Saturday, 31 October 2020


Just a few hints! 

1. Refuse to vaccinate our children!
2. Ban all processed food!
3. Farm your own animals and feed them with natural food!
4.  Grow your own organic food without pesticide!
5. Drink only natural or filtered water!
6. Spend regular time in worshipping the Creator even if you have no evidence there is One, but we have inherited so much wisdom of the past that we must pay attention to what has been taught for thousands of years for the betterment of not only the self (like in mediation), but of the family, society, humankind, and of all life in general; put Old Wise recommendations into everyday practice, and not waste our time in useless and wasteful meditation, one of the many diseases of western society !
7. To be self-employed is the best solution, but we have to make sure that the one we elect, and pay to take care of us collectively, politically, socially, and medically are doing the right thing or else we must fire them or stop paying them.
8. We must not take part in elections that are manipulated by corporations.
9. We must all stand under Common Law.
10. We must home-school our children.
11. All our children must be trained early in life how to survive naturally.
12. All our children must be physically and mentally fit!
13. We must ban Big Pharma and use only natural healing.
14. We must also ban all corporate and capitalist products.
15. We must not watch corporate television.
16. We must believe nothing and question everything.
17. We must fight State Terrorism.
18. We must fast regularly.
19. We must not use toxic drugs, including alcohol and cigarettes.
20.  We must not gamble.
21. We must not prostitute our women and young girls, and ban all brothels and sex shops.
22.  We must fight paedophile-criminality, human sacrifice, and cannibalism.
23. We must not waste our time and money in useless recreation.
24. We must ban usury completely.
25. We must never get involved in aggressive wars.
26. We must stop stealing, fornicating, coveting, lying, and being racist.
27. We must not murder our unborn babies.
28. We must never obey any government that lies to us all the time, and does not respect our religion, the sanctity of marriage, our children, the family, and our nation as a whole.
29. Monarchy, Lordships, Freemasonry, and all Secret Societies including the Vatican and Masonic Lodges must be abolished.
30. We must return to the gold and silver standard, abolish fiat money or print our own paper money!
31. We must ban US monopoly in Antarctica!
32. All stolen lands must be returned to their original owners if any have survived, including Palestine, and all survivors must be compensated in one way or the other, including and especially Palestine.
33. We must be allowed to travel freely on the entire earth.
34.  All organisations like the UNO and its branches, NATO, the CIA, the FBI, Intelligence Agencies, and Dictatorships must be abolished or under the strict control of the People, not the State!
35.  We must establish an Authority in each country to make sure that nothing interferes with the NATURAL state of things.
36. All genetically modified organisms must be abolished.
37. All attempts to make robots of humans must be opposed.
38. Artificial Intelligence must be kept under strict control with the consent of the People.
39.  All fake NASA and space projects must be prosecuted and the criminals brought to the People's Justice.
40. All lies in our school text-books must be corrected and removed. 😜😱🤣

23 September 2020


01. killed our elderly

02. deprived us of proper health care

03. killed us with forced vaccination

04. carried out false flag after false flag operations

05. emptied our hospitals

06. made our doctors and scientists lie

07. fired all those who told the truth about deadly vaccines and the COVID-19 Plandemic Hoax

08. hired our religious leaders to promote their Satanic lies

09. put us under house arrest

10. locked us down like dangerous wild animals

11. decreed a military state of emergency because they (and the Jewish Mafia) are at war with us

12. stopped the democratic process

13. violated all our human rights

14.  censored free speech

15. fined us for living normally ("trebling the fines every 3 hours")

16. chased us off our beaches, lakes and forests

17. blame the Muslims and Islam for all the ills in society

18. preach hate against Islam (Catholic priest Maurice...)

19. close down Muslim places of worship

20. close down Muslim places of culture and learning

21. ban Muslim dress codes (like in France)

22. ban Muslims from employment if they have a beard

23. caused detrimental effects to people’s mental and physical health

24. pushed mainly males (those cowards!) to commit suicide

25. pushed businesses and entrepreneurs to bankruptcy

26. pushed pregnant women to abort

27. provided zero evidence for any pandemic or epidemic

28. lied to us over and over again

29. recruited officials as accomplices of the State that is itself owned and controlled by the Money Gangsters Mafia (MGM)!

30. allowed genocidal criminal Dr. Professor Bill Gates (Nobel Prize of Medicine and Big Pharma) and other Jews to try and impose vaccines on the entire world according to the Master Plan of Eugenics

31. abolished science, logic and common sense (although this started a long time ago since the Dinosaurs Hoax, the unproven Spinning Globe, the invention of Democracy, the faked moon landing, 9/11, London 7/7, Sandy Hook, Charlie Hebdo, Lady Diana's Murder, the very first vaccines, the faked Space Travels, the Bolsheviks, WWI, WWII, Monsanto, Big Pharma, Apartheid Israel, the UNO, the engineering of the break-up of the Family, homosexual marriages, forcing homosexual education and masturbation experiments in schools, the US-Israeli recruited mercenaries of Al Nusra, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, IS, ISIS, IC., and all the false flags they are engineering with public consent!

32.  take our money to pay ARMED POLICE AND MILITARY to violate all our rights, beating us up, killing some of us, fining and jailing us, and carrying out false flag operations non-stop

33.  control our media, academies, schools, health care, leaders, national and local governments worldwide!  

 There is only one way forward: TOTAL ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL BOYCOTT!

A. But, we cannot claim to obtain quick and positive results when we keep on buying and drinking alcohol, smoking, gambling, eating junk food and Monsanto GMO, touring the world, wasting money on almost everything, buying and throwing away stuffs, sending our children to public citadels of slavery, collaborating with the system, poisoning our body and mind with Big Pharma and deadly vaccines, wearing muzzles, allowing our elderly to be disrespected and even murdered, aborting our babies, paying for genocidal wars abroad, starving the world by embargoes, supporting and financing Apartheid Israel, paying for television licences, buying news papers, magazines, pornography, indulging in free sex and even sodomy, running brothels, and submitting to State Totalitarian Fascism and Luciferianism led by the 5 Pointed Star Pentagon and the White House Industry of Death!     

B.  Creating a Covid-19 or other viruses safe environment?  This is a joke!

C. There used to be a unique Master Race of White Europeans. Today, it has been replaced by a unique Mater Race, the "SEMITIC" TALMUDIST JEWS!




Saturday 31st of October 2020



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