Wikipedia: "In Judaism, HaShem (lit. 'the Name') is used to
refer to God, particularly as an epithet for the Tetragrammaton,
when avoiding God's more formal title, Adonai ('my master')."
"The Tetragrammaton (/ˌtɛtrəˈɡræmətɒn/) or Tetragram (from Greek τετραγράμματον, meaning "[consisting of] four letters") is the four-letter Hebrew word יהוה (transliterated as YHWH), the name of the biblical God of Israel.[1] The four letters, read from right to left, are yodh, he, waw, and he.[2]"
"Malik, Maleek, Malek or Malyk is an Arabic given name and surname. In Arabic the name: مَالِك, meaning "Owner", and مَلِك, meaning "King.""
N.B. The above is just nonsense and speculation. Their Holy Book clearly says ELOHIM was God who created everything. (Genesis) As the Jews forgot how to or decided not to spell the Arabian-Hebrew expression YA HU WAH - I AM HE - they made this into a religious dogma! ADONAI is more likely the Palestinian God ADONIS. ELOHIM is definitely the Arabian God EL! Malik (Arabic) and Melech (Hebrew, an Arabian patois) is Master, Lord, King, etc. Israel used to sacrifice babies and children to Melech!
CO-19 is just a pre-cursor - a CODED NAME - of what they have planned and intend to do to the world. The lockdown and confinement are helping the military-industrial complex and corporations to re-deploy their forces for a MAJOR 5G ATTACK, BLACKOUT, SOLAR FLARE, etc. when all of them will be hiding in their bunkers made for that BIG EVENT! We have let them do as they want for hundreds of years, why would they not now take advantage of that unique opportunity to carry out their depopulation agenda and set up a NEW WORLD ORDER WITHOUT US, the majority of US?
Attention ! Des « faux humains » sont parmis nous
Michael A. Hoffman II: Jewish philosophy toward Amalek (Palestinians) !
14,696 views•7 Dec 2008
138 subscribers
Youssef Hindi - Génèse et origines de la kabbale
•17 Aug 2019
19.4K subscribers
•22 May 2020
Chapter 2, Exodus
199 subscribers
Mais, je ne
suis pas Zohariste, Talmudiste, Qabbaliste, Sioniste, ou Raciste de Khazarel
(Israël de l'Apartheid), et ... MERDE!!!
Selon mes recherches, ISRAËL
ne fut pas juif du tout! Il fut l'un des
fils d'Adam qui tua son frère et s'enfuit!
Et, depuis, Israël n'a cessé de se comporter très mal, ce qui a mis des
Prophètes juifs (et non d'Israël) et Élohim en colère à plusieurs reprises. Qui va-t-on croire les récits de quelques 10-20
millions de Juifs ou celui des 1,8 milliards de Musulmans? Les Juifs ne doivent leur arrogance que grâce
à la décadence et au fanatisme des Chrétiens, surtout ceux de l'occident alors
que les Juifs, Chrétiens, et Musulmans arabes et arabophones vivent en paix, et
en toute fraternité car ils ont la même religion "sémite" avec leurs
ISRAËL FUT EN ARABIE! Abraham, s'il a jamais existé, habita en
Arabie ainsi que ses épouses et enfants.
Le Mont Sinaï est en Arabie. El
était le Dieu des Arabes, des Phéniciens, des Cananéens, des Égyptiens, ainsi
que des Hibirus, ces brigands d'Arabes venant de Mésopotamie, etc. C'est le Dieu Vulcan des Arabes "YHWH"
- JE SUIS QUI JE SUIS - qui, soi-disant, parla à Moïse. Moïse épousa une Arabe! Donc, sa descendance fut arabe! Le Dieu des Juifs est EL, le même que celui
des Arabes d'antan! Ils ont aussi
adopter le Dieu des Palestiniens ADONIS/ADONAI.
Les deux chefs des Anges, AZA & AZAEL, avaient cherché un moyen pour
persuader HA SHEM ( ÉLOHIM/ÉLOKHIM N'EST PAS DIEU, selon Rav Haim Dynovisz???) afin
qu'Il ne créa pas ADAM! C'est là ou ce
Rabbin cartésien de malheur, très sympathique menteur d'ailleurs, commet la
plus grosse et monumentale bêtise en disant que HA SHEM leur fit voir la beauté
désirable des Femmes Adamiques d'Israël (???), et ils furent si captivés qu'ils
se turent et se précipitèrent sur Terre pour les violer??? Partout ou va Israël, des Rois sont soi-disant
captivés par la BEAUTÉ EXTRÊME ET UNIQUE de leurs femmes (Sarah, la sœur/épouse
d'Abraham, Esther, etc.) ou du savoir remarquable de leurs hommes (Joseph,
etc.), de leur force extraordinaire (David, Samson,). Selon Rav Haim Dynovisz, ces Néphilim,
mi-humains, mi-animaux, répandirent ainsi leur Idéologie de la débauche, de la
violence, du meurtre, et de l'idolâtrie partout, y compris en Palestine! Il dit qu'Israël accepte néanmoins une
certaine "débauche supportable, compréhensible où l'on s'amuse..."!,
le vicieux!
Ce Rabbin de malheur va de
mensonge en mensonge en accusant les Musulmans (ces mercenaires d'Israël et des
USA!) de couper les têtes des Irakiens pour ensuite les donner aux enfants pour
jouer au football???
Il nous dit encore que le
HAMAS (KHAMAS) reçoit des millions d'Euros tous les jours, tous les mois, de l'Europe???
Que la France leur a donné des millions
d'Euros pour construire des dizaines de milliers de maisons détruites pendant
la Deuxième Guerre, et les Palestiniens n'ont rien construit, mais qu'ils continuent à creuser des tunnels, et à acheter
de armes avec cet argent-là??? Que les
Blanc européens sont antisémites de plus en plus alors que nous voyons des
Juifs occuper les postes les plus élevés dans tous les domaines, y compris
comme Premier Ministre et Chef d'État!
Les enfants de AZA (GAZA ou GHAZZA),
en Palestine occupée par Khazarel ou Israël de l'Apartheid, qui refusent de
creuser des tunnels, nous dit-il, "sont abattus à bout portant devant les
yeux de leurs mères"!
Le Rabbin, fou à lier, nous
dit que ces Palestiniens sont "de la crotte, ça pue, tu dégages, aucun
avocat de défense, aucune liberté d'expression,..."! Et, que les "TYRANTS
MONSTRUEUX" (tels Hitler et Arafat!)
ne sont pas "nés normalement d'un papa et d'une maman"! "Le Balatania affirme que Napoléon était
un Ched, raison pour laquelle il n'enlevait jamais ses bottes". "CHEDIM,
ayant des pieds non identiques aux humains!"
Il nous dit que le MOSSAD
essaya d'avoir la peau d'ARAFAT à maintes reprises, mais il s'échappa à chaque
fois, des dizaines de fois! Faux, faux
et faux!!! Mais que le MOSSAD finit
quand même par l'avoir! (en l'assassinant, c'est vrai!!!)
AMALEK! Amalek, racine de tous les maux! Ishmaël était un bâtard que les Juifs
sionistes et israélophiles ou israélistes ne cessent de répéter à la télévision
sioniste de France!
Le petit-fils d'ESAÜ est un MAMZÈRE
(issu de l'adultère et de l'inceste de son père)! Son père avait été avec une
femme mariée avec laquelle il avait eu une fille avec qui, plus tard, il avait
couché et engendra ainsi AMALEK qui fut donc un double bâtard!
Un Rabbin fou à lier,
peut-être pas, quand même, car il nous renseigne, malgré lui, sur les vrais
Plans d'Extermination d'Israël biblique et de l'Apartheid terroriste KHAZAREL,
se croyant au dessus des lois! Et, ils
sont bien au dessus de toutes les Lois y compris celles de la Haute Cour de
Justice et de l'ONU!
Apparemment, leur HASHEM a
constitué 70 Nations pour mener à bien ce Plan Final d'Extermination de AMALEKS!
Quand il nous dit que Élie
Wiesel s'était demandé :"Où était Dieu à Auschwitz?", il devait bien
CRÉMATOIRES! Lui qui avait sauvé Israël
des griffes du Pharaon en terrorisant, exterminant, massacrant, et dépouillant
les Égyptiens de leurs biens et de leur or surtout, et sauvant les Hibirus de
la noyade, comment a-t-Il pu laisser les Allemands carboniser six million de
Ses Juifs Préférés et Choisis?
Soit Israël a menti dans
la Torah à propos du Pharaon soit Israël a menti à propos d'Hitler ou à propos
des deux! Israël avait bien menti à propos du Roi de
Perse et d'Esther, à propos de Caïn et d'Abel, à propos des prophètes
assassins, génocidaires, adultères et incestueux, à propos de Sarah qui vole le
droit d'aînesse d'Ishmaël sans qu'Abraham ne bronche car Ha Shem lui avait
ordonné d'obéir à sa vielle femme, Esaü qui vend son droit d'aînesse à Jacob le
tricheur pour un bol de lentilles, etc. !
Israël, en somme, n'a jamais cessé de MENTIR y compris à leurs enfants
(des innocents!), qui sont endoctrinés en occident et en Palestine occupée
(Khazarel), dans la haine de tout non Juif!
J'ai vécu et travaillé à
Paris pendant 13 années AVEC des Juifs, hommes et femmes d'affaires, et je n'ai
jamais rencontré un seul cas d'antisémitisme, dont les Juifs revendiquent le
monopole alors que ce sont les Arabes les vrais Sémites, à plus de 80%! Mais, pour ces malades d'Israël, l'antisémitisme
veut dire uniquement ANTI-JUIFISME!!!
Pourquoi Churchill voulait-il
liquider la totalité des Nazis à la fin de la Guerre? Ce fut la volonté des Juifs qui déclarèrent
la Guerre à l'Allemagne en 1933! Et, ils
voulait ainsi plaire à Israël, au Sionisme, et aux gangsters financiers de la
Mafia Juive pour qui il avait mener la Guerre avec la complicité des
Bolcheviques (dont la plupart des dirigeants étaient Juifs, communistes,
socialistes et Athées)!
Mais, avec des gens comme
moi, leur FAUX SÉMITISME ne marche pas!
Ils mentent même sur leur Dieu disant qu'Élohim n'est pas Dieu!
Ce mardi 24 mars 2020
Wikipedia: "In Judaism, HaShem (lit. 'the Name') is used to refer to God, particularly as an epithet for the Tetragrammaton, when avoiding God's more formal title, Adonai ('my master')."
"The Tetragrammaton (/ˌtɛtrəˈɡræmətɒn/) or Tetragram (from Greek τετραγράμματον, meaning "[consisting of] four letters") is the four-letter Hebrew word יהוה (transliterated as YHWH), the name of the biblical God of Israel.[1] The four letters, read from right to left, are yodh, he, waw, and he.[2]"
"Malik, Maleek, Malek or Malyk is an Arabic given name and surname. In Arabic the name: مَالِك, meaning "Owner", and مَلِك, meaning "King.""
N.B. The above is just nonsense and speculation. Their Holy Book clearly says ELOHIM was God who created everything. (Genesis) As the Jews forgot how to or decided not to spell the Arabian-Hebrew expression YA HU WAH - I AM HE - they made this into a religious dogma! ADONAI is more likely the Palestinian God ADONIS. ELOHIM is definitely the Arabian God EL! Malik (Arabic) and Melech (Hebrew, an Arabian patois) is Master, Lord, King, etc. Israel used to sacrifice babies and children to Melech!
CO-19 is just a pre-cursor - a CODED NAME - of what they have planned and intend to do to the world. The lockdown and confinement are helping the military-industrial complex and corporations to re-deploy their forces for a MAJOR 5G ATTACK, BLACKOUT, SOLAR FLARE, etc. when all of them will be hiding in their bunkers made for that BIG EVENT! We have let them do as they want for hundreds of years, why would they not now take advantage of that unique opportunity to carry out their depopulation agenda and set up a NEW WORLD ORDER WITHOUT US, the majority of US?
Attention ! Des « faux humains » sont parmis nous
Michael A. Hoffman II: Jewish philosophy toward Amalek (Palestinians) !
Youssef Hindi - Génèse et origines de la kabbale
Chapter 2, Exodus
Mais, je ne suis pas Zohariste, Talmudiste, Qabbaliste, Sioniste, ou Raciste de Khazarel (Israël de l'Apartheid), et ... MERDE!!!
Alex Jones 100% Zionist Controlled Gatekeeper Just More Evidence 2017
RYAN DAWSON - Alex Jones - a Bloody Zionist Israelophile liar!
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Christianity is historically in conflict with Jewish values and the
Christian New Testament replaces the Jewish Old Testament. The
Christian apostle Paul even writes in the Thessalonians (2:14-15) about "the
Jews,who both killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove
us out. They are not pleasing to God, but hostile to all men".
But the ranks of Christianity have been corrupted, materialism and
pro-Imperialist support on behalf of the Church has tarnished the
legacy of Jesus Christ, the freedom fighter. And so-called
convert Jews have entered the ranks of Christianity, even its
leadership. The Jew and Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger in
France was even contemplated as one of the candidates to become the
new pope. On a visit to Australia, Cardinal Lustiger was quoted in The Weekend Australian, 4-5 August 2001, p. 9:
"I was born Jewish and so I remain [...] For
me, the vocation of Israel is bringing light to the goyim. That's
my hope and I believe that Christianity is the means for achieving
This quote of Judaism using Christianity as a means for Israel is corroborated by Rabbi Martin Siegel, who in New York Magazine, January 18, 1972, p. 32, said:
"I am
devoting my lecture in this seminar to a discussion of the
possibility that we are now entering a Jewish century, a time when
the spirit of the community, the non-idealogical blend of the
emotional and rational and the resistance to categories and forms
will emerge through the forces of anti-nationalism to provide us with
a new kind of society. I call this process the Judaization of
Christianity because Christianity will be the vehicle through which this
society becomes Jewish."
• Jewish Infiltration • Jewish hate against Christianity and Jesus
• Israel´s anti-Christian policies • The Church reacts
• Fundamentalist "Christians" • In Defense of Pope Pius XII
Jewish Infiltration
- Jean-Marie Lustiger - the Jewish-Zionist Papal candidate
- Benedict XVI and Islam - The pope is positive for Jewish occupation, and against the Islamic resistance!
By Robert Faurisson
- Kissinger and Wolfowitz to advise the Pope!
By Ahmed Rami
- The Paris "Catholic" Archbishop forbids attacks against Israeli policies
- The Crucifixion of Bishop Williamson
- Israel Interferes in Church Appointments?
By Joseph al-Ghazy (Ha'aretz 08/09/1998)
- World Jewish Congress Troubled by Pope's Planned Saddam Meeting
By Douglas Davis (Jewish Telegraphic Agency 08/1999)
- A Jewish crook and the Vatican in money laundering scheme
The Jewish swindler Martin Frankel worked with Vatican top men as a money launderer: "Mr. Frankel aggressively courted the Catholic Church and the Vatican religious hierarchy beginning last summer."
Jewish hate against Christianity and Jesus
For the subject of Judaism's infiltration of Christianity, it is also
vital to read about Judaism's contempt for this World Religion:
- On the subject of Jewish hatred towards Christianity
By Prof. Israel Shahak
- Jews and Christianity
[31 Kilobytes] [about 6 paper pages]
Brief history of Christian-Jewish relations; a
contextual view of anti-Jewish religious persecution;
Jewish-inspired atrocities against Christians in the
early years of the Christ movement; traditional Jewish
defamation of Christianity.
- Jesus in the Rabbinic Traditions
- The Talmud´s Teachings Concerning Christians Unmasked
By Rev. I. B. Pranaitis
- The name of Jesus in Hebrew!
By Dr. James D. Price
- What the Jewish Talmud teaches the Jews concerning non-Jews
By the Jewish convert to Christianity Benjamin H. Freedman on Judaism vs Christianity
- "The Jews and their Lies"
By Martin Luther - the founder of the Protestant Church
- Jews against the Pope, Part 1 (and other articles about Jewish activism against Christian society)
From the Jewish Tribal Review
- Jews against the Pope, Part 2
From the Jewish Tribal Review
The "Christians" who vehemently defend the Jews and attack Islam are a real enigma. Either they love their role of being shabbez goyim of the self-proclaimed "chosen people" - the Jews, being nothing but the Jews´ "useful idiots". Or
they are they must be completely brainwashed and unaware of the
historical Jewish contempt for Christ and Christianity. This is
nothing but a travesty considering the Israeli desecration of
Christian holy places and the Jewish persecution of Christians, both
in Israel but also the Jewish-led Communist campaigns against the
Church in Russia and the Jewish directed atrocities and massacres
against the Christian Armenians. Christians defending Judaism is
nothing but a slap in the face of the memory of all those Christians
massacred by vengeful Jewish war criminals.
- The Jewish Genocide of Christian Armenians
Includes lots of information on the Jewish concept of "Amalek" and their murder.
Israel´s anti-Christian policies
- Desecration of Christian Holy Places in 1948
- Destruction and desecration of Christian holy places and the violation of Christian religious rights
Chapter from the Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
- Who's Desecrating the Holy Sites?
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 08/23/1998)
- The refugee and the Pope
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 03/19/2000). On desecrating religious sites, and preventing Muslims from going to Mecca for pilgrimage.
- Burning the New Testament by Orthodox Jews in Israel
By Yehuda Koren, Israeli paper Yediot Ahronot (translated from Hebrew by Prof. Israel Shahak).
- Burning the New Testament by Orthodox Jews in Israel
By Yehuda Koren (Yediot Ahronot 03/30/1997).
- Christians Banned from Missionary Activities in the Holy Land
(Associated Press 03/31/1993). This is ironic considering the support fundamentalist Christians offer Israel.
- Enraged Mob Attacks Jews for Jesus Meeting
By Aliza Arbeli (Ha'aretz 11/29/1998)
- Baptists call on followers to pray for Jews to convert. B'nai B'rith call it 'Effrontery and arrogance'
By Nitzan Horowitz (Ha'aretz 09/13/1999)
- Jews Angry Over Remark By Falwell. Antichrist Speculation Called Antisemitic
By Caryle Murphy (Washington Post 01/25/1999)
- Body of Christian man exhumed after 10 months and reburied in Christian cemetery
(Israel Wire 02/04/2000)
- Christian Embassy Shocked by Barak Snub
(Ha'aretz 09/27/1999)
- Palestinian Christians face ethnic cleansing
By Abe Ata, National Catholic Reporter, November 22, 2002: "Why do American Christians stand by while their leaders advocate the expulsion of fellow Christians?"
- Israel presses criminal charges against a leading Christian in occupied
Press Release
The Church reacts
- Pope criticizes Israel for threatening peace
By Ruth E. Gruber (Jewish Telegraphic Agency 03/14/1997)
- Catholics Urge Israel to Ease Access to Holy Sites
By Bradley Burston (Reuters 10/12/1999)
- Polish bishop: Jews exploit Holocaust for propaganda
Article from The Jerusalem Post, 25/01/2010
- Vatican suggests Israel denies religious freedom to Palestinians
By Haim Shapiro (Jerusalem Post 02/27/2000)
- Vatican Official Miffed at Israel
By Sari Bashi (Associated Press 07/19/1999)
- Lutherans Charge Israelis Using Schoolchildren as Human Shields
By Elaine Ruth Fletcher, San Diego Union-Tribune, August 31, 2001
- Pius XII's 1943 letter against Jewish statehood revealed
By Elli Wohlgelernter (Jerusalem Post 07/02/1999). In other
words Pius was an anti-Zionist, which might explain why many of
Israel's supporters have long tried to defame him using the
he-didn't-do-enough-to-stop-the-Holocaust weapon.
- A Christian Perspective
By Kathleen Kern (Tikkun 03-04/1998)
Fundamentalist "Christians", the Bible and Israel
Based on
their interpretation of the Bible and its prophecies, fundamentalist
"Christians" see the "Holocaust" and Israel as fulfillments of
these prophecies, equate today's Israel, with Biblical Israel, and
that today's Jews as the descendents of Abraham. As a result,
fundamentalist "Christians" face the same dilemma that faces Israel
today, namely, who fits the definition of a "Jews". This also ignores
the Jews' assimilations throughout the centuries and the claim that
many Ashkenazi Jews are Caucasian (descendents of the Khazars), i.e., non-Semitic. Fundamentalist "Christian" supporters of Israel include renouned evangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.
Thus, fundamentalist "Christians" shy away from criticizing Israel,
while blaming the Palestinians and Arabs for the problems in the
Middle East, often using distorted, out-of-context facts to support
their claims. At the same time, they ignore Israel's sins, especially
the original sin against the Palestinians that started the
the former days God did separate Israel for Himself and
give her the land promised to Abraham. Israel was special
among all the nations of the earth (Deut. 7). But ultimately
the blessing upon Abraham was to be given to all the
nations (Matt. 28:19-20). With the coming of Christ God
fulfilled all the promises to the fathers (Rom. 15:8). In
this age, "God does not show favoritism, but accepts people
from every nation who fear Him and do what is right" (Acts
All of Israel's institutions were
fulfilled in Christ -- including the land concept (Heb.
3-4). The Old Testament clearly states that God kept His
work and gave the land to Israel. The notion that God had to
give the land "again" is without Biblical foundation.
is nothing wrong with Jews living in a certain land, but to
claim a "divine right" to it and to employ this claim as a
basis for disrupting, hurting, and killing others is wrong.
God is not with people when they manipulate and intimidate
others. God uses the wicked actions of people in His
purposes, but He does not sanction them. "
-- Jon Zens from an article (included below) "Today's Israel: Is God on her Side?
- America's new Christian Zionists
Transcript of a BBC program on the "Shabbez Goyim" of the Jews, the so-called Christian Zionists
- Jerusalem to Japan: Join the War on Terror!
From The Jerusalem Post, Israeli minister "Aharonovitch called on the [Japanese] Christian leaders to show support for Israel"
- Today's Israel : Is God on her Side?
By Jon Zens (Searching Together, Winter 1991)
- Christian Zionists' Donations to Israel
By Aryeh Dean Cohen (Jerusalem Post 11/12/1997).
- A Letter to Rev. Falwell from Palestinian evangelical pastors serving in the Holy Land
- Israel: Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy?
By Dr. Rabbi Elmer Berger (1970)
- Deconstructing the walls of Jericho
By Ze'ev Herzog (Ha'aretz 10/29/1999)
- Chipping Away at the Past
By Abraham Rabinovich (Jerusalem Post 12/24/1999)
- "The Israel of God" and the New Testament
By Frank Stagg (Al-Bushra)
- Christian Zionism:
A link from Al-Bushra
- An Open Letter to Fundamentalist Ministers From a Member of a Christian Fundamentalist Church
By Kathleen Banks (Washington Report 07/1998)
- An Open Letter to "Christians for Israel"
By Kathleen Banks (Washington Report 09/1998)
- Do Jews Have a "Divine Right" to Palestine?
By Dr. Fayez al-Sayegh
- Zionists and the Bible
By Professor Alfred Guillaume
- Praise God and Pass the Ammunition: the Changing Nature of Israel's US Backers
By Phyllis Bennis with Khaled Mansour (Middle East Report Fall 1998)
- Israeli Extremists and Christian Fundamentalists: The Alliance
By Grace Halsell (Washington Report 12/1988)
- Is the Golan in the Holy Land?
By Shahar Ilan (Ha'aretz 12/19/1999)
- Israelis Don't Know Much About Jesus
By Orna Coussin (Ha'aretz 12/23/1999)
- U.S. Christians Paid for Summer Airlift of Ethiopian Jews
By Catherine Cohen (Ha'aretz 12/31/1999)
- Confronting the Bible's Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine
By Michael Prior (AMEU 12/2000). The Jewish bible - the Torah - commands atrocities and ethnic cleansing.
- Uncovering the Israeli-Republican-Evangelical Networks behind the “Obsession” DVD
By Omid Safi, Palestine Think Tank, Oct 19th, 2008
- Who Are Behind Pushing Islamophobia?
By Ali Gharib and Eli Clifton, PRA Right Web, October 18, 2008
- Christian Friends of Israel (a link)
- Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (a link)
- International Fellowship of Christian and Jews (A Link)
In Defense of WWII Pope Pius XII
"With special gratitude we remember all he has done for the
persecuted Jews during one of the darkest periods in their entire
-- Dr. Nahum Goldmann, president of the World Jewish Congress, wrote in his letter of condolence on Pope Pius' death.
- Pope Pius XII and the Jews
By Professor Arthur R. Butz
- The "Silence" of Pius XII
By Joseph Sobran (03/19/1998) If the U.S. mainline media is
our resource for news then Pope Pius XII is an evil person who turned
a blind eye to the Holocaust. However, facts show that not only this
is untrue, but that Pius XII helped save hundreds of thousands of
lives, Jews and others. Pointing a finger at Pius XII is one of many
smoke screens Zionists spray in front of anyone who might find out
about the Zionists' silence to the Holocaust.
- Pope Pius XII: Victim of the Christian Bashers
By William Hughes (Washington Report 05/1998)
- The Vatican Statement on the Holocaust, "We Remember: a Reflection on the Shoah"
By Alfred Lilienthal (Washington Report 05/1998)
- New York Times Promotes Religious Hatred
By Patrick Buchanan (04/04/1998)
- Pius XII and the Holocaust
By James Bogle and others (Catholic League). "Oskar
Schindler, a Roman Catholic, is regarded as a 'righteous gentile' by
many Jews for saving the lives of some 3,000 - 4,000 Jews in his
factories. Why then is Pope Pius XII so unjustly criticized, despite
saving 800,000 Jewish lives?"
- Pius XII's 1943 letter against Jewish statehood revealed
By Elli Wohlgelernter (Jerusalem Post 07/02/1999). In other
words Pius was an anti-Zionist, which might explain why many of
Israel's supporters have long tried to defame him using the
he-didn't-do-enough-to-stop-the-Holocaust weapon.
- Vatican Official Miffed at Israel
By Sari Bashi (Associated Press 07/19/1999)
- A little modesty wouldn't hurt
By Gideon Samet (Ha'aretz 03/15/2000)
- Ask forgiveness? Who, us?
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 03/26/2000)
An Interview With
Jesus Christ
By Charles Rayner
Thanks for coming on the St. Matthew the Evangelist Show,
Jesus. I know you’re a busy man so let’s get right to it.
You probably know of the great income disparity in the world
today. What would you tell those who call themselves
‘Christians’ to do about it?
Jesus: Go and
sell what you own and give the money to the poor, and you
will have treasure in heaven. 19:21
Gee, I don’t hear any televangelist saying that. That’s
a pretty hard thing to do, give all your money to the poor.
No wonder there aren’t that many true Christians.
Jesus: Many
are called but few are chosen. 22: 14 The harvest is
rich, but laborers are few. 9:37
But you’re saying the opposite of what our consumer culture
is telling us, that we should be as rich as we possibly can.
Jesus: You
can’t serve both God and money. 6:24 You must worship
God and serve him alone. 4:10
So you’re saying we shouldn’t want to be rich, huh?
Jesus: I tell
you truly, it will be hard for a rich man to enter
the kingdom of God. 19:23 It is a narrow gate and a hard
road that leads to life, and only a few find it. 7: 14 Many
who are first will be last, and the last, first. 19:30
Yikes, it sounds like there are a lot of rich and famous
people we won’t be seeing in the hereafter. What would you
tell the Occupy Wall St. folks, who are protesting the
inequalities of our economic and political system?
Jesus: Blessed
are those who hunger and thirst for justice. 5:6
But they’re getting beat up by the police!
Jesus: Blessed
are those who are persecuted in the cause of righteousness.
5:10 Don’t be afraid of those who can kill the body, but not
kill the spirit. 10: 28
But they’ll haul them off to court to face a judge. What
Jesus: Don’t
worry about how to speak or what to say, because it is not
you who will be speaking. The Holy Spirit will be speaking
through you. 10:19, 20
But you’re facing a court of law.
Jesus: The
weightier matters of the Law are justice, mercy
and faithfulness. 23: 23
Golly, I’m not sure they teach that even in Christian
law schools! I gotta tell ya, the police state and all,
sometimes I get scared, not for myself but for my kids and
Jesus: Don’t
worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself.
Yeah, but it’s still a little scary.
Jesus: Why are
you frightened, oh ye of little faith? 8: 26
Well, okay, I admit I’m a little lacking there.
Jesus: Don’t
be afraid. 17:7 If your faith was the size of a
mustard seed, nothing would be impossible. 17:20
Do you think we should be going to church more?
Jesus: When
you pray, go to your private room and pray to your
Father, who is in that secret place. 6:6
The churches are telling people to be critical of
abortion, contraception, gays, and all things pubic. What
would you tell them?
Jesus: Do not
judge and you will not be judged, because the judgments you
give are the judgments you will get, and the amount you
measure out is the amount you will be given. 7: 1, 2 That is
how my heavenly Father will deal with you, unless you
forgive your brothers and sisters from your heart. 18:35
There are a lot of people making huge sacrifices for
those causes. What do you want from them?
Jesus: What I
want is mercy, not sacrifice. 9: 13
But what our priests and preachers and televangelists
are saying is so opposite to that!
Jesus: Beware
of false prophets! 7: 15 The tree can be told by its fruit.
12: 34 It is not those who say ‘Lord, Lord’ who will enter
the kingdom, but the person who does the will of my Father
in heaven. 7:21
Have you been reading about pedophiles in the clergy
Jesus: Unless
you change and become like little children, you will never
enter the kingdom of God. 18: 3 Never despise any of
these little ones. Their angels in heaven are continually in
the presence of my Father. 18:10
What do you think of free speech? Does anything go?
Jesus: By your
words you will be acquitted, and by your words condemned.
12: 37 The things that come out of the mouth come from
the heart, and it is these that make a person unclean. 15:18
You probably know what’s happening between the US and
Iran today. What words of wisdom would you give Americans to
meet this crisis?
Jesus: Always
treat others as you would like them to treat you. 7: 12 Do
not be afraid. 14:28
Fair enough, but what will we tell the Zionists who are
goading us into a war?
Hypocrites! It was you Isaiah meant when he so
rightly prophesied: This people honors me only with
lip-service, while their hearts are far from me. 15: 7,8
Is there anything you’d like to say to us to wrap things up?
Jesus: O,
faithless and perverse generation! 17:17 What does it
gain for a person to win the world and lose his soul? And
what will a person offer in exchange for her soul? 16:26 You
are all brothers and sisters. 23: 8
Gosh, why is it that humans just can’t seem to get things
Jesus: The
worries of this world and the deceitfulness of wealth
choke the word. 13: 22
Hey, I gotta tell ya that this has been great, and
probably wonderful for the show’s ratings. Thanks a lot.
Jesus: Where
your treasure is, there will your heart be also. 6: 21
Charles Rayner Kelly, a retired educator,
philosopher and novelist, currently resides in southern
Arizona, USA. Among his works are Little
Poor Man: The Story of St. Francis of Assisi, Keeper of The
Sacred Pipe, Flight of the Goddess, and Black
This article was originally posted at
Brave New World
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17 May 2013
How many has God killed? Complete list and estimated total (Including Apocryphal killings)
Drunk With Blood Audiobook: Introduction
I kill ... I wound ... I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and mine sword shall devour flesh. -- Deuteronomy 32:39-42
The table shows two numbers: the number given by the Bible, if any, and an estimate, when no biblical number is available.
Total number killed by God in the Bible
- Using biblical numbers only: 2,821,364
- With estimates: 25 million
(The table has been updated to include God's killings in the
Apocrypha/Deuterocanonical books. I'll be adding the missing Apocryphal
stories in the next few days.)
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Christianity is historically in conflict with Jewish values and the Christian New Testament replaces the Jewish Old Testament. The Christian apostle Paul even writes in the Thessalonians (2:14-15) about "the Jews,who both killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out. They are not pleasing to God, but hostile to all men". But the ranks of Christianity have been corrupted, materialism and pro-Imperialist support on behalf of the Church has tarnished the legacy of Jesus Christ, the freedom fighter. And so-called convert Jews have entered the ranks of Christianity, even its leadership. The Jew and Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger in France was even contemplated as one of the candidates to become the new pope. On a visit to Australia, Cardinal Lustiger was quoted in The Weekend Australian, 4-5 August 2001, p. 9:
"I was born Jewish and so I remain [...] For me, the vocation of Israel is bringing light to the goyim. That's my hope and I believe that Christianity is the means for achieving it."This quote of Judaism using Christianity as a means for Israel is corroborated by Rabbi Martin Siegel, who in New York Magazine, January 18, 1972, p. 32, said:
"I am devoting my lecture in this seminar to a discussion of the possibility that we are now entering a Jewish century, a time when the spirit of the community, the non-idealogical blend of the emotional and rational and the resistance to categories and forms will emerge through the forces of anti-nationalism to provide us with a new kind of society. I call this process the Judaization of Christianity because Christianity will be the vehicle through which this society becomes Jewish."
• Jewish Infiltration • Jewish hate against Christianity and Jesus
• Israel´s anti-Christian policies • The Church reacts
• Fundamentalist "Christians" • In Defense of Pope Pius XII
Jewish Infiltration |
- Jean-Marie Lustiger - the Jewish-Zionist Papal candidate
- Benedict XVI and Islam - The pope is positive for Jewish occupation, and against the Islamic resistance!
By Robert Faurisson
- Kissinger and Wolfowitz to advise the Pope!
By Ahmed Rami
- The Paris "Catholic" Archbishop forbids attacks against Israeli policies
- The Crucifixion of Bishop Williamson
- Israel Interferes in Church Appointments?
By Joseph al-Ghazy (Ha'aretz 08/09/1998)
- World Jewish Congress Troubled by Pope's Planned Saddam Meeting
By Douglas Davis (Jewish Telegraphic Agency 08/1999)
- A Jewish crook and the Vatican in money laundering scheme
The Jewish swindler Martin Frankel worked with Vatican top men as a money launderer: "Mr. Frankel aggressively courted the Catholic Church and the Vatican religious hierarchy beginning last summer."
Jewish hate against Christianity and Jesus |
- On the subject of Jewish hatred towards Christianity
By Prof. Israel Shahak
- Jews and Christianity
[31 Kilobytes] [about 6 paper pages] Brief history of Christian-Jewish relations; a contextual view of anti-Jewish religious persecution; Jewish-inspired atrocities against Christians in the early years of the Christ movement; traditional Jewish defamation of Christianity.
- Jesus in the Rabbinic Traditions
- The Talmud´s Teachings Concerning Christians Unmasked
By Rev. I. B. Pranaitis
- The name of Jesus in Hebrew!
By Dr. James D. Price
- What the Jewish Talmud teaches the Jews concerning non-Jews
By the Jewish convert to Christianity Benjamin H. Freedman on Judaism vs Christianity
- "The Jews and their Lies"
By Martin Luther - the founder of the Protestant Church
- Jews against the Pope, Part 1 (and other articles about Jewish activism against Christian society)
From the Jewish Tribal Review
- Jews against the Pope, Part 2
From the Jewish Tribal Review
- The Jewish Genocide of Christian Armenians
Includes lots of information on the Jewish concept of "Amalek" and their murder.
Israel´s anti-Christian policies |
- Desecration of Christian Holy Places in 1948
- Destruction and desecration of Christian holy places and the violation of Christian religious rights
Chapter from the Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
- Who's Desecrating the Holy Sites?
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 08/23/1998)
- The refugee and the Pope
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 03/19/2000). On desecrating religious sites, and preventing Muslims from going to Mecca for pilgrimage.
- Burning the New Testament by Orthodox Jews in Israel
By Yehuda Koren, Israeli paper Yediot Ahronot (translated from Hebrew by Prof. Israel Shahak).
- Burning the New Testament by Orthodox Jews in Israel
By Yehuda Koren (Yediot Ahronot 03/30/1997).
- Christians Banned from Missionary Activities in the Holy Land
(Associated Press 03/31/1993). This is ironic considering the support fundamentalist Christians offer Israel.
- Enraged Mob Attacks Jews for Jesus Meeting
By Aliza Arbeli (Ha'aretz 11/29/1998)
- Baptists call on followers to pray for Jews to convert. B'nai B'rith call it 'Effrontery and arrogance'
By Nitzan Horowitz (Ha'aretz 09/13/1999)
- Jews Angry Over Remark By Falwell. Antichrist Speculation Called Antisemitic
By Caryle Murphy (Washington Post 01/25/1999)
- Body of Christian man exhumed after 10 months and reburied in Christian cemetery
(Israel Wire 02/04/2000)
- Christian Embassy Shocked by Barak Snub
(Ha'aretz 09/27/1999)
- Palestinian Christians face ethnic cleansing
By Abe Ata, National Catholic Reporter, November 22, 2002: "Why do American Christians stand by while their leaders advocate the expulsion of fellow Christians?"
- Israel presses criminal charges against a leading Christian in occupied
Press Release
The Church reacts |
- Pope criticizes Israel for threatening peace
By Ruth E. Gruber (Jewish Telegraphic Agency 03/14/1997)
- Catholics Urge Israel to Ease Access to Holy Sites
By Bradley Burston (Reuters 10/12/1999)
- Polish bishop: Jews exploit Holocaust for propaganda
Article from The Jerusalem Post, 25/01/2010
- Vatican suggests Israel denies religious freedom to Palestinians
By Haim Shapiro (Jerusalem Post 02/27/2000)
- Vatican Official Miffed at Israel
By Sari Bashi (Associated Press 07/19/1999)
- Lutherans Charge Israelis Using Schoolchildren as Human Shields
By Elaine Ruth Fletcher, San Diego Union-Tribune, August 31, 2001
- Pius XII's 1943 letter against Jewish statehood revealed
By Elli Wohlgelernter (Jerusalem Post 07/02/1999). In other words Pius was an anti-Zionist, which might explain why many of Israel's supporters have long tried to defame him using the he-didn't-do-enough-to-stop-the-Holocaust weapon.
- A Christian Perspective
By Kathleen Kern (Tikkun 03-04/1998)
Fundamentalist "Christians", the Bible and Israel |
the former days God did separate Israel for Himself and
give her the land promised to Abraham. Israel was special
among all the nations of the earth (Deut. 7). But ultimately
the blessing upon Abraham was to be given to all the
nations (Matt. 28:19-20). With the coming of Christ God
fulfilled all the promises to the fathers (Rom. 15:8). In
this age, "God does not show favoritism, but accepts people
from every nation who fear Him and do what is right" (Acts
All of Israel's institutions were
fulfilled in Christ -- including the land concept (Heb.
3-4). The Old Testament clearly states that God kept His
work and gave the land to Israel. The notion that God had to
give the land "again" is without Biblical foundation.
is nothing wrong with Jews living in a certain land, but to
claim a "divine right" to it and to employ this claim as a
basis for disrupting, hurting, and killing others is wrong.
God is not with people when they manipulate and intimidate
others. God uses the wicked actions of people in His
purposes, but He does not sanction them. "-- Jon Zens from an article (included below) "Today's Israel: Is God on her Side? |
- America's new Christian Zionists
Transcript of a BBC program on the "Shabbez Goyim" of the Jews, the so-called Christian Zionists
- Jerusalem to Japan: Join the War on Terror!
From The Jerusalem Post, Israeli minister "Aharonovitch called on the [Japanese] Christian leaders to show support for Israel"
- Today's Israel : Is God on her Side?
By Jon Zens (Searching Together, Winter 1991)
- Christian Zionists' Donations to Israel
By Aryeh Dean Cohen (Jerusalem Post 11/12/1997).
- A Letter to Rev. Falwell from Palestinian evangelical pastors serving in the Holy Land
- Israel: Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy?
By Dr. Rabbi Elmer Berger (1970)
- Deconstructing the walls of Jericho
By Ze'ev Herzog (Ha'aretz 10/29/1999)
- Chipping Away at the Past
By Abraham Rabinovich (Jerusalem Post 12/24/1999)
- "The Israel of God" and the New Testament
By Frank Stagg (Al-Bushra)
- Christian Zionism:
A link from Al-Bushra
- An Open Letter to Fundamentalist Ministers From a Member of a Christian Fundamentalist Church
By Kathleen Banks (Washington Report 07/1998)
- An Open Letter to "Christians for Israel"
By Kathleen Banks (Washington Report 09/1998)
- Do Jews Have a "Divine Right" to Palestine?
By Dr. Fayez al-Sayegh
- Zionists and the Bible
By Professor Alfred Guillaume
- Praise God and Pass the Ammunition: the Changing Nature of Israel's US Backers
By Phyllis Bennis with Khaled Mansour (Middle East Report Fall 1998)
- Israeli Extremists and Christian Fundamentalists: The Alliance
By Grace Halsell (Washington Report 12/1988)
- Is the Golan in the Holy Land?
By Shahar Ilan (Ha'aretz 12/19/1999)
- Israelis Don't Know Much About Jesus
By Orna Coussin (Ha'aretz 12/23/1999)
- U.S. Christians Paid for Summer Airlift of Ethiopian Jews
By Catherine Cohen (Ha'aretz 12/31/1999)
- Confronting the Bible's Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine
By Michael Prior (AMEU 12/2000). The Jewish bible - the Torah - commands atrocities and ethnic cleansing.
- Uncovering the Israeli-Republican-Evangelical Networks behind the “Obsession” DVD
By Omid Safi, Palestine Think Tank, Oct 19th, 2008
- Who Are Behind Pushing Islamophobia?
By Ali Gharib and Eli Clifton, PRA Right Web, October 18, 2008
- Christian Friends of Israel (a link)
- Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (a link)
- International Fellowship of Christian and Jews (A Link)
In Defense of WWII Pope Pius XII |
"With special gratitude we remember all he has done for the persecuted Jews during one of the darkest periods in their entire history."
-- Dr. Nahum Goldmann, president of the World Jewish Congress, wrote in his letter of condolence on Pope Pius' death.
- Pope Pius XII and the Jews
By Professor Arthur R. Butz
- The "Silence" of Pius XII
By Joseph Sobran (03/19/1998) If the U.S. mainline media is our resource for news then Pope Pius XII is an evil person who turned a blind eye to the Holocaust. However, facts show that not only this is untrue, but that Pius XII helped save hundreds of thousands of lives, Jews and others. Pointing a finger at Pius XII is one of many smoke screens Zionists spray in front of anyone who might find out about the Zionists' silence to the Holocaust.
- Pope Pius XII: Victim of the Christian Bashers
By William Hughes (Washington Report 05/1998)
- The Vatican Statement on the Holocaust, "We Remember: a Reflection on the Shoah"
By Alfred Lilienthal (Washington Report 05/1998)
- New York Times Promotes Religious Hatred
By Patrick Buchanan (04/04/1998)
- Pius XII and the Holocaust
By James Bogle and others (Catholic League). "Oskar Schindler, a Roman Catholic, is regarded as a 'righteous gentile' by many Jews for saving the lives of some 3,000 - 4,000 Jews in his factories. Why then is Pope Pius XII so unjustly criticized, despite saving 800,000 Jewish lives?"
- Pius XII's 1943 letter against Jewish statehood revealed
By Elli Wohlgelernter (Jerusalem Post 07/02/1999). In other words Pius was an anti-Zionist, which might explain why many of Israel's supporters have long tried to defame him using the he-didn't-do-enough-to-stop-the-Holocaust weapon.
- Vatican Official Miffed at Israel
By Sari Bashi (Associated Press 07/19/1999)
- A little modesty wouldn't hurt
By Gideon Samet (Ha'aretz 03/15/2000)
- Ask forgiveness? Who, us?
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 03/26/2000)
Charles Rayner Kelly, a retired educator, philosopher and novelist, currently resides in southern Arizona, USA. Among his works are Little Poor Man: The Story of St. Francis of Assisi, Keeper of The Sacred Pipe, Flight of the Goddess, and Black Robe.
17 May 2013
How many has God killed? Complete list and estimated total (Including Apocryphal killings)
I kill ... I wound ... I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and mine sword shall devour flesh. -- Deuteronomy 32:39-42The table shows two numbers: the number given by the Bible, if any, and an estimate, when no biblical number is available.
Total number killed by God in the Bible
- Using biblical numbers only: 2,821,364
- With estimates: 25 million
(The table has been updated to include God's killings in the Apocrypha/Deuterocanonical books. I'll be adding the missing Apocryphal stories in the next few days.)
ReplyDeletePart 1/3 - Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals BOMBSHELL origins of covid, mRNA vaccines and treatments
Part 2/3 - Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals BOMBSHELL origins of covid, mRNA vaccines and treatments