The oldest known surviving prisoner from the Nazi death camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau has died in Poland at the age of 108.
His death in the town of Debno, northwest Poland, was announced by historian Adam Cyra who works at the Auschwitz-Birkenau memorial and museum.
Mr Dobrowolski was arrested in 1942 by the Nazis' Gestapo secret police for holding underground classes.
He was first sent to Auschwitz, in annexed Polish territory, and later transferred to Gross Rosen and Sachsenhausen, both in Germany.
The teacher, who was not Jewish, survived until the latter camp was liberated by Soviet and Polish forces in 1945.
Returning to Poland after the war, he first ran a primary school in Debno and then a secondary school.
Auschwitz-Birkenau is the most enduring symbol of the Holocaust, Nazi Germany's WWII campaign of genocide against Europe's Jews.
After the war's end in 1945, it was transformed into a memorial and museum by Poland.
A year after invading Poland in 1939, the Nazis opened what was to become a vast complex on the edge of the southern town of Oswiecim - Auschwitz in German - initially to hold and kill Polish prisoners such as Dobrowolski.
They later expanded it to the nearby village of Brzezinka, or Birkenau, as they took the Holocaust to an industrial scale.
Of the six million* Jews killed by the Nazis during the war, one million were murdered at the camp, mostly in its notorious gas chambers**, along with tens of thousands of others.
The Germans killed at least 1.1 million people at Auschwitz*. Most of the victims were Jews, but many non-Jewish Poles, Roma and others were also killed.
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ON THE PLAQUE "Most of the victims were Jews", WHICH, OF COURSE, IS ANOTHER HOAX!
The Website of Carlos Whitlock Porter
Part I
If Germans gassed millions of Jews, did they also...........
- Steam people to death like lobsters in 10 steam chambers at Treblinka
- Zap them to death with mass electrical shocks
- Blast them into the twilight zone with atomic bombs
- Beat people to death, then carry out autopsies to see why they died
- Force people to climb trees, then cut the trees down
- Kill 840,000 Russian POWs at Sachsenhausen, and burn the bodies in 4 portable ovens
- Bash people's brains in with a pedal-driven brain-bashing machine while listening to the radio, then burn the bodies in 4 portable ovens
- Torture and execute people in time to music at the Yanov camp in Russia -- shoot every member of the orchestra
- Grind the bones of millions of people in portable bone-grinding machines
- Grind the bones of 200 bodies [¾ ton] at one time as described in photographs and documents which have disappeared -- study bone grinding in special 10-day crash-course seminars
- Whup people with special spanking machines
- (Note that photographs of German leaders, concentration camps, etc., are in full supply, but that photos of bone grinders, portable ovens, etc., have all disappeared)
- Make lampshades of human skin
- Cut people's heads off and then shrink them -- make pocketbooks and driving gloves for SS officers out of human skin
- Paint pornographic pictures on canvasses made of human skin
- Bind books in human skin
- Make saddles, riding breeches, gloves, house slippers, and ladies handbags out of human skin
- Drive Jews to cannibalism in all those freight cars
- More "scientific experiments" -- another ridiculous accusation -- another bizarre hallucination -- another example of German efficiency
- Torture people in specially mass-produced "torture boxes" made by Krupp
- Kill people for sleeping in their underwear -- kill people for wearing dirty underwear -- wear underwear stolen from gassed persons -- (didn't they have any underwear in Germany?) -- kill people for having armpit hair -- stuff chairs with human hair -- (an objection from defendant Göring) -- make socks out of human hair -- (actually, the correct translation should be hair-yarn "booties" for U-boat crews) -- (commentary) -- collect seven tons of hair for human sock making -- collect 293 hair bales (net weight seven thousand kilograms) at Auschwitz for mattress stuffing and making hair socks -- gas them to death, then destroy the bodies with quicklime at Auschwitz
- Use human ashes for repairing the roads -- mix human ashes with manure and sell it
- Burn human bodies using human fat for fuel -- burn human bodies using no fuel at all after removing them from the gas chambers without wearing gas masks -- burn 80,000 bodies in 2 old ovens
- Burn human bodies in holes dug in a swampy plain which is frozen in January where it rains and snows constantly and there is mud everywhere -- what did they do when it was raining?
Kill people with poisoned
soft drinks -- shoot 135,000 people in Smolensk and bury them Katyn-style
-- shoot 200,000 people in the Lisenitz forest -- using the same methods
of concealment they used at Katyn
Go to Part Two
Part II
If Germans gassed millions of Jews, did they also...........
- Shoot the Polish officers at Katyn -- (this document describes how "confessions" are obtained in Communist show trials, but says that the Germans did it) -- (Here we have the cynical Nazis chuckling about how they will exterminate the Poles at Katyn) -- (The Americans had an English translation of this at trials, so why did they translate it into German for the document volumes?) -- Frame the Russians for Katyn -- Torture "witnesses" into signing statements written by Gestapo interrogators and "interpreters" to frame the Russians for Katyn -- Torture "witnesses" into testifying falsely before international delegations to frame the Russians for Katyn -- Torture "witnesses" into signing "statements" written in foreign languages to frame the Russians for Katyn -- Torture "witnesses" into signing "statements" they were not allowed to read -- Torture "witnesses" into raising their right arm and swearing falsely under oath to frame the Russians for Katyn -- Dig up the bodies at Katyn and put false documents in their pockets to make it look like the Russians did it, then bury them again -- (Here are the 500 Russian labourers rummaging through the pockets of 11,000 corpses) -- Transport thousands of bodies from mass graves all over Poland and bury them at Katyn to frame the Russians for Katyn -- Here we have stinking bodies fallling out of the trucks and flopping all over the road on the way to Katyn... Now comes 13 pages of "forensic evidence" "quoted" in the "report" written by the prosecutor: the only forensic evidence at trial
- Boil the fat from 40 male and female human bodies for 3 - 7 days to get 25 kilos of soap -- (every one of the documents and exhibits mentioned has disappeared) -- with one exception, every one of the "human soap" documents has disappeared... the "confession" of "human soap maker" Sigmund Mazur (spelled 3 different ways) has disappeared... the human soap samples have disappeared; the tanned human skin samples have disappeared... The "human soap recipe" does not contain the word "human"... that has been added by the translator"... With a turn of a page 86 documents having "probative value", including 3 "human soap" documents, have disappeared, yet the charges were upheld...
- Reading the indictment, one is struck by the dramatic nature of Soviet atrocity charges... All these charges were to be "proven true" after a lengthy "trial" involving "evidence"... and yet the only "evidence" involved turns out to be "reports" which the Russians have written themselves. The "proof" of the five-pointed star cut or burnt into people's bodies turns out to be just another Soviet "report" which has disappeared... The "proof of the mass-shootings at Baba-Yar turns out to be just another Soviet "report" which has disappeared... Don't bother trying to find these documents in the document volumes because they are just not there.. Every document not marked with an asterisk has simply disappeared. The impossibly ridiculous "gas vans" were mentioned for the first time in a Soviet document which has disappeared... This Soviet "report" is our principal source of "information" on Auschwitz and has been widely plagiarized... everything happens first in Russia.
- While hundreds of documents deemed to have "probative value" have disappeared.... hundreds of photos which prove nothing are there to be examined by anyone -- (Correction: the portable-oven-portable-bone-grinder-portable-brain-bashing machines-human-soap confessions are available from the National Archives. We will obtain there documents and publish them.) (Correction again: we will obtain photocopies of negative photostats of "true copies".) -- Note that half the sign is in English and says, "Protect yourselves from Jewish atrocity propaganda". -- More "evidence" that proves nothing... cartoons from "Der Stürmer" -- "Don't Trust a Fox Whatever You Do, Nor Yet the Oath of Any Jew" -- A "baptized Jew" eating "baptized meat" on Friday -- A Jewish butcher -- "Jews not Wanted"... Jews are Our Misfortune"... The Jewish lecher... The Jewish doctor.
- This is from the Judgement. Note the references to "statements" made by Gräbe and Höss -- The documents are never photographically reproduced so that we can see what they look like... instead they are transcribed with microscopic German abbreviations such as "BeglVm" which means "certificate of authenticity" or "BeglPhot" which means "certified photocopy". Do you suppose they have anything to hide? -- Since when is a document like this proof of anything under U.S. law? -- Under U.S. law, none of these "affidavits", "reports", and "confessions" would even be admissible. -- No one can be convicted of murder under U.S. law on the basis of an "affidavit" such as this one.-- The Nuremberg Trial was a return to the Inquisitional procedures of the Middle Ages.
- None of these people ever appeared in court, yet Gräbe has been "quoted" for 50 years as a Hoaxoco$t "witness". -- Gräbe was supposedly working for the US Army, but nobody ever brought him to court - only his "affidavit". -- The "confession" of Rudolf Höss was written entirely in English and partially hand-written by a US Army officer -- without any interpreter, stenographer, lawyer, or witness. -- This is a toxicological impossibility. Note the reference to 10 "gas chambers" at Treblinka. -- 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica, "Prussic Acid" (Also, "WOLZEK" never existed). -- Note the statement "I understand English as it is written above"... whose handwriting is this? -- Note that the English is letter-perfect but the US Army officer has mis-spelled his own name (italics indicate signatures) -- Direct examination of Wisliceny showing correct spelling of Brookhart's name. Did Höss really sign his name the American way_ If Brookhart spoke German, why is the Hoss confession in English? Why are the names mis-spelled? -- THERE IS NO PROOF OF ANY HOAXOCO$T. Instead of proof, what we get is a mixture of the following techniques: --
- The "Poison Mushroom" -- another series of Streicher cartoons. -- "He has just been baptized and isn't a Jew anymore" -- Jewish nose studies in the classroom -- "Who Fights the Jews, Contends With the Devil" -- What these cartoons are supposed to prove -- is that Streicher "influenced" the German people into "gassing" Six Million Jews. -- Streicher spent 11 months on trial at Nuremberg and was permitted to testify quite freely -- an excerpt from Streicher's testimony -- while Rudolf Höss was hustled in and out of court in half of one morning session and disappeared forever. Höss was never tried in any non-Communist country. Höss was a "defence witness" called by Kaltenbrunner's court-appointed "defence lawyer".
- Fifteen
days earlier Höss had no knowledge of English whatsoever... -- Here he
signed an affidavit which had to be translated into German for him...
(note the correct German spelling of Höss's name) -- which seems to have
been done only if the deponent didn't understand English. -- In many
cases there is no real proof that these men even knew what they were
signing. --Another example of the endless linguistic permutations
typical of all Nuremberg "evidence"... -- In this case a Frenchman makes
a handwritten statement in English making German-style mistakes, then
translates it for the co-signer, another Frenchman. -- Since they were
both French and both signed, why didn't they write it in French?
Go to Part Three
Go to Part One
Part III
- In December 1945 there were no "gas chambers" at Treblinka.. only "steam chambers". -- By February 1946 this had all been forgotten and there were always10 "gas chambers" at Treblinka.
- Anyone who purports to be a survivor is automatically believed.... -- Any accusation is automatically believed... -- Every atrocity committed by the Russians or other Allies is parodied in some accusation against the Germans. In this case it is mass rape... -- Food confiscation Kulak-style... -- Here it is Soviet persecution of religion... -- (Notice that he says he took an oath to take the truth all his life in 1917) -- Since one reason the Russians are believed guilty for Katyn is because small trees grew over the graves, the Germans are constantly accused of planting them. -- Almost every Holocaust witness claimed to have worked as a "interpreter" or in an "office" or "laboratory". -- (He was an interpreter and photographer at Mauthausen) -- (She was an office worker at Auschwitz, that's why she survived.)
- Anyone who does a bit of research can find dozens of photographs of healthy, well-fed inmates from any German concentration camp. -- Everyone has seen pictures like this...-- while photographs like this one have simply been ignored by the mass media. -- These pictures were taken after the liberation of Ebensee (Mauthausen) on May 6, 1945. -- This picture shows the same people posing in the background with some "living skeletons". -- A close up. --Note three wrist watches, sprinkler system, and swimming pool. A close up of the high-dive. -- These people have just returned from being "umgesiedelt" (euphemism for extermination)... -- More exterminated people. -- A Dachau inmate. -- Healthy inmates leaving Buchenwald... -- Buchenwald inmates on April 14, 1945. The man with the glasses lost weight after his release. -- If the "living skeletons" were not in fact the victims of epidemic disease, then why was it necessary to burn down Bergen-Belsen? -- Typical midget-sized (non-portable) oven, Dachau.
- Legally, Nuremberg was a fiasco. Witnesses were interrogated under the laws of the Soviet Union... -- Judicial notice was taken of the findings of Soviet courts... -- Documents or exhibits were introduced into evidence under the laws of Communist countries... The defendants were not allowed to question the credibility of any prosecution witness at any time... -- Any "report" written by the prosecutor was considered "proof" of the defendants' guilt and was not considered subject to argument... -- Any groundless assertion made by the prosecution was considered "proven" unless the defendants could disprove it... -- Effective cross-examination was simply not allowed. -- The defendants were not allowed to take the stand to contradict the prosecution witnesses...
- Testimony was curtailed whenever it was feared someone might contradict a favourite prosecution witness... -- Defence attorneys were reprimand for "confusing" the witnesses on cross-examination... -- Defence attorneys were not given copies of documents introduced into evidence by the prosecution by the prosecution... -- Newspapermen were given 250 copies of every document, but the defence were not even given one each.-- Defence attorneys were given piles of documents every morning which were all out of order... -- Defence attorneys were not advised as to the order of proceedings... -- The Jack-in-the-Box Witness Technique. -- They were given virtually all of their documents in English translation instead of the German original... Or they were given 2 copies of a document for 25 lawyers at 10:30 A.M., when trial started at 10... Defence attorneys were snowed under with documents which they were not given time to read... -- Defendants were expected to comment on documents which they were not given time to read... -- (The transcript is full of promises to quit cheating, but the abuses continued)...
- More examples of flagrant prosecutorial bad faith. -- Defence attorneys were given documents when it was weeks too late to be any good to them... -- Defence attorneys had no way of knowing what was even in the document book; what kind of "trial" is this? -- The "true and correct copies" were not the same as the originals... -- The prosecutors did not know which document was original and which was the copy... -- Page numbers were incorrectly translated... -- of course, it was all in different languages so the page numbers could not be the same anyway; endless confusion.
- Endless confusion over documents... -- and translations... -- yet objections were considered "improper"... -- How can such a "trial" be said to have "proven" anything? -- Documents were introduced into evidence which were known to be false... -- "German" documents were written by foreigners... -- Another "German" document forged in Yugoslavia...
- "Confessions" and "statements" were presented ready made for signature or else... -- (Was this the only case or was this the tip of the iceberg? -- Another "voluntary statement". -- "Witnesses" were allowed to read their "testimony" off scraps of paper.. -- The "witnesses" were allowed to repeat any kind of hearsay and rumour; the prosecutors were allowed to lead the witnesses in any manner they like... -- here the "witness" says "I personally wasn't a witness" and the prosecutor says "Never mind"... -- here we learn that concentration camp inmates have extrasensory perception.
- 311,982 notarized defence affidavits were never translated and have been forgotten.
- The typical piece of Holocaust "evidence" consists of a Communist "report" originally written in Russian. -- Over half of the Soviet documents are "photocopies" of German documents which have been "certified genuine" by the Russians. -- Another photocopy certified genuine by the Soviet War Crimes Commission... -- A certified photocopy of a mimeographed document which the Russians say is genuine... -- More Communist "evidence"... -- More Russian "evidence"...
- One affidavit from an army officer or political commissar was
enough to certify any document as genuine at any time... -- the affidavit
or certificate simply states where the document was "found", and that it is
"genuine". -- All PS documents, are covered by one affidavit sworn by Major
Coogan on Nov. 22, 1945. -- Documents which have been "found" are not individually
"certified" "genuine". ONE affidavit makes them ALL genuine and that is that.
-- "Copies" were prepared on a mimeograph, so the only thing appearing on
the "copy" was what they typed onto the stencil. -- "The man without a signature".
Go to Part Four
Go to Part Two
Part IV
- These are "captured" "original" "certified genuine" "German" photographs. The Russian stamps mean that they have been "certified genuine" by the Soviet War Crimes Commission. The captions of these genuine German photos have been translated from the original Russian. -- The Russian rubber-stamp "certificate of authenticity" is usually edited out of this photo when it appears in anthologies. -- One of the greatest film producers of the 20th century was a Russian, Sergei Eisenstein. -- Eisenstein produced his 1st film (Strike) in 1924. -- Eisenstein visited Hollywood in 1930, returned to Russia and taught in the State Institute of Cinematography (Same woman as in photo -3- but with white wig). -- His films include Potemkin (1925)... 10 Days That Shook the World (1928)... Alexander Nevsky (1938), with its bold sweep of 13th century battles... Ivan the Terrible (1944), another nationalistic subject... and "documentary films" for the war effort during WWII. -- The Russians had hundreds of concentration camps with their own epidemics, famines and atrocities. Also available were props, sets, extras, and costumes. -- "Documentary proof" that the Nazis castrated people".
- More "evidence" from Hollywood. -- Is this real, or did they borrow it from a late-night movie? -- This is a crude photomontage. Just look at the "torso" or the soles of the feet or the leg floating in the air at the top, or the long-distance torso at the right, which first appears to be a vague shape. The perspective also appears to be wrong. In this picture truly everything is a botch. -- The pictures of the Warsaw uprising bear a PS document number and are theoretically covered by the one affidavit of Major Coogan of the US Army sown on November 2, 1945; BUT -- ... the fact that a document bears a PS number does not guarantee that it is not Russian in origin (see footnote). -- The soldier pointing the weapon at the child appears to be the same as the soldier with the sadistic smile in the next picture, possibly indicating they were shooting with a small cast.
- In a real trial it might be questioned whether the "probative value" of such photographs is not exceeded by their "prejudicial nature". -- Without the captions the evidence proves nothing... -- so that all that is required is a good caption writer. -- Horror-video "evidence" from Yugoslavia.
- Speer describes Mauthausen -- Another witness describes Dachau... -- Konrad Morgen describes Buchenwald and Dachau. -- Morgen was the SS judge who shot Koch for making human lampshades... -- Morgen lied himself blue in the face on other matters, so we are free to disregard all of his testimony.
- Scientifically the Holocaust is a farce. The prosecutors admitted that they lacked the technical expertise to judge the evidence... -- so they told the witnesses not to get too technical (!) -- Since victims of cyanide poisoning become unconscious and do not all die in the same period of time if at all, the "peepholes" would not have been much help... -- Cyanide is lighter than air and Zyklon cannot flow through pipes (At the Dachau Trial, this gas chamber didn't exist). -- ... an early "gassing" yarn with a "gas reservoir" instead of Zyklon. -- Here it says that the gas chamber was made out of wood. Cyanide gas can penetrate wooden walls... -- Here are 2000 people flopping down unconscious in the death chamber... -- Here are the SS men looking through a "peephole" at thousands of unconscious people... -- Here is Hoess/Broorkhar(d)t listening outside the door to thousands of unconscious people ("we knew when the people were dead because their screaming stopped")... -- Here are the SS men burning millions of bodies in holes dug in a swamp... -- What did they do when it was raining?
- These are the "funeral urns" which were filled with human ashes and then smashed, so that "every trace was wiped out" (IMT XXXIII 232) -- Note the small size of the ovens. An oven like this could probably burn 8 - 12 bodies per 24 hours using coal for fuel, or up to 16 using oil. -- Millions of bodies cannot be crudely cremated without leaving huge quantities of evidence. To burn a human body using wood can require up to 40 hours; in a crematory oven, at least 1 - 2 hours depending on the fuel. The ash, assuming complete combustion, weighs 5 - 9 pounds. -- The "crematory oven letters" turn out to be certified photocopies which the Russians forgot to bring to court... -- but the dimensions are only 18 x 24 inches. -- When we see factory smoke we know it is a crematorium... The crematory processes described are impossible... The chemical reactions described are wrong and all contradict each other...
- To accuse the Germans of killing millions of people with carbon monoxide generated by a Diesel motor... -- is so stupid that it is not worth discussing... -- A description of WWI gas chamber experiments. During WWI they were scientific, but 25 years later they "improvised" with Diesel engines and bug bombs... -- Hundreds of pages are dedicated to "animal heat" medical experiments. Are we supposed to believe the Germans intended to carry prostitutes around on their air-sea rescue operations? -- Typhus is an epidemic disease of prison camps spread by flea- or lice infested clothing. The clothing must be removed and sterilized. -- Delirium is a symptom of typhus.
- Holocaust accusations fall into three categories: the impossibly
ridiculous, the ridiculously impossible, and the hopelessly insane...
Go to Appendix One
Go to Part Three
The document is in Russian, and is a "certified true copy" on which the signature is typewritten. That is, where the word "signature" appears in the translation there is no signature on the document: only the type-written word "signature."
Sigmund, his signature, his statement and his soap may have gone to a better world, but their memory survives in this document. The "human soap" accusation is particularly important because it was upheld in the judgement at Nuremberg on the same page (IMT I-252) as gassing millions of Jews and cutting their hair off to make human hair mattresses.
We have not reproduced the "original document" because it is almost illegible. ( Graphics of Document USSR-197) ("Human-soap confession" )(6 pages)
As a "certified photocopy" of a negative photostat of a "true copy" of an original which was never produced, it is a typical Holoco$t "document".
See also mazur.htm
-377- |
We have been unable to locate the trousers made of human skin (page 53) in any archive. We have also been unable to locate the socks made of human hair (page 78), or the original wartime German documents. The documents alleged by Telford Taylor to be in the Peace Palace of the Hague, for example (The Use of Captured German and Related Records in the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, in: Captured and Related Records, a National Archive Conference), edited by Robert Wolfe, Athens Ohio, 1974, available from the National Archives, are not there. |
We have, however. found the human soap. This forensically untested evidence of unknown origin, ("To this day, the origin of the soap making rumour has not been traced", Hilberg, "revised, definitive" Destruction of the European Jews, Holmes and Meier, New York, 1985, p.966) is in the Peace Palace of the Hague, along with the forensically untested human skin samples of unknown origin and two steel whips (lMT XVI - 546). |
Of the two British human soap witnesses - signers of mutually contradictory hearsay affidavits prepared with the help of other people - John Henry Witton has apparently emigrated, while William Anderson Neely lives in Scotland. He has declined to discuss his experiences, and appears unaware that his story could make him wealthy. |
The "top secret"
order to make socks out of human hair (USSR-511), taken seriously by
Hilberg, page 954, footnote 26) and by the lnstitut fur Zeitgeschichte [Organisierter Massenmord in Nazionalsozialistischen Vernichtungslagern,
by Ino Arndt and Wolfgang Schefler, footnote 33) is an "original
document", but the Russians took the original back to Russia with them. The document itself is a nearly illegible negative photostat with a typewritten signature, a typewritten heading, an illegible initial certifying it as a "true copy", and two German stamps. The socks are not attached. |
For graphics, click here
The Electrical-Frying-Steaming-Air-pumping-Quicklime-Trapdoor-Gas Chambers (1946)
The Electrical-Frying-Steaming-Air-pumping-Quicklime-Trapdoor-Gas Chambers (1946)
PAGE 313, BELZEC: “The Belzec camp is built
underground. It is an electric crematorium. There are two halls in the
underground buildings. People were taken out of the railway cars into
the first hall. Then they were led naked to the second hall. Here the
floor resembled an enormous plate. When the crowd of men stood on it,
the floor sank deep into a pool of water. The moment the men sank up to
their necks, a powerful electric current of millions of volts was passed
through, killing them all at once. The floor rose again, and a second
electric current was passed through the bodies, burning them until
nothing was left of the victims save a few ashes.”
PAGE 408, TREBLINKA: “The second Treblinka camp
method, and the most widespread one, consisted of pumping all the air
out from the chambers with large special pumps. By this method death
ensued from approximately the same causes as from poisoning with carbon
monoxide: man was deprived of oxygen.
And, finally, the third method, less widespread, was
killing by steam, based also on deprivation of oxygen: the steam drove
air out of the chamber.”
PAGE 375, SOBIBOR: “Gas was filtered into the
‘bathhouse’ through a hose. The Germans watched the process of
asphyxiation through a tiny window. At a signal the supply of gas cut
off, the floor of the ‘bathhouse’ opened, and the bodies dropped below.
The prisoners working underground had to load the bodies and cart them
PAGE 270, BREENDONCK: “One man, after having his back
burned, was sent outside to work with 600 pounds of wood tied to his
bare back…
“One cell… contained nothing but an air pump with a
vent outside. In the wall was a hole through which the Germans forced
gas. If the victim was strong enough he could pump in fresh air and keep
himself alive for a while. The weak died quickly.”
PAGE 280, FRANCE: “They were poisoned in the camps.
In trucks which were meant to hold twenty people, the Germans placed a
hundred. Quicklime was placed on the floor about ten inches deep. The
doors were sealed hermetically. These people had to pass their water –
that would start the lime cooking. Gas and fumes came up and choked them
to death. Bodies were thrown into special crematories…
PAGE 364, SOMEPLACE IN RUSSIA: “On the tenth day we
were driven to the Lykyanovka ravine. We stood there – panic-stricken.
From beneath the freshly strewn earth streamed rivers of blood, the
blood of 56,000 murdered Jews. It cried out to us from beneath the
earth. My hair turned gray that morning.”
See also: blackbook.htm

BAFS: Zyklon B was invented by a Jew and used for de-lousing and disinfection!
Bolshevik Jews Plotted The Ukrainian Holocaust
History Articles, Bolshevik Jews Plotted The Ukrainian Holocaust Of 1932 , Jewish Murderers Of The Russian Revolution
By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2008-2010
Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
& Link To Real Jew News (SM)
Support Brother Nathanael! HERE
Or Send Your Contribution To:
Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO 80443
Primary Source: “Stalin’s Agricultural And Five-Year Plans,” Dr. E.L. Magerovsky, Association of Russian-American Scholars; Other Sources Below
JEWS WANT THE WORLD to believe that they have a monopoly on “Holocaust Remembrances.” But Ukraine’s President Viktor Yushchenko has thrown the Jews a curve by dedicating 2008 as “Ukrainian Holocaust Remembrance Year” Here.
This “holocaust remembrance” recalls the murder by forced starvation of *6 million* Ukrainian Christians (and Muslims - BAFS) by the Jewish Bolsheviks. The Ukrainians call this holocaust “Holodomor” which means “Famine-Genocide.” Of course the Zionist Jews deny it. Just like they deny all of their numerous crimes against humanity.
Historian Valentyn Moroz of the Institute for Historical Review wrote:
— “The Ukrainian village had long been recognized as the bastion of national traditions. The Bolsheviks sought to strike a fatal blow at the village structure because it was the lifespring of the vital national spirit.” — Here.
Indeed, Bolshevik Jews were the chief architects of the Ukrainian forced-famine which eliminated Ukrainian clergy and 6 million Ukrainian Orthodox Christians! (and Muslims - BAFS)
~ The aim of Stalin’s first Five-Year Plan in the Ukraine was to destroy family farms through starvation making the peasants “landless” and thereby introducing “collectivization” by which the Ukrainian peasants were forced to become employees of the state. This forced-famine reached its crises point in 1932.
2) Genrikh Yagoda: Founder of the NKVD (Soviet Secret Police). Assisted in the first Five-Year Plan of starving Ukrainian peasants.
3) Nikolai Yezhov: Appointed by Yagoda as Head of the NKVD. Assisted in the first Five-Year Plan of starving Ukrainian peasants. (Yezhov took on a “Russian” name like most Bolshevik Jews. His wife was an active Jew).
These Bolshevik Jews seized livestock, crops, grain, and farm implements from the Ukrainian peasants. Any Ukrainian citizen who resisted them was shot. Desperate Ukrainian clergy and peasants ate anything to survive: bugs, grass, and leather shoes.
See: “Jewish Journalist Exposes Jewish Murderers” Here
Yushchenko has pressed the genocide issue since taking office in 2005. In 2007 more than two dozen countries recognized the Holodomor as genocide. Yet the Jews of the Ukraine and around the world refuse to recognize it!
Ukraine’s chief Rabbi Yakov Dov Bleich said:
— “We can’t equate the Holocaust of the Jews in Germany with the Holodomor in Ukraine. Ukrainian Jewish leaders do not support recognizing the Holodomor as genocide.” — Baltimore Jewish Times, Nov 14 2007.
I GREW UP AS A JEW. Jews want a monopoly on the world’s “sympathy.” But the Jews do not deserve the world’s sympathy as the Ukrainian Christian clergy and peasants deserve it. For they were *innocent victims* of the forced famine.
JEWS HAVE *NEVER* been the innocent victims of any “holocaust.” I have proved this by my many articles such as HERE backed up with historical facts!
For More See: “Jewish Murderers Of The Russian Revolution” Click Here And: “Jews Murdered The Russian Imperial Family” Click Here
And: “Jews Plotted The Armenian Holocaust” Click Here
CLICK: Brother Nathanael! Street Evangelist! Support Brother Nathanael! HERE
Or Send Your Contribution To:
Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO 80443
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