God, Christianity, and Islam have been vilified non stop, but WE are still around more than one thousand years later!
Adolf Hitler has been vilified by the warmongers for the past 80 years or so, his memory will live on forever as long as truth will have some say in the affairs of humankind! (20.2.2017)
World War 1: What Happened?
A reformed and converted Jew, Benjamin Freedman speaks out. Did
you know that Germany won the First World War? They did, that is until
England made a deal with the devil: the Zionists, for the creation of
Israel in Palestine. It was called the Balfour Declaration.
WORLD WAR II, The Jewsish Question, and Palestine
In 1939, as the new war against Germany was declared, the BRIZIS reneged on the “Balfour Declaration” by issuing the White Paper, which stated that “creating a Jewish state was no longer a British policy”. It was also the BRIZIS change in policy toward Palestine (which was under BRIZI control), especially the White Paper, that prevented many Jews from leaving Europe as the Zionists wanted, and whom Hitler was trying to accommodate with the “Transfer Agreement” of 1933 (as no one else wanted them either!).
As a result, Hitler was stuck with them, and these non-elite Jews were stuck and left in the camps, where a good many died, NOT from any “extermination” policy of the Germans, but rather, a policy of the ELITE JEWZIS, BRIZIS and the YANKIZ!
The RUSKIZ at least created an autonomous Jewish homeland for them in Eastern Russia called Birobidjan, in an area bigger than Switzerland.. BUT, the ELITE INTERNATIONAL JEWZI ZIONISTS refused it!
Meanwhile, the French scuttled the Madagascar plan. Thus, though emigration continued unofficially for some time during the war years, many the peon Jews were left to suffer the effects of CHURCHILL’S barbaric bombardment of Germany, in conjunction with the YANKIZ, and later the RUSKIZ, which eventually cut all supplies, causing starvation for Germans and Jews alike, not to mention rampant disease which broke in the camps toward the end of the war, which killed very many.
Why did the BRIZIS reneg? Who was trying to capitalize on the plight of these Jews? Hmmm? Who benefited? Hitler? Really? Ummm, I think not! He wanted them out, remember? That was the “final solution:”. NOT EXTERMINATION!
And this “holocaust” myth is still used today to blackmail and extort Germany, and to guilt everyone else into going along with whatever the Israelis do, and they have certainly hoodwinked the majority of American Christians too, who adore Israel and heap tons of money there, as does the US government.
In this discussion it is essential to look into the so-called Transfer Agreement, how it came about, what inspired it, and who was behind it, as well as, Jewish Nationalism. Mark Weber covers these topics brilliantly in the following three articles:
1. Behind the Balfour Declaration: Britain’s Great War Pledge To Lord Rothschild
2. Straight Talk About Zionism: What Jewish Nationalism Means
3. Zionism and the Third Reich
WORLD WAR II, The Jewsish Question, and Palestine
In 1939, as the new war against Germany was declared, the BRIZIS reneged on the “Balfour Declaration” by issuing the White Paper, which stated that “creating a Jewish state was no longer a British policy”. It was also the BRIZIS change in policy toward Palestine (which was under BRIZI control), especially the White Paper, that prevented many Jews from leaving Europe as the Zionists wanted, and whom Hitler was trying to accommodate with the “Transfer Agreement” of 1933 (as no one else wanted them either!).
As a result, Hitler was stuck with them, and these non-elite Jews were stuck and left in the camps, where a good many died, NOT from any “extermination” policy of the Germans, but rather, a policy of the ELITE JEWZIS, BRIZIS and the YANKIZ!
The RUSKIZ at least created an autonomous Jewish homeland for them in Eastern Russia called Birobidjan, in an area bigger than Switzerland.. BUT, the ELITE INTERNATIONAL JEWZI ZIONISTS refused it!
Meanwhile, the French scuttled the Madagascar plan. Thus, though emigration continued unofficially for some time during the war years, many the peon Jews were left to suffer the effects of CHURCHILL’S barbaric bombardment of Germany, in conjunction with the YANKIZ, and later the RUSKIZ, which eventually cut all supplies, causing starvation for Germans and Jews alike, not to mention rampant disease which broke in the camps toward the end of the war, which killed very many.
Why did the BRIZIS reneg? Who was trying to capitalize on the plight of these Jews? Hmmm? Who benefited? Hitler? Really? Ummm, I think not! He wanted them out, remember? That was the “final solution:”. NOT EXTERMINATION!
The “Final Solution” spoken of in the German documents was a program of evacuation, resettlement and deportation of Jews with the ultimate objective of expulsion from Europe. During the war Jews of various nationalities were being moved east, as one stage in this Final Solution. The legend claims that the motion was mainly for extermination purposes. ~ Arthur R. Butz – A Brief Introduction to Holocaust RevisionismWell the deaths of many of these Jews, the real-time war propaganda campaign, and the stories of those who did survive what became the “death camps” (by virtue of the BRIZIS, ELITE JEWZIS, and the RUSKIZ) resulted in a major post-war propaganda coup, and really ensured world support later for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine didn’t it?
And this “holocaust” myth is still used today to blackmail and extort Germany, and to guilt everyone else into going along with whatever the Israelis do, and they have certainly hoodwinked the majority of American Christians too, who adore Israel and heap tons of money there, as does the US government.
In this discussion it is essential to look into the so-called Transfer Agreement, how it came about, what inspired it, and who was behind it, as well as, Jewish Nationalism. Mark Weber covers these topics brilliantly in the following three articles:
1. Behind the Balfour Declaration: Britain’s Great War Pledge To Lord Rothschild
2. Straight Talk About Zionism: What Jewish Nationalism Means
3. Zionism and the Third Reich
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My responses to a draft article, to which my comments were sought regarding Hitler and WWII...
by JusticeFor Germans on Thursday, 8 November 2012 at 09:29 ·
JUSTICE FOR GERMANS: This is an extract from a draft I received today from BAFS. I would like your comments, please. Thanks.
OK, here is that text with my responses:
TRUE! I would just add the caveat 'Jewish iniated and controlled war', and fighting for the very survival of the German people, politcally, economically, socially, spiritually and culturally.
FALSE! Hitler did not ally himself with the Zionists, he negotiated with them to help solve a long-term problem for Germany, and whereas, there was no other countries who wished to take large numbers of Jews, and no other organization in place with whom they could negotiate. This was also at a time when World Jewry had declared war on Germany (1933) and was boycotting Germany and attempting to strangle her economically, in the hope that the Hitler's government would then collapse., and they could then go back to "business as usual" in bleeding the Germans to a slow and painful death.
Please See:
The Transfer Agreement and the Boycott Fever of 1933 - Udo Walendy
FALSE! Firstly, Hitler never wanted war ... period! The economic miracle of the Third Reich did not come through re-armamnet as many assume. Hitler wanted peace and offered peace consistantly. The allies of WWI were, however, always seeking to encircle Germany, They had never dis-armed as they had promised and were obliged to under Versailles. They could not wait to resume the war and to crush Germany for good (which they failed to do in WWI). Germany did not begin to earnestly re-arm until about 1937, when it was very clear that the WWI allies still had no intention of disarming. It would have been stupid to not to do so. Even when Hitler was finally forced to declare war on Poland, the Germans were a far inferior force in terms of weapons and mechanization, and trained, battle ready soldiers. They had about 650,000 horses for their cavalry and with which to carry their heavy guns, munitions and supplies. It was Germany's battle stratheies and tactics that enabled them to quickly defeat Poland. Only in 1939 did Germany begin to fully re-arm. Hitler, however, had made a deal with Stalin for mutual non-agression as a deternent to the Brits and France. It was a deal with the devil. Stalin was a liar and double-crosser who all the while was building up his forces massively, with assistance from Roosevelt, and had a plan to attack Gemrany from the rear and to roll across Europe, once Germany was at war in the west. Germany's miltary intelligence, however, got wise to the plan and the heavy build of offensive tanks and planes, as well as, air-fields along the eastern Polish frontier. Hitler again had no choice but to attack the Soviets, even though they too were a superior force. Again, it was the element of surprise and extraordinary planning and tactics that quickly defeated Stalin and chased his remaining troops back to Moscow. It was necessary for survival. Germany was a victim of her own success, as they now had 2 million Russian soldiers in captivity. to look after. It was never an "over-estimation" of might nor a plan or goal of Hitler's to wage this war. Hitler cannot at all be compared with Napoleon. Hitler dd not want war nor to rule the world.
Please see my documentary "Hitler's War? - What the Historians Neglect to Mention" ... this can be found on my blog.
The New Germany desires Work and Peace : Adolf Hitler; Joseph Goebbels
See also: What the World Rejected: Hitler's Peace Offers 1933-1939
TRUE in my estimation.
FALSE: Hitler was NOT a Jew. That is malicious Jewish inspired propaganda which has been thoroughly debunked! See my blog post on this topic.
FALSE Germany was the ONLY country blamed and punished for WWII even though, as stated already, Germany wanted peace all along, and Hitler was NOT a Jew, but a brave, heroic German patriot and freedom fighter. WWII was a racket and Hitler was the alleged aggressive evil doer. They created the false bogeyman image of Hitler to justify their criminal actions, and have followed the same pattern ever since in wars around the world ever since, and especially in the Middle-East. This is why they always demonize Arab/Muslim leaders as "the next Hitler" or as "Islamo-Fascists". Totally absurd and JEWZI inspired.
See: Hitler was a Jew? A Rothschild?? Really ???
I generally concur, except that after WWII Germany was occupied, raped and plundered, and her governement destroyd and usurped without treaty or "armistace" and remains occupied to this day, under a pretense of "democracy". After this, the largley fake cold war commenced. The Soviets never changed, only the attitude of America towards the USSR. Though it may have been real even to most of the players, I think it was all a charade, by the International Bankster Gangsters to keep both sides in fear, while they made lots of money, and then later, disposed of the USSR and either created or usurped the democracy movement there. The oligarchs won. Only Putin has revered much of that.
FALSE: Again, Germany was an occupied nation and still is. There was no reconciliation, only "De-Nazification", mass murder, ethnic-cleansing, slavery, theft and cultural genocide.. Berlin was the former capital and was basically an island in the midst of Soviet East Germany, and was divided down the middle between East and West Berlin, with Soviets wanting all of it, and it stop it from being used as an escape route to the West. At least so we are told. And they began a blockade to starve West Berlin. Kennedy went there to stand up for the people of Berlin and ensured that there was a constant flow of food and other essentials being flown into Berlin to keep them fed and secure. One might think this was a stunt, however, this was not JFK's first trip to Berlin. After the war ended, he was a jornalist and he went and toured Germany, and saw the devastion and horrors, and attrocities of the Red Army, including in Berlin. He wrote that ""After visiting these places, you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. ..."He had boundless ambition for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.". I think he was deeply and personally motivated to help the Germans when he visited Berlin on June 26, 1963. Five months later, on November 22, 1963, he was murdered.
See: John F. Kennedy's 1945 Visit to Germany
TRUE ... BUT missing the fact that JFK was agaisnt Israeli development of a Nuclear Ractor at Dimona. He also began, as Hitler did, to print money and issue coins that were not under control of the JEWZI owned Federal Reserve Bank. He also planned to destroy thr CIA. And there were many other reasons too. He was becoming a threat to them.
As to the rest, I don't have any real disagreement.
Thanks for asking and I wish you and your friends sucess with yoru article!
OK, here is that text with my responses:
"Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union and the United States of America waged a ruthless and merciless Jewish war against Germany led by Adol(f) Hitler and who was trying to work for the upliftment of his people.
TRUE! I would just add the caveat 'Jewish iniated and controlled war', and fighting for the very survival of the German people, politcally, economically, socially, spiritually and culturally.
"Unfortunately Hitler allied with the wrong people, the Zionists and signed Pacts with the Vatican and the Bolsheviks. "
FALSE! Hitler did not ally himself with the Zionists, he negotiated with them to help solve a long-term problem for Germany, and whereas, there was no other countries who wished to take large numbers of Jews, and no other organization in place with whom they could negotiate. This was also at a time when World Jewry had declared war on Germany (1933) and was boycotting Germany and attempting to strangle her economically, in the hope that the Hitler's government would then collapse., and they could then go back to "business as usual" in bleeding the Germans to a slow and painful death.
Please See:
The Transfer Agreement and the Boycott Fever of 1933 - Udo Walendy
"Overestimating its military strength, Germany weakened its forces by invading Russia which saw the defeat and destruction of the strong invading French armies under Napoleon. "
FALSE! Firstly, Hitler never wanted war ... period! The economic miracle of the Third Reich did not come through re-armamnet as many assume. Hitler wanted peace and offered peace consistantly. The allies of WWI were, however, always seeking to encircle Germany, They had never dis-armed as they had promised and were obliged to under Versailles. They could not wait to resume the war and to crush Germany for good (which they failed to do in WWI). Germany did not begin to earnestly re-arm until about 1937, when it was very clear that the WWI allies still had no intention of disarming. It would have been stupid to not to do so. Even when Hitler was finally forced to declare war on Poland, the Germans were a far inferior force in terms of weapons and mechanization, and trained, battle ready soldiers. They had about 650,000 horses for their cavalry and with which to carry their heavy guns, munitions and supplies. It was Germany's battle stratheies and tactics that enabled them to quickly defeat Poland. Only in 1939 did Germany begin to fully re-arm. Hitler, however, had made a deal with Stalin for mutual non-agression as a deternent to the Brits and France. It was a deal with the devil. Stalin was a liar and double-crosser who all the while was building up his forces massively, with assistance from Roosevelt, and had a plan to attack Gemrany from the rear and to roll across Europe, once Germany was at war in the west. Germany's miltary intelligence, however, got wise to the plan and the heavy build of offensive tanks and planes, as well as, air-fields along the eastern Polish frontier. Hitler again had no choice but to attack the Soviets, even though they too were a superior force. Again, it was the element of surprise and extraordinary planning and tactics that quickly defeated Stalin and chased his remaining troops back to Moscow. It was necessary for survival. Germany was a victim of her own success, as they now had 2 million Russian soldiers in captivity. to look after. It was never an "over-estimation" of might nor a plan or goal of Hitler's to wage this war. Hitler cannot at all be compared with Napoleon. Hitler dd not want war nor to rule the world.
Please see my documentary "Hitler's War? - What the Historians Neglect to Mention" ... this can be found on my blog.
The New Germany desires Work and Peace : Adolf Hitler; Joseph Goebbels
See also: What the World Rejected: Hitler's Peace Offers 1933-1939
"We never seem to learn from history. Muslims learned nothing from the Jewish treachery of old, from the Crusades, from Western imperialism and colonialism."
TRUE in my estimation.
"WWII was Jewish because at least four of the warring nations’ leaders are said to have had Jewish blood: Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin and Hitler. "
FALSE: Hitler was NOT a Jew. That is malicious Jewish inspired propaganda which has been thoroughly debunked! See my blog post on this topic.
"The victims of WWII are not the victims of “Nazism”, but those of the Axis of Evil and the all powerful Jewish bank gangsters. Yet, it was Germany alone that was mainly punished for crimes committed during WWII, against the Jews mainly as the warmongers were Jewish and the victors were Jewish. WWII became the greatest racket of the century and a pretext for more wars of a « just » and « pre-emptive » kind. "
FALSE Germany was the ONLY country blamed and punished for WWII even though, as stated already, Germany wanted peace all along, and Hitler was NOT a Jew, but a brave, heroic German patriot and freedom fighter. WWII was a racket and Hitler was the alleged aggressive evil doer. They created the false bogeyman image of Hitler to justify their criminal actions, and have followed the same pattern ever since in wars around the world ever since, and especially in the Middle-East. This is why they always demonize Arab/Muslim leaders as "the next Hitler" or as "Islamo-Fascists". Totally absurd and JEWZI inspired.
See: Hitler was a Jew? A Rothschild?? Really ???
"Germany was destroyed by Jewish power and occupied by the victorious warmongers. Now, completely on its knees, like at Versailles, Germany was forced to sign Agreements (regarding reparations to the Jews) not with any country that existed during the war, but with an abominable entity that was created on stolen Palestinian land under the British illegal Mandate and which officialised by the West and the United Nations in 1948 – the Apartheid Jewish Entity of Israel, the Swistzerland of the Middle East which became the new dumping ground of western capitalism and of all the criminal networks of the planet with no fear ever of prosecution as Israel is the only country in the worls above all laws and answerable to no one for all its crimes and threats of war against defenceless and innocent nations, and the extermination of millions of people, the total destruction of infrastructures, of all civilisation heritage, the plunder of resources and the enslavement of the conquered nations."
I generally concur, except that after WWII Germany was occupied, raped and plundered, and her governement destroyd and usurped without treaty or "armistace" and remains occupied to this day, under a pretense of "democracy". After this, the largley fake cold war commenced. The Soviets never changed, only the attitude of America towards the USSR. Though it may have been real even to most of the players, I think it was all a charade, by the International Bankster Gangsters to keep both sides in fear, while they made lots of money, and then later, disposed of the USSR and either created or usurped the democracy movement there. The oligarchs won. Only Putin has revered much of that.
"After the Jews and Apartheid Israel had been paid fabulous sums of money as compensation just on demand without any official accounts being made, a unique phenomenon in history, John Fitzgerald Kennedy came to Berlin and showed that the victors had reconciled with the Germans: Ich ein Berline(r)."
FALSE: Again, Germany was an occupied nation and still is. There was no reconciliation, only "De-Nazification", mass murder, ethnic-cleansing, slavery, theft and cultural genocide.. Berlin was the former capital and was basically an island in the midst of Soviet East Germany, and was divided down the middle between East and West Berlin, with Soviets wanting all of it, and it stop it from being used as an escape route to the West. At least so we are told. And they began a blockade to starve West Berlin. Kennedy went there to stand up for the people of Berlin and ensured that there was a constant flow of food and other essentials being flown into Berlin to keep them fed and secure. One might think this was a stunt, however, this was not JFK's first trip to Berlin. After the war ended, he was a jornalist and he went and toured Germany, and saw the devastion and horrors, and attrocities of the Red Army, including in Berlin. He wrote that ""After visiting these places, you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. ..."He had boundless ambition for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.". I think he was deeply and personally motivated to help the Germans when he visited Berlin on June 26, 1963. Five months later, on November 22, 1963, he was murdered.
See: John F. Kennedy's 1945 Visit to Germany
"But, the Jews were still not satisfied with the tons of gold and wealth they had already fraudulently acquired after their war, had JFK assassinated. "
TRUE ... BUT missing the fact that JFK was agaisnt Israeli development of a Nuclear Ractor at Dimona. He also began, as Hitler did, to print money and issue coins that were not under control of the JEWZI owned Federal Reserve Bank. He also planned to destroy thr CIA. And there were many other reasons too. He was becoming a threat to them.
As to the rest, I don't have any real disagreement.
Thanks for asking and I wish you and your friends sucess with yoru article!
- Carolyn Hamlett likes this.
- Ghyslaine Roc Many thanks. It is the very first time that anybody has made any intelligent remark (contribution) to any of my posts. I wholeheartedly agree with what you have written and will wait for the response of my friend BAFS. He agrees with Pr Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce and many others like Vincent Reynouard (who is now facing another jail sentence or fine for questioning the official (Jewish) version of WWII history) and Michael Hoffman that Hitler was a great man who was dedicated to uplift his nation free from foreign influence and that many lies have been told about him and his achievements. Ghyslaine Roc
- JusticeFor Germans WWI and The Balfour Declaration is also essential to include in this discussion about the Genesis of IsraHell. Also, Churchil's Zionism.
- JusticeFor Germans See ... http://justice4germans.wordpress.com/2012/10/12/world-war-1-what-happened/
- JusticeFor Germans http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/sir-winston-churchill-zionist-hero-8277918.html
Jewish supporters of Winston Churchill are to unveil a bust of the British warti
me leader in Jerusalem this weekend in what they say is a long-overdue recognition of his staunch and unwavering support of the Jewish cause and their desire for a homeland. - Head Krusher Churchill a.k.a. Jacobson, a crypto-Jew !!!49 minutes ago · Unlike · 1
A Crime Against Humanity – The Allied Starvation of Millions of Germans
Did the Allies Starve Millions of Germans? by James Bacque
This article first appeared in the Toronto Globe & Mail, 20 September 1997.
As soon as the Second World War ended in 1945, Canada and the United States began shipping food to the hundreds of millions of people who were facing starvation as a result of the war. Unprecedented in world history, this massive program fulfilled the highest ideals for which the Western Allies had fought. Their generosity seemed to have no limit. They fed former enemies — Italy and Japan — as well as a new enemy, the Soviet Union.
Only Germany was left out.
It is well-known in the West that the Allies hanged Nazis for crimes — the murder of Jews, the brutal mass expulsions, the deadly forced-labour camps, the starvation of entire nations. What is not generally known is that these occupying Allied armies carved off 25 per cent of Germany’s most fertile land and placed it under Russian and Polish control, forcibly expelling about 16 millions people into what remained. It has also been forgotten — or hidden — that the Allies forbade emigration and kept millions of prisoners in forced-labour camps. International charitable aid to Germany was banned for another year, then restricted for more than a year. When it was permitted, it came too late for millions of people.
In a plan devised by U.S. secretary of the treasury Henry C. Morgenthau Jr., the Allies “pastoralized” Germany. They slashed production of oil, tractors, steel and other products that had been essential to the war effort. They cut fertilizer production by 82 per cent. They undervalued German exports (which they controlled), depriving Germans of cash needed to buy food. And a large percentage of young male workers were kept in forced-labour camps for years. During the six months following the end of the war, Germany’s industrial production fell by 75 per cent.
The loss of so much fertile land and the drop in fertilizer supplies caused agricultural production to fall by 65 per cent. Sixty million people began to starve in their huge prison.
The mass explusions from one part of Germany to another, approved at the Allied victory conference in Potsdam in July and August, 1945, were enforced “with the very maximum of brutality,” wrote British writer and philantropist Victor Gollancz in his book, Our Threatened Values (1946). Canadian writer and TV producer Robert Allen, in an article titled “Letter From Berlin”, in Reading magazine (February, 1946), described the scene in a Berlin railway station as refugees arrived in late 1945: “They were all exhausted and starved and miserable…. A child only half alive… A woman in the most terrible picture of despair I’ve seen… Even when you see it, it’s impossible to believe….God, it was terrible.”
In the West, the plan to dismantle German industrial capacity began at the British headquarters of General Dwight Eisenhower in August, 1944. Meeting with Mr. Morgenthau, Gen. Eisenhower prescribed a treatment for Germany that would be “good and hard,” giving as his reason that “the whole German population is a synthetic paranoid.”
Mr. Morgenthau took a written version of their discussion to U.S. president Franklin Roosevelt and British prime minister Winston Churchill when the two met in Quebec City in September, 1944. British foreign secretary Anthony Eden, U.S. secretary of Cordell Hull and the U.S. secretary for war Henry L. Stimson all protested vigorously against the Morgenthau Plan because a pastoralized Germany could not feed itself. Mr. Hull and Mr. Stimson told Roosevelt that about 20 million Germans would die if the plan were implemented.
Most historians say the Morgenthau Plan was abandoned after the protests, but Mr. Morgenthau himself said it was implemented.
In the New York Post for Nov. 24, 1947, he wrote, “The Morgenthau Plan for Germany [...] became part of the Potsdam Agreement, a solemn declaration of policy and undertaking for action… signed by the United States of America, Great Britain and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.”
I first happened on the outlines of this story while researching my 1989 book Other Losses, about the mass deaths of German prisoners of war in Allied camps. For 45 years, historians have never disputed a massive survey conducted over four years by the government of chancellor Konrad Adenauer, which stated that some 1.4 million German prisoners had died in captivity. What is still disputed by the two sides is how many died in each side’s camps. Each has blamed the other for nearly all the deaths.
The fall of the Soviet empire in 1989 provided a spectacular test of the truth: If the KGB archives recorded how many Germans died in Soviet camps, the world would know how many died in the West.
In 1992, I went to the KGB archives in Moscow, where I was permitted to troll the long, gloomy aisles, free to read and photocopy anything I wanted. And there I found the reports from KGB Colonel I. Bulanov and others showing that 450,600 Germans had died in Soviet camps. Given the figure of 1.4 million deaths, this meant that close to one million had died in Western camps.
In addition, the KGB records show that the Soviets had also imprisoned hundreds of thousands of civilians, of whom many thousands died.
This was the shadow of a greater tragedy, the fate of German civilians.
The recent declassification of the Robert Murphy Papers at the Hoover Institute in Stanford, California, and the Robert Patterson manuscript papers in Washington focused the picture. Mr. Murphy had been chief U.S. diplomatic adviser in Germany, and Mr. Patterson the secretary for war after 1945.Some of Mr. Murphy’s papers show a catastrophic death rate in Germany, highlighted by a surprising comment by Mr. Murphy in discussing German demographics. He said in a State Department position paper in 1947 that the U.S. statistical projection of births, immigration and officially reported deaths showed that over the next three years the German population should be 71 million, but that “to be conservative and in view of the present high death rate in Germany, a figure of 69 million will be used.” In other words, Mr. Murphy was basing high-level U.S. policy on the knowledge that the actual German death rate was approximately double the rate officially reported to Washington by the U.S. military governor.
In the National Archives in Ottawa, I found a document seized by Canadians in 1946, showing a death rate in the city of Brilon in north-central Germany almost triple the total reported by the Allies for their zones of Germany in 1945-46. The U.S. Army medical officer in Germany secretly reported that the actual death rate in the U.S. zone in May, 1946, was 21.4 per 1,000 per year, or 83 per cent higher than the military governor was reporting to Washington.
These documents in Ottawa, Moscow, Washington and Stanford, recently revealed or long neglected, show that the Allies not only destroyed most major German industry, they also reduced German food production to the point that Germans received less food for long periods during several years than the starving Dutch had received under German occupation.
“From 1945 to the middle of 1948, one saw the probable collapse, disintegration and destruction of a whole nation,” These are not the words of a revisionist historian of the 1990s, but the sober judgment of a U.S. Navy medical officer on the scene. Captain Albert Behnke compared German and Dutch starvation: For months in parts of Germany, the ration set by the occupying Allies was 400 calories per day; in much of Germany it was often around 1,000, and officially for more than two years it was never more than 1,550. The Dutch always got more than 1,394.
And for his part in starving people in the Netherlands, Nazi commander Arthur Seyss-Inquart was hanged by the Allies.
A comparison of the German censuses of 1946 and 1950 show the effect of the food shortages. The 1950 census showed 5.7 million people fewer than there should have been according to the number of people recorded in the 1946 census, minus officially reported deaths, plus births and “immigrants” (people expelled from the east and returning prisoners) in the period from 1946 to 1950.
Mr. Murphy had, indeed, been conservative, partly because he underestimated the number of prisoners due to return to Germany from Russia. The total tally of unacknowledged deaths among the prisoners, refugees and non-expelled civilians comes to around nine million people between 1945 and 1950, far more than the number who died during the war itself. All of these deaths were surplus to those actually reported.
While Germans starved, the Canadian-U.S. relief program swung into action in other parts of the world. Former U.S. president Herbert Hoover, then chief food adviser to president Harry Truman, flew around the world assessing need and supply. He found big regions of food poverty, as there has always been and still are, but not insurmountable world food shortage. In fact, world food production in 1945, according to the U.S. government statistics, was 90 per cent of the average of the years from 1936 to 1938. By the end of 1946, it was virtually normal.
Mr. Hoover begged, borrowed and bought enough food from the few other surplus countries — Australia and Argentina — to feed nearly all the world’s starving. He congratulated Canadians warmly for their co-operation in a CBC speech in Ottawa in 1946: “To Canada flows the gratitude of hundreds of millions of human beings who have been saved from starvation through the efforts of this great Commonwealth.”
As Mr. Hoover pronounced victory over the greatest famine threat in world history, Germans were entering their worst year ever. In early 1946, reports of conditions in Germany led U.S. senators, among them Kenneth Wherry and William Langer, to protest against “this addlepated… brutal and vicious Morgenthau Plan.”
Belatedly, Mr. Truman asked Mr. Hoover to intervene. Mr. Hoover spoke to all North Americans: “Millions of mothers are today watching their children wilt before their eyes.” Infant mortality rates in some German cities were 20 per cent per year, catastrophically higher than the average in Germany before the war or in contemporary Europe.
Cases of tuberculosis among children in Kiel, in the British zone, increased by 70 per cent over the prewar period.
Mr. Hoover called for mercy to Germany.
“I can only appeal to your pity and your mercy…Will you not take to your table an invisible guest?”
Canadians and Americans set the table for the invisible guest.
According to prime minister Mackenzie King’s chief foreign-affairs adviser, Norman Robertson, Canada was the only country that had kept its food commitments to help the starving. Only in Canada did rationing and price controls continue long after the war so that others could be fed.
This unique campaign saved 800 million lives, according to Mr. Hoover.
Some older Germans treasure the memory of the “Hoover Speise” (meal) that warmed their bodies at school in 1947. Many millions — including hundreds of thousands of Canadians born in Germany — also remember their homes in parts of Germany now under Polish or Russian rule. None dreams of reparations; all yearn for us to know their story.
The Great Humanitarian Herbert Hoover’s Food Relief Efforts
The following books are in stock at Justice for Germans Books and DVD Store
Other Losses: An Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French and Americans after World War ll
By James Bacque
CDN$ 15.64
Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950
By James Bacque
CDN$ 15.64
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