Friday, 30 October 2020




Execution by Cannon May 5, 2015

Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern , trackback

execution by cannon

Human beings have long showed remarkable ingenuity at getting rid of their fellow human beings, especially perhaps human beings that they do not like. Once the cannon was invented it was only a matter of time before someone tied a prisoner to the front and lit a fuse, blowing his body into a constellation of pain, the head dropping neatly in front. There are reports of ‘blown from gun’ or ‘blown from cannon’ all over the world, from Iran to Brazil and from Central Asia to the Caribbean. However, there is no question that the natural home of this form of punishment was India. The punishment was used, meanwhile, longest in Afghanistan, just to the north of the Raj. The following passage dates to 1842 though cannons would be used to dispatch prisoners until the 1930s in that rather terrifying area of central Asia.

A little before sunset the horse artillery guns were drawn out, and presently the three criminals were brought to the ground [of killing]… the three men were then tied with ropes to the guns, their backs against the muzzle. The rope, fastened to one the spokes of the wheel, passed round the arms, over the muzzle of the gun, round the other arm, and then to the spoke of the opposite wheel, which kept the body fixed. The prisoners, with their wrists tied together, crying incessantly, ‘There is no God but God, and Mahomet is the prophet of God!’ Just as everything was ready, the prisoner in the middle was let loose, having been pardoned by the Schah [a day to remember], and the noise made the other two turn their heads. At that instant the priming fired, and an explosion took place. I could only see the body nearest to me for the thick clouds of smoke. One arm and shoulder blade was driven perpendicularly upwards, at least 100 feet; the other arm and part of the body were found right forward, yards off, with the hand torn away. The explosion produced a shower of blood and small particles of flesh. On going to the gun I found the head separate, as if it had been purposely severed from the body, and lying between the wheels; close to it were the lower limbs, trunkless, upturned on the ground, with part of the intestines twisted round one leg.

There are accounts from Afghanistan of kites haunting the killing sites to actually claim body parts as they sailed into the air: another description has a western diplomat injured by a flying limb. Why though was being blown by cannon so terrible: if Beach was given a choice between the electric chair and a large gun, he’d strap himself to the barrel in his enthusiasm to avoid old sparky? Much of the horror comes down perhaps to the disintegration of the body, that is particularly resented by Muslims and Christians (particularly Catholics)… There was presumably a lot of cleaning up to do as well. The British writer who described the acts here had no doubts that gentlemen did not blow even the worst criminals from cannons: ‘the… description of  execution will serve to illustrate the barbarous character of the people into whose power our countrymen, and some of our countrywomen, have unhappily fallen’, i.e. the Afghans.

Yet the British themselves later used cannons for executions, particularly martial executions where native soldiers (Beach has found no example of British troops blowing British troops from the canon) had mutinied. The most important took place at the time of the Indian Mutiny (1857) where Indian soldiers who had risen in revolt were routinely blown from the cannon. There is at least one case where a British officer excused this action by saying (General Chamberlain, 35 Regiment) that he killed two of his men thus out of respect for their Brahman status: ‘I wished to save them from the pollution of the hangman’s touch’. There is also at least one case (Nurgoond 1858) where an Indian requested the cannon but was refused it by British officials. However, the suspicion is that this was the most ghastly death the British had at their disposal and it was done as an act of revenge against natives who had carried out or who had planned atrocities on British civilians (including blowing from the cannon). It would be interesting to trace its place in martial law: or was this just an improvised ‘judicial’ act?

These British acts in India are seen as atrocities as well of course, by Indian nationalists and professors of colonialism. The cannon punishment was introduced by Europeans and only taken up unwillingly by the locals… But does this stand up, in the least, to historical scrutiny? In the two centuries before the mutiny most records Beach has found have Indian princes, not Europeans use the punishment. In 1790/91, for example, one Captain Rutledge, a British subject, was blown to pieces by a cannon on the instructions of Tipu Sultan. Of course, Europeans may have introduced the idea. The very earliest record of execution by cannon dated to 1509 and Portuguese tactics of intimidation in Sri Lanka. But cannons had arrived in Europe from the east where they had been around since the thirteenth century, including India. It is quite possible that inventive Muslim despots in the north had already been taking apart their criminal class with cannon balls before European ships arrived off Madras. Can anyone drag execution by cannon back into pre-colonial times in India or elsewhere? Drbeachcombing AT yahoo DOT com

Three afterthoughts. First, the Wikipedia page on this is fabulous, a real credit to its writer: are we seeing a slow change in the quality of Wikipedia? Second, it could be argued that the last instance of blown by cannon dates not to Afghanistan in the 1930s but to North Korea in 2012 when the Great Leader’s vice minister of war was dispatched with a carefully aimed mortar round: Christ… Third, how is it possible that after several decades of study and writing Beach only today learnt that ‘cannon’ is spelt with two ns?

25 may 2015: Séb J writes in to point out that we are now killing people with anti-aircraft guns. Now guess which country they’d do that in…

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