ANTHONY LAWSON: Sexual Consent - Israel-s Biggest Lie — The Orange Strikes Back
101K subscribers
CDL45 - L'hypothèse effrayante du virus imaginaire (épisode III) - Conversation du lundi #45
•6 Jul 2020
206K subscribers
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Dans cette nouvelle conversation du lundi, je persiste dans ma démarche résolue de « contemplateur des complots » ! Depuis le début de ma démarche de lanceur d'alertes, en février dernier, je vous parle d'une pseudo-pandémie… Et nombreuses sont les personnes qui m'ont reproché de mettre en doute l'existence de cette pandémie !
Bien entendu, loin de moi l'idée de nier la réalité des maladies et des morts ! Par contre, pour confirmer l'existence d'une réelle pandémie, il est nécessaire de répondre à une question centrale : « Ces morts sont-elles dues à un virus ou sont-elles des événements qui auraient, de toute façon, eu lieu pendant cette période ? » Autrement dit, avons-nous été en présence d'une nouvelle maladie d'origine virale ou avons-nous été trompés par une stratégie consistant à recycler des morts « naturelles ou de vieillesse » en morts du COVID19 ?
Si c'est le cas, nous aurons la preuve que toute cette opération était un coup monté par une « Minuscule Minorité de Psychopathes Milliardaires » visant à mettre la population mondiale à genoux, sur les plans économique, psychologique, social et humain…
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*** QUI SUIS-JE ***
Ce partage de connaissances au travers de ma chaîne Youtube est le fruit de plus de 35 années de cheminement.
Comme vous avez pu le constater au travers de mes vidéos, le respect de l’humain et de sa liberté de choix sont au cœur de ma philosophie et de ma démarche.
Les pistes que je vous propose se situent le plus souvent hors des sentiers battus et ne cadrent pas avec ce que vous entendez habituellement. Pour autant, c’est ce que j’ai trouvé de plus efficace pour ma propre vie et celle de ceux que j’accompagne depuis près de 30 ans.
A travers ce partage, je veux :
— vous donner les moyens de vous épanouir à travers une vie plus consciente, plus autonome et plus responsable ;
— mettre à votre disposition des expertises variées qui auront un impact positif dans différents domaines de votre vie ;
— répondre à vos questions en vous proposant un regard neuf sur votre existence.
Pour en bénéficier au mieux, rejoignez dès maintenant les individus qui, comme vous, souhaitent résolument reprendre leur vie en main.
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Pour vous permettre d’aller encore plus loin, je crée également depuis des années des formations en ligne de très haute qualité.
*** La plateforme ÉMERGENCES ***
Jean-Jacques Crèvecœur est le fondateur et le directeur pédagogique de la plateforme d’ÉMERGENCES-Formations.
La création de cette plateforme répond à deux constats :
— d’une part, nous sommes des millions à ne plus nous reconnaître dans les valeurs et les messages véhiculés par les politiques, les entreprises multinationales et les médias qui veulent nous pousser à plus de consommation et plus d’individualisme ;
— d’autre part, pour créer les conditions d’un autre monde, basé sur des valeurs de respect, d’autonomie, de coopération et de solidarité, il est devenu indispensable d’acquérir de solides compétences pour apprendre à prendre soin de soi-même, de son entourage, de la communauté locale et de la nature.
C’est la raison pour laquelle la plateforme d’ÉMERGENCES-Formations a pour ambition de favoriser des connexions de plus en plus riches entre ceux qui aspirent à une meilleure vie et à un meilleur monde.
Par ailleurs, les formations en ligne proposées se distinguent par l’exigence de vulgarisation très poussée, la qualité des méthodes proposées et l’excellence pédagogique de la démarche.
DÉCOUVREZ ce qui pourrait vous être utile dans ce que nous vous proposons en cliquant sur ce lien : http://bit.ly/CatalogueEmergences
ALORS, JE VOUS INVITE À REJOINDRE DÈS MAINTENANT L’IMMENSE COMMUNAUTÉ de gens qui, comme vous, aspirent à l’émergence d’un autre monde.
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CDL47 - Le bon vieux temps de l'esclavage est de
retour - POUR ÉVEILLÉS - Conversation du lundi #47
•20 Jul
L'info en questionS #4 - émission du 2 juillet 2020
•2 Jul 2020
Category | News & Politics |
Sensitivity | Normal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over |
The Non-Existent Force of Gravity and Lots More! LIVE!
•Streamed live on 25 May 2019
150K subscribers
I was supposed to be joined by Ranty Flat Earth but plans have changed and so I will be talking about a lot of other things and watching Fight The Flat Earth's interview with George Musser and discussing it, gravity or the lack there of as well as many other topics including Apollo 1, Thomas Ronald Baron, answering the chat and Super Chats and so much more. All show notes are listed below. I hope you enjoy the show!
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💡Enjoying My Work? I could use your support so that I can continue doing what I have been... asking questions others are afraid to. The support option is provided for those who see value in what I am doing and would like to help. Thank you to those who have supported me thus far. 💲Patreon: http://patreon.com/jeranism 💲Venmo: @jeranism 📫Mail me stuff! jeranism PO Box 3044 Merced, CA 95344 ✉EMAIL ME: jeranism@yahoo.com ✉EMAIL BOB: bob@jeranism.com ▶GLOBEBUSTERS http://bit.ly/gbchannel SUN 12PM PT ▶JERANISMRAW: http://bit.ly/youtubetfr MON 6PM-8PM PT ▶TRUTHFREQUENCYRADIO: http://bit.ly/trraw ▶WEBSITE/FAQ's/VIDS/LINKS/ASK: http://jeranism.com ▶TWITTER: http://twitter.com/jeranism
➕PLEASE NOTE My videos are my personal opinion and only that. You may have a different opinion. If you don't like hearing my opinion on the matter, don't watch. If you make a comment and it doesn't show up, it was most likely deleted because of one of the following reasons: ☑️ It was useless ☑️ It was a personal attack or name calling or about my family ☑️ It was an appeal to authority or a straw man argument ☑️ It contained excessive profanity or unrelated nonsense ☑️ You have no avatar or channel history ☑️ You have a fake account ☑️ You dropped a link with no explanation of what it is to ☑️ You are spamming the same comment on other videos I don't have time to go through comment by comment. I wish I could but I cannot. So if yours is accidentally deleted or deleted unjustly, I apologize... try again. Thanks for watching my videos! Please share them if you enjoy them! Peace!
Jun 2020
You're being scammed by enemies of America who
occupy powerful positions in government and the media.
November 2020 is the way we, the people, can
fight back. Know your enemy.
Ditch the masks. Rise.
I expect a swift deletion, because the enemy we
are fighting controls this battleground. Save this link on Bitchute just in
I am not monetizing this video. There is a
copyright flag on the music, so the owner of the song is getting youtube
revenue, not me.
Follow my friend on Twitter: @sheepknowmore
now the country is being torn apart by the biggest political hoax and
coordinated mass-media disinformation campaign in living history. You may know
it, as Covid19.
In 2015, as directed by the globalist criminal
corruption network known as the Deep
State, President Barack Obama authorized millions in funding for the Wuhan
Institute of Virology*, the location now understood to be the
epicenter of the Covid19 outbreak. The research carried out here was to provide
the agent for a global
biological attack on a scale never before seen - one that would be
timed for release within an election year – starting the very day unsubstantiated efforts
to impeach President Trump fell apart. With their base of operations
in the Democrat
establishment, the Deep State shadow corporation embarked on a
coordinated irregular warfare insurgency, with multiple aims, all under the cover of
a global pandemic they themselves manufactured for this purpose.
Enabled by their
owned and controlled corporate media monopoly, they instigated a
heavy-handed and unjustifiable nationwide shutdown to reverse Trump’s many
economic and unemployment gains, with Democrat-controlled states suffering the
harshest restrictions in the country. Trump’s energetic rallies were halted,
hiding from view the surging nationwide passion for his galvanizing message,
while Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden was able to avoid
interviews and debates where Left-leaning voters would not be shown his obvious
inability to govern or the emerging Ukrainian** bribery scandal that earned his
family millions in illicit kickbacks by abusing his office.
The next major advantage of the pandemic for
the Deep State was the case made to the public for mail-in voting, a highly insecure practice
proven to be rampant with fraud, just as the public saw in one such
example when a
former Philadelphia judge pled guilty to stuffing ballot boxes after being paid
by what he called a “Democrat political consultant”.
With a rapidly rising death toll needed to make
the case to the public for even harsher control, normal influenza deaths for the year were
recorded as Covid19, artificially inflating the numbers. But this
was only the beginning. When this did not yield enough fatalities, the Deep
State then initiated a murderous plan to defy federal guidelines and move infected
patients into nursing homes where the highest risk age group could be found in
large numbers. Deep State governors of NY, NJ, CA, PA, and MI
oversaw what can only be described as a genocide of our elderly loved ones even as the
quickly constructed field hospitals and medically equipped Navy ships stood
mostly empty. This horrendous act cost the lives of over 50,000 people – but
gave the insurgency a death toll that would stoke the public fear needed to
push ahead with their goals.
In these dark times, when people had little
else but the comfort of community and their faith, this too was forcibly halted
when simply going
to church was banned across the country under the guise of public
safety. Depression
and loneliness became the new epidemic, all designed to create the
social conditions needed for what was to come next in their despotic plan to
fracture the nation and hold onto power.
Immediately upon reports of a flattening curve
and a reduction in new cases, the mysterious murder of George Floyd hit the
headlines. What was presented to the public as a routine instance of racially
motivated police brutality turned out to be a strange and coincidental series
of events involving two men who once knew each-other working security in a night
club. This event provided the justification for the next chapter in
their coordinated insurgency against the United States. The goal was to inflame
civil unrest along racial lines on an emotional platform of social justice. Black Lives Matter
was funded and designed by the corrupt Democrat establishment as a social
weapon to draw crowds of well-meaning protesters into harm’s way, using them as
human shields while they pushed a savage insurrection on city streets.
After November they stand to lose it all but they will do
everything to keep the crisis alive and the people in fear. To win
we must remember what made us strong so that true justice can finally return to
what is and always will be the most exceptional Republic ever to exist in all
of human history. May God bless America!***
video (based on Community Guidelines) – YOUTUBE RESTRICTIONS
GERMAN : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uoov5pbCDjg
*WUHAN laboratory was set up by French INSTITUT PASTEUR with US and
Rothschild funding (Bill Gates and others).
**Ukraine is owned and run by a Jewish Mafia.
***This COVID-19 PLANDEMIC proved that all religions were useless at
the collective level as most nations around the world submitted to Satan and
not to God. God had already cursed US America as well as the whole world as
there is no such God to save us as most Believers think.
Dr. Anthony Fauci had “predicted” that plandemic
in 2017 just like Bill Gates.
Donald Trump introduced the Coronavirus
Plandemic on 24 January 2019
Bill Gates and Melinda Gates Foundation in
London patented the Coronavirus in November 2019
Footnotes by BAFS – Monday 29 June 2020
See Link
False Information???
Checked by independent fact-checkers??? FACEBOOK
1 Comment
I do not give a shit about Facebook's "independent fact-checkers", those DAMN LYING PROPAGANDISTS. This link -
is still accessible on YOUTUBE at the moment of writing! Facebook
has been labeling me a RACIST, a HATER, an ANTI-SEMITE, and accused me of
PTDH ? #25 – Fake news, confinement, crise économique : Soral et Jovanovic répondent !
•27 Jun 2020
185K subscribers
Contribuez au financement participatif de la rédaction E&R : https://gestion-er.fr/participatif/?p...
Pour ce vingt-cinquième épisode de "Pourquoi tant de haine ?", Monsieur K. recevait Alain Soral et Pierre Jovanovic dont les comptes Twitter ont récemment été qualifiés de « super propagateurs de fake news » par NewsGuard (« start-up anti-fake news » financée par le groupe de communication Publicis dont les propriétaires sont Élisabeth Badinter et Arthur Sadoun). L’occasion pour nos deux invités de célébrer ce titre de gloire et de procéder à un large tour d’horizon de l’actualité politique et économique.
L'économie sur Kontre Kulture : https://www.kontrekulture.com/categor...
ReplyDeleteYou keep living in an illusory world!
There are no Courts of Law or Justice in that damn Satanic Corporation of the USA owned and controlled by JOOZ!
Monday, 29 June 2020