Monday, 2 March 2020

Damn you, John, why did you have to rape Afghani young girls and women and steal their gold like you did in Vietnam?

*Not affiliated with  nor to be confused with "The History Channel"
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"History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind."
Edward Gibbon (1737-1794), From: "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"
A Daily Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions,  Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times
"We read and rebut their vile crap so you won't have to!"*****************************************
All articles for any given month appear on a single page -- most recent first as older items get bumped down further down page.

MARCH 2020

Mar. 2: U.S. to Withdraw from Afghanistan (EDITED in between { } BY BAFS)

March 2, 2020

American soldiers {STATE ASSASSINS} from the 101st Airborne Division in Paktia Province, Afghanistan, in 2013

NY Times: Taliban and U.S. Strike Deal to Withdraw American Troops From Afghanistan

Finally, after nearly two whole decades, it looks as if Donald the Peacemaker {SON OF GOD?  Field McConnell acclaimed him as the Messiah of the Christians!}-- in the face of Globalist / Neo-Con / Fake News opposition -- will soon be ending {ending? my foot!} the 5th inherited war or "cold war" of his 3-year-old presidency -- yet with not even a mention of so much as a nomination for the fake-ass Nobel Peace Prize ™ (an "honor" which is actually reserved only for Globalists and Communists). The pacified {pacified?} hot-spots of the Trump Doctrine are:

1. The Korean Peninsula
2. Eastern Ukraine
3. Syria
4. The Asian Pivot (allied military encirclement of China) ... and now ...
5. The War in Afghanistan

One would think that all those superficial anti-war normies who protested the Iraq War -- as well as the silver-haired pony-tailed hippy vermin, now over the age 65, who protested the Vietnam War -- would all be singing the praises of Donald the Peacemaker by now. Evidently, the "give-peace-a-chance" crowd only opposes bloodshed when it is a Republican presiding over it -- and only embraces empty promises of peace when it is a Demonrat making them. Indeed, warmonger Obongo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 (after just 10 months in office!) {and the whole (with few exceptions) of US America swallowed this heap of shit!} solely on the basis of his calculated criticism of the Bush Doctrine. 

Mending fences, making friends and ending Globalist conflicts all over the world --- yet Trump gets ZERO credit from the Fake News. {Except stopping the anus-licking of Apartheid Israel!}

As most of "youse guys" will surely recall (hard to believe that some of my college readers of today were still in diapers back then!), the seemingly endless Afghanistan War was triggered by the phony pretext of the September 11 false flag attacks of 2001. According to the official fairy tale, the Taliban {Taliban means STUDENTS! Talib is the singular!} government had to be removed for allowing Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda terrorist network to safely plot the attacks from Afghanistan. {Another Judeo-Yankee joke!} Psychologically traumatized, hungry for blood, and totally under the spell of the Bush-Cheney cabal and Fake News, Boobus Americanus went along with the October invasion without so much as a flicker of critical thought. "USA! USA! USA!" {ISRAEL! ISRAEL! ISRAEL!} -- chanted the moronic mob. Who among us veteran truthers can forget the madness of those dark days of national insanity so brilliantly orchestrated by "the usual suspects?"

The "good war" in Afghanistan, though not as lethal nor as expensive as the disaster in Iraq, still cost American taxpayers $2 Trillion and took the lives of more than 3,500 {a tricke} coalition troops (mostly Americans) and scores {HUNDREDS!} of thousands of Afghans since 2001. What a criminal waste of blood {blood is never wasted as it is always offered to Israel's God Moloch!} and money {The demons can afford to waste money WE GIVE THEM as they print it themselves!}! To put that $2 Trillion in perspective, that's about the equivalent of $6,000 stolen from every man, woman and child in the country -- all on the basis of a hoax. Actually, it's worse than that because much of that hefty sum was borrowed at compounding interest. Try stealing just a fraction of that money as a private citizen, and you'd end up in prison. But when our "public servants" commit such crimes, on a much grander scale, nothing happens to them.  {RIGHT!}
1. The 9/11 false flag (CIA & Mossad) drove the public (as was planned) into temporary insanity. 

// 2. Speaking from his base in Afghanistan,  Osama Bin Bogeyman repeatedly and unequivocally denied any involvement with the 9/11 attacks. {BID DICK CHENEY walked into Al-Jazeera Headquarters in Dubai (?) with his Crypto-Jew (Arab) business partner (did they both not own it?) and had the interview with Bin Ladin dumped!} 

// 3. The made-for-TV event prompted the naive NFL football star Pat Tillman to pause his sports career and volunteer for the U.S. Army. He ended-up being killed in Afghanistan in a strange "friendly fire" incident. Many believe that he had figured out the Iraq War was a scam, and was planning to use his fame to come home and speak out (a la Patton) against the wars. But he died soon after his transfer to Afghanistan. {He was an idiot! Anyway, nearly half the US population are idiots! Apparently, he never heard of Patton at all!  Just like Herr Hitler never heard of Napoleon at all!}

Though this withdrawal deal is all good news {it can't be!}, the fact remains that U.S. troops aren't out yet. And as long as they remain, the Deep State, backed up by Sulzberger's Slimes and the rest of the Piranha Press, can still sabotage the process. Already, the sub-human scum at the Slimes are leaking out subtle negativity from their red rectums {and through their anuses or fecal or sexually-oriented orifices!} -- as the following recent headlines indicate:

  • NYT: (February 29): Why the Taliban Will Never Agree to a Real Peace Deal
  • NYT: (February 29): Is This Afghan Peace, or Just a Way Out?
  • NYT: (March 1): Afghan Peace Plan Faces First Roadblock: Releasing Taliban Prisoners
Bastards. Bloody demonic bastards. (((They))) lied us into the war ---  {THEY can never lie us into war!  We are ordered into war and we are paid for it!} then, after 18 & 1/2 bloody years, (((they))) whine about the human and financial toll of the war -- and now, as Trump attempts to finally withdraw, (((they))) pepper him with negative cheap shots.

 {They must have had gold ingots or drugs in there!}
 {"AMERICA LOVES YOU, MY KING!"  They are not racists as they even show a BLACK woman moaning her ASSASSIN MERCENARY!}
{She is just saying: Damn you, John, you did not love me, love us!  Why did you have to rape Afghani young girls and women and steal their gold like you did in Vietnam, and murder their babies and pregnant women?}

The 9/11 wars --- a waste of blood and treasure brought to you, in large part, by the evil, unaccountable Fake News filth at the New York Slimes.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that we may finally be pulling out of Afghanistan.

Boobus Americanus 2: Well it's about time! Thank goodness for that. {But, they will pull in again at any time!}
*St. Sugar: It wouldn't be happening had that nauseating bitch you voted for in 2016 become pressident, Boobuss!
Editor: Braindead Boobus will never make such a connection -- and he will vote against Trump again this fall.

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