APOSTATE From Christianity to Islam in times of
secularisation and terror Joram van Klaveren, also called ‘the crown prince of
Wilders’, was a famous critic of Islam. As a former member of the Dutch
Parliament and a representative of the Party for Freedom, he submitted numerous
bills related to Islam, such as those calling for the closing of mosques, for
removing the Quran from parliament and for banning Islam from the Netherlands.
. . In order to reinforce these thoughts and opinions, he — as a Christian —
began to write a book critical of Islam. During the process of writing,
however, he found an increasing number of matters that challenged his views of
Islam. In this book, Joram describes his personal and theological journey and
the development he has undergone. . . During this journey, questions arose such
as: does God even exist? Is the God of the Quran the same as the God of the
Bible? Does Islam teach people to hate disbelievers and oppress women? How did
Joram’s negative view of Islam develop? What emotional and social struggles did
he have to face? And where has this journey eventually led him? . . A must read
for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. .
. “To admit that one has been wrong is seldom easy, but to
write in careful detail about one’s error, and then to document one’s painful
road to truth, reveals considerable strength of character, and restores one’s
confidence in human nature and in the prospects for change. " . Prof.
Abdal Hakim Murad .
. “Joram’s sincerity
enabled him to shift his perspective, to remove the blind spot, to look at
something objectively, and to really try and understand it on its own terms.
This led to an extraordinary search, the result of which is the book that you
are now reading. This book tells the story of an uncommon trajectory, the
journey of a man from animosity to charity, from despair to hope, and from
belligerence to peace.” . Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
Press Release
From the Far-Right and Christianity to Islam
Joram van Klaveren used to be Geert Wilders’
right-hand man and sought to eradicate Islam from the Netherlands.
Now, he has become Muslim and has written a book about his
journey, titled: Apostate. This book is a co-publication by ’t Kennishuys and
Sunni Publications and is now available at www.apostate.info.
Van Klaveren became well-known in the Netherlands as a member of parliament
for Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom. He used to be the party’s spokesperson on
Islam and integration and a fervent critic of Islam. He sought to amend laws in
order to ban the Quran and Islamic education, and even to completely eradicate
Islam from the Netherlands.
The turning point in his journey from being a critic of Islam to becoming
Muslim took place when Van Klaveren began writing a book that was critical
of Islam. “As I was writing, I increasingly encountered matters that challenged
my views of Islam.”
This publication includes forewords by the renowned scholars Shaykh Hamza
Yusuf (Mark Hanson) and Professor Abdal Hakim Murad (Timothy Winter) and is an
important enrichment to ’t Kennishuys’ and Sunni Publications’ collection of
books about Islam. “With this book we hope to help clear up the many
misconceptions about Islam and prevent the polarisation within our society,”
states Mohamed Ben Hammouch (chairman of ’t Kennishuys).
Note for the press:
For an interview with Joram van Klaveren, please send an email to info@kennishuys.com or
call +31 70 752 22 00.
For wholesale inquiries:
Please send an email to info@sunnipubs.com
Bonjour à Tous,
Cherchez l'erreur.......!!
Circulaire sur l'interdiction de dissimulation du visage, en France.
Publication au BO n° 2010-10 du 31 décembre 2010
La loi du 11 octobre 2010 interdisant
la dissimulation du visage
dans l'espace public a créé un délit d'instigation à dissimuler son
visage. Cette circulaire précise ce délit.
Publication au JORF n°0237 du 12 octobre 2010
La loi n° 2010-1192 du 11 octobre 2010 interdisant la dissimulation
du visage dans l’espace public a été publiée au journal officiel du 12
octobre 2010. Le texte prévoit que nul ne peut, dans l’espace public,
porter une tenue destinée à dissimuler son visage, au motif que cette
pratique est contraire aux valeurs qui fondent notre pacte républicain
et porte atteinte à la dignité de la personne.
La loi précise la nature des lieux qui composent l’espace public :
voies publiques, lieux ouverts au public et lieux affectés à un service
La méconnaissance de cette règle pourra être sanctionnée par une
amende dont le montant ne pourra dépasser 150 €. Un stage de citoyenneté
pourra se substituer ou s’ajouter à cette peine.
La loi réprime également le fait de contraindre une personne à se
dissimuler le visage. Le fait d’obliger une personne à dissimuler son
visage à raison de son sexe sera passible d’un an de prison et 30 000
euros d’amende. Si la victime est mineure, les peines seront doublées.
Ces peines pourront être prononcées dès la publication de la loi.
En revanche, les peines prévues pour les personnes méconnaissant
l’interdiction de dissimuler leur visage dans l’espace public ne seront
applicables que six mois après la publication de la loi. Cette période
permettra de faire œuvre de pédagogie auprès des personnes intéressées,
afin qu’elles renoncent spontanément à cette pratique.
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