Saturday, 5 October 2013


The Jewish State”—What It Really Means and Why the Rest of the World Should be Terrified at the mere mention of it

                          I WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD A STORY (NAHIDA)

John 8:44 (New International Version)

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John 8:44

New International Version (NIV)
44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

2012 Mark Glenn

…On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abraham, saying “To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates”… Genesis, 15:18

God spoke unto us saying, ‘Go to the hill-country and all the places nigh thereunto… in the Arabah, the hill-country and in the Lowland… in the South and by the sea-shore, the land of the Canaanites, and Lebanon, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates…Go in therefore and possess the land which the Lord swore unto your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, unto them and to their seed after them… Deuteronomy 1:6–8

Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be yours, from the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river Euphrates, even unto the hinder sea shall be your border…Deuteronomy 11:24

…From the wilderness, and this Lebanon, even unto the great river, the Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your border…Joshua 1:4


It’s amazing, just how easily it rolls off the tongue, in heated or even casual conversation…

‘Well, GOD gave them that land, and if we do anything to get in God’s face, He’s gonna get in OURS, and when He does, it ain’t gonna be pretty…’

…As if things weren’t ugly enough already…

This little religious ditty is the ‘science’ that Jewish interests (and their intellectually-comatose Christian-Zionist lackeys) have used now for close to a century in rationalizing the irrational and in defending the indefensible.

Mass murder, despoilment, displacement, the dehumanization of millions of innocent people in the Middle East and the total meltdown of all order–political, economic, military, social, et al–everywhere else, but as far as Israel and her supporters are concerned, these are just irrelevant details distracting us from the ‘real truth’ of the matter, which is—

…what ‘God’ wants…

Anyone doubting this is the case need do no more than check in at the front desk of the Jewish mainstream media on any given day where, like some gypsy fortune teller looking into a magic Kristol ball, there is always some vizier claiming to have hacked into God’s hard drive reminding the world in some fashion ‘how bad the weather’s gonna get’ if the Jews don’t get ‘that land’.

In their narration, there he sits, ‘Yahweh’, the Jewish God…fair-skinned, blue-eyed, white-haired…tic, tic, ticking away like a time bomb, just waiting for the right moment, and then–


–goes ‘biblical’, and in the process dishes out a healthy dose of holy hell against an insubordinate non-Jewish world for having ignored His plans concerning a certain Middle East real estate venture.

Now, do the long-bearded, curly-locked, black-hat-wearing, barely-literate ‘scientists’ presenting such a thesis use any form of measurable, visible, empirical data in ‘proving’ such a theory? Do they dust for fingerprints, take a sampling of carpet fibers, put bloodhounds on the trail or in any way collect even the minutest shred of ‘evidence’ for such a thesis that the rational mind can grasp?

Perish such insolent and heretical thoughts. In this case rather, the dope-dealers trafficking in this pure, uncut Kristol Meth mythology known as Judaism simply open up their Old Testament scrolls (which they themselves wrote) and recite a laundry list of bad things that (they say) happened to all sorts of people (s) who ‘got in the way’ of them getting their grubby paws on ‘that land’, including the 31 villages of yesteryear that (again, they say) were ‘wiped off the map’ by the ‘world’s most moral army’ under the IDF generalship of biblical luminaries such as Abraham, Moses, Joshua et al.

Yes, in 2012, a time and place where (we thought) we’d put away the ‘prevailing wisdom’ of the Dark Ages…A place where rational thought and an at least semi-sane science have brought the blessings of modern medicine, rapid transit, deep sea and space exploration, the study of subatomic particles and about a million other things making today’s existence virtually indistinguishable from that of a mere century ago…

And yet THIS—self-worshipping, narcissistic, black magic Judaic mythology—is what’s used in explaining, supporting and justifying the religiously-inspired madness that’s led not only to the creation, support and suckling of the Jewish state, but as well to all the apocalyptic wars serving as the life support system for this sickly, stillborn, given-to-fits-of-madness l’enfant horrible known as ‘Israel’.

However, as bad as all this is already, the REAL problem (aside from the fact that a gang of well-funded, well-organized religious fundamentalist headcases has managed to reorganize world affairs to the detriment of everyone besides them) is that the present hurricane of biblically-inspired violence is only in its early stages, much to the unbeknownst of most players involved, minus of course the organized Jewish interests directing it all…

That’s right folks, as heated as things certainly are, nevertheless no one should be loosening their collars for a little relief just yet, because the fact of the matter is–things are just getting warmed up…

Yes, hard to imagine, since after all what we’re talking about here is 20 years of non-stop war between the Christian and Islamic worlds, beginning first with George H.W. Bush’s invasion/destruction of Iraq and then continuing through 3 subsequent presidential administrations…Trillions of dollars spent and several tens of millions of lives destroyed either by death, disease or ruination.

In such a scenario therefore it’s hard to imagine it getting much worse, until one begins to understand the goals and aims of those who engineered this ‘splendid little war’ and just how far they plan on taking it, a script that when boiled down to its irreducible minimum makes clear to all the fact that we ain’t seen nothing yet…

As the old saying goes concerning a fool and his money being ‘soon parted,’ truer words have never been spoken when it comes to the West and its all-too-willing role as both surrogate mother and midwife in birthing upon civilized society Rosemary’s Baby, heretofore known simply as the Jewish state. The misery index suffered by today’s great, great grandchildren of yesterday’s Romans in willfully forfeiting their national treasure—the gold, silver, and red—in fighting the various wars for the soon-to-be-declared Jewish Empire truly is a Greek tragedy of the non-Greek variety. In allowing should-be mental patients such as Perle, Wolfowitz, Feith, Abrams, Lieberman and Netanyahu (madmen whose minds have been pickled to the gills on the religious science fiction liquor known as Old Testamentism) to put her on a course of permanent war with the Islamic world, the West—by having laid down with the Zionist mad dog–has now woken up with the all-too-predictable maladies associated with having been bitten by its disease-carrying fleas.

And if America and her Western drag-alongs such as England, France et al think things are tough now in terms of economy, demographics and the domestic pressures these wars for Pax Judaica are bringing them, let them understand then that these are but the first birth pangs of what is sure to be a long and painful labor and delivery. After all, what we are talking about here is expanding Israel’s borders several hundred miles to the east and several hundred miles to the south and in the process killing and/or displacing as many as 300 million non-Jews in order to bring about this thing that has never before existed—

Eretz Israel…

Oh, did they forget to mention that in all the propagandizing they’ve done when discussing ‘poor little Israel’ and the Christian West’s responsibility in protecting the ‘apple of God’s eye’? Did they forget (fail) to mention that Israel’s real agenda here is not some eensy, weensy, teensy slice of land the size of Rhode Island but rather a behemoth 4 times the size of Texas?

Lest we forget–

…On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abraham, saying “To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates”… Genesis, 15:18

Can’t argue much with that, now can we? After, all, it comes right out of the very first of the Jewish ‘holy’ books and more or less sets the stage for the rest of the narrative. ‘God’ has spoken and has laid down the law.

And lest some (made understandably nervous by such ‘frank’ discussions about what ‘biblical’ Israel REALLY encompasses) attempt to deflect and derail such a discussion by saying the aforementioned passage from Genesis is but one small utterance taken out of context, consider then that it is repeated over,

and over,

and over,

and over,


–throughout the ENTIRETY of the Jewish Old Testament.

Yes, that’s right folks, from the Nile to the Euphrates, just as ‘God’ promised/ordered…Roughly 1,000,000 square miles of land encompassing ALL of historic Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, parts of northern Saudi Arabia, eastern Egypt, eastern Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Djbouti, part of Somalia and half of Uganda all the way to Lake Victoria.

WOW…Talk about your ‘hidden clauses’ and ‘fine print’. What originally sounded like a deal ‘too good to pass up’ has instead turned out to be ‘an offer you can’t refuse’. Not just a pound of flesh in Shylockian shyster legalese, but indeed human suffering that is—even after utilizing all the mechanisms of modern math and science at our disposal—incalculable in its magnitude.

So, the long and short of it is that despite the very well-orchestrated propaganda campaign portraying the entire Zionist venture as some harmless ‘retirement investment’ where a handful of honest, unpretentious individuals want to buy up a few meager shares of this corporate stock known as the Middle East (and all its resources) with the butter & egg money they have stashed away over time, the truth of the matter is that this has been—FROM THE BEGINNING–a hostile takeover of the entire enterprise, where the 300 million other shareholders who have owned the class A stock in this piece of real estate for thousands of years have had their investment stolen from them at the point of a gun.

Do we understand a little better now why there is this thing known as ‘Arab terrorism?’ Do we now have a better grasp of ‘Islamic extremism?’ Simple cause and effect and a case of ‘What shall ye sow, also shall ye reap’.

And now, with the advent of the ‘war on terrorism’, what we are seeing is the final putsch for total control of the company. What’s more is that the organized Jewish interests responsible for bringing it all about are willing to see it done down to the last American, Brit, Frenchman, Italian, etc, etc, etc, for that famously Judaic principle summed up thus—

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth…

Why?  Because as these organized Jewish interests see it, the aforementioned Americans, Brits, Frenchmen, Italians, etc, etc, etc are the great, great grandchildren of the same Romans of yesteryear who violated that idea of Eretz Israel when the military legions under the generalship of Titus destroyed it all in 70 AD, and in exactly the fashion as Jesus Christ described, not ‘one stone being left upon another’.

So, since—as the Jews believe—that ‘the sins of the father’ fall upon the heads of the sons, likewise therefore, it is the job of the Europeans today to fund and rebuild this thing that their forefathers destroyed almost 2,000 years ago.

Absent all that however is the fact that she—Israel—can’t do it alone. Again, we are talking about 300 million + Arabs and their 1 billion + cousins scattered throughout the world in places such as North Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, Turkey, and–last but certainly not least—


Yes….Iran. Why, the Euphrates river comes almost right smack dab up to her western borders…Whaddya know?

Fairly easy to see then why Iran might turn out to be a fly in the ointment in all of this.

Iran, despite being neither Arab nor Sunni, nevertheless achieved what no other country in the region has—a real revolution and real independence. No foreign (western) assistance in the form of money or weaponry. Beholden to no one. Sovereign. Stabile. Strong.

And with such a country (Iran) like this in the region at a time when Israel must keep those living within the aforementioned 1,000,000 square miles of the soon-to-be-declared ‘Jewish state’ disoriented and confused so as to make possible the business of scrubbing the land clean of non-Jewish squatters, such a situation is clearly unacceptable, and for easy-to-understand reasons.

Why, Iran–Beholden to no one Iran…Sovereign Iran….Stabile Iran…Strong Iran–might wind up becoming a role model for those 300 million Arabs…She might start tutoring them on what they need to do in achieving what she did in 1979. Next thing you know, the Arabs, rather than being disoriented and ‘scurrying around like drugged cockroaches’ (as former Mossed capo Rafael Eitan once quipped) are getting their Ps and Qs together. They are organized. They are reading off the same page and functioning like a well-tuned political machine. As a result, they begin electing leaders who put Arab interests 1st, 2nd and 3rd…They then begin kicking Western influences out, at which point they begin courting other powers such as Russia or China, and next thing ya know—


The thousands-of-years-old dream of Eretz Israel vanishes before it even materializes as it did in 70 AD, revealing the entire codified-in-the-Torah Jewish narrative and its dreams of territorial conquest of the entire Middle East and acquisition of its natural resources as nothing more than the mere rantings of madmen hearing voices in their heads.

And it is due entirely to all this that organized Jewish interests make sure NEVER to discuss ‘Eretz Israel’ as it is described in the bible. This is why—through their control over the leadership of Western Christian churches–that the ‘fine print’ and ‘hidden clauses’ concerning the REAL Jewish state are NEVER discussed and instead, the narrative centers around ‘poor, defenseless LITTLE Israel’…Cute little Israel…Apple of God’s eye Israel…

The day that these same Christian societies come to understand that they have signed onto a 1,000-year war in destabilizing dozens of countries containing over a billion righteously-angry people, and at the same time start doing the math on what it has cost ALREADY, these same Christian societies will then tear up such a contract and lynch those responsible for consigning them and their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness towards the furtherance of these ‘hidden clauses’.

Clearly, as current events are proving to be the case on a daily basis, no other people in any time period of recorded history have been able to do so much damage so efficiently and with nothing more than a little ink, some papyrus and a dash of black magic they call ‘hasbara’. Waving this self-composed narrative in the face of the world like some eons-old lottery ticket acquired from that great Seven-Eleven in the sky, complete with winning numbers on it that never expire, it—the religious literature of the Jews—is now proving to be the most dangerous WMD ever employed against mortal, civilized man. With this document (and the magic incantations contained therein) each individual member of the cast becomes a shareholder in its destructive powers, similar to radioactive particles whose ingathering results in critical mass and the inevitable thermonuclear reaction.

While indeed it is in its early stages–this thermonuclear reaction known as the ingathering of Jewish power–let those with the ability to do so (principally the West where the preponderance of political, economic and military power resides) pull the plug on this Fukashima type disaster before it reaches the point of no return.

The alternative to such is that if (when) such a point of no return is reached, it would eerily resemble the fulfillment of dire warnings left by the One man remembered these last 2,000 years for His opposition to the radioactive nature of Jewish power, and who described this apocalyptic condition simply as one where ‘no flesh would survive’.

Mark Glenn

*Ed note—the map of ‘Greater Israel’ was taken from Wikipedia that included the following caveat in its description—

“This image is a work of a Central Intelligence Agency employee, taken or made as part of that person’s official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain.”

  1. #1 by Sam on February 26, 2012 - 9:32 pm
    The Lord must have been in a generous mood since He also gave a some of Abraham’s descendants a carte blanche to steal and plunder other people lands, create mayhem and commit ugliest crimes with impunity! Oh, I almost forgot, the Old Testament is the word of man, not God. So, after all it seems that God did not even give anyone any dispensation to do all those sordid things neither did He, as I recall, had any real estate department for allocation of land to anyone!
  2. #2 by joe on February 26, 2012 - 10:19 pm
    personally I think the old testament is written by Jews hence) most of it is BS I I think a lot of the writings of the old times have been destroyed and or altered by the jews but if they are going to use the book maybe Deuteronomy 28:15 thru 69 should let them Know where they stand because they did not do what god asked and because they are stiff neck people and they betrayed god’s covenant
  3. #3 by Kw on February 26, 2012 - 10:19 pm
    Great article Mark! And like you say, we ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Very, very scary! But, maybe it will backfire. At least we have to believe it will!
  4. #4 by Tim on February 26, 2012 - 10:25 pm
    They always talk openly of their evil plans….
    “The Jews might have had Uganda, Madagascar, and other places for the
    establishment of a Jewish Fatherland, but they wanted absolutely nothing
    except Palestine: not because of the Dead Sea water by evaporation can
    produce five trillion dollars of metalloids and powered metals; not because
    the sub-soil of Palestine contains twenty times more petroleum than all the
    combined reserves of the two Americas; but because Palestine is the
    crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, because Palestine constitutes the
    veritable center of world political power, the strategic center for world
    - Naum Goldman, President, World Jewish Congress

  5. #5 by B.A.Frémaux-Soormally on February 26, 2012 - 11:10 pm
    I am not used to just make a brief compliment/commentary pretending I have understood everything that has been written. So, I will try and see this matter a little more closely, if I can. Unfortunately, when I reached the end, I found out that I had no real commentary to make as the work is SO PERFECT!

    No wonder Mark Glen had sleep problem after writing this colossal piece! Just reading it has already drained the little energy I had left and it will surely make me have nightmares tonight!

    I’ll post my notes anyway even if they seem redundant and would be boring to read for many!

    “The Jewish State”— I love the inverted commas as I NEVER write the word “State” when it concerns STOLEN PALESTINIAN LAND and the super terrorist entity called Eretz Israel!
    The whole world indeed “Should be Terrified at the mere mention of it”.

    On 9/11 (11/9/2001) even the Laws of Physics had to be changed by Western Zionist and other terrorised scientists to please the Jewish oligarchs and monopolists.

    The best Title deed I have seen in my entire life, a real Jewish “CONTRAT” (French for Title deed or ACTE AUTHENTIQUE) and signed by YAAWEH himself in Deuteronomy 1:

    “Go in therefore and possess the land which the Lord swore unto your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, unto them and to their seed after them…”

    This theft of the land of Palestine and that of the Arabs was already planned and ordered by YAAWEH, the New Real Estate Jewish God, a gold-loving Alien from space!

    The evidence that those “Scriptures” are forgeries (“their Old Testament scrolls (which they themselves wrote)”) of older “Revelations”, namely called Torah and Zaboor (Psalms) is right here in the text where the name of the FIRST-BORN OF ABRAHAM, ISHMAEL, son of the REAL ABRAHAM, not the pimp, the coward, the liar and the incestuous one, has been deleted, but by doing so the forgers FORGOT to delete the part where it says THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF ABRAHAM, because the only begotten son of Abraham was Ishmael and not Isaac!

    “Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be yours, from the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river Euphrates, even unto the hinder sea shall be your border…” Deuteronomy 11:24

    ROME and today AMERICA liked this particular verse and used it to set out to conquer the whole world. This is why we saw the European hordes plant their flags wherever they went and proclaim that THIS LAND NOW BELONGS TO, FOR EXAMPLE, QUEEN ISABELLA when America first found Christopher Columbus the genocidal ‘Jew’ who was lost at sea!

    YES, “rationalizing the irrational and in defending the indefensible”, this clownery has been going on for more than a century accompanied by “Mass murder, despoilment, displacement, the dehumanization of millions of innocent people in the Middle East and the total meltdown of all order–political, economic, military, social, et al–…”

    YES, the whole world has been terrorised and warned Six Million times “‘how bad the weather’s gonna get’ if the Jews don’t get ‘that land’.”

    YES, “‘Yahweh’, the Jewish God…fair-skinned, blue-eyed, white-haired…tic, tic, ticking away like a time bomb, just waiting for the right moment, and then–

    YES, inspector Colombo has no need to “dust for fingerprints, take a sampling of carpet fibers, put bloodhounds on the trail or in any way collect even the minutest shred of ‘evidence’” as Yaaweh has already told him who the untermenschen are – the GOYIM, and mainly the Arabah dwellers (“sand niggers”)!

    YES, “THIS—self-worshipping, narcissistic, black magic Judaic mythology—is what’s used in explaining, supporting and justifying the religiously-inspired madness that’s led not only to the creation, support and suckling of the Jewish state, but as well to all the apocalyptic wars serving as the life support system for this sickly, stillborn, given-to-fits-of-madness l’enfant horrible known as ‘Israel’.”

    YES, the violence we see on a daily basis is “Biblically-inspired”!

    YES, “20 years of non-stop war between the Christian and Islamic worlds”, but I would add to it some 10 hundred years more, at least, as I am of the excessively generous type, culminating in America becoming the SCOURGE OF THE JEWISH GOD, the giver of death par excellence of modern times.

    YES, “we ain’t seen nothing yet…”, unfortunately!

    YES, “a Greek tragedy of the non-Greek variety. In allowing should-be mental patients such as Perle, Wolfowitz, Feith, Abrams, Lieberman and Netanyahu (madmen whose minds have been pickled to the gills on the religious science fiction liquor known as Old Testamentism) to put her on a course of permanent war with the Islamic world, the West—by having laid down with the Zionist mad dog–has now woken up with the all-too-predictable maladies associated with having been bitten by its disease-carrying fleas.”

    (MARK GLENN is not giving me a single chance to say NO to what he has written and it is frustrating as I love saying NO! Please, Mark, give me just one little chance!)

    Well, I believe I finally got a tiny winy little one, here, or maybe not?

    NO (at last!), I do not think England is one of America’s Western “drag-alongs”, but the other way round. It seems to me that England was the one who not only created America on stolen land, but literally dragged her twice already in both WWI and WWII at least. As for France, she remains the whore she has so often been!

    YES, the Real Final Solution is the “killing and/or displacing as many as 300 million non-Jews in order to bring about this thing that has never before existed—
    Eretz Israel…”, “a behemoth 4 times the size of Texas”!

    YES, “from the Nile to the Euphrates, just as ‘God’ promised/ordered…Roughly 1,000,000 square miles of land encompassing ALL of historic Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, parts of northern Saudi Arabia, eastern Egypt, eastern Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Djbouti, part of Somalia and half of Uganda all the way to Lake Victoria.”
    “WOW…Talk about your ‘hidden clauses’ and ‘fine print’” in the Rothschild-Balfour “Declaration”!
    That’s a very heavy “pound of flesh”! The map of “Greater Israel”has been in circulation for quite some time. But, they must also expect VERY BIG SURPRISES!

    YES, “‘What shall ye sow, also shall ye reap’”, and all my hope is on that one!
    “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth…”
    My French wife used to say an eye for an eye and A TOOTH FOR THE ENTIRE MUZZLE (MOUTH) – “une dent pour toute la gueule”!

    YES, “Iran, despite being neither Arab nor Sunni, nevertheless achieved what no other country in the region has—a real revolution and real independence. No foreign (western) assistance in the form of money or weaponry. Beholden to no one. Sovereign. Stabile. Strong.”

    YES, but I also hope that those retarded Muslims will join them gradually and see to it that the “thousands-of-years-old dream of Eretz Israel vanishes before it even materializes as it did in 70 AD…”, the “‘poor, defenseless LITTLE Israel’…Cute little Israel…Apple of God’s eye Israel…”!

    YES, “over a billion righteously-angry people” should be able to do the job! It seems logical to me despite all the “hidden clauses” and “small prints” and despite “the most dangerous WMD ever employed against mortal, civilized man”, Jewish propaganda of the Qabbalah!

    Now, I can say BRAVO MARK!  But, take a well deserved rest! My prayers are with you and your loved ones.
    26th of February 2012

  6. #6 by Adalberto Erazo on February 26, 2012 - 11:36 pm
    @ Kw
    The jews plans will backfire. In other news I heard the British plan on sending troops to Somalia for supposedly “humanitarian” reasons but we all know it’s part of the jews plan for Greater IsraHell on the Horn of Africa.
    Excellent article.

  7. #7 by Jim on February 27, 2012 - 12:12 am
    Great piece, MG! And the punch line is that 98% of the world’s (and Israel’s) Jews are Askenazi, who originated in Europe, from the Khazar Tribe, and therefore don’t have one drop of DNA from the Mideast. The Sephardi Jews of the Mideast have always been a minority, yet have co-existed with their Arab neighbors in harmony for milennia. The Sephardi never wanted the Ashkenazi moving in and creating the Jewish State of Israel, because they knew that Zionism was racism and it would lead to nothing but trouble, and they were right. The “blue-eyed Jew” like Paul Newman in Exodus, is an anomaly and a myth, created by a Zionist (Leon Uris) and Hollywood.
    Today, the Sephardi are second class citizens, much like blacks in the south were. The Palestinians, along with the world’s Arabs? They’re not even considered human, but cockroaches.
    I just love it that the ending of Ashkenazi is NAZI! Ha!

  8. #8 by dash dash dash on February 27, 2012 - 3:50 am
    Don’t you realise that the old testament and the Qu’ran are in many texts almost identical, and Abraham is also considered to be a major figure by the Muslim people.
    The Qu’ran that was given by God to Gabriel who handed it to Muhammed, was given to the Jewish people centuries before that.
    I guess the Muslims got the hand-me-down holy books.
    –note from me, MG–Au contraire…The depictions of the various patriarchs in the Jewish Old Testament are 180 degrees in the OPPOSITE direction in the Koran. In the Koran, Abraham did not prostitute his wife, nor did the Israelites slay innocent people as they came into the holy land.
    So in this regard, we can accurately say that Islam DID NOT inherit the books of the Jews, at least as they are counted as such in what we call the Bible.

  9. #9 by Ingrid B on February 27, 2012 - 3:54 am
    Brilliant summation Mark. People in the west are complacent, because they mistakenly believe, that what is taking place in North Africa, and the Middle East, does not concern them, and maybe it doesn`t, in the short term..
    My knowledge is limited, so I fail to see the bigger picture, though I`m “catching on”, thanks to people such as yourself Mark, many of them posting here on TUT, and seeing the bigger picture, would explain why you are having trouble sleeping. You have a good heart Mark, and a sharp mind, and much of the world owes you, both thanks and apologies.. As I said to Basheer earlier, I`m glad you`re on our side.. Ingie.. (a friend used to call me that, you came close.)
    note from me, MG–thank you Ing, and believe me the feeling is mutual. Between dealing with the evil of the world and then the NUTCASES who call themselves part of ‘the movement’, were it not for a good friends on this website such as yourself I would find very little reason to keep doing what is (by all appearances) a pointless waste of energy.

  10. #10 by B.A.Frémaux-Soormally on February 27, 2012 - 7:55 am
    #8 by dash dash dash on February 27, 2012 – 3:50 am

    “I guess the Muslims got the hand-me-down holy books.”

    You should have stayed at “dash dash dash” and leave reading to others!


    Texe Marrs

    Four Gentile Women Spawn Entire Jewish Population

    DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline
    Jewish editors at The New York Times must be absolutely frantic over my bestselling book, DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline. A recent article in that newspaper would indicate their concern. It’s title: “Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Jew Family Tree.” The article discusses the “newest” DNA finding, by a team of researchers from England who took a “fresh look” at old, 2006 data and found that almost all the Jews in the world come from just four women—and these four women who lived about 2000 years ago were not Jews, but Europeans!
    According to the researchers, these non-Jewish women—Gentiles—must have married Jewish men and from those relationships came every Jew alive today. Of course, the four Gentile women also could have converted with their Gentile husbands and became Jews, but the researchers did not consider this possibility.
    Under Jewish religious law, a person is a Jew only if the mother is Jewish. Therefore, none of the Jewish descendents today in all the world are, by law, officially Jews. All are Gentiles.
    The researchers’ data was not original but was interpreted from an earlier study by Israeli geneticist Doron M. Behar. However, Behar, now in Houston, Texas, immediately refuted the English study, saying it is flawed.
    The definitive and most accepted DNA scientific studies continue to be that of Doctor Ariella Oppenheim of Israel’s Yeshiva University and especially that in 2012 of Dr. Eran Elhaik, of Johns Hopkins Medical University. Both report that the Ashkenazi Jews originated from the Turkic/Mongol peoples of Khazaria, who converted to Judaism in the eighth century. Both of these studies are the basis of the new book by Texe Marrs, DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline.
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    DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline
    DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline
    Today, DNA science reveals that almost all the Jews in the world come from Khazaria. They are not of the blood lineage of Abraham and the prophets, but of King Bulan and the pagan peoples of the Caucasus. The ancestors of today’s Jews are not Israelites but are Khazarians.
    Khazaria’s people, in the 8th century, converted from paganism to Judaism. In the 10th century, these Khazarian “Jewish” converts emigrated to Eastern Europe, and especially Poland and Lithuania.
    In 1948, the Khazars, erroneously believing themselves to be “Jews,” arrived in the territory of Palestine and set up the state of Israel. DNA science joins recent discoveries in history and archaeology to present the world with a correct and remarkable picture of the Jewish people. Now, everything changes!

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