Friday 14 November 2014


“He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him” (John 14:21).



Tübingen University fragment written 20-40 years after the death of the Prophet.


The Tübingen fragment was tested by the Coranica project, a collaboration between the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres Paris and the Berlin-Brandenburgischen Academy of the Sciences and Humanities, sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and France’s Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). The project investigates the Koran in the context of its historical background using documents such as manuscripts and information derived from archaeological excavations.  


N.B. This is not news to me!  The racist, fascist, immoral, warmongering, thieving, deceitful, and mass murdering West and their likes spent hundreds of years hating and lying about Islam, Muslims, Arabs and the Arabic language.

But, who cares when even Muslims (they are mostly blind fanatic sectarians) do not give a damn about their own religion or about universal truth anymore except a few ones like Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Mark Hanson!

They always stubbornly and stupidly ignore other realities and are happy staying backward in all fields of life.  (BAFS)


 The Arrivals part 15 (Hollywood the Promised Land)



FW: VERY IMPORTANT اكتشاف مصحف بألمانيا يعود لسنة 40 بعد ا


From: 0_0 []
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 03:10
To: Dr Muhammad
Subject: VERY IMPORTANT اكتشاف مصحف بألمانيا يعود لسنة 40 بعد الهجرة
PDF file:
normal, 37 MB
groß, 132 MB
اكتشاف مصحف بألمانيا يعود لسنة 40 بعد الهجرة
Ancient manuscript of Quran discovered in German Tübingen
Sensational Fragment of Very Early Qur’an Identified — A fragment of a Qur’an in the University Library may be dated back to the 7th century

FW: Tübingen / Qur'an 2

-----Original Message-----
From: Khalid Hasan []
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 22:56
To: Dr Muhammad
Cc: Najm ud-Deen; Imran Choudhury; Muhammad Halaqa
Subject: Tübingen / Qur'an 2
The link has actual scanned copies of the pages
You can download as pdf though am struggling with the page as it is in German!
Press release -

Sent from my iPad

FW: Tübingen / Qur'an


From: Khalid Hasan []
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 22:50
To: Dr Muhammad
Cc: Najm ud-Deen; Imran Choudhury; Muhammad Halaqa
Subject: Tübingen / Qur'an


10.11.2014 12:58 

Koran manuscript from early period of Islam

Tübingen University fragment written 20-40 years after the death of the Prophet, analysis shows

Taking a sample from the manuscript for dating. Photo: Dr. Wilfried Lagler/Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen
Taking a sample from the manuscript for dating. Photo: Dr. Wilfried Lagler/Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen
A Koran fragment from the University of Tübingen Library has been dated to the 7th century - the earliest phase of Islam - making it at least a century older than previously thought. Expert analysis of three samples of the manuscript parchment concluded that it was more than 95 percent likely to have originated in the period 649-675 AD - 20 to 40 years after the death of the Prophet Mohammed. Such scientific dating of early Koran manuscripts is rare. 

The Tübingen fragment was tested by the Coranica project, a collaboration between the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres Paris and the Berlin-Brandenburgischen Academy of the Sciences and Humanities, sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and France’s Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). The project investigates the Koran in the context of its historical background using documents such as manuscripts and information derived from archaeological excavations.  

The project carries out palaeographic analyses to determine the age of a text via its special characteristics. The carbon-14 analysis of the Tübingen fragment was carried out by the Ion Beam Physics Laboratory at ETH Zürich.

The fragment in question is one of more than 20 in the University Library Collection written in Kufic script, one of the oldest forms of Arabic writing. The manuscript came to the University in 1864 as part of the collection of the Prussian consul Johann Gottfried Wetzstein. You can view it online at:

Projekt Coranica:


Kerstin Strotmann
University of Tübingen Library
Oriental and Islamic Studies, Ancient Oriental Studies and Egyptology
Phone +49 7071 29-73430

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Public Relations Department
Dr. Karl Guido Rijkhoek

Antje Karbe
Press Officer
Phone +49 7071 29-76789
Fax +49 7071 29-5566

In the Tübingen University library a fragment of Quran manuscript was discovered which, according to experts, was created at the dawn of Islam - a few decades after the death in 632 of the Prophet Muhammad, the TASS reported, citing the University updates of  November 10.

Up to the present time, experts believed that the manuscript was written in the VIII-IX centuries, but the results of the research, including by radiocarbon analysis of dating revealed that it is much more ancient. They assume that with 95.4% probability it dates to the years 649-675 BC.

The manuscript is written in Kufic script, one of the oldest forms of the Arabic script.

It came to Tübingen in 1864, when the library bought out part of the Prussian diplomat Johann Gottfried Wettstein’s collection. There are more than 20 fragments of the Quran in the manuscript, the university report says.

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FW: Tübingen / Koran

I suggest that everyone should write similarly to Ms Strottman, Director of the British, Director of Topkapi Museum in Turkey, and other relevant important personalities of the Academia and the Cultural World pressing, even exerting utmost pressure, for extensive carbon dating of any and all ancient Quran Manuscripts (and other ancient fragments previously dated by Paleography).
I would like to stress and remind everyone that this SIGNIFICANT find of the University of Tübingen has dealt the DEATH BLOW to:
(1)     - The accuracy of the Orientalists' dating methods of ancient Arabic manuscripts based on Paleography;
(2)     The fairy tale claiming that the Kufi script has been invented in the second and third Islamic century (i.e. post 850 CE);
(3)     The absurd claim that the punctuation to distinct various letters (e.g. Jeem, Haa and Kha) was introduced about or later than 800 CE.
-----Original Message-----
From: Khalid Hasan []
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 23:14
Subject: Tübingen / Koran
Dear Ms Strottman
I write further to the press release issued by the University of Tübingen on 10 Nov-2014 as per the following link:
I have noted that this research has demonstrated that the Koran which you have is dated to the 7th century, much earlier than previously thought.
If I may, I would like to kindly request clarification on the following points:
1. Does the university have any current or proposed plan to subject other Koran's to this carbon dating, such as those held in the British Museum?
2. Are plans underway to publish this present research in book format or will this only be online?
Khalid Hasan MA (hons), BA (hons)

Sent from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. N.B. This is not news to me! The racist, fascist, immoral, warmongering, thieving, deceitful, and mass murdering West and their likes spent hundreds of years hating and lying about Islam, Muslims, Arabs and the Arabic language.
    But, who cares when even Muslims (they are mostly blind fanatic sectarians) do not give a damn about their own religion or about universal truth anymore except a few ones like Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Mark Hanson!
    They always stubbornly and stupidly ignore other realities and are happy staying backward in all fields of life.
