun a secular priest. 
  - DERIVATIVES secularism noun secularist noun secularity noun 
    secularize (also secularise) verb secularly adverb. 
  - ORIGIN Latin saecularis 'relating to an age or period', from 
    saeculum 'generation', used in Christian Latin to mean 'the world'.

Well that should give some insight, at least rest assure to not throw 
away old versions of dictionaries to gather a good explanation and 
insight in the meaning of things, like e g 'Secular Humanism', where 
the Oxford Online edition (c)2006 leaves out the word material when 
describing secular, somehow hiding its materialistic nature. Some of
us already knew the game was rigged, but that the curse starts inside
new editions of the authorative dictionaries is amazing.

Khazarian Smokescreen in the Caucasus

Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 06:50:25 +0200 (CEST)
From: "Robert M. Stockmann" 
Subject: Khazarian Smokescreen in the Caucasus
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As the Georgian -- South Osethian conflict has been exhaustively 
documented on the Internet and deliberately misinformed inside the 
mainstream media, many of us wondered why the US and Israel would 
embark on such a weird murderous mission in a region formerly known as 
Khazaria ....
Map of KHAZARIA, page 88 from The History of the Jewish Khazars by D.M. Dunlop
Many today have narrowed the identity of the NWO plotters down to those 
evil KHAZARIAN Jews, not the Adamite descendants of Adam, Noah, Abraham 
and eventually David.

So who are these KHAZARIAN Jews then? This has remained to this day a 
very vague topic which has resulted in some serious research which 
however is jam-packed with question marks '?'. Not only in the correct 
spelling of names, verbs and geographic locations, but even if the 
whole 'damn' thing could have been a fabrication.

A most authoritative work on the Jewish Khazars, "The History of the 
Jewish Khazars" by D.M. Dunlop [1] is referred to by fiend and foe as a 
most reliable source, upon which the more popular book "The Thirteenth 
Tribe" by Arthur Koestler [2] is heavily leaning. Strangely enough 
Dunlop's book is today very hard to find [3].

Recently I was able to acquire a genuine 2nd hand print of Dunlop's 
book of which i attach here the introduction and Bibliography. Dunlop, 
a most thorough linguistic researcher no doubt, was clearly not 
satisfied with his end result. In hidden terms Dunlop also expressed 
his dissatisfaction with how Oxford Professor Paul Kahle had been 
overseeing and mentoring his study on the Jewish Khazars.

Before WWII Professor Paul Kahle was working in Germany during the Nazi 
regime, where Kahle's most profound contribution was the discovery of 
the Leningrad Codex inside a Leningrad Museum in the 1930's during the 
height of Bolshevist rule in Russia [4][5]. After WWII this Leningrad 
Codex became the master codex for all the authoritative translations of 
the Hebrew Tanakh (The 39 books of the Old Testament), where before WWII 
the Ben Chayyim edition of the Tanakh was labeled as authoritative.

Have we just touched the surface of the biggest ever coverup in the 
history of manipulation of official authoritative documents? Then i 
started wondering what it is with these Khazars. Why are they known as 
the most feared killer army? Why did they convert to Judaism? This is 
also the most profound question which Dunlop keeps repeating in his 
book. Could the most notorious Jew killer Adolf Hitler have known about 
the Khazars, and who they really were? That's when I stumbled across 
this most peculiar testimonial of a telepathic message [6] :

   The Khazar Are Zionist and Illuminati

   "It is the Khazars behind Judaism, Christianity, and Islam that are 
    the problem, not the common folk."
   Sananda (Jesus)

   Telepathic message of Lord Sananda (Jesus) transmitted to Candace 
   Frieze. Message of February 9, 2005.  Excerpt taken from the 
   article "Thoughts on Islam, Part 4.", taken from:
   nanda.html#2 .
   Text in quotes by Sananda, text in brackets by Candace Frieze.
   Published in this website on March 13, 2005.
   "I notice you [Jesus refers to Candace Frieze, Editors Note] are 
    reading from Pat Robertson again this morning. Quote him please 

   [Pat here is stating that this statement was made by Jesus in Luke. 
    I quote: "Jerusalem will be trampled under foot by the Gentiles, 
    until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled" (**). To reverse that 
    statement we might say, "When Jerusalem is no longer under Gentile 
    domination, then the end of Gentile domination has ended". Here he 
    is reversing a Bible statement to support his point of view. He 
    seems, to me anyway, to desire that Israel not be under Gentile 
    domination. I assume by this he means that Israel should be under 
    Jewish domination.] [Editor's Note:  The quote is from Pat 
    Robertson's book "Bring It On".]

Luke 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be
     led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden
     down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
     Deut 4:26, Matt 21:41, Heb 2:3

   [Pat then states that we are in the generation at the end of the 
    "times of the Gentiles. He goes on to describe that the preaching 
    of God to the Gentiles has been continuous by evangelism since the 
    Cross. He is against Palestine being so close to Israel. He is 
    angry that we are empowering a non-Jewish nation. He believes the 
    Lord is coming to defend Israel in these end times. He uses the 
    existence of Israel, as necessary, to bring about the Second 

   "Now, the point I wish to make on the above is that Pat Robertson is 
    Khazar Jewish hiding behind Christianity and using it as a tool. 
    These Khazar Jews are not God's people. They are the opposition of 
    God. They are the beings who desire to retain hold on this planet. 
    These are the ones we are expelling from this earth, so it can 
    ascend back into Heaven."

   [I need to add some clarification here.  The Khazars are the 
    current Zionists. There was a group of people long ago called 
    Khazars that lived in Eastern Europe and Western Russia who needed 
    a religion with which to control people. After checking out 
    Christianity and Islam and Judaism, they chose Judaism. They 
    continued to dominate in that area up to modern times.]
   [They planned to dominate the world. They have come pretty close. 
    They incarnate in every religion and into many different societies, 
    and draw the people wherever they are into their current plan of 
    the New World Order. They have been in one guise or another on 
    earth since ancient times. They are the fallen angels and the 
    minions of the off world controllers. They are the Illuminati.]

   "All you Christians, who are in support of Israel, are in support of 
    the lesser gods who took control of the planet so long ago, and 
    keep you in a condition of slavery. Israel is your enemy. These 
    Zionist Jews still detest the Gentiles, and they detest the real 
    Semites of long ago, the Adamites, those on the planet that were 
    developed in the normal Universe and thus, God's people."

   [Well, I do a bit more explaining here. The Adamites are the 
    descendants of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve had better genetics than 
    had been evolved on earth. When a planet has reached its maximum 
    evolution potential, its DNA gets upgraded, allowing much greater 
    spiritual growth. The fallen angels intentionally made a mess of 
    this process, which is behind the biblical story of Eve eating from 
    the tree of knowledge.]
   [That story has been degraded also. The whole point of this DNA is 
    to enable knowledge and thinking. THIS IS A GOOD THING. The mess 
    that was created resulted in the gift of this DNA being greatly 
    reduced. Thus, there are 2 basic DNA patterns on earth, Adamite and 
    non-Adamite. Those with some Adamite DNA are a bit better off.  
    Hopefully, this brief explanation will aid in the understanding of 
    Sananda's next comments. I need to also point out that these two 
    types of DNA are spread about the planet in all races and have 
    nothing to do with race.]

   "These Khazars created communism in Russia and caused the great loss 
    in human life in Russia during WWII. This Russian loss greatly 
    superseded the Jewish Holocaust in lives lost. What happened in the 
    Jewish Holocaust was not that God was angry with the Jews for not 
    accepting me, but that these usurpers of the Jewish faith wanted 
    both the Gentiles and the Semites removed from Earth.
   "The Arabs are quite God's people. God's people are all who either 
    evolved on this earth or were placed here as the result of the loss 
    of their planets or other reasons of placement. These Khazars use 
    the lower blood lines. Those of you reincarnating in the Higher 
    Light use the Adamite DNA bodies. The Khazars have to use the non 
    Adamite bodies.
   "911 was caused by the Khazars (Zionists), many within your 
    government, to cause you to hate Islam, to go after the oil they 
    need, but you don't need, as we have other means of energy to give 
    you. Islam hates the Khazars and for good reason. It was the 
    Khazars who were behind the Catholic Churches attempt to stop 
    Islam, known as the Crusades.
   "Understand that Khazars took over Islam and made Islam's problems 
    that exist today. Even the people around Mohammed took charge of 
    him. When Mohammed believed he had been taken up into Heaven, he 
    was in fact picked up by a shuttle craft, and taken aboard a Khazar 
    ship and his mission, in effect, ended at that time.
   "This is what is behind the warring in Islam.  Mohammed intended 
    Islam, which was his journey, to be in peaceful knowledge of God, 
    not militant in the way it has been used.  The Khazars interrupted 
    Mohammed's mission, just as they did mine.  They have messed a bit 
    with Buddhism also, but not to the degree that has been done to 
    manipulate the big 3 for Israel.
   "God did not intend that Israel would come back into being at all. 
    You are doing it yourselves and quite outside of God's plan. I have 
    written previously in the Journals (The Phoenix Journals, found at 
    Fourwinds10, ) that Mohammed would come 
    in 600 years, and he would be a false prophet. I did not mean that 
    he was a bad person.  I meant his mission would be hijacked and a 
    false teaching created by the Khazars.  Islam was a sincere attempt 
    by Mohammed to correct what they had done to my teachings.  He was 
    unsuccessful.  [Editor's Note:  See And They Called His Name 
    Immanuel, see Chapter 15, Section MOHAMMAD PROPHECIED.]

   "There is no correct major religion on the face of the earth.  All 
    are contaminated and used to bring on Armageddon in a most negative 
   "The purpose of the Holocausts, both the Jewish and Russian ones, 
    was in great part to remove the Adamite bloodline from Earth. That 
    was what Hitler was LED to do.  He did NOT intend this. His thing 
    against the Jews was against the Khazars but these very same 
    Khazars got to him too and his mission was also corrupted.
   "He had the mission of taking Germany and the areas around it out of 
    Khazar control, and not through genocide, but 'Satan', as you like 
    to call it, took over in his body, by a process called 
    'overshadowing', and manipulated him to get rid of the Semitic and 
    Adamite blood line.
   "There are, in fact, some space ships out there in space that are 
    full of the Nephilim, the 'fallen angels.'  They will, in all 
    likelihood, never be readmitted to the heavenly realms. There are 
    some 36 million of them. They are tired of living in space and also 
    want the planet. They can't incarnate into an Adamite body, so they 
    were also behind these great world wars.
   "Much has gone on behind the scenes, of which you are unaware, by 
    the intention of people like Pat Robertson. He is a 'fallen angel' 
    and using Christianity for his purposes. You must not hate the 
    Jewish people in general, as most are just like you.
   "It is the Khazars behind Judaism, Christianity, and Islam that are 
    the problem, not the common folk. The common folk are intentionally 
    led to believe their religion is the only right one, no matter 
    which one it is.  The Khazars desire to keep the world in warfare 
    for their own nefarious needs.
   "I will mention here, that the Khazars created the Bubonic Plague of 
    Europe hundreds of years ago. They created AIDS, and gave it to 
    Africa through the smallpox vaccine in the early 1970s. They 
    created the Spanish flu of the First World War era. They are 
    messing with the bird flu viruses now. They were behind SARS which 
    we helped eliminate. They are using disease to control population, 
    and they work especially at developing viruses that affect the 
    Adamite DNA.
   "They were the ones long ago in the Tower of Babel story that 
    separated the DNA strands of humans, so they could not communicate 
    with the higher realms, and ended telepathy, so they could not 
    communicate with each other, thus taking away the power, so they 
    could own the planet.
   "This goes back to two or more in my name which, in reality, means 
    two or more that perceive the higher dimensions, can find the truth 
    and use this truth to make great change. Those unable to perceive 
    the higher dimensions (those that can are called multidimensional) 
    are thus led to believe in the bull shit (yes, Candace, use this 
    word) they are fed. They have difficulty perceiving other 

   [My comments here.  As part of the Second Coming process, Earth's 
    DNA will be restored to its full glory, that of 12 strands of DNA, 
    not just the two currently in use. This DNA already is in many 
    folks. It is just disconnected. The DNA restoral already started 
    some time ago. We will be writing up more on this in a coming 
    article on the Ascension process.]

   "Conditions on this earth are so bad that the people are looking to 
    a sky god to help them. They do not understand this perception of 
    God that comes within. I guess you could say the sky God has heard, 
    since we are in your skies in great numbers, working to keep the 
    planet alive and healthy, so we don't have to evacuate you all and 
    take you to other planets.
   "Note that the Khazars know about the Photon Belt times, and knew 
    long ago that God of Light, that is the Universal Forces of Light, 
    would be here in these important end times, and they purposely, as 
    Pat does in the above quotes, deliberately changed the 
    interpretation of the gospels to suit their needs."

Best Regards,

Robert M. Stockmann - RHCE
Network Engineer - UNIX/Linux Specialist

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John Savage made a audio recording on "How to deal with disinfo agents, shills, and dupes putting a bullet in a lizard review of 13th tribe, koestler and sources", where he illustrates that the 13th tribe and the Khazars are actually a concoction : "Being Savage # 52 - Koestler's 13th tribe".
"Being Savage # 52 - Koestler's 13th tribe" (updated url).
I added a small section from D. M. Dunlop's "The History of the Jewish Khazars", titled "The Khazar Conversion to Judaism", which most probable has been a Communist/KGB controlled deception.
[1] The History of the Jewish Khazars
by D. M. Dunlop

Paperback: 293 pages
Publisher: Schocken; First edition (1967)
Language: English

[2] The Thirteenth Tribe
by Arthur Koestler

Paperback: 255 pages
Publisher: Random House (July 12, 1976)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0394402847
ISBN-13: 978-0394402840

[3] "The Khazars Are Coming"
by Edward (Ephraim) Hirsch

[4] The Hebrew Bible : from Aleppo Codex to "Rothschild Mahzor"
by R.M. Stockmann
, 18 Mar 2007

[5] Post WWII Bibles seriously flawed
by R.M. Stockmann
, 20 Aug 2007

[6] The Khazar Are Zionist and Illuminati
by Candace Frieze
, February 9, 2005.

Commentaries on the Curse

Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 03:09:15 +0100 (CET)
From: "Robert M. Stockmann" 
Subject: Curse of Canaan
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Status: RO


There seems to be quite some commentaries about the Curse of Canaan
(The youngest son of Ham) which only add confusion and misunderstanding
about what happened. Here's one of these, adding homosexuality and
rape into the equation :

Why did Noah curse Ham / Canaan?

    Question: "Why did Noah curse Ham / Canaan?"

     Answer: Genesis 9:20-25 tells us, "Noah, a man of the soil,
    proceeded to plant a vineyard. When he drank some of its wine,
    he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent. Ham, the
    father of Canaan, saw his father's nakedness and told his two
    brothers outside. But Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid
    it across their shoulders; then they walked in backward and
    covered their father's nakedness. Their faces were turned the
    other way so that they would not see their father's nakedness.
    When Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest
    son had done to him, he said, "Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of
    slaves will he be to his brothers."

     Why did Noah curse Canaan when it was Ham who saw him naked?
    Why was Noah so angry that Ham saw him naked? Some propose that
    Ham and/or Canaan actually did something to Noah in addition to
    seeing him naked. The passage mentions that Noah was angry when
    he found out, "what his youngest son had done to him."
    Homosexuality, rape, and humiliation are frequently mentioned as
    possibilities. However, the text nowhere states that Ham did
    anything to Noah. Any such view of what occurred is speculation.

     Another view arises out of comparison with Leviticus 20:11,
    "The man who lies with his father's wife has uncovered his
    father's nakedness..." With Leviticus 20:11 in mind, some
    propose that Ham had sex with Noah's wife, and that was what
    brought the curse from Noah. However, this figurative
    understanding of "uncovering nakedness" fails to account for the
    fact that Shem and Japheth walked into the room backward and
    covered Noah with a garment. This does not make any sense if
    "uncovering nakedness" means "having sex with Noah's wife." It
    definitely seems that Noah was lying naked -- his nakedness

     Whatever took place between Ham and Noah, why did Noah curse
    Ham's son Canaan, when Canaan is nowhere mentioned as having
    done anything? The Bible does not specifically answer this
    question. Ham was Noah's youngest son, and Canaan was Ham's
    youngest son. Perhaps Noah cursed Canaan because it is more
    painful for a father to see his child suffer than it is for a
    father to suffer himself. The other possible explanation is that
    Canaan was somehow involved in the incident, thereby bringing
    Noah's curse upon himself.

     Recommended Resource:
    The Genesis Flood by Henry Morris and John Whitcomb [1]."

Canaan, the son of Ham, had nothing todo with Ham seeing his father's 
nakedness. Ham should indeed have covered Noah's nakedness and not 
mention anything about it all. This is called natural decency which 
should be there automaticly as part of ones raising and education.  
Instead Ham mentions it to his brothers making Naoh the father look 
like a fool in front of the entire family, and hence downplaying the 
authority of Noah as the father over his family. The incident therefore 
downplays the integrity of Noah's family as a whole, making it a easy 
target for external factors to disintegrate Noah's family. It also 
shows that Ham was not that fond and proud of his father. Why? For 
being the youngest son, and never able to obtain the birthright of Noah?

           "Genesis, a Commentary by GERHARD VON RAD" [2] Chap 21, p264.
           commenting on Genesis 25:29-34, where Jacob obtained
           birthright from Esau.

Apparently Noah could not curse his own sons as he would only be
cursing himself. Instead Noah laid a curse on Ham's offspring, Ham's
son Canaan, implicitly putting the blame on Ham's wife .......


Robert M. Stockmann - RHCE
Network Engineer - UNIX/Linux Specialist

[1] The Genesis Flood
By: John Whitcomb, Henry M. Morris

P & R Publishing / 1989 / Paperback
Format: Paperback
Vendor: P & R Publishing
Publication Date: 1989
ISBN: 0875523382
ISBN-13: 9780875523385

[2] Genesis (Old Testament Library Series)
by Gerhard Von Rad

Format: Paperback, 440pp
Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press
Pub. Date: January 1972
Edition Description: Revised
ISBN: 0664227457
ISBN-13: 9780664227456

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-rw-r--r--    1 crashrec klant    15304320 Jan 19  2006 eustace_mullins.mp3
-rw-r--r--    1 crashrec klant     1716558 Aug  5  2007 ezrapound.mp3
-rw-r--r--    1 crashrec klant         454 Aug 21 16:52 MD5SUM
-rw-r--r--    1 crashrec klant     2193201 May 26  2007 pca.pdf
-rw-r--r--    1 crashrec klant     1524314 Jan  7  2007 Secrets_of_the_Federal_Reserve.pdf
-rw-rw-r--    1 crashrec klant     7416570 Aug 20 05:06 TheHistoryoftheJewishKhazars-Dunlop.pdf
First published on Thu, 19 Jan 2006

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From: FARAGE Nigel <>
To: "Robert M. Stockmann" <>
Subject: RE: The EU elections (fwd)
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Thank you.
From: Robert M. Stockmann []
Sent: Saturday 24 May 2014 14:29
To: FARAGE Nigel;
Subject: The EU elections (fwd)

Dear Nigel,

Be warned that when the going gets tough, strange things
are bound to happen. Good Luck with the elections.

Yours Sincerely,

Robert Stockmann
Robert M. Stockmann - RHCE
Network Engineer - UNIX/Linux Specialist

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Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 21:38:31 +0200 (CEST)
From: Robert M. Stockmann <>
To:,,,,,,,,,,, henry@savethemales=
.ca,,,,,, eric@iamthewitness.=
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     Lenny Bloom <>,,,,,,,, Micha Kat <drsmkat@yahoo.c=
     Micha Kat <>,,, Anton Teuben <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Subject: The EU elections


The much hailed Democratic society is something which many if not all
cherish, desire and long to. But one must be very aware of phony
democratic societies. To identity problems one should very closely
investigate matters and details of organised democratic elections.
There are several possibilities and outcomes pictured. The one which is
best, if possible, is one where all peoples are allowed to vote. Noted
and proven complications arise, and have arisen in the past, when the
Jewish and Zionist lobby take foothold and grab control in the House of
Representatives and the Senate. Representatives elect are to obey their
never openly disclosed rules , regulations and guidelines, or else your
campaign funding for re-election will be terminated. It does not take
much imagination that such lobby groups demand that people who do not
approve of their policies, even when not being aware of it themselves,
will never make it on the ballot. One observes this by placing men and
women of renown at unelectable positions. This seems to happen with all
political parties across the board, from left to right, conservative to
liberal. A few exceptions seem to exist, but such parties will never be
granted acceptance in the media and TV. Ron Paul is a good example.
In the Netherlands of most recent it has been the party of Geert
Wilders, the PVV, The Party for Freedom, which has been ostracized,
ridiculized and criminalized in the most evil fashion. This all after
Wilders had criticized the faith of Islam, foremost when actions are
taken to the detriment of women and christians. Such behavior does not
fit inside a Western culture and society.
Another never directly observed policy, like who can make it on the
ballot, is determining who will be eligible to vote or register to
vote, which is likewise obscured. Who will be allowed to vote ? Jews,
Gentiles, Slaves?  In recent times all who are in the possession of a
valid passport or drivers license are eligible to vote. Thats pretty
democratic for the uninformed layman and observer. And it is. What
occurs however is that through other means people are removed from the
possibility to vote, before the event, and these days also observed,
after the election event. In the case of the PVV of Geert Wilders it
turns out that not a single Jew or Zionist would ever vote for him,
because his policies are in direct confrontation with the World Zionist
Agenda of allowing ethnic groups from regions of domestic warfare and
economic trouble to immigrate into Western Europe and Northern America.
As it turns out that all peoples who vote for such political party's,
which of recent have also become EU- and Euro-skeptic as well, are the
Gentiles, the hidden Jewish controllers of congress will never have any
problems with ordering selected delegates to insert casted ballots
together with registered voting cards for the PVV into the
paper-shredder. Recruiting selected delegates for such a task, is not
likely to be a problem, when the main stream media and press turn out
to have become involved in a almost demonic campaign to ridicule,
marginalize and demonize the involved party - PVV - to absurd levels.
I fear that is exactly what has happened last Thursday May 22, 2014,
when the PVV only ended in third place, because, apparently, the voter
turnout was at a dramatic low.

Best Regards,

Robert M. Stockmann - RHCE
Network Engineer - UNIX/Linux Specialist

Issues concerning the Desire of a New World Order

CHANNEL ISLAM INTERNATIONAL, Bringing Islam to the World and the World to You
American Free Press | America's Last Real Newspaper :
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Please help to get my car back :
( On July 21, 2009 my car was impounded (not by police), but by the
Dutch IRS, for failing to hand-over trumped up tax charges which my
small business could have never earned, according to my filed tax
deductions. In addition the bank account of my small business has been
impounded by the IRS as well. An important part of my business
activities involves the use of my car. The impoundment of my car can
only be explained as an outrageous attempt by the IRS to shutdown my
business by force, without a valid and sane reason.
It can be compared to those EXACTIONS reported only to happen in former
overseas colonies like India and Indonesia. The difference being that
today such exactions have moved into Western Europe and America as well
, the home countries of these old style colonialists themselves. My
conclusion is that today the old style Colonialist has started to
devour his own home country and town, through abuse of power of IRS
officials and police. )
For me PayPal doesn't seem to fulfill its purpose, which is collecting donations
When closing my PayPal account
my saldo was USD $1.62
on Mar 9, 2011. This is quite impossible
as since July 21, 2009 not a single
transaction has occurred on
my PayPal account.

"Dark Matter, a result of the heliocentric doctrine" Last edited on Wed, Jul 17, 2019 12:07:14 CEST
Contents :
"Dark Matter, a result of the heliocentric doctrine"
Art Bell - The Philidelphia Experiment - Al Bielek
The Temple of Man
Stellar Death Shrouds : The all-seeing evil eye?
"The Earth is not moving" is a astounding scholarly work debunking the BIGGEST DECEPTION laid upon the grand public by the Science Establishment ever. What Deception? The Heliocentric system turns out to be a fabricated model of our planetary system, written up in Latin, which started around the year 1600, whilest the King James Bible was getting translated into English. Marshall Hall starts of by mentioning that all NASA calculations which should deliver the highest accuracy are based on a non-moving earth.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 63430 Jul 17 12:07 fixedearth/index.html
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"The Illuminati and the Counsel on Foreign Relations Conspiracy" Last edited on Fri, Jan 04, 2019 20:24:24 CET

Contents :
The Illuminati and the Counsel on Foreign Relations
Anthony J. Hilder about 'Red Ronny'
Harry Hopkins
Silent Book/DVD Censorship in the free western world
Hitler didn't invade Poland, only the Polish corridor
Re: The 'Ugly Secret' Of World War Two
Barack Zeke Midas Obama
Myron C. Fagan, a Hollywood Writer Director, was given access in 1945 to evidence from "Illuminati" circles comprising a set of micro-films and recordings of the SECRET meetings at Yalta attended only by Franklin Roosevelt, Alger Hiss, Harry Hopkins, Stalin, Molotov, and Vishinsky when they hatched the plot to deliver the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Berlin to Stalin. A month after the Six-Day war and the attack on the USS Liberty, Fagan stepped forward in July 1967 and presented his knowledge in a audio recording, today available in mp3 format.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 99251 Jan 4 2019 fagan/index.html
c6dced6ea44c614c81a77b68c739bdd5 fagan/index.html
THE MONEY MASTERS Last edited on Wed, Sep 12, 2018 23:13:15 CEST

Contents :
Re: America is a British Plantation State occupied by Tax Debt Slaves
The Confederacy and the Federal Union
Abraham Lincoln's "Bank War"
The Great Red Dragon : facsimile pdf of first print
Gold Warriors
More troops in Iraq?
The state of our union
Eminent Domain
The Empire's Echelon
The ABN Amro takeover
China's Dollar Trap
Re: S.Korea wins $40bn UAE Nuclear contract
Don't Invest in Money Standards
Re: The Emperor has NO Clothes
PROTOCOL No. 20, Financial Programme
Bankrupt on Credit
Dexia Investment [Belgian-French] Bank goes Anorexial
the money masters documentary from 1996 is a classic. Its a stunning expose of history and governmental conduct explained in a straightforward manner with money and power as sole motive, bypassing conflicts of religion, race and other cooked up charges. The best circumstantial supporting evidence for this is maybe the banning of The Money Masters dvd on and sort alike retail shops, and of course on google and youtube video.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 244665 Sep 12 2018 moneymasters/index.html
838f4d0926d03a9d104d4a3deceaecc3 moneymasters/index.html
"The Infowar Techniques of the Rendon Group: a possible theory " Last edited on Thu, May 17, 2018 00:25:39 CEST

Contents :
The Infowar Techniques of the Rendon Group: a possible theory
The electricity scam
The Trial of 'Scooter' Libby
CIA Whites Out National Intelligence Estimate
Whats up with Condoleeza's eyes?
Irving Lewis Leibowitz
Ray McGovern's open letter
Ambassador Richard W. Carlson
As all the info coming to us is mostly in online articles and videos, The White House outsourced propaganda to company's like The Rendon Group. As no-one is able to visit the place of terrorist attacks to make a independent report, faking news is a easy task. If a fascist group propagates false propaganda using forged documents like the yellow cake ones, the emerging picture becomes a evil nightmare. James Bamford wrote a couple of articles about the Rendon Group. John Rendon and the U.S. propoganda . I think this goes even further, like the ultimate "1984" scenario, The Infowar Techniques of the Rendon Group: a possible theory. Recently the Trial of Scooter Libby was brought for the Grand Jury for a final verdict. A overview is given on how Valerie Plame's Non Official Cover (NOC) for the CIA was leaked to the press.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 93195 May 17 2018 rendon/index.html
84f74b26d5c473173d4af6bf3f60664a rendon/index.html
"911 was a Mossad Operation" Last edited on Fri, Apr 06, 2018 22:56:00 CEST

"Benjamin Freedman warns America" Last edited on Mon, Apr 03, 2017 17:23:01 CEST

Contents :
Benjamin Freedman warns America
Zionism Exposed
The Cause of Our Conflict
Revelation exposes the Rev. Hagee movement
Fired from Oxford : Edward Gibbon (1737-1794)
The secret history of the 2nd Amendment
A note on Eric Hufschmid
Endpoint Software, Goleta CA
Eric Phelps on Zionism
The GCN v. RBN battle
Peter Schaenk's falling out with RBN and VOR
The Deguello Report Hoax
In the 1960's a former insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations inside America stepped forward and warned the public what most probable was going to happen. Almost all he predicted to happen has in fact become a reality today.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 167905 Apr 3 2017 freedman/index.html
fa515e9bbc218e2c35889837a8740588 freedman/index.html
The National Security Agency (NSA) Last edited on Sat, Mar 18, 2017 19:23:45 CET

Contents :
Public Safety Canada March 23, 2008
James Forrestal, the 1st US Secretary of Defense
Majesty 12 (MJ-12)
NORDEX, NSA proprietary in Vienna, Austria
The NSA has always been taken for granted by the Grand Public, despite that its existance was never officially published. It was only leaked to the public, through books and research articles. There never was really a need to be worried, as the NSA was taking care of America's security, and since all was fine, noone was really interested to do their own research. Then 911 happened, where the role of the NSA became somehow ... different.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 74097 Mar 18 2017 forrestal/index.html
3737f47df6761f1795ff897835260476 forrestal/index.html
"Russian Israeli duel for power, oil and dirty cash" Last edited on Thu, Dec 10, 2015 20:47:33 CET

MOSSAD's control over the Internet Last edited on Sun, Nov 29, 2015 18:23:25 CET

Contents :
The Mossad takeover of popular Webmail
High Alert, good websites get taken down
Cloak and Dagger under blackbox routing attack
Compromised DNS backbone providers
Re: [IANA #91363] Compromised DNS backbone providers
Keyboard JitterBug eavesdropping
The Anti Spam Controversy
Facebook Snubs Your E-mail
Firefox first-run page tracking
The Mossad and affiliated organizations nowadays try to control or even takeover popular websites and email services.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 120481 Nov 29 2015 internet/index.html
1bd3bca76a2a3b3223da6189b3b8b4a0 internet/index.html
"HITLER was a BRITISH AGENT" Last edited on Thu, Jun 11, 2015 01:27:45 CEST

Contents :
Jewish v. Gentile Mafia
Top Kiwis Smeared
House of Stuart, Sinclair and Wettin
The Trojan Prime Ministers
Greg Hallett, a researcher and writer from the intelligence community wrote a book titled "Hitler was a BRITISH AGENT". a interesting and intriguing book which presents a theory which fits like a glove inside the official stories and official biographies published since the 1970's on the subject. Normally a person never would even think of this possibility, but Greg Hallett's contacts from the community have issued numerous hints and warnings. The disturbing trends in global geo-politics we all have seen happening since 2001, left Hallett not much room as to publish this book.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 90205 Jun 11 2015 hallett/index.html
a81cb0ec4c45365d95bbd20917a65010 hallett/index.html
"The NWO : a Tarnung by Teutonic Knights?" Last edited on Mon, Apr 27, 2015 17:43:20 CEST

The Vatican Church has supported the Nazi's in the 1930's 40's and 50's. This connection turns out to be a very old one, as middle eave Popes were emanating the agenda and mindset for the crusades. This Nazi connection actually turns out to be a Teutonic connection.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 13247 Apr 27 2015 teutonic/index.html
06ff9e540c95e3c1d3aaeff5083413eb teutonic/index.html
"Report from IRON MOUNTAIN" Last edited on Thu, Apr 16, 2015 21:52:02 CEST

Contents :
REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN : On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace
Google's Ice Earth Hoax Day
L'histoire, se répète : Organic Fuel
Report from IRON MOUNTAIN : Microwaved!
Seperation of the world into 10 DVD region codes
Codex Alimentarius and the "Nutricide" Gig
The Dutch Milk Mafia
"Conspiracy of Cells: One Woman's Immortal Legacy - and the Medical Scandal It Caused"
Esophageal Cancer
Silent Tsunami
"Report from IRON MOUNTAIN" is a secret study by 15 researchers ordered by JFK in 1961. JFK got killed, Lyndon Johnsen received the report in 1966, and kept it silent as bottom drawer material. In 1967 one of the researchers who called himself "John Doe" published it, and the media denounced it as a Hoax.... BUT...Never before has a Hoax, "REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN ON THE POSSIBILITY AND DESIRABILITY OF PEACE", developed into a accurate description of the factual plans which are layed out before us, day by day.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 104461 Apr 16 2015 ironmountain/index.html
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"HAMDAN v. RUMSFELD, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, ET AL." Last edited on Thu, Mar 26, 2015 18:20:12 CET

Contents :
Rahm Emanual, Obama and H.R.3604
Obama makes Census a White House project
Obama's amnesty-by-fiat: Naked lawlessness
Capt. Eric H. May : Geneva Conventions now, Nuremberg Principles later
David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007
An analysis which shows how the Bush administration reflected to this law case.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 90455 Mar 26 2015 hamdan/index.html
5e1a2781d6c974ce22197b38ce748c3d hamdan/index.html
"A pre Jesuit history" Last edited on Thu, Sep 18, 2014 22:16:56 CEST

"Testimonials of Illuminati and Zionist influence in Present Day America" Last edited on Fri, Jun 13, 2014 15:22:15 CEST

Norman Dodd, Paul Findley and Alan Hart present their findings of facts which have directed America towards a highly controversial direction, where as the late Norman Dodd stated : "Since World War one, the men who lead this country, have institutionalized conflicting interests to such an extend that they can never be resolved. The Tax-Exempt foundations like the Cargenie Endowment, The Ford and Rockerfeller foundation have been instrumental in this"
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 11498 Jun 13 2014 testimonials/index.html
615bfd6d028804ad76f107b4340cd22c testimonials/index.html
The Curse of Canaan, A Demonology of History Last edited on Tue, May 20, 2014 17:52:04 CEST

Contents :
The Curse of Canaan, A Demonology of History
Ezra Pound, the ultimate researcher of the unknown and hidden
The Curse inside Dictionaries
Khazarian Smokescreen in the Caucasus
Commentaries on the Curse
Eustace Mullins, a protege of the late poet and novelist Ezra Pound, who wrote the book "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve", presents history from beginning of time to present day with "The Curse of Canaan", as laid out inside the Holy Bible, as guideline. His findings of fact are most worrying with regards to the survival of mankind and humanity as we have known it.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 61273 May 20 2014 canaan/index.html
c23bbed8e0e3df7c17d84aa2247a6d12 canaan/index.html
"Satanic Voices, Ancient & Modern" Last edited on Fri, Dec 06, 2013 19:02:44 CET

Contents :
"Satanic Voices, Ancient & Modern"
"The Islam needs a French Revolution"
Chirac's apprentice
Barry Chamish on Gaza
David Musa Pidcock, a leading figure from the Islamic Party of Britain, found himself seriously offended with many other people with Islamic believes, when in 1988 Salman Rushdie published his book "Satanic Verses". The media hype on tv was almost ludricous with how Satanic Verses was promoted into highest circles of the 'Literature establishment'. Pidcock however lowered his blood pressure and wrote a respons titled "Satanic Voices, Ancient & Modern", which indeed, as he describes, is a game set and match expose on the subject.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 61533 Dec 6 2013 pidcock/index.html
b9af836edf5b78c254f0692d9f995c61 pidcock/index.html
EU Software Patent Directive Last edited on Wed, Apr 18, 2012 15:02:48 CEST

Contents :
Transcript of the EU Council on the Software Patent Directive
Queen abdicates her constitutional responsibility
"Total Controlled Demolition" Copyright
The Fall of Poland
On Mar 7, 2005 the EU Commission tried to pass the controversial EU Software Patent Directive, neglecting Democratic rule inside EU Parliament. On Feb 27, 2006 former Soviet Dissident Vladimir Bukovksy warns for EU Dictatorship. On Dec 12, 2007 The EU Commission and Council denied the referendum as part of the Democratic process to create the European Constitution. It just seems that PART THREE of the book "Waters flowing Eastward, The War against the Kingship of Christ" by L.Fry titled "THE SOVIETIZATION OF GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES" is indeed in full progress.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 38115 Apr 18 2012 council-transcript/index.html
83332b950ae2054d8ac6d495edf00c7d council-transcript/index.html
"The History of Mind Control" Last edited on Fri, Feb 24, 2012 02:16:03 CET

Contents :
The History of Mind Control
Jewry, the biggest identity theft in the history of mankind
Mysterious Monuments and Buildings
Hidden Wars
A hands-on down to earth summary about mind control is given, and next the history of Mind Control inside the USA is presented.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 34246 Feb 24 2012 mindcontrol/index.html
de226a3cbabc2fb421ed3d356622a698 mindcontrol/index.html
"Judaism Discovered (Entdecktes Judenthum)" Last edited on Thu, Feb 23, 2012 04:52:11 CET

Contents :
Israeli Talmudic Internet Domain Sales
Mossad an Evil Secret Service?
Re: New Old Jewish Lady
Michael Hoffman II aka Johann Andreas Eisenmenger III
Talmudic spitting on Holy Crosses
Re: Michael Hoffman II aka Johann Andreas Eisenmenger III
Johannes Andrea Eisenmenger
Re: Bishop Williamson's dismissal as Seminary Rector
(a discussion of why i came to purchase this book).
Michael Hoffman II from is an astounding researcher into areas of long forgotten history, which today can be recognized as missions into un-embarked territory with severe dangers for ones health and survival. His recent monumental work, Judaism Discovered, will become the most important book in its field for all future times to come.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 47355 Feb 23 2012 hoffman/index.html
359cd4768c38574e3e1084ebb5fe0376 hoffman/index.html
"The protocols are for real" Last edited on Thu, Apr 07, 2011 22:08:32 CEST

Contents :
"The protocols are for real"
Re: Who killed Yitzhak Rabin?
Barry Chamish, a political writer from Israel has connected some dots regarding "the protocols of the learned elders of Zion" which seem not to be the playbook of the Jewish people, but turn out to be a masterplan designed by the Illuminati to take over the world. A masterplan which denounces all wellbeing and prospering of normal people.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 40072 Apr 7 2011 chamish/index.html
c2d3d55cd32182b60efd79e0b79bd1b0 chamish/index.html
"Susan Lindauer -- Reporter Held Political Prisoner" Last edited on Sun, Jan 16, 2011 05:34:21 CET

In March 2001 Susan Lindauer carried a message from the Iraqi government to her cousin, the White House Chief of Staff, requesting the return of weapons inspectors. But Bush nevertheless attacked and invaded Iraq using WMD as a pretext, murdered as many as 500,000 people, and spread radioactive poison over the entire country, which will murder millions more. Susan Lindauer was for over period of almost a year in prison on false claims of insanity, sentenced on Feb 15, 2006 by then U.S. District Judge Michael Mukasey. On Sept. 8, 2006 the forced mental hospitalization was however dropped by Mukasey, and she was subsequently released. A most weird case as the hearings carousel is continuing to this very day.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 16424 Jan 16 2011 lindauer/index.html
d0a70db8516ff629caea6e40f5bb451a lindauer/index.html
"To Eliminate the Opiate" Last edited on Wed, Mar 04, 2009 20:15:27 CET

Contents :
To Eliminate The Opiate, Vol.1 Vol.2
The Hebrew Bible : from Aleppo Codex to "Rothschild Mahzor"
Post WWII Bibles seriously flawed
Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman wrote a two volume book which presents a overwhelming amount of evidence, names, dates and events throughout the last century's which describe the abolishment of Religion, in particular the Jewish, in order to spiritually dumb down the grand public, in effect eliminating The Opiate of the people, their religion as stated inside the Illuminati masterplan.
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The secret Downing Street memo Last edited on Wed, Feb 25, 2009 08:52:12 CET

Contents :
Kelly had 'no right' to anonymity
The secret Downing Street memo
Memo: Bush manipulated Iraq intel
Bush asked to explain UK war memo
Indignation Grows in U.S. Over British Prewar Documents
David Kelly was a renowned Weapons Inspector for the U.N. and U.K. Military. A 2002 dossier titled "IRAQ'S WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION" triggered Kelly for a renewed WMD inspection inside Iraq and became convinced that the only purpose of the IRAQ WMD dossier had been to get a war going in Iraq. After testifying before the UK Congress, Kelly went missing and was found dead on July 18, 2003. The Lord Hutton inquiry concluded that Kelly had committed 'suicide'. Then on May 1, 2005 a verbatim copy of a secret "Downing Street memo" from July 23, 2002 was published stating that "intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy" to get a war going in Iraq. The authenticity of this document, to this very day, has not been disputed.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 42271 Feb 25 2009 kelly/index.html
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"Fr. Leonard Feeney M.I.C.M." Last edited on Fri, Dec 26, 2008 18:53:42 CET

A catholic Jesuit priest published a number of articles in the 1950s illustrating numerous efforts by governmental sponsored groups to systematic abolish the Catholic Religion and religious faith in general.
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Louis Madelin, "La Revolution" Last edited on Fri, Dec 26, 2008 18:53:40 CET

a analysis about the French Revolution, still to be completed and translated.
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"U.S. Patent No. 4,686,605 : H.A.A.R.P." Last edited on Fri, Dec 26, 2008 18:53:39 CET

A illustration of how H.A.A.R.P works in practice, based on a U.S. Patent document.
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ea47220b98929df89cd92c8539cd9ab3 haarp/index.html
King James Reference Bible Last edited on Thu, Mar 08, 2007 19:42:23 CET

A lot of content concerning the NWO is somehow related to the Bible. As a convenience i present a restaurated copy of which recently somehow disappeared from the internet.
-rw-r--r-- 2 crashrecovery klant 348 Mar 8 2007 htbible/index.html
36050cb040cc8bb8212411aefe640e11 htbible/index.html
To verify the md5sum checksum and file size of list.html
make an ftp connection to i.e. . Download list.html to check its contents and size and download MD5SUM to verify the md5sum of list.html .
To verify the md5sum checksum and file sizes, load the same url, with https.
So when you have inside your browser, reload the same url with in a new window or tab and save the new loaded page as a file, i.e. internet.html. The md5 checksum and file size of internet.html should be the same as internet/index.html as listed above.
Note that the "Save Page As..." option in many modern browserslike e.g. Mozilla Firefox produces bad md5 checksums. Somehow some extra garbage html is added. In such cases one should use wget and md5sum.
For the Microsoft Windows platform see wget and md5sums. Wget version 1.10 on Windows is currently a mess when using https, so get version 1.9.1. I recommend to download , and
Unzip the contents of these three zipfiles into a directory (Folder) and proceed as follows from the windows command shell cmd.exe :
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\check>dir Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 04B8-FFFC Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\check 04/15/2008 12:33 PM <DIR> . 04/15/2008 12:33 PM <DIR> .. 10/01/2003 10:50 AM 876,544 libeay32.dll 01/31/2005 01:20 AM 28,160 md5sums.exe 01/31/2005 07:51 PM 4,205 md5sums.txt 11/07/2003 03:38 PM 16,121 News 11/14/2003 02:23 PM 375 Readme.txt 11/30/2001 08:32 AM 4,022 sample.wgetrc 10/01/2003 10:50 AM 159,744 ssleay32.dll 11/14/2003 02:19 PM 225,280 wget.exe 11/14/2003 02:19 PM 148,259 wget.hlp 11/14/2003 02:19 PM 186,238 wget.html 10 File(s) 1,648,948 bytes 2 Dir(s) 372,518,912 bytes free C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\check> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\check> wget --12:43:44-- => `index.html' Resolving Connecting to[]:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 95,659 [text/html] 100%[====================================>] 95,659 --.--K/s 12:43:44 (1.94 MB/s) - `index.html' saved [95659/95659] C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\check>md5sums index.html MD5sums 1.2 freeware for Win9x/ME/NT/2000/XP+ Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Jem Berkes - Type md5sums -h for help [Path] / filename MD5 sum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\check\] index.html d6080d29d30085ac82d9c2ed39729294 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\check>
which corresponds with :
-rw-r--r-- 3 crashrec klant 95659 Apr 15 07:55 moneymasters/index.html
d6080d29d30085ac82d9c2ed39729294 moneymasters/index.html
Robert M. Stockmann
Last changed Wed Jul 17 12:15:03 CEST 2019


How many has God killed? Complete list and estimated total (Including Apocryphal killings)

Drunk With Blood Audiobook: Introduction
I kill ... I wound ... I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and mine sword shall devour flesh. -- Deuteronomy 32:39-42
The table shows two numbers: the number given by the Bible, if any, and an estimate, when no biblical number is available.

Total number killed by God in the Bible
- Using biblical numbers only: 2,821,364
 - With estimates: 25 million

(The table has been updated to include God's killings in the Apocrypha/Deuterocanonical books. I'll be adding the missing Apocryphal stories in the next few days.)

Killing Event Reference Bible's Number Estimate
1 The Flood of Noah Gen 7:23
2 Abraham's war to rescue Lot Gen 14:17-19
3 Sodom and Gomorrah Gen 19:24
4 Lot's wife Gen 19:26 1 1
5 While they were sore, Dinah's brethren slew all the males Gen 34:1-31, Judith 9:2-3 2 1,000
6 Er for being wicked in the sight of the Lord Gen 38:7 1 1
7 Onan for spilling his seed Gen 38:10 1 1
8 A seven year worldwide famine Gen 41:25-54
9 There will be blood: The first plague of Egypt Ex 7:15-27 , Wis 11:7-8
10 The seventh plague: hail Ex 9:25
11 Firstborn Egyptian children Ex 12:29-30
12 The Lord took off their chariot wheels Ex 14:8-26 600 5,000
13 Amalekites Ex 17:13
14 Who is on the Lord's side?: Forcing friends and family to kill each other Ex 32:27-28 3,000 3,000
15 Aaron's golden calf Ex 32:35
16 God burns Aaron's sons to death for offering "strange fire" Lev 10:1-3 2 2
17 A blasphemer is stoned to death Lev 24:10-23 1 1
18 When the people complained, God burned them to death Num 11:1
19 While the flesh was still between their teeth, the Lord smote them will a very great plague Num 11:33
20 Ten scouts are killed for their honest report Num 14:35-45 10 110
21 A man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day is stoned to death Num 15:32-35 1 1
22 Korah, his companions, and their families are buried alive Num 16:27 3 9
23 God burns 250 people to death for burning incense Num 16:35 250 250
24 God kills 14,700 for complaining about God's killings Num 16:49 14,700 14,700
25 The massacre of the Aradies Num 21:1-2
26 God sent serpents to bite people for complaining about the lack of food and water Num 21:6
27 Phineas's double murder: A killing to end God's killing Num 25:1-11 24,002 24,002
28 The Midianite massacre: Have ye saved all the women alive? Num 31:1-35 6 200,000
29 God slowly killed the Israelite army Dt 2:14-16
30 God the giant killer Dt 2:21-22
31 God hardens King Sihon's heart so all his people can be killed Dt 2:33-34 1 5,000
32 Og and all the men women, and children in 60 cities Dt 3:6 1 60,000
33 The Jericho massacre Jos 6:21
34 Achan and his family Jos 7:10-26 1 5
35 The Ai massacre Jos 8:1-25 12,000 12,000
36 God stops the sun so Joshua can get his killing done in the daylight Jos 10:10-11
37 Five kings killed and hung on trees Jos 10:26 5 10,000
38 Joshua utterly destroyed all that breathed as the Lord commanded Jos 10:28-42 7 7,000
39 The genocide of twenty cities: There was not any left to breathe Jos 11:8-12 2 20,000
40 The Anakim: some more giant killing Jos 11:20-21
41 The Lord delivered the Canaanites and Perizzites Jg 1:4 10,000 10,000
42 The Jerusalem massacre Jg 1:8
43 Five massacres, a wedding, and God-proof iron chariots Jg 1:9-25
44 The Lord delivered Chushanrishathaim Jg 3:7-10 1 1,000
45 Ehud delivers a message from God Jg 3:15-22 1 1
46 God delivers 10,000 lusty Moabites Jg 3:28-29 10,000 10,000
47 Shamgar killed 600 Philistines with an ox goad Jg 3:31 600 600
48 Barak and God massacre the Canaanites Jg 4:15-16
49 Jael pounds a tent stake through a sleeping man's skull Jg 4:18-22 1 1
50 Gideon's story: The Lord set every man's sword against his fellow Jg 7:22 120,000 120,000
51 A city is massacred and 1000 burn to death because of God's evil spirit Jg 9:23-27 1,001 2,000
52 The Ammonite massacre Jg 11:32-33
53 Jephthah's daughter Jg 11:39 1 1
54 42,000 die for failing the "shibboleth" test Jg 12:4-7 42,000 42,000
55 Samson murdered 30 men for their clothes Jg 14:19 30 30
56 Samson killed 1000 men with the jawbone of an ass Jg 15:14-15 1,000 1,000
57 Samson killed 3000 in a suicide terrorist attack Jg 16:27-30 3,000 3,000
58 A holy civil war (it had something to do with rotting concubine body part messages) Jg 20:35-37 65,100 65,100
59 The end of Judges: two genocides and 200 stolen virgins Jg 21:10-14
60 God killed Eli's sons and 34,000 Israelite soldiers 1 Sam 2:25, 4:11 34,002 34,002
61 God smote them with hemorrhoids in their secret parts 1 Sam 5:1-12
62 50,070 killed for looking into the ark of the Lord 1 Sam 6:19 50,070 50,070
63 The Lord thundered a great thunder upon the Philistines 1 Sam 7:10-11
64 Another Ammonite massacre (and another God-inspired body part message) 1 Sam 11:6-13
65 Jonathan's first slaughter 1 Sam 14:12-14 20 20
66 God forces the Philistines to kill each other 1 Sam 14:20
67 The Amalekite genocide 1 Sam  15:2-3
68 Samuel hacks Agag to death before the Lord 1 Sam 15:32-33 1 1
69 In the valley of Elah: Goliath 1 Sam 17:51, 2 Sam 21:19 1 1
70 David buys a wife with 200 Philistine foreskins 1 Sam  18:27 200 200
71 The Lord said to David, Go and smite the Philistines 1 Sam 23:2-5
72 God killed Nabal (and David got his wife and other stuff) 1 Sam 25:38 1 1
73 David commits random acts of genocide for the Philistines 1 Sam 27:8-11
74 David spends the day killing Amalekites 1 Sam 30:17
75 God kills Saul, his sons, and his soldiers (because Saul didn't kill all the Amalekites) 1 Sam 31:2, 2 Chr 10:6 4 100
76 David kills the messenger 2 Sam 1:15 1 1
77 David killed, mutilated, and hung Rechab and Baanah 2 Sam 4:12 2 2
78 God helps David smite the Philistines from the front and the rear 2 Sam 5:19-25
79 God killed Uzzah for trying to keep the ark from falling 2 Sam 6:6-7, 1 Chr 13:9-10 1 1
80 David killed two-thirds of the Moabite POWs and enslaved the rest 2 Sam 8:2
81 And the Lord gave David victory wherever he went 2 Sam 8 - 10 65,850 66,850
82 David killed every male in Edom 2 Sam 8:13-14, 1 Kg 11:15-16, 1 Chr 18:12, Ps 60:1 15,000 25,000
83 Thus did David do to all the children of Ammon 2 Sam 11:1, 1 Chr 20:1
84 God slowly kills a baby 2 Sam 12:14-18 1 1
85 Seven sons of Saul are hung up before the Lord 2 Sam 21:1-9 7 3,000
86 David's mighty men and their amazing killings 2 Sam 23, 1 Chr 11 1,403 3,400
87 God killed 70,000 because of David had a census that God (or Satan) told him to do 2 Sam 24:15, 1 Chr 21:14 70,000 200,000
88 Solomon murdered Job and Shimei (per David's deathbed wish) 1 Kg 2:29-46 2 2
89 A tale of two prophets 1 Kg 13:11-24 1 1
90 Jeroboam's son: God kills another child 1 Kg 14:17 1 1
91 Jeroboam's family 1 Kg 15:29
92 Baasha's family and friends 1 Kg 16:11-12
93 Zimri burns to death 1 Kg 16:18-19 1 1
94 The drought of Elijah 1 Kg 17:1, Luke 4:25, James 5:17-18
95 Elijah kills 450 religious leaders in a prayer contest 1 Kg 18:22-40 450 450
96 The first God-assisted slaughter of the Syrians 1 Kg 20:20-21
97 God killed 100,000 Syrians for calling him a god of the hills 1 Kg 20:28-29 100,000 100,000
98 God killed 27,000 Syrians by making a wall fall on them 1 Kg 20:30 27,000 27,000
99 God sent a lion to kill a man for not smiting a prophet 1 Kg 20:35-36 1 1
100 God killed Ahab for not killing a captured king 1 Kg 20:42, 22:35 1 1
101 God burned 102 men to death for asking Elijah to come down from his hill 2 Kg 1:10-12 102 102
102 God killed Ahaziah for asking the wrong God 2 Kg 1:16-17, 2 Chr 22:7-9 1 1
103 God sent bears to kill 42 boys for making fun of a prophet's bald head 2 Kg 2:23-24 42 42
104 The Lord delivered the Moabites 2 Kg 3:18-25
105 A skeptic is trampled to death 2 Kg 7:2-20 1 1
106 God's seven year famine 2 Kg 8:1
107 Jehoram of Israel 2 Kg 9:24 1 1
108 Jezebel 2 Kg 9:33-37 1 1
109 Ahab's sons: 70 heads in two baskets 2 Kg 10:6-10 70 70
110 Ahab's hometown family, friends, and priests 2 Kg 10:11
111 Jehu killed Ahaziah's family 2 Kg 10:12-13, 2 Chr 22:7-9 42 42
112 Jehu and his partner kill the rest of Ahab's family 2 Kg 10:17
113 Jehu assembled the followers of Baal and then slaughtered them all 2 Kg 10:18-25
114 Mattan the priest of Baal and Queen Athaliah 2 Kg 11:17-20 2 2
115 God sent lions to eat those who didn't fear him enough 2 Kg 17:25-26
116 An angel killed 185,000 sleeping soldiers 2 Kg 19:34, 37:36 185,000 185,000
117 God caused King Sennacherib to be killed by his sons 2 Kg 19:37, Tobit 1:21 1 1
118 Josiah killed all the priests of the high places 2 Kg 23:20
119 Just another holy war 1 Chr 5:18-22
120 God killed a half million Israelite soldiers 2 Chr 13:17-18 500,000 500,000
121 Jeroboam 2 Chr 13:20 1 1
122 God killed a million Ethiopians 2 Chr 14:9-14 1,000,000 1,000,000
123 Friendly fire: God forced "a great multitude" to kill each other 2 Chr 20:22-25
124 God made Jehoram's bowels fall out 2 Chr 21:14-19 1 1
125 God killed Jehoram's sons 2 Chr 22:1
126 Ahaziah of Judah 2 Chr 22:7-8 1 1
127 Joash, the princes, and army of Judah 2 Chr 24:20-25 1 10,000
128 God destroyed Amaziah 2 Chr 25:15-27 1 1,000
129 God smote Ahaz with the king of Syria 2 Chr 28:1-5 1 10,000
130 God killed 120,000 valiant men for forsaking him 2 Chr 28:6 120,000 120,000
131 The fall of Jerusalem 2 Chr 36:16-17
132 The Purim killings: God hath done these things Esther 2 - 9, 10:4 75,813 75,813
133 God and Satan kill Job's children and slaves Job 1:18-19 10 60
134 Hananiah Jer 28:15-16 1 1
135 Ezekiel's wife Ezek 24:15-18 1 1
136 Oh! Susanna Dan 13:6-62 2 2
137 Judith is blessed above all women (for cutting off a sleeping man's head) Judith 13:6-10 1 1
138 The Judith massacre: hang ye up this head upon our walls Judith 15:1-6
139 Mathathias's double murder 1 Mac 2:24-25 2 2
140 Mathathias and his friends slay the wicked sinners 1 Mac 2:44
141 God killed Andronicus, the sacrilegious wretch 2 Mac 4:38 1 1
142 A Jewish mob killed Lysimachus, the sacrilegious fellow 2 Mac 4:42 1 1
143 God helped Judas Machabeus destroy the wicked 1 Mac 3:1-26, 2 Mac 8:5-6 800 4,900
144 Judas and his unarmed men kill 3000 of Gorgias's soldiers 1 Mac 3:44-4:24 3,000 3,000
145 The Hanukkah killings 1 Mac 4:34-5:7 5,000 17,000
146 The Machabees brothers slaughter the heathens 1 Mac 5:21-51 11,000 37,000
147 Nicanor's army: The Almighty being their helper, they slew above nine thousand men 1 Mac 7:32-47, 2 Mac 8:24, 15:27 147,002 147,002
148 Jonathan and Simon destroy the wicked out of Israel 1 Mac  9:46-49, 2 Mac  8:30-33, 10:61 1,000 1,200
149 Five heavenly horsemen cast darts and fireballs at the enemy 2 Mac 8:32-10:38 21,103 21,400
150 God killed Antiochus with an incurable bowel disease 2 Mac 9:5-28 1 1
151 Idumeans, traitors, and Jews in two towers 2 Mac 10:16-17 40,000 40,100
152 Nicanor's head: A manifest sign of the help of God 1 Mac 7:33-48, 2 Mac  15:1-35 35,000 35,000
153 Aliens at Cades 1 Mac 11:74 3,000 3,000
154 John burns to death 2000 in the tower of Azotus 1 Mac 16:10 2,000 2,000
155 God sent wasps to slowly destroy people Wisdom 12:8-9
156 Ananias and Sapphira Acts 5:5-10 2 2
157 Herod Aggripa Acts 12:23 1 1
158 Jesus Rom 8:32, 1 Pet 1:1820 1 1

Totals 2,821,364 24,994,828

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