against the BLS Minority-Protection System?
The majority has no right to remove any
minority-protection system simply because minority protection is an inherent
right of each individual minority and does not depend on the will of the majority
or of a particular racist Lobby. Rama Sithanen, and Pr Singfat Chu by
extension, may have the backing of the Church but the truth, as rightly pointed
out by Me Yousuf Mohamed, Senior Counsel, is that any removal of minority
protection for any minority community does have the potential to create social
unrest in the country. The
minority-protecting Best Loser System (BLS) is the bedrock of our independence
and stability.
Rama Sithanen, Archbishop
Piat, Singfat Chu and Me Yousuf Mohamed
The Mauritian
First Past The Post (FPTP) system does not yield just results, given that the
population is not homogeneous, as it favours the majority community. The
religious configuration of the Mauritian population is as follows : Hindus
(49%), Christians (32%), Muslims (17%), Others 2%, while ethnically, the
population is made up of Indian-Mauritians (68%), African-Mauritians (29%),
Sino-Mauritians (2%), Euro-Mauritians (1%). Percentages are approximations.
population is not evenly distributed and candidates are not elected by national
votes but rather by votes at constituency levels, of which there are 20 (returning
3 candidates in each constituency) in Mauritius and 1 constituency in Rodrigues
(returning 2 candidates). Moreover, there is no law which can decide what
criteria a voter should use when casting his/her vote. A voter may decide to
vote out of personal preference irrespective of the programme presented or vice
versa. A voter may vote because the candidate is a Hindu, a Muslim, a
Christian, an Indo-Mauritian, an Afro-Mauritian, etc. A voter may also vote
because the candidate is black or white, man or woman.
Hindu majority and Independence
general, therefore, FPTP yields skewed results in favour of the Hindu majority
in that there tend to be more Hindu MPs compared to their percentage of the
population. Strictly, Hindus have every right not to accept any form or reform
which would dilute their majority even by one candidate. They can easily argue that even though they
are Hindus, there is nothing which prevents them from looking after the
interests of all Mauritians, irrespective of religion and ethnicity. In fact,
it would be unlawful to discriminate against anyone. PM Dr Ramgoolam may be a
Hindu, but he is the PM of all Mauritians. The idea to add an arbitrary 20 MPs
selected from unelected candidates in Party Lists, which favour large parties,
allegedly on a PR basis to dilute the Hindu majority and to attack Muslims who
justly regard themselves as a minority protected under the BLS is preposterous
and should be rejected outright.
independence, based on the demands made by various communities in Mauritius,
politicians trashed out and adopted a minority-protection system in London, called
the Best Loser System (BLS), which can be said to have been a condition for
independence, based on the Banwell recommendations as modified by Stonehouse
and agreed upon by the three main political leaders Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam, Gaëtan
Duval and Abdool Razack Mohamed. Most Muslims voted with most Hindus in favour
of independence. For this system to operate, a candidate is required under the
law to declare his/her community by way of life (Hindu, Muslim or
Sino-Mauritian), or select the residual category General Population where the
way of life does not apply. No minority-protection system can operate if the
majority and minorities are not identified both in the population and amongst
the candidates upon nominations. This is why a reasonably up to date census is
important since it provides valuable demographic data. All modern countries use
censuses to maintain social and political stability amongst their people. The
BLS only allows the nominations of 8 unelected candidates from under-represented
minorities, and it has been working well since independence in 1968. This
system can also be extended to include women. BLS runs adjacent to FPTP. BLS is
a reforming system in itself as it makes up where democracy as expressed via
FPTP fails.
Rama Sithanen’s and Singfat Chu’s campaign
against BLS
there has been a consistent campaign in a section of the population as well as
in a section of the press against the fact that the Mauritian PM always tends
to be a Hindu and, for some obscure reason, they tend to believe that the reforming
BLS is at fault rather than the FPTP beast. People like former Finance Minister
Rama Sithanen (January 2012 electoral reform report) and his acolyte Assoc. Pr Singfat
Chu (Decisions Sciences) of the University of Singapore Business School want to
respectively « subsume » and abolish the reforming BLS and replace it with a
Proportional Representation system which will not touch the FPTP beast, but
nominate an arbitrary extra 20 candidates amongst the unelected as MPs per the
wishes of the leaders of large parties. Refer to Pr Chu’s articles published in
Mauritius Times of 5th & 12th October 2012. This is
the most ridiculous suggestion which anyone can propose, not to mention all the
corruption which such a system carries in its entrails. It is beyond reason how
any government could even entertain such suggestions.
The flaws
in Rama Sithanen’s January 2012 report have been highlighted in the press. In
several comments, Pr Chu’s, who Sithanen
mentions in his report, has been trying to support Sithanen flawed analyses and
formulae but was unable to convince people. Now that electoral reform seems to
have been put on the back burner, Pr Chu comes out with his guns blazing in
Mauritius Times against BLS in an attempt to revive the anti-BLS campaign. In
his article « We do not need BLS » (Mauritius
Times 5 Oct 2012), Pr Singfat Chu begins by attacking Me Yousuf Mohamed, Senior
Counsel, son of the late Sir Abdool Razack Mohamed who negotiated BLS prior to
independence to protect Muslims’ representation, for stating that the removal
of the BLS minority protecting system would provoke social unrest in the
While Sithanen uses a French title « Initiative Citoyenne pour une réforme
électorale réalisable à Maurice » for his report in English, without
explaining what he means by « initiative
citoyenne », which is a French political concept emanating from the French
discriminatory politics of laïcité,
Pr Chu speaks of « Mauritianism », translated from the original French term « Mauricianisme » (like « Créolisme »), again without explaining
what this means. « Initiative citoyenne
» and « Mauricianisme » are two sides
of the same coin. If Indo-Mauritians decide to remove the Dutch name Mauritius and
replace it with CHOTA BHARAT, where would ‘mauricianisme’
in Sithanen’s report
The flaws in Sithanen’s January 2012 report are
summarised below:
1. Sithanen selected no sample and carried no survey
of the Mauritian population for whose benefit his report is supposed to be
dedicated. He was more concerned with « political actors », his own « PhD
thesis », some people and organisations of « good background », ranging from PM
Dr Ramgoolam, Chief Justice Bernard Sik Yuen to Lindsey Collen of Lalit and
Cehl Meeah, MP and leader of FSM, and Pr Singfat Chu. Sithanen is projected as
an ‘expert’ on electoral reform when his PhD was in Politics and only his
student thesis was on electoral reform. As an Economist myself, well-versed in
Politics, Sociology, Finance, Statistical Methods, my student thesis was on
banking; this would hardly make me an ‘expert’ in banking!
2. While complaining that the Carcassonne Report is «
too radical a departure », Rama Sithanen wastes a lot of time on past history,
constituency boundaries and electoral systems in other countries, such as Spain, the UK
and Lesotho.
He demonstrates his obsession with the Sachs & Carcassonne Reports.
Sithanen criticises Carcassone for using the Spanish model, saying that « Electoral systems that are successful in
almost homogeneous societies like Spain might not necessarily work in plural
countries like Mauritius » (p.3), but then goes on to look at the « Outcome
of elections in Spain 1979-2011 » and says « The same phenomenon could very
well happen in Mauritius » (pp.12-3).
3. While Christian parties exist in many of the
countries Sithanen refers to, he wants the Mauritian government to « avoid
communal parties » (p.27), which I suppose he means community-based parties as
he confuses them with communes. But the Mauritian Constitution guarantees
freedom of association. How can Sithanen prevent, for example, the Fédération des Créoles Mauricien (FCM)
of Jocelyn Grégoire from registering as a political party and putting forward
candidates for election? Perhaps, he is targeting some other community!
4. Sithanen says « One
of the important issues facing democratic plural societies is the inclusion of
diverse racial, ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural groups in the
political process » (p.36), but makes no recommendation to create a
Christian constitutional category since General Population is a mere residual
category « regarded » as a fourth community. Perhaps, at around 33% of the
population, Christians do not consider themselves a ‘minority’, but rather as a
« second majority », a view effectively shared by Rama Sithanen, hence the
implicit backing of his recommendations by Archbishop Maurice Piat (ref. Maurice Piat’s Pastoral speech on
Ash Wednesday 22nd Feb 2012 in which he backed the abolition of the BLS).
5. Rama
Sithanen admits that the FPTP system is defective, yet he uses its defective
electoral results to carry out simulations upon which he relies (pp.86-95). In
fact, he is relying on amplified defective results to make his recommendations
which do not even flow logically as those recommendations could have been made
without those results anyway.
6. Rama Sithanen proceeds to measure « unfairness in electoral systems » (p.81)
through the use of what he calls the Least Squares Index (LSq) formula which
looks similar to a Standard Deviation formula, with a mysterious ½ inside the
root, without quoting any reference where he got the formula from. His thinking
is very linear. Electoral models are non-linear and any minimization (of
anomalies) must be done by using iterative numerical algorithms which he has
not used. He has not identified either the dependent or the independent
variable in each case. He has not used multiple regression analysis nor used
environmental control variables which are vital in electoral calculations and
7. In his appendix (p.101), using the d’Hondt’s
highest average method formula (which favours large parties), Rama Sithanen
produces a table allegedly showing how PR seats are allocated in ‘compensatory’
mode. Under d’Hondt’s method, each party’s total number of votes are repeatedly
divided by a fixed series of numbers : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and so on. The party
which returns the highest figure at each stage of the exercise is entitled to a
seat. But Sithanen applies the formula wrongly.
He uses the percentage of votes (rather than the actual votes) which he
divides by the number of seats (rather than a fixed series of numbers) plus one
(p.102). Also, why plus one?
8. Although Sithanen produced six pages of
bibliography, he formulates no function, makes no assumptions about a fair and
representative electoral system and tested none, for which he would have had to
use the Lagrangean formula to test for any contradiction.
Like Sithanen, Pr Singfat Chu also carried out
simulations on defective FPTP data. But, as Sithanen has been challenged on his
wrong analyses and misuse of formulae, Pr Chu now tries to mop up the mess by
ignoring Sithanen’s alleged mysterious OLS measure of « unfairness in electoral systems », which is central to his analyses,
and by referring to some dubious « online
d’Hondt PR calculator », instead of the one wrongly defined by Sithanen.
The BLS system is a minority protection system
designed to repair the inherent anomalies in the results of FPTP. Why attack
BLS? Candidates who dislike the system should be allowed to opt out. No minority-protection
system can exist if the minorities it is designed to protect are not identified
and compared with the majority community. The majority has no right to remove
any minority-protection system simply because minority protection is an
inherent right of each individual minority and does not depend on the will of
the majority. BLS is the bedrock of our independence and stability. However, Hindus
cannot be blamed for being the majority in order to make way, for example, for Christians
like Paul Bérenger, often wrongly described as a ‘non-Hindu’. Rama Sithanen,
and Pr Singfat Chu by extension, may have the backing of the Church through
Archbishop Piat but the truth, as rightly pointed out by Me Yousuf Mohamed SC, is
that any removal of minority protection for any minority community does have
the potential to create social unrest in the country.
M Rafic
October 2012
Mauritius Times
* Who is "We"?
** Sino-Mauritians are usually Catholics or Buddhists or both! They attend Church and benefit from its privileges and worship Buddha at home!
*** First Past The Post
**** Catholic Church Nationalist Black Creole ethnic centered ideology
Lindsay Rivière
On 14/10/2012
Mauritius Times
Forwarded Message -----
From: Rafic Soormally <>
To: Mauritius Times <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Sunday, 21 October 2012, 15:36
Subject: Fw: Conspiracy against the BLS Minority-Protection System?
From: Rafic Soormally <>
To: Mauritius Times <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Sunday, 21 October 2012, 15:36
Subject: Fw: Conspiracy against the BLS Minority-Protection System?
Mr Madhukar Ramlallah
Again, you have boycotted my response to the
flawed and inciting articles you have published in Mauritius Times in which
attacks against Muslims have become commonplace.
This time, it concerns my response to Assoc.
Prof. Singfat Chu of the University
of Singapore. You
published his pieces against the Mauritian Best Loser System for which mainly
the Muslim minority has been fighting for the preservation of this
minority-protection system, as it was a condition for the independence of Mauritius.
Since you are a Hindu, and Mauritius Times is regarded as a Hindu weekly paper,
you have been splashing various articles against Muslims, written by the likes
of Dev Virhsawmy and Surendra Bissoondoyal. Now, we find Pr Singfat Chu joining
the fray to effectively make a case against the protection of the Muslim
minority within the BLS system with the backing of the Mauritian Catholic
Church and given that at around 32% of the population, Christians do not really
consider themselves as a minority but rather as a « 2nd majority »
desperate for power.
In Pr Chu’s very first article « We do not
need BLS », Mauritius Times of 5th October 2012, he begins by
attacking the Muslim Barrister Me Yusouf Mohamed, former politician whose late
father Sir Abdool Razack Mohamed fought for and secured the protection of the
Muslim Minority via the BLS before independence, who rightly stated that the
removal of the BLS minority-protection system could cause social unrest in the
country. You prepared the scene in order to publish the following Friday, 12th
October 2012, Pr Singfat Chu’s very inaccurate and misleading 2,027-word article
« Which electoral system for Mauritius? » in which he resorted to flawed
calculations based on corrupt data in order to support the equally flawed
calculations of Rama Sithanen, former Minister of Finance of Mauritius.
Because Mauritius Times is a Hindu paper, Pr
Singfat Chu probably felt that it was an appropriate platform to influence the
Hindu majority. The fact that you have boycotted my attached reply « Conspiracy against the
BLS Minority-Protection System? » emailed to you on 14th October 2012,
is clear indication that you are biased and offering the columns of your
Mauritius Times for a continuous campaign against Muslims.
You should not continue to use the name «
Mauritius » in « Mauritius Times » because your paper does not represent the
views of Mauritians generally. You should rename it, perhaps as « Ramlallah’s
Times », « Hindu Times » or « Anti-Muslim Times ». Maybe you should merge with
an anti-Muslim daily. You are giving anti-Muslim campaigners a licence in the
columns of your paper while boycotting rights of reply. But rest assured that
it will not be long before I file an objection against your use of the name «
Mauritius » in « Mauritius Times ». As a Mauritian, I have every right to file
such complaint. However, although you are boycotting my rights of reply, you
have no right to do so. You are a shame to independent journalism.
Yours sincerely
M Rafic Soormally
cc. Assoc.
Pr Singfat Chu, University
of Singapore, Email :
Ms Normah A Majid, HR Management Unit, UoS, Email :
Prof Bernard Yeung, Dean, UoS, Email :
Assoc. Prof Krishnan Trishi, Vice-Dean, UoS, Email :
- Articles of Pr Singfat Chu published in Mauritius Times of 5th & 12th October 2012
- My boycotted reply « Conspiracy against the BLS Minority-Protection System? » emailed to Mr Ramlallah on 14th October 2012.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Rafic Soormally <>
To: Mauritius Times <>
Sent: Sunday, 14 October 2012, 14:15
Subject: Conspiracy against the BLS Minority-Protection System?
From: Rafic Soormally <>
To: Mauritius Times <>
Sent: Sunday, 14 October 2012, 14:15
Subject: Conspiracy against the BLS Minority-Protection System?
Mr Ramlallah
find attached my reply to Pr Singfat Chu's misleading, inaccurate and flawed
articles against the BLS published in MTimes edition of 5th & 12th Oct 12.
M Rafic Soormally
We* do not need BLS
Sino-Mauritian** Professor Singfat Chu
Professor Singfat Chu | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
the government having to decide on the fate of the BLS before the
expiry of the 180-days deadline granted by the United Nations Human
Rights Commission, we need to contribute objectively to the debate.
Mr Yousuf Mohamed made several emotional and factually incorrect
statements in the interview published last Friday (Sep 28). I
condone anyone who makes statements like, “… Si vous voulez abolir,
allez y, mais attention! Ce sera la pagaille, il y aura des
bagarres… ». Not
only is this emotional and a deterrent to any serious debate, but it is
vacuous unless Mr Mohamed has a crystal ball which allows him to see
the future. Could he be looking at the wrong side of the rainbow?
BLS made a significant difference to the representation of communities
in our National Assembly? Let’s examine the statistics. In the 10
general elections held between 1967 and 2010, the communal split among
the 620 (=10 x 62) “First Past the Post” elects has been 368 : 156 : 85 :
11. After the application of BLS which brought in another 67 elects,
the respective split became 371 : 203 : 102 : 11. Clearly, one community
has never obtained any BLS seat but Mr Mohamed incorrectly states that
it is among the two that have benefitted the most from BLS!
above splits which translate into 59.4% : 25.2% : 13.7% : 1.8% pre-BLS
and 54.1% : 29.4% : 14.8% : 1.6% post-BLS indicates that BLS has hardly
made a significant difference in the representation of communities.
Beyond statistics, has BLS ever made a difference in the deliberations
in the National Assembly? Has anyone dissented from party stand and
voted along community line? The fact is BLS has benefited individuals
rather than communities! And it is these very individuals who are now
unsurprisingly among the most vocal to maintain it.
concur that BLS provided assurance at the time of Independence but in
44 years of existence, it has yet to make any significant difference to
the representation of communities or in the articulation of “communal”
opinions at the National Assembly. There is no little reason to fear its
retirement. Moreover, some constituencies are deliberately carved to
favour the election of minorities. I submit that there is greater
shortfall potential in the representation of communities in “equalizing”
constituencies across the country than in removing BLS.
an electoral reform takes place in the form of a mixed Proportional
system comprising FPTP*** and Party List elects, fair and even enhanced
minority representation will take place as long as parties place say 6
minority candidates in the top 8-10 positions in their party lists.
Beyond fair community representation, party lists can bring in more
women and representatives of interest groups e.g. handicapped, unions,
conclusion, I concur with Mr Yousuf Mohamed that, “…Nous sommes tous
des Mauriciens malgré le Best Loser System.” But I invite him to reflect
and just envision how Mauritianism****, which we have been striving for
since Independence, can leapfrog without BLS.
** Sino-Mauritians are usually Catholics or Buddhists or both! They attend Church and benefit from its privileges and worship Buddha at home!
*** First Past The Post
**** Catholic Church Nationalist Black Creole ethnic centered ideology
l' Sur la défensive | ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
Alors que les évolutions semblaient se préciser rapidement en 2012 pour un large « rethinking » du système électoral et du futur modèle de république, un fl ou pesant se réinstalle. Les deux acteurs déterminants du jeu, le Premier ministre et le leader de l’opposition, peu à peu se retrouvent tous deux étonnamment sur la défensive, leur capacité à entraîner leurs parties respectifs dans leurs projets compromise, leurs stratégies politiques sur ces questions mises en doute dans leurs propres camps, les tactiques adoptées pour parvenir à leurs fins discrètement questionnées, autant en interne qu’en externe. Les choses se compliquent pour Navin Ramgoolam et Paul Bérenger. Cette situation est relativement inedited pour les deux hommes, habitués à canaliser le débat et à remporter l’argument sans grande diffi culté. Elle pourrait bien, à terme, paralyser le jeu politique. De quoi s’agit-il ? Pour la première fois, cette semaine, Navin Ramgoolam a fait valoir les vigoureuses oppositions internes au Parti travailliste (PTr) contre ses positions personnelles, à la fois sur la représentation proportionnelle (source de suspicion depuis 1963 en milieu hindou travailliste), sur le « Best Loser System » (sujet sensible en milieu musulman) et sur le modèle de présidence exécutive proposé. Ramgoolam n’a pas pour habitude de communiquer les frustrations de son entourage. Soit il le fait aujourd’hui pour se donner devant Bérenger une justifi cation pour traîner la jambe et diluer éventuellement les réformes. Soit il veut convaincre l’opinion publique de sa détermination à imposer la modernité aux récalcitrants. Ou alors, le PM est vraiment face à un os dur à faire avaler au PTr et joue donc son autorité. Il y a plusieurs raisons pour lesquelles le PTr pourrait ne pas s’enthousiasmer des propositions de réforme électorale et de nouvelle république de son leader. C’est la peur (davantage que le désir de justice) qui motive le plus tout changement de comportement politique. Or, le PTr aujourd’hui n’a pas peur de l’opposition MMM. Sauf en cas de lourde défaite (mais, valeur du jour, improbable), comme en 1982 et 2000, le PTr n’a aucun intérêt direct à favoriser un Parlement élargi qui rééquilibrerait le jeu, au profi t de l’opposition. Avec les circonscriptions actuelles, le PTr se coule (comme dans un gant) dans un système électoral FPTP qui lui convient parfaitement. Il encourage donc le PM à « ne pas prendre de risques ». Le parti est tout aussi conscient que la proposition de présidence exécutive de Ramgoolam fait peut-être l’affaire personnelle de celui-ci mais ne fait pas forcément l’affaire de l’ensemble du Parti travailliste. Président exécutif au Réduit, travaillant à sa gloire personnelle, faisant les alliances qu’il souhaiterait dans ce but, Ramgoolam échapperait peu à peu au PTr. Ses liens actuels avec celui-ci se relâcheraient. Tout le « networking » sociopolitique du régime en place serait compromis et beaucoup de parasites en souffriraient. L’une des raisons (moins connues du grand public) qui motivent Ramgoolam dans sa quête d’un pouvoir légitimé directement par le peuple est qu’il en a plus qu’assez d’avoir à personnellement s’esquinter à 65 ans pour faire en permanence campagne aux quatre coins de l’île pour faire élire une majorité de députés rouges/bleus (souvent des nonvaleurs et des candidats médiocres avec pour seule qualifi cation leur « profi l » sociologique) sur lesquels reposera son pouvoir et dont il dépendra pour gouverner. Navin Ramgoolam se sert du parti mais le parti se sert tout autant de lui et chaque élu rouge exploite à fond l’image populaire du PM. L’idée d’un Ramgoolam président, prenant de la hauteur dans une deuxième République, cajolant en permanence Bérenger, s’éloignant par la force des choses du parti, abandonnant le BLS, exaspérant les musulmans et laissant les rouges se battre sans la locomotive Ramgoolam dans leurs régions, terrorise certains au PTr. Lesréticences pourraient donc s’amplifi er au fil des mois. En face, Paul Bérenger est également « on the back foot ». Aux yeux d’une bonne partie de l’opinion publique, le « remake » avec un MSM qu’il accusait hier de tous les péchés de la terre, est un « non-starter ». Ses tactiques de louvoiement permanent face aux enjeux ont exaspéré. Son manque d’engagement dans des causes chères à la jeunesse et ses propositions équivoques ont largement déçu. Sa crédibilité publique n’a peut-être jamais été autant entamée. Seule la crainte qu’il inspire le sauve de sévères critiques publiques de ses propres amis. Face à la mauvaise humeur populaire, Bérenger a choisi de se faire plus discret. Mais a-t-il encore l’autorité politique susceptible d’entraîner l’ensemble de l’opinionpublique MMM dans ses calculs ? Pour véritablement reprendre la main, et Navin Ramgoolam et Paul Bérenger ont besoin de frapper les esprits par une grande victoire électorale aux municipales. En y allant crânement, le PM tuerait dans l’oeuf toute velléité de contestation interne et établirait une autorité sans faille lui permettant d’imposer ses propositions. Bérenger, lui, soulignerait que, malgré ses déboires, il demeure incontournable, peut se faire tout pardoner et établirait au grand jour que sa stratégie de « remake » tant critiquée est une vraie option jouable et gagnable. Peut-être est-ce là, dans l’affi rmation de nouveaux rapports de force, davantage que dans le strict respect des échéances, que le pays retrouvera ses meilleures chances d’électionsmunicipales et régionales en décembre. |
Lindsay Rivière
On 14/10/2012
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