Aliens Amongst Us
Mark Glenn
Doubtless now that he–mass
murderer Anders Breivik–has been ‘safely’ put away behind bars,
receiving a paltry 21 year sentence for his massacre of 77 innocent
Norwegian children (roughly 3.2 months for each murder) people are
sleeping a little better, feeling a little safer…
‘Yes’, they tell themselves with believable-to-no-one-but-themselves conviction …‘That wild dog is off the streets now and behind bars where he belongs…Time to move on…’
The problem of course with this
misplaced sense of (non-existent) security is that it’s as crazy as
Breivik’s behavior itself. The product of mere wishful thinking, there
is no reason or rationality in it, given that the singular motivating
factor in all of it is raw, visceral fear, pure and simple. The adult
version of sucking your thumb and clutching a blankey during a nervous
moment, individuals such as these—‘feeling a little better and sleeping a little easier’ because of Breivik’s (let’s not forget—temporary)
incarceration—do so only by holding fast to the fantasy that he was/is a
lone nut or some sort of societal birth defect that occurs but once in a
Reality however is another animal
altogether. Breivik is not as much ‘that wild dog’ in the general sense
as he is ‘THAT wild dog’ in the specific. The man who lamented the
destruction of his beloved white European culture so much that he
willingly became an instrument of that same destruction by butchering
almost 80 white European children (and simply because of their political
views) was neither a lone wolf, a lone nut nor a one man army. Truth be
told, the only thing differentiating him from the (as of this moment)
unseen & unknown others just like him is the time stamp of his
particular ‘event’—July 22, 2011—the day he went off like a time bomb
and carried out his mission of killing scores of innocent people.
Yes, that’s right on both
points—(1) Breivik is not just one of a few hundred or a few thousand,
but rather, one of several million or even hundreds of millions of
like-minded creatures, all speaking the same anti-Islamic/pro-Judaic
dialect. He is an assembly-line prototype, designed with a specific
purpose in mind (namely mass-murder) that happened to emerge first from
the womb while millions of his identical-twin siblings are still in the
process of being delivered.
And (2) Breivik was on a ‘mission’.
Yes, we can state with both
confidence and authority that Norway’s most notorious Judeo-Christian
jihadist–in the years leading up to his infamous massacre—became someone
else’s plaything after being captured, cultivated, and programmed like
some apocalyptic alarm clock. As a tin soldier in someone’s
geo-political toy box, Breivik had his spring wound as tight as it would
go, at which point he was set loose by individuals who stood to gain
greatly from the inevitable Armageddon he would personally deliver.
In more clinical terms, he is a
symptom, a side effect, and a carrier for someone else’s disease…Similar
to others these days whose hatred for Islam is outdone only by their
love for all things Jewish, Breivik was/is a parking lot for someone
else’s thoughts and ideas, or, like those unfortunates in the 1986
science-fiction horror film Aliens, a human cocoon where the
freshly-laid eggs of this extraterrestrial monster gestate until they
are ready to be born, at which point the beast bursts forth from the
host’s body in an explosion of flesh, blood and gore.
But let us be clear about
something here–This aforedescribed ‘captured/cultivated/programmed’
thing was not the dramatic scenario seen in some
political/science-fiction thriller produced out of Jewish Hollywood such
as ‘Manchurian Candidate’ or ‘Total Recall’. It was not a
case of an otherwise sane, happy-go-lucky, come-what-may Anders Breivik
with a smile on his face and song in his heart walking down the street
one day whistling something from the Sound of Music when all the
sudden a non-descript van pulls up and he’s grabbed by men in black
suits who take him off someplace where he is broken into tiny pieces and
then reassembled into Norway’s version of The Terminator…
Rather, this ‘extreme makeover’
eventually producing almost 80 dead children on Norway’s Utoya Island
took place over the course of years and with virtually no drama
involved, save of course the occasional heated political argument at
some family get-together, pub or rally. Like a long, drawn out
adolescence, Breivik’s coming of age was–no pun intended—as silent as
death…Slow as an inch worm burrowing through the brain or a dog infected
with rabies that shows no signs of distress until the inevitable
rampage takes place.
This is not to say however that
Breivik’s morphing into the human time bomb he became was undetectable.
As much as removed-from-reality individuals may view him as an anomaly
or a question mark, the fact nevertheless is that as a piece on a chess
board being moved and maneuvered by other hands, his checkmate of almost
80 innocent kids was as foreseeable as an approaching hurricane.
Beginning with the Mossad-engineered terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001, as
Zionist witches and warlocks began casting their magic spells in
conjuring up the war to end all wars between the Islamic and Christian
peoples—Breivik (as well as hundreds of millions of others in America,
Europe and elsewhere) became a mental slave to the
highly-addictive/highly-toxic psychological substance peddled by these
individuals which he injected into his veins whole hog at every
It was just a matter of time then
before the otherwise harmless pooch Breivik finally succumbed to the
sanity-destroying effects of this poison and became the rabid dog
history will now remember him for being. The only surprise in the entire
matter is that it took this long to finally materialize, given the
tsunami of violent, anti-Islamic/pro-Judaic conditioning the western
world has been subjected to now these last 11 years..
And so, in trying to wrap its
collective mind around the holocaust of nearly 80 Norwegian children due
entirely to their politically-unacceptable opinions viz-a-viz Israel
and Islam, a sane world is forced to isolate and understand the source
of this horrendous crime lest it repeat itself, which it most surely
will, barring some unforeseeable quirk of historical fate.
As with all illnesses—physical,
mental or otherwise—everything is traceable to a source. Rather than
view then the present pandemic of anti-Islamicism mal-affecting the
West–manifesting itself not only in mass murders such as Breivik’s but
as well in ‘legal’ bloodbaths such as the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan,
Libya, etc–as a fluke or quirk, a society keen on its own survival must
view them as predictable examples of cause and effect.
That being said then, in this
case the prime mover of the terrible drama taking place in Norway and
elsewhere was not some inexplicable ‘act of God’, the moodiness of
Mother Nature or the roll of some cosmic dice. Rather, it is the
deliberate and all-too-predictable result of an agenda deliberately put
into motion by interested parties with a mindset that is alien to all
historically-known norms of decency, morality, and sanity.
Put simply, these aliens amongst
us–i.e. the organized Jewish interests who psychologically engineered
the prototype Breivik, as well as his twin siblings we hear about on a
daily basis–working feverishly to bring about this ‘clash of
civilizations’ between the West and the Islamic world are the dictionary
definition of madness wrapped in human skin. Mass producing in
assembly-line fashion today’s ticking-time-bombs through their
uncontested and incontestable control of mass media, they are every bit
as real and dangerous as the xenomorphs depicted in the 1986
science-fiction horror film by James Cameron. Similar to their film
counterparts, these aliens amongst us do not have an identity crisis.
They know exactly who they are, what they are, and what they are doing.
There is no ‘higher law’ other than their own. As a language, compassion
is as foreign to them as Greek is to Martian. Today’s xenomorphs
(working out of innocuous-sounding organizations such as ‘Stop
Islamization of America’, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy,
AIPAC, ADL, and maintaining websites such as ‘Jihad Watch’ and many
others) view innocent human life as just a means to an end for their own
personal survival. For them, all that matters is the propagation of
their species and its ‘ethics’, in this case, the State of Israel and
the continued monopolistic hold that organized Jewish interests maintain
worldwide over money, politics, media, culture, etc.
And Anders Breivik—as well as
many, many others–was their ‘baby’. Like an abandoned child raised by
wolves from birth, under their spiritual direction the otherwise
civilized Breivik became feral, wild and as mad as his mentors. Like
them, he believed that the god of destruction he came to know intimately
through the catechism classes taught by his alien spiritual advisors
was pleased and appeased by the ritual sacrifice of
innocent human beings, resulting in the black mass he personally
officiated as high priest tempore on Norway’s Utoya Island.
And, as we said earlier, although
Breivik may have been the first, he is certainly not the only or the
last. Similar to the horrific scene in Aliens, where a giant
queen xenomorph patiently sits, giving birth to hundreds of millions of
these hellish creatures, so too is there an army out there numbering in
the hundreds of millions just waiting to be born…Feeble-minded
individuals, as impressionable as soft butter and unable to resist the
seduction known as Zionism, this alien evangelism whispering like a bat
out of hell into the collective ear of individuals who
years ago–on 9/11/2001 to be precise–consecrated themselves to holy war
against Islam that could have but one result—the ‘Clash of
Civilizations’–and but one beneficiary—Israel.
And we must make no mistake about
it–these aliens amongst us–capturing the Breiviks of the world and
forcefully impregnating them with this deadly apocalyptic seed–are
indeed the most dangerous organisms mankind has ever faced. Truly
other-worldly, they are dedicated, fanatical creatures hell-bent upon
bringing about this non-reality known as Jewish utopianism–this mad
dream thousands of years a-bubbling and a-boiling in the witches’
cauldron, a giant human pyramid of sorts, with them and their alien
mindset/agenda at the very top and the rest of the Gentile world
occupying various stages underneath both inferior and servile in nature.
And, as should be painfully
obvious to everyone by now, more than 10 years into the ‘Clash of
Civilizations’ and this ‘war to end all wars’, these xenomorphs, with
their accumulated power and superb, fanatical organizational skills are
willing–necessary or not–to bring the world down around them in
accomplishing this mission. Like the Sirens of Greek mythology who lure
unsuspecting sailors at sea to their deaths with their hypnotic voices,
so too are today’s organized Jewish interests luring entire ships of
state to come crashing into the rocks of national bankruptcy, political
unrest and social upheaval. Due to their alien mindset they cannot live
peaceably or cooperatively with any species other their own. Every
planet, every civilization they invade, they immediately go to work in
destroying that habitat, removing every Gentile characteristic intrinsic
to the continued existence of that civilization. They must own,
control, dominate and then devour, just as their alien constitution
demands, and if every single human being on the planet must die in
bringing about this alien agenda, then so be it. In the non-reality of
this mal-adjusted mindset, not just the world, but indeed, the entire
universe revolves around them and their species. Without them, all known
creation, without any nucleus and thus without any cohesion or purpose,
would simply cease to exist. In their limited, extraterrestrial myopia,
everything, from one end of the universe to the other is mere illusion,
with neither form nor the substance of God, or as Yossi Klein Halevi,
author of ‘Memoirs of a Jewish Extremist’ once wrote–
“My view of history was that
billions of people who lived, suffered and died were no more than extras
in a Jewish drama, and that human experience was really Jewish
experience. I came to believe that the anti-Semites were right, except
in the reverse; that the Jews did secretly control the world, but
benevolently. How else to explain the Holocaust if not as evil trying to
destroy the source of all good? I was ready to concede that there were
decent people who weren’t Jews, but decent peoples? Only the Jews.”
Unlike the xenomorphs in James
Cameron’s film however, what makes these aliens amongst us so dangerous
is that they do not appear alien at all. The financial, political and
media resources they’ve spent centuries in acquiring have been well-used
in masking their real nature and identity. They walk amongst us,
speaking a language that appears friendly, civil and easy on the ears.
Through the use of media black magic, they make us laugh on cue and cry
on cue. Through their control of churches and other social platforms,
they lecture us on ‘brotherly love’, on the evils of racism, intolerance
and xenophobia while at the same time these xenomorphs utilize these
moral themes to their own ends in motivating us to go out and commit
mass murder in Muslim countries around the world.
Also dissimilar to their
counterparts in the film, these aliens amongst us are not forced to
chase down and capture their victims. Rather, they seduce and confuse
them, resulting in entire civilizations lining up at the main door of
the mother ship so that hundreds of millions can then surrender
themselves and their children as future cocoons where this alien agenda
can gestate until it is born in the form of war, war, and more war in
the Middle East (and beyond) for Israel’s benefit.
Although it is certainly true
that Breivik was their creature, and that the aliens amongst us
responsible for re-programming him into Norway’s version of The Terminator
did so with mass murder on their mind, this is not to say that his
massacre masterpiece was part of the plan. The collective panic on the
part of organized Jewish interests responsible for writing his program
(as well as subcontractors such as Pamela Geller, Geert Wilders, Robert
Spencer et al) was easy to see and measure as they furiously tried
distancing themselves from his actions, despite the personal
satisfaction they doubtless experienced in seeing so much innocent blood
No, it was not supposed to turn
out this way, both in terms of timing and location, where the human time
bomb Breivik detonated prematurely. Rather than reaching critical mass
within the confines of his own home country of Norway, what his
programmers had planned was him doing so within one of the preferred
battlefields of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria or wherever else
organized Jewish interests want white European Christians fighting and
killing Muslims for Israel’s benefit.
But that’s how it is with human
time bombs programmed to kill innocent others en masse…Whether it’s
Anders Breivik of Norway, Jared Loughner of Arizona, Sikh Temple shooter
Wade Michael Page, movie theater gunman James Holmes or any of the
other angry white males living in the West who from infancy have been
nursed on a daily diet of Zionist media conditioning that glorifies and
sanctifies violence against defenseless people, sometimes they ‘lose it’
long before they are supposed to. Sometimes the programming in their
software goes haywire or the fuse comes up a little short and as a
result these bombs detonate outside those pre-planned war theaters where
organized Jewish interests stand to profit the most.
And this, ladies and gentlemen of
planet earth, is the future all of us can expect, as these suicide
bombers live, breathe and walk amongst us, capable of going off at any
moment, taking not only us, but our loved ones as well, while the entity
responsible for creating these monsters—organized Jewish
interests–simply watch it all from the safe distance that their
expensive, high-rise office buildings and board rooms provide them,
without pity, without remorse and simply chalking up the latest tragedy
as ‘collateral damage’ necessary for the continued existence of Israel.
In James Cameron’s Aliens,
the only sane individual amidst a gaggle of money-grubbing,
opportunistic corporate predators was ‘Ripley,’ the pilot who had seen
the viciousness of these creatures up close in a previous mission.
Throughout the film, as she describes in great detail the violent,
unchanging and unregenerate nature of these xenomorphs, her warnings
fall on deaf ears. She is shouted down, marginalized, ridiculed,
ignored, sanctioned, and silenced. She is confined to quarters, deprived
of earning a decent living, had the threat of criminal prosecution
hanging over her constantly, and for reasons made clear later, when it
was revealed that some of these corporate characters saw great riches in
utilizing these xenomorphs as weapons of mass destruction.
It was not until they themselves
saw the nature of the beast in a manner up close and personal that those
around her came to understand that this creature cannot be contained,
controlled, or rehabilitated…That there can be no ‘peaceful
co-existence’ with it nor any ‘safe distance’ between xenomorphs and
human civilization.
And, as demonstrated in the film,
that there was only sane policy in dealing with these monsters—to nuke
their home planet, lest they board their mother ship and invade the
farthest reaches of the galaxy in search of future cocoons for the
propagation of their species.
Likewise, as we—the sane members
of various Gentile civilizations–weigh what has befallen us, not only in
terms of the various Anders Breiviks but as well the wars in Iraq,
Afghanistan, Libya and all the other locations that organized Jewish
interests have decided must be destroyed and made ‘fit’ for alien
habitation, a similar awareness of the nature of this problem must occur
as well. These aliens amongst us cannot be contained, controlled, or
rehabilitated…Nor can there can be any ‘peaceful co-existence’ with them
nor any ‘safe distance’ between today’s xenomorphs and human
The only safe option is to ‘go nuclear’ with them and utterly annihilate the source of their identity, leaving ‘not one stone upon another’.
However, not in the sense that
countries must be evaporated with some apocalyptic instrument created in
the minds of madmen bent upon destroying the human race…
Rather, it must be done—indeed as
it should have been done thousands of years ago—with the most effective
weapon that sane societies have in their arsenal—reason and
rationality. What we are battling here is religiously-inspired madness,
pure and simple. No different than some destructive, mind-altering drug
that reduces otherwise healthy, productive individuals into the
xenomorphs seen today, producing not only prototypes such as Anders
Breivik, but as well entire nations supporting and funding the
apocalyptic wars in the Middle East and elsewhere, this drug needs to be
classified–not as the therapeutic substance its addicts claim it is,
but rather–as pure, distilled, undiluted poison.
Therefore, Judaism and all its
manifestations, most importantly its ‘chosen-ness’ and its filial
affection for the use of violence, pillage, duplicity and a whole host
of other characteristics associated with lower life forms must be
diagnosed as the mental illness that it is, and more importantly, its
utter incompatibility with the continued existence of the human species.
To do any less is to sit by and
watch as these aliens amongst us devour, destroy and dissolve away what
has taken thousands of years to create, leaving behind only a wasteland
of what was humanity…
…at which point these aliens
amongst us, having bled us out of our own existence, simply board their
mother ship and depart in search of new civilizations to devour and
2012 Mark Glenn
Aliens Amongst Us by Mark Glenn
Anders Breivik is the hero who has been granted State pension and protection for 21 years at the expense of the tax payers (an euphemism for “behind bars”) to thank him for getting rid of, exterminating some 77 citizens of his homeland, most probably because they were non Jews.
I did not hear that he was tortured in jail, beaten up, sodomised or something of the kind because he was the protégé of the State.
Rabid (or wild) dogs like Saddam Husain, Ghaddafi, Arafat, Usama Bin Ladin, Awlaki, etc., are normally put down, shot, executed, but Anders Breivik did not qualify.
The truth (a concept most people know very little about or have no wish to know or know much about, but do not give a damn about it!) is that after Europe had overused the Holocaust (Shoah) card, the Al-Qaeda card, the 9/11 card, and the Islamic fundamentalist, radical, fascist and Sharia rhetoric, they had to come up with something new, very scary, like, the best they could find, the THREAT of the Islamization of Europe, France and the US, in brief the whole world! But, even if Islamization is as phoney as Al-Qaeda, the well indoctrinated White Europeans and their Black and other coloured house Negroes bought it all, and will keep on buying it line, hook and sinker, because they are convinced it is in their own interest to do so.
If any person decides to take justice in his or her own hands, we may agree that they can be individual and exceptional cases, but as soon as you see the hegemonists use the word “lone” followed by the qualification “nut”, you immediately know that this whole thing is an entire fabrication and meant only to confuse, distract or just deceive and part of their propaganda machine. And the one caught as being responsible of any such dreadful action is never alone on the job.
“Reality, however, is another animal altogether. Breivik is not as much ‘that wild dog’ in the general sense as he is ‘THAT wild dog’ in the specific. The man who lamented the destruction of his beloved white European culture so much that he willingly became an instrument of that same destruction by butchering almost 80 white European children (and simply because of their political views) was neither a lone wolf, a lone nut nor a one man army. Truth be told, the only thing differentiating him from the (as of this moment) unseen & unknown others just like him is the time stamp of his particular ‘event’—July 22, 2011—the day he went off like a time bomb and carried out his mission of killing scores of innocent people.”
I was 100% sure that I wrote the above when I was reading it back just now, but could not remember I wrote it at all. Then, I realise it was not me the great genius, but our great Brother Mark Glenn!
Réflexions en marge Boris Toumanov → Ils sont fous ces Vikings !
Marginal Reflections of Boris Toumanov – Radio “The Voice of Russia”
“Le représentant de la Norvège à l’ONU s’est élevé contre toute interdiction de la propagande publique de l’idéologie nazie, car, selon lui, c’est précisément l’absence de la possibilité d’exprimer publiquement ses idées qui a incité Anders Breivik à les propager sous forme d’une hécatombe. »
- The Norwegian representative to the UNO has objected to the banning of public propaganda of Nazi ideology, because, according to him, it is precisely because of the absence of the possibility to express his ideas that has incited Anders Breivik to propagate them in the form of a hecatomb.
As we can see, the root cause of this extreme type of sponsored violence associated with “anti-Islamic/pro-Judaic” rhetoric has nothing to do with any ban on Nazi or Neo-Nazi propaganda. Boris Toumanov reported further how racists are inciting hatred and violence against the Muslims of Europe by referring us to a Youtube video Clip: “Muslim Demographics a threat to Europeans”:
Toumanov again points out how Black African (Ghaneen) Roman Catholic Cardinal Peter Turkson (who admitted his paternal uncle was a Muslim) thought it useful to broadcast « Muslim demographics » in October during a meeting of the Synode of Bishops in Rome, confirming the “Islamic threat”, condemning the “low fertility rate of White Europe”, but the Cardinal added he had no intention to unleash a “Jihad against Islam”.
Yes, I totally agree with Brother Marl Glenn that
—(1) Breivik is not just one of a few hundred or a few thousand, but rather, one of several million or even hundreds of millions of like-minded creatures, all speaking the same anti-Islamic/pro-Judaic language. He is an assembly-line prototype, designed with a specific purpose in mind (namely mass-murder) that happened to emerge first from the womb while millions of his identical-twin siblings are still in the process of being delivered.
And (2) Breivik was on a ‘mission’.”
As usual, only fools would find fault with Mark Glenn’s analysis and conclusions. Time permitting, I will write some more about the “Aliens” phenomenon, even if most of us are not really interested, as I am meeting with so many people who claim they are either aliens themselves, have encountered living Aliens, have been abducted, micro chipped, see UFOs almost everyday, speak to Aliens and vice versa, are among the “Chosen humans” that are going to join their “Galactic masters and creators” as from 21st December 2012. We can even read about famous figures like Marylyn Monroe and …… Jesus Christ (???), speaking to them through channelling!
The modern religion(s) of Ufologists, Judaists and Zionists are part of that Crusade not only against truth, freedom, religion, God, and Islam, but also against mainstream Christianity.
We are living in a decadent and mad, mad world. Because, Ghyslaine ROC dared disagree with one of the Ufologists, she was censored by one Ufologist “Olivier” of Sedona, Arizona. When the French like Olivier ‘of Sedona’ lose faith in God and Christ, this is the type of crap they indulge in.
The Judeo Freemasonic war is on civilisation! And many Christian and Muslim mad people are helping them!
This was my way of saying thank you to our great Brother Mark Glenn for yet another very insightful essay, which I hope people will not only read as entertainment, but ACT uponas words of truth, wisdom and instructions.
By Ben Arnold | Yahoo UK Movies News – 18 hours ago
But despite his disdain for that part of the movie business, the 74-year-old Welshman says he's no plans to retire.
“I don't ever want to retire. I did a few years ago. I didn't actually plan it, but I thought, 'Maybe I should just slow down and call it a day'. My wife said to me, 'You do that, you will die. You can't retire. It's your work, it's your life. You love working'.
“When men retire - particularly men - if they get out too early, they usually die of stress or loneliness or they drink too much or their hearts give out. I think a certain amount of stress in life is good. The stress of just working, which takes effort - I think it keeps you going.”
'Hitchcock' is out in the UK on February 8.
Anders Breivik is the hero who has been granted State pension and protection for 21 years at the expense of the tax payers (an euphemism for “behind bars”) to thank him for getting rid of, exterminating some 77 citizens of his homeland, most probably because they were non Jews.
I did not hear that he was tortured in jail, beaten up, sodomised or something of the kind because he was the protégé of the State.
Rabid (or wild) dogs like Saddam Husain, Ghaddafi, Arafat, Usama Bin Ladin, Awlaki, etc., are normally put down, shot, executed, but Anders Breivik did not qualify.
The truth (a concept most people know very little about or have no wish to know or know much about, but do not give a damn about it!) is that after Europe had overused the Holocaust (Shoah) card, the Al-Qaeda card, the 9/11 card, and the Islamic fundamentalist, radical, fascist and Sharia rhetoric, they had to come up with something new, very scary, like, the best they could find, the THREAT of the Islamization of Europe, France and the US, in brief the whole world! But, even if Islamization is as phoney as Al-Qaeda, the well indoctrinated White Europeans and their Black and other coloured house Negroes bought it all, and will keep on buying it line, hook and sinker, because they are convinced it is in their own interest to do so.
If any person decides to take justice in his or her own hands, we may agree that they can be individual and exceptional cases, but as soon as you see the hegemonists use the word “lone” followed by the qualification “nut”, you immediately know that this whole thing is an entire fabrication and meant only to confuse, distract or just deceive and part of their propaganda machine. And the one caught as being responsible of any such dreadful action is never alone on the job.
“Reality, however, is another animal altogether. Breivik is not as much ‘that wild dog’ in the general sense as he is ‘THAT wild dog’ in the specific. The man who lamented the destruction of his beloved white European culture so much that he willingly became an instrument of that same destruction by butchering almost 80 white European children (and simply because of their political views) was neither a lone wolf, a lone nut nor a one man army. Truth be told, the only thing differentiating him from the (as of this moment) unseen & unknown others just like him is the time stamp of his particular ‘event’—July 22, 2011—the day he went off like a time bomb and carried out his mission of killing scores of innocent people.”
I was 100% sure that I wrote the above when I was reading it back just now, but could not remember I wrote it at all. Then, I realise it was not me the great genius, but our great Brother Mark Glenn!
Réflexions en marge Boris Toumanov → Ils sont fous ces Vikings !
Marginal Reflections of Boris Toumanov – Radio “The Voice of Russia”
“Le représentant de la Norvège à l’ONU s’est élevé contre toute interdiction de la propagande publique de l’idéologie nazie, car, selon lui, c’est précisément l’absence de la possibilité d’exprimer publiquement ses idées qui a incité Anders Breivik à les propager sous forme d’une hécatombe. »
- The Norwegian representative to the UNO has objected to the banning of public propaganda of Nazi ideology, because, according to him, it is precisely because of the absence of the possibility to express his ideas that has incited Anders Breivik to propagate them in the form of a hecatomb.
As we can see, the root cause of this extreme type of sponsored violence associated with “anti-Islamic/pro-Judaic” rhetoric has nothing to do with any ban on Nazi or Neo-Nazi propaganda. Boris Toumanov reported further how racists are inciting hatred and violence against the Muslims of Europe by referring us to a Youtube video Clip: “Muslim Demographics a threat to Europeans”:
Toumanov again points out how Black African (Ghaneen) Roman Catholic Cardinal Peter Turkson (who admitted his paternal uncle was a Muslim) thought it useful to broadcast « Muslim demographics » in October during a meeting of the Synode of Bishops in Rome, confirming the “Islamic threat”, condemning the “low fertility rate of White Europe”, but the Cardinal added he had no intention to unleash a “Jihad against Islam”.
Yes, I totally agree with Brother Marl Glenn that
—(1) Breivik is not just one of a few hundred or a few thousand, but rather, one of several million or even hundreds of millions of like-minded creatures, all speaking the same anti-Islamic/pro-Judaic language. He is an assembly-line prototype, designed with a specific purpose in mind (namely mass-murder) that happened to emerge first from the womb while millions of his identical-twin siblings are still in the process of being delivered.
And (2) Breivik was on a ‘mission’.”
As usual, only fools would find fault with Mark Glenn’s analysis and conclusions. Time permitting, I will write some more about the “Aliens” phenomenon, even if most of us are not really interested, as I am meeting with so many people who claim they are either aliens themselves, have encountered living Aliens, have been abducted, micro chipped, see UFOs almost everyday, speak to Aliens and vice versa, are among the “Chosen humans” that are going to join their “Galactic masters and creators” as from 21st December 2012. We can even read about famous figures like Marylyn Monroe and …… Jesus Christ (???), speaking to them through channelling!
The modern religion(s) of Ufologists, Judaists and Zionists are part of that Crusade not only against truth, freedom, religion, God, and Islam, but also against mainstream Christianity.
We are living in a decadent and mad, mad world. Because, Ghyslaine ROC dared disagree with one of the Ufologists, she was censored by one Ufologist “Olivier” of Sedona, Arizona. When the French like Olivier ‘of Sedona’ lose faith in God and Christ, this is the type of crap they indulge in.
The Judeo Freemasonic war is on civilisation! And many Christian and Muslim mad people are helping them!
This was my way of saying thank you to our great Brother Mark Glenn for yet another very insightful essay, which I hope people will not only read as entertainment, but ACT uponas words of truth, wisdom and instructions.
#31 by B.A.Frémaux-Soormally on November 15, 2012 - 2:37 am
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BASHEER PART 2 (Please, don’t read – I am writing for myself!)
“Alien … madness wrapped in human skin”
“In more clinical terms, he (Anders Breivik) is a symptom, a side effect, and a carrier for someone else’s disease…”
Communists (Bolsheviks, Socialists and Liberals) were Jewish and still are. Capitalists (bootleggers, quacks, crime syndicates, prostitution and gambling rackets, etc.) were Jewish and still are. But, once they got the Christians “by the balls” (George Carlin), they also got the monopoly on money. We need to go back to Oliver Cromwell, Elisabeth 1st, John Dee (007) and the Jewish Qabbalah to understand why, maybe. Once, the greatest wielding power weapon (WPW) on earth was in their hands, finances, they bought all the things of value in Christendom (the prices were set by themselves!), including their religion, Churches and priests. Maybe this was the reason george Carlin said “religion is bullshit!”
Often Europeans (or “Westerners”( boldly claim this because they had a big problem with Christianity and concluded all religions are the same or worse. Anyway, this WPW gave Torah, Talmud and Khazar “Jews” monopoly on almost every single item we consume, from kitchen salt and sugar to toilet paper! And this is the Jewish shit we have had to deal with and endure powerlessly for several centuries!
After scaring the world with Communism, including the stupid Muslims, they made us Socialist, another bastard child of Communism. Today they have managed even to make the Christian masses accept yet another of their bastards: Zionism. But, this time, it was not only on the blood of Christians, but on Muslim blood worldwide. And, this is where Israel in Occupied Palestine and Greater Israel (the entire Goddamn West!) will meet its inevitable fate, and the fight will continue because Muslims will not go down without a fight. Christendom did kick the bastards many times out of their lands, but then invited them back (Oliver Cromwell) because of their own decadence and degeneration.
Brother Mark Glenn is far better than me at writing, but he always has the right arguments. Further, his knowledge of medical science gives him a faultless method at find out the very root cause of the cancer called Jewism (Juifisme). The more the world loves the Jew and every poison the Jew vomits on them and makes them swallow, the more they hate Muslims, Arabs and Muslims.
YES, “Breivik was/is a parking lot for someone else’s thoughts and ideas”!
The Muslims and non Muslims alike paid the price for such monstrous evil of another time and place. Krishna, Jesus and Muhammad may be myths in the minds and hearts of millions, but let those Godless monsters tell us if they have anyone better and bring them forward for all of us to see. They have declared war on Nature, humanity, women, children, babies, God, the embryo and the foetus, natural sex, natural food, natural medicine, and the natural religion (fitra) of all humans born in this life and that some 1.8 millions souls call Islam.
The wars on innocence and Nature is being waged unrelentingly with the blessings and support of all imaginable kind by the UNO, the World Council of Churches, and by hundreds of millions of brainwashed slaves. Killing our innocent and defenceless men, women and children has become perfectly acceptable and as normal as anal sex and same sex marriage. The success of those bastards has forced me to reconsider my views about religion, God and the whole damn thing call humanity where I see more bestiality than any thing else. But, then, I remembered that GOD DID INDEED DAMN WARN BOTH CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS ABOUT THOSE DAMNED JEWS!
Unless Christians put their act together and fight those who keep bragging about having crucified Jesus, and unless Muslims unite and ban democracy (mod rule) as they were once taught by Muhammad, can we in all fairness blame Satan for what God Himself has allowed him to do?
YES, Breivik is just one of the many symptoms of that deadly Jewish cancer that is provoking wars, tsunamis, pigs to fly (swine flu), Sodomites to be glamorised (AIDS), women’s derrières to be worshipped (Kardashian’s), people denouncing p[edophiles to be hunted down, imprisoned and even murdered, and so on. And, to hypnotise and distract the world, they have also launched a never-ending Talmudade or Davidade (Jewish Crusade) against Islam, Muslims and Arabs via a media and government campaign of vilification and demonisation of everything Islamic and that has been on the increase since the Jewish 9/11.
What are 80 Norwegian children compared to the millions they have murdered on the Killing fields of Chechnya, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hindustan, Kashmir, Indonesia, Indo-China, Latin America, Rwanda, China, Russia, Central Asia, Algeria, Somalia, Sudan, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, and other lands said by Christian Evangelists to be inhabited by Satan. See “100 Gateway Cities of the 10/40 Window”, inactive since 2000, but the damning information remains valuable and valid to this day.
“As with all illnesses—physical, mental or otherwise—everything is traceable to a source.”
And if we want to survive, we must identify the source and proceed to its eradication because it is indeed “alien to all historically-known norms of decency, morality, and sanity”, as Mark rightly says.
Are the Jewish overtones of such screams of “Stop Islamization of America”, and “Stop Islamisation of Europe” not crystal clear to us? Yes, I said CRYSTAL CLEAR! When Breivik saw that Satanist and Black Mass rituals, human sacrifice, holocausts, ethnic cleansing, and other abominations were not even condemned as strongly as they should by his own Churches, what was he to make out of the purpose of his won life? He saw the clash between Christianity and Islam as not only inevitable but as vital to the survival of the “White European race”! The French Jews who we see screaming on French television and hurling insults at “antisemites”, are the ones of the millions of cocoons ready, eager and al excited to metamorphose into Breivikians! Like in America’s School of the Assassins, they are being trained in Special Scout and other Zionist Camps and sent out to Israel to kill their quota of babies and innocent people for their bloodthirsty Gods.
“Due to their alien mindset they cannot live peaceably or cooperatively with any species other their own. Every planet, every civilization they invade, they immediately go to work in destroying that habitat by removing every Gentile characteristic that is intrinsic to the continued existence of that civilization. They must own, control, dominate and then devour, just as their alien constitution demands, and if every single human being on the planet must die in bringing about this alien agenda, then so be it. In the non-reality of this mal-adjusted mindset, not just the world, but indeed, the entire universe revolves around them and their species. Without them, all known creation, without any nucleus and thus without any cohesion or purpose, would simply cease to exist. In their limited, extraterrestrial myopia, everything, from one end of the universe to the other is mere illusion, without neither form nor the substance of God, …”
Did I write the above? No, Mark did! The Goy is so good at writing that I am asking myself why pretend to add to what is already PERFECT? But, you know me! The system has been put in place, called a CHURCH (Circe), where the faithful is lured to it, transformed into beasts and then devoured. But, it is not too late for the “Churches” to prove to us that they have stopped their cannibalistic past and really wish to join the Ecclesia of Christ. Ecclesia is a Greek word that appears in the New Testament approximately 115 times. The Church can prevent the faithful from being slaughtered by the Synagogue of Satan in a “Clash of Civilisation” engineered by the enemies of Christ. Muslims are far from being enemies of Christ and of ll true Christians.
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica:
“In the New Testament, “ecclesia” (signifying convocation) is the only single word used for church. It (ecclesia) was the name given to the governmental assembly of the city of Athens, duly convoked (called out) by proper officers and possessing all political power including even juridical functions.”
I am saying that the Church too (of most denominations) is misleading the faithful and making th Harvest of Satan easier and plentiful. As the Church has persisted in its disobedience of Christ and it obedience to its enemies, let the faithful leave the Church to its demons.
John 12:44
“Jesus cried out and said, ‘the one believing in me BELIEVES NOT IN ME, BUT IN THE ONE HAVING SENT ME. The one seeing me sees the one having sent me’.”
But, it is sad that most Christians never learnt the tongue of Jesus, Palestinian, Phoenician, Canaanite, Aramaic, Syriac, Arabic. What language did Saint Paul speak when he lived in Palestine, Arabia and Syria? Who knows the answer? I know! (Basheer, you win!) What Christ meant by believing in God? Doing his Will and obeying God! NOT BELIEVING IN HIS CRUCIFIXION AND THE ATONEMENT OF SIN BY BELIEVEING HE SACRIFICED HIMSELF TO SAVE HUMANITY! Believing in God is to love our neighbour like ourselves. Is what we see Americans, Canadians, Australians, English, French and other European bastards do in Muslim lands (incited by Jewish bastards) called LOVING THY NEIGHBOUR?
If Churches cannot teach the faithful to love, it should be raised to the ground and Christianity should retreat in the homes where Satan will not reach them if they also get rid of television and other Jewish poisons out of reach of the likes of “Pamela Geller, Geert Wilders, Robert Spencer et al)”!
YES, the bomb Breivik “detonated prematurely”. Like the assassins of Blackwater-Xe, whether he was paid or not he was indeed programmed for the killing fields of “Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria or wherever else organized Jewish interests want white European Christians fighting and killing Muslims for Israel’s benefit”. When the Hindus accepted Muslim virtues as well as respected their own, they became better human beings. But, today they have lost all humanity and become sadistic brutes and rapists thanks to a corrupt Zionist loving leadership. They unleashed their Brown Breivik (right from inside the Chabad Lubavic Terrorist Cell) in carrying out the Mumbai attacks, but then blamed the attacks on Muslims!
Oh my God, what a mess you have allowed your world to be in!
Just like Jews are being trained to kill right from their Nursery days, Americans are doing exactly the same in the present school brainwashing system. Until both Christians and Muslims do not home school their children or educate them in private facilities, the brainwashing will continue. Listen to John Taylor Gatto’s lecture: Beyond Schooling. The last time I posted this video, I do not remember reading any response.
“She (Ripley) is shouted down, marginalized, ridiculed, ignored, sanctioned, and silenced. She is confined to quarters, deprived of earning a decent living, had the threat of criminal prosecution hanging over her constantly, and for reasons made clear later when it was revealed that some of these corporate characters saw great riches in utilizing these xenomorphs as weapons of mass destruction.”
This is exactly what many of us had to face at least since Henry Ford wrote his “The International Jew”, and it has got hundreds of times worse and there is no hope for the Jewish interests to be “contained, controlled, or rehabilitated”. And, there is no other solution than to keep them completely out of the governing, financial, educating, medical, food producing and manufacturing apparatus altogether. No more support for Israel!
“The only safe option is to ‘go nuclear’ with them and utterly annihilate the source of their identity, leaving ‘not one stone upon another’.”
And, YES, the best weapons we have are “reason and rationality” in order to render harmless the “pure, distilled, undiluted poison” represented by Judaism and “all its manifestations”.
Basheer, you are plagiarising Mark Glenn’s work! Yes, I know, but he won’t mind. I hate writing idiotic compliments about other people’s efforts. So, I am pretending to be smarter by adding a different coloured ribbon to the bouquet, but my intention is noble as I did not want to praise Mark’s essay by just reading through it like an automaton and I wanted to make sure it was indeed a great piece as I expected it to be. Thank God, I found it really and scientifically great and perfect!
REASON AND RATIONALITY: This land is ours, so get the hell out of Palestine and of all Muslim lands. This money is ours, so get the hell out of our Banks! Our food is ours to grow, so get the hell out of our agricultural land! Our health is none of your business, so get the hell out of our health care system! The education of our children will be decided by us, and not by perverts like you, so get out of our schooling system! To hell with your Jewishness and your Chosenness! In brief, get the hell completely out of our way of life and of our lives! Amen.
“Alien … madness wrapped in human skin”
“In more clinical terms, he (Anders Breivik) is a symptom, a side effect, and a carrier for someone else’s disease…”
Communists (Bolsheviks, Socialists and Liberals) were Jewish and still are. Capitalists (bootleggers, quacks, crime syndicates, prostitution and gambling rackets, etc.) were Jewish and still are. But, once they got the Christians “by the balls” (George Carlin), they also got the monopoly on money. We need to go back to Oliver Cromwell, Elisabeth 1st, John Dee (007) and the Jewish Qabbalah to understand why, maybe. Once, the greatest wielding power weapon (WPW) on earth was in their hands, finances, they bought all the things of value in Christendom (the prices were set by themselves!), including their religion, Churches and priests. Maybe this was the reason george Carlin said “religion is bullshit!”
Often Europeans (or “Westerners”( boldly claim this because they had a big problem with Christianity and concluded all religions are the same or worse. Anyway, this WPW gave Torah, Talmud and Khazar “Jews” monopoly on almost every single item we consume, from kitchen salt and sugar to toilet paper! And this is the Jewish shit we have had to deal with and endure powerlessly for several centuries!
After scaring the world with Communism, including the stupid Muslims, they made us Socialist, another bastard child of Communism. Today they have managed even to make the Christian masses accept yet another of their bastards: Zionism. But, this time, it was not only on the blood of Christians, but on Muslim blood worldwide. And, this is where Israel in Occupied Palestine and Greater Israel (the entire Goddamn West!) will meet its inevitable fate, and the fight will continue because Muslims will not go down without a fight. Christendom did kick the bastards many times out of their lands, but then invited them back (Oliver Cromwell) because of their own decadence and degeneration.
Brother Mark Glenn is far better than me at writing, but he always has the right arguments. Further, his knowledge of medical science gives him a faultless method at find out the very root cause of the cancer called Jewism (Juifisme). The more the world loves the Jew and every poison the Jew vomits on them and makes them swallow, the more they hate Muslims, Arabs and Muslims.
YES, “Breivik was/is a parking lot for someone else’s thoughts and ideas”!
The Muslims and non Muslims alike paid the price for such monstrous evil of another time and place. Krishna, Jesus and Muhammad may be myths in the minds and hearts of millions, but let those Godless monsters tell us if they have anyone better and bring them forward for all of us to see. They have declared war on Nature, humanity, women, children, babies, God, the embryo and the foetus, natural sex, natural food, natural medicine, and the natural religion (fitra) of all humans born in this life and that some 1.8 millions souls call Islam.
The wars on innocence and Nature is being waged unrelentingly with the blessings and support of all imaginable kind by the UNO, the World Council of Churches, and by hundreds of millions of brainwashed slaves. Killing our innocent and defenceless men, women and children has become perfectly acceptable and as normal as anal sex and same sex marriage. The success of those bastards has forced me to reconsider my views about religion, God and the whole damn thing call humanity where I see more bestiality than any thing else. But, then, I remembered that GOD DID INDEED DAMN WARN BOTH CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS ABOUT THOSE DAMNED JEWS!
Unless Christians put their act together and fight those who keep bragging about having crucified Jesus, and unless Muslims unite and ban democracy (mod rule) as they were once taught by Muhammad, can we in all fairness blame Satan for what God Himself has allowed him to do?
YES, Breivik is just one of the many symptoms of that deadly Jewish cancer that is provoking wars, tsunamis, pigs to fly (swine flu), Sodomites to be glamorised (AIDS), women’s derrières to be worshipped (Kardashian’s), people denouncing p[edophiles to be hunted down, imprisoned and even murdered, and so on. And, to hypnotise and distract the world, they have also launched a never-ending Talmudade or Davidade (Jewish Crusade) against Islam, Muslims and Arabs via a media and government campaign of vilification and demonisation of everything Islamic and that has been on the increase since the Jewish 9/11.
What are 80 Norwegian children compared to the millions they have murdered on the Killing fields of Chechnya, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hindustan, Kashmir, Indonesia, Indo-China, Latin America, Rwanda, China, Russia, Central Asia, Algeria, Somalia, Sudan, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, and other lands said by Christian Evangelists to be inhabited by Satan. See “100 Gateway Cities of the 10/40 Window”, inactive since 2000, but the damning information remains valuable and valid to this day.
“As with all illnesses—physical, mental or otherwise—everything is traceable to a source.”
And if we want to survive, we must identify the source and proceed to its eradication because it is indeed “alien to all historically-known norms of decency, morality, and sanity”, as Mark rightly says.
Are the Jewish overtones of such screams of “Stop Islamization of America”, and “Stop Islamisation of Europe” not crystal clear to us? Yes, I said CRYSTAL CLEAR! When Breivik saw that Satanist and Black Mass rituals, human sacrifice, holocausts, ethnic cleansing, and other abominations were not even condemned as strongly as they should by his own Churches, what was he to make out of the purpose of his won life? He saw the clash between Christianity and Islam as not only inevitable but as vital to the survival of the “White European race”! The French Jews who we see screaming on French television and hurling insults at “antisemites”, are the ones of the millions of cocoons ready, eager and al excited to metamorphose into Breivikians! Like in America’s School of the Assassins, they are being trained in Special Scout and other Zionist Camps and sent out to Israel to kill their quota of babies and innocent people for their bloodthirsty Gods.
“Due to their alien mindset they cannot live peaceably or cooperatively with any species other their own. Every planet, every civilization they invade, they immediately go to work in destroying that habitat by removing every Gentile characteristic that is intrinsic to the continued existence of that civilization. They must own, control, dominate and then devour, just as their alien constitution demands, and if every single human being on the planet must die in bringing about this alien agenda, then so be it. In the non-reality of this mal-adjusted mindset, not just the world, but indeed, the entire universe revolves around them and their species. Without them, all known creation, without any nucleus and thus without any cohesion or purpose, would simply cease to exist. In their limited, extraterrestrial myopia, everything, from one end of the universe to the other is mere illusion, without neither form nor the substance of God, …”
Did I write the above? No, Mark did! The Goy is so good at writing that I am asking myself why pretend to add to what is already PERFECT? But, you know me! The system has been put in place, called a CHURCH (Circe), where the faithful is lured to it, transformed into beasts and then devoured. But, it is not too late for the “Churches” to prove to us that they have stopped their cannibalistic past and really wish to join the Ecclesia of Christ. Ecclesia is a Greek word that appears in the New Testament approximately 115 times. The Church can prevent the faithful from being slaughtered by the Synagogue of Satan in a “Clash of Civilisation” engineered by the enemies of Christ. Muslims are far from being enemies of Christ and of ll true Christians.
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica:
“In the New Testament, “ecclesia” (signifying convocation) is the only single word used for church. It (ecclesia) was the name given to the governmental assembly of the city of Athens, duly convoked (called out) by proper officers and possessing all political power including even juridical functions.”
I am saying that the Church too (of most denominations) is misleading the faithful and making th Harvest of Satan easier and plentiful. As the Church has persisted in its disobedience of Christ and it obedience to its enemies, let the faithful leave the Church to its demons.
John 12:44
“Jesus cried out and said, ‘the one believing in me BELIEVES NOT IN ME, BUT IN THE ONE HAVING SENT ME. The one seeing me sees the one having sent me’.”
But, it is sad that most Christians never learnt the tongue of Jesus, Palestinian, Phoenician, Canaanite, Aramaic, Syriac, Arabic. What language did Saint Paul speak when he lived in Palestine, Arabia and Syria? Who knows the answer? I know! (Basheer, you win!) What Christ meant by believing in God? Doing his Will and obeying God! NOT BELIEVING IN HIS CRUCIFIXION AND THE ATONEMENT OF SIN BY BELIEVEING HE SACRIFICED HIMSELF TO SAVE HUMANITY! Believing in God is to love our neighbour like ourselves. Is what we see Americans, Canadians, Australians, English, French and other European bastards do in Muslim lands (incited by Jewish bastards) called LOVING THY NEIGHBOUR?
If Churches cannot teach the faithful to love, it should be raised to the ground and Christianity should retreat in the homes where Satan will not reach them if they also get rid of television and other Jewish poisons out of reach of the likes of “Pamela Geller, Geert Wilders, Robert Spencer et al)”!
YES, the bomb Breivik “detonated prematurely”. Like the assassins of Blackwater-Xe, whether he was paid or not he was indeed programmed for the killing fields of “Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria or wherever else organized Jewish interests want white European Christians fighting and killing Muslims for Israel’s benefit”. When the Hindus accepted Muslim virtues as well as respected their own, they became better human beings. But, today they have lost all humanity and become sadistic brutes and rapists thanks to a corrupt Zionist loving leadership. They unleashed their Brown Breivik (right from inside the Chabad Lubavic Terrorist Cell) in carrying out the Mumbai attacks, but then blamed the attacks on Muslims!
Oh my God, what a mess you have allowed your world to be in!
Just like Jews are being trained to kill right from their Nursery days, Americans are doing exactly the same in the present school brainwashing system. Until both Christians and Muslims do not home school their children or educate them in private facilities, the brainwashing will continue. Listen to John Taylor Gatto’s lecture: Beyond Schooling. The last time I posted this video, I do not remember reading any response.
“She (Ripley) is shouted down, marginalized, ridiculed, ignored, sanctioned, and silenced. She is confined to quarters, deprived of earning a decent living, had the threat of criminal prosecution hanging over her constantly, and for reasons made clear later when it was revealed that some of these corporate characters saw great riches in utilizing these xenomorphs as weapons of mass destruction.”
This is exactly what many of us had to face at least since Henry Ford wrote his “The International Jew”, and it has got hundreds of times worse and there is no hope for the Jewish interests to be “contained, controlled, or rehabilitated”. And, there is no other solution than to keep them completely out of the governing, financial, educating, medical, food producing and manufacturing apparatus altogether. No more support for Israel!
“The only safe option is to ‘go nuclear’ with them and utterly annihilate the source of their identity, leaving ‘not one stone upon another’.”
And, YES, the best weapons we have are “reason and rationality” in order to render harmless the “pure, distilled, undiluted poison” represented by Judaism and “all its manifestations”.
Basheer, you are plagiarising Mark Glenn’s work! Yes, I know, but he won’t mind. I hate writing idiotic compliments about other people’s efforts. So, I am pretending to be smarter by adding a different coloured ribbon to the bouquet, but my intention is noble as I did not want to praise Mark’s essay by just reading through it like an automaton and I wanted to make sure it was indeed a great piece as I expected it to be. Thank God, I found it really and scientifically great and perfect!
REASON AND RATIONALITY: This land is ours, so get the hell out of Palestine and of all Muslim lands. This money is ours, so get the hell out of our Banks! Our food is ours to grow, so get the hell out of our agricultural land! Our health is none of your business, so get the hell out of our health care system! The education of our children will be decided by us, and not by perverts like you, so get out of our schooling system! To hell with your Jewishness and your Chosenness! In brief, get the hell completely out of our way of life and of our lives! Amen.
#12 by B.A.Frémaux-Soormally on November 16, 2012 - 3:53 pm
#5 by ruby22-kate on November 16, 2012 – 4:48 am
“the Jewish Israeli horror show never ends, it just gets more indefensible.”
“US backs Israel’s ‘right …”
Mosts Christians (White and non White) do not have a clue who Christ was and what Christianity really stands for and most of them would not listen to the Voice of Truth!
I (and others) have listed and revealed thousands of things that Christians ignore about their own religion. If they knew, there would be no Palestinian sufferings or Jewish problem today!
I have been writing on “The Ugly Truth” for some two years now and I have seen Christian readers running away from the truth (and from me, of course, or write nonsense!). This is why many are still imprisoned, have become apostates, Atheists, divide in hundreds of denominations, and let the Jews do whatever they want with them and their Churches.
How many of us know that Jesus was acclaimed rightly or wrongly KING OF THE PALESTINIANS (JUDEANS)? Rome called Palestinians Judeans and to this day Jews pretend to have been the only inhabitants of Palestine (Judea). Christian leadership and their stupid flocks bought this crap! As long as Christians would not admit the truth of history and Christ (and denounce Paul!) that would set them free, there will be no peace on earth.
How many of us know that White Christian money paid for millions of Communists (Khazar Talmudists) and Atheists from Eastern Europe to settle down on stolen Palestinian lands?
White Christians deserve what has befallen upon them in America, Canada, Australia, Europe and South Africa. They have become whores and assassins bought and paid for by Jewish Satanists! Yet, there is still hope and their salvation lies in either embracing Islam or joining hands with good Muslims to fight the COMMMON ENEMY or we are all doomed! But, first they must stop calling Islam Satanic and Allah Satan!
Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovitch at a synagogue in 1952 quoted by Vincent Bert (an Islam hater) in “Christianity versus Communism”
“White women must cohabit with members of dark races, white men with black women, thus the white race will disappear for the mixing of the dark with the white will mean the end of the white man and our most dangerous enemy will become a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over the world of dark people.
New York Herald Tribune 1959 (Article in Serial Print):
“The Talmud, to this day, is the circulating heart and blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs and ceremonies we observe whether we are orthodox, conservative, reformed, or merely spasmodic sentimentalists, we follow the Talmud. It is our Common Law. The obligations and rules of the right for the Jewish masses are contained in the Talmud…Christians are idolaters, the worst kinds of people murderers, fornicators, impure animals like dirt, unworthy to be called men, beasts in human form, worthy of the name beast, cows, asses, pigs, dogs and worse than dogs that they propagate after the manner of beasts that they have a diabolical origin, that their souls come from the devil, and return to the devil I hell after death and that even the body of a dead Christian is nothing different than a dead animal.”
Sarkoun Aruch (check spelling)
Vincent Bert: “Let me tell you something that is everything that the Jew is, that is everything that they are.”
“The self style Jews say it is incorrect to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew even…The 1980 Jewish Almanach says: “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”
After WWII, the Jews in control murdered 9 MILLION Germans.
It is a fact also that White Christian American Supremacists are degenerates and the American Army is an army of worse than wild beasts in smart uniforms with no brains to think and without morals (but with lofty ideals!). So, I find no need to justify their evil deeds by accusing others to have lured and seduced them into the Army. One American President said he trained his “boys to kill Indians” just like the Jews trained their young people to kill Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims and all the Goyim.
“the Jewish Israeli horror show never ends, it just gets more indefensible.”
“US backs Israel’s ‘right …”
Mosts Christians (White and non White) do not have a clue who Christ was and what Christianity really stands for and most of them would not listen to the Voice of Truth!
I (and others) have listed and revealed thousands of things that Christians ignore about their own religion. If they knew, there would be no Palestinian sufferings or Jewish problem today!
I have been writing on “The Ugly Truth” for some two years now and I have seen Christian readers running away from the truth (and from me, of course, or write nonsense!). This is why many are still imprisoned, have become apostates, Atheists, divide in hundreds of denominations, and let the Jews do whatever they want with them and their Churches.
How many of us know that Jesus was acclaimed rightly or wrongly KING OF THE PALESTINIANS (JUDEANS)? Rome called Palestinians Judeans and to this day Jews pretend to have been the only inhabitants of Palestine (Judea). Christian leadership and their stupid flocks bought this crap! As long as Christians would not admit the truth of history and Christ (and denounce Paul!) that would set them free, there will be no peace on earth.
How many of us know that White Christian money paid for millions of Communists (Khazar Talmudists) and Atheists from Eastern Europe to settle down on stolen Palestinian lands?
White Christians deserve what has befallen upon them in America, Canada, Australia, Europe and South Africa. They have become whores and assassins bought and paid for by Jewish Satanists! Yet, there is still hope and their salvation lies in either embracing Islam or joining hands with good Muslims to fight the COMMMON ENEMY or we are all doomed! But, first they must stop calling Islam Satanic and Allah Satan!
Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovitch at a synagogue in 1952 quoted by Vincent Bert (an Islam hater) in “Christianity versus Communism”
“White women must cohabit with members of dark races, white men with black women, thus the white race will disappear for the mixing of the dark with the white will mean the end of the white man and our most dangerous enemy will become a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over the world of dark people.
New York Herald Tribune 1959 (Article in Serial Print):
“The Talmud, to this day, is the circulating heart and blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs and ceremonies we observe whether we are orthodox, conservative, reformed, or merely spasmodic sentimentalists, we follow the Talmud. It is our Common Law. The obligations and rules of the right for the Jewish masses are contained in the Talmud…Christians are idolaters, the worst kinds of people murderers, fornicators, impure animals like dirt, unworthy to be called men, beasts in human form, worthy of the name beast, cows, asses, pigs, dogs and worse than dogs that they propagate after the manner of beasts that they have a diabolical origin, that their souls come from the devil, and return to the devil I hell after death and that even the body of a dead Christian is nothing different than a dead animal.”
Sarkoun Aruch (check spelling)
Vincent Bert: “Let me tell you something that is everything that the Jew is, that is everything that they are.”
“The self style Jews say it is incorrect to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew even…The 1980 Jewish Almanach says: “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”
After WWII, the Jews in control murdered 9 MILLION Germans.
It is a fact also that White Christian American Supremacists are degenerates and the American Army is an army of worse than wild beasts in smart uniforms with no brains to think and without morals (but with lofty ideals!). So, I find no need to justify their evil deeds by accusing others to have lured and seduced them into the Army. One American President said he trained his “boys to kill Indians” just like the Jews trained their young people to kill Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims and all the Goyim.
Oscar process is 'disgusting' says Hopkins
Awards-chasing is 'nauseating', reckons the maverick Welshman
Sir Anthony Hopkins has branded the Academy Award system 'disgusting'.
In an interview with the Huffington Post, Hopkins – who is being tipped for a nomination for his role as Alfred Hitchcock in director Sacha Gervasi's new biopic – took Hollywood to task.
[Related story: Hitchcock biopic to enter Oscar race]
“ I've been around - I've got the Oscar myself for 'Silence of the Lambs' - and having to be nice to people and to be charming and flirting with them... oh, come on,” he said.
“People go out of their way to flatter the nominating body and I think it's kind of disgusting. That's always been against my nature.
“You know, kissing the backside of the authorities that can make or break it; I can't stand all that. I find it nauseating to watch and I think it's disgusting to behold. People grovelling around and kissing the backsides of famous producers and all that.
“It makes me want to throw up, it really does. It's sick-making.
I've seen it so many times. I saw it fairly recently, last year. Some
great producer-mogul and everyone kisses this guy's backside. I think,
'What are they doing? Don't they have any self respect?' I wanted to
say, 'F**k off'.”In an interview with the Huffington Post, Hopkins – who is being tipped for a nomination for his role as Alfred Hitchcock in director Sacha Gervasi's new biopic – took Hollywood to task.
[Related story: Hitchcock biopic to enter Oscar race]
“ I've been around - I've got the Oscar myself for 'Silence of the Lambs' - and having to be nice to people and to be charming and flirting with them... oh, come on,” he said.
“People go out of their way to flatter the nominating body and I think it's kind of disgusting. That's always been against my nature.
“You know, kissing the backside of the authorities that can make or break it; I can't stand all that. I find it nauseating to watch and I think it's disgusting to behold. People grovelling around and kissing the backsides of famous producers and all that.
But despite his disdain for that part of the movie business, the 74-year-old Welshman says he's no plans to retire.
“I don't ever want to retire. I did a few years ago. I didn't actually plan it, but I thought, 'Maybe I should just slow down and call it a day'. My wife said to me, 'You do that, you will die. You can't retire. It's your work, it's your life. You love working'.
“When men retire - particularly men - if they get out too early, they usually die of stress or loneliness or they drink too much or their hearts give out. I think a certain amount of stress in life is good. The stress of just working, which takes effort - I think it keeps you going.”
'Hitchcock' is out in the UK on February 8.
Dear Reader; For Palestinians there seems to be no end to the suffering. We thought it therefore necessary to publish some articles on our website. Stop pretending the US is an uninvolved, helpless party in the Israeli assault on Gaza.
Next year we commemorate the 10th anniversary of the brutal invasion and
occupation of Iraq. On our website you find some articles on Iraq today: Hundreds workers demonstrate in Tahrir Square to demand their rights.
a next newsletter we hope to bring you more news on the activities that
will be organised in 2013. The slogan we launched to pinpoint the
essential: ACCOUNTABILITY AND JUSTICE FOR IRAQWe are renewing our database. If you want to be sure to keep receiving this newsletter in 2013, please renew your subscription, subscribe Thank you and kind regards - Lieven De Cauter, president of the BRussells Tribunal | |
Cher lecteur, Pour les palestiniens, il paraît qu’il n’y a pas de fin à la souffrance. Nous avons estimé nécessaire de publier quelques articles sur notre site web : Stop pretending the US is an uninvolved, helpless party in the Israeli assault on Gaza. L’année prochaine nous commémorons le 10ème anniversaire de l’invasion et de l’occupation de l’Iraq. Sur notre site web vous trouverez quelques articles sur l’Iraq d’aujourd’hui, notamment sur les protestations des travailleurs : Hundreds workers demonstrate in Tahrir Square to demand their rights. Dans la newsletter suivante, nous espèrons vous apporter plus de nouvelles sur les activités qui seront organisées en 2013. Le mot d’ordre que notre réseau a lancé est : responsabilité et justice pour l’Iraq : ACCOUNTABILITY AND JUSTICE FOR IRAQ Nous sommes en train de renouveler notre banque d‘adresses. Si vous voulez être sûr de recevoir cette newsletter, veuillez renouveler votre inscription ici. Un grand merci - Lieven De cauter, président du BRussells TRibunal | |
Estimado lector: Parece que para los palestinos el sufrimiento no tiene fin, por lo que nos parece necesario publicar algunos artículos en nuestra web: Stop pretending the US is an uninvolved, helpless party in the Israeli assault on Gaza El próximo año conmemoramos el décimo aniversario de la brutal ocupación e invasión de Iraq y en nuestra página web encontrarás algunos artículos sobre el Iraq de hoy: Hundreds workers demonstrate in Tahrir Square to demand their rights. En nuestro próximo boletín informativo esperamos enviarte más noticias sobre las actividades que estamos organizando para 2013. El eslogan que hemos lanzado subraya lo esencial: Responsabilidad y Justicia para Iraq. Además, estamos actualizando nuestra base de datos, por lo que si deseas seguir recibiendo nuestro boletín informativo en 2013, por favor renueva tu subscripción Muchas gracias y recibe un cordial saludo - Lieven De Cauter, presidente del Tribunal BRussells | |
عزيزي القارىء
لايبدو أن هناك نهاية للمعاناة
التي يعيشها الفلسطينيون ، لهذا فقد وجدنا أنه من الضروري نشر بعض المقالات على موقعنا.
السنة القادمة سوف نحيي الذكرى السنوية العاشرة على الغزو الوحشي وأحتلال
العراق. ستجدون على موقعنا الجديد بعض المقالات عن عراق اليوم . ( تظاهرالمئات من العمال في ساحة التحرير للمطالبة بحقوقهم ).
نتمنى في نشرتنا البريدية التالية أن نحصل على المزيد من الأخبار حول الفعاليات التي سوف يتم تحضيرها في عام 2013.
( المسائلة والعدالة من أجل العراق ) هو الشعار الذي أطلقناه لتحديد ماهو ضروري.
نحن نقوم بتحديث قاعدة البيانات ، أن كانت لديك الرغبة بأستلام النشرة البريدية لعام 2013 ، الرجاء تجديد أشتراكك.
مع الشكر الجزيل
ليافن دي كاوتار, رئيس محكمة بروكسل
| |
Beste lezer, Voor de Palestijnen lijkt er geen einde te komen aan de verschrikkingen. We vonden het daarom nodig via onze website enkele artikelen over dit conflict te publiceren: Stop pretending the US is an uninvolved, helpless party in the Israeli assault on Gaza. Volgend jaar herdenken we de 10 de verjaardag van de brutale inval en bezetting van Irak. Op onze website vind je enkele artikelen over Irak vandaag: Hundreds workers demonstrate in Tahrir Square to demand their rights. In een volgende newsletter hopen we meer nieuws te brengen over activiteiten die in 2013 zullen georganiseerd worden . Het ordewoord dat we hiervoor gelanceerd hebben is: ACCOUNTABILITY AND JUSTICE FOR IRAQ We werken aan het op punt stellen van ons adressenbestand. Wil je er zeker van zijn ook in 2013 onze newsletter nog te ontvangen, wil dan zo vriendelijk zijn je inschrijving te vernieuwen: subscribe Veel dank en vriendelijke groeten - Lieven De Cauter, voorzitter van het BRussells Tribunal |
They mean that bloodthirsty “Negro” ruling in the White House and over White America?
For the Jew this is sweeter than sex, and was much anticipated, until people started to comment on the psychopathology driving Jews to look forward to opportunities to explode a Palestinian kid’s head while on patrol.
There have been many many such exploded heads of kids, and for a while i wondered why they were all bandaged, as the kids were all dead, then it clicked, it was to prevent the cranial contents from sliding out, like in the above picture, taken before bandaging.
It’s the Jews, stupid!
Baynes Lyndon B. Johnson, the Jewish whore!
Obama the Jewish whore!
And the degenerate Christians all Jewish whores!
The Blacks have no more legs to stand on with their “Civil Rights” as they have joined the mass murderers!
The right to keep and BEAR arms? My foot!