[Originally published as Gideon Polya, “Paris Atrocity Context: 27 Million Muslim Avoidable Deaths From
Imposed Deprivation In 20 Countries Violated By US Alliance Since
9-11”, Countercurrents, 22 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya221115.htm
. Based on Iraq War violent death estimates one can roughly estimate 5
million violent Muslim deaths in this post-9-11 War on Muslims.
A new book “US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim
Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” by Gideon Polya (Korsgaard Publishing,
quantitatively exposes 61 atrocities from colonial crimes (e.g. the
ongoing Palestinian Genocide) to the 21st century Muslim Holocaust
the worsening Climate Genocide.
(for details see: https://korsgaardpublishing.com/portfolio/23945/
and https://www.amazon.com/US-Imposed-Post-9-Muslim-Holocaust-Genocide/dp/8793987056
comments: "US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim
Genocide" is a monument to free speech in a time of cowardice and
widespread censorship. The book delivers a profound message from a top scholar
to humanitarians across the globe: "Silence kills and silence is
complicity". With silence from government, academia, and mainstream media,
your only choice is to read this book if you want to understand the disastrous
consequences of the "War on Terror" and "climate denial".
For a comprehensive list of famines, genocides and holocausts see: “Report Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/reportgenocide/
The appalling Paris
atrocity (130 killed) has led Hollande and Obama to call for the
destruction of Islamic State i.e. genocide as defined by the UN Genocide
Convention. A major report by 3 physician organizations recently
estimated that 2 million Muslims had died in the US War on Terror but UN
data show that Muslim avoidable deaths from deprivation in countries
subject to Western military intervention in 2001-2015 now total about 27
million, this demanding peace now and ICC prosecutions of those
responsible for this Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide.
President Obama (Antalya, Turkey, 16 November
2015) stated: “Tragically, Paris is not alone. We've seen outrageous
attacks by ISIL in Beirut, last month in Ankara, routinely in Iraq.
Here at the G20, our nations have sent an unmistakable message that we
are united against this threat. ISIL is the face of evil. Our goal, as
I've said many times, is to degrade and ultimately destroy this barbaric
terrorist organization” [1].
President Francois Hollande (17 November 2015)
stated: “France
is at war. No barbarians will prevent us from living how we have
decided to live. To live fully. Terrorism will never destroy the
republic, because the republic will destroy terrorism'… The sponsors of
the attack in Paris must know that their crimes further strengthens the
determination of France to fight and to destroy them. We must do more.
Syria has become the largest factory of terrorists the world has ever
known. France
is not engaged in a war of civilisations because those assassins don't
represent a civilisation. Our democracy has triumphed before over
adversaries that were much more formidable than these cowards” [2].
has been saturation coverage in the Western media of the appalling
Paris tragedy that killed 130 people on 13 November 2015, this coverage
dwarfing reportage of the recent Kunduz Hospital atrocity in
Afghanistan perpetrated by the US (22 killed, 2 October 2015 ), the
most recent Beirut Massacre by jihadi non-state terrorists (43 killed,
12 November 2015) and the Bamako Mali Massacre by jihadi non-state
terrorists (27 killed, 20 November 2015) - clear evidence of the
entrenched and egregious racism of the anti-Arab anti-Semitic,
Islamophobic and Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist
(NAZI)-perverted and subverted Western Mainstream media.
eminent US organization Just Foreign Policy has estimated that there
have been 1.5 million “Iraqi deaths due to the US invasion” and I have
estimated (based on UN Population Division 2006 Revision data) that to
this we should add a further 1.2 million Iraqis killed through
war-imposed deprivation [4, 5]. However the ABC News of the
taxpayer-funded ABC (Australia's equivalent of the UK BBC) commenting on the US
withdrawal in 2011 stated: “The withdrawal ends a war that left tens of
thousands of Iraqis and nearly 4,500 American soldiers dead” [6].
Another ABC
News report about Wikileaks document releases states: “The founder of
the WikiLeaks website says hundreds of thousands of US military
documents leaked by the website show the truth about the Iraq war. The
documents suggest senior US commanders turned a blind eye on torture by
the Iraqi authorities and show the US has kept records of civilian
deaths, despite previously denying it. The documents suggest senior US
commanders turned a blind eye on torture by the Iraqi authorities and
show the US
has kept records of civilian deaths, despite previously denying it. It
has put the death toll at 109,000, including more than 66,000 civilians.
The US
has criticised the release, saying the documents are classified and
could lead to military and civilian deaths. But Julian Assange has
defended his actions at a press conference just a short while ago,
saying the release serves the public interest” [7] .
“Iraq Body Count” project currently reports “total violent deaths
including combatants 224,000”, this highly flawed estimate being
unwisely based on the dodgy evidence of media and official reports
[8]. The mendacious BBC which, like the endlessly lying, Neocon
American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-perverted Australian ABC, has
an appalling record of malreportage [9, 10] opines: “Other reports and
surveys have resulted in a wide range of estimates of Iraqi deaths. The
UN-backed Iraqi Family Health Survey estimated 151,000 violent deaths
in the period March 2003 - June 2006. Meanwhile, The Lancet journal in
2006 published an estimate of 654,965 excess Iraqi deaths related to the
war of which 601,027 were caused by violence” [11].
Mainstream media under-reporting in claiming circa 20,000-200,000
Iraqi deaths due to the US War on Terror - when the true figure from
top medical epidemiologists, the UK ORB organization and UN
demographers is probably in excess of 2 million Iraqi deaths from
violence or imposed deprivation - is genocide-ignoring and
holocaust-ignoring on a massive scale. A holocaust involves the death
of huge numbers of people whereas genocide is defined more precisely by
Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention which states that “In the
present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed
with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial
or religious group, as such: a) Killing members of the group; b) Causing
serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c) Deliberately
inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its
physical destruction in whole or in part; d) Imposing measures intended
to prevent births within the group; e) Forcibly transferring children
of the group to another group.” [4].
and holocaust–ignoring is far, far worse than repugnant
genocide-ignoring and holocaust denial because at least the latter
permit public discussion of the matter. The endlessly lying, Neocon
American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-perverted Western Mainstream
media are involved in massive lying by omission, lying by commission,
genocide-ignoring, holocaust–ignoring and effective genocide-ignoring
and holocaust denial.
course this is not new. Thus, for example, generation after
generations of lying journalists, politicians, and historians in the
English-speaking world have resolutely ignored the “forgotten” WW2
Bengali Holocaust in which the British with Australian complicity
deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death for strategic reasons
(genocidally racist White Australia was complicit by withholding food
from starving Indian from its huge wartime grain stores) [12-15].
History is written by the victors and Western Mainstream media
presstitutes are resolutely committed to untruth [16, 17].
gets worse. Iraq has been subject to repeated Western invasion in the
century since British invasion in 1914 (racist White Australia is
currently involved in its Seventh Iraq War and its Third Syrian War in a
century) and Iraqi deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation
since 1914 now total 9 million [4]. Further, Iraq is but one of 20
substantially or significantly Muslim countries variously invaded,
occupied, sanctioned and /or bombed by US Alliance forces since the US
Government's 9-11 false flag atrocity on 11 September 2001 in which
about 3,000 people were killed [3].
All of this
raises the key questions of (1) precisely how many millions of Muslims
have died from violence or from imposed deprivation in substantially
Muslim countries attacked by the US Alliance since 9-11; and (2) how
the civilized world should respond.
Kit O'Connell
(a US journalist from Austin, Texas, a Daily Staff Writer for MintPress
News, and Associate Editor of Shadowproof) (2015): “It may never be
possible to know the true death toll of the modern Western wars on the
Middle East, but that figure could be 4 million or higher. Since the
vast majority of those killed were of Arab descent, and mostly Muslim,
when would it be fair to accuse the United States
and its allies of genocide? A March report by Physicians for Social
Responsibility calculates the body count of the Iraq War at around 1.3
million, and possibly as many as 2 million. However, the numbers of
those killed in Middle Eastern wars could be much higher. In April,
investigative journalist Nafeez Ahmed argued that the actual death toll
could reach as high as 4 million if one includes not just those killed
in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also the victims of the
sanctions against Iraq, which left about 1.7 million more dead, half of
them children, according to figures from the United Nations [18].
Dr Nafeez Ahmed ( investigative
journalist, international security scholar, author of “Zero Point” and
associated with the Institute for Policy Research and Development) has
concluded that “In Iraq alone, the US-led war from 1991
to 2003 killed 1.9 million Iraqis; then from 2003 onwards around 1
million: totalling just under 3 million Iraqis dead over two decades…
the total Afghan death toll due to the direct and indirect impacts of
US-led intervention since the early nineties until now could be as high
3-5 million” [19].
Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), Physicians for
Social Responsibility (PSR) and Physicians for Global Survival (PGS)
published a detailed and documented major report in March 2015 on
Muslim deaths in Western wars that has been ignored by Mainstream media
but concluded (2015): “Executive Summary. This investigation come
to the conclusion that the war has, directly or indirectly, killed [in
2011-2013] around 1 million people in Iraq, 220,000 in Afghanistan and
80,000 in Pakistan i.e. a total of 1.3 million. Not included in this
figure are further war zones such a Yemen.
The figure is approximately 10 times greater than that of which the
public, experts and decision –makers are aware of [sic] and propagated
by the media and major NGOs. And this is only a conservative estimate.
The total number of deaths in the three countries named above could also
be in excess of 2 million, whereas a figure below 1 million is
extremely unlikely” [20].
Body Count” makes the absurd claim of 224,000 total violent Iraqi
deaths including combatants since the 2003 invasion [8], this being
based on media reports, an approach that has been shown by top medical
epidemiologists to be severely flawed [4]. The Physicians' Report [20]
estimates 1 million Iraqi deaths from violence or war-imposed
deprivation in the period 2011-2011 whereas the eminent US Just Foreign
Policy estimates – based on data from the UK ORB polling organization
and from polling by US medical epidemiologists published in The Lancet -
that 1.5 million Iraqis have died due to the US invasion and comments:
“The number is shocking and sobering. It is at least 10 times greater
than most estimates cited in the US media, yet it is based on a
scientific study of violent Iraqi deaths caused by the U.S.-led invasion
of March 2003” (noting that top US medical epidemiologists in their
paper in The Lancet estimated that 90% of the deaths found were
violent) [5].
data from the UN Population Division 2006 Revision data I have made an
upper estimate of 2003-2011 Iraqi avoidable deaths from deprivation
totalling 1.2 million, this leading to an estimate of 2.7 million Iraqi
deaths from violence (1.5 million) or from war-imposed conditions as
determined from differential pre- and post-invasion mortality data (1.2
million) in the period 2003-2011. This approach assumed that these 2
data sets (i.e. “deaths from violence” and “deaths from war-imposed
conditions ”) do not overlap if violently killed people do not make it
to hospitals etc for “official counting” – indeed the gross, up to
7-fold under-estimate of Iraqi violent deaths by “Iraq Body Count”
based on “official counting” validates my approach [4]. A related
approach estimates 7.2 million Afghan deaths post-9-11 from violence
(1.7 million) or war-imposed deprivation (5.5 million) [21, 22].
while the Physicians ' Report [20]. estimates “deaths from war-related
conditions” as determined from differential immediately pre- and
post-invasion mortality data, I assume that the historical pre-invasion
trend of massive decreases in mortality in Iraq (and Syria) should have
continued and indeed assume that the Iraqi mortality rate post-1990
could and should have attained the base-line rate for high birth-rate
impoverished countries of about 4 deaths per 1,000 of population per
year and hence given an avoidable death rate of zero (0) but for
war-imposed conditions. In other words, the invasion of Iraq
not only yielded violent deaths and increased avoidable deaths relative
to the pre-invasion year, it also blocked a quite achievable rapid
decline to zero avoidable deaths per annum [23].
death, avoidable mortality, excess death, excess mortality, premature
death, untimely death, death that should not have happened) is the
difference between the observed deaths in a country and the deaths
expected for a peaceful, decently governed country with the same
demographics (i.e. the same birth rate and age distribution) [23].
Thus, for example, in 2015 GDP per capita is abut $6,000 for both Cuba
and China and about $15,000 for both Iraq and Libya [24], but while
there are zero (0) annual avoidable deaths in Cuba and China, as
catalogued below annual avoidable deaths in war-devastated Iraq
(population 36.4 million) and Syria (population 6.3 million) currently
total 47,000 and 14,000, respectively [23].
Finally, the
Physicians' Report estimate of 80,000 Pakistani war-related deaths in
2001-2011 is about 100 times lower than the 9.1 million Pakistani
avoidable deaths from deprivation in the period October 2001- October
2015 as estimated (see below) using UN Population 2015 Revision data
[24] and assuming a base-line mortality rate for this high birth rate,
impoverished country of 4 deaths per 1,000 births per year for zero
avoidable mortality that could and should have been attained in Pakistan
but for US-driven militarism, dictatorship, terrorism, corruption and
insecticide-impregnated mosquito netting, antibiotics, immunization,
basic preventative medicine, maternal education. maternal literacy,
and good primary health care are vastly cheaper than drones, bombs,
militarization, war and nuclear weapons, as well illustrated by the
marvellous example of the terrific health outcomes in US
sanctions-impoverished but well-governed Cuba which has an infant
mortality rate about the same as for the US that has a 9-fold greater
per capita GDP [23, 24].
T o avoid the
controversy about how many Muslims have actually been violently
killed, one can simply consider how many Muslims have died avoidably
from Western war- or Western hegemony- imposed deprivation in the 14
year period from October 2001- October 2015 in substantially or
significantly Muslim countries subject to Western sanctions, attack or
occupation in that period. This approach has the benefit of being
uncontroversial and conservative e.g. it ignores violent deaths in
which Muslim bodies or body parts went into mass graves or otherwise
did not make it to hospitals or morgues for “official counting”. Of
course, whether a child is slowly and painfully killed by economically-
and/or militarily-imposed deprivation or is killed quickly by bombs or
bullets, the death is just as final and just as irreversible [23].
Below is an
alphabetical list of 20 substantially or significantly Muslim countries
variously attacked, invaded, occupied or sanctioned by the US
Alliance in the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist
(NAZI)-promoted US War on Terror since the 9-11 atrocity that numerous
science, architecture, engineering , aviation, military and intelligence
experts believe was a US Government 9-11 false flag operation (with
some suggesting Israeli involvement) [3].
below for these 20 US Alliance-violated, substantially or
significantly Muslim countries are (a) 2015 population [25]; (b)
1950-2005 avoidable deaths [24], (c) annual avoidable deaths (2015)
from the latest UN 2015 Revision data [25], assuming a baseline
mortality for high birth rate, impoverished but otherwise peaceful and
well-governed countries of about 4 deaths per 1,000 of population per
year (for Lebanon, Libya, Syria and Palestine with death rates close to
this baseline, avoidable mortality was estimated as 1.4 times the
under-5 infant deaths) [24]; (d) average-based 14 year avoidable deaths
for the post-9-11 period of 2001-2015, (e) present annual per capita
GDP [24], (f) % Muslim (upper estimates), (g) post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths based on Muslim percentage in each country, and (h) Western
invasion dates and details.
avoidable deaths in 18 countries with substantial or significant Muslim
populations and variously subject to Western military operations in the
post-9-11 US War on Terror:
1. Afghanistan:
(a) 32.5 million, (b) 16.6 million. (c) 149,000, (d) 2.2 million, (e)
$1,900, (f) 99.8% Muslim, (g) 2.2 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths, and (h) Afghanistan was subject to repeated UK invasions in the
19th century but finally recovered independence in 1919; after the
US-backed removal of a socialist government in 1978, the Russians
invaded and Afghanistan endured decades of war against the Russians
(1979-1989) and thence civil war (1989-1996); in 2001 Afghanistan was
invaded by the US Alliance (notably the US, UK, France, Germany,
Netherlands, Australia, Canada, New Zealand) on the false basis of Osama
bin Laden and Al Qaeda being responsible for 9-11.
2. Burkina Faso: (a)
18.1 million, (b) 6.8 million, (c) 109,000, (d) 1.5 million, (e)
$1,700, (f) 60.5% Muslim, (g) 0.9 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths, and (h) Burkino Faso was a French colony until 1960,
post-independence French military presence and French forces boosted in
2013 as part of Operation Barkhane directed against Muslim rebels in the
3. Central African Republic:
(a) 4.9 million, (b) 2.3 million, (c) 55,000, (d) 0.8 million, (e)
$600, (f) 15.0% Muslim, (g) 0.1 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths, and (h) the Central African Republic was a French colony until
1960, post-independence French military presence and France further
boosted forces in 2013 as Muslim Genocide expanded (almost all Muslims
have been expelled from the capital).
4. Chad: (a)
14.0 million, (b) 5.1 million, (c) 147,000, (d) 1.9 million, (e)
$2,600, (f) 53.1% Muslim, (g) 1.0 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths, and (h) Chad became ostensibly independent in 1960 but there
were major post-independence French military involvements in Northern
Chad and France further boosted forces in 2013 as part of Operation
Barkhane directed against Muslim rebels in the Sahel.
5. Côte D'Ivoire: (a)
20.1 million, (b) 7.0 million. (c) 199,000, (d) 3.0 million, (e)
$3,100, (f) 38.6% Muslim, (g) 1.2 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths, and (h) Cote D'Ivoire suffered major French military
involvements in suppressing socialists before and after independence
in 1960 and a major French re-invasion in 2002.
6. Djibouti:
(a) 0.9 million, (b) 141,000, (c) 8,000, (d) 0.1 million, (e) $3,100,
(f) 94.0% Muslim, (g) 0.1 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable deaths, and
(h) Djibouti suffered a major, continuing French, US and British
presence after independence in 1977; it was a base for French
participation in the 1990-1991 Gulf War; French suppressed Affar
rebellion in 1977-2002; France gave the former French Foreign Legion's
Camp Lemonnier to the government of Djibouti, which then leased it to
the US in 2001; France maintains over 1,500 troops in Djibouti and
French forces in Djibouti have taken part in operations in Somalia, the
Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Côte D'Ivoire.
7. Iraq:
(a) 36.4 million, (b) 5.3 million, (c) 47,000. (d) 0.7 million, (e)
$15,300, (f) 97.0% Muslim, (g) 0.7 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths, and (h) Iraq suffered invasion by the UK in 1914 with the UK
continuing to repress Iraqi rebellion in Iraq up to and including WW2,
notwithstanding ostensible Iraqi independence in 1932; Gulf War
(1990-1991) in which 0.2 million Iraqis were killed; 1990-2003
Sanctions; 2003-2011 US Alliance Iraq War; renewed US and Australian
military advisers and renewed bombing of Iraq in 2014 by US Alliance
(US, UK, Australia, France).
8. Iran:
(a) 79.1 million, (b) 14.3 million, (c) 55,000 (d) 1.0 million, (e)
$17,400, (f) 99.4% Muslim, (g) 1.0 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths, and (h) Iran is one of the world's oldest nations and has not
invaded another country for several hundred years; the US engineered a
coup against the secular and democratic Mossadegh government in 1953
with the installation of dictatorship under the Shah; the US imposed
sanctions on Iran after the revolution that removed the Shah in 1979;
the US backed Iraq in the Iraq-Iran War in which 1.5 million Iranians
were killed (Iranian 1980-1988 avoidable deaths 2.1 million); under
urging from the Zionist-perverted US the UN imposed sanctions on Iran
over its nuclear energy program that Iran declared to be for peaceful
purposes only; the last major direct violent US action against Iran was
the shooting down of Iran Air Flight 655 by a US guided missile cruiser
killing all 290 on board; US ally Apartheid Israel bombed an Iranian
ship in Sudan in 2009; an estimated 68,000 Iranians have died since 9-11
from opiate drug-related causes due to the US restoration of the
Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% of world share in 2001
to 93% by 2007 (1.2 million people have died world-wide since 9-11 due
to US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium
industry, the breakdown as of 2015 including 280,000 Americans, 256,000
Indonesians, 68,000 Iranians, 25,000 British, 14,000 Canadians, 10,000
Germans, 5,000 Australians and 500 French; about 4,000 Iranian border
guards have died trying to block opiate smuggling from US-occupied
Afghanistan; under urging from the Zionist -perverted US the UN imposed
deadly sanctions on Iran in 2006 over its nuclear energy program that
Iran declared to be for peaceful purposes only (no sanctions were
applied to the nations including Apartheid Israel that actually have
nuclear weapons) – these opiate-related deaths and deaths from
sanctions are reflected in huge post-9-11 avoidable mortality in Iran.
9. Lebanon:
(a) 5.9 million, (b) 0.5 million, (c) 1,000, (d) 16,000, (e) $18,000,
(f) 59.5% Muslim, (g) 10,000 post-9-11 Muslim avoidable deaths, and (h)
Lebanon suffered French occupation after WW1 and gained independence in
1944; substantially occupied by Apartheid Israel in 1982 (3,000
Palestinians killed in the Sabra and Shatila Massacre); Israel
withdrawal in 2000; in 2006 Apartheid Israel attacked again killing over
1,000, making 1 million homeless and destroying infrastructure on a
huge scale.
10. Libya:
(a) 6.3 million, (b) 0.8 million, (c) 6,000, (d) 78,000 (27,000 in
2011-2015), (e) $15,900, (f) 94.0% Muslim, (g) 73,000 post-9-11 Muslim
avoidable deaths, and (h) Libya gained independence in 1950 and under
rule by Muammar Gaddafi in 1969-2011 became the most prosperous country
in all of Africa, but the 2011 France-UK-US (FUKUS) Alliance bombing
campaign removed Gaddafi, splintered and devastated the country, killed
100,000 people and generated 1 million refugees with annual avoidable
deaths increasing 3-fold after Western intervention.
11. Mali:
(a) 20.1 million, (b) 7.0 million, (c) 199,000, (d) 1.8 million, (e)
$1,700, (f) 90.0% Muslim, (g) 1.6 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths, and (h) Mali was brutally subdued by the French in the 19th
century but secured independence in 1960 but with French hegemony; in
2013, France launched airstrikes against Tuareg rebels who had
conquered the northern half of the country and finally defeated them in a
so-called Operation Serval. France followed up Operation Serval with
Operation Barkhane dedicated to killing Muslim rebels in the Sahel
countries of Mali, Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad.
12. Mauritania: (a)
17.6 million, (b) 1.3 million, (c) 123,000, (d) 2.3 million, (e)
$4,300. (f) 100.0% Muslim, (g) 2.3 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths, and (h) Mauritania was invaded by the French in the 19th
century so as to consolidate French territory from Senegal to the
Sudan, and Mauritanian resistance was only finally overcome in the
1930s; Mauritania became formally independent in 1960 but was subject
to French hegemony and interference. France's
Operation Barkhane involves thousands of air-supported French troops
dedicated to killing Muslim rebels in the Sahel countries of Mali, Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad.
13. Niger:
(a) 19.9 million, (b) 6.6 million, (c) 111,000, (d) 1.8 million, (e)
$1,100, (f) 94.0% Muslim, (g) 1.7 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths, and (h) Niger was conquered by France in the late 19th century
but became ostensibly independent in 1960 but under French hegemony;
the French Operation Barkhane involves thousands of air-supported
French troops dedicated to killing Muslim rebels in the Sahel countries
of Mali, Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad.
14. Pakistan:
(a) 188.9 million, (b) 49.7 million, (c) 660,000, (d) 9.1 million, (e)
$4,700, (f) 96.0% Muslim, (g) 8.7 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths, and (h) Pakistan gained independence from the UK in 1947 after 2
centuries of British rule in which 1.8 billion Indians died avoidably
from deprivation in the British Raj; independence in 1947 was marked by
generation of 18 million refugees between India and Pakistan (half
Muslim, half Hindu) and up to 1 million people were killed; in 1971
US-backed Pakistani forces killed 3 million mostly male Bengalis and
raped 300,000 Bengali women in a Bengali Holocaust that marked the
creation of Bangladesh; Australian-targeted US drone attacks commenced
in 2004.
15. Palestine:
(a) 4.7 million, (b) 0.7 million, (c), 5,000, (d) 70,000, (e) $4,900
(cf its Occupier Apartheid Israel's $33,000) , (f) 85.0% Muslim, (g)
60,000 post-9-11 Muslim avoidable deaths, and (h) Palestine has an
ancient history dating back to the very start of agrarian civilization;
British forces invaded in 1914 and together with Australian and New
Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) forces conquered Palestine; the 1917 Balfour
Declaration promised Palestine to the genocidal Zionists as a Jewish
Homeland; Surafend Massacre of Palestinians by Australian and New
Zealand ANZAC troops in 1918; 1948 creation of the State of Israel with
massive forcible expulsion of 800,000 Palestinians and Zionist seizure
of about 80% of Palestine; in 1967 Israel seized all of Palestine plus
part of Syria; 90% of the land of Palestine has now been ethnically
cleansed and Israeli Apartheid means that of 12 million Palestinian, 6
million are forbidden to step foot in Palestine and of 6 million
Palestinians living under Israeli rule only 28% ( 1.7 million
Palestinian Israelis) can vote for the government ruling them – the rest
have essentially zero human rights; 2 million Palestinians have died
since 1936 from Zionist violence (0.1 million) or Zionist -imposed
deprivation (1.9 million).
16. Philippines:
(a) 100.7 million, (b) 9.1 million, (c) 270,000, (d) 2.7 million, (e)
$7,000, (f) 11.0% Muslim, (g) 0.3 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths, and (h) the Philippines was acquired by the US from Spain at the
conclusion of the Spanish-American War (1898) but in the subsequent
1899-1913 Philippines-US War about 1 million Filipinos died; the
Philippines became independent in 1946 but with retention of US bases;
in the 21st century US forces returned to combat communist rebels and
thence Muslim rebels in the south in Operation Enduring Freedom -
Philippines (OEF-P) (many Filipinos object to this military action by
the US in their country).
17. Somalia:
(a) 10.8 million, (b) 5.6 million, (c) 91,000, (d) 1.2 million, (e)
$600, (f) 96.0% Muslim, (g) 1.2 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths, and (h) Somalia was repeatedly invaded by Italy in the 19th and
20th centuries. The British took over Somalia in WW2. Independence in
1960 was followed by war against Ethiopia and civil war, the effects of
which were exacerbated by drought and famine. The US invaded in 1992 and
after extensive civil war an Islamic administration assumed power in
2005. However the US backed an Ethiopian invasion in 2007 and thence a
Kenyan invasion. In 2009 France and Germany invaded Somali waters to
retake a captured French yacht and in 2013 French special forces from Djibouti failed in an operation to rescue a captured French intelligence agent.
18. Sudan:
(a) 40.2 million, (b) 13.5 million, (c) 157,000, (d) 2.3 million, (e)
$4,300, (f) 97.0% Muslim, (g) 2.3 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths, and (h) Sudan was conquered by the UK in 1898 but eventually
became independent in 1958; the US under Clinton notoriously bombed a
Sudan pharmaceutical factory in 1998 (Professor Noam Chomsky estimated
that 10,000 Sudanese would have died from disease as a result); US ally
Apartheid Israel bombed Sudan in 2009 and such Israeli bombing attacks
on Sudan are presently continuing. Apartheid Israeli arms are heavily
involved in the US-backed civil war in the newly independent South Sudan.
19. Syria: (a)
18.5 million, (b) 2.2 million, (c) 14,000, (d) 190,000 (68,000 in
2011-2015), (e) $5,100, (f) 96.0% Muslim, (g) 171,000 post-9-11 Muslim
avoidable deaths, and (h) Syria, one of the oldest nations in the
world, was allocated to France by the 1916 Anglo-French Sykes-Picot
Agreement that divided the Middle East between Britain and France;
Syria was put under a League of Nations mandate to France in 1920;
in 1944 Syria became independent and in 1945 Syria became a founding
member of the UN with the last French forces leaving Syria in 1946; in
1967 the Syrian Golan Heights region was captured and largely ethnically
cleansed by Apartheid Israel which continues to periodically bomb
Syria; commencement of Sunni rebellion in 2011 backed diplomatically
and materially by Turkey, the US, UK, France, Qatar, Jordan, Saudi
Arabia, and Apartheid Israel. The Syrian Civil War has so far killed
about 0.3 million people violently, killed a similar number of people
through war-imposed deprivation, and generated about 12 million
refugees. Syria was once a haven of religious toleration and a world
leader per capita in providing haven for refugees, but over half of its
population are now refugees themselves and Syria has now been
devastated in a sectarian civil war involving the Assad Government
versus anti-Assad Sunni rebels (of which ISIS is the most powerful)
that are variously backed by the UK, US , France, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, Jordan, Australia and Apartheid Israel.
20. Yemen:
(a) 19.9 million, (b) 6.6 million, (c) 111,000, (d) 1.2 million, (e)
$1,100, (f) 100.0% Muslim, (g) 1.2 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths, and (h) South Yemen gained independence from the UK in 1967 and
North and South Yemen unified in 1989; continuing armed conflict with
Australian-targeted US drone attacks in the 21st century that are
continuing. Currently Yemen is being war criminally invaded by an
anti-Houthi Saudi-led Coalition including Saudi Arabia, United Arab
Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Senegal, and
Summary and conclusions.
The post-9-11
avoidable deaths in the 20 countries violated by the West in the
post-9-11 War on Terror total 34.0 million. However we can re-assess
this data by considering the Muslim percentage of the population in
these 20 countries and can estimate that post-9-11 Muslim avoidable
deaths in these 20 US Alliance-violated countries total 26.8 million,
noting that, as discussed above, it is likely that most of the violent
Muslim deaths in the Zionist-promoted US War on Terror are not included
in this estimate. About half the victims of this Neocon American and
Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-prosecuted Muslim Holocaust and Muslim
Genocide are children.
This carnage
of 26.8 million post-9-11 Muslim avoidable deaths is 26,800,000/130 =
206,154 or about 200,000 times greater than the 130 murdered in the
recent appalling Paris massacre – however, in contrast to the
saturation coverage of the appalling Paris atrocity, this Muslim
Holocaust and Muslim Genocide is resolutely ignored by genocidally
racist, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, and Neocon American and
Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-subverted Western Mainstream media.
Using data
from the UN Population Division 2006 Revision of World Population
Prospects it was previously determined that Iraqi avoidable deaths in
1990-2003 and 2003-2011 totalled 1.7 million and 1.2 million,
respectively, and combining this data with Gulf War violent deaths of
0.2 million and Iraq War violent deaths of 1.5 million, yielded
estimates of Iraqi deaths from violence or violently-imposed
deprivation totalling 1.9 million (1990-2003), 2.7 million (2003-2011)
and 4.6 million (1990-2011) [4, 22, 23]. However using the present UN
2015 Revision data [25] one estimates Iraqi avoidable deaths in
1990-2003 and 2003-2011 totalling 0.5 million and 0.4 million,
respectively, this yielding estimates of Iraqi deaths from violence
or violently-imposed deprivation totalling 0.7 million (1990-2003), 1.9
million (2003-2011) and 2.6 million (1990-2011). The UN 2015 Revision
data on Iraq may underestimate avoidable deaths because they are based
on data provided by the US-installed regime which, for example,
implausibly claims that Iraq under-5 infant mortality declined after
imposition of Sanctions in 1990 and declined further after the US
invasion in 2003 [25].
using 2006 Revision data it was determined that Afghan avoidable deaths
and violent deaths in 2001-2014 totalled 5.5 million and 1.7 million,
respectively for a total of 7.2 million post-invasion deaths from
violence or from deprivation. However using the present UN 2015
Revision data [25] based on data from the government of US occupied
Afghanistan one estimates that Afghan avoidable deaths and violent
deaths in 2001-2015 have totalled 2.3 million and 0.7 million,
respectively, for a total of 3.0 million post-invasion deaths from
violence or from deprivation.
The 2015
Paris Massacre in which 130 innocent civilians were murdered by jihadis
is a shocking crime that must be unequivocally condemned but is already
being exploited (a) by the jihadi non-state terrorist perpetrators as a
victory and evidence for more atrocities to come, and (b) by the US
state terrorists, French state terrorists and US Alliance state
terrorists as a “French 9-11” with calls from Obama and Holland to
genocidally destroy jihadi rebels in Syria and Iraq [1, 2].
missing from the continuing hysterical response to the Paris atrocity
from US lackey Western Mainstream journalists, politicians and
academics is any public airing of the horrendous reality of 27 million
Muslims dying avoidably since 9-11 in 20 substantially or significantly
Muslim countries that have been attacked by US Alliance state
terrorists. Jihadi non-state terrorists must be condemned (a) for the
violent crimes they personally commit against innocent people and (b)
for the vastly greater crimes committed by the US Alliance against
Muslims in response to jihadi outrages. Indeed jihadi non-state
terrorists are among the greatest assets of US
imperialism – every jihadi atrocity is another excuse trumpeted by
Mainstream media for more atrocities against the Muslim world by US
state terrorists and US Alliance state terrorists.
The Paris
atrocity can be seen as “blowback” for horrendous crimes committed by
the US Alliance against the Muslim world from West Africa to South East Asia
[26, 27]. The horrible reality is that the US has a long history of
false-flag operations(with 9-11 being the most immediately and
subsequently deadly) [3] , supporting terrorism and exploiting
terrorist acts by Indigenous insurgents lacking military industries,
navies, airforces and tanks, and essentially only armed with light arms
and explosives for bombs.
Indeed the US
has along history of supporting terrorists (e.g. US-backed terrorists
in Ecuador who would bomb Catholic churches knowing that the
socialists would be blamed; the US-backed Gladio organization that
committed atrocities in post-war Europe that would be blamed on
communists; and backing jihadi fighters in Afghanistan in the 1980s and
in the Balkans in the 1990s) [28]. Indeed the US
has an appalling record of replacing secular governments in the
Muslim world with sectarian regimes (e.g. Afghanistan, 1978; Iraq,
2003; Libya, 2011; and now in Syria today but for Russian support for
the Assad Government ) [29].
Even the
appalling Western Mainstream media can no longer ignore the Elephant in
the Room realities that (a) the illegal US Alliance invasion of Iraq
generated sectarian warfare and the Sunni rebellion that transmuted into
ISIS, and (b) support for anti-Assad rebels by the US Alliance state
terrorism - US state terrorism, UK state terrorism, French state
terrorism, Australian state terrorism, Apartheid Israeli state
terrorism, Turkish state terrorism, Jordanian state terrorism, Qatari
state terrorism and Saudi Arabian state terrorism – has led to ISIS
(Islamic State, IS, ISIL, Daesh) dominating rebel-held Syria.
Peace is the
only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Decent, pro-peace
people must wonder what they can do in the face of appalling
non-state terrorism (e.g. as exhibited by ISIS in killing 130 innocent
people in this latest Paris atrocity) and the vastly worse carnage
wrought by US state terrorism, UK state terrorism, French state
terrorism, and Apartheid Israeli state terrorism in the Muslim world
involving post-9-11 Muslim avoidable deaths in 20 US Alliance-violated
countries now totalling 26.8 million. Decent people who are utterly
opposed to both non-state terrorism and state terrorism must (a) inform
everyone they can, (b) urge and support urgent cease-fire, dialogue and
compromise between all parties to prevent a worsening catastrophe in
both Iraq and Syria, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and
Sanctions (BDS) against all people, parties, politicians, companies,
corporations and countries disproportionately involved in militarism,
violence, war, genocide, non-state terrorism and state terrorism.
[1]. Barack Obama, “Press conference by President Obama – Antalya, Turkey”, White House, 16 November 2015: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/11/16/press-conference-president-obama-antalya-turkey .
Martin Robinson, “France will be in a state of emergency for THREE
MONTHS: Holland vows to “destroy” ISIS and pledges “no barbarians will
prevent us from living how we have decided to live:”, Daily Mail, 17
November 2015: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3320731/France-state-emergency-THREE-MONTHS-Hollande-vows-boost-spending-security-pledges-no-barbarians-prevent-living-decided-live.html ).
[3]. “Experts: US did 9-11”: https://sites.google.com/site/expertsusdid911/ .
[4]. “Iraqi Holocaust Iraqi Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/iraqiholocaustiraqigenocide/ .
[5]. Just Foreign Policy, “Iraq Deaths”: http://www.justforeignpolicy.org/iraq .
[6]. “US military marks end of its Iraq war”, ABC News, 16 December 2011: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-12-15/us-military-marks-end-of-its-war-in-iraq/3733982 .
[7]. ABC News, “Iraki leaks show scale of civilian casualties” , 24 October 2010: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-10-23/iraqi-leaks-show-scale-of-civilian-casualties/2308808 .
[8]. “Iraq Body Count”: https://www.iraqbodycount.org/ .
[9], “Censorship by the BBC”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbythebbc/ .
[10]. “ABC fact-checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC (Australia's BBC)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/abc-fact-checking-unit ,
[11]. BBC, “Iraq War in figures”, 14 December 2011: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-11107739 .
[13]. Gideon
Polya (1998), “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History.
Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological
sustainability”, 2008 edition that is now available for free perusal on
the web: http://janeaustenand.blogspot.com/ .
[14]. Gideon Polya (1995) " The Forgotten Holocaust - The 1943/44 Bengal Famine": http://globalavoidablemortality.blogspot.com.au/2005/07/forgotten-holocaust-194344-bengal.html .
Gideon Polya (2011), “Australia And Britain Killed 6-7 Million Indians
In WW2 Bengal Famine”, Countercurrents, 29 September, 2011: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya290911.htm .
[16]. “Mainstream media censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home .
[17]. “Mainstream media lying”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/ .
[19]. Nafeez Ahmed, “Unworthy victims: Western wars have killed 4 million Muslim since 1990”, MintPtress News, 9 April 2015: http://www.mintpressnews.com/unworthy-victims-western-wars-have-killed-four-million-muslims-since-1990/204182/.
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW),
Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) and Physicians for Global
Survival (PGS), “Body Count. Casualty figures after 10 years of the
“War on Terror” Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan”, March 2015: http://www.psr.org/assets/pdfs/body-count.pdf .
[21]. “Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/afghanholocaustafghangenocide/
[22]. “Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ ).
Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”,
that includes an avoidable mortality-related history of every country
since Neolithic times and is now available for free perusal on he web: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com.au/2012/01/body-count-global-avoidable-mortality_05.html .
[24]. “List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita”, Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28PPP%29_per_capita .
[25]. UN Population Division 2015 Revision of World Population Prospects: http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/ .
[26]. Gideon Polya,”Appalling Paris Atrocity –
Non-State Terrorist Blowback For US Alliance And French State Terrorism
Atrocities”, Countercurrents, 16 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya161115.htm .
[27]. Gideon Polya, "Horrendous US state
terrorism and French state terrorism led to the appalling non-state
terrorist Paris atrocity", Gideon Polya Writing, 2015-11-18 : https://sites.google.com/site/gideonpolyawriting/2015-11-18 .
[28]. Gideon Polya, “US Profits From Jihadist Terrorism”, Countercurrents, 19 November, 2004: http://www.countercurrents.org/us-polya191104.htm .
[29]. Gideon Polya,
“Fundamentalist America Has Trashed Secular Governance, Modernity,
Democracy, Women's Rights And Children's Rights In The Muslim World”, Countercurrents, 21 May, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya210515.htm .
Dr Gideon Polya
has been teaching science students at a major Australian university for
4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career,
most recently a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical
Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis,
New York & London , 2003). He has published “Body Count. Global
avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com/ );
see also his contributions “Australian complicity in Iraq mass
mortality” in “Lies, Deep Fries & Statistics” (edited by Robyn
Williams, ABC Books, Sydney, 2007: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/ockhamsrazor/australian-complicity-in-iraq-mass-mortality/3369002#transcript
) and “Ongoing Palestinian Genocide” in “The
Plight of the Palestinians (edited by William Cook, Palgrave Macmillan,
London, 2010: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/4047-the-plight-of-the-palestinians.html ).
He has published a revised and updated 2008 version of his 1998 book
“Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (see: http://janeaustenand.blogspot.com/ )
as biofuel-, globalization- and climate-driven global food price
increases threaten a greater famine catastrophe than the man-made famine
in British-ruled India that killed 6-7 million Indians in the
“forgotten” World War 2 Bengal Famine (see recent BBC broadcast
involving Dr Polya, Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Amartya Sen and
others: http://www.open.edu/openlearn/history-the-arts/history/social-economic-history/listen-the-bengal-famine ).
When words fail one can say it in pictures - for images of Gideon
Polya's huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see: http://sites.google.com/site/artforpeaceplanetmotherchild/ and http://www.flickr.com/photos/gideonpolya/ .