Thousands of protesters gathered in London,
England to demonstrate
against the economic
downturn and to call for accountability and responsibility outside the front doors of the Bank of England.
downturn and to call for accountability and responsibility outside the front doors of the Bank of England.
Archive for category Revolt of the Plebs Broadcast Archives
Revolt of the Plebs Broadcast Nov 6, 2012
Posted by crescentandcross in Revolt of the Plebs Broadcast Archives, Uncategorized on November 6, 2012
Revolt of the Plebs Broadcast Oct 30, 2012
Posted by crescentandcross in Revolt of the Plebs Broadcast Archives, Uncategorized on October 31, 2012
Usury as an instrument of financial warfare utilized by organized Jewish interests against Gentile populations.
Keith is joined from South Africa by Stephen Goodson to discuss this and other matters.
Mr. Goodson can be reached at abolishusury@telkomsa.net for comments or questions.
Kingdom of Mercia,
AD 773-96
F A.D. 757 to his death in 791, the great King Offa ruled the kingdom of Mercia, 1 one of the seven autonomous kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxon heptarchy.
Offa was a wise and able administrator and a kindhearted leader, though he could be hard on his enemies.
He established the firstmonetary systemin England (as distinguished fromRomano-Keltic Britain). On account
of the scarcity of gold, he used silver for coinage and as a store of wealth. The standard unit of exchange was a pound of silver, divided into 240 pennies. The pennies were stamped with a star (Old English stearra), from
which the word “sterling” is derived. In 787 Offa introduced a statute prohibiting usury: charging of interest
on money lent.
The laws against usury were further entrenched by King Alfred (r. 865-99), who directed that the property
of usurers be forfeited, while in 1050 Edward the Confessor (1042-66) decreed not only forfeiture, but that a usurer be declared an outlaw and be banished for life.
The Jews first arrived in England in 1066 in the wake of William I’s defeat of King Harold II at Hastings
on October 14. These Jews came from Rouen, 75 miles from Falaise, where William was born illegitimately as William the Bastard. Although the historical record does not indicate whether they promoted the idea of a
military invasion of England, these Jews had at the very least financed it. For this support they were richly rewarded by being allowed to practice usury under royal protection.2
The consequences for the English people were disastrous. By charging rates of interest of 33% per annum
on lands mortgaged by nobles and 300% per annum on tools of trade or chattels pledged by workmen, within two generations one-quarter of all English lands was in the hands of Jewish usurers.
Furthermore these Jewish immigrants undermined the ethos of the guilds and enraged the English merchants
by selling a large variety of goods under one roof.
They also played a large role in the clipping of silver coins and themelting of theminto bullion and the plating
of tin with silver.
The famous economist Dr. William Cunningham compared “the activity of the Jews in England fromthe
11th century onward to a sponge, which sucks up all the wealth of the land and thereby hinders all economic
development. Interesting too, is the proof that even at this early period the government did everything in its
power tomake the Jews take up decent trades and honest work and thereby at the same time amalgamate
with the rest of the population, but all to no purpose.”3
In 1233 and 1275 Statutes of Jewry were passed which abolished all forms of usury. As most of these
Jews could now no longer earn a “living,” a statute was passed by King Edward I (1272-1307) on July 18, 1290 compelling the entire Jewish population of 16,000 to leave England forever.4 Unlike the modern practice of ethnic cleansing, the Jews after paying a tax of 1/15 of the value of theirmovables and 1/10 of their specie were permitted to leave with all their goods and chattels. Any Jewwho remained after Nov. 1, 1290 (All Saints Day)was liable to execution.
With the banishment of the moneylenders and the abolition of usury, 5 there were hardly any taxes to pay
and no state debt, as the interest-free tally stick was used for government expenditures. England now enjoyed a period of unparalleled growth and prosperity.
The average laborer worked only 14 weeks a year and enjoyed 160 to 180 holidays. According to Lord Leverhulme, 6 a writer of that time: “The men of the 15th century were very well paid,” in fact so well paid that the purchasing power of their wages and their standard of living would only be exceeded in the late 19th century.
Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the Anglo-German philosopher, confirms these living conditions in The
Foundations of the XIXth Century:
In the 13th century, when the Teutonic races began to build their new world, the agriculturist over nearly the
whole of Europe was a freer man, with a more assured existence, than he is today; copyholdwas the rule, so that England, for example—today a seat of landlordism—was even in the 15th century almost entirely in the hands of thousands of farmers, who were not only legal owners of their land, but possessed in addition far-reaching free rights to common pastures and woodlands.7
Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603)
Throughout most of the Middle Ages, Portuguese Jews enjoyed unparalleled freedom, wealth and
power. They occupied key positions in government, academia, commerce and the professions of medicine,
science and law. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England (above), some 20-30 Portuguese
Marranos (Jews who pretended to be Christians) settled in London. One of themost notable was Rodrigo
Lopes, the queen’s physician. Lopes dabbled in international intrigue and was hanged, drawn and quartered
in 1594 for allegedly plotting to poison the queen. His widow was allowed by the queen’s
bounty to retain his estate. The frères Peyrere (Pereira) of Bordeaux and later Paris, contemporaries
and associates of the Rothschilds, were Marrano descendants.
The Rockefellers, it is said, also wereMarranos.
The original Rockefeller made his money selling narcotics (which were legal then). After acquiring
a little capital, he branched out into oil. But it was the Rothschild money that made the Rockefellers
so powerful.
During the 17th century this golden era came to a tragic end. Large numbers of Jews, who had been expelled
from Spain in 1492 by Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon8 had settled in Holland. Although
the Dutch were at that time an important maritime power, the Jewish usurers based in Amsterdam
desired to return to England, where their prospects for expanding the operations of their money lending empire were far more promising.
During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) small numbers of Marranos—Spanish Jews, who had converted to a sham form of Christianity—settled in London.Many of thempracticed as goldsmiths, accepting deposits of gold for safekeeping, and then issuing ten times the amount of gold received as gold receipts, that is loans with interest. These receipts, a forerunner of the fraudulent fractional reserve system of banking, were initially lent to the crown or treasury at 8% per annum, but according to Samuel Pepys9, the diarist and Secretary to the Admiralty, the interest rate increased by as much as 20% and even 30% per annum. 10 The rate of interest merchants paid often exceeded 33% per annum, even though the legal rate was only 6% per annum.11 Workmen and poor people bore the brunt of these extortionate rates of interest by having to pay 60%, 70% or even 80% per annum.12 According to Michael Godfrey, the author of a pamphlet entitled A Short Account of the Bank of England, 2 to 3 million pounds had been lost through the bankruptcies of goldsmiths and the disappearance of their clerks.13
Above: Rosicrucian Mason Oliver Cromwell. In 1642, when King Charles I of England, the son of
King James, and brother to Elizabeth Stuart, wife of Frederick of the Palatinate of the Rhine, tried to
arrest five members of Parliament for obstructive behavior, the English Masonic Civil War erupted,
and Oliver Cromwell assumed command of the Parliamentary forces. The civil war in England ultimately
toppled the Stuart dynasty with the beheading of King Charles I. There were among the Cromwellian
Puritans some influential Rosicrucians who funded his revolution. Among the Rosicrucians
there were powerful KabalisticMarrano Jews, who convinced Cromwell that without the spread of
Jews worldwide, the biblical millennium could not arrive. Cromwell did their bidding by allowing
them to immigrate to England. Well-placed Rosicrucians gave Cromwell advance knowledge of
British troop movements. Consequently he won every battle. Later, during his protectorate, Cromwell
surrounded himself with RosicrucianMasons.
Cromwell promised Jewish representatives that through Freemasonry he would symbolically rebuild
for themSolomon’s Temple. The Jewish document that Cromwell used to turn Freemasonry
into the synagogue of Satan was the Kabala. This caused many Jews to consider the possibility that
Cromwell might be their Messiah.
In 1534, by the Act of Supremacy, the Church of England was established as the official religion of England
by King Henry VIII (1509-47). During the 16th and 17th centuries Puritan beliefs based on the teachings
of JohnWycliffe and John Calvin14 gained an increasing number of adherents. The Puritans considered the
Bible to be the true law of God and emphasized Bible reading, prayer and preaching and the simplification of
the ritual of the sacraments.
The Stuart King Charles I (1625-49), who wished to maintain the pre-eminence of the Anglican Church,
came into intensified conflict with the Puritans, who were making great progress in proselytizing the entire
population. After the assassination of Charles’s trusted friend and adviser, the duke of Buckingham, in 1628, he gradually became more isolated.
This growing religious division provided a perfect opportunity for exploitation by the Jewish conspirators.
As Israel Disraeli, the father of Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, wrote in The Life and Reign of
Charles I, ”the nation was artfully divided into Sabbatarians and Sabbath Breakers.”15
In 1640 one of the leaders of the clandestine Jewish community Fernandez Carvajal, a merchant and spy,
who was also known as “the Great Jew,” organized an armed militia of about 10,000 operatives, who were
used to intimidate the people of London and sow confusion.
Large numbers of pamphlets and leaflets were also distributed.16
Civil war soon followed between the Royalists (Anglicans) and Roundheads (Puritans) and lasted from
1642-48. The Roundheads with their “NewModel Army” were victorious and an estimated 190,000 persons or 3.8% of the population died. The leader of the Roundheads was Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658), whose New Model Army was not only outfitted and provisioned by the chief contractor and professional agitator, Fernandez Carvajal, but also bankrolled by the Jewishmoneylenders in Amsterdam. The leader of the Dutch Jews, Manasseh Ben Israel, 17 now sent begging petitions to Cromwell asking that the Jews be allowed to immigrate to England in return for the financial favors, which he had so generously arranged.18
The treachery to which Cromwell descended is revealed in correspondence between himself and the Synagogue of Mulheim, Germany:
June 16, 1647
From O.C. (Oliver Cromwell) by Ebenezer Pratt In return for financial support will advocate admission
of Jews to England: This however impossiblewhile Charles living. Charles cannot be executed
without trial, adequate grounds for which do not at present exist. Therefore advise that Charles be assassinated, butwill have nothing to dowith arrangements for procuring an assassin, though willing to
help in his escape.
A reply was dispatched the following:
July 12, 1647
To O.C. by Ebenezer Pratt:
Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles removed and Jews admitted. Assassination too dangerous.
Charles shall be given an opportunity to escape: His recapture willmake trial and execution possible. The support will be liberal, but useless to discuss terms until trial commences.”19
King Charles was staying as a virtual prisoner in Holmby House, Northamptonshire. On June 4, 1647,
500 revolutionaries seized the king, but then allowed himto escape to the Isle ofWight, where he was subsequently arrested. On Dec. 5, 1648 the House of Commons decided “That the king’s concessions were
satisfactory to a settlement.”20 Cromwell then purged the House of Commons with the assistance of Colonel
Pryde until there was only a “rump” of 50members left, who then duly voted that the king be put on trial.
Not a single English lawyer was prepared to draw up a charge sheet against the king. Eventually it was
provided by a Dutch Jew, Isaac Dorislaus. The king was forced to participate in a show trial in a High Court of Justice in which two-thirds of its members were Levelers21 from the army.
King Charles refused to plead, but was found guilty and executed anyway on Jan. 29, 1649. As the procession approached the scaffold large numbers of the crowd shouted, “God save the king!” After the deed had been done there was an enormous groan of anguish.
Parliament claimed King Charles I was responsible for all the deaths, burnings, damages and mischiefs to the nation in the civil war in England and so they brought himto trial. It was the first time a king in England had ever been put on trial.
The king said the court had no jurisdiction and refused to enter a plea. Found guilty, the innocent king, a good Christian, was sentenced to death. Above: On Jan. 30, 1649, the king is marched to the scaffold to have his head cut off with an ax.
He wore two shirts to keep from shivering because people might think he was afraid to face his maker.
Blood Money: The Civil War & the Federal - The Barnes Review
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by S GOODSON - Related articles
The Hidden Origins. Of the Bank of England. AS THE FINANCIAL CRISIS WORSENS IN AMERICA and across the globe, people want to know: “When did it all ...
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September/October 2012 Volume XVIII Number 2
The Hidden Origins of the Bank of England
By Stephen Goodson
The Hidden Origins Of the Bank of England
AS THE FINANCIAL CRISIS WORSENS IN AMERICA and across the globe, people want
to know: “When did it all start”? In fact, the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank in the
United States is a spinoff of the Bank of England, established in the 1694. And, as the earl
of Anglesey presciently observed in 1658: “It is dangerous to the peace of the kingdom
when it shall be in the power of half a dozen or half a score of rich, discontented or factious
persons to make [an accumulation] of our own coin and bullion beyond the seas
and leave us in want of money when it shall not be in the king’s power to prevent it.”
As the financial crisis worsens in America and across the globe, people want to know: “When did it all start”? In fact, the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank in the United States is a spinoff of the Bank of England, established in the 1694. And, as the earl of Anglesey presciently observed in 1658: “It is dangerous to the peace of the kingdom when it shall be in the power of half a dozen or half a score of rich, discontented or factious persons to make [an accumulation] of our own coin and bullion beyond the seas and leave us in want of money when it shall not be in the king’s power to prevent it.”
Offa was a wise and able administrator and a kindhearted leader, though he could be hard on his enemies. He established the first monetary system in England (as distinguished from Romano-Keltic Britain). On account of the scarcity of gold, he used silver for coinage and as a store of wealth. The standard unit of exchange was a pound of silver, divided into 240 pennies. The pennies were stamped with a star (Old English stearra), from which the word “sterling” is derived. In 787 Offa introduced a statute prohibiting usury:
charging of interest on money lent. [read the entire article as PDF…]
Taken from: The Barnes Review
September/October 2012 Volume XVIII Number 5
#1 by aj on October 31, 2012 - 5:29 pm
Michael Hoffman has a new book on usury with a special pre-publication discount http://revisionisthistorystore.blogspot.com/2010/03/michael-hoffmans-online-revisionist.html
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